O 354 C.S.
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Section 1: The Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing certain sections of the
present Zoning Ordinance, namely, O1IIpter 4, Article 26 "Off-&reet Parking R.equlrenents".
Section 2: The Municipal Code is hereby amended by adopting a new Article 26,
Section 9-4.2601 through 9-4.2614, "Off-&reet Parking RequIrements", as set forth upon
Exhibit "A" Attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Section 3: The Planning Director shall maintain on file in his office a copy of the
Exhibit "A" Off Street Parking Requirements for public inspection during reasonable business
Section 4: 'This Ordinance shall be in full force end effect thirty (30) days after its
passage, and within fifteen (I5) days after its passage, a IIIIII1181'Y of said OrdInance shall be
pub1ished once, together with the nsmes of Council MeI.ibers voting thereon, in a neYoIIp8pe1' of
general circuJation within the City.
On Irotion of CoW'lcft MenDer Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the
following roll can vote, to wit:
AYES: Councft Members Porter, Moots, Millis, Johnson end Mayor
NOES: None
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 24th day of February 1987.
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A"1"1"J!Sr:Ctl~ a. ~
1, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Ordinance No. 354 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of
said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meetin9 of said Council
on the 24th day of February, 1987.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 2nd day of March, 1987.
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Article 26 - Off-street ~ Requirements
See. 9-4.2601 App1ie8biJity. Off-street parking faclUties shall De provided prior to
occupancy of any structure hereafter built, en1arged, vr increased in capacity.
Such parking space shall be penmnenUy available and marked and maintained
for parking purposes.
1. Building or other pennits wD1 be is3ued only after receipt of site plans
clearly showing the design, location, nunber and dirrensions of parking
facilities and appurtenant features, according to the provisions of this
section and constn1ction standards of the City of Arroyo Grande.
2. Additional parking spaces must be provided for any addition or enlargerrent
of an existing building or me. If the existing building or t8! itself does
not have the required number of parking spaces, a UCJe pennit shall be
required. The Planning Camission shall require the provision of additional
parking for the existing building or use, cOlTmensurate with ordinance
requirements, as a condition of approval for the enlargement or addition to
the existing building or use.
See. 9-4.2602 ~tion - AU off-street parking facilities shall be located so as to be
accessible and usable for the associated me or activity. Parking required shall
be on-site except as otherwise provided for in this Article.
See. 9-4.2603 Mixed ~ Requirements - When several uses occupy a single strocture or
lot, the total required parking shall be the sum of the requirements for each
individual use. Off-street parking facilities for one we shall not be considered
as providing the required parking for any other use, except as specified under
Section 9-4.2604 for COOJrOO parking facilities.
See. 9-4.2604 CuI~lt.IIl ~ Facilities - ConJoon parking facilities may be provided in lieu of
individual requirements if the total nmber of parking spaces is the sum of the
requirements for individual t8!S and the parking facilities are located within
two hundred feet (200') of the associated me.
1. The Planning Cannission may reduce the total parking requirement to
seventy percent (70%) of the required standard, if it can be clearly shown
that the shared uses have different hours of operation and would not
conflict in the time of use.
2. Parties of COI1IOOIl parking facilities shall evideoc'C of such joint use by a
proper legal agreement approved by the City Attomey. Such agreerrents
when approved shall be filed and recorded with the Planning and Building
See. 9-4.2605 - Off-street ~ Requiruoents by Land Use. The fo~ off-street
parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected and new or' extended uses. Where the
requirements result in a fractional m.rrber, a fraction of 0.5 or greater shall be resolved to the
higher whole n1.JI1ber.
For any me not specifically set forth in this section, the Planning Camission shall
detennine the 8ffi01D'1t of required parking based upon simDar uses, or evidence of actual demand
based on traffic engineering or p1anning data.
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A. Residential Ug.~
1. Single Family hanes 1 2-car garage with door/unit
2. Duplexes 1 garage with door/unit,
plus 1 open parking space/unit
3. Apartments and DI.Ilti- 1 garage with door/unit,
family dwellings plus 1 open parking space/
wit, plus 1 open parking
space/4 units guest parking
4. Second residential dwelling 1 covered and 1 uncovered
unit parking space/unit
5. Roaninl{ and boarding houses 1 parking space/guest, up
to 20 guests, then 1 space/
2 guests
B. Pub1ic and Serri-PUb1ie Uses
1. Public buildings, 1 parking space/150 sq. ft.
adninistraUve of work space
2. Public and semi-public 1 parking space/5 fixed
buildirQ;, asserrbly - seats, or 1 parking 9J8ce/
including auditoriums, 50 sq. ft. of fioor area
theaters, lodges, designed for public
cluts, churches, mortuaries ~mbly
3. Hospitnls 1 space/bed, and 1 space/
doctor and 1 space/en-ployee
on the largest shift
4. Q>nva tescent ha3pitaJs and 1 space/3 patients or
rest rones guests, and 1 space/doctor
or employee
5. Public utility buildings 1 parking space/2 employees
on the largest work shift
6. Schoo's -
Grode Schoo1s, elementary, 1 parking space/classroan,
junior high schoo1s - and office for faculty and
public employees
Hig'l schoo1s, colleges 1 parking space/c1assroCJn
and office for faculty
merrbers and employees, and
5 parking spaces/c1assro<Jn
for students
Vocational, business, 1 parking space/2 students ,,-
trade schools of the maxinun classroan
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C. Carmercial Uses
1. General retail, office and 1 parking spltce/200 sq. ft.
servicecannercial of floor area. Off-site
parking within 300 feet
where approved by the
PJanning Coomission
2. HoteJs and tnote1s 1 parking spOce/unit, and 2
parking spaces for the
manager's office
3. Restaurants and bars 1 parking spuce/lOO sq. ft.
ot public area
4. Outdoor sales and rental 1 parking space/50 sq. ft.
areas of office spaCe
5. Gasoline service stations 3 parking ~QeS/~.
bay, plus 1 ~space/
employee on the. largest
D. IndustriBl and Warehwge Uses
1. Warehouse and wholesale stores 1 parking ~~/800 sq.ft.
of gross floor area, or 1
parking space/employee and
1 space/caT/pany vehicle, whichever is
1arger. Off-peet parking within 500
feet where approved by the PJanning
2. Manufacturing, ind~ial 2 parking s~3
uses, distribution centers employees on the largest
shift, but not "'less than 1
space/2,OOO sq. ft. of
area med for allowed uses,
off-street parking within
500 feet where approved by
the P1anning Coomission
See. 9--U606 Design and PavIrW Standards for Oft-6lreet Parking PIclIities -
Areas used for parking shaJl be desJgned and paved in" accordance
with the following City specifications.
1. All improvements for driveways and parking (private,
n1Jltiple-family, coomercial, ind\.Btrial) sha1l be surfaced in concrete or
AI:-. paving to City requirements.
2. Parking areas shall be graded and drained to dispose of
surface water, subject to the approval of the City, Engineer.
3. Access aisles and parking stalls shall be designed With sufficient width and
length in accordance with the City specifications for off-street parking in
Figure 1 below.
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Sec. 9-4.260'1 Access for Off-street ~ PaeiUties - The location and design of all
entrances r.oo exits onto public rights-of-way shall be subject to the approval
of the City Engineer to Insure minfnun interference with the traffic flow and
adequate sl le clearance.
1. For residential parking; a garage or carport that does not have an entrance '
on an alley shall have an unobstructed paved access bel~ (121) foot
rnInin'u.l width for single-family development, and a sixteen (16') foot width
for an:>' developnent exceeding three (3) units.
2. Parking areas for thirty (30) or more vehicles shall be provided with
separate driveways for ingress and egI'e$, and shall provide designated
walkways for pedestrian a~.
See. 9-4.2608 Oearoooe for Off-street ~ FaeiIities - All driveways shall be maintained
with a vertical clearance of not less than twelve (12') feet. No encrooc1Tnent
shall be permitted.
See. 9-4.2609 Screening f'l' Off-street ~ FacDities - Off-street parking areas adjacent
to any residential district shall be enclosed and effectively screened from view.
Off-street parking facilities for multi-family residential development shall be
screened to be not directly visible fran the street.
See. 9-4.2610 Lan&c8pin~ for Off-street ~ Facilities - Off-street parking areas of
five (5) or more parking spaces shall be subject to the foUowing landscaping
requiremenL. PrIor to the Is.s1Jance of a building pennit, a 1ana;cape p1an shall
be submitted and approved by the Parks and Recretion Director. The plan
shall show the location, size, variety of p1antings, water supply and similar
1. A mini.'TIum of five (5%) percent of the gross lot area med for off-street
parking and access shall be provided in 1.ancEcaping in the interior of the
~ area. The planting areas shall be a mininun size of twenty (20)
square feet and distnbuted throughout the parking area.
2. In add:tion to interior ]andc;caping, parking facilities abutting a public
street right-of-way shall provide a perimeter 1andscaped strip a minimJm of
four (4') feet in width. The perimeter 1andscaped strip may include any
require I yard area and shall be cootlnuous except for required access to
the sitt or parking facilities.
3. Landsc: ",log stanc1ar<& All 1andscaped areas required for perking facilities
shall Ct :nply with the foU~ standard;:
a. Planting areas shall be served by an adequate irrigation system.
b. AD planted areas shall be continuously maintained and kept free of
we,.ks and debris by the owner or person in pa;session of such area.
c. PlB',ted areas sbBll be protected with concrete curbs or other
ae< ~table barriers.
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d. Trees and shr~ in reasonab1e nunbers,shall be provided. Ground
cover alone is not acceptable. Where' screening is desirable, a
coobination of trees and shrub8 shall be ~
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4. Parking lot landscaping rwst be instaDed prior to occupancy or use of the
parking lot.
5. Any parcel ot less than one half (1/2) acre I(dY me a special use pemit
tor relief fl'an the landscaping standards of. > this section. The Planning
~ shall then determine what reasooab).e Jand9caping shall be
~vided in acca'dance with the intent of this" ordinance.
See. 9-4.2611 Ligbtq for Off-street Paddog Pecilities - Ughting used. to illlIninate the
parking area shall not create a glare or public nuisa.nce to adjacent properties.
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See. 9-4.2612 Off-street ParkiIC in BuiIdiJwI ~ Structwes - ~y portion of a structure
designed to be used for autaoobne parking shall o6t be counted in calculating
the maximt.rn allowable floor area set forth in.}be various zoning district
provisions. Any stnActure designed totally for ~ and designed to meet
parking requ.ireroonts may be located off-site, but not roore than three hundred ."
(300') teet fran the use it is to serve. '
See. 9-4.2613 ~1 Off-street ~ Types
1. Compact autanobD.es. The Planning CaImission may grant an applicant a
waiver of the size of the parking spaces for cunpact cars in parking areas
of at least ten (10) spaces. The waiver shall' not be for roore than thirty
(30%) percent of the required spaces, nor shall the size be less than nine
(9') feet in width or Jess than eighteen (18') feet in depth. Each canpact
car space shall be clearly identified by appropriate signing.
2. Handicap parking. The provision of handicap parking is regu]ated by State
requirem:mts. Parking spaces for the physically handieapped shall be
located as near as practical to the primary entrance of the intended use.
Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by
pennanently affixed signs. The required nurnt1cr of handicapped spaces is
as follows:
Total Palrkq Sp8ces Vminun NUIber of ~
Provided Spece8 RecJdred
1 - 40 spaces '1
41 - 80 spaces ' 2
81 - 120 spaces 3
121 - 160 spaces 4
160 - 300 spaces 5
300 - 400 spaces 6
400 - 500 spaces 7
- Over 500 1 space tor each
additional 200
spaces provided
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3. Bicycle f'\1'king facIDt1es. In p&rIdng facl1ltles with a mIninun of ~nty
(20) or n1Ol'e autanobne parking spaces, one (1) bicycle parking space for
each twenty (20) autanobUe spaces shan be required. The bicycle perking
spaces sh:ill be situated In a convenient end clearly vfsable area.
4. Parking Mquirements for elderly housing. The toW nunber of parking
spaces ref)Uired for facmties serving senior residential developments may be
reduced by the Pl8nning ConrnIssIon to a maxirmJn of nfty (5096) percent of
the state'-' requirement, when such a reduction is detemdned cam.ensurate
with the reduced porking dem8nd created by the housing facility.
See. 9-4.2614 Additlonol ore-Street Parkfng RequIrements:
1. Required parking spaces shall be avaD.able to residents, cmtomers, patrons,
or empIO)'~es only and shall not be used for storage of objects or mflteriaJs.
2. In reside '1tial districts, no storage of dlsnantled or disabled vehicles is
permitte<~ in driveways or open porking areas.
3. All parkirg areas shall be kept clean and free of d\mt, ntld or trash.