O 353 C.S. 61 . ORDINANCB NO. 353 c. s. AN ORDINANCB OF THE crry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SJCrIONS 9-3.211 AND 9-3.'102 OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCB RELATING TO LOT LINE ADlOsnmNTS.. (GOVT. roDE SK:. 66412(d)). BB rr ORDAINED BY THE crry COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS POUOWS: Section 1: The MW1icipal Code is hereby ~ by rooditying Sections 9-3.211 and 9-3.'102 of the Subdivision Ordinance to refJect recent changes In the State Subdivision Map Act relating to lot line adjustlrents. Section 2: The MW1icipal Code is hereby anended by adding Section 9-3.211.1 to the "DefJnitions" section, and repealing Section 9-3.'102 and adding a new Section 9-3.'102 as follows: Definition See. 9-3.211.1. Lot Line Adjustment - The minor alteration or adjtEtment ot lot lines between adjacent parce]s where no building sites or parceJs are created or eliminated. See. 9-3.'102. Lot J..iDe AdjMPlent - Applications for a lot line adjustment shall subnit a preliminary map. The preliminary map 0IJSt provide enough detail and an accurate scale to assure canp1iance with zoning and building ordinance requirements. The procedures for preliminary map approval of a lot line adjtEtment shall follow tha;e procedures for approval of a parcel map. Approval shall be detennined by whether the parceJs resulting confonn to local zoning and building ordinances. A lot line adjustment sha1l be considered final only when a record ot survey of the approved adjustment is recorded within two years ot the approval date, and a mylar copy ot the map provided to the City Engineer. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be in fuU force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, a sunmary of said Ordinance shall be published once, together with the nwres of Council MenDers voting thereon, in a newspaper ot general circuJation within the City. On motion by Council Member Porter, seconded by Council MenDer Moots, and on the followiq{ roll call vote, to wit: AYPS: Council Members Porter, Moots, Millis and Mayor Pro Tern JoInJon NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Mankins the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 10th day of F~bruary, 198'1. )tMJJJiL.JI ~ MAYOR PRO TEM K!"lWfl ~a. ~ CITY cr.RRK