O 352 C.S.
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24, SH:mON 9-4.2401, OF THE MUNICIPAL roDE
Section 1: The Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing in full certain sections
of the present Zoning Ordinance, namely, Municipal Code O1apter 4, Article 24, Section 9-
4.2401 regulating signs in the City of Arroyo Grande.
Section 2: The Municipal Code is hereby amended by adopting a new Section, 9-
4.2401, to be referred to as "Sign Regulations", as set forth upon Exhibit "A" attached hereto
and incorporated herein.
Section 3. The Plarming Director shall maintain on file in his office a copy of the
Exhibit "An Sign Ordinance for public inspection during reasonable business hours.
Section 4. 'This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its
passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, a sunmary of said Ordinance shall be
published once, together with the names of Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of
general circulation within the City.
On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Jomson, and on the
following roll call vote, to wit:
A'DE: Council Members Moots, Johnson, Millis and Mayor Mankins
NOES: None
AmmNT: Council Member Porter
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th day of January, 1987.
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Sec. 9-4.2407. Signs.
The purpose of this article is to !;rovide regulations and standa.r~ for sig,m in the: Qty of Arl'OYO
Grande as necessary to [X'ocoote the general welfare and public interest of the corrmunity. The
rei?..ulations are intended to: 1) !;reserve the environment and unique character of the atYi 2) (rOtect
!;roperty values and investments; 3) encourage economic vitality and busines$ activity; and 4) prolOOte
safety by reducing hazards attributable to the distractions and' otstructions of signs.
A. S,@~
L Sign - any device or medium U5ed or intended for identification, advertising,
directional or infonJ'Jlition pw-pases.
2. Billboord - off-site sign advertising J;rOducts or services not produc~ sold, or
stored on the [X'Operty u[X)n which the sign is located. Billbo&'ds are prohibited in the aty of Arroyo
3. Canopy or awning signs - shall be considered as projecting signs and subject to the
provisions thereof.
i 4. C1angeable copy - a sign designed so that letters, symbo1s or ilJ.ustratiom can be
changed or rearrangedwitl10ut sub)tantially altering the face of the sign. 01anging the advertising
copy or rressage does not require a sign permit.
5. Directional sign -. a sign designed solely to provide direction or guidance to
pedestrian or vehicular traffic. No sign pennit is required for directional signs.
6. Directory sign - a sign identifying the names arld/Ol" uses of. various businesses or
activities within a building or lJUJlti-tenant develo(Xnent.
7. Ground sign - a sign su~ted by one or JJX>re poles, uprights or braces placed in or
upon the groW1d, which are not a part of or attached to a building. 'This defmition includes I1lmnurnent
signs," "pole signs," and "freestanding signs."
8. Illuminated sign - a sign MUch \&S an artificial light source to make the rressage
readable. Light sources shall be steady, stationary, shielded and directed so as to avoid undue glare
for pedestrians, rrotorists and neighboring J.X'Operty.
9. Marquee - a pennanently roofed structure attached to and supported by a building.
10. Projecting sign - a sign other than a surface sign which extends outward, swpended
from or supported by a building or structure. Projecting signs shall not: 1) extend above the height
of the wall structure or above the roof line; 2) encroach roore than three feet (3') over a public right-
of-way; and 3) have a mininu.un height clearance of seven feet (7').
11. Roof sign - a sign erected upon or above the roof or parapet of a building or
structure. Roof signs are (X'Ohibited in the aty of Arroyo Grande.
12. Temporary sign - any sign not permanently attached to the gTOW1d, \\till or building,
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and intended to be displayed for a limited pericxl of time. Temporary signs do not require a sign p.::rmit
but 81'e subject to the provisions of this Article regulating particular sign types.
13. Wall sign ... a sign attached to, erected against, or painted upon the wall of a building
or structure, with the exposed face in a plane parallel to the plane of the v.&l. Wall signs shall not
pi'oject from a building m:>re than twelve inches (12") or extend above the roof line or wall structure.
14. Window sign - a sign placed inside or IIp<?n a window, facing the outside and intended
to be seen from the exterior. Window signs shall not exceed twenty percent (2096) of the window area
and shall be included in determining the aggregate sign area permitted.
B. ~ standard<;
1. Sign area - determined as the area within the smallest continuous perimeter enclClSing
the sign display surface, the face of the sign, or the limits of all words, symbols and representations.
All sign faces or display surfaces shall be considered in determining sign area.
2. Aggregate sign area - the total canblned area of all sign types on a site.
3. Sign height - the greatest vertical distance measured from the ground level directly
beneath the sign to the top of the sign.
4. Site frontage and building frontage - for the purpose ot deternining allo\~le ~ign
area, frontage shall be canputed as the linear measurement in feet of a site or building along Ei public
street, cOOJrOOn use parking lot, courtyard, mall or other public right-at-way to which such sign is
oriented. .
5. Multi-tenant develorxnent - comrrercial or industrial developrrent of three (3) or
roore separate uses which share either the same lot or building and use comron access and parking
facilities. Sign permits shall be subject to the provisions and review {roCedure of the Planned Sign
}1:"ogrwn, Section III., C-
Ill. ADMINIS11laIlQli
A. Permit requirefl):'nts and review procedures
1. A sign permit shall be required prior to the display, erecting, reconstructing or
altering of any sign within the aty, W1less expressly exempted by Section III D of this ordinance.
Signs requiring permits shall ccmply with all the {;rovisions of this ordinance, adopted sections of the
Uniform Building Code and Uniform Sign Code, and to other applicable provisions of the Construction
Stundards of the aty of Arroyo Grande.
2. Application - applications for all sign permits shall be made in writing on forrm
pl'ovided by the Planning Dep&l.trrent of the aty of Arroyo Grande. The application shall include a
site plan and sign plan as required on the application: checklist.
3. Fees - applications tor a sign pennit shall be acccrnp&ni.ed by a fee established by
resolution of the Qty Council.
4. Meth.cxl of review - sign pemit applications shall be reviewed for compliance with the
provisions of this ordinance under either "Standard Sign Applications," Section III., B. or "Planned Sign
Pt'OgTa.rm," Section ilL, C. The two separate methods of review are established for the following
a. to provide a means of review aPfrOprlate to the magnitude of the proposed
b. to recognize the planned. character of large or multi-tenant developments;
c. to provide a means of flexible application ot the sign regulations so as to
encourage maximum incentive and Jatitude in the design and display of signs in order to achieve, not
circumvent, the intent of this ordinance.
B. Standard _ arolicatiofLCi - app1icatiom for a sign permit under the provisiom of a
standard sign application shall be subnitted and reviewed as provided below:
1. Applicability - app1icationsfor sign pennits that identify or adverUse for not more
than two (2) se~ate, pennitted uses onthe same lot or in the same building, having a total aggregate
sign area not exceeding one hundred f1fty (150) square feet;
2. Review procedure - the Director of Planning shall review standard sign applies tions
within twenty-five (25) working days after receipt, and shall make a determination to either ap(X'Ove,
approve with roodification, or deny the application. This review shall consider the specific stand81'Cls
outlined in this ordinance for sign area, height and location, in addition to factors of the design, colors
and rnaterinJs of the proposed signs.
A standard sign application shall only be 8p~oved after the Director of Ph1nning
rInds that the proposed sign is consistent with the intent and provisions of this ordinance.
At the request of the Planning Director, the Planning Coomission shall have the
authority and duty to interpret the provisions of this ordinance;
3. Appeals and variances - the decision of the Planning Director may be appealed to the
Planning Corrmssion within thirty (30) days following the decision.
Applications for a variance from the terns of this ordinance shall be reviewed by the
Planning Corrmission according to Article 31 of the Zoning Ordioance.
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C. Planned Z r-rowarrs - applications for a sign pemit under the (rovisions of a planned
sign program shall be subcritted and reviewed as (X'ovided below:
1. Applicability - the following sign permit applicants shall be subject to the procedures
and review of p1.anned sign progl'ans:
a. Multi-tenant developments that identify or advertise for three (3) or lOOfe
sep&rate, pemitted uses, which share either the same lot or building and use COCRTCn access and parking
b. Applicants with a total aggregate sign area exceeding one hW'lcu:ed fifty (150)
sqUElre feet;
c. Tho (2) or m:>re contiguow lots may be combined and considered under the
p1anned sign progTaffi with the permission of the ~perty OYd1el'S and at the M'itten request of the sign
d. All applications in the Planned Developirent (PD) zoning designation.
2. Review (rocedure - the Planning Ccmrission shall review planned sign P1'O&T&n
applications within thirty (30) working days after receipt, and shall rooke a determination to either 1)
ap(rove, 2) ap~ove with roodification, or 3) deny the application. The Planning Corm1ission may
continue consideration of the application for up to thirty (30) working days from the initial
3. Review standards - a planned sign program application sh&ll only be apfroved after
the Planning Corrmission finds that the propa:;ed signs are consistent with the intent and purpose of this
ordin&nce. 'The following criteria. shall be considered:
a. The specific standards for sign area, height, und location factors;
b. Signs shall be visually compatible with the buildings they identify by utilizing
rooterials, colors, or design IOOtif included in the buildings;
c. Propooed signs shall complement other existing or {ropa;ed signs on a site by
using cormon design elements, such as materiBJs,letter style, colors, illumination, sign type or shape;
d. Signs shall be compatible with sUttOWlding Iand uses and shall not obscure
adj¢ conformng signs;
4. Appeals and variances - the decision of the Planning CDmnission may be appeElled to
the aty Council mthin'thirty (30) days following the decision.
Applications for a variance from the terrrs of this ordinance shall be reviewed by the
P1&nning Cormission according to Article 31 of the Zoning Ordinance.
D. .sicn exeet>tions .m peM11it reqJliren-ents - the following types of signs shall not require a
pemut and shall be allowed in all zoning districts subject to the provisions listed below:
1. Identifica.tion signs - identifying only the ~ number, pa:>>t office box number,
or nwnes of occupants and not to exceed two (2) square teet;
2. Goverrullent&l and public service signs - legal notices, directional and traffic signs,
and SigTlS' aiding public service and safety;
3. Memorial signs and architectural features - corm~morative plaques, memorial signs
and tablets, and decorative features constructed as an integral part of a structure;
4. Directional signs - solely for the purpose of guiding traffic and parking on private
property, not bearing advertising materia);
5. Holiday signs - signs for decoration, and customarily associated wtih national, local
or religious holidays;
6. Official flags - except when displayed in connection with conmercial promotion;
7. Temporary window signs - not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the window area
and not to exceed a 30-day time limit;
8. Real estate signs - one (1) on-site sign per street frontage advertising the sale,
rental or leasing of the premises, not exceeding. four (4) square feet in resi~nti&l zones or eight (8)
square feet in other districts.
9. "Open House" signs - One (1) off-site "Open House" sign for providing direction,
not to exceed four (4) square feet and not to exceed a 30-day period;
10. Subdivision or tract sign - one (1) on-site sign per street frontage identifying the
name of the subdivision or tract for sale, not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area, and displayed
for a period not exceeding one (1) year after the subdivision approval date. The display period may be
e2l.'tended by written approval of the Planning Director;
11. Contractor signs - sign providing name of contractor working on the site, not
exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area, and displayed no longer than seven (7) days after \'Vork
12. Special event displays - temporary signs publicizing special events, such as "Grand
Opening," "Inventory Sale," public or charitable events. Signs shall be displayed no more than thirty
(30) days prior to an event, and seven (7) days after;
13. Political campaign signs - pennitted only on private property for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days preceding an election and seven (7) days after an election. SigT1S sholl not
exceed sixteen (16) square feet in sign area;
14. Sign modifications exempt - the following sign modifications shall not require a sign
permit. These exceptions shall not be constroed as relieving the sign owner from responsibility for sibrn
erection and maintenance, and compliance with applicable provisions of this ordinance:
a. The changing of the advertising copy or message of a painted, plastic face, 01'
printed sign only. Electric signs shall not be included in this exception, except for, those signs
specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy.
b. The electrical, repainting or cleaning maintenance of a sign;
c. The repair of a sign.
E. ~ Drohibited - any sign not specifically authorized in ca:ordance with the
provisions of this ordinance is prohibited. The following sign t~ are
~"pressly prohibited;
1. Signs constituting a traffic hazard. Signs arE: p,.'CJhibited which simulate or imitate in
size, color, lettering or design any official traffic sign or signal, or incorporate the 'M>rds "stop,"
"look," "danger," or interfere with the visibility of traffic controls or signals;
2. Signs on public property. No person except a public officer in perfoMrMlce of a
public duty shall place or affix, by any means, any f911n of sign upon any public property or within the
public right-of-way without first obtaining approval by application to the Planning Director;
3. Animated or rooving signs. Signs consisting of any m:)Ving, f1ashing, or intennittent
lighting, except for approved time and temperature displa~;
4. Banners, fla.g;:i, pemants and balloons used for advertis41g pur[)Q3eS;
5. Vehicle signs. Signs displayed on vehicles to be used for on-site or off-site
advertising, except signs advertising sale of vehicles;
6. Portable signs or posters of a misceUaneow or temporary charactor on structures,
trees, fences, and/or utility pole:.; that are visible from a public right-of-way, except as provided for in
this ordinance;
7. Billboords and off-site advertising signs;
8. Signs in cOMection with a home occupation.
A. 'C"ompliJmcp - all signs shall comply with applicable provisions of the Unifoml Building
OxIe, Unifonn Sign Code and the Construction Standards of the aty of Arroyo Grande.
B. Ot:6tM.lction 10. f.2d!.s. - no sign shall be erected which obstructs any fire escape, required
exit, window or door.
C. Otstru~tion .tQ. ventil'1tion - no sign shall interfere with any opening required for
D. Visibility clear[\flc~ - no sign shall oootruct the visibility necessary for ingress or egress
onto u public right-of-way.
E. ClearMce i.t:arD ~lectM~Al ~.lines. end ~rrmllni(!~tion J.i..Dfs. - ~ shall maintain
clearances from electrical1lnes and cOOIJ1Jl'1lcation eqWfXD2l1t in accocdance with the la\\S of the State
of Oilifornia and the regulations of authorized agencies.
F. C'!PArMCe .!rom surface fW.d. ].lI1<iercround facilities - signs and their supporting structlU'es
sholl m.UnuUn clcnrar\ce with all surface and underground facilities for water, sewage, gas, electricity
and corrm..uUcation lines.
c. DrAina~e - the roofs of canopies exceeding twenty-five (25) square feet shull be drained
to prevent dripping or flow onto public sidewalks or streets and shall be connected to an approved
disposal sow'ce.
H. ~ ~lIDDOrts - visible angle iron, chain supports, or other frames supporting {X'ojecting or
canopy signs are prohibited, except those structures integral to the sign's a.esthetic design.
I. T .ie:htin~ - open, unshielded light bull:s, exposed neon or gaseous light tubing is prohibited.
Lighting shall be installed to a.void glare or reflection onto adjacent. property or onto a street as to
create a traffic hazard.
A. General
1. Sigm may be erected, altered and maintained only for those
~es permitted in the zone in which they are located.
2. Signs shall be located on the same lo~ as the permitted use.
3. Signs shall be clearly incidental, CL6tomary and conm:>nly
associated with the operation of the permitted use.
4. Permitted sign content shall be identification by letter,
numeral, symbol or design of the permitted use; by name,
product, hours of operation, services offered and events.
B. Residential ~
1. One- and tv.o-family dwellings - one (1) identification sign per
dwelling W1it, not exceeding four (4) square feet, shall not
require a sign permit.
2. Multi-family dwellings - one (l) sign for each major street
entrance, for identification of apartment or condominiwn
a. Sign area - each sign shall not exceed twelve (12) square
feet in area;
b. Sign height:
(1) GroW1d signs - maximum four feet (4') in height;
(2) Wall and projecting sign:; - not to exceed the height
of the wall str~ture or the lowest point of the roof
c. Signs shall be set back a mininun of ten feet (lOr) from
P"operty lines.
3. Mobile home parks and travel trailer parks - one (1)
identification sign per major entrance to a public street:
a. Si~n area - each sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square
feet in area;
b. Sign height:
(1) Ground signs - maxin1.IIn six feet (6') in height;
(2) Wall and projecting signs - not to exceed the height
of the wall structure or the lowest point of the roof
C. EIJJ:illc. W semi-Dublic wa
1. One (1) sibfJl for each major street frontsge is permitted.
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2. Sign area:
8. The aggregate sign area shall not exceed one (1) square
foot of sign area for each linear foot of street frontage;
b. No sign face shall exceed seventy (70) square feet.
3. Sign height:
a. Ground signs - maxinun six feet (6') in height;
be Wall and projecting signs - not to exceed the height of the
wall structure or the lowest point of the roof structure.
D. <Dmner~ial and industria} mes.
1. Single me - a lot or building occupied by one (1) corrmercial
or indl5trial me.
a. Sign types - all sign types are permitted subject to the
provisions of this ordinance except for those specifically
prohibited in Section III E.
b. Sign area:
(1) The total aggregate area of all signs permitted for a
single use shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet of sign
area for each linear foot of street front&ge for the first one hundred feet
(100') of frontage, then one-half (1/2) square foot of sign area for each
linear foot of street frontage thereafter.
In determining frontage, only the street frontage
facing a main public entrance shall be considered, and a maximuri1 of two
(2) contiguoL5 frontages;
(2) If the sign area pernitted according to the above formula exceeds an
aggregate area of one hundred fIfty (150) square feet, the sign
application shall be reviewed according to the provisions of the Planned
Sign Program, Section III., c.;
(3) No single sign face shall exceed seventy (70) square feet.
c. Sign number - a single use is permitted b;o (2) sigT1S per major street frontage.
d. Sign height:
(I) Ground signs - the maximum permitted height above grade shall be eight
feet (8') except in the 0-3 Highway Service zone, where maximum height
shall be fifteen feet (15');
(2) Wall signs - maxim.un height of the wall structure or the lowest point of
the roof structure;
(3) Projecting and canopy signs - rninimLm seven feet ('1') height clearance
and maximum height of the wan structure or the lowest point of the roof
--, structure.
e. Setbacks:
(I) All sig'm must be set back to not otstruct the visibility onto a public right-
(2) No sign shall encroach IOOre than one foot (1') ova' a public right-of-way
except projecting and canopy signs, which may encroach to no IOOre than
three feet (3').
f. La.ndscaping:
(I) GroW1d signs - shall be located in a landscaped area equal to a minimum of
too (2) times the area of the sign.
2. '1\-.0 U)eS - t\\O uses which share either the same lot or building and It)e coanon
access and p&rking facilities shall be subject to the same provisions as for single uses
in Sec.-tion V., D., 1., except that the permitted aggregate sign area for the entire lot
or building shall be divided proportionately between each separate use according to
the percentage of the lot or building occupied by each use.
3. Multi-tenant development we - three or more separate ccmnercial or industl'ial uses
which share either the same lot or building and use CCXIIOOn access and parking
facilities shall be subject to the following provisions and reviewed for a pem1it W1der
the Planned Sign Program, Section III., c.:
-'._- -,
a. Sign types permitted - only sign types specificully authorized herein shall be
permitted in nDJlti-tenant develo(;ments:
(1) GroW'ld sign - one (1) sign per major street frontage entrance, for
identification of the center or complex only. Ground signs are not
permitted for individual me5;
(a) Sign area - seventy (70) square feet maximJm area;
(b) Sign height - fifteen feet (15') maximiJm height;
(c) Location - signs shall be located in either the parking area or
adjacent to an access drive to the parking area;
(d) Landscaping - ground sigm shall be located in a landscaped area
equal to a minirwm of two (2) ti1res the area of the sign;
(2) Directory signs - used solely for the purpose of direction and
identification, to guide pedestrians to individual businesses within a
multi-tenant development;
(a) Sign area - maximJm area of b.o (2) square feet for each business
listed on the sign and six (6) square feet for the name of the
building or complex;
(b) Sign height - seven feet (7') maximum height;
(c) Location - signs shall be located in pedestrian access areas;
(3) Wall and projecting signs - for individual business uses within a multi-
tenant deve1opment;
(a) Sign area - the total sign area permitted for individual uses shaUnot
ex.ceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet of sign area for each
. linear foot of building frontage for the fIrst one hundred feet (100')
of frontage, then one-half (1/2) square foot of sign area for each
linear foot of building frontage thereafter. In determining
frontage, only the frontages with a public entrance shall be
considered, and a ma.xim..m of two (2) contiguolt3 frontages.
No single sign face shall exceed seventy (70) square feet;
(b) Sign number - an individual w>>iness we is permitted boO (2) signs
per building frontage with a public entrance;
(c) Sign height - wall and ~jecting signs are not to exceed the height
of the wall structure or the loVvESt point of the roof structure.
A. Maintenance - signs shall be maintained in good order and repair at aU times so that they
constitute no danger or hazard to pub)ic safety.
B. Abandoned ~... an abandoned sign is prohibited andshaU be refOOved. Any sign
located on ~operty that becomes vacant and is unoccupied (or a peliod of three (3)
roonths or 10nger shall be determined abandoned. Pennanent signs for a business changing
ownership or management that confams to the (X"Ovisions of this ordinance shall not be
detem1ined abandoned \.II1less the ~pertyrernains vacant for six (6) rronths or longer.
C. Nonconfomline- sicDs. - signs existing [rior to the time of adoption of this ordinance 'which
do not ccmply with the ~ovisiOl1S herein shall be regarded as nonconforming signs:
"1.- A nonconforming sign may not be expanded or reconstructed except for purpooes of
routine m&intenance and repair;
2. A nonconfonning sign shall be brought into conformance or terminated according to
the following conditions:
a.. Whenever there is a change in the ownership of the property on which the
nonconforming sign is located;
b. Whenever there is a change in the business or we to which the sign pertains;
c. Whenever there is a request for a permit to change the sign;
d. Whenever there is a request for a building permit;
e. Whenever a sign is partially or totally destroyed to an extent exceeding fifty
percent (50%) of its original valuation;
f. All signs expre:&Y prohibited in Section III E shall be terminated within sixty ,
(60) clays of approval of this ordinance.
D. Penalties h. violation
1. Whenever a sign is found to be in violation of any provision of this article, the
Planning Director may order that such sign be altered, repaired, reconstructed or
removed as may be ap[X"Opriate to abate such condition. Any v.ork required to be
done shall be completed within ten (10) daJ'S of the order, w1less otherwise specified
in writing.
2. Failure, neglect or refusal to comply with such order of the Planning Director shall
be sufficient basis for the revocation of the permit granted under this chapter.
3. 'The Building Official shall have the power and authority to rerrove or cause to be
removed, at the owner's expense, any sign erected or maintained in violation of the
provisions of this artic1e.