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Agenda Packet 2008-04-08
CITY 4F e • ' � • • � • ' 1 i ouncl en a .� "° � �� Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair � Steven Adams, City Manager/Executive Director Chuck Fellows, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair �yy� - Timothy Carmel, City Attorney/General Counsel Joe Costello, Council/Board Member `'�����' ,� °- Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary �:,� CALIFORI\IIA �, , Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member =��/� �'- �91� i�� Ed Arnold, Council/Board Member � � AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TU ES DAY, A P RI L 8, 2008 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo G rande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL CC\RDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA TROOP 26 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR GEORGE LEPPER PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Recoqnizinq April 2008 as "Month of the Child" and "Child Abuse Prevention Month" 6. AG E N DA REVI EW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 8, 2008 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 16, 2008 through March 31, 2008. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of March 25, 2008, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Resolution Revisinq the Procedures of the Utility Billinq Adjustments Committee (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution revising the procedures of the Utility Billing Adjustments Committee. 8.d. Consideration to Authorize the Sole Source Purchase of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Mappinq (AN N I BALI) Recommended Action: Authorize the purchase of CAD mapping upgrades for the Police Communications Computer Aided Dispatch Equipment from Executive Information Systems (EIS) in the amount of$20,773.00. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 8, 2008 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA: (Cont'd) 8.e. Consideration of Acceptance of the Strother Park Restroom ADA Upqrade Project, PW 2007-14 (PERRIN) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements, as constructed by California Coastal Development in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Strother Park Restroom ADA Upgrade Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention as allowed per the Public Contract Code and after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.f. Consideration of Use of City Property at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real by the San Luis Obispo County YMCA for a Fireworks Stand (ADAMS) [COUNCIL/RDA] Recommended Action: Authorize use of the City owned property at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real by the YMCA for sale of fireworks. 8.g. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Acceptinq Easements and Improvements for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 96-541, Five Cities Center, Located at W. Branch Street and Rancho Parkway (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting the public improvements and the public easements offered by Sphear Investments, LLC, for the Five Cities Center project. 8.h. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Papich Construction, Inc. for Construction of the James Way Rehabilitation Pro�ect, PW 2007-06 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Award a construction contract for the James Way Rehabilitation Project, PW 2007-06 to Papich Construction, Inc. in the amount of $448,294; 2) Authorize a transfer of $23,000 in projected savings from the Farroll Avenue Rehabilitation Project and $22,500 from the East Grand Avenue Resurfacing Project; 3) Authorize a transfer of $10,000 from the Public Works operating budget; 4) Authorize a transfer of $35,600 from the Sales Tax Measure for two maintenance worker positions that have yet to be filled; 5) Authorize a transfer in the amount of $37,200 from Proposition 1 B funds currently allocated to the EI Camino Real Rehabilitation capital project; and 6) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed 10% of $44,829 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 8, 2008 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Appointment of City Council Audit Oversiqht Subcommittee (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the formation of a City Council Audit Oversight subcommittee; and 2) Appoint one or two Council members to the subcommittee. 11.b. Consideration to Approve and Prioritize Citywide Sidewalk Pro�ects (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the recommended prioritization and list of sidewalk projects for inclusion in the City's Capital Improvement Program; and 2) Approve matching funds in the amount of $34,290 for the Paulding Middle School Project. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be ta ke n. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY-APRIL 8, 2008 PAGE 5 ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability- related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arro ogrande.orq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. 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Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.a. Page 14 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council/Board Member Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Chuck Fellows, and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present. Council/Board Members Ed Arnold and Joe Costello were absent. City Staff Present: Acting City Manager/Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Community Development Rob Strong, and Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Doug Perrin. 3. FLAG SALUTE Dan Walker, representing Arroyo Grande Lions Club, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Fellows moved, Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances moved for introduction or adoption at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved, and Mayor Pro Tem Fellows seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.g., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the full title of the Ordinance in Item 8.d. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold, Costello Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 1, 2008 through March 15, 2008. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of I nvestment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of February 29, 2008. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of the City of Arroyo Grande Investment Policy. Action: Approved the City Investment Policy. 8.d. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Amending the California Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Contract for the Local Miscellaneous Members and Local Police Members. Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 597 as follows: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR/Z/NG AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORN/A PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR LOCAL MISCELLANEOUS MEMBERS AND LOCAL POLICE MEMBERS". 8.e. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of February 26, 2008; the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 26, 2008; and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of March 11, 2008, as submitted. 8.f. Consideration of an Award of Contract for Construction of the East Branch Street Sewer Lining Project. Action: 1) Awarded a construction contract for the East Branch Street Sewer Lining Project to Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless, Corp. in the amount of $84,936.00 for the base bid and $24,919.00 for Bid Schedule A for a total contract amount of$109,855.00; and 2) Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 8.5% contingency of $10,145.00 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 8.g. Consideration of Acceptance of the Elm Street Park Restroom ADA Upgrade Project, PW 2007-12. Action: 1) Accepted the project improvements as constructed by California Coastal Development in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Elm Street Park Restroom ADA Upgrade Project; 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorized release of the retention as allowed per the Public Contract Code and after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEMS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS 11.a. Consideration of Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Destiny International Ventures for Hotel Development at the Vacant Parcel Owned by the Redevelopment Agency at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. [COUNCIL/RDA] Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the proposed Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with South Destiny International Ventures for purchase and development of a hotel at the vacant parcel owned by the Redevelopment Agency at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. Mayor/Chair Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. Council/Board Member comments included support for the Agreement; acknowledgement of the developer's efforts in negotiating with a neighboring property owner to expand the size of the project site; and emphasizing hotel design concepts that will minimize height and other impacts to the adjacent properties through architectural detail and dense landscaping. Action: Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Fellows moved to approve the proposed Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with South Destiny International Ventures for purchase and development of a hotel at the vacant parcel owned by the Redevelopment Agency at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. Council/Board Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costello, Arnold 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). No report from SLOCOG; SLORTA: Encountering difficulty with transition of operators and maintenance of bus fleet. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Sewer treatment Plant is operating fine;. LOooking at capital improvements for future. (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee. A new project design has been developed for the project; encouraged by feedback from the City engineers and is optimistic about moving past the Caltrans design exception issue. (4) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) South County Youth Coalition. Was on vacation when last meeting was held. No report. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Was on vacation when last meeting was held. No report. (3) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (ABSENT) (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. None. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). None. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. None. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. None. (5) Other. None. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Bus maintenance issues and expenses are ongoing; working out issues regarding transit stops near the Pismo outlet center. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). None. (3) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (ABSENT) (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). None. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). None. (3) Other. None. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member Guthrie acknowledged that the City was awarded the Safe Routes to School grant funding, which would be used for the bike route to Paulding Middle School. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Acting City Manager/Director of Public Works Spagnolo reported that Farroll Road was being paved from Halcyon Road to the west end of the City limits this week. He also reported that striping on E. Grand Avenue would begin next Monday. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 � ������ � �� � It�C�RPO�ATED �� i � � � � III��M�RA�1��lM #� ,����r ��, rt��r ,,,� ��� ��� ���� ��: ��� ������� ����: �1�����1 ��������� �������� �� �������J�� �������� �[.l�JE�T: A���Ti�hl �F � F����LIJTI��V F�Elll���l� T�I� F�F��������� �� ��� �T�I�ITY �II�L�h�� �#��l�J�TI��1�T� ��IIAI�I�TTEE ��#fi�: �P��L �, ���� F����II�I II�I E I���4T I��: I# i� r���rr�r��n��� t�� ��t�r ��u���l a����� ti�� r�����ti�� r����ir�� t�� Pr�����r�� �f ��� l���iit� ��Ilir�� ��j���r��r�t� ��rr��itt�� {"��r�r�n��t��"�. F���4�V�I�I� �II���A�T: Tl��r� �� r�� f�r������� �rx����t �r�j��t�d �r�r�n t�i� ���i�r�. F-I��v��er, �h� d��i�i�r�� �� t�r� ��r�r�nit#�� rr��� �r����# t�� r���n�� r������� d�rit�g th� ������ ��a�r b���� �rr �1�� ��m�er �r�d doflar �rr�o��# of tl�� app�o�r�� �dju�����t�. ��#��(�F���.!��: �r� ��������r 'I���, � 1.1�il��� �ilii�g Adj���r��r��� ��r�r�ritt�� �va�� ��t�bli���� �� �r��ri�� � ��rrr��� �����I ��r�t�rr� in u�rf�i�h ���t��n�r� ���Id r����s� a�����tr��r��s t� t�r�ir �iliir��s. �h�A�Y��� �F ����.1E�: Ir� �1�� ������ �f ���ir����, �itu�ti��� �ri�� �r�r��r� su����r�ti�r� a��j���rn�r�#s �� bi�lir�g� r�r��� �� �r��r��ri�t�} �� v�r�lf �� ��rr�� ����I �f �p���! �� ��st�rr��� �� p��r�r�-��r�t ��ct�r�s��rr ���i���r�� r�a�d� �� ��� F���r��i�l ��r�ri�:e� ����r#��r��. Th� ��t�blishr�-r�r�� �� ��� �ti��ty �ii�i�� l�d����r�n�nt� ��r��nitt�� ��� ��r��ri��� ��i� �pp��1 �����s� t� �u������-s ��d r�r�na�i�� �r� �fi���ti�� ��r-� �� #1�� ���lity billir�g ���t�r�n. �--I��rv��r�r, �� �r�� b��r� t�r�l�r� �1�� ��ar-� �in�e ��� ��r�rr�it��� �nr�s f�r�� ����I�I�s��d �n� �t�� i� r���r�r�n�r���r�g �p��i�� upd�tes tl�a�w��� m�k���� �omrr�itte� rnor� �f���ent�or bot� �����n� ��s�om�r�. V'V�r�rr t�� ��r��rritt�� �nra�s f�r�� ��ta���i�1���, ��� Fi����i�� ��rvi��� �i�����r �o�l� ������r� ��� �� ���� ir� �dj��t�n�r�t�. �ta�ff i� r��u���ir�� ���� t�i� �r�n�un� b� ���r����� fr�r� ��� �� ���. �urr�r�t��, t�� l��i�ity ����ing A�ju��r��r��� ��rx�r�it#�� ��� �h� a����r�r�ty �� ���r��r� b��[i�� ��j����rr�rrt� �� �� �� ����. ��a�if i� r���rr��n�ndin� tk��t ��i� ��r��� b� ir��r����� �� ����. Ar�� a���u��#��r�� �b�v� ���� v�r��l� r��uir� �h� ���r��r�l �� ��� ��ty Illla�n���r. ��� ���y ��l����1` IN1�� ��f1�1�1L�� �� �� ���1�����C� ��1 ��'1� C���1�1��� ���� 1�11��V� �����]� ��` ����I�II�� �u�t�r��r���vi�� ir�pli��t��r��. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 �I�Y ���h1�IL ����TI�� �F � F�E��L�JTI�[V F��lll��fi�� �`H� Pf���E��lF��� �� T�� I�TI�.�TY �Il.l�lhi� ���,1[.l�T'll�l�I�T� ��II�III�IITT�� A���� �, ���� PA�� � �n a�d�i���r�� s�a�ff �s r����stin� ���� ���rr�itt�e rr���tir��� �� �I�����d fr�r� r�n�nth�� t� �i- r��r�����, T�� ��r�r�i#��� r�ceiv�s �n ��r�r��� t�v� r�����t� ��r r��r�tl�. Th� �-n���r�ty �f th��� ��ju��r���t� �re f�r ���� t��r� ��� �nr�i�h, a�� r���r�nr��nd�d �b�u�, t�� Fir��r����l ��rv���� �ir��:t�r �vill r���v �� �bl� t� �ppr���. !� i� �r��i�i��#�d �I�a�t t�� a�ctu�l r��,r���r �� r������� f�r�nr�r��d �� ��� ��r�r�i#t�� �rvill ���r�a���. ���r�f�r�, ��I�ir�� ���tirr�� �r� � b�- rx��n��l� �a�s�s �nrill �� � r�r��r� ���i�n� ��� �����ff t���, L�����, ���ff �� r����rn�r��ir�� t��t �I�� �►ri�t�� �����I �f ��� ���nrx��fit��'� d��i�i�rr �� in�r����� �r�rn ��r�� {�} v�r�r�c�n� d��� �f��r �h� ��rr��it#�ers d����i�r� #� t�r� {��} v�r���c��� d��� a���r ��� d��i�i�� ��� b��r� rr�a���. ��rr��tl�, if ��� ���t�r��r ���� r��� a���nd �I�� ��r�nr�itt�� rx����ir��, ���}� �r� ir�f��-r��d �f�I�� ��rnr�it#��'� ���i�i�r� ir� �nrr�t'r�g. �� �h� ��r�� t�r� �����r�r��r r���i��� ��� �nrritt�� n�ti�i���i��, t�� ��r�� ��� �nr�rk��� d��� r��}� h��r� �I�p���. Ir��r���i�� t�� vuri��r� ��p�a�[ #� t�n �'��} �v��kir�� �a��� vrril� �i�r� ��� �������r �ddi�i���l tir�� �� ����a�r����ir�p���l. AI���F�I�A�`�VE�: TI����Il��ri�� �I��rr��tiv�s �r� �r���d�� f�r �ity ���r��i� ����i��r��i�r�; � A��r��r� �I�� ����i�,���n �� u��a�t� �f�� �r�����r�� �f tl�� lJ�rl�ty ��Il�n� ������r��nt� ��rx�rnitt��; - �3a r�ot a��rov� tl�e ���a��t�or� �o ��dat� the �ro��d�r��; - F�r��r�d� ��r�����r� �� ���f�, A�VA�1T����: A� ��nti�r���1 ir� t�� ar��rl���� �f i��u�s, �� l��s b��r� t�r���r� ���� ���rs ��n�e �[�� ��rr��itt�� v�r�� #ir�� ��ta������� �n� tk�� p��c���r�� ��� ir�t� �I��. �� ���r��ir�� ��� r�c�mr�e�dation� t��q��sted �� �t�ff, ��� process �nri�� �e�o�� ��re ��fi�i�nt f�r �h� ��r�r�rr�i�t��, �t�f�, �r�� �us��rr��rs, D��A�3111�I��AC��: F�����i�g t�� r�u�r�nb�r �f r���tir��� v�rill ��ngt��n #h� �ir�� �u���r���� �nrill I���r� �� ��it ��r � r��p�r��� t� ���i� ��qu���, �I�III���VII�IEIVT�4L F��111EV11: f�� �r�vir��rn��t�l r��ri�� i� ����i��d ���t�i� it�r�. PIJ���� ��T�FI���"l��1 AI�� ��III�II�IEh���: fil�� ���r��� �r�� p�s��� i� fr��� �� �ity ��li �n Thu�sd��, Apri� �, ����. fi�r� � �r�d� � � • • . � . �r�� r���rt v�r�r� �����d �r� ��� ��ty� v�r��s��� �n �r�day} ��r�� �, ����, N� ��,�I�� ��r�nr�n�r�#� �v�r� r���i�r��. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 ���������� ��i A �����,�TI�I� �� �H� �ITY ��LJ��I� �� THE �ITI� �F ��I��1���RA�V�3� f��lll���l� ��-i� PF���E��I����F TI�� lJT�L�ITY ��LLI[V� ��AIII�ITT�� IIVH��E�1�, It i� ��n��� pu�li�int�r����� p���r�d�� r��t��� �f�ff���f�����n� f��rl�r����I�rir�g �����r��r �i�l�n� ��n��r�� �r� a �ir�n��� �asis; �r�� 1�VH�F��I��, #�� lJ�il�ty �il��n� Adj�s�r���t� ��rnr�nitt�� �"��r�n�i�t��"� vrr�� ��ta�bli�h�d �� a��dr��� �n� r�s�l�r� ���t�r��� ��11ir�� ��r���rr��; ar�� 1�'I�F�E����, ���� �������i�r� i� i���n��� t� r�rr�dify ��a1 r��ri�� ��� �r���al�r�� �� t�� ��r�r��tt��. �1�IN, TH���F�F�E �� IT FtE���.11E�, b��I�� �'rt���t�r��il �f th� �ity���rr� � �r�r��� �� follov�rs: Y '�. Th� ��r��it��� r���s �tt����d h�r�t� �� E�f�i�it� �r�d in��rp������ h�r�ir� b���� ����r�r��� a�r� ��r��� ����t�d. �. TI�� ��r�r�itt�� ���I� l���r� t�r� a�����rity t� �r���l�� ���t�r�n�r bi�fi�� �����rr��, ir��l�dir����r� ��d���i�rr �f�r���r���n�� �ill��, ir� ����r������nr��h ��t���i�h�� r���� �r�d r���l��i���, ��t�� r�r���rr��r� ������ ��r�u�t���r. �r��������c�e��������� r����r� th� �p�r�v�r �f t�� ��� Il�l�na���r, �. I..�p�r� r�����t�n�d� �}�����u�t�r��r�, a������i�i�r�� r�a��� b���� ���r�ni�t�����I� b� r��ri�vrr�� b���r� �it��Ul�r����r. ��I r� ���t�f��-r��ri��b ����i II���� ��s1�a��1 � � � � �� �rl�d ��r �h� ���t�rx��r, �r� �vri��r�g, �nrfthir� t�n {1�� �r�r�Cir�� d��� a�ft�r �I�� ��r�r��tt��'����i�i�n. T�r� �it�Illl�na�g�r����l �� �u#h��i���t��r��r�����d��i�i�r-� of th� �o������ �s �el�he �eern� app�o�riate. 4. Ar�y �e�isior� r��de by�h� ��ty Mar���e� �m�y��e ap�e�Eed by t�e �ustomer to tl�e �ity��ur��i�. ���I� a����r�h�ll ���I��, fr��vri�i��t v�ri�F���� �ity�I�r�t����in��� ��� y i � * � v�r��r�c�r�g d��� ��t�r��� ��ty �'lll�����r'� ���F�i�r�, �. AI� rr����`rr��� ���� b�tl�� ��r���tt����a�l� ���u�j������h���pli���l�����i�r����#I�� F��I�� N1. �3���nrr� ��t ��rta�i��r�� t� ���n ���li� r-�-�����ng�. �n rr���i�r� �� ��un��l M�rx�b�r , ����r���� �� ���r��il Ill��r���r , �r�� �r� �I�� ��li��vir�� r�l� ��I� �r���, �� �nri�: Alf E�: �V�E�: ������s ' + �he for��oin� ��sof�tion �nr�s pa��ed �r�d �d�pte� �h�� �� of ,����. Y Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 x �������I�� ��■ ���� � ���� ������ ����� A�`fi��T: ���LY 1�V��M���, ��TY ���I��C APPF��11�� �� T'� ��hfTEhfT: �T�VEN A�All�l�� ���Y II�A�A��R �►����11E� A� �`� ���I�: TI�Vi�T�I� �. ��F�II�I�L, ��TY ATT�FtIV�Y Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 ������1 � ������� ������� ���������� ��������� ��������� �t� u�c�c��ed o��tp�i��, ���� 1. ��� � �u�t�rr��� r�c�u�s�� that hi�l�a�r 1�i11ir�� ��r���rr� �� a���r�����1 ��r �� ���mitt��, r�� a���rs� a��i�� �s��� as d����r�t��t���� �f s��-vi��� ���11 �� �a��r� ag�i�st th� ��xs�o�ner u��i� f�n��reso���ior��y t�i� Comr�nit�ee. �. �� �o�i�t�e s1��11 hav� th� a�t�ority �o r�sol�� c�s�orr�er bi��ing cor��e�s, i��l�xdir�� ��� r�duc��o� o��ny amo�n�s bi�l�c�, ir� a��or��ce �it1� �he es�abl��hec� �1�� ��1 r��t�.��.�i�r�s, �� �� a� rr�axirr��m �� ���� ��r �t����r���, A�n�u.�t� e�c�ed�x�� ����re�ui�e�he appro��l of t�� ���y ll��age�. �. �r� �d.rr���.istrati�e �re�riev� by t�e �ir����al ���vi�e� �irec�or ca� �e p�r��rrr��d i� ��.e am�unt��f`th� ����a1������t��r��i� fift� ����} c��l�ar���1���. �ii�r��i���ri�l a11o�adj�xstr�er�ts af��stomer a��our�t�ox��more �n�rn�d�ate�as�s. If a�ust�rr�er 1� ��� ������1�� �1�1 ��1� �C�IriI�]1S�'��1�� T��1�� C���1�1��1, �� d���s��r� rr��� ��i11 �� ������c�t�th� ��mm����. A�1 ���������t a������ ������a����a��� ir�ta��t. �. �'�� ��rr��itt��v�i�� �� �nad�t�� ���r���r rr��r��r����s�r�ta�i�v�s f��rr���� F'�r�an�ia� �er�vi��s, �ub�i� �or1�s �d�orr�.m�ity�evelo�me���ep�.rt�ner�ts. S. �f��e i�sue in�ol�es th� cos� o��i� �il���� �s��� as ir�crea��c� �rate� �sa�e}, th� cu�s�����vvi�1 b� rec��ired to ��� at 1�a.s�t�� b�-�nont�I� �i��i�� r�i��n��m i� orc�e� �� �re��r��cli���r�����a.��� ����r�i��. � 6, �r� r���1�i�� l�i��ir�� �at����, th� ���m�t��� rn�� ��� a�� ������� �r� �����ir�� a c���i�i�r�: r����ti�ti�r�, ���s�r����� �r r�ll ��1� ����. ��� f���1 ��t�r�� �n����d i� ����, a rr��j��r�t� ���� �� ��c��i���. H�v��v��, i� �� d���r���� �at ��� ��m�itt�� ���c���t�ts ���t�a��� �r��� i����n�I ����r a����������. �7. �'�� �u.r��s� ��t�� ��n�rr�itt�� �s �� r��s�1�� �i11i�� ��r���rr�� ir� a ti��1� anc� f�ir r�ar��r. IV,���tir��� ��a11 �� ��ld 1�� t�i� ��mmi���� �i-rr��r�t�1� �r� ��� �}���� ��r���� �� �:�� �.r�, ir� ��� �i�� ��u��i1 ��r�f���x��� r��r�, �� ���c��d. T'1�� �o��t��e�s ��et�r�g� �� s�xb�ec� to th� pro�isior�� af t�� B��� A�t, r�vh�c� re��ir�s th��th�r���ti��be o���to the p�b1�c. �. �����rr��r� ����1c� r�c�r���t � h�a�ir�� �� t�� ��rr��rn�t��� i� �ri�in , �����rr��r� . , , � � sh��1d ��a�I��� �� ����rr�����t��� tha�� �v1�� s�����t t�i��r ������. ��r ��am ��, � ■ * i � �o�y o���r�vo�c� s�o�v��g t�at a��a��as re�air�d. �. �'�� ���a��ia�1 ��r�i��� ����rt�rn�r�� �ili b� �������i�I� ��� ����c���i� rr����ir� �. . � � ��� �����t.s v���� b� �n�c�� t� s����l��� n���tir��� f�r���� ��r�v��.i�r��� ���� ��x���rr��r as v�el� �s �i� me�b�rs of the �o�m��te�. ��e�ia� m������� ma �e s�h��du�ed to Y # Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 ������� � ������� ������� ���������� ��������� ��������� a���rnm��1�.�� ���t�rr��� ���cl�. T�� Fir�ar��i�l ��rv���� I��p�rtrr��r�t v�i11 �� �����r�si�1� ��r �r��u.�r��pr����r���if���ti�n������ia�1 rr����.ir��s. 1�, �� ��d�� �� �r���r� �irr���ir��s� �r� ��� r���1��i�� �f`������� rr���t���, �� rr��m��� �� �l� ���I1�1���� �'ri�� C���1�I���� � ���T����l��1V� �� ��I'V� �� �1� ��I��l����� 1�! his�h�r ��ace �f t�ey a�e �a��e �o atter�c� a ��h�dul�d me��ir�g. A�1 effor�� �hould b� �nac�e �o �r�sr�re that t�i�r� ar� t�r�� �3� r���nl�e�s �t each �n����r��, prefer���y ��� fr���a����l���r#�mer�t. �1. A1� ���i��ar�s �f t�e ��n�mitte� ��iall���rovxc�ed to t�i� �u�tom���r��t�n�. ��. If th� ��sto�ner is �ot ����sf�� v�i�h t�.� d��isio� o�t�� �ornr��tt�e� he���i� m�� ����� �� ��� ��t� �Vlan���r ir� v�ritir�� v�i��r� t�r� ���� ����ir�� ���� aft�r ��.� ���m�tt��'� c���is��r�. ��. If the custorr�e� �s r�a� sa�i��'ied v�ith��e d���s�or� o��h� �it� IVf�nag��, �el�h� rr�ay ������ t� �h� �i�� ��u��i1 ir� v�ri�ir�g �vi��ir� ��r� �1�} v��r�l��r�� d�y�� �f��� t�i� �it� ll�ar��g�r'� c���isi�r�. �4. A�1 de��sior�s r�ade �� t�� �orr�rr�it�e� ar� ��r��1 u��.�ss a �vrit��r� a����� �s r�ceive� vv�tl�ir������� �1���r�r�I���g c������u�r�r���t. 1�. I� reso���ng b��1ir�� �ar�cerr�s, t�e �ornrn�ttee sha�d �or�sider �ir�ur�s�ar�ees ur��q�xe to �.e ��stomer �1or�g v�ith ar�y oth�r �r�d�vid�al ��uity �atters. �o���er, t�e ��mmitt�� �1���1c� a�1�� �����c��r� ��s� ��r���rr�� �r� t��s ��`��r������r��� �i�i �urr�r�� ���lir�� ��1i�i�s a�d th� �f���� ��i�� d��isi�� �r� f�t�ur� �i1�in� }��ii�i�� ar�c� pro��c��es. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 � ������ � �� � �co��o+��r� �� �I����AN��� c� � � ,xx�r �a, rt��� ,� ��� ��� I��� ��: �+��� ������� ����: ������ �. ��������� ��"���� �� ������ ���i���r�: �i������������ ������"������ ��"�� ���� ������ ����r�"'���� �� �������� ����� �������� ����� �������7 ����: ����� �� ���� ���i�����������: it is r���rr�r�n�r���� �h�t �i�� ���� ���r��il ��th��i�e �h� �u�r��r��� �f ��� r�na���n� u���r���� ��r��e P�li�� ��r�r�nu�ni��ti�r�� ��r�����r����� �i��a#�� e��i�r�n�n�fr�rn ��c��u#��r� ��nf�rr�n�t��r� ��rs��r�s ��I�� ir� the �r�n��r�� �� ���, ���.��. F I�V�IIV��AL ��II I��A�T: Th�r� i� n� ��r��r�l �ur�� �rrn�a���. Tl�i� ��c��r��i�ur� is t� �e f�n��� ��n��r ��� ���� F�r��r�r�n �� F1� ����-�� � Fund #��'i-���� b��e� �r� �re�ri��� ��urn�il ���r��r�rl �� �I�� P�I��� ��r��n�r�i�a����n� F���I��e��r�� �r�d Er�h�r��e��r�t Pr�j��t. E�A�1�C���U N�: �Jrrd�r t�� �ta��� �� ��lif�rr��a �i�i�ens ��ti�r� ��r �u�li� ���e�� ���P�� �r��r�r�� �u�n�ir�� is �Ir������ �� l��al I��nr er���r��rr��n� ��r �I�� ��fiv�r�y �� �er�ri���. Th�s� ���n�� rr�u�t �� ��ed �� a��rr��n� I���� I��nr er�f���err���nt �er�r���� �n� ���r r��� �e ���� #� �u��l�r�t ������n� f�n��n� f��- ���h ��r�ri�e�. A r��u�r ���r��ri�ti�r� t� ���� �I�� p�-�gra�r7r� �� r����r�� ea��� �u��ee�ir�� �i���l �r��r. ���r��il ��� ���r��r�� ��s� ���r�pr�ia�ti�r�� �r�� I��� ������� �I�e fu��i�� �r� �h� r�p�����e�t an� er�F�������r�# a# �he �ol��� ��mrr���r��atio�� sy�tem, A �v�r�-�#����c� ��ar� �r�� ���r�����d. ��e ��r�� is r��l���r�n�r�� �� tl�e ��t-��-sc����rt ��r���n�r�t�. �I�� ����r�� i� t� �r�l��r��e �I�e �p�r�bi�i��r ���h� ��r��err�. i]ur�r�� �1� ����-�T, ��� tr��������r� ��� r���i�r�r� �nr�r� r���a���� �n� �I�e �i���t�� ��ns�l� e��i�r���� v�r�� �r��re� ��ter ��e �e��r-trr��r�t ��q�,���ed ��� ����ive� �r����a��. �I�� ��r��ol� �quipment ha� no�nr beer� r���ac�d alo�n� �vith �e�v Dispat�h ���#ir�g �r�d u�p�ra��� t� �he ��gger�r���r���- ��st�r�r�. �r�e �� ��� ��n�1 �t�p� �� ��r�r��l��� ��fs �ir�� p���e �� �h� �ut-�f-�urpp�� �����n�n�� i� t�e r�ee� �� u��r��e �h� �AD rx��p�i r�� ���terr�. �r� D���r�n��r �f ����, the ���i�� ����rtr�ner�� ��r�n������ne� tk�e ��r�ri��� �f �r� �u����i� ��r��u�lta�nt �� ��n���� � ��r�rr�ru�ni�a�i�r�� I��t�nr���c����-��i�n �r�d ��r�r-����nr� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 ���� �i������ ���1�I����T1��1 �`� AL�TH�F���E T'�IE ��LE ������ Pl!#���114�� �F ��AA�IJTEF� �#I[��� C�I�P�T�H ���1�� �VIAF��I�� �l��F�A��� APR�L �, ���8 P��E � Ma�s��r �lat�. �� ��rt �f��e ��sterr� e�ral�a�ti�r�, ��� ���rad�r�� �f the rr�a����r�� � �f� f�a���r� �r�� r���rr�r�ner���� b� the ��r�nr�n�r�i�����n� ��n�u�ta�t. �4�V�1L1��1� �� I���J��: T�er�� i� ���-r�nt��r � ���r���rv�ri�� ��� �� �A� �r�je�t u�nd�r�v�r�� v�r�i�l� i� fun�e� �� � �t��� �r�r��. �i��r��r�r, t�� �i�y �f �r�-��� �ra�n�� I�a�s �n�t p��ti�i��t�d �r� ��e ��-�j���, �nr���� ��� �ir�i��� ��� ����r#r��r�t's ����t�r�i���i�� �����ili�i��. Tl�i� ��gr��e �vill �I���nr ��e ���� t� ��rti�i��t� ir� tl�� ���n���nrid� pr�j���. �`I�� ��� t� �A� �r�j��� a��l��nr� pub�i� ��f�t� ��r�nr�u�ni��ti��r ��r�#�r� �� ��rr�rr�uni�a��� r����l��ri� �l��ir �n��vi�u�� �A� ���p���r �����rr�svrr�e� r��ti�� ��fl� ��� �er�ri�e t� t�e pr���r juris�i��i�r�. �`he ������ r��i�� �r� �ap�ir�g ���r�d�� �r�vi��� �� �I� �n� �� �I�� li��C�� t� the �it� ��� ��r�t��. T�i� rec�u�e�� is�� aut��ri�� the ��le ���r�� ����ur�r�er�����A� rr�a��pi�� u��ra�e� ��r t�� P��i�e ��r�nr�n�r�i���i�n� ���rr�uter A��t�� �������I� equipr�n�r�� �� ��c����iv� Ir���rrx�a��i�n ����er7r�s �EI�� ir� �I�� �rr��ur�t �f���, ���.��. ���� ��ur�e pr���,r���r�� �� �nr�r�ra�r���� ��s�� �r� ��� f�ll�v�rin�: • Tl�e �ur�er�� �AD sy�t�m i� �r� Ei� sy�tem. � �I� i� �I�e ���� �r��ri��r �� �#�� u��ra��d r�n���in� ���t�v�re. � �I�� ����ntyv�ride �A� �� ��� �r����� i� #������ �n EI� r�r��ppir�� ��ft��r�. �L��F�I��T111E�: Tl�e �����v�rir�� a�l��rr���i�r�� �re �r��ri��� ��r ��e ��un��l's ��n�i��r�t��r�: � I�e��rr�r�r�r���� �l��er�r���i�re: It �� r���r�nrx�er�ded �I��� �I�� �i�� ���r��i� ���I��ri�e th�� ����I���� �� ��� r�n���i�� u�gr�de� ��r t�� ���i�e ���nnrr�u�������ns ��r�n�ut�r Ai�e� �i���t�l� ���i�rr��n� ��-�r� ��c���tiv� I���rrr�a��i�n �ys��rn� �Ef�} ir� ��� �rr���r-�t �� ���,���,��. -� �� r��� a�p�r��r� ����f'� r���rr�r�-��n��#i�r� an� ��r���� tl�� �pp��#�r�it� �� ��r#i�i��te ir� �#�� ��unt�vrr���� ��a�e �r��nt f�r����, �A� �� ��� �r�je�t. - ��nsid�ral��rr�a��iv� us��f�r�he rerr��ir��r�� �1�����-�� ���� ��r����i�n. ��r��� �t��� t� ����I�� � �e��s a�ss�s���r�# �n ��r��li�r��e �i�l� �I�� I����I��iv� ir��er�� �r�� s���c al��rr�ati�r� ��r��i�� ���- ��r���ni���i�n� �nh�n�err���rts a�s i����ifie�. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 ���� �����i� ����r�����i�� fi� �►�fi������ ��r� ���� ������ �������� �� �������� ����� �������� ����� ������� �������� ����� �, �o�� ���� � � Pr����e dire��i�n �� ���#f. �1�11A�V��I���: T�����r�n�������p�r�vir���h� r���or�nrr��r���� ��ti�r� i��ha�it�nrill aor��ir�������f�r�r��the ��li�� ��r�nr�nur�i���i�r�� F��pl���rr��r�� ��d E���r���r��nt �r�je�t, �l�r�� �nri�h� �ss�ri�� �h� �i��r'� ��r��cti�r� �� �he ��� t� ��� pr�j��t. �I�A�VANT�#�E�: T�� �i������t��� ��a��pr�vir����e �-��rr�rx��r�de� �cti�r� is tl��� i�will �or��ir�u��t� �r�o�i�ie ��ndin���r�I��fir�t�h��e�f��e ��li��oor�n�nu�r�i�ti���p�o�e�utili�r�������P��,r��in�. Th� ���� f�r���r�� �oul� �e ��ed ��r ����r �r��� lir�� I�v�r e���r��rr��r�� �r��r�rr�� i� ��t��r�ati�e ��n�ir�� ��r �or�r�r�nu�r�i��ti��� er�hancern�r�t� is i��r�tifi�d. ������������� ������■ Tf�i� �r�j��t i� e�c�r�n���r�nn ��C�� �u���ar�t#� �E�A �ui��lir��� �ec�ti�n 1���'I��}���. �l��Ll� h1��IFI�AT��� AIVD ��IIIIIIAEIVT�: The ��bli� irr�pa��t�d ��r tl�� �r�����1 is ��� Arr��r� �r�r��e ��li�e ���a�r#rr�er��'� s�rvi� ��pu���i�r�. �`�e��b����a�s �e�r� r������v�re�f the�r���sa�l ��f������r��il b�a ��stir�� ���I�e A��n�� in tl��fr�r�����it��--lall �r� �I�ursd��, ��r�f �, ����ar��i pu�li�r��ti�� ���te� or�the�ity's�eb�ite or� Frid�y, A�ril 4} ���8. �o publi�in��t ��� been recei�e� to d���. A�`�`A�i��l�I���: 'I. ���� �� EI� ��r�n�u�ter Ai��� �i���t�t� ����err� � A�v�r���� �'11����ir�� ����er�r-� a���li�����n bri�f, Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 ATT��H II��IVT �I ��.��� �������a��t�y ��f�r��t�or� ��s#�r�r �o�p�t�r A��i��ec� D��p�t�l� �y�te� Ad�ar����l �����r�g�y�t�r� � ����i�a�f�n�r�e� �. Co��e�por�clen�e���ardi�n�t#�i�pub�ir.a�io�n s��uld be d�r�ct�d t�: �' Ene�����r�forrr��#for�Ser�rl��,�r�. �.����VE��#�'Ave. Su�te 100 Ocala#�L 3�7� Pho�e:(5���7(3�-�6�07 �2�x:��Of}2D�TG 1�7 . . T��1 Fr���ales;��7���15�1A��4F���r��������-9��� � Window�i��tradem�rk a�h+�kfosa�t Carpor�ti�n �0��#�����+p�11�!�I��RI��OI'f�'V�S,I�IC„ � ��� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 .� � � •� �� �� �� � � � • � ������ �� � ��� ���� �td�r�►���d �Il��r 1r� � ���rr� �� � � �r��r�c��cti a� Th� P�.I�ET ���npu��r �4ssi���c� €����at�� ��r���rr� ir�co�p�rat�s �tand�rd tr��ppin� th�� �h��r� ��rat��i� in���€�a��on ir� �h� �g��cy��rrr��� �r��� i��lud�n� �alls-f�r-��rvi��, an�f ac���r� �rn���, �h� �tandar� rr�a� �r��rid�� a r��rnber �� ad�r����� f���ur�� in�lu�in� ��c��f�ent re���r�r�� �ri�f��u� ��n��rr� f�� �r�ri�u� map la�►�r�. H�vrr�rr��, t#�� �tandar�f rx�ap�ing i� ba��d �r� p�b���d�r,r�air� rn��inforrnati��n 2��d i��n a ���pri��ary f�rrn��. I� ���� r��� ��1��nr a���n�i��t� �����rat��h�ir��rr� �ap d��a ��� ���� n�t ��t��r��� �n�p attribu��d��a►�r���#h�oth�r�AD�I�d��a fi���. T��Ad��r��.r��Ma�pi�g���t�r�n�.7��G�r r�ap���p�a�r�ptro�f�r t#����.IVE�'CI�D�r�gr�rn ���a�����v�r��g�n�i�s��i��e�r������i��v�rn r�ap d�t��r��ird pa�ty rnap dat�th�t rr���r �e r�n��� a��ur��� t��r� ��� p�rbli� d�rr���n data in ��� �t�ndard p��d��t. T�� n�v�r rnapp��rg s�bsys��m is b�ndl�d with a gen�ra� upgr�de to the C.AD sys��r��r�d rera�ed �AD u���li��r pro�ra��. Th� �drrar���� N1ap�i�g ��r�t�� pr��ri��s �I�� ����ourin� �apa�����i��; �� �I��r�r�u��of I�ca�����n�rat�d�nd tl�ird�art�m��fil��ir��h���r���i�����rn�t�. �4����Ilor��r�u���#a�c�rat�����r�f�r����d�rna����r��l���ir��h��ap. �. Int��ra���� �h� r�ap ����r�na�i�r� �+rrit� ��a�i��al ��� da�a ��r��a�r��d �� �l�� da��b���. �`I�� rr�ap is��� ��ca� p�in�f�r��ddress�r�r��i�arti�n, Thi�provi���a ��r-r���n r�f�r��n�����c���b��h '���bl��a�a"�nd "rx�a�d�ta"in t���A���r��ern. � 3. Pr��rid��ar� "ir����rat�d� rx�ap t��� i� pa�t�f t�� �AD syst�rr� a�nc� nr�ar��p�fat�d �F�� �ar�� �� ��h�r �a�rn�l�ar v�rir�dc�v�r� an� ����cts in t�� C�4D ���#�r�, �h� �rr���r���d rn��i�af�����i�r�o c��f�g�r��nd ���-u���h�r���tt��nal an���r�igr� r�n�p�����rn�. �#. ����rid�s ���1 Ph�s� � ar�d �I��s� �f ��r-r��l�ant f�at�r�� in �����rr�rnu�ni��tion� " ��r�t�r�in��uding�c-�r���r��nat�ca�lf p��'rti�r�in�ana�r��►ers����-��d�n�. �, �nc�ud���nan�n��an�#ad�ra���d��D f�atu��s, it����din�b����r��r�r►� irtq��ry capabiliti��,�t�p�rv���r a�d��ift f��s,an�r�ad�����r�n��#�I��. �. 1n�lud����v��drran���fir�f�N��a�d�aw ur�it r���rnrner�dati�r���g�r��hrrr�. �, In�l���� t��gr�d�� �� a����i���c! CA� ���p��rt file�; ir���udir�� rr��bif� work��a�����,I.AIV���ed��a��r�r�n��it�r�,ar���th�r u���iti��. �. Pr��rid�� � �ent�aliz�d ���-���t�al�� �w�r� �i�uat��n di��l�� �ha�t ���►�v� ��f inf�rrr�ati�n ��f��ran����h����pat�l��r;no����t E-9-1-1�all�. Ex��utiv�Information�e�rvices,In�.•1��6 IVE�ot�,��re. ��it�loo•oca�a#�L 3�.a��•Phone:�ss��7���G107•www.�oei�.�et Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 .. . � � . ��r�er��Staterr�e�t of Work ���v�ril�up�ra��th���tistfn����appli�atic�r����th��it��f Arr����rar�d�tc����r����t r�l�a���� ap�l���ti�n�ott�war�. T��u��ra�le�v�r�����s���t���t#�����i��L����rtrr��rtt�ri�l b�operat�r�g a �r�����n��th����tvrrar�th�t is c�pa��e of�upportir��t#��n�ur rr�a�pin�f�at�r��.�I�wi�l up�r�d� . �h���ci�ti���AD��s��r�t�tl�e r�ev�r P�a��I���D�►d�an�ed N��p�i��app�i�ati�n. T�e u r�d�� P� w��J i���ucl�th��t��d��d en��nc�r���t����F���xi���r��P�.1V�T�A�. ���F�a�ir��lud�d�he requir�d in�tal�atf�r�ar�d t��inir����rv����t��upp�rt�F�e��ftwar�c���rad�. T�������nril�p�o�►i����f��rd�nr�r����rx��ut�r�p���tirr���r�t�r�n�a�n�.t�a�aba��li��n�ing r� �tr�c� � ��s��po�th��tpgra�f��, � E�c������r� I�f�r�rx���i�n �e�v����rnr��f �r��rid�� f��� r�n�� o�irnp��rr��r��a�i�n s�nr����d�sigr���f t� op���iz� t���� ��p���ati�n� 2rnd rn�r�irniz� tl�� pr�br�r�� a�������e� vrri#� rnaj�r te�h��r��i�al char����, Th����erv�����n��u��: + P�e-���st�llation consult�ng � Sys�em�mp��rane�tatro� * Us��tr��nir�� • P��t in�ta���ti�n��r����tin���d���rt����p�o� ��pra�os�d sy���rx�s in���c��t#�������t�wri��: � 1, �J��r��� t�e e�c��ting ���t��ter ���i���d L�r'�p2���hir�� ���t�r�r� �n���r��d�v�r�thi� �I�e �i�� �� �4�rr��r��ranc��ta�h�n��v,IVE�CI���AD a�p�i�������r��r�d�cf b��I�. �. In�ta�fatt��n�#t��P�,IV��Ad�rat�c��rr��ppir�����I��ati����� �ar�r�rar����u�d�d b�r�I���ity �r� th� di�p�t�� c�nt�r, In�lud�� ��� �n�tal�at��� an� ��r�fig�r��i�n�f��e ��� s�ftwar� ��n �i�y���pli�d ha�rdv�rar���rnair�di�p���h. �. Pr��rfd���q�tir�d�5��d���C����i��n���for�ac���II���nf��ur�d�A�vrr�r�C�t��i��d��f�r��t�d ���11�����i�� ,��V����Ir �. �4naf�r�i��#�ity�ro�r�t��d�e�r���r�nti��c�at��o����rrr�in��uit�b�+ft��f�it�r pr�vid��cfat�, �. ��r���r�i�r���a��n�y pro�ri��d E�RI c�r�pa�ib���l��p��i��s i�t�t��PS.�VE�il���p�ppltc��i�r� Server�MAS�, �. In��a��ati�n�f�����r�n�oft�var�b�r�I��rr�in��r� 6. �n-�it� tra���n� a� ���if��d in pr�cin� �r�p�s�� f�r u��r� �� th� ��rs��r� �y EI� �rainir� � personn��. �, �t�pp�rt���v����f�r�h��i#y�f�4rroy�Cr�nde v�r���b����rer�d ur�afer�xi���r���o�t�a�ts. lrr���e�n�n��rti�n��r�n��or��v�t��hr�or��y i����rays�r�halJ�n���o�an�►�r�aniz��i�n. 1Nitl�in t�i� pr�p���N,��w��r�r,w�ha�re�n���rro��d��rx��k�i�as�a��a�p���ibl���r��ty���Irr����rand�. IN� �rvi« al�o �e ��PR� t� arr��nd th�� p�����al �r �tl�erw��� rx�a�C� c�ang�� �� ��r��cti�n� as n�����ary t��r��t�re th��i��n����cu�rr�t��an�long rar����b���tirr��. Ex��t�ve Inforrr�tiorr�erv�ce�,rn�.•1�������th A�e. �uit�100•�car�,Ft 3�44���Phone:��Sfi�7�1-�10��v�rww.�oei�.�ret Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 � ���� ������ ���� � , � C��i��r����r�a�in�l�irnp�rtan�a�p�ct���orr��ut�r as�i��ed disp�t��in���r�t�rx��ancf i�� u�� i� ur�ll ���u�rr�nt�d in th� pub�i� ���ety ��r�r��tu�n�ty. Af#�r y�ar� o� ��I���, th� �rnpf���r�tat��n of �9�� �ocatio� s�rvices fo� ce��ula� ph�nes �s r�ow fi�a��y b�ing i�n�l�rn�nt�d� in�r�a��n� th� d�rn��d� f�r �ea�r�f�r����� b����i �ervi��� in t�� �or7r�r�u�tcati�r����r�t�r. Th���Id�ran��d II►la�pir�������rn ���#e���n�d t��r��rid�s��t��f��antl� �rnpr��r�r��eo��a�i�l di�p�a�r� �� t�e ��r�r�un'r�ati�r�� ��r�t�r a� ar� inte��al part �f �h� ��r��u��r a������d �I����L����4��■ ������1�5�������1�5����E�I�]��"# Th��#��r�r���d I��I�pp�n����t�r�r�pr��id��b�t���11�l����I and�C�a���I. Thi�a#f�v�r��f�e sy�t��������►id�rnapp�t��of Ph�r��I v�rir�fess 311 c�l�t�v�r�r I�c��i�r��an�P���� II �alf I�catit��s. ��r�n#an�L�r��#Di�p�a��u�por� TI���4d�ra�c��Ma�pir�g�����arn prorride����-����ng o����ndard��II�an��lac��n�r�t�r� t��rna�. I��I���h�w��r�htcl����a�'r�r��l�a��d�r���IL d�t�fr�m t��r��b���v�r�r��ta���� �r���� I�c��i�n�ir�pu����f�����rat�r in��e rr�ri�u��ta�t���orr�rx�ar�d��+writh�n�h�CAD ���te�, - Irnag�s T�e ���ran��d 11�lap�in�����er� �I�� ai�ov�r� d��p��� �f����r���i�all� r�f����ced��n�r�����r����{i.�,a�rial�ri��r���t����ri�dicti�r�. �h� ��r���rr� v���� ��s� �r���w sp��i�i� ir�a��� t� b� ���a�ed �� �p��'r�c : �`A. acldr����s �r ��ati�l ��atc��� I�c����r�s; �,�. i�t����ct�or�� ar �tr��� ���r�n����. The�� i�a��� ��n �� �����t�vel� di�p�a�r�d �n P�p-t�p wir�d�v�r�. Irna���rnig��in�lud�,��r exannpl�,�et�i��t�a��iaf�r��ws�f the �p��i��c �����'r�n, �1��r� p�ans �� t#�� be�ifc#��g, �� di���;t c�i�it�� �hotograph�of t�e�oca��or�, 7`f�e�xi�tence of�p�c�fic irn�ges�or t�� ����ry�� f��tur� ar�den���d in a�t��bu�� I�v�l qu��i�� in th��A� ��rst�rn �r�d ar�����n urit�i��r�r�pr��ent��i�r���n t��b��e r�a��, Th� Advanc�d �a��in� Sys�e� arso a�lows i�r��gratior� of images in t����nt�xt���AD Prerr���� Fte�o�ds# p���ridir�g �n ad�i���r�al ���r�f o� irna�i�� c��tafE ��r ��� ��r�nnn�n������n� ��r��er. lJ��r� can d'r��la� ��������irna���b�r�li��Cin�o�r��p i��n�. lJs�t��u�pfi�t�Il�laps �h� �d�rar���c� fUt��pin� ��r���rr� aff��r� ��� �� �t�ndard rir��p ����n���; ir���udi�� E�R� ��rnpati��� ��rr�a�ts ���� �� �h���f�r��. �h� �y���rn ��pp�rt� �nu�t�ple, u��r��#i���, r�r�a�f��rer�. T���in�lucf���s�r tfe�'rr��d��ur�dar�r la�r�rs��r��a�r����n��z��es,fir��du� st�tion a�-ea�,et�. Exe�u�ivpe rnforrx�ation�ervioes,Inc.*139f NE��#h A�re. �u�te 100•�]cara,F�344�D�P���e:����}7��i�3��•www.�ae�s.r�et . A�genda Item 8.d. Page 7 Ac�►ranc�d Ceo,co�iin� The Advar��e�Ill��ppir��System i�cor�orat�s ar�frn�rov�d adcf��ss geo-�odin���g�rit#�� tl��t #�p�'��►�� �nt�rpr��in� ir��trt ad�r����� f�r ���pl�� �n tF�� rr�ap. ��� ���-��din� N� ��r��r�al���t�t�r��n�v�r N���1�ppli�atian��rv�r. Prem�����c��t�s �`h��c���r���d Illlappin����t�r�n al�� a���vrr�ir�t��r��i�r� ���r�rt�g�� it����������ct��CA� P�e�i���te�ord�,pro�r�din�an addi�i�n�r� I������i,�r�a�in�d�tail��r�h���nr�rn�ni�ati��� ��nter. I�ag���r�n�����d in t#r� p��rr�i�� ����rd�ar�Fdeal fo���or plan�, en��y wa�r�, �r c�#��r ir�nag�d�ta �f�p��i�l ��t�r��� �� �����nc�er�. Tf���� irr�a����ar� #�� p�ir�t�d �r� ��rr�ot��r��ta�i�n prin��r�. - Advar��ed i�Aola�l�AY!��ppor� Th� ��v�r CAD r�l���� �I�� �r���u�l�� up��r�d�������a��d rn�bi��da�a �v�rk�tati�n�. �`I�� ��r�r�� r����u���li��d in tk����rr�r�unica�i�n���n�er ar�r��ur al���upp�rt�d in th�rnob�l� �n���, �'�� e�pgrad� a��� pr�v�d�s ad�rar���� ����d�d���anc� al�or��F�rr�� �� ��nt��� � t��r��rr�i��i�r��f�#11�d�t��o���ba��c�ntr�ller. Thi��i�n�fi�antl�r�d�c�s��r���ead�n ���cr�ti�al rad�o��ann�l. G�S Based l�n�#R�corn�net�c�at�ons T�� �d��r���c� Illl�ppi�g �p�i�n a���r�r��t�ca��� u��s p��-��rr���u��c� u��r r�Rr�� l���r� �� d���rr�ir�� r����r��� ar�a� ��r u�it rec��rnendati�n�. In t��� r��d�, tF�� �yst�rn fir�� ��ar�h�� "�ttr��u���" data �o d��errnin� re��on�e a��a�. If n�����d�f�n�d, t�� ������n _ �+w►ilf �tt���rrp��� I���t� th� �e�pan��wi�hi� ��� ��n��x��f a ���r d�fin�d r�ap pol�g�� la��rer t� ��t�rr�ni�� t�� a�p���r��t� r��p�r��� ��r��f��r r�rorr�rn��ded unit�. T�i�g�rr�� �h� a�e�cy t�� opti�n �f u�ir�� �i�h�� �ab��ar dat� �� �I� �ra�����1 �a�a t� ���in� r����r�����r������d�r�u�r�i�r�corr���n�������. �I�A#tril�u�e File Ir�te�`�t�or� �r�� �� �h� r���� [r�p�rt�n� �e���r�� �� Ad�rar��ed i�lap�ing ��st�r� i� �he ab�lity t� "ir�t��r���" ��e ��1� ge�-fi�� data with t�� rnap ��tribut� da��. Tl�i� �r��ride�, f�r exar�ple, �h� abi�ity �o atta�h �r�r���� r���rd� �r �r��r��n�:y ��r��a�t inf�rma�ior� dir�ctl�r t�th��arne attribu���at�th�t��us�d f�r tl��s��p di�����r�,- Ha�rin�a c��nrn�n "�e�+fi��'���a���r���il� b��pc����d p�ri�cli��ll�r��r��rgi����tt��`r�a�#�r �air�ta�ned rx�ap c#at�is�n����I��r��st ir�p��2�r�t f��t�r�������e���tern, �d�r�n���11�ap Il���n�p��ati�r��ap�bi�it��s Th� �►��r����d IVl�ppin� ��t�or� ar�� pr��ri�e� n��r ����bi��ti�� ��� di��a��#��r t� �nar�ip����� rr�ap� a�d ��r�r��� and un�t dat� ����+wr� �n t�� rr�ap. ��r�� �f t#���� capa�biliti��in�l�d�: �. ��ility t� d��ig�a�� th� �ddr�s� �f �r� ���r�� �b� ����I�i�� �� �h� nn�p �� �i�� d����na�ed p�in�. �. �4bi�ity t�c��s��nat�th������i�r���� ur����t a p�in�-��-�irx��b��ra�gin����unit t�t��rna�ar��r���a��r����a�th�de�i�at�d�point. �. �4bility t��r�������p2�r�t�r�a��nrs�d�ru that conta�n�a'������n���nter��t". Ex��u#i�e In�ormat�r��e�vi��s,In�.*13��fVE��t#�Atre. ���t�10D�O�cala,FR 3�47�•P�ro�e:(8Sf>}��1-6���•�rww.gaeis.net Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 8 S�rv��es��d I�npl�r�nen�at��n T�r��c��ran���f Mappit����r��ern�n���t���app�i��ble��D t���r�c���, i���allat'ror�, �n�f���r �r��r�ir�� ��quir�d t� �r���re ����a���r� v�rith th� �th�r EI� ���p#��d ��ftw���, �� �ls� ir��l�d�� i��tiaf in�#a���t��r�of u��r��ppl��d r�r�ap dat�. A�I t�2�p c�at� f�th� r������ib��i�� �f t�����ncy. . lnnpler��r�ta���� �I�n �4 ��r�r��le�e in��alla�i�r� u�ua�l� ���C�� on a�r�ra�� � �°rrt�n��� fr�r'r'� ��t�r7r���c�rr��r�t �� v�r�rl�. Thi� in�l�d�s ���reral �n����s of �for��-�r�d �uor�C t� ���r�$�� r�q�ir�d �a�� f�l��, a���r-ra�l� ��� ��fiturar�, �rc���tF�� �ardv�r�r� �nd �or�rr�uni���xon�, and to d��e��p th� �nt�rr�a�pr���dur��req�ir����r irr�pl�r��nt�ti�n�nd tr�tr�i��, I� rr�ost c�ses, ��S per�arrrxs �l� s�rv�c�s o�-s��e ����g the ���torr�ers' ac��al I��rrdware and ��r��e� fo� �r�ir�in�, �hi� �lirr�ina��� ��� t���d t� bud��� fa� trav�l ��c��r���� and �rnir�irr�i������ ���rt�rn� �nc� disrup�i�r� �� �h� 2��en�ie�. In ��r��r��, �h� ���t�rrt i� a��� ���Cen���r�ir�r��diat�l�r aft�r train��g i����pl���. �rair�ir���oordin�tfc�n ��Il��t ��r�t�r�� ir���ar��d ir�cru�#� un��u��un�ti�nal r��u���r��r��� a�d di#F�r in �ar��►wr�r� �on�i�u�ati�r� an�f o�erati�r��f �r�����r��.T'his r�quir�� ��a� �n�tructi�� b�����ar�d t� � ���t ��it �h� ���d� �� �h� D��artrr���t rath�� th��r� c�nd�ctin� ������� on ��rr�raliz�d s�bject�a�t�r, ������r���r� r��uir�s th�t��� �u���rn�r�����n ��rn�nar�d ���r�������r� �����rat�a���r�fnin�c��rd���t�r t�v�r�r����h E����r��r�r��l, T��c#��igr�ar��d tr�ini�g ���r��r�a��r in ��rne �a���� ���r b�t�� ��r�� a� �F�� ���i�n���d p��j�ct rr�ana��r. Th� r��p�n��bili�i���f t����air��r�g co�r��na�o�'rn��ud�th���I���nring. � �4tt�r�d all��ain���s������� - • ���r�lina��n�tra�������h�dul������rna���,includ�rr�pe���nne�ar�d����lit���. � ���rafi�ating v�rit� EI� �����r���� t� d��r�l�p ��� rn��t �ffe�ti�►� ����i��� tr����ng ���edul�ar��l pr���arr�. � �1l��lcir�g v�r'r�h EI���r��r�n�l t��l��r��ap��ainir��pr��ranr��ar�� r�r�a�t�ria���h�t r�fl��;t unic�r��d����t�n�r�ta�r�t�t��r�nr��r���,t�rrninol���,ar�d pr��edur�s. Tra�n��n�5�h�dui�s �I� recogni����h�diff'r�ult�in ��h�c�ulir���ir�ne f�r p�r��nn��ta att�rr��la��e�. ���rf��� pr����rn�, turr�-��r�r, and rnulti-�hrft ���r��i�n� ��eat� ur��qu� trai�i�� prob��rr���. E�� � �nri�l �������r�v�r���C with tl���rainin� ���rdinator f��r�i��o#�r���� �rand� �� �ev�l�� an �ff�cti�r� traini�g ����d��e th�� ��n r��et th��� r�quir����rt�. Tra�r�i�� �ay b� � �ondu�:t�d in rr�ulti�l� ����i��� �t an� ��r�� �n or��� �� ����nr�rn���t� rn��ti-�hif� op��a��or�s The�#��r��y i������n�ibl��or in���in��F�a�p�r��nn�l a����ra���bl���r tra�t�tng ar�c� �r�� �#r�g��ar����r a�����rx��n�s d�r�ng��#���u��d�ra'rr�in�pe�i�d�, . �xe�u#�v��r�formati�n S�rv�i�es,Inc.•13��IVE 20th Arr�. Suit��OQ•Ocala,FL 3447�•Phane:��5f���1�fi1D�•vwrww.goeis.net Agenda Item 8.d. Page 9 � � A���r�d'rx A � A�aar���� �����r�� �y�t�rr� �����rf ��ar� � �?�.'C1.1#f11��f1�Df fYIa�FGfl S��'IIIC�'S,�Jl�.•�39f�����'1 J�IV�.'. �U�����0��C���,F�34��{}#P�?�fl�.�85�����-(���•MIIII�V�V.�O�#�.I��# � Agenda Item 8.d. .4 Page 10 � � . E�ce�u�i�e Jnforrr�ation��rvice���r��. 1���1VE��th��r�. �ui#e 1�0-�r�la�FL-3�����Ph�n�:�85�����-�70� . � . �► � . � . ���r��p:�I�oy��rande P�lire D�partr���# Pr���sa��ium��r:C��-�83l3 Add�es�:��0�Jorth l�aE��on F�oad Pr�p�sa��reati�r�I�a��;��pt�rn�e���F����` Addres�; Arroy��rand�,���3��� f���#�r����f��d;�ful��'�,2�0�-�ept�mber�1,���� ��ntact: ��t�r�f Arro}+��rande Pr�p�sa�E�cpir�i�n Da#s:��ce�ber���20�� �h�n�:�8�������'��� Prepa�`ec�B�;A.AAissl�r � . # • � • - ��ft�vvare�nd�er�ric�� P�.IV����1�Ad�ra��ecl I�I�a�pir�+� �J��ra��� ���,���.�� ��1��L� $������.�C� -Pr��ir�g do�s not ir��l�d�a�p�l����l�s#a���nd�ocal��x. -In��ud���it��i�e�s�f��t�e�bov�lis��d s�ftw�r��nies�otherwis��pe�ified. -�IS's#�rms are N�#3�. �Pri�i�g in�ludes�F�ipping�h�rg�s. �(�ua#�o��y�ov�rs�rad�rcts and serv�ces li�t�d h�rein. G�uot�is val�����y tt�ro�h the ex�ira��n�fa#�i�c#i�a�e� �er�i€�. �Jo f�a��fe�fur�c#ion�r��a�-acteris����ot de��ribed�erein is irr�plied. -A�I��ftw�r��r�d h�rdware p��c���ed�rorx�E����c��d��on�����+�ar�tand��cf wa�ranty�s�ppo�#lmaint�nan�e #rorx�da#e o�deliv�ry. -���on���ar�ta��dard�IA��nt�nar���i�a��ra�labl�[a�'#�9�o�th���rs#�rr�and�a�wa��Pri��ng. ���f�d�ntial Sta��m�nt: The�n#���nation��rr�air��d in��i�d��ur���t i���nf�d�nti��antl xn��nd�tl�r��y t�b� �ri�v�red�y��e re��pier�t li�te�ab�v�,If��u a���o�#F��i�t�nt��d r���pi�r�#�pf�a��f��vNrard��corra�:tt re- �ip��r�����u ar�her�yr no�ifi�t��ha�an�t d���ri��rt��n ar���yin�of thi�d��urx�en�i�stn��y prohibi�ed,�f��t� �av�re��i�r�d�hi����urr�en��n erra�,p��a����nt��:t##�e se�d�r���ted ab��re and d��tro�r�f��d��utn�r�t. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 11 ��c�����v��n�armat��r���vir.es,ln�. 1�9�1V��Ott�Ave. ��it�1�-�r��a-�L-344��-P#�on�:��5��������� �. . • � � � � � �l��r���r:�rr�yo��nd�P�I�ce D�partm�r�t Pro��saf l��rrrwber:�T-���l3 Addr��s:20�IV�r-th l�ial��ron F�oad Pr�p��a��rea#i��r Da��:Septernb�r��,���� Address: �rro�ro�r`an��t��4�34�� �u�t�r��P��i�d:Ju�r��,2�T-�ept�rnb�r 3�,���� ��r��cc�: �i��r a��{r��ro�r�n�� P��p�sal Ex�ir�t��n D���;De�er�b�r�3,���� Ph�r��:������7��51�� Pr�p�r��B�;A.A+lis���r � � � � � i � • • # � * � � � • t � P�r�#� �eS�ri��'rOr1 L�C��tS�FB� ��r�i�� T�T � ��I�VI��� ���IN�r�cs��i�r��o�tw���*r"* �i�,�D.O� � � � o,oao.o� ��,�r�,a��; ��.�V���I�p Appti��ti�n�erv�r�R+IA���of#wa�e ���41�Vf�p A�ces�Clie�t �a��rT�q D�ta Li�ens����5���r} �AD 1�Yor�CSta#ior�11����p���c��Ir��tall�ti�n ��D��rst��rn Il�a�p�'ra�nin�-�drn�r�l�lass �AD��rst��n i�fa�p�ra�nin�-�p�ra��rl�las� �c��er��s�r V��rk�ta#i�n��ie�rt #r��lu��d � ���I��p Access���er�t �r��lu�e� � NavTe�h Dat�Lic�nse�2-��1ser� ��c�u�#�� � ��D 1�I�ork�#ation N1ap IJpgrad�fnstal��tiarr �r��luded � *�-lardwa�e�Jpgrade� 'I.EI�r�r..o�nrr��nds repl��ng#�e��ci�tir�g�A�wor�cs�atio���rdware t�s�pport the ad[��fi�on of�h�rn�pp�n��erv����. �d�r��r��d IV��pp�ng wark�#a�ti�n�mr�st�dl��r���th��ninir�un��rdwa�e�equirern�nt�. .2.�q��ar���d A�1�p��ng ut�l¢es a�erv�r b�se��nap�i�g�ppl���tion for gea-�codir��. As su��the���r��y rnust er��ur� �����c�s#���se�ver h����,�i��r�t��pa�ity,or�n a�di�io�a��A�la�p App�ic�t#on�erv�r�s��r���#�o�ld be p�o�r�ded. �����tter s�ppor�th���4D��frrar�ced N1�ppi�g�.Jpgrad�,The�it�r���uld up�rat��tl�e�urr��t ��L��rver��DD Dat��as�t������rv�r�0�. Thi�d�#�b�se upgra�de�vil��nabl�th��4��n�y��a���ss#t�� ad��ncet�rep�rting ca�a�i�i#�y not�uppor#ed und�r��L��rv�r���. P�,IV���1.��4dvar�ced Il�appir'w81JpB�ad� ��0,��.�� � � Agenda Item 8.d. . Page 12 E�c��tiv��r�f�rrnatio���rvice�,In�. 13���1VE��th A�r�. ��ite 1�0-�cala�F�w 3����-����re:���fi����-S��� � . � �• � � � . �4g�r���;Arroy��rand���li�e I��partrn�rrt Propasal I�umb��:C.�T-�89J3 Addr���:���IVorth Ha�c;�,r�r►�oad P��������r�atio�Da�e:��pternb�r��,�OD� Atldr��s: A�roy���a�d�,�A 9��4�� ���#in���riod;.�u�y��t�0��-��pt��rrber�1#2��� ��nta��: �ity�f�r�o���r�r�d� Pr�p���l E�cpirat��n�a�e;D���rn��r��,���� P��n�:�8(3�}4T�-���� Pr�par�c�B�:�.I�liss�er . � � � 1 ��is pr�p���l i�s��rnitt�d������ity�f�#rro�r��r`�r���b�r�x��uti�r�Inf�rrx►ati�n��rvi��s, Ir��.Thi�pr�p�sai wi�l ��C�i����1���fl"I�����,����t U������?��B#��@���1�C�Cl��4�1���l�Ofl'�'I�����1���11����, ��1�.�4���l1���3�f���5����1 s��e s�u�e pr�cu���-r��nt. �id prir��r�-�a�v�ry��p�r�d�n�on tf����n�er�t���h�F�FP. � �.Jn��ss�o�n�ra��tu�ll�n�g�tia��d��h�rwis�,s�r�#er�r�pri�e�s b�s���n a t��p��rm�nt sc�edu���res�nt�d fr�th� �r`���r��plan. � A�I pr��e�ar�����estin����r�. �I�r�ware pri�es��n�t ir��l�d��hippin����r��s,whi�h wi�l b��d�ed��t#�� . . Nr��ro��e. � ��#�pri�es���#�d are�x�lust�r�af�n��ta��,I�ca�,u��,�r��her a�plic,�bl��a�x��. � �a�twar�pr���r��quo��d i��or a��ulf�p���lir�r�s�f�r spe�i#i�d�s�����ing�����w�r�C�d��r�r����inc���r�te� � u��hi����n�l�ager����nd�s�u�p�ied�ub��c�����ce��#i�n�f�s���r�t��i����in��nd n�n�d���l��ure a�r���-r���n# w�i�h pr������s di��r�buti�n,r�-��le, ���t��r�is�l��ure��t�id�of���tt���#i��a��n�y. lnte�ne�F��p�r#ir����d �nqui�y�r��gr�r�r�s�:an b�used��r�II par-�i�i�at�n���en�ies, Fu�l��i���ic�er���r��is in�lud�d f�t�h��ity�r Arr�yo �rande. � f�s#all�t��n ir���ud������i��ti�n s�f�war�in����ti�n�rr�s�r sup�lie���rx�p�tir����a�tf��rr�,�If t���e�onfi��rati��, er�d-���r trair�i�g,r�etwork��n�r�ur����r�,and simi�ar ac�ivity. �l��n��is�es��r���b�e for ir���rin�t��t pers��nnel ar��v��l�b���nd�r���f r���l�r duty���i�r�fn�n�s clur�n�s���dul��trair�ir����riod�. �AD trairri��wi�l r��u'rr� ap�r�x�r���el����urs per pers�n. �r��r�i����hedul��wirl be���rc�ir�at�d wit�t��des��n�#ed A��n��r����e�t �ana��r. � �II�o����+wri�l#��s�ppa�ked�nd�r��cistin�str���rt�ontrac�s��r��ardd�tian�l����ge. Y Agenda Item 8.d. Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.d. Page 14 � ������ � �� � �C���o��t�a �� � � � � � .�� 'o, '�" ,� IVr�II�I��AN�l�IIA ��� �� - ����� T�: �ITI� ���l�1�IL F���III: [3�l�� PEFtF��IV� �IF�E��"�F� �F PA���, F�E��E�T��I� ��V� FA�I�tTI�� �.�. �Y: LE� EVA1V�, P�����T IIAA�VA��F� �ll�J��T: ���V�i�E�A�"I�1V �F A����TA�V�� �F TH� �TF���H�i� PA��C #���TF���I�I� ADA �JF���A�� P��J��`�, F�1111���7-'14 DAT�: A���� 8� ���8 F����IIA IIA EN�AT��IV: It i� ���r��er���� tl�� �i����ur��il: 'I. a������ ��� �r����t irr�pr��r�r��n��, �� ��r�s�r��t�d b�r �ali��rr��� �����a� I���rel�pr��r�t in ��cordar��� �nrith �I�� �I��� �r�d sp��if����i�r�� f�r ��e ��ro���r P�rk Re�troo�n ADA Upgrade Proje�t; �. ��rect ��aff�� �i�� � I��ti�� ����rr��l����r�; a��� �. �u���ri�e r��e��e �f tl�� r�t�r�ti�n as a��l��ved ���- ��� ���li� ��r�tra�c� ��c�e a�r�� aft�r�h� l���i�� �f��r�npl�ti�r� h�� ���� r�c�r���, ��r�� li�r-�� I���re ���� fil�. �IiV1a11V�IAL �11A��#��: �`�� p��ject �����t is ��,���.�� �����I �or���r���i�� �o��� = ���,���.�� ���� �i� + ��,���.�� car�t���en�� � ��'�,���.���. `�I�� #ir�al ��ju��te� �r���ct c.��t �� ���,���.��, �� ��,'I��.�� �n��r ����et. �A��{���1J�11D: �rt �J�r��ary �, ���� ���n��l ��v�r��d � �on�tr�c�t��n �or�tr��t f�r �1�� ��ro���r P�r�c F���tr��� ADA lJ��r��� I�r�j��t t� ��lif�rr�ia� ����t�l �e�r�l��rne����r ���,���.��. Th� �r�ject wor�c ir��lu�e� rerr����l �f t�e �or��re�� f�at�nrork ��rr�u��ir�g t�� r��tr��r�n� ��� repl��ir�� it �nrith ��� cor�n��i�r�� r���� a��� v�r�lk�v���, �e�l�cer7r��nt �r ��ju����nt �� r��tr��� fi��res �� r�n��c� t�r�rr� A�� ����s�i�l�, i��ta�l��i�r� �� n��r ���r h�r��nra�-�, r�- �tri�i�g ��h�r�di�a� p�rl�in� ����e� �n� i�st�ll��i�r� ��� r��urr�r��kir�� ��ur��a�in. ALT�F�NJ��`IV��* �`�e ��Il���rrir�g a�ft�rn��i�re� �r� �r��ri��� f�r��r� ��ut���l'� oor��i��ra�ti�n: - A��rove s��f�s r��or�menda�i�r��; - [3� n�t �����t��e �r���c#; - ������#�e proj��t, but �� r��� �u�t��r��� r����a��� �f r���r����r�� �r - Pr�vi�� ��r��i�n t� �t�ff. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 ��� �����i� ��hl���ERA�TI�N �'� A��EF�T TF�E �TI���F��F� P�#F��C ���TF���r'I� ��A l�P���4�E ����l��T� PVI� ����-'I� APl��� 8� ���8 PA�� 2 , �IIV�ILY�#� �F I��IJE�: 1111�r�c h�s ���r� ��rnp����d ����rdi�g t� �h� ��r�tra�� ����r��nt�. Tt��r� �r� �� ��ts#�r��i�� i��u�� t� ���r���. �4�11�4NT��E�: �� �����tin� th� irnpr��r�r��r�t� �h� �ity v►ri�l pr��r��� a� r��v�r A�� a���s�'r��� r��tr��r�n f���lit� ��r r��i��r��s �rrd gr��,� ���f�r�ty. �����tin� th� ir��r��r�r��nts v�r�l� �I�� �I���r �t�ff �� �I��� ��� pr���� ��t �r�d �����igr���� �f�� r�rr��ini�g �ur��s t� �th�r pr�j��t rr��d�, ���A�11�#NTA���; Th� di��d�r�r�ta��� �f �����ti�� �h� ir��r��r�r��nt� f� �� �ub��q��nt d�fi�i���'r�� �n tt�� �r�rk a�r� id�r�tifi�d th� �ity v�rilr lik�l� ���r� �� �b��r� t�� ����, ��th�u�gh ��,��� �rrll �� r���i��� ��r�t i���t �� �1��r� t� r��r��r�r���� �hi� p��si��l�ty. �N11IF��I'�1IIIIENT�L 1��11�EV11: T�� �r����� ��� �n��r��n� r��ri�v�r ����r�ing �� ��� I��#��n�l E��r�r��r�n�r�ta�� P��r�y A�t ��d i� � ����g�ri���l� E��I�d�d ���i�rity p�r�� ��� ��.��{��. 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Page 61 i � + . � 1 x � Y T��n�e I��rth 4l°�1}4�� ��St, 19.����et; �"I��n�� I��rt� �7°��'��� ��s#t ��.��f��t; ��er�c� �for�f� ��°��'�'1" �ast, ��.'�3�ee�; �����e�o�t� ��°�2'��" �as�, 1�8.��f�et; �her����l�r�l� ��°��''I�" ���t, 'I��.���eet; �`her��e Nort� ��°��'��°' �astt �8.��f�et; �her��e�or#I�49°5�'4�� ��st, ��.31 fee�; T��n�� IV�r�� ��°��'��" ���t, 1��.��f���t Then�����t� ��°��°��" ���t# ���.�'I ��et;- Then����u�l� ��°�1'��'r IJV���, ���,��������t�e IV�r���rl�r ri�l�t�f v�r���in��f���d ��I���r�i��t��� H��hwa� 11- Y �L�-�-��� ��n�re��� ����� ���������I�f�rn���}r c��ed r������d l��v�r�be�2�t '�9�� i� B���C���, �a�������� �ff���a�l F�e��rd�; �i�err���J��t�r �8°�?''��"IN��t, ���.��f����f�ng sa�r� r�������nra��r lir�� �f�ai� ��li��r�i� ���t� Hi��vwra������� ���nt�f����nr�ir`��. . E�c���tin���erefr��n �I��t p�rti�n �f��i� L.�t�d���rib�� ir� t��d�ed t��t����. ��-�wn�t ��d v�ri�e, r���rded �June�, ���� ir-w B���C 'f���, P�g���� �f��fi�i�l ����r��. A�'�1: ���-���-���, ���-�������, ����-7��-���, ���-���-���, ���-���-�'I�, ���-�����1'I PAF��EL 1: T���� ��rti�ns �f L�ts �, �, and � �f t�� �� Bel�� �r��t, in t�e �i�� �� Arr��r� �r�r�d�, ���n��r �� ��n Lui� �bi�p�, ����� �� ��lif��-�i�, �s p�r r��� r����d�d �r� ����C A, ���� 1�� �f N1a�p�, ir� th� �f�i�� �� th� ���r���r F����rd�r����id ��u�t�r, c����ribed ����Il��r�r�: �e��nnin� �t a �� � �" �.I--I.�. ��n�r��� rn�n�r�r��nt �� ��� �V�rt��r�� r���t ���nr��r lin� ���a�i��r�i� ���t� F-�igh��� V-���=�-E, ��in� �i�ta��nt �V��1� �2° ��r ��" E��t, ��.� f��t ���� �n��r���r'� s���i�� ��+��.�� ���- `"�" I�r�et �� �I���� �n ���e� ��� t� �19 �� ���i��rt�ia� �t��� Hi�l��rv�� M�� ���I� f�l�� i� t#�� ��r� Lui� �b�sp� ��un��r F�e��r��r'� �f���e; t��n�� l��rt���° ��' ��" 1111��tt ���.��fee��I�n� ��i� ri��t���rwr��r�tr�e t� it� �n�e����ti�n��rrith ��n Lui� �t�i��� ��u�n��r ��pr�a�l� I���d r��ht �f v�r�� I�r��; t��n�� I��r�l� �° ��' ��� �a���, ��,�7" f��� a�l�n� ��i� ���n#�r r�a�d ri�h� �f�nra�� li�e; t��r��� N��-t� ��° ��' ��" IN�st: ��.�� f�e� �I�r�� s�i� ��u���r r��d r�g�t �f w��r lir��; �I�er��� IV��� ��° ��I' ��" ���t, ��.�� f���; t#�er��� IV��th ��° ��' ��" �a��t, ��.�2 ��et� then�� IV�rtl� ��° ��} �1" Ea���, ��.�i� ���t; th�r��� ���.,tl� ��° ��' ��°" ���t, ���.�� feet; �I��r��� IV��tl� ��° ��' �1� E��tt 1��.�� ����; th�rr�� h��rt� ��° ��' 1�" ��s�, ��.5� ����; th���� ���th ��° ��' �'�" �a��t, ��.��f ����; t��n�e IV��th ��° ��r 1�"� ��s�, ���.��f��tx th�n�����th ��°��' ��" �a���, ���.�� ���t; ther��� ��u#� ��° ��' 11"V11�stt ���.������t� t�� hl�rt�eri� r������v�ra���ir�� �f���� ��#i��r�ia� �ta��� H��hr�va�y 11��L�-�-E �� ��n�re�r�d t� t�� �ta�te ����li���r��� �� C���c� �e��rtie� I���r���er ��t �9�� in ����C ���, �a�e ��� ���ff��i�� #�����d�; t#��n�� f��rt� ��° ��' 'I�" 1N��tt 5�2.��f�e����r����i� �i�����v�a��r�ir�e ����id ��li��rr-�i����t� I--fi�#�v�r��r t�#�� F'�i���������n��r�g. E��E�Tlf�f� �h�r��r�rr� ��r�t p��ti�n �f�aid ��# � d���ri#�e� �n t�� �e�� t� A����# A. Br��nrn�, �r�� �nrif�, re��rd�d �l�r�e�, 1��� in B��I� ����, P��e ��� �f��i�i�l f�e��r��, 'rn ������fi���������un��r �e���d�r�f���� ��un��. �A�C��2: An �asem�r�t for ro�d �urpases to b� �s�d �� �omr�on wit� oth�r�, over �r�d a�ross �hos� po�tion� o� �.o�s 2, 3, ar�� � ��th� �� ���I��r���, in the �i���f A�r��r� ���n�e, ��u�nt��f��r� L�i� �bi�p�, ���t� �f��ii��rn��, a�s ��r �n�p re��rd�d in B��k A, ���� ��� ���1���t �r� t�� ��fi�� ���l�e ��unt�r F����r�er ��s�id ��un#�, d���rib�d �� f�ll�v�s; � B�g�r��ir�� �t � p�int in ��� �l�rtl�e���r line �f�h� la��d d���r���� �r� t�� D��d t� tl�� �t��� �� ���i��rr�i�, r����d�d iV�v�m�er ��, ���� in ����C �8�, F���� ��� �� �ff��ia�l ����rds: �rv�i�h ���r�t i� �ist�r�� IV��#� �2° ��' ��" �a��t, ��.�� fe�t fr�rr� �n�in�er'� ����i�rr ��+��,�� �.�.T. iil�" �r� t�� ���ter I�n� �f �t�� D�p�r�rr�ent �� P�b��� 1111�r�cs �t�rv�� ��r ��a#� �--lig�v�r��r ��twe�n ��r��� �r�nd� �nd l�isr�� �ea�#� fi��� �� t#�� �t�t� I�i�l�v�r�� iV1ap ���lc, l�a��s ��� �� �13 i��l�,�iv�, r������ �� sa�i� ��u�#�r; t��n�e ��utf� ��° ��t �3" �ast �I��g sa��d �V�rt��r�� I���, ���.���e�t �� #f�e Tru� ��in� �������r�i��; th�r��� �f��#I� ��° �1' ��'� �a��t, ��.�� feett �h���e ���th ��° ��' �3� �a���, ���.�� ��et; t��n�� ��ut� ��° ��' ��� Ea��t, ���.�� f��t; t�er��� ��u�� ��° 3�t ��'r Ea���, ���.�5 fe�t� 4 Au��ts��8,2��� �C:12�11�10�����urv��rlLe��l��chibitslF��ad��f�r�f�edi��i�r� 1.do� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 62 . � , � . r { �I�er��� ��ut� ��° ��' 2�" E���, ���.��f���; t��n�� ���th ��°�0' ���1N���t ��.�1 fe�t; t��r��e lV�rth �3° ��' ��" . 111�e�t, 3��.'I� ����; t��n�� �l�rt� ��° ��' ��" V'I��s�, ���.�� ���t; th�n�e h��rtl� �'I° ��' ��" IN�st, ���.�� ���t; t�en�e �V�rt� ��° ��_ ��"IIV���, ��r�.�� ��et t� t#�e�ru� ���nt�f������nin�, �AR��L 3: Ar� ���err�er����r t�� rn��r�te��n�� �f� �nrater pip� It�� �� b� �s�d �n ��rr�r�n�n �nrit� �t�ers, ir�, �r���r, �n� a��r��� th��� p�r`t��ns �f L�t� 1 t �, �r�� � ����e �� �elle Tra�t, ir� t�� ���nt� �f ��� ��,is ������, �#a��� �f ���if���ia�, ����r�iir-�� �� ��� �il�d ��r r���rd D���rr�k��r ��, ����, in ��r� ��fi�e �� t�� ��u�n#�r F����rd�r �� sa�id ���r���, �� �r�nt�� t� ��I�rin H. ��hl���� �r�d Ph�rl�i� N1. ������el, ���ba�nd a�d �rv���, �� ,��ir�t T�r��nt�, l��r �ub� E. 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H�v��v�r, ��r�r� �r� ���I���� �f f�il�r�� �nri�l�ir� �I�� r���v�r��r, �nrhi�h �ill r��uir� r�r�n���l �r�d r���rr��ru�ti�n, T�� r����v�� �nril! th�n r���i�r� a� rni�r��u�r�f��in� ��pli���i�n, a� p�l�r�n�r-r���i�i�� �r�u�lsi�r�, �� p�-��i�� � r�e�nr �rivtr�� ��.rrf���. At th� �Il�a�r�h ��, ���� r����i��, �h� ���� ��un�il �I�� dir����d �t��f #� ���r�f�p r���rr�rr��n�a��i�r�� ��r tr��fi� ��Irr�i�� rr�������� �r� ��rr��� V1���. Tl�i� �r�� �n r��p�r��� t� ����ern� ���r���ed �y r��id�r��� �nrith r���rd �� r�r-�r��v�l �� tl�� ���� �i�� �� Hi�d�r� ��lc� �ri�re, �� � res�l�, ��� pr����t �n�l���� in�#�Il�ti�� �f � ���it�� ����� lirr�it �i�r� �nd na�rr��nrir�� ��tl�� ���� v�ri�ths ��-��rr 'I� ���� �� 1'� ����, Agenda Item 8.h. 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'�'I�} t�� �ity ������I ��� firv� �I��i��� ir� �r�l�r t� r�n��t i�� ��r�a�r��i�l r���r#ir�g ��r�rsi��� �-����r����i�i�f��. �t ��n; 'I� ����int �t�� �� r��r� �n�r�b�r� t� �a�rry �u# �t� ��r�r��g�rt r������ibil����� �r �� �rr� � s���nd ��� �irr� �� ���i�t th� ���n�il irr rr����i�� �1��ir �A� IV�, '!'f� r����r��i�ili�i��. �� �p��ir��ing � ��b��r�r�f�t��, �I�� ��urr�i� �rv�ll �t�� i�#�rrx��� ��rir�g �h� �udit �r��es� �r�d �u�fill its ���r�i��rt r��p�r��ibi������ �� n� �ddit��r��� ���� t� ��� �it�r, �1��4�11��1TA�E�: . �I�� �r�ly �i����ra�n��ge uv��ld �� i���� ���i#�r� h�li��r� �h�� ��� �nr�-v►r�� ��r�r��r�i�a�#i�r� �nr��� �I�� ���� ���r���l is ir�a�d����t�, T�� ���it�r ����d rn���#y t�� ���i��r'� ��ir�i�� �r� �h� ���i� �� � ���p� �ir�i��ti�r� �r ��r�� v►ritl��r��v �r�r� t�� �r�����r��r�t. T�r�r���r�, �� �� ir�p�r��r�� ��r ��� �����il t� i��r�tify ��� r�����r{�� v�i�� t�r� ��Ci��� r����s��ry t� pr��ri�� t�r� r�q�ir�d fi�v���r�� ��rnr�u�i�a�ti�n v�rit�r t�� a����#�r�. E�111�l���IVI�h�TAL F�E111�1111: N� ���ri r�r�rn��t�� r�����r i� ���u i r�d ���r�C�i� it�r�. �l��Ll� �1�T�FI�ATi��1 �41V� ��IV�II�IEIVT�: T�� �g��d� �r�� ������ in fr��t �� ��ty f�a�l� �r� T��r����, A�ril �, ���8. T�� A��r�da� �r�� �e��rt �r��-� ���t�d �r� ��� �it�'� v�reb�it� �n Fr�d��, ��ril �, ����. �� ��b�i� . ��r�r���ts ��r� r���i�r�d, At�a�h��nt: �t������t �� ��,�itir�� �ta�r�da��d� IV�. �'I�, �f�e �k��fi��r'� ��rr�rrr�rri���i�r� �I�Ii��r T���e ��r�r��� �IV���r ���rerr��r��� — E�c��u���r� �ur�rr���y Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 �����x���t ���►�xc�i��� ��������� ��� 11� �1��,�������� � � � �o�r�x��ic�c�io� �i�� �'�os�� ��ia� �� T�i�� �o�����cr�� � � I���� �at�: �]���r-r��er��, 2��� �f����iv� �a��;Th���1�� is�ff��t��r���r p�ri�d� b���nnin��n �r afit�r�e�ern�er 1�, ����. Earl�r a�pplt��ti�n is��rrx�itt�d. Produ�t Number: 0����� �xecut�ve Surnmary �t�t��xa�nt �� A��l�tir�� ��an�ar�l� ��A4�� N�. 11� s���rs��l�� ��� N�. ��, C'�rr�rn�n��u�i�r� �i�� �4udi� �orr�mit�ees, as �m�r�ded. T�i� �A� est�b�ish�s st��d�ds a.nc� ��ov�d�� g�.idarYCe to � �llC�1���'��1 I�1���I'����1����1i1111�1�1����V1�"1������]��`����1��1���T��`ri�l��. �n t��v�rak��f w���-���1i�i��d���it fa��ur��axx��m�rgi�����t�r�.��i��� in���p�r���g��r��n�n��, �����t��i�r�� �av� ir��rea����i��r a�dit�r�t���r�rnu�i���� ���r�l�an���nc�idl�r�vit�th�s� �h���c� v��th ����rn��� r�ga�rdi�� �ig�xifi�a�t �r��ir��s and i��u�� r��a�t�d t� t�a� ax�c�i�. �'1�� A�ditir�� �tanc�ar�� ��ard �A��} b�1i���s SA� i� r�s����iv� t� th� �s���� anci ��p���ati�r�� i� ��� L�.S. ��r�i�������rnrnu.�ity��will irr��r�v�a��i��r���x��an����v�th��x��1i�i�t����t. In c���r�1��i�� t�ui� �A�, th� A�� ��r�sic��r�c� th� ��mrr��ni��ti�� ��q�ir���nt� �f th� Pr���s�ci �r�t�r�ati�r�al �#��arc� �� A�c�����g 2�� ���v���c��, �'`'h� �4��i��r�'s C'�rnrr��r�i�cx�i�rz �vi�� �'h��s� ��c�r�g�c� �vi�� ����r�r�crr���, whi��i �v�� i�s��c� ��r t1�� I���rr�.��i�r�a�1 Auc�i�ing �r�� ��surar��� �t�da.rd��oa.rd ir��arch 2��5. �A� ��. �� �5���}�1��1�� ��1�1117L1I11���1�� T�C����'�II1�I7�� ��l�3�1����� �� �I1�1���� ��121� �1��.1��' �2l�� �.�1 a��it ��mm�t��� �r t�ia�� h�v� �t�i��i�e f�r�a�11�r c��s�gr�a.t��i �v��si��� �f�h� f�n�x�ial r�����tin� �r���s� t� a �r��� �quival��t t� an ax���t���itt��. �A� I��. �1� l�r�a��r�� t�� a�p�li�al�i��ty �f ��� �A� t� a�c�its �f't�i� fi����a.� s��t�r��nts �f�1� ��ni�s��r� anc� ��t�b�isl��s ���c��i�r�rr��nt f�� tl��a��it������mrnu.r�i����with t������ar��d wit1�g���r�������t��n sigr�i�'i�a��rna�tt�r�r�la.t��i t�th��u�it. �`h� ��� �s�� t�,� t�rrn ����s� ��c��g�c� �vi�� g���r�r�c�r��� t� r��'�� t� ����� �vith r�s��r��ibility f�r ��r�rs��ir���h� �t�a���i� dir���i���f��e �ntity �� �bli�����r�� r�la�t�����h� ����u.�ta������y �f t�i� ���it�, ir����c�ir�g�������in� th� �r��ity'� �i���i�l r����t�r���r����s. �t x���� �h�t�r�r��nac�ug�rr��r�� ��r�f�r�� t�i�s� v�r�� ax�r�s��r��i1�1� f�����i��i�g th�� �1�j��ti��s �f th� �r�t�rp�ri�� ���v�rh� ��v� t��a�t���ri������a�l��h�����i��a.r�d r�a�1��ci��i���n���u��i��t��s��b���ti�r��a�r�t�����rs��d. ��,na�g��n�r��z���s��n�i�l�f�r t���r���ty's fir�ar��i�1 sta�t�rr�er�t�. T�� �.�� i��r�tifi�s s���ifi� mat��rs t� �� ��rnrnuni�a���, rr�ax�� ��v��.i.�h ar� g�r��rall�r ��r�sist�r�� wi��i th�r�c�uir���nts in�����. �1. �I��v���r,t1�� SA� ���1���� �e�tain���iti�n�l�matt�r� t�b� ��r�nmuni��t�c�an��r������aci�iti�r��1�.i�ar����r������rnrnr�r�i�ati���r���ss. ����rti�ul�x, t�� �A�: Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 � ��s�rib�s th��ri��i��1��rp���s�f���n�i��ti�n with th������r���v�ith g�v�z-rzar��� and stresses the import���af effectiv�tv�o-�ay cornrn���atiox�. • R���ires th� ����to� to �ete�m�r�� t�i� a�propriate pe�sor��s� in t�ie �r�t�ty's governa�c� ���tur� wit� wh�rn t� ��rr�rr�u.r�i�a�t� �a�i���ar �att�r�. T�,�� ��r��� ��� v�ry d�pe�di�g or�th�r�2�ture of t�e rnatter to b��orr�r�u�icater�. � 1����gni��s t�i� di�r���ity in g����rna��� �t��tur�s am��� ��,t�ti�� �ir��l�din� t�� �x�st���� �f���i� ��mmit���s �r �th�� �u��gr���� ��ar�ec� v�ri�h ��v�rn.a�a��� ar�d ����urag�s th� �s� �f�r��f���i�n�1 juc�gm�r�� �r� �i��i��r�� �it� v�1��rn �� ��rnm�a.ni�ate p�rt�����,r rrra�t�rs. • ����gr����� t�� u�ni��� ��nsi���r��i�r�� f�r ��rnrn��.���tiz�� v�ri��i th��� �1�ar��c� v��th ������� wh�r� all �f'th��� ��ar��c� �vit� g������� a�r� inv�l��� xn rr��.�a.gi�g th� �ntity,���c�rnay be the�����it�same�rna1��nti�i�s. � Add��r����r���n�s t���mm�i����: � An����vi���#'��i���a.nn��s�����r��tirnin��f`t�� a�a�it. � ��pr���������n�t1��au�it�r i�r����stir��f�r�m m�na�g���r��, • Pr�v�c��s a�ciiti��al ��.idan�� �r� th� ��mmu��i�ati�� �r���s�, in�1��i�� ��� f�rms a�d ti�i������rnrn�i���i�n. ��gr�if���nt fi.x�c�ing�fr����i��u��t s��x��c���ir�writir�g v�h�n, �r�t�� a�c��t�r'� �r���ssi����d����, �ra1��rr�m�i�ati���v��1d r��t b� ac��quat�. ����r �omrr����at�o���ay�e or�l or x���tir�g, � ��c�uir�s th� a��d.i��r�� ��a1u��� t�i� a��1���a�� �f t�i� t�v�-v�r�� ��rnrnx�.ni���i�r� b��v�r��� t��a��i���ar��t1��se��arg�c�v���h���r��ax���. • �s��blisl��� a� r���x���r��z�t t� ����m��� r�q��r�c� ���u.ni��ti�r�� u�ith �1���� ������� �i�h go�e�an��. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 4 {� ������ � �� � �NCO�IPOR�k�E �� ��������� � � � � .f�JLY �0. 1A11 � ���� ��� ��� T�: ���`l� ��l�h��IL F��IVI: �]��f ��AC�V�L�, DIF�E�T�� �F P�lBL�� 1N�F��C���I�Y �I�CII���� �11�.�E�T: ��1���DEF�ATI�IV T� �#��F��11E �1V� �F�I�F�rTI�� �I�YVI�I�E ��DE1NA��C I���J��T� �A��: �PF�IL �� ���� RE��II��IA��1��TI�N: lt �� r��or�r�n�r���� th� �����il: 1, a�p�r��r� ��e re���nr�r�er��e� �ri�ri�����i�r� ��� I��t �� �i���v�l�c �r����t� f�r i�c�u��o� in the �ity's �apital lrr�prov�men� �'ro�ram; a�r�� �. ���r��r� rr��t���ng f�a��� in tf�� �r���r�t �f ���,��� ��r t�e F'���d�n� 11�1��d�e ��haol �raj��t. ��N A���A�. I�IA�A�1': �I�� �ity'� #��� y��r ���it�l I�n�r�verr���t Pr��rarr� {�IP} ir��lu�e� f���irr� ��r r�ri�c��l�r�e��s s�ri�i�g, �r�ssv�r���CS, sid��nr�l�CS �r�d ����i��� r��n��. T��r� i� ����,��� ��d��t�� i� ���I� �s��l �r�ar �f th� F1� ����������1� ���8-�� �i-a�nr���l �u�d�e� fr�r-�� ����I �a�l�s �a��c r��r�n���. ��� �ity �ra�� �Is� s����e� �� re�eive ����#�'I� fr�r�n #�� ����� l��i�lat�� ���� ���t� t� ��h��� �r�gr�rir�, ��r�ir�i�ter�� �� ����r�n�. �I�e�� f�r��� I���� ���r� �r�r���d ��r #h� ���I��n� Il�li�d�� ��h��� �i��vrr���C Pr�j�ct. T�� ��t� i� r�qui��� �� pr��ri�� ��t�l�ir�� fu�r��� ir� �I�� �r��urr��f ���1� �r���#��� ����� ����I ��t�rr����� �����f����,���. �he ��ty �I�� ��I���te� ���,��� �f ��r�r��r�ity De�r�l��rr�err� �I��� �r�n� ������ �ur�d� �� si�ev�r�llc �r�� �r�r��i��� r�r�� �r��e�t�, �� i� pr�p���� t�� ��n�� �� u�il���� ��r t�e N1�nt����l--���I�r��t I r�t�r���ti�n �r����t. ���l��F��iJiV�: �r� ���b�r �, ����# ��� ��ur��il ���r�v�� � li�t �f fi�r� �ri#�r�� t��� v�r�ul� �� u���� t� �ri��ti�� �ityw��� �i���nr�l�C �r�j��t�. A IE�t �f ���evrr��k �r��e�ts ��� ���� ��������d u��r�g �rea�� i�er��ifie� in the ��t�r's �i�ev�r�IkIP�����r��r� �r�l��r��er�ner�� �l��r. An �r������� �� �����ti�� �i���rr�l�c I�r��i�n� v�r�s �I�� �re��re� ����� �r� I�r�� u�e ��� pr�j��t I����i�n s I i��e� i n ��� ���i��� I rr�p r��r�r��n� P r��r�rr�. A t�ta�� �f �� ��-�j��#� v�re r� i��nti#i�d ar�� ar� I��t�� ir� th� a�t��h�d tab��. Pr�j��ts id�ntified i� th� �ityrs �i��v�r�Ik1P����tri�� Er�h����r��r�t �I�n ���u���d ��irr��r���r �n �r��ri�l �n� �oll����r �tr��t� �r�� �nr�e�r� ���r�l��rn��t ����rr�� �nri�h�u� ����ri�i�� f�r �e��r�t� p��i������n tr�f��. �t��f ��rve�r�d ���h ��re�t t� �l�#���i�� th� Agenda Item 11.b. Page 1 ��TY ���J1���L ��1��1�Ei�T��� T� APP�t�VE AI�� ��r��ITI�E �ITY�111�� �1��V1�ALkC PR����T� �1��I L �, ���� PA�� � �F 4 lil��li���d �f � ���u�r� �i����rr�l�C ����d �r� tf�� la�n� ��� ar�� �����r���i� �����r�� �� ��r� �r��. Pr����ts i��r�tifi�d ir� �l�e �ityl� fi�� ���r �����a! I r��r��r��n�r�� Pr�gr�r� v�r�r� �I�� �n���d�d. ��e r�r��Cin�� �r� �r�u���� �� �r��ri�� fl����ilFt�r �n r��t��ir�g th� r���c�r��r�r� �r���r�� �f pr�j��ts vrri�h ���il�bl� f�r���n� a�d �� sel��� �r����t� ���� �r� �r� �1�� ��rne ��r�er�l vi�ir�it�. TF�� �rite�� ��rr��� d��r�l���� ��s�� �� � r��r�r��er �� i��ue� ��s��i�t�d �vi��r t�r� pl���r�n�r�� ��� ��e �f�i�e�nr�l�CS. �.ist�� �r� n� ��rti��l��-�r��r �r���� ��I��v�ri��: � ���r�in�ti�r� �f tF�� sidev�ra�l�C �r�j��t�nrith ��#��r �rr��r���r��r�t �r�j��t�: �r��r �i�e�v���C ��������� ���t ��� �e �nstr��te� ir� ���j�n�ti�n v�rith � �r���s�� c��i��l pr�j���, • F��u��s t� ��h��l: �r�j��t� �h�t v�r�ul� �r��i�� � ��r���r���u� �����rr�l�C v�r��r� ����r d��n't ��r�-�ntl� ��cist �r�th � �ig��r �ri�ri��r ��r �h��� tha� rr���r r���i�r� ��r��i�� �r�r�n t#�� ���� ��ut�� t� ��ho�l ��r�din�. • R��I�t-o�-vrr�y ��������ti�r��: Pr������ pr���c�s �I��� ��r� b� ��r���ru���� v�i�i�ir� tl�� �����ir�g rigl����#-�v��r �vil� re�ei�re a� �i��er �ri��t�r ���r� pr�j��t� ���t r��uir� a���u�i��ti�� �� �dd�ti���l �����rty�� cor�npl��� tl�� �����ru����r�, • ��r�n��ti�r�� t� ��ci�tin� �����v���cs: Th�re �re in���r���� v�rh�re ��rti�r�� �f �idev�r�l�CS �r� rx�i��ir��. Pr�j���s h��r� ���r� i��n�ifi�d t� oor��l�t� ��� �id��r�ll���r ��d�����r� �ir�u�������. � L��rel �� ���estrian tra�ffi�: Pri�rit� ��rrill �e �i�rer� �� �re�� �nr�r�r� ��� I��r�ls �f ������ri�n tra�ffi� a�r� F�i�h�s� �n�lu�in� r��t�� u��d ��r �����n�� ��� p�d�s��i��n� �tt�r��ing ����i�l ��r�nt�. � �r�nt fun�ing: Pro�e�� �r�r� �v�lu�t�d bas�d or� �nr��tl��r grar��s �v�r� b�in� u�e� �� � fundi�n� s��r��. �idevrralk pro�e��s I��rv� beer� ev�l��ted �� t� how mar�y an� to what de�r�e� of th� ��t�r�� I��t�� �b��r� ���I��� ���� pr-opo��� �r����t ����t� �� � r�nkin� �r�r� ��� t� #��r�, �n� r���n�n� �h� �roj��t �ra�� ��liic�l� �nd � fi�r� ��ir�g ��ry li�c��� t� r���� �I�� ���i�n���� �r�t�ri�. T�� n��� t� ���r���� �h��e ��t�r�� �v�� di������� ����ifi���l�r i� r�g�r� t� �r�j��ts I��t�� ir� ��e �it�r'� �I� Pr��e�� IV�rr��er ���� ��ee at�a��e�}. �lVALI��I� �� ���IJE�: ���f� tirn� th� �I� i� u�dat��, �h�r� �nrill �� r��v�r I����i�r�� ��sig��t�� ��r �����nra�k ir�r��r�v�r�ent�. T��I� 'I urril� ���i�t �t�ff in ��-i�ri�i�ing t�� �ff��t�d �r�j��:t�. H�v�r��r�r, it s���l� �e ��te� t�a�t a�����#�n�� �� Ta�ble 1 �nr��l r��t ���t�l� in �ith�r �����tan�� �� a����ti�r�a�l �r����:t� �r I�s� �f ��ci�#in� si�ev�r���C pr�j��t�. �Fr� �ri��r�� �r�ril! �� u��d ����r t� �ev�l�� re�r�nr�en�a��i�n�. �ity ��ur��i� �nril� rr��ir��a�i�n �h� ���h�ri�� t� �nn��i�y ��� �r�p��ed proj��� pr;ority, �rder�r�d tirr�ing. Agenda Item 11.b. Page 2 �i�r ��u���� �o�u��a������ fi� ������r� �r�� ��i������� ���v��� ����v���.� ��o,����� �►Pi�IL �, ���� PAC� � �� � �t�f� �� r����nrr��n�ir�g �I��� � si�tl� �ri�eri� �e ���e�, �v�i�h is �u��ir�� a�va�il��l� �r�r�r �ut���e ��ur���. F�r ���r�r��le, #h� �r��un Hiil {P�u��ir�� N����le �����I �i�e�r�ral�C} ��s r��eive� �u�r��ir�� �r�r-r� ��� ����� ���� F��u��� �� ��1���1 Pr����r�r� �r�� �r�rill r��e� t� �� ��r��l�ted ir� �c�����r��e v�ri�l� ��� �r��r�r� r���ir�rr��nt� ��r ��c��ndit��-e �� �t��� ��n��. �� �dding ��� ���iti�t��l �ri����, ��re s��r� ��r tl�is �r�je��r�rill ir��re��� �t �� � �ri�rity � ���j���. ����� �n #hi� �n�l�r�i�, th� f�ll�v�rin� �r�j��t� v�r��l� �� f�n��d ir� �h� fi�� ��a�r ��pi�a�� I r�p�-�v�r��r�� F'r��rarn. �� ���� #�� �J1or�t�golHi�l�r��t Ir�t�r�����n �r��rr� I���I ���ul�ing �111id�1� �����I} �� ������� ��u��h Elr� �tr��� �r��a�r Th� Pi�ce, ���r a�r�� ��r���t� ��I��,r I--�� �n�il� �1� ����-'�� ���� ���r�� ������ ����C �tr��t t� ��I� ��r��t} F1� ����-�� ���h�rd �tr��t {�out� of F�ir ���c�} IIVes� �rar��k� �tr�e� �F���e� t� ��u�th ���ar�t� ���i�n�l ��nt�r� �� ����i��! �r��v� I--���I, �II1��ir�l�� �tr�e�, Il���y �tre��, L� ��int ��r��t �nd H��-rt��� �tr��� J��nn��V1I�� ���lin� �treet �� T�fl�r I--I� F����� T�r� �Il�rr��g���-lil��res� ir���r���ti�r� vrril� �r���u��� r��v�r si�er�v�l�c a��r�g th� ea�t �id� �� I--r��l�r�st ��d � �r��s�nr�lk �t �'111������ �tr��t �� �onr���� ������ri��� t� �k�� ��r�ti�n��u�� �i�ev�ral�C �n ��� ���th �i�� �� Il����t��� �tr��t. Th� �i�y h�s r���iv�� nu�rr�er�u� r��u�s�s ��r sid��v�l�C �r� ��t�r �i�es �� Illl�r����� �tr��t �� ir�pr��r� ��d���ri�n ������ �� ����r� 1liev�r ��h��l. F-���v���r, ��a�f� h�s ���errr��ne� it v�ril� �e r��re �����rn��al t� �r�vide a �id�v�r�l� c�on��ctia� fram Hill��e�t ar�d s�fe �ro���r�g to ��ce�� t�re e�istir�� �id�r�va��, Th� �r��r� I--lil� ��'a�u�ding Ni��dle ��h��l} �r�j��t �rill ��n�i�t �f r���r �i�e�+r���c �Ic�r�� �#�� ��utf� si�� �� �r��nrn F-�i�l, in�l��in� ����ir��r�g �r�ll� �r�� r�ilirr�� ��nn��ti�� e�cisti�� ���e�al�c� fr��n E��t �ra�n�h �tr��� �� ���I�ing �V1i��l� ��I���� �r�� al�r�g ��r�e� �a�n�r�r� F��ad {�F� ���`�. �#�ff i� r�n�etir�� vrr�th ������ �is����� ���i�l� �� �r��r��r� ��h��l � ���e�s �r�� �����tria��n ��f�� i� ��r��ur���i�n �ri�h ��i� ��-�je�t, Ta�l�� H� ir��ill �nrill in�lu��� r��v�r �i�ev�ra�l�c a�l�r�� �h� ��uth �i�e �f T�II� I�� �� fil� th� ���� �� ��� ��is��rr� si���ra�l�c �r�r�r� 1li� La� ��rr�r��� t� ��r��tt �an��r� F���� ��� ����. T�i� Agenda Item 11.b. Page 3 �i�r ��u�u��� ��1V�i��RATl��V T� A�PF��11� �IV� F�F�I�I�ITl�E ��T1�1N��E ����IIVAl.�{ �������� �Pi�IL �, ���� PA�� �4 �� � �r�j��� i� �r���rt��� t� ir�rpr��� �e�e��rian sa�ety gi��r� ��-�f#�� ��r������ ��cpr����� �� � ��r��er�f r��i��r�t�. T�� ���th Elr�n �tr��� ��-�je�t v�rill �r��ri�� r��r�v �i���rra���c �n th� ���� �i�� �f �Ir�r� ��r�et �� �►�� �tr��t. TI��� v�r�ll r��ult i� � �on��r����s �i�ev�r�lic fr�r�n th� r�si��r���al �re� t� ��e ��u���e��� corn������� ��r�et. �LTET�hf�4T�11��: �I�e ���I�v�r�n� �I��rna��i��� �r� �r��ide� f����� ���r���i�s ��n�i�e�����n: - ��pr��� ��e �i���f��d�v�r�l�c �r�����s; - 1�1��ify �i�e�nr���c �r�j���s �s a��r�pri��e; - A��r��re th� �ri�rit����f�� �r������ �r��ect �s s���nrr� in T��I� � - �II1��ifiy th� �ri�rit�r����r� �r������ �r�je� a�� ap�r��r�a#�; - �r��i�� dir��ti�n t� �t�ff. A��11�#IVT����: �h� �ri�ma�ry ����r�t��� �� tl�� recor�nrr�e��e� a��ti�r� is ���� i� v�rill ��I��nr��ta�ff t� d��i��, f�r�d �r�d �on��r��� ��tyvvid� �i�e�r�r�ll� p��ject� ��r��i�t�rr� v�ri�� �sta��lish�d ��i�r�ti��, ��in� �� vrrill r�r��k� it ���i�r t� ��cpl�in �� rn��rnb�rs ����r� �u��li� �nrl�� � ���ti�u��ar pr����� �s b�ir�� �r���r���en ��e�� ����her{s} �r��e�t�, Funding �he P�uldir�g I���dle �c�ool Proj�ct �rvil� �Ilav�r th� �it� to util�ze fur�d� �ro�id�� u�r���r �I�� ����� ���� ���t� �� ��I���I Pr��r�r�n �� ������� ��ci���r�� r���d�. Id�n#ify�r�� tl�� ����r �r�j��ts in �d�ra�r��� �nrill �nf�a�r��e pla�r�nin� �ff�rt�. ���ADVJ�N�A���: Th�re �re r�� f�re�ee�bl� �i����r�r�ta�e� t� t��ir�� tl�e r�c�rr�rx�er��e� ��ti�r�. F-���e���� t�� ��r��c �f s���i�� I�����rr� r���r ���r��� b���� �r� ��r�di����s ��I���d t� the �ppr�ve� �ri�eri� �r�ity ���n�il �ri�ri�i��. ������������� ������i I�� �n�rir�r�r�����1 r��ie�rr i� re��ir�� ��r th�� ��er�. �U�L�� IV�TIF���TI�N AND ��IIII�IAENT: TI�� ���r��a �nr�s p����� ir� �r�n� �� ��t� F�a��l �r� Tl�ur����r, A�ril �, ����. Th� �g�n�� �n� r���rt v�er� ���t�� �n tl�� �i��'� �rv��sit� �� Fr����r, ���� �, ����. CV� ���ii� ��rr�r�nent� �nr�r� r��ei�re�. �u�l�� r��ti�c�ti�� �nrill �� gi�r�� f�r���h ���j��t �����-�t�l�, �tt�c�rr�er��: Tab�� 1, �ityv���� �i���nral�c Pr�j��t� Agenda Item 11.b. Page 4 ����� � �I I�� �I������ �������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � PF���J�C�T � � � c� � C� ��,,,w � � � � C� � � � � � �C �C �C �C �C OC � C� � C� C� C3 C� M�NTE��I�I�L��F�E�� � � � 4 5 � �� ��VTER����'I�N �R�11�N H�L� � � � � � � �� �P��.JL�II�� MI��L� ��H��I� ����VIfAL�C PF��J���} TALLI� I�� IIVFILL 1 � � � � � 1� E. 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Page 8 � , , , CITYWIDE S I D EWAL K P ROJ E CTS ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 BAC KG RO U N D Staff began the process of determining and prioritizing sidewalk projects with the following : o Review of the Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plan o Review of the Capital Improvement Program o Field review of sidewalk conditions ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 CRITERIA FOR PRIO-RITIZING SIDEWALK - o The City Council approved the following five criteria for prioritizing sidewalk projects: • Coordination with other Capital Improvement Projects • Routes to School • Right of way acquisition • Connections to existing sidewalks • Level of pedestrian traffic o Staff included a criteria of eligibility for grant funding ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 M ETHOD OF PROJ E �T PRI-ORITIZATION - o Each criteria for each project assigned a score between 1 and 5 0 1 means the project is not likely to meet the criteria 0 5 means the project is likely to meet the criteria o Projects are prioritize�d based on the cumulative score ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL iM .PROVEMENT -P- ROG-RAM - - o Fiscal Year 2007/2008 � • Montego/Hillcrest Intersection • Crown Hill (Paulding Middle School) o Fiscal Year 2008/2009 - � � . _ • South EIm .Street (Near The Pike, Ash , and Sunset) - - ,: . - . - • Tally Ho Infill � � o Fiscal Year 2009/2010 • East Grand Avenue (Oak Street to Bell Street) ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL I M P- R O V-E M-E N T P R O G RA M CONTINUED o Fiscal Year 2010/2011 � • Orchard Street (south of Fair Oaks) � West Brancfi Street (Rodeo to South County-Center) o Fiscal Year 2011 /2012 � Crown Hill , McKinley Street, May Street, Le Point Street, and Harrison Street � � � James Way (Colina Street to Tally Ho Road) ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 CROWN HILL SIDEWALK P ROJ E CT - o City received a grant for 90% of the project cost of $342, 900 from the Safe Route to School Program � Requires the City to match 10% of the project cost, which is $34,290 ' � � . � Project is programmed for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Capital Improvement Pro`gram I � _ � - ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 � � - - - --- - - -- _ __ _ _ � , _ _ _ _ _ _ � � MONTEGO/ H I LLCREST I NTERSECTION � \ � , ; � . _ . . .r � � : ` '-� .. a k. �Y. • .. _ -'��e*`�C4.... �.��� . •i.. 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ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 � CITY WIDE OVERVIEW OF SIDEWALK PROJECTS -.. °i , ..,i.,A .^7'-'�,�54'4"� �j.'�' . .. .w �M.. . .k�..��� �_� t : MONTE601HILLCREST ~ ;r�y �"4: �.. �� � S .� �� ,3,°r' 1�'r. � ' MILLCRE8TT0 � `y; ��'..°ya �� < s' `� � � �� JAMES WAY �Q�at�' ."-"��.A� EL GAMINO REAL " t TALLY NO RI1AD " . . ,� � s � �*,���.�"' t � � ,r ��3,� �.an� � °i . x fi :,p t : r t?� � ' �: , �� .�1 � l�, a �; �y , ���.�+ � �rs a � '���`�. ,:��Yy,,�rr,,,,4� d .• � ' ���� \�� ! t 1 �.y,.>l��`.. ri� 5j�V�'\ -�.,. , ! `.. .���� ��;�� \ +>�� ���I.�s� �. �.i, �/rt• �� "Y � � ,l'T � � � ( V�'� � i� rM„� .c'" W ���5 ♦.s.� \�'/,� \ l� .� ,��v�,'➢��y° ��� ,> + ,1� ,�.� . �u7';1�� �4'�i�Sayt .�F,S�'� ��:;x 13y 9f''.�y� �'�y s ._.__ .. ec 'i ��` � �(^%° CROWN MILL MeKINLEY "�`` +� �*�..�' "� �� �T� `?4 . MAY LE POIIiT "'�" ,� . P�'yy�i y�e °f�t ��!� � y,. -���` � `�C�0.fz� HAR��l180N ' p� Y s . . � R� ,�1 q�r.�j � i ..i,.' • �,� �.�,1i.^+�y ti-.�yrj, �p '�_ ��j'+. 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ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 I IN SUMMARY Staff developed a list of projects utilizing the Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plan , Capital Improvement Program, and field review of sidewalk conditions Staff prioritized the projects based on the ability to coordinate with other capital improvement projects, routes to school , right of way acquisition , connections to existing sidewalks, levels of pedestrian traffic, and eligibility for grant funding � City received 90% grant funding for the Crown Hill sidewalk project which requires the City to match 10% � Staff developed the next five years of capital improvement projects ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 ■ ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2008 � G�9e+rio. I�-em no- i a. ! C��I� C.cunG ( mcrnl�e� I�-e-ms �� � - - `7' � � rn /��n-r�-v� r�,�r- f�we �ca�� — , , U Ylr�t f u f i i c���.a., �vo�,.>> 7rn� �-7� Go Gu ,:,� i , �'a� � � ' TC.,� G�-/� /�� -� �ve re� Grr�z�c C�F�i�.c�c�9w/. 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Mail- clfellows@sbcglobal.net Page 1 of 1 ' i ATBT Vahoo� Ma�l �-"--`-----LL--^--�-Search: ��„--'—�_.v._`i---,---- - _Web Search I ►�� 3{.p�} Welcome,cifellows�sbcglob... Mail Home�All-N�w Mail I Tutodal�; Help i' .s u lRl ' �H��� LSJn_PuS,Membgr CCn[er] MAIL Classic � OurAccident Forgiveness Program � `` , lifts your spirds by not raising your rates � . , �P code... • • ' � Mail Contacts� Calendar Notepad � ------ — ----` -- -- �---- � -- Mail Upgrades-Options ` - ----- ----- - -- ----- -- — -----------.. � � � �� ; Check Mail ; Compose Search Mail Searc Che Web I � See your credit Previous I Ne# I Bdtk_to Mg55d�S I score-free ------ .--------- ------ r�._____-__� i _'-_ � PY,' , '�� _� ' -_ -_-_-_-- -_ - _- Delete Re I � Forward 5 am Move... • ,. _ . .. ' Check Other Mail [EdR1� _ __-. _-_.- _-..__ _ _-- _ ___.- __-__.__________.-__'._____-_______._. _ � � ThiS meSSege iS nOt flegged [Flag Message-Mark as Unread] Pnncable v�ew '� ' -' . _-� - - - -� - - - - - � matl trueswdch � -- �_ i _ ,________ ____:__.__-_ SubS�� � W�`C- [nvasrve Mussel Follow-up �Polders [Add-Ed2] ; From: Choward@CO 510 Ca us �Add to Address Book � Add Mobile Alert , �� IIIbOX(1)____ __ ��� Date: Tue,8 Apr 2008 08.51 02-0700 ����- -Draft--- -'I ro: � Senf j Bulk [Empryj I ,qs a follow-up to discussion at the Aprd 2,2008,WRAC meeting ; Trash [Empty] i County Parks has implemented,or vnll be implemeMing,the follovnng preventative measures � My Foiders [Hide] i for Salinas and Lopez Reservoirs� � September 2007. Eduptional OuVeach NetZero Mad I qp�l 5,2008: Inspec6ons-Clean and Dry Boats onty - -- _ - --- _ __--- __"-__----_ April 12,2008. High pressure wash deconhamination of dean and dry boats ! Search Shortcuts i � � Mtiapffied Agency/Public Review Process� � My Photos i qpril 15,2008. San Lms Obispo City Council MeeGng i My Attachments , May 15,2008� Flood Cantrol Zone 3 Advisory Committee meeting ________ ___________= May and/or June 2008 WRAC/Board of Supervisors Hearing ln'1a Affordable County Pubiic Works is in the process of coordina4ng communiq4ons with Monterey.County �� hybndcar --� --- _ _._ '_ - ______- __ ___ �, oni�ne oe9�ee Attached is a report enGtled"California's Response to the Zebra/Quagga Musael Invasion m ' aroyrams the WesP'for your reference per request at the Apnl meedng � Earn a BA, BS, AA, MS onl�ne _-____ ... _ __-._____. '__ - .____--__ .___ _ ____.-____ _ _.__ __. _ _____ -. ' Attachments i - ---- --- ----- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - '-- - - -... - - -- --- i i � Fiies _ . . . ._ _ ' . _ I ' i F�J ___ _ SCan anA Save W Com utQr --_—J 2007_SAP_ReporLpAt(1.3M6) � I � � � � � , � Delate � Reply Forward � Spam � Move... � Prevlous � Nez[ I Back[o Messages $pve Message T¢xt � Full Header@ ' '_ _'_'_ ____"__ __'"______ __ - ______-____-____'__--_--'_'"'____-__ � � � � i Check Mail � Com sa Search,MaiY" � Search tha Web- � Copynght 2008 0 Yahoo�Inc Pnva�y Poliry�Terms W Semce I�d Feadback I Help � http://us.f810.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=4407_13194511_92334_1753_1310... 4/8/2008 � � — – AT&T Yahoo! Mail -clfellows@sbcglobal.net Page 2 of 4 � ' Schmidt/Admin/COSLO@Wings Subject The issue of Quagga Mussels, an invasive species of mollusk, is generating a lot of discussion and action throughout the state. In addition to th� recent media attention it is receiving, both water resource agencies and recreational pzoviders have been tracking the issue locally for more than a year. Because the issue was raised at the Wednesday's Water Resources Advisory Committee's meeting, I want to give you each a quick update oi Parks' actions to deal with the Quagga as a threat to our opezations and the water supplies at Lopez and Santa Margarita Lakes. My hope is that with su£ficient public information, we can avoid the possible overreaction seen at Lake Casitas in Ventura County which has been closed to boating. Rather, `------'_...------....-'-----.. we'd hope to take what we think is an equally effective but less draconian step of inspecting and decontaminating boats as was secently adopted b Santa Barba=a County for Lake Cachuma. Here's our action plan in brief: Since last fall we have posted informational signs about the potential danger of Quaggas at both our lakes; provided written information t� our boaters; and, performed spot checks of boats as staffing allowed. Beginning this weekend we are conducting hands-on inspections of al boats enteYing our £acilities. Because of the potential risk from larval mussels in bilge water, any boats that are not "clean and dry,•' tha is with any internal bilge or wet-well water, will be rejected fzom access. Boaters rejected for not being •'clean and dry" can retu=n for further inspection when they ate "clean and dry." The next steps come within the next 2-3 weeks and include: We are curxently tesearching and will purchase appropriate equipmen that will allow us to implement a decontamination process fox every single boat allowed to launch at oux lakes. These will likely be http://us.f810.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=345_13186414_91965_1729_2639_... 4/$/2008 AT&T Yahoo! Mail -clfellows@sbcglobal.net Page 3 of 4 i i steam I cleaners as the mussels cannot survive temperatuzes over 140 I degrees. , We'll also need collection facilities to avoid a Sto=m Water Runoff � or further contamination issue. Upon undeigoing a decon process, boats will be admitted to the lake .__.'_.._. '...' then tagged when they leave our facilities to allow express entry a � the next visit provided the security tag linked between their boat and ' tzailei is not broken. That ensures the boat has not been on anothe ' lake. ' We will also have an alternative o£ quarentining boats (2 weeks) fo owners who do not want to go through the decontamination p=ocess, � perhaps for fear of damage. We have already begun the public information part of this process ' which � includes working with the media, posting information on oux website � informational signs at park facilities, letters to all know fishing and boating ozganizations, etc. ' Despite the budgetary challenges of the additional staffing and equipment i necessary to implement this program, Parks staf£ is committed to doing i our } pa=t to protect the valuable water resources at our recreational � reservoirs. Howevei, we also believe there is ample evidence that the steps outlined above can effectively pxotect our lakes from the possibility � of boate=s unknowingly introducing Quaggas at our facilities. Obviously, the economic and social impacts of lake closures make such an alternative preferable pcovided it is effective. We aie consulting with our local water resource agencies as well as Cal Fish s Game experts to ensuze that ou � program will be e£fective. It is my understanding that the WRAC is recommending your Board hold public ' heaxings on the issue, just as was done in Santa Barbara County last month. , It is our hope that such a process will provide another excellent venu� to inform the public about how they can help us manage the threat while ' still keeping our lakes open to zecxeational boating. Please contact me if you have further quentions about Parks' game plan and the implementation timeline. It goes without saying that there's plent more to do on this issue but I wanted you to know that we have already put measuxes into place. Pete Note to Paavo: Please forwa=d this information to WRAC members to• give them ' some idea of our plans. Due to a search and rescue incident at Lopez Lake yestexday, Don Melin was unable to attend the WRAC meeting as planned. P � Pete Jenny http://us.f810.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=345_13186414_91965_1729_2639_... 4/8/2008 AT&T Yahoo! Mail-clfellows@sbcgloba(.net Page 1 of 4 � �� ,; _AT&T Yahooi Mail _i _Search�_'__v v ____'� _ ' Web Seaich ` �v }p�} � Y ��f Y Welcome,cltellows�sbcglob... Mail Home�All_N¢w Mall I Tut9nal5! Help I �lU�l I, �H�-� [Sign 09[,Memb�r Center7 MAIL Gessic � { . � � I r.; T,� � 1• � + � � f� _ - � � �f�.Y�=�>^•� � ,• S , • Mail _ Contacts_ Ca�endar Notepad _ ___ _ __ Mail Upgrades-Options � Check Mail � +Coinpose� � i� Search Mail � Search fhe Web � See your credd ?� o_Me55aqes 5[ore-free Delete Reply--" _-.""__'___" i"'___' This messa e is not � r T � � I eq� u __ _ _ ..__.'. __.-______'__- __'_ � ForwarA � , SPam Move... .:'� '_.___-__.-___'.._— . r'.-�__ +_ f . I � � - --- - - ---- ---- - - -- --- I r--____ _ _ ______ ._ ._ _._._ ___ . _' -_.._ ' Check Other Mail [Edi[] 9 fla99ed [Fleg Me55age-Mark as Unread] Printable View � � '- --__— _______—_.___ __ __ _-- mad Vueswltch - --- ------------------ �- -- --- ---- -- --- -� Subject: Quagga Mussels i Folders [Add- Edi[] To: dfellows@sbcglobal net �._ ._ _-_� _-._ '_ _ _ � � ' InbOX(1) i, From: v]anssen@coslo.ca.us �Add to Address eook �Add Mobile Alert ii___._ ____ _.___� __' '_" . . . I DfBfI ' Date: Mon,7 Apr 2008 17•50•OS-0700 � Sent ' Bulk [Emp[y] : Hi Chuck, II � Please feel free to call or email me or Pete Jenny if you have any , Tresh [empty7 '� ' questions. j My Folders [rode] � ' Vicki Janssen � NetZero_Mail ; Legislative Assistant - --- - -'- '- - -�- ---�- � 781-9337 __ ___ ______ _ ___ - '---------'---�--- ----- Fo=wa=ded b Vicki Janssen/BOS/COSLO on 04/07/2008 05:49 PM ---- Search Shortcuts � Y My Photos ' My Attachments � eete � � Jenny/GenSrvcs/CO ' C..A Affordable �I hybrid car ._ __ ._ ' __ SLO y. � fiates as low as To ' ' � S.SWo 30-yr Flx BOS_Legislative Assistants i _. _ __ _ ___ _ ___ . ' � ��,�i Choosefrom 09/03/2008 12:03 ��� 75,000 DVDS Cc PM Janette Pell/ITD/COSLO@Wings, Paavo Ogren/PubWOrks/COSLO@Wings, d7ennings@tcsn.net, , HonestPaulT@aol.com, ...................._.................__...... � pandoxa@pandoraandcompany.com, ...._.."._.........__"'_..........._.._..__'__...___.....'... Rick@madronelandscapes.com, , teberhardt@charter,net, David Edge/Admin/COSLO@Winqs, Nikki i http://us.f810.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=345_13186414_91965_1729_2639_... 4/8/2008� California 's Response to the Zebra/Quagga Mussel Invasion in the West Recommendations of the California Science Ativisory Panel Prepared for the California lncident Command California Department of Fish and Game California Department of Water Resources U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service California Department of Food and Agriculture California Department of Boating and Waterways May 2007 i Science Advisory Panel Andrew N. Cohen, Chair Senior Scientist and Director of the Biological Invasions Program San Francisco Estuary Institute 7770 Pardee Lane Oakland, CA 94621 Russell Moll Director, California Sea Grant University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography 9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0232 La Jolla, California 92093-0232 lames T. Cariton Professor of Marine Sciences and Director of the Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies Program 75 Greenmanville Avenue P.O. Box 6000 Mystic, CT 06355 Charles R. O'Neiil, )r. Senior Extension Associate and Director of the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse Cornell University/New York Sea Grant Morgan II, SUNY College Brockport, NY 14420 Lars Anderson USDA-Agricultural Research Service Exotic and Invasive Weed Research One Shields Ave. Mail Stop #4 Davis, CA 95616 Peter B. Moyle Professor of Fish Biology and Associate Director of the Centerfor Watershed Sciences Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology University of California Davis, CA 95616 2 S Contents , Executive Summary --------------------------•-••••---........._.. i � ...-•-----•------------------------•�-•-----.....----..... ReportSummary .....................................------•----------------------------•-�-----..............._.......----° � Introductionand Scope �-------------------------•--•.............••_---.......................---...--°--•••_•--• 1 Background and Status of the Invasion __________________________________________________________________ 2 ' PotentialImpacts --------------------••-----...-•----...----....----.....---.....----•--••-----•-------••---.....---.._....... 6 � Recommendations 10 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- Overview 10 � ...................•••••-••••••......................................._.....................••---••------•----- Eradication/Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---- 11 I Containment 16 � .........................................-•-----------------------•-----•-••---------------------------- DetectionMonitoring ..........................•------....-----.....-----....------......-------••-------•------- 21 Other Research Priorities 22 -------------------------------------------------------------°---------•-------- ConcludingThoughts ---------------------•--------•__-_•.........._.....__..._---..........--••--••--------------- 23 SourcesCited ................................................-------------•--------------------------------------••-------..... 24 Appendices �, A: D. bugensis records in the Lower Colorado River system _______________ 28 I B: Priority research questions __.......•••.......••----..._--•----------------------------------------- 30 3 1 I Executive Summary Zebra mussels, in the form of Dreissena bugensis, also known as quagga i mussels, have now, for the first time, established a beachhead west of the , continental divide. The significance and potential impact of this event cannot ' be overstated. Zebra mussels are harmful fouling organisms: they attach by the millions to submerged objects, fill and block water pipes, and clog , protective screens. Zebra mussels are efficient filter feeders: they strip food from the water that is needed to sustain other aquatic life. Direct economic costs are on the order of $100 million a year in eastern North America; ' unquantified secondary and environmental costs could be substantially larger. Impacts in California and the West could be as great or greater than i those in the East. California cities, industries and farms depend on the transport of huge quantities of water across very large distances through a � complex and vulnerable system of canals, pipes, reservoirs and pumping i stations. It is thus critical that aggressive, concerted efforts be undertaken , immediately to eradicate, contain and monitor the zebre mussel � infestation in the lower Colorado River system. Report Summary I On January 6, 2007, Eric Virgin was making some underwater repai�s at a ' Lake Mead boat harbor when he noticed a small, striped and unfamiliar mussel attached to a steel cable—which is how we discovered that the zebra mussel Dreissena bugensis had established a beachhead west of the Continental Divide. Subsequent surveys found the mussel throughout Lake , Mead's lower basin, with smaller numbers at a few sites downstream in Lakes Mojave and Havasu and the Colorado River. If not eradicated or contained, these populations will seed secondary invasions across Western ' North America. The potential impacts include hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in direct economic costs, along with large but unquantified indirect economic and environmental costs. , California quickly set up an Incident Command system, and appointed a Science Advisory Panel to plan its response to the invasion. This report presents the Advisory Panel's recommendations in three operational areas: control and eradication in currently infested waters; containment within � those waters; and monitoring to detect new infestations. The goal of these recommendations is to protect California waters and water � supply systems, but they inciude critical actions that must be taken in ' infested waters outside the state's boundaries. If the State of California i , cannot impleriment needed actions directly in these cases, it should facilitate their implementation by providing assistance or funding, or through persuasion or political action. ' The Advisory Panel's core recommendations are: ERADICATION�CONTROL 1 • A determined effort should be undertaken to eradicate the infestations in ' the lower Colorado River system. The population in Lake Mead will be the most challenging, but feasible methods exist if applied persistently on a large scale. The potential for enormous, long-term economic and environmental impacts both in the infested waters and across Western North America warrants a very aggressive response. I • Field trials of treatment methods should begin immediately in Lake I Mead. I • Methods of reducing the downstream flow of live larval stages (veligers) � through Hoover Dam and dams further downstream should be investigated and, if feasible, implemented. CONTAINMENT • The infested waters should be closed to boating until the eradication effort is completed. , • If the lakes are not fully closed to boating, then any boat that spends more than 24 hours in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (NRA) should be cleaned by NPS staff before leaving. All boats leaving the NRA should be inspected by NPS staff. Similarly, boats leaving Lake Havasu and other downstream waters on the lower Colorado River system should be inspected, and cleaned if necessary. ' • All 16 California border check stations, and an added station on US Route 95, should operate 24/7 and inspect all boats. Boats with live or dead mussels shoufd be cleaned by state staff before being allowed to proceed. � • California and federal agencies should institute a mandatory boat '. inspection and cleaning system before allowing entry to high priority water bodies in California where access is under state or federal control. California and federal agencies should work with local entities to � implement inspection and cleaning at other waters. ii � � � • Hatcheries that take water from an infested water body should switch to an uninfested source such as groundwater. If not possible, then fish from these hatcheries shouid not be planted into uninfested waters; any plantings should use appropriate fish transport protocols to minimize the spread of veligers. • Protocols to prevent the accidental transport of zebra mussels should be implemented by all relevant activities in infested waters, including eradication/control, research and recreational activities. � DETECTION MONITORING • California and federal agencies should institute a core monitoring � program for early detection of zebra mussels at high priority water � bodies; and should work with local entities to augment the level of � monitoring and extend it to other water bodies. I OTHER RESEARCH PRIORITIES � • Within 30 days, California should conduct an initial analysis of the potential direct economic costs of the invasion (based on scaling from ' costs in the East), and an initial review of the potential environmental impacts of the invasion in California and in the West. • California should also conduct more detailed assessments of the potential , direct and indirect economic costs and environmental impacts in � California. • California should conduct an assessment of the vulnerability of California , waters to colonization by zebra mussel species, including assessments of ' environmental requirements, a survey of calcium concentrations in California waters, and a survey of boat movements from infested waters into California. • California and federel agencies should support research on promising control alternatives that need longer-term development. ' � iii � Introduction and Scope 1 In January 2007, a species of zebra mussel, Dreissena bugensis, was found in waters west of the Continentai Divide. The significance and potential impact of this event can hardly be overstated. The zebra mussei invasioni in the lower Great Lakes has, in less than two decades, dramatically altered the composition and functioning of the largest freshwater ecosystems in North America. Zebra mussels are major fouling organisms; attaching by the millions to submerged objects, they form enormous masses that fill and block water pipes and clog protective screens and filters. Covering the � bottoms of lakes and reservoirs, zebra mussels strip from the water critical portions of the food chain needed to sustain other aquatic life. As a result, water supply, power generation, navigation, shipping, commercial and sport fishing, and a variety of other activities have all been heavily impacted. Direct economic costs are on the order of $100 million annually in eastern North America; unquantified secondary and environmental costs could be substantially larger. Economic and environmental impacts in the Western U.S. could be as great or greater than those in the East. California by itself hosts the eighth largest economy in the world, an economy which is highly dependent on the transport of large quantities of water across large distances through a large and complicated system of canals, pipes, pumps and other facilities. California agriculture is likewise dependent on the transport and distribution of vast quantities of irrigation water. Efforts to protect the state's aquatic ecosystems, which are already suffering from a variety of stresses, often involve restrictions on the storege, I'� transport and diversion of water. Large-scale colonization of these waters � and this infrastructure by zebre mussels would disrupt the state's water � system and could impose significant restraints on the California economy. The North American zebra mussel invasion has now, for the first time, , established a beachhead in the transmontane West. In determining the appropriate scale of response we must consider the ultimate impact, across j the entire West, of not containing and eliminating this beachhead—including the large-scale and long-term alteration of Western aquatic ecosystems, the i primary economic impacts on irrigated agriculture, municipal water supply and power generation, and the secondary economic impacts affecting � roughly one-quarter of the continental United States. � 1 The Great Lakes and other waters in eastern North America have been invaded by two species of freshwater European zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha and Oreissena , bugensis (the latter sometimes known as the quagga mussel). Each species in tum has had ' enormous impacts on the Great Lakes. t i i � I Background and Status of the Invasion Zebra mussels, comprising severaf related species, are native to the Black, Caspian, and Aral sea drainages in eastern Europe and western Asia. Shipping canals constructed in the 18th and 19th centuries aliowed them to spread, on the hulls of boats and barges, to other watersheds. In the 1980s, , two species of zebra mussels appeared in the North American Great Lakes, having crossed the ocean in ships' ballast water: Dreissena po/ymorpha, discovered in Lake St. Clair in 1988, and Dreissena bugensis (also known as � the quagga mussel), discovered in Lake Erie in 1989. Within 5 years of its initial sighting, D. po/ymorpha had spread to all five Great Lakes and the Hudson River in New York. By the end of 1996, zebra mussels had invaded waters in 20 states and two Canadian provinces, and reached west to the Oklahoma River and south to New Orleans. D. bugensis spread later and not as far, but wherever it has gone it has tended to displace D. po/ymorpha. � Thus many zebra mussei populations in the lower Great Lakes which were ' primarily D. polymorpha are now dominated by D. bugensis. These two species exhibit some modest differences in appearance and physiology. D. polymorpha's keeled shape is more specificaily designed for attachment to hard surtaces, while D. bugensis' rounder profile works well on both hard substrates and on sediment. D. bugensis also has a greater depth range, becoming abundant at substantial depths as well as near the surface. D. bugensis spawns at significantly lower temperatures, though its populations may suffer higher mortality at high temperatures.2 Until ]anuary 2007, when D. bugensis was discovered in Lake Mead, zebra ' mussels had not been found in any waters west of the Continental Divide. ' Within Lake Mead, D. bugensis occurs throughout Boulder Basin (the lake's � lowest and western-most basin and in the western end of the Vir in Basin ) 9 � (Figure 1 and Appendix A). The density generally appears to be low, with a � maximum of perhaps a few hundred mussels per square meter at some sites. (In comparison, densities of over 100,000 zebre mussels per square � meter have been reported in the Great Lakes.) Most of the records are ' shallower than 70 feet, but mussels were found down to 500-150 feet at a few sites,3 and there is an unconfirmed report of mussels below 200 feet at ; one site. ' 1 MacIsaac 1994; Mills et al. 1996; Roe and MacIsaac 1997; Claxton and Mackie 1998; Thorp et al. 1998. , 3 National Park Service divers were limited to maximum depths of 100 feet, but a few surveys by U.S. Bureau of Reclamatfon divers and ROV and by Southem Nevada Water Authority divers went deeper. , Z i I I ., LocalorMaP .� o:.x�wo:-7� I ', ,P� •� — � � �'`' m!a r.. .� : � , � �.;,,_� - � � , t„�; 1 -� ---- - � ` �z-,�,'�`� i t ir.<J �, -- _ . ���s — SX /y" � i ,. __ � ,l-.'t.� ' �,�, -- -, -_ ' �..r�'�.<..A F ' .�i i ` o�n.a,r� l � ' . ' �' � � �3� ' � � *�v'i Laka�Mead� s : ��"�rc�'t � __�..,-^ t.� '�'�` � � � �; � • �v2 2 j .�. . . J fs�m�,.. ll ° �!�. ��[ f � sar_ � � � "`�--,�. w..e•.v:�u� � �n l� `,�4 ij..9 S � , �� ���,�•�.� _ _., -en:a. i�\a '___ .o�+.ve. , . : ' i �� , Lake Mead ' Natfonal Recreation Area t . nva.ar• y `{ ! , Q Status of Adult � • Quagga Mussel(Dreissena 6ugensis) Infeslalion at Lake Mead NRA F• � (3/24/2007) � I' - ' Curtent Status �;l ; • nc�m • a���� ' ' ,�,l ' _ • Promnl-report iran rec:ealronai drvcrs c c-..��.... � , • Nol msPettod , 1t.4� � ' Lake o%lave�. � � . f � .� ��,� N \ { � �� ° W�E � c��. f �''�b' ' �t S i \ f w.�..;M:,.n o ro nxi,w, � \ — ' � a..nw IFigure 1. Dreissena bugensis records, Lake Mead to Lake Mojave (source: National Park Service map at http://www.100thmeridian.org/mead.asp). 3 1 Few mussels have been found downstream of Lake Mead. From Hoover Dam to the California border, mussels were reported in three marinas, in a fish hatchery and at Davis Dam, along with a single mussel in the river immediately below Hoover Dam, but only a few surveys have been conducted in this section. Much more extensive surveys downstream along the California border found a total of 934 musseis (Figure 2).4 All were in the lower portion of Lake Havasu or in the first 21 miles of the Colorado River Aqueduct, which draws water from lower Lake Havasu, and nearly all were removed.s Extensive surveys elsewhere in California have found no mussels.6 ° In 7anuary-February 2007, the Califomia Department of Fish and Game, Metropolitan Water Distrid of Southern California (MWD), Centrel Arizona Project and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation conducted at least 30 dive surveys and 40 surface surveys along the Cotorado River between Needles and Yuma. MWD also conducted extensive surveys in the Colorado River Aqueduct system, including dewatering and examining portio�s of the aqueduct. 5 A few mussels were dropped and tost during collection. 6 These included 141 surFace surveys conducted by the California lncident Command throughout the state in February-March 2007. 4 {'S1x�'�'4 :?� ..~� . � { ��s�tF �a� � � '!R'4'` �q�f����'Y��ye� =r �'��. . i�y�. .�. ° �iY � ' x�� ��� �;a E �..e.,.F.:' .u3': �r�p, - +' �t � y� r�v a � �:�' Ef"�`�.� . . �.�g�, . � ^ F� �'''Gfi'� 'n" ;� `.3f "' � � T�' y �+. ����# f^w"5.' r M �y{ H�: i :.� ���' � _ �� � c�{ � �y �� �.�s .. 5 � 4 +A�{,€ +'„2�`)✓F Y s � �� � � G ���� wniaRXYY i t �Y � � .$�4�'.L�,-.����' ��Y�+'� ��J � ! y ' * ,ict'C -3'� ,,�! nr �`+M �� �71"'�T�«��� w� � .y:. a3`�� � : *�+T,} ,�a r���}�. .� ��r�_'� �` ., �`k �x �, r i�� 'y�ng ' �F� t, �S f u r #w �:.,�,��,? - r s'E�'� x t�C - �R �«' s c.; �o � ,ly� 3o v��rc' d . a�,�i�fin` u�kr'#'�" 7. � .'e < 4r t '� � T �`��`���'�'n LK � V Y�� � ��z � � ' xu � �� 5��� 4 akY � ��� �� �,""� W 3 x"� ""` �ra �,�,��� f '%�.°t' �-��lAS� ,? w. a' � E �•' Fr�,s:_r � .' +fi�'�e"'� �.� 'StXi� �r���.h� � tr � : � � � �. �i x z �O.>.,�rk a,'. �u.r 4 �.`°''�� � ,,;�' �'r*� ' c p '. 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By concentreting metals and organochlorines in their tissues, zebra mussels contribute to the accumulation of toxic contaminants in food chains.13 Finally, zebra mussels pose a threat to the nearly 300 native species of freshwater clams in North America, most of which were already rare or declining.14 Zebra mussels preferentially settle on clam shells, often in su�cient numbers to impair feeding and respiration in the clams they settle on, and ultimately starving them; and indirectly harm native clams by depleting their food resources.ls Published estimates of the costs of the American zebre mussel invasion vary greatly, and the actual cost remains uncertain.16 Extrapolating from surveys 10 The zebre mussel invasions in Lakes Erie, Ontario, Huron and Michigan were followed by large declines in the ecologically important amphipod Diporeia, which had dominated benthic biomass and productivity in the colder, offshore regions of the lakes (Pothaven et a/. 2001; Nalepa et al. 2005). 11 As zebra mussels increased in Saginaw Bay, yellow perch's zooplankton food decreased I by two-thirds and the commercial catch of yellow perch dropped precipitously (Jude 1996). In the Hudson River, significant declines In open water fish, especially shad (Alosa sapidissima) and white perch (MOrone americana), wincided with the invasion by zebra mussels (Strayer et al. 2004). In Lake Michigan, lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) suffered a change (n diet as its major prey, Diporeia, declined, resulting in reduced growth and poorer body condition (Pothaven et al. 2001); abundance, growth rates and body condition have declined in Lake Ontario (Nalepa et al. 2005). Alewlves (Alosa pseudoharengus) also fed less on the declining population of Diporeia and more on other food sources with lower energy values, Ieading to alewives with 23% lower energy density and 50% less Iipid content, which in turn can be expected to affect Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), the predominate alewife predator in the lake (Maden�ian et al. 2006). lZ With subsequent taste and odor problems in drinking water systems. 13 For example, higher concentrations of organic contaminants, which can reduce egg size and Increase embryo mortality, are found fn the tissues of diving ducks that had fed on Lake Erie zebra mussels than in ducks that had not (De Kock and Bowner 1993). 14 Schloesser et al. 1998. ls In the United States, all clam species coexisting with zebra mussels suffer from at least low to medium levels of infestation. Nearly 100% mortality of native clams was observed in western Lake Erie (Schloesser and Nalepa 1994), along with large population declines and several species extirpated in southern Lake St. Clair, the De[roit River, eastem Lake Erie, the St. Lawrence River, and other Iakes and rivers outside of the Great Lakes region (Schloesser et a/. 1996, 1998; Ricciardi et al. 1996; Strayer and Malcolm 2007). In many sites, unionid mussel populations declined by >90% in 4-8 years after initial colonization by zebra mussels (Schloesser et a/. 1998; Ricciardi et al. 1998). In the Nudson River, however, Initial steep declines of native unlonids (Streyer and Smith 1996), was followed by stabilization or recovery of the most common species (Strayer and Malcolm 2007). 16 For example, the U.S. Congressional O�ce of Technology Assessment projected U.S. costs of $3.4 billion in 1991 dollars over 10 years (OTA 1993), or somewhere around $550 7 i � I II conducted in 1995 of a portion of affected facilities, Yhe retrofitting, � operations and maintenance costs to facifities in eastern North America appears to be somewhere around $100 million per year—not including secondary economic costs or environmental costs. A few general considerations will shape efforts to extrapo{ate from estimates I in the East to projections of costs in the West. Strayer's rough early map of ; D. polymorpha's potential distribution in North America showed ranges that � included most of the United States (including nearly all of California except for the southeastern portion of the state) and much of southern Canada.l' � Strayer noted that low calcium concentrations might �imit zebra mussels within this range, and subsequent studies have confirmed this.18 The U.S. ' alkalinity map shows low levels of alkalinity over many large areas of the East (especially in New En�qland and the Southeast), but in fewer and smaller areas in the West. 9 Alkalinity is a reasonably good proxy for calcium �, concentrations,20 so it appears that in the West a substantially larger portion of the region is chemically suitable for zebra mussels than in the East.21 , million per year in 2007 dollars. An often cited figure of$S billion—given as $5 billion in the U.S. through 2000 by Miller et al. 1992, as $5 billion in the Great Lakes through 2000 by Ludyanskiy et a/. 1993, and as $1-5 billion annually in the U.S. by Aldridge et a/. 2006—is apparently based on a pro�ected cost of$4.82 billion in North America over 10 years, of which $2.11 billion was for impacts to facilities and vessels and $2.71 billion was for impacts to Great Lakes fisheries (C.R. O'Neiil, pers. comm.). Other published figures include a projection of$2 billion in the Great Lakes region over 10 years (McMahon et al. 1993), and in two frequently cited reviews of the costs of invasions in the U.S., est�mates of$100 million per year (Pimental et af. 200U) and $1 billion per yeas (Pimental et a1. 2005). In most cases iYs not clear what these estlmates and projections are based on, and whether they are limited to facilities costs or include secondary or environmental costs. 17 Strayer 1991. Strayer's projection was based on the air temperatures that coincided with the limits of D. polymorpha's range in Europe, and thus should be used as only a general guide to its potentia! distribution in North America. As noted above, D. bugensis is fess tolerant of high temperatures and better adapted to low temperatures than D. polymorpha, so its range limits may Iie a little further north. le Cohen and Weinstein 2001. D. bugensis is thought to have similar or perhaps slightly higher calcium requirements than D. polymorpha (Zhulidov et al. 2004, cited in Karatayev et al. 2007). 19 Omernik and Powers 1983. 20 For example, see Whittier et al. 1995. Zl Im m�trast, the one other published study of zebra mussels' potential distribution over continental U.S. reaches the opposite conclusion. Drake and Bossenbroek (2004), using three GARP models based on the mussels' existing distribution in the East, conclude that nearly all of the West is "uninhabitable for zebra mussels." There are several,problems with this study that make this conclusion doubtful: (1) the model variables are either unrelated or only indirectly related to the environmental factors known to affect zebra mussel distributions; (2) some of the input data are wrong: sites where mussels were reported only once and that appear to be unswtable for zebra mussels were included as if they were sites where zebra mussels are established; (3) the models weren't validated with independent data, they were "tested" only by comparing model results to other model results; and (4) 8 �I i I Regarding comparative economic impacts, there are no nuclear power plants t in California that drew cooling water from surface freshwater systems (in the East, nuclear piants incurred the highest costs of any type of facility22), and there is no inland freshwater system of barge canals, barge and ship locks, or a freshwater cargo fleet. However, California has a much larger and more far-reaching water transport and delivery system,23 a much greater reliance on agricuitural irrigation systems, and a much larger number of hydroelectric ' power plants. Its economy is more deepiy dependent on keeping large � volumes of water moving over long distances than is that of any eastern state. � Califomia also has one of the highest concentrations ot rare freshwater fish, amphibians, and aquatic invertebrates of any state in the country, many of which are already stressed from poliution, habitat fragmentation and exotic species. In the upper part of San Francisco Bay and the western Delta, the ciam Corbula amurensis has depleted phytoplankton blooms and probably contributed to the decline in pelagic organisms that is the latest crisis in this ecosystem. If D. bugensis became established in the Delta,24 combining its , efficient piankton filtration with that of Corbu/a, the resuits could be devastating. Given the probabiy greater vulnerability of western waters, the greater dependence on transporting water long distances, and the highly stressed aquatic ecosystems, the overall economic and environmental impacts of zebra mussel invasion are likely to be at least as great and possibly greater than the impacts in the East. the outputs are Inconsistent with well-known biological requirements of zebra mussels. It is telling that all three of the models predict zero chance of fnvas�on in Lake Mead. ZZ O'Nelll 1996. ' � The State Water Project and Central Valley Project alone have over 1,600 mlles of aqueducts and canals. , 2e As noted below, the Delta is one of the leading destinations for boat leaving Lake Mead. 9 i Recommendations Overview The operational response to the zebra mussel invasion in the West can be divided into five elements or stages: • InitialAssessment: Characterize the mussels' initial distribution and abundance. • Eradication/Control: Assess eradication and control options in currently infested waters, determine feasibility, and implement as appropriate. • Containment: Prevent overland spread to other water systems. • Detection Monitoring and Rapid Response: Implement a monitoring program to detect any new inPestations at an early stage, and respond rapidly to contain and eradicate or control them. • Mitigation: Minimize the effects of infestations on facilities and ecosystems. The initial assessment of the invasion was compieted by the National Park Service, California Quagga Mussel Incident Command, Metropolitan Water District and others. We here recommend a set of fundamental steps regarding the eradication and control of the mussels in currently infested waters, containment within those waters, and monitoring to detect new infestations. We do not make any specific recommendations here regarding rapid response, although many of the same issues—technical, administrative, financiai and regulatory—that affect eradication, control and containment in currently infested waters will also apply to new infestations. We did not consider specific mitigation measures—such as changes in infrastructure, operations or maintenance at facilities, or changes in ecosystem management—that could reduce the impacts from infestations that are not prevented or eradicated; but we suggest that agencies should proceed with advance planning for such measures.zs 3SNOdS3� ON/l�.Sf18 :J.5f1fl Q21dQN71S 3QOW 25 For example, see Tippit 1993.�500 1��53?J 00�00:�0 (S)3�JGd 6bL06b5 NOIl'J21ilfl trS�SO LZ/50 3bJ7N/'ON Xtf� 3N1I1`31tlQ 10 VL�50 100L/T�/6E� : 31dI1 1?JOd3J NOIl��I�Ia3A NOISSIWSNtIal i i I Eradication/Controi The largest D. bugensis population occupies the Boulder Basin and the western end of the Virgin Basin in Lake Mead. This is also the most upstream population, providing a supply of veligers to initiate or augment downstream populations. If the Lake Mead population were eradicated, then the smaller downstream populations would be relatively easy to remove and, especially in the river sections, would tend to die out over time once the upstream source of veligers was eliminated. We first discuss eradication in Lake Mead, then possible approaches for reducing the downstream flow of veligers, and last the eradication of populations below Lake Mead. Lake Mead , After eight years of drought, Lake Mead is currently (4/25/07) 106 feet below its full surface elevation, holds 50% of its maximum volume and � covers 61% of its maximum surface area. The mussel-infested areas appear ; to cover a little under a third of the lake, or about 30,000 acres. This is a ! large area, but there are several technically feasible eradication methods , that would have a strong chance of success if they were promptly and diligently applied at an appropriate scale. The Panel believes that this can be , done at a reasonable cost relative to the economic and environmental wsts I of not acting and recommends that a determined effort be made to eradicate D. bugensis from Lake Mead. An efficient eradication effort will likely use a number of inethods in combination. We here describe six distinct approaches for killing or removing settled mussels, in the order of their individual effectiveness as ranked by the Panel. ' • Dewa : In experimental treatments, D. bugensis lives for only a few days out of water,26 so lowering the lake level is a sure method of killing mussels.Z' Hoover Dam has two intake towers on the Nevada side of the '� lake and two on the Arizona side. From these, water can be withdrawn through tunnels located at 76 feet and 227 feet below the current water , surface. This water is usually discharged through the penstock and the power plant turbines, but can also be discharged directly through the jet flow gates under emergency or flood conditions or to empty the penstocks for maintenance work. Assuming mean 2006 net rates of Zb All D. bugensis died within 5 days of aerial exposure in wattq��o�no���2���G at l�s 95% relatfve humldity), and within 15 days m cold, humid cond d'95� --,elat-tvc�...;a.�'l��°'c-Ei�:-e�-a�—�39�� � Z' At the same time, increas�in,g,�he dlscharge from Lake Mead while veligers are present � would transport larger numl� ���ligers downstream. This trade-off would nee�-� considered carefully. 00 tS>39vd �0��� �00 NOIittrJflQ 6hG06h8 3WdN/ 'ON X�� ' 95�59 SZ/69 3WI1`31tlQ �� �, 9L �50 LC�OZ/LZ/60 � 3WI1 1JOd32i1JnIld�I�I�3� NOISSIWSNda1 - � ` � inflow, releasing water at the maximum rate of discharge would lower � the lake by about 120,000 acre-feet a day.2e Because of impacts to the City of Las Vegas' water supply, it may not be feasible to lower the lake surFace below Southern Nevada Water Authority's (SNWA) upper or � lower water intakes. Lowering the lake surface to either the upper SNWA intake or the upper ; Hoover Dam intake would take about 7 weeks at maximum discharge, � and would drop the water by 73-76 feet, reduce the current surface area of the lake by one quarter, and reduce the current volume b� almost 40%. This would kill the majority of O. bugensis in the lake, 9 and would make the treatment of the remainder considerably easier as they would be closer to the surface and distributed over a smaller area. In addition, a large part of the remaining area is covered by fine lake-bottom sediments that have accumulated since the construction of Hoover Dam,30 which provides a relatively poor substrate for the mussels. If it proved feasible, lowering the lake 123 feet to the lower SNWA intake would require about il weeks total, and would reduce the lake to about 55% of its current area and 30% of its current volume; lowering it 227 feet to the lower Hoover Dam intake would take about 16 weeks and would reduce the lake to about 30% of its current area and 15% of its current volume. • Isolate and Treat: Mussel populations can be isolated behind barriers or under coverings and then killed with an appropriate biocide. The "killer algae" Caulerpa taxifolia was eradicated from two southern California lagoons by covering the infested areas with plastic mats and pumping liquid sodium hypochlorite or placing chlorine-releasing tablets under the mats.31 Plastic isolation curtains, henging from floats and anchored to , the bottom, have frequently been used for herbicide treatments of � aquatic weeds. Similar barriers have been used to contain sediment generated by construction or dredging activities and to contain chemical ', spills. I 28 The calculatlons on draw-down retes are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at http://www.usbr.gov/dataweb/ and provided b���r���5nH �nSf1H Z9 Rn�Jt1ar f anvnn and mnct nf thP i mussels reported in the Boulder Basin were at less than 70 feet deep. 3o Twicheil et al. 1999. 4ahaNdlS 3QOW 31 Anderson 2005; Merkel &Assocs�s 2006. <S)3�dd 00�00�Q0 NOIltiaflQ 64L06b9 3WtlN/'DN Xtl� iS�SO LZ/60 3WI1'31bQ 1z I � S9�S9 G00Z!57.:69 � 3WI1 laDd3a NOIlC�I�I213� NOISSIWSNFfal i : A number of biocides are available that would be effective in killing D. bugensis.32 Potassium chloride was used to eradicate D, polymorpha from a 12-acre quarry pond,33 and copper sulphate and sodium I hypochlorite were used to eradicate the related black-striped mussel, Mytilopsis sallei, from three boat basins in Australia,3a • Cover: Pfastic mats laid on the bottom are routinely used to kill aquatic weeds. Field trials applying this technique to D, polymorpha produced over 99% mortality in 9 weeks. Mortality was apparently due to hypoxia, though accumulation of waste products, lack of food or other stresses may have contributed to the effect.35 Covering D. bugensis�on the � bottom, or tightVy wrapping them where they occur on structures, could be an effective, biocide-free technique.36 � • Heat: Water heated to 40° C (104° F) kills D. polymorpha on contact.37 , The invasive seaweed Undaria pinnatifida was eradicated from the hull of � a vessel sunk in the ocean off Chatham Island, New Zealand, by using electric heating elements inside a shroud fixed to the hull and treating � small, inaccessible areas with a modified cutting torch.38 Superheated ; steam has been applied to benthic populations of Undaria.39 1 • Batch Treatment: Batch treatment means treating the entire infested area with a biocide—either all of Lake Mead, or Boulder Basin alone if it can be isolated from the upper part of the lake by a temporary barrier. California has conducted some large batch treatments—including ' applying rotenone to Lake Kaweah, Frenchman's Lake and Lake Davis to � kili white bass and northern pike—but treating Lake Mead would involve � a much larger volume of water. � • Mechanical Removal: Various mechanical techniques have been used to remove mussels and other fouling from structures such as water intakes 3Z Metallic salts (potassium and copper ions), oxidizing agents (chlorine, chlorine dioxide) and various nonoxidizing molluscicides were efFective bioades in tests on D, polymorpfra M M /. ( c ahon et a 1994; Netherland et aL 1998). 33 gax et al. 2002. 34 USFWS 2005. �I 35 Braithwaite et a/. (undated); S. Nierzwicki-Bauer, pers. comm. In anaerobic conddions, D. i bugensis survives longer than D. polymorpha at 4° C, but dies quicker than D. polymorpha at 20° C (O'Bnen 2006). i36 p variant of this technique would be burying the mussels. j' McMahon et a/. 1994. D, bugensis generally has a slightly lower tolerence for high i temperatures than D. polymo�pha (e.g. MacISaac 1994; Mills et al. 1996; Thorp et al. I 1998). Lower temperatures would be effective with longer exposures, or if mussels are ' acclimated to lower temperatures (Payne 1992; McMahon and Ussery 1995): � 38 Stuart 2004. � 39 Ibid. � 13 i and pipes which could be employed in Lake Mead. These range from the I use of handheld scrapers with attached suction hoses to abrasive blast , cleaning using sand, grit or carbon dioxide pellets.ao The most efficient program will likely include a combination of approaches. Thus, for example, even a limited draw-down of the lake would improve the effectiveness of other approaches by reducing the area or volume to be � treated. Populations could initially be covered, and those not killed by ` covering alone could be treated beneath the covering with appropriate biocides as regulatory permits become available. In situations where I covering is difficult or impractical, heat treatment or mechanical removal may be more cost-effective. Efforts at water intakes and at marinas, boat launches or other locations where recreational boats congregate should receive the highest priority to reduce the infestation of critical infrastructure and reduce the risk of transport to other water bodies. In addition, the large- scale use of plankton tows in Lake Mead in conjunction with these approaches would reduce the further settlement of mussels during the eradication effort and reduce the number of veligers transported downstream. The eradication effort should be guided by a team that includes expertise in zebra mussel biology and ecology, reservoir/riverine hydraulics, mechanical engineering, aquatic species eredication and containment, pesticide (molluscicide) use and aquatic environmental toxicology. Field trials of Cover, Heat and Mechanical Removal approaches, and of large- scale piankton tows to reduce veliger densities, should begin immediately in Lake Mead, along with trials of the Isolate and Treat approach as soon as regulatory approval can be obtained. Such field trials are equally needed for large-scale eradication planning in the lake, for eradication/control efforts , focused on intakes, marinas and boat launches, and for developing rapid response techniques that can be used if zebra mussels are discovered in �, other water bodies. , Investment should also be made in promising approaches that need longer development times, such as: • Zebra mussel-specific toxins derived from bacteria or other sources;al • Encapsulating and delivering a biocide in microscopic controlied-release particles ingested by mussels;4z I40 O'Neill 1996. In some cases, the most effiaent mechanical approach may be to just � remove the substrate from the water. For example, in an infested marina, boats and floating docks could be removed from the water for a few weeks, which would kill any mussels on them and faalitate treatment of the mussels remaining on the bottom. 41 For example, see Mitchell and Gu 1998; Malloy 2006. , 14 _ �. , • Delivering a biocide in a gel that remains in contact with mussel � populations on horizontal, sloped or vertical surtaces. Downstream Veliger Flow Veligers that survive passage through the Hoover Dam waterworks and into the Colorado River can drift downstream and settle in the river, in reservoirs or in water diversion systems. Methods of reducing the downstream flow of veligers should be investigated, and implemented if feasible. These could , include: � • Large-scale plankton tows, as mentioned above; • Monitoring veliger distributions in the lake and choosing the timing, . location and depth of intake to minimize the number of veligers entrained through Hoover Dam; I i • Treating the water drawn though Hoover Dam with a biocide with a very � short contact time and a short life and/or no impact at applicable doses on important non-target organisms or public health;a3 • Hydrocyclone or filtration to remove veligers from the water drawn though Hoover Dam. Where they are applicable, these approaches should also be investigated at Davis Dam on Lake Mojave and at Parker Dam on Lake Havasu. � Below Lake Mead Surveys to date indicate that populations below Lake Mead are small and limited in distribution, and eradication seems feasible with modest effort. Hand picking alone might eliminate the mussels from Lake Havasu. The approaches mentioned above—Mechanical Removal, Cover, Heat or Isolate and Treat—may suffice for the infested marinas and the hatchery in or near Lake Mojave. Any populations in the river itself are likely to be small, and wouid die out over time if upstream sources of veligers were eliminated. � Eliminating the populations below Lake Mead would have at least two ' distinct benefits: � • It would substantially reduce the supply of veligers to the Colorado River Aqueduct, the Central Arizona Project, the All American Canal and other I 42 For example, see Aldridge et a/. 2006. ; "' Possibilities include chlorine at 0.25-0.5 ppm, acrolein, ozone and potassium chloride. 15 I � I � large water systems that divert water from the Colorado River below '' Lake Mojave.44 • It would eliminate two major sources of mussels (Lakes Mojave and , Havasu) for accidental transport on boats hauled to other Western waters. , Containment � There are three main points where the spread of D. bugensis into additional ' California waters could be blocked: at the source waters on the lower Colorado River, at the California border check stations, and at the I destination waters in California. Each containment point has advantages and disadvantages. The fullest possible effort should be made at the source � waters and border check stations; and a selective effort should be made by � California and federal agencies at destination waters in collaboration with local authorities and the public. If additional legal authorities are needed to I, implement the following recommendations, they should be developed and adopted immediately. Source Waters The infested waters include Lakes Mead, Mojave and Havasu and the reaches of the Colorado River that run between them. Lakes Mead and Mojave are in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (NRA), which is operated by the National Park Service (NPS). There are nine marinas in the Lake Mead NRA; three in the Boulder Basin and three in Lake Mojave have , D. bugensis reported in or near them, while the remaining three marinas are , in the upper, uninfested sections of Lake Mead. There are a few additional boat launches. There are oniy about a dozen roads entering the NRA, some � of which are unpaved, and several of which pass through a fee station. � 4° At mean water velocities (based on U.S. Geological Survey data for 2000 to the present), � the travel times on the reaches between reservoirs on the lower Colorado River range from less than a day to 3-4 days per reach. Mean retention times in the reservoirs are much longer, 9 weeks in Lake Mojave and 3-4 weeks in Lake Havasu (based on January 1, 2007 � reservoir volumes, 2006 annual discharges and 2007 forecast diversions). Since D. polymorpha veligers can dnft in the water for a period that is usually estimated at 8-10 days up to about a month (and is generelly shorter at higher temperatures; estimates reviewed in Cohen and Weinstein 2001), and D. bugensis is assumed to have a similar planktonic period, most of the veligers released from Lake Mead would not reach the major � water diversions at and below Lake Havasu, and eliminating any veliger sources downstream of Hoover Dam would substantially protect these diversions. 16 i An average of around 700 boats use Lake Mead on a summer weekday, about 1,300 boats on a summer weekend, and about 2,500 boats on a summer holiday weekend, with similar numbers on Lake Mojave. About one- third of Lake Mead boats and two-thirds of Lake Mojave boats surveyed came from California, with most of them presumably returning there.45 The most common destinations of boaters leaving Lake Mead include Clear Lake (#6), Lake Shasta (#7), Lake Oroville (#15) and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (#19).46 � D. bugensis has also been found at Laughlin Bay Marina, below Davis Dam � and just south of the NRA, and at several sites in lower Lake Havasu. There are numerous boat launches and marinas in the lakes and along the river. ', Land ownership varies, including private land, reservation lands, a National Wildlife Refuge, an Arizona state park and a county park. The Lake Mead NRA has advised boat owners to clean their boats before leaving Lakes Mead or Mojave for other waters; requires the owner of any boat moored in these lakes to clean and remove zebra mussels from it before leaving the NRA; and is instituting procedures to examine and possibly stop and clean boats at major boat remps. Nevertheless, in February and March five boats that had been moored in Lake Mead were intercepted in Arizona and California with live mussels on them.47 In April, a boat that had been moored in Lake Havasu was stopped at a California check station with live mussels on its hull. To prevent further transport of D. bugensis out of these waters, the following actions should be taken: • Lakes Mead, Mojave and Havasu should be closed to boating until eradication efforts are completed. • If the lakes are not fully closed, then before leaving the NRA all boats should be (1) cleaned by NPS staff or their certified agents and drained of any standing water, and then (2) inspected by NPS staff or their ' agents for the presence of standing water, zebra mussels, aquatic plants, or other fouling on the boat or trailer. Cleaning shouid include a careful washing or flushing of ail potentially infested surfaces with water heated , 45 Hickey 2007; V. Hickey pers. comm. 46 Based on a survey of 213 boaters at Lake Mead, results ated at , http://www.l00thmendian.org/mead.asp. 47 In late February, workers at the Pleasant Harbor Marina on Lake Pleasant in Arizona � intercepted a 55-foot houseboat from Leke Mead whose hull was covered with adult mussels. Between March •1 and 23, inspeciors at Cahfornia's border check station in Yermo found live D. bugensis on fdur boats that had been moored in Lake Mead; and on April 25 inspectors at the Needles station found them on a boat that had been moored in Lake Havasu for six months. 17 -- I � � ! to at least 40° C (104° F) and treatment of any water ballast tanks.48 Boats that fail inspection should be re-cieaned and re-inspected. Boats that have been in the NRA for less than 24 hours and that do not have ballast tanks may be allowed to proceed directly to inspection without prior cieaning by NPS staff or their agents. • Measures should be taken to clean and inspect boats leaving Lake Havasu and other downstream waters on the lower Colorado River system. The State Border California has border check stations on 16 major roadways entering ' California from adjacent states (Figure 3). These stations mainly inspect agricultural produce to prevent the entry of crop pests, but in the 1990s they began checking for zebra mussels on boats being hauled into the state. Since January 29, 2007, the three stations closest to the infested lakes,a9 , which operate 24 hours a day, have been inspecting every entering boat. � The other stations only inspect boats that are carried by commercial haulers; , six of these stations operate around the clock, while the remaining seven stations are open intermittently. Some significant routes into California lack a check station; one of particular concern is U.S. Route 95, which runs south from the western side of Lakes Mead and Mojave, crosses the California border, and joins Interstate 40 west of the check station at Needles. At the three stations closest to the infested lakes, 6,739 boats were inspected between ]anuary 29 and April 10, or a little under 100 boats a day. The inspectors found that about 6% of the boats held water that could carry veligers, which they dreined. As noted above, five boats had live mussels from Lakes Mead or Havasu on their hulis. These boats were given a quarantine notice that required them to be cleaned of mussels and inspected by a state agent before being placed in the water. i To prevent the further transport of zebre mussels across the California border, the following actions should be taken: • All 16 border check stations should operate 24/7, and an additional temporary or permanent station should be set up on US-95 between the , 4e Some large speedbo�ts used for water skung are equipped with ballast tanks, which oRen ' cannot be emptied completely. These tanks should either be drained as far as possible and then filied with water hot enough to kill any mussels in the tanks, or drained and treated with an appropriate biocide such �s potassium chloride. 49 At Yermo on Interstate 15, at Needles on Interstate 40 and at Vidal lunction on State Route 62. 18 'r— Smith Riwr(US 101� ReEwooE Hly�waY BR 1891 �°�IUS 971 Hom6rook p•6) TWebMe(Sft t38) Anuns(US�95) � � {�-.r _......_..'�__""" '__ �� J � 1 r� ; , . i ��.�__'��.�J�_I . � � lonp ValleY(US 795� .ti_._._�, i� l r- �---- ? �_.. �,,,� rrv�keep-ao� � i�""'.� 1�1.".:� i `�- 'T��( � MeYemN.9.60) � �l � � J �� i„r r-' rovu10.5.0%) . . l�" �t� t Secram�moMatlquanen� ��""��,,, . �.. 1 ��' �F��` 1 , � j '} Bvntnn(U 5.6) .l- ��" i'�� � +� ', �_ �._J `5%"�,.; . � � /�, � . '� � �.� ._�--� �\ �5 �_. ����!!! � t "t / � � � � � ; " ' ' ' ".............1._ ,_..._.,."' '"__ _ " "' ` ...._.._ ,�� Yxmo(I-15) � ���` '�r����: i Nectlks�l•AO) T-'"_�.__. , ; ----�..,� '� : \ . Vitlal lSR 67) i atyla �:__ �_.....-----------• > eryuw�i•�o� CalltomlaDopartrnantofFoodandAgricuRure � f�_.____.._.__.___._—_ Dlvlsion of Plant Haalth 8 Pest Prevention Servicea �^ i AgdtulWral lnapeetion Station locatians � wm�eMUVen p�e) 0 24hour Opetalrons �y � Inte�miNent OperaM1ons(Less Man 24-hours) Y��i�005 L� Figure 3. California border check stations (source: California Department of Food and Agriculture). 19 ; � � � California border and I-40. All boats should be inspected at all of these � stations, not just the boats carried by commercial haulers. In addition to , the three stations currently implementing this level of effort, the highest priority are the stations at Truckee on I-80, at Meyers on US-60, at a new station on US-95, and at Blythe on I-10. i i • Any standing water found during inspection should be drained before the boat is allowed to proceed. Any boat with live or dead mussels should be given a quarantine notice and not allowed to proceed until it is cleaned by state staff or their agents, either at the border station or at a designated site to which the boat is taken directly. Cleaning should include a careful washing or flushing of all potentially infested surfaces with water heated to at least 104° F (40° C) and treatment of any water ' ballast tanks. • An effort should be made to assess the effectiveness of border i inspections—for example, by sending through boats that have been planted with artificial or dead zebra mussels. Destination Waters The following actions should be taken at lakes and rivers in California: • At high priority water bodies in California where boating access is under state or federal controi, state and federal agencies should institute an inspection and cleaning program similar to that at the border check stations. The prioritization of water bodies should be based on their suitability for zebra mussels (considering such factors as salinity, calcium, temperature, etc.)50 and the number and origin of boats I arriving from other water bodies. � • At other water bodies, the state should encourage, assist and work with locai authorities, marina and boat launch operators to ensure that boats are ihspected and cleaned before entry. i Containrrlent of Other Vectors � Hatcheries. Hatcheries should switch to uninfested source water such as groundwater. If this is not possible, then fish from these hatcheries should not be planted into uninfested waters, and any plantings should use I protocols to minimize the risk of transporting mussel veligers.sl so qn assessment done for tl, polymorpha (Cohen and Weinstein 1998) could be quickly updated and recalculated for D. bugensis. sl For example, one hour pretreatment with 750 mg/L KCI, two hour treatment with 25 mg/L formalin in well water or 20-micron filtered surface water, and transfer from transport 20 __ � , � I Research. Any field research in infested waters should implement protocols I to prevent the accidental transfer of zebra mussels to new locations on , equipment or by other means. Agencies should deny access, permits, authorization and funding for research in infested waters if appropriate protocols are not implemented. Eradication/Control, Eradication efforts must implement protocols to prevent the accidental transfer of zebra mussels to other locations. � OtherActivities. Anglers, divers, marina staff and others engaged in work or recreation in infested waters should follow protocols toSprevent the accidental transfer of zebra mussels to other locations. Z 1 Detection Monitoring � i State and federal agencies should implement a core detection monitoring i program for the early detection of zebra mussel invasions at currently i uninfested water bodies; and encourage, assist and support local authorities, water supply agencies, power plants, marina operators, boating, fishing and diving groups, researchers, educators, students or others to engage in monitoring that will augment and extend this program. The program should use a variety of inethods (such as settlement samplers, surface surveys, diver surveys, veliger sampling, etc.), with the mix depending on site characteristics, relative costs and other factors. The sampling sites should be selected based on their suitability for zebra mussels in terms of factors such as salinity, calcium, temperature, substrate, etc.; the number and origin of boats arriving from other water bodies; and the ease of sampling. i , truck to recefving water in dip net with no discharge of water (Edwards et al. 2002; Ahonym0us 2004; Anonymtlus, undated; Bollig, undated); or "waterless conveyance" i methods, where the water is brieFly drained from the trays holding the fish while they are transFerred �rom the hatchery to the transport truck (J. Herod, pers. comm.). SZ Carlton (1993) discusses 20 human-mediated mechanisms that could transport zebra mussels between water bodies. , 21 � Other Research Priorities I In addition to the research described above as part of eradication and � containment efforts,53 the Panel identified several research needs ' (summarized in Appendix B), with the following being of the highest priority: • We urgently need a clearer understanding of the economic and , environmental costs of allowing zebra mussels to spread across the West, in order to support decisions about the appropriate level of effort to put into our response. There is currently no information on these � costs, except for one study of the costs of infrastructure modifications that would be needed to mitigate zebra mussel infestations at Columbia River hydropower facilities.54 We need a rough estimate of the overall ' potential costs and impacts immediately, folfowed by more precise assessments as soon as they can be developed. Therefore California should, within 30 days, develop an initial estimate of the potential direct economic costs of the invasion (based on scaling from cost estimates in � the East) in California and in the West, and conduct an initial review of the potential environmental impacts of the invasion in California and in the West. California should follow these initial assessments with more detailed studies of the potentiai direct and indirect economic costs and environmental impacts in California. • Not all waters are at equal risk of invasion, and significant cost savings and efficiencies could be gained by focusing containment and detection efforts on waters that are most at risk. California should conduct an assessment of the vulnerability of California waters to colonization by zebra mussel species, including assessments of the species' environmental requirements, a survey of calcium concentrations in California waters, and a survey of boat movements from infested waters into California. � ! s' Fiefd tnals of eradication approaches in Lake Mead; investigation of inethods of reducing i the downstream Flow of live veligers out of Lake Mead; research on promising control � methods that need longer-term development; and assessment of the effectiveness of border � inspections. sa phillips et al. 2005. 22 i � - � Concluding Thoughts � � It cannot be overemphasized that the actions taken now will be watched and studied by managers and scientists literelly around the world. Early detection and management programs for invasive aquatic species are in their infancy globally: how federal and state agencies respond to new infestations of major invasive species is followed closely. Zebra mussels— both D. polymorpha and D. bugensis—are widely regarded as among the most important and harmful invaders in North America. For nearly 20 years, substantial investments of time, money and effort have been made to keep these mussels from crossing the 100th Meridian. Even greater investments should now be made to eliminate the zebra mussel outpost that has recently appeared on the lower Colorado River. In the history of invasions, proposals to eradicate or control new populations of exotic species have often been dismissed as too daunting, too expensive or too politically challenging to undertake. Eradication efforts, it is argued, may cause unacceptable, short-term interferences and interruptions to local economic activities including tourism, fishing and recreation. An invasion may occur in sites that are initially assessed as too large, too complex, too environmentally sensitive—simply too overwhelming—to deal with. In the face of such arguments, it is di�cult to allow oneself to imagine the mounting of an eradication program that would substantially exceed all previous efforts in size, scale and cost. Implementing that effort would necessarily entail large, short-term, Iocal costs. On the other hand, declining to implement it would inevitably result in large, long-term environmental and economic costs across a large swath of Western North America. That is the stark choice that we face. The arrival of zebra mussels west of the continental divide has now been noted by invasion managers and scientists around the world, and they are waiting to see how we deal with an infamous invader that will affect the economy, lives, and welfare of the people of the West. 23 % i � � i Sources Cited i Aldridge, D.C., P. Elliott and G.D. Moggridge. 2006. 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Internationa!Review of Hydrobiology 89: 326-333. � I I �G w I � , i ,` 28 , � I Appendix A: D, bugensis records in the Lower Colorado River system Site Date Zebre mussels D.bu ensis observed LAKE MEAD•VIRGIN BASIN Teakettle Bay 2/21/07 7 at 18-23' Stewart Cliffs 2/19/07 On rock wall at 20-69'. Boulder Wash (west) 2/6/07 2 at 40'. i East End Light 1/26/07 2-4 on rock wall at 40-60'. ! LAKE MEAD� BOULDER CANYON � Wishing Weil Cove 2/19/07 On rock wall at 18-67'. ( LAKE MEAD: BOULDER BASIN � Flamingo Reef 1/26/07 50-60 on rock wall at 40-100',appeared to go deeper. ! Indian Canyon Cove 2/11/07 On rock at 10-53' Callville Bay 1116/07 Hundreds on houseboat in dry dock. Water Barge Cove 2111/07 On rocks, sift and metal pipe at 411'. Battleship Rock 2/11/07 Large numbers on rock and silt at 2454'. i Burro Point 2/11/07 Low numbers on rock and silt at 20-48'. i Batch Plant 2l10/07 A few on concrete wall(ROV survey). � Black Island(west) 2/9/07 Large numbers on rocks at 12-100'. I Las Vegas Bay 2/9/07 6 on mud and silt at 35�5'. � Lake Mead Hatchery 1/9l07 Scattered aduRs on concrete walls&screens in hatchery Saddle Island 1/20/07 On SNWA pipe at 80-90'. Cloggmg BMI intake at=80'. Lake Mead Manna 1/14107 Scattered mussels on dock structures&houseboats,to 32'. Govemment Dock 2/8/07 On cables and anchors, down to 45' Las Vegas Boat Harbor 1/9/07 Scattered mussels on dock strudures down to 50'. Hemenway Wall 1/28/07 On anchor at 60'(recreational diver, unconfirmed report). Sentinel Island(east) 1/20/07 Possibly below 200'(recreahonal diver, unconfirmed report). Sentinel Island(west) 2/8/07 On rocks down to 90'(?), densest populahon observed. Kingman Wash 'I/18/07 Down to 110'(recreational diver,unconfirmed report). Promontory Point 1/27/07 At 80'(recreational drver, unconfirmed report) Hoover Dam Intake Tower 1/23/07 Scattered mussels on steel grates at 30-85'(ROV survey). BETWEEN LAKE MEAD AND LAKE MOJAVE Below Hoover Dam 1/24/07 1 on a rock in bottom of river channel(ROV survey) Willow Beach Hatchery 3/1l07 In 3 settimg ponds. LAKE MOJAVE Cottonwood Cove Marina 2l5/07 On a houseboat in dry dock. Katherine Landing Marina 1/20/07 On dock structures and houseboats. BETWEEN LAKE MOJAVE AND LAKE HAVASU Laughlin 8ay Marina 1/31/07 5 on a boat in dry dock LAKE HAVASU Bass Cove 1/19l07 4 at 31-40'. Grass Bay 1/19/07 1 on rock wall at 30'. Marker 41 1/19/07 1 at 60' � Central Arizona Projed intake 1/22/07 About 12 on concrete at 27'. Colorado R.Aquedud intake 1/17/07 114 on concrete at 20-50'. I COLORADO RIVER AQUEDUCT SYSTEM Gene Wash Reservoir 1/17/07 14 near outlet structure at 35'. Copper Basin Reservoir 3/6/07 2 on rocks at 60'. Aqueduct siphons 3/10/07 778 in siphons between miles 12 and 21 29 Appendix B: Priority research questions � Relevant to: 1 C o � a c C V C N OI" Q 3 Oir Ol C � pp O C C C N i0 C� C C O� C w � tt �u d q +=' � O C 9 � W 1�` «C a_ � 'O— C YI tll '_ Area of research w � > ci o o E � e MOSTURGENT Conduct field trials of cover, heat, mechanical removal, and isolate X X and treat approaches in Lake Mead Conduct field tnals of large-scale plankton tows in Lake Mead X X X Assess the potential for reducing downstream flow of vehgers through Hoover Dam by(a)veliger mondoring and intake selection, X (b) biocide injectiona,or(c) hydrocyclone or filtration Condud an initial analysis of the potential direct economic costs of the invasion to Califomia and the West, based on scaling from X X X X X costs in the East Conduct an initial analysis of the potential environmental impact of X X X X X the invasion to Califomia and the West Conduct a survey of calcium concentrations in Califomia waters, determine boat movements from currently infested waters,and X X X assess the vulnerability of Califomia waters to colonization Field and laboratory assessments of zebra mussel environmental X X X re uirements needed es eciall for D bu ensis and for calaum LONGER-TERM Assess the potential direct and indirect economic costs and X X X X X environmental impacts of the invasion to Califomia Develop zebra mussel-specific biocides derived from bacteria or � X other sources ' Develop more effective biocide delivery systems,e.g. in particles ingested by the mussels or in gel that adheres to or othervvise � X remains in contad with the mussels Detertrnne the relationship between mussel densiry and X X reproductive success Conduct genetic analysis to determine the source of the Coloredo River population Assess the capacity of zebra mussels to colonize the clay walls of � canals Assess veliger mortality in passage through pumps, high pump lifts, � � and other water system components ' Assess the potential for Vansporting veligers via the Califomia � � water su I s stem from one site to another a Includes assessing veligers'dose-response relationship to acrolein and other candidate biocides. 30 �