R 30P•ESOIeUTION OF INTEDTTIOTv' NO. 30.(New Series) A RESOLUTION OL' THE COUI.CIL Or TTit; CITY OI' ARROYO GRA1v7PE Dt~;CI~'.RING ITS Ii~TTrS1TI01; TO I14~'ROVS CF,1tT1.IN PORTIONS OIL' PtJiSON, Iv'~ELSON, es.LL&P1 Aid1? Ly'POINT S1'REi~TS: CHEATING AN ASSESSP~IINT DISTRICT TO 1~AY `1'13E COSTS .".SIJ EXPENSES OF SUCK l~l0?tY AIv~ Di1T1;RPIINIIJG 7.'HTAT S'~'?IAL BO11DS :irL1LL BE ISSUED TO FiEPRESEIS'P UNPAID ASSESSIai"ti..NTS TFIE1tb;ON. RESOLVED, by thfl City Council of the L'ity of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, that tY.e public interest and convenience reeuires and that it is the intention of said City Council to order the following vrork to be done and improvement to 'be made in said City, to-~vits That the hereinafter mentioned streets in said city between the lines hexeina.fter mentioned (ex_cept the portion occupied by the bridge hereinafter mentioned} be improved by grading the same fo•r the full length betvreer, the lines hereinafter stated, and fur the full wrdth betvreen t Propery the cam. lines and by paving the same for the full length betvreen the the lines hereinafter stated, and for the full width between ~ curb lines, excepting therefrom the space occupied by any existing gutters „nd also excepting therefrom, the space to be occupied by the hydraulic cement concrete gutters to be constructed as shown on the plan hereinafter men- tioned, with an asphaltic concrete pavement of two caux•ses, the lower or base course to be tyro and one half (2z} inches in thickness and the top course, or wearing surface, t,o be a vvarrenite bitulithic pavement, one and one half (1.2) inches in thickness; and be furtY.er improved by the construction of hydraulic cettient concrete combination curbs and gutters of the form and dimensions sriorun on said plans in said streets, and be- tvreen said lines at the particular places shown on said plans; and be further improved by the construction of hydraulic cement concrete gutters of the foxzn and dimensions shovln on said plans in said streets, and be- tvreen saia lines at the particular places shown on said plans. The streets so to be improved are the following, to-writ: 1. P;ason Street from the northerly line of Allen Street to the southerly line of LeFoint Street. 2. Dielson Street from tY.e easterly line of Bridge streat to the - 1 - ~i eso • ~a~ 3r? vaesterly line of 'lJYiiteley Street. 3. A11en Street from the easterly line of bridge Street to the westerly line of the right-of-ivay of t2ie Pacific Coast l?ailway Company. 4-. That portion of LePoint Street included within the production of the easterly and vaesterly lines of i;ason Street, produced to intersect the northerly line of LePoint Street. That said portions of A'ason Street, DTelson Street and Allen Street be further improved by constructing therein at the particular places shovm on said plans, seventeen (17) four inch vitrified sevaer pipe wyes and house connections. That said portion of D,Sason Street be further improved by the cons-truction of two cement concrete storm tivater inlets, of the size and dimensions and at the particular places shovm on said plans, There is excepted from said work above mentioned, any and all such worts already done to official line and grade, and there is also excepted therefrom, any duplication oi' work at the sar.,e place, due to the re-crossing of lines in the foregoing aescription of work, or dupli- cation of language, it being the intention to describe only one improve- ment of the same class at any one poa.nt; and there is further excepted therefrom any work at the intersection of A%a.son Street and Branch Street, and any work on that portion of P,:ason Street occupied by the existing bridge across Arroyo Grande Creek. D;or shall any work be done vrhich is shown on said plans as not to iae done. All of the aforesaid work and improvernert is to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications made therefor lay the City Engineer of the City of Arroyo Grande and adopted as the ,plans and speci- series fications for said tvo.rk and improvement by "Resolution iVo.27, (NetiT ;~ i?esolution adopting plans and specifications for the improvement of certain portions of TCasor_, Nelson, Allen and LePoint Streets in the City of Arroyo Grande", passed and adopted by said City Council on the 23rd day of January, 1929, which said plans and specifications are now on file in the office of tYie City Clerk of said City of Arroyo Grande, and are hereby referred to for the full. and detailed description of said wary, and improvement, and of the location at which the work is to be done. -2- /•~eso. l(10~ so The elevations or grades to which said work is to be done are shown on the plans above mentioned and reference is hereby made to said plans and to the specifications above referred to, for a further descrip- tion of the grades to which vaork is to be done. All grades betsveen the grade points as shown on said plans shall be on a straight line between said points. Any official grades heretofore established, are hereby modi- fied to conform to the changed elevations as above recited. Elevations are established according to the heights in feet or decir~a,ls of a foot, above aity datum, which datum is the horizontal plane lying 116.67 feet vertically below the official surface of the United States Geological Survey bench mark, situated in the steps of the Bank Building at the Southeast corner of Bridge and BrancYl Streets in the City series of Arroyo Grande, more fully described in Resolution No.?:i(TSew„ passed uy the City Council of said City on January 16th 1929, and entitled, "A Resolution fixin~* a. zero datum plane for the City of Arroyo Grande". And Whereas, said conterr,plated work and irnprover~ent in the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council makes the expense of said work and in:proven.ent chargeable upon a district, which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay t:ze costs and expenses thereof, which said district is boundec and described as follows, to-wit: Cormrencing at a point on tYle Southerly line of LePoint ;itreet, located thereon Northeasterly 113 feet from the intersection of the Easterly line of i~;iason Street with said Southerly line of leroint Street, said point being the most Northerly corner. of Lot Numbered 6 as said ~tr- eets and Lot. are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "Il.ap of S4va11's Resubdivision of Fart of the Eez:~pizill Tract in the Town of .Arroyo Grande, Calif." etc., filed April 5, 1909 in the office of the County 'recorder of Ban Luis Obispo County, Calif., thence southeasterly in a direct line to a point on the Northerly line of Ffarder: atreet, distant thereon PTortheasterly lO5 feet frori'che intersection of the Easterly 19.ne of Pv'ason Street ana the iortherly line of said I~,rder. atreet; tY:ence PTortheasterly along said Northerly line of Harden Street to the Easterly terminus thereof; thence Southeasterly along said L~tsterly -"~- Mesa ~ No • 30 terminus and along the Easterly line of a 19 ft, Alley to a paint on the Northerly line of Branch dtre;et, distant thereon Northeaster!;: 134 feet from the intersection of the Easterly line of iason Street and the i~TOrth- erly line of said T3ranch Street; thence southeasterly in a direct line to a point on the Southerly line of said Branch dtreet, distant thereon Northeasterly 70 feet from the I•?ortheasterly corner of Lot SSwnbered 1, in Block Numbered 7 as said Lot and Block are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled '"I~9ap of Subdivisions of Property belonging to uV. II. Short, T. S'. Trion a.nd `N, 9Vhiteley situate in Arroyo Grande"' etc., filed October 1, 1887 in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County: Calif.; thence Southeasterly and parallel with the Easterly line of Ilason Street to a point distant Northwesterly 50 feet from the Northerly line of Nelson Street; thence lortneasterly parallel with said Portherly line of Nelson Street to the Westerly line of ~~J1^~iteley Street; thence Southeasterly along said tidesterly line of aYhiteley Street to a point distant thereon Southeasterly 51.64 feet frorri the Southerly line of Nelson Street; thence Southwesterly parallel with said southerly line oS Nelson Street to a y~oint distant Southwesterly 135.58 feet from the '~iJesterly line of '~Jf2iteley Street; thence Southeasterly parallel with said ',~esterly line of Whiteley Street to a point distant lv~orthvaesterly 132 feet from the Northerly line of Allen Street; thence Idortheasttrly parallel with said Northerly line of Allen Street to a point on the Westerly line of the Pacific Coast Railroad right of way; thence South- easterly al on E; said westerly line of the right of way of the Facific Coast Railroad to the point of intersectian thereof witP'i a line, parallel with and distant at right angles Southeasterly lFil.b feet from the South- erly line of Allen Street; thence Southwesterly parallel with said Southerly line of Allen Street to the Southwesterly corner of Lot Numbered 20 as said Lot is delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled ":,rap of %Vood"s !addition to the Town of Arroyo Grande" etc., filed October 8, 1887, in the office of the County Recorder of San T.uis Obispo County, Calif.; thence Northwesterly along the 'resterly line of said Lot Numbered 2G to the Southeasterly corner of Lot numbered 21, of the above mentioned "T~zp ofFood"s Addition" etc.; thence :3outln'resterly - 4 - /1~eso • /~a • 3a parallel with the Southerly line of Allen Street to the Southwesterly corner of Lot Numbered 24 of said 'FT:~ap oS aJood's Addition41 ei•c. , i.Tier,ee ;~TOrthwesterly to the Southeasterly corner of Lot Numbered 2b of said "T,Sap of Wood's Addition" etc.; thence Southvesterly parallel with the Southerhy line of Allen Street to a point on the Easterly line of Bridge Street; thence Northwesterly along said Easterly line of midge Street to a point thereon, said point being the PTorthvresterly corner of Lot Numbered 1 of the aforesaid "i~ap of tiJood's Addition" etc.; thence north- easterly parallel vrith the STortherly line of Allen Street to the South- westerly corner of Lot Tumbered 6, in Block SlLUnbered 3 of the ""Short, ATason and Whiteley Tract" hereinbei'ore mentioned; thence Northwesterly parallel with the `,Vesterly line of Short Street to a point dist.a,nt Northwesterly 216 feet from the Northerly line of Allen Street; thence Northeasterly parallel with said Northerly line of Allen Street to a point on the ?';asterly line of Lot Tumbered 5 in Blocic Numbered 4 of said "Short, ]'."ason and Whiteley Tract"; thence Nortiiwesterizr parallel with the ',`lesterly line of P.'ason Street to the Northeasterly corner of Lot Numbered 5 in Elock Numbered 5 of said "Short, ~'ason and ihiteley Tract"; thence Southwesterly parallel with the Southerly line of Nelson Street to a point on the '1Jesterly line of Lot 5 in Elock Dumbered 2 of the said "Short, T:~ason and l~Jtriteley Tract"; thence Porthwesterly parallel with the 'IJesterly line of Short Street to the southeasterly corner of Lot T?u:.ibered 6 as the said Lot is delineated and so designated upon that certain map entitled "Asap of Property belonging to G. D. Belson, situate in ,Arroyo Grande" etc., filed :iepteniber 22, 1887 in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, Calif.; thence_Southwesterly parallel with the Southerly line of Nelson Street to the Soathwesterly corner of Lot Numbered 3 of said "Belson. Tract0/; thence Northwesterly to the Southeasterly corner of Lot Numbered 1 of said "Nelson 'tract"; thence Southwesterly parallel with the southerly line of Nelson Street to the Easterly line of Fridge Street; thence Northwesterly along said masterly Line of Bridge Street to a point distant then-eon Northwesterly 65 feet from the intersection of said masterly line of Bridge Street with the Northerly line of I!Telson Street; thence Northeasterly parallel with said Dortherly line of Nelson Street to a point distant Northeasterly 165 -d- /yes o • No. 30 feet from said Easterly line of P.ridge Street; thence Northwesterly parallel with sr3id Easterly line of Bridge Street to a -point distant D~orthwesterly 178 feet from the Northerly line of Nelson Street; thence i?orthe~sterly parallel with said I?ortherly line of Nelson ;Street to a, point in the 6esterly line of I,ot ItLmibered 7 in Block Numbered 1 of the aforementioned "Short, I;;ason and tV7:iteley Tract"; thence Northwesterly parallel with the Vdesterly line of abort Street to a point which. is distant Northwesterly 250 feet front the Tortherly line of Nelson Street; thence Northeasterly parallel with said Northerly line of idelson Street to tyre Southwesterly corner of Lot Numbered 12, in Y31ock Numbered 6 of said "Short, ?~rason and i4hiteley Tract"; thence northwesterly parallel with the iesterly line of I,ason Street to a point on the Southerly line of Branch Street, said point being the Northwesterly corner of Lot Numbered 15, in B1ocx Numbered 6 of said 'Short, ]~,ason and YVYriteiey Tract"; thence Northwesterly in a direct line to a laoint on the Tortherly line of Branch Street, said point being the Southwesterly corner of Lot Lettered A as the said Lot is delineated and so designated upon that certain map entitled "LRap No. 2 of Swall's Resubdivision of Part of the Hemphill Tract" etc., filed September 5, 1911 in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, Calif.; thence Northwesterly parallel with the 'Jesterly line of t.ason Street to a point on the Southerly line of LePoint Street, said point being the NortY~cresterly corner of Lot Lettered >; of s~.id "7,tap P?o. 2 of Swall's Resubdivision" etc,; thence Northeasterly in a direct line to a point on the bTort7~erly line of LePoint Street distant thereon Northeasterly 1Gfl.24 feet from the Westerly line of Lot iTUmbered 27 of "Harris itesubdivicion°; thence Torthwesterly at right angles to said Aortherly line of LePoint Street 128 feet; thence at right angles Northeasterly 100 feet; thence at right an{;les aautheasterly 128 °eet to a point on the Rortnerly line of LePoint Street; trzence Soutlr e~~sterly in a direct line to the point of commencement. The above description is general only and reference is hereby made to a pltit entitled, "Plat showing boundary of Assessment District for the impraverient of portions of T:'ason, Nelson, Allen and LePoint Streets in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Ubispo, State of California", hour on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, - F - ~~PS O • X10 •3 0 upon vzilich said plat the terx•itory included within the district to be assessed is indicated by a. boundary line and which said plat so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of said assessment district. Said City Council further declares that all public streets,, avenues, lanes, alleys and public vrays contained within the above described district. the same being in use in tiie performance of a public function, to-wit; As such public streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and public ways, shall be omitted .from the assessment hereafter to lae made_ to cover the costs and e:tipenses of said work and improvement. Attention is called to the '~darrenite=:3itulithic Zicense i,iixture Agreement ~f ':iarren 73rothers Company of Boston, L'ass., of date of January 21st., 1929, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. l~lotice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments., and bear interest at the rate of six ~:) per cent per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the improvement bond act of 1915, as amended, the last installment of which bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from tine second day of July next succeeding ten (10} montYis from their date. A~xcept as 1?e reinabove otherwise provided for the issuance of said serial bonds all of the herein proposed vvorlc shall be done in pur- suance of an Act of the 7~egislature of the State of California, desi~;nwted the "Improvement Act of l~~ll", approved April 7th, 1311, and amendments tyre re to. And notice is furt%er given that ~`~ednesday, the2pth_ day of February, 1929, at t!:c hour of `?:3G o'clocl: P.I;i. of said day, and at the Council Chamber of the City Council of said City of Arroyo Grande, are hereby and have been fixed as the time and place when and tivhere any and all persons having any objections to the prroposed work and improve- ment or against E:ne district described herein or to the proposed grade at which said work is to be done or to the proposed modification of grade above mentioned, may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this resc]_ution of intention. the "Arroyo Grande a°rald-riecorder" a weekly nevaspaper - 7 -