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R 32
~:;-a:lil, ~.u, •l,he City ci' ~.rra;;=a Grzzrzde r~rsc? ~,ta c3.tizon~ csre deairouw oi' n4aint~iriin~ ttze Czl.lf~xnia Stata kIi~htrey t.2:xou~ki t"sze City o: ~..°roy:} Grti:td@, strrd ~tre z+.Ii".~in~ tea ©a-v}~exrotc~ with, tk~e C~:yl.if`oxniu Hi~'xt+r.'r~,y Coxn:~:i3aior3 to ttre i'u11t:.~t e:~ierrt '.,ri coe~z.°in~; xi~;kits srS ~ua.y ~.nd p~r3oxz;sinl; such att:~•:~ st,r.~rr~cas ~:s 4kTey racy Ut: ce~l?etl tax nn. iYV'~k ~~~7. ,.;T.i ,~~'w., i';._ 1.L '1.^,- "d~~?.'~ed.1 ~f ~.E.~.F~ V7~~ 4J~n~. i.L QA 6S~.h' V~Yy `1'i f'.Txhj'~J ~'.".'.~.;::Qt~ ~}3':~t<?, T.'fsCyU@,`.3t lit: r•tao£: v0 tk1E ."atJ.te: ;il:.T~rTli3.t i;y)),rjr".tiCi£.r.On t?uxt tkre G""c<.liiazniu S#.a•tL^ }ISrh~.v:zy ~.at: .~iz~irLeLSzz~}o t"a;roza~,h L?~~ aaid Gitjr »e+~w/ U~ 1.. .~ .:., "+a..x, ,.'„i~l.la-'+~.••J~ tI`LEu~ i.' C.. .. t~!~:L:: G1JJ~ iii. w S.°!. i .µ'.i^v:S J1.2:t ian n,~ :3 f; TY `c• 1.:} Lktt: 1.2.t..r,,.,,.i. Ul'n:.i;~ .i:..f~''l i.~?~~,,,f l`~~"1}LII._.'t. £i Li J.Jr:I C~ ~ .>t,SC$Ll~li: Slta, T htrz'aky- cex':isy ui2rzL f.itC 3`arw~;aia~; xe>alutaor<.<. szr~a Liuly ratrd re~u?axZy intrc~d.~.ced and rein„itcci tti„• t'.~€^ Csty G•a%:7u1? of tkz~ City ot` :dun S,uia C?;~..zpa =t •tY:~'zdjor,?rnr.ck rew~al~~r. ,nr'cfi.?-sr; 3,7~T~~~~3~:~ e~~C.~y ;t41,d on the 27tYr day ~+f ~a;}rzx:x:•re 153:.?9, 'uy t~;r,. .foZ`.a:,^4.rit; -r~^s.a: ~":!?" a A~~sa riity ~r~.~.x1k