R 33n
??:SUI.UTICli i~TU, ~3 (PdeUV aeries )
ci '_2'_~1aCLUTIUld Oi+ i~ii~ CI`T'Y CuL'-'T:,'Il. OF T3~~' CITY OP
~`ai-c.?CFO G:i.L~'; O'J!_,~2iii'.LIidG Pi;OT:".iTS :sCs:sIi~f~iT Tiid.
~JUisF DDI~C~IBBD Sl,- -.',T,;CUL~J~~TC3T UI~' I1~iT_~~Y:'1'IUIV 1~I0.30
-!73R'.~.a3, the City Counci7_ of the City of arroyo Gr,~.nde, did,
on the 23rd day of January, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention
Pio, 3U (ivTew Ceries) to order cert_a in street ZvJrlf tc be done and irrprove-
ment to be i:lade il:~. said Cit,s• under and 1n r~ur,u,r.noe of tl.e "Irny~roven~ent
Yct of 1911" as an.ended, the nasiles of which streets pro_~osed to be
iriNroved ~~nd the location and character o_° s^id ~rol;osed rJOri~ being
described in s:~id resolution Jf intention, 4v.11ch is hereby e<<pressly
referxed to {Jr further ytzrticulars~
:iTdD ~stf+:ul;t;.~1S, cerbzLir_ oa~mers of praperty liable to be
;assessed for Bald ~vorL, rnadE: :•rritter. protests ;:r objections in c~mitll~~;
~snd delivered the sE.n~e '1c the City Cler>Y not later ~..~.:; i tic !dour set
fOr' i:U L,r lrl" SUCa1 ^?'jro"ti0.1:,§
i'ii.L :~ii'_::i:: i~, 8t 1: Y.e t.Lr'!,. :i C; '.; IOr !'ie c.Y'ln~ ?. ,.'O teStS 07-` ObjP.C-
t1Cr.S tl_e C,lt,-J Covnc ll ~Jf %l.e City Ui .":rrJyO l.Ur'Sr.Ce _ Y'U Ceedea tJ 11E..~.r
rile 5::: :~„ clnCt tl~e reaf ter COnt1nU C'd SalO he?T1n~; fY'01:1 t.ii;:E; tU G1Lie USlt11
the 20th, day of PSarch1 1929, as wil:L more iull~r al,pear by
rei'erence to the ::inures of s:yid City Council and csll of s_,id protests
ar objections Ylavir,L; been }~e.~rci utid duly cJnc LaEred ...rd said. City
Council being regLaired tJ f,i=ess ~_~.y~or, the sali.e,
IT I~ I~~;;.~~~Y l:'~`z~;I.sJL`D 'rte the City Co.incil ai cle City of
Arroyo Gr ~nde, tY:at `j.ll of tl.e :.c:1d 1 rotF sts c1siU ob~ec dons ~L~ainst
Sa,ld _Jl";]pUSt,d P~70ll. Or 1 1,T0'4'eL~E;::t bC;, c".,rld t11C ~S.~Ll:!C :; rC' 'P_E re b~' OVC ri'Uled
and denied.
T Tw~,*i,`~~~~~$:Y.S~I~lfd~IF+tX;3;~di?~:~i*`l~Y
:i~'~$3i,-yY`d~~.~S r~,~;M'?Xt~n'~aF+e'~~PSX'i~t~CC.~G{Z`.~X_s~ra} ~~Ddu~Ai~I~~
I hereby ceitifj t.lat ti>,s fore~'oin~; rc~sJlLltlon vs:s duly and
ref~ulurly adopted by +.he City Council of the City of Arroyo Uranae, s.t
/i eso~ No ~ 3.3
a, -~- regular meeting thereof' held on theti0~day of Afarch,
1929, h~, the follov~ing vote:
AYESe Coti:ncilMen PloUle, Conrad, ?.~orr~an, Poole anc~. Cog.
1=p,,,a; Councilmen, Clone,
1#~,~~1?T: Councilmen, alone, .
Cit~T Clerk