R 34hV .~ ~ ' RESOLL'TIOAT N0. 34 (ITeva Series ) ORDERING CERTAIN CVORK ON CERTr~IIT FO_;TIONS OF Ir:.ASON, Ni;LSON, ALLEN and LEI'OIlIT STREETS AS DESCF.IBED ISS RESOLUTION OF Ii?TEIITIODT N0. 30 (Iur_+'„d SERIvS) OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF T1IL: CITY OF ARROYO GR4SdDE. 7T.[-AREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande did, on the 23rd day of January, 1929, pass its resolution of Intention No. 30 {New Series) to order the hereinafter described work to be Bane and improvexne'nt to be made in the said City, which Resolution of Intention vas duly and legally published as required by lativ as appears from the affidavit of ~Y, il. ~mitIr the City Clerk of said City; and now on file in the office of AREAS, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 30 {Neva Series} headed uNotice of Improvement" were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work and iriprove- ment and along all the open streets within the district to be assessed as described in said Resolution of Intention, in the form and manner as required by law after the passage of said Resolution of Intention as appears 'by the affidavit of Ben D. Conrad, Street Superintendent of said City of Arroyo Grande, who personally posted the same and crho, after the completion of the posting o1' said notices, filed his said affidavit in the office of the City Cleric of se.id City, making oat~~ that he completed the posting of said notices on the day of 1929; and AREAS all protests or objections presented, have been disposed of•, in time, form and manner as required by law, and saiu City Council has now acquired jurisdiction to order the work and ir.~.provement; NO'17 TIL~.FORE, IT IS l~~'RP;BY RESOLVED by said City Council that the public interest and convenience requires the work Herein described and said City Council of the City of Arrcyo Grande does hereby order the follouvirg vrork to be done and improver.~c;nt to be made in said City, to-vait: ~l eso• l~o•3y~ /~eso . /U~' 3`~ ~eference is hereby mwde to said resolution of Ir!tention X10, 30 {drew Series) for further particulars including a description of the work and improvement and of the assessr.~~ent district, which Resolution of Inter;tion is,r.otiv on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, The City Clerk is hereby directed to y~ost a notice of said ?vork together ~+vith plans and sY,ecti icat;ions therefor, conspicuously far five (5) days on or near the Council chamber door o~ said City Council, inviting se<^led proposals or bids for doing t'rre work ordered, 9a.id City Clerk is c~.lso directed to ?~u-blish trriee in the Arroyo Grande Herald-i3ecorder, a,vaeekly nev+spaper of general circulation, pr7nted, published and circulated in the said City of Arroyo Grande and hereby designated by said City Council i'or that purNOSe, a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the specifications posted z?ud on file. All proposals or bids oi'fered shall L•e acco.:;p;:.nied by a Arrgyq G~~.rzde check payable to the Cit;;* oi' ~sii~iYg~a$xmmgg~~~ cf:rtified by a responsible b::nk for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent {1Uy~) of the aggregate oP t3~c- proposal, or by a bona for trre same amount and so payable, signed by the Lidder s,nd tv.~o sureties ZvYro shall justify= in double the sar,~e amount over -end ~~.bove all statutory exemptions, before an officer competent to adi,:inister a,n oath. acid sealed proposals or aid's shall be delivered to t3ie Clerk i cf s~:id City Council, tr-uJit: ;iald City C7.erk, on or before $t0,(? o~clocTc P.T,T. on the 10th, day of A,iril, 1925, s2 id time being not less than ten (lU} days frm"i the tzrae oi' the first publicat~cn and costing of skid notice. "'ids .rill be oi,ened cn said aay a,idrio~rr. I Yreretiuy certify- that tTie foregoing resulutian was auly and legally arioNted by the City Council- of t'.,e C~.t ; of aan lt~-is Obis~,o at a. -- regular r:ieeting thereon dal;, Y!elci on the 20thi d.~y of Burch 1929, by trte follo;>>~1nG vote: • ~t eso• N©• 3'f AY~;S; Councilmen Noble, Conrad, idor~;an, Poole anc3 Cow, NO^S: Councilmen, ~1one, '~'?C~1 T: Councilmen, .one, ~~~ -f`-- Uity Clerk