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FtFSOLUTICN NC, 36 ~(T~y! ,y~yl,LC)
FwaOLUTICN DI i~CI'TI~rG ~i'i7; ~70RK i'0 ni; DCIr~ Ui?DT;2 T?~,
DIl''_+',CTICbi 0?+ T1L: CITY L`;;GIhy~R
'~ %TrIE1~tLS, the City Council Of t:Cie Cit =
J of krroyo urunde did,
or, the ?'~rd day of January, 1J29, pass its lesolution of Intention No,
30 (I?ew aeries) to order certain work to be done and irr_~rove:iient to be
made in said City, ti~=hich :;esoli~ti"on of Intention is :Hereby expressly
referred to for further particulars, and said City Council did there-
lifter on the2(?th.day of T~Iarah ~_, lg2g, duly pass its Resolution
OrdPrin~ the SV~rlc, ordering said vvorl: to be done and said improvez:ent
to be made in said City, which ].esolution CrderinG the ';Tonic x.s also
hereby referred to for furt:~e:r p~;,rt.icule rs; and
'.>ZzT;iLT3,'ia, said City= Council desires tl~a.t said v^torr~ be done
under t}ie direction of the City ~:n;;ineer of said City; now therefore, it
is hereby
-`2~SCLV~`D b}r t„7e City Council of the City of >rroya Gr~.tnde
that it direct, <~rd it does hereby direct, that the aforesaid work shall
be done under the direction of the City engineer of said City and the
t"~ateriuls used sh~:ll comply ~,vith said s"pecif:!cations :~na be to ±he
satisf~.ctior~ of said/~'ngineer, instead of the aui,erintendent of ~itreets
of said City,
I hereby certify that the fore~oin-~~ resolution eras duly a.ud
re~rulwrl}- adopted by the City Council of t}~~ City of Arroyo Grande at
fl ~" reC*ul~,r meeting, thereo C ,held on tixe20th da
y o
~T~. rho
lg2g, by the folloi-ring~ vote to-~vit:
a1~r;S: Councilmen. Noble, Conrad, ~~=or^;an, Poole anti Coa.
NO;i'.S: Councilmen i;one
A~Si.NT: Gouncilr:~en "lone,
-,a ,~
City C1erx