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[';ORFSS BOId:-5 Oi 1929.
(I;~,~.~ ~~~..h.a)
~'IN_7REPS the City Council of tYie City of Arroyo Grande
b~~ Resolution llo. ^F duly nassecl ar.d_ adopted r•r. the 2~tf~
day of b^ai~ch ,1929, authorized the issuance of ~;60,nr)0
principal amount of bon<~s of the City of Arroyo Grande to be
lmoi^ra as "City o.f ~.rrogo Gran:]e [~latorvrorks Bonds of 1y29", being
sixty (60) in mmibar, numbered consecutively from 1 to 60, bo{:h
inclusive, of the renomination of X1,000 each, all dated April 1,
192.9, bearing interest at the rate of five and one-quarter (5-1/'y.)
per cent. per annum on April 1st and October. lst in each year,
said bonds maturing in numerics). order taro (2) on April 1st in
each of the years 1979 to 1968, both inclusive;
APdD '.JHEF_rAS, this Board is authorized to sell such
bonus in such manner as it shall determine;
AS:D '"T>W'REAS, it is for the best interests of tre
City of Arroyo Grande to sell said bonds at private sale;
A'.•iD '~.`E~ERLAS, The Elmer J. Kennedy Co. has offered
to purchase said bonds at the price of not less than par and
accrued interest to date of delivery, and it is to the best
interests of the City of i;rroyo Grande to accept said bid;
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande, as follov+s:
Section 1. Tha`: said City of Arroyo Grande "Iater-
~.'~rorks Bonds of 1929, in the aggregate principal amvunt of X560,000,
be and are hereby sole: to Tha Llmer J. Kennedy Co. at the price of
par, to vrit, yy60,000 and accrued interest thereon from April 1, 1929
to date of delivery thereof to said purchaser,
Peso ~ No.
Section 2. The City Treasurer iG hereby authorized
and directed to deliver all of said City of lrroyo Grande IVater-
~^~orks Bondsi of 1929, in the aggregate principal amount of ;x;60,000,
to said The Elmer J. Kennedy Co.,',upon payment of the purchase
price therefor , to vrit, tYie sum of ;x;60,000 and accrued interest
thereon from April 1, 129 to the date of delivery, .
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect im-
Adopted and Passed by vote of all tlxe'~
members of the Council of the City oi' Arroyo Grande, California,
this 2~th day of Larch ,1929•
Mayor o tkie Ci y o rroyo ran e,
C erg or. e CZ y o' Arroyo ran e,
i California
Presented to and approved by me this 2~th day of
T'iaroYi , 1929.
,~ +
r ~r. -~ . ~~~'-~-GE- E
iayor o.. e i y o, Arroyo Grancxe,
-2 -
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution
was introduced and read at a meeting of the Council of the
City of Arroyo Grar.ds, duly called and held on the ^~itlt
day ofr._areh , 1929, and that said resolution N*as
thereafter at said meeting adopted and passed by vote of
all the memlaers of said CoLm cif, as follows:
AYES: Coi.~ncilmen t;able,Conrad,Aior~;:xn,Poole and Cox.
DIOES: Coi;r_cilmen, I~'one
ABSEIIT: Councilmen, i+icne,
And I fu_~ther certify that said resolution was
presented to, and. signed and approved by C, c.. No?sle
the Mayor of said City of Arroyyo C,rande on the ^:~th,
day of ~~iarch _,1529
I further certify that the foregoing resolution
is spread upon the recur°ds o^ the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande, California, at page ti'14 oC Book 2
og 1lecords, .__._
IVITI~dESS my hand and the seal of said city this
^F~r~t1~, day of Larch 19~9,
-- ---'
Cl~~ra o t o Ci y oArroyo Gran e,