R 40_.... «- w,..w aA'~"~ .I ww +'~w~ ~OL~. ;'IOIS 1TJ YO (T~y~ .% J:;~cILU) Oi 1'iL; CITY CJUT'CIL OIL' ^'H~~.,' CI~"I OI' r;:;0`_0 iR.'>biDE r1''.Yrii3-IAC TF;~ COLT"L':iyC r' '1i'J~ '^- '~~, *_ iris ~~~_'~~ D~9C3L3;D h" R3 iOLli iIOII U~? Ii~TLi;;'IJbi .'U. ~SC { P7L ~.I ;3ii;I? LP:.i ~ i~'wi~ril„i~ 'G tle C1ty CJU..C 11. Of 1118 Cli,;; CI r>Tl'J,','J v:^L11Q8~ ctld~ 121 open SP,a51011 021 'i.:1C 1C';;11 d~~~i O:i zli;ill, 1;,~tiy~ pU'UilC~.y" 0y,t?kl~ e.`.cil:l:i Tle '~Sld decl~.re all sealed TO'~09e.,1S o-r b r - ~ r 1 ld~ iu ::.ke sol~,;,;ik:~„ ~vork to b2 dote 2,21d ;,~kpro~rekn~2lt to be n,~.de In s~:ld Clty, to-colt: 250 , ~~j. ~D Reference ws her,~by i.i~•de to said. ;.esolution of Tnter~tlor_~ ivo. 3U (?Qew Series) for furtrner ~c~rt~eul~?rs incl~~din~, cj. descri!~tion oP the !•aork a.nd irrlproveuient and of the ~ssesslrent distiriec, which l;esu_ution of Intention is now on file u. the office of the City Clerk of s~.id City, I~~oiICE 7S x_Hi~.;n~Y rT2`7,T' that serial bonds to represent unpaid a3 SCS SrIle'7te L'.ild bear 7.nte 1'c^St at ';._'le T:.l,te Of slr_ LL)er Cent (6~) ;~;er annum, vri11 be issued hereunder in the iuanner irovided by tine ir,prove- meat bond act of 1015, the la;at inst~llr,:ent of which bands shay r.:t,~ture fourteen (14) years from the 2nd da,y of July ne..t succeeda.n~; ten (10) months froal trleir date. Exce!~t as 1lereinabove provided for tiie issuance of se.id serial bonds, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the he~isl<,tu£e oP -the State of California, designated the "1?nprovernent Act of 1911" aup.roved April 7th 1911, and amendments ti!ere- to; a]~oin accordance evith the flans and speciflca.tions uiwde therefor, by the City Engineer of said L"ity, and adopted by said City Council as the plans and specifications therefar~ on the 23rd day of January, 1929, w/hich pls~ns and specifications are no~~'r o;: file in the office of the City Clerk of the said City of Arroyo Grande, and 'are hereby referred to for ali particul~Lrs therein and thereby s~ppearin~, Attention is called to the 'd~arrenite Bitulithic license mixture µgreernent of 'rJarren S?rothers Co. of Boston, T4.ass, , of d~.te of January 21, 1929, and on file in the office of the City- Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gravnde. I'1' TS T1~P~T•'OP1; 73EiiL~BY IdC~3UI.~TED by sc.,id. C,ty Council that it reject and it does hereby reject e,,ll of .said rros!os~~ls or bids except th~~t ne:>t herein r::entiuned, and does hereby acv='rd the contrs.ct for loin, se.,id work and zrnprovement to the lowest rca ular, responsible bidder, to wait: ~ron~L._it~iLer_--- ----_----_-_at file prices n~?l..ed in his bid, The City Cleric of s~~i.d 09.'ty is hereby directed to publish a notice of 'phis a~/ard t~~nice in the !arroyo Gr?~nde I:er•ald-Recorder, w ~veek~y neY7S~~apeT publ.7.S11Cd iLrid C1rC Lll,a:~ted 11] 9c4id Ci ty, ci iid he rE:~)~' des 1. c;n...ted fo?° tr«:t ,purpose lay said City Council, ~.,~.... /~esa - No ~fQ I 'r~ereby certii~,,~ tl_~t. t:Te f.o.re~oin~, :esolutl~n ~l2.s duly uric. e~,ulC.rl~! iI:t TOC.I LiC ('G ~'.11Q ~ Cl O'y'i.G Ct C~ tle C1'ty CJL?1C 1~ Oi file Clty O~ ='_rr O;y~O iil"~. fiC~e iit 3 actj OLirneCl _PC ~; L'.1 ~. "' T;,i, ::t~:i" ~11E'1 CUB' i"_21G J'_7 she ].Oth. d~y o,' l>a;ril 1t~u;; by the _~ollo~rozr' vote: ~ , , ~,; A`.c%S: CouncilmenLNob?e, Conrad~lior~an and Poole,~___~__ 1?OL~: Councilmen~.iJOne,~___.___~~_ ___ 1'~R3't~1TT: Councilma~T, Cox, __ '~~ C, _ City Clerk u