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R 42
RT~SOLUTXO% ~o.~~.2._--~(b3e,w Series) ~- F~SOLi3TIOid ACChPTLT4G n 8~:2~ ~'R©&i ~.n.a~cxr~~ and ~LFfaiDn ~. i~;e~».~T ~ ST k~3tX[.1J3~D by the Council pf the City of Arroyo t}rande that.that certain deed dated I'::;~s_~,21rid.,,,,~,1929, ode and exeoutad by ;, -,:: J. A. Beckett and Blfrida S.•Aeakett, and conveying to tine City of ' ~rroy4 Grande ell that oerta,in piece or parcel of land cituTate in the Caunty.oP Zan Luis Obispo. State of California, and particularly deearib~rd as ;follows. t4-wvit: Gommeniaing at a point on, the northerly lin~.oP Lot ~9 df":H,arris • . Reaubdivieions of a part af' th~;~~ i~ncho® Corral ~+~,pi~i~~a. 1~1. 1'isma and Balsa de Chemisal as".:Q~e'~ map of said subdivision now on file in the Coun'ty~k°~ecordas's Office, San 3,uis Obispci County,. Califor~ia,a. s,,d point a'fr'~eginnin~ being distant' S ~fD®SS' ~~ j4.9 ~feg}~~ along tkte northerly line of said' hot 29 frpm the rcost'~,~esterly; c4rne~.oY a treat of land conveyed byryth~=tirrpya3 Grande? ."1~.%;Churah, by deed,, to the Coast Side~Ci~rpsgeeSing rlssaciation, June 19,' 1913, 'and~"~cord"ed i~ Volua~p 97 ``R,~ oY~ dee5is. `at ,pale 370,% inn Luis Qbispa ~Gaunty'Steo~.rds, ° ,w i~utd running thence from sold point of ,b~{~irin~.ng. ~ `~ 5®SS' ~,';• E 10+x:2",feet to m point on the w~t,aterlline of ed~id ~r~. conveyed .tract. thence, 7°4;7<< L 353.6 feet.`~~.ong file ' ,meeteriy, 1?,ne. of maid, cox~ve~ tta~r^t- to „4( pointy tp~~ ae S'6`~.°05' Tit'90.0 feet' to ~a, poi,#,y thence SY,'i2~o5~~. T~ a01.94':~' feet, tb a point on the nbrthe'f•1y lixia of said iaat &~~., ,~~'~- •thence I4.29°25' E 24:x.2 felt along tine ,ian~t~har~«T libe' -~= of said hot 2g to the poix~, of >beginn~.ng and t~~3~ng a .-', `'~ ` part. of :said Lot 29. ~'; .~ t.~, ~ y;~ ,;~, ,tr, „, be, and the same is hereby accepted by the Cit~r of,,r~rra~a Grande. ~ The City Clerk is hereby diree,,ted tb oa>_S~e as,1c~ deed to ~, Fir be recax•ded in the affiee of the Counter T~'.ecorde'r)•,of ;Che County of .,w ~ ~' 9~ Luis Qbispa. "u. o- : f .Lune';,!, } PA3 ~ AN,A /1TK7PTf:L .this_;,tF. ----day of~~apy,, 1929,, by the fallawin~'sote& ,`'+ ,± 6r A'Y.~Si ,'Councilmen ?Ioble i.:or~an, Poole ancL Cox. '~' ,; ;. BOBSi ~ <,.... ng3S~:SaT t nTTF,STS ' ~•'~ ..~. ty C er ,;, ,; r, +' ' ' : , r (~ ~, , r s. a..; ' "G i ~w~ ~ ~~ ~.. .,_-~ -°a