R 44RESOLUTION tea.. ~ (Hew Series]
T. L. V~BH A!LOORE'« et ux.
~ IT RESOLZtEI3 by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
- I~u i-ist 7th
that'that certain deed dated May 1323, made and executed by
J« L.'I~ebb Moore„ et ux.,, and conveying to the City of Arroyo Grande•
a right of way_alo~g ~hollot¢ing described line, Mitt
~, ~ t
Cams~enci.ng at a paint in the ea$terly line of Barnett,
Street in Chatauqua Park, a map of which is naa~ on file
in the-County-Recarderns'Cffice San Luis O'hiapa'County„
Calif:arnia. said paint of beginning being distant southerly
14f1 Pee-•~ slang the easterly line of said Harnett Street
from the southerly line of the ~trrnya Grande and Pismo
Hoacb and running thence from said point of beginning N 28°
2SR E~].23«fi feet to a point in the southerly lfne of said
Arroyo ,Grande and Fisma Hoad.
be,. and the ,same is hereby, aeeepted by the Cityraf Arroyo Grande.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause .said deed to
be recorded is the office of the County Recorder of the County of
Sao. Luis O'bispo«
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th Aur;ttst
-~-- day of~May, 1923, by the
following vote t
A.YESt_4ouncilrien, i~;or~;an. .r,t~r acl, i~ i ~ r~
$~St i~onnci~lmezi None
ABSENTS Councilman, C . U . P#obl e
,r- ~ity~Clerk
s~, '
A~ r...._..~._ m._