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R 54
~ ~ ~ ~ s !~ t /~ ~ ~ ~`,~ 1~ ~ t RESOLUTIODT .: 140.-,~,.~~~r-~~~ A F.RS~?T.~UTT7H AUTHORIZ274C€ THR s~..XECIJTIJH OF A ~~ ~Y 21iC CITY OF` Ai~i?OYt) GT7E'st1L1$ C~A?4'FYTNG TO TFU. 5TA`.i':~ 0~` CALIFORNIA., A RIGHT OF ~iAY FUR T20A'D :k'URT'OSES, OF C~:RTAIN I.R1723 O~P~.T?A }~ SAND CITY. C',~Fsa,, the City of Arroyo Grande is the ormrsex of certain parcels of lean8 situate ~eithin said City and captaining an area of approximately 0.6&7 acres; asp ~H~;E',~y~3, said land, so owned by said City. „is required by stmte of Cr~liforr~ia for road purposes, and said State of California has offered to, pay aoid City of Arroyo Grande the sum of One bollaxs 0 1.00 ~, for a right of gray over and across said land; ,t?~77 s~~H,T~,F„t.,, said sure is the reasop.~ble value of said right of waYi NO~~f *'i3F..~3.Ez~`:~R~, be it xeesolved that a right of way over and across said land be conveyed by t2te City of Arrayo Grande to the Stato of California for road purposes; A1dD L+H'IT R:~SG'LIf~:I? I'URTHHI?, that upop the payment of said aura of ~ 1.00 , rota the treasury of the City of A~rayo Grande, Lhe 8~ayar mtid'City Clerk of said C1ty arc: hereby authari2ed and directed to make. execute and deliver for and on behalf. of said City, a 77eed aonveyinQ to the State oP California, a xight of wt~}r far road purposes over and across :~a~isda land, said 77eed ~ w= contain. ~_ the fallowing provisions s "Said City oY Arroyo Grande reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, the right to lay, eanatruct, maintain, operate, renew, xepair and replace such pipe lines, conduits and other works over, under, ug~n or across said-,iand as said City may deem necessary, together with the right Lo make all necessary service connections. $eYore praaeeding to lay. copstruet, repair, reconstruct, renew or replace.sny pipe lines. anduits or other wracks ors said land er to do any other work an said 1, P (~ o /`~f ~esolufion DUO~S~ lanCi,,,~}~~City of Arrayo flrande shall give to the Califarnia State Highway Comiciasion,°reaaonable-notice of-its intention to ito-such - work; and_all'.such,work ahall.be done and performed aub~sct to .such reasonab7.e.rules-and re~ula,tions as"rosy be'made,and issued by said Csii`fornla"" Sts}te highway Coma~iasion. Said State of Cal~ifarnia ~drtd Califosnia•.t8tate Highway.Cauuuiasion. by the'acoeptanoe of tYiis Deed. ,;~°~ c&g~eg„to'be' ~reagaona.iblQ" €ox, and to indemnify said City of Arroyo - Grande for any_and all damages ar injuries caueed'ta:any pipe ].ins, •eonduit or "other froperty.belant;ing to said Citjc, by reason of the establisht~ent•,. cona,truetion, reconstruction, xepair or maintenance of a. highway ar other work -on said` land". ' T1~e property over which:said'right-of "way is tp be .conveyed, is, described~as,Y""ollaws-a --- ~rll .hat past oP: "f.o ta. 9, . 5, 6, "Y, 8,• aaxd 13',., ]: d'alineatdd`-upon_.a:x~p.'en.ti.tle~_;"I~€i~p .nf Lowe!~'tuldit of~,~royo?Grande!+ on fil`e_ ixi Bocik :~B__of~ lQaps;~ ,pa~gta :f3. Luis otrispo' CouaLyt Heg'inriing at :~tiie 'most: we~.terly above uieritioned~zot G; thencB,-~along,tYie--•westerly,l 1'ot. S.'•3~b'-49:+-;wfl?t~_ .,, 69:;9°feetx-ta :~ng3neer!s ~t~ on- the °DE;pa`rtmsnt aP .Public wtorket`• eenterlane° curve' Highway~,Xas.d;;~-flI.o--2--~';, -tYa~nc+a,. adnfixiiiix~g=el.©~g;=t] line:S:..-3;:°'49x 20 }'-x:.,61:64 fee'L-~ta,an-inter`secti sout2xexly*~ boundary., :line of. `.the ,yixoy~osed,, Mate 'F~ighwE thence,'Prom a:tangaxrt-which bears S. f36° 24+ 91'' ~; tn. the right, concentric w'i:th the'ea.fd centerline sa radius-''~f ~ 1'~rh© _fe.e.t; tkxrou~Yi, an>'angle.;'of l5~ 15+ .5~! ,:_ d68:.O6.Pe"et'"~.to;'_ar~ ,interseetian~wfsth..-tYxe"-.eouthea.stex~ , l5, 1'B, . as . , pn'ao_ tYze Town- - , ".22eeorcis_oT pan gornex-`of the _: ne;=-of the said tson695~94,31: ',;fox-,the ;Sta'te', ~:-sei"d~ 1"o~t` i~"5tiri~th ~th@ ~' ;right of- w&.y;'.,, along. & cui~re` - evey,with a ;' a-distance'=nf °~' ,~ -. ' boon GOrx] "_Mtd '~~Sta.t ~. .fl2+ ` x;- li4ie fast t37 ti ~. a ii pinta"- of 'l'ine -5." efl a ~hm..~".: mentioned:.i,ow$!a~~"ltad~i:on;..-,tY-enee,= folfioaviisg "last', `said' ` ~':"~I, 4lfl l7-; 26`'t ~+,.;,13.,69-feet• to= theina's,t.easterly~ f;,.;~th`encse,.:~'423._owing; ithe,~nor-these"terly~,,bottniiarjr-,•1iY-e'-af dd`itioii, g 33;ti, fl21 40 aN.,,:"'b9.72;feet to i;rigneer.*.s . c3:;09; thence,:continraing~.alang ,tie' last 'sa.id•.l~ine~ ~, 33~ 7:.21 :test to _sn- intersection witYi°,the niirtherly ~bot+ndary. rapased vtate, Higlxw~y,=;right- of i~ayg "!thence, ~'a21ow3ng .the d right.:af woy~lins,;, Pram a",tangent .wnicYi bears_H. `7,+!°. long a curve ,to the 1t:f t, coneen'~ric with the said.-seater-~: v~ith a radiu`s..of-.1$5©"feet;. through: ap;'arigle ~nf..2~- 3&',-,• -,. oe' af' 54;01 feet to ;tail -iritersec:tian w~.tYi_ tha ~northwestsrly' Liove metitioned~;'Lot, TS;. •t7ie}ric6, °fa7;loaiing, last; said .lot":.•, 0":- 4fl" W,, i.231fl .fee`s to. an interaeetiin s~ritti,,tlie dory line oi" ^_Cyrpesa-:btreet^'~,s •del3rieated upixn. the `, ' ed„~u,~p;"-~~_thence~. aldnp5„the sa,~id~eaatci~ly~lina'of.. Cyrpess h9t,:20",t1.,;`-179,4flt~~_eet =to, t?•M int_ereec,t_fon with the ~ , aide,ry'l.`.ue-o1..w'wt6at';~ranoki.:itreet'",~as d~t_11rie's<ted on`,.the ncs,; folZowing~rths.: said, southerly'`line;bf West"'.Branch: "50+'._IS.,` `181.75=,feet-'.tv the--:point af:•begiziring. ~;xaept^ -'any. portior5:_~af','the .~ee,id~Cypx,ass.'strae't.;,:~ 1 ,soti<tharly, t~ou s&id map;.-,`the .Street, la':'; 80.d Sng ;tYi`er`efxom 2, ~;. , ;~' 1, t f ' = z ~1 ego/utoh No'~,s'~ P1iS51'D A~"D ADOPTED ti~is 17th. day of June 1y:51, ` by the following votes' AYsSt Councilman, Conrad, PoA3e, Gibson and Moore NCEgY Councilman. None. ABSEN'f's Councilman. Morgan. ~tsyor ~ ~,~ f , ,.. ATTPS9T: ' y Clerk. r of ~ i t-, i'rt..;1,w s i,i1Gt ~!'~~ rl i~7VP .('^Y'n n71'~S" Y'°dC~~.UF i'~tr ~ n 19 ~~ ~,rd :., 4l.'~Lb Of C`b.ll it`Tnli:. .. ~. ~ _ ~c 1.1 ~.i~v ~.:~ {i • y' .:1: L'.^, (:Y'LY`9C'. ..v'~ 8il "`X'i'1 v^ ii']i'C'i''. ^" L"~'.:, 2?'~;;, ~l£.1' Vf JUrLH 1:4.1. .. : urli-c, i.~ atir.S 1'ai' t,Y~ Cci~r t~~ of '-an Luis )bi:~no, GL,~La of C~1if'orni~A.