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R 82
l RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO GRANT ELECTRIC FRANCHISE WHEREAS PACIFIC GA3 AND ELECTRIC COE4PANY, a California utility corporation, has filed with the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande an application requesting that a franchise be granted to it of the character and Por the purposes mentioned in the form oP notice hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS in the opinion oP said Council the public good requires that skid Praohise be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Council intends to 'grant said franchise, that hearing of objections to the granting thereof mill be held at the time and place specified in the Porm of notice hereinafter set forth which the Clerk oP said City is hereby directed to publish at least once within ~fiPteen days after the passage of this resolu- tion in a.newapaper of general circulation within said City, and that said notice shall be,in the following words and figuress "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO GRANT FRANCHISE. NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California utility corporation, has filed its application with the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande requesting said Council to grant it a franchise Por an indeterminate period, as provided in the Franchise Act of 1937, (a) to use, Por transmitting and distributing electricity within said City Por any and all purposes other than those authorized li /i eso/v fiov~ /~©j 8'~, under Section 19 of Article bI of the Constitution of the State of California, as said section existed prior to its amendment on October 10 191, all poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances which now are or may hereafter be lawfully placed in the public streets, ,ways and places within said city, and (b) to construct and use in said public streets, ways and places all poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances, including communication circuits, necessary or proper for said purposes. If said franchise shall be granted to it, said pacific Gas and Electrio Company , its successors end assigns, hereinafter designated grantee, shall during the life thereof pay to said city two per cent of the gross annual re- ceipts of said grantee arising from the use, operation or pos- session'of said franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than a sum which shall be equivalent to one-half per cent of the gross annual receipts derived by grantee from the sale of electricity within the limits of said city under both the franchise to be granted and the franchise now oxned by said grantee by virtue of Section 19 of Article 7CI of the Constitution of the State of California as said sec- tion existed prior to its amendment on October 10 1911. Said percentage will be neid annually from the date of the granting of the franchise applied for and in the event such payment shall not be made said franchise shall be Forfeited. Said City Council proposes to grant said franchise for an indeterminate period. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that any and all parsons having any obJections to the granting of said fran- chise,may appear before said Council at the City Ha of said ~ ~.. City at the hour of 8 p.m. onLV~i the ~ ay of ~.~~ 193 9, and be heard thereon; and V e~ ~ 2: peso/~f %oh No • ~z EOTTCS IS ~REBY F[TETHgA GY9EN that at any time not later than the hour 8o net for hearing ob~ectioas any person laterested may make Britten protest stating ob~ectione against the granting of said fraaohiae vhioh protest mast be signed by the protestant and delivered to the City Clerk oP said City, sad the 6ouacil shall at the time set for hearing said objections proceed to hear and gass upon all protests so made; sad NOTICE IS ~8Y FURT[~ GI4EN that the grantee of said franchise must •ithia five days after the date oP granting same file Fith thW Council of said City a bond is the penal sum oP ono thousaad dollars 01000.00) running to avid City eith at least tno good and suffioiant sureties thereto to bs approved by said Council oonditioaed that such grantee shall well and truly obaerve~ fulfill sad perform each and every term and coa41- tiom of said franchise sad that in case of 'any breech of condition of said bond occurring the mhole amount of the penal sum Lhorein named shall be taken and deemed to be liquidated damages sad shall be recoverable Prom the principal sad sure- ties upon said bond. &*or further partioulara referenoe is hereby made to said application filed as aforesaid is the office oP said Gouncil~ sad also to the resolution ga /~e s o/u f ~ o~ No. s'~ adoptod oa tho day of CT~~ 183 9 doaiariag ita,iatsatioa to grant said franahiss. y ~~ Datod: ~~ ` "" ~' 1935. By order oP the Couaoil of tho City of Arroyo Grande --Zlar o the City of Arroyo'Grande Tho foregoing resolution wen duly passed and adoptad by tho CouaRil of tho City of Arroyo Grand at~j a rogular moetiag of tho said Counoil hel8 on tho ~ 8ay of ~~~ 1939 by the followlag votes iYSB s Counoilman ii/~~K.~ ~ ' "~ ' ~ t p,~~ G ~- / [~/ 1 3 ~t in "r~`yL~(,.iv ir,~-/11 X11 1dOBS: COUacilmoa _rY1..~n-cam ABSffia'P: Couaailmea ~~_ ~a/ ATTF3'P: U~ ~ ®~~o~ a City of Arm yo Grande ~. City of Arroyo Grande