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R 93
oLVx:~oN rz€~. 9 ,~~ Y~'~~5, C. C. yHARPS, has fully Ggmplied vvi,th all. of ttie terms of that Qertain Afsreent of Sale ezxtpred 9aato between him acid the City of Arroyo Grande on the 12th day ofi April., 1939; for the p~phase af` the property hr~reinafter descr9.bed as,;auttaoriaed ~' .Etesolution T~um3aer ~' dated April ~, 1939. 13L: I~ RFSCI,V~D9 that the Mayor ancti City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grade, hei and the are hereb3r author~.xed axzd ~dixect~ad to axacute to said C. C. 5hargs, can taehaLf of the City of Arroyo Grande, a Grant Dfl®d,tp said C. C. 52~arus, fur all that real property, situate 3n tfze City taf Arroyo Granda, County of San Lu1,# Obispca, State o~ California, desca°5,bed as fcal.la~rsz Lots ~ tc~ lea, 'bo~4h inclusive, accardin~ to xtap of Lowe+s Additioxa to the flown of .Ax'moy'o Grande, record$d ixz the offiee of the County ?3acarder of tPte County of San Luis 4aispo~ dune p, l9Q~a. ' 5ub~eo't to; 1. `'axes of the fiscal year 1939-~3q. 2. Conditionsy x°estrictions, resorvatians and rights of may of raoard. P~55ED A2d71 ADQPTID, on the 2©t1a day of December,a 1939, 'by the following vote, to-~ritz L ~, ~i e5o~vforJ N©~ 9'.3 S~.A`~'E dF CBI+TP"d~ZNTA, } ss. COUNTY dF SAId.LUIS dBTSPd, T, RT388E~B. ~d.I3dEA.U, Clerk,'of tae City of .Arroyo Grande, County s~f San Buis db3spa, State , a~ Cali.F~axn;ia, da hereby caxti~r tk~at the fore~o;Lnu is a .~uLi., true and correct copy oi?`Aesca7,utii~n,'Numbcsr cl 3 , p€~ssed by tYie City Couxtcil of the City, of .~rroya Grande, Ca?az~:ty o~ San Luis t~bispo, State of Califarna.a, an the 2pth day off` December, 193'x, arld that upor- tY-e passaSe oP said Resolution, the vote was as f811o~s, to-witt AYESs Councilmen C~y ~-c~-~w ~`~-~'ti`.~,`~'~ ~'1.~~~",~~'~ NdESi Caunci.lmen. ~~A A38STs Caucaoilmen /;1 o~nJ V~T2NPS8 my hand and the Seal of the raid City Council of the City c~ 9rrg5to Grande,. County of San Luis dbispo, Stato of Cali:faruia,,this-,~~day o~,December a 1939W RUSSEL B. P~L1:NF~,F1U t SEA) City Clerk at the said City oS .Arr`vya Grande.