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c._ ox a~io otieets, hioi~ ~~ya, ~11Eyo, s:ideo;alI-s nd other public
11'c: L~. 401 61111': t?1E C,1 ty~ Ol ~_'i0y0 Gi'_:ild Cy COL;llt~r Of S3.i1 LU15 ~b1SjJOy
Stu ~E Oi Calif Ol'_1.L.^y fOi' tli~ pUT OSE OC la;,>i'1_ OUty Op eriLl~;y C01_1-
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jJUi~liC ..^,.7.'ec.Sy i'71'Gh:L11 SG.i(7. Ci tS'y fOr t'1P, r~cri01 OI 011E jC'$r fY'OTil
file c._atE of the paasa,c: of t~"lls Resolution.
!I (.'a.Opt, d~J„ bj tilC C;i t'~> CO11i1C i1. Oi ti1E C11;;; Of' _I:rl'O,y'O Cs!'C~1:CCy
Coun~;;,T oi' "arl Luis Obispo, 8 ~ ate of C,,li "ox~ ~1~ y t'.1is ~6 ~"d:.y-
o° Sanussy, ~ 19~-4, ~,>~~ the follcmrin~ '~rotc.
2loos~: Cnuncil>!leii ~'~Jr~-C.
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CitS~ Cler1, of the s~.id Ci~b,;~ of Arroyo
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~esa/~foh lUo~ Is
S`i'"~`r~ OF CC-LIPGiiTdl ~,
Z, RUSSELL ~. T,??r1F_Y2Uy Cler.~ o£ thy, City of l_rroyo Grande,
Couniy of Sar. Luis; Obi Apo, Stc.tr~ of California, do hereby certify
that 1;he fore ;oin;; is a f a11, trL'.e ~ulc: correct copy of Resolution
"io• 9 ~ , p~,~ssed by -the Cit,T Coun^.il oi' the City of 1~~'royo
(-'xr;:ndCy C011nty OI SL,Lil T~L;:'_,S Ob':,JOy vt~~~.8 Ot C~~l.l.i0=~'21_'~_~., ~~.nC; tkl:'.t llytiJOn
~k7@ fJ c.SS<1~ Ot ~_:..~Z PicOlLlt iO?1 the VOtC
~:~aS ~,_ 107_lO.TS:
!`_yes: CoL~nc
D1oes: Council~ren 1?~(fvuZ
Absent: Council.:~e.z ~~_ ~.
VIIT~IESS tqy- hand and the ssa7_ of the s<~id Citr Council o£ the
City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sai: Luis Obispo, State of Cali"orizia,
this ~b - day of Janu~.rf, 1940.
( G`,rnj,
Grr.. Lr1:1 P.