R 136R~sozuTZON # 136 BL;~Oki3 Tllr~' CITY COUTvCIL OF `PH'_~: CIiY CP ARROYG GI:AidDE Ps^,!~LII`1'IOTd Rdstive to the T~lcing of a ::pedal Census 3~ IT YI~;SOLV?a ~~HA~i' the Citlr of Arroyo Grande have a Srecial Census of said City conducted b;r the Census Bureau of the United States Government;, Br I1 F`~R~u~R R~SOLV;~,D, that the City Cleric o° the Citt* of Arro<*o Grande be authorized to contact the II.S. Census 9ureau to make arrangements for the talon(; of said Census. BE IT I~;Ii'II?;`.H HI:S~% V'~'i., that the Tdialror of the City of Arro~~o Graande he aut~.orized to sign s~i.cl contract on behr;lf of said Cit~r, Cn mot9.on of Co'~ncil^~an Ro ~n .re _ seconded by Councilman i.; ar7v , and on the follovrinf; roll call vote, A~"-=C: Councilmen Phillips~5chnyder~Lierly and Rountree. ITgBS : None. I',FiSi;T'T : Councilman A?enny. i~ is ordered that the fore~;oin~ Resolution be adopted. Late~l Su1~,31x~j'~1946. STr`P1S OIL' ~lLIF~OFidlt^_ CCTJTTT' CP SPS? LL'Iii 03ISPQ ss I, PIT1TdR TrT. SCI?ILT:I?•~G, City Clerk of the Cit;a of P.rroyo .."nand e, Count;r of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify the foref;oin to be a fltll true and correct copy of a Resolution made iffy the City C6uncil of the City of Arrrro Grande, :as the sa*ne ;pears entered in their Resolution Book i9IT?'dESS my hand and the seal of the Ci1:sr of Arroyo Grande, affixed this lyd_ day of ---Jtt_~____' 1046 C~Cler ; of the City Arroyo Grande, Ca7_'_fcrn_ a