R 143'.: R~aOUJTION N0.143 tF~F:ERE.4Ss on the 13th day of September~l946s~`ackson +t~.Ruhl and .Tessie ?'.Ruhlshis wiPef deeded to the City of Arroyo Grandee that certain parcel o~,,land more particularly described ~n said deed; and WIi~F~r~Ss it is provided by Section 1158 of the Civil Code that the foregoing and within deed or grant shall not be accepted for recordation .without the consent of the grantees evidenced by its resolution of Acceptance attached thereto; N@WsTHEE't1R?,r73E IT RESOLVE ANI3 ORtJEREA by the City°~ouna3l of the Citybf Arroyo Grande that said City of Arroyo Grande does hereby give""its consent to the recordation oP the attached Heed and directsthe Clerk of said City to attach a copy of said xesal- ution to said deed as evidence~°~?P ita acceptance and its consent to the recordation of the annexed deed. Councilman Schnyder rioves the adoption oC the foregoing Resolutionsseconled by Councilman Lierly,and the foregoing Resolution is declared du~;5c adopted on the following roll call votetto wits Ayers Councilmen PhillipssSchnydersA~enny~Lierly and .Rountree, Noes: &*ane. Absenti None. State of Californian ) s S S. County oP San Zuid""Obispo ) Is~ra Edna I~.Schillin~aClerk of the City of Arroyo Grandee County•of San Luia ObiaposState of Californiaido hereby certify that the foregoing is a fullstrue and correct copy of Resolution Ierumber 143xpassed by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande County o~ pan Luis Obiapo~State of Californiason the 2nd day of Oetobers1946yand that upon the passage of said Resolutiontthe vote was as followa~to wits Ayes: Councilmen PhillipsaSchnydersD~ennysLierly and Rountree. Novas None» Absents None. 4~lITASESS my ~ ;:.`~ ' '~i~d the deal of the said City Council of the City of ,Arroyo G`randelCounty of San Luis Obispo~State of Cal3forniaythis 2nd day of October~l946. ( Seal) City Clerk o the 8a d Cityi of ArroyomGrande. `v