R 171i RESOLUTION N0. ~~ RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF ARROYO GitANDE, GOUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF THE MOVING OF THE ROUTE OF U.S. HIGffirJAY ¢f 101. Before the Gity Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, the following Resolution is now offered: WHEREAS, The Gity Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California is informed that the California Highway Commission is considering the passibility of moving the route of the present U.S. Highway ~r'101 so as to take said highway outside of the City of Arroyo Grande, and to the West of th.e present route of said Highway through the Gity of Arroyo Grande, and 4'JF'EREA5, the said City Council underatanda that if said proposed move is-made that any new highway will be established as a freeway, and WiiEREAS, the present route of sai$ Highway throu~,h the City of Arroyo Grande has a right of way of the width of / p-a feet, and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the said City Council, the present route of said highway through the City of tirroyo Grande with certain minor irnprovementa and repairs to the right of way and to highway structures, particularly bridr;es, can and will be sufficient for all reasonable uses to v3hich said Highway can or will be put within the forseeab3:e future, and WHEREAS, in the opinion of tho said City Council, said minor improvements and repairs can be made att a cost far below that of procuring a, new right-of-way and of erecting a complztely new High- way and bridge, and WHEREAS, tine present location of the said hir~hway affords to the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande a scource, of income necessary to their existence and to the existence of the City it- ~~ self, and ~r ~~ ,~ r /peso/u f o n loo ~ 17! WHEREAS, the removal of the Highway from its present location and its establishment as a freeway would deprive many parsons of a livel;ihoad, and would seriously endanger the continued eaiatencs of tMe,City of Arroyo Grande, and would tend to destroy property ,, values throughout the area= and VfREAS, the removal of said highway to a new location and its establishment as a freeway would, in the opinion of the said CSty,Councilt bs more 'aoatly and more eapenaive than would the improvement and repair oP the sainting right of way through the City of, Arroyo t3raad®, and would not improve the tT.S, High~ray #lOl so far as the motoring public is concerned in proportion to the coat thereof, since the present route can be made entirely ade,quat®, N099 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City cf'Arroyo Grande, County of San Luia Obispo, Stets of California that it oppoaea the moving of the U,S,Highway ~#~101 from its present lacatian where it passes through the City of Arroyo Grande, and BS IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said City Council oppoaea the establishment of the said Lf.S. Highway X101 as a freeway, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said City Council favors the improvement and repast of the present routs of said Highway through the City of Arroyo Grande, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said City Council urges the California Highway Commission to oonaentrate its engineering and Financial resaouroes on the imprrovement and repair and main- tainasxae.of the present Highway right-of-way, rather than seeking or attempting to]oaets new rautaa of trawl which would alter the present routs of said Highway through the Gity of Arroyo 4rands,and BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the said City Couriail that the Honorable Chris N. Jeaperasn, Senator far the 89th Senatorial ~. _ Distriot and the Honorable James W, Silliman, Assemblyman for ~~' the 33rd Assembly M strict, bs and they era herewith requested ~eso~u~an NO• l7/ ~t ~~ ~ to help and assist the C1ty of llrroyo Grande to resist any and all atfrempts to remove the O.S. Eighway x'101 from its pre- sent 'route through the City of Arroyo Grande or to set up said highway as a freeway to the exclusion of those persons now main- taining businesses along the route of tho present highway, and BE IT FURTF~R RESOLVED by the said City Council that copies of tYiis resolution'be forwarded to the said Honorable Chris N. Jespersen,.Senator for the 29th Senatorial District, and to the s~.id Honorable James W. Silliman, Assemblyman for the 33rd Assembly District, and BE IT FURTF.~R RESOLVED by the said City Council that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Oalifornia State Highway Co:nmisaiori:at Sacramento, and L. H. Gibson, District Engineer, Division V, San Luis Obispo, Cal~iforni}a. On motion of Councilman /4h ~.,~ and second&d by Counci and on thQ following roll call vote G /~ ~ y~ , AYES : 1~-~--'e-'-r f11¢.,.` / -~ , 'Q c~.-- ~ ~`~`~~"~,'~`~'Q NOES: YLUIi~~ ABSENT: ~~ the foregoing resolution was adopted this ~~-~day of November, 1947.