R 173RESOLUTIOx xo. ~ 7~ RESOLUTIObi OR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF ARROYO GRANITE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RELATIVE TO THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL I~'tOPERTY. 'NHERF.AS, the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califarssia has heretofore acquired certain real property hereinafter desorlbed, and iVHEREAS, the said property is not now, nor w111 said property ever, at any time, be necessary or convenient to the public's use, and ~HE[iEAS it is desired to dispose of said property in order to obtain the maximum benefit therrrfrom, both by way of the cansidex- ation to be obtainefl from the sale o3 the pro~x3rty, and to unable said property to be returned to the public tax rolls`; NOGG THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVb'`1) that the hereinafter described real property shall be soI'd at public auction to the highest bidder upon the terms hereinafter set Earth. !9 7 5aid~sale shall take place on the day of ~~` at the hour of 8x00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Council bf the City of Arroyo Grande in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Bifls for the purchase of said hereinafter described real property should be in writing directed to the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, and~~st be fi ed with t~~~~ity Clerk of said City on or before the 3~ta day of , i4' at the hear of l~t00 P.M. Each b1d should be accompanied by a cheek in an amount equal to ten percent of the amount paid. Said sale will be made to the highest bidder for cash, provided that the City Council may accept any oral bids made at the time and place hereinabove set forth, provided that the First oral bid submitted must be at least five percent in exaesa of the highest written bid submitted. ~' 5 i -1- /Pesolvfon /~o~ 173 The City oY Arroyo Grande reserves the right to reheat any and a12 bide submitted and to withdraw said property from sale Eor any reason whatsoever. BE'IT FORmfI~ ItESOLYED that the Gity Clerk oY the City oY Arroyo Grande bey and she ie herewith ordered to give notice of said sale by causing a notice thereof to be published in the Arroyo Grande klerald Recorder at least three times before the date oY said sale. The prppexty intended to be sold is described as Yellows, f ~. `r a to wait= P~"~, All that real property laoated in the City oY Arroyo Gr'~-'° ~ounty_of San Luis Obispo~3ta~e-oY-Cal#Yorniss more paztia~~~'da~H~~ d- as follows to, wits 7Lat ~rt`Bloak 8 aY Subdi~siana a.~-prapert~'-e~-- ~: R. 3hor~s,-7.`.--~-: ?dasori s"n`d-t4. Akii~teley iza the City oY .A~roya Grande, aoaaxding to map.-Pi3:ed=fex-:~~ October n==the=o~Yae oY the County ~teaarder oY Lu s Obispo Countys Ca1lYornia. 7~arael I~t All that real property wituated in the City of Arroyo Grande, County oY San Luis Obispa~ State of California' more partiaulaxly described as faliows, to wits In Wood's Additions NEIy 8~10-.5 Yeet of Lot 2.$. pn motion aY Caunailman r/ , seoonded by Caunoilman ~,--._ _ d!_ , '~l , and on the Yellowing roll call votes y~ N AL~~~-~-, '"~` r7 ~ AYES s ~ °~-~--~-~-Q h `o".` VV , NOES r ~`^'- ANS~14T : ~'""e the Yoregaing resolution was adopted. ~~,.