R 184RFiOLUTION N0.184. IDT T??E C^TT~TCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR~NDE,STATE OF CALIFORI~TIA, 3SSOIUTION DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. 7dHERF~IS, a General Municipal election was held in_-the City of Arrogxo Grande,on 'Puesday April 13th,1948 as required by law, AND ~°I~,~...'RFAS, it appears that notice of said election was duly and legally given,that voting precincts were properly established,that election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished, and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made and declared in time ,form and manner'as required by law of sixth class Cities. A39H @7HERE4S,the Council of said City met at the Council Chamber thereat on Tuesday the 20th day of April 19a8,to canvass the returns of ::said:slection,and install the newly elected officers,and having canvassed said returns, the Council finds that the number of votes cast, the"names of the persons voted for,and other matters required by law,to be as hereinafter stated now therefore BE IT R~OLU~,as follows: That said General Municipal Election vas held ,and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande on Tuesday the 13th day of April 1948,in time,form and manner a~~required by law,that there was one voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said election consisting of a consolidation of the re- gular election precincts established for the holding of General State and County elections as follows:( Consolidated Precinct A) comprising State and County Precincts DTUmbers One,Two and Three, and the voting }tlace thereof was the City Hall. That the m'hole number of votes cast in said City was 3 S b that the names of the persons voted for , the offices for which they were voted,the number of votes ¢iven in each precinct to each of said perse~ns together with the ',thole number of votes which they received in the entire City are as Follows: P,rame of persons voted for, Votes Herbert R.Phillips Councilman~Ful1'Term 25'5 red 47. Clark " " " 281 cordon F.Dixson " " " 279 L.'Y':.Lierly " " " 104 :aubrey P.Havdk " " " 172 Edna 1.,.~chilling City Clerk " " 314 P~:orris C.Pruess City Treasurer Full Term 34 Edna Schilling " " " " 1 Herbert Swartout ter. " rr " " 1 crank '?osch " " " !! 1 Ray Lundgren " " " " I "'ewell ?';.Strother " " " " 1 Ralph P.ennett " " " " 1 Rosebud rr rr n u 1 /\c w~ v, rv, y Alo. 18~` R~®fl,V~ T?Il'REr~CRE~that, at said General Ivlunicipal Election ?.erbert R.Phillips vras-elected Councilman of the City of Arroyo Grande for the full term of four years. Also that ~~red 'a9iClark eras elected Councilman of said City for the full term of four years. Also that Gordon F.Dixson was elected Councilman of said City fcr the full term o£ four years. Also that P?rs Edna 2•?.Schilling vras elected City Clerk of the said City for the full term of four ,yea.rs. Also that P•~orris O.Pruess v°ras elected iity Treasurer 6f sa-id City for the full term of four years. she City Clerk shall immediately make _~nd deliver to each of such persons elected~a certificate of election~sir°ned by him and duly a.ut'_nenticated: he sh.11 al o impose the constitutional oath of o-Tice and have them subscribe thereto~erhereupon they shall be inducted into the respective o'ficesto vrhich they have been elected. I~the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vras duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande a_t a special meeting held on the 2Gt?'i day of April 1=~4v3, by the following vote: A~~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder and Rountree. i~0~: -None. ;,B3~;; ,_; Councilmen Lierly and P~tenny. In testimony v;hereof I :nave hereunto et my hand and a'fixed the ~d A ,~~.. official seal of said Cit~r~this ay o~ pril~~ i~ w O ~'J . ~G City Clerk