R 188~'~SOLtJT202S N'0.1~3~. , BE IT S,?"~~;L'V~s by th:: ~'ity Cnoaneil ox' the Ci~y oP arroyo Grande that folZo:•aix~~ c'r=.r};es shx>.11 be oracle Por permits to hook •czp to City sP~rer ~':?eilitiess 1. For di~°eet, haalt up to a Ci ty sel;er main outside a? the City limits' the ,; u~, oP ~ 12.5.00 per residence haol~-up. 2. For 2 or mare perscns uho canstrr~et their oy~en lstnx°als end hook into the City n`+inea ch=urge oP ~w 50.00 per residence haok°•up. 3, Far }=_ca'c uS;s to any Crank line ~anside the City linlits'th~ su:n aP `. ~O.Ct~ per residence hoo2~-u, ~ it furti:er resolved that in addition to the above chargesy~ service c}k~r~re oi' `;',1.5C: per month shall be made z~ersons usinsr ~;ity see{JF:r gacilities v~:ho live outside the Tossed nr,d acpted by the fallocJ3n~ rail call votes AY~s Co:znei3x^en phillipssOcY=xzyder9S?oiintreeyClark ana '~B`"'~vil': T"at7f'e ha olc-=ap 'for all C'its liatits. '~'1`„'fiOne