Minutes 1950-08-16 ,
~oU ~
~r~~=ayo Grande, ~alifornia_ ~
~u~ust 16, Z95o ~
The City Council met in regular session ~rith ~~ayor ~aiters pre-
siding. Upon roll call Councilmen Dixson~ ~ammann, and ~onrad reportet~~-
_ , .
present. Councilman ~lark arrived later. ~ ~
The minutes of the ~revious re~ular and s~eeial meetin~s were ~
read and approved as read. '
~ommur~ications were read and placed on file.
~r. Lo~rell H. ~ersole of the Ur~derwoad ~orForatiom d~mor_strated
ane of` their aecountin~ machines and the ~ouncil decide~ to give it ~
further consi,deration. ' - ,
~ouneliman Dar_lmann made a m~ticn~ seconded by Council.man ~lark
thet ~+ir. Willia~s b~ paid for his first week of disability. ~ motioM
by ~ounciTman ~a.r~mann seconded by ~ouncil.r~an ~onrad to ~?ay ,br':r. Corr '
f`or the last half c~f August. It vras moved b~r ~ouncilm.an. Lammann~
s ec onded by C otlnci lman ~%onrad ~ that ~~r . Buehanan be paid at the same
rate ~s ~'lr. Coaper. '
It was sn~~ested,the Iette~ to be taken by Pony 0.~ress to Paso ,
Robles~ be rvritten inviting tYiem to ~tt~nd the Harvest Festival. r
It was reeomm~~d~ed the let~er in regard to the ~ient ~ontrol be II
filed and if any~ actian was to be taken, it woula be pt~blieised before " _
any aetion be taken. ~
"I'he letter from La:rry Crawforc~, in re~ard to the positian of
Chief of Police be ackriawledged and filed.
Street work a~as discussed and it was suggested a Ietter be ~
writ+,~en to the Uepartment of Finance to see if we could expect any
funds to be used on Carnwall and '~all~-Ho.
Upon motion by ~ouncilman Conr~ad~•sec anded by ~ouncilman Bammann~
it was agreed to adv`rtise for bids c~n ~rand ~vencte F~ten~.on anc~
Barnett from ~nd to 101 highv~ay . ,
Resolution of the City ~ouncil of the ~ity of` ~rroyo Grand~
Ievying Taxes for the Current r iscal ~ear ~.q5o-51 upon alI Ta~able
~roperty t~ithin tY~e ~ity af Arroyo Gr~nde and f
ixin~ the ~ate of ~
such iax ~t ~I.OC't per $lOC.O~ af assessed valuatian~ for ~eneral ~'und.
Passed and adopted by the ~'oLo~~ring roll call vote=
~YE'S: ~ounei].z~?en ~~~iters~ Dixson~ ~=1ark~ ~~.mma.nn and ~anr~d
ABSIIti'T: R'one -
~I~r. Karris read the h~ading of the 4~at~r Ordinance and a motion
- vvas made by Councilman ~aM~lanr:, seconded by ~ouncilman ~ixson that they
w~ive the balance of the r~ading. Upon roll eall vote all. Councilmen
voted ~ye. ~ ~
_ lhe ~ater Urdinanee ~ras discussed and after discussion ~ouneil-
+ man eo~aa made a mation~ seco~ded by Councilman ~a~mann, to amend
iect:ion 2~ of the 4rdinan~~ to amit the words `~~nside the C~ty~~ in the
~ sec ond line . ~oun.c.ilmen ~onr°ad 9~~r~mann ~ anc~ G~Taiters voted: ~ye ~ and
~ ebuneilrnen'~~ark and ~ixson voted Na.
I - Councilman ~onrad then made a motian~ seconded by ~ouncilman
Damr:~.ann, to amend ~ection 30, as follow~, to remave the first sentenee
of Sub. A and aIl of Sub. B. ~ouncilmen ~onr~d~ IJammann anci ~aiters
for the mation~ ~ouncilman ~i~son said ~Iright~ ~ouncilman ~Iark did
not vote.
, ,
~ ~lr. Har~is agreed to ~ite ~r. Gruenstein about his business
. license,:
` V~ x motion was ma.d~ by ~ouncilman ~ammann, ~econded by ~ouneil.man
Conrad to accep~t the r~signation af` ~raneis P. ~orr, as af ~ug~ust 31~
~ lg}~O i~ri.th perr~~ission to be absent f~om ~u~ust 2l.st. ~ouneil~an
u Dar~?;ann made a motian~ seconded by eourlcilman ~onrad that ~r. ~~s.
'~~tonesifers Ieave of absence be terminated and he b~ reinstated to
~ ,-to serve as Chief of Palice, at the pleas~:re of the City ~ouflcil. '
Bi~ls ag~i.nst the ~eneral ~'und far $I15~.05 and th~ ~ater
~'und for $7?.50 ~rere auditec~~ approved and ordered paid.
J ~No fur~her business ap~earin~ and upon motion the me~ting v~as
• ' ~~r~~-~--`-;~~
" ~TTEST: , ,
- Q -
~rroyo Gi~ande ~ ~alifornia
~u~ust 23~ 1950
~he City ~ouneil met in ~pecial session1 :v~ith ~~a~ar ~a~.terg
presiding. Upon roll call ~~~~ciTmen ~i~€sc~n, ~arz~.ann and Conrad
reported present. ~t~sent ~%our~cilman elark.
The ptzrpose of ~the meeting was tca discuss the remad~ling of the
House on Branch ~t,ree~, for a~ity Hall. Af'ter d:iseussian a~otian