Minutes 1950-11-15 122 ~ _ , ~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. ~ I~Toveaber 15, 1950 The City Council t~et in rc~ul~.r se~sion with blayor ~~laiters prCS1.d1TI~j. Upon r~ll call C,~uncilmen Dixson, Dar_~~~ann and Conrad report~ d present. Cour~cilman Clark arrived later. The minutes of the previous regular and ~pecial meetings were read and approved as read. Com~unications were read and placed on file. The request from A. B. VCood and wife, Jack and Rose Lee Ditmore and I. S. and Ethel Weaver, for anr.exation to the City of Arxoyo Grande was discus~ed and a motion was made by Councilman Dammann, seconded by Councilman Conrad to refer the reguest to the Planr.in~ Commission and to ask for an answer as soon as possible; so the Woods Tract #58 ~vould know if it were possible to hook onto the seeer. A lette~ from 1Robe~t Folkert, asking for an adjustment on the Tax at 430 Beech Street, belonging to Lewis A. Mitchell, for Lot 6 Block 4 Tract no. 45, was discussed and it was agreed to check with the County and Cou ncilman Conrad agreed to get the information from the Assessors Office in San Luis Obispo. Mrs. ~turges, president of the Women's Club, Arnold Teague of the Recreation Com~itte and Mr. C. Boswell representing the Boy Scuuts, were present to request use of the Park and Buildings. The Woman's Club wished to purchase a site for a Club Building, which c could be rented to other organizations. There was quite a lengthy,. discussion and the matter was then referred to Cot~ncilman Dixson for study and to see if someway could be worked for all units to have use of the Park. Colancilman Dixson was as~ed to report back at the next meeting . Paul ~~urges requested a letter from th•e City Covncil to the F. H. A., in regard to the Paving of streets in ~iineau and Loomis Tract; so it would be pos.~~ible to get F. H. A. Loans. There w~s some ~iscussion, as to pavin`; or surfacing, and who was responsib]e for the street improvement. B~r. Sturges was asked to contact bRr. ~Iineau and take the natter up with Nlr. Harris. L. E. Fernamburg brought up the subject of stray dogs and Chief of Police Stor~esifer said he vuould have I~r. Williams fo from House to h~use and notify every dog owner that they should come into the office and get a Dog license or he vaould sign a com~laint against ~~e7 them. Also that the Police Department ~~as not supposed to dispose of dogs. ' ~ Councilman Clark reported that Mr, York Peterson has said ~t wauld be all right to use 2 inch pipe from Alder Street south tl~ the houses of Kofahl, BaxtEr and Trey. C~uncilman Dixson reported that the City Col;ncil could get gravel from Mr. Essig, for .10¢ a yard, ~n the road to Verde and it would be very good for use on maintenance or oil mix. ~ It wa:s agreed to have Mr. Sharps get bids on blinds for the City Hall. A motion was made by Councilman (~onrad, sec~nded by Council- man Dammann, to get bids on gas~line for 1951 and to ask for bids on both regular and Ethyl. Motio n carried. ?~s. Harris asked the Clerk to make a note that the City still had ~~75.00 up on deposit on the Condemnation proceedings about the P. C. R/t1V west of Highway lOZ, south of town. It was suggested to raise the f loor in the New City Hall, where the Cour~cil and Judge v~ould have their table and Councilman Dix~on was asked to check with ISharps on the matter and it was also suggested they look at the arrangement in Sar.ta i~aria City Hall, as it was well ~rranged. Bi1Ts against the General Fund for ~ 1,251. 30; the Water fund for ~ 97.50, ~vere audit~d, approved ar.d ordered paid. The Clerk asked if it would be agreeable to take part of her vacation, the latter part of November and ~vas told it would be all ~ight. - No further business appearing and upon motion, the meeting was ad~~urned. ~ % i~ , ~ , ATTEST : ~Ly.~', .x,~~~~~~~~ City C~.erk Mayor i °~d ~Q~