Minutes 1988-03-21 SP . - - MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AREA 1 FORUM MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1988 FOURSQUARE CHURCH, gOO OAK PARK BOULEVARD ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met for an Area Forum at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Also present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis and Gene Moots. Council Member D. G. Porter was absent. Interim City Manager Chris Christiansen outlined the purpose of the forums - to determine how residents throughout the City view their neighborhood and community, now and in the future. Mayor Mankins asked the Citizens in attendance for their views. Making comments and asking questions were MIKE GREENELSH, KATHY GREENELSH, ROB PLUMB, MRS. JOHN RICHERSON, FRED STEELE, MRS. GREEN, BARBARA KLEIN, REUBEN KVIDT, MARGE SMITH, RUSS SHEPPEL and others in the audience. Street circulation and traffic control topics discussed included: 1. Utilization of James Way immediately to alleviate the traffic difficulties at Oak Park Boulevard and Highway 101. 2. A stop sign at James Way and Tally Ho Road. 3. Time frames for completion of Oak Park Interchange improvements. 4. Traffic control and street marking in the vicinity of the new Albertsons Shopping Center. 5. Time frame for completion of West Branch Street. 6. Opening the LePoint Extension through to Larchmont. 7. Freeway overpass from Hillcrest Drive. 8. Roads feeding out of the Oak Park Interchange, and improvement of Noyes Road in particular. g. Clearance of vegetation blocking traffic views at Noyes Road and Equestrian Way. 11. More Police patrol on James Way. Public Works Director Paul Karp said that completion of James Way in the Royal Oaks development would be late Summer or early Fall, 198B. He said the road would not be opened before then because of construction traffic. He said there will be a one-way stop sign at Tally Ho Road and James Way. He said the Oak Park Interchange improvement will be started in 1990. New striping will be completed in the immediate future in the vicinity of the new Albertsons Shopping Center. He said .the new section of West Branch Street will be completed at about the same time as the new section of James Way. He said West Branch Street will join with Grand Avenue between the Shell Station and the Bank of America (as it does now). Speaking about an extension of Le Point Street through to Larchmont, Mr. Karp said a recent Citizen committee and the City Council found that the extension would not be in the best interest of the City. He said there will be traffic circulation behind properties one block north of Branch Street. He said a possible freeway overpass from Hillcrest Drive will be discussed at future public hearings on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Mr. Karp said the City is discussing with the County the problem of the increasing traffic on roads feeding out of the Oak Park intersection and Huasna and Branch Mill. He said Noyes Road could be improved by use of an assessment district or by off-side requirements on large developments. - ~ CITY COUNCIL AREA FORUM MARCH 21, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO Mayor Mankins directed the City Manager to look into the matter of more Police patrol on James Way. There were questions and comments from JANE JOHNSON, ELLA HONEYCUTT, MR. SHEPPEL, MR. KVIDT, MR. AND MRS. GREENELSH, BILL SMITH, MADELEINE STEELE, MR. PLUMB and other members of the audience on the following miscellaneous it ems: 1. Homes in the Planned Developments of Oak Park Acres, Royal Oaks Estates and Rancho Grande, as well as a new nearby development in Pismo Beach. 2. Long range planning for the area. 3. Availability of Council meeting agendas. 4. The relocation of the pond at Oak Park Road and Highway 101 to sites upstream, and ramifications to property owners in the area. 5. A future shoppin9 center in the Rancho Grande commercial area. 6. A scar on the hillside behind the Old Catholic Cemetery. 7. Future parks in the area. 8. The large number of building vacancies in South County shopping centers. 9. The advisability of the three Cities cooperating on issues such as water and traffic, and Arroyo Grande taking the lead in setting up the joint meetings. 10. Whether or not Pismo Beach pays a fair share for Lopez water. 11. Ensuring there will always be water for agriculture. 12. Increasing need for added sewage treatment. 13. Request for more Community Center parking. Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck said there would be approximately 1000 homes in the three developments of Royal Oaks, Rancho Grande and Oak Park Acres including those already constructed over the past few years. The new development to be annexed to Pismo Beach may have approximately 300 homes. Mayor Mankins explained the activities of the City Ad Hoc Long Range Planning Committee, and Spheres of Influence, Service and Environmental Concern set up by the committee. Mr. Karp discussed the relocation of the pond adja~ent to Marie Callenders Restaurant proposed by the City of Pismo Beach, and said the proposed new ponds upstream would be between K-Mart and Leisure Gardens and behind James Way and next to the Four Square Church. He said the City could be planting mosquito fish in the ponds and fencing may be required. Ms. LibertoBlanck said an environmental study would be necessary. Referring to a Rancho Grande Commercial development, Ms. Liberto- Blanck said that a recent developer planning a large discount store there has gone elsewhere. Mr. Karp said the hillside scar behind the Catholic Cemetery is where a project called Manor Care is being developed. Discussing future parks for the area, Mayor Mankins said there will be a 10-acre park on James Way. He said the Long Range Committee has other recommendations for parks and recreation in the City. Mr. Kvidt said there is a greenbelt on the right side of James Way and if it could be utilized he would donate it to the City. -,-~------ - .~--- , CITY COUNCIL AREA FORUM MARCH 21, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE With reference to joint meetings and more cooperation between the Cities, the Mayor said he would pursue the matter further. He said the Staffs of the Cities contact each other on various projects. Mr. Karp said Pismo Beach citizens pay their pro rata share for Lopez water. He said Arroyo Grande has water to serve growth depending on rates and types until mid 1990s, serving a population of 16,000 to 18,000 people. Mayor Mankins said a new sewage plant may be possible upstream of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District plant and then reclamation of sewage water might take place. A discussion of future growth being limited to City resources followed. Mr. Karp pointed out growth in areas surrounding the City will affect Arroyo Grande, and Council Member Moots said that is why the Long Range Planning Committee developed the idea of an Environmental Concern Line. Council Member Johnson said the City is experiencing the aftermath of what was done in the past. Ms. Liberto-Blanck said the City will begin updating the land Use Element and writing a growth management plan, if the Council approves her recommendation. Preservation of agricultural land was discussed and Mrs. Honeycutt said agriculture water must also be protected. Mr. Karp said agriculture is a million dollar enterprise in the South County. Council Member Johnson said the agricultural soil here is Class A and people should be encouraged to build on the slopes and hillsides. Council Member Johnson said the revitalization of a parking plan for the Community Center is underway by the City. Mayor Mankins said the next Area Forum will be at 7:30 P.M. April 4, 1988, at Ocean View School, 1208 Linda Drive. The forum adjourned at 9:15 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK .