Minutes 1988-02-16 MINUTES CONTINUED MEETING AND STUDY SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Council convened for a Continued Meeting and Study Session at 3:30 P.M. with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Also present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Mill is, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. Interim City Manager Chris Christiansen referred to his February 16, 1988, memo on Reorganization of Public Works Department. ANDREW DAVID, attorney at 227 E. Branch Street, said that copies of Mr. Christiansen's memo should be available to those in the audience and left the meeting to reproduce the copies. Mayor Mankins said the Council would wait to discuss the item when Mr. David returned. The Council then heard a review of proposed rehabilitation of the Administrative Offices at City Hall, the Public Works Director and his secretary moving to the Engineering Building, and the Building Division obtaining word processing equipment. Mayor Mankins said these items alreadY were approved and budgeted. Mr. David returned to the meeting and the Council began discussion of the Reorganization of the Public Works Department. Mr. Christiansen listed the five options in his memo for reorganization. Mayor Mankins directed Council attention to the diagram in the memo showing a suggested organizational chart. There was Council discussion of where to place Building Maintenance and there was consensus that it be under the Building Division. . Council Member Millis said the Public Works Director has a vested interest in that title, and if it were removed or changed a public hearing would be necessary. Mayor Mankins said the duties could be changed, however. There was further discussion of filling the vacant post of Superintendent of Public Works and changing that title to Facilities Services Department director. Council Members stressed that strong administrative skills would be needed. Council discussed Mr; Karp's reorganization plan. MIKE ZIMMERMAN, .also of 227 E. Branch Street, and Mr. David said the Council should take the advice of a professional and follow the recommendations in Mr. Karp's plan. Mayor Mankins said the Public Works Director needs to be involved in long ran?e p.1anQin~ for the City. Council Member Moots said Mr. Karp has been a eaijer 1n h1~ area. After further discussion and questions to Mr. Karp; Mr. Christiansen and Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, it was moved by Moots/Johnson (5-0-0) to, (1) move the Building Division to the Planning Department, and (2) Change the Public Works Superintendent title to Facilities Services Director .and that tMs position shall report to the Director of Public Works. Mr. David said he was not sure the Planning Staff had the expertise to handle the Building Department. There was discussion of placing the current City switchboard operator on permanent status, and the Mayer said it would be on the next agenda February 23, 1988. J1,,~- - "~""'-. ~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 16, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO Mayor Mankins suggested that the Chi~f Building Inspettor should attend Staff meetings. Council Member Porter said that two persons were not needed to read City water meters at the same time in the same truck. Mr. Karp explaifted that this crew also makes repairs of damaged or broken meters as it goes along and that at this time the City has no meter reader position. He stated that 11 members of the Ut 11 ity Crew part i c i pate.i n two to three days of meter reading per month. He stated that each meter is read and,.if need be, repaired six times per year. Mr. Karp stated that a well-maintained, metered water system is the most vital element to implementation of an effective water conservation program. . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK