Minutes 1988-02-09 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESOAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in re9ular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Also present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Dennis Bjorgan of First Assembly of God Church delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES None. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Items C.l. through C.11. and C.13~, with the recommended courses of action. C.l. Proclamation of "Cancer Awareness Week." Proclaimed. C.2. January, 1988, Investment Report. Information. C.3. Liability Claim, Evelyn Reagan. Rejected. C.4. Request by Fire Chief to Purchase "Jaws of Life" Cutters. Approved. C.5. Report by Fire Chief -- Combustible Gas Evaluation and Containment Project, Foremaster Tract. Information. C.6. 1987 Annual Police Report by Police Chief Clark. Information. C.7. Computer System Maintenance Contract (Police Department). Approved. C.8. Award of Bid, Tables and Chairs at Community Building. Awarded to Low Bidder. C~9. Request to Purchase Concrete Saw. Approved. C.l0. Request to Purchase Waste Receptacles. Approved. C.ll. Completion of Computerized Water Production Control System. Approved. C.13.December 14, 1987, Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes. Information. Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Item C.12., with the Recommended Course of Action. C.12. Planning Commission Resolution Delegating to the Planning Director the Discretion to Approve Minor Architectural Review Items. Approved. In answer to Council Member Porter's question, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck said small projects would include minor alterations to existing structures. Public Hearings FURTHER PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CITY-PLACED CONDITIONS ON THE ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, TRACT 1513 C.C.FILE 6-14-106 Claire B. Trout of Alpha Reporting Serv'ices was present to record the meeting. . City Attorney Art Shaw reviewed the background of the project. He said that the Court had ruled on November 23, 1987, that the matter was remanded to the City Council for further hearing on all issues. He summarized the issues of the applicant as being, (1) the required off-site improvements are not reasonably related to the needs of the development, (2) objection to the deed restrictions on the large lot, and (~) objection to waiver of protest to the formation of a future assessment district for Traffic Way. Mr. Karp referred to his memo of February 2, 1988, and said that his estimate for construction of offsite sidewalks would be $75,000 for six foot sidewalks and $61,000 for four feet sidewalks. He said these estimates include the costs of retaining walls and driveway recoostruction necessary to conform existing private inprOVElTEnts to the prq:Josed road and sidewalk inprovarents on Traffic Way. . ---- "'-'- ----.- '~_...__..._.,.._.,. '5U~JEa4 a4~ JO uO~~Jod J~lqnd a4~ pasolJ a4 '~Eads O~ pJEMJOJ aWEJ auo ou ua4M '5U~JEaH J~lqnd a4~ pauado SU~~UEW JOAEW 'suo~~sanb l~JunoJ Ja.J~ '.daJuoJ .aaJ Jasn. a4~ s~ .~ PIES aH 'Salnpa4JS aa} paSIAaJ a4+ +dOpE 'UaAI5 5EM AUOW~.Sa. Ja~JE 'PUE Ja.~EW a4~ uo 6u~JVaH J~lqnd E, .JnpUOJ l~JunoJ a4. .E4. papuaWWOJaJ pUE '886l 'V AJEnJqaj }O owaO! 514 o~ paJJa}aJ uasUEnSIJ4J 'JW SN01LJ~HjN1 ON~ S3SN3JIl 'SlIWH3d 'SD1^H3S Sn01H~^ HOj S3NU ON~ S33j 031dOO~ HJ1HM ' LS lZ 'ON N01ln10S3H ~NION3WIf ~N1W3H JIlSnd . '(aao U~AJEW pUE .uaaJ~ AJJar) .aaJ.S aU~d 9(L '6vv-L8 'oN +~ldS .01 6U~AOJdd~ v5LZ 'oN uo~+nlosaH aAoJddE 0+ (aAE 6U~+OA SU~~UEW pUE S.OOW 'S~ll~W 'Ja.JOd 'UOSU40r '0-0-5) Ja+Jod/uOSu40r Aq paAoUl SEM ~I 'UOISSnJS~p l~JUnoJ Ja.J~ '6UIJEa4 a4. }O uO~.Jod J~lqnd a4. pasolJ SU~~UEW JOAEW 'uo~s~Alpqns JO adA. alqEJlsap E SEM 514+ 6U~AES .UEJ~lddE a4+ JO JOAEJ u~ a~ods '+aaJ+S a6p~Jg (Zl }O Jaau~6ua UE S1111B JW Wlr '6U~JEaH a4~ }O UOI+Jod JI[qnd a4+ pauado SU~~UEW JOAEW 'UO~.Eu~WJa.ao JO aJ~.ON E allJ pUE 'uo nEJE l Jao aA nE6aN E .dOPE 'H l ds .O[ pasedoJd a4.aAOJddE 0+ SEM UOI ss IWWOJ 6UIUUEld a4. O. UOnEpuaWWOJaJ lEUI6~JO S,HE.S PIES a4S '+JafoJd S14+ UO UOI.EpuaWWOJaJ UOISS~UlWOJ 6UIUUEld lEIJ~JJO OU SEM aJa4+ 'a.OA A.IJofEW E }O ~JEl a4. O. anp p~ES PUE '.~arOJd a4. uo pUnOJ6~JEq aAE6 'ee6l 'V AJEnJqaj }O owaw Ja4 0+ paJJa}aJ ~jUE[8-o+Jaq~1 JO+JaJI~ 6UlUUE~d Of.-GL -9 31H'J'J 30 tmH W(N33H9 AHH3P 'IJ1HI 10 1lflIN3 1S3H A1IW~ 31~NIS .l-H. 3HI NI 133H1S 3NId gn 1~ S13JH~d HnOj 9NI1lf3HJ 1I1dS 101) N01SI^IOSnS HONIW HOj N011\fJl1dd\f 'W'd 50:6 o. 00:6 NOHj 03SS3:J3H 1IJNnO:J 3H1 'pa.alap s~ AEM J~}JEJ1 4+noS uo s~lEMap~s pUE sJa..n6 'sqJnJ 6u~J~nbaJ 9 uo~+~puoJ .E4. .daJxa 'L86l '6 aunr uo 4.JoJ .as suo~.~PUOJ a4. llE o. .Jafqns (lSl dEW .JEJ1 aAoJddE o. (aAE 6U~~OA SU~~UEW pUE S.OOW 'UOSU40r 'S~ll~W 'Ja+JOd '0-0-5) S~ll~W/Ja+Jod Aq paAow SEM .~ pUE 'UO~SsnJS~p llJuno:J Ja4+JnJ SEM aJa4I . '6U~JEa4 a4. JO uO~.Jod J~lqnd a4. paSOlJ JOAEW a4. 'dJE)! 'IN pUE UOPJ09 'JW JO suo~+sanb lPunoJ awos JaH~ . l .01 uo UO~~J~J.saJ paap a4. pUE '~J~J.SIP .uaUJSSaSSE UE +SUIE6E +sa.oJd JO JaA~EM E 6u~JlnbaJ SUOI.~PUOJ paJEld-A+~J a4+ +daJJE PlnOM 4JJn4J a4+ ~E4. p~ES aH 'pJOJaJ a4~ O.U~ ME4S 'JW O. 'S86L 'sz AJEnUEr }O Ja++al S~4 +daJJE 0+ (0iT5) s.ooW/Ja.JOd Aq paAOW SEM +1 '+sanbaJ S,UOPJO~ 'JW uodn 'pasn aq Pln04s <JJnpaJOJd :p~J+.s~p .uawssaSSE UE .e4+ PIES aH. '+uaWdO[aAap .a4~ JO ap~s.no S~lEMap~s pUE sJa+.n6 'sqJnJ u~ .nd o. paJ~nbaJ aq 0+ JadOlaAap a4. JOJ lEnsnun 51 +1 PIES '4JJn4J a4+ 6u~.uasaJdaJ AaUJO..E 'NOOHO~ ASHI)! 's.uawaAoJdw~ a.~s JJO a4. a~EW 0+ paJ~nbaJ aq Pln04s 4JJn4J a4+ PIES ll~H UMOJ:J SL5 JO NN\f:J JW 111S 'saw04 .uasaJd a4+ JO aJa4dsoW.E lEJnJ a4. JO UO~~EAJaSaJd pUE '.llnq aq O. saw04 a4~ JO .46~a4 '.aaJ.s JO~JalloJ aJn~nJ e JO 6uluapIM alqlssod 'L .01 a6JEl a4+ JO uo~s~Alpqns alq~ssod JO sanss~ a4. o. a~ods aue1 P~4JJO S6l JO HI011\fJ 3IH\fW .'4JJn4:J (seqeUJEg '.S) MaN E Pl~ng 0+ a+Ew~+s3 .so:J. l~JunO:J a4. O. pa.uasaJd peoM z.ulJd L(L JO )!:JIHI~d)!H1)! 'r'j 'l .01 UO 4JJn4J Mau E Pl~nq o. Aauow 46noua aSIEJ 0+ s+ueM AlaJaW 4JJn4J a4~ ~E4+ PIes PUE 4JJn4J a4. JO JOAEJ ul a~ods aAIJO uaL9 .saJoj 958 }O 113Ma1~:J 13W pUE 'EJUEJJEg E1 E~^ 9(S JO NOSH\fW1\fPH NHOP !4Jeas ows~d 'SSEl6AdS OLSZ JO N~31 JW OHlfM03 '5U~JEa4 a4. JO UOI~Jod J~Lqnd a4. uado SU~~UEW JOAEW ,l a5Ed WOJJ panu~.uOJ (LSL IJ\fHI OMI 3~~d ~INHOj11\fJ '30N\fH9 OAOHH~ S86l '6 AHlfnHS3j 1DNnOJ UD _.~---~---_._--- ------..--.....-- CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE FEES AND FINES Continued from Page 2 Council Members discussed the various City fees, and amended the fees proposed by the Finance Department and City Clerk as follows: Photocopies .30 per page Computer Print-outs .55 per page Business License Account Set-up 6.50 per account Water Turn-off/Turn-on 12.00 per off/on Water Account Set-up 13.50 per account Planning Commission Appeals to Council 60.00 per appeal . The fees proposed by the Police Department in Chief Clark~s memo of 12/29/87 were approved. The Pl anni ng Di rector was directed to prepare ,an ordi nance 1 i st i ng her department's proposed fees. GEE GEE SOTO of 312 Alder Street asked the Council what charges would be made for Council meeting Agenda packets. Mayor Mankins indicated that the agenda packets could be reproduced at a private printer in order to reduce costs to the public. He said he would leave it to the descretion of the City Clerk. Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0, Porter, Johnson, Moots, Millis and Mankins voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 2195 Amending Resolution No. 2157, Which Adopted Fees and Fines for Various Services, Permits, Licenses and Infractions. ISSUANCE OF BURN PERMITS Fire Chief Douglas Hamp referred to his memo of February 2, 1988, and requested that the Council direct him to cease the issuance of burn permits in the name of public welfare, citing fire danger and health reasons. DALE PARKER of 248 Allen Street and CLARENCE HARDEN of 105 Rena Street spoke in favor of the issuance of burn permits to the public. BILL MC CANN of 575 Crown Hill said more guidelines should be given if further burn permits are issued. After further discussion, -it was the consensus of the Council that a Public Hearing be held on the matter at the time the new State Uniform Fire Code is adopted by the Council. ADOPTION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTS Chief Hamp referred to his memo of December 22, 19B7, and recommended that the Council approve and adopt by resolution the newly developed Policy Manual, Safety Manual, Fireman's Association Bylaws, Fireman's Benefit Manual, Fire Department Development Standards for Fire Protection and the concurrent issues of the Uniform Fire Code as published. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0, Johnson, Moots, Millis, Porter and Mankins voting aye) to Adopt as Referenced Administrative Codes and Policies of the Arroyo Grande Fire Department (1987), Pol icy Manual (1987), Safety Manual (1987), Fireman's Association Bylaws (1987), Firefighter's Benefit Manual (1987) and Development Standards for Fire Protection. MAIN STREET PROGRAM Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of February 4, 1988, and recommended that in accordance with the Main Street Program Committee's recommendation, that the Council take no formal action at this time until it is definitely known the budget requirements to initiate the project. ---------- 'apo:J lQd~J~unw apuQJ9 OAOJJV a4. }O g Ja.dQ4:J 'E al.~l PUQ 'S':J 90E 'ON aJueu~pJO 6u~lQadaM aJuQu~pJO UQ }O 6u~peaJ .SJ~J a4. aAQ4 O. (aAQ 6U~.OA su~~u~W pU~ S~ll~W 'UOSU40r 's.OOW 'J3.JOd '0-0-5) s.00W/J3.JOd Aq paAow 'S':J 90E 'ON aJu~u~pJO 6UHead3J aJu1?u~pJO A:H:Je .dope lPuno:J a4. .Q4. papuawwoJaJ pue 'aa6l 'l AJenJqaj JO owaw Ja4 o. paJJaj3J ~Jal:J ,(.~:J 341 l:JV S3I1I1I:JVj 100H3S VINMOjllV:J '(vO'L-l 'Jas apo:1 l~dp~unw) (PQOM OJS~Ja OOll) P~oM OJS~J8 jO uO~.JOd ~ uo auoz ,,6u~~Jed oN" e 4sHqe.S3 o. (a,(1! 6UqOA SU~~UI!W PUQ uOsu40r 'Ja.JOd 's.OOW 'S~ll~W '0-0-5) s~ooW/S~ll~W Aq paAow 'Jesocb..ld 00 ~S JaLll'O ^+JaOOJd plm OOlSSl~ JlItt"1?Jl pUl! 6ul'fJ1?d 84+ p~"1?S 8H '.JtlW aJns~ 1 jO.uo j u~ u~~Jtld jO .<'Iaj Ol , 'a. u~ ,la PlnoM'.~ p~tlS aH 'PtlOM OJS~J8 JOj Mou'u6~sap Japun s.uawaAoJdw~ uo~:pasJa.u~ a4. 4HM p,ql!possl! S~ uoqnlOSaJ S~4. pltlS dJI!)f 'JW (OVOM 0:JSIM8 OOZl) OVOM 0:JSIM8 jO NOIlMOd V NO 3NOZ ,,9NDIWd ON" V 9NIHSI18V1S3 NOIlnlOS3M (vO'L-l 'Jas apo:J ltld~J~unw) (.aaJ.S 4JU~J8 .s1!3 EOE) .aaJ.S UOSI!W 4.JON JO uO~.JOd I! uo auoz "6u~~J~d-ON,, 11 4sHqtl.s3 o. (a,(tI 6u~.0^ suqutlW PUl1 Ja.JOd 'UOSU40r 's.OOW 's~ll~W '0-0-5) s.ooW/S~ll~W ,(q pa^ow 'ssaJJ~ aJ~j JOJ JaUJOJ a4. uo .a~JtlW s,rr o. .xau .aaJ.S UOStlW uo 6u~~Jtld jO .aaJ OV jO uo~.eu~w~la a4. papuaWWOJaJ Ptl4 uo~ss~wwo:J J~jj~Jl PUtl 6u~~J~d a4. .Q4. PUI! 'ja~4:J aJ~j a4. pu~ P~^~O MaJpUV 'JW uaaM.aq .uawal..as pa.~~.05au tI StlM Sl . ltlS dJtI)f 'JW OVOM 0:JSIM8 WE 133M1S NOSVW HIMON jO NOIlMOd V NO 3NOZ ,,9NI)fWd ON" V 9NIHSI18V1S3 NOIlnlOS3M 'pa^owaJ s6u~~JtlW paJ J~a4. aAQ4 PlnoM .saM a4. o. saJQds OM. .xau a4. pue 'anua^v PU~J9 PUQ Jad~unr }O JaUJOJ a4. O. .saJQau aJeds paqJnJ paJ auo MOlle PlnoM s~4. p~I!S s~ll~W J~qwaw l~Juno:J (vO'L-Z 'Jas apo:J lQdp~unw) (anua^v PUQJ9 WEl) anuaAV pueJ9 }O uO~.JOd e uo auoz "5u~~Jed-ON,, e 5u~4s~lqQ.S3 L6lZ 'ON uoqnlosaM .dopl! o. Cou6uqo^ s.ooW PUI! uOSU40r 'aAe 6uqOA suquew pue Ja.JOd 'S~ll~W 'o-z-E) Ja..Jod/SHUW Aq paAOW seM +I 'pal~QJ uo~.ow a41 . (ou pa.o^ su~~u~w JOAew PUQ Ja.Jod pue s~ll~W sJaqwaw l~Juno:J pue 'a,(e pa.o^ s.ooW pue uosu40r sJaqwaw l~Juno:J 'O-E-l) paMollOj a.oA ll~J llOJ V 'uo~.ow Ja4 o. .uawpuaw~ a4. .daJJe .ou p~p uosU40r Jaqwaw l~Juno:J 'saJeds Ja4.0 OM. WOJJ 5u~qJnJ paJ a4. a^owaJ pu~ anU3^V PU~J9 pu~ J3d~unr }O JaUJOJ a4. .e aJeds 5u~~J~d paqJnJ paJ auo .snr daa~ o. uo~.ow a4. puawe o. pa~stI s~ll~W Jaqwaw l puno:J 's~ .~ s~ 5u~qJnJ paJ a4. a^~al o. uo~.~puawwoJaJ s,dJ~)f 'JW .dope o. s.00W/uOSU40r Aq paAow S1?M .~ 'uo~ssnJs~p l~Juno:J Ja.JV 'SJawo.snJ s~4 JOJ 5u~~J~d JO ~J~l Aq pa5ewep uaaq P~4 ssau~snq s~4 p~es pue 5u~qJnJ paJ a4. o. pa.Jarqo 'anua^v PU~J9 l5El .e sd~4:J pu~ 4S~~ s6u~)f JO a^~.e.uasaJdaJ ~ 'P~OM ~us~nH 056 }O 3j33)f,O S3wvr 'BB6l 'z ^J~nJqaj JO owaw S~4 o. paJJaJaJ pue anss~ a4. uo punoJ5~Jeq a^~5 dJQ)f 'JW 3nN3^V ONVM9 EOEl NO 1MOd3M 'wQJ60Jd a4. jO .Joddns u~ a~ods 'aJJawwo:J JO Jaqwe4:J a4. JO .uap~saJd '.aaJ.S .nuleM ZtE JO S3NOr ANN31 'l~Juno:J a4. o. w~J60Jd a4. pau~~ldxa PUQ .a~J~d QPua6e a4. u~ Uo~.eWJOjU~ a4. o. paJJajaJ 'vl 'ON '.aaJ.S wl3 SZV }O N3SM3AI A:JNVN E a5ed UIOJj panu~.uo:J WVM90Md 133M1S NIVW MnOj 39Vd VINMOjI1V:J '30NVM9 OAOMMV 8B5l '6 AMVnM83j lDNnO:J AiD ---~._~- , --., , .. . ~ .' CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE STUDY SESSION Mayor Mankins set a continued meeting and study session on Reorganization, Policies and Procedure for 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, February 16, 1988. ADJOURNMENT The Council recessed at 10:30 P.M. to a continued meeting and study session at 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, February 16, 1988. MAYOR . ATTEST: CITY CLERK