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Minutes 1987-10-27 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 19B7 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIfORNIA The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis and Gene Moots. Absent was Council Member D. G. Porter. fLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our F.lag, and the Rev. Gregory Waybright of Grace Bible Church delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road read a letter to the Council protesting the "unlimited growth" taking place in the City. She said the water used for agriculture is in jeopardy, and there is no plan to save the agriculture land. She said she is concerned about Royal Oaks Estates development, the movement of City Hall and future of the Village. She called for a Community Congress. THE REV. DAVID CLARK, pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 240 Vernon Avenue, said the church is being remodeled and the City has halted building inspections. He said the volunteer workers are living in vehicles which are hooked up to the church sewer line, and asked the City to waive zoning regulations for four weeks until the remodeling is completed. DERRIL PILKINGTON of 930 Sandalwood asked for special consideration of the Council on the matter. Council Members said this is an emergency item, and Mayor Mankins said the matter would be taken up later on the agenda. NANCY MORROW and BARBARA SPRY of the League of Women Voters asked the Council to participate in the "Re-signing of the United States Constitution" and said all Californians are being invited to sign copies of the Constitution, and those copies will be on a float in the Pasadena Rose Parade on New Years Day. They presented copies of the State and U.S. Constitutions to the City. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Porter Absent) to approve the Consent Agenda with the recommended courses of action. C.1. August 17, 1987, Parking an~ Traffic Commission Minutes. Information. " '. "0' , C.2. September 15, 1987, Planning Commission Minutes. Information. C.3. 19B6-87 Finan~i~l Audit Report. Information. !:;,' '; .-> C.4. Liabilit{ Cl~tm by Edmun~ ~?r~~ Clai~ Rejected. C.5. Community C~n~Tr P~intin~ ~j? ~w~rd. Awarded to Low Bidder. C.6. Traffic Way Storm Drain and Water Main Pro9ress Payment. Payment Approved. CC FILE 9-17-29 421 WOODLAND DRIVE NUISANCE ABATEMENTS CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 22, 1987, AND OCTOBER 13, 1987, COUNCIL MEETING CC FILE 5-12-10 City Manager Robert Mack recommended that the abatement hearing be closed and terminated without further action. Moved by Johnson/Moots (4-0-1, Porter Absent) to approve Staff recommendation. WATER METER SERVICE CHARGE REDUCTION, 704 BRANCH MILL ROAD, VERNON FREDERICK Council decided to continue this item to the meeting of November 10, 1987, because of the absence of Mr. Frederick. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 27, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO VIEW OBSTRUCTION BY HOME ADDITION AT 217 FAIR VIEW DRIVE, RUTH AND RICHARD BROCKWAY Mr. Mack referred to his memo of October 22, 1987. He said the residents of 217 Fair View Drive have taken out a building permit for a second story home addition which increases the height of their structure. He said the height addition is well within the legal height limit permitted by the "R-1" zone. He said Staff has not found a legal basis on which to prevent the Fair View Drive building addition, as requested by the Brockways. He recommended that the City identify residential "view areas" in Arroyo Grande, and require architectural review of all proposed additions. He said existing architectural review guidelines could be utilized for the process, allowing Staff and the Planning Commission an opportunity to determine whether additions would obstruct neighboring views. He said alternative architectural features, heights and so forth, could be suggested to prevent view obstruction. He said depending on the number of applications for additions, this alternative could increase the number of projects reviewed by Staff and the Plannin9 Commission. He said, however, each addition would be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine whether there was a view obstruction, and individual measures to prevent said obstruction could be formulated. PAUL GEIHS of Pismo Beach, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Brockway, said that in nearby neighborhoods there are restrictive height ordinances and the Government Code says similar zones should have uniform regulations. He asked the Council to look into additional perimeter footing, which the Brockways' engineer believes is needed to support the second story on the house at 217 Fair View. MIKE ZIMMERMAN of Arroyo Grande, representing the Robert Sidenbergs owners of the house in question, said the construction of the second story had already begun. He presented a letter from Robert Schell, draftsman for the project, saying the present footings are "adequate to support the new structure." Mr. Zimmerman said his client had complied with all codes and regulations. Speaking in opposition to any ordinance further restricting heights in homes city-wide were ROGER WATSON of 1213 Linda Drive, BARBARA VASQUEZ of 387 N. Elm Street and GREG SO TO of 339 N. Elm Street. MRS. BROCKWAY spoke about her view being blocked. She asked to see the Sidenbergs' engineering plans for the addition, and questioned the five foot setback. She asked the Council to delay the construction until all questions are answered. MR. SIDENBERG said he would trim a tree in his yard which partially blocks the Brockways' view, and that his addition is not going to fully block the Brockways' view. Speaking in support of the Brockways were TOM HIGDON of 183 Fair View, CLARK MOORE of 1180 Ash Street, JOHN KEENE of 298 N. Elm Street, CATHY PASQUINI of 1235 Newport Avenue and RON GRIDER of 1367 Newport Avenue. There was extensive Council discussion about the Brockways' view obstruction with Chief Building Inspector John Richardson, and regarding the five foot setback, footings on the addition, and modifying the Sidenbergs' new roofline so less view would be blocked. Council consensus was that it was unable to take any action on the view obstruction. The Council also discussed a city-wide urgency ordinance to protect homeowners' viewsheds. BILL MCCANN of 575 Crown Terrace said.there are empty lots in neighborhoods where a "no second story. height limit may be in order. City Attorney Art Shaw said he would bring a'sample ordinance to the next Council meeting for discussion. Mayor Mankins continued this item until October 29, 1987. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 27, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE I CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE NEIGHBORHOOD HEARINGS Mayor Mankins referred to his October 27, 1987, letter to the Council on the subject of Neighborhood Meetings. He said that many areas of the City, at different times over the years, have come to the City Council to have changes made to enhance the way and area in which they live. He said it is time to go to the people, before the problem comes up, and see if there are changes that we should be making. He said he would recommend to the Council the approve the following: 1. Direct the Planning Staff to divide the City in areas of interest, ie. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, from 6 to 10 areas. 2. The Planning Staff review existing ordinances, in re~ard to building design, height, color etc.; street clrculation; sidewal Sj landscaping, etc., with suggested changes to enhance the area of study. 3. That the Planning Staff schedule a neighborhood meeting within each area and that the City Council hold a public hearing to find out how the people feel about changes that could be made within said area. 4. The Council, upon completion of the public hearings within each neighborhood area, would direct staff to draft the changes for the regular public hearing process and adoption. VIEW OBSTRUCTION-BROCKWAY Council Member Millis asked the neighbors to try to reach a compromise on this matter with regard to the Sidenbergs' roofline. MR. BROCKWAY invited Mr. Sidenberg to his home to see what view will be blocked. Mayor Mankins continued the item to Thursday, October 29, 1987, when the height moratorium aspect will be discussed. RELIEF FROM PEARWOOD DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, JOSEPH ZOGATA CC FILE 6-14-102 MRS. ZOGATA said that her husband had become suddenly ill at the meeting and had to leave. Mayor Mankins asked staff to contact Mr. Zogata and discuss the drainage requirements with him. The Mayor said if necessary the item can be continued to the agenda of November 10, 1987. ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road said Mr. Zogata is trying to do a good job, and the City staff may have made some mistakes on the project. EMERGENCY ITEM"SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH REMODELING/SEWER HOOKUPS Moved by Millis/Moots (4-0-1, Porter absent) to declare this an emergency agenda item due to the time factor involved. PASTOR CLARK introduced GARY RUST of Carson City, Nevada, director of the volunteers who are remodeling the church. He said his group has remodeled approximately 40 churches, and were unaware of this City's zoning laws that prohibit mobile homes on private property and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's requirements regarding sewer hookups. He said the volunteers needed four more weeks to finish the remodeling job on the church. Building Inspector Richardson said it had been discovered on a routine inspection that 15 recreational vehicles were hooked up to the church sewer line. He and former acting Planning Director Ned Rogoway said that the hookups were an ordinance violation, that the units would have to be self-contained, and the waste properly disposed of. Fourth District Supervisor Jim Johnson said the Sanitation District would have to vote whether or not to waive the fees for hookups in this case. After Council discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Moots (4-0-1, Porter absent) to waive City zoning requirements that prohibit mobile homes on private property, to ask the Sanitation District to waive its requirements and fees, to set a time limit of five weeks on the volunteers' stay at the church, and to refer the matter to Staff to work out the details. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 27, 1987 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR CLARENCE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS CC FILE 11-5-28 Mr. Mack referred to an October 21,1987, memo from Public Works Director Paul Karp, who recommended that the.City COUncil consider construction of a dust free public drive as shown on a sketch entitled Proposed Improvements, Clarence Avenue; and expend City reserve funds in the amount of $8,500 to complete a cooperative construction project on Clarence Avenue south of Edmands Avenue. Council Members discussed the proposed project with residents of Clarence Avenue who were in the audience. MR. AND MRS. ALLEN HIRE said they still haa.JOirii! concerns about the adequacy of the drainage ditch. . .' Mayor Mankins said the Council, was,favorable,to the project but because of concerns which needed to be discussed with Special Projects Engineer Dwayne Chisam, who was absent, continued the item to the next meeting, November 10, 1987. RANCHO GRANDE TRACT 1132 IMPROVEMENTS AND EASEMENTS ACCEPTANCE CC FILE 6-14-66 Mr. Mack said the City has received at this meeting the developers' bond letter of credit, and Mr. Shaw said he.had reviewed it. Mr. Mack said the City also needs to receive the recorded easements from the developer. MR. PETE MILLER, representing Ottse, Inc., said the City would receive the easements Thursday, October 29, 1987. Mr. Mack said the Public Works Department had reviewed the easements, and they will need to be recorded. He said he would recommend acceptance subject to receipt of the recorded easements. Moved by Johnson/Moots (4-0-1, Porter absent) to accept improvements for Tract 1132 and Parcel Map AGAL 83-013 (Rancho Grande) subject to receipt of a check and approval, and review by City Staff. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Mankins appointed Council Member Moots to represent the City Council on the Port San Luis Harbor District Advisory Committee. NEIGHBORHOOD HEARINGS Discussion continued on Mayor Mankins suggestion for Neighborhood Hearings. The Mayor said the Council needs to go out to the people to get their input. He said the results could be a working tool for Long Range Planning. MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane spoke in favor of Neighborhood Hearings as well as a Community Congress. Council Members Johnson and Moots approved of the Mayor's idea. Council Member Millis asked for the matter to be continued to the next meeting. Mayor Mankins directed Staff to start planning for the hearings, and continued the item to the meeting of November 10, 1987. ACTING DIRECTOR LEAVES; NEW PLANNING DIRECTOR INTRODUCED Mr. Rogoway thanked the Council for asking him to serve the City. He introduced Doreen Liberto-Blanck, the City's new Planning Director. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The Council adjourned at 9:48 P.M. to a Closed Session. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT TO A CONTINUED MEETING The meeting was reconvened at 11:30 P.M., and on motion of Millis/Johnson (4-0-1, Porter absent) immediately adjourned to a Continued meeting October 29, 1987. MAYOR CITY CLERK