Minutes 1987-07-29 SP
At 1:30 P. M., the City Council adjourned in front of the Doctors' Emergicenter on Grand Avenue, at
the intersection of Halcyon Road. Mayor M8J1kin9 called the meet~ to order. Upon roll call, all nanbers
of the Council were detennined to be present.
Council comnenced its tour of Grand Avenue by w~ westerly on the northerly side of Grand
Individual. citizens discU!JS~ their traffic and/or par~ views with Council included Dr. Richard
Hamner, Emergicenter; Attorney Ron Gould; phannacist Qulck Broaner; furniture store JmI18ger R8J!X)oo
Miller; Five Cities Prin~ enployee Pam Vanna; Pizza Hut I!IIIlIIIgel' Tam Varney; publisher Dick Blankenburg
and realtor Don McHaney.
At 3:35 P. M., Council entered the Jack In The Box restaurant in order to undertake discU!JSions.
Mayor M8J1kin9 stated it was his belief that the major citizen concern which he heard expressed was the
current traffic speed on Grand Avenue. He asked the Council how they felt about the placement of stop
signs, on an interim basis, in designated areas on Grand AVenue. He indicated he wished staff to cane back
with a plan. Council Menber Millis stated that the City should advertise for three or four weeks prior to such
installation, and indicated he favored cross waJks neer Mid State Bank and McDon8ld's restaurant.
Council Menber Johnson stated that she wished to consider Grand Avenue, fran Halcyon to the west
only, at this time. Council MenDer Moots stated there should be a signalized pedestrian cross~ at Mid State
Bank, eventually. Mayor Mankins stated that there should be several signalized cross walks, and that at
exist~ sidewalk location cress waJks, the City should put in cross walk w~ signs, poa;ibIy in the left hand
turn lanes. Council Mesrber Millis stated they should poa;ibIy be overhead signs.
Mayor Mankins indicated that he favored putt~ in a raised median in front of Cass Plaza at Halcyon
and Grande, where left hand tums from Cass Aaza are currently prohibited. Council Menber Johnson stated
that a median was desirable in front of the no left hand turn exit at Mid State Bank. Council agreed with
Council Menber Johnson's suggestion. Council Menber Johnson stated that the current Cl'OS!>Walk location by
Mid State Bank should not be DDVed.
Council Menber Johnson indicated the staff should look for extra cross walk location sites on Grand
Avenue. Mayor M8J1kin9 stated that staff should look at the poa;ibility of public par~ adjo~ Grand
Avenue, eventually. Council Menber JohRlon indicated that there were a number of privately owned
property back yards which could be developed privately into par~, in order to increase the off-street
pat~ capacity alo~ Grand Avenue. Council Menber Millis stated that perhaps the City could give
interest free 10llllS to private property owners for parking lot improvements upon their property.
The Council conse/lSl$ was that staff should look at the feasibility of having private property owners
develop additional parking upon their properties, with interest free loans, or whatever incentives are
available to make IOOre off-street parking, on ~ private property,avaiJable alo~ Grand Avenue.
Council Menber Johnson stated that continued red curb~ along Grand Avenue is out of the
question. Council Menber Porter stated that the QI8II'ber of Comnerce's proposed restrip~ plan for Grand
A venue should not be considered at this time as It was too severe when considered with other options available
for correct~ traffic problemi. Council agreed with Mr. Porter's assessnent.
Mayor Mankins asked the staff to ~ back all of the item; indicated by Council, but to do so as
soon as each item was developed, and that it was not necessary to Ir~ back all IteIIB as part of a single
package. He requested that staff brirg back the first of the ltemI, to the Council, within the next month.
Mayor Mankins also asked staff to prepare a public heer~ so the CouncillTDght review that section of Grand
Avenue fran Halcyon to U. S. 101.
Council Menber Porter DDVed, Council Marber Millis seconded, to adjourn the meet~. Council
UIIIII1iIrousI.y adopted the DDtion at 4:05 P. M. ~
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