Minutes 1987-06-24 SP , . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY roUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1987 roUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in a special session on Staff and Space Reorganization with Mayor Howard Mankins presidh€. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. EJBLALARM SYSfEflLfQIU:aTLHA T.T. Bl!l1.Dlli~ The Council discLESed the Jw1e 24, 1987, l1IeIOO of City Cierk Nancy Davis and Fire alief Dougllls ~. Mayor Mankins said he is interested in preserving those records for which there are no duplicates. He said even with an alarm system there would be water damage if a fire occurred. Council MenDer Johnson questioned whether the high cost of an alarm system and condition of the City Hall jritified the purchase. She said she hopes a new City Hall will be built in three or four years. CoWlcil MenDer Millis suggested creating a fireproof records area where records could be rooved. Mayor Mankins said the speedi/€ up of the microfilming program should heJp the situation. ROOROAWZA1'.IQ~_QE...m:AfLA~I!~QL~~~ CoWlcil Menber Johnson said the Q\wIber of Carmerce is searc~ for an alternative building to roove into. Mayor Mankins said the Public Works Director hils heavy responsibilities, and he would like to help him by div~ him of some of these responsibilities. He said the City needs a Property Manager to set up a Maintenance Program. He said two qualified staff menbers who could do this would be Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler and Fire QIief H8mp. There was a discu!sion of lines of authority, the City organizational chart and delegation of authority. CoWICil Menber Millis said he believed Staff members should be present at this meeting to give input. Council Menbel' Johnson said the CoWlcil should set policy and then give parameters. She said the Council. should establish priorities and levels of service. Mayor Mankins said the number one priority should be service to the citizens. The Council discLESed rearr~ement of departments to meet space needs, \1':!e of the present Chanber of Carmerce building, the cost and placement location of a oxxiJlar unit for additional space, the City pre-school, the condition of the present Parks and Recreation Building and the location of long-range planning. A discU!lsion of a new City Hall took place. Mayor Mankins said development on the present site is too expensive, and the City hils other projects on which it IIUIt spend lOOney. Council Menbers agreed that a mininun IIIOOWlt of lOOney should be spent on rearranging the City Hall buildings. City Manager Robert Mack was directed to design a p1an to iIq!lement the following policies and report back to the CoWlCil at the JJly 14, 1987, CoWlCil meeting: I. Place a roodular building, used if possible, between the Finance Department side of the City Hall and the present Building Department hoI.5e. Make openings in the buildings so there can be continuity. The modulsr should be 30 by 40 feet (1200 sq. ft.). Move ~yees around to fit the space. 2. Move Building Department and its fWlctions to the C11anber of Carmerce Building. 3. Move as roch of Engine~ (Public Works) as pa;sih1e to the fonner Building Department ho\1':!e. 4. Leave Planning Department and aaninistration in the existing City Hall and ~ve the foyer (main large office). 5. Advanced Planning will be upltairs in the CoWlcil QIambers building. AWOIJRNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 P.M. ----- MAYOR ATl'EST: _ CITY CLERK -------