Minutes 1987-06-23 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Dennis Bjorgan, First Assembly of God Church, delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES JOE FURINO of 315 N. Elm Street requested that the City close Linda Drive to through traffic in front of Ocean View Elementary School. He said the street is not meant to be a public street and is a danger to school children. ED MULLAHEY of 112 Rebecca, Grover City, manager of Christianson Chevrolet, said he was happy that improvements on Traffic Way were being made, but he hoped that the street would not be torn up for a long time. MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane spoke in support of Mr. Mullahey in asking the Council to expedite the work on the Traffic Way Improvement Project. She spoke of difficulties in complying with the property owner's part of the undergrounding of utilities. She read into the record a letter dated June 23, 1987, from CARROLL R. and MARJORIE DEAN of 111 Orchid Lane opposing the use by the City of their property for any improvements of Tract 1513. Mrs. Cattoir also read a letter dated June 23, 1987, from her and MR. ALBERT CATTOIR opposing any City General Plan Change which would designate a 14 foot utility strip on their property to make a proposed collector street in Tract 1513. She questioned the correctness of the minutes of June g, 1987, Page 3, Paragraph 5, and the last paragraph of Page 4. DONALD CHRISTIANSON, owner of Christianson Chevrolet, 303 Traffic Way, said the City could lose its two auto dealers and the sales taxes therefrom if something isn't done to alleviate the street problems. Mrs. Cattoir requested that the subject of a collector road in Tract 1513 be on the next agenda. Mayor Mankins said a written request to the Council was necessary to put the item on the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Moots/Porter (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Items C.2. and C.3. with the recommended courses of action. Mayor Mankins said Item C.l. would be discussed at the end of the meeting. C.2. Request to Hold Annual July 4 Block Party on Garden Street, between Myrtle and Ide. Approved. C.3. Notice of Negative Environmental Impact Declaration, 1976 Safe Drinking Water Bonds. Information. Public Hearing APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF A PARCEL MAP AT 1320 HILLCREST DRIVE IN R-l DISTRICT, LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 87-444, KIM HUGHES, ET AL-C.C.FILE 6-3-79 Acting Planning Director Ned Rogoway referred to his memo of June 17, 1987, which gave a history of Mr. Hughes' attempts to divide his property. He reviewed Mr. Hughes' reasons for appealing the Planning Commission decision, and explained the position of the Planning Commission. He recommended that the City Council uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the appeal of Lot Split Case No. 87-444. He cautioned the Council not to consider any proposed rezoning of this area on Hillcrest Drive when making the decision on the appeal of the Planning Commission denial. After Council questions of Staff, Mayor Mankins declared the Public Hearing open. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF A PARCEL MAP AT 1320 HILLCREST DRIVE-Continued from Page 1 LEONARD LENGER, 1203 Carpenter Canyon Road, surveyor for the applicant, reviewed Mr. Rogoway's memo, and discussed the Appeal and proposed project. He said the owner would bring up to code any structure on the property. He said only two lots in the whole neighborhood have not been subdivided. He gave the Council maps showing lot sizes in the neighborhood, and showed on the overhead projector a drawing illustrating the proposed lot split's compatibility with the lots that already exist. He protested the requirement of an eight-foot parking lane. He said the proposal is clearly within the Subdivision Map Act Guidelines, the City General Plan and the City Zoning Ordinance. KIM HUGHES, the lot split applicant, showed to the Council the proposed plan for the property, and offered to answer any questions about the esthetics of the plan. He said there would be one 12-foot driveway, varied architecture, garages behind the houses, a scale kept to a minimum, and second stories placed in the middle of the houses. DON DENISON of 1353 Hillcrest, ROLLIN AXTELL of 1401 Hillcrest Drive, RICHARD DUFFIN of 1398 Newport Avenue, BOB MITCHELL of 1360 Hillcrest, JOE ZDANA of 1341 Hillcrest, JO TURNER of 1401 Hillcrest, SAM STAGG of 1353 Sierra Drive, JOHN STAGG of 1353 Sierra Drive, RANDY PITCHFORD of 1351 Sierra Drive and LEONARD TURNER of 1401 Hillcrest all spoke against the proposed lot split on the basis of inconsistency with the majority of existing lots, of the wishes of the majority of the neighborhood that there be large houses on large lots, property values would decrease, the neighborhood was not designed for high density, most of the lot splits were done 30 years ago, the views would be blocked, more traffic would be created, and privacy would be reduced. Mr. Denison presented to the Council a copy of a petition with 53 names protesting the proposed lot split. Mr. Mitchell read a copy of a letter dated February 2, 1987, addressed to the Planning Commission, protesting the lot split. The Mayor closed the public portion of the hearing. After Council discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Porter to deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission's decision with regard to Lot Split Case No. 87-444. Mayor Mankins asked about the two structures on the property at present and why the lot split had been requested. Mr. Rogoway said his department had refrained from enforcement of zoning violations until the lot split had been decided. He said the garage is presently being illegally used as a residence. City Attorney Art Shaw said that Council Member Johnson may want to add to her motion that the garage is being illegally used for human habitation. Mr. Hughes said there are not two living units on the property. He said that the garage has no kitchen or bathroom. Council Member Johnson amended her motion by adding that the denial by the City Council is based ond the findings of the Planning Commission. Council Members Moots and Millis said they agreed with the Planning Commission's denial of the lot split. Noting the applicants's proposal is inconsistent with other development in Block Six of the Tract, Mayor Mankins said there are approximately 31 lots in Block Six, and that between 11 and 15 are of the same size as the one being proposed for a lot split by the applicant. The Council voted unanimously (5-0-0) to uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the appeal of the Lot Split at 1320 Hillcrest Drive, based on the findings of the Planning Commission. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE I CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE REQUEST BY SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE, INC., FOR TWO-YEAR EXTENSION ON FRANCHISE Charles Cattaneo, president of the South County Sanitary Service, Inc., requested a two-year extension of the Service's five-year contract, which became effective February 1, 1985. There was Council discussion, and City Manager Robert Mack recommended that the Council wait at least 12 months before honoring the request. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0) to meet with Mr. Cattaneo in one year to discuss his extension request. REQUEST BY DREW BRANDY FOR FENCING BETWEEN TERRA DE ORO PARK AND PRIVATE RESIDENCE DREW BRANDY of 444 Toyon Street asked the City to share in the expense of building a fence between his property and the park at a cost to the City of approximately $800. After Council discussion, it was moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to send Mr. Brandy's request back to the Staff level for more development of detail and return to the Council with a recommendation. 192 VISTA CIRCLE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 87-386-C.C.FILE 6-15-79 Mr. Rogoway referred to his Staff Report of June 17, 1987. He said the Planning Commission reviewed an application for a single family residence on the upper part of Oak Park Acres on Vista Circle Drive. He said the Commission's concerns primarily related to the fire access and drainage. MARK VASQUEZ of Design Graphics discussed with the Council how drainage will be handled on the property. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Architectural Review Case No. 87-386, Single Family Residence, 192 Vista Circle in Oak Park Estates, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide a grading, drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a registered civil engineer. Water will drain from the property into the open space area, and the concentration of flow may be damaging to the open hillsides. Therefore, the engineer shall provide a plan for channeling the water into acceptable drainage facilities of sufficient capacity to handle the flow of water coming from the property. A capacity analysis shall be provided to the Public Works Director for his review. 2. The driveway shall comply with standards provided by the City Fire Department as to slope and width. GRAND AVENUE CORRIDOR STUDY-C.C.FILE 11-11-7 Public Works Director Paul Karp gave a history, beginning in 1979, of red curbing on Grand Avenue. He referred to Resolution 1881 adopted in 1985, which increased red curbing. He said the Parking and Traffic Commision began in 1985 scoping sessions with the public to establish parameters for a study of traffic safety on Grand Avenue. He said the City received a grant from the State Office of Traffic and Safety to study traffic safety problems in the City including the Grand Avenue Corridor. He said Omni- Means, Ltd. had been given the job by the City to do the Grand Avenue Corridor Study funded by OTS. Mr. Karp referred to the Corridor study prepared by Omni-Means, dated May 9, 1987. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR GRAND AVENUE CORRIDTOR STUDY Continued from Page Three KEN ANDERSON of Omni-Means went through the Corridor Study covering data collection and evaluation, results of the study, alternatives available, and improvement priorities. Mr. Karp summarized the Parking and Traffic Commission Recommendations, dated May 18, 1987. The Council discussed with Mr. Anderson possible solutions to traffic problems on Grand Avenue, including the installation of stop signs, reducing speeds, traffic signals, use of alternate streets and medians. CHUCK BROONER, who operates businesses at 1051 and 1054-C Grand Avenue, spoke against removing any parking spaces, and in favor of stop signs and reducing speeds. JOE FURINO of 315 N. Elm Street suggested lining up Brisco Road and South Elm Street and making them main arteries off Grand Avenue. DICK FRANKS of 879 Fairoaks Avenue, a member of the Parking and Traffic Commission, spoke about the public hearings held and the work on this issue by the Commission. He supported the recommendations of the Commission. SUZANNE HAYASHI of 516 Grand Avenue, MYRTLE DUNHAM of 520 Grand Avenue, BILL MCCANN of 575 Crown Hi 11 and LINDA LEWIS of 930 Grand Avenue asked the Council not to eliminate more parking on Grand Avenue. FRANCIS FINK of 951 Grand Avenue protested the "No U-Turn" sign at Grand and Alder. Mayor Mankins directed Staff to set up a Study Session on this item within 30 days. CITY COUNCIL RECESSED FOR 10 MINUTES AT 10:45 P.M. 1987/88 MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROVAL Mr. Mack explained the Parks and Recreation Director's memo of June 12, 1987, as referring to a line item in the Recreation Fund of the Budget. Mr. Mack explained the proposed Resolution adopting the Arroyo Grande City Budget for the 1987-1988 Fiscal Year, as amended by the Council. After Council discussion on setting policy on a Reserve and Contingency Fund in the Budget, it was moved by Moots/Johnson (5-0-0) to establish a policy in year two (1988-1989) to set up a Reserves and Contingency Fund amounting to 4 percent of the Budget, and direct Staff to work with the Finance Director on the plan. HEATHER JENSEN, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, asked the Council if any change had been made in the amount the City has allocated to the Chamber. Mayor Mankins said the recommendation of $7,000 remains. Mrs. Jensen said the Council is sending a clear message to the business community, which is generating retail sales taxes. Moved by Moots/Johnson (4-0-1, Council Member Moots voted aye on all of the Budget except the Organization Contracts Section, on which he abstained; Council Members Johnson, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins voted aye on the motion) to approve Resolution No. 2139 Adopting the Arroyo Grande City Budget for the 1987-1988 Fiscal Year. TRAFFIC WAY-C.C.FILE 11-5-26 Mr. Mack referred to his memo of June 18, 1987. He said private utility companies are scheduled to complete their undergrounding at the end of June, 1987. He requested the Council to authorize the Public Works Director to go to water line and drainage line construction bid at this time, to construct in August, 1987. Mayor Mankins said he and another Council Member would meet with the owners of the auto agencies to discuss any problems and report back to the Council. - --~. ---- C!TY COUNC I L JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE TRAFFIC WAY Continued from Page 4 Moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-0), Johnson, Porter, Moots, Millis and Mayor Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2140 Directing Removal of All Aboveground Utilities and Requiring Underground Installation of Said Facilities Within Traffic Way Underground Utility District No.4. Mr. Mack described his letter to property owners/tenants asking for input on when installation of underground water and storm lines would least affect them. He listed four alternatives for preceding with phased, multi- year streetscape construction. There was Council discussion, and Mayor Mankins said the Omni-Means design work is needed before the City can see how the work can be done in phases. Council discussed the Omni-Means preliminary design work on the streetscape, and the wishes of the property owners. The Council directed Mr. Mack to solicit the final design work from Omni-Means. Mr. Mack said Omni-Means will come to the City to talk about the final design agreement. He said all property owners would have a chance to give more input at that time. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0) to authorize the City to bid water line and storm drain improvements. JERRY BOWSER of 510 Woodland, Traffic Way business owner, said it was his understanding that the basic plan for the cross section of the street from the freeway to Grand Avenue has been accepted. He said what is left to do is the design of the grade. He said he would like to see three phases in the total project beginning with the design of grades. ROYAL OAKS DEVELOPMENT-C.C.FILE 6-14-105 Mr. Karp referred to hlS memo of June 19, 1987. His memo summary said, it was his opinion that when Lot 182 drainage facility is installed, as shown on plans for Royal Oaks rough grading, along with the completion of any modi- fications that may become necessary during future stages of the project, the basin will provide the flood mitigation necessary to protect downstream property owners. He said continued efforts on the part of the City Council to protect the flood plain from encroachments by development are necessary. He said when modifying land use approvals for property situated downstream of the Lot 182 basin, the City Council should call on Staff to suggest appropriate setbacks to allow for potential basin overflows within the swales. He said such setbacks should not significantly hamper use of the property downstream of the basin, as currently envisioned. He told the Council no action was necessary on this at this time. Mr. Karp discussed a chain link fence installation around the basin, and said every effort will be made to retain the trees in the basin. He referred to trees marked in yellow on a plan of the area and said those trees will not be removed. Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler referred to his June 16, 1987 memo, and asked the Council to approve six resolutions designating landmark trees and groves. Mr. Karp said the developer's engineer and landscape people have worked with him and Mr. Keisler, and grading plans have been signed and grading permits have been issued based on the plans. Mr. Keisler said BO to 100 trees will be removed. He explained the colored tags on the trees. Mr. Karp said those markings on the trees are in the grading plans. -~.._-- CITY COUNC I L JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX ROYAL OAKS DEVELOPMENT Continued from Page 5 Voting on the Resolutions followed. Moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-0, Johnson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2141 Designating Landmark Grove 87-36. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0, Millis, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2142 Designating Landmark Grove 87-37. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0, Johnson, Moots, Porter, Millis and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2143 Designating Landmark Tree 87-38. Moved by Porter/Millis (5-0-0, Porter, Millis, Johnson, Moots and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2144 Designating Landmark Tree 87-39. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0, Millis, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2145 Designating Landmark Grove 87-34. Moved by Moots/Johnson (5-0-0, Moots, JOhnson, Millis, Porter and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2146 Designating Landmark Grove 87-35. Mr. Mack referred to Mr. Keisler's memo of June 15, 1987, and said that the Parks and Recreation Director was calling attention to things which would benefit the City and potential problems which might occur in the development of future subdivisions. Mr. Mack said the Council had directed that an ordinance be prepared amending Ordinance 355 C.S. and criteria for the amendments are identified in the minutes of June g, 1987. He said the Council had before it the amending ordinance in draft form. He said basically it has to do with Via La Barranca and Lot A drainage. He discussed the amendments with the Council. He said the draft ordinance should be modified in 14., C., 3), lines 5 and 6, by changing "Public Works Director's" to "City Manager's" and "June 19, 1987" to "June 24, 1987." He said the blank should be filled in on 14., D., line 5, "fair market value is $20,000.00." Moved by Porter/Millis (5-0-0, Porter, Millis, Johnson, Moots and Mankins voting aye) to Amend Ordinance No. 355 C.S., Section 2, Sub-Paragraph 14, Relating to Design, Construction and Use of Lot A and Via La Barranca Drainage System in Royal Oaks Estates Residential Subdivision. Mayor Mankins said that constituted the first reading of the Ordinance. Mr. Mack referred to his memo of June 19, 1987, on West Branch Street Public Improvements Authorizations. He recommended commencing improvements in the order itemized in the memo, prior to Royal Oaks' extension and construction of West Branch Street, in order not to encumber construction activity with traffic, which will occur after the entension is opened. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Mack's recommendation. Mr. Karp referred to his June 17, 1987, memo covering the Granting of Temporary Water Meter in County Area for Office Trailer for Royal Oaks Oevelop- ment. He recommended that the Council authorize the Staff to grant a permit to serve water outside the City limits to serve a construction office trailer for Royal Oaks Development to be located on property owned by Dr. James. Moved by Johnson/Porter (4-0-1, Millis voting no) to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation with the conditions that it be temporary service of two years, the service not be assumable by any other party, and the water used by the sales and construction office only. Mr. Mack discussed the request by the developer to use Rancho Grande Park for the storage of construction equipment for a period of four months. He said any damage to the property would be restored. Council Member Porter asked that any diesel oil left on the ground be covered over. The developer said he would mow the fields. Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve the request. ---..---.----..-- CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN 1987/88 ANNUAL LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUND CLAIMS RESOLUTION Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0, Millis, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2147 Approving the 1987/1988 Annual Local Transportation Fund Claims to the San Luis Obispo Coordinating Council. POLICE CAR PURCHASE AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION Moved by Millis/Porter (5-0-0, Millis, Porter, Johnson, Moots and Mankins voting aye) to approve Authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of California to Purchase Certain Items. FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY COUNCIL MEETINGS A majority of the Council said they preferred to meet just twice a month, with adjourned meetings and study sessions called when necessary. CORRECTIONS TO MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 1987 Council Member Johnson corrected a typographical error in minutes of June g, 1987, on Page 4 under Utility Services, Item 1, second sentence, should read "park fees" not "parking fees." The last paragraph and sentence on Page 4 should read, "Mayor Mankins directed City Staff to process a General Plan change that would add four feet to right of way on the south side of the new street within Tract 1513, making it 14 feet overall and available for a collector street." ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned the meeting at 12:37 A.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK