Minutes 1987-05-26 I -. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in re9ular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. Council Member Mark M. Millis arrived at the meetin9 at 8:35 P.M. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Gregory Waybright of Grace Bible Church delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES Karen Harklerode, representing the San Luis Obispo Chapter of the American Red Cross, presented a Certificate to Brenda Brooks for "Extraordinary Personal Action that Exemplifies the Aims of the Red Cross." Mrs. Brooks saved the life of a customer at the Jack-in-the-Box Restaurant, where she was working. Mrs. Hacklerode said Mrs. Brooks used CPR and her nurses' training to save the customer. Mayor Mankins praised Mrs. Brooks as a citizen who made a contribution to our society. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Porter/Johnson (4-0-1, Millis absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items 0.1. through 0.7. with the recommended courses of action. 0.1. Proclamation, Soil and Water Stewardship Week, 5/24-30/87. Proclaimed. 0.2. City Council Minutes of 5/5,12&14/87. Approved. 0.3. Parks and Recreation Commission Notes of 5/13/87. Information. 0.4. Long Range Planning Committee Minutes of 5/13/87. Information. 0.5. Monthly Investment Report. Information. 0.6. Request by Police Chief Jim Clark re His Retirement Program. Approved. 0.7. Grant Deed Acceptance - Huasna Road at Lopez Drive Lift Station. Approved. C.C.FILE 9-4-35. MANOR CARE PLANS REVIEW-C.C.FILE 6-10-12 Acting Planning Director Ned Rogoway referred to his memo of May 20, 1987. He said that the City Planning Commission had reviewed the Manor Care application and found that the changes, although different from the orginal plans approved, are equal or better in design and character to those of the original plan. He said the Commission recommends to the Council that the changes are not substantial, just different, and the plans are acceptable as submitted without additional hearings. He referred to a May 11, 1987, letter to the Planning Department from Manor Care, Inc. confirming the items of discussion between the Corporation and City Staff of May 8, 1987. Mr. Rogoway said he was asking the Council for a policy decision on whether it wants to consider insignificant and minor changes such as this, or leave these matters to the Staff and Planning Commission to handle. JOHN HARAT of Dennis Bethel Associates, representing the applicants, said design plans had been changed to meet State mandates. Council Members said that projects must meet State and City Code requirements, but that they want to consider only major, visible projects that have Staff approval and are significant to the public. The Mayor suggested that at times Staff could consult with Council by telephone. Council Member Moots complimented Staff on its diligent work on this project. ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 26, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO PUBLIC ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH TRAFFIC WAY EXTENSION TENTATIVE HEARING TRACT MAP NO. 1513 AND DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT-C.C.FILE 6-14-106 Mr. Rogoway used the overhead projector to show the Council the proposed design of the tract. He referred to his memo of May 20, 1987, and said the City Planning Commission had considered Tentative Tract Map No. 1513, a proposal made by St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, to divide 12.87 acres into 13 lots using Optional Design Standards of the City ordinances. He said at the completion of the hearing, the Planning Commission denied the application at the request of the applicant rather than continue consideration to work out conditions of approval. He said, therefore, this matter is being transmitted to the City Council without a recommendation for approval or conditions. He listed Staff Advisory Committee recommendations and conditions which he said might be applied to the subdivision proposal, covering the areas of drainage, streets, design, fire and utility services. Mayor Mankins said he was still perplexed as to why the Planning Commission had sent this matter to the Council. City Attorney Art Shaw said that if the Council felt it was improper to make a decision at this meeting, it could continue the matter or refer it back to the Planning Commission. City Manager Robert Mack said the Council could deny the project; deny the applicant without prejudice; discuss and approve the Tentative Tract Map with conditions, or refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for a full and complete study of the situation and report back to the Council. DAN LLOYD of Engineering Development Associates asked the Council to decide the matter at this meeting. He said he had only two minor objections to the Staff conditions. He said the Church is in a hurry to get the project underway. Council Members said they would prefer the Planning Commission to complete the study of this project. Mayor Mankins asked that the time frame be shortened and the matter be returned to Council on June g, 1987. Mr. Mack suggested that Staff members who have individual concerns about the project should attend the Planning Commission meeting. Mayor Mankins opened the Public Hearing asking anyone who could not attend future meetings to testify at this meeting. MARIE CATTOIR, whose property at 195 Orchid Lane is adjacent to the proposed Tract, spoke in opposition to the project. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLIS ARRIVED AT THE MEETING AT 8:35 P.M. Mr. Shaw said Council Member Millis would be eligible to vote on this matter as he arrived just at the time Mrs. Cattoir began her testimony. Council Member Millis said he would listen to the tape of the first hour of the meeting. Mayor Mankins closed the public portion of the hearing. After further discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-0) to refer the project back to the Planning Commission. Council Member Johnson said she would enthusiastically suggest that all Planning Commissioners listen to the recording tapes of their meetings on this issue so they can vote on the project. COUNCIL MEMBERS RECESSED FROM 8:40 to 8:50 P.M. BUDGET SESSION Mr. Mack and Finance Director David Bacon discussed City Revenues with the Council. They said the sales tax growth rate had slowed down, but the City's share of property taxes continues to grow. Mayor Mankins recommended that the Council adopt a policy on what percentage the City should maintain in a Contingency/Reserve Fund. ---- '0._-- -. CITY COUNCIL MAY 26, 1987 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE BUOGET SESSIONS Continued User fees were considered, and Mayor Mankins recommended that schedules should be adopted and Staff time fi9ured into the fees. Mr. Mack said Staff would do a study of user fees, especially for the larger items. Operating expenses under the City Council category were discussed. Mr. Mack said that in the Central Services Category, he is recommending conversion of a part-time position to full-time Clerk Typist I. Council Member Millis said that person presently employed in this position, Jeanne Venema, is doing a nice job and is pleasant to work with. Mr. Mack said the Word Processor system and the pool automobile will need replacement in 1988/89. He said salary figures do not provide for wage increases other than what was negotiated with SEIU. The Mayor said the Council Ad Hoc Committee on Reorganization and Space will be making recommendations that may require more monies to be set aside. The City Attorney's budget was discussed. Mr. Shaw said it is based on his employment of three and one-half years with the City. He said basically it includes a retainer amount for two Council meetings, two Staff meetings, preparation for the Council meetings, and $75 per hour for special projects and litigation. Mayor Mankins said that is all under contract. Mr. Mack said that in the Planning Department budget he is recommending two planners, long-range and current, and a supporting clerk-typist to be added, and the two contract associate planner positions to be removed upon contract termination in September, 1987. He recommended that two Cal Poly planning interns be proposed to assist long-range planning data collection and preparation. He said $50,000 in contract services for preparation of the Land Use Element and map have been deferred for 1988- 89. Council discussed housing and space for the new Staff. Council Member Millis asked if new Staff would be required by the Building Department. Mr. Mack said the needs there would be filled by contract workers. Mr. Rogoway said there is a definite need in the Planning Department for enforcement of such laws as the Sign Ordinance. The Print Shop was discussed, and Mr. Mack said the printer works on a part-time basis. Mayor Mankins said the City is getting good value in this area. Council Member Millis said the City is lucky to have Leland Shanklan~ both for his quality work and enthusiasm. Mr. Mack said $2,000 is budgeted to replace the central photocopier at the end of its useful life. Council Member Johnson asked if outside groups reimburse the City for use of the photocopier, and Mr. Mack answered in the affirmative. COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENT-C.C.FILE 1-3-39 Mr. Mack referred to his memo of May 21, 1987, and recommended signing the 1987/88 agreement, but changing the maximum amount under which the County shall be excused from any further performance from $17,000 to $13,500. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0) to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement and lower the maximum amount as. indicated to $13,500. SPAY/NEUTER PROGRAM Mr. Mack referred to his May 21, 1987, memo, and recommended that the City participate in the program during 1987/88 in the amount of $2,000. Mayor Mankins said an education program should go along with the Spay/Neuter Program. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0) to participate in the 1987/88 Spay/Neuter Program conducted by the County Department of Animal Regulation. CITY COUNCIL MAY 26, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING "NO PARKING" RED CURB AT 310 S. HALCYON ROAD Mr. Mack referred to.Public Works Director Paul Karp's memo of May 20, 1987. Mr. Karp recommended that the Council take action recommended by the Parking and Traffic Commission in their meeting of February 23, 1987, and reorient the zones for parking at 310 S. Halcyon Road. Council Members discussed large vehicles parking on City streets and just in time to comply with the 72-hour parking limit. Council Member Johnson said there are some gaps in enforcement personnel in these matters. After Council discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0, Council Members Johnson, Moots, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 2137 Establishing a "No-Parking" Zone on a Portion of South Halcyon Road (310 South Halcyon Road) (Municipal Code Sec. 2-7.04) ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The Council adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to a Closed Session on litigation. RECONVENEMENT FROM CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Millis/Porter (5-0-0) to add to the agenda an emergency item requested by Terranomics. Mayor Mankins said the City has been asked to share equally with Terranomics the cost of a traffic study for a Rancho Grande Commercial development. After Council discussion, the Mayor directed Mr. Mack to inform the Terranomics' representative that the Council took no action on this request because it felt financial participation would indicate endorcement of the project. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Moots/Millis (5-0-0) to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK