Minutes 1987-05-21
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THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1987
Mayor MankirIs declared the mee~ open at 3:30 P.M. Upon roll call, the foUowirg members
were detennined to be present: Council Menbers D. G. Porter; Mark M. Millis; Gene Moots; Dorace
Johnson and Mayor Howard MankirIs.
The Mayor opened the meeting by referrlrg the Council to Page 142 of the Proposed ] 987/88
City B~et, on which is located the Water FWId.
Upon request by Heather Jensen, Manager of the Arroyo Grande Qwnber of Coomercc,
Mayor MankirIs recognized Ms. Jensen. Ms. Jensen stated she had a special request to go out of order
on the agenda to discuss f~ of the Qwnber of Coomerce Visitor's Convention Bureau and Harvest
Festival Coomittee. She stated she had received a letter ad~ of reductions in those
organizations' budgets. Mayor MankirIs stated that since the City revenues had been reduced with the
1005 of revenue shlll'lrg, the City nurt reduce its expenditures.
Mr. Millis stated his support of the Qwnber of Ccrrrnerce because it renders service to the
aty. Mr. Moots stated he had a conflict of interest, as he served on the OWnber of Conmerce Board
of Oirectors.
Jonnie Idler, with the Visitor's Convention Bureau, presented the vca armual report Ilnd
discussed that progl'am, and the VCB's praootional efforts, with the Council.
Katcho Actwdjian, President of the Harvest Festival, was recognized and spoke in favor of
the Olamber of Conmerce fundirg. He stated the Harvest Festival Coomittee fWlding was only
necessary for liability insurance premiUIIJI, and that he does not wish to see an end to Harvest Festival
activities. He stated that an election in the future to increase the bed tax may provide a partial
solution to future OIanber of Conmerce fundiq:.
Glris ThontJ60n, OlanDer of Coomerce Manager, from Morro Bay, stated he favored VCB
funding. Dave Garth, OIaIrber of Coomerce Manager from San Luis Obispo, stated he favored vcn
funding. Jerry Grantham, of J G Surfer Sports, stated he supported 0Ianber of Conmerce funding.
Patti Babcock, Grover City Ql8ITIber of Carmerce Manager, stated that Grover City increased their
contributions to their Qwnber of Carmerce by $3,000 for the coming year. She stated the OIanber
will receive $15,OOO next year.
Mr. Millis moved for fundirg the Qwnber of CoIrmerce next year for $15,000. Hearing no
secol\d to the ootion, Mayor Mankins declared the ootion dead. Mayor Mankins expressed desire to
receive a copy of the Qwnber of Carmerce l:Itqet. Mr. Millis stated that the Council might find
furt<lir€ by de1ayirg the purchase of a vehicle for one year. Mayor Mankins stated that as Council
progresses through the budget, they may find additional ooney.
Mr. Millis stated that he wished to reconsider Harvest Festival {WIding, as well as that of the
OIanber o{ Conmerce, as they progress through the budget. Mr. Porter stated that he wanted to see
an economic development report from the Arroyo Grande Q18ITIber of Coomerce, and that he was not in
faVOl' of non- Arroyo Grande praootion funding. Mayor Mankins stated, again, that he would
appreciate a copy of the Qwnber of CoIrmerce bul\tet.
Mr. Gw'th stated that the VCB had received only $25,000 in private contributions this year,
and that next year they are anticipating $60,000. He stated that he had received a legal opinion that
a bed tax increase may not have to go to an election it the increased taxes are uneanTlarked, and go to
the the General FWId.
Mr. Karp presented the Water Fund B~et, startlrg on Page 142 of the Proposed B~et.
He stated there were staff shortages in the Water DepartJnent, and that the Department was not
finishirg flushing and other work to a satisfactory level. He proposed reorganization of the
Department, as contained on the chart on Page ]45 of the Proposed Bu~et, and wished to add 2.4 man
yelU'S to the Water Department next year.
Mr. Millis asked if the proposed 1/2-ton pickup truck, contained in the Water Department
budget, was essential. He asked where all the vehicles were located and who uses them. Mr. Karp
said he would provide a list. After fw'ther discussion, Mayor MankirIs stated that the Water
DepartJrcnt budget was tentatively approved.
Mr. Mack called attention to the Water Fund's cash flow and stated that reserves are
decreasing as you project into the future, and that the Qty IY1t.Bt address a rate increase or other
funding neem for the water system in the next year.
MajUr Mankins stated that the City should start an equipment replacement fund. Mr. Millis
stated he favored creating a vehicle pooL
Mr. Moots called attention to salary and fringe costs, as contained on Page 248 of the
Proposed Budget. DiscU$ion ensued regarding fringe persormel carts.
At 5:20 P. M., the meeting was adjourned, upon rrotion of Council Menber Moots, seconded by
COlUlcil Menber Johnson.