Agenda Packet 2008-12-09� � i ouncl Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member Ed Arnold, Council/Board Member Chuck Fellows, Council/Board Member en a Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy Carmel, City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2008 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo G rande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. INVOCATION: 7:00 P.M. ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY KIWANIS CLUB ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL REV. DR. VALERIE A. VALLE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Mayor's Commendation Recoqnizinq Mark Vasquez 6. AG E N DA REVI EW 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ ♦ ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16, 2008 through November 30, 2008. 8.b. Consideration of Acceptance of the Redevelopment Aqency's Annual Financial Reports (KRAETSCH) [COUNCIL/RDA] Recommended Action: Receive and file the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008. 8.c. Consideration of Cancellation of December 23, 2008 City Council Meetinq (ADAM S) Recommended Action: Cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 23, 2008 due to the holiday. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.d. Consideration of Extension of Aqreements with Grande Mobile Manor and Halcyon Estates for Temporary Water Service (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve a second amendment to the existing Agreements with Grande Mobile Manor and Halcyon Estates extending temporary water service for an additional 3-month period. 8.e. Consideration to Authorize an Award of Bid for the Police Radar Lease Proqram (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the award of bid to purchase eleven Stalker DSR 2X Multi-Directional Sensing Radar from Applied Concepts, Inc. of Plano Texas in the amount of $27,261.29; and 2) Authorize the award of bid to finance the radar units through a municipal lease with First Star Capital of Walnut Creek, California at a rate of 7.78%. 8.f. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit Case No. 08-025 Authorizinq the Closure of a City Street and Parkinq Restrictions to Dedicate and Celebrate the Relinquishment of Portions of Hiqhway 227 from the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to the City, January 4, 2009 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 08-025 authorizing the closure of a City street and parking restrictions to dedicate and celebrate the relinquishment of Highway 227 from Caltrans to the City. 8.g. Consideration of a One-Year Time Extension for Conditional Use Permit 06-005; 231 South Halcyon Road (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving a one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit 06-005. 8.h. Consideration of a Resolution Grantinq a One-Year Time Extension for Vestinq Tentative Tract Map No. 04-002 and Planned Unit Development No. 04-002; Applied for by Creekside Estates of Arroyo Grande, LLC; Location — 9 Acres Located East of Noquera Place and North of East Cherry Avenue Extension (Cherry Creek Pro�ect) (HEFFERNON) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving a one-year time extension for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 04-002 and Planned Unit Development No. 04-002, authorizing approval of the 9-acre Cherry Creek subdivision located east of Noguera Place and North of E. Cherry Avenue extension into thirty (30) residential lots. 8.i. Consideration of a Proqram of Pro�ects for the City's FY 2008-09 Share of Proposition 1 B Funds (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a program of projects for the City's FY 2008-09 share of Proposition 1 B funds; and 2) Direct staff to submit the City's program of projects to the California Department of Finance. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.j. Consideration of a Consultant Services Aqreement with North Coast Enqineerinq, Inc. for the Desiqn of the EI Camino Real Retaininq Wall, EI Camino Real Resurfacinq, and EI Camino Real/Chilton Street Waterline Capital Improvement Pro�ects (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a consultant services agreement with North Coast Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $68,620 for the design of the EI Camino Real Retaining Wall, EI Camino Real Resurfacing, and EI Camino Real/Chilton Street Waterline Capital Improvement Projects (PW-2008-09); 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement; and 3) Authorize the City Manager to approve contract amendments not to exceed 10% of the $68,620 for unanticipated costs during the design phase of the project. 8.k. Consideration of Appropriation of Funds for Water Conservation Rebate Proqrams (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Appropriate $50,000 from the Water Neutralization Fund to initiate water conservation rebate programs for high efficiency washing machines, irrigation controllers, and turf removal. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Preliminary Approval of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Pro�ects for Year 2009 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2009. 9.b. Consideration of Introduction of a Proposed Ordinance Amendinq Section 12.20.060 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Relatinq to City Parks (PERRI N) Recommended Action: 1) Introduce an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande amending Section 12.20.060 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to ban smoking in City parks; and 2) Approve transfer of $6,000 from Park Improvement Funds that were carried over from FY 2007-08 for turf renovations at the Soto Sports Complex to the Parks Maintenance Grounds account. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 5 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont'd) 9.c. Continued Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Vestinq Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development Case No. 01-001 (Otherwise known as Tract 1998) to Subdivide a 26.9-Acre Property into Fifteen (15) Residential Lots and a Twenty- Two (22) Acre Permanently Preserved Open Space Parcel (STRONG) Recommended Action: Consider Addendum No. 2 to the previously certified Revised Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report and project plans for the revised 15-lot subdivision and planned unit development. The Planning Commission recommends that the Council adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development Case No. 01-001 to subdivide a 26.9-acre property into fifteen (15) residential lots and a twenty-two (22) acre permanently preserved open space parcel with the included CEQA and project findings, conditions of approval and mitigation monitoring and reporting requirements. 9.d. Consideration of Sale of Affordable Housinq Property at 252 South Courtland Street to the Housinq Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo (ADAMS) [RDA] Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving an Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions for sale of real property located at 252 South Courtland Street to the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo for transfer to an income-qualified household at an affordable housing cost; and 2) Appropriate an additional $5,500 for costs associated with the Agency's purchase of the unit. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Formation of a Recreation Center Subcommittee (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve formation of a Recreation Center Subcommittee to coordinate with the 5 Cities Community Services Foundation on the proposal for a Recreation Center to include the Mayor, one Council Member, the City Manager, the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director, one member of the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed by the Commission, and one at-large member; and 2) Appoint one Council Member and a member at-large to the Subcommittee. 11.b. Consideration of Appointment of Council Members to Reqional and Local Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Make appointments to those regional Boards, Commissions, and Committees with Council representation. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 6 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be ta ke n . 12.a. Request for staff to prepare an amicus in support of the City of Irvine's lawsuit challenqinq the Southern California Association of Government's (SCAG's) Reqional Housinq Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation (FERRARA) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT to a Special Meeting at 4:00 p.m., Thursday December 18, 2008, at the City Council Chambers. ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arro oqrande.orq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. � � � � � L���i�� . _ ���� ��� � � . � , � � �� � � � ��� � � � � � �� �� ��� �� � � � , , , , � � � �� �� � ��� � � , � �??���� T� � ��. �a��c����s �� �a � �����r ���� � � � ���� �� � � ������ �� �� � r�c���o��t�� '�"� � � � rrr �r .r� ��r � � . � � 1 � � ���������� Agenda Item 5.a. Page 1 � � � � THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.a. Page 2 � ��� � �� � �� � �n,�o��o�►���0 �� # � � � i� ,�u��r �o t��� ,� ��� �� � � � �� ��: �+�� ������� FF�C�AII: Ah���LA �RA�T��H� �If�E�T�F� �F �Ii��IV���� �EF�111�� B�: �LJB�E�T: DA�� : ����� � �� ������ i I� N� r���rr�r�n�r���� �he ����r ��u�r��il r���#y ��� a��t����� li�tirr� �f ���h �i���rs�r���t� ��r ��� p�r��d �f��r�r�b�r 'I � �hr��g� IV�v�rr���r� ��, ����, ���������� FFtAN��� Ft. I-���1�, �1���1.�1�T��V� �1.l���11���F� ��I��I�ERAT��� �F �A�I-� ����l�F��E�I�lE�1T ��►TIFI��#TI�� �E��M��R 3� ���� FI �V�IV � IAL I N! 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Page 12 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES � SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S (RDA) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors receive and file the respective Redevelopment Agency's (RDA) Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. BACKGROUND: The firm of Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, CPA's were hired to audit the City of Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency's financial records for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. Audit services are retained for two reasons: first, to have an independent review of internal control; and secondly, to ensure that the resulting financial reports fairly represent the financial position of the Redevelopment Agency. In October of 2008, an audit was conducted on the 2007-08 RDA financial transactions. Documentation in support of the assets, liabilities, and fund balance of the funds in the RDA were examined and verified. This process assures an impartial review and substantiation of the Redevelopment Agency's fund balances. The result of this review is the attached financial reports. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations and accept the audited financial reports; - Do not approve staff recommendations and return reports to auditor; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF RDA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS DECEMBER 9, 2008 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Auditors may issue three different types of opinions at the conclusion of an audit, an Unqualified, Qualified, or Adverse Opinion. An Unqualified Opinion assures the audit reader that the information presented fair�y represents the financial position of the City. A Qualified Opinion states that the information is fairly presented except for a particular issue. An Adverse Opinion indicates that the agency has major accounting and/or internal control issues. The City is proud to report that for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2008, the City of Arroyo Grande's Redevelopment Agency received an Unqualified Opinion. In addition, the State of California requires that the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Transaction report and the California Department of Housing and Community (HCD) report on RDA activity be approved by the RDA board of directors and submitted to the State at the end of December. These reports are based on the Audited Financial report and are attached to this report. ADVANTAGES: By approving the attached reports, the City will be in compliance with the State of California. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 4, 2008. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, December 5, 2008. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Redevelopment Agency Basic Financial Statement 2. Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transaction Report 3. Redevelopment Housing and Communiry Development Report ATTACHMENTI REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2008 REDEVEL�PM�NT A��N�Y �F THE �ITY �F ARR�YC] �RAN'DE TABLE �F C�NTENTS June 3D, Z��S Ind�penden� Aud�tors' Repor� . . . .. . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1 Management's Discu.ssion and Ana�ysis ............................................................................................................................................2 �ASIC FINAN�IAL STAT�MENTS Gover�xment-wi.de Financial Statements: S�a.�em�nt vf Ne� Assets ........ ..... ....... ...... .. .. . . .. . . . . . ............................................ ....... .... . . . ......................... .. .. . ... .... ....... .. . .... .......... � S�a.temen� of Act�vi��es ............................................................................................................................. .................................. 8 Fund Financ�al S�atemen#,�s: Ba�ance Shee� — G�vernnnental Funds ...................................................................................................................................... lU Recancilia���n af the Governmenta.I Funds Ba�ance Sheet �a �he S �atemen� of Ne� As set� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . � � Statement of Rever�ues, Expenditures, and �hanges u�. Fund Balances - �overnmer�tal Funds . . . .. . ........ .. .... ..... ................... ......... .. . . . ....... ..... .. . . . ................ .. ...... . ........ . .... . . .... . . . ...1 � Reconc���a���n flf the �rovernmenta� Funds S�a�ement of Revenues, Expendi�ures, and Changes �n Fund Ba�ances t� the Statement Ac�ivities .................................................................................................................................................... � 3 L�w and Moderate Spec�al Re�enu� Fund -- Stat�ment of R��enues, Expenditures, and �han�es in Fund Balaxxce -- Budget and Ac�ua1 ........................................................................................................I4 Notes to Basic Finar�cia� S�a.temen�s ................................................................................................................................................ � S .A.udi��rs' Report an In�erna� Cflntro� �ver Financ�al Repor�ing and �n C�mp��.ance and �ther Matters �ased ❑r� an Audi� of Financial S�atemen�s Perfarmed vs Accordance wi.th �''ravernmen� Auditi�.g S�aridards ...........................................................................�2 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 __..._ . i � PARTNERS RaNALD A LEVY, CPA CRIAG A HARTZHEIM, CPA HADLEY Y HU�, CPA Board of D�rectors �11����. ��11Y & F�A�TZ�I��M LLP �Ef�TIFiED PUBL1� A��C�UNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUD�T�R.S' REP�RT Rede�re��pmen� Agericy �f the Ci�y of Arroyo Gran�.e Arroyo Grande, �a�ifarnia 8�2 EAST MAlN SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 TEL: Sfl5.925.257'9 FAX: 8D5.925.29 4T www.mlhcpas.cam �''e have aud�ted the a�company�u�g fina.ncia� sfi.a.�emen�s of the governrn�n�al ac��vi��es and each majvr fund af the Redevelapmen� A�ency of the ��ty vf Arro�o Grande �Agency}, a companen� uni� af the �ity of Arroy� �rand�, Ca��farnia �City}, as �f and far the f�sca� year ended ,Tune 3�, �4D8, as �is�ed in �h.e forego�ng �a.b1e of con�en�. These fi�.anc�al statemen�s are �he respan��b�iity af the Agency's management. �ur respons�bi�ity �s �o express opuuons an these f nanc�a� s�a.ternen�� based on aur audit. �Te conduc�ed our audit in accordance v�ri�h aud�ti.ng standards generally accepted in �he Un�ted Sta.tes af Am�r��a and the standards applicab�e to f�nanc�al audi�.s canta.in�d in Govern�nent� �uditing S'tandards issued by �he Cflmp#xol�er �eneral vf th.e United S�ates. Those standa.rds require tha� �ve plan and perfarm the audit to ob�a.in reas�nab�e assu.rance about wheth.er the f�nanc�al statem.�n�s axe free of materia� missta.�emen�. An aud�.� inc�udes examinin�, on a test basi.s, evidence suppvr�ing the amoux�ts an.d disciosures in �he fin.a.ncia� sta�ements. An audit al.so in�ludes assessing �he accvun�ing principles used and sign�i�.cant estima�es made �� management, as wel� as evaluatxng �he averall financial sta.temen� presenta.tion. �e �e��eve tha� oux audit prov�des a reasonable basis for aur apini�ns. In our opin�an, the fina�cial s�a.tements referred �o above present fair�y, in a�1 ma�erial resp�c�s, �h� respective financ�.al posi�ion �f fihe governm.enta� activit�es a�d each major fund of the Agency, as of Ju�a.e 3�, 24�5, th.e respect��e changes in the f�nancia� posi�ion thereof, and the budgetary �omparison far �h.e I.�w and Moderate Specia� Revenue Fund for �he f�sca� year then ended in canfornu�y �.th a�coun�ing princ�p�es general�y accepted in �he Uru�ed S�a�es of Am�rica. As discussed in nvte 1 af �he not�s �o basic fu�ancia� s�atemen� effective July 1, �D�7, �h.e Redevelopmen� Agency of �he C��y af Arroy� Grrande adopted Governmenta.� Accoun�ing Sta.ndards Board �GASB} Statemen� Nv. 4S, Sales and Pledg afReceivahles and Fut�u�e 12eve�ues and Intra-�`nt�ity �''�ansfers of�lsset�s and Fut�u�e Revenues an.d ��vernmen�a�. Accouri#i�ng S�an.dards Board Statement No. �D, Pensinn �isclosures — an .�mendmertt of G�4►SB S�atem�nts .Zlro. �5 and .�'�o. 27. The 1Vlanagemen�'s Discuss�on and Ana�ysis on pages 2 through 5, �s not a requ�red part of �h.e basic f nancia� s�a.tements, bu� �s supp�emen�ary �nforma�ion required by �,he Governmental Accoun�i.ng S#andards Baard. �e have app�i�d �er�ain limi�ed pro�edure�, consis�ing primari�y of �.quiries of managemen� regardiug �he me�hads of ineasurement and presen�a.t�on of �he required su�p�emen�a�y informa�ion. Ha�vev�r, we d�d nv� audit �he information and express no opixuan �n ��. It�. accordance w�th Gavernment.�4uditing S'tandards, we have a�so i.ssued a repor� dated No�rember �S, �008, on vur cans�derat�on of the Agency's in�ernal cantra� aver f.n.ancia� repvr�ing and our �ests af i�s compl�ance �i�h cer�ain provis��ns of �aws, regulat�ons, c�ntracts, gran� agreemen�s, and other matters. The purpose �f th.a� report is to describe �he scope of our �esting of �.x�.�ernal contxoi aver �na.n�ial r�portang and camp�ia.nce and �he results af �ha� tes�ing, and no� �fl pr��ide an opin.i.�n on the �nternal �o�.�rol over financial repor�uag or on c�mpli.ance. That r�port is an in�egra� par� of a.n audit perfarmed i.n. accordance wifih Gavernmentl4uditing StandQrds and should be considered in assessir�g �h.e result� of our aud�.t. 3.VI�SS, LEVY � HART�HEIM LLP '"�'�` . �� ;�� �` � - ;� - - �ovember �5, ���$ � �FF�CES: gEVERLY H�LLS • SANTA MARfA MEMSER AMERlCAN INSTITUTE OF C.P.A.'S • CALIFflRNIA S�CE�ETY OF MUNiCIPAL FINANCE 4FFiCERS • CALlF�RN1A ASSOCtATI�N �F SCH�aL 6U5lNESS �FFICfALS Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 A.R�Z�Y� �1�I3E REDEVL�PMENT A�EN�Y MANA�EMENT' S DIS ��[JS SI� N AND ANAL�S IS Fisca� Year Ended June 3U, ZU�B Th� Management's I]�scussi�n and Analys�s of the Ar� �rand� Redeve�opmer�t Ager�cy's f�nan�ia� performance provides an overal� review of the Agency's f�nancia� ac�iv���es for �he f�scal year �nded June 34, �fl�8. The �nter�t �f this discussion and ana�ys�s is to ��ok at the Agency's f�nanc�a� performance as a wh��e. Read�rs sh�u�d revie�v the discussion and ana�ys�.s �n c�nj uz�ctiQn w�th th� bas�c finan��a� statements as we�� as the notes to the basic f�nar�cial statements to enhanc� their unders�anding af the Agency's financia� perfarmanc�. QVERVIEW �F THE FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis ar� intended t� serve as an �ntraducti�n t� th� Agency's bas�c f nanc�a� stat�ments. The Agency's bas�c �nanc�a� statem.�nts c�mpr�se three c�mpon.ents: 1} �o�ernment--w�de �i�.ancia� stat�ments, �} fund �inar�cial statements, an� 3} notes to basic f�n�.nc�a� statements. The fo��ov�ring exp�a�ns the structur� and content of each of the sta�em�n�s. G�vernment-w�.de S�at�m�nts Government-wide statements rep�r� �formation ab�ut the Agen�y as a wh�le usi�g account�ng xx�.��h�ds s�mi�ar t� those used by pr�.vat�-�sector c�mpan�es. The statement of net assets� �ncludes a�1 of th� ��vernmen�'s ass�ts and liabilities. AlI �f the current fiscal year's re�renu�s and expenses are a�caunted far in the statement �f a�tiv�t��� regard�es� af when the cash is re�e�ved �r pa�d. The �wo g�verr�ment-w�de statemer�ts repor� th� Agency's n�t assets and h�w th�� have �hanged. Net asse�s are the d�fference betw�en th� Agency's assets and Iiabi��ties and ar� one of the ways to measure the Agency' s f�nanGial hea�th or p a siti�n. ■��er tim�, �.n�reases ar de�reases in the Agency's net assets are an indicatar of �vhether �ts f�nancial h�alth is improv�.n.g �r deter�orati.ng, respe�tively. The government-�v�de � nan.cxal s�atements of the A��ncy are divided �nto �wo ca�eg�ri�s : •.��vernmenta� activ�ties —functions of �he Ag�ncy that are princ�pa���r supp�r�ed by ta�es and intergavernmenta�. revenu�s. r � Business-type activ�ties — funct�ons of the Agency that are intended to recover a�l ar a sig��.�fican� part�.on of �ts cost thrau�h user fees and charges. Fund Finan�ia� Stat�m�nts A fund �s a grauping �f related accounts that �s used to maintain cor�trol aver res�urces that have been se�r�gated far spec�fic act�.�.ti�s ar abj ����ves. The Agency, �ike �ther state and �oca� goverr�ments, uses fund acc�unt�ng to er�sure and demor�strate c�mpliar�ce v�ith finance-related �ega� requirements. A�1 �f the funds of the A�ency are inc�uded in the gov�rnmental. funds category. �aveYr�mental funds. The Agency's �as�c serv�ces are repor�ed in governmentat funds, wh�ch f��us on h�w maney flaws i.r�.ta and �ut of those funds and the ba�ances I�f� at yea.r-end that are avai�abl� for spend.�ng. These fund� are rep�r�ed using a.n acc�unti.ng methad ca��ed mod�f ed a�crual accounting, which measures cash and a�� �ther f�nancia� asse�s that ca�. readi�y be canv�r�ed t� cash. The ��vernmenta� statements prav�de a deta��ed sh�r�-term view of �h� Agency's �en�ral govexx�m�nt operat�ons ar�.d �he basic services it pravides. G�vernmental fux�d �nfarmation he�ps y�u d�term�ne whether there are more or fe�rer financial resources that can b� spent in the near future t� f�nance the Agency's programs. The �as�c a�v�rnmenta� fund financia�. statemen�s caxi be found on pa�es 1�- 14 of th�s r�p�x�. � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 FINAN�I� ANALYSIS �� THE A�EN�Y AS A'4�'LIH��E The Agency's Net Assets far Fiscal Years 2��7-�S and ����-�7 are: Fi s�al Y�a r E nde d Fiscal Year En de� Incr�ase ' Jun � 34, 2�48 J u ne 34, �� �7 �� Decre ase } a,s sets: Curren� an d oth er asse#s Bond issuanc� cos�s . �api�a! asse�s Tota� as sets Liab�tities: L�a bi[ i�i�s �u ts�andi ng C� her Li ab�l i�«s Tota� lia b�lities $ 5,48'� ,��5 3fl 1,�49 '� ,84�, 345 $ ?',�3�,�59 138,�23 7,'I fi 9,55� 7, 3� ?', 779 $ 5,'i 98,� �2 3'[ �,0 51 � ,849,345 $ �,3��,�48 $ �82 ,� � 3 � 1 � ,4�2} $ ���,Z'�'� �14,0�9} 34 , �9� '[ � , �?'?'' Net ass �ts: T�ta � ne� assets 'I 5�, 2 42 �','I 38,96D 7,�91,2fl2 $ 3�4,48� $ 68,84� $ 255,�34 Total assets for the Redeve�opment Agency as a who�e �ncreased between fiscal years ending 2��8 and ���7 hy $��5,534. This increase �om�s from th� change �n net a�ssets as recorded in the Statem�nt �f A��iviti�s. Pr�gram exp�nses by function, ger�era�. revenues by maj or s�uxce, e�cess andlor defi�iency af rever�ues over expenses before contribu���ns to permanent fund principal, spec�a�, and extraord�nary items, and tota� assets are present�d �n the Statement of Activities. �hanges in the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Age�.c�'s Net Assets: Fisca� Year Fnded Fisca! Year Ended 1 ncr�ase Ju n� 3�, 2��8 J u n� 3�, ��07 F {Decrease� Re�enues: General revenu�s: Property tax�s �n�estmen� �ncome �th�� Transfers �o Ci�y T�ta� re�en ue Exp�nses: Generai �o�ernmen� � nterest Tata� exp�nses $ 1,�5'� , 3�� $ 1,�2'� ,'179 $ 4�,'I �'1 '� 7'� , �9� � 1,128 1 ��,1 �� �.�,7�9 7� tz$,�7�} ._ - �394 2�D �4�, 5�4 � 143, ?'56 �,as�,o�� �,�oo,$�� �� �,7�4} 44a, 338 4'� �,494 3�, �44 �$8,t]87 91, 73� ��6, 35'� 833,4�5 5�4,�3U 3�9,'f 9� �ncrease �d��reas�} �n net assets �55,�34 596,5�3 �34�,939� Ne� asse�s - b�ginning af f�scal y�ar �8,846 527,7Z7 �95,�73 Ne� asse#s - end �f fiscal year $ 324,48D $ �8,846 $ �55,�34 �overnmenta� Act�v�t�es: Governmenta� activ�ties increased the A�;ency's net assets by $2��,�34. The key element of t�is �.ncrease �s as fal�o�vs: • Property tax revenue �ncreased due ta the �ncrease in assessed vaXu�s and res�dent�al deve�vpment. � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 7 F�NAN�IAL ANALYSIS �F THE REI3EVELf3PNIENT A�ENCY' S FUN)3S As n�t�d ear�ier, the R.ed�ve��pment Agency uses fund accountin� �a ensur� and demonstra�e �ornp��ance with finance-re�ated l�gal requ�rements. �overnmentat �'u�ds. The f�cus af the Agency's government�al funds �s t� pr�v�de xr�f�rmatx�n an ��ar- term �.nflaws, autflovvs, and ba�an�es �f spenda�l� res�urces. Su.ch informat�on. is usefu� �n assess�ng the Agency's fina�.cing requ�rements. In particu�ar, unYeserued fund �alance may serve as a usefu� measur� of a g�ver�n,ment's net resources available for spendir�g at the end of the f�sca� �rear. As of th� end of the curren� fiscai year, the Agency's goverrvmen�a� fun�s r�par�ed c�mb�ned ending fund ba�an�es of $5,472,43�. Appraximate�y �� percent of this amount �$1,318,5��} c�nstitu�es undesi�nated , fund balanc�, v�rh�ch is ava��.able for spencU.n.g a� the government's discret�on. The rema�nder �f the fun.d ba�ance �s desi�nated t� �nd�cate that it is �nly avai�ab�e f�r ��w and moderate-�nGOme hou�ing proj ects and de�t ser�i�e payments. Budgetary Fligh�ights Actua� rev�nues far the Low and Mo�ierate Spe��a� Revenue Fund w�re gr�ater than the budg�� hy $78,1 �3. The factors contribut�ng to the er�han�ed revenues have been discussed under ��v��nmental 14ctivities. Actua� expenditures were ���ver than the budget �y $1,592,�4�. �apita� Asset and Debt Adm�n.istrati�n Capitai Assets As of fiscal year-end, the Agen�y had $1, 849,345 �nvested in a range of capital assets, net of depreciation, as reflected �n the f���awing sch�dule: Cap�tat Ass�ts at �iscai Year End (�e� of Deprec�at�on} G�v�rnm�ntal Activit��s � . ���� 2fl�7 Land $ '� ,849,34� $ 1,549,34� Net �apita� Assets $ 1,849,345 $ � ,84�,345 4 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 8 L�NG-TERM l'�EBT At the end �f �he current fxscal year, the Agency had long-�term debt autstanding �f $7, I 79,55d. Th�s amount repr�sen�s Iong-t�rm �oans payahle ar�d Z��7 Tax Al��cation b�nds. The RDA Tax A���cati.on bonds were used to pay �ff exis�ir�g debt and any rema�n�ng funds wi�� be used for future proj ec�s. Thes� bonds are backed by the Redevelopm�nt Agency and are to be repai.d v��th pr�perty tax proceeds. L�ng-Term �3ebt at Year End Advanc�s payable Tax Allocation bands Tota[ Lon�-term d�bt ���ernmentai Act�vities . �4�� Z��7 $ 894, 55� $ 853, 9CU �,�$5,��� �,�85,��� $ 7,'� ?'9,5.5� $ 7,'E 38,9�� FINAI�I�IAL ISSIJES ANI] C�N�ERNS Th� State �f Ca��fornia's budge� crisis has caused uncer�a�nt� in the �overxlment sector. This is especia��� true for Red�ve�apment a�enc�es, which a.re being �ovked at t� ass��t in the huge def���t. This uncer�a��.ty has b een ta.�en �nt� acCOUn� tivhen prep aring the Agen�y' s budget f�r f�s ca� year �� � S--� 9. C�NTA�TING THE �ITY'S FINANCIAL MANA�EMENT T`his financ�al report �s des�gn�d to pravide �ur �iti�ens, taxpayers, �ustomers, investors, a.r�.d creditors with a general. over��ew of the C�t� of Arroyo Crande Redevel�pment A�en�y's f�nances and to dem�nstrate the Agency's a��ountab�l�t�r for the �revenue �t rece�.�res. If y�u have any quest�ions about this repart or ne�d additi�nal f�na.n�i.a� �nformation, con�act Angela I�.raetsch, Fiz�.ancial. Services D�rect�r at 1�3 West Brar�.�h Street, Ar� Grande, �A 934�1, phone 5�5-473-543�. S Agenda Item 8.b. Page 9 REDEVEL�PMENT AGENCY �F TIIE �ITY �F ARR�YU GRANDE STA.TEMENT �F NET AS SETS June 3 0, 2�� g ASSETS �urrent assets: Cash and in�estments R�ceivables: Interes� Taxes Prepard expenses I3eposi� Inventary - Land he�d far resale Noncurrent as sets : Bond issuanc� Gasts, n�� of accumu�a�ed am�rt�zation �ap�tal assets: Nondepreciab�e: Land T�ta� asse�s LIABILITIES; �urren� �iabili�ies: Accoun�s payab�e and ac�rued 1�a�ilities Interest payable Due wi.�h�x�. one year Noncurren.t �iabilities: Due in more than a year Tota� liab�lities NET ASSETS Res#r�cted for: Law and moderate housing �api�a� prajects Debt sexv�ce ITnrestri�cted To�a.� �.e� asse�s The ac�ampanying notes are an �.ntegral part of thi.s sta�ement. � �o�ernmen�al A��ivi�ies $ 4,5�Z,S59 ��,9 � 5 5,374 1 �,�$ $ 5,�40 B�S,I29 30I,649 �,849,34� 7,632,259 8,829 1 �9,394 1�,44� 7, I 69,555 7,3Q7,779 2,747,589 2,985,�45 445,�36 �5,853,�� �. 3 $ 3�4,48� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 10 This page x.n.�ent�ona�ly left l�lank. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 11 REDEVEL�PMENT A�E�N�Y �F THE CITY �F ARR�Y� ��A.NI]E STATEMEl�T �F A�TIVITIES For the Fisca� Year Ended June 3�, Z�� S FunctionslPrograms �enera� governmen� �'�ta� governmen�al a�tiviti.es Prvgram Revenues �perating �apita� Tota� �harges for Grants and �irants and Pragram Experises Serv�ces C�n�rxbu�ions �flntri�ution� Re�enues $ 833,4�5 $ - � -- � -- � - $ 833,4�5 $ - $ - $ - � � Genera� rev�nues: Proper�y �axes In�ergovernmen�a� Inves#m�n� earn�ngs �ther Transfers �o City of Arroya Grande To�a� gene�a� revenues and txansfers Change in net asse�s Ne� assets, beginnin� af fisca� year �et a�se�s, end �f fiscal year �he accompanying no��s are an in�egral part of �his statemen�. 8 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 12 �et �Expense} . R�venue and Changes �,r� Ne� Assets $ (533,425} [833,4�5} 1,Z��.,34� 46,662 �7I,290 67 �3�0,26�� 1 7 l1[JJ�V�7 � �S �,534 58,846 $ 3 �4,� S � g Agenda Item 8.b. Page 13 REDEV�LUPM�NT A�-EN�Y []F THE �ITY �� ARR�Y� GRANI]E G�3 VERNMENTAL FUNi] S BALA�i�E SHEET Jun� 3U, Z4�8 Ma'ar Funds Low and Modera�e RDA Special Capital Deb� Tata� Revenue Prajects Service Governmen�al Fund Fund Fund Funds ASSETS Cash and investmen�s Rec�i�ables: Znterest Taxes Prepaid �tems D�posit �nven�ory - Land held for resale Tota� asse�s $ �,73 �,499 $ 1,3�b, � 30 $ 564,930 $ 4,G��,559 17,3�7 9,588 26,91 S 1,1 S I 4, I 93 5,374 � 6,288 � 6,288 S,��D S,O�U gZ5,1 �9 SZS, � 29 $ �,7�5,��7 $ �,1 � 1,328 $ 5�4,93� $ 5,48 �,�6� LIABILITIES AND FUND SALANCES Liab�l�ties: Accounts payable and accrued liabi�ities To�a� liabi��ties Fund Balances: Reserved: �n�en�ory - Land held far resale Prepaid i�ems Unreserved: I3es�gnated Undesxg�ated Tota� unreserved Tota� fund balances T�ta� Iiab�Iities and fund balances The a�campanyin� nntes axe a.n in�egra� part of this s�a�emen�. $ 7,41 S $ �,4I I $ $ 8,SZ9 7,41 S 1,4I � 8,82� 8�5, I 29 825,1 �9 � 6,288 1 �,ZBS 2,747,�89 564,93� 3,3 �2,519 � y � � � a SVV � �3 � v�S 2,747,589 2,159,�17 564,93� 5,472,435 2,747,SS9 �,159,9 � 7 564,93� S,47Z,436 $ �,755,4�7 $ 2,1 � 1,328 $ Sf4,930 $ 5,481,265 �o Agenda Item 8.b. Page 14 REDEVEL�PMENT AGENCY �F THE CITY �F ARR�Yt] GRANI3E RE��NCILIATI�N �F THE ���'�TERNMENTAL FUNI3� BALAN�E SHEET T� THE S�'ATEMENT �F I�ET ASSETS June 3�, 2��5 Tv�a� Fund Ba�ances - Gavernmentai Funds .Arnounts repar�ed for governmenta� ac�i�i�ies in the S�a�emen� af N'et Asse�s are d�fferen� because: $ 5,472,43 6 Capital assets used in governmenta� act��ities are n�� currezxt f�.nanc�al res�urces. Therefore, they were no� repor�ed in �he �overnmenta.I Funds Ba�.ance Sheet. Cap��a.1 ass��s at historica� cost Accumu�a�ed deprec�ation $ 1,849,345 i,849,345 In gov�rnme��a.� funds, i�x�.terest on i�ng--�erm �ebt is n�t recogn�2ed until th� p�riod �n wh�ch �t matures and is paid. In gov�rnmen� statemen� af act�v�tie5, �� is recagnxzed in the peri�d �hat it �s i.ncurred. In gvvernmen�a.l funds, deb� �ssue costs axe recogn�zed as expenditures in �he period �he� are �ncurred. In the governmen�--wxde statemen�s debt i.ssue costs are amar�ized over the Iife �f the debt. Long-�erm ��.ab���.ties are nat due and paya�le in �he curren� perio�i. Therefore, they were no� repor�ed in ��1ie Governmenta� Funds Ba�ance Shee�. The lo�.g-�erm l�abili�ies vwere as fo�lflu�s: Tax Al�ocat�on Bands $ 6,�85,��4 Adva.nces fram the Ci�ty of Arrayo Grande 894,5�6 Tota� To�a� Ne� Assets - Gavernmen�a.i Acti�i.��es The acc�mpa.nyin� na�es are an integra� par� af �his statement. 11 ��. I9,394} 3� 1,649 �7, I 79,556} $ 3�4,48� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 15 REDEVEL�PMENT AGENCY �F TH� �ITY �F AR�t�YU GItAND� G��ERNMENTAL FUNI]S STATEMENT 4F REVENUES, E�PEND�TURES, AND CHANC ES TN FUND BALAN�ES For the Fis�ai Y�ar Ended June 3U, 2�U8 Ma'or Funds Low and M aderate R.DA Specia� Capi�al L��bt Tatai Re�enue Projec�s Ser►rice Go�ernmentai Fund Fund Fund Funds Reven u e5: Taxes $ ��2,2G0 $ i,���,�4� $ - $ � ,2� 1,34� �n�ergovernmental 45,6f 2 45,662 Uses af money and property 1�S,$93 44,fl3G � 1,3� i 17 I,29� ��her 57 67 Tatai re�enues 358, � 53 1,099,$05 Z�,3fi � 1,479,3 I 9 Expend�tures: Current: Generai g�vernment D�bt service: �n�eres� Tata� expendi�ures Excess of revenues over �under} expenditures 65,U91 3?7,�47 �,��� 445,338 4�,596 �?S,d� I 3 I f,197 5fi,491 417,843 277,6� 1 761,535 �92,U62 f 8 �,962 �25G,�4�} 717,784 ��her Financing Sources �Uses) Transfers an Transfers out Transfers ta �ity of Arroya �rande Proceeds from deht �ssuance Total ather f nancing sources �uses} Revenues and a�her f nancing sources o�er (under) expendi�ures and o�her financing uses Fund balances, beginning af f scal year Fund balances, end �f f sca� year The accompanying no�es are an �ntegral par� af this sta.temen�. �77 1 277��� � ��9,93�} � 177,GF5} (277,5� � } �34,05�} �3�6,21 �} �3�Q,�5U} 4�,596 4�,596 ( i 33,986} �493,�79} �77,6� 1 �349,6�4} I SS,07� � SS,6$3 21,351 368, i 2� 2,SS9,513 I,97 I,234 543,569 5,1 �4,316 $ 2,?47,589 $ �, I �9,9 � 7 $ 5�4,93� $ 5,472,436 12 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 16 REDEVEL�PMENT A�EN�Y �F THE GITY �F A.�RC]Y� �RAND� . RE��N�ILIATI�N �F T`HE ��VERNMENTAL FUNDS STATEMENT �� REV ��ES, E�.I'ENDITURES, AND CHAN�ES IN FITN.� BAL.AN�ES T� THE STA.TEMENT aF ACTIVI�IES For the Fiscal Y�ar Ended June 30, ���8 Net �hange �n �'und Ba�ances -- Governmenta� Funds Amaun�s r�parted far governmenta� acri�ri��es in �h� s�a�eme�.t of ac��vi�ies are different becaus�: In governmenta� funds, �nterest on l�ng-term debt is recagnized in �he period �hat �t becomes due. In the go�r�rnment-v�r�de s�a.tement of ac�iv��ies, i� �s rec��nized in �.e period that x� xs �ncurred. Unmatured interes� vw�n� a� the end �f the period, less ma�ured �n�eres� pa�d durin� bu� owix�.g fram the prior periad was: In gavernmenta.� funds, proceeds from de�t are recogni.zed as other fi�.xrancing sourc�s. �n �he gflvernmen�-vcride sta.tement�, proceeds fr�m deb� ar� reported as ua.creases to �iabx�ities. Aamoun�s recagnized ix� gavernmental fun.ds as pr��eeds fram deb�, ne� �f issue pr�m�um or dis�ount, were: �61,4�5} �4�,596} The �ssuance af long-�erm deb� provides current f�nancia� resour�es to the governmenta.l funds. Also, g;overnmen�al funds repart �he effect of premiums, discoun�s, and similar �tems v�rhen debt �s �rst �ssued, v�rhereas, �hese amour��,s axe deferred and amor�i.zed in �he statement of a�tivit�es. This amoun� xs net of these differences �n t�ie trea#m.en� af �vng-�t�rm deb� and re�ated �t�ms. ( �, Change in Ne� Assets -- ��vernmenta.� Activi��es $ 36g,��0 $ Z55,�34 The accompanyi�n.g notes are an integra� part nf this statement. 13 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 17 RED�VEL�PMENT A�ENCY []F THE CITY �F ARRC3Y� GRANI3E L��'V ANI3 M�DERATE SP��IAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT �F REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AN� �HAI�GE� IN FUNI] BAL.ANCE -� BUDGET AND ACTIJAL For the F�scal Year Ended Jun.e 3�, 2�� S Revenu�5: Taxes Investmen� earnings Tata.� revenu�s Budgeted Amaunts �rigina�. Fina� � ��a,000 � ��o,000 ��,��0 2�,��� �B�,�Q� 28�,�4� A�tua� Amounts � ��2,��� � �5,893 358,�53 Var�ance wi�h Final Budaet Posx�ive (Negatxve� � t�,�4o} 85,893 78,153 Expenditures: Curren�: Gen�ral government 154,325 i,658, �33 66,�91. �,592,�4� Ta�al expenditures �.54,3�5 �,658,133 �f,�9� 1,592,�42 Exc�ss of r�venu�s over �under} expend�tures 1Z5,675 �1,378,I33} �92,�6� �,670,�95 �ther Financing Sour�es �USes}: Transfers �u� Transfer ta Cifiy af Arroyfl Grande To�a.� a�her financi.ng sou.rces (uses} Revenues and other f�.nanci.ng saurces aver [under} expendi�ures and other financing uses Fund ba�ance, beginning af f�sca� year Fund ba�ance, end of � s�al year (99,936} (9g,93�} �33,�54} �34,05�} �34,�5�} �33,250} �34,�SD} �I33,9S6} (99,93�} 9Z,4�� �Z,4 � 2, I. 83} � SS,476 �,570,�59 Z,SSg,513 2,589,5 � 3 �,SS9,5 � 3 $ 2,f 8 �.,938 $ �,177,33� $ 2,747,589 $ I,57�,Z59 The accampanyin� notes are an integral par� of th�s s�a�ement. 14 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 18 REDEVELUPMENT AG�NCY �F THE CITY �F ARR�Y� GRANDE N�TES T� BASI� FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS June 3�, ���5 N�TE 1-- SUMMARY UF SIGNIFI�ANT A���UNTING P�LIC�ES The bastc financiai s�a�ements of �he Rede�r�I�pment Agency �Agency} of the �ity of Ar� C rande, Califarnia, �C�ty} have been prepared �n conformity wi�h accountin� principles genera��y accepted in the United States of America a� applied to ga�ernmen�al agenc�es. The �o�ernrnenta� Accaun��g S�andards Baards ��ASB} is the accep�ed s�aridard setting body �'flr establ�shi.ng go�ernm�n�al account�ng and f nan��a� repar�ing purposes. The more s�grufican� vf the Agency's accounting p���cies are descrxbed below. A. Re� ar�in� En��t� Th� Redevel�pmen� Agency af �he C�ty of Arroyo Grande ��he Agen�y} is a separa�e gavernmen� entity es�ab��shed vn Sep�emb�r ��, �.991., urith the praject area being fvrmed an Augus� �7, � 99�, pursuan� t� the S�a�e af �a��fornia Hea�th. and Safety Code, Section 33��� en�i��ed "�ommuru�y Redevelopmen� Law". Its purpvse �� ta pre�are and �at�y out p�ans for improv�men�, rehabi�ita�ion, and redevelopmen� of blighted areas w�.�hix� �he Ci.ty 1i.m�.�s of �he ��ty of Arro}�o Grande �City}. The Sta.�� Hea��h and Safe�y Cade prov�des �hat, upan approval �f a r�deve�opmen� p�an, a�l future i.ncremental increases in the tax base wi� the d�signa�ed pro� ec� area wi�� be paid �o �.ie Agency unti� al� indebtedness ivacurred �o f�nance #he project has b�en paid. The C�ty of Asroya Grande exercises overs�gh� respons�bili�y nver the Agency. This in.c�udes selectiari of xts gQVex au�h.ori.ty, �he designation of i�s rr�anagemen�, the Cifiy's ab�Iity to ��xf�uence Agency's op�ra��ans, fznancial uaterdependen�y, and �he accauntab�Ii�y f�r the A�ency's f�sca� matters. Based on this aversight criteria, the Agency is a camponent u.nit nf the �ity af Arr�yo Grande. A�carding�y, the Agency's op�ra�i�ns are als� in.�luded in �he C�fi�'s basic finan�ial sta�emenfis. B. Des�rip�ion of Funds The accaunts of t.�.e Agency are orga�uzed o�. �he basis of funds, each of v�hich �s cans�dered a separate accaunting entity. Th� operations of each fund are accoun�ed for wi.th a�eparate se� of se�f-ba�ancing accour�ts �hat compr�se its a�se�s, liabi�i�ies, fund equity, r�venues, and �xpenda�tures. The Agency's res�urces are a�.�oca�ed tQ and acc�unted for �in ind�v�dua� funds based upon the purpose far whi.ch �hey axe �o be spen�t and �ie means by vvhich sp�nding ac�iv���es are contralled. The mun.imum number of funds is main�a�ned cansisten� wi.#h lega� and manageria� requirements. C. Government �- wide Financial Sta.tements The Agency's ga�ern.ment-wide f.nancia� s�a�exnents �nc�ude a S�a.t�men� of Net Assets antl a Sta.�ement of Act�vitxes. These sta.temen�s present summaries Qf governmenta.� activ���es for �he Agency. The Agency daes no� have any busi.rzess-type activi�ies, therefore only governmenta.� a�tivit�es are r�por�ed. These bas�c fuaancial s�a.tements a.re presented on an "�conom�c resou.rces" measuremen� focus an.d �he accrual �as�.s of accoun�ing. Accordingly, a�l of the Agency's asse� and �iabil�t�es, includ�i.x�.g cap��a.� assets and Iang-�erm I�abiliti.es, are included in �he accornpanying Sta.tement of Net Asse��. The S�a.�ement af A��iv�ties presen�s changes in ne� assets. Under the accr�a� hasis �f accflunt�.ng, expenses are recognized in �he period �in wh�.ch �he �.iab�lity is incurred. Cer�a�.n �ypes of tt axe repo�r�ed as program revenues for t�ie Agency in �hree ca��gories: � 1} charge� for serv�ces, ��} apera��.ng �ran�s and contributians, and (3} �api�al gran� and contribu�iflns. This f�scal year has n� program re�re�ues. D. Fund Financial S�a.t�ments Fu.nd fuYancial sta�ern�n#s inc�.ude a Ba�an�e Sheet and a Sta.temen� of Revenu�s, Expend�tures, and �hanges in Fund B a�ances for a�� maj or gov�rnmental funds. An accompanying schedule �is presen�ed �o recancile and exp�ain the differences us fund hal.ances as presented in these sta.�em�n�s �o �he ne� asse�s presented a�x� the government-wxde financ�al s�a��ments. The Agency has pres�nted a�� funds as maj or. Al� gavernmenta.i funds are accau�.ted far �n a spending or curren� financial resouxces measuxement facus and �he m�dif�ed accrual bas�s ofaccounting. Acc�rd�ng�y, an.l� curren� asse�s and cuxre�� �iabili��es are �ncluded on the Balance Sheet. The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and �hanges in Fund Balances present incr�ases �re�renues and ot�er fi�x�.ancing sourc�s� and decreases �expendi�.ures and oth�r f�nancing uses} �n net current assets. Under �h� modified accrual hasis of accou.n�i.ng, rev�nues are recognized u�. �h� accouxz��n.g period i�x�. which they become hath measurab�e and availab�e �o fi�a.ance expend��u� of the current period. Agenda Item 8.b. �� Page 19 REI]L� VEL�PMENT A�EN�Y �F TH� �ITY �F AR�tUY(] �-RANI3E N�TES T� BASI� FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS June 3 �, 2�� S NDTE 1-- SUMMARY t3F SIGNIFI�ANT AC��UNTIN�G P�I�ICIES ��ontinued} D. Fund Financxal Sta��ments�Cant�nued� Revenues are recarded �vhen received in cash, except tha� re�enues sub� ec� �o accrua� (generaliy 6D days after f scai year- end} are recvgnized v�rhen due. The primary revenue saurces, vvh�ch have been �reated as susceptible ta accrua� by the Agency, are increment praper�y tax, i.n�ergavernmental revenues, other �axes, iva�erest revenu�s, ren�al rev�nues, and cer�ain charges for services. Expendi�ures are recorded in the a�counting p�riod in whxch �he re�atec� fund 1ia�i�ity is �ncurred. I7eferred revenues ar�se when potent�a� re�enues do nfl� mee�t �o�h the "measurable" and "availab�e" crit�r�a f�r recagru��or� in the current period. Deferred revenues also arise when the gavernmen� received res�urc�s �efare �t has a lega� c�airn �o them, as when gra.nt manies are received priar �o incurring qua��fyu�g ex�enditur�s. �n subsequent peri�ds, vvhen bo� revenue recognitian �riteria ar� met or when �he government has a�ega� c�aun to the re�aurces, the deferred revenue from �he ba�ance sheet and revenue �s recogni�ed. The R.ecnnc�x�a�ions of �he Fund Financ�.a� Sta.temen�s �o �he Government-w�de Financza� Statemen�,s are prov�ded t� explain the d�fferences created by �ie ir��egrated approach af �ASB Sta�emen.t No. 34. E. TJse �f Es�imate The prepara�ion of financial s�a.tements in. c�nforn�ity v�ri�h accaun�ing princip�es g�nerally acc�pted in �h.e Uxu��d S�a�es of Ameri�a requires management to make estimates and assumption that affec� the repor�ed amounts af asse�s, liab�lities, re�renues, and exp�nditures ar expenses, as appropriate. Ac�ua� resul�s could differ fr�m �ha�e es�i.ma�es. F. Pro e Tax. Revenues Incremental property ta� revenues represent proper�� �es an each project a.rea arising from increased assessed va�uations over base valuations esta.bl�shed at the incep�ion of th.e project area. Incrementa�. pr�per�y �a.xes f rom each proj ect area accrue �o �he Agency unt�l a�I �iabili��es and com�nv.�n.ents of the prajec� area have �een repaxd �inc�ud�ng cu.mul.ative funds provfded or �ommi.�ted b� �he Agency�. A,fter a�1 such indeb�edness has been repai.d, a�l proper�y �axes from �he prQject area rever� back t� �he �ariou� taxing au�horities. �. Lovir and Moderate Income Housin� The �alifortua Hea��h. and Safety Code requ�res Agency praj�c� axeas to deposi.� ��% ofal�ocated in�rementa� proper�y tax revenues �or ��% af ne� bond proceeds plus 2�% of in.cremental revenues �ix� excess of deb� ser�vice payments on the bond} �t� a Low and Moderate Income Housita.g Fund. This mone�r �s rES�ri.ct�d for �he purpose of increasing and impravit�.g �.e cornmunity's supp�y of lovw and modera�e in.came housing. The Agency accoun�s for �h�se revenues in. a special revenue fund. H. Deferred Revenue Deferred revenue arises when asset�s ar� rece�ved before re�renue recagnit�an criteria have heen sat�sf�ed. Grants and ent�tlement�s rece��ed before eligibi�ity requiremen�s axe met are recorded as deferred revenue. �n �he governmen�al funds financ�al sta.temen�s, receivabies associ�ated wi.th non-exchange �ransac��.�ns tha� ��� no� be �a�Iected wz�un the avai�ab��ity period have axs� been rec�rded as deferred revenue. I. Net Asse�s �o�ernment-w�de F�nan�ial Statem�nts Invested iu Capita.l Asse�s, Net of Re�a�ed I3eb� -� This ca�egory groups all capi�al asse�s, inc�uding u�ras�ructure, in�o Qne companent of net assets. Accumu�a�ed deprecxat�an and the ou�s�and�g ba�ax�ces of deb� �h.at are a��ribu�a.ble �a �he acquisition, construc�ian, ar improvemen� of these asse�s reduce �ie ba�an.ce i.n �his category. ' Restricted Ne� Assets — ex�erna� creditars, grantors, can�ribu�ors, and �.avvs or regu�ations of �ther gavernmen�s, restric� �his axnaun�. Unres�ric�ed Net Assets �- This amount is al� net ass��s tha� do n�t mee� �he defin.i.�ion of "�nves�ed �.n �ap�tal assets, net af related deb�" ar "restricted net assets". 1 � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 20 REDEVEL�PMENT A�EN�Y �F TI3E �I"�'Y �F ARR�Y� GRAND� N�TE� T� BASIC FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS June 3 �, 2445 N�TE 1- SUMMARY �F SI�NIFICANT ACC�UNTING P�LI�IES ��ontinued� I. Net Assefis ��on�inued�, Fund Financi�al Stat�ments Fund Baiances — Reservations of fund ba�ances of governmenfi.a.l funds are crea�ed to either sat�sfy �egal covenan�,s, �nc�uding S�a�e �avvs, �.hat requ�re a portian of the fund balances be segregated or �dentify the por�i�ons of �he fund equi�y not a�ra�lable for future expenditures. J. N�w Acc�ur�tin Pron�uncements �o�rernmenta� Accaunt�ng S�andards Board Statemen� No. 4S � Fnr the f�sca� year ended Jun.e 3�, ZODB, �he Agency irn.p�.emen�ed Go�ernmenta.� Acc�unting Standards Baard (GASB} S�a.�emen� Na. 48, "Sa�es a.nd Pledges Qf Rece�vab�es and Fu�ure Revenues and In�ra-Ent�ty Transf�rs af Asse�s and Fu�ure Re�enues". The Sta#emen� is effective for periads be��nni.ng aft�r D�cember 1 S, 2��6. This Staternen� es�ab�ishes accvunting and financial repar��.x�g s�andards f�r transac��ons in which a governmen� rece�v�s, or xs en��tled �a, resaurces i�. exchange for fu�e cash flaws generated by c���ecting spec�f�c re�e�vab�es or �pecif � fixture rev�nues. It a�sfl conta�ns provisions �ha� app�y �a c�x�ain situations �n which a government dfles no� receive resources but, neverthe�ess, pled�es or comxni�s future cash flows generated by co��ecting specif�c future re�enues. In addi�ian, this s�a�ement estab��shes accounti�ng and financial repa�ting s�andards �ha� apply �o a�� in�ra-en�i� transfers af assets and future re�enues. Implementat�on of GASB Statement Na. 48 did no� have an i.mpact on the Agency's bas�c financial sta�emen�s far the fisca� y�ar �nded June �U, ���8. Governmenta� Account�.ng Stan.dards Board Sta.�ement Na. 5� Far the fisca� year ended June 3�, �OOS, �he Agen�y imp�emented Governmenta� Acc�un�u�.g S�anda.rds Board �GASB} S tatemen� No. S�, "P ensian I3 isclasures -- an ,Amend.ment o f GAS B S tatements No .� 5 and No .� 7". The S�atement is effect�ve far periods begin.ning after June � 5, 2��7. Th�s Sta.temen� esta�lishes and mad�f�es re�uirernents rela�ed �o fina.ncxa� repor�ing by p�x�.sxon plans and by employers tha� pro��de def�ned b��ef t and def�.ned con�ribution pensions. ��TE � - CASH AND INVESTMENT� �ash and ix�.vestmen�s at June 3�, 2��8, cons�s�ed of the fol�owing: �ash and inves�m.ents po��ed wi.th the ��ty $ 4,�37,6�9 Res�ricted cash and inves�men�s with fiscal agent 564,93� To�a� cash and inves�men�s 4.5D2.�Sg The Agen�y has p�aled i� cash and �nv�stments ��h the City in order �o achieve a high�r re�urn on inves�men�. �er�ain restricted funds, which are he�d and invested by �ndependent ou�s�de custodians through cvntractual agreements, are no� p�o�ed. These restricted fund� �clude ca�h wi�h f sca� agents. See the City's �amprehensive A�u�.ua� Fulancia� Repvrt for discl�sures re�a�ed ta �ash and in��stmen�s pao�ed w��h the City and �he reiated custodial risk categori�a���n. Inves�xne�.ts_ Auth�rized b�r D�bt A�reements InVes�nen� of no�� proceeds he�d �y note tnustees are �overned hy the pravisior�.s of �he deb� agreemen�s, rather �ha.n. the general pro�sions of the �alifornia �rnvernmen� Code ar �he A�;ency's in�es�ment p�licy. The �able on the n��t page, identifies t�ie investment types that ar� au�hor�2ed far xnvestrnen�s hel.d by f sca� agents. The ta.�le a�so identif �s certairk prvvisions of �hese debt agreements �iat address interest rate risk, credit risk, and concentration of credit risk A e n d a I te m 8 . b. �7 g Page 21 REDEVEL�P�NT AGENCY �F THE CITY �F ARR�Y� �RANDE N�TES T� BASIC FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS June 34, 2��5 N�TE � - �ASH AND �IVESTMENTS (Contin.ued3 Investxnen�s Authorized by Deb� A�reements (Continued} Au�horized In�estxnen� T�e Maney rnarke� accoun�s Disc�osures Re�atv.�.g, to,,,Interest Rate Risk Maximum Percen�age Allavcte� None Maximum Investmen� �n �r�e Issuer Nane In�eres� ra�e risk is �he risk tha� changes in marke� in�erest rates w��I adverse�y affec� the fair vaiue of an xn�es�ment. Generally, #he Ionger the maturi�y of an �nvestmen�, the greater th� sensitiv�fiy of ��s fair va�ue �� changes �n marke� �n�erest rates. �ne of �he wa�s that the Agency manages i�s exposu.re �o inter�st ra�e risk �s by purchasing a com�ina�ion of shar�er �erm and longer term investrn.ents and �y timi.r�g cash flows fram matur�t�es so �1ia� a port�on af �he por�fn�ia is maturing or coming clase t� maturity even�y over t�me a.s ne�essary �o provide the cash flaw ari.d liquidity needed f�r opera�ions. Informa�xon about �he sensitivity of �h.e fair va�ues of �he Agency's in���tments to market in�eres� rate fluctuations is pr���ded by the fo�lowing �ab�e �hat show� �he distri.loution �f the Ag�ncy's invesfimentis �y maturity: In_v__estment T�e He1d by fisca� agent: Money market funds D�sc�osures Rel.at�n to Credi� Risk Maxunum Ma�uri�v . � Rema�ni.n Ma�.ur� in Mon�.s �arry�ng � 2 Manths �. 3-�4 ��--64 More �han Amount �r L�ss Months Mon�hs �� Mon�hs $ 554,93� $ 564,93� -- �- _ $ _ 554��.� � ,554.934 � - � - - NIA �''xenera��y, cred�� risk is the risk tha� an issuer of an investm�nt wi�� n�t fu�f �� i�s obligation �o the ho�der of �he investment. This is m�asured by �he assignmen� of ra�ing by a na��anaily recogn�zed stat�s��cal ra�ng organi�at�on. Prese�ted belov� is the mi_n�nlum ra�t�ng requu by the Ca�iforriia G�vernmen� Code, and the actu.al ra�in.g as of fisca� yeax end for each investmen� type. Investment Type He�d by f sca� agent: Money market funds Minvmum �arrying L�ga� Am�u.nt _ Ra�in� _ _ $ 5�4,934 NIA 4 3 Exempt From Ratin as of F�scal Year End Disclasure A.AA Aa No� Rated $ -- � -- $ - $ 5�4,93� $ - � - - 5 4 D Cus�ad�al Credit Risk The cust�dia� cr�dit raisk far i�tvestmen�s is �h� ra�sk �.b.at, in th.e event �f the fa�lure of the cau.x�terparry �e.g., braker-dea�er� �o a transac�xon, a governmen� wi�� not b� ab�.e to recover �he value of i�s inves�xne�t of co�Ia�eral securiti.es that are in �he p�ssessi�n of anather par�y. The �a�ifornia Government �ode and the Agen�y's inv�s�ment p�l.i�cy do not can�a.in Iega� or policy requ�rexnen�s �iat would �xm�� �.ie expo�ure �o cus�adial credit risk f�r i.r�.ves�n.ients. 'L�V'i�1i re�peGt to investmen�, cus�ad�a1 �red�t risk g�nerally app��es anly �v direct i�xves�:n.ients in maxketable seeurit�.es. Cus�od�al credit risk does no� app�y t� l�ca� govemment's indirect investment ua. secur�ties through �he use af money marke� funds ar investmen� v�ith LAIF. �$ Agenda Item 8.b. Page 22 �.EDEVEL�PMENT AG�N�Y �F TI3E CITY �F ARR�Y� GRANDE N�TES T� BASI� FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . Jun� 3�, 2��$ N�TE 2-- CASH AND INVESTMENTS (Continued� Investment in S�a.�e In��s�ment Poo1. The Agency �s a v��un�a.ry par����pan� in �he Laca� Agenc� Investmen� Fund tLA�F� tha� �s regu�ated by the �aliforn�a �ov�rnrnen� ��d� under the overs�ght of �he Treasurer of the S�ate af Ca�ifornia. The fair �alue �f the Agericy's in�estmen� in �his poa� is repa�ted in th� accompanying hasic f�nancial sta.�emen�.s at th.e amoun�s �aased upon the Agency's pro-rata share of �ie fa�r va�ue provided �y LAIF far �h.e ent�re LAIF partfo�io �in rela�ion ta the amortized cost af that par�falio}. The ba�ance available for wi.thdrawal is based on �he accoun�ing recor�.� main�ait�ed by LAIF, which are recarc�ed on an amor��zed cost basis. i��TE 3 -� INVENT�RY The Agency purchased �and in the amount of $5�5,1 �9 during the 2�071���8 �sca� year. The Agency is curren�ly hoiding the lanc� for resa�e. Inven��ry is �alued a� cos� v�rhich appro�ima�es fa�r value. � N[]TE 4 -- CAPITAL ASSETS Capital ASSets Additions and Ret�rements Al� capita� assets are valued a� historica� cQs� ar est�mated historical cos� �f actual his�orical cos� �s not a�railable. �flnfribu�ed capi�al asse�s are valued at th.e�r estimated fau �alue an the da�e con�ributed. The Agen.cy's policy �s ta capitali�e a�� capi�al asse�s v�i.�h costs exceedi.ng certain minimum thresho�ds, $S,�D�, wi.th the e�ception of in.fras�ructure a� $5�,0�� and wi�h useful.l�ves exceeding �wo y�ars. W�th �he imp�emen�at�on af �`rASB Statement No. 34, �he Agenc�r has r�cflrded al� ��s pu�lic domain (�nfras�ructure� cap��a� asse#�, urhich include roads, bridg�s, curbs and gu�ters, streets and sidev�a�ks, drainage systems, an.d lighting s�stem�. �'he pu.rpose af depreciatian �s �� spread the cast af capi�a� assets e�uita.bly among al� users over the life of �.iese asse�s. The amoun� charged �o depreciatian expense each f sca� year represents �hat f�scal year's pro ra�a share of the cos� af capita.l assets. GASB Staxement No. 34 requires #hat a�� cap��a.� assets �th limited usefu� lives b� depreciated over the�r es�una�ed useful Iives. Deprec�a�i�n zs provid�d usux� �he stra�ght Iine me�hod which means the cos� of �he asse� is divid�d by i�s expec�ed usefu� I.ife in years and the result is charged �a �xper�se each f sca� year uxa►►t�� the asse� is fu��y depreciated. The Agency has ass�gned the usefu� ��ves listed be�aw to capi�a.� assets. Structures and Improvemen�s SO years Equipmen� S-ZS years Infiras�ructure 1 �-5� years �apita� assets activity f�r �he f scal year ended Ju.ne 3�, ���8, v�ras as fo�lows: Gavernmenta� Acti�ities Nondepreciab�.e cap�ta� asse�s Land Tota.�. nondepreciable �apx�al a�sets Net capi�a.� ass��s Balance Tuly 1, ���7 $ 1,849,345 1,84g,345 $ I.S49.345 Addi�ions $ - $ I9 �] elet�on.s ,, B alance Jun� 3 �, 2��5 $ 1 849 345 � ,849,,345 $ _ �. .84�.345 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 23 R�DEVEL�PMENT A�EN'�Y �F THE �ITY �F ARR�Y�] GRAN�I]E N�TES T� BASIC FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS . June 34, ��48 NUTE 5 — LUNG-TERM I3EBT Tax Aliacati�n Bonds �n May l., 20D7, �he Agency issued $G,285,��� of 2�D7 tax a�loca�ion bonds �a pro�ide funds f�r impravem�nt act�v��ies. The laonds are secuxed by a piedge af �he Agency's tax increment revenues exc�uded �a b� paid ta other taxi.ng authorities, pursuan� to pass- through agreemen�s, bears an interest rate flf 5.3�4°/o for a�erm b�nd of $�,28�,���, ma�uri.ng on September �, Z� � 9, and an interes� rate of S.$��% for a term bond of $5,��5,�0�, maturi.n.g 5eptember 1, Z�37. As ofJune 3�, 2��$, �he principal ba�ance ou�s�a�.ding Wa5 ��,���,Q��. The future mirumum paymen� abligativn for the b�nds paya�le at Ju.ne 3�, ���5, are as fall��vs: �o�ern�menta.� Ac�i�i�ies Fiscal Year Ending Prin�ipal In�ere�t 24�9 2�IQ ZD�1 20 �2 �U13 �� 14-2� 18 �0 � 9-2023 2024-2��8 �429-2033 2fl34-Zfl38 � �4,OOa $ 357,916 $ 367,9 t � �4,Q�0 357,386 367,38� I�Q,�QD 354,468 454,468 145,4�4 349,432 454,�32 110,000 343,334 453,33� 640,QQQ 1,62�,648 2,260,648 $3�,�4� 1,4�3,24� �,�53,�45 1,Q9S,aQU 1,14?,675 �,242,f 75 1,45�,O�U 779,�55 Z,�34,955 1,93�,��� 29�,�3� 2,2��,03D Tvtai $ b,28�,��4 $ 7,0�5,685 $ 13,3 �0,685 Advances Fr�m the ��ty af Array� �rande The �ity of Arroyo �rande has an agre�men� w��h �he Agenc� providing for �he advance of funds �o finance impr�vemen�s and opera�ions re�a�ing �o and wi�hin �h� project area. Th� in�erest rate charged by #he �i.�y to �.ie Agency is �%o. A� June 3D, ���5, �he A�en�y has outs�andir�g advar�ces payah�e to �ie City of Arrayo Grande of $ 8 94, 5 S 6. Nv payment is due withi.n. ane year. Changes in Long-Term Debt �bligati�ons The following is a su�aary of �ong-�erm debt �b�igatxons during �he ��07148 fi.scal year. GoWernmen�al ac�iv�ties: Tax allocat�on bonds Advances fi om Cx�y of A�roya Gr�€r.�de Balauc� Ju� 1, Z�D 7 Additians $ 6,285,4Q� $ - $ Deletians Salance I3ue Witlun �une 3�, 2QU8 ane Yea�r $ 6,285,4fl0 $ 1D,��0 853,964 4�,596 894,556 � 7, � 38,96� $ 4�,59� $ - � 7, � 79,5�6 $ IO,OQQ 2 � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 24 RED�VEL�PMEN'T AGENCY �F T�IE CITY �F ARR�Y� ��tANDE N�TES T� BASI� FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Jun� 3 �, 2�� $ N�TE G - INT�RFUND TR�,.NSACTIUNS Int�rfund #xansact�ons are repor�eci as either �oans, services prov�d�d, reim�ursements, ar transfers. Loans are repar�ed as �n�erfund receivables and payables, as appropriate, and are subject ta elimina��on upon consol�dat�an. Serv�ices provi��d, deemed to be at marke� or near maxke� rates, axe treated as revenu�s and �xpenditureslexpenses. Reimbursements vccur v�rhen �n� fund �ncurs a cas� charges th.e appropriate ��nef��ir�g fund, and reduces ��s re�ated ��s� as a reimbursement. A11 ather ua�erfund transa��tions are �reated as transfers. Transfers among �overnmental funds are net�ed as part of th� reconci�ia��on �a �he government�-�r�d� f nancia� statem�nts. Interfund Transfers Interfund transfers con.sis� of operating tran.sfers �rom funds rece�ving revenue t� funds through wh�ch the resour�es are �o be exp�nded. Interfund transfers for the 2��7-2U�$ �sca� year, are as fo��ows: Fu.nd Maj or Fun.ds : Low and Modera�e Special Revenu� Fund RDA Capita.I Projec#s Fur�.c� D ebt S ervice Fund Transfers In Transfers �ut � - Z77,60_I $ 99,936 � 77,665 T��a.�s $ 2'�_7_L�Q I � -277��� � 2� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 25 ■ . � PARTNERS R�NALD A LEVY, CPA CRIAG A HARTZHEIM, CPA HAOL�Y Y HUI, GPA 842 EAST MAlN SANTA MAR�A, CA 93454 TEL: 805.925.2579 FA�C: Sfl5.9�5.2� 47 www.mlhcpas.cam AUDIT�RS' REPDRT t�N INTERNAL C�NTRUL �VER FINAN�IAI.� REP�RTING AND �N CUTVIPLIANCE ANI3 C3THER MATTERS BASED �]N AN AUDIT �F FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS P�RF�RMED IN A�C(3RDANC� 'PVITH �'� YERNM�II�T 14 U'I]ITIN�' S'T�4.N13�lRDS' Baard of Dire�tors Redeve�apment Agency of the �i�y of Arroyo �rande Arrayfl Grande, �al�forrua We hav� audited the f�nancia� s�a.tements of the gavernmental activities and each maj or fund of �ie R�developmen� Agency of �ie City ofArroya Grande ��he Agency}, a campanen� uni.� of �he City af Arroyo Grande, as af and for the fiscal yeax ended June 3�, 2��5, which c�Iiect�.ve�y c�mprise the Agency'� bas�c fxnanc�a�. sta�ements as Iisted in the table af con�er��s, and have issued our repar� �h�refln da�ed November �5, �4�8. VLI�e canduc�ed our audi� in accQrdance w�.th. audi.ti.ng standaxds gen�ral�.y accepted in �he U�uted Sta.�es of America and �.ie s�an.dards app�icable �o f nancia� audi�s contained xn Gov�r-�zrnent 14uditir�g S�andards, issued by the Camptroller G�nera� of �he Uxuted 5�a.tes. Internai Cantroi �ver Financiai Reporting In p�anning and perfax�n.�ng ou.r audit, �ve cansxdered the Agency's ixa.ternal control over fulancial repor�ing as a ba.s�s for des�g�ung our aud��ing procedures for the puxpase flf expressing our opi.n�ions on the f�.nancial s�a.tements, but not for �he purpose of expressing an �pinion �n the effect�v�ness af �he Agency's interna� cfln�rol over finan��a�. repQrting. Accord�x�.g�y, we do �.o� express an opinian on �he effectiveness of the Agency's internal contro� over f�.n.anc�a� reporting. A cnntro� deficiency ex�.sts when the design or operation �f a contra� doe� no� a��ov� man.agem�nt or emp��yees, in the norma� c�urse of perform�.ng �heir assi.gn�d functions, �o pr�ven� or de�ect nussta�ements on a timely basis. A signif cant def�ciency is a contro� deficiency, ar combination of con�rol deficienc�es, �hat adversel� affects �he Agency's ab��ity �o initia�e, au�iorize, record, pr�cess, or r�port f�.n.anc�al dat.a. relzably �n accordance �rrith generally accepted accounting princ�p�.es such that �h�re is more �h,an a remvte ��lce�ihood #ha� a miss�a�emen� af t�ie Agen�y's financxa� sta.�ements that is more �han inconsequen#�al wi�I no� be pre�en�ed ar detected by the Agency's internal con�ro�. A ma�erial �veai�ness �s a signif�.can� def�ciency, ar combuxa��ion of significan� def�cienc�es, that resul�,s ir� more �han a remote likel.ihoad �ha� a materia� missta.tement �f �he f�nancia� s�atements �ri�l na� be pr�ver�ted or detected by the Ag�ncy's internai con�ro�.. �ur consideratxori af i.nterna� control nver f�nan�ia� repar�ing was for �he 1im��ed purpose descr�bed u� �h.e first paragraph of th.is sect�on. and wo�Id not necessar��y id�n.�ify all deficiencies in �.x�.terna� cantrol tha� might be sign�f�Gan� def�ciencies or ma�er�a� weaknesses. We did nQt identify any def�c�e��ies in internai cflntro� over f�nanc�al repor�ing tha� we cansider to be rnaterial v�reaknesses, as defu�.ed above. Compliance and Uther Mat�ers As part of obtaitung reasonab�e assurance abnut v�rhe�h�r the A�ency's financ�a� sta.�emen�s are free of ma�erial misstatement, v�e performed �est�s af its comp��ance �ri�.i cer�ai.r�. prov�.�ians Qf laws, r�gu�atiians, con�rac�s, and grant agreement�, n�ncompl�ance wi�h which cou�d have a direc� and materiax eff�ct an �he determi.nat�an of �'inancia� statement amQUnts. Such provisions ir�clude �hose provi.sions of �avcrs and regulatians zdentified in the Guide�ines for Comp�iance Audi�s of Ca�ifQrnia Redeve�opment Agencxe� issued by the S�ate Contx t]�ce, Division af Acc�untu�.g and Repor�in�. However, pra��ding an opituon on comp�iance vt�i�th those provisions was not an abj ect��e of �ur aud�t and, accordir�gly, we do no� express such an opinion. The results af our �es� disclosed na in.s�a.nces af noncompliance or �ther ma��ers �hat axe requi.r�d �o be reported under Gauernment �uditing St�andards. �� DFF�CES: B�EVERLl�' H1LLS • SANTR iUTARIA MEMBER AMERICAN fNST1TlJTE QF C.P.A.'S • CALiFQRN1A S�C�ETY �F MuNiCiPAL F�NANCE aFF�CERS • CAL[FORNEA ASSaG�ATl4N QF SCHQOL BU51NES5 DFFlCIALS I111 �SS L�VY & �A(�TZH � ! M i�LP . �Ef2TIFfED PUBL�� ACC�UNTANTS Agenda Item 8.b. Page 26 Th�s report is ultended sole�y for �he u�forma�ion and use of �he Agency's Board of D�rec�ars. Managemen�, and �he Califarnia State ��ntrnller's �ffce I��v�i.sion of Ac�aun�ing and Reportitig, and is n�t intended t� be and should not be used by anyone a�her than these s,pe�ified parties. M�S S, LEVY & HARTZHEIM LLP .� . � _ ,�� - � _ .,� - - :�: . _ � -- - . l ;. November 2�, 2��8 23 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 27 ATTACHMENT2 � 0 Q d � v G � O N � Of q Q 'C G V d � E ° Q � o � V � � C ^ c d LL Q.' y � d � C .� C � � � � c� a o � �, y o � V ` a Q _,, , _ _ _. -- __. , __ ___... �, � I lo I ' �N Nliy��j . i. C'l � (") M � C V V O I: O , L NI � .NI ��� � � 1 � a j ° m�I �E �_. . . _ . . __ � �I LI N V� I� N C �.... � _. `I I vl � ! Q I C I I I I I I� I � i C q.. I� I � ' � I d I � I I � N I a 1 E I I ��� C J I I� N � N m Z I N I �� I I� ��..WI I 'O I �O IO I ��y O I � > rn=I � I�i�l-�,.K.i Jm cn iU rnII� LL d m z N J � II d � . � 'i'I Q `Y_ S � _— m t 9 i ` a I L'ill� m �� ,�, �o �a EI dI Ei'� � I m N I y I I m � m � � � m U'� � `.�- � � � W, T i � � I � 01 I a 0� I y Q� ' Qi,Y��'��R' Y Q.O,�.N.Q_IU..m � I O { U �� d � , i � o u � _ - E c v ; O � � Z' �. m - a iu �� v I. Z a m m U c�" u € y h 'o �' a iQ .... ... . IL LL_ W. ... LL., J li � (A O N N �. �.. y m I I ; � _ '��1�IL1UI�iJU�J � �. o a � �I NI C i N v � � m'�, � � I i i a y Z ', ` � o. u '�� I� N . I � o t iE� - o ° �o' _ a � . 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Branch Street Arroyo Grande IProject Area ARROYO GRANDE I � Type: Inside Project Area I �� Plan Adoption: 1997 CA 93420 Status: Active Plan Expiretion Year: 2043 . Gross Tax Calculated Amount Amount Amount �i Increment Deposit Allocated Exempted Deferred ai,zsa,sea szs,,�,a szs,,�,s sa so I Repayment I Categorv Interest Income Total Additional Revenue , Total Housing Fund Deposits for Project Area Agency Totals For All Project Areas: Gross Tax Calculated Amount Increment Deposit Allocated s,,zss,sea azs,,�,�.s szs,,�,a Amount Amount Exempted Deferred so ao Total Additional Revenue from Project Areas: Total Deferral Repayments: Total Deposit to Housing Fund from Project Areas: Total Deposited 82s�,» a $0 5106,435 $106,435 $358,153 % Cumulative Def. zo.00°i So Total °/, Deposited SZS�,��a Zo^io $106,435 $0 $356,153 Cumulative Def. $o Page 1 of 1 12/01/08 � �� � � �� � �� � IIV�"r�RP�AA�E �.� � " "� IIII�M�RAN�UM � .�� ��, ���, ,,� ��� �� ����� ��: ��TY ��IJ�V�I�, F�� II�I : �"I"EVE IV AD�IIII �, � I�lf rl�lAl��l� E F� ��JB�lE�T: ����I�E�ATI�N �F ��IV��LLATI�� �F L����i1IIB�F� ��, ���� ��TY ��I.�IV�IL III�E�TiIV� �ATEf ����I�I�EF� �� ���� I����IIII �III � IV I�ATI� N : I� i� r���r�nr��r���� th� ��ty ��u�r��il �a�n��l tl�� regu�l�r��r ������I�� ���r���i r�n��ti�g �� I����r�b�r ���� ��� t� �I�� ���i���, �I�1�#��IAL 1�1I�PA��: T��r� �� r�� f����� ir�n���t. ���FC�F���1�VD: �� I��� �e�r� ���n� in ���� }r��r�, th� ��t� ���r��il i�a�� ��n��l�e� th� ����n� r��ui�rl� �����ul�� I����r�b�r ����in� �u� �� ��h���li�� ��n�li��� �ur�����ir�g �#�� I��I�d���. 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This year t�� �oli�e Depa�tment �omplete� �r� i��dep�h needs ass�ssrr�en� �ftraf�c r�da�r �r��u���. �f�� r���l� �� ��� ������rrr�n� i��ntifi�� �h� r���� �� p�a��� �#a��a�rd��e� IIAu���i��ir�����r��� ��n�i�� ����� �r� �II n�r�� rr�a�r�c�� ���r�l �r�l�i���s a��� ���I� �r�ffi � rr���� r���l � s. �41'V�#LY�I� �F ���lJ��: T�� �ur��r�� �ta�t�� �f �r�ffi� �r���r�e�n�n� ra���r ir� t�� ��li�� ����rtr�n�r�� i� d�f��ier�# a�t ����. �I�I����h ���I� �� �I�� r�ir�� ��ci��i�� p��r�l ��hi�l�� h��r� r�c�a�r ��i��� rr��s� Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 ���� ������� ������������� �� ��������� �� ����� �� ��� ��� ��� ���I�� ����� ����� �������. �������� �� ���� ��� � � �r� v�rie� br�r�����th d���ere�n����r���n� �r�d �erti�i���i�r� ��a�r���r��. ���n���t�� ur��t� �re a�pr���hi�� ter� ��a� �I�. �I�� t�nr� tra�#�i� rr����r������ �I�� I��v� �un��i�r���, ��� �u���t�� r��a�r �ni�� vr�i�l� �ret ���t�er r�a�n�f����r�r. �`h� I���c�r�g ��a���� �� t�� ����r ha�� r��ul��� ir� a��r��i��r��l� r�����i�r� �r� r���r ����c� �r�##i� �r���r�er�n��� ��� t� �u������ �����r ����ure� �r�� �is�ir�il�c t� �n r��r�-�ta�r���r�i��c� ur�it�. �#�� � �f �II �I��r�r� � �r�i�� �v��� ��a�r��a�r�i�ed, ����� �� t�� �rt, �Ill�l�i-I��r��t��r� �e��ir�� r���r �n��� �►�rill er���r��e �� �r���r��r��n� �����ili�ie� ��� �� ��� �r����r�m �� �r�c� ���#i�������r�. T�ri� r�c����� i� �� �uth�� tl�� ��le ���r�� �r��u�r�r��r�� �� M���i-�i� ��r���r�� F�a�d�r f�r �ir�� r�a�rl��� ��li�e �re���l�� �� l���l��d ��r��ept�, �r��. �n �I�� t�t�l a�r���r �f ���,��'I.��. 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Agenda Item 8.e. Page 10 �L��II�� ��: �at exp�t� to exce�d $5��.44 �bi�1�d �t cost�. FL��TDI�G �A{I"�: Ax�tici�ated to b�e as soon as �o�sible ���T�: ��rrov��r w�11 be �s�ansi�l� f��r th� �a�m��t �� �lI rnai�t�n�xce, �i�er�ses, ��ro��rty #axes� salesluse �axes, insur�x�ce, all costs o� o�ratio�, closir�g and �i��g costs, �t�. APPL��A'��N D���SIT: Irt the arnour�t o�` �°lo of ��i rner�t cos� to �e ����ied ��rs� ag�ir�s� ar��r �1����� fe�e�, v�rit� t�� �r�main��r a�plied t�v��rd� t�� �eas� �a��r�er�t�s}, This c���osit ����1 �� r��und�d �r� fu�1 if A��1i��� i� r��t a�pr�v�c� f�r fir�ar��ir�g. In th� �v�� �hat t�� a��l��atio� i� a�prov�d bu� Ap�li�ant withdr�av�s or �bar��io�s th� trar�sa�tior� a�e�r �rocessir�g ha� t�egun, �r �r�vi��� f�a���1�r�� �r r�is�eac��g inf�rrn��i�n, t�� �eposit wi�� be r��air��� �� ��er �s �aartia�l ��m��sa�i�� #'�r ��� �irr�� �r�d ��p��� in��rred i� ��tair�ing th� �p�r�val. ��PI�A'TI�I�: '�hi� �r��osal ��c�ires �#� }���r �igm�d ����pt�n�� ar�� f�� ���� n�t �eer� r��i��d ��r �� as �� th� �1�s� �f` ���ir���s �� �Iri�nda,���c�r�b�� � �, ��Q�, �y a�c�eptir�� �hi� �ropo�al, ��p�i�ar�t ��l���vl�dg�s t�at th�� pr�pos�1 c���� r��� �e�resent a �or�.�mitm�nt to provic�� �'�a�cir�g b�t or���r outlines ger�e�ra�1 te�ms and �ond�tio�s o�' ��ie �ender's f�ar��in� progra� �t�rr�n���r ��r�ila�1� t� q�alif i�c� l�orro�v�r�. �ix�al ���un�e�tati�r� �er��i�i�� �� �l�i� tran�����c�r� wi�1 be pr�vi��� ��r t�� Len�er, ar�c� �his �f��r i� ���j�� t� t�� ���c��i�n �� a1� do�cumer�tati�� by �orrowe�r within a�ea�o�ab�� tirne a�nd i� forrn ar�d �u�s�a��e ���e�ta�le to bath Borrowe� an� I�ender. �'har�k yau� for allowing us the appa�tur��t�y �o pre}�ar� t�is prop�os�a� for your r�viev� and �or�sider�a�i�n. �f �his �roposa� is �c���ta���, yo� may ap�1y as �di�a��d �e1o� and �y returni�g �1�� �igr��� ��t��r t� �n� �1��g u�it� t�� ap�1i���i�r� ��po�i� ir� t�� ���u�t �f ��°�� ��` � ui �r�� ��st, �er�� tru��y your�, �t�ve L�e �ir�t ��aur �a�ita� �����"�'Al��� AI� �1'1�L,��ATI��: �J�T�, t�� A��li��t, �er��� a����� t�� ���v� t�rrns ar�� ap�l}r f�r th� l�ar� c1�sc�b�� abo�r�. �V`� �gr� t� pr�v�d� a.11 f"�nar��i�1 �nf�rrnati�r� ��� re���s� �e�a�ing ��r �u�ir���� ar�� �ny �ro�sed gu�ar�nt�r�, �� �ut���i�e ��� a�dl�r ��� �g���� a�ci a�signs t� inv���ig��� ��� finan��a� re��x�si����ty ar�c� ��r�d�tw�rt�ir��ss �f A�p1i��t, �ur ��in�i�als, ar�� guar�ur���rs �d �� s�a�r� �� v�rith }���r a�'f1�a���, �g���, as�ign�� a�c�i��r�, a�� �t��r �redi��r� w�� ��v� �� ex�ect t� �iav� f i���ial c��aling� wi� u� �r th� �ri��ipal� �f �ur �usi�es�. Gustorn�r Narr�e: ��t� of Arroyo C"rra�de By: {T�tI�; �a�t�; Agenda Item 8.e. Page 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.e. Page 12 � ���� �� � �� � II���AP�RI�TED �� � � #.� � � �Y 1 �, � 9 � � � ��� ��� ���� �� . �R��: �Y: � lJ �.J ���: :������ ���`Y ��l�N��L ���������� � ft�� �TF��N� ��II�IIII�JIVITY ��11����1111 N� �IF������ � � � � �III� �EF���1fiA�1, �����I�T� �L�IVN�F� ��N�I�EI��#�I��V �� �'���C3F�ARY U�� RIIAI� �A�E N�� �8���� �IJTF�l�F���I�1C �#�� �L���J�E �� �l �I� ��F��E�' ��� PA�I�tll�� �E�T�I������ �`� ��D��ATE ��l� �EL��F�AT� �F�E F�E�I�VG�I�I�HIVI�IV�` �� ��I�TI�IV� �F HI�HVI�AI� ��� �F���III TI-�� ��4�IF��IV�� �E�'�4f�TAAE�V�' �� TF���1�P�F���T1�1� ���#LTF�AN�� T� TH� ��TY; .JA�I�AI�Y 4, ���� �E��II�IB�R �, �0�� F�E��l�'�I�II EI����I �IV : l� i� r���rnrr��rr��d t�� �i�y ���n�il ����t �I�� �tt��h�d F�����u�i�r� ��pr��ir�� T�rr���r�ry IJ�� ��rr�it ���� IV�. ��-��� ���h�ri���� t�� �I��u�r� �� � �i�� ��r��� �n� ��r�Ci�g ����r���i�r�� t� ��di���� ar�� ����b��t� #I�� r�lin�����r��r�� �� I�-li�k��nr�� ��� �r�r� ����ra�r�s #o ��� �it�. �INAI�����, �MPA��T: ��r�r� v�ri�l �� a� fir�a�n�ia�l ir�npa��t if ��� I�t�ni��� s�r��t ��I�c� ��r��r�r��l �r�c� �i����� ��d ��rri��d�� ��r� k �vil! �nr�r� v�r�t� �1�� 1lil���� ��n�r��r�rr��r�� �����i��i�� �����r� �� ���r���� f�r �d�i#��r��� �����ri���i�rr �� s l���ome �e�e�s�ry. ��o��r� �an be �t�ff�d �y or�-d��y � ��t ir� �I��e �� �r�l��t��r�. ���ff �11��� t� r�i�ir�i�� �����, ���i� �rvill ���f���r�t co��� a�nd �ppr��ria��i�� �A�FC�F��I.�CV�: �a�ltr�n� �a�� r���n�l� �p�r���� �h� r���r���i�f�rr��r�� �� ��rti��� �� �--li�hv�r�� ��� t� ��� �it� �f Arr��� �r��nd�. �r� �r� �ff�rt t� ��r�rra��l�r d��i���� �n� ��I��r�t� �h� �r�n�f�r �� �rv�l� �� �h� ���nr�n�n��rr��r�� �f �k�� E��t �r�r��h ��r�������� �r�j���, ��r� 11�� h�� r�������� t�at � �o�tion �� East �ranch �tre�t �� �I�sed f�r a rib�on ��tt�ng �eremony a�d �n��rt�ir�r�r��r�� �� J�nu��y �, ���� �r�r�r� n��� �r��il �:�� ��, ANA�Y��� �F I��U��: �h� ��di��ti�� �n� r�li�n����l�rr��nt ��I��ra�#i�n �vi�! r���ir� �I�� �I�sir�� �� E��� �r�t��l� ��r��� �� �hr���l� tra��fi� �r�� pa�r�M�� ���r�n IV��r��� ��r��� �� il�a���rr �tr��t. T���fi� ����ir�g tl�r�u�t� t�� llilla��� �r�rill �� r�-r��t�� �r�ur�� �I�� �I���d ����i�r� �f ���t �ra�n�� �tr��t 1�� �r�-��t�r ������ �ffi����. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 �11`lf ���N�IL. ��N�I��F�ATI�IV �� T�I�����F�1� ��E PEI�IVIIT` ���� �V�. ������ �E��IIA�ER 9, ���� PA� E � ADV�NTAC E�: Tk�� ��r�n� �nrill t�rir�� ����th�r t�r� r��id���� �n� bu�ir���� ��►rr �� ��I��r��� �h� �r�r����r �� ��rr��r�hi� �� ��rti�n� �� Hi���nr�� ��� �r�r�n ��Itr�r�� t� ��� �i�}�, v�ri�l ������� ��� ��r�r�ur�it� ���a�� ����r�pli����nt� a��d ����r�irr� ��ti�ri���� t� �r������ �h� 11i��a���, a�r�d �ill h��� �r�r�n�t� th� 1l�Cla��� �nd I���1 b��in�s��s. � I �� ��� � �� � � � ■ "IV� P�r�cin� r�stri�t��n� a�n� t1�� �I���r� �� � p�rti�� �� E��t �ra�r��l� ��r��t �� �r��i��� #ra�ffi� �ill h��r� �n �rr��a��t ��r ��r�ila���� �tr��� ��rki�� �r�� t�r��i� ��r�����i�n. N1�t�r��t� r��t f�r���ia�r �vi�� ��r� ��r�r�t �r�rill ��v� �� u�� d�t��r� t� ��� �� #l��i�r ���t�r��ti�n� �hi�h rr��� ir��r���� �r�v�l tir��. A�TE�NA��IIE�: T�� ��fl��virr� al��rr��tiv�� �r� �r��ri��d ��� t�� ���r���l'� ��n����r�t���: - ����� t�� ��t����d F������ti�n ���r��in� T�r���� lJ�� P�rr�it ���� N�. ��- ��� ���,�h�ri��n� �h� ����ur� �f � ��ty �tr��� t� �����r�t� tl�� r�l�r��ui�hrx��r�� �� �--Ir���va�� ��� f��r7r� �a��t��r�� t� ��� �ity. - �'ll��d�fy a�r�d ad��t t�� a��t����d F����I�t��r�, �- �� n�t ����t tl�� �tt��l��� F����luti�n. - �r�vid� �ir��ti�n t� ��a�fif, �h1V�F��NI1�l�NT�L F�EI��EIIV: Th�s t�r�np�r�ry ��r��t i� ��c�rx��� �r�r� �r��rir�r�r�n�n��l r��i��nr ��r ���� ���ti�� 'I ��� �i �b�{�} . �IJ�LI� ���`IF���TI��V �IVI� ���II��I�T�: T�� A���d� �nr�� �����d i� f��r�� �f �i�}� H�II �n Th�,r����, ����rx�b�r �, ����. Th� A��nda� a�r�� r����t v�r�r� p��t�� �r� t�� ��t�'� �►rr�b�it� �n ���da��, ����rr���r �, ����. IV� pu�ri� ��r�n�nn�nt� �rr�r� r���i��d . Agenda Item 8.f. 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E��� �r�r��h �tr��t fr�rr� N�v��� ��r��� �� Il�l���n �tr��� v�ri�l �� �I���� �r�r� 1 �;�� prr� �� �:�� �r� �n ��n��ry�, ����. �, � `��� P�r�cin�IT��nr �v►r�� ��n�" v�riEl �� ��t�bli�t��d �n b�th �i��� �f Ea��� �r�n�h �tr��t b�tw��n IV��r��� �tr��t ��� M���� ��r��t fr�rn 1 �:�� prr� t� �:�� �r� �r� �J�n��ry �, ����. �. ��� ���li��r�� �h�ll b� r�fur�d�d th� T�rn��r�ry ��� P�rr�it ���li��t��r� ���, �n r��ti�r� �� �����il Il��rr�b�r #�����V��� r��� C�II V�#�, t� I�rl�, A���: ����■ ������■ , ����nd�d b� ���n�il M�r���r , �nd �r� t�� ��� ��r����n� r���lut��� �r�� p����d �n� �d��t�d �hi� ��' ��� �� ����rr���r ����. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 �E��LIJT��JV IV�. PA�� � T�I��f FEI�I�AF�A� N1�Y�1� �►�T��T: I�CE�LI� �II��TI�I��E, ��`�"Y �LEF��t APPF��11�D A� T� ��[VTENT: �T�1�EN �1��IV��, �ITY �VIAIVA��F� �������� �� �� ���� i 1'�11A�THY J. ��#I�IVI�L, ��TY A�'T��iVEI� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 ���������� �� i �� � � � � � � I � I � �1 � 1� ����I����� �� �������� ��� � E I�I P � !��#F�Y lJ � E P � � IVI I T � �� E I� � . � � �� � � ���V�F�IL ���V�ITI�I��: 'i. T�� ���li��nt �k�a�ll ����rt�irr �n� ��r�p�� �riti� �II �t�t� ����nt� a�r�� �i��r r���ir�rr���t� �� �r� ���li���l� t� �hi� �r�j��t, �. Th� ��r�r�� ���1� ����r �n ������r�ti�l ��nf�rr�ra�n�� �vi�h t�� �ppl���t��r� ��nd pl�n� �r� �I� �n �h� ��r�rr��rrity ��v�l�pr�n�n� 1����rtr�n�n�. �. Th� �ppli��r�� ����� ��r�pl� �r�rit� �II �� �h� ��ndi�i�n� �� ���r��r�l f�r T�r�np�ra��y lJ�� P� rm it ��-��� . �. �h� �p�li��t �h�ll ��r�� �� d���rrd �t hi��h�r ���� ��c��r��� �n� �����n �r����t ��a�ir��� ��� ��t}r i�� ���r���, �ffi��r�� �r �rr��l����� ������� ��#h� i����r��� ������ �p�r��r�l, �r �r� �h� �It�rr��ti�r�, t� r�li���i�1� �u�h �ppr��r�l. Th� �p��i��nt �h�ll r�ir�r�b���� th� ��t}�, it� �g�nt�, ��fi�er�� �r �r�pE�y��� f�r �n�r ���rt ���t� �n� �t��rr���r'� ���� �r�ri�� t�� ��t�r, it� ���r�t�� ������ �r �r�r��l��r��� rn�}� �� r�q�ir�� b�r � ���rt t� pa��r �� � r���lt �� ���� ���i�r�. T�� �it�r r��}r� �t it� ��I� �i����t��r�, ��rti�ip�t� a�t �t� ��vr� ��c��rr�� in th� ��f�n�� �� a�r��r �u�h a���i�r� b�� �u�h ��rt��i��ti�r� ���II r��� r�li��� ��pli�a�nt �� hi��h�r ��lig�ti�r�� ur��i�r tl�i� �ondi�i�n. � � T�� ���li��r�t �h�ll r���if� �II ��f��t�� bu���r������ �nd r��i��nt� �f �tr��� �I���r�� �n� �a�r�C�r�� r��tr��ti�rr� �� I���t �� l��u�r� �ri�r t� �h� ���nt. �O. ��r� ���li��r�t �h�ll ��Ed� �II r��� �I���r� r���c�l�t��n� �� ��������d ��r t�� P��i�� �e�ar�r�en�. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 � �, , TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM JIM BERGMAN, ASSOCIATE PLANNER� � �� SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTALINFORMATION DECEMBER 9, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 8.f. CHANGE IN STREET CLOSURE AND NO PARKING REQUEST DATE: 9, 2008 The Police Chief has requested that the closure and implementation of no parking on East Branch Street be extended from Nevada Street to Mason Street to Traffic Way to Mason Street. This request is to avoid large trucks being redirected to Bridge Street and having to utilize Olohan Alley due to vehicle weight restrictions on the Bridge Street Bridge. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution, as modified. a City Manager City Attorney Director of Community Development RESOLUTION NO. CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT CASE NO. 08- 025 AUTHORI2ING THE CLOSURE OF A CITY STREET AND PARKING RESTRICTIONS FOR THE DEDICATION CEREMONY OF THE RELINQUISHMENT OF PORTIONS OF HIGHWAY 227 FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) TO THE CITY, JANUARY 4, 2009 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (VIA) applied for a Temporary Use Permit to utilize and close City streets for a relinquishment ceremony; and WHEREAS, the temporary closure of East and West Branch Streets between Traffic Way and Mason Street to parking and traffic will help to facilitate the ceremony and aliow citizens to participate in the event; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby approve Temporary Use Permit Case No. 08-025 authorizing the following actions subject to compliance with the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: 1. East and West Branch Streets from Traffic Way to Mason Street will be closed from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm on January 4, 2009. 2. A"No ParkinglTow Away Zone" will be established on both sides of East and West Branch Streets between Tra�c Way and Mason Street from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm on January 4, 2009. 3. The applicant shall be refunded the Temporary Use Permit application fee. On motion of Council Member following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , seconded by Council Member , and on the The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9� day of December 2008. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT CASE NO. 08-025 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department. 3. The applicant shall comply with all of the Conditions of Approval for Temporary Use Permit 08-025. 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The appiicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attomey's fees which the City, its agents, o�cers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 5. The applicant shall notify all affected businesses and residents of street closures and parking restrictions at least 48 hours prior to the event. 6. The applicant shall abide all road closure regulations as developed by the Police Department. � �� � � �� � �� � INCQRPORATED �� �. - � � � � JUL Y 1�, t�� 1 � c� � A��IIA��AlV DU � �������� T�: �IT� ��I�N�IL FF��I�I: F��� ��I���1�, ��I�II�I�lIVITY �E11�L�P���VT �tF�E�I'� �1�: 1�1��1�1 ���T�F�, �����I�#TE �1��#�1�VE� �I.��JE�T: ��fll�li�������� �F 1� �h1��l��AFt �`IIIIl� ��CTEIV�I��I ��� ���V���i�I��L ��� P��AAIT ��-���; ��'� ��LJTH HJ�IL�Y�IV ��A� ��#T�: ����l�I��F� �, ���� RE� �� II� E �l L�AT���1: I� i� r������nd�� t�� �ity ���n��l ����t � F����I��i�� ��pr��in� � �r��-���r ���� ��ct�r��i�n f�r ��r�di�i�r��l 1.��� F'�rm�� ��-���, �I��#IV�I�#� fIIII�A�T: Tl��r� i� r�� fi���l irr�p��� �� tl�� �ity r��u��in� �r�r� �h� r�cor�n�n��d�� �r��i�n. BA�����lJ��; �n ����r���r 'I �, ����} ��� �ity ���n��l ����t�� F�e��l����r� �V�, ��� 1, ��pr��rin� ��r��i�i�n�l l.�s� F'��r�ni� ��-���. �`�� a�p�r��r�� �r����� ��n���t� �� ����li��ir�� t�nr� ��� �ir��l�-f�rr�r�il� r��id�n�� ��d �a���r�cti�n �f ar �,��� �q�ar�-���� r�r����d-��� b�i�dir�g, �i�l� �r�ur��-f���r �ifi� �p�� �nd � ���and-�1��r ��a�r�n�r��. �h� �r�j��:t v�r�� ���� b� t�� Pl�nni�� ���r�nr��i��, bu�t ��pe�l�� t� th� �ity ��u�n��i �� �h� �ppli�an� �u� t� � �r�diti�n �f �p�r��r�l r���,irin� �h� ���li�ar�� �� ��r�rla�� ��� �r�tir� v�ri��l� �� �od��r� V11�� al�n� �h� �r�j�ct �r�r�����. TI�� ���n��� �n��i�i�d t�i� ��r�d�ti�� �� r���ir� tl�� ��p�ir��� �� ��r���� �����r� V11�� �r�� ��p �� �utt�� �� c�n���lin� �nrf��n it a���r��r� �h� �r����t �Att��hr��nt 'I �. Th� �p�li�an� �t�l�rr�itted � r������ ��r a �r��-�ear �irr�� �������r� �r� �����rr�t��r 1 �, ����. T�� �'la�n�i�� ��r�r�is�i�n ��nsid�r�d �his � a�nd a���pt�d � f��s�luti�n r���r�r��n�in� a�ppr��ra�1 �# ar �r������� t�r�� ��ct�n�i�� �� �ct�b�r �1 � ����, I� ��pr��r��, �I�� �r��-��a�r ��rn� �xt�n�i�n �v�ul� ��ct��d ��� ��pira�i�n ��t� �f t�� �r�j��t t� ��c�r�b�r '��, ����, �r�d t�� ���I��r�t �nr��l� �� �li�i�l� �� �p��� ��r �inr� ��� rn�r� �r�����r �i�rn� ��ct�n�i�r��. A��L1f��� �F I���J��: ��cter��ion o� T��� L��I��� ��I���v�ri�� ��e�ifi��, ��r��i�i�r�a� u�� p�rrr�it� �h�ll I���� �n� b���r�� ��i� tw� {�} ���rs �r�r� �I�� �pp� d��� �r�l��� �ith�r � b�i��in� p�rrr�it �r �r#ifca�t� �� ���c�p�n�� i� ������ f�r th� �r�j��t. �� ����, �h� ��plic�n� ha�� n�� ���n i����� �i���� a� 1��il�in� ��rrn�� �r �r#i�i�a�� �� ��c��a�n�� f�r ��n�iti���� 1��� P�rr�it ��-���. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 .�/�� �i������ ��� ��#��� �������� �� ��� P��e � �f � �����i��� �f tir�� � b� ��r����� �r�l� �f i� i� f��,r�d �ha�� �I��r� ��v� b��r� r�� �i�nifi��r�� ���n��s i� ��� ��n�r�l Pl�r�, Illl�,ni�ipa�l ����, �r �h�r��t�r �f t�� �r�� �nrithi� vrr���� #�� pr����� i� I���t�c� ��a�� �nr��ld ����� t�� a���r���� �r����t t� b� �n�uri��� t� th� ��bl�� ���I��, ������ �r �nr�l��r�. T�� �r�j��t �i�� i� n�t n�ar �n� �r��lc�, �r�� ���f� h�� n�t �����i�i�� ��� �i�ni�i�a�n� ���n��s �� ��n�iti�n�l �.1�� P�r�nit ��-��� t��� �v���� �a���� ���� �r����# �� �� in��r���� �� �I�� pu�li� I���I��� s�f�ty �r �v����r�, ALTEI�IV�►TI11��: Tf�� #�I���nrir �It�r�t��i�r�s �r� �r��ri��� ��r �h� �����i�'� ��r��i��r�ti��: - �c��p� ��� �tta��h�d ����I�,�i��, ��pr���n� � �r��-���r �irr�� ��t�n���n f�r ���diti�r��l 1.1�� P�rr��t ��-���; - �� n�� a����� ��� �t#��I��� F�����u�i�r�, ���r��� ��r��i�� th� r��u��� ��r � ���-��a�r t�r�r�� ��ct�����n ��r ��r�d��i���l �J�� P�rrni� ������; �r - �r��rid� dir��ti�� t� s�a��f ��11�#��A���: Ap�r��r�n� ��� r�����t�� t�rr�� �x��n�i�n �r�ri�l rr��rnt��n th� �ri��ili�y �f �r� �ppr���d �r���c:t ��tr�n� tl�is �����rn���ll� ��r��f�r�� ��ri�d. ����������� �� i ���� ��� ��� ���������� ��rx�� ��t���i��. �r�y ���adva��ta��s as���iated �nrith ��prov�� of ��r� r����st�� ��V111���111'�EIVTAL REVIEIIV: ���r� �s r�� �r�vir�nr��r���l r��ri��nr ��q��r���n� #�r ���r��i�r �� �ir�n�. PIJ�LI� ���IF��ATI�N A1�D ��l�111�[EN��: T�� a���da �nra�� ���t�d �r� #r��� �f ����r �I�I� �n �hu�r����, ��r�r�b�� �, ����. T�� A��r�d� ��� r���rt �r�r�r� ������ �r� �h� �ity'� v�r����t� �r� �rid��, ���e�b�r �, ����. N� ��bli� ��rr�r ��r� r���i���. �tt���r�n�r�t�: '! . �����ut��r� I��, ���'I �. L�tt�r fr�rr� a�p�l���n� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 F�E��LIJTI�N �1�. �4 F�����L�TI�IV �F THE �I�Y ����1�IL �F ��� �I�Y �F A��C31�� ��Ah��E �IPP��IIIIV� A �I'�lE-1f�Al� T��I� E�CTEN�i�� ��F� ���V�ITI��IAL. ��E P�F�IV�IT ��-���, �1���IE� ��� �Y �E�� H�LLI�TE�� L��A��� AT ��'� ��l�T�l H�L�Y�IV ��AD VII�H�F��A�, t�� ��ty ���r���� ���pt�� #������rti�n �V�, ���'I u�r�i�� app���r��f ��ndi�i�na�l U�� P�rmi� 0�-��� or� D���r�b�r ��, ����; �r�d 1111HEF�EA�, t�� �ity ���r��i� ��s �or���d���d a� r������ ��r � ���-���� t��n� ���n�i�� ��r ��r��i�i�na�l ��� ���rnit ��-���; �r�� I�VHEF�EA�, �I�� ��ty ���r��i� fir���, ��t�r �u� �t��� a�r�� ���ib�ra��i�r�, �#��� t��r� h��� ���r� �� �i��ifi�ar �h�r���� i� ��� �er��r�� �I�n, [111un��i��l ���� �� �I��ra��t�r �f th� �r�� �nr�#�rir� �r�r���h th� �r�j��t i� ���a��d �ha�t �nr��l� r�u�� �I�� ���� �r����� t� �� ir�j�ri��s �� t�� �u�li� h��lth, ����ty, �r v�r�lf�r�. 1��V1�� �l���EF�F��, BE IT l�����11�D �h�t ��� ��ty ���n�il ���r�rr�� � �������r tir�� ���r��i�n ��r ��n�i�i�n�l 1��� P�rrnit ��-���, �nritl� ��r� ab��r� finding� �r�d ���j��# t� a�ll �ri�ir�a�� ��t�d��i�r�� �� ��� ��rtl� in E�cl�ib�� ii A „ �tt����d h�r�t� �r�� �r���r������� ��r�in b�r th�s refer�n�. �n r���i�r� ��r ��ur��il Illl�r�b�r , �������� �� ���n�il N��r�b�r , �r�� b� �h� f�ll�v�r�r�� r�ll ���# v�t�, t� �vi�: �►YE�: ���� i ������� ��� f�r����r�� ����I�ti�n �nr�� ����t�� �I��� 1���' d�r� �� ��c�rr�l��r ����. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 �I�Y ���1���L �����,LJTI�IV IV�. PA�� � ��NY �E�RI�IRA, IIAAI��F� AT'TE��: �EL�Y 1N��II��F�E� �I� �LE�I�C AP��t�11ED A� 1'� ��N���V�: ���1�EIV �4�Alll��, �IT� l��IA�I�C �I� APPR�V�D A� T� ��R�III � �T�l��TF�1� �. ���t�VIEL� �ITY �ITT�F�IVEIf Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 �ITY ��l�N��L F�E��������V I��. PA�� � ��C�II�IT ���" ��N�1�I�N� �F APPl��VA� ��n�� ��c�r���r��u ��-o�� Thi� �p�r��r�l �uth�ri��� � ��� �� � ��a�r ��r�� ���r��i�r� #�r ��n�i�i�r��l �.1�� ��rr ������, �vhi�� �v�ll n�v�r ��c�ir� �� ����r���r 'I �, ����. ��I�A�l�l�l�lf L��V�L����I�T ����F��`�EN�" �EI�EF�AL �����TI�IV� 1. TI�� ������ar�� �I��rll a����r��ir� and co�npl� �ri�h �II F�d�r�l, �t�t�, ���,�ty �n� �i�y r���ir�r�n�r�t� �� arr� a��pli��b�� �� thi� �r�j��t. �. �'�� a�pli�n� �h�ll cor�n�l� v�ri�� �!I ��r�di�i�ns �f a�p�r��r�l f�r ��ndi�i�n�l 1��� P�rtr�i� ��-���, �. ���r�l��rr���t ����I ����r �n �u�st�r�ti�l �����rr��n�� v�ri#I� ��� ���ns pr���nt�� t� �h� F'I�r�r ��nnr�r�i��i�� �t th�ir r����in� �f ��:t���r �, ���� �r�� rr��r�C�d E��ibit „�". �, �t�� ���li��� ����� ��r�� �� ����nd a�t h�s�l��r s��� ����r��� �r�� �c�i�r� �r�u��� ���i�r�t ��� �ity, i�s pr���r�� �r #�rrr��r a���r�t�, �f�i�rs, �r �r��l����s b�cau�� �� ��� i�su��� �� ���d a��pr��ra�l� �r in ��yw�� r�l�tir�g t� t�r� irnpl�rr��ntar�i�n �h�r���, �r �r� �h� ��t�rna����r�, �� r�lir�q�i�h ��,�I� ���r��r�l. T�� arpplicant �h�ll r�ir�b�r�� ��� ��ty �t� �g�r�t�, �ffi�r�, �r �r�r����y���, #�r �r�� �: ou� ��st� a�r�� ��t�rr���'� f��'� v�rhi�� �I�� ��ty i�� ���n��, �ff �r� �r �r��l����� r�a� �� r�q�ir�d �� � �o�r# �� ��� �� �r ����,I� �� ���I� ��t��n, Th� �it� r�a��, at i�� ��I� �i��r�ti�n, �a�rti�i��t� a�� ��� ��rn ������� ir� tl�� ��f���� �� a�r�� ���� ��#i�n ��� �u�l� p�rti��pa�ti�r� �I�a��� n�� r�����r� ���li�n� �f I����I��r �b�ig����n� ����r thi� ��r��i�i��. �. ���r�l�pr�r���� sk�a��� ��n��rrn t� �h� �ffi�e �Il�i���-�J�� ��IVIIJ} ��r�in� r�t��,�r�rr����� ����p� �� �th�r�nrts� �p�r��r��, �lJ�Ll� V�1�I��C� ��PAF�T�IIEI��` �P��IAL ���V�I�f�IV� �. T�� ��p�ic�r�� ���rll ��� tl�� p��j��t'� �r���rti�n�t� �h�r� f�r t�� f�ll�v�ri�� �r��t���#�r ��i#�I ir�r��r��r�r��r�� �r�j���� ��r �l�� n�� ir �t� �r�j��t v+r����v�r�t�r fla�nrs: ■ Alder �tr��t l�p�rade, ■ 1I1f���l�t�d �riv� L1p�r���, �n� ■ Farro�� Av�r�ue �Jp�rad� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 5 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � + � ���� � �. �h� pr�j��� �I�all �r���� �I�� ��ci��in� ���v�r I���r�� �� ����rrr�in� i�� ��n���i�r�. T�� I���r�l �h��� �� r���ir�� �r r��l�ced �� dir����� b� �1�� �ir���r �� Publi� V11�rk�, �. �h� �r����t �ha�ll r�r�n�v� �n� r��l��� �n� ��r����d �r �r���� �ur�, g��t�r �n� �i���va�lk v�r'rtl��n th� �r�j��� �r�nt����. �. Th� pr�j��� �I���I r�r���r� ��� ��i�tir�� dri�r��v�� ap�r���h �� ���t� Ha�1�y�r� F��a�� �n� r�pla��� i� v�ri�� ��r�, �u��t�r �n� �id��nr�ll�. 1 �. A�n� ��rna��� �� �C�� �r��� gu#t�r ��r��� ��d��r� V11�� ������ �� ��r��tr���i�n �� tl�� �r�j��� s�ar�l r���i�� r����ra! �n� r��l���rr��r�t �f th� �r��� ��tt�r. '� 1. T�� �r�j��t ����I �r����ll �urb, ��tt�r �r�� �i��vrr�l�C �n t�� �����r� VI��� #r�r���g� �t ������ �r�� �li�r��n�r��� �� �r��ri�� � ��' v�r��� r���. � �. �`�� pr����t ���1� ��}r �t� �r�p��ti�na�� ���r� ��r ���l�cerr��r�t �f �I�� Ha�l��r�n �r�t�r lir��, l����� �� p����ct �r�n����. 'I �, T�� �r�j��t �I��II ��� t�� ��ty's un��rgr��r�d utili�y it�-li�� ��� f�r ��� ��ds�� V11�� fr�r�t���, 1 �. TI�� �r��r����� �t�rrr��v�t�r r�n�ff �a��,��� ��r th� �r����� ����i �� �it���: ' ���� � �1�C� � �1-� f��; � I' ■ ����� t� th� �r�� ir���� ��r ��utl� �--la�l���r� F���� �d���r�t �� th� h���i��l '� �, If r���v �til�t��� ��r�n��� t� fJ�d��rr �nr�� #�� �r�j�c:t �h�ll ��r�rla�� ��ci��� VII�� �vit� �" �f '��" T�p� `�' ���h�lt �� ��� �ir�i�s r�����sa�ry t� �r���r� a rr�ir�irr��r� �f ��1� �r�� � r�n��ir�n�� �� �°l� �r��s sl��� �r�r� lip �� ��tt�� �� �r�t�rlin� �f �h� r��� �nr�t�ri� tFr� �roje�t fron��ge. 'I �, �� r���r�r u�i�rti�� ��n���t t� ����I� H�I���� F����, �h� ���j��t sl��ll ��r�rl��r ��u�� f--I����r�r� F���d vrri�� � ���" �f ���" T]��� `�' ���1���t �� ��� li��ts n�����ry t� ����r� �r r�nin�nn�r� �� ���� �r�� � r���i�ur�r� �� �°l� �r��s �I�p� �r�r�n li� �f g�tt�r �� ��r�t�rlin� �� ��� r��� v�ri�l�in ��� ���j��t �r�r�t���. 'I �. TI�� �r�j��t ��r�l� ���i��t� a� �' I���li� 1����ity E���r�ner�� ��j��en� �� a�ll ��bli� r��h� �f �v��r�, If � ��tba���C �f 1��� tha�n �' i� ��pr��r�d, ��� ��s�r��n� ��a��� b� ��� f�,�� �ri��� af the �etb��k. '� �. ��� pr�j��� ����I ���ir.,��� � 1 �' ��r��� Tr�� E���r�r��n� ardjar�ent t� �II ��bli� ri�h� �� v�r�ys. �� a� se�ba�k af �es� t�an ��� is ap���v�d, �I�� e���ment shall be th� f��� �ridtl� �f tl�� ���k����, ���1��AL� ���V�ITf�IV� '� 9. �I��r� �II ��r����, ��r��, �u��r� �nd �ic���nr�lk� �� tl�� �r�� �� ��� c���'� ���ra�ti�r�� �r Agenda Item 8.g. Page 6 ���lf ��IJN�f� F����L�TI�I� �1�. �A� � � �� di���t�r� b�r #I�� �ir�ct�r �f ���nr��nity D��r�i�pnn�nt �r tl�� �ir����r �� �u�l�� 1JV� �k� . ��. ��r ��n�t�u���i�r� �cti�ri�i�� �u��i�� n�rr��l ���ir���� h��r� �Il���d�y ��r��gh Frida��, � All� �� � �N1} f�� n�i�� �r�� i�sp��ti�rr ��,rp����. `�I�� ���r�l���r �r ��r�tr��t��r �h��� r��r�i� fr�r� p�rf�rr�nir�� �r��r �nr�r�C ��h�r th�n ���� r�r���n��n�nce ����i�� �f ����� ��ur�, �r�l��� �n �rr�����n�� ��i��� �r arp�r���� �� �I�� C]ir�c��r �f F����i� 1JV�r�C�. �t�� �tty ��� h�l� th� ���r�l���r �r ��r��r���r �����n�ibl� ��r �n�r ��c��n��� ����rr�d ��r tl�� �ity d�� t� v�r�r� ��r��rr��� ��,t�i�� �� t1���� h��r�. III��'��1lEN��I�T �I.AN� �'I. �II �r�j��t i��r��r�r��n�� �I���� �� d��i�r��� b� � r������r�d �i�ril �r��ir���r i� t�� �#�#� �f ������r�i� �r�d ��r��������� �� ����rd�nc� v�r�#�r #h� ��ty �� ��r��r� �r�nd� �t���a�r� ���v�r���� a�� �����fi�ati�r��, ��. ����i� f�ur ��� full-�i�� ����r �opi��, ��� �'I � ful�-�i�� �I�I�I�r ���� �r�d �r�� �� � �I��t��n�� ���� �n �� ir �����A� ��rrna�t �� ������r�� i��r��r�r��n� ���n� f�r in�p�c;ti�r� ��r����� ��r�rr� �����ru��i�r�. ��. ���r��� ��-�u��� plans �� th� ��r��i��i�n �f �h� �r�j��t �r i��r��r�r��n�� �� dir��t�� by th� ��r����r �� P�bli� V'V�r��, �r�� �'I� ��� �� Il�l�l�r �rint� �r�� �� �I�c�r�ni� ���� �r� �� �r� A�t��A� ��r�n�� �I��II �� r���ir�d. ��. T�� f�il�v�rin� ir�pr�v�r��r�� pl�r�s �I��I� �� �r���r�� b� � r��i�t�r�� �i�il �n�ine�r �n� ��pr��r�d �� th� Pu�li� V11�rk� �����trx���r�; �. �r��ing, dr�in��� �r�� �r��i�n ��r��r�1, b. �treet p��rir��, �ur�, �u�t�r a�nd si�ev�ra��c. �. F' � b I i� ��i I i#t��, d. 1!1lar�� r ar n���v�r� r. �. L�r������ir�� ��� �rrig�ti�n. f. �►r�� �#k��� �r�n�r��r�r��r��� �� r��uir�� b� ��� Dir�c��r �# P�bli� Vlf�r�cs, ��. �i�� si�� ��a�n s���i in�lud� tl�� ������ring: �. T�� ����i�n �r�d ���� �f a��l ������r�g �r�d �r�p���� �nr���r, ���nr�r, an� �t��r� �r��r���� ���ili�i�� �ri��ir� �h� �r�j�ct �it� a�n� ��uttin� s���et� �� �II���. b. TI�� �����i�r�, ��a�n�ity �r�� �i�� �f �II ��cistfr�� a�n� pr���s�� ���rrrer I���r���, �. ��� I���t��n, s��� �nd �ri�r���ti�r� �f ��� t���l� �r������r��. �. ��! ��c���in� �r�� �r������ �ar�el lin�� �r�� �a��r�r�r��� �����in� th� pr�p��#y, �. TI�� I���i�r� ��� �ir��r��i�� �� a�l ��ci��ir�� a�n� �r�����d ��v�� �r���. �. Th� I��a�i�� �� �II ��i�#ir�g �r�� �r������ ������ �r �ri�at� ��ili����, ��. �rr�p���r�r��r�t �la�r�� ���II ir��lud� �I�� �r�� ���fil� �� ��ci���r�� ��� �r�����d �tr��t�, ���li�i�� a�n�i r���in�r�� ��1E�. ��. La�r��s�a��� a�r�� �rri��ti�r� pla��� �r� r���,ir�d �r�ri���r� t�� pu��li� ri�h� �f ��rra��, a�r�c� �F��rll Agenda Item 8.g. Page 7 �r�r �����i� �����..t����ru r��# ���� � �� �p�r��r�� �� t�� ��r�r�n�r�ity ����l�pnn�r�� �r�d F'a�r�c�, ���������n ��d F����iti�� ����rtrrr�r�t�. In ��d�ti�n, th� ��r����r �f �ubli� Vll�r�c� ����I ��pr��r� �n� I�����a���� �r i�ri��ti�r� �nrith�r� � ��,bli� r���� �� �nra�� �r �����n►is� t� b� r�air�t�i��d �� �I� � � rty . I�VAT� R �8. �9. ��. ��r��tru�ti�r� �va���r i� ���il�bl� �� ��� ��rp�r��� ��rd. ��� ��ty �# Arr��r� ��a�n�� da�s �ot ���o�nr �h� us� af hy�r�nt �et�r�. E�ci�t�n� v�r�t�r s��v���� �� �� ���r�d�r��d ���II �� �� ���r�d���� ��d �arp��� �� ��� r�n�i� ��r �h� r���i��r��nt� �� �I�� �ir����r �f �u�li� 111J�r�C�. Th� ���li�nt ����E ��rx��l��� rr�����r�� �� r��u������� t�� ��tir�n���d in�r�a��� i� �nr���r ��rn�r�� �r��t�d ��r ��� �r�j��t b� �i�l��r �f tl�� ���I�v�ring: �. Ir�n�l�r��r�t �r� indi�ri���� �nra���r �r��r�rx� ����i�tin� �# r��r�fi�#��� ��i��i�g I�i�l�-fl�v�r �1�r�n�in� f�ct�r�� �i�h ��v�r�f���v d��r����. TI�� ����u�ar���ns sh�1� �� ��brr�it��� �� ��� ��r�ct�r �f �ubli� Vll�rk� ��r r�vi��v a�r�d �p�r��r�l. �f�� pr�p���� ir�di�ridu�� �a�t�r pr��r��n �1���� �� ���r��tt�d �� �h� ��ty ��u��il f�r ���r��r�l ��i�r �� i�n����n�nt�t��n; �F� �. ��� a�p�l����n� r�r��� ��� �r� ir��-li�u ��� �f ��,��� #�r �a��h r��v�r r��id�r�ti�i ur�it �or e�u�v�lent}. �E111f ER �1. ��. ��. �■ ��. ���� p�r��l �h�ll �� �r��rid�d � ��p���t� ���nr�r I���ra�l. A�� ��v�r�r I�t��al� �vi�l��n ��� publi� ri�k�t �� v�ra�� r���t h�v� � r�r�ir���rr�rr� �I��� �� ����. �II ��v�r�r ��i�s �r �a�t�r�l� �r���in� �r ��r�ll�1 �� �u���� �vat�r f��ili���� �h�ll t�� ��nst�uc��� i� ���r��n�� �r�rith ��lif�rr�i� ����� l--I��It�r Aa��n�� �t��da�r��. ��is���� s�v�r�r la���r��� �� �� a�b�nd���� �h�ll �� �r���r�� ��a�n��r��d �n� c��p�� �t ��� r�narin ��r t�� r���ir�r��r��� �f ��� �i��c��r �� P����� V11�r�C�, �b��in a��r���l fr�rr� ��� ��u�� ��urtty �ar�i�a�t��n Distr��t ��r ��� ���r����r�n��t�� irr����t t� ����ri�t ���i�i#i�� pri�r �� is��a�rr�� �� b�ildi�� p�rr�it. F'l.��Ll� �JT1�lTl�� ��, �ubrni� �II �rr�pr��r���t�t p�a�ns �� h� ��b��� uti��ty ��r�n��ni�� f�r �������I ��� �or�t���t. �.1�il�ty ��r�r��n�� �h�ll �� f��rnr�rr��d t� ��� �ir����r �f ��bli� Vl��rk� ��r ��pr���l. ��l u��lity ������i�� ���E� ���� t�� ir�p���r�r��n� �I�r�� �ri�r �� �ir��l ��t�rr�itt�l. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 8 ��� �����I� �������I�� ��i ��� � � ��, Pri�r t� ���r��in� �r�� ��il�ir�� ��rr�it v�r�t�i� th� �r����# f�r �����a�r���, �!I p��li� ��i������ ���II b� ���r�ti����. �T� E ET � �8. A�I �tr�et ����i�s �l�all �� �on�tru�ted in ��co�da�c� v�ri�� th� �ity �tre�� ��,t �o�icy. ��. ��! ���r���i�� ir� �i#y �t����� �I��II �tili�� ���nr ��t#ir�� . �r�� ��r�r ��#� sl��rl� �� �I�a�n�d �r�� fi���d �nri�l� ����y. ��. ��r��� ��r��tur�l ��cti�n� �I��II b� ����rrnir��d �� a�n F��-ll�l�� s�il ���t, ��� �ha�ll n�� b� ���� ���� �" �f ���halt ar�d �" �f �l��� II �►�. �'! . �v�rla��, �l�rry ���I �r ��� s��l �r�y ���d� d��i�t�d �� th� �ity �r��r t� �������rr� b� �h� ��ty, �� dir�ct�� b� �h� �ir��t�� �� P�r��i� V11�r�C�. �U�� �UTTER AI�� ��D�1�V��.� ��. l,J��1��� ���v �ut� f�r a�ll r�p�ir� ��d� ir� ��r�, g�tt��, �n� ��d��r�l�C, ��, �r�sta�ll �r�� �r�r�ll� �nr�tl� ���p r��� b�rri�r� f�r �II tr��s ���r�t�d adja��nt �� ��r�, ��tt�r a�n� �i��v►r�l�C �� pr��r�nt da�r�n��� ��,� �� r��t �r�v�rt�. �RA���1� ��. ��rf�rr� �II �r���n� in ��r���rrn�r��� �vith �I�� �rty �r�d�r�� ��din�n�e. ��. ���rx��t � �r�lir�i�a�ry ��il� r���rt �r������ �� � r��i�#�r�� �ivil E�gir���r �r�� su���rt�� �� �d������ t��� b�ri�g�. ��I ��rt���r�C d��i�n ��� �r�rdin� �f���l �� p��Form�d in ac�ardar�c� �rr��� th� �pprov�d s�ils r�port. ��, ��b�nit ��! r�t�ir�ir�� v�r�ll ��I�u��ti��s ��r ���i��r�r �r�d ��pr��ra�l b� t1�� �ir����r �� ��bli� Vll�r�c� f�r�nr��l� ��� ��r��truct�� t� �i#y ������rd�. l��AI �1�� E ��, ��I �r���a��� ����i�ti�� s���� b� ���i�r��� �� �����r�n���t� � '1 ��-���r ���r�r� t��v�. ��, Th� ��pli���nt �h�ll �r��r��� ��t�il�� d�air�a��� ��l�ul�ti�r�� ��d�r�ti�� ���� ��� ir��r����� r�r�-��f �r� b� ����r�r���a�t�� ��r ��c��tir�� ���il����� �n���r ���vid� �n��i�� r���n�i�n b��ir�s, t� tl�� ���i�����i�r� �� tl�� Dir����� �f P��I�� V11�r�c�. D��I�ATI��1� AI�� �A��IIJI�IVT� ��, AI� ����r��r���, �b�nd�r��n�n��, �r ���n�E�r ����rr��nts t� �� r���r��d �� � ����rn��t �h��l b� pr�p�re�! b� �I�� �p�lica�� ��n � ��� � 'I 'I �ity ���nd�r� ��rm�, �r�d �h�l! �����,d� I���� ����r�����r��, s�c�t�h�s, �I�s�r� �����1a��i�r��, �nd a �u�r�rr� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 9 �i� ���r���� �������r��� �u�. ���� � �r�lirni��ry t�tr� r���rt. Th� �p���c�a�t ���ll b� r��p�r��ibl� ��r ��� r���,ir�� ����, ir��l��i�� �r�y ���i�i�n�l r���ir�� �ity �r����i��. F'EF�IVIIT� ��. � � • ���� ��. ��. ��t��r� an ���r�a����n�r�t ��rmit �ri�r t� ��r��rrr��r�g an� �f th� ��Il�vrr��r�: ■ ��rf�rrn�ng �nr�rk ir� tf�� ��ty. right �f �rva��, ■ �t�gi�g �r�rk in �I�� ��t� r���t �f v�r��, ■ �t��kpilin� �a���ri�l i� �h� �i�y r���t �� v�r��, ■ ���rir ��ui�r���t in t�� �ity ri�l�� �f �nr��. �b�a�n a�radrng p�rrnit pr�or to �omm�ncer�ent o# ar�� �r�dir�� opera�ions �n t�e site. P�� ��� r���ir�� �ity f��� �t t�� �ir�� t��� a�r� d��. F��� �� �� ��i� �ri�r�� �la�r� ������r��; ■ N1�� �h���C ���, ■ Pl�r� ��r��l� ��� f�� gra�din� ��a�n� b���d �r� �r� a�p�� ��rthvrr�rk ��tirr��t�, ■ Pl�n �h��� f�� ��r irr�pr��r�r��nt �I�r�� ����� �rr �rr a��pr�v�d ��n�tr��t��r� �ost �stirr�at� ■ P�r�n�t ��� f�r �r����� p��ns b���� �r� �r� ��pr��r�� ��rthvr��r�c ��t�rr����, ■ I r��p���i�n ��� �� �r�j��� �r ��bli� �rv��k� ��r���r���i�n p1a�n� b���� �r� �r� �rp�r�v�� �or��tr��t��r� ���� �st'rrr�a�t�. A�REEIVI�h��� I�r�p���i�� �����r���t; �r���r int� a�n i r�n pr��r�rx��r���, I�ri�� t� a������r�l �f �n ir�����r��n�n� �I�n, �I�� ���li��r�� ���II a��r��t�n�nt �nritl� tl�� �i�y ��r in�����i�n �� ��r� r���ir�d 1r��r��r�r��n� A�r��rr��n�: TI�� ���li��n� �h��l �r�ter �r�t� �r� a�r��r��r�# ��r �k�� ��rn�l�ti�n �r�d �u�r�nt�� �f ir�pr����n�nts ���ui��d. �'h� a�gr����n� �I��I� k�� �r� a� ��rr�n ��r��#�b�� �� th� �i��. �N1�F��11��111EIVT �E�I�F�ITIE� A�I ir�����r���nt ����r��i�� ���I! b� �� � f�r� �s ��� ��r�� �r� D��r����r7r��n� ���1� ������n � �.��.�9�, �r��r�v�r��r�t ���ur��i��. ��br�it �r� �r���r���r'� ���ir�r�t� �f q�antiti�� ��r ��,�I�� irn�r��r�rn�r�t� #�r r��r���rv by ��� �i���tor� o� �ub�i� I�Vorks. �r��r��� f��r���i�� ����ri��r f�r ��� f�ll��vir��, �� b� b���� ���r� � �����r���i�n ���� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 10 �I�Y ��L1�l�i� F����L[�TI��V N�. �A�E � ���ir�n�t� �rppr��r�d b�r tl�� �ir��t�r �� �'�,bli� Vll�rlc�; �. ��i�hf�� ��r�'�r�m�r��e: � ��°l� �f th� ��pr��r�� ���ir�r��t�d ��st �# ��l �u�div��ior� �rr�prav�me�t�, �. l.�b�r a�r�� Illla�ter�i���: ����� �f th� a�p�r��r�� ��t�r��t�d ���t �# �E� subdivision �nn�r��r�m�r�ts �. �r�� Ye�r ���r�n���: '� ���� �� tf�� ���r�v�d ��tirr��t�� ���t �f ��I ir��r�v�rn�r�t�, �`�is b�r�d i� r���,�r�� pri�r t� a��c;e�ta�n�� �f th� i��r��r�r�n�r�t�. �I���F� �f� ���lJ��l� A ��F�TI�I��TE �F ���IJPAl��1� �ll uti�i�i�� �I��I� b� ���r��i�r All ����r��i�l pr����� �rr�p���r�r��n�s shar�l b� ��n�tr����d �r��� t� ���up�n��. I`V�r�- �s��r�tia�� ir�n����r�rn�r�ts, ���r�n���� �� �rr �g���r��n� �n� fi��r ����riti��, r�n�� b� ���n��r����� �ft�r ������r��� a� �ir��t�� �� th� �i�����r �f P�,b�i� IIV�rI��. �IJIL���V� �#N� FIF�� �E��F�T�IE�1� ���V�F�AL ��I��ITI�iV� ��i . �`I�� pr�j��t sf��11 ��r���� �nr�tl� �k�� rx���t r�ce�� �diti�n� �f t�� ��li��r�i� ���t� F�r� �r�� ��ild�n� ��c��s �r�d �h� lJn����� ���Idir�� �n� Fir� ����� �� ������c� b� t�� �ity o�A�rayo �ran�e. � ��. �r��ri�� ��r�n�l��� ��r��li�r��� v�ri#� ���t� a��d �����a�l dis�bfi�� ����� r�� � �r�r��r���. ��. All fi�r� I�n�� rnu�t b� p�st�� �n� �r�f�r���, p�r F��li� ����r#r��r�� �r�� Fi�� ���a�rtr���� ���d��i���. ��. T�� p��j��� ���I� I���r� � fir� ���v ����� �r� t�� ��li��r�ia Fi�� ���� ����r��i�c �I�- A. ��. �'�i�r �� ��r�b����bl� r�a�t�ri�l� ���r�� pla���� �n s���, fir� I���ra�r��s s�a��l b� ir�����l�d, p�r Fir� ����rtr���� �nd P�bl�� V'V�rk� D�pa�rtr��n� �t�nd���s, 7"�. �ri�r t� ����p����, �I�� ���li��r�� ���t �r���d� �n ������r�� `s��ur�ty �C�y �r�ult'� ��r �uil�in� ��� Fir� []���r�r7r��r�� g����lir���. 7�. Pri�r t� ���������, �I� b�il�ir��� r�n��t b� ��II� sp�ink��r�d p�r �ui��ir�� �r�� �ir� ���a�rtr�r��t ��i���ir���. �8. Pro�ric�� F�re D�p�rtmer�t �ppro�r�d ���e�� or �p��nk�er sy�ter�n per h�atior��! Fire �ro��ct�or� As�a���tio� ��an��rd�. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 11 ���r ���ru�i� �����.u���n� ruo. ���� � a ��. Pri��r t� �����n� �� � �r���n� ����i� �r k���l�i�� p�rrr���, v�r�i�h��r�r ���u�� �rs�, �p�li��r�t �h�l� �I���v pr��f �� �����r�y �b����r�ir�� �II n��-��r�f��r�ir�g i��rr�� ���h �� ������ �a�r�k�, v�r��l�, un��r�r�und �ipin� �r�� ��l��� ur����ir��l� ���d����r��, ��, F'ri�r �� ���u�n�� �� � buildi�g ��rr�r���, � ��r���i���r� ��rr��t rr�u�� �� i�s���. ���r�l�pr���� f��� r����ti�g �r�r� ���n�liti�r� �ril� �� �p�r��r��t�l�r �r�dit�d t� th� pr�p�r�y. �TH �F� �P���1lAL�: �� , �n� r��r��v�r ����� ��r���a���d �� ��,��id� ��r��ul��n�� ���I� �� ��i� �� #h� ���li��nt. �E��: ��. Vllat�r r�n�t��r, s�rvi� r�r��ir�, �i�tri���i�n �nd ��r�il��ili�� f��; �� �� ����d �n ��d�� arnd ra�t�� ir� �ff��t �t t�� ��rn� �f bui���n� ��rnni� i���r�nce. ��. V11���r r��u�rar�i���i�� ���; t� �� ����� �r� ��d�� a��d r���� i� �if��t a�� th� ��rr�� �f ��il��r�� ��rr��t i��u����. ��, Tr�#fi� ir�n���t f��; t� �� b���� �n ��d�� �n� ra��� ir� �f���� �� �I�� �irrr� �� b�ildir�� ��rr�i� i����n��. ��. T�a�ffi� ��g���i��ti�n ���; #� �� ba���� �n ����� �n� r�t�� �n �ff��� �t ��t� ��rr�� �f b�,,il�ir�� ����it �s��a�r ��. ��v�r�r h������ �r�� fa��ilf�� ��rr��� f��; t� �� b���� �n ����� a�rd ra���� in �ff��t �� ��� tinn� �f b��ldi�t� p�rr�it ��������. ��. �r�ir���� f��, t� b� ����� �n ����� ��� r���� ir� ��f��t �t th� tir�n� �# buil��n� ��rr�ni� i�������, ��. B�il��ng ��r�ni� f���; t� b� b���d �r� ��d�� �nd rat�� i� �f���� �t �h� ��rr�� �f bui��ling ���r��� i��u�r���. ��. ��r�n� �Il��tic�r� Instrur��nta�#i�� Pr��r�r� ��M[P� ���; �� �� ����d �r� ����� �nd r�t�� ir� �if��t �t t�� ���� �f �ui�dir�� p�r�it �����r��� ir� ar��r��n�� �nri�h ����� �n�r�da���. 9�. P�r�c d�v�lo��n�nt f��; #o �� b���� orr �od�s �r�d rat�� in �f���t at �f�e tirne �f ���Idir�� ��rnnit i���a�r���, �'I. ��r�C �r�r�r��r��n�nt� f��; #� �� ba���d �n ��d�� �t�d rat�� �n �ff��t �t ��� tir�ne �f ��il��r�� p�rr�n�� i����r���. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 12 ��� ���ru�i� ���������ru ��. ���� � � ��. �tr�e# tree� f�e� t� b� ba�ed on �ode� ��rd rat�s xn e���� at t�� t�m� of bui�ding p�rrr��t �ssuan�e. ��. �ornm�r�ity cent�rs f��; #o �� b�s�d on c�de� ��d rate� ir� e���t �t t�� tirr�� of ���I�i�� ��rr�r��� i����r���. ��. Fir� �r�t��t��r� ���; #� b� b�s�� �n ����� �r r�t�� ir� ��#��� a�t t�� �ir�� �f �u'rl��r ��rrx�i� i����n�. 9�, P��i�� �a��i�iti�s ���; t� b� ����d �� ����� �n� ra���� i� ��f��� �t t�� ��r�� �f b���dir�g perrr�it �ss�ar��e. �A1��C�, I�E�F�EA�`�C�IV � �A���IT�E� ��PAF�T�II��IVT ���V�RAL ��l'V���I�I�� 9�, Pr��r t� i����r�ce �f �uil�ir�g ��r�n�t�, � �ir��l f�r���r..a�� plan ���II �� ��br�nitt��, �u�b��c� t� r�v���r �r�� ���r���l �� t�� ��r�c:t�r �f ��r�C�, F���r�a�ti�r� a�r�� F��i��ti��. �#��H1TE�Tl�I�AL I�E11�EV1� ���1A1�1�1`��E �F'E�I�L ���V�ITI�iV� ��, 1`h� ������� ����� utili�� p��r���b�� ���rir�� �r� ��� r��r p�r#i�n �� th� ��rkir�� ��� t� �ir�irn��� �m���t �o ��c��ting tr��s. ��. Th� �ir��l la�r��s���� ���r� ���11 �� ������t �� ���ri��r �r�� ���r��r�l �� t�� �r�hi���t�r�I F���i��r ��r��nitt�� {A���. �LAIVI�IIV� ��IIII�IIlI��I��l ��E���� ��I`V�ITI��V� 93. �'ri��r �� �s���r�c� �f � �u�ldi�� ��rr�it, �h� ���li�n� �h�l� � � I�t r��r��r �� ��r���fi��t� ��� t�v� �����ina� I�t� int� � sir��l� ���, ���. T�� �������i� �r�npa��t �� th� pr�j��t� ����I� d�t��t�r �����C valv� ���II b� �ninirr���ed th�o�g� ��� �f��e fo��ov�rjn� r��asure�� a� a�lo�v�d by th� F�re ��i�f: ■ �ir���ni�e t����l��; ■ �����r� �i�� I�r����apir��; �n� ■ �J�� �r��n ��in� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 13 ���������� � ���������� ��a ���� � ���������� �� ��� ��� ������� �� ��� ��� �� ����� ����� ��������� � ���� �� ��� ������� ������������ ������ �� ���������� ��� ������ ����� �� ��������� ���������� ��� ������ ����� �� ��������� L.���#��� �l� ��'! ��lJ��l ��#L�1��IV ��A�; A��L��� ��R BY J��� � I�I��I���A�, t�r� �p����an� ��s #���d �ondit��rr�� 1��� Perrx�Et ��-�]� �� ��r�r���is� �vv� ��} ��r�������r�i�� r����er��e� �r�� �o�s��� � rx���c�d-c��� �ui�� r'ng vv�t� �, ��� �q ��r�-���� �� �f�c� �p��e ar� #�� ���nd-t��or ��d ��� �1 } ���or�d-�o�r ai�a�rtmer�t; a�d V�I�f���A�, �� �l�n��r�� �v�������r� �f t�e �i�ty �f Arroy� �rar��� ��c����� Re�o��t��r� �� � �������� ��R�������� ��� ���*� ���� �� ��i���� �' ����� ��� � VIIH�I��� t�� ������a�t h�� a�p���� ��� �I�r��;n� �orr�r��ss�on#� d���s��r�, �pecifi��l�r �or�ditio� af �pp�+ov�� ##15, r����dir�� ��� ��fiy'� �a�v�rr��nt ��� F�o�icy; �r�d � � � 1IV�iE��A�, #�e ��ty ��n��� c�� #I�� �� o� ��r�oy� �r�r�c�� �as c�a������ed t�i� ��peai at a ����i� �e�ri�r� �r� �I��rer�r��r ��, ���� �r� ��or��r��:e �nr�tf� t�� Il��c����i��� ���� �� t#�� ����r o� �►rr��o �r� r�d�; �nd II�F��F���l�, �� ��ty ��u����� fir��� ��t�� ��� ��u���r, ���i��rat��r� ��� ���li� ���ri��� ���� ��e f�l�av�r�r�g ��c�u������e� ��i�t: B�s�s of Ap��a� T#�e ����'� P�v�r�r�� �u� Po���� �Il�w� � �er�a�r� a�o�rr� o� ��s�ref�or� �c� �� �xer�i�ed w�r�r� �e�errr�inir�g wf�er� r��#r�c�i��� ��n � lif�ed ar�c� al�o w�a � r�p�ir� �or�s����e r+���orirr� � ���ee# ta it'� �r+e-��f ��r��f�ior�. �h�re �s �r� e�����r�� �v��er rr��er a�or�� Do�l��rr I�Va� �f�a� rr��r�� �e �r���r��r �l��r��or�ed �v���r ���r�vv�� o� �h� pr�j���� r�equirr'n� ���f ir��o Dod��r� Vlla�. T�i�� �b�r�dor��r�� rr��r �e de�err�ed �rr���l scr�i� �irr� �� �re�rs� ���� ��� �urrer�� r���ri��ior� ��o�%b�ir�� ��f� �� D�od�or� �a� �x�ir�e�� af#er �r�i��r orrl�r ���chir�g ar�d r�o r����i�g� �v��r�c� �e r�q�ri�ed �s � r���rlt of �1�e �u�. �i�er� #�� op��or� �� e�t�e� ���r�� �r��� #�e �#ree� �r�� r�e��vir�� ��� ��r+ee� f�orr� 1�� o� qufter #o ��r����line of ��r�e�# �Io�g ��� p�v�ect fr+�r��a�e �or��ur� �1� ��rr��r��#i�r� of #�� �r��e�� or �o��p�r�ir��r an�r s�r+�e� �u�� �r� �d�frtior�al ��ree ���rs ar�d r��� r�e�a�ir�g► �rr�r portior� o� �1�� s�r+e��, �h� �o�r���1 �ir�c�s �l��� dc�e �o ��e s���ifi� c�rc�rr��#�rr�e� app��ri��r �o �f��� pr�e�� ��� �o►�rn�r �p��or� �o��� s�����a��o�ily �e��o�+e #�e s��e� �o r��� ��-cu� cor�di�ior�� �x�al is f�er����e rr���+e c���i��en� wi#� �l�� ��r's �'�verr��r�� ��� P�Ir"�� �l��r�� �i�e ��#�e�. �or��itt�r��� IJ�e ��rr�i# �in����� 'I . �'he pro��s�d u�� i� p�rm�t#ed r�vi#t��� * t�� s�,b��ct �i�t��t pur���n# to �� ��v���or�� �� ��i� ���iorr �r�� �:or�����s vv�#�r al� th� ���lic��le �r��r;�i�r►s �� t�i� �it�e� �I�� ���I�, �r�� ���e�ti�re� �� ��e �rr��� �r�r��� ��ne�a�! p���►t �r�� tl�e de�r�lo���n# po�ici�� a�d s#��d�r�s �f t�e ��t�. � Agenda Item 8.g. Page 14 e� ���������� ��. ���� ���� � �. �. �. � � ��r ����� ���L��� �� ��� ���+� ����� ��� ����� ������ ���l���i� ��7 �� pr�v�d� �r��� f�r #f�� ��f�b��s�rrr�r�� �� �orpor��e, ��r��r�i��r��i�r�, ar�d rr��d���� ��r�s arrd f��i��ti��, �orr�rr�er���� �e►���e� ���� �►'e �e�c�ired �� ���po�t rrr��or bu��ne�s rr��dical d�vel��r��r��� �r�d m�+�i ��mi1�r I���sir��.' 7�f�� p�po��d �s� ��n���s of of�ic� �rea �� ��I� as �r� ���rfrr�er�# �n�l �� �I���ef�r� cor��r's�er�� �rit� �he �ta�e� �u�ose o� #i�� �1�I�J ��rr�rr� a�i��r�ct* T�� p�op��� ��� ►nro��� �ot ��pa�r �h� i�#�grity �r�� ��rra�#�r of t�� di��ric� ir� v�r�r�� i� i� �� �� �����i�l��d �r ���a���. Ti�e �r����e� ��� i� con�i���r�� �vi�� ����r cr��� ir� �l�e ��1�! �or��r�� dis�ri�t, v�r���l� �� �rx�pri���f �rirr�ar��y af �r+afess�ar�a� of��� ����, ar�d ��er+e��� w��rEa� rr�� �rr�p�r'r ��e rr��egr��� or �1��r�c�er �f ��e �l��J �or�ir�� dis�ri��. T�e �i�e i� ��r�t�b�e fo� �he ty�� ar�d �r�ten�i��r c�f u�� o� dev�lopm�r�� th�� �� �r�pa�ed. � �l�� pr���ec� �se �or�sr's�s �� affic� �r�d r+���ai�r��ial, �o�� of �rh��I� ar� ����a��� f�r �he s�te, �v�i�f� i� ��1ja�er�� �o �irr�i��r �ffic� arr� re�ider��i�� ����. �� �r�� �� �lso ��rifa�le �or �i�� pr�vp���d irr�er����y o� c��e� d�r� �� it� lo�a��or� wi�l��r� a �r��e�ion�1 �f�ice ��r�ridor ar�d pr�x�rr�i�� fo ��r�p��rr����ary ��rv�c��. Tl��re �re ���quate �ro��s�on� fv� water, ���it�t�or� a�rrd ����i� ��i����es ��� ����es �� e�s�r� ���M�� ���ttF� ��►� ������, T�e pr�ject �r��1 ��r�r�e�� �o �xis#ir�g c���lifi�s �r�d w�ll ��f a�fec� p�b�ic �ea�f� ar�d s����. �h� pro�os� c��� ���I not be ���ri��r�ta! t� t�� p����� he�lt�, ����ty �r �re���r� �r ������I�� �nj��i��� �� �ro�ert��� �r�� ��n�r+o�r��n��t� �r� �h� �r��i�ity, ��er�e is r�a�f�r'r�� �r�u�c�a! ��b�r�t �l�� �r��o�ed �►se ���� �i�l b� d��rirrrer���1 �o fl�e p���c ���1��, ��f�� or �velf�re �r rr�a�er��11� ir�j�rio�� �� �r��er#ie� ��d - irr��r�v�rr�er��s in ��e v��ir�it�r. ��VI�� �I�EF�EF���, �� I�` F�E���.11�� t�at t�� ��t� �o�n�il �f t�� �it� �� Arro�o �r�r��� ��r��� ������s #h� ��p��l a�r�� a���r��re� �c�ndi���r��� lJ�� ���mi� ��-��� �� r�r�o�ii#i�c�, k���e� �� �r� a�b��r� f�r��in��. �� m��or� b� �o�r�c�� ��mb�r C�ostello, s���d�d by �o�rr�r�� N�m�r �u#�rie, a�� by �he �olk�r�g rol� c�r� �rote, to v�rit: �#1�E�: �o���il l�llerrr��� ��������, ��t�r��� ���I�s� �r�� Il�l��r�r F�r�a�r� �V�E�: �or�e A��E�T: Nor�e AB�TAI � � �o���i� N��rr���� Arrrold the f�re�goir� R�olu�i�� v�� adopt�d ��� ���` day �f �erx�ber, ��. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 15 �������r��� ��. ���� ���� � _ �.�.�.�I _.,�'�---� - - � � .�_ � •�.-. �. a � - � � �����* ���..�.� � �� � ��� ��..���{ ������� �� �� �������: _ .� - .. . ,., � . � , F � ��� �'�i`��� ����7�� ������� �� �� ����: ., ��� ��"�� .,� �e ��� �i��� �������� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 16 ���������� ��• ��� � � ������ ii/l!! !�1 ���������� V� �������� ������I���� ��� ������ ����� ��� ����� ����.I i �� ���� ��i� ���r��ra�� ��#I��r���s t�e �er�r���i�i�r� �� tv�ro ��� ��r���e-���n���r r��id�r���� �r�d c����ru��i�r� �� � r�i���-u�e ��'r��ir�� �ri�l� 3,��� ����re�#��� �� �f�i�� ����� �� #�� �r��r��- fi�oor �n� o�� �1 � ���on�-f�oor ���rtrx�ent a� ��� �o�t� H�r�cy�rr R���. � w� �� � � � • ' �� ► � � � : ri ► ► :� �� � �� � , �#�� �pp1��r�t �t�al� ��c�r#�in �r�d c�rn��y v���� �li ��d�ra�, �#�t�, �o� r��y ar�� ��ty r��c��r�rn���� �� �r� ���I��a�le �� ���� pr�j�c#. �. �h� �p�l��a�n� ��ra��l ��rn�l�r �ri�� �ll �rr�i���r�� �� ������r�� ��r ��r�d���n�l ��� �'errr��t ��-����. �. �e����pr�er�� ���II ����rr �rr ����t��t��l ��r�f�rr��r��� �nr��� ��� �l�r�� �r���r���� �� ��� F��ann�ng �arr��nis�ior� �t th�ir �n�etir�g o� ��tok��r 3 ���� ��� �ar�c��' ��c��bi� �����; �. T�� ���fi�a��t �l��l! ��r�e to d�fe�� at ��s���r s��� �����se a�� ��tio� ��ou�f�t ������� ��� ��ty, i�� �r���er�� �r ��rnn�� ���r��s, �f�i����, �r �� ���.a��� �� ��� �����r��� �� ���� ���r��r�l, �r in �r�y�nr��r ��I��i�� �� ��� �r�p��r��r��a����� t������, or �r� t�� al����t�v�, to re�ir����sh suc� a�pprova�. ��e ��p����� s�al� ��ir�b�r�e t�� ����r, i�� a����ts, ��f��rs, ��- �r�n������s, #�r �r��r ����t oo�t� �n� ���rr���� ���'� �v���t� t�e ��t�r, �ts ��e�nt�, o��er� or errr���y��� may �� r��u��e� by � c���t �o p�y a�� � r����# �� ����r ��t���. ��� ��y r���, �t �#� ���� �i���re���r� ��r�������� �� ��� o�rr� ��c��n�� in �F�� d���rr�� �f �r�y �u��� a�t�ar� ��� su�� �art�c�p�t�an s��rr no� re�i��re ������r�t �� ������� �b��g��i�r�� �r���� ���� ���i���r�. �. ���r������n� �h��l ��r�f��n �� �f�� �ff��� l�i�ce�d-C.��� ��1V��..J� ��r�ir�� ��qu�r���n�� ��c��pt �� otherv�ri�� ���r�ved. � . _ _ -•�, �� � � � . � ,� ' � �►! •� � �. T�� �����c;ar�� ���II pa� �k�� �ro�e�t'� �r���r#i���r�� ���r� ��r �I�� ��E��rnrir�g v�r��t�w�f�r �pit�� it�r��r�v�rr���t p����t� f�r t�e net ir��r��s� �� �ra�e� ►+vast��a���r f�c��nrs: � . ■ ��der �t���� l����c�e� ■ I�oo�d���� �ri�� l�p€�r���, ar�� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 17 ���������� ��. ���� ���� � ?. �'�� �ro�e� ���II v�de� �� ��istir�� �e�rer ���era� to det��r�i�e it� �vr�ditio�. T�� ��t�r�l �h��� � r��a��e�d o� �e�l��� �� �ir���e� �y �he �ire�tor �� ��bii� Vlf��c�. �. ��e �roje�t ���i� r�move �n� ��p�a� ar�y �am���d or brok�� ��r�, gut��r ar�d ���e�v�lk v�rit�r�r� t�e ��oj��t fror�tag��. �. �h� ��aj��� �hal� �mov� �I�e e�c���ir�g dr�v��a�r �ppro��h orr �a�t� 1�����or� #��ad a�d ������� �� wit� �urb, ��tt�r �n� ����v�r��k. ��. �r�� �a�rx���� �� t#�� �r��� �u�tt�r a��r��� ��i��r� VY�� �a���d �� �or���ruc�t��� �f ��� pro��t s��l� r��uir� re�rnov�� �r�� r��l��em�r�� �f #I�e �r��� ��tfer, ��. Th� �ro���t ��all ir����� ��rt�, g��ter and �i���rv�lk i� tl�� Do��on VUay f�r�t��� �t �r���s ar�� a����m��ts to pnov�d� a��' v�r�de r��d. 1�. �h� ��ro�e� sh��� pay �t� �ro�r��c�nate �ha�e �o� ��pl�c�r���� o� �#�e ����yo� �nr�t�� I���, ����d �r� ��j�� �rar�t��e, '� �. T�� �r��e� ���I! �,a�r #�e �ity*� �r��ie��r��r�d ���I��i �rr-�i�u� ��e ��� �i�� �o��or� II1I�� #r�����. �4. T�e ir��r�a�e� storrr�w�t�r r�nof� �ause� by ��e prc�je�t �ha�� � e��t��r: • Retain� o�-�ite; a� � P���d to th� �rop ir���# �� ���t� i�al�yo� F�oa� ���a��n� to �k�� �o�p��a� 1�. �� rr�v�r ut�l�ti�s �or�n��t to �od�o� �vay, ��� �ro��ct ���I� ov�rlay Do�d�or� Vl�ay �►i�� �" of ��� T�pe `�' ����al� t� ��� ��m�#� r��e���ry �� er��ur� � rr��r�iranu� c�f ��I� ar�� � �a�c��um �� �°I� �ro�� sl�p� �ro� �ip �f �utter �o cer����i�� �f th� ro�d �t#�r�r� t�� ����� �ror�t���. 1 �. l� r��vrr ��i���i�� co�nr���t �� ����� �����c�r� ����, t�e ���j��� ���l� ��►�rta� ���t� #����yor� F��ad v��th ����" of ��� ��r�� 'B' �spi��l# tv th� lirr��ts �e�����r� t� en��r� � �ir�irx���n c�� ���� �n� � rr���cirx��rr� �� �°�� cros� ����� fr�rx� li� �� �c�tter �� cen���lin� o� th� �d vrriti��� t#�e �ro��t �r�nt�ge. �7. ��� ���e�t st�al� �i�di��� � �' Pc,bl�� �ti�i�y E���mer�t adjac�rrt t� �I! pub��� ri�i�t �f �va�y�. �� a� s������c c�f I�ss �I�a�r� �' �s a��r��r��, t�e �a��erx��r�t sha�i� �� ��� f��� �i�t� �� t�� s�t��c�c. '� �. �F�e �r��e�t sha�� ��di�a�� � � �' �tr��t ��ee �a��r���nt ad��r�r�� to al� ��b��� ri��� �f w�y�. �� a��t���l� of ��ss tha� 1�' �� approv�, th� e�s���r�� s�a��! b�e the f�l� . w�dth af #h� �e�k���k. . �� � � � � .� � �. �le�n a#� ��r�e#�, �c�r�s� ��tter� a��c� si���v�l�c� �� ��� �r��! �� #.�� ���`� ���ra�i��� �r �� �ire��e� �y t�� D��r�or of �onn�nur�ity �eve�opm�nt or �I�� C�i�e�fo� of Pub�ic 11'I��r�C�. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 18 ���������� ��■ ���� ��� � � ��. �����rx� �on�tructior� ��iv�ti�s durin� �orr�al ����t���� h�ur� �N�or�d�y t�ro��� �ri��y, 7 All� t� 5 P�� f�� r�o��� and i�����t�c�r� ��r�o�e�. T�� d�v�lo��r vr ca�tr��� ��all �efr�i� #ro�► �erforrr a�y work ath�r t��r� si�e m��rrter�an�� o����� o� t�es� �aur�, ����ss �n �m�rger�c� arise� �r ��pro�r�� by t�e ��r���ar �� Pu�b�i� VVorks. The �it� r�a� t��ld t�re d�ve�op�� �r �ntra�t�� r��po����i� #or ��y ��cp��n��s �r���rre� by t�r� �i�y ��e to v�►ork ���forrr�e� �u#std� of t1���� �►o�r�. ��':� �� ► ' ��► �1. ��! pr�je�� ir�n�r�ver��r�ts �ha�� �e ��si�ne� by a r�g��t�r�d c��r�� e�n��ne�r i� ��� ����� �� ���I��f�l�� ��{� �����U�@� ��1 ��C�D���1� 11'III��1 ��1� �l��l �� I��7��D ��`���� �tar��a�d Dr�a��ng� ��d �pe�i��tfor�s. ��. �ubr�it ���r ��} f�l�-���� ��pe� �o����, an� �� } ��I�-si�� �ul�rl�r ��p� �r�d orr� �� � �I���ni� ��p�r �r� �� �r� Aut���� ���m�� �� ���ra�r� i�����rerr�er�� �I��� �c�� ���p��t�o� p�r�a��� ��r�ng �o�ns���ti��. ��. ���r�i� a�-��i�t �lar�� a�� ��e c�orr�������� �� ��� �r����t �� ir�r��no�r�rr��r��� �� �ire�t�� �y th� I�ire�tar �f Pu���� IIV�rk�. �n� ��� s�t a� Nl��ar ��nt� ar�d ar� �I�ctr�ni� c���r �r� �� i� �4�����[� forr�nat �I�ail � re���re�. ��. T�� ��I���ir�� i��ro�r�r�n�r�� �l�n� sl���� b� �r���r�� ��r � r��i�t��ed �i�il ����r���r �r�d �ppr�v� �y th� �ubl�� Vlfocks �����trn�r�t: �. �r��i�r�, �r�i���� �r�c� ������� �r��r�l. �, �t�e�et psvir��, ��r�, ��tter ��� s���v�r�lk. �. ����i� uti�i�ies. �. 11'll"���r �r�� ��v�►er, �. �.��ds���ir� ar�� ir�ga��ior�. f. A��r �ther i��r��e��nts as ��q����d b�r th� ��rec�or �f P�bl�� 111Iark�. ��. ��� ���� �I�r� ���I� ir��[t��e t�� ��I���vir��: �. ��� lo�t�or� �nd ��e o� a�� e�cistir�g an� �ro�o��d �rva��r, ���ve�, ar�� s#�r� �r�ir�a�e fac��it�e� �v�tF��r� t�� proj��t s�t� and a�u�t�nc� stre�t� �r a�fey�. �. ��� ����i�r�, ���r�n#it� a�r� �i�� �f �II ��ci��ir�� ar�c� �r��o�� ���rrr�� I��er�l�. �. Tt�e Ioc�rt�r�, �i�� �nd �ri�r��ti�r� of �rl� t�a�� �n�lo��r��. d. A�� �xi����g �r�d propo��d p�r�l lir��s ��� e��er�n�r�ts ��a���ng t�� pr��e�t�. �. T�� I�ca#i�r� a��d �irr����i�� �� all ��c��t��� a�r�� �r�p�se� �a���� �r���. �� T�e lo�a���� �� ��� e���tir�� a�n� prv�o�ed ����i� �r �r'r��������li��e�. ��, Irr��rov��nen� plar�s �h��l �r�����e p�ar� ��d p�afi�� vf e�cist�r�� ar�d �n�p��e� s�re���* �����i�� ar�d �e�ir��r►g �va��s. �ir�r �������� ��� ����� ����� �� ������� ■ll���� ��� ������ � R1/��� �� ��1� ��� ����� ' �r��l� rx��r�� �r�� F'�fk� F���r���i�� ar�� �a�r:.i�i���s � a��r+��e� �y the �o��ur��#y � � � �����rr��r��s. �n �������, ��� �ir����� �f F'�bl�� Ill��r�cs ���I� �p�ro�� �r��r ���d����r�� �� �r����i�� �Nit�hir� � �u��li� ��I�� �f v�r�� �r ���r��rv�se �� t� �air�ta�r�� �� t�e �i#y. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 19 i ���������� ��* ���� � �� � � Y * f # i � �� • ��. ��. ����tr�cti�r� �nra�ter is a�rra�ila��� �� t�e �arp�ra��e �a�d. �t�� �i��r �f �rr��� �ra��� d��s r��� �ll��nr �he u�s� �f �y�dra�t ��ter ��cist�r�� v�r��er �e�v�ce� #a be a�bar��one� s�al� b�e �rop�rfy a���rd�r��f a�r�d �a��ped at #�e rrra�� per tF�� r�c���r��nent� of th� �ir�t�� o� �u���� V�l�rk�. ��� ������ar�� �1���� �orr�����e r�nea���r�� t� �e�#r�l��� ��� ����rr����� i�n�r���� i� w�t�� ��rr��r�� �r��#�d by t�� ���j�# �y ��t��r �f t�e ���I�vrri�n�: �. Irx����rr���t �r� ir�d�vi�u��� u����r �rogr�r�r� �;o��i����� c�� r��r�f�tti�� e�ci�t��� h���-��v�r ���r�rr��r�g fi�c#�,r�� v�r��h ��v��flouv ���ri���. �I�� �a��u������� �h�ll �� �uk���tt� t� t�� �i�re�#�r �� ������ Vll��c� #or r��i�v�r �r�d �p�coval. ��� �r�po�ed �n�i�r��u��l ��rra���r �r��r�r7r� ��r�il � ��r�rx�i�ed �� �I�� ��ty ���n��! ��� �ppr���� prior t� �r�rpl�rr��n��t�or�; �� �. ��� ���li�r�� rr��� ��� �r� ir�-���r� ��� �� ��,��� ��r ���� �r��v�r r�e�i��r��i�i �n�t ��� �q���r����t�. �► : ��. �� , ��. �4. 35. �a��� ����� �f���l �� �r��r�ded � �e��r��� ��v�rer �a�t�� A�� s�v�re� lat�r�i� �nr�t��n ��e p�bl�c ri��t of v��y rnu�t ���r� a�n�n���r� �i�p� o� �°l�. �Il - ��w�r rr���r�� �r �a�tera��� �r�ssir�� �r ��r��l�� t� ����i� v�r�t�r ���i�i���� ����r b� oorr��ru�t�d �r� ��cor��r�c�e v�v�t#� ��I�f�rr�i� �t�t� �--I����l� ���r��� �t��d�r`d�. ��cis�r�� ��w�r ����r��� to b� ab��d�n�d ����� �� pr���r�� aban�o�ned a�r�d �a��f �t #�� �n��� �e� tt�� �e�uir�r�r���t� �� ��r� �ir�#�r �� ���li� Vll��k�. ��t�ir� ��prov�l �ror� �he ����h ��u�ty ��r�i��tiar� Distr�ct f�r ��� dev�lo��e���s �nn���t to C}���ri�t �����i���� �ri�� �� i���a�� �� ��i��i�� ��rm��. � . . ��. ����r�� a�� ����av�rr��r�t ����� t� t�e pu��ic �til�t� �or���,nie� for ��prov�� �r�� c�rx�rx�er��. l��ilit� ��rx����� �h��� �� ������ed �� tl�e Dire���r �f ��bl�� Vll�rk� f�r a����o��l. A�� ��ili�� �or�n�a�r��e� s�ra�ll s��� t�e �r��ro�err���n� pl�r�� �r��r t� �i��l s�rb�it�a�. . ��. �r��r t� ���ro�rir�� �rr�� k������n� ���rr�i� �r�thi� �I�� �r�j��t ��r ����n��� ��� �u���� u#������� ����� �e ���ra#��r�a�f. ���:����� ��. AI! ��r�� r��a�ir� s���l �� c�r���ru�te� i� ��ord���e v��t� t�� �i�y ��c��� ��� �����y. ��. A�� �r�n�rir�g ir� ���y str��ts sharll u�ili�� ��r� �u�t�r��. �r�y ���r ��t� ��al� �e �I��r��� a r� � � �� �d �v�th � ��y. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 20 ���������� ��s ���� ���� � ��• ������ ������� ������ ����� �� ��������./� �� �� ������� ���� ����� �V� ����� ��� h� ���� t��� �� �� �����I� ��� �" �� �fas� II ��. �1. �v�r��y, �I��r �ea� ar ��g �ea�� a�y r���s ��d��t� to �I�e ��t� ��ar to ���pt��ce �� th� ��#y� a� ��r�ct� �� t�� �i���or af Pc��i�� Vl�ork�. ���J:������ ��:�T��T�T��i�:� ��. lJ�i�i�� ��v�r ���� f�r ��I r����r� r�r�a��e ir� ��r�, ��1t��, ��� ������l�c. ��. �r����rl� �r�e v�r��1s v�r��h d��� roo� banrf�� #�� a�l tr�e� ���r�#�d ad����r�� �� �c�r�, ��#t�r �n� �id��r�1�c to �r�v��rt ��m�g� �ue t� ror�� grov��. .*� � .� �. F'�r��rr� ��i �r�dirr� �r� �;or����r��r��� ►r�►i�l� ��� ����r ����i�� �r�������. �4�. ������ � �r���r�in�ry ��i[� r��o� �r�p�r�� �� � r��i���re� ���ri� �r��in��r �rr� ����ort� b� �deq��t� t��t b�r���s. �II e��kt��rvo��c d����r� a�n� �����ng sh�1� �� ���F��� ir� ��ro��a�r��� �ri�t� ��e a�p�r�u�d ��i�� r��c�rt. ��. �ub�it ��� ret���i�g �r��! �a�����t�o�� f�� ��v�e� ��d �p�rov�l �� th� Dire��or o� Publ�� Vl��r�cs #or �nra1�� n�� �a�������� to �ity s��r�d�r��. ���: � � � ��. �II �r�ir���� ���il�#i�� �F�a�ll b� ���i��n�� �� ���r����a�� � � ��-�r�a�� �t�rm fl�v�r. ��. TI�� ap�����r�� ����� ��o�r��� ��t�i��� ��airr��e �I�u����or�s �r�di�a�ir�� tha� ��� i��r���ed rur���f c�� �� ��orr��ad���d �� ��i��ir�� ���ili�i�� �r����r �r��r�d� ����i�e r���r����n ���i��, �� #�e ���i����t��� �€ �i�� �i���t�r �� I�� �li� �Il��rks, � � # •► ��� � �� �► ��. AI� ������r��, ����n��r�r�n�r�ts� �r ��r�ni[�� �o�urner��� �� �e r��o�de� �� � doc��n�nt sha�� be r�pa�ed �� t�e ap����nt �r� 8'�� �c � 1�rty �tar��ar� ���m�, �r�� � ��r�l� in�l��� ���I ���ri��i�rr�, ��c������� ���s�r� �a����l�#i�r��, �r�� � ��r���� pr�l��ina�ry #itle r�epo�t. �I�� a���ira�� si�all b� re�pon�i��e f�r ��� re��ired ���s, �r�cl��ing ��� �c��iti��a� ��c��ir�� ��ty p�es��r��. �� ��. �b�a�n arr ����o���ent ��r�i� ���r �o ��rfo�ir�g �ny of th� �o�fo�v�r��: ■ ��rfor�in� �vor�c i� t�� ��� rigl�t o� �a�y, ■ ��a�in� v�vo�c �r� t�e ��#�y �i�ht af w�y, ■ ����c�i��r�g ���e�ia�l �r� ��� �i�y r��l�� �� ��►ra�� ■ �#�rin� e�u��m�r�t i� the �ity r��h� �� �ay. �1. �bt�ir� ��r�a�in� p�rrr��t �r�r t� �o�nrr�����mer�� o� a�ry �r��i�� oper�#�s or� t�� �it�. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 21 ���������� ��i ���� ��� � � ��• ��� ��� ������ /� ��� ���� �� ��� ���� ���� ��� ���M � � . ��. �ee� #� �� �a�� ���r t� ���r� a��ro��l: . .. ■ �ap �I�e�c�c ��e, ■ Pi�r� c�e�k f�e for g�ad��� plar�s bas�� ar� �� appr��ed e�rt��nr�rk �s#�r�a��� � PI�� �I�e��c �� f�r i��rr��er�n�r�� �I�r�� ����� �� a�r� �p�aro�red cor���ru��r� ��# ��t��a�� ■ P��it fe� for ���ding ��ar�� �ased or� �� �pprov� e�r#h�nr��c ����r�n�t�, ■ �n�����o� fee of �r���� �� pu��i� wo�c� ca�n�tr��tior� �l�ns b��e� o� ar� �pp�o�e� �or�����#�or� �o�� ����m�#�. ,� : � 1 ► ��. Ir�s���t�or� �gr�����#: ��i�� t� s��r���l �� �� irr�pr��r���rr� ����, �h� ���Eicar�� �hail er���r ir��� �r� ��re�rr�er�� v�ri�� ��e ��ty f��r ����e�#��n �� #�e �e��ir�� irn��ov��rn�n#�. ��. Im�ro�r�rr��r�� Agree�ent: �'�r� ap���car�t ����� �r�t�� i�t� a� �r�er�er�t f�r t�� �orr�pletror� �r�d g��r�nt�e �� improver����� r��u�retl. ��� �g�eer�en# s�a��l �e �� � f�rrr� �cc���a�l� �� ��� ��ty, ��, �� ir��� ����i���� ����I �� �� a� ��rrn �� ��� ���tF� ir� ���re���rx��r�� ���� �e��i�r� 1�.��.���� �nr��c�ve�n�r�t ���uri�ie�. �� . ���r��� �r� �r����n�er'� ��ti�a��� �� ����t�t��� ��r �c���i� ��n����erx�e�nts �� re�►i�v�► k�� �I�� �����t�� �� P�b�i� 1III�rk�. ��. P�ovi�e fr��r�ra�� ��c�r�� �or �he ��I�a�vi��, to b� b���d �rpon a ovr��tru���an �o�t ��tirr�a�� app���r�d �� t�� C]ir�ct�r of Pu��i� 1�Vor�c�: �. ��i��fi�rl ��rf�r�����: 1 ���1� �f ��e ���r��r�� ��t��a��� �:v�t �� �l! s��ad�v�sio� i��rav�me��s, �. �a�b�r ar�� II���#�r����: ���� �� ��e ���ro�red ��t�� c��� �� a��l st�k�d�vis�o� irrn�rov�m�n�� �. �r�e Y�ar Cu�rar�t��: ��°/o o� the appraved e�t�matec� �c��� �f.a�� �mp��ve�ent�. Tl�is bo�� i� re���r� p�or ta a�e�t�n�� o� t�e im�rove�e��s. � � � � � � _ � � � � � � �...� ��. l�l�� 1����1�1�� ��'i��� � ��]����1��1��. �. �11 ���r�t��� �r��e�t �I�r'����V�ri'����� ���I� �� C�arl�t�.��t$C� �]r��r �� o��pa�r�� . [Vor�e�ser����� i�pr�v��rr�r���, ��a�r�nt��d #�� �� ��r����r�� ��� � Agenda Item 8.g. Page 22 ���������� ��� ���� ��� � � � li������ ��i�i������� # � 1�� ��r �i����� i.�l�i��� �Il�.� ���e�����.r� C�.� � �� .�r�+ .� �� �1 ��r ����L��� �� �����V �����. 5 � � � � � � � � i r � � � � �� � �1 �:7�T��� ► � �7�� 7� . The �r��e�t sh�ll ���np�y v�rith ��e rr��st r���n� ed�t�o�� o� th� �aC�#��r��a� �ta#�,F�re �r��f �u��dir�� �odes ar�d tl�� Ur���orm ��i�d��n� �n� �i�� ��d�� �s ��opted �y t�e �ifiy o� A� �r��de. ��r ������� �������� ��/�������� ���� ����� ��� ������� ���#����� ����� i I���� I ��r�r� �r1��. ��. A�I fire �a��� �ust �� pos�ed a�n� �r��ar�e�, p�r F'����� {]�pa�trnent �nd ��r� Depa�tment ���del��es. �'4. T�e �roj�� s�a�l #��ve ��ir� f�o�v ba�e� on tl�e ��i�farr�ia �i�e ���� A���r��i�c I��- �r f ��. �'rior t� �oranb��t��l� m�t�rial� ��ing pla�� or� ��t�, ��re ��rt��ar��s s�all be �������e�, ��r �ir� ���}��tl''rl��►� �!'1� ��.i�l�� I�II�r�C� ���artl�l��� ���Ii�f�rC��� ?�. ��or #� oc�u���c�, t�e a��li��r�t rr�ur�� �rov��e �r� �pprov�d `�ec�rity k�� va���'� p�� ���Idir�� �rr� ��r� ��par�m��t �����l�r��s. ��. �r��r �� ������r���r� ��� �r�il�in�� r�r��� �� ��I��r ��r�n�c���ed �� ��r����r�� ��� ���� ��pa�r#rr��rr� ��i��l�r�e�. �"�. ��r��ri�� �ir� �e��rtr���� ������red a���� �r ��rin�ci�r ��r���r� ��r hfa����r��l �i�e Pro�ec��an �sso��at�a� ���r��ards. ��. �'���� t� i���ar��� o# �����ir�� p�r�m�� or ��ild��g �er�it, �v�i��ev�r o�c�r� fi��, ��p��car�t ����I s��►�v p�o�f af �rop��y ���r��or�i�g ��I nor�-�o��c�r�ir�g it�r�� �u�#� �� ��p��� ����C�, �re���, �r����rgr��r�� ���ir�� �r�c� ���e� �rr��e�ir���� con�i���r��. ��. �r��r �� is�u���n�� �� � l��iic�ir►g p��rrr�i� � ��r��li���n �e�r�r�� r�r���t �� ����ed. I��v�l�prner�� ���� �es����r�� �r�r�r� �e��l����r� v��l� �e a����o�ri����� �r��it�� �� �I�� prop��y. � � ..��� � ■ a � � � 81. �r�y �e����r �o�t� ��r��r�t�d t�� �uts�d� ������tar��� ��a��� b� pai� �� t�e app�i�an�. . � ��. illla�e� �n���r, ��rvi�� rr��ir�, di��ri�����r� ar�� a�r�����ili� f��; t� �� b��e� �r� c���� �r�� ra��� ir► ef���t a�� ��e ��r�r�e �f k��ildin� p��r�it i�s��r�ce. Agenda I�em 8.g. Page 23 ���������� ��i ���� ��� � � � 8�. i�Vater neut�ralr��tfo� ��e; to �e b�s�� �r� �oc�e� ar�d r�rtes �r� e���t a�t ��e ���ne �� �u��l�ir�� �err�i� ���u��r���. 84, ���f�� i�p��t �e�; �o b� ����� �n cod�s �r�d r�#�� �r� e���t at t#�e ti�� �f b��ld�ng ��r�it i����r�c�. ��. ��a�i� s�gnal��a�t�on ��e; t� �e b�se� on �a��� ��� r��e� �r� �f#e�# �� tf�� ��m� �f �u��d#i�g �errr��� is���r���. ��. ���r�r ����-�� ��� ���i��t� ��rNrn�� �e�; �� �� ba��d �r� ����� ��� ra���� �� ��fe�� a# ��e �frr�� �f �ui�d��� �err��t i����n�e, �7. ����r���� ���, �� �� �ase� �r� �o��s ar�� ��#�� �r� ��#��t �t ��� #i�� �� ��r���ir�� p��rr��� ���uar���. ; 8�. Bui�dir�� perrr��t ��es; to �e b���d o� c��s �nd �at�� i� �f���t �# th� ti�e of b�fl�i�g �r�ni� �����rr�e. ��. �tr�r�� �1A��ic�� Irr��rur�ne�#����r� �r����� ��I�A�F�� �e�; t� �� .b���i c�r� �c���� �r�c� ra�#�s ��r e�fe�t �t �h� ���n� o� �u��d�r�g p��rr�it i���anc� �r� ���r���n�e �r��h �tat� rr�a�r���#e. ��. �a�c d����o�rr��r�t ��e; #� �e b���d or� �o��� �n� r�t�s �r� ef#��� �t t�e t�rr�e �f ����di�� p�r�i� ��su�n��, � ��. ��rk ���r��rer�rr����s f��; �� b� ����� �r� �o��� arrd ra���� .ir� e�f�ct a�� ��� tir7r�e �� ���I�i�� ���i� i����r���. . ��. ��r�e� �r�e� ���� ��. b� ��sed �n ���es �r�� ����� in �f���:t �� ��� #�rr�� �� ��ir���� ��m�� �����nce. ��. �r�rr��r�it� �r��er� ���� to b� b���� o� cod�s an� �a�es �� ��f��� �t t�� t��� �� �ui�di�g ���mit i�sua�n�e. ��. ��re p�o���tior� ���; to b� b��e� �r� �o�es an� r�t�� �� �ff��t �t t�� �ir�� o� k��il�i� ��m�# is�����e. � 9P 3�. F'oli�e fa���iti�� fe�; to �� �as�� on �o��� �r�d r�te� ir� ����� �t t�� tir�� o� �ui�d�ng perrr��t i��u�rr��. i � r � � � � + � � * + ; � � � � ► :i �� � � ► ��. �r%or �� ������� �� �u����ir�� ��n���� � f�r��l la������ �I�r� �l���� �� �ub�i�te�, ���j��t �� ���ie�r ar��i a���r+��r�� ��r t�� �ire��or� �'�rk�, F���r�����r� ��ci �a��i���i�s. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 24 ���������� ��• ���� ��� � � � � � ■ a � a # � �� ll � ������ ���������� y ��'. �l�e pro���t �ha�� �til��� p�r��a��� pa��r�n� or� t�e r��r po��r� �# ��� pa�Cin� lo� �v ��r��mi�e �rnp�c:# to ��ci���r�� tr���. 9�. TF�e f�nal ��r�d��pe ��arr ��a�l b� ���j��t �o r�viev� �rrd �PProva! �� t�e �r�Y�i��c��r�l F�e�►��w ��r�r�nitt�� {����, �LA��I�I� ����I��IC�N - • •►■ �� _ �9. ���or t� ��s���c� �f � b���dir�� p�rm��, tt�� �p�l���n� ����� rer.�r� � ��� raner�er to ���n������e the tv�r� ��c�����g I�t� i��� � sir��l� ���. � ��. 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Page 26 � ����� � � � � � � Arro�� �r�d� ��a�n�r�� �e��ent �; �onc�itio�a� U�� �e�it # �6���� �t�����o� �1��� ����u�m���, �ept�mb�� 1 �,�0�$ ��� � � ��� � ���� ��� ���� �� � �� � �� � � � � am rec�u�s�g a� ��t�r��io� �or �o�di��r�� �s� �ert��t # ��-����. T�is pe�� �s �or #�e �ra�e� lo�a#�ec� �t �� 1�. I��.1�y�n A�re., �rray� C�ra�c��, �� 9�4��. . � you f� c��s�.�e�ration. � r i r ��� �������� J ��� �T��I'1���� ��� �� I�u�s ��is�o, �� 9��4�1 7��-���5 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.g. Page 28 � �� � � �� � �� � IN�ORP�RAT�D �� � � � � � .1�J��r a o, � � � � ,� C��� ��� ���� ��. 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Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 ��T1� ��IJIV�IL TE�C ��-��"� ; �HEF�F�Y ���EFt D���III�B�f� �, ���� PA�E 2 ��V�#Ll��l� �� I��IJE�: E�ct�r����n� �� tir�� r�a�� �� �r�r�t�� �r�i� if i� i� f��n� tf��� ����� h��r� b��� r�� �i��nific�an� �h�n��� i�r �F�� ����r�l Pl�r�, N1��i�i��l ���e, �r �ha�ra�ct�r �f th� �r�� �vi���n v�rhi�� t�r� �r����t i� E�����d #I��� �nr�u�l� ��s� th� �ppr��r�� pro���� t� �� ir�j�ri�us t� ��� ��blr� �e��th, ��f��y �r �r�r�l�a�re, �t�ff h�� n�� i��r����i�� a��� �i�r�i�i��t �I��rr��� t� #h� �b��r� th�t v�r��l� ��u�� ��i� �r����� t� �� inj�ri�u� �� �h� p��li� �r��ltk�, ��f�ty �r �v�1f�r�. I--l��v��r�r, i� �h��ld b� r��t�� th�t �f�����r� �1 �.�� �n� '� �.�� �f ��e Il�u�r�i�i��l ���� �nr�r� �rx��rr��� in ��r�� ���� t� ��t�b�i�� ��r��t�r �r�el� �e�����C �t�r���rd�. ����if ���I�r, ���ti�n '��,��,���.�.�1�.� �f �I�� D��r�l��rn�r�t ���� �rrr�� ����� t� requ��r� � r��nir��r�r� ��tb���C �� thir�yfi�r� ���� ���'� ��r �rr��� �r�r��e �r��l�, The �r�j��t v►r�� ��pr��r�� v�r�t� � conditi�� tl��t t�� fin�� ����� rrr�� �h��rr �n i�r������1� �ff��r t� ���i��t� � t�renty-fi�� ���t ���r} �r���c ��tb��k a���� �� �k�e �i�y in�lu�din� � �i� ���t {�'� v�rid� p�����ria�r� ����r. ��ur��il ��t�rr�nit���, ����� �r� a� t�p �f b��k �n�l���� �r��ri��� �� a li��n��� ����I �ngi���r t��t th� t�� �f b�r�� �r� �hi� ��rti���a�r ���� ��uld b� rr����ur�� u��ir�g � h��r�������1 t�� �� ����c ����rr�ntn�ti�n. 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Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 �� ������� ��� ����� � ������ ����� �������� �� ���� ��� � � � I ��������� �L� ■ � ��� ���j�c� v�ra�� ��pr�v�d �ri�r �� �111��i����f ���� ���r���� r�l���d �� �����c ��tb��� ���u���rn��t�, �n� �h�r�f�r� ���s n�� �o��i� v�r�th ��rr��r� ����i�n 1�.�.���.�,'��.i �f �h� ���������rr� ����. �[V111 F��I�I�I�I���#L F��111E1N: �V� ���i��r��n�n�a�l r��r���n► i� r��uir�� ���r this i��rrr. ��itig�t�� n���ti�r� ���lar��i��r v�r�� ���r��r�d v�r�tl� th� pr����� ap�r��a�i. - . PIJ�L�� �V�T1�1�1�����f �#[V� ���IIIlI�I�I�T�: �h� a���n�a� v�r�s ��st�d ir� fr�rrt �f �ity �I��� �n �hur ��cer�n��r �, ����. �`I�� �g�n�� ��� r���rt �r�r�r� p�st�� �� t�� �i�y'� �r������ �r� �ri�a��, ��cer�b�r �, ����, I�� �u�li� r..or���r�t� �r�r�r� r�����r�d, � A��l� r�n� r�t : �1. �� '� 'I �� �:1�nrnuni#y E�v�Io�r��ntlPi��J���'�ITF�C1���001 �herry �reeklTE)C �8-��1_��_F�PT.doc Agenda Item 8.h. 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IV�1�V, �`��F��F�I��� �� 1T �����11�� �I��� �I�� �ity ���r��il �� �I�� ��t� �� �rr��� �r�r��� ���r��r�� � �n�-���r ��rx�� ��ct�n�i�� f�r 1l��tin� ��n���i�� Tr�ct �I�� IV�, �4-��� a�nd �la�nn�d �.Jn�t D��r���p�n�r�� IV�. ��-���, �nr�t� t�� a����r� fin�ir��� arr�d s�r�j��t t� �h� ��n�i���n� � �� ��t ��r�l� i� E�ch�bi� "A" �tt����d her��� �r�d �r���r��ra��� ��r�in b� ��ri� r���r�r���, 1l���in� T�r�t��i�r� ��a��� �Il�p IV�, ��-��� �r�d ���r��r�� l�r�i� ��v�l�pr���� 1��. ��-��� �ha�ll r��v�r ��c���� �n �I�v�r�nb�r ��, ��'� �. �n r�����n �f ���r���� IVl�rr���r , ����n��� �� ������1 �111�r�b�� ,�r�d b� �l�� f�ll�urrir�� r�ll ��II �r���, t� v�ri�: Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 ���������� ��■ ���� � �� � ���� • ���� ■ ������■ ��� f�r���ir�� F����I��i�n v�r�� ���p��d t�i� 9��' ��� �� h���r��nb�r, ����, Agenda Item 8.h. Page 5 ���������� ��• ��4C � 3 � F � T�CV�f Il�i. FEf�RAF�A, �A�#�f�� �TT��T: �{�L��Y VII��II�I�F�E, �il�����I� �F �DII�III�I��TRAT�IIE ��RVI�E�1 ���Y �L��MC ��P��11�� A� T� ��I�TEIVT: �TEVEIV A�AII��, ��TY IIA�#NAC EI� A����11�C� �#� T� F�I�II�l: �III��TF�Y ,J. ��F�IIA�i�, ��T� �TT��NEY Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 �������I�� ��i �A�� � �F � ��HI�IT ,*�►�� ��1V��TI��V� �� A����11�L T'I�E E�C��I�����V I��. ��-��'� V��T�I�� TEIVTA�`�ll� TF�A�T I�IAP ��. ��-��� �IV� ��11V1��� I.JIVI� D�V�L��11I��I�T IV�. ��-��� ��A�RE P��P��TY' L��AT�� �A��' �F �����AI� PLA�E AND N��TW �� EA��` �HE�F�Y A11�1�L,�E ��TE�V�I�I� ��I-[El�F��f �F��EMC PF�����T� C�h��F�A� ��I�Di����V� Ti�i� �rp�r��r�! �ruth�r���� a� �n�-��a�r t��rn� ��ct�r�si�r� f�r 1l��tin� T�r�ta����r� ����t Il��p h��. ��-��� �r�� �I�n��d l.�r�i� ���r�l�pr��r�� I��. ��-���, �nr�i�� v�r�� �ri�inarll� �ppr���� �� �h� �ity ���n�il �n IV��r�� ��� ���� �� ����ivid� � 3�-a��r� �it� ir�t� ��irt� ���} r�������i�l �ots. 'I. Th� ���li��r�t �1���1 ��c�ert�i� �r�d co�npl� �vi�h ��1 F���r�l �t�t�, ��ur��y �nd �ity � �� �r� a���ica1��� �� this �r�j��t. �, �#�� �ppli���t �ha�ll cc�rr��l� v�ri�l� �II ��r��iti��� �f ���r��r�l f�r ll�s�in� T�n�����r� T���t II�I�� IV�. ��-��� ��� Pl��n�� 1.lr�i� ���r�l��r�r�rr� I��. ������. �. ll��tir�� T�r���ti�r� �Tr��t Illla�� N�. ��-��� �n� Pl��r��d l�r�i� ����I��rr��r�� �I�. �- ��� ���I� �u��rr��ti��ll� ��cpir� �n �l���rx���r �� ��'� �. T�� a���li�a��� rr��]� ����]� ��� fi�v� ��} �dditic�r��l �r��-���r ��r�n� ��ct�r��i�r�� ��r��a��� �� ���r�l�pr���t ��d� ����i�n '1 �.'1 �.'I ��. �. F�r ��I ���Id�rr� p�rr�i�� i��u�� i� tl�� �u����t ���r����rr��r��, ��� ���I���r�t ���I� p�� �I���� ���r����r�n�r�# i����t f��� t��t �r� ir� �if��t at �h� �irr�� ��� ���Iding ��rr�i#� a�r� i����� . Agenda Item 8.h. Page 7 ����� � � � � � � ������ ���� In�r��d���� �� ��r�at�r L���n�hal F�bruar�r 12, 2��8 ��. � � �� Ar� ��t �� ����c� ���ti�r� �����.11 �f, t� arrY�r�cl �c� r�r��mb�r �e��io�� �f45�,11 ar�� �f4��. l� of, a�� to rep�a� ���tion 6645�. � 3��, the Cov�rnm�nt Cod�, relatix�g to lar�d us�, and declar�r�� t�e ur�er�cy the���f, to take ��F�ct ir�rr�ediate�y. LE�I�i,�TIVE ��LTI��EL�� �I�E�T �� 11 ��� as ir�tr�c����ci, L���v�r�th�l. L�� r��� Sli�[�1�T1�1��1 �Yl��}S � 1} The ��bdi�isi�r� IVIa� A�t �stab�ish�s a state�v�de re�ulator� �I`�I�1����� ��� ��Il�����I�� ��� �11�C�1�1��I�� �� �7�1(� �t ��r����11�r ��q�ir��� � subd��id�r to submit, ar�d have a��r���d b� t�i� cit�y, �our�ty, or �it� ar�d cou�ty �� u��i�h th� lar�d i� situated a t���ative or v�stir�� t�nt�tiv� map, whi�1� �or�fe�s a�r�sted ri�ht to �ra���d �vith d��elopm��t i� sut�star�tial �o�p��ar��e �vit� s�e�ifi�d ardir�a�ces, �o�ic�es, and sta�dar�s. T�e a�t �rov�des for th� ��p�ratio� of ter�t��i�e or �resti�� ��r������ rn���, �f��r �����fi�el ���i��s ��tirr��, ar�� sp��if��a�lly ��t�r�d� �y � 2 mo��hs the ex�iratior� date �f �r�y t�r�tati�re or �estir�g te�t�t�ve ma� �� parcel ma� far v�rhi�h a t�r�t��iv� or v��ti�g ter�t�ti�e map �as ���r� a��r�v�ci th�� �a� ��� ���i��� �r� 1V�a�� � �, 199C. Thi� ��t������ �� in �c�c�iti�� t� a�y �t�i�r ��.����i�� �f �he ��pirati�� c��t� �r���rl�ci f�r� ir� �����fi��l ����is���� �f` th� ��t. Ar�� 1����1ati��, adm�r�i�tr�tiv�, �� �th�� ���r��va1 ��r ar�� ����1 ���r��}r, s�at� a�����, �r �t�i�r ��1����a� subdi�isior� of the s�ate th�t pert�ir�s to a dev��opm��t �roj��t i�cl�d�d in a rn�p �hat �s �xt��de� is to �e e���r�de� �y l� mor�ths urYder s���i�ied ����iti�r��. T�ii� bi�l ���1c� ��t��r�� ��i� ���1��aE�1� ���ir�ti�r� ���� �� 24 rr���th�, �� �p���fi�c� ��r a�y v��ti�� ��r�tati�r� �a�, in a�c��iti�r� �� a ��r�tat�v� rr�ap, �e�erally. By �.ddi�g to the procedu�res o��i�1s ir� cou�ti�s, citi�s, �� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 8 �� � �O� �� �d ��t�es ar�d ���n�ies rn�st follow, thi� b�ll wau�d irnpose a ��at�-rnar�c�at�t� 1��a1 ���gr�rn. ��� Th� Ca�iforr�ia �ar�stitutiox� re��i�es th� stat� to reirr���r�� local �g�r����� �r�� ���i��� �is��t� ��r ��rt�ir� ����� �an�a��� �� t�� sta��. �t��.i�or� �r��i�i�n� ��ta�1i�� �������r�� ��� rr�a�i�� t�a�t r�irn�aur�em�r�t. T`�i� �i11 ����c� ����i�i� ��iat, i� t�i� ��mrni�s��r� �r� ��a�� 1VI�r��at�� c��t�rmir��s t�a� �h� �i11 ��r�ta�r�� ����� �a�da��� �� t�� �t���, reirnburserr�er�t ��r those costs s1�a11 be rx�ade purs��t to these �tatutory �r�v��i���. ��� T�i� �ai�1 v�r��1c� c���1a�r� tha�t �t i� t� �a�� ��F��t ir���ia.t�l� a� ar� �rge�cy stat�te. ���e; ��� . Ap�r��riati�r�: r��. �'���al ��mrnitt��: y��, ��ate-mand�t�d 1o�a1 ��ogr�m: �res. �he ��o��e o f��r� �'�a�e o� f` C'a�r� fo�r� ia do e�za�� as � f'o��o�vs.+ 2 � 4 S � � 8 9 1� 11 1� 13 I� 15 16 1� �8 l� �� �1 2� �3 �4 ����'��1� � . �e�tior� ��4�2.11 of the �o�err�r��r�t �od�, as ��cl�c� �� ����i�� 1 �� ����t�r ��'7 �� th� �tatu��� �f 1 �9�, i� arn�r�c��� �� r�a�l: C���2, � 1. �a� T�� ����r��i�r� ci��� �� �.n� t�r�tativ� �� r���s�ir�g ��r��c��i�� ��l��i�i�i�n rr�a� �r �����1 rr��� f �� ����1� � ���t�tiv� �r� v���ir�g ��n�a�ive �ap, a� ��te ccx�e rr�ay be, ha� b��n approved that �]�� �]�� ���1��C� ��] �:�]� C���� ��]�� �1� ��� �]��� C��'#��C�� ��11� se�t�on becornes �f���ti�e sh�11 b� ��te�d�� by �4 �or�ths. �� �'�� ��t�n���� �r��ric��� 1�� ���di�i���r� ��� sl��ll �� � addition �o a�y �x�er�sior� af t�� e�piratior� �at� provided for in ��ctior� ��45�.� �r �C4C3.�. ��� A�� 1����lat���, ad.mir�i�trat�v�, �r �th�� a����v�1 �� a�� ��a�� agency� ��� �'���� �� ���:���;� that ��rtair�s t� a c�������rx���t �r�j��� i��1���� i� ��a�� ���t i� ��t��d�c� pu�r��a�r�t �� ����ii�i�i�r� �a� ��ia�1 �� �����n��c� l�� 2.� r�����i� i�'thi� a��r�v�l ��� r��t �xpir�� �� t�� cl�t� ���t ��i� a�� t�at� c�rr���a�� t�ii� se��io� becom�� �fFective. �E�. �. ����i�r� �C4��,1 l �f ��i� C����nm�r�� ��d�, a� a���c� by �ec�ior� � of ��apter G 1� of t�e ��atute� af ���7, i� ���ded a�� r�r�u��n����� �� ����: . , ��45�. �4 �a� Purs�ar�t t� the pro��sions of subpa�ag�raph ��� of �ar��ra��i ��} of �ubdivisior� �a� of �ectior� CG427.1, th� ���c�i�i��r ��i��� gi�� �v�itt�r� ��ti�� �f' t�� �r�t�r�� t� ��nv�rt � �� �� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 9 � 2 3 4 5 � 7 � 9 1� 1� 12 13 1� l5 1� �? 18 19 �� 21 �� �� �4 �5 2� �fi �� �� 3� 31 �2 3� �4 35 3� 37 38 39 �� � �� � ��� c�ays ��ior ta the terminatior� of t�r�ar��y �n t�ie fa�rn a�tlir��c� ir� s�bc�i�i�ior� �b}� t� �a�h t�r�ar�t of t�i� subj��t prop��. {�� 'i'h� ���i�� s��11 �� a� f�11���: "To the occupar�t�s� of �ad�ress� �h� a�v�er�s� o�`t��s b�ild��, at �adc�r�s�}, plar�s t� �or���r�t this b�ilc�ir�� to a�co�do���ium, cornr�unit� a�artme�t, or sta�k �aop�rat��e praje�t}. Th�s i� a noti�� o�' the o�r��r's �r�t�r�t�o� to ��r���rt t�i� �uilc�i�� t� a ���nc��r��r�iur�, ���unity �p�rtm��t, �� �t��� �����ra���v� �r�j����, A. t�r�t�ti�e r�ap to cor��er't t1�e bt�ildir�g to a�ca�dorni�iu�, cornr�ur�ity a�artrr�ent, or stocl� �aa��rativ� proje�t� �vas ���ro�ed �� ��i� �ity �r� . If` t�� ��ty a���r���s a fina� rna�, ��� rnay b� required to va�ate t�e �remises, b�t t�iat car�t�ot h���a�n f�� a� 1�a�t ��� �a�r� f'r�rn �h� c�at� thi� r������ v��� ��rv��l ���r� you. Any future noti�e gi��r� to �o� to t�rmir��te �ou.r ter�ar��� becau�� �� th� ��n���s��n �a��� �� ��F���iv� f �r �� 1�a�� 1 �� c�a��� fr�rr� the date t��s x�otic� �va� ser�ed upon you. T�i� pr�s�r�t r�ot��� is Il�� � �'l��l�� �� ��I`�Y1��1��� ��LIT ���1�21��; 1� 1� Il�� � 1���1�� �1�� ���1 r���t r���r ��.���� �� ���rr�i���. �sigt��tur� �f �w�x�r �r �wn�r's ag�nt� (date} T'h� writt�n r��ti��� �� ���a�t� r�c��ir�c� �� t�i� s���i�r� ��a11 �� ���rr��� �at��fi�c� i� �u�� ��ti��� ����1� �ith th� 1��a1 r�c��ix�rx���ts �'�r S�r�1�� �y rr���l, ���. �, ������� �����. �2 ��'t�i� ���r�rnrn�n� ��c��, a� ac�c��c� �y S��t�o� 7 of �ha�t�� ��� of th� �tatutes of 2��7, is ��e�ded ar�cl r�r�u�����d t� ����; ������� �.� ..��:_:. ���,��. � 5 �a} Pu��ua�t to sub�aragraph ��� af paragr��h ��} of st�bd�vi���� �a� of ��c��o� 6�427.1, the subdi�ider s���� g�v� v�vritt�r� r��ti�� v�r�t�in f�v� �a�r� aft�r r���i�t ��` t�a� ��bd�vi���r� �� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 10 �� � ��� � 2 � 4 5 � 7 $ 9 �� 11 �� 1� 14 l5 1� �7 18 19 2� �i 22� 2� �� �5 �� �7 �8 2� �� 3� �� �� �� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � pu�1i� �epor�t to �a�h �enar�t of �i� o� �er e�clr�s�v� r�i�ht �`or at l�ast 9� days af�er issuar��e of'the s�bc�i�isior� ��b1ic r�pa� to �or�tra�t f�r t�� �ur��a�� �� �ii� �r� ���r r������i�� �r�i� in t�ie f�rrn ���1in�� ir� subdi�rision �b�. ��� Th� r�oti�� shall be as fal�o�vs: "�'o the occ�pant{s} �� : (ac�dress} T�a� ��vn�r��� �f ��is ��i1�in�, at ���dr����, ��v� ����i��� th� f�r��l ����i�i�i�� �e��rt �� t�� �r������ ��r�v���i�r� �f`thi� t�uil�in� �� a ���r�c��r�irtiurn, ��m.�unity ��artrr��r�t, �� ����1� �������ti�� proje�t�. �ommer��ir�g o� tl�� dat� a�' iss�arrce o�' the �ubdi�visior� pub�ic r��or�t, you ha�e the �x�lusi�e rig�� for 9� da�s to ca�t���t �'�r th� p�.rchase of y�ux rent�� �r�i� upor� t�i� sarn� or r�o�e ��v�ra��� ��r�ns ar�ci ��r�cii�i��� �ar� th� ur�i� will ir�iti�lly �� �#����c� to t1�� g���ral ��l��ic. �sign�#ur� �f owner �r ��n�r's ���n�} �d�te� Th� w�tten �oti�es to te��r�ts reqt���e� by ��s sectior� s��ll be deerx��d satisfi�d if th� r�otic�s ca�nply v��t� �he 1eg�1 r�q�ir��er�ts ��r ��r�i�� �y rnai1. ���. 4. ��c���n 6645�. �� o�the C����n�ne�t �od� is r��e��ed. , . . . . . . . . � . . . y s i s * y • i . � a � s • i t s � � * * y i ■ * ■ s • � 7 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 11 �� � � �� � . . . � . ; . . . , � 5��. �. Ift�ie �or�r�iss�or� or� �ta�t� 11�iandat�s d�t��rni�es that 4 this ac� �onta�as �o��s mar�c�at�d b� t�ae st�te, r�imbuxs�rr��r�t t� � ���a�1 a���r��i�� ar�� s��i��1 �i�t�i��� ��r �h��� ��s�� sl���l �� rr�a�� ���rsua�t to Part ��cor��r��ir�g with ���tio� 175�0� of �i�risio�n � � o#' �itle � of t�� �ov����t Code. 8 ���. �. T`�i� ��t is ��xr��r��y stat��� r����s��ry ��r t�� 9 immediat� pr�s�r�atio� of �h� publ�c p�ace, he�lth, o� saf��y v�it�in 1 � �h� rn�a���� �f Arti��� �� �f th� ��r���ituti�� ar�� ��ia11 �� ir��� � � 1��]��1��� �����. �.1� ����� ��I1��1�11�1�1� ��'1� �1�����1� ��'� : � � ��] O�'(��� �O �}�I`Illl� �1���5, CQU�1�1�5, ��(� � ��� 21�1C� C�LI.�I� �� � 3 ��es�r�e de�e�op���� ap�li�at�ons that ar� s�t to ��pir� a�� that 1 � �ar��t �� �r�������i �����r���� �u� t� �r��ra�ilix�� ��v���� ���r���i� � � ��I��1�1�I�� 1�1 ��1� ��I]���'L1��1�I1 I�IC�I.���, 1� 1� 2]����5�� ���� ��11� ��� � � ��C� 1�IlI�l�C�121�� �����. � 99 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 12 � �� � � �� � �� � 11�4CO�P���T�D �� � - � �I�i E II�II � F�A�V � IJ IIA � � � .�� ��, � �, � ,� ��� �� ����� T�: �ITY ���.l�V��L ���I��I* ���V ��1�I�I��L�, �II���T�R �F �L��LI� IN��������Y ���I�VE�R �1�: �I�L IIA�PEE�� ���fl�F� ��h��IJLT�#�VT �I�CIIVEEF� �UB.����`: ��N�1���1T��N �� � PR��.�11�1 �� �F���E�T� ��F� T�E �ITY'� FY 20��-03 ��IA�� �F PF��P��IT��� 'IB FL�N�� DATE: [����M�E� �, ���� R����VIM�N�AT��N: I� i� � the ��ur��il: 1. �ppr�v� ���o�r�rn of pro�e�t� f�� th� �ity'� F1� ���� share of Pr����ition 1� � f�r���; ��nd �. �i ���f� �� �u�r�ni� tl�e �i���� �r��r�rr� �� �r�je��� t� t�� ��li��r�n�� ���ar�rr�er�t a� ��na�n��. �IIV�l�V�1�1L IAA��1�T: I� i� a�r��i�i���e� tl�� �ity v�ril� r���i�r� �'i��,��� �� Pr�p������r� � � ����s ��r �1� �������. �I�� �i�y ���� �r��u�r�n��r �h�s� ���d� �ef�re �ul� '� , ���� �r�d ��e f�r��� r�n��t be ��c��r���� �� J��e ��, ��� 1. ��e �����r�� r�qu����d �nrill �nn�n� ��� ���i��l Irr�pr��r����t �r��r��n ��IP} �ud��� t� �r��lu��� ��� ��di�i���l ���� ,��'I �f Pr�� 1 � f�r���. ��r��� �#�if v�r�� �r��u�r� ab��� ��r� ��m���t� �f �1�� �ta�� b���et, ��e�� ���ds vrr��e ��� �ri�irrall�r ��������. �A�I�CCR�U�V�: Pro��s����� 1 �3 ��'r�� 'I �� ����ri��� �'� �.��� billi�r� �n ��r�� f�r��� ��r � �rari�ty �f �r�r����rt��i�r� �ri�r�����, ir��l���r�� �� billi�n ��r �iti�� ��� ���r���e� �� �u��n� �I�� �ain�en��n�� �r�� i��ro�r�r�n�r�� �� I��al tr�nsp��ta�ti�r� ���i�i�i��. Th� ���� ���g�� ��� ar�d ���p��r 1 �� , �t������ �� ���� ��� ��}, ���r�pria�e� � ����I �� ���� rr�ill��r� �� ����� Pr�� �� �ur�d� in �� ����'-��. �� �hi� �r��u�r��, �#����er ���, �#a�u�e� �� ���� ��� '���}, ����ifi�� ��a�� ���� r�i�li�n b� al���a��� �� �i�ie� arr� ���� rn�ll��r� �� �Il��a�e� t� �o��tie�. Tl�e �i#� �� �r� �ra�r��� ���ei��d ����,��� ir� �1� �������. �`h� ���8 �u�get ��t a�r�� �� �� ���r���i���� � ��tal �f ���� �mil�i�n, i��lu�dir�� ��� r�nill���n ��r�il���� �� �o�r��i�� �r�� �� �� ��Ili�rr ��r�il��le �� �i���� �n � fi�t����, fir��- ��rv�� ��si� �� ������ th�� �a�e �Ir����r � �I�eir fu�l� �I�����i�r� ir� �1� ����-��, T�e �ity �� ��r��� �r�r��� i� t� re�eiv� �'� ��1,���1 ��r �1� �������. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 1 ��T� ��I.�I��IL ��IV���EF�AT��IV �F �1 ����F���II �� PF���1��T� F�F� T�-I� �ITY'� �Y ����-�� ��A�E �� PR�P���T��h! 'IF� FllND� � �E�EII���F� �, ���� �A� � � �`h� �ri��n�l �u�n�ir�� �r���r�t ��r �I�� P���r�n�r�� N����g�r�er�� �'r��r�� ���r��� 1IV�� ��r�rl�}r� �v�� �1��,���. � �r��ri�u� �r�r����r �r�r�n ��� EI ��r��n� �e�l �r�j��t v�r�� nn�d� f� J�m�� 1JII�y ��r�r��y ir� the amour�� of �� ��,��� for � tota� pro���t a��no�r�t �� ����,���. T1�� �f�}r re�e��re� �������� f�r �t� F1� ���7'-�� �Il���ti��r v�rhi�l� I��� ���r� i���u��� in th� �rnen��� �IP b���e� f�r th� f�l��v�r�r�� �r�j��t� �� ���r��r�� �� ���n�il �r� F��r�a��y ��, ���� �n� ��ri� �, ����. F1� ����-�8 Fl� ���8-�� �1� ����-� � �������8 — �'averr���t �Ill���g�mer�t �ro�r�r� Pro�e�t� �J�m�s Vllay �v�rl��} ���-���� — E� ��rr�ir�� F���I ���r�r�ne�t F��l�a��i�it�ti�rr � ���, ��� � � � � � � � � � ��, ��� ���-��78 — ��s���l� ��I IVI�r F���� E��r������ ll�ll��r F��a�� �r�in��� Irx��r�v�r�er��s � ��,�00 � � � � � ���,��� � � � ������ �IV�►Ll��l� �F I��I.�E�: �r� ord�r to r��eive t#�� �1� ���8-�� Pro� � � fur�d�, �au�tie� �r�d �it��s �nnu�st �pprove � �la�n ��r t�e u��e �f th� �und� �r�� �u�r�it tk�� p��n �r��ir�� t� ��� ��pa�rtr�er�# �f �in�r��� �C����, T��s� �u�n�s ��n �e u��� ��r � �r�ri�t� �f �r�r����rt�ti��n r�l�t�� �r�j����, T�� �on� �an�uag� �tat�s t�e �ra���ds �an �� u�ed fo� ��ra�e��� �I�a� wi1! �ssi�� ir� r��u�ir�g local �raffic �or�ge��ior� ar�� ��rr���r de�eriara�ion, irrr�r�vir��r �raf�� �l��r�, or rr�crea�ir�� �r�ffic �a�e�y �i��� rrray irr�l�c��� �u� rro� �e �ir�i�ed �o, ��ree� �rrd �i�l���}r p�v�rrrer�� rr��ir����arr��, reh��ili���iorr� i�rs�alla�ior�, �or���ru��io�r arrd re��r����uc�ior� of r�eces���r ���o�ia�ed f�cr'l�ti�� such a� �frair��g� �rrd �r�f�ic �orr�ro! devi��s� or ��r� rr�airr��r��r���, rel�a�bili���iorr� irr���ll��iorr, ��r���r���iorr arr�I r��or���ru��rarr o� f��ili�i�� �h�� e�c�an� rid�r��h�� or� �r�r��i� s�rs�errrs, safe�y proj���� �a r�du�� f�#�li�i��� or as a Ioc�l rr����l� �o o���ir� ����e �r� ��afer�! ���r����r���i�rr ��rr�af� ��r� �irr�rl�r ��rrp��e�. ,� ����� �n th��� u���, �I�� f�l���r�rin� i� �r�p���� ��r �ta��f ��r th� �i��'s �h�r� �f F1� ����- �� Prop � B fur�d�: Agenda Item 8.i. 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Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 �1�Y ��L�N��L ��IV�1�EF�ATI�IV �F �4 �F���l�AM �� �I���1��T� F�F� THE �tTY'� FY ������� �H�#F�� �� �'F�������1�1� 'I� F�JIV�]� ���EIIAB�F� �, ���� PA� � 4 P�.l�LI� �V��IFI�ATI��V �#IV� ��IIIIII�'��IVT�: ��� �I�er��� �rv�� ��s��� �r� f��r�� �� �it� �la�ll �n �h�rs���r, ����r�n��r �# ����. `��� A�er�d� �n� �t�� r��ort v�rer� po�t�� o� t�� �ity�� vrre�s�te o� F� ����r���r �, ���8. I�� �u�l�� ��r�nr�n�nts �nr�r� re��i�r��. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 � ��� � �� � �� � � H�IGORI��ATED �� � - D ����R����� V � � .xn�r �o, � � r � ,� �.�� �P �F��� ��: ���r���ru�i� ����: �oru ����ru��o, �������� �� �u��r� ���������r �r����u��� ��r: .���.� �����[�, ��ru��� ���u�u���►ru�r �����u��� �u������ ���u��������� �� �►���������u�r ����r���� �����n��r���rv��� I��F�TF� ��A�T EIV�IIVEE�IIV�, i�l� F�F� `��� �E���N �� TH� �L �A�IAI�� F�E�#� F��T�#�IVIh�� IN�4l��., �L� ��#AAtI�� �E�IL F�E��lF�F��I�V�� A�V � E L��411�I� I�V � F� E�L1� �I I��� IV ��` ���T 1NAT E F� L I IV E�AF� ���L II�AP���IEMEI�T PR�JE��� I�AT�: ����AA��� �, ���� F�����A��N�A1����V: �� i� r��o�mrr��r�ded the �o�n�i�: �I . a������r� a �r�s�l���� s�rvi��s ��r�err���� �vit� �V�rt� ���st ��g�r���r�r��, I�� i� �I�� arn�u�r�� �� ���,��� ���r �I�e ��si�rr �� ��� �I �a�r�ir�� �e�l F���a�ir�ir�� 11V�lI, EI ��r�ir�� F�ea�l F�e���f���r��, ��� �I �arni�� F���I�������n ��ree� 1JV���rli�n� ��pi��l I�pr��r���r�� F���j���s {PIIV-����-���� �. ���t��r��e �t�� N1���r �� e�c��u��� tl�� a��r��rr���#; �r�� �, a�u�k��r��� ��e ��t� lVlar�a��r �� �p�r��r� ��ntr��t a�rr�����er��� r��� �� ��c�e�� '! ��1� �f �I�e ���,��� ��r �r��nti���a���d �os�s d�rir�� ��e �e�igr� �t���e �f �I�� �roj��� {t�t�� ���i�r� �o�t� � ���,��� � �����i� = ���,����. 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Page 1 ��� ������� ������������ �� � ���������� �������� ��������� ���� ����� ����� ���I������� ��� ��� ��� ������ �� ��� �� ����� ��� �������� V11AL L, E L � AN� I � � f���L F�� � � #���4� I �V �, AN � � l. �AIIA � IV � � �AL.l� �I I LT� �V �TF�� �T �IVA��F�LIN� ��1��T�#�. �II��F��V�iI�EIVT �F���l��T� DE�ENl�E� �, ���8 PA� E � �I��e �on��r���� �� �r���. It i� ���ir�na��� �f�� v�r�l� v�rill �� a���r��cirr��#�l� ��� ���� i� ��r���� ar�d �rary fr�r� �r��-���t t� �ine-���t �rr �►�i�ht. �he ��si�r� r..o���l���nt r��� �re�� �� ���a�ir� ������I�ni��l ��nsu��ir�� ��rvi��� �� �r���r� � ��il� �e���t �n ��� ���I� �o��i�i�r�� �urr����in� ��� ar�a �# ��e ������e� r�tair�ir�� v�r�l� �r�� r���r�n�m�r���ti��n� �r� ��� �y�e �� re��ir�in� �v�ll a�r�� ���n�a�i��n �� �� ��n��r�����. 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A���lf��� �� l���Ea: �r� ������r 1 �, ����, s�a��# �i��ri�ute� a r��u���t ��r �r���sal �� �����fi�� �r��in��ri�� �or�����ir�g fir�� �� �r��ri�� �e�i�n ��rvi��� f�� ��ree �r�j��t�. �n ���r�rr���r �f�� ����, �taff r��ei�r�� ���e� ��} �r����a�� �r�rn �r��ir��erir�g �o��ul�i�� �rr�r�s ��� de�i�r� ���vi���. �he p�o�o�als v�rer� �v�l���ed �nd �or#� �o�st �r���ne��in�, In� �vas �el�cte� �� t�e �n�st �u�a�li�ie� �rrn �� �e�i�r� ��r� �r�j��t�. I��rth �oast Er�g�neeri��, In� w�� �ele�t�� ba��d on th�ir un�erstar��ir�� of ##�� �r��e�t�, e�c�e�ier��� v�ri#I� �irnilar ���ignrr���t�, �ta�f e�c��rti��, �r�� �a����ity t� ����rr�r� tl�� �nr�r�c �n� ��� ����ity �� r�orx��l��� ��� ������ �� �I�e �r�j��t� �� ��h��u�le. ���n�l��i�r� c�� tl�� ��sig� �o���ent� �s �r�ti�ipat�d in Apr�� ����. �`�� �r���i� 1111�� �e���tr�n�r�� ���r���l� ��� � ����n�� f�r �r� �����ta�t �r��ir���r �t��iti�t�. F��ther �l�a�� f�ll ��� ��s��i��n, i� ��� ���rr ����rr�i�e� �� �on�ra�� ��r de�i�r� ��rvi�� a� ��i� �i�nn�, v�r�ri�� ���ff ���i���� �nrill al��v�r f�r �h� i��rea��� ��ility �� c�����n � �u�r�k��r �f �r�j�ct� �r��u�r���l�. �r� �I��i�ility �i�� �f ���I�f��� ���i�r� cor���l�a�r��� �a� �e�r� ��►r����e�. �J��r� ��rx��l��i�� ���h�� ciesi�r� c����rr�����, t�� ���� v�rill �er��rr� �he co�r����t �clr�nir�is�r�t��n �� ��ver�ise, ��vard, an� ��n��ru�ti�� th� pr�j���. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 �I�� �I����.I�� ������������ �� � ����� ���� �������� ��������� ���� ����� �����' �IV�IIVE�F�I�V� f�l� ��F�T�I� I]��l��V ���I-�� �L��III�A�IV� R�A����AII�IIV� 111�A�L, E� �AAlll�f � �E�#� F���I�F�F�I�IIV�, �11V� �L �I�M�N� F��A�,J��I�T��1 �Ti���T V'VA�EI�LINE �API�"1�� iIVI�F��11E�lAEIVT �I���l���� DE�EMB�� �, ���8 PA� � � A�.T���VA���IE�: T�� ��Il�v�rir�g �I��rr���ive� �re pr��ri��d ��r ��� ��ur����'� ��r��ider�ti�r�: � A��r��� � �r��ult�nt �ervi��s a�gr�er�e�t �i#h I'V�rt� ����t �ngir���r�r��, Ir�� t� �r��r��e �esi�r� ��rvi��� f�r �h�� t�r�� �r�j����; � �� r��� ��le�� IV�rt� ��a��� �r�gir���ring, Ir�� t� �r��ri�e de�i�� ��rvi�e� ���#he ��r�� praj��#s; • A��rov� � ��ns�ltar�� s�rv�ce� ��re�r��nt �r��h N�rtl� �oast �r������rirr�, �n� ta pro�r�de ����gr� s�rvi�e� ��r ��� or �n�r� o� ��e three �ro�ec�s; � ��re�� �t�ff #� ��li�i� a�ddi���r��l �r�����1�; �r •�'rov� d� d i re ct�� n�o �t�ff. ��� ��� � � i Tt�e �or���ru�#i�r� �� ��� re�a�i�irr� v�r�ll v�ril� �r��rid� ��r � si��v�r�l�c �v��r� ��r�e ���r�r��l� e�ci�� ��n �i���� s��e �� �h� r����vrr��r ar�� �nr��l ��irr�ir�a��� tF�� rn�i�������e �n� rer�n��r�l �� debri� �� �In� s���� �or��ir���s �� �r��e. T�� re��r�a���rr� ��t�� r����va�v�rill ������� �f�� ���e�i�r��i�rr �� ��� r������, �nr�i�� ha�� ��er� i�er��ifi�� �� a ��� �ri��i�� ��re�� �r��e�� �nri�l�i� t�� �it�. �� �r�ril� �rr���e ��e ���y �� �r���r�� ��� I��� �� th� ��re�� a�r�� �li�i���� �I�� n��� ��� ���ther �na�r��ena�n�e ��r ��pr��cir�n�t��� '�� �� �� �r�a�r�. T�is �+�ri�� �n�ble �I�� �ity �c� rx�a��r�ta�r� �I�e e�t�bli��ed ��t�edu�� f�r the pav�rr�ent r�an��err�ent ��o�r��n� a�� ���arn�l��h the �����:ti��� e�t�bl����� ir� �h� �a���a� I rx��rc�verr��n� Pr��r�r�n. Tt�� �or��tru��i�r� �� �I�� �ra��r �i�� �rr��l pr��rid� �ir� �� �r�� in���a��� �r��er �I�urr �� �h� �r��. ��r�bir��r�� ��! ��►r�� �r��e�ts ir��� �r�� cor���ltan� ���vi�e� ��r���m�r�t v�rill #���� t,�� ��ty s��r� i� r�o��u�t�n� �esi�n fe�s �r�� �re���� �or�s�r��ti�n ���u�r���t� in a� ��rn���r r��t��n�r �r� �r��r �� al���+�r f�r ��r����cti�r� �� ��r� ���j��t� �u�rirr� ��� ��rr�rx��r rn�r�tl�� vrr��r� �In� ���t�er i� dry a�r�d �nr��rr��r ���r�g pa���r�g ���r��i�r��. L���A�IIA�ITA�E�: I� i� ����i�l� #��t ���r��� ���vi��� r��� ir������e �I�e ���� ��r d��i�r� �re��� �n-I����� �t�€f. F���nr��r�r, ��a�f� ��lieve� ��� �����II ��� vrri�l ��� ir��re��� a�s �r�l� th� �e�vi��� r��ce�sary �v�ll �� ��i� f�r. EIVV"���I��Il�NTAL REV�E�IV�: �r� ���i�r��n�n�n� ��t��nir�����n v�rill k�e �re�en�e� �� ��u��i� �# �I�� �irr�� �� �o��i��r��i�r� �� ����o�� ���r�s �r�� ��e�ifi�ati��s f�r ��� ���je�� �n� �u����ri���i�r� �� ��li�i� �o���rt����r� �i��. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 �lTY ����1��L ���VaIDE�ATI�� �F A ����I�LTANT �ERV���� A�REEM��V� 11VITF� N�#�TF� ���1�� E�V�I�E�I���C I�V� ��F�TH� ���I�IV �FTI�E �L�AAA�IV� F�EAL���AII�I�V� 1IVAL �, E L�A�V! � N� REAL RE� �J R�A� � N�, A�f � E��AM ��� R��V� F� I LT�N �TR� �T INAT�F��INE �A�ITAL I��R�V����� PF��.���T� ����M��� �� ���� P�� � 4 ������ ������������ ��� ��������i TI�� �g�r��a� �r�s ������ ir� fr�n� �# �ity �-I��I �r� �I�u�s���, ����r�n�er �, ����. TI�� ���n�a� and �ta� r��o�t �nr�re po��ed o� the ��ty'� urr�b��t� on Fri�ay, �ec�r�nber �, ����. �#o �ub�i� ��r�r�n�r��� v�rere t�e����r��. Publ�� n�tifi�a�ti�r� v�rill �� �i�r�r� ��r ea��F� ����e�# ����r���l�. �tta�h r�n��t: 1. �����It�r�� ��rv��e� ��r�err��rr� �nri�� IV��t� ����t �r��i���� I�n�. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 ��������� ��� �I��������� ������I�� T�il� ��F�E����T, i� rr���� �n� effe�ti�e �� �� , ����, �etw��r� IV�i�TH ����T EN������i��, IIV� ��'��r��u�l��nt�'}� a�n� �I�� �ITI� �F �1F�i��Y� �RA��E, � N1u�ni�i�a�l ��r��rati�n �'���t�r'�� ��� ��� ���i�n �� �I�e E� ��#�A�IV� F�E�►L F�E�AININ� 1�VA�L, �� �AIVI��V� REAL RE�U��A�I��� AN� �L. ��11A�N� ���#Lf�F�I�T�IV �TF���T VIIATE#��I�V� ���I��� iN1PI��VE�lA��1T �F���lE���, �IIV ����-��. In cor�����r�t��n �� tl�� rr�ru��u�l ��ver��r��s �n� ��r�diti�n� ��t f�r�l� I��r�ir�, th� p�rtie� ���e� �� ��Il��nr�: '1. �`��IIA Tl�i� �►��eerr�er�� �I�a�l ��r �n �e��rn��t� 1�, ���� �n� ���II r�r�a�ir� a�r�� ��r�ti�u�� �n �ffe�t u�til ����r���r ��, ����, u�r�l��� ���r��r terr��n��e�# p�r�u�r�� t� �I�� �r��ri�i�r�� �� ���� �gr�err��r��, �. ���111��� ��n���t�n� ���II perf�rr� �I�� t���c� ����r�ibe� ar�� corr��l� �vi�� �I� ��rrr�� �n� �r��i�i�r�� s�� ��r �n E�chibit �'�", �tta��l��� k��r�t� �n� �n��r��ra��e� I�����r� ��r ��i� ref�r�r���. �. PER��R�I�l�N�� ��n���ta�nt �I��II �� �I� �irne� f�i��fu��l�r, ��rr����e���� ��� �� th� b��� �� t�i���r�r ��ili#y, ��c��r��r��e ��� �a�l�r��, p�rf�rrx� a�ll ta��C� ����r�b�� he���r�. ��r��u�l��rr� s��ll ern�l�� �� � �nir�ir��rr�, ��r��r�lly ����p�ed ��a�r���r�� ��� �r���i��� �tili��d b�r �er��r�s ������d �n �� ��r�n�f�r ���vi��� �� �r� re�u�r�� �� ����u��t��� h�r��n��r in ��e��r�� ��� �bli�a��i�ns und�r �hi� Agreer�er��. 4. �CREEM�NT ADII�III�I���ATI�N ��r� ���gn�l�, �ir��t�r �� P��li� 1JV�r�c���i#� �r���r���r, �I��I! �e�r�s�r�� �i#y i�r �il rr��tt�r� ��rt��r�i�� �� �I�� �dr�n�ni��ra����r� �� t�i� ��r�erx��n�. �����n �1. ��I�r��te�, �r��i�er��, sh�li � ��r�s�l��r�t i� �II r���t�r� ��rta�i�i�� �� ��� a��rx�ir����ra�i�n �f #�i� ���eer�r��r��. �. �AYIV�ENT �'h� �ity ���ee� �� ��� t�e ����c�l��n� �r� ����r��r��e v►ritl� the ���r��r�� r�t�� ��r� ��rrn� ��� ��rt� ir� ��cl�i�i� �'�"� �t���l��� her��� ��� �n��r��r�t�d h�r�ir� �� t�i� r���rer���. �. �LI�P�N���N �R �`�F��II�A���N �F A�R��AAEI��` 1N��F��I�T �Al��� �a�} T�� ���� ��� �t ��� ��r ��r �r�� r�a���r�, urr��� �r �nri�l���� ��u��, �u��er�� �r ��rrx�in�te ��is �►��ee�ent, �� �r��r ��rti�� �er��f, ��r ��rvin� ���r� �I�� ��n���#ar�t �� le�s� �er� �� �} d��r� �ri�r �r�tt�n n��i�e, lJ��r� r�����t �� ��i� n�ti�e, tl�� ��r��ulta�r�� �#��II i�nrr��di�te�� �e��� �I� �nr�r�C ur���r ��i� 1�gr��rr�er��, ur����s t�� ��ti�e �r�v�d�s ��I��n�vi�e. �f P��e '� Agenda Item 8.j. Page 5 ��� �i#� ������r�� �r terrr�ir��t�� a ��rti�r� �f thi� ��r��r���t ���h �����r����n �r terr�r��r���i�r� �I�all r��� r���c� �r�id �r ir�v�l��a��� ��� r�r��i��er �� ��i� �����rr�er�t. �b} In #h� ��rent this A����r��r�� �� ��rrr�i���e� ��r���r�� �� ��i� �����n, �I�� �ity ��all �a� �� �or��ult�nt ��e ��u�l v�lu� of the w�rk per�arrn�d �� to tf�� ti�� �f ��rr �r��ri��� that the ��rr�r�C perf�rr�n�� is �� �ra�u� �� �I�� ����r. l���r� ���r�r��r���i�r� �f th� A�r�err�er�� ������t �� ��i� ������r�� the ��n�ult�r�� r��rill �ut�r�nit �n ir��r���e �� ��� �ity pur�u�nt t� �e�tior� �, �. T�F��I#����'��� �IV ����#�F�EIV�� �� �TA��� E11�IVT� This ��r��r�ner�t ��r�l� ��rr�r�in��� a��t�r�n����al��r �r� �I�e ���u�r�n�� �� �r��r �� the f�l�o�ving e►rer���: ��� ����c�u�t��r �r �r���l��r���r �� a�n� ��rt�r; ��} �a�l� �f �on�u�#��t'� bu��ness; or ��� �I���gr��ent ofi tt�is Agreern�nt by �on��ltar�t �v�t�no�t tl�� �or�ser�t a� ���y. �d } Er�� �f ��� ���e�r�n��� �err�n ������i�� ir� ������rr � . �. � E ��1�! LT � � �� I� � lJ L.T�IVT {a} TI�� ��ns�lt��t's f�ilur� �� ��r�rpl� �nri�l� �I�� �r��ri�i�n� �f t1��� �gre�r�e�� �I���i �r�����u��� � �����I�. Ir� �h� ��rer�� ���� ����u����r�� i� ir� d����l� ��� ��u��� ����� ��� ��rrr�� �� �I�i� �g� ��ty s��ll ha��r� r�� ��li���i�r� �r ���� t� ��n�ir�u� ��r�p�n���ir�� ��n��lt�r�� ��� ar��r v�r�r�c per��rrx�e� ��t�r �he ��#� �� �e�au�t a�n� r�� ��rrnin��e ���� �gr�e�n��� i�n�ne�i��el� �� v�rritt�n r���i�� �� ��� �������a�r��, I� �u���r ��ilure b� tl�� ��r�����ar�� �� r�n��c� progre�� ir� t�� p�rforrn�n�e of urrork ��r�u��der �r��e� out of ��us�s �eyo�nd th� �or�suitant�� �o�tro�, �n� urr�tl�out f�ul� �� r�egl�g�n�e of ��� �or��ul�ar�t, �� �hall r�ot �e ��r��i��r�� � �e�au�l�. {�} I� �t�� �it�r IVI�r����t� �r �i��F�er �e��g��� ���errr�ir�e� ���t �he ��r�s����r�t i� i� ��f��l� in �I�e �erf�rr����� �� an�r �f ��� terr�s �r �or�diti�r�� �f �h�� ��r�ern�rr�, ������ �i�all �u�� t� �� �e�ved upor� the �or��ult�nt a urr�it�e� nati�e �� th� d�fat�lt. Th� �on����a�� s��l� h��r� �en �� �} ���� ��t�r s��vi�� ���r� �t �� s�i� n�ti�� ir� v�rl�i�� �� �u�� �h� d���ul� ��r r�n�s�n� � s�������t�ry ��rf�rr�r�r��e. In th� ��r�r�� ���� �I�� ��r��ul���� �a��� �� ��r� i�� �ef�ult v�r����n ���I� ���i�d �� �ir�n�, tl�� �ity ���II ��ve �i�e r�g��� r��twit����r��fng �r��r ���r�r �r�vi�i�r� �� ���� �1gre�rn�n� �� t�rrx�i�a�� ��i� �gr��rx��n� v�►����u�� furth�r �n��i�� �n� �i����t pr�ju��i�� �� �r�� ��I��r r�r�ne��r �� �v�i�� i� rr���r b� �r��i�l�� �� �a��v, ir� ���ity �r u�r��er ��i� A�ree�ent. 9. I�A�I1�� �� BE �B���VED. ��r��u�t�nt �h�ll: ��� P� �II ���rrr�it� �n� li�er����, ��� a�l� ���r��� �n� f�e�, ar�� giv� �II r��ti��� vrr���l� r�n��r �� r���e���ry a�r�� ir��������1 t� ��� d�� �r�d la�vwrful pr����u�i�r� �� tl�� �ervi��� �� �� �er��rr��d t�� ����u���r�� u�r���r ���� ��r�er�ner��; ��ge � . Agenda Item 8.�. Page 6 {�} I�e�� i������u��l� i�f�rrr��� ����I ����tir�g a�r�� �r����e� fe��r�1, ��a�e ar�d I��al I�v��, �r�ina�n�e�, r��u���i�n�, �r�er�, �r�� �e�re�� vrr�i�#� �a� a€f��� tl��s� �rr����� �r ern�loy�d under thi� Agreerr�ent, �ny �nat�rial� u��d ir� �ons�l�ar�t'� perforrna�n�e ur�der t�i� A��r���nent, or t�e r�or��uc� of the servi�e� �rrd�r thi� A�re�rn�nt; ��� �t a�l �ir��� ��s�rv� �r�� ��r�n�l� �i��, �r�d ����� a�l� �f ��� �r�n������s �� �b���v� a�n� �or��l� �nri�l� all �� ��i� ���►�►r�, �r�ir��r����, r�g�l��i�n�, ���er�� �r�d ���r��� r��r����ned abave; �d� Irr�rr���i����� r���rt #� th� ��t�'� ��r��ra�� IVla�r��g�r ir� �rritir�� �r�� �i������r��� ar �n��n��ste�c�r �t di��over� ir� ���� �av�r�, ordir�an��s, regula��or��, or�er�, a�nd ���r��s r��r����r��� ����r� ir� r�la�ti�� �� a�r�� �I�r��, �r�v�ri���, ������i�a�i�r��, ��- pr��ri�i��� �f �his A�r��rn�r�t. ��� Th� �i��r, �r�� i�� ��i��r�, a��nt� �n� e�nn�l��re�s, shall r��� k�� �i���� �t I��v �r ir� e�u�ity ���a�i�r��� �� ��ilu�re �� �h� ��������n� t� ��r��l� �vi��r �hi� ������r�. 'I �, �V11�1��aF�l� �F ����M�NT� �a� �onsultant s��ll rn�i�ta�n �or�p�e�e �r�d ����rat� re��r�s v�rith re�pe�t to s����, �����, ���er��e�, re����t�, �r�� ��I�er �u�l� ir���rr�a�i�rr r��uir�� �� �i��r th�� r��a�e �� ��� ��rf�rr�n�n�� �� s�rv���� �n��r ��i� Agr�er�er�t. ����u�l��r�� s��ll r�n�ir���ir� ����u�t� r���rds �� ��rvi��� �r��rid�d i� �uf���er�� �e���� �� ��rr�r��# �r� �u�����i�n �f ��r�ic�s. �II s��� ��c�ard� ���il �� ��i�t�ir��� in a���r�a��e �r�ritl� ��r��r�ll� ���e���� ����u�r�ti�� �rir��i�l�� �r�� ��a�ll �� �lea��� ����ntif�e� an� re��il� ���es�i�le. ���sulta�r�� �k��ll �r��ri�� fre� ���e�� t� �h� r��r����nt�t�v�� �� �ity �r i�� ��si�r���� a�t re�s�r�a��l� �i�n�� �� ���I� ����� a��� r���rds; s���l �i�r� �i#y ��� ri��t t� ��c�r�ir�� �r�� ���it �a�i� b���c� ar�� r��or��� �h�ll ��r�rr�t �ity �� rr��k� �r�n��ri�t� tl�er�����n �� ne�����ry; a�r�� ���II a�ll�v�r �r����c#i�� �� ��I ��r�C, ��#�, ����rn�r��s, pr����di���, a�r�� ��#i�'rti�s r�la��� �� ��i� ��r����r��. ���h r���r�� ��g����r v�ri�� su���rtir�� ����rr��r�t�, s��ll b� rr��rr���i��� ��r � ��ri�� �� ��r�� {�} �r��rs ��t�r r���i�t �� �i��l ���rr��r�t. ��} �.J��� ��rn�l����r� ��, �r �n �I�e ��r�r�� �� terr�r�ir���i�n �r �u�p�r�si�n �� �hi� ���eern�r��� �I� �ri�i��l d��ur��n��, ��si�r��, dr�urr�n��, rn���, rx���e��, �rx��u��r f����, �urve�� r�����, ��n� ����r ���ur�er�t� pre��r�� in t�e �our�� �f �r ��� ��rvi��� �� �� p�rforrn�d �u��u��rt to ���� Agr��r��nt �ha�l be�orr�e tl�� sol� pr�perty af t�e ��ty �n� rx�ay �� u���, reu���, �r ��her�vis� �i����e� �� �� ��� �it� ur����r��� �I�e p�rrr�i����n �� �h� ��r���l���#.1�V��#� r��p����� ��rx���ter���s, ��r���lt�nt �hall r�na��C� ��r�il�bl� ���I�e �it�, �� ��� ��r��u�lt�r��'� ���� �r�� u��n r�a��r�a��l� v�rri�#�r� r��u��s� �� ��� �i�r, �I�e ne�s���y ��r��u���r s�#tuva�e �r�d i����v�ra�r� ��r ��r���e� �� ���e��in�, ��r�npilir��, tr�����r� �n� �rinti�� �orr��t���r fil��. ���� � A enda Item 8.'. J J Page 7 '�'� . I�V��lIII�I�I��IT��iV ��F� PF��FE��I�I�AL L��#��L1�Y. T� ��e �ull��� ��ct��t �err�nit��d �� ���nr, ������#a��t �hall �r���r�nr�ify, �r����t, �e��r�� and ha�d harrn���s �it��nd anyan� al� of i�s o�ficial�, �r��loy��� and a��nts �"�n��rr�n�fied �a�rti��'�} �r�rr� a�r�� ���in�� �r�� �r�� �I� I�����, lia�ili����, ����g�s, ����� ��d ��c�er���s, i��lu�in� �##�rr����� ���� a�n� �o��� ��i�l� �ris� �u�� ��, ��rt�i�n t� ��- � �� th� r�e�l�ge�n��, r���Cl���n���, �r �rvill�ul r�i���n���t �� the ��n�ult�n�. ��i �������� ��nsu���n� sl��ll r��irrt�ir� �ri�� �� t�� ���ir�nin� �f �r�� f�r �h� ��r����n �� ���� ��re�r�n�n� ir���r�r��e ��v����e �� ��e�ifie� �n E�c���i� "��' �tta�h�d #����t� �n� ir���r��r�t�d �r�r�ir� a� ���u���r ��t ��r#� �r� �uIC. 'I�. IN��PE�V�E�VT ��N�I�LTANT {�� �����I���t i� �r�d �I��I� �� �II tirr��s r�r�a�ir� a� �� �I�e ��t�r � v�r�����r i����er��e�� ���r�ult�r��. T�e ��r��r�rr�l p�r��rrn�rr� t�e s�rvi��� u�rr��� �I�i� A�r��rr��r�� �r� be��lf �f ���n�ul��r�� ����I �� �II ti��� be ur�d�� ��r�sul����'� ��c�l��i�r� �ir��ti�r� a��� ��r��r��. IVeitl��r �i�y n�r �r�y �� it� �ffi�er�, err��������, �r �ger��� �hall I���e c��ntr�l ��r�r �f�� �a�du��� �� ��rr�u�lt�r�� �r a�r��r �� ��r�s������'s ��fi��r�, �r�����re��, �r a���r���, e����� �� s�� f�rth ir� ��i� Ac�reer�en�. ��n�����nt ���I� r��� a� a��r �ir�� �r i� ��� r�n�nn�r re�re�e�� �I��t �� �r a���r �� i�� offic�rs, ern��oyee�, or ��er�ts �re in ar�y rn�nner offi�e� err�plo���s, or a�ent� af th� �it�r. ��r��ul�ar�� ���Il r��� �r���r �r h��� the ��v�re� t� ir���r �r��r d�bt, ��li���i��, �r li�bil�ty v►r�ra�e�rer a��ir��� ����r, �r ��r�� �i��r ir� any rr��r��er. {�} IV� ern�l���� �er���i�� s���l b� a�v�il��le �� ��r��u�l��r�� in ��r�r����i��n vrr��l� ��rf�rrx�a�n�� �� thi� �g��e��r�t. E�c���t f�r the ���� pa�i� �� ��r��ult��� �� �r��ri��� �n ��� A�r��r��r��, �it� ��ra�l rr�� ���r ��I�ri��, v�r����, �r ���r�r ��r�r�en�a���r� �� ��r��u�l�a�r�� ��r ��r���rx�ing ��nri��� F�e�e����r ��r �i�y. �ity �h��l r��t �� �i�bi� f�r �����n�����r� �r �n��rr�n�fi�ti�r� �� ��r��ult�r�t f�r ir�jury �r �i��Cr���� a�ri�ir�g �u� �� �erf�rr�nir�� ��rvi�e� ��r��n��r. 'I �. 1.���1�� ��1FL�JEN�E ����ul�ar�� �e�l�r�� �r�� ��rr�rr�r��s t��� r�� un��e ir�fiu�rr�� �� ��e���r� �r�� �r i� �,��� ����r��� �r ir� ����rt ���I� a�r��r �ffi��r �r enn�l���� �� ��� �i�y �� �rr��� ����d� i� ��nne�ti�r� ��rri�� tl�� a�nra�rd, ���rr�� �r xrr�p��r��n��ti�� �� �hi� ��r��r�n�n�, ir��ludir�� �n� r�netl��� �� c��r�i�r�� cor�f�denti�l �ina��ia�l �rr�r�g�r�en�, �r �i�a����l in��,�err���r�. I�� ��fic�r �r �r��l���e �� �h� ���� �� �rr��r� �r�n�e vrr��l r������ ��r�r��er��a�i�r�, di� �r ir��i� �r�r�r ����ul��r��, �r �r�� �r�� �f���r, �r��rr�l��ree �r a��nt �f ��r���rl��n�, �n �o�r���ti�n v�ritl� tl�e ���rd a� t��s A�r�e�ent or any v�ror� to b� �o�du�t�d �� a r��ult of t�r�� A��e�rr�er�t. 1li�l�ti�� �� ���� ����i�r� �h��l �� a r��rr�r�e���l ��r���h �f ��i� ��r����n� �r��i�l�r�� ��� �it� t� ���r �r�d �Il rerx�e�i�� �� lav�r �r �n ��uit�r, Pag� � Agenda Item 8.j. Page 8 '� �. �V� ���V�FIT T� �1F���E T� L���1L EI�IP��1���� �V� rr��rr�b�r, ��f���r, �r �r�r��l��ee �� �i��r, �r ��r�ir de�i�r���� �� ���nt�, �r�� r�� p��li� ��fi�ial �vh� e�c�r�i�e� au��h�ri��r ��r�r �r ��s��r��i�ili���� v�ri#h ����e�t �� ��� ��-����� ���in� ����I��r ��r��r� �r ��r �n� ���r �F��r�a�ter, ���II I��v� an� ir����r�s�, dir�� �� i���re��, �n ar��r agr�er��r�� �r �ub-��re�m�n�, or th� �� there�f� for v�rork �o �e p�rf�rrx��d ir� �or�r����i�r� �+�ri�l� �I�� �r����� ��r �n��r t�i� A����r�r���n�. '1 �. �ELE�#�E �F I�VF��IVIA�I�����IVFL��T� �F I�VT�F����' {�} All ir�f�rr�n�ti�� g��n�� b� ��rrsu����r�� ir� ��rf�rr�n�n�e �� ���� ��r��r�r�e�� sha�l� �� �n���er�� r�o�fi�enti�l �r�� �hall r��� �� r�l���e� �� ��n�ul��r�� �vitt���# ����'s pri�r v�rrit��r� �u�l��ri�����n. ��r�����a��, ��s �ffi��� er��l��e��, a�����, �r �����r��ra�����s, �h�l� n�t v�ritl���t vrrritt�r� a�u��h�ri�a�i�r� �r�rx� �i�� �i#� IVla�r����r �r ur�l��� r�qu����� ��r tF�e �ity �ttc�r���r, �r�l�nt�r��� ����ri�e �e�l����i�r�s, ��tt�r� �� �u�p�rt, ���tirr��n�r �� ����s�t��r��, re������ �� ir�t�rr�����r���, �r ����r ir�f�rr�a�i�r� ��r��erni�� ��e r��r1c ���f�r�ne� ����r t�i� ��r�er��r�� ��- r����ir�� t� �n� ����e�� �r pr���rty I�c�ar�e� v�ri�l�ir� �h� �ity. F�����r��e �� � ������r�� �r court �r��r ��al� r��� �� ����id�re� '��r��ur�tary�� pro�i��� ��r��u�#.ar�� �i�re� ��ty n��i�� �� �u��l� cou�rt �� �r �ubp����. {�� ����u�l��r�� �h�l� pr�r�r�����r n�#if� �i�� ����Id ��n����a�r��, i�� �ffi��r�, �r�r�l��e��, ������, �r �ub��r�tr�c�t�r� �� ��rv�d �vit� a���r ��rx�rr��r��, �o�n�l�ir��, �u��p�en�, n�ti�� �� �����iti�n, re����� f�� ���ur��nt�, in��rr�ga���ri��, r����s� f�r ��r�r�i����n�, �r ��I��r �i��o�r�ry re��e��, c���t �r�er, �r s����e�� fr�rr� �r��r �er��n �r ��r�y �e�a�rd�r�� ���� A�reer���t an� ��� �nrork per����ned th�r�under or v�ith resp��t t� an� pro��� o� �r�p�rty I������ ��rr����r� ��e �ity. ���� r���rir�� �I�� ri�ht, �u�� ��� r�� ��li�a����r� f �� ���r���r�� ��r��u�tar�� a�n���r �e pr���n� �� �ny d�p����i��, h��rir��, �r �irr�il�r �r��e��in�. ����u�l���nt a��r�e� �� �����ra��e �u�ll� v�ri�� �i�� �r�� t� pr��ri�� ��� ����rt��i�y t� revi��r�r ��n� � �� �i��o�r�� r�que�t� pr�vide� b� ��r���l���t. �iowev�r, �it�'� �ig�t to r�viev�r ar�y �uch r���or�s� doe� r��t ir�p��r c�r r�e�n �f�� rigl�� b�r �it� t� ��r��r�l, ��r��t, �r r��nrr��� �ai� re����ns�. '1 �. I��T��E� Ar��r n��i�� vr����h �i��er part�r r�n��r �e��r� t� �iv� �� th� ��h�r ���t� �r�d�r �I�i� J��r����n� rr���t �� ir� �r�rritir�� ar�� r�n�� �e �i�re� �i�h�r k�� {i} ��r��r��l ��rvi�e, �ii� d����r�ry �� � r�������� ���u��n� ��I��rery ���vi��, �t��� �� �u� ��� �ir����� ��, Fe���a� ��c�r���, v�rl�i�l� �r��ri�es � r���i�� ����nrir►� ��t� �r�� ��r�n� �� ���i�r�ry, �r �iii� �ailir�� ir� �I�� lJni��� ��a��� �a��l, �ertifi�� r�r��i�, ������� �re��i�, r���rr� re�i�� r������ed, ��dr��s�� �� �h� �d�r�s� �� th� ��rt� �s ��t ���tl� ��I��nr �� a�� �n� �tl�er a��re�� �s t�at p�rty r���r I��e� �es�g�n�t� by r�oti��: �o �ity: ��ty o� �rroy� �rarrde ��� ��a��r��l� �ir���or of �ubl�� V11��c�l��ty Er�gir��er �14 �a�t Br���h �tr��# A� �rand�, �A ��4�� ���� � . Agenda Item 8.�. Page 9 `T� ��r���l��n�: I��rtl� ����� �ng�r�ee�in�, Ir��. ����rer� J . ��rl����� r� �, � . 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E�VT� I�� J���E�I�I��N�T This ��r����r�� �or�ta�ir�� �I�� ����re �n��r�t�r��ir�� b�twe�n ��� ��r�i�s �el���n� �� ��� ��li���i�r�� �f �Fr� ��rt�e� ����ri��� in t�i� ��r��r��nt. �II �ri�r �r �on��rr�p�r�ne�u�� ��r��m�nts, ur�der�t�r�din��, r��r�ser�t�tion�, and ���terr�ent�, or w�itter�, �r� �erg�� into thi� Agreemer�# ar�d ���I� b� �� r�o f��ther for�e �r effe�t. �a�l� p�rty i� �r��erir�� into thi� Agr�ern�n� k����� ����I� u���r� t�e r�pr���r����i��� �e� f�rtl� ��r�i� �r�� �p�n e�r�l� ���t�'� �u�r� i����en�er�� ir��r���ig�ti�n �f �r�� ��� a�l f���� ���l� p�rt�r �eern� rn���r���. �'f . �`� �ity �n� ��n�����r�t �gre� �k��t tir�n� �� �� ��� ���er��� in �hi� ���eerx����. ��. ��IV��'�I.��T��1� Tt�� p�rti�s ��r�� �h�t ����r ��� ��d �r� ����rtuni�y �� I���e ��eir cou�r�s�� r��ri�v�r �h�� 1�gre�nn�nt �r�d ���t �r��r ru�� �f ����tru�ti�r� �� th� efife�� ��at a�rnbi��i���� �r� �� �� r���l�r�� �g�irr�� �I�e d��ftir�g ���t� sl���l ��� ���I�r �r� �he ir��erpr��a�i�n �f #F�i� ��r��r�en� �r ��� ar��r�dr�r��nt� �r e�c�i���� �f��r���. 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Page 16 �i��r ���rr��� �r���� �lov����r ��, ���8 ���� F�ve ���k �� � ���� F���r� �'r��a��t��r� �a ��e ��c��n� p�s��b��, v�� ex���� t� ��e ��c����r�� ���y a�r��l r�n�ps a� the ba���rou�r�� ��� ��e i���ov��e�� �I�r��. VI�� ����r��a�rr� t�a�t ����� r���� ��� ��rv� r���i���� ��� ����I� �� �������� ��� �������� �� ����rrr���ir�g � „ . . �o�strc��t�on ���n������, �►s ���� �� de�����#�r�� area� of �p�c�a� �r���rr��r��. A���t����� f���� �nr�r� �nr��� �� ���f�r�r�d t� i�������r ��� ��rf��� ��i��t�r �����r�� �r���ir� t�� ro'�c# I�rr�its. ��r� ��r��se of ��r�� �nra��t �v�ll �� to �ocat� a�l u����i�y � � . b��c��� r��r���n�r�� �r���� �r�l�►� b����, tr�f��� I��� �����#�r�� ���. �i��� �nr�l� �� u�r� ra��ir�c� a�r����r r�����t������� ���r ��� ���r�n�►��� ��r��l�� i� � ��� ����. 111l� v�r�ll ���� ������� t�� a�ri�� �t����g�r��h�, �� v�r��l a�� tf�� #i�l� � . . v�r�r#c �� ���al���� ��c���irr� ����r���� �rr�r�c��� a��� ��r��i�n�, �� �nr�l� a�� r�a��rva� s� r����. 111I� �vil� ���r� pr����e �a��� r �r��i����� ��� ���� Y � �r��orrr��#i�r� �� � sca��� o� � `� � �� �e�t. T�sk �� -� Pr���r�i��ry �����r� M� ���n'�r���i�r� v�r��� ��r�� �������, �nr� �il� v�r���c �k�� �r����� t� ��������� � . .. ��� �r�r���� ��r�dit���� �f �I�� ��c�����g pa��r�r���� �r�� �� ���r�l�p ����r�r�r��r��a���r�� f�r v�r���s �r���r�r��r�� �p�r�a��k��� �� a����r��li��n ��� r�surf���� �f�art� i# �� re�orx��er�d�d th�t �ity s�a�f ��r�i�i���� ��n t��� � ' � i ■ v����c-���ra��#� �o ass�re tl�a� �l�� ���y � �b�ect�ve� �or t�� �ro��ct ar� c�������d t�i ���r����rt r��or��tr��t�or� �r�� r��ur������ �����r�er��� a�� ��c������ �� �r��l�d� �I�� f��l��r�rir�g: � ���r��n�r�t r���ir�� �� ���f�r� I����i�rr�, �� �r�r��� �� ��� ������ir�� � ������� �����i�g �r��r �� ��r��l��. � F��rx���r�l �r►ci r������r��r�� �� ��r���u���� ���t��r� �� �����r� �r���. • ��v��in� �o����. • ��a���tr���t �� ���ir�� �a�bri� a�r����r ���r����� r��r���r��r��r�� ��i�, v�r��r� r����� � • ��v�t��r�# ov���ay� Agenda Item 8.j. Page 17 �ity o� Ar��ya �r�r�d� �ov�rr�fo�r 'i �, ���8 �a�� �i�c ���e �k�� �p����i� �re����r��� I���r� ���� �s��b������, � �������� �r��r�n��ry �� are�s t� �ec�i�� �k�� ��oser� t��atr�er�ts �i�l b� p�r�o���d ir� ard�r ta ��������� ����r��� c���r��i���s f�r �i��ir�� ��r�����. ��is i���r��#��r� �nri�� �� r� ����I�y �epre���ted o� t�� pr����ir�a�ry p��n�, a�� � prei��i��ry � p ��i�i�n �� �r������ ���� �ill �� �r�p�r�d. �'��k �� � Fir�a� De��gr� T�e ��r��! ��s� � w��i ir��l��� tl�� pr��ar�t�or� o� i��rov�rr�er�t piar�� th�t �vil� � . s��r�a��i�� ��� ��f�rrr���i�r� ���r�l���� t�r���l� �h� b��� r�����r�g ��� ���irx��r�� ����g� pr�����, ����tr���i�� �ra�v�i��� v�il� i���u�e a Tit�� i� � . . �l���� �r�d �����i�� !'�a�� ��r�� ��r a�l� ��r�� �r����t��, Pl�� ll��v�� �f ��� �����v� ��� i��t�r�� ��� ���a��i�r�� ��r ��� �r��i��� ���rr�t�n�r�� �r���r�e��s �� Y , , . �ur���r���d �bo��, � ��v�r�e�# �#r��ir�g, fV�a�k�rr� �n�l ���n�►�e P��r�, � `�r�#f�� ��r�#r�� ���r�, �r�� ��r��t���t��r� C���a��ls a�� r������� ��r �I�� r���r���������r� r���rf��ir�g �r�d ��ili�� r���r���r��ti�� r�a�u��r�r����s. �i�� � �i��l � �������t��r�� v�i�� �� �r���r�� a�� ����i���� �r� Ta���c �I �. 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Page 18 ���y o� Ar�oyo �r�nde �ov�rr�b�r 1�, ���� Pa�g� ���e� T��� 3A -� ���e ��a� F���p�����or� To t�� e�ct��nt �����bi�, v�r� �il� ut��i�� t�� �i�y'� ��ci����� a�r�ai ��o���ra���t �u� ���n�r���c� �� ����d ��rv��ri�g �� ������ ��c�s�ir�� ����fi����. Tt�� �i�l� �� ���v� v���l ����#� ���st�r�� ������ u�����t�r �r�����r�t�����, ��v�r�� ����nr ����s, � . ��c���ir� ��rvi�� ��r�r����i�r��, ��r� a�� �t�r�r �r�f�rtr��#��r� �r������ t� ��� � . , ���r��� ��r�� �f #�� d����r� ���r��. ��� ��r�������� �r����� ��11 �� � , .. . e�����i����, �� �r��l �s l�r�i�� �� ��� r����-��-�v��r. t���l��y a��a���� �r��� �� a�� ��r�� �r�� ��� r���r� ����i��r ir����r���i�� v�ril� �� �r���r��r����. 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T�s�c �� -� Do���ner�� �l�����r��ra�l�s� �1���� ��� �'a���C � �. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 19 �ity of �rr��ro �r�r��e I����r���r ��, ��0� ���e ��ght ���� ������� If�I� �r��re �r���r�d ��ti�a���� ���� ��� �a��k� ����e�t ����� �r� ���- ��rr�r�� �r�der��a���r� of ��� �ity'� r���ir�m�r�t�. 1JVe un��r�t�r�d t�a� a�#u�� �e�s �v��� �� � , �e�o���t�d af�er ���e�tior� o� �he �uc�����ul co����t��#. V1fe �r� �ro�o���� oc�r ���� b� �orr� �t�� or� a�im� �r�� r��t���a�� ��s�s v���� a�ot to ��c���� rr�a�c��nu�nn. � , . . �► ���� �� ��� ��rre�t F�� �������� 1� ������r�� ��r ��ur �r�f�r��tr��, T�� es�irr��te� ���t f�r e��� proj��t i� a� �o��o�rus: } T`���C 1 ��sk � �"�sk � ���,4�� ���8�� � �1,��� E�tir����� T���I ������� ���� � �"�is p������1 �� �����nt��� ��r �ir���� {��� ���r� �r�r� ��� ����r����, C�I.��I�IF���#TI��� �I�� ��'�����f� �'I���� r���r �� ��� ��a��r���� �� C�u��������i�r�� ���r�r��l� �� f��� �v��� �I�� �i�� ��� r���v��n� �ro�e�t �x�er�er���. ��e�� � ������r, P,E., �r�l� �� ��� �r������� �� ��a�r�� �� t�� �r�j���. �r. ��I������ ]� � � , , � . �a� �� �ar� �r� t�� ��v�� �ngi�����r�g �r�d L��d ��rv�y�r�� f���� a�d �r�� ���n � • � ' t�� r�sporrs�b�� for �I�� �r��ar�t�o�n o� rr��lt���� �����t re�or��tr��t�o�� �n►��er �ys , �rrd r��a�ni� w��� �ro�e���. �i� �r�v�o�s �xp�ri�r��e a�� t�r� ���y �na�in�er for �h� 9 , , , . �a�nm��r����s o# A#�s�a��r� ar�d ��r�a ��y ���r� ��� � �n�qu� ur���r���r���rr� o� �f�� ��� '� e�cp��t�t�or�s ar�� �p�ro��� t� t��s� �r�j��t�, �� v�r��� as ��� ��d��#�ry Y c�n�i�����ior��. ��. �re �la��g�r, �'.�., v�r��� �� �k�e f�r����� �Vi�r����� ��� ali ����� �r�j����. �lir. � # , . . . .. �ae L� { � �� ��s � 8 y��rs �f ��cper����� �r� ��v�l �n���r��r��r�, ar�d s�rv�d a� ��� ; y • � ■ i Pr����t �r���n�er ��r �h� �i�y o� P��o �oble� l�r���rr �o�� I�e�o��t��ct�or� p�o����, vrrh�c#� �as rr��r�y ���n�iariti�� �o t�� curr��n� pro���t� �nd�r ���s�d�r��ior�. ��. �l��g�r i� � �����r ����� �������r v�r��� ��� �irr�. Agenda Item 8.j. 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Page 21 �����i� � ��������������� Agenda Item 8.j. 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Actua[ �o�� o� ex��ress c��rg�s, �os�a��, o��s�d� r��ro�l��t�o�r a�c� s�rv��� su��.�l'r�s. �. C��t + � �°I� �o� �ro�essFor��� s��con�����r��s ��c������ �or ���� ��or�. � . �# � ���g� at �h� �� �r��� � #�S � �,�i ���� ���r�c���� rr� � ���g� ra��. �. �r�-���,�� � �nd ������rr���n��ati��� c��t�, �h�r��d �� t#�� �u�r�f�� t���� ����t ��gi��er��� ���. � . ��5 �r�s�o� R���, ����r� � Pas� #��b��s CA 93�4� (5��� ��9�3� �� F�� �$�5� ������5� genda Item 8.j. Page 23 � i ty o� A��ray� � ra n d� ����rn�er ��, ���8 �a�� ����t ���� �U�il���l� tl11� i�av� �����r�� ��t�r����d f�e� ��r ��c� �� �ased �� a�r �u�r�r�� �,��ers���r���r� �� �f�� ��t�'� r�q��r���r���, V�� ���e�s��r�� ���� ��t�af ���� �v��� �� �n� ����t�� ��t�r �e������� �f ��� �����s���� ��r���ltar��, IIV� �r� ������ir�� ��r � � � • ���� k�� ��r�����c� �r� a ��r�� ��� �na�t�r��l� �a�s�� �nr�t� � �r�� t� ����e� r�a�c�r�ur�, � ���� �f ��r ��r��r�t ��� ���n����� i� �#t����� ��r �r��r ����rr�����r�. T�� e�tirxr�t�� �os� far �ach �ro���� �s �s fol�ov�rs: �as�C � ��s� � �'�sk 3 �����00 29,8�� � � }��� ��ti����� ���af �roj��t �os# ��� �In�s �r�����1 �s a���r���e�d ��� �nir���y ���} ���� �r�r� i�� ���nnitt�l. �A�.I�I���'I��� AI�D ����F��� Pl���e r���r #o ��e �t�ter��n� o� ����if�cation� ���r�r���y o� ���� ���� t�� ���y �ar r��evan� �r����t �x��r�e���. ��e�� � I�r����r, �,�.� v��l� �e ��� �r�r������ �r� ���r�� �� ��n� �r�je��. �r. ��l���t�� Y . � ��� �� �ar� irr ��� �i�ri� �r���r��er��� �r�d L�rr� ��rv���r�� fE�l� �r�� �a�� ���r� Y , . . r�s�or�s���� �or �h� �r�����t�on o� rr��l��pl� �tr��t r�c�r�str��t���, ����r �y�t�r�� �n� r��ai��rr �v��� ����e���. ��� �r��r���� ��c��ri�r��� a�� ��� ����r �n�ir���r f�r ��� � i + i • ���r��r�i���� �# �t�s����r� �r�� �Ill�r�� ���r ���r� f��r� � ������ �rr��r��arr���r� �� t1�� ��ty`� e�c����a��i��� a�� ��pr���� �v th�s� proj�ct�, �s ��I� a� �I�e ����eta�y ��r��i��r����r �Illr, �r�� ������� �,�., v�r��l I�� t�� P��j��� f11��r����r #�r a��� ����� pr�j����. il�ir. �����r h�� � � ���rs �� ��c��r����� i� ���r�� ���in��ri�� �r�d ���r�� �� t�� �'r����� �r��ir���r ��r ��� �it�r �f ���� F������' �r���r� F���d �������ru�t��r� �r�����, v�r���h ��s ���� �i�il�r�ti�� �� ��r� �u�rr�r�� �r������ �r�d�r ���s���r�t���. �r. .���g�r �� � ������ �i�ri� �r������r v�ri�l� ��� �i�rn. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 24 ������� � I ������.I� �� ��������� Prior �o ��r� ��g�nning of ��d thra��hout t�� �uratior� �f the V11ork, �on��l��nt wil� rrr�intair� ir���r�r��� i� ��n#�rr�2�rr�� �vi�l� �h� r���a�rer�e��� ��� ��rtl� ��1��. ��r��ul��n� v�rill u�e ��ci��ir�� ���r�r�g� t� ��r�pf� v�ri��► ��e�� r���i�er��r���. I� �I��� ��i�tir�� ����r��� ���s ��� rx���� �h� r����r�rr�er�t� ��� ��r��r ��r�, ��r���lt�r�� a�r��� t� �r��r�� �u��ler�nent �r er���rs� ��� �����ir�� �o��r�g� t� �� s�. ���su���r�� ��kr��v�rl���e� �ha�� t�e in��r�r��� co�r�r��� �r�� p��i��r lir�ni#� �e� ��rtl� ir� t�i� ����i�r� ��r�����u��� ��� rr�i�ir�r�ur� �rr��u�� �� ���r�r�ge r�qui�e�. Ar�� ir���ra�n�� �r��e��� �v�il��le t� ��t� it� ��c���s ��th� lir�ni�� �r�� ��r�rag� r���ir�� �r� ���� ��r��rn�n� �n� v�r���h i� a��li��bl� t� � �i�r�n ��s�, v�rill �� a��raila�bl� �� �i��, ��rr�ul�ar�� �I���I �r��ri�� t�� ��Il�v�rir�� �Y��� �n� �r�r�ur��� �f in��r�r���: ��rr�r��r���� ��nera�l Lia�bili�y Ir��ur�n�� u�ir�� Ir��ur�r��� ��rvi��� �ffi�� "��r�rr��r���l ��n�r�l Li�bi�it��� ���i�� fr�r� �� �� �� �r t�e e� ���i����r��. �e����� ����� �n��� �� ���� ir� ���i�i�r� t� iir�it�. �here sl��l! �� �� �r��� li�k�ili�� ��c�l��i�r� f�� �f��r�n� �r �ui�� �� �ne �n��r�� a�gair��� ar���l��r. Ltr�i�� ��e �u�j��� �� r�vi��v �u�� ir� r�� �ver�t I�ss ���r� �1,���,��� �er ���u�rr�r���. ���ir�e�� �u�� ���r�r�ge �n I�� �u�ir���� �ut� ���rera��� �r�r �� �� �'� i���u�din� ��r���� ���r�� ����� �r the e�c��t e���v�ler��. L�rnit� ��e �u�j��t �� r�vi�v�r, t��t ir� r�� ��r�r�� t� �� I��� �han �1,���,��� �e� �c����r��. �� ��n��l�a�r�� ��r�rr�s n� �����I��, �I�i� ����ir�rn��t rr���r �� ���i�fi�d �� � r��r�-��vr��� �u��� �r���r�err�er�t �� ��� ��ner�l �i��ili�y ��I��� d�����e� abo��. I� �on���t�nt �� �or���l��r��'� er�p�oy��� �vill u�� �er�o�al a�t�s �n an� �nr�y �� t�ti� �r�����, ��nsu�lt�r�� ��r�ll �r��i�� ��ri��r��� �f ��r��r�a�� �u�� li���l��� ��ve��g� f�r e��l� ���� per�on. IIV��c��� ��r�np�n�ati�r� �r� � �����-���r�v�� ��I��� f�rr� ��r����ir�� s�a����ry ��r��fit� �� r��uir�� �� I��v �nri�l� ��p���re�'� lia��il��� lir�it� �� l�s� th�n �1,���,��� ��r ���i�e�� �r �i�����. �r�fe��i�r��l Li��i�it� �r �rr�r� �r�� �r�is���rr� Ir���r�n�� �� ���r��ri��� �h�ll �e v�r�i��n �r� � ��li�� f�rrn ����ra��� ��e�ifi���l�r �esi�r����� �� ����e�� a�g��n�� ����, �r� �r �r�r�is�i��� �f ��� ��n��l��nt a�r�� l���v�r�d �r�fe������� �ervi�e� �� �es��rr���� in �I�� ��I���r r��rru�t ����i�i�l�� ir��l��e v�r���c p�rf�rr�e� ur���r ���� ���e�rr����. �he ��li�� ��rx��� �hall �� n� ���s ��a�r� ��I ,���,��� ��r �I�ir�n �r�� ir� �I�� ���r��at�. TI�� ��li�� r �����r �r� b�ha��� �f �he ir��ur�� an� rr���� i��l��e � �r��i�i�r� ��tab�i�hir�g �l�� �n�u�r��� �u�� �� ��fen�. `��e ���i��r r�t���c�ive da��e �hall �� �n �r ����r� �I�� �ff��ti�r� d��� �f �I��� ��r����r��. Ir��ur�r��� ����ur�� �u�rsu�r�� �� ����e �eq��r�r�er�t� sk��ll �� v�rrit#�r� �� �nsur�r ���� ar� ��r�it��� ��rri�� ir� ��e ����� ��lif�rni� �r�� �nrith a� �.N1. ����� r��i�� �# �- �r t��t�er �r�� � �ini��r� �r��r��i�l �i�e 1lI�, Agend�a Item 8.j. Page 25 ��nera�l con�i�i�r�s p�rta�nir�� �� �ra�ri�i�n �f ir��ur�r��� �o��r��e �� ��r��u�lta��. ��r���l��r�� ar�� �ity a�re� �� ��� ��Il��v�r�� �nr�tl� respe�� �� �n��r�r��e �r��i�e�# k�� ��r���lta�r��: 1. ��r���i���� �g���� �� �a�ve it� �r��ur�r e�d�r�� �I�� �I�ir� ���t� �e�n�r�� ������ity �o�era�e r��u�ir�d ��rei� #� ir��lu�e a�� addi�����1 �n�ur��� ����# i�s �f#i�ia��� er�r�p#����� ��� ���n��, ��ing �t�n��r� ��� �n��r�er�er�� I��. �� ��'� � �nritl� �r� �di�i�n �ri�r �� 13��. ��r���i�a�r�t a�l�� ��ree� �� r���rr� a�ll ��n�ult�r���, �r�d �ub��r�tra��t�rs t� d� �ikevrr���. �. I`V� li�������r in��� c��rer�g� �r��rt�e� t� ��rr��l� �vith ��is ��r��r�n��� ��a��l �r��ibi� ����ul��n�, �r ����u�����'� �rx��������, ��` ���r�t�, fr�r�n urr�i�ri�g tl�� ri�l�t �f �ubr����i�r� �ri�r �� � I���. ��r��ul�a�rr� �gr��� �� urr���r� ��br��ati�n �rigl�t� aga�r��� ��ty re��rd�e�� o� the app�ic����ity of �n� insu�an�e pr���eds, an� t� �equ�ir� all �on��l�ant� �r�d �u����r��r��t�r� #� d� lik��nris�. �. All irr��r�n�e ��rera�� �r�� I�rr�it� �r��rid�� ��r ��n�ult�r�# �n� a�r��l��l� �r a���li��ble t� thi� ��r��rn�rr� �r� irr��r���d �� ���I� #� tl�� ���I ��ct�r�� �#��� p��i��e�. IV���ir�g �or���ir��d ir� �F�i� Agr����rr� �r a�r��r ����r a�r��nne�� r�l��ir�� t� t�re �i�� ��- �t� ����a�i�n� I�r�r�i�s t�� ��pl������r� �� ���� in����r��� ����ra���. �, IV�r�� �� th� ���rer�ge� r�q�ir�� �e��ir� �nril� b� ir� �o��lia��� v�r��l� �I���e re�uir���r��� �� ����r ir��l��e ���r �ir�ni��r�� �n��r�er�r��r�� �� �r��r �cir�� �I�a�� I��� r��� ���n �r�t ���rx�i�#�� �� �ifiy ar�� ���r�v�d �f �n v�rri��r��. �. IV� li��ili� ��li��s��ll �or����n a�rr� �r��ri�i�r� �r��fir�i�i�r� �I�a��+�r�u�l� s�rv��� �I�rr�i���e ��-�a�le� "�k�ir� �a�rt� ��ti�r� ��r�r�" ���ir�ns� �r��lu��ir�g �r�� e�c�l�si�n ��r ���il� in�u�ry �o a� �r��l���� �f the i�sured �r of ��y ��n�ult�nt or su��or�#ra�ctor. �. ��I ��verage t�r��s ��d lir��t� requi� ��� ���j��t t� ���ro�a�, r�r����#���ti�r� ��� ���i�i�r��l r����r�r�ner��� �� th� ����r, a�� �I�� r���� ari�e�. ��n�ultar�� �ha��� r��� rna�c� an�r r��u��i�n� ir� ����e �� co��r�ge �e.g. �lir�i�n����r� �f r�or�#r���u�l I��t�i�it�r �r r�����i�r� �� �i����r�ry ��r���} tl��� r�na� �f#e�t ����'s �r�t��ti�r� v�ri�l���t �i��'� pri�r �nrri��r� �or���r��. T. �roo� of �or�pl�ar��� vrr�th #he�� ir�suran�e requ�r�rnent�, �ar����ting �f ��rtifi���e� �� ir��u�r�r��� ev��er���rr� a��l �f ��� ���r�ra��es r���ire� �r�� a�r� �����i�r��l in�ur� �n��r��r��rrerrt �� ��r��ult�n��� ��rre� �i�bili�� p�li��r, �h��l �� d�l��rer�d �� �i�� a� �r �ri�r #� ��� ��ce���i�n �� �I�is ��re�r�n�r��. Ir� �#�� ��r�r�� �c��� �r��� �� �n� ir�su�ran�� i� r��� ��I��r�r�d a�� r���ir�� �r i� ��� ev��� ���h ir���r�r��e i� �ar���l�� a�# �r��r ��r�� �n� r�� �-�����er��n� ���r�r��� i� �r�vi�e�, �i� I���t�e ri�l�� ��t n���l�� d�t�, �� ����i� a�r�� ir���� �����r�n� r�e��s���y �o prot��� its �nt�re�ts ��d�r th�� or any oth�r agreernent ar�d to pa�y the �r�r�i�r�n. �r�� �r�r�r�iu�rr� �� �a�i� �� �ity �i�a�ll �� �k�a�r��d t� a�r�� �r�r�r�p�l}r �a�i� b� ��r��u�l���� �r �e�u���d ��r�rr� �ur�� �u�e ��n��lta�r��, �t �ity �p���r�. �. ��rtifi�te��� �r� t� �efl��� ��r�� tl�e �r���r�r �nril� �r��ri�� �� ���� r���i�e �� �i�y �� a�n� ��r��ella���r� �f ���rera��. ��n��ltar�� a�r�e� �� ���uire i�� ir���r�r �� r�r����f� ���� �ert�fi���e� t� �ele#� ar�� ��c�ul�a��ry v�r���ir�� �tatin� �I��t �ailure �� ��e i�su��r t� r��i� �nrr�t#e�r r���i�� �� ca���l���i�n ir n� �b�i���i��, �r ��r�� �n� ���� v�ri�l "e�������' ��� ������� �� ��in� r�q�ire�} �� ��r�n�l�r �r�rith t�e r����r�r�ner��� �� t�e ��r��fi����. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 26 �, It is ���cr���vle���� ��r ��� ���ti�� �� thi� a��r���n�r�� ��a� �I1 i��u�ra�r��� �o�rera�� r��u�ir�� �� �� �r��id�� b� ��n�ult�r�� �r �r��r �����r��ra���r, �� int�r�d�� �� �����r #�r�� �n� �n � �ri�a�ry, n�r���n����u��ir�� ���is �n r�l��i�n #� ��n� ����� ir��c�r�r��� �� ��I� irr��r�r��e �v��l��le �� ����. '1 �, ��n��l���� ��r��� �� �r����� t�a�t �u���n����t�r�, ar�� �r��r ����� ��rty ir���l�r�� �ri�� �I�� pr�je�t �nr�� i� �r���h� �r��� �r ir���l�r�d ir� ��� pr����t �� ��r��u�l�an�, �r��ri�� �h� �arr�� rr�ir�ir�nur� �n�u�r�n�� ����r��� r��ufr�� �� ��n�u�l#ar��. ��r��u�l��r�� �g���� �� r7r��r�it�r �r�� re�ri�� a�l s��� ���r�r�ge �n� a�����s �II r����r��ibili��r ��� ���u���r�� ��a�� ���� ���r����� i� pr��id�d ir� ��r�f�rr�i#�r �nri�� �i�e r��uir�rn��t� �# t�is �e����r�. ��n��l�a�nt �gr��� �ha� ���n r�����t, �II a��reenner��� �ri�l� �u���ntr��t�r� a�rrd �tl��r� er��a��d ir� t�e pr�j��t �nril� be subr�n�tte� �� ����r f�r r��r���nr. � 'I . ��r��ult�n� ��re�� r��� �� ��If-ir�sure �r �� u�� �r�� ����-in�ure� r�����i�n� �r d��u���i�l�� �n a��n� ��rti�r� �� ��� �n�u�r�r��� �����re� �er�ir� �r�� ��rt�r�r ��re�s �h�� i� v�rill ��� �I���r �r�� ����ul��r��, �u����n�ra����r, �r��ite�t, Engine�r �r ���er e��ity �r ����r� �n �r��r ��rr�� �r��r�lve� i� �h� �erf�rrx��n�� �� �r�r�r�c �n �k�� �r���ct ��n�e�rr�la���� ��r tl��s a�gree��r�� �� ��I���r��ur� it� ���ig��i�r�� �� �it�. �� ��r��ult�n�'� e�ci��ir�� �o�r�r�ge in�lu���s � ���u��i�le �� ��I�-ir��u�r�� r���n�i�� ��e ���u����l� �r ���f-ir���r�d r���n���r� ���� b� ���I�rr�� �� �I�e �i��, �t �h� tir th� �i�� ����I r��i��nr ���i�r�� �nritl� �h� ��n��l��r��, �nrh��� r�r��� �r���ud� r�ciu��;#i�r� �r �lir�r�in�ti�r� �� tl�� �����;tib#� �r �el�-ir��ur�� r���nti�r�, �u�b�ti�����r� �� ��I��r co��r�g� �r ��her ��I��i�n�. 'I �. ��e �i�y r�serv�� tl�� ri��� �� ���r ��rr�� �urin� ��r� �err� �� �t�� �n�ra�� �� chan�� th� ��ount� �n� t�rpes o� ir�sura��e r�qu�i� �y givi�� tl�� ��r��ul�rr# nir��t�y ���� ���s ��v�n�e �nrri#���n r���i�� �f ���h �l��r���. �� �u�l� �h�n�� r�su�t� ir� �ub�t�r��i�� �d�����r��� ���t �� �I�� ��r�sult�r��, �I�� �it� �vil� r�e��ti��e a����i��a�l ��rx���r����i�n �r���r�i�n�� �� ��r� �n�re��e ��r���i� �� ����. 'I �. F�r ��r����� �f �����r�n� ir�sur���� ���r�ra�ge �r���, ���� ��r��rx��n� v���l be ���rn�d �� �a��r� ���r� ��c��u���� i�nr�r�e�ia��el� u���� �n� ��rt� h�r��� ta�ci�r� �r�� ���ps th�� ��n b� ����e� �� b� ir� ��rther�r��e �f �r ��v�r�rd� ��r����n�e �� �I�i� �►gr��rr��n�. 1 �. ��n��l��nt ���Cr���vle���� an� �gre�� �I��� a��r a�ctu��l �r �Ile��� f�il�,r� �� �I�� p�rt �f �it�r �� i���rr� ��r���l��n� �� rr�r�-�rr��li�r��e �v��� a�n� in�ur��� re�u�r�rn�r��� i� r�� �va� irn����� �r��r a���i�i�r��l �bli��ti�r�� �n �i�� rr�r ���� i� �r�i�� �r�� ri��t� I��r�u�r�d�r ir� t�i� �r �r�� ��t��r r���r�l. 'I �. ��n����ar�t �ill r�r�ew ��n� �����re� co�r�r��� �r�r����l� �� I�r�g �� ��ty# �r i�s �r�r�pl����� �r ��er►�� ���e �r� e�p���r� �r�rn ���rati��� �f an�r ���� ��r���s�# �� �I�i� a�r���n�nt. Thi� ��li�a�i�n ���li�� v�r�����r �r r��� ��� ��r��r�n�r�� i� �an���d �r t��rr���a�e� ��r �r��r r��r���. �fer�r�ir���i�r� �f �hi� �b�i�a�i�r� �� n�t �ff��ti�r� u���i� ���� ������e� � v�r��#�� sta�t�rr�er�# t� ��at �ffec�. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 27 'I�. ��n��l���nt �h�l� �r��ide pr��� �h�t ��li�i�� �� i�s�r�n�� �e�u�ir�d �e�ei� e�c�i� ��rir�� tl�e ��r� �� �I�is �gr��r��r�t I���r� ���r� rer�ev�re� �r r�����ed �r�r��t� ����r ��ii���� �r��ridi�� �� le��� �I�� ��r�n� ��v�r���. F'r��f ��a�# ���I� ���rer�ge has be�� ��d�r�� s�al� �e suk�r�r�i�t�� �r��r t� ��c��r�ti�r�. A�o�re���� �ir���r �r I�t�er fr�r�n ��nst���an�'� ir���r�n�� a���nt t� tl�i� �f��� i� ���e�t��le, ���rti���te �� ir��u�ar��� �n���r ���i�i�r��l ir��ure� en��r��r���� �� r����re� in t�e�� ����i���ti�n� ���lica#�l� �� t�e r�n�v�ir�� �r �e�r ��v�r��� r�r���t �� �r�vided �� �i��r v�i��ir� ��r� da��s �f �I�e ��c�ir�ti�n �f ��e ��ver��e�. � �. �h� �r��i���r�� �� �n� v�r�rl��r�' ����er������n �r ��r�n�l�� ��t �nri�l n�t I�r�i� ��� ��I����i�r�� �� ����ult�r�� un�er �i��� a��r��rr�e��. ��r�su�l��n� ��c�re��l� a�re�� ��� �� �s� ar��r �����t�ry �rr�rn�r�i�y �������� ur���r �u��l� I��r� v�ritl� r������ �� ����, it� ��pf���e�, �ffi�i�l� �r�� a��r���. 'I 8. F�e�uirer�e��� �� �����fi� ��vera�e ����ur�� �r �ir�r�its �orr�����d in ��i� �e�ti�r� �r� n���nt�r���� �� lir7r�i���i�r�s �n c�a�rer�ge, �ir�i���r�th�rrequire�en�� n�ras � vrr���r�r�� �n� �o�re�a�� ���r���l�r �r��ri�ed ��r ar�� �i�r�r� ��I���. ��e�i�i� r�f��r�r��� t� � ���rer� �av�r��e fe�t�r� �� f�r ��rp���� �� �I�rifi�ati�r� �r�l�r �� it �ert�ir�� �� a �i�r�n i����, ar�� �� n�� ir�����e� b� an� ��rty �� i���r�d �� b� lir�r�it�n� �r all-�r��lu��i�re. � �, �Tl���e ir��ur���e re�uir�rn�r��� �re ir���r���� �� �� �e��r��� a�r�� �i��in� �ro�n �n�r c�th�r �r��i���r� ir� �I�i� ��r��rr�er�� ar�� �r� ir���n��� b� tl�� p�rt��� her� �� �� �+n��r�r��� a�s ��c�. ��. Th� r��u�rer��r��� �r� �I�is ����i�r� su�����d� �II ���rer ���ti�r�� ar�� ����ri���r�� �f �I�i� �gre�r�n��� �� the e�cter�� ���t ���r ��I�er ����i�r� �r �r�vi�i�r� ��r�fli�� �rit� �r �nn�air� �#�� ��r��i�i�n� �� ��i� �e�ti�r�. �� . ��r���l��r�t a�re�s t� �� r�s��r��i��� ��r e�su�n� #I�a�� n� r�r���act �se� �� �r��r ��rty in��l��d in �r�� v�ra� v�ri�� �I�e �r�je�� r���rv�s th� r���� �� �har�e �ity �r ��rr�u�l���t ��r tl�� c�s� �� ���iti�r�a� ir���r���e ���r�r��e c��u�ir�� ��r �I�is a��re�rr��r�t. ��� s��l� �r��ri�i�r�� ��� �� b� �elete� v�ri�� �ef�rer��� �� �i#�y. I� i� n�� �h� �n��r�� �f �it�r �� r�irr�b�rse �r�� �I�ir� ��rt� f�r ��� ���t �� ��r��l�ing v�ritl� ����e r�qu�rerr�er���. T��r� �I���� �� r�� r��o�r�� a���ir��� ���� ��r ���r�er�� �f �r�rr�iur�� �r �ther ��nn�ur��� �rri�f� r�s���t t��r���. ��. ��n�ult�r�� ������ t� pr��rid� ir�nr�e����� ���i�� �� ���� �# ��� �I�ir�r� �r I��� ����r��� ��r��ulta�r�� �r��ir�� ��t �� ��� v�r�r�c ��rf�rr�n�� ur���r ���� a����r�n�n�, �i�� ����r��� �� ��li�a����r� �r �i��ili�� b�r �u��� ������, �u� ��� ��� ri�l�t ��u�� r��� tl�� du��� t� rr������r th� �ar�diin� �f �r��r �u�l� �lair� �r �lair�ns �� �I��� ��� li�c�l� �� ir��r�l�r� �i��. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 28 � �`� � � �� � �� � lNC�RPO��TED � � .� � �� � �#IJ�Y IQ. 19�� � ��� ��� ���� T� : ���� ■ ��f : � � �lJ B,� ��T: ��#TE: ��������� �IT1f ��I�IV�1L ��IV ��A�N�L�� �I�E�T�� �� �IJ�LI� V1����� �tELLIf H���EF�I��IV, �����I�T� PLAh�I�E� ��[V�I���ATI��V �� �#�PF��PI�IATI�[� �F FIJN�� F�l� 1NAT� F� ��IV ��F�11AT�� IV F�� ��lT� PF���F�AIUI � C]E��IIA��� �, ���� F�E���IIIl1IlEl�l]��I�I�: I# i� r���r�rr�er���� �h� �i�� ���r��il ���r��ri�t� ���,��� ���� ��� IIVa�t�r IVe��r�E���t��r� F�n� t� initia�e v�r�t�r ��ns�rv����r� r���t� �r�gr�rr�� f�r hi�h ��i�i���� v�r��hin� r���l�ir��� �rri�a����n ��ntr�l��r�, �r�� turf �er�n��r��. FI�V�►IV���#L Il1��A�T: �� i� r�cor�r�n��ded tha� �I�� r���t� �r��r��� �� f�r���d �h��u��l� th� �it�rr� lll����r fVeutr��i���r�r� ��n�, �rhi�� �urr�n�l� k��s � �a�l�r��� �� ����,���. It i� ��tirr��t�d th�t ��� �r��r�r� ���t �vi�l �n�� ��c�e�� ���,���. E�����1��LJ�i�: Tk�� �ity i� ���r�r�tl� in � s�vere��r ����ri�t� �r���� suppl� ��r��i���n, ��fin�d �� cor���r�nir�� r��r��ty-fi�re {��} t� r�ir���yinEn� {��} �er��� �� �h� ��r�u�ll� �������I� �r�t�r sup��y. P�r ��c�ti�� � �.��.��� �� th� Arr��r� �r�r��� N1�r�i���a�l ����, ����r�l r���ri�i��� ��d rr����ure� �� irr�� �f���t in t��� �o��i�i�r a�s 11�t�� b�l���rr: � �J�e �f �v�t�r, �nrl�i�h re�ult� ir� ��c����i�r� ��tt�r ru���ff� i� �r�hi�it��. � �1� �r���r �h�ll �� us�d ��r �le�r�ir�� �ri�r��nr��r�, ��ti��, ���cing I�t�, si��urr�ll��, s�r�e�� �r �th�r ���� ��� ���e�t �r�r��r� n������ry #� pr�t��t �h� pu�l�� fne�l�� �r�d ��f�ty. � �ut���r v�ra�t�r ��� ��r �v���in� ���ri�l�� ���II b� a�tte��� ��n� �a�v� h�r�� �;antr���e� v�r���rir�� ���r���s, tY�ic��l�r i��lu��irr� ��rin�-����e� ��u���f n��l��. � �u�����r �rr����i�r� i� pr��i�i��� ��t�nr��r� t1�� h�ur� �f 1 �:�� �AI1� �n� �:�� PIVI, � I� �f �ri�r�te �n� p�bli� ��r�����pin�, ��r� �r��s �n� ����er�� i� ��rmitt�� �t even�rr�mbered addres�es o�l� on Nfon�ay� ��d TC��rs�ays �nd at odd� nu�nb�r�� ��dre�ses ��1� �n T�a���a��r� �r�� �rid���. IV� irri�����r� �� �riv�t� a�nd ��b�i� I�r�����ir�� turf �re�� ar�d g�r��n� i� ��rrn�tt�� �n I�Vedr���d���. lrrig�ti�� i� ��r�nitt��i �� �II a�dr����� �t� ��tu���l��r� �nd ��nci���; 1���r+���r�r, in all c�a�e� �u�tor�er� �r� ���e�t�d to use r�� mor� v�r�t�r ��a�� r�e�e�s�ry to ��in�ain I��ds���ir��. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 1 ��� ������� V�f�►T�� ���l���11�#�I�IV #���1�TE �I���I�A1VI� �E�EMB�R �, 2�D8 PA� E 2 � �rr���y��g �n� r��il�ir�� s�rir�r�ir�� ���i� �rt� �or�nr��r�i�l s��� i� �r�C�i�ited e�c�e�t �� �r�v�r�t �tr�ct�r�l ��r��g� �r�d��r �� �r��ri�� ��r �h� ���li� I������ �nd �afety. � l�s� �� p�t�bl� v�ra�er f�r ��r�p��ti�rr �r ��st ��r��r�l �u�o��s ir� �or��t��ti�� ��t��ri�i�� i� �r��ibit��. A� ��rt �f ��� �ity'� Vll�t�r �����rv�ti�n �r��r�r�n ���lir�ed in t�e ���� l�r��r� ll'V�ter Il��n��er��r�� �I�n, �h� �it� ���r���i�t�d �'� �,��� f��r� th� V1�a�ter IV�u�r�li��ti�n �ur�� �r� ��t���r 1�, ���� �� E�itia��� � �il�� s�il rr��i�ture ����� �r��r�r�. ��� ��il rr��i��ur� g�u�� �r��ra�rr� « �r� �r��t����, �vi#� ��rer ��� ���g�� �i��ri����� �� ��t�. ir� �� �f��r� �� contE�u� I�VI��"1 1�1��1��11� IN����-��1���111�1� ��D����"1�, I� I� f���f�"1CI"1��1C��� ���� �C�C�I�i��l�� ������ p���r�r�� �� ���r��r�� ��r �nrasf�irr� r���hir��� irri���i�r� ��ntr��l�r�, �r�� �urf �a�v�r���r�. �IVALY�1� �F I��I�E�: Vl���hin N1��F�i�e F����t�� ��r �'�S�E, ������s v�r�sl�i�� r�n��l�ir�e� ����unt ��r �n�r� �h�r� ����� �f vrr�ter u��� ir��i�� �I�e ��r�n� �r� ��r�r�g�. F�unr�ir�g � ��n�r�nti�na�l �r�r���ti�� r���hi�� �ar� u�e r�n�r� ���n �� ���l�r�� �� v�r�t�r p�r ��r�l�. F�I�v���r�r, ���r� �r� #�i�l�-�ffi�i�n��r r�����s t��� ��� ����� ���� �nr�t�r �n� er��rg�. �Il���t f�l�-�i�e� I�igh��ffi�i�n�� ���t�e� v�r��h�r� ��� 1�-�� ��I��n� �� urr�te� per �oad. ���id�n�� �vi��i� tl�� �i�y ��n a�lr��d�r ��t�in � r��a�� �r�r� P�B�E ��r hi�l� �ffi���r���r �I�t��� v�r��hers tl��� �u�li�fy a�s Tier � �r�d Ti�r � ���� Att��l�r��r�� 'I f�r ��frr�iti�r� �� �iff�r�n� Tiers — t�� I�i�h�r th� `r`i�r, �he r��r� v�r�t�r �n� �n��� effi���n�}. I� i� r���rr��n�n��� t��t tl�e �ity �� c�ansisten� v�ritl� tl�� F��B�E �r��r�r� �� t��t r�����n#s can �bta�irr re����� �r�r�n ���� th� �ity �nd ��8��. �r� ���it��r� t� ��8�� ����t� �ro�ra�rns, �� i� pr����e� th�t tF�� �ity ��f�r �h� f�����nrir�g: • �1 �� for T�er � �nr��l�in� rna�h�ne� • �� �� for T�er � w�shing r���h�nes Th��� �r�n�un�� �r� c�n�i�t�n� �rvi�� ir�����i�r�� ���r pr�av���d ��r �h� �i��r �f ��rt Lu�� ����p�. ��r�er�ll� ������r�g, r���t �� �he urr��er �ff�i��t v�ra�s�ir�� �n��k�in�� �r� f��r�� I����d �v�r��c�l� �nr�i�� ��� �r��ific�antl� I��� v�r�t�r th�n �th�r rn��el� �I��ri��nt�l� b� �uE�� s��pen�ir�� �f�th�� �r� a� �rr�a�l� ���I �f �r�r�t�r ��rin� �h� vrr��� ���I�. ���nr��r�r� ther� �r rr������ th�t �r� t�p I���e� ���ri��nt�l} �h�� ���re ��rne� `E��r�� �#a�r' r��ing� ��� ���t re��ir�r��nt� ��r Ti�rs � �r�� �. I� i� �r�����d �ha�t �I� Tie�r � �r�d � rr������, �rvl�e�h�r �r�r�t �r ��� I�����, �� �I��i�l� f�r � r����� �I�ro�gh th� �ity. T�e�� r���hir��s car� ���� �� t� �ft��n {� �} ��I��r�� ��r ��a��. I� i� ���� �r������ tl��� ��t� �r���t�� b� re�tr�c;t�� t� ���li�n��� ��r�h��e� �r�r� r�tail�r� I����� �vi�h�n ��e ��t� in �r��r t� u�� �h� ��b�i�i�s t� ��p�rt I���I ���in�����. 1l�rifc��i�r� �� ��r��a�s�, rn�cl�l �r�� r��id�n�y �nri�l �� r�e�����ry ir� �r��r �� r��eiv� � r���t�. �rr���t�or� �on�rol��rs, �rr�g����r� �������ir�� i� irnp�rt�r�t t� r�a�int�in I��d����ing ��fi�'r�n�l�, �� ��r��l�r �vi#h �it� v�r��er ���tri�ti�n�, �r�� �� rx���ify i�r�g����� s���dule� �� �rv�a��h�r ��nditi�n� �I��n��. �i�r�r� th� �it�r's r�r��n��t�ry irr����i�r� ��[��d�l� {d�s�ri�ed �k���r�}, i# �� �r���rtar�� ��r Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 ���� ������� ����� ������������ ������ ������� �������� �� ���� PJ�C E � r��i��r�t� t� ����rs�a�r�� r��� �r�l� th� �i���� r�a�r���t�d i�r����i�r� ��h���l�, �ut t� ��v� �I�� �r�p�r �qui�r�ner�� �� d� ��. ����11�r i� �s � �ir�npl� r�a�t�r �f �r��r�rr�r�in�, ��t s�rr�� ��r��r�l��r� �r� #�� ��� �� a���� �nri�� t�e �ity'� irri�����r� ��h���l�. T��r���r�, i� i� �r������ th�t $rri�a����r� ��ntr��l�r re�ate� �� �f#�r�d �� ���t�rr��rs d�pe�di�� �n t�� t�r�� �� ���iprn�nt �r��t�ll�� �s ��I��v�r�; � �'I�� ��r ��git�l • ���� for �e�s�r� L�v�rn ���v�r�i��� �� i� ��t�r�na�t�d tl��t ��°�� �� th� �it�r'� �v�t�r is ���d f�r irr���t��n, la�r���� ��r t�rf �r��s. 1�1�n� juri��i�ti��� h��r� �rnpler���t�d t�rf r�r���r�l ��r��r�rx��, �nr�i�l� �r� �r����l�r �I�� r�n��� �fF�c�ive r���r�� �� r�d��in� v�r�t�r �sa���. It �� �r�����d th� �i� ����r �u�h � �r�gr�r�. T�� r����e ��r r�nn�v�l v�r�u�� �e ����d �r� �qu��� ���t�g� �f �urf ��t�n��r�d. l.J���r ��� r��r�r��r���d �r��r�rr�, �urf rr��s� �� r��l��ed v�ri�l� �r���l�� t���r�r�t �I�nt� ����� �r� the ����'� �r�di��n��s �n� �r�u���t t�l�r��� �I�r�t lis� �n� ��rin�Cler� r�n��t �� r��l���� �rith �rip i�ri���i�n ���� Att��F�r�ne�� � f�r ��a�r�er� �I�rrt I��t�. F��ba�te� v�r��l� b� b���� �r� I�v�rn rer�n���l ��u�r� f��#��e �� f�ll��nr�: F��b��� Am�unt f�r L��r� ����rer���n� R�bat� Amo�nt Ar�o��� of �ra�� ��rr��v�� ��'� ���-��� � . ft. �� �� ���-'I ,��� � . i�. ���� '1,��� — �,��� � . ft. ���� ����� — �,��� � . ft, ���� �#��� — �,��� � , f#. ���� �,��� ��d u �h� �f���e �r�t�r ��r���rv�ti�� pr��r�r�� �s ��t�in�d a�b��re ar� ����ist�r�� urri�� ��r� �ity}� 1111�t�r ���n��rv�tf�n Pro�r�r�n ���lin�� in �he ���� Llrb�n 11V�t�r 11�1�r����r���� P��n. �i�r�� �he �i�y'� ��rr�nt urra�t�r �u��l� �i��ati�n ��� s�lf-irir������ rnan��t� ��r v�r�t�r co���rv�ti�n, �t ��p��rs t�� b��� �o���e �f ��:ti�n i� t� irr��ler�en� th� n�� pf���e �f tt��t Pl�n, v�rh��� �r��lu�d�s r����e� �� er���r�g� ���i��nts t� cor���rv� v�r���r. AL���hl�#T111��* Tk�� ��Il�v�rir�g al��r���i�r�� �r� �f�ered f�� ��ur���l'� ��r�si�e���i�r�: - Appr��re �he ��pr���i�ti�� �f ������� �r�rx� th� 1�1�t�r IV���r�li��ti�n Fur�� �� �niti��� th� t�ree ��� �r�t�r con�erva��or� re��t� pragr�m�; � C�� n�# ���r�ve tl�� a�pr��r��ti�n a�t tl�i� ti�� �n� ��r��t �t�ff �� ���tl��r r����r�� � �ff�r�nt ��t�r ��r��erv����r� �r�g��r�s; �r - P� �t�er �i���ti�� �� �t��f. �►�11'�4� TA� � � : �h� f��l�v�r�n� �r� ��si#i�e ���e�t� �f ���r��ir�g the ���� � Tt�� r���t� pr��r��nns �nr��l pr��ri�� � pr�-��ti�r� in�er�ti�r� ��r �v���r c��s�rv�ti�� tk��� v�rill ��I� ��I�r��� th� ��t�r ��f�r��r��r�� rn����r��. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 3 �IT�f ���11V�IL 11��1TEF� ��h���F�11����IV F�E�ATE P��C�All�l� DE��II�B�F� 9, ���8 PA� E 4 � T�e r����� �r�gr�r�� ��� �� i�n�l�r�r��n�e� qu����C�� �nrhile I�r���r � �r���r ��r���rv��i�r� �nd su��l� pr�grar�r�� �r� b�ir�� ���r�l�p��. D � � ��11�IV T�#C � � : � Fur��ir�� th� r�ba�t� �r��r�rr�� I�Illate� I���tr�l����i�� ���� ��� v�r���r ��r���rv�ti�� pr��ra�r�r��. �nr��,l� �ppr�pria�� ���,��� ���rr� �h� t ��ul� �therwi�� b� �p�r�� �n ��h�r � 1�11� F�� 1� IIII E h�rT"�L 1�E11� E111�: IV� �r�vir��r��nt�l r��ri��v i� r��ui��� ��r t�i� �t�r�. �IJ�LI� I��TI�I�AT��[V �1N� ��11IIIVI��VT�: Th� Ag�n�� �nr�� ������ ir� �ror�t �� �ity H�II �� Ti�u�rs���, ���er�r���r �, ����. T�� ��en�� �n� � �r�r� ���te� �r� tl�� �i�y'� �r�bsi�� �r� ��i���, �3���r�r���� �, ����, �� ���li� �or�r�n�nt� �v�r� r�����r��. At���hme�n��: '�. P��� ��fir�iti�r� �f 1�11��er ��r���rv�ti�n Ti�rs �. ���rt�r Pl�r�t Lis� �:I�orr�m�nity D�v�[�pm��t1PF��JE���1�PE�lAL�1NAT�F� ���I�EF�VATI�[�1F��ba�te Prograrrrsl��-3-�� �� �ta�f I��p�r#.d�� Agenda Item 8.k. Page 4 ��������� � �EE �� �r-���i����t H�rr�� � I��r���� ��i�i�t�v� � �� ����f��� 1111����r �u�lifyir�� Pr��u�t Li�� �lo�err���r 1 �, ���� T�i� I��t b���d �� ��� ��� R��id��ti�l �I�thes �N����r ��e��fi��ti�ns T�� list is u�at�d rn�n��l�. �e� th� �E� �nr�bs��� ��nrww.oe�l.�r+�} f�r #�� rn��t r��ent listin�. Ter�S �f �JS��� The li�t below rnay s�� �e regrodu�ed, di�semin�►ted, �ublished or tran�ferred in �►t�� #`orm or b�r �n� r��ans, �x��pt wi�.h th� pri�r written per�rr�ission of ��E or as speci��all� pr��+ided belaw. �EE grants its IVI�rnb�rs at�� P�rk.i�i�ants pernu�sion t� us� th� materi�l for t��ir owr� us� in irnpler��nting ar a�ministenng th� specifi� �EE Initia�ive to whi�h th� rr�a[erial r�l�►tes on th� ur�derstandin� th��.: ��►} �E�'� ��pyri�ht noti�e rvill �ppeax' �� al� ��pies; {b� no mod�fi��tion� to th� rna��erial v�ri11 be made; ��� �ou �il� not �la►irn awr�e��hip or nghts in the rr�at�ria►1; �d� �h� rr�at�nal �ill not be published, repr�du�ed, tr��rnitEed, store�, so�d, or distribute� for profit, in�It�di�� in at�}� adverti��m�nt or �ommer�ial �ub�i��►tio�►; �e� the rnakerial� wi�l not b�e �opied or poste� an any Intern�� �ite, serv�r �r ��rnputer networlc witho�t �EE'� �xpres� �ons��xt; and �f} the for��oi�g l�rnitatior�s hav� bee� communi�a�e�tE �o all persons who obtain ac��ss to or use af th� rn��erials as tt�� re�ult �f your a��ess and u�e tt�ere�of. �EE does r�o�. ma�c�, �ell or �istrib�rt� a�ny produ�ts or se�rvi�es, other than �EE r�xer�xb�r�hip �ervices, and �EE c�oes n�t ��ay an� �mpl�m�nta�i�n ro1� in ti�� pro�ams �ff�red an� ap�rated �y or on b�ehal� of its rn�r�nbe�rs. 'r'h� a�curac� of rn�rni�er prog�ram ir�forrnation ar�d of manuf�tu�r�r produ�t inf�rrna.tion discus.�d �r ��rYxpi�ed i.� thi� �ite is th� �ole responsibi�it}� o� th� organi�ation furnis�ing su�h inf�rmation to �E�, and ��E i� �tot respon�ibl� �or an� ina�curaci�s or misr�pr�s�ntations whi�h rr��+ �ppea� th�r�in. �EE does not iks��f te�t o� �ause to be t�s#.e�d �y e�}uipm�n� or t�chnol�gy for mer�har�tability, fitr�ess �o� pu�r�os�, produ�t �af�ty, or �n�rgY ���I�l�il�� �IIC� i�C�S �1� ��11I1 W1�1 T�S�C� #�1���0 r�feren�e� a�d d���r�ptions of produ�ts or ��rv�ces within the site are provided "As �s" without an}� v�+arrant}� �f auny kir�d, ��gress or ir�lied. �E� i� not liable for any da�na�g��, in�l�d�n� c;on�equ�ntial darnag�s, o�' an�+ �d �hi�h r��y result to �he user f'rom the u�e o� th� site, or any of th� produ�t or servi��� �les�ribed ther�in. ��� •�}rr�bols: �4n ast�risk �*�, �lus sign {+}, o� pound �i�n �##� indi�at� that �ne or more �o�iing rrari�bl�s m�� be used in pla�e �# �he s�rr�l�l to indi��#e a�alor o� featur� tk��� d��s nat aff��t wash�� e#�i�i�n��r - ��� ������:� ind��at� that � �r�tiu�� is �n��ti�re. • F3��� r��lics ind���t� � U�-�nl� r�nadel. • �����f� ���}��;� �ndi�2��e � ��r��d�-onl�r r�r�ade�. �>¢� °�nvx:x n�.n�.n.v�;x:nv�:?�v�¢ ,�xV . . .. .. ... .. ��� *����f �t�1J�s ir�d����e t�� rnodel is a�arr�binat�an wa���r 2�nd vent�e�� d�y�r. �E� do�s �rot req�ir� �e� data far dryer �er#orman�e �nd does �ot certify the eff��i�n��r af the dryer. �1�TE: �'�rentless� ����inat�ar� �lat�r�s washerldry�r is �ne that da�� r�at I�a�r� 2� h�s� 2�#t���e�d t� a� out��d� ��ur�� t� �r�nt 2�ir in t�e drying proce��. °ll�n�l�ss° m�dels in�te�d have a �ond�nsing dry�r s�st�rn. The �onden��� dry�� syst�rn r�pl���� th� tr�ditianal dry�r �rent �I[�win� the combo unit #a be u��d in s�2���-�onstrained �a�at�ans, su�h as old ap�rtr�en�s w��r� vent�r�� is nat a�r�ilabl�. �r� ��is s�rst�m, �s �loth�s are dri�d, th� �i� v�r�rms and b�corn�� rr��i��. T�e wa�'m ��tur�,ted air i� t�en ru� t�����h ���n�enser u�it, whi�h i� s�rrounded ��r co�d wa�er. The cold �rr�t�r i�wer� �he ternp�rat�r� of #he maist air, ��usirr� �h� water t� �ar�dense inta a#ra�r. Estirr��tes �f ���d water use over the �on�enser ur�it �an�e from � #� � � �2�II�ns p�er I��d. • �EF=hAodified Ener��r ���t�r, a combina�i�n �f �n�rg� F��#�r �,nd #�emainir�� Nloisture �ont�n�. �AE� �ne�sures er�er��r �ans�r�ption of the tota� laur�dry ����e �washin� and dryin��, It �ndi�at�s h�v�r m�n�r �ubi� feet o� I�undry �an b� washet� 2�r�d dried wi�h �r�� �CII��� of ele�t�i��ty; the hi�her �h� numb��', �h� �r��#�r �he effi�ien��r. # 1NF=1N�t�r F��t�r {nu�n�er af ga�l�n� r�ee�ded f�r e��h �u�i� foo� �f lat�ndr�r�, � lower n�rr�b�� in�i�a�e� I�wer �ansum�#ion and r°r�ore �ffi�ien# use a� �+vater. • l�lthough all �ad�l� on t�� ��E �is# �r� �re�y �ffi��en#, th� ti��s a�e �t�uctur�d �� tl�� �n��t �ffi�ient produ�ts a�re li�ted in �h� h�gher tier�. F�r exarnple TMer � wauld �ontai� the �n�st �ffi���nt m�d�l�. ��� ���� ��� �al�i�����r ������ �r��r���, ��r������� �r�� ���� ������o�� ����r� ������� ��� r�b��� ����� ����I� �or����t ����� ����� ����M���� �r����� ���#��������� ����� ��� ���F�� ����I���i �F ���D� �or�so�tium for En�r�y Ef�icien�y, In�. A11 rights �es�rv�d. �V�v��'rber 1�, ��E}8 �EE F�es�denti2►I �I�th�� I��s�er C�u�l�fyin� Prod��� Li�� Pa�� 1�# � Agenda Item 8.k. Page 5 •: ����� �1�Iodi�i�d ���r Fa�ar. �F} � �.0�, ���r �'a�tor �'�) � �.� ��.A�� �VI���� � �F � ��.�.�D 1VI(���� ��' � �4ris#�n Alllll �� �.�� �,�� �Cennn�re ����� �.1 � �.�� �rist�r� AIN1 �� �.�� �,9� �{enrn�r� ���6�'��+ �.1 � �.�� �1skc� VI�L6�� 1 �.0�4 4,�� �enrr�ore ����*��+ �.1 � �.�� ������?���� �3�������� �".�� �a.��� #{er�rr��re ����**** �.�� �.�9 ��������� � -��� � ��� �. � � �. � � #{er�more 4�1 �.2� 4.69 Bos�h V1IA�2D1 �OU� �,1 � �.5� Kenmore 4�1 �� �.01 4.1 � ����:�� �������7��� �, �� �4. �� �Cenm�re ��11'� �.�1 �.1 � ����� ��"�������� �.�� �.�� �������� ������ �.�� �t�� ����;�� ��"#������#� �.�� �.�� �C������� ���'��'* �.�� �. �� �r�sl� �FIN����F �.�1 �. � � �C������ ���#�'� �. � � �. �� �r�sl� �I��E���F �,�9 �.�1 I�it�h�nAid KH��1fV�1 �i*+ �.�3 �.�� �rosle �L��9��F �.�� �.�1 L� Ele��r�n��� VII����F �.� �.�� E �at�r E�1 �1 �11�EE �,�� �.�� L� Ele�tr����s �YD�-�����hf� �.�� �.�1 � u�t�r �E�3������ �.�� �.�� L� Electro�i�,s �ID��4#f#1�� �.1 � �.�� F��her & Pa �C�I I�V����11V1 �.�� �.�36 L� Electr�ni�s INN1����H* �.{31 �.�� �isk�er & �� �C�I I�V�26�1N� �.1 � �.�� �.� �I��tr����s IN�1� ����* �.�� �.�� Fi�k��r 8� Pa �Cel I�UL�7T�6" �.�� �.�� L� El�ctr���c� I�III�II����H* �.�� �.�� Fi�k��r 8� P2� �Cel 1�IIL�7TD1 �.�� �.�� L� Electr��t�s I�Vh1�����H* �.�� �.�� F�i ic��i�e ATF����E �.�� �.�� LC Ele�t�on��s {N�I�'3�321�* �.�� �. � � �ri �d�ir� �TF����F �.�� �.�� hA� � IIIIFVI������*+ �.1 � �.�� Fri id�i�� ATF����E �.�1 �.1 � N1� � �JIF�V9���T�`+ �.1 � �.�� �rr id�i�� �TFB���� �.04 �.�� hll� � �1F�V����T*+ �.1 � �.�� Fr� id�i�� �T�B���E �.�1 �.1 � hll�► � MHVI1����?11*+ �.1 � �.�� Fri i��i�� �F1 �4�F �.�0 �.�� hl�� � h11T1�V����T*# �.11 �.a� �ri id�ire �F�1 ��F �.(�1 �.1 � �r'�J� �� � f� �. � � �.�� �r� i��i�� FTF������ �.�1 �.1 � �r'��� �� � �� �. � � �.�#� Fri i��ir� ��EH��4�F �.�� �.�1 �r��� i�klf��� �.�4 �,�� Fri id�i�e �LCH1 ���F �.�� �.�1 ����� �f��� �.�� �.�� Fr� �d�Er� C�.TF1 ���F �.�� �.�� �rfr��� �11�1� �.�� �.��' F�� i�aire CL�`�i1 ���F �.�� �.�� ��rr�sun 11VF���*** �.�� �.�� Fri idair� LT��1��F �.�1 �.1� ��r�nsun 1�VF������ �.�1 �.�� Fri 'rd�ire LTF6���� �.D� �.�� �ri id�ire LT�'T���E �.�1 �.1 � ��" ������� ����� �� �� �. � � �. � � SarnSUn VI1F30�LAVI� 2.01 3.89 ��rr�r�! �����r�� U�ll� 1��� # ���# �. 0� �.� � ��������� ��������� C.�� ��� � �� �. �� �. �� ���� �.�� �����;�r��� ����������� �,�� �.�� ����►��� ,�-���;��;��; ����������� � ��' �. �€� �������,�����;���� ������,�� ��� �.�� �ier'r'�ens 1�V11111��1�IJ� �.1� �.�� �������� �����r ��� ����'� �, �� �. � � �i�r���� ��������! �� �. � � �.,3� ��rr�ral �����r�� �11�� �I1������f �. �� �. �� � � �c��er� �1FIV�C3� �. 0� �. ��3 ��r��r��l ������ �l� �11�����1� �. �� 4. � � � ��f C���r� � FlV� � � �. �4 �, �C� ��r��r�l �J����� �1�������}� f �. �� �. � � � �r��r� �4 ���f�� �_ �� �. �� � ������� ����r��� ����� � � #� ,�, �� ,�. �f� � �ec� �?��r� � ��50� �. �4 �, �(3 ��r����l �l����i� �VND�1�����-! �.�9 �. �9 � eec� Qu��r� AT�A��*� �.�4 4.90 ��r��r�l �#���r�� �f���l-���(�#� �M�� �. � f � �e�i ��een ��"���*,�* �.�� 4.�� ���,��� � �������� ,�.�� �.�� � eed ����� ���A���* �,�� �.�� ������� ��t����- �. �� �, �� S e�d ��ee� C�'�A�*�� �.�� 4.9� ������� ���� � �- �. �� �. �� � I�ndid� 111I�� 1 �� �.�� �.�� �C�r��n�re �����`��+ �. � � �.�fi INhirl � �I-�IN�1 ���w �.�� �. � � �{�n�n�re �������-� �. � 9 �.�6 INhir� �� ��1�V���# �.� �. � � ���r���'� �4���'*� �.�� �.�� INhirl �I C�iF�lV1f�����*+ �.�� �.�� �enrr��re ��4��* �.� �.�� INhir� ��I ��I�V9��P* �.D3 �.�� kCenrn�r� ��{3�*��+ �.1� �.�� 1�11h�r� aal LHV1�����F'�** �.�� �.� FCenm�r� ����*��� �.1 � �.�� IlVhirl ��I VI�F�����11�+ �.�� �.77 Kenrn��e ����* �.�� �.�1 IIV�irl ool I�VFVII����T�+ �.�� �.48 I��nrx��r� 4��7'* �.�3 �.�1 �If�ir�! �1 U�l�`�YS4 f ���+ �.�� �.�� �Cenm�r� 4���* �.�� �.�� VI1�irl ��I �11T1�I����T"`+ �.11 �,�� �Cerrrt�or� ���8* 2.1 � 4.�2 �1�v�mber 1?, ���� ��� F��sidenti�l �l�th�� 1�11���er C�uaf ifyir�� Pr����# List Pa�� ��f � Agenda Item 8.k. 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Tl�i� r���� i� ��s�� u��r� 'I � t�� �r��risi�r� �f r�r����r�t� p������y ����� ��rvi���; �} ��� rn���ri��r �f th� �r�gr�r�'� fun�in� i� ��ri��� �r�r� I���� ��ur��s; �� a �r���rti�r��� ��nd f�ir ���dir�� re�����; �} ��c�ell�nt �a��� ���f�rr��n�� �n �tili�ir�� �D�� �u�r��s �r�d ��IflE�nn�r�t �� ���ur�n�nt��i�n; �r�� �} ��e �rr���n� i� ��r�r���su�ra�te �rr`r�l� ���# ��r�din� �r�rn ��� �it�r. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 4 �ITY ��l�I��IL P��LI��I�AF��f ���� FIJ��I�1C F�F� ���� D���MBEI� �, ��0� PA�E��F� ����r�n�e�n�l��I fur��l�r�� �'I,��� ���,��� requ�s��d�; Li�er�r�� �'���rarr� �T�� l.i��r��� ���rr��l� — �t�f� r�cor�r�r��r��� ��ndin� in �h� �rr���nt �� �'I ,��� f�r tl�i� �r��r�rr�, �nrhi�f� ���i�t� ��r�lt I��r��r� �rit#� �I�� ���e���r��r�t �f En�li�h ��r����g� ��Cirl�. �hi� r���rn�n�r���t��r� is b��ed ���r� 1 } #�� ����r��i�r� �� �n��er��� �ri�rity ���i�l ��rvi���, �� th� rr�����it� �� th� pr�gr�r�'� f�n�i�� is ��ri�re� �r�rx� I���� ��ur���; �� ������r���n�l �r�� ��ir �urr�i�� r�����t� �n� �� �h� �rr��unt i� ���nr�n�nsu��te �vi�h ���t f�r���n� �r�rn t�� � i#�. F�������n�l�cl fun�li�� �'I,��� ���,��� r���u���ec��; A����� �Icier �d���� Pr��rar�n ���� L�i� ������ ��un�� �fII��A� — �t�ff r��o�nnrr��n�s furr�ir�� ir� th� �r�n��n� �1,��� f�r tl��� �r��ra��n, �v���l� �r�vid�s �er�i�r �����#��r��r ����rtur�iti��, Th�� r���r�r��r����i�r� is ����d u��r� �I � t�� �r����i�r� �� rn���r�t� pri�ri��r �e�i�r ���vi���� �� th� r����rit�r �� �h� �r��r�r�'� ��r��i�� i� d�ri��� �r�rn ����I ��u�r��s� �� � �r�p�r�i�r��l ��d ���r fur��in� r���e�t; �nd �} �h� ��rvi��� v�ril� �u���rt �� �r�r��� ��ni�r ���t�r a��ti�riti�� �t �1�� ����n ���c� ���i�it� �rvhi�� i� i��r�tifi�� �� � pr��rt�� �� �I�� �it�r t� r�n��t ��r���r�it� r�����. Pu��li� ���i�itie� �ta�� r���rn�n�r��� ��I����ir�� ��'I ,��� �� ������ ir� 1��� i�n����r��n�r��� t� �i���v�l�c�. Fin�l ���� rr� i n�t i� n�f i r�n � r��� rr� e r� �� �v i I I b��� � r� � r� �t� ��nr i� h� I� e� i���va� r�C f rr� p ro�r� r� � r�� P I� n. �I i r�i r���i�n �f �� u r�r�� �r�� �I i I�t -- .� �ff�r#� r�l�t�d t� �h� �lirr��n�ti�n �� ��urn� �r�� ��i�ht i� I�r�i��� t� a �� ��r��nt �r�� �e��fi� ���. �t��f r����n�e��� I��vin� �ur��in� �� �l�ig���� ��r�r���� {���� �n��r��rr��r�t� ir� tl�� ����v����r�r�er�� �r�� ur��h�ng�� �r�r�r� la�st �r��r'� ��I����i�n �f �'��,���, I�u� �� ��� �1��nrd��nrr� �r� ���ii���i�r�� ��r the f���d� �r�r�� �r��� ���f� r����rr��r��� ��n��n� �� �,���, �rr�i�h is �q��l �� I��t �ea�rr� �Il��a�t��n, �t��f �I�� r���r��n�n�� �lir�nin��i�� t�� r�n����in� requ�ir�r��r�t f�r ���ad� �r�r�t� ��r � t�r���r�ry �eri�� in �r� ��f�rt t� �n�r���� tl�� ��tr���i�r��n�s� �f �h� �r��r�r�n �r�d �r�vi�� �����t���� t� I���I �rx���l �u��n����� �ur�r�� th� ��r���ni� ��v►rnt�rr�. Adrr�Er��s�rat�or� �n� Pl�r�r��� Fu�n�s re u��t�d f�� �I�� ��rr��ni�#���i�n �� t�� ���� ������� r�r��in� ��������i�l�}r � �r�����g��, ���h���h I--�IJ�] a��r�rir�i�tr�tiv� requir�r�n�r�t� �r� in�re���r��. ���ff r���r�r�n�nd� �Il���tin� �'I �#��� ��r �r���r�r�r� a��r�ir�i�����i�n. ���i# r���r�r�r��r��� fu���n� �n ��� �r���r�t �f ��, � �� ��r �'l � �L� l--I�tlin� �� ��n���t � ��rv�� �f ���ial ��rvi�� r��u���� �r�r� ���r��ci�nna�t���r '1�,��� l��v �r�� �r�ry I�v� �r ��Il�r�. �`h� �r�����1 �� ��r����t t�e ���i�1 ��r�ri��� ���ve� i� tk�� r��ult �� ��i�nif���ntl�r in�r�a���� ��II v��ur�r� t� �1��lir�� �� � ������ �f �r����r�n�n�in� ��� �1 � ���t�r�t. ����I�� �r�r� ��e ��rv��r �i�l 1 � �ssist �r� �s�esse� �r�met �ne�d� due to a� I��k of loc�l pro�rarr��, �} in�rea�e th� ���u�r��� �� r���rr��s, �r�d �� e�abl� the �rea�i�� �� ��t�il�� r���rt� t� ��tt�r ������ ���i�l serv��� n���� �� ��t� �nr��1��r� th� ��u�nt�r. Agenda Item 9.a. 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Addxess ��m��lir�� ��d �hysi�al address �e�ueste� �� di#'�'e�er�t�: �030 �'ou���vaod Dr���e �'a� �ui�s �bi�s�o, �'�t �34�1 �or�tact ��rsonit�tl�: ����a�eth "�a� " �'��i��erg, �'hi� f Exe�u�iv� �f�ce� P�i�r��: ��������-�3,�,5 Fa�: ���.��.���-���� �-��i� ��d���� : ��s��ir���r�g�������. ��g Is ��� �r�ani���i�r� � Fai�� ����c� �r�a�i�a��i�r�`? ��� ❑ �� � .V..V MM�� .¢��:�¢�¢��� ����� �.���� � � ��, x�.��tY ¢���¢�.�¢� x��#�}�k¢���t�¢*¢x¢x¢x¢x¢,¢�¢�¢��x� �¢.x.�,x¢t$�v���v ��vnxn...v.vn�nxnxvn.nvn �t ��::nvnv:;v�vn.. v�:.,v�:.v�.�.�.. :�::.�:nx$� �.ry .� ��$ � � � ���n¢�v�.����vnx¢��..�¢� ............ a�aaa��«���¢� � � � � • �aa:n :x�x�ae�a�a: s�a a..,. �,� � x n n n . . .. . ... ... ..................... .. .. ... . x Con��nu�vi�r D�v��a��n��� B�oc� ��r�� ��#���} P�o��n� ���� � a� �� A��������o� Fo� F�r�a�r�� �u��r�� 20�9 P�o��� Y�� ���o��� ��, 2�08 ��� L.u�s �e�s�o Co�r��r P�n,�r�� & Bu����rv� ��o��rvr�«v�.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 7 ����� 1 �i'�►�������� 2. T�tl�l�am���ddr�ss af pr��os�d �rajec� or �rogram: ���' � �a�xine �e�v�s �e�oria� �`����e� 75� �r�cu�t �oad �'an �ui� �bi�po, �� �34�� �. �l�a�� ��s��ib� �h� �r������ �r�j��� �r �r���r��m. � �r�� �r t�� s��r� par��ra�h�� ir��l��� a� �r��� �r�j���l���g��r� ����ri��i��, �.h� g����as �h� v�i11 �����'i�. ar�c� a�a ��.��a���i�� �f` �i�� �h�}r v�ri�l ��r��fit �o� t�� pro�os�d proj�ct or �rog�am. �ar �ro��cts, d�sc�i�e t1�e �o�atio� of th� proj��� ��� as s�ec�fi� �� ����i�l�, e,�, str��� a�dr����. ��r p��gra�s, ����� ��i� 1��a�i�r� �r�rr� v��i��i ��� p���r�r� �vi�1 �� a��rated andlor c��scr�b� th� ��ograph�� ar�a ��r��c� b� t�i� �ro�arn. A1so, p��a�� i�c�uc�e � s�h�du�� of ���j ��t1���gra�n rr��l�s��r���. Pro�r�a� descr��p�ior�: ��te ►�ar� .�ua�s ��i��aa �arr�����s ��e��er� prograrr� has �o �she���r� �i�e�. ��� �Ia.���� L��v�s �err�o�ia� ����I�f� �'�Ze��e�~ a� �r�cu�� and �'ou�h ��oac� �'��-ee�, and th� �r�te�~�f'ai�h �'�a�itiara fo�- ��� �orra��ess ���.�� �'�����r. I��'� i� a �oa��t�on af �� fai��-�a�sed g�oup� ��aa� f'or�rr��d n�ar��r �vo ��cc�c�e�s a�a �o �uppor�t �rr��r�ge�c� a���nig��� �s����e��r�� ir� the corr�rnuni�y. �4 �if, f���n� �hu�c� o� s�r�agog�u� �osts ��e ��� �����er �acch rnon��. �ot� s�e�ter �i�es a�� o�e�z �sev�r� ��g�t� cx �ee�, �y��r-ro�r�c�. �'�� �I��f ���I��r� ����� c�� S: ���� f�r� ��r���r�, �s���v��-�, ����r�� ��r�����r�g����cxk� f�r� ������� ��d�s, c�r�c� ����r�� inforrr�a�iar�1��� f'er�r�a� ���sis�a�c�. �"h�n� f `ar�t���es �r�� ��a��spo��ed to �he ��'� �'�i���er� �vh��� th�� �vi�� ��ee�, �u��or�ted ��y �hurch vo�un����-�. ��d���d�ac�s a�d��r�so�� wi�� ��ecia� r�e��s �s�a� a� �h� �t�I�� �'h���er�. �o/�o�v wi�� 1�e����: �ho: �ccor�d��g �o the �0�,5 �o�ne�es� �r�urr��r�x�ao� �e�or��, �,40� cour�t�r r�e�sider���s �ve� id�n�i ��d a�s �orr�e�ess. � �stagg�ring �� 7 �,���� o�f'��o�� co�n�ed �er�� �aur�ger� �han ��; ,5�� ��� � �� f ��� �, ��� �c��r���; f ��c� ���n����s�s� ���-� ��c���- ac�� �.�, �� f ��� �, 4�� ��r�t����� ������� ���r���c�, � 49 �6. S�� ��r�� coun�ed �n a �����e�. �4�� �h��te�� �er�� f ���ed �o capaci�y o� �he nigh� of �he �our�� anc� �nan� �eap�e �ad �ee� �����d a�ay dz�e �o o�e�ca�ac�t�y. �'�� ����'h���er p�o��a� is ��ae �a�-���� �� ��� c�ur��, �r�ov�di�g a signi �can� �e�vi�e �a ��e co����i�y. Ho�v: �'�e �'a� Lui�s �bi��o ��e��er���o�r�a�n �vi�� cor��inu� �a ��n�fi� ��e co�r�t ho�ne�e�ss rr�e�, �o�ne� and ����c�r�er� �vho re�eive �n�����ncy in���en��or� s�e�v�ces �o rr�ee� �he�r n�a�� �a�a� ne�d�. �'�ien�� r�ceive �rrao�ior�a� and educat�o�a� �s���ao�� �o �han� �eyond �heir� ��n�nec�ia�e �ha��er�ge� ar�d deve�op a ���c� �o �s�al�i�i�e thei� �i��s ana� n�ove �o�va�d gr��a��� �se��f=s��fficie�c�y. Loca�ior�: �'he �I�� �'�e�t�� i�s an ��.e �'ity of �'an �ui� �b�s�o �ut ���ve� ��� er���r�e co�r��. �'he ��o�rcxrr� se�e�s horr�e�e�s�s rr��n, �o�ne� and �hi������f'ron� e��� of ��� i��or��o�-��ed �a�i�s cxr�d a�� o�f ��� u�i��o��o�a��d �o�n�nuni�i�s in ��� �o�n�. ����sto�e�: ��ir-au�h �D�"� ���a��o�shi��s and �ar�n�����p� �vit�i o���r �e�i�� �i�e�s c�r�c� pr-avider��, r�zc�r�,y o� f`��� �o�v����orr�e ����sons �v� s��e a����ve ����an��� housin�, c�r�d �no�� ��a��e err���o�r�zent and farrzi�y fi�n��ionir�g. ��v�n o�t� co�t�t�y s� hausir�g c�isi�, each fan�i�y ����sona� a��ae��rrae��s a�� ��o�ra�n �i�es�o�es. �he ou�corr�es achieved in our- �iorrae�e�s�s prag�-arr�s r���-es��� i�cr-e����a� prog�-e�ss� �o�var�c� �r���eased persor�a� ar�d cor�zrn��it� �ve��-bei��. �4t ��e ����o�a� ����� ��is rr��c��s a ho���ess ����on facin� �h�ir� .nv..n.NM..��.��.�����������:�x���¢�¢�¢���¢�,�x¢x�x¢������.����������������t¢t¢������¢�¢�����.����¢���nv¢����M�x.v.x.n.... � �..wvnvn.n.n....vn.:�vnv�:�v..... ¢ :x�:n...:�v�:�x:�:�v.:�:��:¢�t¢v¢:¢xx¢..........x�x�,t¢x¢..��x.��¢ ................. x�¢��.�tt¢��*}�;¢�¢.�,�¢�¢ix¢x�¢%¢��¢�:¢�¢�t�¢¢; ��i�ilI�U1VI�Y �E1l�I.�PM�I�� B���FC �#�A�VT ���B�} PF��CRAN[ PA�E � �F 'I "� A,�PLI�A�`I��V ��I� T�IE ���� PF����,AAA YEAF� ��T���#� '14, ���� ���v Lu�� ������ ��u�vr�r P�arvr�irv� � 8������v� s����nrr���v�.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 8 p�o���rr�s, a�����in� ���p, ��v��o�ing �c ���e-������r�� ��an, an� �or�ing ��t �aa��r����sh�p �vi�� �h��te� s�a ff �o �c�k� a �s�rie�s o� f `��na��, r�a�agea��e s���s ��a� ��ad to �osi�ave c�a��e. �4� �he corn�nu�i * �e��� ��t�s �earts� r�c�ucir�g ��e irr�pac�s or� ag�r�ci�� anc� s,y�s�e�ns such a� �a� e�f orc�rr����, the co��-��, �o�s���a� �n�e�gency �-oo�ns, �ter��a� �tea��� ar�c� c�r-��/a��oho� ���ource�, a�d ch��d �ve�fa�� �er�vic��s. 4, ���1 the s�r�ice� of�e��d b� yo�r orga�izat�on i�creas� a� ��pand a� � re�ult �� ��� ���� a��ist����� I��e�, p��a�� ���w�� ��� fa��ow��� q��s��o�s: �o �xpan��or� ��s ��anr�ed because the ���I�I �'he���r p�o��a� �s a���ady o�aera�ang a� fi��� ca�ac��y, ,y��x� �-�ur�c�, ���� fi��c�� �i�� �r�cx��� ��� �c�r� ��i� ��a��� ������� �����cx� �� �nc�i��c�ir� ��i� �r��-�-�r�� ����� �f ser�vic�s. �. �hat �e� ����rams ar�dlor s�r�i��s v��11 be pro��ded? �I�1 b. �es�ri�� �o� e��s�ir�� �rograrns a�dl�r s������ �vi1� be e�pan�ec� and �v�at p�r�ex�ta�� of ar� ir����as� i� e��e�ted? �1�4 �. �h��k �r�� �f ��� �����wi�g �li�ibl� ��ti�it� ������ri�� ���� a��l� �� �h� ���p���t� ���j��t �r �����~an� �����T �� ����r ���L1���1��]� ��]C� ��]� �LIIC�� �� ��1�1�31� ���� ,����V1�1��� A�quisitior� of �e�l ��opert� �is��s����r� �� ���1 ������t�r � Pu�li� f��il�ties �d ���rov�rnents �rr�a� ir����c�e a�q�isitior�, cor�st�ct�o�, r��onst�ruct�or�, �eha�ilitation or ir��t�l�a�ior�� � �'r����el� ov�rned u�i��ties �learar��e a�c� r�m���ation act���ti�� � P�b��� s�rvi�es Int�rim assi�tar�ce � �������1��1 �� l�lC�1�T1C�L1���, ��mi1���, ����������, r��r�-����i� �r�ar�i���i�r��, ��1�� �a�� ���� �� ��Il��� 1�1��1�1� R��nav�l of archit��t��a� �a�er� � Hou�ir�g �e�abi�it��ior� I��v� �i�u�ir�g ���stru��i�r� ��r�c��r 1irr�i��ci ��r���������� H��n���r��rs�i� a��si�ta��� ..vnv...v...vnvnxnvn .vnvnvn .. v nvM.nv.vn. v .vnv..v.vn ....vn Mvnv.w.v vnvn .......,...n.mnvn,,, .,.,.,nvnv n v n.,.vnv,vM, .n Mvn.�.n. �n.vn a. M,¢.¢,MVavM, v v,.,axnv�ra, �M,a n n.n..-,�,.,¢ �. vn, n.nvn n.�n.�n.,.,.,.v.,nvn,n.nvnvn.,., ,.,.,nv,.,n n,< n x<v ¢n�, �.,� ¢n¢„¢n¢,< n�.<¢x.,<vn¢,�.�¢,¢n., ¢xv�¢¢,¢x¢n¢x,. �onnr�ur�a��r ��v��o�r��r�� ���c� ��r�� �CDB�� P�o��r� P��� 3 0� � � A���rc���or� For� T�� ���� I��o��n� Y�� �c�o��� ��, �oo� ��r� L��s ���s�a Co�r�r�r ��xr�n��r�� & Bu����r�� s�o�r.�n�rv�r��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 9 � H�usin� servi�e� �ade er�for��rn�r�t � Histori� �reser�vatio� �on�mer�ia� �r ir��us�ial re�a�ilitatio� ����i�l ������ni� c��v������r�� T�ch���a� �s�is�a�ce ar�d �lan�in� stu�ie� G. �e�cri�� �he ne�d �r�d �1�� degr�� of urgency for the �rapo��d pro���t o�r �rogram. ''4���t v�ould �e t�e �o�se�ue��es if t�e pro�o��d project ar program is r�o� fu�ded �n the next y�ar? ���dl�Tr�g�r���: �t�� �s�rvi��� �.f,�'�� c��� h�ac���� �s��d ��d��ac�i�� c� �s���s�acr���c�� ���� ir� ��� ��u�t�. �r� ��� 1� rr�on�h�s ���i�g.l�une 30, �0��, 7�� undup�i�at�d����on� r��ceiv�d �n� or- �o�e ��ghts o�f'�sh�����for a �o�a� o�f ��,��� s�e��e� r�ig���s. �ore thc�� ,33� of c��e��� �ver�� �vo��r� a�c� chi�dr�n and rraa�-� �hacn �9� o„ f'�d����s �e�� di�a���d. �4n a�e�cx�� of 7� �taer�so�s p��- ni��� a�� s�te�ter�d y�c��-rour�d be�eer� ��e t�vo �ar� �ui�s �bispo ��e���� ���e�s. �'h� ���I�f �'he�t�� p�o�ades �'an �u�s D���po s on�y,, f'��e c�ir�n�r c�r�d ��ec��fcx�s� �o �"hel��r� c�ier��s and o��er- l���gry ���n�n��zi�y n��rr�����. �1 ���ac� �� f '.5�, ��� �n�c���s ��r�� �s�r-v�c� i� �h� �� rr���a���s �r�c���t� ..Tt��t� ,��, �0��, in��ud�r�� S, 7�� �ea�s �o "di�e�-Ic�a�s���s" �pe�son�s �v�o �c��ra�,fo�- dir�rter� cxr�d �x �shower �u� n�� a ��e��er �ed�. �4� av��a�e of �� �ersor�� pe�- �i�h� a�e fed�yea�-ro��d. ,�f r�o� f `un�e�: �'a� L�a�s ��i�s�o �'ou��y � �ig� �o�s� of ��v�rag a�� �ig1� co�� af hou��ng h�cve �eavi�y i�n�ac�ed ��e �o�a� �on�����s. �1�ta� the�e i�s ar� �xa���ua�� su�p�y of a�f�f`or�da��e l�ou�ar�� in �l�e �ou�t�y, �rr�erg�n��y sh��terir�g �vi�� �e c��f'a�� of �%f'�. ���' � �I�f�� �h��t�� �a� bee�z �er�ir�� the cou��y � �orn��e��s �ince � 9�9. T�Yithou� �'��� fu�ding� f'�o� �h� �'��y c�nd �o�r� �y o� f'�'a�z Luis ���spo ar�d o�her� �i �ie�, t�e ��i����r� ����c� ��� f����c� �� ����s�, ��� ��� �`������ i� ��� j��s� ��� �c�r����� ���n����� �h����r� f c������y ir� ��� ��urat� c�rac� ��t� ����.f��� c�i�r��� �� ��� �'��y �f �cx� ��i� ����s��, �� ��s ��i� "�����r-'� �r-���cxrr� f �r� �c��� ��-ovicl�r��s an� se�i�es. T�i��ou� a� o���r�ag�� �������~ �o rr�ee� ��� n�o�s� ba�si� n��d� o, f t�e ho�ne��ss� o���ea�� and c�ss��stanc� ���vic�s a�-e d���upted a�d or��o�r�� s�ta���i,�a��or� and ���f-�uf�c�e�c� effo��s are �r�c��r 7. Pleas� t��s�ribe the sp�c�fic or��r�i.z�t�on�l metho� u�ed �o im�p���ent th� propose� pro�ect or p�ro�ram �single or x�u��tipl� �ro�p, �ub�ic a�e��y� �on���ro�t, for-profit, �xp�r���ce in o�er�tin� s�amil�r pro�rams, e��.}: �4s ��e cour�t�y's �'orr�rr�ur�i� �1 ctian �g�n��, ��� has �rovaded ��i�ica� �ser-�i��s �o d��-�n�orra� �oun�y r���iden�� �ince �965 �xr�d, �s��tce ����, has ope�a�ed t�� �f�� �h���er in �'an �uis ��a�po. �e �o��a�o� ��t� ��e �nt��faith �'aa�i�ion fo�- the �orr���e�s, the �'it� and �'ou�t�y o� f'►�ar� �ui� ��ispo, ��e ��� �ou�in� �1u�l�o�a�, �he �L� �`�p�or�iv� �au�ing �'or��sa�t�u�n, ��e �orr�e���� �'er�vice� �'oor�d��a�a�g �'ou�.ci�, �'L� P�ap�e � ����h�n, and nu�ner-ar�� �u��i� cx�d ����a�e �ea��h ar�� �u�ar� �er-���� a�er�caes �o pr�o�ic�� �s��v�ces �o horn��e�� ��ien�s. I��� �orr�rr��r�it�y partner�s ����ud� �'ot�nt�y ��'�', �'a��� �en�a� v..... vnvn... x¢ x��¢ ¢}���} ��������� v� n v����� x�x��������������� ¢�¢��*t�.�n����v¢�¢ n��:¢����:�:�x�:t�x��¢.... ...¢�}�n�x,¢¢¢�}���*��:�t¢t¢x¢�¢�¢x�t���x�t�vn:�.�M�;n:�vw:�vn:n.:n.:xn�v¢�x¢x¢�x¢������n�� �¢x¢x¢�trk¢x¢�*t*��x��.nmv:� ¢�...v¢%n�v:nv ....n.�.n.n..w�x��x��..�..... �.��� �t �v� ��v� ¢ �. .. ... v n x¢x¢x¢x ........... ¢ ��hAMUNITI� ��V�L�PN1�N� B���K �I�AI�T ��D�C�� PF���RAN! �ACE � �F 1'i A����c��io�v Fo� ��� ���� P�o��nn Y�� ��TO��� i4, 2��8 ��r� Lui� ������ ��ur��r ��n�r��r�� � Bui��i�v� �����r�t��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 10 �ea��l�, �o��� �r�r�g and �4 �co���, �o�rr��r���y �ea��� ���r�e�s a, f ` ��e �'�n�ra� �o�s�, �`�ar�s���or�s �e�r�a� �ea��� �4ssocr'a��o�� ��e�i�or��, �a� �o��, and �e�yor�c� �'�e��er�. �'o su�por� �l�e co�r�t�rwrde ca��i���rr� o f`�arr�e�e�.� �se�v���s�, E��' cor��i�u��d ��a���`ur�a�rr�g �o�va�c� �r��cx�i�r� � f ��r� ����� '�s � �-��cr� ��cxr� �� �r�c� �'l�r����� ���t���s�srr���ss�. �ri�s ��cx� ���� �� �1�� ` i���rc� rr�c� �� �a �e�� g�ide �o�n����s ser��c� de�i�er�y for ��e nex� cle�ad�, ar�d wi�� �e�r�� f'r� a�� corr��rur�a�ies i�r �he ����r� �c� ���� ac� ��r� �r����� � �r�a�a��� �c�d, fac���-�cx��c��cx� �c�� �s�r���� �r���raa��r��s. �. ���s ��� �r�j ��� r��u�ir� ��� i��u�r��� �� � ��rrni� �f��r� l���l� s��t� �r �`���r�l �����i���� l�es � �1� � a�. I� �r��, �l�a�� id�r�t�� ��� ��rrr�it�� r�����s�ary �� c�rr��l�t�� ��� pr����t�, ���4 �. ��ve t�i� n�cessar�r perrnits be�r� is��ed? �le�s� �ro�ide proof o�' pe�r��� is��ar���. �I�4 �, If ��rr�i�s ar� r�q��r�d b�t r��� �r�t ����ed, ��i�n v�i�l t��� ��rrr�it� l�� i����c�`� �l� ��TI�IITAI.� ����TI�E� �RIT�� 9. ���� �h� �r�p�s�t� pr�j��� �r ���ivit� ���� ��� �� ��� ����� r���i�r��►1 ��,����iv�� �� th� ���� �r��rarr�� Pl���� �h��� �n� �� �t�� �bj���i�r�� �a�l�v� �ha� a���i�� �� �h� �r������, �nd �xpl��r� ��v� �h� pr�j��� �r� ������iy r����� th�tt r��►���n�l ��j���iv�. �. � ��r��fi�.s l�v�- �� rr��ci�ra����ir����n� ���s�r�� �� d����a�c� by ��� �. �. L����trr��r�� �f Hous�r� �r�d �Jrban I�ev�lopm�r�t ���[J�}. � ��l��t� ���: � I��wl��c��r��e-In��rr�� �r�� ��r��fit — T�i� �r�j��� �e��s ���� a. lim���� �r�� ����� �s pr�v�r� ��r ���� ������ �ia#�a �r ��rv�� �� b� a� �r����ni�a���y �� 1°�� �r rr��r�� l���rn���rat�-ir����� �r�a�. A�plicants �hoosir�g th�s �a.t�gory m�st �� abl� to prove �heir p�o�e�tl�.�tivit� �rir�ari�y ���e�'it� ����rr����ra��.�-ir����n� �i�u����i��t�s, � ��wl1Vi���r���-I���rr�� I�i�ni��d �li�n��l� �- T�� ���j��� ��r����t� a� �����fi� �r��� ��' ������ �� t�� a11 ar�as �� a p�.rtic�lar a.rea�, a.t 1��st S 1°�� of v���m a�r� i��l��d�rate�i��o�� �e��or��;. ����: �r���rr�� v�ri�i���i�� ��r ����r��� rr�us� �� ���vi��� ���- t��i� ������ry. �'�� ��11��vis�g �r���� ar� �r��urne� to be lo�lrnodera�e-ir�cor��: abuse� c�i�drer�; �l�er�y �e�sor�s; �atter�d spau�es; hom�l�ss ��r��r�s; a.�l�l�� n����in� ������ d��ir�it�i�r� ��' ��v�� c���a�b1��1; ��r��r�� 1iv�r�� �i�� A��; �r�c� rr�i���t �arm u�orkers [] ��wf1Vi��l�r���-�n���n� H�u��n� — �'h� ������� ��d� �r im�r���s p�rr���r�� r�si���t�ia.I st�ru���r�s t��t ��11 b��ar� ����i�c� �� l���rx����ra�t�-ir���rr�� �i�����i�lc�� ���r� ����l��i�r�. � I���v�1V����r�te-�n��rn� ,T�bs — Th� �r�j��� �r�a�t��s �r ����i�s ��rrr��r���t�s ��t�s� a.� l��st � 1��� �� ����� ar� �a.k�r� �� 1���n��d�ra�t��-��r���rr�� ��r��r�� �r ��r��ic��r��i �� t�� �vaila��� t�� ������c��r�t�� �r��om� p�rso�s. ��onnn�u��r�����r��.��r���v� 8�..���c����r�����DB���{P�o�r�nn .......................... .... . ... . . ........................................... . .... . , . . P�►�� � �� �� A��������or� Fo� T�� ���9 P�o��r� Y��� ��o��� 14, 2008 �� Luis 0����o Cout��r P�rvr��r�� &�u����r�� s�o�����v�.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 11 �����,�x�; �er��r�� ��r��� a�t tla� 11r��1�I a.�� I� ���l��r �i��� are a.11 ��rr����s� ir����d��� n���y ��r��r�s u�i�� �����i�a�� �r rr��r��al c�i��t������, 1�T�'T�: '�� rr���� ���� r�a�i�r�a.l �b����iv�, ��i� pr�����c� a���ivit� ���� ��r���it� � s�����'i� �li�r����� ��r re�i��r��s �r� a. �axti�lar ar�a ����i� ��ur��y ��r �a�ti�i�a�t�ir�� �it�, �� 1�a.�� � � p�r��r�t� ����� �.re l�v�- �c� rr��c������-ir���rr�� ��rs�r��. b. A�d� ir� t�e �r���r��ior� �r elirr���ati�r� of �l�ms or bl��ht. E���ai�: ������ �r��: ❑ �ddr��sir�� �lur�� �r �lig�� �n �r� �r�� ��sis - [� �d�r��s�ng ����n� ��~ �li��� �n � ���� �a��i� — �'�i�s �r�j��t� �i�� ��re��r�� �r ��i�n�r�a.t� ����ifi� �or���tior�s of �����t or ph�rsic�� d�ca�r. ��ti�itie� ar� Iirn�t�d to �le�.rar�c�, h��tori� preser�vatior�, ���ia���ii���i�r� �� l�ui�di���� t��� ���� �� ��� ���.��� ����s�ar�r �� ��ir�ir�a�t� ��r�di�i�ns c�������r�t�l �� ��� 1 i���a�l�� a�� s a���� . I� ��� �r�j��� ���a��� ir� � ����v����rr��r�� Ar��'� �e� � �� � �� y�s, attac� �. �na� of t�e a.r�� �ith t�i� s�te highlighted, arYC� �rovid� th� ��c�ev�lo�m�r�� �ro�ect Area �ex�erpts acce�t��� �v1�ic� �o�m�r�ts ��e ���stenc� of slur��lb����t. A�so, doc�r���� th� sp��ific r�c�������arr��r�t �t�j���iv�� �er���r�ir�g �� t�� pr������� �r�j���. 1����: To �e�t th�� r�at��r�al ob�e�ti��, th� �roposed �ct�v�t� rr��st �e �vit�ir� �. �esi�r�ated s��rr� �� �li�ht�d ar�� ar�c� r���t �� �l�s�gr��c� �� a�c��r��� �r�� �r rn�r� ��r�c��ti�r�� �1��� �or�tribut�� t� t�� de�e��or�tior� �� th� area. �. � �Vi���s ��r�rr��r�i�� ���r�1�����t� r����� �i��in� a� pa.r�����ar �rg�n�� ���r� ��is�i�� ��r�di�i�r�� p�s� � s�riou� ar�d ��r�ec�iat� t�ireat to the he�1t� �r �elfa� of t�e �o�mu�it�, ar�d r�� ot�er f�r�di�g sour�es a.re ���i1�b1�, �.e., a rna�or �ata�tro�he s�ch as a�loo� or �arthqual��. . ���latr�: 1��T�: '�� �eet thi� r�atior�a� obje�tive� th� �roposed a�t�vit� rn�st d�al ��th maj�r �ata��.ra�h�� or ��er���cies su�� as f�o�ds o� e�.rthqu��s. . . , .._., . . . . .....................................: ......................................................................................................................................................................... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Con�nnu�v�r�r D�v��o�nn�rv� B�o��c ��rv� ��DB�� ��o���nn P��� s o� 10 APPLIC.�#�I�I�V F�R TH� L��9 PF���A1� YEI�r, �CT�BEF� 1� L�� �AN L�.11� �BI�P� ��UNIY PLA�VIV11�� � ��ILDlh]� S��P�.ANIVII�f�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 12 1�. �f th� project or pro�ram i� desi�n�� to mee� �he r�a�io��l objectiv� of providin� benef�t to low� ��d �n���r���-in��m� ��r����� �1���� ����ma�� �h� num��r �� u��l��l������ n�n����- �f ��r���� ��r �a����al��� to b�nefit from th� p� a�d br��k t��� estim�t� c���x� by inc��� �roup �t�r��iu��������t� m��n� ��� num��r �h� ��� ��r�v�cl, i.�., ��� gr��n� v�ill �ll�w �� ��ilt�r�n �� par�i�i���� in �r������1— n�t �� ��ilc�r�n x � �1��� � �� ���k� _ ������. �, '��tal r��rr���� ����r���r�� �r �i��s�����1� v�h� v��11 ��r���i� �r��n �h� pr�j��t �� �ro��ra� �r��ar�il�ss of inc�me �rou��: 75� P�rsar�� �us�ho�ds �cir��� th� a��l���b�e ur�it� b. �f the �o�al r��r���� o� p�rsor�s o�r ho�s�holc�s er�tered a���ve, h��v rna�y �il� be lov�-in�o�� ��arr��r�g � l��� - 8�°�0 or ��ss o� t�i� �aunt� medi�n-�r��arr�e�? ��� ��r����s ��s���1�� ��ir�1� ��i� a��li�a�1� �r���� �, �f ��� ���al ���n��r �� �����r�� �� �i��������� ����r�c� ���v�� h�� rr�a.�� v��11 �� �re�� 1��--i���r�� ���rr�ir�� ����� �� 1�ss �� �h� ���r�t� rr���i�ar�-�r������� 75� Perso�s aus�holds �ci�c�e t�i� a�p1i���le �r�it� � 1. ''V'Vh� ar� �h� �li���� �� y�ur� �r���ni�ati�r�'? ��������: l�w- �� m���ra��-i���r�� ��r���.s� ��d�rl� ��r�o��, ��v��e�y c�i�a�led per�ons, mig�rar�t farrn wor�ers, ��ttered sp����s� ���.� ��e ���I �'�e��e�~ prog�a�n �e�e�s hon�����ss �raen, �varr�e� a�d �h��d��� a�s �space i� avcx��a��e. ��� c�i�r�� po���a�ior� inc�uc�e�s �o���a ac�orr��par�i�d �y a�ar�r�� or� g�car�dia� �f�o� �e�born� �o �eenager�s�, and c������ �r����a��r�� �s�r�����. �� ��r�� ��r��s�ra� �� f c��� �g�� ���c��r��s, r�c����s, c�r�c� ��hr�i�i�i�� ������� dis�rirr�ana�ion. Th�s ��t��ude�s �he rr��n�a��,� ���, d�ve�a�rr��n�a��� and ��,��s�ca��,y disab�ed, per�ons s� f�o� or �r� r�ecov��y f�arr� �u�star�ce a�u�e, v����ans, r�zigrcxr�t a�c� �h� �vo�-�'rag poo�. Per�on�s �vi�� ���s�ca� o� rr�en�a� di�ab���t�es ar� servec� a� ��� ��� �'����er� s�o �or�g a� th�� �an �are fo� therr��se���s a�d rnain�a�n a���o�riate�y in a cora��egar�� ,���t���. Y�e ser�ve �1�� ���o��ca��� har�.e��ss, si�ua�iar�a��,y�-�o�e�e�s�s, unen���o��d, u�tde�-ern��oyed, unin���-�d, a�d un����r��u��d. 1�, H�w �il� �h� ��i�n�s �����i� fr�� �hi� �r�j���� �'�����r c�����s have "an� s�op " a�c�s�s� to a �raac� r-an�� a� f `se�v�ce�s �o �t��� �herr� �t�bi�iz� ��aei�- �ive�s �x�td rrao�� �o�va�-� �r-ea�e� se�� f=suffici��c�. �4s �ve�� as ��ov�d��g err�erger�c� sh��t��, �he ���' Hor�z���ss �'�r-�ices ��og�a� �rovides a ho�is�ic, f`�-a�n��o�� o� f 'ser�v�c�s to ���� rr��e� c�ie�� neec��. �'o�np�-e��n���� s�rv�ces ��tc�ude co�nn�u�zi�y rr��a��r-a��ar�� a� ��e ����'�e�t�� and �rado �ay �'en���-, da,y��r�e s�r��ce�s a� �l�e D�� ��r����-, ��nl�a�e�s and advo�c��� �up�o�~�, and a�cess �a ��ten�s�ve case rr�ana���n��� and per�r�na��r�t hou�sir��. �i�hou� ��e�� �r�.erg��cy �he��er �er�vices, ������� �ou�d co�g�-ega�e in pu���c ��cx��s or dis�er��se �h�-ou��o�t �occx� �eig��orhaad�, irr��act��g �a�v e�f��cen�e�� and o��aer� pub��c agen�ie�s. nv¢¢¢t¢x¢��x��x¢x¢���¢x�,�¢x�����.n�.:.�n¢n:�:��w:�:��:�.���:����=x����x¢�¢�x¢�¢��¢�¢��������*�� �����*�x�����x�x¢x¢n¢x�x¢x¢x¢nint*��.xx.n�nvn�n�nvn�nvn.n.n.n.n�� ¢ ...nv...$. ��� ....................x ...�..... �.............. �� x ����*�f¢���¢tt��,���t;t¢t¢x¢{�t¢:¢.¢�;t*::xv�.�:�.:��x:��.nv ¢�. .n.nv�.:�:��.���:.. } . . . . .............. . .. ....v. . .v. .v.v.vnvn.. :$ �.n.nv¢v v� t¢v¢vt,¢,t¢x¢v¢ t,x¢ ¢,t¢x¢ �x¢xt,�¢,t.x¢ x¢ x, ��MMUIV�TY D�1JE��P11��hIT BL��K C�F�AIVT {�DB�� PR��RAN1 PAfi� ��F 'I 1 APPLI�ATI�N F�#� TH� ���� I�i���RAlV� �EAf� ���`�BEF� 1�, ���1� ��r� L��� ��i��� ��urv�v P�a��v��� 8� B�i���n�� ��.���t���tv�.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 13 ����������� ���� 1�. H��v t�� ��u ���r���l� ��ll��� ��r���r���i� t���� �� t�� ����fi�i�ri�� �� ��� �r������c� �r�,���� �r �r�g��m? �����1e: racia�letl�ic c�ara�t��isti����` De�nogra�hic� are co��e���d dur�i�zg ��� ������ ���ake ��oce�s�s �si�� th� �'a��; fo��ia �e�ar��rr��nt of �o�nr�zura�t� �e��ces a�d �e���o��ne�� �err�ogra��ic for�rn ���c����� .� at�a��aea��. 1�. I��w c�� ��u �urr�n�ly c���u���� in���n� ��at�� �� �a�h ��i�n�'? ���m���: v�ry ��w� l�v�- ��c� mod�r�te-incom�)� �4� �ar� of �h� ��ien� i��a�� ��o�ess, c��en� ���o�e i� v��i ��c� u�ar�� ����ec�era� �aover-� g�uid��in��s. ��. ���vic�� th� ���l��vin� inf�r���i�� ��r ��� ��r���►��� �� ���� �r���i���i�� x�������i�l� f�r ��� pr�par��i�n �r�t� ����m�.t��� �f �h� �uar��r�y r�p�r�s �nc� ��r ��ll��ti�� ��� ����r�in� �h� ben�f�ciar�y data �a th� iTr��n �ou�ty. �or�t��t ��r�o�ltitle: ��i�abet� "�i�" �'t��r���r�g, �h���f �.x����ive ��ffic�� �'�o�e: ���,��,�44-4.�.�.� �-ma�� addr�s�: e�s�ea�zbe�� a�eocs�o.o�g '���TE: �o� a�� req�ir�d �o p�ovid� ber�e��iar�y c�at� at t�� ��d of each quart�r ar�d y�ar e�d data of t�� fis�a� yea�. I� ���r �r������ �n��l�v�� ���n�rr�i� c��v�l����n�� i.�.� �lir��tly b�n��i� � ���i��s�� �r�v��� �r���rty ��n�r�, �u�in�s�, i�v�l�v�� �a��d� im�r�v�rr������ ����i�� t��h���a� assi��an�� �� � ��� �r ��i�t�n� bu�iness� job creat�ox�, ���� �u�rant�e, �h� benefici�ry �u�st obtai� � �u� a�d �radst��t �D��� n��r���r� t�a� mus� �� r���rt�cl t� �ILT�. �l�a�� ������� T�n� l���a��r�� ����� �]�1-��7�'7� tn�v�rra�a s�o.co.ca.�� far inform�tion o� h�v� �a obtain ���� �umb�r prior to ir�curri�� and ob�iga�ng th� f�d��al f�nds. ovoK o >w ,� . . . . . . •. v v � , v v^v ^v^v^v v vo ox <> c exc exexx xxxaxxxaraxosarad<oxLxai<o<oko<oKO<oxoxv><s.o,.w..o,.o;.l�;.l�;.v,..vkS;.v;.v:_L::.v;.v;.:o;.:;.::;.v;.v::vn:;,;.vnl�;.i�n:%%.:nv ":S."�':"k"k?'At:""k':'oK>KOyq�}xowos.�o-q�oxokon .oy�;ao�xrxxxrxaxaozo4xLCac<o<aui�o«o;oo,wux�o;o6;<i.<z<i.o. ..s?q� 4 .i _i4?? ax�fR�%Y-��i°ht� v.v i' i' i' .. . . ................. ".• "�"%:. ox ��II�II�UIVITY D�VEL�P�UIE�1T B���K �1�A�VT ���8�� �F���i�A� P�a�� e �F � � ����������rv F�� �"�� ���� �����r� �1�� ��T���� � �, ���� ��r� Lu�� �a�s�� ��u�vx�r P�rvr��rv� � �u����rv� ��.���r�r�irv�.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 14 �'��1����L I��'�1�IVIAT`I�N 1�. T`���1 �rr���r�� �� ���� ��xncis r��u����t�: � ���#��� --- -- P1�as� id�r�t�fy th� ��ris�i�t�on�s� t� �v�ich �ou are ap�l�r�g�: �'�t� �f �raver B��c�i, �it� of Arroyo �r��.de* �i� uf �an ��is �b�s�o, �oux�t�,,,,,,,,o�_��n Luis �bispo If �ou a.r� r��u�stir�� ���� �ixr�c�s f�om �nore t�ian or�e j�isdiction, �1eas� �reak �ov�rn t�e amou�t sho�n a�ove by t�e ��.�isd�ct�on listed b��ov�r. �it� �� Arr�y� �rar�c��: � ��� �it�r �f �a�� 1�����s: �it� of �tas�ad�ro: �ity �f` � ����r ��a��''` �` : $�,��� __ _ ��t� �f ��r� I���� �b�s��; �1�1,��� ��u�1ty �f �ar� I��1� �b��}��: � - - ���'��; �� ��� a�r� ���1�r�� t� �r�� �r� rr��re �iti��, ����s� �r��1�� a ���� ��` t�� a��1i�a�i�r� �� ��� �o�r�t� by th� a�p�icatior� d�adlin� a#` �ct�b�r 14� �0�8. '� *'��� ��ty of �xro��r Beach reserves t�ie a�tio� �o �v�ard the rna�i��r� 15 °�o of t���r �rar�t ���r�� a1l��ati�r� ��r ����i� s�rvi�� ���ds, H������� t�� ���� �i11 ��arcl r�� ��s� ��.ar� ������ p�r a�a�rc�. P��as� s�brr�it yo�r ap�l�c�tior� a��o���ngl�. 1'7. �1���� �l�s�ri�� �h� ���1��� f�r ��� �r�����d ���,���� ��r ����x��rn. I��r�iz� al� ���r��� �f func�in� ��p��t�d �o be a�aila�le and used �or t�i� �roj��t ��ea�� �s�e .��c�i�i� B a�a��ied. a. �e��nu��: 1, ��]�C� �ur�c�� ��c����t�c� 2�, ��h�� �"�c����l �i,�.n���� �p��as� c����ri�� 1��1�v�� � . �tat� �ou��e�s� �lease d�s��be �elov�� �. I���a1 ��ur���s� �p1���e ��s�ri�� ��1�v�� � . ����r f unc�� {p1���� ci�s�ri�� 1��1��v� Total �evenues b. �a����nd�tt���s: I�ist ���o� by ��ern �� cast cat��o�y. � $ $ $ $ � vn.n..nvt¢..x�n���$x _x�:�¢�t�t.x$�t�¢,�,t.��t¢x���t�x¢.�.t�x.�$¢x¢,.���¢���x¢,t���¢xvx��¢����.¢��.¢���¢��������¢�¢���.t����*��¢x����*�x¢x�*ix¢f¢;}�¢,$;t,�.x��x�,}¢t¢�¢%¢x¢n¢;¢xt;x¢x¢x¢x¢x¢x��t�¢n¢�¢x.,t¢x¢xt;t¢:¢;t,t¢xt,.¢x�t¢.¢,t¢�t,t¢�¢,�.¢,t¢n¢,t¢x¢,t¢n¢xt,x¢x¢nt,n,�¢xt,...¢n¢n¢:�..vn¢�¢xv�vxvn.t¢n�.vx�v�.�.��.�n��.vn¢n�:�.n¢ ��hAC�AU[�ITY DEVEL�PME[V� BL���C C�F�A�iT ��D��} PF���RA�l1 P��E 3�F "�'1 I�IP�LI��T1�1� F�F� TN� 2��� PF���F�AM 1�EAR ��T�B�F� "��, ���� �A[�1 ��I� �B1�P� ��U[VT� �LANh11�1C� �c ��11LD1�� �L�PLANIVII�lC�.�f��, Agenda Item 9.a. Page 15 1�. How �o you p�an �o �u�� the opera�ion ��d m���te�a��e co�ts ��f �ny� �ssaciat�cl ���h th�s proje�t? Ar� thes� fur�d� ���il�ble now? �f r�ot, w'��n ��11 t�e� b� avail�ble:� �►�� fr�m w�at s o u r�e�s) `� �'�B��f'u�d� cxr� �������na�y n�c�in�strear�z �-e�so�r�ce ��ed �a �su��o�� ope�-a�ion ar�d �a�����tar��e of'the ��� �'����er�r�o�� ��l�e�,f'�r�dir�� ��own on E�ch�ba� .� a��so �u�apar�� ��� �s����er� o�e�a��o� ar�d is r��c��v�d ��t�o�ghou� �h� �r�a�-. �ve�~y e�ffo�� i�s �nad� �o ��e� cos��� �o�v ��y gen��ati�g vo��n�e��- and �r���ir�d �u�por�. ��� � �ead ��a�� �i�ch�r� �r-��are�s �he d�r�ne� or� ���I�days,* corr�rnun�t� ��oup�s pr�ovide di�r��r on �ve��ends and ha�iday�. ��e ��e��e�'s dan�er� pro��a� annua��� inuo�ves �eve�a� do�e� co��nur�i�y �r�����s cxr�� ���ac� fcx�ti�i�� acr�c�l�� ��c����c��ar��s, �� �r�� cx��c��� ����a�� f�r- ��� rr��c�� ��-���a����s ��t �r�c��r� �� kee� �rog�arn co�s�s as �ow as a po�s�s����. �� add��io� �o th� volun�eer gr�oup� ��aa� p�-avi�e d��ne� o� �ee�Cenc��s and �io��c�a,��, �o�u���e�� a�e used to he�p �er-v� d�n��� e��r�y r��g�t� ar�d �o b� "ev�ning . fr - �����s ", T�o�unt�ers anc� ���vi�� g� suc� a�s �e�yo�d �'h���e� c���o ���� �vi�� ����ia� �v��a�s s�ch as s��ie�te� �-epair�sl upgr�ade�s as ���� a� d��p c��a�i�� a�d �and�ca�a�n�, o� ta1�� o� s�ecia� p�ojec�s s��� as ` �h��ping a� ��e �'oaa� Bar�T� o� he��i�g �vi��i ��� "�o�z��vo�-k ��u� ". �o�n����� �o���s dor�a�e �o����s, �sh���� and ��an1�e�� �o the pr�og�arr�,� o�he� �o��� �u�sine��se�s con�r���u�� �o "b�an�e� ar�d pi��o�v " d���es �o b��ef i� �sh���e� c�ien�s. �e ar� a��o �on��an��y �oo�'r�g �� �cx}r�s �� div�r�s�fy �e�o���e�. ���"� Horr����s�s �4dv�sory �orr�rr�itt�e hus ��cr�ui��d ra��v �rt�rrtber�s ��d ��,f'ocusing on ��cpar��ing t�� ��rr���r� of fur�dr�ais��g �v���� and donor ��-o�p�s ��a� �su��o�� �he she�ter �r�ogr-ar�z. ��� c���� ��gac��� �-�����-�� c��������ra�r�� ��ras����cxr���s �v�� ��-�ac��cl c� ���g-r�c��g� ��r�c����c�� �ev����rr��ra� P�an �ha� �i�� �xpand th� age���y's �aparcit� ta ge��� d�ver�s�f�ed �v�o��arr��a�ic and �apr�a� de�e�oprr�ent resour�ce�. �'ha� p�a� �va� aa�opt�d b�r �he ���' �oa�d i� �c�o�er� ���7. 19. ���1 ���� �u�c�� �� u��� �� m����ll�v�r��� ����r ������ Li�t b�l�w ��n�i�� ������� �r�c� �mounts and idex��i�� ���rd dates of these sour���. �'DB� f i�nds are �h� ��irr�a� rr�ain�s��earr� re�ou�c��s z��ed �o �u�pa�� �she��e� ope�a�ion�s,• �'��� ar�d �'S'� f i�r�r��s ar�e used �o ����� a�� o��e� �oca� a�c� priva�e r-e�ar��c��s. ��ea�se ��� �xhi�i� �. I ��rti�� th�� ��� ir��'�rm��i�r� i� ��i�� a��1i�����r� i� �i� �r�d ���u�at� �� �h� ���� �f r��r k��v������ ar�c� �bi��t�, � �ig�a e ��i�a�e�� "Bi� " �'te��t�er� �`�ae ��c�c�tive � ��e� �r��t�� or ��ed r��e ar�d title . x ¢, t , t , � t } � � � � � � � f � � �� � � * � � ¢ � ¢ x � � ¢ x �� � ¢ � � �. �. � n � � � � � � ¢; � � n v � � � x � �.� x � :� �.� � x � � � ¢ � ¢ � � � � � � � * � � � � ¢ * ¢ � ¢ � ¢ x ¢ %¢ x ¢ n ¢ � ¢ x ¢ x ¢ x ¢ x ¢ x ¢ n v � n: $ x n: �: �: : : : : M : : . n v n v � v � v n v ¢ v n , .� t , . x � ¢ x ¢ x ¢ � ¢. t ¢ t , x ¢ t ¢ x t , ¢ } � ¢ � ¢. t � � � � t ¢ ¢ ¢ } t �. � � ¢ x t �� � � ¢ � t ¢ t ¢, � x ¢. t ¢ t ¢ x t , t v t t , t ¢ n t x t v : ¢ � ¢ � : : � n � n x v : : n v : v n: n: n v n: : : : �� v � x � � � x � v ¢ � x. x ¢ � � * � ¢ x � x � � t � x � x ¢ � . Cor�r�t�r�i�r D�v��o��n�tv� ��o�� G�v� �CDB�} P�o��� P��� �� oF �� �PPLI�ATI�N F�Ft �F�E ���� PI���F�A141 �E�F� ��T�8E1� 'I � ���� �AN L�Uk� �BI�P� G�UIVTY PLAIV1�11�V� $c 81.14�Dl�1C� �L�PLANN�NC,.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 16 �r��� �� �n�i�c.�rr�ie �epart�en� of �ommun�ty �erv�ce� and Dev�lopmer�t ��H���`� A ���8� �rogr�fnr'�'ra#i� ��ta��lier�t �F��rac��ri�tE� f��part �#r�n�,al CSD 2���CC� (R�v. 11�D08� F�I��s� u�� �he ��� ��5 ��!{ent �ha�a����is��� F��port In�t�u�tions �nd H��pf�l Hints d��urr�er�# to �or�p�ete thi� fo�m, 7 P����Allll t��►I��: �or�#�a�t #: ���8 ���� Pr�pared �}r: �lA�l��lT�L #�: f�ep�r �e�io�: Derr�ogra�a�i� da#a sl���Id b� �o�le�#ed or� �►LL �li��t� re�eiving ��rvi�e� under �r�y pr�grarn �dm�nis�ered �� the d�si�nated �ommun�t�y A�t�on Agency. �e1���nr ���l��i�l�#�d �����orrs re�re�er�t derr��grap�r��� ��!#����d c�r� ��VD��Il��1�4#�� ���ta� und�pl�cate� �n�rnbe� o€ per:son� ab�ut whor� ar�e �r mor� �F�ara��e�ist��� v�r�r� o��a�ned � T�tai �ndup��c�ted nur�be� o� person� �bo�t �rvh�rn �o �h�ra�teristi�� w�re abtaine� �#�e l���r��i��#�d �e�t��r�s r�e��`eser�# d�rrro�ra,����� ���l��#r��# �r� ��JI��'�I�'� � . �4 �'�t�� �n�upli��t�d r�urr�b�� �� ��r�i���� a�a�t w��� or�� �r ��r� �������r��ti�� w�r� a�t�in�d 5 �'ota� �r�du li�ted �ur�nt�er �� #�rni���� ��o�t w�orn t�o �F�ar��t�risti�� �r�r� o�t�in�d �. �end��' �Vurr�b�� af I�er��r�s* '��� �`��ni� �i�� a. �a�e �1t �n� � b. ��m��e b. Two '"'�ata! �. Th�e� �, � e ld�rr�ber c�# Per��r��* d. �o�rr a. 0�� �. �iva �. �-� 'I #. ��� � c. 12-� 7 g. �euen d. '� ���� h. �i��t �� r��t`� e. ��-��l �rr� o � f. �5�54 #hr�r �1� = ���, ��ur�� �t �a����r ����a�n� �v�rrr���r c�fi ���n��ies � .��i�� �.I.. .Y�. �:5� __ _ _ __ __ ___ �. �5-fi� �. I�n�U�ll�a#e� # �f Fal�il��s �. ��+ I��portit�� �n� ��- �ar� Sourc�s '���t�i �� ����C�7� �. IJnd�pl��ated �# �� �arr�i�i�� I�eportin� hlo Ir��o�� �c�taE l,��V�I.J� ��rr���i�� who r���o�ded a� �i#��� F�aving 2� s�u��� �f in��n�� "'T�tal or h��rir�g r�o in�orr�e �#. f�ac� �����d �h� s�ur��s �� �a�h �arniiy in���n� as re��rt�d �r� 1�a� a. Vl��ite above: �. Afri�an A�nerica�, c. �'AC�F �, fV�ti�r� A�n���can �nd d. ��I �la�#�a� �lati�re �. ���i�l �e�u�ity d. Asi�n �. ��r��ian �. �]a�tEVe �aavaiia�n g. �en���� �s�i��an� and �ther P��ifi� ��l�r��er �r. Ll�n�r�����rrrr�r�t ��su�an�� �. ����r i. �rr�pl��rr���t -� ot��r ����c� �. I�uit��f�ac� ��n�r � or �. �r�ploym�nt on��r rr�o�e of the above� k. �th�r; *'Ta�al r�. �t� n r���y� �ace 1. ��hr�i�f��r 2�. �•-lispa�i� or Latin� b. hl�� I �r L�tir�a �. Edu�at�o�n Le�rel o� Ad��ts �. 0-� t�. 9�� 21non�graduate �. �i�l� �cl�. �rad.l��D �. '� �+ some �ast s�candary e. � o� �4 yr. �oliege grad��t�� **Total '10. ��#��r ��ar��teri�ti�� �. C�o I insur��ce b. D�sab�ed 7 7. �am�� T e �. Single pare�tJ��ma�e b. �ir��le pare�tlrna�e �. �`�nr�-p�r�t�t ��u����ld d� Sit�g�e p�r�o� e. �wo adult� � no ��i�dr�n f. Ot��r ��lurr�l�er �f �a�ni��e� *** *�*'"�'��a� "�"Tota� I�um�er of Person� �4+''* n�ur���r �f r�er�an # of �ersons #� Sui ��m�er o# ��rnilies'""k '1�. Leve� �� �'�m��y I����� #!� �f �HS gu�d�line �. l�p �o �D°Io b. �� �l� #q 7"��1� c. 7��/0 #� 1 DO�I� � d. � � 1 °l� #o � �5�1� �, � ��°�o #� � ���1� �, �'�� °lo a�d ��r�r !�]�r��r �� F��mi�ie� *�' � � ""�"R'1"�#� - .. - - --- d 'I �. F��u�in IVe�rr�b�r �� �a�n��i�s "�"�' �a�. �w� � �. I��r�� �. #--i��melv�s d. C���r .. '�*�o�a '��. �t��r fa�nil �F�ar��t��rE�ti�� �u�mb�r c�� �a��li�s'"`�' �. �ar�ne� b. �1���an# �a�woe�ter �� ��as�i�►�� �arrm�xor�e� � . * ��4 ��� �� �!!�� �fi����� ��A.+L+l�� F��L ����Li L�� �iilLi� V� ���F��� �i *"' The ��r� �n thi� �ate��r�r �h�uld r��t ���ee� the �r�lue �# ���ti�n 7�-h. '�'''� Th� su� �n thE�. categ��y �huul�t not e�c�ac� tF�� �r�lue �� ���ti�� �. ****' 7he r��rr���rs �pa�'t�d u�der e�ther �olur�n ��ould no# ex�ee� the valu� of �ect�on �. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 17 � ❑ ��C�I�I� � E��n�rni� �pp�rt�n�ty ��rr�rr�i��i�n �� �L� ��un�y, Ir��. illl��in� L�wi� Illl�r��ri�� �h�#ter Pr�p��ed ��d��t �YE Jun� ��, ��� � Bud�et ��1'I � a�. F���r�n���: � . �D�� Funds Requ��ted 2, h�an���B� Funds R��uested: �L� �oun�y ��� Co. of �L� ��r�e��l Fu�d FEN�� ��ty �f 1111�rr� ���r �ity �f Pi�rr�� �ea��� D�na�i�n� T���I Fur�d� b. ��c��nd�tures; �alari�s Fr�n�e Bene�its ��i�e E�c�e�se Tra� n s po rtati o n Utiliti�s �ood �a�, nd ry Illl�int�n�:e 8� F��pa��r� J�n�t�ri�1 ��r��r��t Pr�gr�rr� �u�pli�s A�v�rti�irr� 8� F���r�itin� Illli��ell�r����� Indir��t 8� �drr�ir�istrati�re �'�t�� Expendit���� � 3���2�8 �3,�5� �5, ��� 'I 5, ��� �, ��� �5'�,�3� � ��0, 9�� � 28�,�3� ���,51� � �,�1 � �, ��5 � � , �8� 2�,�8� 12, ��� �I �, 0�� �,��9 1'1,'�$7 3, 8�� � 4, 3�� 4�, ��� � �80,93� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 18 � 1 � ���� ���� ������ �� ����������� ����� ����V�V ����������� ��� �� � ���� ������ ���� �Ahl ��JI� C������ ��1.l1V�'1� ���AF��h�l�I�T �F PL�I�IVI�I� ��fD �IJI�Q��I� �76 �sos �rt���r • Roor� 20D • ��r� i���s O��s�o + �����o�r��� �34�8 • ����} 7����6�0 Pro�o#fr�� �J�e Wfse �Jse of Lar�d • 1�����r��r #o B�r11d �r�e�� �omrr��r�i#r"es �r �i�ati�n ���: ���i�� 1�T��it��r� ��� �f �� I��i� ���.� ��ur� � ��.ttac� �dditio��l ����ts �f ��ce��ar�� ' s��t�c� le�s� sub��t t�iis �a�p�e�ed a�pl��at�or� vv�ii�i �y ex�ibits, b�c�gets 7"o b� �or�s���r� fc�r ���� a� � 1� ` . � ���a.����� �� �� r�ai��d t�� �n� �� �� ��ti������� �uri�c������ l��ted i� �r ��r���i��ary �a�a a� ��ede� �� ' ` � �a���rr� P���r II�, � a� �� ��a�.��n� a�� ��i1�ir��, 9'7C ���s ��r���, th�s ��pl���.�ior� or to: �'o � , � ` ���� � ��. ����� �r �aa�� ��1���ret� �� T��r�� l���ra�r� a� ���� �a�1� �tarre��, I���� �oor� 3��, ��n L��s � � , ' ' �A. fa�ed t�� ��� �� � -����, �r ��n��iled �� �iav�rr��a c�a,s��.��.�s. '�`�� � ��, ��1 �.�1� ���5�� � � � , , , . . • ' �:�� �.�VI. 'T����a ��tober �4, ���5. ��p����t��n� �n��t b� rec��v�d �y �ie ���l�c�t��� �e�d�e is � Y� . �e of t�e �i�i at� cit,�es A�ro o �r�nd�� �ta�s���ro, �x'o�e�r �ea��, Paso �t��1es, �a� ��1s �o�t�y ��r o � 1� � � � ' rio� ta �1ose o� �ie ��s����� da .�'��'I��A�I] �lA�.�'�� N�IL 1������ A�'T�� �'�E �����o� p Y �EA��IN� �I�� ��fi B� A����'I���. �T�'�'�; 1�'lease r��i�� the ��B�C regu�atiox�s a.r�d �u�d��in�s �nd the R��e�t �or �ra�osa�� b�fo�e � � i i + �o� �et�r� tl�s ro sa�. �F�e ���� r�g�x�a�or�s ar� �va��abl� �t vv�v�.��o�l�n�o� � � 1� � , . . ��er �`���s�� �r�.��,�� ����� �l�as� �a11 ���t� �d1�� �1� ���� ��aff` v�� a�� ����t��r�s a�out �ov� to �o��1et� t�� fax� or �bo�t t�e rati�g �r�t�a �d pro�ess. ��� th� infor�.atio� �`ar a.r�� of ��i� c��x�stio�� �e�o�v �e��ir�� nao�� ��orr� to ��o���e �� � com �e�� ex ��atio� of �ou� ��o��s�d praj �ct �r �r�g��, p1ea�� atta�h �dc�,�tional s�eets, � � ���TTA�'� �F�R1V��'I`I�� �. ��m� ��t� maili.� ��dr�ss o�' ����cant or���izatio�, v��t�a ca��ac� per�on, pl�on� a�d fa� � n�m�b�rs, ��c� e�mail ��dr���: I�a�me: �er�ior �l�tr�t�or� Pr��rarr� of �a� ���� ��r�po �o�nty A[��`�S� �II]c`�1�11'1� �C� ��1��1�� �C����� �`@C�l����� �� [�1���I]�� �'I�� ��I�n��r� Aver�u�e, �a�n Lu�is �bi���, �� ����'� ���ta�� ��s��ltitl�: ��i�� ��r���, ��c��ut��r� �ir��t�r P����: �8��} 5��-���'1 � ��; ����� ���-���� �-mail �dd��s�: ��im�F�s������glob�l.�et Is t�e or a�i�a�t��� a �ait� �a��d �'��xa►i�a��or�� ��� ❑ �o � � ��lulN1L��1��1� DE1IEL�P�AE�� BL��FC C��tAhlT ����C�� �F���RAN1 PA�E 1�F 1� �IPPLI�A�i�P1 ��� �UNDING DURIN� ���� P��CRAI� 1�EAR �TOBER'�D, 2�08 ��r� Lui� ������ ��ur�� P�rrr��r�� � ����a�r�� s�.����rr��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 19 ������ ��������� �. '�i�leln�r��lad�re�s o� �ropose� pro,��ct �r �ro�ra�: 4 �,� � � � � �f r� rarr�: �1 �� �l�hn��rr ��r���e, ��� �� �I�rr��: �er���r I���ri���r� �r��ra�rr� �d�re� � � . ' ' arrd � co��rr�a��el ��� �o�n�� �h�o�g��ut ��n �u�� . � �e�tral kit��er� anc� o#�c��} p�u� �r�� ��t�� �p Y O�i�po �o�r�ty • ' r� r�m. In �r�� ��' �vv� ���� ��ra�a��s, ir����xd� a �ri�� �. P�e�s� c�e��r�be the propo�ed ��o,�e�� or �� ' �� • ' ' ou s �v�o �i�1 �e�x��it �d �a ��pl�atio� o� �o� t��� vv�l� b��.e ��o���tl�rog�`arn d�scr��t�o�, t�� g� p . ' �r r� `���� c��s�� t�� 1���ti�� �� t�� �r�� ��� �a� as ������� froxn t�e ��a�as� �ro���'t or �rog�a�. � � � � • �� s st�t� t�� �oc�tio� f ����i t�� ��'o�r� �i�l be a� ���s����, �.�. ��r��� a.c�c�r�ss�. ��r � gr� � ' i� �.re� �er�ec� b t�e �r� . A���, ple�se ��1ude � s���d��� o� o�erat� �dlor c�e��be t�e ��og���� � � �� �ra j e�tlp�o g�a� rr���estor���. � ' ' ' ro rarr� a ���tes r�ine �in�r�� r�o�n� th�ou�hou�� �a�� �u�� �b�s�o �ounty TI�� ��r� ��r !`V u�r���� n � � � � , . i e���-r���n ti�e r�ea�� t� �e�i�r� ir� ei��er � oa��r���t� �d�r��r�� r���� s��tir�� �r tl�at prov d ` he r�r����� �� ����� �h�t a�e ��r�n����r��. ��r �r�gr��r� �� de�i�ne� t� ��Ip ��r���r� �e��v�r� �� t . , nc�e �r���r�� i� ���ir ��rr��� � � n�triti�u� ��� r�r���1�.1111� a�r� ��I� �� d� �h�� r����r� � p � � , effi���r�t� k� �tili��n � ��r�tra! lc�t���r� ��r ���� �r�d���i�n a�nc� ��li�r�r� �� t���� r����� �� n�n� Y Y � �i�r�r� r��r�r� �ite�. `�v�r�n -�i h� I��rr�� clel��r�r�� rr�e�l r��rt�� c��ntywi�� �re ��rvi��d fi�r� ���s � �Y � a �e�l� b� � ���I �� a�p����i���el� ��� �r�l�r����r�. TI�� �eni�r �Vu�ri�i�n ����r�r� ����e���� �u�ltip�e �r�b���n� �r�� ��rr��r���ra��e� ����� ir� ��r ��rx���r�i . Fir��l�, �s ��� n�ed �� pr��ri�i�� � h�t, �u�r����r��ll� �a�l�r�c��l r�n��i t� th� �Ider1�. �Y . , . �ec�or��l , a�1���u�h ���r� i� a� �u��e�t�d ���a�t��r�, r�� �r�e E� t�� ��nra�y. T��s en��l�s ��� � , . . . ., . �I��r�� �� d����r��te rr���r� �ur��s f�� r�r���������n�� h����n� �r ��h�r n�������ie�. �hirdl�, �e pr��ric�� �c���a�� �nt�r��#i�n �r�� �c���� t� ���ri�i�r��� ir����r���i�r� �� ��rr ��nir�� r��r�r�s. ��u�thl�, �r�n�r �� the ��rr��l���n� ��r�i�� �i�r� �I��e �ft�r� i��la��ec�, �v��l� �ittle �r �� �n�er��r��r��l ��r�ta��t. ��r v��u��te�r� �I����� �t��� b� ���ive��n� � h�t �ur��l� �� t�er�r� i� the�r I��rr��s fi�r� ���� � vrr���C. Fin�l�y, �v� a�re � ��f��y r��� ��r ��rr����u�nd ��n��r� �r�� �h�ir ��r�ili��. �ur �#�fF �r�� �r���nt�er� �r� �ra�ir���l t� id�r�tify "r�d �I���" f�r ����ibl� er�e�r����i�� ��� r��k� er��r��r��� ��r�t���� �n� refe�r�1� if �nr� ���I �����I��r�� i� r��� r��h�; v�� a�r� a��� rr��n�a���d r���rter�� �� �u�pe�ted e�d�r abu�� or neg���t. �'�� �e���r IV�rt�iti�n �r�gr�r� ��� ���� rnc����r�tec� �ir��� '���'I �� �r��ri�e ���I� t� t�� ����rl� �r�� ��rves ��� I�r���t r�ur�nber �� �e�i�r �I��r�t� �u��i�i� �f g��re�r�rr���t �ger��i��. I� �� ��� I�r��st pr��rid�r �� seni�r r�����, ���vir�� ��� �r��ir� ����t�. �� i� ��� th� �r���r �r��r���r �� h�t� I��r�n� �e�i�rer��� rr��a�� tF��r�u�h�u� t�e c��n��r. ���er�e i� a� s��l� Il���ls �r� IIV����� �r���r�r�n �n tl�� �ity �� ��r� Lui� �bi��� �nd t�e ���re �iti�� �r�a�.� 11V� I�a��e �on�r���te �inir�� r��rr� f���i�tie� ir� nin� �iti�� �� ���` �o�rr��y. �--l�r�r�� ���i�rer�� ���I� �r� �r�v���d oour��y �r�r��e e�c���� in rer�n��� ���a��. ��e p�'��ra�rr� ���ve� �������r��te�� 'I ��,��� in ��������� ar�� anti�i����s i� v�rill se�v� 'I �,��� �nn�r� rr�e�l� �n the ��rr�r�� ��������°� ����� �e�r, �. ��l tl�� ���rvi��� ���r��l �� ��r�r �r��x�ati�� i��r��s� �r ����nci �� � r���l� �f �h� ���� assi�t�n��� �f ye�, p�e��� a��.�vve� �� fc�llowing c�u�sti���: ��n��n�r��r�r D�v����n��r�� 8����c ��r,r ��D��� ��o��n� P��� � �� �� A,PPLi�A�1�N ��f� ��-lE ���� �F���#�AN! Y�AF� ��T�BEF� 'I �� �D�� �,�Id �1��� �BI�P� ��U1�7Y P�Ah�IVIh1C Sc BUILDIIV� �L�PLAh11�l1�+1C.�f�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 20 a�. �a� n��v r� a�� �dl�r �ervi��� vc�il� �� �r��i�led`? . , � � ' v►r �� �� ��rve rr��r� ��r�i�r� v�r�t� v�r �ervi��� �vill be i��tiate�. ���� fu��� v�r�ll ��I� �#o r�� ��r ��rrer�t �� ��e �. �el��r, , � . . a�adl�� ������ �vi11 �� ���a�c��d a�� v��a�� ��rce���.�� �f �n b. ��scr�be �o� �����i�� px�o��� ��c�rea�� �s ��p�cte�? `��re��� �r� ��r�n�nd ��r ��r�i�r r�n����. T�� �ur �r�rr� thi� �r�r�� 1N e� av e h a� � n� r� ��cpe �tec� � � ��� ��r ��� �� �r� ��di���r��l t�nrer�ty elc���r�� �I������ `�hi� ir��� �v��l er�a��l� u� t� ��� ' � �e ��e rne�� ��t�� �� �nre�l a�� o�r ��me �e�ive�e� rr�e�l c���nt� a�f��t� the �i�er�#� a# o�r co � g r� . ���� �un�� v�r��l �u����rt � �.�°�� i��re��e Mn �u�� ��rvi��• - t�ro���r��� ��� �ou ty he �oll��i� ��i '��e a�tivi��'y ��teg�r�i�� ��� �p��y to the �ro�osed pro�e�# or �. ��e�� �►�y of � � � �o r��: R��e�r to ���C �e�lat�o�a� �nc� th� �x��de to �1i��le �D�� �i��ti�s . � � � , A�q�isit�o� o�` real property � �is�o�itio� o�` r�a1 pro��rt� ���1�� ��.���.�ti�� �c� i�����e����� ���� i��l�x�� ���i�i�i�r�, �r���nx��i��, � r�cor��tr�x����n, r�I��l�ilit���i�� �r �n�t�lati��� � ��i�at�l� �v�n�c� �tilit��� �le�rar��� a�� re��i�ti�� �cti�vi��e� � ����i� �e�v�r�es i�te� �ssist��e �������i�r� �� ��i�ic���.l�, ��i�i�s, �����ss��� n��-�r��� �r�an.���t���s, andl��r �ax�r�� �.oss of �e�.t�1 i��or�ae ��0��1 �� �,rc��t��ra.1 �an � I������ r����11�ta�i�r� ��� �o�s�g �r�stru�ti�r� ��c�e� ��m�t�d �ircu�r�s�ar�c�s� � �ior��ovv��rs�ip �ssis�a�ce �ou�i�g serv��s � �ade e��o�r�er��t �or�r�ur��r�r D�v��o��n��� B�.o��c ��r�� ��DB�� P�o��n� P��� � o� �o APPLI�AT��N ��F� T�HE ���� �I���RAhA �EA� ��T�BEF� 'I �� ���� ��►r� �u�����i��� ���r�� P�r�r���� �► �u������ �����r��vrr��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 21 �is��ri� �r���ation �o�mer�ial or �nd�str�a� �`��a�ilita��i�n � ��ec�al ec�r�omi� de���op�e�t '���hr�.ic�l a.ss��t�a��e �ci p�ar��g �tudi�s �. Describe t�e ��ec� �n�l �e de�r�e o� ��rg��c� for �he �ropo��� project o� �ro��am. V�at w�uld be t�e co���q�e��e� i� t�.� pro�ao�e� �aro,�e�t ar px�ogra� is n�t �u�c��c� i�. �he ���t ye��? �`I�e ���i�r I���r��i�r� �r��ra�rr� �f�ce I��� e�cp�ri�r��e� � rr��r#c�� in�rea�� ir� �e���st� ��� rr�e��� �r�r� ��i�rs �nd��r t��ir fa�r�nil�es. 111�� ����r�e �f�a�t ���� is du� �� lea�� ir� p�r� t� the �urr�nt ��o��r��� d��rv�t�� T�e fun�� �r�rr� tl�i� �r���� �r�r��l he[� ��ni�� IV��ri���n r�n��� th�� ��n�r����d d�nnar�� f�r r�nea�ls �r�c� �erv� rr���� ��r�i�r� �t �u�� co��r����e �e�l� �it�� �� ��rr�ll �� �ur I���� ���i�rer�� r��a�l �li�r��� t�r���l��ut t�e �ount�. '7. ������ c��s�ri�� t1�� s���ifi� ��rga�i.��►�i��al m�tl���l �.���1 �� i��l����a� th� pr���s�� ���,��� �r �� ��ix��1� �r mu�.�.ti�l� g����� ����i� �g�n�y, n�n-p���it, �'��--�r��t, ����ri���� in ���r�ti�� �im�l��r �r�gr�►��, ���,�: Th� �eni�r N��rit��r� �r��r�rr� i� a r��r�-�r��� �or��r����r� ��rri�� � �r�lunt��r ��a�� �� c�ire�t��� ��c���a�ed �ta�f# �r�d v�l�ntee� �t �a�� r�e�rfy �� y��r� �� ���eri�n�:e pr��ri�lir�� rr���l� t� th� e���rl .���� rr�������1� t� r����e t��:�� �e�i�����, t��t, r�u�triti��r� r�e�l� �on����� �f Y �� � ��Il�v�rir��: � �taf� ����� po��n���� �I��n�� �� in�a��C� �r�d �� a� �r���ir�� ����s f�r ��trit��n�l r��lc �r�� �t�ec fu��i�r��� I���a����� �r�� re��� ���r7n �� #h� ��pr�p�i��� �utFr�rity. � I�i��h�n ���f� �����re� ���d �nd ��iNl� in b���C in tl�e c�ntr�l �Cit��en. ���iv�r� deli��r f�od �� r�ir�� si��� �hr�u�l��ut �h� �our��y e��l� v�r�e�C��� �n ��fir tr���C�� � �ite rr��r�� ers, �vi�h t�� �el� �� v���n�eer�, I�e�t �h� f��d �r��i ��rv� d��rin� r��r�n ��i��ts, �r�� � , . . . , ��� a��C ��od f�r l��r�n� �te����ry. ll�l�r����rs �e��v�r �r�� ���d �� �� �lie�t� �r��n�s five ���� � Y� v�re�l�. � I�u�ri���na� ed�c��i�r�� �r�p�r�e� ar�� ��rr�ini�ter�� �� ��r r��i�t�r�� �i�titi�n, i� dis��m�n�t�d �o bo�� c���re�ate �nd �c�r��bo��d ���e�t� �. ���� �� r�' ��� r�c�uir� t�� is������ �� a ���mi� ���r�� 1����, s�a�� �� ��c����l a����i��� ;� � J ��� ❑ �v� �c �. I#`���, �7���� 1C��1��1� �� ���`l�]1�� Il������ �� ���1�?���� �� �3�`�]��� b. �Ia�ve t� nec�ssaary �er�xxits �� is�u�d? P�ea.se p�o��de p�oof o� �ermit �s��a,nce. ��I�AN1L��11TY �E11�L�P�A��lT BL��kC �l�A�1T ���8�} Pft��RAN1 PAC� � �F 1� A������fi��r� F��z T�� ���� P����� ���t � ��T���� � �, ��o� S�r� �u�s ���s�o �ou��r ���r��t�� & ����.��r�� s�o��xr�r��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 22 �. �� ��ts ar� ��ui�ec� ��� r��� ��� ��t��ed� v��e� ��11 �� �e�.��� 1�� i�s�ed`? � 11T�►'����AI� �BJ���'I�� ��I'I���IA 9. �aes t�e �o o��� projec� or activ�ty n���� ane of �� tl��e� �al�onal _o�je�ti��� af �h� � � F , , ���� �r��r��`� �l��s� ��i��k ��� �f t�� ��,���t�v�� ��1�� ��a� a����� �� �� �rop�s�l, a�t� e��l� h�w tl�e proje�� or ����'ity �ee�� tha� ��t��nal o�jectiv�, a. � �en�fits ��w- �c� �������-i���rr�� ��rs�r�� �s c���e� �� �i� �.�. ��art�.�� �� �I�usi.�g a�d ��� �����o�ent ��D}. ����c� o�e: � ��wlll������t�-�n���� Ar�� ������ �- T'�� �r�� �� ���� �r�1� a ��m�fi��� �ar�a ���� is ����e� b ���0 ��r�s�s ���a or su.�rve� to �e a pred�min�te�y �� � °�o �r �ore� �ov�l�od�t�-i��ome ar��. � , . ., . . � 1��ts �����ir�g t�i� �a����� r��xs� �� a��1� �� �r�v� t�i��r �r��,��ctl�.��v�i�y �r��a�1� ��n��i�� �� ��v�l�oc��rate-inc��� �ous�ho�ds. � I��v�I1V����x�a�.�-In��m� �imi���l �li������ — T�� �r��j��� ��n��i�� � s��ci�� �ro�� ��` pec���� ��ather t�� a1� ��as i� a �a� a��a�, �� l�as� � �. °�o �f ��a�xn ar� ��v���a�c��r���-i�co�� �����;, �ote: ���e v�ri�i�at�or� for �Iie�ts ��st be �rovided �'or t�i� �at�gor�. T�e �`o��o�g gro�ps a.re r��e� �� �� l�v���n�c�����-i�co��; ���x��c� �h�1c�r�� �1���� �e�s�n�; l��tt��d �����e�; h�r�����s � i ■ ■ s * ■ r • � �rsons• a��1ts meet�� �s�xs de�t�or� of s�v��1� d�s�bl�d, ��sor�.� ���g v�t� ���� �d � � � ���t f� v�ro�l�e� Q �ow111�at�er�te-���co�� �Io��i�g -� '�'he p� e�t a�d� or ��roves ��a,x�e�t res�de�t�a� �tru�t��� i�a� v�l� ��lar� ����ied �� 1������er����-in�o�n� �i�u��1��1c�� ���� c�o����t��r�. � �owlN�ode��t��n�o�� �c��s � '�`he �roj�ct �r�a�es or re��i�� ���a�e�ts �obs, at �eas� 51 °�� of whi�h a�r� �a1�e� �� ���v��aa��er���-���om� ��rs�r�s �r �or�s��ered �� �� a�al�abl� �� l�v����c���rat�- . �ncorr�� �erson�. E�c�l��t�: This pro�ra�r� ����fits I����m�d�r��e ��n�orr�e ��d�r�y �lier��� b� er�i����ir�� t�e�� nutr�ti�n �r�� I�ea�lth ar�� re�u���� tl�� is�l����n �� �����rs �r� ��� ��unt�r �� ���v�n� �oont��ne �nea��� �r� d�nin� r��r�� a�nd del�v�ry �# rr���l� �� �I���e wh� are #��r�n���und. 1��'�'�: To rn�� ��� na��o�a� o�jective, the �ro�o��d ��ti��t� rr���t b�a��i� a�pec��i� ����.���� �r ��s�c��t� i� �. p���l�rr a�r�� �f �h� ��ur�t� ��r �aa����a���� �i�r, a�� 1�as� � � ��c.�n� �� ��� ax�� 1��- a�.c� ��c�era���-�r�c�orr�� ��r���s, �. Aic�� ir� t�a� ����ve��i�r� �r �1irr����ti�n �� ��urr�s �� ����h�. �����n: �e1�ct o�e: ❑ Ac��r��si�� ���ms �r B�i�� o�a �n Area ��sis - �or�nnur��rrr D�v��o���r�fi B�o��c ��r��` �C�3��} P�o��n� P��� 5 0� �o A���������n� F�� T�� ���� P�o���n 1��a� �c����� 1�, ���� S�r� Lu�s �����o �our��� P�r��v�r�� & Bu����r�� s�o���r���r��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 23 �t�[�r�s�i� ����m� �r �1� � �� �n � ���� �asi� — ��� �r�� �t �i�� ���ven� �� �1i�ni�a�� ������i� � � � . . . c�o�c�.it��n� �� �1i � �r �l��si�� c��c��. ���1vi#.i�� ar� �i���� �� ����rr�c�, l���t��r�� �r���v�����, � * . . , re����1it�#i�r� o� b���c�� s, ��xt or�l� t� t�e ��#�ent r���es�ary to elx��r�at� co�d��ior�s de�menta� to � ��b��� ��a1#� a�d s��et�. �� th� r�'ect Io����c� i.� � �edevelo �me�� A��ea? �es � �o � � J � If es, �i�a�h a�na� ��` the a�r� �t� �e s�t� h���ght�d, �d prov�c�e t�e ��evel�p�er�t P�oject � ' �ific Ar�a ��� t� �.�c�tecl� v��i���i c����m��.� �� �����e��� ��' �1�rnlb����, �1��, c���u.�r��� t�� ��� � � ��d�v�lop�ne�� o��e��res �e�t�ir�i�g to t�� pro�a�ed proj�ct. I�T�T�� To �n�et thi� �xat�o�al ob�ect��e, �� �ro�os�d ��tii�t�y r�u�� b� w�thi� a�esign�t�d s��m o� b���tec� �rea a�d m�st �� c��s�g��d to a�dress o�� o�r �n�re cor�d�tior�� t�ia� �o��b�t�d to t�e c�e�er�oratio� of �i� a.re�. �, �Viee�� ro�a�u�i�� c��v�l��rr��t r��e�d.s ��v��� � �arti��Ia�r �rge��� v���r� �xi���r�� can�i���� � o�� ��er�iau� ar�c� �r��d.iat� t�rea� �o �h� ��a1t� or v���f �re of t�i� �am�nuni�, a�d r�o ot��r f�nd�r�� sour�e� aar� av�i�a���, �.�.� a�na��r �a�tas�r�p�ie suc1� as a�aod or ea�q�x�k�. ����a�; 1����: "I�o �n�et �is �a�io�� ������ive, th� �r��osed �cti�it�y ���� d�a1 w�t� �.ajor �atastr����� �r ern�rg�r��i�� �u�h a� fl���i� �r �artl�c���k��, 1�. �f the �� or �rogr��. �s c�e���ed �a �me�t t�xe �n�tic���l obj�c�ive �f �aro�ic�ing b��e�� �a �aw- ��d moc���a�e-i�co�e pe��o��, ��ease �st��a�e th� �x�m��r o� ��1� ��a�� �u��er o� ��r���s �or l�o�ts�ho�d�� �o b��e�it ��om t�� ��oj��t a�t� br��l� t��t est��te down �� i�co�.e grou� �u�r��������d �ean� t�� nu�b�r ��o ar� �erve�, �.e,, ��e �ra�� v�i� ��ov� �5 ��c�re�x �o �arti��p�te i� �� — �o� �5 ��ildre� � � c�ay� � 5� �vee�s = �,����. �. '��t�a1 n�l��� �#` ��rs�r�� �r �����1���c�� �v�a� �vi�1 ����fi� f�r�� �� �r����� �r ���gr� �r��ar�l��ss �� in�o�� gr��x��; �� �erso�s�h��sel�olc�s �c�r�l� fi�e a�pli�abl� ur�.��� �. �� t,�i� ��tal r�u��� �� �e���� �r l��r�s��i�lt�� e���r�d �b���, �i�v� �ar��r w�.1� �� ��v�-�cor�� ���rni�g � 1 ��o - � ���� �r ��s� �#� �� ����� �e�ian�-��e�r��� ;� �� �ers�r�sl�i�u���i���� ��i���� t�� �.�����a��� u.��t} �. �� t�e �ota1 n��� o� p�rso�� or ho��eholds �t�r�d a�ov�,1�o� ��� ��� 1a� ve�� r lo�-ir��om� �ea.r���� ��°�o or les� o� �e �o�x�at�y ��di��i�c�om��`? ��fi1��+ILX�11Tlf DE1IE��PIVIE�JT BL���( �RAI�T ������ �F���RAIV! I�ACE � �F '�� APPLiCAT1�N �OR TF�� ���� PR��RAM �EA� �CTOB�R 1�, 2�D� ��� L��� ������ ���r���r ���r��r�� S� Bui��tr�� ��.����ar��v���.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 24 � ��rso�sl�o�se�o�ds ���r�1e t�e app�i�a��� �i�� 11. 'V4�1�� ��� t�� ��i�nts ��' y���r �rg�ati��.� �E�a�pl�: ���v- �� ��cl�r�������� ��r��x��� �l�l�r�� ������s, ���v����� c����bl�cl ���s���� m��r�nt fa�� �v��r��rs� ��t��r�� s���x���� ���.� El�erl� ��r��r�� 12. �3ow v�� ��e ��e��s b���fit from t�r� �roje��`� �I�r� p��gr�r�r� b�r��fit� I��►�r�r����r�#� �r��o�� el�e�� ���e�t� ��r �r���r��in� ��e�� r�u�tri�i�r� ��� ���I�� �r�d re���in� t1�� is�l�ti�n �� ��r�i�r� ir� ��� ���n�y b� ���vin� r���nt��e r�n��ls i� ��n��� r��rr�� �r�� ��livery �� �ne�l� t� ����� �nrl�� ��-� ��r�n�l���n�. BE��'��I�R� �AfT� ��. ��w c�o yo� �u�re��ly �oll��� ���o�rap�i� d�t� o�n �he ��nefi�i�ries o� tlxe �rop�sed �roj�ct ar �r�gr��`? ���a�n�l�; rac�all�thni� ������i�ti���'� �er�i�r �u�tri���r� ��Il��t� �I��� ir���rr�n�#i�r� ��r���� t�� ir�t��C� �r��e�� ��r r �li�r�t�. 14. ��w c�� ��� ���r�n�i� c���u��n� in���� s��t�� �� �a��. �li�n�`� ��a��l�: ���-y ���, ��w- ��cl n�od�rat�-�nco�e�� �enior Nutri��on ��lect� th�� �nforrr��tion thr���l� th� ir�t�ke pro�ess for n�v�r �I�ent� ar�d �n�ome �t�tu� �s c���c��n�n��d a��:or��rr� t� ��d�r�l ��i��li��s. _ 1�. ���vic�� t�� f�ll�wiu�g �f�r�a�i�� f�r �� ���'������ i� y��ur �r������n r������i�l� �'�� tli� �re�����ian ��t� subn�itt�l �f t�e �u�r�t��r�.� repo�ts a�d ��� cc��le�t�g ��d re�o�g �he �e�e�c�a� t���a �o �� �Trban �ou��y. ��nt��� ��r��n�titl�: EI��� �ir�r��l�� ��ce���f�r� �i���t�r ���r�� r�u�r�nber; ���i��1-��'� � �-rr�a�� ��c�re��: �r���m��������o�l���l.ne� ��T�'�'�: �ou �.re re�}��r� to ��o��d� �e�e�i��ar� c�at� �t the �r�c� �� �a�1� c�uarter �� year �d d��a o�` t�e �is�a1 �ear. If y�u� �r���sa� �r������s �����mi� c�������m��� i.�.� c��r��tl� ��n�f�� ����in���� �ri�a�� pr����y �w��r� �usin��s� �r�v����� ��r�c�� i��ar�v���n��� �r��i�� ���hni�a� ���i��a�n�� �� � ���v �� ����in� bu�s�n���, �a� ���ation, �o� gua�a�tee, the �en������y �m►u�t obt�i�x � �un �d Br��st��t �D�T�� ���be�r tha� m�rst �a� r�p�rted to ��T�. �l��s� �o�t�c� 'I'ony �a�arro, �8�5� 7�1-57�7, ���iV1UIVITY C�E1I�L�P1ulE[VT �L��IC C�RAfVT {��B�� �F����AhA P►��� � �� �o A��������or� Fo� 1`r�� 2��� P�o��r� Y��� ���o��� � D, ���8 ��n� Luis �e���� ���n��r P�r����� � ������r�� �������r�rn��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 25 �av�►r�r� sl.o#�o,c�,�� �or inf��m�t��� on �xor� to �btai� � D�� n�n���r praior �o iu�curr�.�g a�� � � a�li�a#�g �h� fe�er�l �n��. F���IA.� �1�T���NI�'�`I�I� �6. '�o#al a�o��t o� ��38� f�nds re���st��: ����,��� ��ease �d��ti�y t�e ��i�d�c�i����� �a ����h ��u �r� ap��y�ir��'�: If �ou �re r��e�ti�g ���C fi��ls �rom xx�ore t�a� o�� j��d��tio�� p���se b�e� �ov� t�i� ar���� ��i�� a���v� b� #1�� jur�i��i�ti�� 1��t��d ��l�v�. �i�y o�' �rr�yo �ra��e: �ity �� �ta�����; C�ty of Crover B�a�la'�*: ��.��� -- � ��� 5 ��� ���y �f` �as� 1��1����; � ��� City of �� ��x�s ��is�a�: �� �o�t� a� ��n I��is �bis�o: 5 ��� �11T�'T�: If �ou �e a��1yi.�� to o�e or �are ��ti��� p��a.se �ro�ic�� ��o�y o� t�e app�i���i�r� to t�e ���ty �� �� �p����at�on. de�dli�� o� �ctober �4, ���$. �"� '�� �ity o#' ��ov� �e��� res�rves �� opti�r� to a�v�rc� t�� �na.xirr�� � �°�o o� �he�r �r�.� �d��� al���ati�r� ��r ����i� ���� ����. ������r, th� ��t� v�i�1 a��ax� r�� ���� t�� ��,��� �� a�ar�, �1�as� ��x�rn�� ��� a���i���i�r� ���or�ir��l�. 17. �le�se descr�i�� th� b�dge� �or t�e paro�ose� proje�t o� �ro��axr�. �te�e a�l so��ce� o� �u�c�� �������t� �� �� �v�l��l� a��l ���t� ��r �hi� �r�j��� a, ��ven��s: � , ���� ���c�� re�u���ed �. �t�ie�r �ed�ra� �d�s� �p�e�s� d���ri�e b�1av�� 3. ���t� sou� ��e�se d�s�ri�� �e1o�� �. L�o�a1 so�x���s} �pl�ase des�ri�e �elov�� �. �t��r �d� �lease d�scx��e b��ov�� Tot�� �eve�ues � ��,��� � 5��,�3� � � � ��,40� � ���,8 � S � ��1,�50 �. �r�r�t ����n ��e� ���n�� �r� ���n� �. �aunty and �o�a� �r�r�t� _ �. ��n��i�r�� �r�r� �lien�� ���������}, th� ����� ���rr��n��� a�nc� �ur�d��i��n� �v���� �. ��pe����r�s: �,i�� ��10� b� �t�m ar co�t �at��o�y. �onnr��r����r D�v��o�n��r�r B�o��t G�r�� ��DBG� P�o��n� P��� � o� �� A������rt�or� �o� T�� 2D�� P�o��xr� 1��� ���o��� ��, 20�8 �xr� ���� ���s�o �o���`�r P�r�r��r�� & 8����ir�� s�o��r�r�ar��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 26 ❑ �`�� f��l�vv�r� �r �r�i�a�ti��a�l b���et v�r��l� b� e���r�de� �� ���,��� �� ���p��t ���vi��� t� � � �r� a�c��iti���l t�nre�� s�r�i�r�: ��lari�s $��7,9 � � $1 �,��� �D�� �ids �a�es ��3,9�� LTt��iti�� � 1 �,� 1 � T�� ho�e $7�4�� �en� ���,SS� �f�ice �� 1i�� ����ta � ����� Faa� ��st ���7,78? $1 ����� ���� f�d� �oo� �� l�es �4�4�980 Le � � �c�our��� $�9,39� � �as �x ��� $1 �,8�� IVI�1�a� � � 1,��� ll�is�. �u �i�s $�4��5� 1� a� � 1VI�t. � � 3,�90 ���'A� �U����` �8G��5� ���,��� ���� fu�c�s 1$. �ow do �au �la� to fund �h� ope�r�t�on and ��i►�te���c� �os�s ��f an�� a�so�i�t� w�t� tl�is proj��t'� Are the�e �rt�ds av���le nov�:� If ��t� ��en vvil� t�e� �� �►v���ble? A�x� from w�a� ��u�ce��� :� �pe���i�r� a��� r��i���n�nc� ���t� v�r�ll �� �un��d b� ��n��i�r�� fr�r� t�� ��r���r� ����i�r�n� ��rvir..��, tl�e ��rr�r�n��n��y �t �ar��, ����� �r�nt� �r�� f�r���a�i�in� e���t�. Th��� f��n�� �r� re��v�d mo�r�h�y. 19. �il� �D�� �unc�s �ae �s�d t� �a���Il��ve�age otl�e� fr��ds? �i�� ��low fi��c��� �our��� ���1 a����t� �nd �r�e��fy a�ard date� o� th�se �ourc��. ��t ���I����le - - - _.��_�,..� I�e�ai�y �a� th� i�forrr�at�o� � th�s app�ic�.�io� � s tx�e ar�� a���rat� ��a �e ���t of �� �o�r� ec�ge and a�i�i�y. .� � ��� � - ��� �. ��� .. - — �ig�a�ure ��t�ber �a�e �lia� 1�T�e� �xe�rx�iv� ��ect�r ��hAfV�EJIV��Y DEVEL�P��IVT BL���C ��A�VT ��DB�� I�F���F�Ah+I PA�E ��F 1� A���i���io� For� T�� ���9 Pr�o��n� Y��� ���o��� ��, ���� ��r� ���� �s���� ���r���r �r..�r�n�r�� 8� �t�i�.���� �r.����vr��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 27 ��int�d or t�pe� �a�� �"��e �To�� to a���i�ant: '�ae �ou.�t�y a�d �i�i�s req�i�e all of �he �r�t �e�i�ie�ts to �aai�t�� ge�eral liab���ty, a�to�o���e a�d v����ma�' � com�e�r��at��� ���.raa��� �i� l�its �f ��� 1��� �ia� � 1 rr��I�i���. I� ��� ar� �u������u� ix� ��t��i.�g � a�v�rd, �ou v�i�� be a�k�d to �rovic�e �a��m��tatio� reg�d�.�g abi�i�y ta ��ov�d� �he �r�u�red �a�e�age. '� I�ia�il�ty �ove��� ma��r v�y �� j��di�t���. �1�a�� ���� t�� �i�.y���u.��� cor�t��� �� ve�i� ��i�s, ��or to �iLJ�'� rel�ase o� �r�� car�ditio�� a�nc�lo� fi�ds fo� t�� ����-fi�ded pro�e��, a r�v�ew of the ��oj�c�'s �aat�taal ix�p�c� an t�� �vi�a���� xnu�t b� c��du�ted b� �� a�a��ng �uxi�di�tx��:s �c� a���a�ov�d by t�ie �aunt� of �au� L��s ���.�p� �rior to ob�igati.n� or ��urri�� �r�j�ct �o�ts. 'I�e �ou�ty ��st c�fy �o I�� t�at it 1�as �o����ed v��t,�i a1� ap�lic�.b�e ��viro�m�nt�.l. pra�ec��r�� �d r��x,ir�ents. �h��d ��oj�ct �osts �e o�ligat� o�r i���r�d �� to t�i� c��n���tio� o�the ���essa� e��iro�.e�t�.l re���, t�� proj�t ��all n�t ����5t �ro�n tl�e fe�e�a� �ds. If �r�� n�e� �ss��tan�� �x� h��� q���t���� r��arr��n� �� a��li���i��, �1�a�� c�a�ta�� aa�� �f th� ��s�ns 1i��ec� �����. Y�� a���li�a�t��r��s� �� �� dr����d �f� �r �a���� �� t�� �'��1��vi�g ���a�ti���; � ��m ��r�a.n,, ���mu.�it�y ����1����t ����., �it�� ��Arr��� �ran��, ��� �. ���h �t�r��t �P.�. ��� ����� A�r��r� �rax���, �1� ���21 � ����� �'�������. � ��1��i� �um�hr��r, �u�li� ��rks ���t.� �i�� �� A�a,s�a�c��ro, ���'7 E1 �a�i�a� 1��a1, A�.tas�a�d�r�, �� �����, ����� �7�-�4��. « J��'t ���se, �o�nmr.��y �e�elopmen� ��pt., ��t� of C'rro�r�r Beach, � �4 S. ��g��h �t., �x�ro��r Beach, �.� 9��33 � ����� ��7�-�4���, • Ed �al����r, ����it� ����1����t ��pt,, �it� �f �a�� ������� 1 ��� �p�� �t., ��s� I���1��� �.� 9�44G, ����� ���-��'7�, � ���h��� ��c�,ro�, ��mm��y ��v�i��m��t ��pt., ��ty ��' �a� L�i� �����o, � � 9 �a1m ��., Sa� L�i� ��is�a�, �A ���� � , ���� } �� � -� � �� . � � T�n�r �Tava�r�, I]e��. ��`��a�in� aa�� ���1d�ng, ��� ���� �tr���, l���xn ���, �ar� L��s �l�i���, �A. �����, ����� ' 78 � -�?8?. ��n��nu�r�r D�v�����r��� �����c ��r�� ��D��} P�o��xn� � P��� �� �� �� �1PF�L��ATI�IV F��t TH� ���� P��C�AAA 1(�AF� ��T�BEF� 9� �0�� �AIV Ll11� �BI�P� ��U1�T`� �LAhEfVIC+I� �c BI�ILDIIVC � ���P�.AIVI�IN� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 28 � �J���LJ�1�� ����L�����1 V� ����i� ���� 1 ���� ������� ��PLI��TI�N F�� TF-�E ���� �F������III 1��AF� ��►� ���v L��� �����o �o��v��r D�������rv� �� P��n����� �rv� �u�����v� _� � _ ��s osos ������ � �oor� �oo � ��r� �u�s oe�s�� � �����o��v��a s��os • �s��� ��� -��e 1 � � � Promo#lr�� #I�e �Vise Us� of �ar�d � Flelpin� #o �c�iJd Grea� �orr�r� � ' ' � �� � ' � �� � �� �� � . . , • ' rnrn� l�Il �� S��'1 I�II�S ��1� � ��u� In�. �� � ��g���a�t�or� �ame._ �cor�orr�lc �t����tv�r��t� �o �� � �� o�� ��t�a�� ac��ii�����.1 ��i��#�s �� ����ss � � �� To �e �o�sid��ed far �D�� a.s�ist�r�c�, ��e�.�� s�brnit t��s cor�pl�t�� appli�a��io� v��t�i �y ��1�i�its, b�dgets �r ��r��fi�iaory �a�a. a.� ���c���. ���1���.�i�r�� ��r� �� r�a�il�d �� ��� �f ��� �art��ipa.t��� �uris����i�r�s 1i���� ix� this ��pli�ati�n or to :'�or�� l�a�a�ra� P�ar�n�r III, �e�artrr���t of �l�n��r�g ar�d Build��g, �?� � so ���r�et, l�oom ���, �a.n L�i� �bi��o, �A., 9�4�8 0� �ar�d delivered to Tor�y �a�ar�o at 1�3 5 Palm �treet, �oom �7�, �an �,��� ��isp�, �A., �a.��c� t� ����� �� 1-����, ��r �-mai��� �� �na.va���a ��. �l�,�a�.�s. �h� a�pli�����n ti���lin� is �:�� �.1V�.� '�`���day� ������r 1�, ����. ���1i�a�ti�r�s rn��� �� r���iv�d t�� ��� ���r���r �r �r�� �f ��� �art������i�� �i�i�� �Arr��� C�ra�d�, Ata.���d�r�, �'��r�r ��a���, �a.�� ������� �ar� ��is ��ispo� �rio� ta clos� �� �he ��sir�e�s d�y. 1'���1V�.���D I�ATED �VIA� R����E� AFT�� T�� Il����i�� ��L N�T �� A����'�`��. N�'�'�: � 1� F�e�.se r�vi�� t�� ���C� regulatio�� a�d �uidelir��s ar�d th� R�c�u�st �'or P�ropos�ls ��fore ��rx������r�� t�i� �� �T�� �I��� �re��a��i�r�� a�� a�aila�bl� a� �v�. �����a�r�ni��� �r���r "�����r�� C`xra���." Als�, �1���� �a��� ��ur��� a.n���r �i�� ���� s�ai�v���� �� ���s�i�r�s about hov� to �amp�ete the form �r abo�t th� r��ir�g criteria a.�d �ro�e��. ��} If th� ir�format��r� �or an� o� ��e questior�s b�1o� r�q�ires m�r� roo� ta pro��de a�or�plete explar�at�c�n of �our �raposed p�a�e�t or �ro��am, p�e��e atta�h additior�al s�eets. ��11TTA�T I�F�R�.�VI�'�'��� 1. ��m� �n� rnai�ing a��r��� �� ��pii��n� �rg�ni���i�n, ���h ���t��� ��rs�n� �h��� �►n� ��� n�r�b�� �r�d �-�nail add�re�s: l���e: �co�orr�r'c ���or��ur�r't� �'on�rt�is.�ion o� f'S"a� �ur's ���spo �'o�n�, ��c. �C�C�T��� �I�1�.1�1I]� �I1C� ��1��1��� �C�C�I'��� I'�C�l�����C� 1� C������`��1�� � �,� � ,��?,����V ODL� ��'I V� �'L�r� ���5 ���5��, �� 5�.���� ����act p�rs��r�.lt��tl�; �� �'���n�r��, ��ac��� �`�rvi���s �ir�����r� Phor�e : ���5� �44-�49� �a��; ���,5� ,5��-,3��5� �-r�ai1 adc�r�ss: r-„ f ���rri�rg�a ������. �r�� �s t��� �r�a.r�i�a��.��r� a. F�i�h ��s�� �r�ani�a�i�r�? ��� �] �� � ........................�. -....-�.{...-.-�.--. �..{-�.--.----.--.-.----.-------------------.--...._..................,. ,..,.,..,.--.--.--.--.-.---.-..-.--.--.--.-..--.-.--.--._....._......................,....,. .. ,. . . , �an�nn�rv��v ����o�nn��fi B��c�c ��� ��DB�� P�o��ann P�a�� � o� � o A������T��r� F�� F�r���r�� ����t�� 2��� P�o�� 1���� ������ 1�, �oo� ��rv Lu�s ���s�o Co��v�r P�rvr��r�� 8� Bu���N�v� s�a���v�v���.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 29 ������ ���������� �. '�'it�eln�r����c�dr�ss �� p������d pr�,���� �r pr��gr�rn: �'or�y T�o�c�er, fu� �rogra� ��� �I�a��� �'e�ices 7�S �r�arrd �4 ��. ,S'a� �u�s ��ispo, �'�193��� �. F��a�� c����ri�� �h� pr�����d pr�j��� �r �r�grar�. Ir� �r�� �r t��v� s��r� �a�`�gr���s� �r����t�� � �ri�� �r�j��tl����r�.m ����ri����r�, �h� gr���s �rh� �1� ��r���i� a���i �r� �x�l�r���i�r� �� ��� �1��� �i�1 ��r���� frorr� t�e pro�a�ed �roje�t or pra�ra�n. For pr�j�ct�, d�sc�ibe ��e �o�atior� of the ��o�ec� ��� a� speci�"i� �s p��si���� �.�. street �.�dr�ss�, �'or �ro�r�.ms, s�ate the 1o��.t�o� �r�rn �h��� #�he �rogra� �v�ll �e �p�r���� ����r ����r��� ��i� ����ra���i� ��a. s�r��c� b�r ��� �r��ra�r�. �1��� �1���� �r��l��� a� s������� �f � r�� ��tl�r��r�m rr��l � st��r��s . ��� ��ar���r ►S�rrv���s�� ���'l��'� �'�r��y ���a��r�fi�� �'r��grar� i� ��r� ����r ��-��s���r����r��i�� ��cx��� ��reer�i�rg�ro�a� �r� �ar� ��i�s �bi��o �our��y f `o� rr�e�apa�sa� ar�d�os�--�e�o�ar�sa� �orr�er�, ag�es 4� cxr�d over, �v�a ar�� �edi�a���y u�ders���ved� �o�v-ar��or�e, ��d�r�#�nsur��d� or� u�ir��ured �'he purpo�e o f'�'o�� T�o�der,, f�� i�s �a in���ove c�cc��s �a �edica� �er�ic�s� prorr�o�e ea���y d������o� a�a� rn�er�ver���o� o, f��ra�ric di�ea�s�.�� c��d ��duce �or��a�i�. �'re�er��i�e �e�x��1� sc�ee��r�g ser��ce� ar�a� �c���a��or� ir�c�ua��: re��oduc�ive �ea���r �x�crr�s; �a� sn�ea��s; c�i�r�ca� br�ea�� e�ca�.�,• ���`e�a�s f`or, fi�ee �narr�rnagrarras,• ca�d�ovascu�ar� ��s�� as�e�s�rr�er��# ca�o����a� ����en�r�g; �����r�g arrd �rea�rne�r� f or� �ex�a���y ��ar��srrri��ed ir�, fec��a�s# ar�d �r�p�o�ria�� �nedica� r��, fer��c�s. �or��tone r��p�ac�rr�en� ��re�a��y i�s p�ovid�d a� ap�ra��ia�e. �duca�r'o� �a�er��ar�s a�rd co��rse�i�r� �r�e �r��so ��a��ded orr s�����f �c l�ea��� cor�cerr��, �r�c�ud�r�g os�eo�or�asi�; ��ear�s� �ea���; c��~v��a� cc�ncer�,� n�e�ro�a�se� �orrr��r�� re��acerr�e�� ��e�a��,. �arr��a��c��cu�acr� r��.sk; ac���r���s����r���s��s,• c��c� ���r�� ���c��� �����s� r�����arr�� �� �1�a�s �����ar����r, �'���a�w-�� car�e ��s �r�o�ided f or a�� abnor�rrrac� �e�u��s, �r�c��d��g ca.�e rr�ar�agerrre�� af; further diag�ros�rc �es��r�g f or a�c� �ea��r�� o f�reas� ar�d ce�vica� �ar�ce�s. Br'�r'��~ua�I�icu��ura� s�a���er ��e�e �u���ra��y-co�rpe���� ��r�r'���s c�� t�� ���'��' ���rri� �s����s, �rojec� �si�es: • ���' �ea��� �'ervi�e.s, 7�,� ��a�d �1ve�u�, �a� �uis ��i��a • ��� �ea��� S'er�vr�es, � 1,�� �a�s� �rar�� �t ve�e, �4�ro�yo �ra�rd� �l�rr��a��ro� jec� rrrr'�es�or�es�: • 175 �orr�e�, ages 4� a�d o�e�, �i�� receive .�u�.�id�zed s�r�ee���� s�r�v�c�� a� f�va c��r��� �oca��or�s. • 1�� � o� f`�vorr���r �v��� �e ref er�red f`o� a���a� rr�arn�o�rc���r� �o c�e�ec� �r��a�� �acr��er� a.s �ar��� as �o��sil��e. •��D� o `�o��� �v��� a�r�or��c�� res����s �a�� be �e, f'�rr�ed f'o� ap��o�r�c��e rr�ed��a� �ar�. • �00� o� f `�vo��n �v��� a��r�r��rrc�� r�es�u���s wi�� �e �a�s� rr�t�r�ra�ec� ��r�o��l� �1�� �ea�rn�r���r�oc�s�. . ..........................................................................................................:�.:.,...... . ,. .... .. ,. . .._. . ....._.. . -.-.--.--.--.--.._..---- ��o��n�rvN�r ����������r�r������c��i�r���DB�} P�a���n�r P��� � �� � o ������.+1"r�l�� ��� �1"1� ��k1� �R��fV11Y1 i �1"if[ ������ � � L�� ��rv L��s ��is�� ���r��r P�rvr���v� 8� Su���ir�� s����..��vir��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 30 n �. �Vill �h� ��r�v���s �ff�r�� �� ���r �r��ni�a���� in�r��s� ��- �a���n�l �s � ��s�l� �f �h� ���� �s�i���n��� If ���� �1���� �r��w�r �h� �'�ll�w��� ��u�s�i�n�: �. �hat r�e�v pro�rar�s ar�dlor s�r�vi��� ��1� b� p�o�ided? �'����'u�zds ���� �� �sed �a rr�a���a�n c�����r� se��ce �e�e��s. �. ����� �i�� ��i��in� �����r�.m� a�r�dl�r s��v���� �il� t�� ��pa�r�c��c� �r�� �v�i�t ��r��r�t�a��� �f �� ir��r�a�e is e��e�t�d? �DB� f `und.� wi�� �e �s�d �� �rrair���rir� ��r��er�� ��r�vi�e �e�e�s. �. ����k �tn� �f �h� #`�ll��vi�� �li�i�l� ���i�'Y�y ������r���s �h�� ����� �� �h� pr���s�� �r�j��� �r pr�gr��; �����r �� ���� r�gula.t�i�r�� a.r�d ��ie �ui�� �� �li ��1� ���� ���ivi�i���. �eq�i�it�o� of re�l propert� � �is�osit�or� of �eal ���pe�ty � �u���� f��ili�i�� �r�d i��r���rr���.�s ��a.y i��lu�� ���u��it��r�, ��r���r��t��n, r��or�str��tior�, �ehabilitatior� �r ir�sta��atior�� � �ri����1� �v�rr��� ��i1�t�i�� �lea�ar��� ar�d r�m�diatian a�tivit��s � �ublic se��ce� Interi�n �ssistar��� ���1���.ti�r� �� ir��i�i�1��1�, f�mili��� b�sir��ss��, r��r�-�r���� �� a.r�dl�� �a�r�� �oss �f r�r�t�l i��or�e �e�oval of ar�h�t��tur�.l bar� � �3���i�� r���a.�i1����i�r� � l��v�r hausir�g cor�str��tion �ur���r limit�c� ��rcun�star���s} Horn�o�nershi� assista.r�ce � �ousir�g s��'vi�e� �o�i� er�for�emer�t �1����1� �}�����V��1�I1 �--�--�--�-�--�-�--�-� ........................„_._,,.,.,,.,..,.,,,,.,,.,.,,,,.,,.,.,,.,, , ,,. , - - - ----�--�--�-----�-------��-�--�--�--�--�-�--�--��-�-- -.._..- --�-� - - - -� - - . . ��NINIUI+�I�Y I�EIl�L�PNIENT BLO�CI{ �#�ANT {�DB�� PR�I�AM PA�E ��F 1� �����i1dk���� ��� ��"�� L��� ������!"1� ��� �����F� �� ��� ��rv L��� ���s�� ���nrr�r P�r�r��r�� � Bui���t�� s����.xnrnrin��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 31 ��rr�m�r�ia�l �r ir�dr�s�r��l r����il�t������ � �p��ia� e�ono�i� ��v�lo�rr�er�t T��hni�a� assi�tar�ce ar�d �1a�n�ng studies �. D�scr��e th� r���d �nd the d��r�� of ur�enc� for t�� propo�ed �ro,�e�� or progra�, ���� v��ul� �� ��� ��n��qu�r���� i� �1�� pr������ �r�j��� �� �r�grar� i� n�� �`r�n��d �r� t�e r�e�t year�� �i�ce ��e �r�ir����o�e.s� �s a�r�r� jor� co��ri������, fa��or� i� de���o��rrg �r�ea�s� a�� �e�v��a� ca��er, ��gx��a� �scr��er�ir�g exarr�s ���orr�� e��r� rrrore v��a� as ar won�arr a�es. �1 ging i�s ��e rr�os� r'��ar��a�� ra�s1�� f'ac�or, for� �r��a��� ��cr���r�. ��cx����� �� .���� ��rc�� �,� � �� f ' �t��v �as��s a�rc� S� � � �� f ` ���a�� �cx���r� c��c���.� ����r� i� �v�rr���r ages �� a�rd o�d�r�. T�r'�� �r�ea�� car��e� .��r�eer�r"r�g a�d ea��� de�ec��orr, ��a�rnerr� a� f'r�o��r�vasive �arr���r���a.� cxr�d ��� �acr���y ��arg�� �� f ` ar�vc��s��� ��rr���r���as �; f��rr ������� �rr��as��cx�s��s, T�h�r� c�������c� cx� c� �oca�r"�ed s�age ��e��� �ear s��viv�c� �a�e `o� �r�ec�s� carr�ce� ��s 9��. ��r��a� rr�arnrrrograp�ry �a� de�ec� a ���rr� as rrau�� c�s t�vo �ear�s �e f`ore i� ��c� �e, f`e��� ��rcreasi�rg ��� �r�o�a���i�y o,, f`a worr�a�r �.� s�ur�v�v�c� ��l�e�r�a� ��r���� ►So��et�� �rea�� �a�ce� �a�ts c� �'ig�res, ���7-�00�� 1 ��r�ica� car���� usua���y a�ec�� worrre�r �etweer� ,�� a�d ,�S yea�s o, f'a�e. �� rr�a�r�y a�e�e�o�ir�g �o���rie.� i� is ��e �na�o� cause o� f car�cer dea��.� in �o�n��. �e r�ec�sarr � f `ar� ��is is �arrg� �� due �o �a�� o� f ` acce�ss �a �l�e �a� �e�s�. Ir� ��� �T. �'. �he dea��r �a�e�orr� cer+�i�a� can��r� l�as a�ec�r'r�ed ��� �ar�g���� a��e �o �he i�rc�eased use o f` ��e �ap �e�s� ��`rr��r�ir�is: �e T�orr��r�'s �ea���r �e.�ource, �ave�t�er� �1, �007�� �ver� in ��e �1.�'. bet�v�e� �D� a�d ��� o�f�trr�er�icar� �van�er� w�o �r�e �ew��y d�agr�o�ed w��� cer���a� �a�ce� have n�� had c� Pc�a �es� �i ��ri�r ��re �as�� f i�e �ea�s, �f e��r� �� �ner�a�a� ��c�rcer S'oc�e�y, �'�� �"a���� o� f ` ��� �'e�v�x �e �r�eve��ed? �ove�rr�er ,�D, �0���. T�ftl� �a��r'�e �a� �e�� s�re�ning, ��e rr�aja�i� o f'a�� cer�v��a� �a��e�s c��� d�a�osed r`� t�e ea������, �rtos� c�c�a��e ��arges. �he�r de�ec�ed e�rr��� ��e f�ue-�yea� s��v�v� �c���� f`o� c��v��a� ca���� �s r�ear��� 1��� �l�na��i�s: �re N�o�ner�'s �ea���r �e�ou��e, �ove��e� ��, ���7�. �4 ���ro��� ��� �4 nr�ri�a�r �ar�cer �'o�re �y �ecorr�rr��r�ds ar�n�a� c�i�ica� �reas� e�carr��s a�d rnarnnrogr�arrr� f or ear�� de�ec�io� of b�ea�� �a�rcer, ��a�����y �o pa,� �.� ��e r�tos��`rec�uen��� c��ed �ea�so� �v��y �vorner� do r�o� o��a�r� rrrarrr�o�a�s. �o�-�ncarr�e �r�eas� car�cer� �a�ier��s �ave �ower� fiv�-year re�a�ive �ur�viva� � �l�a� �ig��r-r'�rcorrre pa��er��s. �a�; fa��a c�a�a su�ge��� ��a� rr�uc�r of ��e �; ff 'er�er�ce ir� ��r�viva� r�a�e�s �et`wee�r ���v�r�-ar����� ��r������ c��tc� �1��.�� �� �r�����-i���n�� �r�cx�k���s i�s c��� �� �ar�� ��argr���s��s, �Tr���r���r�ar����y, ���a�s� c��c� ce�vr'ca� �an�e� s�yrr�p�on�s occur� �a�� �n �he dise�e �roc�s�s. �r�r�y �s�r�e�r��r�g grea��y e��a�zce�s ��re ��r�e r�a�e a�rd �e��s �vo�rte� c�vo�d f��ar�c��c��� a�d en�a�iona���r co����y t`r�ea�nen�. � ddi�io�a��y, , f 'ew�r rr�edica�, f 'a���i�ie� a�d, f '� ��,�sr'c�a�� �� au� cou�� �e.�u�� ��r a �o�u�a�ror� �i�h, f '��er� �rea��h car�e op�io�rs. �'or��y �o�rde��� se�ves as a cr���r'ca� �sa, f'��y �e�, f'o� �l�i�s v�u����a��e c��e g�oup, ��s���ic����y r�����r� �r�� ����s�r��c� �� ��c��r�ir��s�r��c�. ��-���s� �r����r��i�� �r�cx��� s��r�����r�� s��rv���� incr�ease ��e �i1�e���ood ��a� n�edica���y under�ser�ed �a�ner� age �� and over� �r�l o��a�� �rrr�el� �ar�e �� ��c��r� �� av��c� ��r� ����r��iac��� d��c���ac���� �rr���c��s� � f cxc�c�r���c� c���s�as�. �r����r����rr arrrc� �cxr���y c��������r� r�o� on��y �educe ��re rr��r��ali�y ra�es o f' car�ce� a�c� cl�r�onrc c�rsea�ses� �l�e�y c�re a��o re�ative�� ir���c�e�rsiu� co�n�ared �o ��� co�s�s a� f'�rr� �xdva��ed d�sease. .._._... .......................{-.--.-.--.--.-.----.----.----.--.-.--.----.-.--.--._._.._...._......................,.. ..,.. .. . . . - . . ............. .................................................................................................................................. �or�r�urv��r D�v��a�nn�rv� ��o�� ��v� {��8�� P�o��ann P��� � o� � o I"1�'�����k���� ��}� ��"�� ��J�� ����7�� ��� ������ � � L�� ��41�1 �L�I� �B4�P� ��I�I�TY �L.AIVIVIIVC� �c �L,��LD��iC� �L�PLAII�I�II�fC�.�F�C� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 32 �DB��'u�d�s wi�� �up�or�� ear�ly de�e���or� a, f disease� c��� cor��a�ao�� �e, far�� ��ey req���e �ore ex���rs��e cx�rd ex�ensive �rec���r��. T�i��ou� �'��� ��par��, ���'��'' a�i�i�y �o �a�r��a�n �he�e e�s.�e�r�r'c�� �ea��h care �ser�i�e�s�'o� �o�-�r�corr�e �vorr��r� �vou�d �e .�eve�e��y co��r�on�ris�. �. �l�as� c����ri�� �1�� ����i#i� �rg�r�����i���� m����d �s�� �� ir����r��n� ��� �r������1 �r�j��� �r pr��r�� ��ingY� �r ��1����� gr�u�� �ubl�� �g�n��� ���-�r�fi�, ��r-p�-�#i�� ����I'l��l�� 11'� ����*��lil� 51�11���' ��"���`�IYIS ���.�: �re �'or� T�or�c���� fu� �'ro�c�nr �����z�s ����e ��ac����o�rer�s �a pravide ��d�c�c� ca�� a�d e�u�a��o�r ar� bo�� ��r'�r'� �i�es. �e�e �ed��a� p�ovide��s a�e h�����y s��rs����� �o ��e spe�ia� �o�ce�rs o, f`�varnen �� a�d o�d�� ar�d ar� a�vc�re o� f`�1�� �rr��a�� o, f`�so��o�cano�i� s�a�u�s o�t u�i�i�a�aor� a f' h�c���� �ar��. ��er�i�h� a� f'a�� rr�ec�r"�ar� �ser�vice�s i�s ��ov�ded by a��i��c �ar��xger�. �4 case �a�rage� pr�o�id�.s s�uppor�� and fo��o�-��p wi�� ��r���s�r ��c�cx ��s ��������c� a�r�� ����r���� ��r����l� ��� �'�cx�F��� �cx�c���rr��r�� ►�,ys�t��■ �� ��r��y T��r����~�'u� i.s ���r�g�lfr�r��c� ��y i��s �����g �����c��r�cx���� r���cr���r�.s�ra��s ir� �1�� ��rr��r��r��, ���grarrn s�af f' co��a�or�a�e wi�� ��e �a��; fo�r��c� �ar��er �e�ec�io�r �r�o�ac�, �oca� rr�arr�rr�ag�a�h�y p�ovide�s, ar�d �h}�s�crar�s ��a �rovide fo��ow-u� ca��. �4�so, ou�reac� �o �he �a�r'�o �or�rr���ri�y acc���s a� �ea���, f 'a�r�s �� �r�a�o, �cec�no ar�� �raver Bea��r� �. ���� ��� �� r���Yr� �h� i�su�r��� �� � p�rmi� ��'r�rn l���l, ����� �� ��c��ral a����i����r �es � �o � a. If y�e�, �l��se xder�tify th� �ermit� r���essary to co�p�ete the pr�je��. �. H�v� ��� r�����s�r�r ��rrx�its b��� ������`? 1'1��s� �r�vid� �r��� �� ��rn�i� i���a�r���. �. If ��rr���� �r� r����r�d ��� ��� ��t ���a�ir��ci� v���r� ���1 ��� ����i�� �� is�u��`? I�T�TI��A� �B��TI�� �RITER�A �. ���5 ��1� �]�"��]���[� �]�"����� ��" ���lYl� I11��� �Il� �� ��1� ���`�� �l��l�ill`dl �bj���i��s �f �h� ���� �r��r�rr�� P���s� �h��� ��n� �� �1�� �bj����v�� ��l�w th�� ���li�� t� �h� pr�����►�� �I1� �����l�l �'1��'�' ��1� �]�"����� �l' ���lYl� �I'1���� ��l�l� I�������1 ��1����1Y� �. � �����t�s ���- ar�c� rr��ci�ra.t����r���rr�� p��s��� a�� ���'�r���i �� �h� LT. � . ���a.�tr���� �� �ou�ir�g a�d U��� �ev�lo�m��� ���. ��l��t or�e: � ��wlll���l�r�te-�n��rn� A���► ���n�f�� — T�i� �r�j��� ��r��s �r�l�r a lirni��� a��a ��i�� i� �r��r�r� �� ���� ���s�x� c���� �r st�tv��r t�� �� a �r�ci�rnir�a.t��I� �� 1 ��o �r rn�r�� ���r�rr��c��rat��-ir���rr�� a��a. Appl��ar�ts cho�sir�� #�h�s �a�eg�ry ��st b� ab�e to prove t�eir �rojectlactivity prirr�arily �er��fits lo�vlmoderat�-ir��orn� �ousehold�. � I��v�I�Vi�cl�r���-Ir����� Lirr�����i ��x����l� — T�� �r����� ��n��t� a. sp��i�i� �r��� �� ����1� �r����r ��ar� �11 �.r��� ir� � par�i��lar ar���, a� l�a��t� � � °�� �� �vv�i��rn ar� ���v1rx��c��ra���-i���rr�� ��r��r�s;. ��t��: ix���xx�� v�r��'����i��a ��� �li�r��s rr��s� b� �r�vi��� f�r� ��i� �a.����ry. Th� f�11��vir�� ����p� �`� �� t�� t�� ������ci�ra��-�r����n�: a.b���d ��i�c�r�r�; �1t����� ��r����; �a����r��c� ������s; ��m�l��s .................................................................................................................................... . . .. ,. . . . , . . , �or��n�n,��nr D�v������rvr 8����c ��arvr ���8�} P�o�� P��� ��� � o AI�PLMCAfi��N ��� TH� 2�09 P���RAM 1��AR OC7`�BER '1 �, ��08 ��#N LUI� �BI��� ��UNTY PLAIVI��IV� � BI�ILDlIV� �L�PLAN�VI[V�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 33 ��r��r�s� ���1t�� r����ing ��r�s�� d��r�i�i�r� �f ����r�l� �i�a�I��; �����r�� 1ivi�� �v�t� A�D�; a�� rni�ra�t fa�r� �or���rs �] Lo�vllViod�r���-Incorr�e �ous�r�g � T�i� pr�j�c� adds or im�roves �err�ar���t reside�tial str��tu��s th�t �ll bela�e o����ie� �� lo�lmode�ate-�r���rne �o�s�holds �por� �ornpletiar�. � L�wI1Vi�t��r��e-����rr�� ���� — T�i� �� �r����s �r r��air�� ��rrr�a��r��� j���� �t� i�a.�t� � 1°�0 �f �hi�h a.r� ta�e� by �o�lmoc��r�t��ir��or�e persor�s ar co�sid�red t� be �v�ilable to �o�vlmod�rate� . ����rr�� ��r��r�s. ��p��i�: �'o�t� �or�der��� �ser�ve.� �o�v-�r�carne, ur��r�s�r�ed ar�d ur�derir��sured �orr�er� ages �D ar�d ove�, 9�� o, f �v�orr� a�e be���v �he� f'ed��a��o�er� �eve�. ��T�: To rn�et t�is �atior�a� obj��tiv�� the propased ���i�it� mu�t ber�efit a s�ecif�c �li�r���l� �r r���c��r��� ir� � �a.r�i��lar ar�a� ��' ��� ��u��� �r ��rti�i�a�t�ir�� �i��, a�t ��a.st � 1 per�ent of ��o a�e �a�� �d mo�erate-i�com� �erso�s. b. Ai�� �x� ��� �����r�ti�n �r �1irr�i�a�i�r� �� ���r�� ��r �li�h�. Exp��.�r�: ������ �r��; ❑ �c�c�r����r�g �lu�s �r �li��� ��n �� ���� ����s - [� A�t�r���ing ��urr�� �r ���ght �n � ���� �a��� — T�r� ���j��� �ill p���r�r�� �r �lir��n��� s���if�� ��r��i�i�r�� �� �1���#� �� ���si��1 ����� ���1V1���� �`� 11�11��� �� �����Il��, �ii�t�r�� pr����vat��n, r��i���1i�a.�i�� �� ��il�i�gs, �r�� �r�l� �� ��i� ��t�r�� r�����sary �� �1ix��r��t� ��r�di�i�r�� ��trirr��r���l �� p��li� h�alt�� �c� sa����. Is �h� �r�j��� 1�����d rn ������r�l���m�r�� Ar��� Y�s [� 1�� ❑ I�' yes, �.tt��h �. ��p of ��e ��� ��t�i t�e s�te ��g�lig��ed� ar�d p�ovide the R��l�v�l��m��t Pro���t A���. �e�c��ts a��ept�d� ��a��� c�o��rr��r�ts �he �xi ster�c� of slumf blight. A1 �o, doc�rn�r�t the s�ec�� � r����r���pm�r�� ��j���i��s ��rtai�ir�� �� �h� p��p���d �r������. I����: T'� n���� ��i�s r�a����r�a�l ������i��, t�� �r��p�s�d �.��iv��y ��s� b� v�i��ir� a� c��s�gr����� �1�rn �r blig���� ar�a ar�c� m��� �� d��i�r��� �� �d�r��� �r�� �r rr��r� ���dit��r�� ���t� ���trib�t�d to the �eteriora���� of ��� �rea. �. 1V����� ��rr�rn�r�i�� ���e1��m��� r���c�� ��vi�� � �a.r�t�����r �rg��a�y ��i�r� ��i�t�1r�� ��IlC�1�1��1� �]��� � ��I'1��,1� �IIC� IIY�IYI�C�I��� ��1���� �� ��1� �1�����1 �1' V�����`� �� ��1� ��I�11�1�I�1��, �11C� I�� ��h�� f�r���r�� �o�r��� ar� a�a�labl�, �.�., a rnajor ��ta�trop�� ��c�i as ��o�� or ��.rt�qua�e. ��+41uf�IV�TY �E1IEL�PAA�IVT F�L���C �RAI�T ������ PF��GF�AM PJ�IC� � �F 10 1�PPL1��4T1�IV F�R TF�� ���9 PR�CF�A111� YEAF� ��:T�BE� 1�, ��0� ��41V �l�l� �BI�P� ���JIVTY PI.ANCV11�� S� ��ILDIIVC �L�PL�NNNNC.�RC Agenda Item 9.a. Page 34 i �xp �lr�: ��T�: To ��et this r�at�or��l objec�ive, th� proposet� a����r��y must d��l �vit� �ajor �a�a��.r��h�� �r �r��r��r��i�s ���� �� f1���s �r ��.rth��a���. 1� . I� ��1� �i'��]��� ��' �]�"��I'dIl"l l� [��S��II�� �� �1��� ��1� I�d�l�ll�� ������1�� �� �]�''��l[�ll�� �J�II��I� �� ��� ant� rr��d�r����n��rn� ��r��ns, p����� ���irr���� ��� nurr���r �� rx�c�u��i����t� nurnb�r �f p�r��n� ��r ��us�h�l��� �� ber���� fr�rn �h� pr�,���� �n� �r��l� �h�� ������t� d��n b� ir���m� gr��� �undup�i����� m��ns �h� r�ur���r w�� �►r� ��rv�c�� i.�.� �h� �r�n� will al��w �� �hiltlr�n �� ��r���ip��� in �r���h��l — n�� �� �h���r�n � � c���� x �� w��l�� = ������. a. Tota� r�urnb�� of ��r�or�� or �i�us�ho�ds vv�o �vill �er�efi� �rom �h�e p�oj��t o�r �� �� ��' ir����n� �r����: ��� ��� �x�s���1c�s ���r��� ��� ��pli��.�l� �r���� b. �fth� �ot�1 r��mb�r ofp�r�or�s or househalc�� er�t�red abave, �o� r���� will b� 1��-ir���rn� ��a�in� � ���o - ����� �� ���s ��t�� ��ur�t� rnec�ia�-ir���n���? �� l�e�s�r�s ous��olc�s �cir��e ��e app���ab�� un�t� �. �f the �ata1 r�u�� er �f p ersor�� a�r �o� s�hold ��r�ter�d a� av�, ha� ma�� �il� b e �re�r ���r-ir���rr�� ���r�ai�� ����o �r l�s� ����� ���r�t�� rr���i�r�-i����n��� 13� �� ��s��i�l�s ��ir�l� �1�� a���ali�a.�1� �r��t�� � 1. �V�� �r� th� �li�n�s �� ���r ��g�ni���i�n� ������1�: l��- �� rn���r��e-ir���r�� p�r��r��� ��c��rl� ���r���s, s�v�re�y di����ed p�rsor�s, m��rant farm worker�� ba��erec� �po�se�, etc.� T�e �'o��y T�o�d�r� fu� �'�o�ran� se�ves �vo�e�r, age�s �D ar�d over� �l�r�o�g��ro�� �'a�r Lu��s ��i��o �'ou�t�y. ?�e �ar�e� �o���a�ion ir���ud�.� �edi-�a� ��c���e���, �a��r�ars� ��� ur��r��ur��d ar�c� �rrd�r���rsu��d, �l�e ���1�r'r�g����, ac�c� ����r� ���-ir���rr�� �v���r�, ��. ���V �'Yll� ��� ��1�11�� ��Il��l� �I'�Il"1 �jll� �]�"�����.� �O� H����h �'er�vices ope�a�e� ��e on�y c�inic�s �r� �h� cou�ty t�a��rovid�� f�ee rr�er�o�ausa� s�rv���s f`or� �varr��r� ir� r�e�� ��s ��a�ed, �'o�� �a�rder�, fu�� f i��s a �ar�g� �o�d ir��reve��ave �ea��h ca�� �o ��a� �o�v- i����� �v���rr �r� ��� ����r�ar��� ��+ �rg� g���� �a�r cr���.s� r���r��������� �r�ar��1� �ar�� ��, f��� ar ��r�����s arr�c� �; f'e-�hrea���ing cor�dr�ro�r o�c��s. �'or�� T�o�d�r, f'u�'�s �rair� en��l�as�s is �a he�� worr�er� ge� �irr�e�y car�� �r� or�cler� �a a�or'd �l�e �o�er��fa���r devas�a�ir�g irrrparc�s of ac�va�ced c��seas�e. ��ev�n�r'on a�td �a��,y de�ec�ao� �o� o��� redu�� �l�e r�or�a�i�y ..�.. ��MI�A�lVITY DE1I�L�PhAEh1T BL���C C�RA�VT ��DB�� P�4�� �` �F 1� �PPLI�ATI�I�i ��F� �HE ���� �f���F�Al�ll �EA�f� �CT�BE� 'I � ��D� �AlV �I.J1� �81�P� ��I.x�VTY ��..AhII�tIN� �c �I.1��DIrV� �L�PL►AIVIVIIVC.�F�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 35 r�c����s �� f` 4cxr���r� cr�c� ������� c��.��c���s, 6��}� c�r�� c���s� r���cx��v��� �r���c��r��s��� �����cr��c� �� i�r� ���L.7 �� f'�cr� ac�ua��ecl d�sea�s�. �'�r����r�, ��� �'�r�t�y ��r�c���, f�� ����r�il�����s �� cx ��cx����� �����r���� � f �ar�� ar� �s���r�ar� �vcx��s, �'�r �a�v- �r��o�� �vo�e� ca� �a�si�ion�`'rorr� �o�rt�ace��i�e use �o �ic� �; fe �ser�vf��s ������ir�g �he sarrte �t�a��h care p�o�r'd�r�� f`or �or��i�u��. T�on�e�r i� �a��o�s s�ages o� f�e�o��c�se �, f�e� expe��e�ce a v�rrie�y o f'�e�v a�d �o�en�ia��y u�co�, for��a��e c�a�ges r'n �l��ir� I�odi��. �� �s i�r�or��a�r� du���rg �l�i� �nr� o, f�he�r� �fv�s� f`o� �l�errr �o hav� �red�ca��rofe�sio�a�s �vl�o ar�e �s��r�i�i�� �o t�eir� s�ecia� co�rcerr�� ar�d ��o ir���i�� r��a�s�ra�c�, �4.#������/� �� �4Y�Fi ����� ���������l���� ��������� �����CJ�� ��� �����[� �i�� �������� lf� �.+�� R' ������ � l c�i.��a�s� acr�d rr��c�r��ac�r��r�g �����ncx� ��cx��� a�r��g �o�-�r���n�� �v�rr��r�, �'����rd, �cx�r� �, f ��r� ��n���r �r� ����s �o���a�ion a�e �a�� o, f�l�e "sar�a�ic� ger��r�a��or� ", ca��n�, for� e�d�r��� pcxr����s as we�� a�s �1���� o�v�r cl���a�r���. T�i�l� ��re�se ad.di�ior��c� r�es�a�s����r'��es, ��e�r� ��r��s�na� l��a��� is�sues of ��� �e�o�te a lo�ve� ��iori� as ��ie}� p�� ��eir� farrr����y's r�eeds a�ea� o, f��t��� o��. ���c�, �ha��� �o a�rea�er�o��.s a�r die�, exerci�e a�d str�ess �nanagerr�er��, a�r� ��adi�ionc�� ���1�s cx�ou� a�i�� �xr�e �ei�g� d�����ed ��y o ff 'e� �d��a�io�, ��rc��ra�errrer�� a�a� r�e��� f`a��e�e��, �or�� T�Yonder, f���ra��de�s �vorr�en wi�� �he �aa��s ne�e�ssary �o �e praac�i�� a�au� �ea��l� ���ee�rr'�� a�d ��e�en��ve rr��asr�r�e� ��a� .��ppor� �c �ea��h,y ��e��y�e a�d pr�arr�o�e �or���� �r fe. - �ddi�r�r�a���, ��y ��cour�agir�g o�der� �vorr�e�r �o, f `ocu�s or� �����re�s�, 1�ea���r �are pra�ia�ers can c�ange ��re c���ur�e of ag��g �����r, �� ���rr, car� po����ve�� �rr��a�� o�r� �o�a� ��al�� car�� �ys�err��. ��11���'I�'�1�Y �A4�'� i�, H�� �� ��u �urr�n�l ���1��� ��I�1���"�]��11� C���� �!� ��1� ��rl��l�l��'l�� �� ��1� ��`�����I� �I'����� �I* �r�gr�rr�`? ��xa.rn�l�: r�.��al�e��r�i� �ha�a.���ris�i�s�* ��i�r�� derrro�ra��ic �a�a a� �o��ec�ed a� ��� an��ia� v�s��, upd.a�ed ar� su�s�eq�er�� v�s���s acr�d �ra�ked ���ou�h ��r� �'�cx��i�� �cx�rcxg��rr��� �'�y�s���rr, �a���r ��I�����c� i����c���s: ���c��r�, arg�, ���������r�ac��, ����ac�a�r� ������ � f'arr����y s���� ar�� �e��� o, f��corr��. Da�a �ec��es��d cor�, f'o�rr�s �o t�re �a��; f'or�ria Depart`rrrer�� o� f'�'arr��n�r���y �'�r�vi�e� a�d ��ve�o��e�r� Data-��ier�� ��a�ac��r��s�ics �e�or� w�rac� is ��ed �o re�ar�� ��e clerr�o�a�l��c ��fo�rr�a�ro�r serrr�-ar��ua��y �o ��e �'�a�e. ��. ��� �� ��� �urr�n�l� t���um�n� ����rr�� st�tus �f ���� ��i�r��� ����r��l�: v�ry j�v�� l��- �n� r� ���r��e- in �� rr���'� �4.� �ar�� o f ' ��� an�a�� �r�oce�s i�r eac� ���' �rogr�a�r, c���n� �ncorr�� s�a�us �s de�e�rrrined �si�g ��� � f "eder�a� po�ert� gx�id���nes. 1�. �r�v�c�� ��� ��l���ir�� ll����'ll'l��l�Il �'�r ��� ��r��n��� �� ��ur �rg�ni���i�n r��p�n�ibl� ��r ��� pr�par��i�n �nc� ��i��ni���� �f �h� �u�rt�rl� ����r�� �nc� ���- ��1����ir�g �r��l r���rtir�� ��� be���c�ary da�a �o the �Trban �ount�y. �or��act p�rsor�lt�tle: �ay�a �i�I��r�r, ��a��� �"e�vic�� �oordi�ra�ar� F�or�� r�urr�b�r: �8�,5� ,5��-��98, ex� �1 E-�nail address: k������r��eocs�o. o�� ""._.._.."'""""'"" ........................"'""'"'""'"'" � .__._.._. ,� � .. � � �. � � � � � � -._ � -. , -._ � -._ � � � '"".._.._ . .._ � � �� .. � �. � �� . �� �� � �� �.�� �.����.����������'f�'��.����,.��.��_�._._.._�_.."'"'""'" " "'""'""'" " "'""'"""" " "'""'"""._.. ��MI�A�1�lITY D�11�L�PM�CV�` BL��FC C�RA�VT ��DB�� P�O�F�AhI� P��� ��� �� A�PLI�ATI�IV ��Ft �HE ��0� PFt�GRAM �EAR ����B�F� '� �, �00� �AlV �.I.JI� �SI�P� ���..��1TY ��.ANI�EINC� �c �I.I�LDINC� SE.�PLA�VtVI[VC�.�I�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 36 ���T�: �ou are req��red to pra�rid� be�ef��i� �ata at t�i� end o� �a�h q��.rter ar�d ��ar er�� dat� o� th� f�scal ye�.r. If y�ur� pr�����1 inv�lv�� ���n�rn�� c��v���prn�nt� i.�., �iir���l� b�n�fi� ����ir���s� ������� �r���rty �wn�r� l���in��s� i�v�lv�� fa���l� irnpr�v�rr��n��, �r���c�� t��hn��al ���i��an�� �� � r��� �r ��is�ir�� l�usir��ss, j�� �r���i��, l��n gu�r�an���� t�� ��n�fi��ary m��� ����ir� � �un �ncl �ra������ ���l�T�� �����r �ha� �u�t be r�par�ec� t� ��T�. Pl�a�e �on�a�� '�ony l�a�rarro, (��5� 7�1-�787� �r��v�rr��a�sl�.��.�� ��I" lll��I'�����i� �rl �l�W �� ��]]��l�l � I��T�� I1ill�l��i' ]]1'1�1' �� ll��l1�'1'll�� d�l� ob��g��in� ��� federa� fun�s. F�A1�T�I�I� Il�F�RII�IA'I`��1� 1�. '�'ata� amo�nt of ���� fun�� r�quested; �� ��� �1���� �ci�n�i�� ��� j�ri��i�t�i�r���� �� v�hi�h ��� �-� a.p�l�����`: �'�e �it� �f A�� C�ar�d� , If y�u a�� ��c�����i�� �I]�� fur��� �r�r� rr��� ��iar� ��� j�ris�i��i�r�, ������ �r�� d��rn ��i� ar�o��t ��o�r� abo�r� by t�e jurisd��tio� li�t�d b�lo�. �it�y of Arrayo Crand�: �it� of Faso Rob��s: City of Atas�adero : �ity �� �r�v�r �����'�'� : �it� �� �ar� �x�i� �t�����: �aunty of ��n I�uis �bis�o: '�I�T�T�: If ��� ar� a��l�ir�� t� ��� ��r r��r� �i�i��, ����.�� �r��vi�i� � ���� �� ��� ���1���ti�r� �� ��� ���r��y by �h� a.���i��.���� d��d�i�� �f ������r 1�� ����. '�'� �'he �it�r of �ro�v�r ��ac� reserves ��e optio� �o av�a�d t�� r�a��r��r� 15°�� of t�e�r �rar�t fur�d�r�� �1�����i�r� f�r ���li� ��r�i�� r���c��. I���v���r, t��� �i�� �r��� a.v�arci r�� l�ss ��aa�r� ������ ��r a.�varci. F1e��� su�mit yo�r a���i��tior� ���o��in�1�. ��. �'1���� ����r��� ��� �ut���� f�� ��� �r������1 �r�,���t �� �r��r�r�. ���r���� ��� ��u�r��s ��` fur�din� �������[� t� �� ���i����� �r�� us�[� ��r �hi� �r�j��t a. l���r�n��� � . �DB�''r �un�� � �, ��h�r F�d�ra� i'i,�r����� �pl�a.�� d���ri�� ��1��� � , ���.�� ��������� ������� �����il�� ��1��� �. ���a�� ��u������ ����a��� ci���rib� b����r� 5. �t�ier �ur�ds �p��ase descr�be belo�� '�'���1 l��v�r���s � �. 3 5� � � 14, 5�� $�� ��� $ 3 23 6 � 4�,�8� ............................ ........................... ....... . .. ......... ... . . . . �a�n�urv�r�r D�v��o�n��r�� B�o�� ��rv� ��DB�} P�o��nn P��� s�� � a AP�LI�ATI�N F�R THE ���� PF����AA111�EAF� ��T�B�R ��L, �00� �AI�I LUI� �BI�P� ��UNIY PLA�VI�111�C� �e B�JILDII�� �L�PLA�VNINCa.�F�Ca Agenda Item 9.a. Page 37 �. ��p�nc�i�ur��: ���� �����u b� it�� �r ��s� �at��g�ry, � . P����r�r��l ��p�r�S�� �. �p��atir�g ����r��es 3. �ndire�t �osts �a S°�o �'o�a� �xpen��� � � �; Y � � $ 6 �, �, � 1'7 __ _ �4�,�8� ��. ��w �� ��� �l�r� �� ��nc� ��� ���ra�i�n �►nc� r��in��n�r��� ����s ��� �tn�� �����i���� wz�� th�� �r�j���� Ar� �h��� f�nd� ���il��l� ���'� I� ���� w��� v�ill th�� b� �v�������? An� �r��rn w��� saur�e���� ��� f urrd�s �ecer'r�ea� ar�e � for �er�era� o�era�ing �ppa�� o f'�l�e �o�t� �onde�f u� P�ag�arrt. �r�an�s, �c��ien� dar�a��o�s� ar�d��d rai��ng c�c��v���e�s ar�e o�goi�g and a�� �s�d �o s�s�air� ��� �rog�arr�. ���ar.s� ��� avac��ac��� fur�ds �����v, ��. 'V�x11 ���� f�n�s �� u��� �� n�����ll�ver��� ��h�r �unc��� Lis� b���� ���c�in� s�ur��� �nd �rr���n�� an� i������� �w�r� �l�t�� �� ����� ���r��s, �'�,�� su��or� a, f '�'o� �o��e��� �v��� �� u�ed �o ���er�xge o�h�r� fur�c�i�r� �sa��ce�s r'����d��g �u���c age�cies, � f`o�cnda�io�s, ar�d ��e pr�iva�e sec�o�. ���' s�a,�`�o����ues �o seel��a�e�r�ia� �re�w��rd��r� ��/� ���������L7 �4! ������ ���� ���[l����� �IrF��� ��� /.r���wr#�r � i 3 # �'D�� - �lr�r�o�o �r�ar�de �ed�-�a� �c��c�r� De����ron �'r�og�arr� �S'�� �ou��y ��� �ra��s�-Irr � i� �L� Pr'�rr�o �ea�� �i�sio� ���nrr�u��t�y �ar�� �o�ar� ���� �a�r'�rr� �'��� Do�ra�ions��'�r�draisi�� �o�a� � �, 3�0 �$�4, S�� �$ �,5�� �$ 3, 0�0 �$ 1,5�� �$ .5, �00 �$ .5, DOD �$ 716 �$ �, S� 0 �$��, �8� �er��rr�� a����cc��ran ac��r�ova� ��rgoan� -� ��s�irrra�ed �f rr�aur�� �t�va�c� da�e: 7IlI�� �f �va�cl da�e: 7��I0� �#�va�c� da�e: �III�� �f �va� da�e: ,�I�I�� �f �s co���c�ed �1�s co���c��d �f � co��ec�ed � ������ ���.� ��� 1���T��.���I� �� ��1�� ��3�7�1��.���I1 1� �TU� �.I1C� ���l�I`��� �� ��� ���� �� ��T �I7�V�l��C��� ��C� �������. �:. .� � , � �1 ��� ��i�at���� "�i�" �t���r�t��� ��i��_������iv�_ �ffi��� ' P�ir�t��c� �r ��p�c� r�a�� --.��� Titl� ..................................................... .......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ �onnnnurvN�r D�v��o�n��r�� ��oc�c ��rv� {�C�B�� P�o���nn P��� � o o� � o A���M����orv F�� T�� ���� ��o��n� Y�� ��ro��� 1�� ��08 ��� L��� ������ ����� P����t�� � �������v� ����������.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 38 ����V��� ����������� ����� ����� ���� ������� � � �PPI�I�ATf�I� ��� TF�� ���� �F�����N� ��AF� .........:.� :......... . ................. ...... ............... �AIV L�11� �BI�P� ��111VT1� ��P���IIAEI�T �F �LAIVIVIN� �IV� BtJI��I�V� � 9�� ���� �TF�E�T � F���M �0� � ��41� LIJI� �BI�I�� + �AL1��1�IVi�4 9��D� + {�0'�} ��1 ��$� . . �� Prarr�o�ir�� �he i�Vise �lse af Larrd � 1�-I�Ip�r�� #o B��1af �rea� Gommr,�� ,�' � �� �� � ��� �� ��� � , . . . , . . . �� �'� �rgan��at�on 1�Tame:, �conor�ic � or'tur���v �omrr��sslor� �f ��r� I�uls �b�s�o �a�nt�, In�. � �� �� �� ��tt��� ac�dition�l s��e�� if r�ecess�r�r} �,� Ta b� �ons�der�d for ��BC�r �s�is�ar�c�, pl�a�� subrni� t��s c�rnp�eted a���i�atior� �it� any e�hibi��� b�d��ts �r b����i�ia.r�r c�a.�� �� ����i�c�. A��li�a����r�� ��� �� �a.il�c� �� �r�� �f t��i� ��i����tir�� j��i��i��i�r�� 1����d ir� this appli�atior� ar to: Tor�y ��.v�rr�, ����r�er II�, Depart��nt o� Pla�r�in� ar�d �uilc�ing� 97� �so� �treet, �oo� 3 ��, �ax� �u�� �bi�p�, �A., �3 ��S or har�d ��l�vere� to '�or�y l�avarro at � �3 � ��lm �treet, Raor� 3��, �ar� I��i� ��i���, ��., ����d �� ����� '7�1-����, �r ��r�a�i��� t�� �r�a�v�rr��a ��.s1�.��.us. Th� ���li ���l��l ���C�ilil� i� �:�� �.�1�I., T��s���, ����b�r 1�� 2����. ������a.�i�r�� m�s� �� r����v�� �� t��� ���r��� �� ��� �� ��� �a.rt��i���ir�g �it�i�� �A�`r��� �ra.r���, ��a�s�a����, �r���r �����i, �a��� ���1�s� �ax� L���� �bispo� prior to c�os� of the b�si�e�s d�y. P��'�'���D �A.'�'�D 1VIATL ���I��� AFT�R'I�� ����I�I�E V4��� I�T�'� �E A���PT��. ��'�'�: � 1 � P�ease �e����v t�i� ��BC� regu�atior�s �.r�d gu�del�r�es ar�d t�e �e�u��t �'o� ��`opos�ls �efare �������ir�� t��i� �r����a1. �'h� ���C� r���u1��i�r�s �r� a�vaila�bl� a� v��. �1����r�r�in�r� ur�der �`�ous��� �`rrar���." Al�o, �leas� c�11 ��ux�ty a.r�dlo� �i��r ��8� st�ff u�it� �y q�est�o�s about �o� to c�rnpl�t� ��ie form or about t�e r�t�r�� �riteria ar�d process. ��� I� t�e inforrnatio� far ar�y of't�e questions �e�o� requires rnore roorn to �rovide a. ��� ���l���i�r� ��' y��r �r���s�c� �r�j��� �r �r��ra�rr�, ���a.�� a.tt��� a��ic�it��r�a�� ����t�. ��1�TT��� I�����'�'I�� 1. ��m� �nc� IY]�l�lll� a��r��� �f ��p�i��n� �rg�r�i�a���n, �i�h ��n���t ��r��n� �h�n� �nc� f�� n�rnb�rs� �n� e-r��il ���r�s�: I��rne: �cor�o��c ���o���r�r'� �'o��r'�s.�r'o�r o� f `S'�r�r Lur's ���s�o �'ou�r�, ��rc. �cidr�ss �rr�a��ir�� ar�c� ����i�a� �cicir�s� r�c����t��� if diff�r�r�t��: � �30 �ou��wo�d Dr���e �'a� �ui� ��i�po, �'�4 �3��1 ��r��a�t p�r�o�l�it��: �4a�e ��e�rr�r�g, �ea��� �er���es ���ec�or� �h���; ��,�-���-���� Fa�: �0,�-5��-3��9 E-m�il �ddr�ss : r� f 2err��n�eo�s��o. org I� t�� argar�i��.tior� �. �'aith B�s��l �r����a��or�? �es � l�o � ..... ....... ................................ ................................... ........................................................................................... ............................................................. ............ .............. ...... ��hAMUI�EITY ��1lEL�PME[VT BL���C �RAN� {�DB�� PF��GF�A�+! P�4CE 1�F 1'1 ���������rv F�� F�rv��rv� D���r�� ���� P����nn Y��� ���e�� 1�, �oo� �A�IV LIJI� �BI�P� ���JI�lTY PLAI�IVI�V� $� �UI�DIN� �L��LAI�l�lll��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 39 ����� 1 ���������� �. { Ti�I�lr��rn�����lr�ss �� �r�p����l �r�,���� �r pr��r��n: �'enio� �e�c��l� �'cree���g ��o�rarr� ��� �Yea�t� �Se�vr'�e� 7D5 �ra�rd � ve�ue �'�r� L�r`s �bi��o, �'� 9.���� �. ���a�e �e��r��e th� propo��d proje�� or pro�r�m. in o�e or t�o shor� pa���ra���, ir�cl�de a bri��' �r�j��tl�r��raxx� c�����i��i�r�, t��� �r���� �h� �vill ��r��fi� and ar� �x�l��a,�i�� �� ���v ���� �ri�l b����� frorn t�e p�o�os�c� pr�j��t or pr�grarx�. F�r �roje�ts, d�s�rib� the �ocatior� �f' t�e projec� �b� as sp�cific �s �����bl�, �.�. �tr��� �.�dr��s�. ��� �r�gr�m�, ���t� ��� 1����i�r� f'r�rn ��i�� t��� �r�g�am v��ll b� �p�ra�ed a�dlor ��scribe t�ie g���r�.p�ic area served b�r th� p�o�.rar�. �lso, p�e�se ir�c��de a s��e�ule of proje��l�ro�� �il�sto�es. �re �'enior I�ea��� �'c�ee���g ��'��'� ��'o�ra� is ��e or��, y �o-co�s� �ea��l� sc��e���g �r�ogr�a� i f `o� �e�ri or� ��r �he �our��y. �'��'�r�o�r'd�s �ow-i�corr�e �ser�io��, ag�s ,�� a�d o�der� wi�� �o�npe�e�r�, c��venie�� ar�d� fi�e� �r����r��i�� acr�c� �c�ir���r��r��� �r�c���� ��r���r��r�g ����c����r� cxr�� ��. f�r��c��� r��garr �l�r��r��� c����c��s� �s��r���s, ���g�s�er��d ��r��sel�rogr�arr� �oo�dirra�o� ar�d par�-�irr�e ��er�1� � ide �r�r'r�g eq��prrren�� s����a�.� ar�d ac ��r��o� corr�pu�e�, for� da�a co��e��ror� �o �9 co�r��rc�e s��es o�r ac ��e-�de�sig�ra��d ar�d ad��r�i�ec� da�y o� f��e �rror���. �cr�e�ri��s r"����de.• ��oocl �r�e�s�ure,• �u�s� a�rd �eigh� rr�or���o�i�g; h��o��o�ir�, ��aod ����ose a�rd c�o�e��era� ���e�s; �e�occu�� �o d���c� co�o-��c�a� ca�cer�,• a�d se�csa�a�, fl� �a�cine�. �'cl�ca�ior� �o�r'cs inc�ud� d���, �x�r�i�e, �ec���l�� a�i�g, �� f'e�st�y�e �odi�ca��o�, ����, for�c�r�r�r�� o, f ��d�ca�io�r �o�t����x�ce, a��ro�r����e �se o, f l�os���a� e��r�e�rc�y �oo�ns, and �er�e�e�e�� as�ues. �ec��cc��, �re��a� he�r��� �e�a�� �socia� �se�v�ces, a�rd a��te� �e� f`err�a�� are ��o��d�d as a���o���c��e� C'�inic� a�� �Ze�d c�� �oca� cl�ur�cl�es, ser�io� a�rd co�rrr�unit�y c��r�e�s, ser��or� res�de�zf�c��, f'�cc����i��, ar�d o�he� �oca��or�s �vl��re �se��o�s a�r�eaa� ga��er�. �i l�houg� rr��d�ca��y o�e a�' ��� �o�s� r�u�r��r�a��� se�ner��s o, f��� �o���a�io�, �s��aors ar�e o, f'��r� r�e�uc�a�� or� ��ab�� �o go �o a a�oc�or or ge� adv��e ac�o�t a p�y�si�a��r�o��er�r o� ��a�g�. �re �ro�ision o f co�rpe�err�, rr�obr'�� �e���� screer�i�rg �ser�vr'�e�, o,�`�r�ed �n a co� f 'or��a��� e�v��an��r�� ��y t��s�ed s�a� ff ` a� ��e r��i�h�a��ood ��ve�, e��a��e� ��e �, fficacy of ��e �s��ee���g�r�oc�s��. �'�a, f��ronro�e�s �e�avia��s c�� ac�ivi�ies ��a�� f`oc�s o�r �ec�cl�i�� arnd rnai�r�af���g op���a� �ea��� and s�abi�i�y, �e�� id�����o�s���e �ea��l� pro��en��s� arr�d o f� f'e� ����o�� ar�d socia� ir��era��fo� f'o� s���ar�s. Th� ��� �'���or� �ea��� �'cre��ri�g �ro�c�� �s �o��i��ed �o e�r�uring ��a� �e�ior� �rave a�c�ss �o s�r�uic�� �vl�r'cl� ���� �rc�ir��ai�r ��rei� h�a���, ��d�����er�ce arnd �►�a�it� of �r; f`e, a�rd avoad�r�errr�r�u�� and cas��� r�s�r'�u�r'or�ar���a�ior�. �pecifi� �H� sit�s ar�: • �'�r�s� �e��odi�s� �'��rc�, � 7S �o. .�c����or� �4d, �i�o�a �ra�de • �arl�i�w �I�fa�or �1�c���e��s, ,��5,� �'o. ��rr� �'�, �i��o�yo ��c��de • �aga� �e��a� �'���e�, 5905 �� ��r��� �f �c�s�ad��o + �'ala; for�nia �ar�o� ��ar�ner��s, � � � 6.5 �� ��crr���o �ea�, � �ascadero • �'�. �au�'s ��isco�a� �l�ur�c�r, � �OD ��on �d� �arr��r��a .......................................................................... .. ... ... . ... .................. ..... .. . -.--.--.--.----.--.--.--.-..-.--.--.-.--._.._._.._._........._.._.........,. .... . . . . . . ....................... .....,..,.-.--.-.-..-.--.--.-.--.-.--.-------.- . - - �ar�n�ur���r ����.o�nn��v� ��o�e�t ��v� {�DB�� P�o���ann P��� � o� � 1 APPLI��Tf�N F�f� ��IE ���$ PF��CRAhA �EAF� ��T�BEF� 1�, �00� �J�IV ��I� �B��P� ��IJIVTY �LAhfI�INC �c �1.14L�11'V�i �L�PLANI�II��.�RC'a Agenda Item 9.a. Page 40 * �'a�rucas ���r'ar� ��r��er�, ��D �'o. ����� �4ve, �'a,yuco� • �'o��� �� �a���r�i� �e���r�, ���D Pa�i�sades �d, �os �sos • �or�o �a�r �o�rr���ri�y �e��e�, ,��D� �e��red,y T�a�y� �orr�o �a�r • �a�a �ob��� �eni�� �e��er�, � 7� �'�o�� �� �aso �a���� • ��. �au�`s �'�x��o�i� �lfr�r�c�r, 8�0 �e��o �'�, �'as�o ��ac� • �'en��r� �oas� �o�rr�����y �'en�e�, �S�D ��ri�r�o�rd �a�, �ce�r�a • �eace ���l���c�� ���rc�, ��� ��rk �a�1� ��vd �rave� ��ac� • ►�L� �'�r�io� �'e���r�, ��4,� ����a �asc� ��, �'a� ��i�s ����s�o • ,�udsor� �`��r�c�ce �orr�es, 300� �f �gx���c� ��, �Sar� �uis ���s�o • .� c����r�r�cx���� �r� �� f ` �'�c� ���� ���s��� ������� � ����r�i�y �si��.�; o �r�a�erson �pa��e�r��s, �SS �on�e�e� �'�, �'ar� �ui�s ���s�o o De� Rio �'er�r�ace ���s, �3�5 ���a �'., �'ar� �ui�s �bi�p� o �ac� �c �'arrrre� �4��s�, �'�x�rr�e� �'�, �`ar� ���s ��r'�spo • T�or�k �r�ar'��ng �ro�arr� �far� de�e�op�rr��r�a��,y d�sa��ed ser�iors�, ��SO �'ar�l�er� �'�, �'a�r ��is ���s�o • �'e�rio� �er���r�, ���1 � ►��, �'a��a �ar�gar�i�a ��rr�ua��r�oj��� n���es�a�res in��u��: • 1�0� af 70� s�nior�s �l�o �c��end a�'��' c���fc ���� �e�eive on� or rr�o�e s��ee�t��tg ��s�s �cx���ox�rrra�e�y �, ��D c�ie�� �i�i�s a�rd �, ,�D� u�i �s o� f'�se�vice� a�c� appro���a�e ed�ca�ron. •��D � o� f'se�ro�s �v��� a��or��r�r� �e�� �e���s ar�cl s�e��ou�s l��a��l� co�ditior�.s wi�� �eceiv� ap�r�o�r�a�� re� f'e�r�a�s f'or ca�e or� t��at��r��; ap�ro�c�rr�ar�e�y �, �OD a��ro��a� �es��� �r'�� r�e�u���orr� �, S�� �a�a� �es�s. • �OD � o f 'se�r�o�s �v��� �� gi�en r��� f 'er�r�a��s, f �or, f 'o��ow-u� �ar�e or� ���c���� �a���ox�rr�a�e�� 45��. �o� e�e�y a��o�rr�a� �e.�u�� r�equ��e.� a��, f '�r��r�; rr�ar��y r�ec�u�r�e edu�a�r'o�r cxnd coun�se�i�rg �� ��� rrur�e a� ��� f��s�y�e �nodi�car�io� �o �err�ec� ��e abr�o��a� ��su��s. �ro�r�ss �s �l��r� �or���o��d �r� ��seq�er�� �isi�s. �. '�ill ��� ��rvi��� ��'f�r�d �� ���r �r��r���a�i�n in�r���� �r ��r��r��l �►� � r����� �� �h� ���� ���i���n��� I� ���� ����5� ��l���i` ��� ���l��lil� C��l���l��l� �. ��ia� r��� pr�grarn� a�dlor �e� �vi�l b� pr��id�d? �'�8�,, f�r�d,s �r'�� �e �s�e� �o rr�ar'��ar'n �ur�e�� s�r���� ���e��. b. D��crib� �ov� �xistir�� pro�rarns ar�dlo�r ��rv���� v�i11 be e��ar�ded ar�d v�h�.t pe��entage o�' ar� ir��r���e is e����t��? �'D���r�c� wr�� be �sed �a rr�a�r��ar�r� �u�r�en� ser�r�e ��ve�s. �, �h��� �n� �f �h� ������v��� �li��ble ���i�rit� �������r��s �h�� ���1� �� ��� �r���s��l �r�j��� �r prograr�: ��e�e� to ���C� r��lat�or�s a�d the �ru�d� to �li��ble �I�B� A��ivi�ie��. � �cq�is�t�or� of real prape�ty Dispos�tion of��al �r���r�ty �'��1�� f��i�it�r�s a�c� �rn�r���rr��r��� ��a.� i����ci� a��c��i�i���r�� ��r����ucti�r�, �onn��r���r D��r����nn�r�r �����c ��r�r ���8�� ��o�� P�a�� � �F � � APPLI�A�I�hI ��F� THE ���� PR�GF�AAA �E�F� ��T��EF� '� �, �00� ��rv Lu�s Os�s�a Caur�� ���v�rv� � Bu����rv� s�o���vr��r��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 41 re�or�str��tior�, re�abilit�tior� o� ��stallatior�� � �11�&���� �V4�t]�C� �,1�1�1�1�� �1e�r��e and rem�di�tior� act�vities � I���1i� ���`vi��s Int�rirr� a�sist�c� ��laca�io� of i���vid�als, fa�����s, b���n���e�, r�on--�rofit orga�i�a.ti�r��, ar��lo�r �a� Los� of rer�t�l i�come �e�noval of ar��ite�t�ra1 b�rriers � H���i�� r���bi1i���i�r� ��� h��sir�g �or�st�u�tior� �ur�d�r l�r����d circurnstar�ce�� � Homeo��ership a���stan�e � �ausir�g ��rvi��s � �ode er�far��m�r�t � Historic preser�at�o� ��r�r��r�ia�� �r i���s�ria.1 r�ha�i�i��.t�i�r� �p��ial e�or��rni� d�vel�pr�e�t ! T'����i�� �.�si�t��� a.r�� �la.r��ir�� s��di�s �. Descri�� t�e �e�d ��t� the d�gr�e of urge��� for th� �roposed proj�c� or ��agra�. �V"V��� �v��l� �� ��� ���s�qu����s if ��� �r���� ��'����� ��' 1]�`��I'�I�l l� Il�� �l��l[��C� l�l th� ne�� year� �ge, i�corr�e c��d �a�l� o� f'�r�rn��or��at�o� c�r�o�g senr'o�� ��r�ea�er�� ��� rr�a�r���r�arr�ce a f good �r�ar��h ar�d, as ��i�s �o���a�ior� a���s, �l�ear �eed for l�ea��� ar�� �orr��������as�ea� s�r�v��es ��cr��c�s�s. �4 a����or�a���, �ror�� s��r���r�s� cxr�� ����r�� ��r�g�r�, ��t�r� �va����� fcr�i�}� �������. �r� ��� ��r�r���r� ����c��� �} f ��r�r��ac��r�� ����� �,f ��a��h cc�re ar�d �a�o��n�, a�o�g �v��� a��a��ic reduc�ion �n acce�s.� �o ��a��� ca�e pro��d�rs, �h� r��g��acr�r't� a� f�'��' c��r�ic�s r's o�e �f ��e �es�, for�rrr� o� f�r�ev�r���v� �i�a��h �er�vrce�s ava��a��e �o c�ur��y senio��s. �he �a�� fo�r��a De�a��rrre�r� o� f '�4g��� a��s �r� ����� � 005�-�0�9 ►��a�� ��a� or� �igir�g ��a� "�egular� l�ea��� screeni�gs �ar� �r�arna�i�a��,y ��d��� �he r�r'sk for� rr�os� ��ranic di�ease�s. " �n f `�r�u�ra�e��y, �l�e� s�er��or��s ar�� �oor, �ror�-.�r���i�s� speak�r�g ar�d�a� gea�ra��i�a���y �r� cu��ur�a��y iso�a�ed� ar�ce�.� to .......................................................................................... . .. . .. ... .. .................................................. .......... .. . . ��M�UNITY DE1fEL��NI�I�T �L���{ �F�AIVT ��D�C�� PF��GF�AM PACE ��� 1 1 �PPLICATl�N F�R TF�� ���� ���GF�A1V� �EAR �C��BER 14, 20�$ �Ai`V �lJl� ��I��� ��111VTY �LA�Vt�ll�� $4 ��ILD�N� �����AN�I��I�.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 42 car�e �e�arnes �ver� nrare d��'icu�� a�d ��aces ���� a� l�rg�er� �i��� f`or �rrde�ec�ed �ea��� i.�s�e� ar� ��� f'e- �l�rea�er�ir�� cor�d��ions. �5�� �vas deve�o�ed in ���s�a�r�se �a a�re�d �o �����c�cse acc��ss to �ea��� �cr�eer�i�r�, educa�ia�r ar�d s�u��or� s�r�vi�es �o ar� especia��y vu�ne�ar��e ar�a� ��o�a�ed s�g�ner�� o� f`��re �on�rr�ur�i�. �4 h�g� �urr�ber a� f' a��o�a� �e.�� r�esu��s ��, 358 a�on� ��5� s��ro�s in ��D 7� d�rr�o�rs��a�es �h� r��ed, f'or� �hrs Pr�o�arrr. �4s rnd���clua�s ge� o�c�er, ��e �oss��i���y �l��c� rr��d�car� �s�es wi�� de�e�o� i�rcr�ases. I� i�s cr�cia� �o pr�ovid� �'��' ser�v��es �n orde� to �s�arl���s� r�or�����y rr�oni�o�ir�g of'vi�ac� si�rs a�a� �ea��� �r�c���c��o��, a�d rd���� or�reven� rrra� ja� h�a��l� r'��ues�o� ar�isir�g or �vor�e�ri�rg,• ���.� s��ria�s car� a�o�c� f�r�a�c��c� l�ar�c�s�rp due �o rr�ed�ca� ex�er�ses, �re ��� f'a�rr�a�ior� �rovide� �a our� sen�ar� c�ie���s l�a.� a prof o�r�c� irr�pac� o�r �ow �er��a��s view Vl'! i� ��r#'�• ����� ����� ��� ���#�� ir �� �� #����V#���� ���r#'� ������� kl����� ����������� ���������� �� ��� � cou�� �r'�� �s�� s�gr��� f`i��x�� co�r�ir�ued �o�v��t �� ��e se��a� �o���a��or� over� �l�e nex� severa� �ea��s. T�e �a�r; fo�rtr�r ,D��ar�t�nen� o, f�4gar�g re�o��� ��a� co���y ����de��.� 6� arrd o�er� cxre expec�ed �o ir�crea�e �y ��� ���w��� ���,5 cx�� ����. ��rr�����rr� �r���.�� � �, ��� �� ����, .�����r�� �5,5+ ���n�r���� ��. �� �� f `��r� �����y�����cx�a��, ��rr��acr��c� �� ��i� s��cx�� r��c�� � f ��, �� �C�'�' ���rsu�s�. Ba�ic �ea��� ���ee�r'��, �a��ca��or�, ar�d pr�eve��i�e ca�e ar�e �r�iti�a� �o �1�� ��rysr�a�, rr��r��a� ar�� s�cr'ar� �e�� ���r�g af o�r senr"or� ca�i�er��,• �'��'��ov�de� �ucl� car�� ���oug�r earr��y de�ec�io� ar�d ec��ca�ion. �D��� fur�c��r�g��a�s �c� essen�ia� r�o�e �r� co��ir�ur�� ��es� v��a� s�����s �o o�� �e��or� corr�rr���r�. �i�1�o�� ���� �su�por��, ��� �s c����� t,y �o ��i��ain ��e �eve� a f ` ����se ess�r��ia� .�ervices f 'o� �ou��y r�esiden�� wo��d �e �severe�y corr��r�o�i.se�. 7. ���d3� [�����*1�3� �l'l� ��J��l�l� �I`��Ill���l���l �1���1�� il��I� �� IIYI�]1�I�1�Il� ��1� �]�"��]���[� �r�j ��t �r �r�gr�rr� ��ir�gl� ��- rn�ul�ipl� �r�u�, �u��a�i� �g����� ������r�f��, f�r�-�r�fi�� �����"l�i��� �Il ����`���Il� �111']1���' �]I`��I'��Yl�� ���.�: �S��r�e 197�, ��� �ea��� �er�ic�� ���'��'� �a.� succe,�s, fu���y a�d cas�-e�rc����I� c�d�rr��s��r��d a rnu��i �ude o� f'� f'e�e�a�, ��a�e, �o��r�, c��d �r��va�e f"our�da��o� g�an�s. ���'��' cor��s�s�e�r���y �ree��s arrd ex�eed�s goa�s a�d o�je��i�es, irr���e�e�r�� res���s-o�r'er���� ac��vi����s �r�o f`�ssiona���y �xr�d e� f� f`ec���e��y, �orr����e�s �vi��r r���or��r�� and,, f's�a� r�eq�iren�en�� i�r a�irr�e�y rrra�rr���, a�rd �or�duc�.� ��ogra� eva�ua��or�� �o er�sur�e ef f'ec��ver�ess a�d co�r�i�ruo�.� �r�ag�a�rr ��rt��o������, ��og�ar� �rdrr���i��a��o�t o� f'�'e��o� �e���� �'�r����ir�� is� �r���ic��r� �� ��� �'����vi�s��g ����s� c��� I���r��l� �'��v����s �'���c����r���, �'���tf� �����d�s c��� r�evae�ved I��y �he �����` ��ir�i� �a�a���. �'�nior� �ea��� �'cr�ee�ir�g ��rja�s �o�g-.��a�dir�� a�rd p�oc����i�e r����rtio�rs���� wi�l� �a� ar�d co��r�y �over�r���r�.� priva�e a�e�cie� a�d corr�rr�ur��t,� coa����o�s. ��� �s a�r��rr�a� sa��ce o, f��� f'er�ra�s �o and � f 'rorr� �l�e �o���y �orr�e �ea��� �r�o�arr�, I�ea���r �e�a��e�r� ��ug ar�d � ��oho� �'�r�u��es, ����a� �ea���, a�d �ac�a� �e�v�ces. �orr�e a� f`��e �o��a�ar�arti�e par��ner�.� ��ra� �re�p coor�dina�e se�v�ces ar�d reso�r��es ar�a� cr�oss r��fe� for� �a�ien� �er�i�es i�c��de: Long'�s �'�rar�rr�a��y, �r�e� �4ge�rc�r o� ���g "�r'a� of �i f e ", �'�a��� �'nsu�ar�ce �our��e�i�g a�rd �4dvocac� �r�agr�arr�, �'�� �our��y �ihrar�y� �ear��l�P�u.� �1�a�rr�a��y �e��a� �oa�� ��s����ue �`ec�r�o�og� �����r�, ��a���� ��st��u�e �o�r'�� �'a�u��a�r�, �4��ricar� ��ar�� �s�so�ia�ia�r, �o�rtrrt�r���y ��a���t �'e��er�s, aru� ��ie �'e��or� ������orr �r�ogrrarr�. �'��r�cl�es, �e��ar� ce��e��s, �aw-a��a� e�ousi�g �si�es, ar�d �o������ ce����s �����de,�'re� s�ac�, f'o� scr���ni��s. �'��ria� �ea��� �c�een�r�g a�so co��abor�a�es �vi�� �o�ur��eer� l�eari�g �r�d vi�ia� �ro� f 'e�sio�ra�� �o ��avid� s���aa�i�ed �e�v�ces, a� �e�� c�.s ��e �r�ar�l� �I�lol���e �c�n, S'L���T �o� T�i��or� and �as�ice Parrt�rer�s. �'e�z�or� I�ea���� �'c��er��r�g �ac,� cx �e��a� pr�e�sence ar� cxr�ea s�e��� f `crar�.�, ��ear��� far�r�s a�d o��e� corr�rr���ri�y � ...................................."'"'""'" " "'"'""'""'"'""'"'""'"'""'"'""'"'""'""'"'""'""'"'""'""'""'""._.._�._�._.�_�....��.,�..._�...._.�..�_�..�.��_�..��.�_.�_�..�...,���._��_ „ ����_�_��_�.��_�.'f�'.�.��_� �......� „ �.�._�.��_�.��_.�,._.�_���.�,�.��_�..��_�� ��.�._��_� ��NIN1UfVITY �EII�L�PNIEIVT BL��I� �F�AIVT ����C�� �F��CF�Ah�I� P�CE � �F 1 1 I�PPLl�ATl�f'V ��R THE ���$ I�R�l�AM YE�1R ��T�BER 14, 20D$ �A� �lJl� �BI�P� ���I'VTY �L.AI�!?VIh1C �c ��.JIL�IIVC SL�PI�..A1VtVINC.�F�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 43 �����s�. �dd����r�c����, �� s��cx��s�r*v�� �r� ���c�� ��rr��ni�����s �r� �r�a��r� �� ��c�cxr�a� �r�t���1�ir�� cxr�c� ���lar��r�ac���r�, �. ���� ��� ���j��� �-�q�ir� ��� i�s��n�� �� a ���rr��� ��r�rr� l���l� ����� �r f���r�� �►g�n�i���� �r�� ❑ �v� � a.. I����, pt�a��� �c��r��if� t��� ����i�� r������a�y �� �ornpl��.� ��i� �r����t�. �. Hav� th� r�����sa�y ��rr�i�� ���r� i��ue�? 1'l�as� ��r���d� �r��� ��' ����i� i��t��r���. �. �f �e�mit� ar� r�q�x��ed but not yet �btair��d, �hen �i11 th� perrr�it� be �ssu�d? 1�ATI�I�TA� �8��'I���E� �'1�I'�'��TA 3. ���s ��� �r�p���c� �r�j��� �r ����vi� rn��� �r�� �� �h� thr�� n�r�i�r��l ��,����i�r�s �� ��� ���� �r�gr��� ������ �h��� �r�� �� �h� �bj��t���� ��l�r�v �ha� a���i�� �� th� pr�p�s��� ar�� ����air� l��w ��e �r�j��� �r ����v�ty m���� �h�� na���n�� ��j���iv�. �. � ��n��i�� l�v�- a.r�� rn�c��ra����ir���rn� ��r��r�� �.s d�fir��� �� �la� LJ. �, I���a�rr��r�t� �#' �ousing ar�d L�rbar� �eve�apm��t �HU��. ��1��� ��e; ❑ I��w111�i�d�r���-in���� Ar�� ��r��fi� — 7'�� �r�j��t� ��rv�� ��1� � li�ni��d a.���. ��i�� �s �r�v�r� t��r 2���� ��r��u� �l�ta �r s��v�� �� t�� a���d�rr�ir����1� �� 1��� ��r m���� 1�v��r��c���a.��-i���r�� ar��. ������a�r��� �����in� ��i� ������1� I�1Ll�� �}� ���� �� �7��V� ���1�' �I'���G��cl��1�T1��T �3�'��]1�'l�� ��I1��1�� �o�lmod�r�te-incor�e ����ehol�s. � ��v�1�I�tl�r���-In��rr�� �irr�i��d �l��n��l� — T�i� �r�j��� ��r��f�t� �. �����fi� ��-��� �f ����1� ��a���r t��ar� ��� a.���.� ir� a. ��rti�ular ar��.�, �.� 1���� �l°�� ������ �.r� ����rn���� ���s�r��;. ����: Ir���r�� v�rifi��.ti�r� f�r ��i�r��� ���� b� �r�vid�d ��r #��is �a.t�����. �'1�� �'�11�v�ir�� �r���� ar� pr������ �� t�� l�v����ci�ra.t�-�r���m�: �t����� ��ai�c���n; �1�i�r1� ��r��r�s; �a�t���r�c� s������; ��rr��1��s persor�s; a�ults rneet�i�� �er�s�� defin��io� o� s�ve�e�y d�s�ble�; ����or�� �ivir�g �ith AI��; and r��grar�t �`�r�n �vo�`��rs � LowllVio��r�te��n�ome Hou�ing ��'he p�roject add� or i�proves ��rmaner�t resid�r�t�a� ��r��t�r�s t��at� �ill ����r� ����pi�� �y l�v��m���r�t�-i����� ������i�l�s ���r� �������i�r�. � I��wl�Vi�c��r��e-In��rn� �T��s — T�� ������� ������ �r r��air�� ��rrnar��r�t�� j��s� a� 1��.�t� ����� ��` v��ich �re t�.k�r� �y lo�lmader��e-i��or�e persor�� �r �or���d�r�d �o b� a��ilable to lo�vlm�derate- r l���r�� ��r��ri�, E����i�: ��I� �erves ���v-arYd r�od�rat��i��orne �ersor�� �77°�0� ag�� 5� ar�d �p. I�T�'�'�: �'� rr���� �his ���i�r��l ��j���iv�, th� �r�p���c� a���i�i�� rr���� t��r��fi� � s���ifi� ��i�r�t��� ��- r�sic��r��� in a. �aarti�l�r ar�a. ��t�a� ��un��r �r �ar�i�i�aa.�ir�� ����, a�t l�a�t � 1 ��r��r�� �f v��� ar� l��v�- a�c� r�����a���-ir����� ��r��r��. ..............................................................-..{-�.-�..-.-.--.-.--.-.--._.._._..-.--.-.--.-.--._.._.._..........,...._....._..-..-.--.--.--.--.--.-..--.-.--.--.--.--.-.--...._.._...._.._.............. ..,. . . . . . ��N111A�..J�V1TY ��VEL�PhAEN�` �L���{ �RAIVT �����} �F�OCF�A�III ���E � �F 1 1 �P�L1��4T��IV ��R �H� ���� ��O�GRAII�! �E�4R ��T��ER 1 �� ��� S,�,N L�1�� �BI�P� ��UNTY PLANI�lI1�1C $c �IJIL�IIV� �L�P�ANIV�IV�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 44 �. � Ai�s ir� �h� �r�v�r��i�n �r �lirr��r�����r� �� �l�rr�� ��r �1i�h�. �x�lair�: � �l�ct o r�� : � A��r���ir�� �Yurn� �r �l�g�� �r� �n Ar�� ���i� - � A�c�r�s�i�g ���rn� �r ��i��� �n � �p�� �a.�i� � �`��� �r����� �vill pr��r�r�� �r ���r�i�a��� ����ifi� ��r�c�it�i��� �f ��i��� �r ��ysi��l ���a�r. ���ivi�i�� ar� 1�����c� �� �l��r�r���, �i���ri� ���s�rv����r�, re�abi��tatior� ��' �uil�in.�s, but or�ly to �he ��t�r�t r�����sar� ta el���r��.�� cor��itio�� d��.rir�er�t� �o public hea�t� ar�d saf���. I� �h� �r�j��� 1�����t� in � l��d�v�l��rn�n� Ar��� ��� ❑ I�� ❑ �f �es, a�t��h a r�a� o�' t�� area v��� the site �i�hii��ited, a�d provide t�e ��d�v�lo��er�t Pro�ect Ar�a �e�c��pts �cc�pt��� v����� �oc�urn�r�t� t�� e�iste��e of sl�r�lblight. A�so, do����t t�� spe�i�c rede�e�o�rn��t obj��tives �ertai�ir�g �o ��e �ro�o�ed �ro��ct. 1��T�: �'a r��et thi� r�ation�.l ob�ecti��, th� praposed ��tivi�y m�st b� ��t�ir� ��esi�r�a��d s��� o�r blighted area ar�d m��t be d�si�r�ed to �d�lre�s one or r�a� c�r�ditions that ��r��ri�u��� t� t��� ci����i�r����� �f ��� a��a., �. �I�Ie�ts comrnr��it� dev�lopm�r�t �e�ds hav�r�� a �ar�ti�ula�r �rgency �r�e�e ex�stir�g ���ditior�s �os� a seri�us a.n� ix�mediat� threat �o the health or ��lfa�r� �f �he �omr�u��t�, ar�d r�o ot�i�r f�ndi�� saur�es �.re availa�Ie, i.�., a rr�ajor ��tastr�ph� ��uc�i a�� a flaod ar ea�t�qual��. ��pla.ir�; ��T�: To r��et this �a�ior�al ��j��ti�e, the proposed a�t�vity m�st ���1 v�rith m�jar �����t������ �r �r��� �u�� a.s fl��c�� �r �art�q�a.��s. ��. �#` ��� �r�j��� �r �r�gr�r� i� ���ign�d �� �n��� �h� r���i�n�l �bj������ �� p� ��n�f�� �� l��v- �r�� r����r���-�n���n� p�r��r�s, ������ �s��r���� ��� n�rn��r �� un�� li����� n��ni��r ��' p�� ��r �����h���s� �� ��n��� �`��rr� ��� �r�j��� �n� �r��� th�t �s�ir��t� t��wr� �� �x���rn� ���up ��r�tl��li����� �n��n� �h� r�urnb�r �vh� �r� ��r��d, i.�., �h� gr��� �vi�� �l��w �� �h�ld��n �� �dI'�l�l���� li� �1�'���1'1��� �- n�� �� �����lr�n x � �a�s � �� w��l�s = ������. a. Tot�l �urnber of �ersor�s o� �o�seho��s u�ho �i11 b�r���it �'rom th� proj��� or �ro�`am �r�gar�l�s� of ir�c�n�e �roup�: 7�� �erso�s ous�holds ��ir�1� th� a�p�icabl� ur��t� - ......................................................................................:.r:...._................................................ ..... ..,. . , _ ...................................................................................................... . .. ... ��IIAML�fVIIY �EII�L�PIIIlE�1T �L���C �RAh1T {����� �F��G�HN1 ���E � �F 11 ����{�.+�4���� ��� ��"�� L��� �����►� 1 ��4� ������ � � ��� �Al� L1.11� ��I�P� ����l�Y �I..ANI�INC c� BI.I��.DIPI� �L�PLAI�I�lI�1C.�RC Agenda Item 9.a. Page 45 b. C�f t�� ��t�l r�um�er of ��rsor�s or hause�olds e�tered �.�ov�, ho�v mar�y �il� b� l�v�-ir���rr�� ���.rr�ir�g � � ��o - ��°�� �r ���� ��' ��� ���r�t� rr����a��-�r���r���� 1�� Persor� ou�e�o�ds ��ir�l� th� a��li�able ur�it� �. ��'��� t�t�l r��m��r ����rs��� �� ������i�l�� ��t��r�c� ���v�, ��v� �a�x�� �vi�� t�� v�r ��v�-ir���rr�� ��arnir�� ��°�o ��- l�ss ��t�� ���x��y rn�c��a�r�-�n��rn��� 4� S P�rs�nsl ��seho��s ��ircl� t�e applica��e ��it� 11. ��� ar� ��� �li�n�s �f ��ur� �����i���x��� �����p��: ��w� �� ����r���-i����� ��r����� �l��r�l� p�r��r�s, ��v�rel� ��sabl�� ���r����� �i���n� �'�r� v��r��r�� �����r��l ���u���, ���.� �'er�io� ��a��� �'�reer���g`s prarr�ar� �a���� �o���a�io�s ar�e �ow-� �o �od�r�a��-�ncorrre �s��riors a�es ,�� and ov�r� inc��dir�g ��der���y �c�d d�sa��ed i�dividu�c��s. ��. ���V �Vl�l ��1� ��l�il�� ��I���1� �i'�I� ���� �]I`��]���.� • �,y �nc�ea�ir�g ac���s �a h�a��hcar�e ��y �r�r'�g�r�g r���c��s� .�e�vr'c�s dr'�ec���y �o ��o.�e �v�a r�e�d ��err�� •��y �rovidirr� a�r en�ir�o�z�e�� a� f'��� f�t �v���� �o d�s�cu.ss� v�� ���so�ta� �d sor��t���s��r����er���� hea��� a�rd o��e� r�s.�ues,. • ��y �r�ca�r�ag�r�g a�rd �rr�po�v�rir�g se�r�o�.� �o �� ac���e �ar��r'���ar��s �n ����r� o�r� l�ea��� ca�e,. •�J' �r�o��a�ir�g ser��or�s �vi�� ��r�I�a� ar�d �vr�i��e� educa�ior� a� �c va���� o, f�ea��� r's�su�s; • B� �d�r��i���g�o�er��iar���y serio�s hea���r i�s�ues ��a� a�e �e f'er��d for� rrr�rr��d�a�e a��e���ar�, s�r��or�s ar�e a��� �o a���d err�er�ency r�oorr� v����s a�d �r���a�u�e, co�s��� �o�pi�c��i�a�ior� or i���i�u�io�a�i�a�aor�. �o� on�� does �l��s e�r��r�a�� or� r��d��e f ir�ar�cia� �acrds��p a� �l�e ar�dividua� a�rd, f'a�i��y ��ve�, i� a�sa a���v�a�es� st�ess� or� ��e co�r�ty's �recr����a�e �y�s��rr� a�c� ��e �r.�.�a�fa�ec� f��tar�c��cl cos�s �v�rr'��r po�er��ra���r irr��ac� �a�cpc�e�s. •�� rr�ai��ai�ring ��eir hea���r� i�de���tde�t�� �xr�d q�a�i�y o, f'�i, f'e� �e�ior�, f'ee� be��er� p�rysica���y ar�d rr��r��a��y, ar�e �nor�e �nga�e� i� ��ei� �o��r�r�r'��es� ar�d arr�e err�,�o�vered �o r�ecogni�e ar�d adj�s� �o c�ra�ges in �heir� �iv��s. I� �r�l�� o, f`s��n� �ca�� gr���� �cn�o�rg ��is�ao�u�c���or�, as ���� as ��� e�s�a�a�ir�g cos�s and decr�a�sir�g a�ai�a�i�i�y o� f�oca� heac���rcar�e s,���e�s� ���' provades �r r�e�iab�e cor�ve�tr��r� a�td cos���,�'ec���� rr�ea� of l�e��air�� senior�.� o��a�� ���c�ed �r�������ve ar�d rr��cir��e�ar��e �ea���car�e. B��EFI�IAR� �AT� 1�. ��v� c�� ��� ��rr�r��l� ��11��� c��r��g�a��� ���� ��l ��� ��Il���l��'l�� �� ��1� �i'������ �I'����� ��' progr�rn? ���am���: raciallet�r��c �har�.ct�risti�s��` �4 ���e �'rs�� �i�si � o, f` ev�r� ca���d�c� �ear�, a� �r�� f'or�r�a�ror� and derr�o�rap�ri��s �ard i�s co��l��ed f`or each .S'l��' �Ir'�r��. �i� c�c�ar �����c���s,• g�����, c�g�, ��l�r�r��i�y��ac��, �du�cx�i�� �����, , far�ni�� si��, ���r�� cxnc� �s����� �; f ������,y ������, �r��r���r ir��r�acr���, c��c� c���sc�����t,y, �t�s� da�ar �� ������d ��r�� �x �cx���� �������r �cxk��r ..............................�.--. �.--.-.--.-..-.-.--.-..-.--.-.----.--.----.----._._..__._...._.._...._......................... .. . _ . ._ . .. ._.._.__.._._.._.._..-.--.-..-.--.-.--.----._.._.__._._.._._..-.-.----.-.--.-.--._.._._...._._.._._.._.._.._.._._.._.._.._.._........ ��I�I�IUI�I�Y �E11EL�PN1EhJT BL���{ �#�AIV"� ��DB�� PFlO�F�AM PA�E � �� '� 1 A���������rv F�� T�� ���� �����nn ��� ��'r�e�� 1 �, ��� ��rv Lu�s �e�s�o �ourvr�r P�ar�r�Mt�� & �ua����� ��o���rvrv�rv�.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 46 �ti+ ��Y � �� ��i i+ Y��� �4f ��4�' ���� V V ��V ■ �� �� ��� ����Y ��� ����I '��f �'� L+� �} ��'�' ���� ������� Yl�� De�e�op�er�� ��r�a-�'�ien� �'�arrac�eris�rc� R��or�� �v��c� i� u�sed �o �epa�� derr�og�a�ahic ar�� f'or�a�ior� �se�r'�ar�r��a���y �o ��e �`�a�e �s�� cx��a��red �x�i�i� �l�. 1�. ���v �� ��u �u�rr�nti� ����rr��r�� �r���rn� ������ �f �a�� ��i���� ���arnpl�: v�ry l�w� ��w- �n�1 �n���r��e�ir������� �4s� �ar� a� f ` ��e ir��ake �r�o�es�s i� each ���' �r�ogra�� ��ier�� i��o�� ��a��s �s a�e�er�rri�red u.�rrr� ��� � fec�er�a� �ove�� g��de�����s. 1�. �r��ric�� ��� ��ll�v�vin� xr��'�rrr���i�r� ��� ��� ��r��r���� in ��u�r �r��ni���Y�r� r��p�nsi��� f�r �h� �r�p�r��i�n �nc� �u���t��t� �� �h� qu�rt�rl� r�p�rts �nc� ��r ��ll���i�� �r�d r���r~��ng ��� ��r��f��i�r� c���� �� ��� �rb�n ��u�t�. ��r����� ��rs�r�l�x�.��: �ay�c� T���I����, .��cx��� �'�rv���� �'��r�c���rc���r� P�or�e r�umb er: ��0.5� ,���-���� ex�, � � �-r���� �c��r���: k�����rn����.���� �r�� *�T���: �ou a.re r���ired to pr�v�de be�efi�iar� d��a at t�� �r�d o�' e�ch quart�r a�d ���.r e�� �ata o� the fis��.� ��ar. �f y���- �r���sa� �r����v�� ���n��i� t��v�l��rn�n�� i,�., c�ir��tly b�n�fi� � bu�in��s� �ri���� pr�p���y �w��r, ���in�s� lI1'V����S ���d�� ll�ll]I'��'@Il'1����� ��`��1C�� �����11��� ���l���Il�� �� d �l��iV �l' �����1�� ��s�n�s�� j�� �r���i�n,1��� ��ar�n���� �h� b�n�fi�i�r� rr�us� �b��ir� � �u�n �n�l �r�►d����� �I�L�1��� r�umber �hat ��st �� r��or�ed to �L�D. P���se �ontact '�'�ny �T�v�rr�, ����� 7����787� �r��varr� a�sl�.��.�� ��i' ��1���`Il'l��l�� �Il �1��'V �� ��]��lll d ��T�� riillri��I' �1'l��` �� lll�lll'�'��1� ��lC� ���1���1�1� ��1� ��[���"d� �lli�(��. ..--�-�--�--._.._._..-�--�-�--�-� .................................. ......... .... .. . � - - -�-- ----�--�-�--�--�--�--�--�--�----�--�--� -�--�--�--� ..... ... ... .... . . - ���r��r�r D�v��.o�nn�r�� B�oc�c ��ar�fi �C�B�} P�o��� P��� � o� � 1 I�PPL1�ATf�IV ��R fiF4E ���� �F����Al11� �E�F� ��T��ER 1 �! ��D� SA�I �IiIS �BI�P� ���.JP17Y �LAtVP11hIC $c ��.JI�DIPlC �l.�P�ANNIN�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 47 �'�A1��IA� I1�IF��AT���T 16. '�'ot�l ��noun� o#' ��8� f�r�ds requested: � ?,7?S �lease �dentif� the ju��sd�ct�o��s� to ����h �ou a� a�pl�rir���: �it of P�so �ob��� ��t of Arro o� �d ��t o�' C�r�v�r B�ac�i If �o� a.re requestir�� �D�C'r funds from mor� t�ia�n ane �uri�di�tio�, please b�eak �ovv�r� the ����x�� ���� �.��v� �� ��� j�ri�c�i��i�r� �i���� ��l�v�. �i�.y ���rr��� �ra.r�d�: �1,���, �ity �fPas� I���1��: ��,��� ^T , ,�.� ��� �� �tas�ad�x� : �ity �� �r�v�r �����'� �` : ��,� �� �ity of �ar� �u�� ���spo: �o�ty of �a� Luis �b�spo: �11��'T�; �f ��� �� a���l�ir�� �� �r�� �r ��r� �i����, ��ea��� �r��vid� � ���� �� t��i� ���l��a�i�r� t�� �.�� ��ur��� b� ��� a������a�ti�r� ����l1ir�� �f ����b�r 1�, ����. '�'� The ��t� ��' C�rro��r B�ach re�er�es t�e optior� �o ��var� th� rr�a�im�r� 1�°�� of t�i�ir �rar�t �ir��iir�� �1�oc�.tior� for p�b�i� �er�ice �.e�ds. Hov��v��, th� �ity �ill a�ard �a �ess t�an �3,��� ��r ���rd. �l�a�s� s�t�rr�it� ���r �.��li�a����r� ����r�ir�g��. 1�7. �l�a�� ����rib� ��� ��c���� ��r �h� p������t� pr�j��� �r pr�grann. ���r�i�� ��� ��ur��� �� �u�n�ing �������d �� 1�� �v�i�abl� an� u��� f�r t��� pr����� �. ��v�n�es: � . �D�C� �'�r�ds req��sted �. �����- ��ci���1 fur�d��� ��1�a��� c��s�r��� ��l�v�� � . ���te ���rce�s� ��Iea�� des�ribe ��lo�� �. ���a1 ���r����� ���e�s� ��s�ri�� b�l��� �. �ther �und� ����ase �e�crib� be�o�� 'T���l l�e�r�r�u�� �. ����r��i���re�: �i�t ��l��v �� �t�rx� �r ���t �a.����ry. 1. F�rs��r��1 ��p�r���� �. ���ratir�� e�p�nses 3. �r�dire�� cos�ts �a 8°�0 Tota� ��p����� � ?.775 � � ���,1�� �,� 8,��� � ��,��� � ��,�1 � �� , $ 17,382 � � 4 8�� � G5,�2� .........................................,..,.,. ,.,.. ., ,._,._.... ._........... ...... .....,. , ,..,.....,,................_.....,... .--.--.--.--.-..-.--.--.--.----.._.._._.._...._....... .... ....,. , _ . . .-..-.-.--.-.--.-.--.-.--._._.._._.__._.._.._._............. . . ................................................... ...... .. . . - ------------------------ -- - . - Cor��nur��r�r I��v��o���r�� B�o��c G�rv�r ��C���} P�o���nn P��� � o o� �� ����r��fiM�r� F�r� Tr�� ���� ����r•�nn 1���� �c�r���� 1 �, �oo� ��#CV �l.�l� �BI�P� ��I,JI�TY PLA[VN��V� $� BUILDIIV� �L�PLANI�II��.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 48 ��. ��v� �1� ��u ���n �� ��r�d ��� �p�r�t���r� �n� rn�����n�n�� ����� �rf �r��� �����i���� v���h ��i� �r�j���� A�� �l��s� fu�c�s ���ti1���� n�w� I� n��, w��� wil� tl��� �� ���i��b��� Ant� ���rr� �h�� �o�r�e�s�'� .� ��� f `�r�d�s r�ecer'ved a�e, f `or �en�ra� oper�a��r�g ���or�� o� f ` �l�e �er��o� �ea��� �'c��er��r�g Prog�a�rr. ���s�- effrcie�rc�y is �r��anc�d ��y �h� a�����y �o u�i�i�e churc�es, ser�ior �er����s �aw-r'r�co�ne �ou�s�r�� si�es, a�d �a�r�unit� ce��e��s� f `or� ���eer��rrg�. 1�. �Vi�� ���� fun�� �� u��d �� rr�����fl�r��r��� ��h�r fur���� �i�� b�l�w fun[�ing ��ur��s ��d �����ts ��� ic��n�if� �w�rc� d���� �f �h��� ��ur���. ��8� s�u�po�� o f'�'er�io� ��a��l� �c�e��ti�rg ���� l�e u.�ed �o �e�e�ag�e o��e� so�r�ces �r����dir�g �u����, ��iva�e f our�d.a�io�r�s and i�rd�v�dua� do�a�io�s. ���� � �r�oyo �rar�de �DB� - �r�o�er� �eac� ���� - �as� ������ ��a���s In �1 id- �o��o �ay �"�� �'o��u��t� �'o�nda�io� �'�� o��i�snro �eac� �rar��s �n �tr'd � �'�� �our��y o, f �'�� �T���ed T�Ya� �a�1�o�ic ���r���ca�e �e�s� Pa���r�t �'ee�s D o�a �r o�rsl�� �c�a r'sr'n� �'o�a� �$ �, ��� �$ 3, � 7S �$ �, 3,5� � �, ��� �$ 7, �S� �$ �, ,��D �$ 3, ,��D ��S���D � ,�, ��0 � ,� �$ �, ��� � 7, ��� ��5,��5 Per�dang a���ica�ior� ap��ova� ��r�dir�g ar����ca�aon a���ova� �e�rd��g �rp����c���or� app�a�a� �°e�t���t� a�p�icac�io� �c���ava� �4�a�d D�c�e.• �I�ID� ��va�d d�r�e: 7I�I�� ��var�d da��: 7I1I0� �#�va�d da�e: �'I���� �1 �var�a� da�e: ���I�� �er�a�r'ng app�r'ca�aon a���ova� �1 � �o��e��ec� �1� �'����c��� -- .., I��rtif� tha�� ��i� i��`�rr�a�t��r� ir� ��i� �.������.�i�r� �� tx�u� an� a����'��� �� t�i� ��s� �� r�� l�r���v1���� a.r�d �t�ilit�. � �i � � �� D ate �li���eth `��iz" �t�ir�ber �hi�f �����ti�� ��'i�er i'rir���d or typ�d �ame Titl� ..:.....................:.:...:...:.:.:.:.....:...............:.:...:...:.:...:.:.......:...:...:...:.:...:...:............................... . ......................... .. . ......................... .. ............................... .. . .................................... ............................... .... ....: ........................: ..............: ..: ....: ..: ....: ........... ... . . . . . . -.--.--.--.- ...................,................,..,....,...,_.- - �o�t�ut���r D�v��o�r��rv� B�oc�c ��rv� ��DB�} P�o���n ��►�� � 1 0� � � �������Tt�r� F�� T�� ���9 P����� 1��� ������� � �4, �00� ���v Lt��s ���s�� ��ur�rr P�����v� � �u����r�� ������r�r��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 49 st�t� of �a���o�nra � ��H�B�T � Deparkr�r�t of Corr�mun'rty �ervices and Devel�prr���t -- ��8� Pro���rr�n�a�� Data ��ar�a�teristi� F��p�rt Annual ��D �95 �F��1►, 1l2��8} �lea�e u�e t�e ��D ��5 -- ���en� �hara�t�ri�#I� I�eport In�tru���r� a�d �I�Ipful Hints docur�n��t to �o�nple� t��� form. � ���i�/�� ����■ #./��R�Q� �. ���� ���� �'repar�d B�r: IVANIEITEL �; F����rt P�riad: Dem�gr��hi� d�ta �I��u�d �e ��Il�ct�d �n �4LL �li�r�ts re��ivin� ���vi��� u�d�r an�r pr�grar�n adrr�inistered b� �I�� design�ted ��rr�r�ru�it�,r A�ti�n Ag�ncy, ����L.��1�� ����������� I..I���I� ��I ���� ������ �1PPLI��T1�1� ��I� �H� ���� �F�����M 1���F� �� � ���v ���s ���s�a �aurv��r ������n��rv�r o� ���vn��n�� ��va ��,���frv� `�-�' -;=ti� --.-_�:��-��=����� 9�� ���� �T#�E�� � F���I��I ��� � �AIV LI.JI� ��I�P� � ��LIF��tl�l� J���� • �8��� �� ��� � � Proma�ir�g #he Wise [!se of Lar�d � J�lel�ing �o B�#la� �re�� Cor�rritie�s ,�� � o� ��� ��� � � �� �� �r��i��.t�or� l�a�n�: E�or�ornic � ��t��it �ommi��ion Teen �cader�ic ��e�ti� Pro rar� ����, At�t�a��� a�cic�it�i�r�a�l ����t� i�" r������ �� � � �� � �"o �� c�r�sidered for ��]�� �ss�st�.r�c�, �l�a�e �t�brnit t�i�� c�rnp�eted ap�li�atior� �it� �y e���b��s, b�d�e�s or ber�e�i���.t�y dat� a� r������. Ap�l�catior�s ca�. b� r��i1�d to or�e of ��e p�i�i�atin� jurist�i�t�or� �i�t�d ir� ��i� �p�1i���i�r� �r ��: 'T�r�� l���arr�, �l�nr��r I��, ]��pa�xn�r�� �� Pl�r��ir�g �.r�d ��i1di��, 9�6 ���s �t�`e�t, �oorr� � ��, �a� ��is �bispo� ��., 9�4�5 or h�d de��ve�ed ta �'ar�y �avarr� �� 1 �3 � P��a �treet, �o�rr� ���, �an I��i� �bisp�, �A., f���� t� ����� �'�������, ��r ���a�l�d �� �na�������.�l�.�a�.�s. 'Th� ���]�l���l�I1 ���[�illl� �� �:�� �.1VI., '�u���a�, ����b�r 1�� ����. A���i�a�i��� rr���� �� r���iv�� �� t��� ���r��� �r �r�� �� t��� �a�rti���a�i�g �i���� ����� �ar���, ��a���a�t��r�� �r�v�r ��a.�l�, ���� l��t����� �� I��i� �b�s�o� pr�o� to cl�se a�' t�e busir�e�s d�.�. P��'�`11�I���D �AT�D 1Vi�� ������ A�"T�� 'I'H� ����LI�� �II�I� �T�'�' BE ��� �+ �'�'��. 1��T�: � 1� PI���� r��i��r ��� �I]�� r�gu�at�i�r�s ar�� guici�lin�� ar�ci ��i� ������� f�r P� t��f�� ��rn����i�� ��i� �r�p��a1. T�� �I��C� r�g�i��i�r�� ar� a.va.i1�L�1� �� ��. sl����r��ir� .�or� ur�d�� `�Housi�g Cr��ts.�' A.lso p�ease �a�l �ounty ar�dlor �ity �D�� s�a�F�vit� a�y q�est�or�s ab��� ��� �� ��rr��1�t�� �.�.� �'��rr� �r a����� ��� r�a.��r�� �ri���i� a.r�� pr����s. ��� �f ��� ir�f�rrn��i�r� ��r an�r �� ��i� c����t�i�r�� b���� r�c��i��s r���� ���m �� pr��i�� � ��r������ ����a.r�a.t���n ���r��� �r���s�d �r��j��� �� �r��rarn, �1���� a�tta�� ac����.i�r�al s����s. ���TTA�T I11TF�RIVIAT���I 1. �T�►rr�� �n� I�l�l�lll� �dc�r�ss �� ap�li�ar�� �r����������� w��l� ������� ��r��r�� p���� �r�t� ��� n�n���r�� �n� �-rn��l �c��r��s: I�arr�e: �'�a�rornic ���o��u���y �'o���s�s�o� o� f `�Sar� ��is� ��ispo �'o�n�y, Ir��. Address �ma,ilin� ar�d �h���cal �dc�r�ss requested if differ�r�t�: �945 11�ic �1�Iillan Ave, ���t� ��� �ar� ��uis �bis�o� �A 9�4�1 �o�ta� p�r�or�ltitl�: �a�re �'���ning I �eac���r �'er�vi�es ��r�ec�o� �'hor�e: ��S-���-,��9� �' a�� : � �,�-,5 � �-,3 ��� E address : �, f1�n�r'r���a eocs�lo. org I� ��� �r��r�i��ti�r� a Fa�i�� �as�d �r�ar����t���r�`? ��� � 1�� � ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..................... .. . ..... . ........ . ��hI�N1Uf�ITY DE1JE��P11��I�IT BL�CIC �i�AIVT {��8�} I�F�O�F�AM P�4�E 1�F 1� �IPPLI��TM�IV F�l� F��IDICV� �IJRII�iC ���� PF���R��II�I 1�EA� �C:T��EF� 1�, �DO� SAN LI�IS �BISP� C�UNTY PLANNING $� B�11LQ��V� SL�PLANNII��.�RG Agenda Item 9.a. Page 51 ������ ���������� 2, '�it��lnarnelad�re�� of pr�pos��l p�ojec� or progr�rn: �'��r� �icaderr�ic P�rren�i�rg ��o��c� 1 �� � �ar�sh �'�ree�, �'�i�e ��1 �'an ��i�s ��i�s�o, �� 93�0� �. Pl��s� d�s�r���� ��� p� �r�,���� �r pr��r��. In �r�� �� ��� �l��rt �ar�g���h�� ir���x��� a. br��f �� ����ri��.i�r�, ��� gr����� ��� v��l� �����"�t ��� a.r� �x�l�r���i�r� �� �i�v� t���� v�r��l ��r���t f`r�� t�� �����s�� pr�j��t� ��- �r�gr�, �'�r �r�j��t�s, �i���ri�� ��� �����i�� �f �h� �r�j��� �� a� s���i��� �� ��ss��l�, �.�. str��� ����r����. ���- �r��� ���.�� t��� 1���.�i�� �r�r� ��i�� t��� �r��ra� �il� �� op�rated ar�dlor des�r�be t�e gea���phic a�ea s�r�ed b� t�e �ro�ram. A1�o� ��ease ir�c�u�� � s���d�le �f �r�j��������rarn r�il�������. ���'s T�e� �i�aderr�ic Pa�er��i�� �rog�acrrr ���4��'� ser�v��s��edarnir��r�e�y �ow-i��o�r�, p�e�c�r�� ��d �ar�n���rg �e�n r�o���r� ar�c��'a����� �� a�� ci�ies in �'a� �ui.� �bispo �our��y. ��1I'� e�.s�r�e� ��a� preg�ra�r� c�r�a��ar��r����g �eer�s rec�ive �ea��� car�e, educa��on c��d �rre��orirzg �a irr��r�ov� ��egr��rr��� �u�ca�es�, corr���e�� �ig�r sc�oa� ed��at�o�r, r'r�pr�ove �are�r�ir�g �ski��.�, red�ce s��s��u��� ����nar���e�, r�ed�ce �ocia� �so�a�io�� ar�d experaer�ce a�se�rse o, f co�r��c��on ���� a�as���ve r�o�e rr�ade�. ����� deve�o��rten� r� ��e con�e�c�� f 'ar� �e��v�r�irr� c��� ���P ser�vi���. �ri� r�a� o��� �s�re�r���er��s �e�� �ar�����, �u� a�so �eac�e� ��err� �Za� �o c��v��o� c�sse�s �r� ��e�r� o�vn c�i�d�e�. �as� �rac�age�e�� �s��r'ce� ar�e �r�ovi�ed �our��y�vide ar�d ar����d� : • Dev��o����t� af `ac �ase ��ar�. • Deve�o�rrre�r� o�f'a �u��or���v� ��rdr'v�dua� �'er�rce ��arn. • �ver�s�rg�r� a�d �oni�or�i�g ��ro��� ��e1��,� or� rr�or�����y cor��ac��s. •�ea��l�, r�utr�i�ior�, cl�i�d dev��o��er��, �a��r���r�g a��es��re��, a�d ea��ca��or� �o ��l�anc� parer��i�rg .�k����. • �'ho�� ar�d �or�g �er�� ��a�rr���r� �o irr��rave �ea��� �i�c�ud�����eg�a�rc��r����r��r'o��, �ut����or�, c�rr'�d �1����op�en�, ar�c� par�e�r�ir�g sk�i���. • ��o�� ar�d �ong ��rn� ed�ca�io�a� assess�er�� �c�d��a����� �o �u��o�� ��g� sc�roa� g��dua��o� o� �1�� ���rva�en�. •�e���w �cnd rr�or���o���g o f'sc�oo� a��er��ar��e a�d�e� f'ar�rr�ar���. •�der��r�ca�aor� a�d, f'aci�i��r��or� o f'�rec�ssar� cl���d�ar�e. • �ef er�rcr� �o �rec�s�a� age�rcie� ar�d �or��u�r� �e�o��ces .s��� as l��c���hca�e, fa���� ��a�r��r��, n��ri��on, �ec���� �d�c�c��ar�, ado���or� co��s��ir�g, �e��ar� �ea���r, s��s�a�rce a��s�, dorr�es�ic �io�er�ce, �rar�spor��a��an, �ro�.�i��, ed��a�io�r, � f irra�rc�a�, e�rr�������, ���a�, c���d �ac��, acnd �cxr��r����� �c���ac���r� s��r�i��s� �v��r� �c��r���r�i�c��. �r�oje�� �s��e�s.• • �a.�a �o��e�s �ig� �'c�oo�, �0� �i��i�k �oad, Pa�o I�o��es • � �a�s�ade�o �a����r'�y �r'r��, 6�5�.5 �e��s � ven�e. � �# tascad�r�o • �'a�r ��is ���spo �,�ce, �41 � �a���i �i�ee�, ��i�e ���, �'ar� �u�s ��is�o • �o�e� �or��i�ruatior� I��g� �'c�oo�, 1 �5,� ��sa ��e�v �r�i�e, �4rro�o �r��xr�de • � rr�a,yo �rcx�zde Depc��t�t��� o, f ',�'ocia� �'e�ui�e�s, � ��6 �rand �i ven�e, �i r�royo ��ande , .. _. .. -.-. - --. -------------------------------------------�--.-..-.--.--.--._.._.._..-.--�--._.._.__._.._.__._._.._...._.._._.._._...�.r:._.._...__._...._...._...._._.........._...._.._......._........... .... �onnnnunti�r ��v��.o�r���v� B�oc�c G�rv� {�DB�� Pr�o�� P��� 2�� 10 A��������orv Fo� ��� 2��� P�o��nn Y��� �c�o��� 1�, 200� ��rv L��� �e���� ���r�� P���v��v� � B������v� �����rv�v�r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 52 �4rr�r�a� ��o� je�� �r��e.��a�es: •�'er�ve � 7�5 preg�ra�r� a�rd parer����� �eer�� ���� corr��re��nsive ca�se rr�anagerr�er�� �s�r�vice�s. • �ro�ide �� s��por�� g�o��� �ou�t�rw�de. •�r�ovide a rr�inirr��� a� 1 D�a����g� f�� ��o� j�c� s�a� f�.` • �air�tai� �os��i�e �e�c��io�.����s w���t �o���c�or�a�r've a��nci�s w�ro �u�par�� �arge� �a�u�a��o�. �, �i�l ��� s�rvi��� ����"�[� �� ��lll* �I'��I11���1�Y1 in�r���� �r �����c� �s � r��ul� �� ��� ���� �s�ist�n�e? If y�s� pi��s� ar�s�vver the follow�r�g quest�o�s: a. ��a� n�� �r��ra�s a��ci��r ���vi��� �ri�l t�� �r�vi�i��? �I�4 �. ��s�ri�� �i�� ���s�ir�� �r�grarns ar����r ��rvi��� �vi11 �� �x�ar���� ar�� �v�at� ��r��r��a�� �� �� in�r��s� i� e�p��tec�? �'D��� fur�c�s ���� �� �s�d �a rr�ar�r��a�r� cur�r�e�� ca�e rr�c��agerr�er�� s�r�vi�es ar�d s�uppor� gr�ou�s. �. ����k �n� �f �h� ������i�g ��i�i�l� ���l�l� ����g�ri�s ���� ���Y� t� �h� �r������ �r�j��� �r pr��r��; ����r t�� ���� r�gul�t�i�r�� an� ��� ��ici� �� �li��?1� ���� ���iv�t�i�s�. _____ A�q�i��tion �f r�al prop�r�y ��spas�t��r� o�'re�� prope�ty � �'�bl�� f���1i�i�s ��d im�r�v�rn�r��� �rr��� i��lud� ��c�u�si���r�, �����r�����r�, r���r��tr��tl�r�, r���.�11t�����r� �r �r�����la.���r�� �rivatel�r o�ned utiliti�� �lea.rar��e �.�d �e�ed��.t��� �.ct�vitie� � F�b�ic ��r���es ��as� 1Vlar�ageme�t ar�d ���port �rro�ps� ��ter�rn a���star��� � l��l��a�i��a �� i�c�i��ci�a�l�, �a��i�i�s, b�s�r�����s, r��r������� �r�g�i�a.�i�r�s, ar�c���r f�.r�� Loss of rer�tal ir�co�� Rerr��va� o� arc�i�ectur�l b�arriers H�u��ir�� r�l�abilit�ti�r� �Tev�r �a�sir�g �or�st�u���or� �u�d�r lirnited circ�rns�a��e�� �or�ea�er���p ass�sta�ce ..................................................................................................... . . -- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- - -- - ------ - . _ ��AAM�I�ITI� �E1IEL�PhAE1VT BL��C C��ANT ��DB�� PF��Gf�AM P�4�E ��F '� D APPLI��TI�IV F�i� �H� ���� PR��I�AM 1���#F� ��T�BEF! � �, ��Q� �AN �lJl� �B��F�� ��I.�IV�Y ��..AI�IVII�IC �c �IJILDIN� �L�PLAN�IIIVC�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 53 �ou�ir�g ��rc��ces �ode �nforc�rne�t � H�s�o�� pr���rvatior� ��rr���r�ial or in�ust�ial r�habi�itat��� �pe�i�1 ��or�ornic de��lapr�ent � �'��hr�i�al a�����t��� �r�� �la�r��ai�� s���1�� �. ��s�ri�� ��� n��� �r�� �h� ��gr�� �� �rrg�n�� f�� ��� pr������ �r�,���� �r ����r�r�. �h�� w�ult� b� ��� ��r���t��x�n��� �f th� �r�p���� pr�j��t �r pr��r�� i� n�� �unt��t� �n th� ne�t y���? �� �`�4P� �ro��c� �vas ��rg�na��y e�s�a���s�ed �r� re��o�se �o ��� s��ni �ca�r� ar�crea,�e ��r �ee� �r'r���s i� our �o���, ar�c� ��e res�u��ar�� �a�s �n �e�vices for �r��c��� ar�d par��r��in� ��e�r�. T�f�e� ��er�s ��carr�e �arer���s, �h� soc�a� ar�d e�or�o�ac �e�c����e� ca� �� ov��w�e��r�g. �r�o��err��s f`aced ��y �r�e�an� ar�c� par�er��ing �een� ir����de �so�a��or� a�rd �o.�s o f ' �x v�a��� �o��a� r�et�o�k,• �ac� o, f ' �a���a��a��a� �a ��l�oo�, e���o�rr��n�, a�rd �ea��� a�c� �oc�a� �er�v�c�s; �ack o, f'�1���a�ca�e; �ac� of copi�rg s�i��.�,• dr�a�� ��� o�� o� ���oo�; �u��seq�r�r�� �r�e�na�c�e�s; gtxr�� ��vo�v��er��# a�d �.�e o, f'a�ca�ro�, �ol�acco a�d o��er� a�rugs. �u�s�c��t�e a�use �ras i�s o�� a�sso�����a� r��sks �c�r a�s ��o� ��e�a�c,y o��corr�e, �o��� j�d�en� a�d ri�sk c�se�s�e�r�� a���oa� ��npu�se co��o�, a�� o, f'�vl�ic� co��r'�u�� �o a�rea�er� ri�s� of �c���rt �o ar �a�,y. �u�.���x�ce ac��se du�����regnar���y �c�� �a�ve �o�rg-�a����r� e�'ec�� a�r ����f'e�u�, �vl��cl� �acn r�esu�� ��r ad�i�ior�a� �o��u�i�y co��s d�e �o ��e c�i�d's ��ea� for� s�ecia� ed�ca�r'o� acr�d �up�o�� s��r'ces, ar�d inab��r'�y �o �ecorr�e ac co�tr�i ���i�rg rr����er� of �acie�y. � ��e� pc�r�e�r� '�s �a�k of �ar��r��ir�g� ski���, �o� ��v��s o, f k�ra�v��d�e r�egarr�a�ing c�ild d����oprn��� ar�d ac��-a��r�o��ia�� e�c��c�a��or�s �n�r�ea�sed �i���ihoaa� o� f�gr�or�i�rg ar�dr"�a��ons �vl�er� a�a�� �s sicl� or di��r�e�ss�d, �ac1� of �osi�ive �a�e �rrode�s f or �ar��n���r�, and rr�argina� ��t����or��� prac�i�e�s ��a�� �l���se �ee��' �a��es� a� ar� �x�arrrri�rg��y �r��� ��s�� a, f ` a��s�, r�eg�ec�, ��� �e�r��� ar�c� accid����s. �re �'�4�� ��og�arr� �a� eva���d �n�o cx �igh�y e� f� f `e���ve �ase �a�ra�e�rte�� a�p�oa�� ��ar� is car���, ��ac�b��� c��rc� r��s���r��i�� �� ��� ���c�s� �# f ���ar� ������.s �c�c� �1�� ��rr��n������� �� �vl���l�r �l���y ����, �'��c���� �o� s�a�� �4do�e�sce�r� Fa�r'�� �� f `� �r�og�arr� ���'�P� ar�d �'a� �,ea�r� ��og�c��� �a�e e�ab�ed T��� �o ��r�ve ,��3 �ar�e���r�g� �e��r.� o�e� �l�e �as� �earr. �r� a�d���o� ��e case rr�ar�a�er��s ��avr'c�e ��s���ive sup�or� and ro�e rr�ode�s �o �l�e c�i�dr��n and o��i�r� f`arr�i��y �er� �er��s o, f'�l�e �ee� �ar��n�s. �r�c�ea.�ed �on�p��i�iarr�f'o� a��s�de�ndi�g, �r�on� ���1� ��e �l�L� �on�ra�� r�q�ir�e�e��, for� rr�a�c�r, fu�dir�g, derr�ar�a�s ��a�, fur�a��ng �e di�e��r�'ea� �r� o�der �o �s�a�r� �hr's v��a� pr�ogran�. �f ardequa�e �D���r�c��r�g �s no� �e�e��ed, �l�er� �vi�� r�o� �� ��e�'�ar��aac� �u�po�� ��ed�d �o se�ve �1�� r�u�rr��r� of �ee�r�are�r�s cur�r•er����y �ef ��r�ed �a ��re prag�a�rt. �,�4��' �e�1�s �D�� f u���r�g �o �nab�e ca�� �ac�a���� �� reach ever�y pr�gr�a�� a�d �ar�er��ir�g ����r i�r r��ed r�esidi�rg ir� ��e �'o�r��y i�r or�d�r �a l�e�p ��e� �o ��co�re �e��er �ar�e��s corr�p�e�e ���r� ec��ca�ion, ar�d ac1��e�� f inar��ia� ��c������y ar�c� ind�per�de�rce. �T. Pl @��� [�����"l�� ��1� S�]@�Y�� ��'��tll���l��l�� ����1�� LI��C� �� lll'��]��YYI�II� ��1� ]��"������ pr����� �r �r�gr�m ��in�l� �r rr�u����l� gr��p, �ubli� ��e���, n�n-pr��i�, f�r-�r�#��� ' " " ' " " . _ . . _ . . " ' " " ' " ' " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ . _ . . _ . �•f.'�•�',•�•�'�•�'�'±'�'�'�'�'�•�'�'�'�'. � . , . � `V�����•I�''�����������+�����•����•�Y�'�'�{� ������•.•_.�__�_��.�„���������� �� �� ���� � �� �Y � AA ��1 �lY��IY� �Y� ��� ���� ��YY�� ��� ���Y��� ��' �Yw+� ��� �Y�� Y����V �VVl1� ����f�Y Yf ���4�I.1V ��������I.1�/.V�A�R Agenda Item 9.a. Page 54 �xp�ri�n�� �n ����-���ng ��mi��r pr�g�-��n�, ���.�; �'��'�' �as es�al��is�ed ar� 19�� �o �ee� ��e �ra�ry �reec� o f ' au� �'o���'s po�u�c���o�t �� f `��eg�c�r� a�td ��cr ����r�s, �`�i�� '�s �cxf� �s��r',�` ��t����� � �'���r��s��r� � d���r���rar���� �4�.si��arr��, arr�c�, fa�� ����ar� worl�ers, �l��ee o f'�v�a� are �����r�ua�. �'oc�a� �v�r��er� pra�ide �as�e �rrarnagerraen� services ��rrough one- �o-o�e rr�e��ir�g�, �arr�� vi.�r�s, ���oo� v����� a�d ��e��� or� n�o��l��,y s�u�por� �rou��s. �a�h �ocia� work�r� cav�rs �r specr' �c geog�ap�ic �rrea of ��ae �ou��y �v��l� �wo �r� �as�o Ro��es�, or�e �r� �4�a�cad�r�ol �a� Lur's ��is�ol �he �oas�, o�e r'n ��� �o��� �'o�r��y, ��ra� ��re a� Lop�z �i�� �'c�oo�. �a�� �a�ra�ers �a�e ��ier�� case�oad�s r�ar��r���`rorr� 3,5 �o �,� ind��r'dua��s. T�4�� ��a� ff `�vor�� c�ose��y wi�� �5�� �'oun�y �e�a��er���s of �'ocia� �'�rvice�, �Ie��a� ��a���, �u��ic ��c���� �����t�t��r�, �r�g ac�c� �4 ������, cx�rc� ����ar����r. ��,y cx��s� �c�r���� �v��l� �1�� �l���dr���'�s �'er�vi�e�s �Ye�wo�k, ��e �"L� �'l���d���.�e �'reve�r�io�r �o��a�ora��v�, ar�d ��e Tee�r �re�a�r�y ���������� �'ar�sk �'��-��, �. ���� �h� �r����� r�q�ir� th� i�su�r��� �� a ��r�i� ��r��r� ����1, s�a�� �r� ��t��r�l ���n�i���� ���❑ n��� �. If yes, �lease identify t�e p�rr��ts r�e�essary to �om�l�t� the �roj�ct. �o� a�p�ica��e �. ��v� ��� r������a,�y ������� t���r� iss���'� �1���� �r��i�� �r��� ����rrn�� i���a.r���. �o� arp��icab�e �. If p�rmits �re r�c��i��� b�t ��t y�t o�ta�r��d� v���� v�ill t�� pe�rrnits be issu�d? �o� a�����a��e 1�ATI��AI� ��J��TI�� �R���RTA �. I���� ��1� ]��"��l�S�� ��"����� �I' ���l�l� ���� �il� �� ��'l� ��ll'�� Y1��1�I1�1 ��]����lY� �f �1�� ���� �r�gr�r�� �l�a�� �l���k �n� �f ��� ��j����v�� b�l��v #h�� a�pl��s �� ��� �lll'��]����� d�l� ���I�11� �1�� ��� �l'����� �I' ���l�l� �1���� ��1�� I�d���i��l ��j��ti��. a. � ��r��fi�s 1�v�� anc� rr��d�r�t��i���rn� ��r��r�� as d�fir��c� t�� ��� �. �, l�e�a�trn�r�� �� H��sir�� a��ci �r��r� �e��l��rn��t� ��J�, ����ct or�e: � I�owllVior�er��e-In�o�� Ar�a B�n�fit — �'�� �ro��ct serv�s or��� � ��r��ted �r��. �r1�i�h i� �rov�r� �� ���� �er���s data �r ��xr�e� to be �. �r�dor�ir��t�l� �� l°�� o� more� lo�lrr�o���at�-���o�e ar�a. �p����ar��s ehaosing thi� cate�or� rnust b� a�l� ta �rave their �r�je�tla�t�vity prirr�arily b�r��fi�� �o�lrno�erate-ir�come haus��olds. � ��wl�l�'I�d�r���-in��r�� I�i�i��� �������1� — '��� �r�j��t� ��r����� �. �����fi� �r��� �f ����1� �r�.t�er t�iar� a11 areas in a��� � at 1eas� � 1°�0 of �vharn are �o�lm�derate-�r��orr�e p�rsor�s. �o�e: Ir�c�rr�e ver�fi��tior� for clients r�ust be provi�ed for t�is �ategor�. Th� �ollo�i�g gr��ps a�e �r���r��� t�� �� ����rn�d�r���-i���rx��: a������ ��ildr�r�; �1��r1� ��rs���; �����r�d ���us�s; ��rn�l�s� ��� �ci�1�s m���i�� ��r�sus C����I11�1��1 �f ��v�r�l� c�i�a�l�c�; p�r��n� liv�r�� v�rit�i A��; ar�c� �ig� farm v�rork�r� ..�.. . . . . .................................................................................,--.{-�-� �-�.�-�.� --�.�-�-�= -�.�-�-�= -�.� --�= -�.�-�-� �-�.�-�-�.�-�.�: -�.�-�.�.�-�.�.--�.�.-.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.-.�.�.�.�.{.�.�.�.-. �{-�- .{ �. - - - - - - - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . _ . . _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . - . . - . - . - - . - - - - . - . - - . - . - - . - - - - - - . - - - - . - . - - . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . �an�n�u���r ��v��o�nn�r�� B�oc�c ��r�fi {�D��� P�o�� P��� � o� � o A��������or� F�� T�� 2��� P�o�� Y��� �cfio��� 14� 2008 ��t� L��s ��is�o Co�r�� P��v�r�� & ����.vir�� s�a��r���v�.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 55 [] ��v�vllVi�c��r���e-In��rn� ��u�ing — �'�� �r�j��� ��ds �r �rx��r�v�� ��rrr��.��r�� r�sid�r�t��� s�ruct�r�� �h�t �ill b��ar� �����i�ci �� l��v�rr��d�ra���-ir���r�� ��������ds ���r� ��rr��1��i��. � ��wlN��d�r���-Ir���rr�� �T��� — '�1�� �r�j��� �r�a�#��s �r r��ai�s ���rr��r��r��� j�b�, �t l�a�� 5 �°�� ��' v����h a�� ta�k�r� by lo�l�no��rat�-i�co�� p��sor�s or �or�s�d�r�d t� �e �va.il�b�� �� �ov�lmode�ate- . �r����� ��rs�r��. ���lair�: �li�r��s r����i�i�a� TA�� ��r�i��� �r� �r���rnir�a�t���y 1�vv-ir���rn�. 1��'��: To rnee� t�is ��tior�al objec���e, the �ropas�d �ctivit� must ��r�e#it � sp��ifi� �����1���� �I' I'��1C��I1#�� 1�1 � ����1���.I` ��� �� ��'1� ����� ��' �3�1�1���1I7� �1��T a� I��.�t � 1 ��r��r�t �� ��� ar� l��- ar�� rr���era.��-ir����� ��r��r��. b. Aids ir� t�e ��ever�tio� or �1im�r�atior� o� s��rns �r b�ig�it. • , ���1�1�: ���ec� or�e: � �d�lr�����ng ����s �r� ��i��� �n �n Ar�� ��sis - � 1�(��I'��511�� ���llx7� ��" �l���l� �Il `d ��]�� �� ��� — �'l�i� �r�j��� �vill �r��r�r�t� �r ���r�ir���� �p��ifi� �o�ditior�s of bli�ht �r ��ys�c�l d���y. A�ti�it�es ar� ��rx�i�ed t� c1�a�rar��e� his��ri� preservat�or�, ����1�1���1��] �� �L11��1I1��, �7t1� ����T �� ��1� �����1� Il������ �� ��11�11���� ���C�l���rl� C���I'1��11��� �� p�bl�� ���l��i a.�d �a����. I� �h� pr�j��� l��a��t� �r� � ����v�l�prn�r�� Ar�a� ��� ❑ �� � I� ���, atta���i a ma�� ��' �1�� ar�� �vi�� t�i� si�� ����li������ a.r�� ���vi�� t��� l��d�v�l��rr���� �� A.�ea. �����r��� ��������� v��i�h ���urr��r�t� ��i� ������n�� �� sl�mlbli��it�. A1��, d���rr��r�� t�� ����ifi� r�d�v�l��rr��r�� ������i��� ��rta.i�ir�� �� �1�� �r�����d �r�����t�. �T�T�: To rn�e� t�is r�at�or�a� ob j�ct�ve, the pro�osed ��tiv�t� mu st be v�i�h�r� a desxgr�atec� s�um or ��ig�t�d area ar�� rr�us� be des��r��d to addre�� or�� or r�or� �or�ditions tha� cor�tr�but�r� to th� d�t��oratior� of the a� �. 11�Iee�s �arr�mu�i�y d���lo�rr���t r���d� having � �arti�ular ur�e��y ���r� �x��t��� �or�c�it�on� ���� 2l ����Ll� �I]� lIYlI�l�C�1��� ��I'��� �� ��� �1��.���1. ��` �����.I'� �� ��1� ��I��LI�I��� ar�d r�� �t��� �u�di�� s��r��s ar� av�ila���, i.�., a rna��� ���.�str�p�� ���� �� a� �1��� ��r �a.�t���al��, ��p 1 a�n : _ ..�... .......................................................................................................... .. . . , . . . ...................................................................................................................... .. .. ��MhllUfVITY D�1lEL�P�EIVT �L���C �RANT ��D��� PF��GF�AM P�4CE 6�F 1� �PPL��AT1��V F�F� TF�l� ���� P#���RANII�EAI� �CT�BE� 1 � ��� ��r� L�i� ������ ��t�r��r P�r�r���v� � ��i�.�irv� �����r�r��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 56 ��T�: To m��t thi� r�at�or�a� �bje�#�ive, �h� propos�d a�tivi�y x�u�t c�ea� �rit�a rx�ajor �at�astr��h�� �r �rr��r��r��i�� �u��a a.� ����� �� �����.k��. 1.�. 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I1��rr��r�ou� ������s �ave a����ory o f'�ear�r��� d�s�a�����r�� a�d �r�����rrr�s �i��r �s����� ar����rd�r�r��, �c��r�y �f ��� ����' l�av� ��c��r����r��� 1���rt����s�t���, cx� �ve�� a� do��s�rc �ro�er�ce c�r�c� s��s�a�ce ar��se. 1� . I���V �Vl�� ��1� ��1�11�5 �]�Il��l� �l'��l ���� �JJ�"��]���:� ��4�� er��sure�s �l�a� ��e�a�� c��td �a�e���r�g �e�n.� r��cei�e prer�a��x�, pa��na�cx� arr�d �e�� �aby hea��h�care, �du�a��or�, ar�d rr��r��orir�� �o in���ove �regr�an�,�r o�c��o��s, ��rr��o�e r'r� f'ar�� a�a� c�rr'�d l�ea���, corrr��ete �igh sc�rool �duca��o�, ����ov� �cx�e����g .s1�'��s, �edu�e �u��e�►���� pr��gr��cnci�s� r�ed��e soc�c�� �so�a��o�, a�d ��cperience a .�er�se o, f �o��e���o� ���1� �x �os����ve �o�e �ode�. �u��d�n� ��r� �0 deve�o�rr�en�ar� ass��s ..,.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--...._.._.._.._...................,................,.......,....,....,....,....,. . . . . . . . . .,. . �OM�4lUIV�TY D�1f�L�PMENT BL��k{ �F�AIVT ���BC�} �F�O�RAM P�4�� � �� 1 � A�PLI�ATI�#�l F�F� THE ���� PF�O�RA� YE�4F� C���BER '� �, �00� �Al�1 �l.l�� �BI�P� ��lJh1TY �I.A�ICVII�C $� �L�ILDIIV� �L�PLANN�N�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 57 a�o�g�r�eg�ar�� andpar��n�i�rg �eens a�rd ���ar c�i�dr�en �re�p.� c��e��s �ake w�se de��s�o�s, cl�oose po�i�av� �a��s, ar�c� gro� i��o ����e�e��, �ar���g ar�d r�es�o�si��e ad�I��s. ���erac�ir�g �vi�l� po.�i�ive ro�e rr��dels and �u��or��ing� �een�s i�r� fur��er�i�rg �hei� �rcad���c c��c�Io� �o�a��o�a� �d�ca�io� s�re�r�l�en� teer�s ' �e�, f-con, fiden�e� ��ur� orie�r�ed goa��, a�d e��a�ces ��t��� �r����t� �o ��corr�e�na�rcia��,y �se�f = ��por�ar�g. �ddi�ior��r��y, ca�se rr�a�ag�r��s ass��� ���g�c��� a�d �ar�er��i�� �ee�rs �rr �rea��� �l�e c,y��e of i f`c��rtr���o�er�t�y arr�d c�ri�d al�u�s� or� �re���c�. ��11T�FI�IARY �ATA ��. ��v� t�� ��u ��r� ���l��t ��rn�gr�phi� ���� �r� �h� b�n�fi�Y�►ri�� �� �h� �r������ �r�j��� �r pr��r��? ���a�rr��l�: ����al����i�i� ��ia�a����ri��i���� �'�PP case �rrarra�e��s ca��e�� den�a�rap�ic da�a o�r a�� �een �arr�e��s �r�r�o��ed rn �he ��ogra�r. �e �r��c�k�� f `�r��s�, ���g�racrr��y ������� �r�, f�r�n�c�����, ar�a� s���-rn�r��l�������v-r�� `���.� cx�� r�����a��c� ��y ��t� �ad�s�a� �S��c�e dc���x�a�e .s�s���. ��a�dc�r�d c�r'��� d�a�a ����ec��d �o�f o� �o ��e �a��: fo�r��a �epa��ne�� o� f ' �'orr�rr�ur�i� �"er�vi�es ar�c� �e�e�aprr�e�� �a�a-�'�ien� �'�ar�ar���r��s�i�s �e�ar�, ����� a�� used �o r���or�� c����gr�a����� �r� f�r���c���� �� ��� ��c���. �r� acda������, �����cx� r�� f�r��nc��i�rr su��r as ���r��� }��cx��s corr�p�et�d, s��ao� en�o���n�r��, ��� f'a�� ��r��l� da��s ar�d �ve�����, �ab �ai�rin� er�ro���er��, l�i��r �c�oo� �ad��r�io�r, pos�-�eco�rd.ar�y ed�ca�io�r enr�o���e��, �c�d e���o�y�e�r� s�a�u�s ��s �o��ec�ed. � �, H�w d� ��u �ur����l� c���u��n� i���rr�� ��a�us �� ���� �li�nt'' ����rr��l�: v�r� l�w� ��w- �nci �xl � C� �ra��-i n ��r11��'� ��CUrr�er��cx�lor� �, f C��er�� ��COrr�e ������s i�s �e�er�rr�i�ec� ��r�o���r C��e�� �r���r�Iew� ��r�c�u���c� �y ��e Ca�e rr�ana�er�� as �ve�� as ��r�o�g�l� a.��e�ss���r� o� f fir�ar���a� ar�d �r�og�ar�� ��e ������ �� e���r'��e, fo�, �suc� a� �I�Iedi-��a� �a�--Lear��� ��re �orrre�, �n�f'ar��s, a�d ��i�dre� �u�r��r�� Pr�o�c�rr�, a�d ��e �'ooc�►��a�� Progr�arn. 1�. �r�v��l� ��� f�l��v�ing in��rrn����r� f�r �h� p�rs�n�s� in ��ur �r��ni��t��r� r�s��r��ibl� ��r ��� p����r�a���� �r�� s�br�i�tal �f ��� �u�rt�r�� r���rt� �nd f�r ��ll����n� �n� r���rt�ng �h� ����fi�i�ry �l�t� t� �h� �r��n ���nty. �or�t�.ct per�onititle: �r�ac,y �cng T�Yood I ��og��c� ���e�v�so� Pho�� nurnber: ���5� .5��-5��,3 �-rr�ail ��lc�r���: ��arr�g��od�a ����s��. �r�g �N�TE: �ou �.re requi��� to p�a��de ber����c�a.ry d�ta at t�e e�d of eac� quart�r arYd �r�ar e�d data of ��ie fis�al �ear. �f yo�r propa��� ir�vo�v�s ��or���i� deve�op���t, �.e., d�re�t�� b�r�efit a bus�r�es�, p�r�vat� proper�y �wr���� �u�in��� IIIY�I��� ������ lill�i'���117�I1�� �r��i�� ���hr�Y��l ���i���r��� �� a n�r�v �r ���s�ing �us�r���s� ��� �r���i�n� l��r� g��� ��� b�n�#i���►ry rn��� �b��in � �un �n� �r������� ��ET��� nu��a�r �ha� rn��� �� r���rt��l t� H��. �1���� ��n���� T`�n� I��varr�, ����� '7�1-��7�'7� �n�v�rr� a�s��,��.�� ��i` 1����"I�l�����1 �Yl �l��V �� ��3��lrl � I�LT�T� Il�lrTl�7��` �]�'���" �� lll�il�'I"11�� �i'1C� ��lig�►�ir�g �1�� f���r�l ��r�c��. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--._.._..__._.._.._.._.........._.._.._......._..............._............,.............�.f:......,....,.........,.... .... . ,.... . . ..,..,.... .. . . _.__ . . �OMh+I�I�ITY D�VEL�PME�VT BL���C C�F�Ahl�f ��D��� F�F��#�AM P�4�E ��F 1� �����i����� ��� ��"�� LLJ�� ��Q��J�I� 1 ��� ������ � � ��� �A�! �ll�� �BI�P� ���1'VTY P�ANIVII�IC �c BIJILDIIV� 3L�PLANIVII�I�.�F�C� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 58 ������� ��������� ��. 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I��r�i�� a�l s�ur��� �f f���in� �a�p����d �� �� �v�il���� �n� ���d ��r �his pr�j��� a�, l��v�r����: � . ���C"r F��ds r�q���t�� �. �th�� �ed�ral �ur�d��� �pleas� de��r��e b�lo�� 3. ���te s�u�rc��s� ��lease de�c���e b�lo�� �. L���1 ��ur����� ������� d�s�ri�� ����v�� 5. ���i�r �nds �pl��se d��cribe be�ov�� To �a� Re��n u �s t�. �x �n���u�r��: �i�� b�1��v b� i��� �� ���� ��t�g�r�. 1. Pe�sor�e� �xp��ses �. ��er���n� e�p�r�ses 3. Ir�d�r�Ct ���t �a �°�� ����1 �xp��c�i�ur� �, 4, � �� � SS �357,53� � � � ; � #/ #F � 1 �� � � 49��284 � 391,��� � �� � 3 � � 49��2�� 1�. ��v� �� ��� �l�n �� f ur�c� �h� ���r��i�r� �r�� �a����r�ar��� ���ts �if �r��� ��s��i���t� �l��l ��11 �r�����'� A�-� ����� �unc�� �v��la�l� ��w? 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I ��I �1�� ��1�� ��� �����'l�l�.���tl l�l ��l�S ���]�1���1�I] 1� �I'l�� �.�1� ���l�I`�.�� �� ��1� ���� �� Il"�� �Yl��V1�C��� �C� �.�1�1�� ��i�abeth "�i�" �t�i�ber� ��i�f Executiv� �����r �'�i�ted or typed r�arn� Tit1e ................................................ ..... ............. . .... ... . .... .. ................ ,.. . . . _._..--. . -.--.-.--.--.-.----._.._.._._.__._...._...._._...._......... .... .... .., ,. . .................................................................... ..... . . _ - - --------- --------------------------- - - - - .- . - . Co�nnurv��r D����o��n��� B�o��c ��v� {CDB�� P�a�� P��� �� a� 10 A���N���NOrv Fo� Tr�� �00� Pr�o��nn Y��� Oc�o��� 1�� 2�08 ��rv Lui� ���s�o Co�r�r�r P�r�rv�r�� 8� Bu����r�� s�o��ar�r�in��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. 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'ssr �d^ k:.3i x` F� ra,f k. a°�-_c`1xC'.t_�: *M: __ke.: ^'.rt�:.t:xe �'°."i'�xa:cot: �.:�':_ .L`::A::?-•xx-:n`:k".=:k? r.. �: r:35;x:ab_=".��xr.��:.�_�.h_ � s i-�.�:�:«;:�w. � R� �'`� }�'�[}� � / � 7/' � yy � ���J� � �� � � C����V�� ��Y ���i ���� ����� ���� ��Ii.-rVV� ��VV�IY� ������1.��� ��} LVL+� ���L������� ��� ������� �V�F�� ���� ������ ��� ��� Lu�� �e���� ���r��r P�r��it�� � ����a�r�� ���r���r��.��� Agenda Item �.a. Page 61 ������ ���������� �. fT���eln�m�l��lc��re�s o� ��o�ose�l ���jec� or �ro�� �o���y �as�d I1���to�i�� �ig Brot���� ��g �is�e�� of �� ���s ��ispo �o�ty P� �o� 1 ��4 �� ��,i� �bis��, �� 9�4�� ' r� ���c� ��' ��� �� r� r���. �� ��� �r �� ���r� �a��gx���x�, �n����� � l��i�� �. �'l��s� ����r��� ��� � � � ,� � � ' ���r� ti�x� th� �� � ��� �ill l��r���� �nc� a� ����an����r� �f ��� �.h�� �il� ���a��� �rc�� ��#��r���am t� � � �` � . s��l ��`��� �� �� �m. 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Tuesda �c#o��r 1�, ���$. �p���c�t�o�s xr���� �e r�����ed b� �he �pp���at�o�n deadl�e �� 5. �� � � y� . i�� a���. �i�i�� �� � �ra�c��� �t�as��c��r�� ��r�v�� ��a��� �as� 1��1�1��, �� ���s �our�t� or o�e of t�� part � g { � ' ' f t�e busines� d� . ����'1V� � ���"�I� ��L R���I��� �FT�i� �"�� �b�spo} �r�or �o c�os� o Y ��.������ �V�LL 1��'� B� �����T��. ��T�: � ��vi�v� �1�� ���� �� ���ti�r�.s a.�� ����1ir��� �� t�� i��c����� f�r ������a�� ����r� � 1 } P�ea�s � . ���n ��ti.� th�� r� ��a�. �� ���� r��la�i�r�� �x� ��a�1��1� a�t� ��.��� �ar�� .�� � � • � � �� ` ' u���i��� u.r���r �`�o�s�n �ra���. A�s�, �l��se �a1� �our�� �ndla� ��ty �D�3� �t�f� �t� a�� � � , , . ����x� ��v� �� ��r��l��� t�� f��r� �� ����� t�.� rat���g �r����� ar�.�i �r�����, � I� t�� ir�.����.����. ��r � �f t�� �����i��� 1��1��v ��c��i��� �.��� ����n �� �r��r�c�� � � � , .. r� ��t� �� 1a�ati�x� �� ��r �� ���c� �r����t �� �r�gra�, p1��s� �.tta�� ac�c�����r��� ������. a ca � � � I� � ��1�'�'A�'Y' ���'��tNI�TI�� ' in adc�res� o� ���c��� c�r��ni�atio�, ��t� co�ta�t �e�rso�, p�o�e a�c� f�a� 1. I���� �►r�d ���1 g �� nu�mbe�rs, ��d e-m��I ad�ress: l��m�: �� L,i���a�� ���r��i� ��r �� L�x�� �t�i��� ���t� ' ` a�ci h s���. �c�c���s� x� �����c� �f ci��`�r�r���: � ��� �I����ra �tr���, �ar� L��� ��i�p�, �� A��d�e�� ���l�n� � � � ��4�1 �o�ta�� �erso�lti�le: Ber�ac�e�te �e�nard�l��ec�t��e �i����or Phor��: 8�� 1 � 9 �a�: ��S-7S � -���� �-��i� �d�r���: ���t�r2��������r,��� Is t�� argar���atiox� a �'a�t� ��se� ��ga.r����i��? ��AA�A�1h11TY ��V���f�I�E�1`� ����� �RAfVT ���B�� PR��RAN1 �1�PLICATI�IV F�� �lJl�[�II�� DI,�F��I�� ���� ����RAI�Jt �F�F� �A�V �1J�� �BI��� ��[JIVTY �LA1�lI'V��►1� �c �l.�l�[]��1�, ��� [� �o ._ ..... ., . .... ..... . . ... ...... .. . ... ..., �.. _ . _ ....: . . . . . � _ . _. . . . . . .. - �A�E '� �F '� 3 �CTOB�R �, 20�8 �l,�PLA�1NiiV�.�I�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 77 ������ ���������� �. 'I`i����n�m��ac�c�r��s �� �r��a���ci �� ��- ���gram: T�he �i��r�.� �ro arr�11 ��4 �i ��a �t�reet, ��i�� 1 ��, �� I�u�s ��is��, �A 9�4� � � � � ' �et� �o#ect or �o r��. I� o�� or �vvo s�o�t par��raph.s, ir���ud� a��i�� �. P�ea�� descr�be ��e p� � � � � ' �i �io� t�i� r�u s v�ho �i11 ber���t a�d a� ����ar�at�o� of �o�v t�e� ��1 �en�fit �r����tl����rar� c���� � � � � * ; , . . ��`��� �r r� a�r�. F`��r r� ��t�, ����1'��� �l� �����1��1 (�� ��1� ��`����� �3� c�.5 ����1�� �`�� #.�1� �3���QS�C� � �] � �` � .� ' �. , �tr��� ac�c�x��� . F`�� �� �ar�s� �t�.�� �� 1��at,i�� �r�rr� �v�i��i #�1�� pr�gram vfv�l� �� as �oss����� � � � � . d�o� desc�ib� t�� eo � hic �r�a ��rved �� t�e ��o�ram. �lso, �l���e �x��lut�e a s�hec�ule a� oper�t�c� a� � �` � pr�j ���l�r�g�atx� �n�1����n��. ' ����il- ��� I����ra� ����i1 ��� �ax� I�ui� ������ ���t� �as ir���r��r�at�� �s a ���-���fi� �� �� ��t�r��� � . 1 ���. �� r�i����n ��tat����r�� �s �� as�i�� �du�� �,�arr��r� �c� tl��ir fax���i�� �� t�i� ��v������r�� �� �x�g�1�� 1� ���rn��xr���a.t��� ��1��, ��,�r ��� ar�: �r��ru�t a�� �r���� v��ur�t���� as �'����� ir� t�� d��iv�� �� �� � . . . . • • - u.�1i ir�s�ctior� �s� a �a�ety a� a�������e�. ��ro�d� ��d�����al �d �r��x� �r�s�ruc��or� to ��arr�e�s �� � �Y � , . . .. - reac��r� v�ri� s ea�r� ,�d b�s1c x��b�� s�l�s, t1������ �urth�r�r�g the a�bl��ty of ��ar�r���s �o �ur�ct�or� �� �� � � v���� i.� �� ��mrr��.�.�i . Pr��nc�t� ����.�i� a��rax�r���� �c� �r������xr��r�t� i� �i� 1����a��� �r�����. �ur � . �� ra� ��rv�� a�� �f �ar� ��i� ��i� � ��u��. �� ������� ���rt��� 1��r�� ��r���r� 1��a��e� t�r������� � � � � �u�� �bi� o �o�n . T`�is as� �i�ca� ���.r ��5 ��a�s ser�v�� 82� lea��rs v�i� ��,��5 �ou�s �f�utorir�g. � � � � L����i��s �� 1�ar��� ������� �� � f�l���v�; � , �t. 3al�r�'s i�u�.her�.n ���r�h, ���oyo �ran�e� IV�o�day �d �'�i�r�da� af�ernoo��. �. ����� ��t���an �����i, Ax��r��� �r�r���-1VI��cla� ��r�r�i��. �, �tas������ ����� ��a�r�h, A�����c��r�-�VI��t��� a�� Th�sday ���ni���. 4. �xe�r�ia �ro� ����e�tar��, P�so �o����-�'�x�s�ay' a�d '���r���� ��er�ir��s. �. �r���yt��iax� ��rr��it� ��iux��� ��nl��i�-IVI���Ia� ax�� {l�i�c�a� ��'��ir�g�. �, ��. J�����' � �a�h�l�� ��ur��� �a�x������c�r����a� ��v��ir���. 7. �'ri�it� �et�oc�st ���r��i, �s �sos��Io�c��� and �`�ur�c�a�y e���ing�.. 8. ��. �`�r�.o��' � �����i, �Io�ro ���-��`uesda�� a�� �`�a�rsday �ve���. �. �"���t �r�s��t�r�� ��.�r��, ��n ���� ��is��-Tr���t��� ar�d T��r�d.a� rr���nin��. 1 � . Firs� ��r�si��t��� ��ur��, �ar� L��� ��i���-�VI���a�� ����ir���, � �, ���r� ���r ���r��� �����- 7`����.a� 2�ci ����t��� �v�r�ir���. 1 S. �a���orr�ia �er�'s �o��������� 2�d ��st. �aried e�er�i���. �� ��vi�� �r�� �r��tru��i�� t� a.c��l�� �� r���.ir��� �v�ri�ir��, an� s��a1��� ����i��. �� h��� ��� �r������i � ���r� ��� ��� �� i� ���� t���r �r��c�i.�g a�d v��t�ir�� �1��1�� an�l �r�����h as �. ����r�� ��g�a��� s����r�. �� � �� ���d �tor t�ai�ir� � once �r �o��� to h��ve a�o�sis�er�t �d r��ler�.�s��d r�sau�c� of t��o�rs. A� t1�e � � aliforr�i� �VIe�' � �olor� v�e �a�r� i�n�te� to l�e�o�e t�to�s �d prov�c�� bo� ��1�I� ��t �d ��st �ear�i�� � � �����r�� �.th i��s��~�vi�� trai�i� � a�d �����, �c�c���.,i�r�a1��, �� ����� �ar���� �f ��ildr�� #i�� ar�c� ���.r����r �� � �ead ��xtili�i� c�i��er�'s b�o1�s. A�t��r t�ie� �a�r� �ast�red a�oo�, �e t���� t�e� t� �ead �t to t�e�r • � � • � ` ` t�i�� ��r� ��r �� ��ldr�r�. �� ���r� v�t� ��� � ��ac� �ta�rt �`a�1���, �� k���� ���� t�a.� f��ty t����s ._. . .�... ..... -t� ... . ... . .. ............... . . . t � � � . . .. .. ' .'.. .� . . . ._ . . . r _ - . ..-' . � . .. -� � . . . ... . _ �.-� . .. .�_.-- ' . �.. . ,. ...: . - �,... .-. _ ..... � �..�.-� �. r .. ....... ., �. ._. . .. ..� ;�.y ri�.Mr�w `�' =". "S �='kkr ._ . . � � . . . . . . �o�nr���r���r D���o�nn�t�� 8���� ��a�� ��D��}..:P�o���r ���E 2 0� �� APPLI�AT��IV ��� �H� ���� PF���RA�JI YEAF� ����B�F� �, �0�� ��r� L�N� ������ �����r P�h�r��r�� &� �ua����� �t����lr��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 78 ' u.r �������. ��t�r�� ����i1 �taff` n��.����� ������ ax�� ������. �T�x��r�� a�.n.d 1����� ��d��end��� �rom ar�y of a � arra�ge s��i�c�u��s a�d 1o�atia�s t��t su�t ���r ���ds. Ir� ����� ��� ����7-�� �ur ��ar��r�� ����: 5 3 9 I��s�a�� �� �ax����a�-r��r�-�Ii��a��� �4 Asi� � �� ��ra Am���ar� � I��tiv� Am��.�ar� � �aci�� Is1�c��r a�t� � oth��� �'�rs� lar� �s v��r�: �r� 1is�, � a�ish� ��r�ese, J��ar��s�, ���t�ar��s�, �u�siaa�, �����h, ��si, �� �x�io�m �xag � � �'����h �� �t���ar�. ��e s�ccess of a�r ro �m a.r�d ro� e�t� �r� �v�u�t�d b� tr���r�� t�� r����r of �tors �we �� ab�e to I� �` � . . r�c�u�t ar��i �r�in �d t�i� �or� evity o� t�os� tra��ec� tutors. Lear�ers a,re ass�s�ed �v�ie� �e� beg�n ��. o�r � ro r�m. �� u�e t�� ��osso� �ra� �ead��� �`�s� �����'} for I���ra�� 1�ar��rs a.�d �e �n�1�s� �s � ���or�d � � Lax� � � �� �ssess�e�t �����A� fo� ��� �Eng�i�� a� a ��co�d �ar�guage� l�arr��r�. I�e�rners �et �� ac�ie��b�e aa�s �� t�e �.reas o�: �o�� ar�d �an��l�, �o��, �e��, a�� �ox�m�ity. �`ol�o�-�� a���ssrx�er��� � `v�r� �� �a�l� ���.�r ��������� � th�i� �r��l���c�u� �r�gx��� ���� t�i� b��1�,s �� �.��e�i�s �r� ��ir a.r� �� �' i.�c�ivici�,�a11��nin 1ar�. ��r���� �ir������ ��r�c� �� ���thl� �t�d��� �r�g�r��� ����rt�. "��i� �r������ ����r�� � � . • � • �r� ar� ��a1�t��c� t� ����rr�i�� t�� �f���#i������ �� t�i� ���r��ll�ax��n� �r�lat������. �T� as���� �� ��arr� ��i�r� t�� 1���� th� r� �rn t�� ��t�x�mir�� if ��i�� ���� �r�g�����d ����r��i t�.��� i�i�i�� as�������� a�� ��v� � � � r�uc� �h� �x��r� �'� r�ssed. �e �ra�i� hov� rr�ar�� ��ax�ne�s g� �r� to �d�1t ��ucatio� or �u�i.or �o���ge � � � r� ���. �� tra��1� ��a��r� ��a� �s� a� c�r���r's ���t, ��� ����I.�� �1�1���1�, ����rx�� ���l���c�, �c� ��� � � � be�t�� ��bs. �. �ill �h� ���-�vi��� �#���~�� � �u� �r�a�i������ �.���-���� �r ������ a� � r��s�1� �� t�� ���� � � a�s�st�nc�? �� �e�, ple�se �n�wer t�� fol�ow��� �ue�t�a��: �. �h�� x��v� �x��gra.m.� an�l�� ��r�r���� vv�1� �� �r��id��`� �o r�ev� prograr�s ar s��vi�es vv�l� b� px�ov�ded. b. �escr�b� ho� e�istir�g �rog�a�s ar��lo� s��v��e� w��� be �x�a�d�d a�c� ���t ��rc��ta�� of � ������� i� ��p��t��`� ��� �� �� ��arr�i� ������r� �r�����1� �air��ai� �a���ir�g 1is�� ��` l���rs. ��r��i���r�t� f�ci� vv��� a�l��v �� t� � �o�ti��x� �ur �x�or r��r��tm�r�t a.nd �.r�ir��r�� �h���. vv�il� �d� m�r� t��or� v�ho �a� t�e� se�e x�or� le�ers. �'��vi��x� ��r �ur �n����s� ��� �i����� �������, �u� ����rna��� ir��r�a�� �v���c� �� �i�t��r� ��r��r��. Y �' , . . . . . ' . . "� .. . � 'k . � . ' .. � . . _ . _ .. ... . . . .. . _ . .�: ��� .. ... . _ _ � ... � . 5 . �x, _ � � ... . ' � . . . . . . , `� . � . . . . � . . • . . . . . . . Cor�n��r���`�r ���o���r�T ��o�� G�r�� �����} P����� P��� 3 0� �� A�������or� Fo� T�� ���9 P�o��r� Y�� ��fia��� 9, 2008 S�r� ���� ���s�o Co�r��r P�r�t�t�� � ��i�a�n�� s�o��►r�n��n��.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 79 � ����v�n �1� i�l� �����i ��������� th�t a�pl� t� tl�� �r�����c� ���,���� �r �. ��i��� �r�� �f �1�� �� � � �' . . • • • �o am: ��fer to ���� r�g+��ation.s a�� t�e ��x��� to E1� �ble ��8� �����t�es . � � � � A�����i�i�� �� ��al �r�p�� � �i����i��r� �f ��� �����rty ��b�ic �a�i��ties �d �rr�pro�er��r��� ���y �r���u�e ac��is��io�, �o�s�ru�tio�, � �'���1"1��.1��1��1, �`������1����� �� 1������1��1� ��ivat��� o�vr��d �t,�l�t�e� ���ara�n�� ax�� r�rr��c�i��i�n ��t,�v�ti�� ��bl�� ��rvi��� Ir�ter�r� ass��#�ar��e R��o�ation of �div�d�s, ��xilie�, b�si����es, nar�-pro�t o��ax�i�at,�o�s, �n�lor fa�ms Lo�� of re�ta� ��co�e �e�a�al of �rchit���xai �ar�riers � I�ou���� �e�i�b��i�atia� �e� �.o�xsi�x� �or�s�ct�o� �ux�der �i�ni�e� ��r�ur�st�ce�� �o�eou�ers�i� ass��ta�c� �Iou.;s�x�g se�v��es � �ode er�'orceme�t � �i���r�� �r���� ��������1 �� ir���x�tr�al r��.a�i�it����� � ����i�i e�or�o�m�� c���elo�ment Tec�i�al a���st��� �d p��ir�g st�c�ies . ... .. . . ...; _ .._y ... x . _,. ._ --.. .v._. -..--__ . .. .... . . ....... . . . . . .. ...... . . .-.. . . __. ,. . . .. .. . .... v... .. .. . .. _ ... . . ._ ._.. . .. . . .... . ....:... .. , . . . .:_. ._...._ ..�.�v...w ....:. .:......n. .:,t..: ...._.....:_. ......:.. . . ..,.: _�.., .:.. . .. . .. .. . . . ... . . . .... . �o�r�ur�r�r ��r��o�r��n�fi ��oc�c ��a�� �����} ��o��an� P►��� � o� � � �PPLI�ATI�l� ��Ft �HE ���� PF����A�IA �EAI� ��T���F� �, 2��� ��� Lu�s �s�s�o �o�r�rr P�r���r�� & Bu�ta��� s � o ��'�� r �� .o �� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 80 �, De���-i�� ��e nee� ��c� t�e �eg��e of u�~��n�� �or ��� pro�ose�l �roj�ct or �rogram. ��at �v�u�� �� the �o�se �xer��es i�� the ��r�po��d �� or �rogra� �s �ot f��ded f� � t�e ���t year? ' ra� ��rv���� ir� �� ��i� ��i� � ����y �� gr��� a�� gr��v�ir��. '�� �a���r�a� �r��t�itu�� ��r �h� ���d for 1�t� � � ` �������� �c��l� �i��r�a.� ���i�n�t��s. ��ir ���ir�� ������ �s�� 1 as t�� ��v���� li���a�� ���r�� �c� � a� I���era�y p � . . � ���. T�� �a����� �b�i���� ��ta ��r �ur ����y ����� t.�i�� �'7��� �� �ur ���u�a���r� a�� � � �c� ��c��r� �� �� � � �� ����� 1� t�� 1����� l���rac� 1���1 �c� ����o �.r� at ��rr���x��c� l���l� � a�c� �. �� r��� �� ��r���c���r���� �� ��� ��t��r���� �r�; ��1fax�: ����o �� �`��c� ��a�rip r���i����t� ��rf�r� at� #�� ��v���� i�� l��r�1� �� l�t�r���, ��°�o of ad��t� o� �elfar� do r�o� hav� a hi�h s��oo� c���iorr�a or ��D. ��°�� t��' a���� �it� ��� ����r��y �k�11� ���� i� �����. . Cr�r��: ����o �f` ����r���� p�r��r� a�� �h� �� I�v���t 1i���a�� ������. ��r�ti���� � ��� ����'��1' � �1��I`�� ��V��� �'� ��`��1��� �1��[� �� �l� ��li������1�� ����� �� ��1T ���11�5 Th� � � ���� �x �if��a�t ��c�,i���� f�r� ��i�dr�r� t�� 1���� s����s� �r� s����� is ��r th� �rir�ary ��r��i��r �� ���v� � � �rad�a�d �rorx� �i�h s�1���1 ar �a�� a �x��. �hi�dr�r� of ��r�t�s �ho �e �er�ployec� a�rYd �a�re �.ot carr�pl�tec� �i�� sc�c��l a�� fi�e times �or� 1����� t� � �r�� ��� �� ���i��1, ���era� �� o�t�n �� first �te for a}�ersa� to becor�e a prod�cti�e a�� �ar�tr��utir�� �er�be� of t�ei� 3� * � , + . . . �ox�nm�i . �e�t�r ��. 1��� �ang�a�e s�x��� �as�ly ���ate ��to �etter � o�� a�r�d h�gh�r �v��e� �`o� our � � . . „ . , �ea�er�. �it� �e�te�r ; o�� �d h�g�ier v���es o�r l��e�s b�carx�� ac��ve �rodu�t�ve �ar����pa�r�ts �� �e� .� * . ; . . . ��rr�r�u�.���i��. ���au�� �t�.�r ���v��� �� ��v��l�c� �r��-t�-�r�� ��r 1r� �r�a�� �����, �� ����rs �� �r�v�c��c� �t�i � . t�� 1�v�1 a�� � �� �r�����i�r� � ���fi� t�� t���� �ic��� ���d�. �ux t���r� �rr� ������ci �� �i�l� �v�t� ���� � + � + , . , . , . . , . r������ s�i��� as �i�lir�g ��� ��� a����������r��, l�ar�.�� ��� �p��Y�i� v��a��l�ry� a�t��r�� a� c�r�v�� s 1���x���, � re a�i� �or �e C��� �est, ax�d s��dy�� fo�r th� ��ti�er�s�ii�a �es�. �'he� �re also �r�pax�d to teach �a�er�ts to � � � x�ac� �� tl��ir ��i�dr�r� a�d t�� ��1p ���n� irr��r��� th���r �r�g���l� Iar�.�.a�� ��i���. �ft�r�, �. rr��r����ir�� r����i��x���� c������p� v��i�r��r� s�1�-������ a�cl lif� ��i1�� a�r� n��c����c� ar�� ��arn��. �T�e �e�r��tr���t tr�� �d ���er�t�a� of �ro1�t��r t�t��s ar� ���e�si��� or�-�o��g, ��i labo�-i���r�s�v� � � #+ , . .. ��o�s. V�� offer rr�o�th1� t�.��� t��n���s �or�d����d b� ��t�ra�y �o�r�c�� st�. Eac� �r�n�r�g �rac��ates, ar� a�e�r� �, �'ifte�r� ��� tutors. �e t�air�r��s are t�e��e �iour� ���� � tv��-da� p��.o�.11�0�� t��or� �ark o�e-or�- � . . . ��� �� i� �rr��� ���s c�f' t�� �� #.�r�� 1�a���� ��r t�xtc�r. �� 1�v� t�t��r-��ar�� ����� �u��c�� ���.c�� ���v��r� � ; + + i ; fi�tors a�� ��arners and �� � e����.��� ef���t�ve tea��i�r�g ��rat��y. �3o�veve�,lt r�qu�r�s �. l��e �nd ��r�star�t�� r�pl�n�s��c� ���1 �� tu����, a� v���� ��, s�aff` ������ b����� �d n�a��x�a��. �Vith�x�� �v�r xx����asi�� fxx�ic�in�� �� �i������ ����ii v�r��1c� r��� l�� �bl� �� r��p�r�c� t� t�� ��rr�.�c� ����� �� t�� �v�r ir���eas�r� ���r �� ir�c�i�ri�uals �� �ar� L�i� �b�s�o �ou�t�y n��di�g to 1ea�rn �as�� E���is� 1ar��ge s1�11�. � R�cr��it�� t�'�ai�r� � a�� re�ai�� t�x�o�s �o��t�t�t� on� �ompone�t of ��i�t �he ��te�ac� �o�n��� r�e�d� to do �� , �; + , . . . . i� or�er �o rav�r�� ��� ������s. �he o�er cr�u��a� �o��or�e�t �s �e �ssx�ra��e t�.at �ac1� �x�����du�.� #�at s�eks � * # + ; . , . , ��x 1��1 �� �lt�t�l a������ th� ��al �f ��a���r�g a 1����a��� I���1 th�� �1� �m��r��r� �.�l��r� ��r�r�11 ���� • � + � � + ; ` �� 1�f�. ��������r�� a.n�l r��v� fur����� s������ �i�l� �h� I��t�ra��� ��ux���l �r���r�� �h� �r�gr�, ���1��, ax�d .. . ... ._. .. .. .. .. ._... . _. . . . ......... ... .v , ..::x .. ..:... ......v . ,�.:., . ; .:. ... , .._ -,:. _ �._.�..y,£..... .. ... . _. . , . - . . . _. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . .. . . . _ .. . . .._�... .. . . . .. . ..�. . . .... . .. . ... .. . .... . . . _ �. . . , ,.... � . , Cor�nnur���r ��v��o�n��r�� ��oc� G�a�v� �C�B�� P�o��r� '��� � o� � � APPLI�AT���V �r�F� �H� ��0� P��Cf�AM �EAI� ��T�BEF� 9, �00� �AN LUIS �BIS�� ��l��l� PLAlVN�I�C� $c �ll�I.DING SLOPLA�1�1lV�.�I�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 81 ' ` c�ivid�u��� �r� �� �a�t��n �ist� ����x�� t� �� ��a�x��r�. T�� �������� ��u��i� rna��r�a�� �o �e�r�ners ar�d �a �.a � �ff�����e1� s�rv�s al� of ��n L�is �bis�o ���t�. ' 'n t�e ir�t� 't o� its �o ar�� �he Literac� �our���1 �eeds qu��f��d, p�afess�o�a� �r� ord�r to �ro� a�nd �n��tax � � � � . . �� �� ��11.�11����' ��`����, �1"�C� �.C��l�� � �1�.��� ������� �]���T� ��1�� ����� ���� ���Yl�l'll�.�� �.�] �l� � C��II�. �f �.ie �i��ra� ����i� �ere x�ot �u.�c�e� �ea�t ���,r t�i� �onseque���s v���� be: � . .. . . 1. �'h� �.a����ty �� ������ �c� �r�� t�� r���d�c� r��i��r �� t�����. �. �� �r����as� �� ����r� �� p���r��ia.� l�a��r� �r� v�a�itir�� 1���s. �, ��� ���r��� ������i ����� �c� rr�a��r�a��, �. I���� �� �taf� �� }����t���� ��.�.� p��rr�i�� ���t�� �vv�g�s ax�d �e���`i�s. '�. P����e �es�rxb� t�e s eci�c or�a��at��nal �et��d us�d to i�m��e�e�t the ��a�o��d � , r�' ��� �r r�� x��m ��i�gl� �r n��lti��� g�-��x�, ���lx� ag�n�� ���-���fi�, ��r-p��f��, � � � � ����ri���� in ���r��ing ����l�r ��r�g��ams, ���.�: ' ra�c ���.��1 f��t��� ir� �9�� as �. �iv��� r���-�r��it, �������� �� ������i�g rr��t��d t� i������r�t �� ��te � , � . �ts ��o�r�rn: �. �a�e � d�v��se a�� a���v� boar� a#' direc�ors t,h�� �s �ilige�� ir� a��r�eein� a r�o��prof�t org�n����or� �. �I��v� � ���n. �t��.� ��af`�`�ha� is �a�a�1�1� �� ac��n.ir�i�t����r�� �c� ����c�i�.��i�� �� p����. � �. ����x� fi.�n�� fr�xr� ��� t�� �ri�a�� an� ������ �����r. 4. �J�1�o�d ac��rat� acc�ur����� o�` �u.r�ds. 5. ����rtise �or �volux�teer t�to��. �, �� a�������1� t� a�l ������i� ��a��r�, . ���� vv��11 ���i �� �x��r ��-��rvi�� �n�l ir�-��r���� tra�r��r�g� t�u��� �� ����ri����c� 7 � � i�st��to�rs. �. �1rl�ir�ta�r� � u�����tr�i��c� ���1 �� v�1u.����r ������ �i�����r� �ur�c� t�t���. �. 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Page 89 � � II� IUl �J I� I�lf � �11E �� � fU1 E I�T � L�� � � RAI�T � � �� � F��� i�A�l1 ����I��T���v F�� T� � ���� F������ 1���� ��N LIJi� ��I�P� ���JNTI� DE���TIVIEIVT �F �I��IV�ll�l� �41VD �I�IL�l1�l� S�$ ���� �TF�EET � F���h+l ��� � ��lN LkJI� �BI�P� � �ALI��F�[�I� 9���� • ��Q�} ��1T�6�� �roma�ir�g �e VV�se Us� of Lar�d *�fe���r�� �a B�rfld �rea� Corr�mur�i�re� �r��a�i��ti�n l�a��; ��an L�is �l�i��� ��ur�t� �].Vi�� ��tt��� ac�c�iti�r�a1 s����� if �����s�.rY� T� �� �����c��r�c� f�r� ���� a��i�ta.r���, ���as� �����t� th�� ��rr��l���c� ���1����i�r� �it� an� �����i��, l��c����s �� l��r��fi�i�ary d�t� �s ���d�c�, �pp�i��ti��� �an �� r�����d �� �r�� �f ��� ��i�i���ir�� �ur��d���i�n� �i�t��i ir� t�i� �ppli�ation or to: �'a�y ���a�ro, P1ar�ner �II, �e�artm��t of �'��r�g a�d �uild��g, �7� �sos �t���t� �oo�n ���, �an L�x.is �bis�o, �A., �34�5 or ��d de�iv�red to �'o�y �avar�r� at 1 ��5 ��� ��reet, R�arr� ���� �a� L��� ��i���, �A,, �a��� �� ����� ��1-����, �� �-rn�ilec� t� �r�a�a.r�����.�l�,�a,��. �'�� �p}�li���i�n c����ll��� �� �:�� �.1VI.� T�x���l�y� �������- ��, ����. A��li�a������ rr���� �e r���i��d �y t�� �ou�ty �r o�� of th� pa.�ti�i�a�ing �iti�s �A�royo �r�nde, A�tascade�o, ��ro�er B�a��, F�so Ro��e�, �� �u�s �l�i���� �ri�� t� ����� �� th� b��ir���� ��y�. ���T�VIARI��� ���'�� �VIAI� 1���I�� ��T`�1� ��I� II�AD��1�T� �V'��� I�T�'� �� A���P�I'��. ��'�'E: �1� Plea�e �r�v�e�v �� ���� �regu����or�� ar�d g�i�e�in�s a�nd th� R�quest �o� �'ro�o�als before ���n���tir�� thi� �r����a�l, ��� ���� r�g�lati�n� a�� �va,ilabl� a.t� v�rvv.��� l�r�in .�� �n��� "����ir�g �ant�." A1��, �1��.�� �all ��u.r��� a�dl�� �it� ���� �taff v�ith �� ����ti��� a���� �ov� to �omp��te t�e �'o� ar ab��t t�� rati�g ��ite�ia a�d ��ac�s�. ��� If ��e ir�forr��t�o� �or ar�y �f t�e c�ue�tion� be�ov� r�qui�re� rnare �oo� to pr�vic�e a�orr��l�t� e�pl�atio� of �ou.� ��opos�d pro���t or pr��r�, ��ease a�tac� additior�al sh�ets. �'O1�TA�''�' IIYF�R.1V��'�'��� �. ���n� �nc� rnailin� ���r��s �� �������►n� �rg��i�ati�n, wrth ��nta�� ��r���� �h��� ar�c� �aa� ��m���r�� ancl �-ma�l ���r�s�: I�am�; �� ��i� ��i��� ���ty �IVI�� A�c�r�e�� ��n�i1i�� ar�� �������.1 ��dr�s� ������t�� if ���f�r�nt��; 1 ��� ���t����c� �ri��� �� �,t�i� �1�i��� �A ���� 1 ������t ��r��r�l�it1�; J��i��� �yr���, ��� ��or�e:8����43 �-8�3 S �'ax:S05 �-rr�ail addr���: ,�����e��a�,���,���a�._�rg. I� �1�� ��gar�i�a���� � F����i �as�c� ����i��ti�r�'? ��� ❑ I�� � G,�;:�ric Ka4�P$d�tkwsyy�pw�^�py� .ya4M"kS1N'JV�a.}!,7�R�3&%At . a�,X",Air:1adt «��^4ri'�l�W�::i76cX"'atrrw��4Yr.�'�I+�L1,9NNiR[n6�,'�1i�x�?.�.;.'w.'. aar.A• -at ri ����d��• ��fV�MI�IVITY DEVEL�I��IEIVT BL���C �RANT ��DB�� PF���RAfV� PA�� 1�F '10 A���i��r��� ��� Fur����� D�r��r�� ���� P����nn �f�� ������� 1�, 2��� ��r� �u�S �e���o �our�r�r ���vr���v� & 8������,� s�o���vr��rv�.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 90 ������ ���������� 2. '�'�tlel�nam�ladd� of �ro����d �r�j�c� or pr�gr��n: �ct��� (���er �dult ���g���ir�g at ��ean �a�es ��ni�r �er�ter, 57� ��ino 11rle�cado� Arr�yo �ra�d� �A �. ������ c����ri�� ��� �r�}�c�s��l �r�j��� �r p���r��. �r� �r�� �� �v�� ��i�rt ��ra���r���i�, ir��l�d� � bri�� ���j��t1�r��g�� ����ri��i�r�, ��� ������ ��� vv��1 1��r��f�t anc� a.r� ���l�a�i�� �f ��� th�� v�i11 ��r���� ��rr� th� �������c� �r�j��� �r ���grarn, F'�� �r�j����, d���ri�� t�� ����ti�r� �f' t�� �r����� �1�� as ����i�i� �s ����i�l�, �,�, ��r��� �ddr����. F�r �x��rams, ���t� th� l���t�i�� �r�r� v��i�� t�� p��g�a� �vi11 �� ���r�t�c� a.r�dl�r� ����r�1�� t1�� ���g�r���i� ���� ��r�r�d �� th� �r���a.r�. Al��, �1���� ir�����i� � s������� �f p�aj ectlpro��a� mi�estor�es. A� the ���an ��lcs ��n��r ��n#��r I��ated �e�in� �he If1lalr�r��rt �I��pp�n� �en�er �I�� 1�hII�A ���p�s�� t� serv� �h� A��i�r� �Id�� Ad�l� p�pula�t��r� {�Id�rl�r� �� th� �ity �f Arr��r� �ra�nd�. lJnd�r t�e g����n�� �f a st��r�ng ��r�r�it�e� ���r���r�tir�g r��t �nl�r ��� se�i�r s�rvi�e ���t�r b�t a���� I��a�l �eni�r r�si��n�� ����ifi� r���d� f�r s�ni�r servi�e� h�v� ��en ��entifi��. ��rr�� �� �h��e n��d� I�a�r� b��r� r��t in��udin� �h� �ddi�i�n �� �la����� b� �ur��t� ��Il�ge �sh�� Lif�1��g I�a�rnin� �n�t�tu��. ��cp�n�i�n �f pr�gr�r�r�nir�� i� n�e��� in�lu�in� ��ur��� t� bu�ld the s�ni��"� kn��nrl�d��, r�s�u� �r�d s��p�rt s�r�terr��. Th� id�r��ifi�� ���vi��s ir��lud� ����I�pir�� a� se�ure �nvir�nr �r���ing ��nn��t��� b�tw��n ��r�i�r� a� w��l �� ��pp��t ��ster�s ���� a F�id� �n an� AAA �r�gr�r�n�. ��h�r r���d�d ���rs�s �r� b�la�n�� �I���es, dan�e 'rn��r���i�r� �� �r��l a� ��ni�r ��rr�ir��rs �s dire�te� b�r t�� �eni�r� �hem��l�r��. �o �at� • �����ir�g ���nrr�itt�� f�rm�d • �V�eds identi�e� a�nd priariti�� • ��r�i�r ��r�ri��� F�ir ��nd��t�� • �urvey �ompleted and campil�d • C�esta �aurses schedu�e� • F�AM� rn���ir��� ���urr�� 4. �i�l �he ��rvic�s aff�r�d by �our or���iz�tion ��cr�ase o�- expand a� a re��l# �f tl�� ���� ���i��an��`� If ��s� }�1���� a���v��r ��� f�l���v��� c����ti�n�: a. �ha� ��� programs anc�lor se�i�es �il� b� �ro�v�dec�? ��� �urr�r��1� �r�l� � ���� �1�s� �� ��i�� �ff��r�� ��r��g� ����t� ���1���. ����� �las� ��f�rir�g� v�i�l �r��1t��i� ��a�� f�tr���s, silv�r �r��a.��r�� a� ��11 a�� �i��r���xr� ar�� vv�i�i�� ��u.���� anci ��rr�ir��r' s c��v�1���c� �� ��� ��r�i��� t��r�s�lv��. A� ar�n��l "1��tiv� �lc��r �c��1� ���i�� �'�i�" �� ir��l�c��c� ��i� �r�����c� pr��r�xr����g, �. I�����'1�� ��V4� ������Il� �T���'�I�]� �1C�I�� ���1��� �V1�� �� ����IC��C� �lC� �I�7.�� ���`���'1��� �� �I! ir���e�s� i� �x���t�d`? ��r����� ����t� ����s �r�� �r�� ��� �f �1as���. ����t� �������� i��1�c��� �� �� � �r�e ���rs�� ����°�o ir����as� ir� ����r�r�� ��t �i�C�1� � �����o ir��r�as� �n �tt�r�c�a.r��� fro� ��� l�rr���c� a���a1 y��� �l�ss. ���..� � Cor�nn�r�i�r D�v��o�nn�r�rt B�ocr� ���v� �CD�G} ��o��xr� k P��� � o� � o �������fi��r� F�� Tr�E ���� �����xr� 1��� ��T�BEF� 1� 200� �AIV �UI� �81�P� ���JI�E�Y �LAI�f�V�I�1C �c �IJ�LD�I�� �L�PLAh11�JNC.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 91 � 4 5. �'h��l� �x�� �f th� ��ll�v�in� ��i�i��� ��tiv�ty ������r��� ���� ap�ly �� �h� pr�����c� pr�j��� �r pr�gr��: ������ t� ���3� r��ulati�r�� �d th� ��ic�� t� ��i��b1� ���C� ��t���i���s�. � A�quisitio� of r�a� �rop��t� �is�o�itia� of re�� prop��ty ��ublic fa��lities and im��o�er��r�ts �m�� i��lu�e ac�uisi�i�r�, co�st�uctia�, r���r�����i�r�, r��abil�t��i�r� �� ir��t�11a���r�� ��iv�t���� ��m�� u�iliti�� ��e�ra�c� ar�d �rem�d�ati�� �ctiv��ies � �ublic se�v�ces Inte�i�n �ssista.��e 1������ti�r� �f ir��ivic����s� �am�1i��, ���ir��s���, r��x� -����1� ��`��lll1���1�I1�, a.r�d��� ��� L��� �� r�r��a� ir���rr�e ��rr��v�l �� ar��it��t��al �a���r� �o�sir�� ��habi��ta�ior� �ev� ho�s��g cor����uction �ur�der �irr�it�ed ��rc�►rnsta.�ces� H�rr�eo��r�hi� �ssista�ce H�u�i�� ��rvi��� � �ode �n�c�r���e�t I�is�o�i� �res��va�ior� ��mm����� �� ��c���tri�l r�����1i��ti�x� ��e�ia1 e�onami� dev�lap�ne�t �'���in��a� assi�ta��e �r�c� �la�r�ing stud��s �. ����ri�� th� rx��c� ant� ��� �l��r�� �f urg�r��� f�r �h� p������c� �r�j��t �r �r�gr��. �h�t woulc� be th� c�r��e������� i� t�e p�~op�s�� ��-oje�� ar p�og�am i� �ot funded in t�� �� a�t ye�r`� _ ..�._��_�.�. ��� .���� #�.��.��.,��:�,�.���: .. ,. �����.,�,�.��.�....w..���_,,.: _.���*..�,�.� �....�.�..�..w ��NIMI�IVITY D�VEL�Pi1A�NT BL��k� �RAhIT ������ Pf���RAlVI �A�E'� �F '!� A���ica�r�ot� Fo� ��� ��0� P�o��nn Y�� ���oe�� � �, �oo� S��v �.��s �a�s�o �o�r��r P�r�r��n�� & Bu����r�� s����n�r����.o�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 92 Arr� � �r�a��i� ra�� a� t,��� � �i� ��� �a ar��l ���n�� ����I� �ar� 1�� �c� ���� v�ri�� r��ar1� ��°�� �f` th� Y Y� Y �iti���� �v�� ��� ag� �f ��, ��r� i� r��� � �l�s��natec� ��r���� ��r�t�r ��� ����� �i�.i���� t� g�t�i��, r��ei�� ��r�ri��� ar�c� ���� ir���� ��l ��p��rt. T�� ��s�arity �� s�rvi��� ��r t1�i� ���t�1a�i�r� ��s �����c� ��r���� ar�c� frustratior� for ���s popul�tion. T�ieir �cor�o�n�c ��rc�rn�tar�ces 1i�it t�ei�r he�lt� ar�� r��r��tio� ���]�I"�L1lll�l��; ��1�1�' ��1"����� I�1��1�1�� �'���'���� 21����� �� S�I'Vl��� �11��1C�� ��1�' ���� ���11I�1�I11�. �l ��'�����C� r���ur�� ��� ��i1c��r�g � ���i�1 ��t��v�r� a� �v��� �� a� ��rvi�� �e�v�r� �s irr�����t�iv� �r� �rd�� ��r �ur �1d�� �����er�� to r�rna�n a�ital �`a��e f�r ou� �om.�un�t�. A si�nif�ca�t �ortio� of this �o�ul�tior� li��s at �r be�o�v ��� p�v�rt� 1����. C�rar�c�p�r��� ���� �f` �i������1� r������r�t� t�� ����.��� g���v�r�� famil� ���� i��r�a�ir�� ����� �ur��n� ar��l �����i�� ��ir r�e�� ��r ������ a� v���1 �� ���i� str��s ar�� ��b�ec���r�t� ��a��t�i ���rn�1i���i���, �T. �1���� c����ri�� �h� ����i�i� ��g��ni���i��al �m�th�� u��� �� �m�l�m�n� �h� pr�p���� �r�j��� �r pr��r�rx� {��n�l� �r mul���l� gr�up� ������ a����y, n�n-pr�fi�, ��r-�r���� �����i�n�� �� �p�r��i�� �irr�Yl��- �r��ram�, ���.�: �T�e�e f��� �vould furt�e� t�e p�b�ic, ��i�ate, �ov��rn�r�t call�bo�at��r� surro�ad�x�g th� �rog�a�rnir�g of the ded��atec� �`a�i�it� for ser�io�s h�used a� ��ear� ��ks �onc�arr�i�i�m ��rr�pl��. �e p����s�ip i���ud�s �� ho�eav�er� a��o��atior�, �ity o� Ar�ray� �ra.r�de, ���� a.r�d a��ae� �aa�tri�rs ��ch as R��P, V�o���' ��1u� ar�d t�e R�1V�s �r�ar�i��t�or� a� �e�l as �ide ��, �u�sta �oi�e�� a.nc� �t��rs s��h �s t�e L�r�iv�rsity Busir�e�s '�om��'s �ssac�at�o�. �. ���� th� pr�j��� r�c�uir� ��e i����n�� �� a ����i� �fr��rn l���i� �tat� �r ��d�ra� �g�n�i���`� 1�es ❑ �lo �C �, �� ���, �l��s� ic����i� ��i� ��r�it� r����ssar� �� ��rr��l��� t�� �r�j���, b, H�v� ��� r����s�a.r� �a�r��t�s ���r� ������`? ���as� ����id� �r��� �f �e�it i���.an��, �. If ����t� �r� r��uir�d bu� r�ot yet obta��e�, �v1�e� v���l t�e �ermits b� issu�d? 1�IATI��AI� ��J��TI��� ��T��� 9. ���� t�a� pr������ pr�j��� �r ���ivi�.y m��� �r�� �� �h� �h��� na�i���l �b,����iv�� �� ��� ���� pr��ram`� �le��e �he�� o�ne of ��e objec�iv�� b��o� that applies to th� �r���s��, �n� �x��ain h��v ��� pr�j��� ��r ������t� m���� �1��� n��i���l �l�j���i��. �, �er��f i�� 1��v-� anc� rr��c��r�t���ir���rr�� ��r��x�� a�s �i�f����i �y �� �. � , ���ar��n�r�� �f ����i�g anc� [�r�an ����1�prnent �I�L���, ��1��t one: ��ow111�oder�te-��co�e Are� �e��fit — The projec� ser�es only a��rr�i�ed a.�r�a ��i���i is ��a�r�r� �� ���� ��r���x� d��� �r� s�r��� �� �� a ���c��rr��r��t�l� �� 1 °�� �r rx��r�� 1�v�r���c������-�r���r�� ar�a. ���1i��t� ��i���ix�g ���� �a��g�r� rr���� �� al�l� �� ����r� ���i� �r�,���tl���ivi�y �rirr���� b�r��f��� �ov�lrnod�rate�i���m� �o�xse�ia�ds. di44�•�S4",:�.-C:. aEC:.YSJR��."a16 � :4;�Y�r]a'0'9P:3P'�1#7NE�iF$�d174�GJ4f4��� �h'4'v'.hiAq14. �roC.'+�t�i'x��.* ��•�HMy'��'p,�.' C��Mf�lll�11�Y D�VE�.�PhA�N�` BL��kC L+F�AIVT ��I���� F F���RAf1A F���E ��F 1� APPLI��TI�IV F�F� T�iE ���� �F���RAN� �E�4F� ��T�BEI� '��, ���� �AN L�.1lS �B��P� ��1Jh11Y PLANIV1fV� $c �I.�ILDII�� ��.���r�r��n��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 93 � L�wl��c��r���-�n��x�� I�i�nit�� �li�nt��� — {I"�e �r�j��t ��r��fi�s � ����i�`�� gr��p �� p��p�� �rat��� t�a� a�� �reas �� a�a�ti��xlar ar���, a� ��a�t 51 °�o a� �hom a�e lo�lrn��e�ate-�n�orr�e ��rsor��;. I��t�; I���rn� v�r���a��i�� f�� �li�r��� rr�ust �� �r���d�� f�r t,I�is �a��g�ry, �'�i� ��ll�v���� gr���� a�� pr�sum�� �� �� 1��v�rr��������-in��n��: �����c� ��iild��r�; ��c��r1� �������; ��tt�r��d �������; ����1��� �����r�s; �c��1�� ����ir�� ��r���� ���r�i�i�r� �f ��v�r�1� c�i�����cl; p����r�� 1i���� vv�th AI��; a�c� �n��ra.�t far�n �vor�ers ❑ ���I1VI�c���-a��������� �I�u��ing — Th� �r����� �dd� �r �rr�p�r�v�s p�� ����d�r�ti�1 �t�u�t�ures that v�i�� bel�re occ�pied �y lo�vl�noderate-���o�e �ous�holds u�on �ornpleti�r�. ❑ ��w111�i�t������-In�� � � .T��� — 'T�� ��r�j ��t� ������s �� r��air�� ��rm��r�ts j ���, �t l�a�s� � 1 ��� �f ����� ar� ta��r� �� l���r��c��r�t�-ir����n� p����r�� �r ��r��id���d t� �� av�i1���� �� ����rr��c��r�t��- • 1r�C�� ���S�r�S. ���1�r�; ��i� �`������y l�� �g���n�e�t �r��� �r�vi��� ���vi��� v�vith a.n�l ��� ��r���r�. ���I`�: 7`o rr�eet t��s ��t�o�a� ��,� ��ti��, t�� �ro�o��d act��i� �ust ben�fit a s��c�fi� �1��r�t��� �r r��ic��r��� ir� a ��.rt����ax a��� �f th� ��u�r�t�� �r �a�t��i������ �i�, a� 1�a�� � � ������� �� �vh� �r� 1�v�- a.�d rr����r���-ir����� �������. �. � ���i� i� ��� �������i�r� �r elirr�ir��t�i�r� �� s�u.�� �� �lig�t. ���l�i�: ������ one: �] Ac�cir���in� �lu�m� �� ���igh� �n �� Ar�� ���i� - � Ac��r���ing �lum� �r �lig�� �r� � ���� Bas�s — T��� �r����� v�i11 �r����� �� �����r���� �����fi� ��r�t�iti��� �� ��i��t �� ��i��i��l c�e���, A�tivi���� �r� ��rr�i��d �� �l�ar���, �����ri� �r���rv�����, rehabi��tat�o� of bu.i��ir�g�, �ut ar�l� t� t�� ��t�nt r�e�ess�.ry to elimi��t� �or�d���or�s d�tr�rr�er�t� to ���l�c I�e�th ar�d safet�. �� �h� �r�,���t ������� �� � ��t���r�l��m�n� Ar��'� ��� ❑ �� [� I� ���, atta��i � �a�� �� ��� �.r�� v�i��i t1�� �it� �ig��i��t�d, a.r�c� �r�v��� ��� ����v�1������ P�����t Area ���cerpt� �c�e�ted� ����� doc�rn��t� t�e exister��� �f s1�m�bl�g��. A�so, do��.rne�t the ��ecific red��eloprr���t abjectives per�ainir�� to t�e �ropo�ed ��oj�ct. ���'�: �'o �ne�t �h�s n��i��al obje�ti��, t�e �rop�sed a�tiv�ty r�ust �e �it��n a� d�s��a�ed �1� �r l�lig�i��ci ar�� ar�c� ���t �� c���igr��c� �� a��r��s �r�� �r ��r� ��r�diti�r�� t�a� V��������� �� �� �V���������� �� ��� ���■ ��IYiIYJV��� �LY�������� �4�1J� ��1�� ������ �1���7fV1� ��V� � �� IL� A���.������r� ��r� T�� ���� ������n ��a� ������� ��, ��o� �xr� L��� �e���� ���r��r P�r�r��r�� � �����i�� s����r�r����.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 94 �. � IVI���� ��mrr��,�.r�it� c����l�prx���� r���c�� �i�vir�� a pa�ti��l� t�.�g�r��� �v��r� e�i��ir�� ���c�it�i�r�s ���� a ��ri��x� ax�� ���c�i��� �h���� �� t�i� ��a�l�� �r ��l�ax� ��' th� ����nit�, �d �� �t��r �x�dir�� ���r��� a�� a��rai���1�, i,�., a� �naj�r �����t,.r�p�� �u�� �s a� fl��c� �r �� ����air�: ���� + T� �I1��� �11� I1��1��]2�� ��}����1V�, t�� �r������i ���i�it� rr���t c��a� �i�� rr����r ���a��r��l��� �� ����g�r��i�� ���� a.� �1��ds �� �a�t�i��a���. l�, �� �h� �r�,���� �� �r��r�� i� ��si���� �� ���� �h� n��ic�nal �bj���i�� �f ���v���n� ��n�f�� �� l��v� �nc� m�c��r����in��x�� �����n�� �l�a�e ��ti�a�� #�� n����r �� �xn��x����at�c� nu�n���~ �f p����n� ��r� l�ou�sel�ald�� �o bene�i� �ram the proj�ct a�d bre�� t��t est�ma�e d�wn by i�co�� ��ou�p �u��u����a��� m���� #h� nu�n��r w�� a�-� ���v�c�, i.�.� �h� gr��nt �ill all�� �5 �������n �� p�rti�i�a�e in �re�����1— n�� �� �h��c���� � � t���� � �� �+v��k� _ �,����, a. ��ta1 ��rn��r �f`��r��r�� �r ������i��d� �v�� ���� l��r��fi� f�r�rn t�i� �r�j��t �r ���gr2�m �r�gar���ss �� i����n� �r����; ___ ���s��sl�o���h�lds ���rc�� �e ap�1i����e ur��t} �. �f` t�� ���al x�ur���� �� ��r���r�s �� �i��x����lc�� �r�����c� �����, h�� r�ar�� �i11 �� 1��-ir���r�� ��2�ir�� S � ��� - ��°�o �� ���� �� th� ���r��� rr����ar�-ir���rx���� � 1 � � � ��T��I��I�'1�1������C�� ��1�� �� ��1� ����1���]�� �I"11�� �. ����� t�ta.� ����� ����r��r�� �r �i������1c�� �r�t��r�� a�����, �a�v� rr��� w�l� l�� �e�� 1��-ir����n� ��arr�ir�� ����o ��r 1��� �� t1�� ���x��� �n�c�ia�-�����n��� 7� �ersonsl��usehol�s �c�r��e ��� a�p���a�l� �nit� � 1. �V�� ar� �h� ��i�n�s �f ��u� �r������i�n'� ���a�pl�: l��- �� m�d�r���-������ ��r����� �lc��rl� ��rs�n�, ��v�r�l� c���a���c� ��r��n�� �i��-ant �arr� �v�rl��r�, ��tt�r�c� �������, ���.� ��i�r��� �� t�i� �r�g�arn v�i11 �� 1�� �� rr��c��r��.� ir���rx�� ����rl� ��r����s i� ��di�i�� t� t�i��� s��i�r� �f rr�o�est rr�ear�s. I�. I��{w �vi�l t�� �li��t� ��n�f�t �r�m ���� pr�j���`� ��niors �i�l �tim��ate thei� �inds a.�d bo�i�s del�yir�� t�� �ffee�� o� a�ir�g on both t�� cogr�iti�� a.�� p�iy�i�a� as���ts ��` ���i� ����. T�� ���i� ��r����i�r�� �i11 irn����� t���r ���ta� ������1�� a�r�c� l��v�r ��� �at�s �f d�pres�ion. Additior�al��, th�� � �onr��ct to � bro�d set o�` �o�ur��t� �esources to pro�i�e t�e r���ded su�port to th�iv�e ar�c� i� some c�s�s survive. �:�x�xaa-x*.uw�T�rac�moc�6x�6�m�s.: • :�r:-��*A�9.zaa.sPV�a�c�P1�+':.SYY"�qrRL'�4�"'8pV"'.t'�•-M/�S�'.4c.'AP�.�7iP„i9a'I7R6e�IT�..{'C"OM.:��6Y' �'7� �9"� �ti�4: b,wx ... * - M-�,sr4At«�r4Aau. , .��9�:�o�¢+r��x'Ce..:..�*n�3sr�eYNFp�'�r.�af•oo-;ac..�a.m•o-� ��I�AN1Uh11TY ��V�L�PhI�ECd� �L��I� �F�AIVT ������ �R��RA{�1 ���� � �F 9 � �1PPLi�1�Tl�I� F�R THE ���9 PR�GRAM ��AR �CT�BER ��, �0�8 �AI� �UI� �BI�P� ���I�VTY ��.AIVIVl1V� $c �I.k1LDINC �L�P�AfVl�tihlC.�l�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 95 ����������� ���� 1�* H�w c�� ��� ��rr�ntl� ��11��� t�����r�p�i� ���� �� �h� �������ari�� a� ��� ��-�����c� �r�j��� �r �r��ra�`? ���a.r����: r�a��all��htii� ���r����r��ti����` ���e�va�i�� a�d �ur�re� 1�. ���v �� ��u� ��r�r�n�l� c�c��umer�t �n��rx�� ������ �� �a�� �l��nt'� ��a��r��l�: v�ry ��w, 1��� �►�tc� n�c�d�r�te-inco�e}� ��1� �eporti�� su�vey 1�. �r�vic�� �h� ������v�ng inf����i�r� ��� ��� ��� in y��r �r�����ti�r� ����������� ��r ��� �r�p��-�ti�n an� s��rni���� �� ��� ���rt�rly r���rt� anc� f�x� ���������� an� r���r�ir�� ��� be�e�ic�a�y data �� th� �Jrb�n �ou�ty. �or�ta�t ��rso�lt�t�e: I���d� �ir�gert �hor�� �umber: 543-8�35 �-r�ai1 ad�ess: 1�in�er��slo�m��.org �IY�T�: Y�u �r� ���ui��d t� ����rid� ber�ef��ia.r� data at �h� end a� ��c� ��arter ax�d �ea� e�d data of t�� � ���1 ���r. I� ��1xY' �]�"(�����1 lll�'����� ���Il��ll� ��������II�II� i.�.� ������1� �����i� a bu��i����, pr�va�� �r���rty owner, b���ne��, invoives fa�ade improve�ents� pr�vide �e���i��� �s�ist���e to � new �� e�Y�t�r�� �u�ir����� ��� �r���i��� 1��� gu�������� �h� ����fi�iary mu�t �l��air� a �u� anc� ��-�d����t �D��� nu�ber t�a� mu�t b� �-epor�ed to ��D. ������ �o�t���'�o�� l��v�r�o, �5��� ��1-�787, �������� a��l�.��.�� ���` �Il�����l�Il �Il �l#}�'V �� ����11I1 d � �J�� ��x���r ��i�� �� ���u��i�g ��nc� obl������� th� ��der�� f�nds. xuxo- IY�"YLh��a�cy6iG101qk4Y� ��. 41Q 'SiLi0k4f5�C�C:rr�r 11Y�1cET!!+OY.^MdrMr.�7+ f-.tn�'+wy�[wc.-�c� Y4 � ��IVIIU�UI��TY D�1I�L��IIAEIVT �L��FC �RA�V� {�D��� Pf���RAN1 �A�E � �� 'i� �IF�F�LI�►4TI�IV F�F� TH� ���� �F��CRAh� �EAF� ��T�B�F� 'I�, ���� �AlV LUI� ��I�P� �'►��JI��Y �1AP11V�hIC� �c �UkI�D�N� �L�PLAIVfVIIVC�.�F�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 96 ��������� ������� 1 ��� 1�. Ta�a� �mount of �D�� f�nd� r�qu�st�d: � ��,8�� �1�as� ic�����f� ��� ��ri�c�i��i�n��� t�� �r���h ��u �re �p�l�ir��'�: Arro�o �rande If ��� ar� r��������� �I��� f�u.r�ci� �r�rr� rn��� t�� ��� j�xris�ii��i�r�, �1�as� br��lc d�� t�� a.��u�� s�i�v�r� a��v� i�� �1�� �uri�cii�t�i�r� 1i���c� ��l�v�. ��ty �f Arr��� �rar�d�: �ity �� �'a�� I��bl��; Ci�y o� Atas�ad�ro: ��ty �f Cr���r �����'�'� : �it� �� �ar� ��i� ��i�p�; ���r�t� �� ��n ��i� ��i���: '�1��T�: If y�� a.�� ���l��r�� �� ��� �r ���� �it��s, ���as� �r�v�c�e � ���� �f` t�� a��p�����i�� �� t�i� ��u�t� �� t�� a�p�i������ r���c�1��� �� ��t���r ��, ����. '� �` T�� ��t� of �rra��r �eac� ��se�es t�� o�ti�r� �o a�vard t�� rn�x�m� � �°�� o� t�eir ���t ����g ��1������� ��� ����i� s����� r�����. I����v�r, th� �it� ��� a�v�a�d �� 1�ss ��ar� ��,��� ��r ��ra.��, �'��as� ��b��� ��ur ����i�a�i�r� a����c�ir�g1�. 1'7. P1���� ��s�ribe �h� �u�ci��� f��- ��� �������� �r�j��� �r pr�gra�n. It��ni�� �11 ��u�r��� �f fun�lir�� �x�ec�ed t� be �va���b�e ��d us�d �or �his proj��t a. ��v��u�e� 1, ���� ��ci� ��c������c� �, �th�� �'�c����� f�,�.�c���� �p����� ����rib� ��l��r} �, �tat� ��ur�e��} �1���� d���r��� ��l��v� �. Loca1 �o�rce��� �please ��s�rib� b�la�} �. �th�� fu�d� �pl�as� c��scr�be �e�o�} Total �teven�e� � $ � � � � �,8�� 7,5���` 1 �,���'�"�`� ��,��� �` �1Vi�� A���1 �u.r�c� �ai�ir�g ��i�� �`*��esta �ollege �s��� �if�lor�g ��a�.�r�g fu.r�ds fo� �l�s� ir�str��tars �. �x��nc����r��; �i�t ��1�� l�� i��r� �� ���t �ate��ry, Ac�.r�inistratior�: ��vages ta��s � ber�efits� 1,1 �0 �'ea��ers ��age� taxes� � �,��� �nstr��tors �v�a��s t�xes ben�f ts} �,��� p�� � A3'X't�3c.R5k�WM�6J�.i��'.�7�f#i}Y�.^�i�6Mc�*:iR�d'iir.�i ^�maNP:'���'�9tlY�JGqYHG'Nl1VYt ���IIM4�NITY ��1I�L�i'I�AEIV� BL��iC �aRA�VT ������ PF��CRAN1 ��l�E � �F '�� APPLI�AT��IV F�F� �HE ���� PF���RAN� �EAFk ��7'�BEFt 1 �, ���� ��r� Lu�� ������ ��u��r ����Er�� S� ������r�� s����xr�����.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 97 �I'��]��1��1 ���rhead � ��V� �,��� ��. ��w c�� ��r� ��a� �� ���c� �h� ���r��i�� �nd ma����na��� ����� �if ��y� a����i���� wi�h ��i� �r����t`� �x�� ����� f�r�c�� av��la�l� n��v? I� r���, wh�� will ���� �� a�aila�l�'? And �rc�m ���� s�ur�e���*� �'�e op��atiar� of �lasses is �id�d b� t�� �s��� I�i��lor�g Lear�i�� ��st�t�t�� ta �u�sta ��l�ege� �t i� ax� ongo�r�� �dir�� so�rce. T`h� m�r�ter�a�ce af the faci�ity is prav�ded b� �h� h�rr�eo��r�� asso��a��or�. �r��� �1as��� �r� ��t�������d ���s �an �� ���r���l �� � �lic�in� ���1� ��s�� �� ��i�iat� furth�r �����r�g� �#` �����. 19. �il� �1��� �und� �� u��c� �� �����Il���r��� ��h�r �un��'� ���� ��l��v �unc�in� s��r��� �n� arnc�ur��� and ic�en�i�y �ward d�t�� of thes� s�ur�es. ���; T�i� is a ���1a��r�tiv� ��f�rt �f r�a.r�� a�����i�s ��t�i g�v�rr�n�r�t�: ������ �����g�, �ity �� �rr��� �r�c�� ax�d sev�r�l l��t for ��ofit�: Yl1��A, ����', AA� a.� �e1� �� lo�al �rat�rna� or��x�i�at�a�s: RAl1�I� and V��rr��r�' �����. Ar� �c�vi���y ��mrr�i��� ha� rn�t ���r th� ��s� ��a� ar�� �1ir��g�i t�er� �ff�r�� l�v��a��� t1�� u�s� �f` t�� �a��1�ty f�r ����� Li��l��� I��arn�r�g �����e� �� v�r��� a� ���r��� �� rr����i���, Th� �f`f`�� �� ���s� g�ou�s are f�nc��d t�rau�� co��rib�tior�s a�d t�eir on��oir�� bud��t�, ��t ber�e�t the ��d�rly of �oy� C`rra.r�d� t�rou��i the �x�a�s�or� o� �rogramr��r�g and s�r�vi�es �o� ��� ser�ior�. � ��I'��� ��7�� �� ��]�����1�1"l 1I] ��11� ��}��1���1�I1 1� �`U� �C� ���1.����� �� �l� ���� �� I71� �I]����C��� �]C� c��]��1�� � ������ ���� �'ri�ted or �yped r�ame T�t1� I�ate ta ���l�car�t; ...- �rc� �a.f. 3&:�..+. ��*:�a� rr�c.�.r aec.� �.z� a.eaev.-^ sccx.au:�aooat;s��•sAar�.• � �aa«�cc.:.+F �;a,saa-:h�. rt;,�ae...• ��I�IMkJ�11TY DEVEL�PNIEI�T BL��kC �F�AIVT ������ �F���RAf4� ���� � �� �� �PPLI�A���1� F�€� THE ���� F�F���RAIVI �'�AF� ��T�BER 'I�, ���� SAI� L.LfE� �SiSPO G�l1N�Y PLANNING Sc �UILDlNC� SL�PLANN�N�.�R� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 98 '��� ��unty �d c�t�e� req�ir� al� af t�i� g�ar�� ���i�ier�t� �o �ma�.in�ain ger�e�a� liab�lit�, a�►to�ob��e an� �v�rk��' � ��r���r������r� ins�an�� ��� 1�rr�i�� �� ��� 1��� t�i� � 1 �i11��r�'�, I� ��� ar� �����s�fu1 ir� ��tair�ir�� � �v�arc�, ��� ��� �� a���� �� ���vic�� ���u��n���i�r� r��ar�di�g ���1�� �� pr��ic�� t�� ��c��ir��i �o��r��e. '� I�i����i�� ����rag� ��� �� �� juri�d�����r�. �1�a�s� ���� th� �it������� ��r�t��t �� ��ri��r 1�r�it�, ���or to ��'s releas� of gra�t �or�dit�ons ar�dlor �u.�ds for t�i� �����-�d�d pr�j ��t, a revie� o� t�e pr��j���'� ����r�t�al irr����� �� th� er��ir�r���t �n��t b� �����x���c� b� t�� a�v�a�dir�g jurisc������r�s a�c� approv�d b� �e �our��� �f �� ��.i� ��is�o �rio�~ �o o��iga�in� o� r��t�rring pr�jec� �osts. '�he �o�ty rr���� ���ti� t� I���] t��� �� �as ���n�li�d vv���� a11 ���li��l��� �r�vir�n� ��������� a.r��l r�q�xi��rn�r���. �1���� �r����t ���t� �� ����g���� �r ir��u�rr�� .��' _o_,� �� t�i� ��rr�pl����� �� ��� r������� ����r�r�m�r���� r�����r, ��� pr�� ��t� ���11 n�� ��r���� �r��n th� f �c����l ���. I� ��� ���c� as�is#�r��� �� �i��� q���ti�r�� ����d�r�� t��� a��1i��ti�r�� �l�a�s� ���ta�t �y �f` t�� ������� 1��t�c� ��1�v�, ��ur a���1i���i����� �a� �� c�r����d ��� �� rn�il�ci �� t�i� f��1��r�� l���ti�r��; � J��rt ��r�Ynar�, ��rr��n��i�y ��v�1��rr�er�� ���t., �ity �� Arr��� �iran��, � 1 � �. �rar��� �tre�� ��.�. ��a� � � ��, �r� ��'2�n�1�, �A ���� 1, ����� ��T�-����. � �al�ri� I�u���r�y, P���i� �V�r1�� �e��., ��t�r �� �����a�rl�r��, G9�� �� �an�i�� I���1, �t�s�ac����, �A 9����, ����� 47��3 4G�. � Jar��� �����, ��rnrn�nit� ��v����rr���t ��}�t., �i�y ��' �r�v�r �ea�h� 15� �. ��g�t� ��., C�r���� ��a��, �� �3���, ����� 4?��4�2�. � �c� �a1�ag��� ��rrrrrr�n�t}� ��ve1���n��t ��pt., �ity �f �'��� R�1�1��, 1 ��� ��rin� �t., ���� ��bl��� �A 3����� ���5� 23?-397�. � IVIi��ia�� ��c���r�, ��rnrr��r��ty ��v�l���n�n� I��pt,, �ity �f` �an L�is ������, �1� �alrn ��., �� L��� �t�i���, �� ���� 1, ���� � 7� 1-� 1 ��, • T���r �avarr�, ���t. ����ar�r�ir�� anc� ��ildir��, ��� �s�� �tr��t� I����n ���, �an I��i� ���s��, �A 3����, ����� 781�-�787. ��l111l111lJIVkTY ❑�V�L�F'�ulEIV�' �L��I{ ��kANT ���8 .�.�} F�F���RAIwJI F�A�E �� �F 1� APP�i�ATl�h1 F�R THE �0�9 PR��RAM 1��AR ��T�BER '14, ���8 ��r� Lu�s ������ ���r��r ��rvr��r�� � �u����r�� s����r�r��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 99 ��������� ����������� ����J� ��1■� ���� ���� �� �P�LI���I�I� F�I� TF�� ���� �����AN1 1�E�F� �ir����������#�&���->'�`�`« � �°�,`xc°,�''a�'a�i���s�a�����sza���;.°�zak����z?�z��a�ra��.. . . . � .. ... .. ......... �a�a���#� . �k��4�° ��N L�I� ��l�P� ��tJIVTI� �EP�F��IUI�IVT �F I��AhiIVlhl� �IVD ��I�DI�V� ��� ���� �TREET • F���l��! ��� + �AIV �l.Jl� ��I�I�� • �A�iF�Fth��� ����� + ����� ��'I-���� P�ormo#ir�� �he Wise �1s� of L.ar�d � 1�1elpirr� �o �uild Gre�# �ornmurr��ies �r�ar�i�at��� 1���: �'� �I ��� F��tl�r�� ��Vl�i�l�1 �o be �or��id�r�d �or ���� ass�star�ce, �l�as� ��brnit this �o�nple��d a�p�i��tior� �i� �y ��hibit�, ��c����� �� t��r��fi�i�ry d�ta a� r���c��d. ������a������ �� �a� �n�1�d �� �r�� �� t�� �arti���a�ir�g ju�r�isdictiar�s listed i� #.��� �pp�i��tior� �r �o: '�'or�y l�T���rro, Pl�er III, �ep�tmer�� of Plar�ir�g �.r�d ��i�c�ir��, 9�6 ���� �tr���, I���rr� ���� �ar� ��i� ��is��, �A,, ����� �r ���1 c��1i��r�� �� T�r�y l���arr� a� 1��� �a��rn �tr���, ���� ���, �� L�i� �1�����, �A., �a��c� �� ����� ���-����, �� �-r�a�l�� �� tr��varr����.���.��,��. '�'h� ap��i�ati�n c���c��in� i� �:�� �.1VI.� Tu��d�y, ������r 1�� ����. A�p�icatio�s �n�st be ����ived �y t�e ���t� o� or�e of t�� ��rt��ip�tir�� �i�ies ��oyo �rr�de, A�tas��c����, �r�v�r ��a�h, �a�� 1��1�1�s, �a� ��i� ���s��� �ri�r �� �1��� �� �h� b��ir���� c���, ���'�'�VIA�EI� �A�''�� �A�� ��EI�D A�"�'�R THE ��A�LI1�I� �LL 1��T �� A�'��PT��. 1��'T�: �1� �'lease r�vie�v th� ��BC� re�ulatior�s ar�d guideli�e� �� t�ae �ec���st �'or Propos�ls �e�o�e ��rr����t�r�g t�ii� �r�p���1. T�� ��]�� r�����i�r�� ar� a�ail��l� a� v��v.�l� �a�n�ir� .�r ur���r H����r�� �r��s." A1��, �1e��� ��1� ��u.r��� a�dl�r �i�� ���� st���t�i ar�� q����i��� al���t hov� �o complete t�� for� �r a�ou� the ratir�� c�it��ia ar�d �ro�e��. ��� If th� inforr�at�c�r� for �� of �e ���stions b��ov� req�i�es mor� ��o�n �o provide a�o�apl�t� e��a�a�at��� of yo�r prapos�d �roj ect or prograrx�, �1�a�� a�tach aciditior�a� sh�ets. C�NTA�T Il��'��VI�.'�'��1� 1. �a�� �nd ��►iling a�dr��� �� ���I���n� �r�g�����i�n, �v��h ������� ���s��� �I��n� anc� �ax n�mber�, ��� ��-���� a�dre�s: �Ta�n�: �'� 1 ��� I-M���i�e �ddress �m���i�g ar�d p�ys�cal �ddre�s �e���st�� if diff�re�t�: �Vl�ilir�� ����e��: li ii���� �� ���C ��4�� �an L�is �b�sp�� �A 9���� P� �t�a� ac�c�re��� ��o��id�n#i��� ��� 1�du��ri�l VI��� ��n �.u�is ��i���, �� ����'I ��r�ta�t ��r��r�l�it�1�: Lir��� AA��r���r, E�c������r� D�re�t�r ���r��; �������� E�c� 'I � �ax: �4�-6�9� �-rnail �c�c���ss: �i����a �����t1�r��.�r� I� �h� �r�ar�1�����r� � ���th ���c� �r�ar����i��`? ��s � �� � �%¢��� �-�; �.��¢;�¢;����%�: �.�:v�¢�:��k���,�¢�¢����x� ��;¢�.��������.��x���x�������v�w�wA�.�������¢��¢�¢x¢,��¢����,�xt�..�¢� � ��������:.��� � �.rx�} �;�A��:�;�w xw�ix��:�,��v: �����:����� ¢�v��;�¢�.���������.��� ��r�nn�r��r�r ��v��o�r��r�� ��oc�c ��r�� (CDB�} P�o��nn P��� � o� � � �������►���r� F�� �ur���r�� Dt��t��� ���J P€����h� 1��� I��v�����t ��, �0�� �AN �.Ul� �BE�P� ��I�I�TY �L.ACVIVIIV� � �l�I�.�IIVC �L�P�A�IlVIIV�.�F�� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 100 ������ �L�������� 2. 'I`i��el�amelad�re�s of pr�pos�d pr�je�# or p�o�ram: ���� �un�� �rv�l� b� ���d b�r �'I � �L� �--I��li�� t� ������� � �t�d� �� ���i�� ���vic�� ����,���� fr�nn �p�r��c�rr��t��� � �,��� ���v �n� �r�ry I��v �n���� ��II��� t� ����rr�i��, �� pri�rit�r, v�r�i�l� r����� �a�r� �� r��t ��r � I���� ���r��� �r�� �v��� r����� r�r�n�ir� ��r�n�� ���a���� ����I ���vic�� �r� r��� ��r�ila�bl�.. ��If�r� i��l���� ir� �h� �t��� r��id� �r� ��r� �.�i� ��i��� ���n�� ��� ��I��t�d ��ti�� v�rit�i� ��� ���r��y. �, �'1���� ��s��r�b� ��� �������� ��~�j��� ��r ������►rn. �a��l� t� I--��tlin� h��r� �r��r����� ��°l� ��rr� ir�n�l�r�n�r���n� �'I'I ��r �a�� ������ t� �I� I����t� �rr�� I��r�na�t� s�rvi��s �n [�I��r�r�b�r, ����. 111��tk� �r� ��u���i�r� �n� ���r���h ��r�n��igr� a�t�d th� �i��if��r�� irr����� �� �l�� �v�r���ir�� ���r��r��, ��I�� h��r� ir��r�a���� b� 'I ����� ir� �l�� r���nr fi��a� �r��r, H��lir�� ��c���ts �� h�n�l� ��,��� ��II� ir� FY ����-���� ar�d �0,�0� or �nor� �r� ��1� once the �orr�rr�un�ty becorn�� �v�r�re of �nd i� u�e� to di�l�n� �'I 'I f�r a�l� r��n-���r����� ���i�l ���vi�� n��d�. T�i� �r����� �� ���i�r��� �� ��I���� �n� �n����� ��t� ���ut ��� ���i�l ��rvi�� r����� �� �L� ��ur�ty ���i��r���. TI�� r��t�l�� �ri�l �ll��n► ���� ��� ���tnty ���r�rr�r��n�� t� b�tt�r ur���r���r�d ��r�t ���vi�� � I�r�� n�,r�b�r �f I��rv i���r�� r��ic����� arr� �s�cir�� ��� a�r�� v�rh�th�r c�r n�� �h�r� �r� ��rvi��s ���il��l� �� r�n��� �t��s� r����s��. A��iti����l�, in��rr�����n �nr�l� b� a�v�il���� t� ��t�rr�i�� i� �u�li�a�i�r�s ��ci�� �r if an a����� ��n�ra�ll� ���� pr��r�d� ��� ��rvi�� b�t ��u�l� r��� ��r ��rr�� r����r� �t �t�� #ir�� �t vrra�� n�����, An ��c������ 1'� ,��� — '��,��� ��ll�r� in �f�� I�v� �r ���y ��� �r����n� r�n�� v�rill ��l� �'�'I f�r ir�f��n��ti�r� �r�� r���rr��� �� ����1 �g���i�� d�,�ir�� #I�� �tu��r �y��r, Th� ����� ir�f�rr���i�r� ��r� �r��ri�� ��� ���r�#� �n� ��rt��i���in� �i�i�� �nri�� ����il� ����� t�� n���� �n� �r�r��� r���d� f�r �a��l� �r��. A r��d�l v�ri�l b� ��iit t�: �� ����rr�r�in� pri��i�i�s b� ��p��r�n� th� n��d �r ��rv��� r�q������ b� IIJIa���h pr��riti�� �nr�th ��ra�il�bility �� �i��rn� �r�� �r r��r� ���n�� r�f�rra�l� �r��r���� �� F��I��v-�p a���ur��� �f r�f��ra��� �n� �r���r� s�rv��� r�������� �nr�s pr��i��� d� Id�r���fy ��r�rr�� n��c�� — n� r���rral a�rail�b��, �r n�� in ����ti�n n��d�d �} ��t�rrr��n� qu��i�y of ���vi�� Vll�r� �-lotlirre 8� r�fer�al �g�rr�y F�el�fu� �r�d court�ou� �r���� �nrh� v�rill b�r�e��: - Lo�v irr��m� r��idents �n r�e�� of ava�l�ble �r�� a����ib�� ��cia� �er�i�e� - Ha�rd t� s�rv� p�pul��i�ns �n���r �#-����C ��pula����n� �a��r� � �r�i�� - �i�y �n� ��r�r�t� g��r��nr����� ��r� i��r��ify �r��ri�i�� ��� ����� ��� �f�r��in� 2���r��r�����rr� � A������� �a�n �� fill ��rvE�� ����, �f irr�ir��t� r������r��� �r�� r�d�,c� ����� Pr�gr�r�r� ��a�l� ��r ���� � �nd ��heclule �f I�I�Ie���ne�;* '� , I r�rr� �I�r�ner�� C�� �r�g r�rr� �l�n, ��'� � A. ����u r�� �a� r tr� i r��� tc� p r�� r� rr� d���ba��� ,J �!�, ���� �. ��� �T ����rv�s�r �� r��na��� �r�g�ra�r�, �1���, ���� �, ���a��� �t��c�l�����r� �r���t ���#, ���9 �7. 1��qui��rr��n��, r�p��ts� ��t�ba��� ���i�n ��t, ���3 . �. 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V�il� th� s�rvi��� �f��r�r� �� ���� �r���i��ti�n in�r���� �� �a����t� �� a ���ul� �� ��� ���� a��ist�n��*� TI�� �C��� �t��� v�r�ll ��t��r ���ir�� n��ds �r�d h��� d�t�rr�in� ��#r���l� r���i���n��t� �i��r� t� �ir���l� in�r���� ��II v�l���, �--I�v�r��r�r, H�tlin�'� r�a�r�C��ir�� p�r��nn�1 v�rill ��n�ul� vrr��k� �r�a�� i��l���d �n ��r� �t�d� �� d���rr��n� i� ���nr�nunit� ��r�r��r����ti�n ��� I��l� �� a�d�r�ss ur���r��rv�d �������i�n� �r�d r���c� �r�r�n�t n����. ll�lunn� r��� �� u�p �s a�r� in�ir��t b�n�fi�. a. ��at ���v �r�gr�r�� �r�c���r s�rvi��� wi�� �� ���vi��t�*� I��r�� ��t ���������, t�� ����� v�ri�� �����r��r�� if r��v�r �r ���r���� �r.�gr�r�r�� �r� r����r��. �. �������� ���v ��i����� �r�gr��m� �����r ��rvi��s �vill �� �x��nc���l an� wh�� p�r���x���� �� �n incr��s� �s e�p�cted`� I�IA �. ��e�l� a�n� �� t�� f�����in� ���i�ity �a#�g�r��� �h�� ��p1� �� �h� �r�����t� p �r pr��r�x�: �F���e� t� �I��� r������ti��� a�� ��� �ru�c�� t� �1i��b1� �I��� A��ivi�i���. � ���ui�i�i�r� �� ���� }�r���r�y �ispos�txa� of re�� prope�ty ��b�i� facilities ar�d i�prave�ents Priv2���l�r �v��� ��ili�i�� �l��r�r��� a.nc� r��n�c�i�.t��r� ��ti�iti�� �ut��i� ��r�i��� Irtterim assista��e � I��l���t��r� �finc�i�ic��a��, ��I1"11�1��, ����n�s���, n��-pr�f�� �rgar�i�at����, anc���r �arm� Loss of �r�ntal ir�com� �er�ova� of a�r��ite�tu�al �a�riers � ����in� r��a�i�i�a�ti�n I��w h����r�� ��n��r�x��i�n ��n��r �i�nit�c� �ir�urr�stan��s� ��rr���v�m�r��i� a�sistar��� Housin� s�r�v���s � �od� enf�r��me�t �feo:n: aoCi�'-k�?-k6C%,a:kko�k-i-k-:CSi-k�S�4->'k'«�-i-k->-k'aNk>#�zok'a«k«k«'oi«'o.z'a««48'xao�o'x"oxoz"ozaolF'«o�a�a7cJ!'1q k8,�o;�uS.Jk,mlkv;.�kaAOF�PF,ttf..'?'4�R:,.YSR�Rvk2� kY�k�S_2:,Y6888'FBY�F ?"GB�tki�kF'F,�SkA'�k?'9i'9k?'82'k?9? ??�82'F,ti'ti�kAT??'8i't ."'o?'°Y?A°.'??'ti�9PTr?k?'S?'Fo«o�« rxo>x8?'k��?��1 .. ... 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I� i� �������II� ��p�r�a��� #�r�t th� ����t s�r�r�c�� �r� ���ila���� a��d ��p��rt�� �nr�i�� ���I����i�r� �r li�tl� u��� ��r b� �lir��n�t��. ���i�i�n r�n��C�r� v�rill ���r� � si�r�i�i���# ��urc� �� in��rr�n�ti�r� �r�rn tl�� �����f u��r� �f th� ��rvi�� �� t��� �ir����d fundir�� �a�r� b� ���n� �n pri�r�t��� �ha�t �r� r•r���� �r�ti���. �V�n-�r��it �g�n�i�� ��n �1�� v�r�rk rr���� ��fi�i�nt�� �nri�� � �r�rti��l ���v�r �f ��rv���s a��r�il�bl� �� #I��� ���� pra�ti��� ��n b� ��►�r��, d��li��ti�n �lirr�ir����� �n� ���� �����r���a���d. �. ����s� ����r��� th� ����i�i� �����i�a�i�n�l m��h�� ���d �� im���r��n� t�� �r�����c� pr��,���� �r ��-��r�� ��in�l� �r mul�i��� �r�u�� ���li� ���n�y, n�n-�r��i�, f�r-�r�fit� ��peri�nce i� op�r�ting �im��a� ��o�r�m�� �t�.�: I--���lin� I��� ���r� tra��l�in� �a���r ir���r��ti�r� f�r ���r�ra�l ��a�rs ��d pr��ri��ng ��II ���ti��i� t� ���r�r�l gr�u�� ��r inf�rr��ti�r�a�l pur�����. 1l�I�r�� �f �a�l��, ��rvi��� r��r���t��, �ity �� �r�igir�, �r�� ��� �� th� ��I��r i� in��rr���i�r� ��rr�r��1� tr���C��. �`h� ���� h�� ���v�c� �� a ��Il���i�r� ��Ilv�r����r �� r����� �I�� ����� �� �h� ��r��rn�n��� ��t it ��� n�� b��n �����f�� �r����� t� b� us�� �'�r �I�r�rrir�� �r �n����i�. 1J11ith ��n�r�����n �� �1 �, I-��tl�n�� n�v�r d��a�b��� ��f�r� �C�� ����n���l t� �n�r�a�s� �h� ������r���� �f �r�f�r�a����r� ��r�i����� �� �I� int�r��t�� �n r����ir�g ��� ���d� �� ���r I�v�r �r���rn� �r�d�r��rv�� p������i�n. V111�i1e all pr��r�rn dat� h�� b��r� mov�d ta the �evu V�leblrrforr� sys�ern t�e r��ort� f�n��i�r�� �av� n�t ��t b��n d��i�n�� b���nd t�� b�si� d�t��l� t��t �r��� r�a��nt�in�� ir� th� ��� IF�i� ���t��, IIV�t� t�a��n�ng �r�rn tf�� ��f�r�r� d��i���r, �ir�n��� �r�gr�r�r�ir�� �n� rr��r���l�r r���rtir��, a n���� �n� u�r���t rr���� �n� q���i�y r����l ��r� b� .d��i�n�d �r�� ir�n�l���r�t�d q�,i�kl� �r�� ���� ����t��r�l�. �. ���� �h� �r�j��t �-��uir� th� i���an�� �f � ��rrn�t ��r�m l���l� ����� �r ��c��r�l a��r��i���`� a�. I� ���, ������ ic��r�ti� t�� ��r�i�� r����s�ary t� ��rr��l��� ��� �r�j��t ��� ❑ 1�� � �. Have t�� �e��ssary p�rmits beer� i�sued`? Ple�s� p�avid� �roo� of �aerm�t issu��e. �. �f p�r�n�ts are �equired b�xt r��� �et obta�ned, ���� �v��� t�e per�mits �e is��ec�`? RC'FYi';.Y::: . ..};co-:..a},�s.<awo-s,�oxoxox,<o,�rxo> o w�s�" . . . .. . .'F.. ."k'GtrA�.. rk:9i'ki"Ft}k?'%:7k32".9?''F?"f:i�7?'i�t�nEnY6R�ukl�2LYJF:.of'o".;�v;�l�:'o'r,ki;�oi.<o'ooio;�'o:%o%o:ovovo'xo'x'oi-�oxovomvk'x'o�:'oz� ���1f�I�J�II�Y �EVEL�PN1�1��` �L��K �RANT {��8�� PR��RAI�! . . .... �1�C� � �F 11 A�PLI�ATI��1 F�F� TF#E ���� Pf��CRAAA YEAF� I��VENIBER ��, ���$ �AN ��.11� �BI�P� ��k�IV�Y �LAI�IVtI�� � �1.�1l.DIfVC �L��LANIV11+1�.�F2C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 103 ������� ��������� ������ �. ���� th� �r�����d �r�j��� �r ���iv�ty ���� �n� �f �h� #l�r�� nati�n�l ��j���iv�� �f �h� ���� �r��r�nn? �1���� �h��k �n� �f ��� ��j��ti��� ��l�w t��� �►���i�� �� ��� �r�p����� ��c� ���l��n h�� t�� �r�j��� �� a���vit� r����� t��� �a�i���l ��j���iv�. �. ��r����� l�vv- �� rr��d�r�t��-i���xx�� ��r���� �s c����r��� �� t�� �J, �. ����r���� �f Ho�si�g a�d Urb� ���r�1��ment ��I��}. �e�ect o�e: � ��wlll�i��l�r���-�r���x�� �x��� ��n�f�t — �'�� �r�j��� ��rv�� �r�1y � 1irr����c� ar�a v�hi�h �� �r�v�r� b� ���� ��r���� c��t� �r ��rv�� t� �� � �r�c��rr�i��t�1� �� 1 °�o �� rr����� ����rr����r�t��- ir���r�� �r�a. ���li�ar��� ����sx�� t�i� ��t���r� rr���� �� a�1� �� ��o�� th�ir �r�j��tla�tivity ��i�naril� ��r��f�ts ����rr��d�����-ir���rn� �������1d�. � ���Ill�����-at�-In��m� Lim���c� ��i�n��l� — �T�� �r��j��� ��r����� a s����fi� �r��� �f �eap�e �rat��r �ar� a�1 areas in a par�ti�ular �r�a�, at 1ea�t S 1°�� of �vhom �.r� 1o�vlxxYo��ra�e- i����� ��r��r��;, ��te: I���r�� v�ri�"��a�i�� ��r �li�r��� ���t 1�� �rovi��� ��r thi� ������ry, T�� ��11��r�� gr���� ax� ����u���l �� b� ��v��rr���l�r���-ir����n�: �����c� ��i1c����; �lc��r�y ���sons; �att�r�d spous��; �i�m�1e�� ��r�or�s; a.d��ts �eetir�g �e�sus �e�'ir��tior� of se�er��� dis�ble�i; ��rso�� ���r��� �t�. �I��; a.�� mi�ra�t �arrr� v��rl�e�s .. ❑ ��wIN�����r���������� �I�u�in� � T`�� �r��j ��t ���� �r i��r�v�� ���mar���� r�sic��r�tial st�ctures ��� v�il� bel�re o����ied by �o�vl�nadera�e-�r��o�.e ho�se�ald� ��or� ��r�pletio�. � L��vI1VIc�c��r���-I���m� J��� — �'�� �r����t �r��a��s �r r��a�ir�� ��rrn�n�n�� j�b�, �� ��ast � 1 °�� �f` v��i�� �r� ta.1��� �� ���v�r��c������-ir����n� ��r���� �� ����ic����d t� �� a�a�i����� �� 1��v���c���at�-ir���rr�� ��r����, E����r�: 1���'�: �'o meet this na�ior�al ob���t�ve, th.� �rop�sed activity mx�st ���efit a s�ecific �li�ntele or �es�de�ts ir� a par�ti�ular �re� o� t1�e �o�at� ar ��rt��ipat��� cit�, at ��ast � 1 p�r��r�� ��` �r�� a�� 1��v- �nd �n��l�r����-ir���r�� ���s�r�s, b. A�d� i� ��� �����r�ti�r� �� �l�rr�ir�ati�� �� �1�rr�s �� 1�1i���. ��p��in; ^ . ._._��, . � � � � � � ¢ � �,� � ¢ � ¢ � � � � x ¢ � � ¢ x ¢ x � �,� ¢ �, x � ¢ x � � � � �. �.� � ¢ � � � � � � � � x � � � �� � � � � � � � �:� � � � � �. v � � �:� � � � n �:� � : ¢ � �-.� � � � � x � � � � n � w } � � v $ t �n �n ¢ n �� � � 4, 4: � ¢ x t.�; � t ¢ x ¢�. �� �� ¢ x � �. -� � %� x �� � �� x ¢ � � ¢ � t � ¢ x � �; ��� �,� t �� ¢ %t ¢ x t � �. � �; %¢ v � v n x ¢ { � x ¢ x � x �� �� ¢ �� ¢ v ¢ ¢.� � ¢ : ¢ � ��h�Il�fk�I��TY DE1lEL�PMEI�T BL���C ��A�JT ��DB�} PF���F�AhA P��� � �� � � APPLI�AT��N FOR 1�F�E ���� P�O�RAM Y�AR �I�V�MBER 2�, 2�0$ ���1 �.UI� �SISP� ���.Ih1TY ��A�11�IIV� $E �UILQIIV� �L�PtA�1f�IfV�.�F�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 104 ��l��t o�e: � Ac�dr���i�g �i�m� �r �li��� �� �� A►,r�� ���i� - � ������sin� �l��s �r �li�h� �n � ���� ���i� — '��� ���j��� v�i�� �r�v�r�t �r �1irt�i���� �����fi� ��r�di�i��.� �� �1i��� �� ������a� c�����. A�t��i���s a�� �in����� �� �1��r���, �is��ri� pr����v��i�n, r��i���1��ati�� �� ��il�i���� ��� c��1� �� t�.� ����r�� r������ar� �� �1i�ir�a�� condit�ons de�ri�e�ta1 �o �ubli� he��t� �d �a��ty. �� �h� � r� j ��� l���t�c� in � 1����v���pr��n� A�r��`� ��� ❑ �T� � If ���, atta�� � �na� �f ��i� a��a v���h ��� �i�.� ����1igh��c�, a�r�c� �r�vi�l� t�i� l��d����c�����t �raj��� Area �ex�e�pts ac���ted� ��ii�h c�ocur�er��� �� e��stex��e of �1�mlblig�t. A�so, �o��ent the sp��ific �ec�evelo�rn�r�t obje�ti��s per���r��r�g to th.� �ropos�d pro�ect. N�TE: T`o �eet t��s r���ior�al obje�tive, t�e prap�s�d activit� r�ust �e vv�ithin a desi�at�� slum o� �1ig�it�c� area and rn��t �� d��ig�e�i �o �ddr��� �ne or more cor�d�t�a�s that ��r��ril����d �� �h� �l���r��r�ti�r� �f ��� ar��, �. ����� ��mr�r�u��t�� c��v�l��rr���t ���d� ���i�� � ��rti��l�.r ur��r��� ����� �a�is���� ���c�i�i��� ��s� a ��ri��s ar�d �mrr����a�� #.�r��t �� th� ���1t� �� v��1�a�� �� ��� ��mr�ur�ity� �� �� oth�� f�ndi�g sa�r�e� �re �vailabl�, i.e., � m�jor �atastraph� suc� a� � f�ood or earth�uake. E��1ai�: 1�T�T�: �� rr���t �.�i� r���x��a1 ���j���i�r�, t�� �r������ �ti� rr���� �i�a1 vv�it� xr�a��r catastro�h�� �r �m�rger��i�� s��� as floads or earthc�uak�s. I�. If ��� �r�j��� �r �r�gram i� [���i���€� �� ���� ��� ��#��n�� ��j���i�� �f pr�v�c�in� b���fi� �� l�vv� �n� rn�c��r���-in��rn� ��r��n�� pl�a�� ���ima�� ��� x������ [�� u��u��i����� �um�er �� ��r��n� ��r h������lt��� �� ��r���� �r��m th� �r�j��t an� �r��I� �h�t ��tim��� c���wn �� i����� �r�up �u��lu��i����� ����a� ��� nu�m��r �v�� �r� ���v�cl, i.�., �h� �r�n� w��� �l���v �� ���1���� �� ��rti�i���� in p�~������1— n�t �� ����c�r�n � � c���� � �� �v��k� = ������. a, �`���1 r�um��r �� ���s�r�� �r h����h�l�l� �1�� �i�� ��r��f�� fr��� t�i� pr�� e�� �� T p�r��r�r� �r���rdl��� �f ir���r�� ����p�: ; � ���,��� ��I��r� �r p���nti�l�� t�� t�tai r rsur ���� ��pul��i�n �� ���,��� �����o�seholds �. �� t�e tata� r�um��r of ���sons or hou�ehold� er������ �.�ov�, �ov�r �an� ��1 be l��v-ir���rr�� ����r�� � 1 ��� - ����o �r 1��� �f` t�� ��u���r ��c�i�-ir���rn��� ' � �o of the cour�t �}��� �`�h�useholc�s � 1 ���� ��ll��� �� ��,7�� ����r����.� � 1 � . � , , ,�.,.. , ,,..,_.Y�_` ,x .. . x¢x . . x¢. r, tik�'r: v. <v �,+..1�:.�o.'c7�.o: Lrioxo <v: % . orwo-i�ouk-S�4-ixobK-i��'I-S-k-SC-!{;�-5-k-i'xo4k&�bfrkdCofrk6 }#S'4o�;b}oCLj �'sA}-=�#b�¢}�S?�-?��;'-<"}xb�<-yr.}ycosx4xok�xowxbycbxLxb.»FCy�oxoy�4wo-�c-y« 2x �'.<ok C?'.°:72'FC'FC?'C?'9�F4'F45)?72'Fk?'k:�k2'F 2'FCx.'i"�.9:9k:9A�.°.2?'??'4x9�'.°..m�i xyap>x4xox<4:9.'"9#'F9?'k2'FRi�RY: 2.'"'F 2'FCCk?:..f''.k,"%?"S 2'3k?'9i:.v�2: L� 2Yi.,'�F?",�R-f:.'v'..2�.2�:.v:.'Fx`i�:.�.4f.� ��IV�I�II�IVITY D�IIEL��i1AEIV� BkL��IC �F�A�VT ��C���� PF���RANI P��E 6�� �'� APPLICATI�N F�f� �H� �0�39 PR��F�AN! YEAI� NOV�MB�R 25, 20�$ �SAN Ll.11� �BI$P� C��I�NTY �LAIVI��I�� $c BUtLD1�1C� SL�P�.ACVI�l�I�.�f�Ca Agenda Item 9.a. Page105 �. �f t�i� to�al r�r��b�r a� persc�ns or �a�seholds e�t�r�d above, �io�v r�ar�y ���� l�� ve�r 1��-ir����n� ��ar�n�x�� ��°�� �� 1��� �f ��� ���x��� rr����a��-i���r�n��� x¢�xt,�,x,�..v,: � ��� �a�11��� �r� 1 � � 1 � �t�r���a�1 �.'7��� �f �1�� ���x�� � ��a��i�r�} �����lh��������� vn$x:.x.t '�E�cp��#�� ��rr���r �f h�r������ ��Il�r� 'I 'I . �Vh� ar� �h� �li�r��� �� ��u�~ ��~gani���i�� :� ����rn�l�: l�w- t� r�.�ci�r���-i���m� ����r��� �lc��r�l� ��rs�x��, ��v�r��y cli������ ��rs���, �i�r�nt ��rrt� w�rl��r�� l��tt�r�c� ���u���� ���.� �����d�b�tt���� ������� 'I ��� �I��d �ina�r��i�� a�s�i���r��� �� ��pp�rt ��� ���r���y �li��bl�� � F��� �I �� ��r�i��� �� � 11JI�d���1 �����t�n��, ���ni� �r in-h�r�� ��"� �I�rr��l����n��dir�� ���I��r �,��� I�I�u�in� ����st�n�e ��'I F����r ���� �r �I�i�� v�r���a�r� � �� L���� ���i���r��� ��� F�LJ� �i�����e� �,5�� ��r���1 h��l�h����n��lir�� 'I � �� Tr�r����rt�tio� �� �g�n�� �I���if��� ����� �,11 � ���I�, �r ����� ���1� �� H��lin�� ��I��r� �r� F1� ����-���� �v�r� fr�rr� th�s� �n th� �r�ry I��nr �r ���v ir���r�� ra�r�g�. ll��r�r�n� h�� �r��r����d ���r�ifi��r�tl� v�ri�h �h� ��s� �� �'�'I ��a�lin�, t�� �ul�li�i�� surr�un�En� �h� ��rvi�� ��� �1�� i��r����d n��d f�r ����� li��l�n� ��rv���� �n tl�� ��rr�n� ���r��rr��� �lir�n�t�. � r��n�rr�ur� �f ������ �all� i� pr�j����� f�r F1� ����-����. ����r�ir�� ��� ��r�� p�r���t�g� �� I��nr ir���r�� c��l�r� ��ur�t�-�r�r���, ��r�r 'i '� ,��� r��i��n�� in ���� �ri�l �i�! �'f 'i ��rirt� ��i� ���r�t ��ri�d. � � ����il ��r t1�� ���i�� i��lud�� �� a� f��l��nrs 2���-�0� Annua ���a ! ���?-���8 ��08-2��9 ��������� Forecast �a�n L.ui� �t�i��� ���� At�����ero 8�� i�a��� ��1�1�� ��'I Arra�� ���nd� ��� �rover ����h ��� �pe��fics f�r eacl� city ar� �tt��hed �4nn��l �r��r�a�� �ug--���� In�r���e ��I l� °l� �2�1Is °l� i � � '� ,��� ��.� ��� ��.� ��� ��,� 'I 'I � ��, � �8 ��.� �7� �� �I °l� '��8 ��� � �1 ���°/o �1�8 ���°Io �� �� 8��8 � �I �4 � 4� ��8 ��� *��r�r �,��� ��Il�r� ���lir��d �� �i�r� �I�� �ity #h�� w�r� �a�ling #r�r� �r �t �r�r�� in�pp��pri��� t� �sl� 1�. ��v� wil� ��� ��i�n�� ��n�fi� �r�m thi� �r�j���`� �ur I��v �n� �r�ry ���nr i���r�� r��id�n�� in �h� ���r��� v�rill ���r� a� v�'r�� a�h��� �h� ��rvi��� ���� r�n��t ���� �n� n��r�r � ���db��k r�r������ri�r� �� ��ra��u�t� tk�� ����ity �f ��� s�rvi�� �nr� ���vi�� �� #�r�rr�, �-I�#li�� ��n ��� ir�r�r���i��� ���d����C �b�u�t ir���rr��t r���rr�l� ar�� �r��r��� r�� ��r���r ���r�d �� ��r�i� ���ri�g in��rr��t ir�f�r���i�n. ������n� a���t# b��1�1�� �it�a�i�r�� �a� I��Ip �� r�na�r��g� �I��r�t ��cp��ta��i�n�. :��¢:�w.��vxt;t¢x¢t¢nix:���t¢���vxvx�x��:�¢�,�%¢;��}���n��v�¢k��,��¢�x¢�¢�x�x¢��,..�¢���������x�t�����x���xv����n� 4;���;�nt�.��xt¢t¢x¢x¢������x���,��.�����¢}x,����,��¢x¢ �����¢�,�x . . . . .. .. . . � ... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. ��� ��� t��A�; �A4; �:nv: tvnv:Y, tv:t¢n�: ��:t�: �� ��¢:t� t¢.��::�v�:n:�: t� t����� �onnnn��ir,r ���r��.o�n��t�� ��oc�c ��r�r ��DB�� P�o��nn P��� 7' a� � � ��������`��r� ��� T�E ���3 P����nn 1��� �V�v�n�e�� ��, ���� ��r� L��� ������ ���r�� P��vr��r�� � Bu����r�� �����r��u�r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 106 �L��������� ���� 1�. I��w c�� ��� �urr�n�ly ��11��� c��m��r��h�� �a�� �r� th� b�r��fi�i�r��� �� �he �������c� �r�,����`� or prog�-��`? ����mpl�: r����llet�i� ���.ra�teristi���'� �'I 'I �L� �--I��lir�� �u�r�r��l� I��� a� ����� ���a�b��� �h�� �Il��nr� ���������n �f �i�np�� d�r���ra�pl�i� d�t�. 11�1�r�t��r� r���rd ��n��r, ���} s���i�i� �it�, ��d p���l�r��r���d �� ���h �a�ll�r ��� I�n��a��� ���k�n. ���� th� �r����r��n��� ���� sirr�pl�f��� b������ ��� ��rr�r�� ����b��� ���c�� it di�fi��l� �� li�� �F�� ���r�r�� �r��l�r�ns�n���� t#�a�� t�� ��I��r r��� ����. T�i� ���� i� r�n��� �nt� r�n�n�hl� ����i�����1 r���rt�. F�1��nr��r�r, v�ri�h ���i�r �� �h� r�p�r�� r�r����l� ir� 1111�binf�rrr� �n� �rr�����n�r���ti�r� �� � qu���ity ��ntr�l rr��d�l v�ri�� ��Il�v�r �p, ��rr��r�l��n�i�� r���rt� �nrill �� ��ra�il���� v�rith ��r�n��r��hi� �r�d ���i����r���i� ���� ���h �� in��r��, ��I�r�i����, ��r�d�r, �it� �� ��II ��i�ir�, r��s�r��s ��r ��Il, �������� r���r� ��, n� r�f�rr�� �v�il��l�, �t�. Thi� �ill ��I��r ��r g�r��r��i�r� �� �n�r� ��r��l��c r����t� �r�� b�t��r ����ssr��r�� �� ��� ���i�l ���vi�� r���d� b� �it� v�rit�ir� t�� ���nty, 1�. I��w t�� ��� �ur�r�n�Yy ����rn��� in��rn� ����u� �f ���h �li�n�`� ����m�l�: ��r� ���� l��v- �nt� mo�er�te-inco�e�'� ����r�� ����u� �� ��r �li�nt� i� n�t �urr�n��� d����n�r���� ���rrr�v�r ���h �li��t �� ������r���� �r�d�r a� ����rfi� �r�bl���n���. ��rr�� �f th�s� ��t���ri�� �ssurr�� tk�a�t ��� �I��rrt ��� � v�ry I��nr �� l�v�r #� r��� �n���n�, ��� ����ti�n #� 'I f�r �I 111� a�ppr��r�d ������ri�� �n� �--Il�� ar�t��r���� ���r��y �r�-���r��r�d ������ri��. ��I �g�n�i�� �r�d �r��ra�r�� r�r���r�#�ir��� ir� I--I��1��'� d�t����� r���� r���t �1 � in�l��i�� �rit�r�� �n� �ff�r ���vi�� f�r I��r �r ��v�r-rr����r�t� i���rr�� ��i�nt�. T��r�f�r�, �a����r� q�a�lifying ���r r����rr��s �v��l� ����ra�11� r���t F�l�� ��i���ir��s. ��Il�r� r�����tir�� �ri��s �rrt�rv�n���n �r �u�p��rt ���Id b� ���I�rd�� �r�� H�J� �����1i��s. ��. P�-����e �h� ��ll��vi�� in��rr��ti�r� ��r� th� ��r���n��� �r� ��ur ����nizati�� r������i�l� f�r t�� �r���r����n �r�c� ���mi#tal �� t�� ���r��rly �-���rt� ��nc� ���- ��l���t�r�� �r�c� r���rtin� th� �enefic�ary �l�t� to ��e �rb�n �ou�ty# ������� p�r��r���i�i�; Li�d� �#��r���r P��n� r�ur�k��r: ���-���� ��c� 'I � �-�n�il ���r���: lir��la� a�s�����l�r��.�r�� r?'f.?ro'➢k?"f�.:,t'k°Y:?�:::;,t:4Y:2:;.t9v i:,t:;�?";.2::::�2:,t%:Y';.o;.'s::k8x�;�vnv,:7�,ti�"»8;.�".5.�};�7�f.i�:'f.�)9f;.5k�:',ti�;.?�FY'F8�8?�Ykv;.�9::Y'l�itt2'v8�k8;�:7:8k$;.vY;��$;��kY�Bz°:ko�8i.oi.;�'l;.o;.'o'.o'kk,�.'�8i.;3i;o'ooii.o�ko;�'aMk'xoiko)Kzo'xko-to;�oKOiK;:k;.ao4'<o-toao'xko-iv:oak>ko�oCo>ko:oKO4'coboKO-�oaoakia;:}�;.r%oaLazw'�x ���AhAUNITY DEVEL��MEI�T BL���C �RAIV� ��DB�} PF���RAN� �ACE � �F 11 �PPL1��4TI�l�1 ��R �HE ���� �R��FkAN1 �EAF� �]�1fEM6EF� ��, ���� �AIV �i.�l� �B��P� ��I.�IVTY �LAI+�NINC, �c ��1LDIlVC� �L�PLAIV�+11P+iC,��C� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 107 ��������� ����������� 1�. T�tal �r���n� �f ���� f�n�� r�������d: � ��,��� �I�a�� ic��r���f� ��� jur��c����i�r��s� �� v�r�ii�� ��� ar� ���1��r���: �ity �f A� �r��,c��; ��,1 �� �it�r �� Pa�� R��1��: � ��� �,�,..,.,,..,_,.,,,,_._...�.k �i�y �f Ata��a.c��r�: � ��� �1� �� ��11 �1.11� ��1��� ,.�„�� �7���� �ity o�` �ror�er ��a�h**: 3 0�0 �ounty �� �ar� ��is �bi�po: l S 0�0 '���'�'�: �f yo� a�� a�p��i�� ta ��e o� �n�re c�t�e�, �1eas� �ro�ide ��o�� o�` the a���i�ati�� to the �aur�ty b� �i� appl��atia� deadlir�� of �ctob�r 1�, ���5. �` �` {The �it� of C�rover �ea�h rese�es the o�ti�r� �o av�ard th� �aa���nt�r� 1�°�o of t�i��r �rar�t �ur�d��g a11��ati�r� f�r ���1i� ���v��� r���d�. ��v����r, �1�� �i�� �i11 ��varc� r�� ���� ��an �� ���� ��� ��v�rd. ������ �l���ll� ��1.1�' ��]�3�1���1�I� ����I`C�1�1��� 17. �le��� d���rib� t�e bud�et f�r �he pro�o�e� proje�� �� progr�m. �tem�ze a�� ����-�e� af �un�l��g �x������ �� �� �vax���l� �nc� u��c� ��r thi� �r����� a. Re�enu�s: 1. �D�3C ��nd� �e��ested �. �t�er Fed��a� ����� �p���� d�scribe �e�a�v� � , �##.��� ���r����� �pleas� d�s��il�� �����v� -� 4. I�o�a1 �ource��� �1�a�se d�sc�ib� b��o�} � . �the� ��c�s �lease des��ib� �e���� Tot�� Re��nu�s � $ $ $ � � �8 ��� 4 �� 36�,��� � * . �8,��� i� k��d �48 I 5� �i�W �����,��� f��rr� f��nd�ti�r� �r�r���, I���I �r�r�t�, ��n�r����, f�,r��r�i��r�, pri�r�t� ��r�a�ti�ns a��d ever�ts P�'�j��� e��er�di�u�'��: �ist ����� �� i��� �r ���� �a.����ry. ��t� ����ia�li�#J����ur�e Il�la�r�a��er �.� ��r��h� ir�i���l r����r��n�n��, d�si�n, �r��ra�r�r��ng, t���ir�g �r�� ��I��, � ���� ��r r�n�r��F� ��r r���rt�, ��ir�����r��� �n� a�n�l�s��. ��1� ��r���r �u��r�ri��r �� �ir�r�� ���i��t�d �� �t���. 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Page 108 Tr��r�ir�� �n�t�r���� I-�i��lin�r ����� �� �} ����t��r�� ��r �ni�i�l r���d� �unr�� �n� b} �a��nir�� ��rr����i�r� f�r � ��II ����C �� ����� �t��1�t�. �t�dy �e��gr� �r��! �dr��n���r�ti�r� ����� to tra�n t�� ���our�e N�ar�ager to progr�rr� Vlleb�r���rr� report� mod����; tr����r�� ��r b�th I�����r�� �11�r����� �nd ��11 ���t�r �u���nr���r �r� �����r� r��ui��r����� ��� ����b�li�i��, �p��ia�l pr��r�r�rr�i�g ����, �r���r��i�n �r�� �i�tribut��r� of report� �nd �h�r#�. ��eas� se� b�d�et ��ta�h�d 1�. I��v� c�� ���x �l�r� t� f�r�c� th� ���rati�n �nc� rn��x�t��a��� ����� �i� a��� ���������ci �v���a �hi�`� p�-����t� �r� th��� �ur��� av�ila�al� r��w'� I� r��t� wh��� wi�l ���� �� av�����1�`� �x�c� �r��n what �our�e��}`� All ir��r�r�n�r���l �������� ��r� ��i� �t���, ��� ��r���� �� ��i� ���� �r�r�t, ��li �� ����r��� b� H��lir�� ��d ��v�r�d b� f�r�dr�i��r r����� �r pri�r�t� d�na�ti�ns, T�nr� rr�a�j�r �undr�is�r� �r� ��h������ ������ tl�i� gr�r�� ���ir��, tl�� ��d-��-���r r�n�il �a�n����n �r�d ��rr �i�na�tu�r� ��r�r��, H��lir��'� ��r���l ����-�t�r�r�. 1�. ��1� ���� ��x�c�� �� ���� tc� m�t�hll���r��g� ��h�r f�ncl�*� ���� ��l��v fun�ing ����-��� a�c� ��nvunts and �de�t�fy award �at�� af t���� so�r�es, ���I��u�� th� �p��ifi� ��nr�r�� �r�� �i�n�r�� ��r���t �� [d�r��i��� �t tk�i� tirr��, v�rh�n ��� ���� �t��� is ���r��i���l; t�� ���� uvi�� �r�v� �r�l���l� t� �����rt �h� r�ni��i�n �r�� ��j��#i��� �f rr���� �r��p� i� �h� ���r��y �n� th�� r�a�� b� �r�rillir�g t� r�r����� �r ���r�t f�nd� t� rr��irrt��n �� �r���n�e tl�� �r�f�rrna��i�� ��r�i���l�. A� �r� ��c�r��l�: �Fi��t � ir�t�r��t�� in ��fi���� th� n��d� �� ���,��h�ld� �rvi�� ��il�r�n ���s �-� -�a�tF��1i� H��I����r� IIV��� fir�d�rrg �a��� n����� t� ������t I���I��y ���nrn�nity's �ni�ia����r�� -Lat�rr� �u��r���l� ����n�iC ����ci�g �nra��� t� b�ft�r ��rv� th� i--li��a�r�i� ���nrr��,r�i�y _. - I c�rtif� th�t t�� i���rmatio� �n this ap��i�at�o� 1� t�x� ar�d a�c�r�t� ta the b�st of my krro�vl�dg� a�d �bilit�. ��� �r��l �� ��� b Lin�� Il���r� �r 'i ��� ���� F���ris��n 'I ���'1��8 �i�r�atur� ��t� Lir��� Il�l��r�c� ����ut��r� �ir����r �rir����l �r ����c� r�am� �'� ^_„_„_,.: i�f?'f?:'�787�v:r�::: �'.l�f�oxo;.'o:<o;�o:<o'c'o�zoi'oi;�oz'ao;<ozo4'oiv�cobovoztfr%oi%,i'x'L'✓b�hoakw�Sa�.:::�b"lkwo-s;ws_an#}�s»ax sxox>ro xo�cys.• . . . . .. ... ?c?x'OF .. . .. ??°k. .. ...'"S..»F>�ox<.7�k�kY ��N111��lVITY DEVEL�P�IA�IVT �L��I{ �RANT ���E3�� PF���f�ANI P�a�� �� �� � � A�PLI�A�I��1 ��F� TH� ���� PR�GRAM YEAR CV�V�MBER 2�, 2��$ �AN LIJI� �BI��� ��l}IVTY �LAIVNIIVC $c �UILDIf�� �L�PL.AIVI�I{V�.�F�C Agenda Item 9.a. Page 109 Att�c�r��n� �! � qu�s#�on �#�f � ����-��'1 � Propose�! B�dg�� Ar��ual �ran� �tl�er B���e# I�eq�e�t �undi�� Pers�nn�i E�c��uti�� �����t�r ��, � �� ��, ��� Adr�inistrative �oo�din�tor ��,�D� 2�,�D� M�r�C�tin� 8� ��v�l�p ���r�inat�� 44,��� ��,��� P�o�rar� I��n�ge� ��,��� 3�,�D� D��� �p��ia�li�� ��,��� �,��� ��,��� � ���� ���t�� �u�p�rvi��rs �4,��� ��.��� ��,��� � ��I��I���� ����ia��i��� {bi-lin�u��� ��,��� 96,��� �ubtota� Per�san��l 3��,��� ��,��� �18,��� �p�ratin� ��c�er��e� �- M�rketing & �utrea�� ��,��0 1�,��� F�e��u�ting Co�ts �,�00 �,��� H � D Prin�ing�Di��ributi�r� �,��� �,��� Tra�i�in� �I�t�ria�l� �,��� ��� �,��� Da�t� ���� Il�l�in��na�n�� �,��� �.��� I���ds ��u�� ���i�Npr�gr�� �,��� 2,��� � �tud� A�r�r�in��r�r�tin� ����� �#��� � R�ntlUti��ti�s ��,0�� 30,0�� ��I����n . ��,��� ��,��� �ffi�e �u��l�es '� �,��0 � �,��� Tr���l 8� �n��rt��nrr��r�t �,��� �,��� ��cog n it�on 2, ��4 �, 5�� ��b���al �pera��in� E�c�er���s 9�,��� G,��� ��,��� T�TAL� 44�,8�� �8,��� 4'� �,��� :f2'FY:�.ni;.v;.v.'v'Cvi'c%.,o-o'xouK-S<oi�oixoKOi.�o�*:nfro�iFS�ox<+.'k-i'k�'o-�Onfif�{k.b�r.:-}�fkXOwo-yCyx,<oxox�:..°.yjf$?9.°.4°kki,pFk�XEkKfY.',tl�;.??�2�F,honi�9o�x.%.;.o;��or�oc.�"or»izozboc'Ki-;��ox'edk-S�4-Sk�o'xoS¢,i-k-S-k.'�}bb�kxb}_{S_L}�{o;�»dxxS.,bxb>xox�xnsx-�arowC'Nf1O.°.'"'Fil+Y9?":23Y';.$1.Y;.Y:;.�;.Yii-.;.vx.+io2-i;�oi.�oi.�"ortii�abadC-ivo*Co-%o;l%�bygh6Cdvk++k5.,<d.,lokWY�x,<� o.F4?W>xio-x<2.2i'9i'f2'F2.f.x5.?":X:kw"3'.27«intww<v,�..sL7�.'7�.aa%.xlG.v ���+I�IA1J�11�'Y �E11�L�PfV�E�1T �L��FC �RAIVT ��DB�� PF���F�A� PA�� 1 � �F 11 A���������r� F�� T�� ���� I�����ann 1��� N��rEnn��� ��, ���� ��r� L��� ��a��� ��ur�r�r Pi..�r��r�� 8� �u�����v� ����r..�r�r��r��.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 110 ��������� � �i�m ��r ��� Fr�r�: tr����rr� a���,�1�,��.u� ��n�: T�ur����, ��t�ber ��, ���� � �:�� A� T�: �inr� �er�r� I�a��}r �II1e�d���; �rhuE a�atas�ad�r�.�rg; �be�k a�}r �r�ver.�rg; jreese a�gr��rer.�r�t ed a��r��t�r.��r�; rr���dr�n a�sl��i�y.�r� ����e�t; �lar�f���ti�� �f V�ri�us ���� �DB� 1��p1i��ti�r�s oc� morr�ing I� vi�w��i ��� �I��� ���li�a�i�r�� t���� id�n�i�a.�d f�r�din� r�c��x��ts t� rr�ul�i�l� � �� ' ��i�n� �f ��� LTr��n ���r���r �r�c� I h�v� t��� f�l 1����a� �.n��rm�����a �� �r��rid.� . �DB� �pp �i�r� �� a�l p2���i�����ir�� juri�di��i�r�� �f th� ����x� ���n��r ��p 1 i�ar�t : Hot 1 ine �ro�ect: C2�p� buildi�xg �o ac�ommot�ate �r��r��sed ��ed, ar�c� p�iorit�r �t��� ���u��� : �r��l�a�� li���i�� ��q��st, p�����.i�l ��l�i�l� ��ndir�� r�c�u�s�s D���ussior� � P�����c�in� �� �ny ��n�r�r� ' �x� wi�h Lix�d� M��r����, E����tiv� �ir��t�r, I��tlin� �,+�i�.l �u]�rttit a letter to clari�y th�ir dir�� req�est within t�� r�ex� coup�� o� d�ys . T�ie �ur�di�g r�qu��� mi��� b� c��vit��c� �s ��i�i�d I�el�v�r f b�� fu�1 ��tai�� v,ri�l b� p��v�d�d �y H�� 1 ir�� , �la�r�r�ir�� a�ad �����it� ��ilc�ir�� ��t� �ond�ct ar� ur�me� ��eds an� q���it� o �ri�e ��udy Bur�get :��, o0o for a dat� s�eciali�t ��bli� ��rviee ac�ivities Hir� pa��� ��nt� s�p�r�ri��� �� i��I�r�n�r�� t�� ��� r�d.��i�ns �� �.h� �I�x� ��dg��t; ��'7, ��� f�r �r�� ����--�i�n� ��1� ��r���r �u i��r� L�r�����n� �mpl.a�x����.i�� ����� t : � � � , o 0 0 �D�� appl.i���i�n �� �����ac����, �r��r�r ����h, Pa��� l��bl�� a�r�� ��u��t�r �p��i�ar�� ; ����l�s � ���� H�lp I��us�n� ���p���t��n P��j��t� : H��s��a� ��t�r�s��in� I���x� : ��t����i�� �r�j ��� as � ��bli� ���vi�� �r�� ��� a� � �l�r�r�ir�� �a�a�i��r B�ild.�n� ���i�ri��r � �r�vi�u�l�r s�����1. �is�t�ssior� T�� �x��l s�r���c�����t �����h�� �� rr��r 1������� �-t�n�il. id�nti�i�c� this �ppl��a� �� � Fla�r�r�i�a� ar�d �a����i�y �u��.�ir�c� a�p�i�����r�, �T��n f��t��r r��ri�w, th� �p������i is �r�l� �li�ibl� �� � �u�l�� ��rv��� ���ivity ��r �I���in� ��r�ri��� ����r�����n� pr'�c���r�n� � r th� L�v��M�c� �irr�i��d �li.�r���l� N��.i��al �b����i�r� . P���s� ���s�c��r t�i� ���li���i�� �c�ord�r�gl� . ��8� ap�lica�ion to �rro�o �rande, Gro�r�r �each anc� th� �a�x�ty �l� .���kr�ll� s ��l#7r��� �kJGi�� ����il ��1J��rF7 � 111LM ■ Pr�j ��� : �'�l��ws�i.� �'i�ld F���x��r��i�n Is�u�: �r��j��� ir���.ia�i�ili��r ��� �� l��k �� �DB� ��ti�n�l �����tiv� �is��s�ior� Th� ��r���a�l ���s� ��u�.Y� ���rt�� Ir��, �����I} �r������� t� "r��n�va��" � s��rts �i�ld ����t�� �n pr���r���r ������ �r�m ��� �`ir�� ����mb�y �f ��d �h�r��, �� ��� ��l�rim �++�a��, �rr��� �r�x��� ��PN ; � � � � � � � - � � �. } . ���� � �.�� 1 i�c� f �� ��B� ��x�c�� ��r p�xb� � � � �� i 1 i t��r irnpr�v�rr��n� s . ����I' s���li���i�r� i�c�i����s ���� ��� �i�� �v�uld b� c��v�����c� ir�t�� � l�a�����1 f������11 fi��� a�r�c� la�wr� ��� �r���� �����r �r�d. ������1�. ���ar�i�����n� ix� �h� Fi�cr� �iti�s a�x��� . �� � ���i���y ��aa�� wil� b� ���n �� ��� �r��x��a �� ��i� �"�v� �i�i�s �r�� �Li�tl� L�a�u�, 8��� ��t�h L�agu�, AY�� so�ce�� plus other �ro�xth a���r�izatiar��} , the proj�c� is r�o� �li�ible �r�d�r ��� ���� ]��r��f it ��i��r�i� �� �����v� ���� funds b������ ��x� �it�r �f Ar���r� �r��nc�� i� r��t f Agenda Item 9.a. Page 111 �r����i��t�ly l�w������at�-i�����, ��r i� �h� Fiv� �i�i�s �r�� ����l�di�� �h� �i�� �� �i��� B���h� �����min����� ������������-������. � s���� �it� �i�� P�l�y�, ��� ��Y�I P���i����, ��� ans����d ������1 �����i�ns ���u� ��s �r�j��� ��� ���li��ti��, �h� ���fi���� ��at ��� �i�l� �ill �� ���� b� y��t� i� �h� Fi�� �i�i�s ����. I i������d �r. F�1��� ��at ��� �r����� i� i��l��i��� �� r���i�� �DB� fun�� ���a��� it ���s ��� ���� � �DB� ���3��a1 �bj��ti��. �� ��� h��� ��� q��st����, �l�a�� ���� fr�� �� ��11 m� �� ��1����7. S���erely, Ton� �avarr�, Pla��er ��I D��������� �� Pl���i�� �n� B�i�din� Cou�ty of �a� Lui� �bi�po � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 112 � ������1�� ����������� ����� ���� 1 ���� ������ �1��L��A���IV ��� �HE ���� I�F���RA11� 1���� ��r� ���� o����� �o�r��nr D�����nn��v� a� P�����r�� �rv� �u������ 9'�� �so� �����rt • f�o��n 2�0 � ��r� ���s ��ISPO • ���NF��r��� ��4�� � ����} 78�-���0 �'romo#ir�� ti�e I�se �l�e of L�nd + 1�fel�frr� to B�i�d Gr�at �ornmurr��ie� �r�ar�i���i�� ���: ���tr�l ���s� ���xt� ���r�� ���. �Att�c� ac�ditio�� s�i�et� �� �e��ssa�� 7'0 �e cor�s�der�d for ��J�� ��istar��e, p1��s� s�b��t t��s �o�p�eted ap��i�a��a� vv�t� a.n� ���i�b���, b�dget� �� �er��f���ary ��.ta �s r���c��� ����1���1��'1S ��1 �� 1�1����C� �� �}Il� �� ��1� ��1�1�����1� �L1I'��C�1��1��5 �1���{� 1� this ���li�a���r� �r ��: T��� I��va.��� P��n�r ��I� ����rtn��r�� �� ��a,�n.��� �c� ��1c�1n�� ��� ���� ��r���, �oo� 3��, �ar� ��is ����po, �A., ���OS or ��.n� deli�e�ed to �"or�� �ava� at � �35 ���� �tr�e�, �ao� ���, �an I��s ��ispo, �A., ��x�d tr� �5��� 78 � -�5��4, o�r e�r�ai��c� ta �n.�va.�o��o.�lo.ca.us. '�'�e �pp�i��t��n ���rlY�e xs �:�� �.M., Tr���d�y�, �ct���r �4� ����. A��l�cat��r�s r�a�s� � ���ved �y ��e ��l,l.�� ��` ��1� �� �� �7�1�1���117� �1���� ����� �T�'�C�� �t���d�r�, �ro��� ��a��i, �a�� 1����e�, �ar� I���� ��is�o� �riar to c�o�� a� th� b���r�e�s da�. �0��"���� �A'I''�� �A�� �����I] ��'�� '��� I3�A����E V�II�� ��'i' B� A����'�`��. 1���`�: � � � �'1�a�� ������v ��� ���� �������i��� �c� �i����r��� �� t�� ���u��� f�r �������.1� b�ef�r� ����1���g #�i� p�c����a1. �� ���� ��g�x�a.�i�r�� a.re a�����1��� �� ��v. �1����i��� �d�r "�o�s�n� �r�t�." A�so, p1e�� c�11 �o�nt� ar�c�lor ci� �D�� s�aff �rith �� quest�o� �.b��� ���v t� �o�npiet� t�� fo�m o� abo�t t�e r�tin� �ri���a �d ��oc�ss. ��� If th� 1r�for�a�ior� for �y of �� c�u�stio�s �elo� r���i�r�s r�o�� �o�x� to pr��id� ��orr������ e��1���iox� o� yo�r pro����� ��oj��t or �rogr�rn, ��ea�e att�� add�t�or�a� ��i�ets. �����'� ����1��'�I�� 1, 1���� �r�� ��il��n� �c������ �� app�i�a�� ��-g�r����i�r�� �vi�� ������t ��r��n� ��i��� ��� ��� n�n���r�� a�� �-r���l ��c�r���: I��xr��; ���tr�� ��as� ����h ���rts I�� A�dr�s�: P� ��� ���, ���rr�� �����, ��., ����� �o�t�c� �er�oniti��e: Il��i�� �e�a�� -� �'�esid�r�t ����e — 8�5-�4� � ���� � Fax: 8�5 �-47�-9�6� . �-���� �� ���; rx���l������y��inc.��� Is t�e o���i�a���r� a����h B��d �rg���tior�`? ��MMI�h��TY DEVEt�PN�i��Vfi �L�CK �RA�JT ������ PR�GRA�1�4 �4�P�1��4T1�IV ��Ft �tlfdDfl�� C��.JF�I�I� ���� �F���RAA� 1�E1�1F� �1��1 �UI� �BNSP� C�U#�Tl� PLAIVIVIN� & BtJI�.D�N� �� � . � � ��� �� �� � ���� ��� � ����� ��� o��� ��� � �� � �AG� 'I �F � {� ��T�BEI� 1 �, 20�� S���LAN�IING.��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 113 ������ ���������� �. 'Fi���1�a������r��� �� ��� ���� r�' ��� �r �����am: � . � � � �. P����� ����r��� t�� �r�p���� �r�,j��� �� �r���r�m. I� �r�� �� #��� ���� p�r�gr���s� �����c�� � �r��f ���j���1���gra.m c�����i������ �� gr���� ��� �i11 �����i� ��l � ��p��n�ti�r� ��` �i�v� th�� ��1� ����fi� �o� �� p�o����� �roj��t or �ra�rar�. �ar p�oj���s, ��s�ri�� t�e �o�at�o� a� th� �roje�t ��e �� ��e���c �� ��������� �,�. ��r��� a��r��s�, ��� p����a�n�, ��at� ��� �������� fr�x� ���� t�� �r��g�� ��1� �� ���ra�t�d �dl�r ����ri�e �i� ���������� ��� ��r��� 1�� ��� ���gra�. A���, �leas� �����xc�� � ����ci�1� �� p��j��tl�r��rarx� ��1�����.��, � �� " . �. ��1� tl�e ��r���e� �ff��ed b� �o�x� o���i��t�o� �n�re��e �r ���an� �s a r����t o�' t�xe ���� ���i������ :� � � �� �� �� r h� ��l �v�v�n� u���ti���: � � � � ��.� �.} � ��.. . � � � �� . . .� . a. �ha� ��� �rogr�s �d1or �e����� �� be p�ov�d� . . , � � � � � � � � , . � � � � �, I�����be ��v� �������� r��r�� ��1�r ���ri��� v�i�l b� e���c��c� a�c� v���� p�r��r�ta�� �� ar� i��r�as� �� �� ����c�`? i ' � � � � � �� �' � . � � �- , � � . , � �. �h��� �r�� �� ��� f�ll��vi�� �li�i��� a��i�i� ������ri�� �h�� ����' �� th� ��-�����c� �r�,j��t �r pr��r��: �I����r �� �1��� r��g�la��i��� a�c� ��� C�u��c�� �� �l�gi��� ���� A������� �. Acc�u��itia� �f re�1 �ro�e� � �J�spos�tion o� �e�1 ��o���#.y � ♦ • • • ■ ■ s • ■ s �L����� ���1�1�1�� �.I]C� 1�Y1�3�������1�� �I1��� 1I���i��� ��������1�I'1, ����t�i�t���n� ��c��st�ctio�, reha�ili�a��on or i�sta�l�t�on} P��r�.tely or�v�e� �ti�iti�s ��e�a��� �c� rem�di�t�o� ������ties �o��nur��r�r ��v��o�nn�r��r ��oc�c G�r�� ��L�B�� fi��o��nn P��� 2 0� � o �PPL1�I�TI(�#V ��Ft �HE ���� �Ft��f2Al� �FAF� ��T�BER � �, ��0$ �AI+� �UI� �BI�P� ��IJI��Y �E..A�N��V� $c �L�[L�IIV� �L�PLAF�I'V�I�C.�I�C� Agenda Item 9.a. 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T�� � �v�� ��� �i r�� �r��r�� ����n �r����� �r�����, a�rr� v�r� � �r��C ���. o�r �ro�r��r� fa� di ����# �� ��f���i �a� � � ��� i � �f�� �or��� ��� � s ��n�t��t�c� � r� ��v�� v� ����~�r��r��� ������ r��� �#� �~��g���� � � ��c�r���r . �� � �� r��r� � r���� ���r���r�� � � � ���t�� �� ���� �� ��rrr� r�� � �r�r� � �r����� . �� -� � a� ��u�� � ��a����n�n� �ui �� ��r� ��d� , �C� ����n���� a�r�d ��� . �� a�l �I ��r �i ���1 �� , l�c��m�� ��� persor�s ��� r�� ��� ����d �t~o�r ����� ��1 � or� �ou�� �� ���� �i ����r� �� ������ �� �o s�a� th��~� t��po��r� 1 �r � � t���r a��~� ��o w��l� �o �� � � o�e �f �h� tv�a ov� rrr� h� ���1 �� r��rrd o�� �r� t�e �t r�ets �� 1 d��r .��� �em o�~ar� 1�r d� s��� �d a�� �� �ase� f��r� ��� pr�� r� wh�rr �h�� ar� b����r �wh�� t e�c�c�or �� � ���� � ��c�� r��� . �I�� ���a� � � �n� �� �~r����rr�l � �i ��b� �� ��r���� �� ����1 �r r�� ����d �r��t� � �1��� �a�r� p��r��r��r�� � �t���� �� �e� h���� r� . �a�t ���r w� s�r~�r�d ��� ���l��� i ����d � �d� �ri du�l � ���r���wi �l� ��r a � ��� ��� ��r �i g �� , i r� �r��i v� a��a�r������� , �v� t� ��� ��r� r�� ��v � �n r����� � . w� � r� r�q��s�� ng �� i �c ��a�� p ri r��ri � �r ��ca��r�� o� ��e � �c r��a��� � � �� � �a���� �a�d . ���� ��a��~ ��i ��a�l ����-�� �� r ����� �a�� i r���~����� ��r ���6 � �`�� �r��� ���� r� ������-�� ��� �i r����a��� �r�� ��� � �I��� �I�i � �r�a�r� � �����-� � � �� � v�� ��c���� �r������~ la���� i��r�����, ���I ��ur� �t�r����� r��t���� � � �'�r� ���3-��, �r��� �v� ��r� ��c���� �r�� �n���� r 1 ��g� ��� � �r��r���� . �� ��- a���t�n��� i � �����j�� �r��r��� � � ��r���r� �r��n a� - �r��� �a��� � �r�c�� ��c� ��r ���� ��r �r��t�, �� �?��� ��� �r��r. �`��� �a�r� u�� �r�� � �c� �� ����i�g ���� ��r��� �r�� ��~orr�r� �eac#� � a�d ho�i �g t��t ��w��r� �tr�ro�c� Gr�r� � a�n� �ro�r�r ��ac� �e c�n ��r t�� r�r�� o� ��� ap�r���n�r�t �or ��r� ���r~ * T�� � ��a���r��� � � � ��w ��~� r��r~i �r ���� ��r� �c���F� �c��rrt�r r��� ��r��� . �r� �i�� ���� � �r�� a�l �� u���� � t fa�~ ���� ���� ����s of ��� �.u� s o�� spo, b�r� w� ���r� ���u� ��d a��at���~ ���r��- �m�n� � � ��� ��� � ��i ��� ��r� ���r �a��r� ���a �~ �I�� ��� �� �� �~�r� ����r . we a�� nc�w �� �� � �g ��a� ��6 a� �u r~ c� � �n�� cor�e f�~or� �he �o��� ������ . ���t vu��~�� ��� �� ��� ���1 �� r �i ��r�� � ��� r�� 1 ��� ���~ � � �i �� r�� , a�r�� ��r��� d �� �� 1 ���� ��� �I��� ��r ni ���� ��r ����-�� � v�� � ��� ��c�����d �i r���r���� i r� �a���- � o�� . ���� w�u7 � �� e�o�g� �� I���p t�e �rr��� �r~a�d� ���rt�r�r�� ��1 � ev���r n�c��� �� ��r� ���r. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 124 ����r�� �y �����rr� , �� �f ��4 ��he r�����r �f * p����n� �erv��f � a�t year�� � s ���e r�san� *��� ave ra�� n���� r o� ���� �� � r��r �I�t� p� r� p� ��o� wa�� 1� . I f �ro� �nu� �� � �r �7 p���ons �c �� �h�l ��r r�� g�t� � p� r p� r�o� , ��u ��t �97 s��� �� r r�i g��� ����� t�e �a�.�ne �� t#�� ��� �h�l ��r r�� h�� f� ����� b� s��� ��� r�� ���� � T�er� ���� ���� t�e � ��r���e � r� ��s�� aa� �o� � ��-��, �nd ��� s��ul d a��►� r� ar�ri ve at ab�ut 3�� d��r� p��~ �r��� � �� �p��� ���6 0� our i n���� �� �p��~t�n�n�� a�r�d r�o��� rt�t��� � �v� �a��� �r� a�� 1 ��r��l �r����r ��a��� a�r�� r�� ����i �� � �� ���i g���� �h� �r��i d��� � � F��r�� � r� �a��� �t�b� �� �� �ur� �r�i ��� ��1 �� ��� �� b���i ���� . �� �r�r�� ���r�a��� i r� ���� ��d or� i r��l � �r ����r�d a�� �r ��� �u���h ��ur���, �� ������ w� ��p�r����f o� � �eo� �ap � ca�l �� rvi c� ���� to ��r�e w���l e�ou r�t b�c�u s� r�a ��F�� r� a���rrc� � n �1�� ���n�� �r�� c����ri ng ��-��ur ���� ��r �� � � �i ���1 �c� ����� ��� . �i r��� �t��r� �ve hav� had -� r�� �re�s� �g� �r �e r�i ��s f� ��r��� �1 �i ��� �u1 ti � s , �r�c� � as� �r�ar� w� vp�r�t�� �� a 1��� �� �� ��5�, r��d� u� �ro� r�s�r��r�� ;�� ��r�not c�r�t� r��� �� c�� ���� . �� �r�v� ������ a�� � ��� r�n�� �cr�c��rrr tc� �� , a�r�� i r��r�����f �� r dor���io�s �r�c� ��r�d�-r�i���� l��r ���, u� �� i� r��� �no�g�# �V� ��� ��rr�ir�� ���rr� �� ���.�1.� r������� ��. �� r���� �� �r��� _�� ��� �.-..-�.�- ��~��. c.���� ���r� t�� ��� ca�e� � � ���� � � w��r w� �ro�� ���� ��ro�ro �r��d� ��� �ro�r�� ����l� �tog�t�er wi � 1 ��v� r th� ���� �� r��� �� � �h� ���a�� ������r a��a�����rrt ���w��r� �i��r� , �r�� ���� �r�r��r� �r����� �ri 1 � ��r��r�i ���� �� r���� �� � � ��� �� ��� ����� �r�r��a�� ���� �� r�rr� ���a�rct� ��� �� �v��� ����r�r ����I� ���� . �►� a�� �� ��I� ��a�� �rr��r� �r��n�� �����r�� � � �r�� i n������ i r� ����� �� ��� ����i �g , �nd r�a� � ust ��r ��n� v�s s �� � p� �r��n���� �r �i s��� �c� �1 i �n�s �eec� �� �ove �n �o subs��i��d ���s���� �'h��r ��� �ro�t��r �� �he�r ��l� ar�� ����� ���r� i � � h�g� c�ap be����r� �I�� r���� ��r� su��i �i ��� #�ausi �g �r��i �#�� ��p�1 �r # �h� soor��r w� ��r� �-� ��h�r�c�e a� �� ���t ���� ����� or� 8 ho��� rr�, t�� soor��r� w� car� �ccep� �r�ot��� . we �� so a��c ���t �r�� e�cou��g� �Fr� dev�� opr���� o� resi de��i �� ca��~e �or��� ar�� �oar�i �g a�rd r~���� r�� �o�s�s ,�r�� �� ar� r���#� r�ee��� a� ���c��c��b� � I����� n� , �rrd ���� � �� �� r�na����� �1 a�����r��� �� �~ �� � �� � �r��� . T����c �a� �a r���� ��r' �o�r car�s�d�ra��or�. �i r� c� re� �r , .��� � ...� - - - - -- - . --. - . � . � f.� � � . ����# �,r �, � P��r� [����1�, �r��i ���� ���� �� �� �r��� F��� �r�d ���� �� � , �rr� . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 125 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK v l , � � TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM JIM BERGMAN, ASSOCIATE PLANNER� SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTALINFORMATION DECEMBER 9, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 9.a. ADDITION OF APPLICATION TO CDBG PUBLIC SERVICES REQUEST DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2008 Attached is an additional application from Transitional Food and Shelter, Inc requesting CDBG Pubiic Service funds. Countywide CDBG rules stipulate that applications can be turned into any participating jurisdiction prior to the yearly deadline. This application was submitted on-time to the City of Paso Robles but was sent to Community Development Department staff this afternoon. Staff did however make several attempts early in the process to contact the applicant via phone message and e-mail since we did receive the correspondence marked as Attachment 2 in your original staff report. Since it appears that the applicant did comply with the countywide rules and that the application delay was caused by miscommunication between jurisdictions, staff is presenting the modified recommendation regarding Public Service funding below: Recommended funding $2,254 ($4,000 requested); Shelter Program for the Medically Fragile Homeless (Transitional Food and Shelter, Inc) — Staff recommends funding in the amount of $2,254 for this program, which provides temporary shelter to the medically fragile homeless. This recommendation is based upon 1) the provision of a high priority services; 2) the majority of the program's funding is derived from local sources; 3) a proportional and fair funding request; and 4) this is only the second year that Transitional Food and Shelter, Inc has participated in the program and their record of using funds is not yet established. Due to this additional request, the Senior Nutrition Program of SLO County (first time applicant) was reduced by $596 to $1,459; Active Older Adults Program (first time applicant) was reduced $59 to this year's minimum award of $941 and the remaining requests were reduced to their last year's funding level. c: City Manager City Attorney Director of Community Development � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLtCATION FOR THE 2009 PROGRAM YEAR CYVCa�s�>f::sYa40l�LW:<'�[4C:avJix.%v.'v:s4YYaYYSf'..ev4p'uuiK'Y lY.M.L6�C.'1 >:f��:sK�NS�aCixn.v.�:v..>.8 � SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PIANNING AND BUILDING 978 OSOS STREET � ROOM 200 � SAN LUIS OBISPO � CALIFORNIA 93408 •(805) T81S800 Promotlng tlre YMse Use of Lam/ • Helping to Bm7d Great Commun/dea �:I Organization Name: T�NSITIOIVAL FOOD ANll SHEY�TER, INC. (Attach additional shcets ifnecessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit t}ris completed applic�tion with any exhbits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdidions listed in this application or to: Tony Navazro, Planner III, Deparhnent of Pianning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navazro at 1035 PaUn Strea, Room 370, San Luis Obispq CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or Finailed to tnavatro(a�co.slo.ca.us. TLe application desdline is 5:00 P.M., Taesday, October 14, 2008. Applications must be receival by the Cwmty or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover Beacb, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to closc of the business day, POSTMART�D DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFPER THE DEADLINE WII.L NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review ffie CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for �oposals 6efore completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations are available at www.sloplanning.org under "Housing Grants." Also, please call County and/or city CDBG staffwith any questions about how to cmnpletc the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room W provide a comptete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional s6cets. CONTACT INFORMATION i. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, pLore and faz numbers, and o-mail address: Name: Yearl Munak Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): 3770 N. River Rd., Paso Robles, CA 93446 Contactperson/tiUep�l Munak, President Phone: �g�� 23&7056 Fax: E-mai! address: pearltrans@aoLcom IS the organiza6on a Faith Based OrganizationT Yes ❑ No Qf � CoMn��urr DEVaormo�r B�oc�c Gwwr (CDBG) Pqocwu� P�ce t oF 70 i APpLMArIONFo2FUf�IDINGDURING2009PROGRnMYEAR SEPIBABBtt2.2006 -.- SArI WIS OBISPO COIMfY PLAPA7ING & BUILDING ��.a� � PROJECT DESCRIP7'ION 2. Title/nameladdress of proposed project or program: 24-honr/day, Temporary, Emergency Shelter for Disabled $omeless in North County 3. Please descri6e the proposed proj�t or program. In one or two shoR pazagcaphs, include a brief project/program description, ffie groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will beneSt &om the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (6e as speci&c as possible, e.g. street address). For pmgrams, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by ffie program. Also, please inciude a schedule of P�.1�P+�8� �ilestoaes. `32���Fa-` 4. � Provide 24hrJday temporary shelter to persons resfding in the North Connty�who are unable to be cared for in an overnight shelter for medfcal reasons, at 2 units iu Oak Park and 5 units at Seott's Motel,�'overflow in motels. Each temporarily disabled person wiIl be sheltered until tLe doctor's letter ezpires. Totally and permanently disabled persons who wiII never get well cannot be safely discharged nntll tLey are placfl�in permanent, snbsidized housiug by caseworkers. '�'a17 � 'neS�:,PRSoRo6I�s a 5��'�' �/ C'am;noReal,�l-t�scad�rr� "�'���'�8,Y9�m Will the services offered by yonr organ on increase or eapan as a resuit of the CDBG � assistance? Ifyes please answer the fotlowing qnestions: a. VJhat new nroerams and/or services will be vrovidedT More persons w�71 be served. b. Descn�be how existing programs and/or services wiil be expanded and what percentage of an increase is exoected? The number of petsons needing servlces increases by sbout 30%/year. 5. CLeck any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Elieible CDBG Activities�. � Acquisi6on of real property � Disposition of real property � � Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) � Privately owned utilities � Clearance and remediation activities -:-.,.n.., �....._._:..r :.,:.,.:..:.-._,..,-:>,:r::_:.�:�.:...��....::�- -. Co�urimr De�opMewr Bi.opcG�uar (CDBG) PaocrrnM AraucnnoN FoR T� 2009 PROwxaM Y� SPN Ws OeisPO Courm Purr�iNC 8&ntnitac _. . :...:. ....... . . .. .. . . . .. . ......... ........:.....,�: :,.::-_.,- . Pace20F t0 SEarrs�eEtt tz.2oo8 si.aPUra�n�c.orso t.-' � Public services � Interim assistance � Relocation of individuais, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or fazms �✓ Loss of rentat income � Removal of architectura] barriers � Housing rehabilitation � 1� � � ( �� L.=_f � (--� I—t New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation Commercial or industrial rehabi[itation Special economic development Technical assistance and planning studies 6. Describe the need and the degree of argency for the pmposed prnject or program. What would be the rnnsequences if the proposed project or program is not fanded in the nezt year? Without these servfces, 6ospitals m71 have to keep patients not in need of hospital care, or seud releases to aa npstairs shelter, even if tfiey canuot climb stairs, and patien� will have to be out all day, and maybe all nigLy in weak condition and without electricity to operate med. eqoip. They csnnot receive chemotherapy. Lives cannot be e�eaded. T6ey w7l fall down on the street. They wi1l snffer ezposure and viMimiaation. 7. Ptease describe the specGSc organizationa! method nsed to implement the proposed project or prognm (singie or mnitiple group, pubGc agency, non-profit, for-profit, esperience in operating similar programs, et�): Single non-profit, ten years experience in operating same or sim�ar program wiih volunteers. Close cooperation wit6 hospitais, EOC and other socia! service agencies. CoMMUrirn DEVaoan+wr B�oac Gw�r (CDBG) PROCr+ar P�c� 3 oF to � APPUGATION FOR THE 20D9 PROGRAM YEAR SEPiBABQt �Z� Z008 __ Snry Lu�s Oeisao Courm PuNra¢ac & Bui�m�c s�orur»xr+c.�c � 8. Does the project require thc issaance of a permit (from local, state or federal a encies)? j Yes� No � a. If yes, please identify t6e permits necessary to complete the project b. Fiave the necessary permits been issued7 Please provide proof of permit issuance. a If pecmits aze required bvt not yei obtained, when will the peanits be issued7 NATIONAL OBJECCIVES CRTTERIA 9. Does t6e proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of tLe objectives below that applies to the proposai, and eaplain how the project or activity meets that nalional objective. e- � Be�nefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Departrnent of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Select one: � Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit - The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Ceasus data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be ab(e to prove their projecUactivity primarily benefits low/moderate-income hovseholds. O Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clienfele - The project beneSts a specific group of people (rather than all azeas in a particulaz area), at Ieast 51% of whom are low/moderato-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presmned to be low/moderate-income: abused childrcn; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meetiag census definition of severeIy disabled; persons living with AIDS; and � mi t farm workeis Low/Moderate-Income Housing - The project adds or improves permanent residential tures that will be/are occupied by low/moderato-income households upon compledon. Low/ModentaIncome Jobs - The project creates or retains peananents jobs, at least 51 % of ich are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/moderate- income persons. Expiain: BeneSts oniy Lomeless pecsons. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular azea of the County or participating city, ak least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. ..::._.._..,.��._,..... . _:_..,.....,:..,..,:.,,._-..::._.,,..._....:._..__�,:...:..:_..., ...-,: ::�..:,........ ,__...,:..2. . Carn�urnir DEVaopMErrr B�ocicGrsnur (CDBG) PROCw� PACe 4 oF 10 APw_i�nori Fort THe 2009 PrtocruM Y� Serr�eEre t2 2006 �. s�w �,u�s Oeisro Courm Pur�wir� & Buaoiric swaura�u�c.or� � b. Aids in the preveirtion or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Selcct one: Addresaing Slnms or Blight on an Area Basis - Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will preveut or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are litnited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of bui(dings, but only to the extent necessary W eliminate wnditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the pmject tocated in a Redevelopment Area? Yes� No � If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopmeut Project Area (exceipts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed pmject NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the azea. a� Meets community deveIopment needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions � pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the commwuty, and no ot6er funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. �- To meet this national objective, the proposcd activity must deal with major catasirophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. ...:..:.,.,.�.__.........:.,,r...::. ,,.. . _....,,,_.. ..:.:: . . ... -._,. _ .:__:.... � CohiMlRdm DEVELOahiFt�r BWCK Gwwr (CDBG) PROGw�Mt .. . .. � Pnce 5 oF t0 Aaauc�non FoR Tt� 2�J PROCruM YEnrt SFrmaeec �2. 20as �'_' SANWISOBISPOCAUNLYPLANMNCaRBUILDING si.ovwaruic.oRc �__ ' I0. If the project or program is desiped to meet the nationai objective of providing be`efit to low- and moderato-inrnme persons, please estimate the namber of undnolicated nnmber of persons (or 300 i b. Of the total number of persons or households eniered above, how tnany will be ]ow-income (earning 51 %- 80% or less of the County median-income)7 3 ��• �� persons/households circ2e the ( applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be ye� low-income (eaming 50% or less of the County median-income)? 300 •�� persons/households circlethe ( applicable unit) � \.... 11. WLo are the clients of yonr organization? (Easmple: tow- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered sponses, etc.) Severely disabled persons who are also Lomeless. They sre so �1, injured or disabled that they cannot be oat during the day. - 12. How will tLe clients benefit from t6is project? They wiD be given T,4-Lr., temporary, emergency shelter. If temporarily disabled and can get well, w�t be sLeltered unti! they are well enough to be in an overnight sheflter, as recommended by their doMor. H they will never get well, and are totally and pernoanently disabled ('ineluding degeneraNve diseases and terminal condiHons) they wilt be sLeltered unh7 tLeir caseworker Snds permanent, subsidized hous�ng, since tLey need 24-hr. ahelter and do not have enough income to pay rent Aduit patients wiR be sLeltered along wlth their chfldren sud spoases, if any. Child patients will be sheltered wit6 parent(s). Parents and clu7dren cannot be separated. Shelter and rest Lelps patients to get weII, or if they cannot get well, avoid unnecessary setbacks, trips to emergency room and hospital. Allows paflent to concentrate on 5nding housing, increasiag income, following plan for medical care and other elemeuts of case plan. Helps permanently disabled get permanent Loasfng, throngh caseworker. Allows chemo, eateuds fives. .....:. .........:,...,_.....,-,.,�. _.._._.r.,...,...� ..,_,...�-._ �,� ,..,. .. ,..:.. _...:.,.:., ..,.: .... _ . _.. .:. ,. �_,... ._... ,. ,....... Ca�MUr+rtr Dev�.oan�enr &.ocK Gwwr (CDBG) PROCrrnrn PncE 6 oF �o AppuFqnoN Fore Tne 2009 PaocRqM YEnre SepfeaeErt 12.2ooe SNV �.UIS OBISPO COUNiY PLANMNCa $ BURDINfi SLOPLANNINCs.ORG � �� BENEFICIARY DATA 13. How do you cnrrently collect demograpLic data on tLe beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: raciaUethnic chazacteristics)* We record raciaUethnic characteristics, gender and wLether adnit or ch�d. 14. How do yoa cnrrently document income statua of each client7 (Easmple: very low, low- and moderate-income); Referr��� a��.c� va.,�,f%� ,n���. �4u gY� r�om��ss, 1S. Provide the following information for the person(s) iu yonr organization responsible for the preparation and snbmittal of t6e qnarterly reports and for collecting and reporting ihe bene5ciary data to the Urban Coanty. concacc pe�o�ric�e: Peax'1 Mutlak, President Phonenumber: �$05� 23$-']QS( E-�;� aaa��: pearltrans@aol.com *NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and yeaz end data of the fiscal year. I�'yonr proposal involves economic development, i.e., directly benefit a bnsiness, private property oivner, bosiness, involves fagade improvements, provic�e technical assistance to a�new or e�ting basiness, job creation, loan guarantee, the bene5ciary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet (DiJNS� namber that mast be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro, (80� 781-5787, tnavarro(�slo.co.ca.ns for information on how to obtain a DUNS nnm6er prior to incnrring and obligating tbe federal funds. .,_,._...,. . .-.-_,r:.. ..�.._.-.:w..,._ _.....__,:y.,_<,:....,....,.......,.:,.,.. .. ... . .. ...:: ..... :.:.:..... . ..�.. : ._.,_,,..,.....,,,:,.. Coan�uatrr DEVEtorMErrr B�oac Gw�rtr (CDBG) Ptta�wvYt Pnce 7 aF t0 - Aapt�iCnnoHFOkTHE2009PROCwv.�Y�vt SerrEne�rt12.2o09 .._. S(� LA115 OBISPO COUNfY PUWNING 8 BURDING si.oawr�ruirrc.atc �� FINANCIAL INFORMATION 16. Totai amount of CDBG fnnds reqaested: $(0 3� 3� d. D a Please identify the jurisdiction(s) tn which you are applying*: If you are requesting CDBG fimds &om more thaa one jurisdiction, piease break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City ofAiroyo Gcande: City ofAtascadero: City of Grover Beach;�: 4,000.00 14,000.00 3,000.00 City of Paso Robles: City of San Luis Obispo: 25,000.00 8,300.00 County of San Luis Obispo: *NOTE: If you aze applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadiine of October 14, 2008. '�' The City of Grover Beach reserves the option to awazd the maximum I S% of their grant funding allocation for public service needs. However, the City will awazd no less than $3,000 per award. -- , Please submityourapplication accordingly. �;% 17. Please describe the bndget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sourcea of fnnding ezpected to be avai[able and ased for this project a. Revenaes 1. CDBG Funds requested 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) 3_ State source(s) (please describe below) 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) 5. Other funds (please describe below) pqPKr{iOnS Totai Revenaes $ $ $ $ $ �,�o.ao ss,wo.00 zs,aoa.00 111300.00 � b. Eaoenditares: List below by item or cost category. apamnent rent for client shelter 66,060 newsietter 60p motcls for client ovwflow 40,000 printing 40 telephone 2,100 total 111,300 inn�rnn � g pp office supplies �p PO 350 . . ....:�..........—:.�...,,..,__.x..:._,��,,,.vb.,.�:.,.,.:, . ..: ........:.::... ..,. .. ,..:�a..: : . _ . -..:.: �.. . .:..,,::..,_:. �ConfhnA+m DEVaoat.tetrt BLOacGtuHr(CDBG) Prmc�qM ( Apvucnnon Fort Tne 2009 PrtoGrsa� YeAR \-- SANWisOeisroCouHrrPurawruc86u�oiac PAGE 8 OF 70 SEPiaAeER 12.2008 si.aaur+rmr+�.oac 18. How do yon plan to fand the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated wit6 this � 1 project7 Are these fnnds available now? Tf not, whea will they be ava7able? And from what soerce(s)? tnl� �s�ally 9�-P olonaf;ans ana�PracBeds o�f -�'� �v�,fis qmovh�i'r � abn��' .�'a ; 000, We �s�a1l f. �e�' soMe F�P 4.� Cao��r L'aal��on -{n,- Floareless - f'�y�ls. W� a�s el;�;Gl� �'-or'�n,,� 7ron Uh�'�'�a� ��/ qrtcy .�rn � v1,5 Db iSPoL'oon'{y �Plmmun�`fy �aHa�a�i�h, `fhls rf. ear �✓��ge�7�" C-�OIPfEG. 'j�teSe c1r� �l�s�qg ��r peCLI Sovr[eg p 19. Will CDBG funds be nsed to matcLAeverage ether funds7 List below fanding sources and amoants and identify sward dates of these soanes. �o .i� �i�� yna��lt t nq � 6 o " �(3G Cr¢af L�ve+�q� b� s hoW;n s�P�r�' ,J J � � I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. or typed name Title . � �..,_._T . ::- ..-M.:.._. -:... F,. . ,,,..: ...:.., .. ,.:: - _::. -....... . . .. _. ,.. ,. _.,.. ,. �,.� -._.., COMMUNRY DEV6.OPAAB!! B�pq(GRAN� (CDBG� PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 70 APPLtCn7loNFoRTHE2009PROGRnMYEAR SEPfEMggt�Z 2D06 SAN l.UIS OBI3P0 CAUNfY PLANNING & BUILDINCi SLOfM�ANNING.ORG � �� � � �� � �� � tr��O��o����a �� � � � � �` `"�`�' ,o. #�" ,� AIIEI�II�R��11 D�1�A ��� ��� ���� T�: �ITY ��l�N�l� F1���: D��l� �EF�F�IIV, �����T�� �� P�F��C�� F���F��AT��IV A[V� FA��L��T�E� �� �l���E��: ��hI�I���AT��N �F INTFi���J��I�IV �� �# ���P��ED �F��II�J��1�E 1�II�EIV�11�� �E��`I�h� 'I �.��.��� �F ��� �ITY �� �F�I��Y� �RAND� n���u������ ���� ����a��r�� �� �r�r ����c� ����: �������� �� ���� �����������I��■ T�� ����C� a�r�d F���r���i�n ��rnr�iss��r� r���rr�rr��n�� th� �ity ���r��i�: '� � intr��u� �r� �r��r��rr� ���I�� �ity ��ur��'rl �f t�� �ity ���►rr��� ��a�r��� a�r�n�r��in� ����i�n 'I�.��.��� �� th� Arr��� �r���� �111u�r�i�i��1 ���� t� b�r� �rr���Cir�� ir� �ity p�r�CS; a�r�d �� a�p�r�v� �r�n�f�r �� ��,��� fr�r�n P�r�C Ir�n�r��r�r�n�r�t �'ur�d� t��� v�r�r� ��rr��� �v�r ���� F1� ����- �� f�r ��r� ��r���r�ti�n� �� th� ���� ���r�� ��rn�l��c ����-����-�9'I�� �� ��� P�r�C� �Jla��nt�n���� �r��r�ds �����nt {�'1�-����-�����. �INAIV��AL II�I���T� T#�� r�����'r�l ��st t� pur����� ���1 ins#�II n�-srr���Cin� �i�ns a�� �i�y ��r#c� i� ���r��c���t�l� �1�� ��r ���n, v�r�ii�h i��l���� �i�r��, �����, ��n�r��� ��d br���C��s. �n ����rnat�� fifty t� �i�ct� si�r�� �nri�l b� re�uire� t� �����rl� ���� �I� ��r�C �r���, �nrhi�h v�ri�l ��st ������cir�na�t�l� ��,���. �t�ff �a�� r���r�nrr��r�d�� tf�� �ity ��u���l a�p�r�v� �rar��f�r �� ��,��� �r�rr� ��r�C Irr��r���rr��nt �ur�d� ���� �rv�r� ��rr��� ��r�r �r��n F1� ����-�� f�r t�rf r��n��r��F�n� �� th� ���� �p�rts ��rr�pl�� ����-�������I�} �� ��� �'arr�CS N1ar�r�t�r�arr��e �r��n�� ����unt {�'I �����-�����. �A� I�C� �� LJ I� � : �� 'rt� I���r�r���r '� �, ���� r�n��ti�g �h� ��r�C� �n� ���r���i�n ���nr�is���� ur��r�ir��u��� ����� �� � t�� ��ty ��ur��if �ntr�du�� �r� �r��r��r�c� �r��r�dir�� � ��r���r� �f ����t�r 'I �,�� �� T��l� '� � �f �h� Arr��r� �ra�r�d� Illlur�i��pa�� ���� t� �ar� ����Cir�g �� �ity ��r��, �thl�ti� f���l'r�i��, ��t�s, t��rl� �nd ���r� spa�c��. ��� ���r�ni����� ��I���re� �h�� ��nr��n� �� rr�a�� �r���ur��� ���I�I�i�� lif��ty���, r����� Ittt�r, r�du��� sta�f� tir�� ���r�� �E��n�n� �p a�#��� sr���c�r�, �r�� r����� fir� h��a�r�. If fr��r��1u���� a�n� ����t�d ��r �l�� �i�y ��un�il, ���t��r� 'I �.��.��� �� ��� �rr��r� �r�r�d� M�r������1 ���� �nri�l �� ar��n�l��, ��r�r��n� �r�n�kir�� �� ��I �ity p��#c�, �a�ths� �r�il� �r�d ���r f��il����� a�r�� �p�n ��ace�. T�� �r������ ���it'r�r� �n��r ���ti�r� 'I�.��.��� �r���� r��� �� ��Il��n►�: Agenda Item 9.b. Page 1 ���r ��uru��� ��r��r���fi��r� �� ���������r��r� �� � ����o��� ��a�ru���� �►��r���r�� ��i�41�fi�F� 'I �.�� �F T�� �f+C1f �F �#F���Y� �F���V�E AAL����I�AL ���� F�E�ATINC T� �ITY �A��C� �E��I�IBEI� 3, ���� �A�� 2 IV� ��r��� u��r�� � ��rk sl�a�11; E. �rr���c� �� an� �it� ��r�c, ir�����in� �edi�a���i ���Ii�_ ����c�, ���t��� �ra�ls, �r�c� � �� ���i��t���, F�r tl�e ur ��� �f ��ris �h� �er "����c��' �r "�r�n��cin �� rn�ar�� ��re �arr��r�� �r� f����ir�� �� a lic����� �i��, �i��r, _����rrett�, �r an� ����r� li �te�l �rr��k�r� r�c�u�t� v�r��d I�r�t �r� �n ��h�r ��r�nt��s�i��e �u�stan��� �r�n��Ci� i�����e� �rr�ittin �� ��c��l�r� ��rr��� �� �� i � �� �r �i �r�t#� �� �r��r ���e� ������c� s�n��C�n� e��i�r�n�n� �s�c! f�� I��rninc� �r��r ���a��� l�r�c���� �nree�l, pl�r��, �r an�► ���er ��r�b�sti��� s�b,�,�r���. ��r�n� ��� p��� ���� ��� P�rk�, F���r�ati�r� ��� F��i�i�i�� ���a��#rr��nt ��� ��t��li�h�� �n� �����al n� ����cin� �i�r�� a�� th� �`h�i��l����l�r t�r�n'r� ���r a�n� �� �i�y ��li fi����, ����ibiti�� �r��kir�g �nritl�ir� t�v�nty����r� f��� ���'� �� ������� �r�d �I���I��r�. �n �d�i���r�� ��r�n� �# t�� y��t1� �p�r�� �r��ni�a����n� ���� ��� th� ��t� �p�rt� ����I��c ���� ���n�� �rr���c�r�� �t t�r�ir ���i�riti��. �urr�r�t ��lif�rni� �t�t� la�v�r pr��r��i�� �r�n��c�n� ir� p1�y�������. Th� �ity ��� ��c��r��r���d �r�b��r�� v�rit� ��n��l��rr� a�n� ���ir�q��r�� ����I� ��ti�riti�� �n �ity ��r�c �r��s, su�h a�s �dj���r�� �� �t�� �I���n �II�� �a���b�, �r��ki�� �� � ��r��n�r� �����rity ������a�t�� �vith t�r��� �r��,��. T��r�f�r�, �h� �lir�ir��ti�n �� �r�n��c�n� �nr�l� ��Ip ��#�r t���� �r�b���� �nd r�n�i���in tl�� ��ili�y �� �i�i��r�s �f �I� �r��� t� uti�i�e ��� ����� �l���� �r���. AIVA��Y��� �� I���JE�: �� i� v�r��l ����rn�r�t�d t��t �i��r�tt� �i�a�r �nd ���� sr�n��ci�g, �n� th� �����i�t�� ����r��-I�a�r�� �r���c�, ��� ���rir�n�nt�l �� i��r�an h���tt�, �t�ti�ti�� pr��ri��c� �� t�� ��r� L��� �bi��� ���r�ty P���i� H��It� ����rtr��n�'� T������ ����r�i �r��ra� in�i��e �h�� ��,��� ��IEf�rr�i�rr�� d�� �a��l� ���r fr�r�r� �r�n�ki�� r�l���� ����a��� Er��l��in� h��rt ������� �n� I��� ��n�r. A���, ir� ��li���r�i�, �4�� I�n� �a����� ��atl�� �re ��tri����d t� ���ond f��nd �mo�� ar�nua��ly. TI�� �i���s�l� �� �i����tt� �utt� ��� �th�r r�n�t�ri�ls a�����f�t�� �r�rit� �rr��kir�� ir� �ity ��r�C� �n ��II ���Id�, a�� ����r 1����i�r u�ritl��� ��� �ity I��d� t� u��i�h��� a��� �r ��r��i�f�r�� ar�� ����ibl� ���a�rds �� ���r�� ��i�����, �r ����ti� I��� �n� ��rd�, �i�r�ifi���� ���ff ti�� �s �p�r�# �I�ar�ir�g �i��r�tt� ��#�s �r�r� �r�u� �a��r�i� �r���� ��II �i�ld ����ut� a�r�d �tl��r �ity r��r�����r� �r��s. Ir� ��diti�r� t� ��� I����r�� �� s����d h�n� sr��k� a�r�� ��r�n� ���n� �I�a��i�� �i�ar�tt� �itt�r �t�ff �r�� �h� ��r�n�issi�r� �r� ��r������� �b�u� �fi�� ��s�i�il�t� �� fir� in ���� �p��e a�r��s, ���� a�� t�� ��r�n�� 1JV�� �a��c �I��it��, A�TE�I�AT�11��� �`I�� ���I�vrri�� a��t�r�a���r�� a�r� �r��ri��d ��r �I�� �ity ��ur��i�'� �������r����n: • ti��r����� �n �r�ir��r��� �rn�n���� �����n '� �,��.��� �� b�n s��l�i�� a�# �rl �i�y p�rl�s, a�t�l�ti� f��il�ti�s p�tl��� tra�ils �r�d �p�n �����s; � flll��ify ����f'� � �r�� ir�tr��u�ce a�r �r�in�r��� a�r�n�r��ir�� ������� '1�.��.���� ��r�t�r��� ��rr�i��r����r� �f ��� �r�ir�a�n��; Agenda Item 9.b. Page 2 �iTY ��1J�1��L ���V�I��I�A�`f�IV �F ��VT������I�N �F A PF�����E� ���3�I�AIV�E A111f�NC��h�� ���P�EF� '1 �.�� �F TF�� ��TY �� AFiF��Y� ����1�� ��IV��I��L ���� f��L��lh1� T� ��TY �Al��t� DE�EII�B�R �, 2��8 PA� E 3 • �� n�� ir�#r�d��:e ��� �rd�n�r��� and r��a�ir� ���ti�r� 'I�.��.��� �� it� �u�r�n� f�rm; �r • Pr��rid� dir��ti�n t� ����, A�IIA�VTAC�� � T�� ��n��c�n� ban v�ri�l �rr��ur��� rn�r� ��a�lthy lif�sty���, ���u� fitt�r �r�� r����� ���ff t�r�� r�quir�d t� �I�ar� �� �i��r�tt� lit#�r. Ir� �������r� ���rr��Cir�� ��n �n�� r����� fi�� �rar��r�1 ir� r��r�-irri����� �p�n �pa���s s���r �� �h� ��r�e� 11V�� ���c �-la�bita�� a�n� r�du�e d�lin���r�� y�u��h a���'rv'r�i�� ir� p�bli� ��r�c a�r��s. DI�ADII��VTA���: �rr���c�rs v�ril! b� i���r��r�r���r���d �r�d r��� �h��s� t� i�n��� ��� �rdi��r���, �� � ����It, ����rc�rr���� r�a�� �� diff���lt. �r� ���iti�r�, �t�f� ����r��r#�� � ���t �� �� �� �r�����1 n� ��rr�k�r�g �i�r�� �t �Il ��f����� ���i���i��. ���I��������� ���I��■ I'�l� �n�r'rr�nr���t�l ���ri�� i� r���i� f�r �hi� it�rr� ���LI� iV�TI�I��Tf��l �ND ���I�EIV��: T�� A��n�� �a�� p��t�� ir� �r�n� �� ��#y #�-I�II �n �hur���� ���r���r ���', ����. Tl�� A��r�d� �n� �t�ff r���rt v�r�r� ������ �r� th� �i�y's v�r��s�t� �n �����n��� ���', ����. IV� p�blf� ��rnrn�r�t� v�r�r� �����r��. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 3 o���ru���� �u�, AN �F�D�N�#N�� �F T�-!E �ITY ��IJN��L �� T�E ��Tl� �� Af�F��Y� CRAIVD� AII�Eh��31h�� �E��'��IV 1�������� �F THE AF�F��Y� �F�AIV�� �1I�1�1��P�L ���� T� �A�l ����C�hf� �I� �r�r�r ����c� VIIHEF��A�� it i� �n �h� ���� int�r��t ���t�� �ity �r�d �h� pu�li�, t� ���r� � ��r��r�h�r�s��� ��ty ��r�c� �r��na�rr� t�at �ti��lat�� h�ur�s �f ���� pa��kin�, �ri�rin� u��n par�c� �r g�r�v�r��r�, �i�r�f� a�r�a�� a�n� u��, �r�d beha��ior �r� �arks; a�� INF���EA�, �n �l��r�r���r 1 � ����, tl�� ��r�c� �nd F���r�a��i�n ��r�r�i�s��n r��r����� �n� ��n��d�r�d t�� ir�f�rr�n�ti�r� pr����n��� �r�� r���r�rn�r�d� �pp���r�l �f th� pr������ ���rtdr��n� �� th� Arr��r� �r�n�� Illlur�i����l ���� ba�r�nin� �rr��kir�� in �f�y P�rlc�t �n� INF1E�EwA�� �r� ���e�b�r 9, ����, t�� �ity ���r��il r��ri��v�� �r�� ��n�id�r�c� tF�� ir�f�rr���i�r� �nd p��li� t���ir�n��}� r�l�t�� t� th�� �r�p����! ��dir��n�e b��nni�� sr��kir�g ir� �rty p��k� �� ���I� r��ti�ed publ�c hear�n�. hf�Vl�, �`F�EF�EF��E, �E IT �F�DAINED b� �h� �i�y ���n�il �f ��� �i#y �# �rr��� ��and�, �� #�rl�w�: 1. TI�� a����r� r��ital� ar�d f�r�din�� �r� tr�� �r�� ��rr��t. �. Arr��� �r�r��� �Illu��i�i��� ���� ����i�r� 1 �.��.�6� i� ��r��}r ��rn�r�d�d �� ��I��v�r�: �I�.��.��� 8����ri�� i� ��r��* I�� p����n ��in� � p�r�C �h�ll: A. I--���r� b��u��l��, �r ���r� �n h�� �r ��r p��s���i��� �r ��� �f�, �r �th�rwi�� ����� t� ��c�l�d� �r ������r�� �r burn �n� f�r��ra���C��, t�r���l��s, r��l��t�, �r �t��r �r��nr�r�C�, ��p���i�r��, �r �r�fl�rr�r�n��l� rn�t�r�al� �r di��h���� ���rr� �r thr��nr ���r� i�t� an}� �u�� �r�� �r�rr� I�n� �r hi�h�nra��s a�dj���r�� #I��r��� �r�1��� b� ���rr�it. T�i� �r������i�n sl��ll in�l��� ��� �ul�sta�n��, ��r����r��, t�ni��r� �r a�rti�l� v�r�i�l�, in ���j�n��i�r� �nri�h �n� �th�r �u��t�r��� �r ��rr����n�, �rv�uld �� ��r���r��� �r�rr� �n}� �f th� f�r���ir�� ���ndp�ir��s; �. N1a��c� �r �cin�l� � fir� f�r a���r ��r����, ��c�: e�� at ��ac�� �r��ri��� ��r su�h ��rp���, �r�l��� a ��rr�i� h�� ���r� ��ta'rr��d th�r�f�r; �. ����� C��� C���4� ������ �� �������� �� ��� ���J��(��� ��� ��C��� ��� ������ ��J� G��� ���� �� �����L��� �� ������ ���r���� �� �. ����r ��If �r dri�r�, �it, �r��l�, �r p��t g�lf ��II� �nt� �r up�n �r�� �ity p�r�C �r gr��nb��t. TI�� �s� �� ���fir�� ���rprr��r�t, �lu�s, �n� g�lf ��II� ����I �� pr�hi#�i���f fr�rr� ��� in �i�y ��r�t �r���. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 ��������� ��. ��� � � �. ��n��C� ir� �� � ��r�, i��l��ir�� ���i�a�t�� _1���1i� _t�ar�C�,�.�����h�, �r�,�l�, �n� � ��� ��L+I�I�I��. ��� ��� �� ���i �� ��1�7 ��� ��� ���11 1����� �� ii ���l�l� �� ����� ��� ��r ir� �r h�l�ir� �� a� li ht�� � � �i �r �i �r��t� �r �n ����r I� �t�� sr���Cit� �r��u�t�, �v���r �I�n�, �r ��� �t��r ���n������1�---��bst�r��,,,,� ir��l�d�� �r�i#�jn� �� ��ch�lin� fur��� �f �r���,��i��r, �i��r�tt�, �r �r�� ����r li�ht�� �rn��Cir�� ���i�r�r�r�t ���d ��r ��rn�n� t�b���� �r����t, v�r����_�I�,,,�n��„_,,,,,,,,or a�r�� �th�� �orn�u�tib�e sub�tar���. �. 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A ��r�rr��ry �� this �r�ir�a�r��� ��a��l �� ��rblish��� ir� � r��w��a���r �ub�i�h�d a��� �ir���a���� �n th� �i�y �f Arr�}r� �r�r��� �t I���� fi�r� {�� ���r� ��i�r t� ��t� �ity ���r���� �n���ir�� �t v�rl�i�#� tl�� �r������ �r�in�rr�� r� t� �� ���pt��, � ��rti��d ���� �f �h� full ��� �� t�� �r�p�s�d �rdir�a���� �h�ll b� �����d in �h� �f��� �f t�� ��r����r �� �drrrir�i�tr�t��r� ��rvic����'r�y ���rk. 11Vit�in fift��r� {1�} ���s �ft�r �����i�� �f �h� �rd���r��e t�� surr�rr��ry vrr�tF� tF�� n�r��� �f t��s� �'r#y ��ur��il N1�r�l��rs ��ti�� f�r �r�d ���i��t th� �r��r�a�n�� �h�ll �� ��b�����d a�a��n, and #�� Dir��t�r �� A�rx�ir�i��ra�ti�� ��rv�ce���i�y ����I� �l��II p�st a� ��rt��i�� ���� �f �h� f�ll ��xt �f ���I� �d�pt�� �rdir��n��. �. T�i� �rdi�an�� ���I� ta��c� �ff��t th�r#y {��� ���� �ft�� it� �d�p�i��. �r� rr��ti�n b� ���r��il IVI�r���r ,����nd�� by ���r��il IVl�r�n��r , a��� �� th�� f�l���nrin� ���I �II �r��� #� �nri�: A���: N�E�: AB���T: �l�� f�r����n� �rdir�a�r��� v�ra�� a������ ��i� � ���r �f � ����. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 5 ��������I� ��. ��� � � ��� 1 ������ ����� �����. ����� �������� �I� ����� �������� �� �� �������. � 1 ��� ������ ��� �����7�� �������� �� �� ����. ������� �. �i������ �r�� ������� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 6 � ��� � �� � �� � �r��o��o��+fi�D �� . � � � � � ,�u��r ,o� ,a,� ,� �''�� ��P � � �� II� ��IA�R�►N �U II� ��: �ITY ���JIV�IL� � l���l� F��� ��F��I��� ���IAl�lll�IViTY �]�11����IVI��1� �I�����F� � �Y: TEF���A II�I��LI�1-�, A����l�#T� PLAIVIVE ����E�T: ��NTI�VIJ�� ��BL�� �IEAF��1V� - ��N�I��F�ATI�[V �F � V���Nh�� ��IVT�►TI11� TRA�� 11A�� AN� ��AI�IVE� IJI��T ��11�L��11�1��� ��1�� I��. �'1 ��'� ������IIVI�� �tIV�1�V� A� `TF�A�� 'I ��� �� �1����111�E � ��.�-A��� F�F��P��TI� l[VT� � F��TE��V '1� F�E�I��[VTIAL L��� A�1� � 'TVIIEN�-TIII�� {��� { � A�R� P�R�IAAI��N��Y �RE��I�V�� �P��V �PA�E �A���L ����i �������� �� ���� ��������������■ �t i� re���rr��r���� �1��� t�� ��t�r ���n��� �on��d�r th� A�d�n��r� � �d��r�dur�"� �� th� �r��i�u�l� ��rtifie� F���r���d Fir��l �u������nt �n�r�r�nr�ner�t�l Ir�n�a�c� ����r� �F�F��IF�� �r�� pr�j�c� �i��� f�r �I�� r��ri�ed � �-��t �u���i�ri���r� �r�� ��a�r�r��d �r�'rt d�v����rr��r�t, T�� Pl�r�r��n� ���nr�ni����r� r���r�nr�en�� �h�# ��� ���r��il ����� �he �tt��l�e� r����u�i�r� ��pr�v�r�g 11�st�r�� �f�nt�tiv� `�r��� IVI�� �nd Pl�r�n�d l��it D��r�l��rx��nt ���� IV�. �'�-��� �� �u�b�iv��� � ��.�-��r� ����ert�r ir�t� f�ft��r� ��1 �� r��ide�ti�l I�ts �n� � t►rv�n��-�w� ���} ��r� p�rr�n�n�ntl� �re��rv�� ���n ����� �a�r��� ��1�� pr�j��#} �nri�� ��r� ir��l�d�� �EC��► �nd ������t finding�, ��r��iti�n� �f �p�r��r�l �nd r�niti��ti�r� ��r��t�rir�� �nd r���r#ir r��ui� FI�VAN�IA� IIIAPA�T� F��v�si�r�� �� ��n�i���rr� �� �r�j��t ���r��r�� �n�lu�� � r��l-t�rn� ���li�� re��ir��nn��t f�r ���ff ��r�� ���r�� �n r��ni��r�n� �f r�niti��ti�r� an� �on��ti�r�� ���������� v�itl� ��� pr�j��t v�r�i�l� �i�l I����r� ir�r������ �� �ity ���t�. A��i�i�r��ll�, � �o�di�i�n �nr�s ����� f�r �I�� f�r�n�t��n �� � r�n�i���na�n�� dis�ri�� ��r tl�e �r����t �it�. 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Alth�u��h t�� pr������ �r����t a�v���e� ���urrer���� �f �i�r�r�� �I�r�ti� �n� b�f��r �� ���n��fie� ir� ��� ��IF�, tl�� r�i�ig�ti�� �h�t v►r�� ir��l���� �n tl�� ��II� sh��l� r�rr��in in �I��� ��r tl�� pr�j��� d�� �� t�� �I�nt� t�r��t���c� ���t�� ��� r�i�r�ti�n �nritk�ir� ider�tifi�� �a�bi��� �r���. �. Ir�p���� �r� �i#� fir������ ��� �� r��uir�� I�n� �errr� rr��n���� — ��n�i�i�n �f ���r��r�l ��r r���-�tir�n� ���lir��. � . ��e ir��l�����n �� ��l�i�i�r�al �I��rr��tiv�� ��r� �he ���r�err�� ����s� r��� ir� �rc�e� �� �11��nr f�r sa��� ir��re�s a���! ��re�� f�r er�er����� �re��rr� ar�c� �va��u��� �n �h� ��rer�� �# � v�ril�l���c� fir�. ������� #h� �r������ �e�����r��n� i� ��r�fi��r�� �t ��� n�r�����t�rr� ���� ���e �r� �r��r �� av�i� F'i�rr�� ���r��i� ��r��tr�ir�t� �nc� r�r���t ri�a�ri��n a�� ���c �nr���l�n� ��r��tr�in��, th� I���th �� th� �u�l-������ �f �I����rr� 1l�lie� ���d is I�r���r t�a�r� �1��t a�l���v�� ��r t�� N1u�ni�i�al ��d�. �h� pr�p��e� ��r���ru��i�r� �f ��� ��f��t� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 3 ��� ������� ������� ���� ��■ �� ��� �������� �� ���� � �� � � ������ r��� �� ������� t� ir��lern�nt a�eq��t� �r����er��� ����s� f�r th� �r�erg�r��� } , ' - �r�� � irn �rt�r�t in r��r���n gr��t�� ir�n�r��re� �ir��l����r� �� the �urr�u���r�� ��te, � � � � , . , . . n�i ���rh��d �� si ��fi��r��l u�gr��� t�� �u��li� �r�����r �nd s��ety in t�� �r����� �r���r��t�. g � Y . #�� ����� r��t� is r� �s�� t� �� ��npler�r������ �r�� �n 'I ��ft. d����n����d gr�r��t� �!l � � � . , �rveatk��r a��ess roa� at th� end o� Lot 1� throu�h p�rt o� t#�� pro�ec� s ape� s���� p�r�el Lot �� at the no�the��terr� �orn�r o� ��� �j�e, through the op�� s��c� parc�� of Tr�ct � � � r • '���� �n� c��r���tir� �� �i���t� �a�lc F��a�d �� �1�� �--I��d�r� ���c ��h��l ��#�. T��� ������ ■ � • � � � �nr�ui� a�l�� �u�n�t��r� �� � e���tr�a�n tr��l th�t �� r����r�� �� th� ���� ��r��r�l Pl�r� P�r�c� � i i r i �n� R���e�tion El��nnen� and ��n��o �r�nde M��ter �I�n. An �dd���or�al ��c�ssl���i�ty ���enn�nt f�r �n �I��rr��tiv� �r�n�r��r���r r��t� i� �r�����d b�t�v�er� L�t� � ��� � #� th� r�'��� ���r��� , ���blrn� ��ssi�l� ��tur� ����n��ti�n #� �h� E��� ��r��t �r�� ��r � � � �r��r��n��r ����ss �r�i�. I--���v�v�r, t�� �r������ �r�n�rg�n��r ���e�� r��d i� �r�ry �t��p �n ��r�n� ����i�n� �rir��ril� �t �I�� �� �f th� ����d�-s�� ��n �k�� �r��e�� sit� �n� ��� v�r��t�r� ���� �f �h� s�l���l �i�� � i ■ • � r� � . ��r��� �h� �����s ���d �� �������d �� d���ur� ��� I�a�t �rr���r�t �f �r��n�, an� � � �Y r�du�� ���tl�eti� ir��a�t�, �t �r�� �����s�� �� �� �� ft. �nri�� �n� cor�p���d �f ����r�r������ �r�nit�. 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TI�� mi�i�a�ion �n�l�ded in th� ��I� �voul� ��dr��� p�t�n#i�l ir������ �� Pi�r�� ���rki� ��r th� �i�err��ti�r� �li�r�r��r �r�f�r �� I��u� �V�. � ��I��nr. � �It��ug�, � �t�e� ��rti�� �� th� r��� r�rn�in� be�urr�er� �F�� �;r�d �� ��� "�I����rr� 11��1�� F����" �u��-�e-��� �n� tl�� pr�j��� sit� ���r�d�r�y ����r���l�ir�� ���1��, th� �p��i��r�� ��� r��r���� �r�j��� pla�r�s t� � ��e ����rr�� �� �o���r�n��� v�rit� LII�I���� �r�� IV����r �n� th� ��r��t�r �f Fir� ��d B�i�di�n�. ��r��iti�r� �f ���r��r�l �V�. '�� �� r��ri��c� �� f�ll��r�: ��F�IT� I�PF��1l�111�E�IT�- �'ri�r t� ��il�in� p�rr�n�� is�u��r��e, ��e �p�1i��nt �hall �. ����in �I� ���I����I� ��rnni�s a�n� ��reer�n��t� fr�r�r� r����a��ry �gen���� v�ri�h �u�ri��i����n �r�� �h��l con�tru�� �� �I�-v����l��r tu�r�nt�r�f��r ���}� ���t ��nn�r��n�� Agenda Item 9.c. 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T�� r�adv�r��r ���1� b� �� ft. �r�� t�� r����nr��r s�rrf��� �l��l� �� �u�bj��� �� ���r��ra� ��r �h� �ir��t�r �f �uil�in� �n� Fir� in ��n����r�ti�r� �f fin�rl �r��ir�� �I�n�. �h� r�n�lt�-u�� ��th sh�l� �� �n th� f��rr� �� �vo ��} �irvo-�oo# ��'} d�compa��d gr���te roadv�v�y �ho��der� or ��j����t ���r-���t v�rr�e ����r�p��e� �r�nite p�th�r��, d�p�n�ing ���r� fin�� r���v�r�� ��r#��� t� ��I��v f�r �v�-�r�r�y �re���le tr��r�l ir� t�� �v�n� �� �rr �rn����r���, F���� �n� tr�il r�na�ir�t�n���� sh�l� b� #h� r�sp�n�ibility �f t�� �r�p�rt�r ��vr��rs thr�u�� � ��nefit IVl�i�t�nan�e ��s���r���� �i�t�i�t {���`r���i�t"} ir� a��or����e �rrith ��r��it��r� �� ���r��ral �V�.�� an� a ��� an� ��h����� �r��ri�i��n ���II b� i����,d�d �n th� �I�r�� ��� �p��ifi��ti�n� a��� r�p�rt� n���ss�ry ��r th� ��rrn��i�n �� #f�� D'r��r���. b. 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The �r�ft ��si�r� II�I����I �I�� �pe�i�i�� �ir� ��f� b�il��r�� r�n�t�� a�r�d � ����il�� ���I r���if�a����r� �I�r�. �, ���t�rr� I��s ��r f�a� �r ������I f�r�r�c���i�r�� v�. �l�v�l���� ��r���ru��e�i �r�i�h- �r��l� I��s vrrit� �err���� �n�! r�ta�ne�l I�� ���1�: �r������ ���t�r� I�t� in�l��� d��r�l��er ��n�tr��t�� ir�f� �r���u��ir�� r��d�, u��ilitie� �� I��s, �ri���nr�y a�r�r�� �n� �r�inag� �v�r�l�s ��t�nre�r� ���� I�t. ���r�ral I��� �r� Agenda Item 9.c. 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Page 6 ����r �ou���� ��r�n���� ���� �u�. �� �o�� ����nn��� �, ���� ��� � � �u�tor�n lot de�� r� �r�� �r� ���err����v� c��d�t�or� a# �pprov�l t� addre�s af ��o� �r�� con� �or � ��r���rr��. ��-��: ����t�r�n I�t� r��ri�� ��r � I��� �r�i��r� s���iv��i�n ��si�� �r�� t�n� t� b� r���� � , . . r� re��n��ti�re �� rur�l ���r��t�r re����r����� n���h1��r�����. � � ��r��r�ll �r�hi�e�t� ���r�r de���ning ��r��� t� fit �r� �vith the ��tur�l te�r�in �v�th �h� ]�, ��i�it� �� v�r�r�C �r�u��� si�e ���n�tr�tnt�. � �Vl�re ���c� rr��� �� �re��rv�� �r�r��u���rr� ���i�rr. ����: � I����ri���l ��t� �e�i�n �n�� �r���� dr�i���� �r �I��� r�t�ir�ir�� i����� �r� a���a���nt u����r�l���� I�t�. � In�i�ri�u�� I�t ��vr��r� �r� ������� �i�l� � rr��r� ���i�� �r�d r��i��v �������e� ��d ���� �v�r�C t��t �vi�l ��st rr��r� tl��n `�t���t" ��rn� ���i�n. � V1�ith a���r��r�l �� �-4 k��rr�e ���i�n� t��t �v�u�� �� t�pi��l �f � ����I�p�r ��r��tr�,�#�� tr��� �ubdivi���r��, the �F�� ����d re��r�r�rr��r�d �ppr���l �f �h� fin�� ��si�r� rx��r��a��, ��n� t�r�n� t� ��� ��r�rr�ur�ity ���r�l�prn�n� �i� �n� bu�r��� �r�r�u�� ��tt�r I����r�r v�rl��t �� e�c���t f�� �ust��n h�r�n� ���r���l. A��iti���l ��n���r�� v�r�r� ��c�r����� ���u� ��il�ir�� �nei�h�. I--�ei�h� r���ri�ti��� r�r���� �it� ���n��r�� �u� t� �� f�.} l--I��ve�r�r, i� �r��� t� re�c��� ��� �����r��re �r�d �ri��a�l i�npa��t �f tv�ro�story s�r�cture� th� de��gn mar�u�� �p�cifi�� th�� 50°/o af th� roof �I�all not e�c�e�d �� ft. �r �� ft.� ��p�ndi�� �n tl�� t�r�� �f f��r����i��. This br�ak� up �I�� r�n�s� ��� ��a�l� �� �tr�,�t�r��. A��it��r��ll�r, t�� ap�li��r�t �i� �� ��ct�n�i�� �ri��r�rs��� �n����i� �I��t �ndi��t�� #�� p� �esi�r� �v�ul� �r�� �rr����t �ri��nr� fr�r�n �urr��r��ir�g ����I�h�rh����. �h� �f�F� �r�d ���er��ur�n �l�� �or��l��� th�� #�� �ri��r� fr�rn pu�li� �r�r�t�g� ��ir�t� �r� r��t jr�np��t�d b�r ��� pr�p���� �r�j��� �� � �i��ificant leve�. ���t�rr� I�t ���i�r� i� a� ��r�r���r� �r��ti�� �rrd ��� ���� �p�r�v�� ��r t�� �i��r f�r �ra���� �u�h �� �r��� L���� ���c �'�r�C ��r�s, �r�d Tr��t 'I ��� ir� F��r���� �r�n�� �vi�� �I�� ���n� �r��r'r���n� �f ��si�n ���r��r�l �F���ugh �I�e �F��. ����r���ng �� f�n�l �r���r�� �I�r� ���r��r�l th�t ��I���nr� t�nt�tiv� rna�� ���r��r�l, ����t ���r� �r �i�c �f �h� I��� �vi�� �e ��r�s�ru�t�d �� fina�l �r�d� vrrit� ��I r�e�e���ry ir�n�r��r�r��r�t� f�r sit� dr�ir���� ��� �I��� �r���r��i�r� , TI�� ��p�i��r�� ��� �e�ri��� �r����� �I�n� t� in���d� ��n�r�ll� ��f�r��d �r��irr� ���� �h�t ��rn�l�t�� � r�n�j�rit� �f r�a��� �r��in� �� �h� �r�je�� �v�i�� ir����tin� �n��r #���� tr��� r����e� �� d��r�l�� a� ��r�� �� r��s�n���� si�� �r� �a��F� ���. T��s �����p� �r����� ���� th�� r���c.�� �r�s� �I�pe, r���i�i�� �r�r�fl� �� ���r ���t �r I��� a�n� ���in��� s�v�l�� ��r��tir�� �i�� dr�in�g� t� �I�� r��� ��t���h��r�t � �r��lu��s th� ���li������ �u�rnrn�ry �r�� r����r��� E�c�ib�t ���rt ir���u��� r��ri��� �r��ir�� p��r�s}, ��r��iti�r� �f ���r�r�a�� N�. '� � h�� ���n r�n��ifi�c� �s ��I��v►r�: {7�� �����1V 1V1A�VU�4�. �7'A�IIDARD� � �or��orrr�ar��e �vi�f� �f�e D�sigr� �larru�l ����! �� � rec��ri�err�er�� �f �r��r ��r���r�r��i��r irr ��re ��-�����. ��r���r�r��i�r� �� �1�e Agenda Item 9.c. Page 7 �i�� �i����.I�� ������� ���� ��. �� ��� ���.I����� �� ���� ���� � pu�lic irr�praverr�err�� ��r�1! be e��rr�p� frorr� �he r��r�irer�er��� of �h� Desigr� 1�ar�ual. Thi� re�ruir�err�er�� ��a11 �e e�c�lici���r ir�co�para�ed ir��o �he �rac� ����?'� ar�d s�a1� �� recorde� wi��r each lo�. Tf�e ���R'� ��all irr�orpor��e �he D�sigr� Il�far�r��! ��`I��r�c��!'� ��r ��#'��er��e. a. Prior �o Buil�lir�� P�rn�i� i��uarr�e, a De�i�r� F�eview a��l����ior� �1�al1 �e �u�rrri��c� �or �r��1 review �� �f�� �aroj��� De�igrr� �uia��lir�� IV��r�r��� by �h� �4rcf�i�ec�ur�� �e�rrew �o►�rrrrri�ee �or a re��rr�►rr�r�al��ior� �a �he �amrr��rrri��r D��relo�rr��r�� �irec�or. Tl�e fol�owir�� rr�odifi���iar�s sh�!! �� rr�a�e �o �h� �Vlar�r��1 ��x�r'�i� ��: i. ��r� �r ������� ��►� ���gre� i� �� ��e�. ii. A11 u�c1���� r��uir�r����s frorr� �he ��1r'�'orr�ia �uildirr� �od� �h�1! �� r���1e����I ir� �he �fo��rr�err�, irrclu�ir�� �e�srr�ic requirem�r��� ir� D��igr� Il�rf�r�u�l ����i�r� �� �4. iii. �a�� #�r�� �r�e rr�� f�11y ��r���ru��e� �o �ir��1 ����fe ���11 ir��l�de s�ecifi� 10� desic�r� �ravisior�� far si�e drairrac�e �r�d �1��� �e�e��i�� �o�si�#er�� wi#f� �i#e �#orrrr �Va�er Po1�u�iar� Prev�r��io►� 1�1�r� �r�d �c�� ���1� �� �f�e Dir��#or �� 1�u�1�� U1lorks� �. �rior �o �uildir�� Perrr�i� i�suar���, � D�si�r� �e�riexr�r appli�a�i�r� ��r�1� �� su�brr�i�ed fo� ea�h �ropo�e� r��ider�c� �o de�erm�rre �or��i���r��y �ri�h ��r� a��rovec� �7e�ig�r� �uidelir�e IUPar�ua! f�r ��e �roj���. The �orr�rr�ur�i��r Dev�lo�m�r�� Dir�c�ar sl��ll refer �r� ��pli�a�ior� �o ��re �4r�f�i�e���rr�1 �4�vi�� �om►�r�i#�e� ��r c�r��id�r��iorr arrd recorr�rr�errda��or�. ��r�brr�i�a1 requir�rr���r�� ��a11 ir��l�rde a si�� plar�, �builc�r'r��r elev��iorr�, larrdscape pl�r�� co1�r �r�c� rr����rials �oarc�, ar�al ar�y o�her r�����i�1 r�eed�d �o de�errr��r�e ��sigrr� �orrsi��errcy, �s d��er►�r�ir�ec� ��r �f�� �om►�r�r�rri�y D�v�lo�rrr�r�� Direc�or or �h� �4r��ri�e���r��1 l���i��v ��rr�rr�ri�ee. �, Jt�ri��li����n�l �r�a �n� �r������2��e�! �n��i���i�r� f�r ���re���rr��n� �n t�e �rt��r���� �� ��� �lr���n��e �u����. ��� "���I� �r�� �nri���r� ��� r���l��rn ���ti�r� �f the �i�� I��� ���n �r����� ��r �r�ina�g� ��� e�����r� ��r�r tirr��. 11V�ile tl�� t�� �� tl�� ��II� ��s tl�e �����r�rt�� �f �vl��t i� ��r��r�ll� ���rr��� � "�u��l�rr� t�r� b�tt�� f�r�� ��� i�r�� �n ��I��ri�l �I�ir a�n� in�l���s pr����le ju�r�����ti���l v�r�t��r���. Pr������ ���s �re p�ir�r��ril�r I�cat�d in t�r� �ri��r�it� �� th� ��Il�r I���t�� �� �h� r��rt��rr� s��ti�n �� ��e �r����t �i��. T�e revi��� �r����t ���nd� �r������ ������p�n�n� f�,rt[��r ���r�� th� �li�nrr��r�t �f ��e gu�l� t� t�� n�rtl�e��terr� ��g� �f th� ��t� i� ��r�n��ri��n �nrith �r��i��� ���i�r��. T�� ir������ �f ��ve���r�en� �nrith�� �r n��r ��e ��II� �nr�r� �n�ly��� in �f�� F����II� �nc� �r� ��� ���or�d �dd�n���n in ���or�a�r��� �vi�� �E�� r���i��r�r��r�t�. �� n�� �r r��r� ���r�r� irn���#s {���t v�rer� r��� a�lr���� ide�tifi�c� ir� �I�� �F����� �nr�r� i�er�ti�i�d {r�f�r t� E�vir�r�r�r��nt�l F���ri��v be���v.} 1����� r�����ir�� fi�l�r�� �n� ���r�l��i�� �� tk�� vi���ri�y �f t1�� ��II� in�lu�e �I�� ��t�nt��l ��� irx����� t� jurisdi�tr���! v�r�t�r�, fi�� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 8 �i�r��uru�i� v������ ���� �u�. ��-��� �������� �, ��os P�1� E 3 r��t�r ��� h��v �illir�g �r�� r�-�r���r�� t�r� �r�� �ff��#s ��t� r�q��r��er��� ��� ���r�l��nn�r�# �� stee �l��e�. ,Juri�di������1 a�re�� s�1�j��t �� ��I v�r���� �� ����e�t t� ��rrr�it � , , . . ��r���ti�n� �r��n th� k.1� �rr�n� ��r�� �f ����r��er�, ��I���rr��� �e��rtr�ne�� �� ���h �nd ��r�� �r�� F�1IV��� �� p�rt �� ��ti��ti�n fl�����re �-��a��. F�II r�n���ri�l �v���� be br���f�� i� �r��m �if�i�� �n� �r�gin�er�� ����r�ir�g �� ��li��rni� ��i��ir�� ��d� �r�� ��t�r �t�nd�r��. ��r��i���r�s �f ���r�v�l IV��. ��-�4� r��uir� ���� �n�! �r���ng �I�r�� ������r� �������n�l r���r�n����a�ti�r�� ��r ����r li������ti�rr ��� sl��� ����iE�t� a�s v�r�ll �s r�����v �r�� r���rr�rr��r���t��n� �� th� ������I ��n L�i� F�es��r�� ��n��rvati�n �i�tri�t. ��rly ��n�uMt�ti�n t���C �I��� �ri�� t� �he pr���r�ti�r� �� ��� ��EF� v�rith ��ri�us a���n�i�s {�A ���; �J� F8�V11; lJ� A�E a�� F�1�I���} �����t�� t� ���r� jur���i�;ti�� f�r �re�� �rith�n t�� pr�j��t, i�n�l��ir�� i� �f�e �i�ir�it� �f �I�e gu�l�. �t th� �11�� ��, ���� rr���ti��, th� �it�r ��ur��il di� ��a��f �� �tt�rr��t ���iti�na�i ��r���lt�ti�r� �i��n �i�e pr�j��t r����ign �n� pr�p���� f�ll �f tl�� ��Ily in �rd�r �� b�t��r �n������r�� ���ir�n�t� �r����t �e��ibili�y ��� lik��y rr�E�i�a��i�r� a����i�te� �rith the I��� �� 1��bit�tl�nr�tla�n��. �� � r��u��, �I�� �it�r'� ��n�u�l��nt, F�ir��or ��r�s�l��r���, r�r��� �nritl� r��r���nt�t��r�� �� �he lJ� A�E, D�� �n� th� ����t�l ��n �u�i� F����ur�e ��n��nr�ti�r� C�i�tri�t �F��C����d ����C� v�rith re�r���nt����r�s �r��rr� th� �.J�F�IIV �n� �I�III��B. Th� l�� ���, �F�, �V11C��� �r�� F��� �u�r�r�i#��� ���i�i�r��l ��rre���n��n�� �F�ir����n rn���, �t���hrr��r�� ��* Tf�� �ir���r� re��rt �u�r�r�a�r���� ���h �f ��e �g�n��r ��r���l#�t���s. IIVI�i�� �a��l� ��er���r i���tified ��n��r�n� �vi�h �r�p��t� �vi#��r� tl�eir r������iv� ju�ri��i�ti�n, r���� �� th� �����i�� ir�����t�� �he �r����� ���I� r��� �� ���r�i�t�� v�r��1� �ppr�pri��e r�itig�ti�r�. ��v�r��r�r, �h� ���li��nt �nr`rl� �� re�uir�� t� rr��e� ���h ���r���r'� ����if�� rr�i�i���i�n r�quir�r��r���, �rhi�h r���r �� ����l�fll�. A f��v �t��r i����� �nr�r� �I�� �r���ht u� �urir�g ��n�u���ti�n ���t �r� n�t i��l���� �r� th� F�in��n r�er�n�r�r���rr� �re �r��l�d�� ��I��r�r: � Tl�� �F� ir��lu��� n�v�r r���rr�r��r���ti�ns f�r ��� rx��n���r�n��# �f �isr�n� �I�� �r���rve� ���� ha��r� �eer� �r��l�r��� ir� t�e �I���r���r�n. � T�e F�V11��� ��tes �I��t ��� �r�j��t ��e� n�� r���# al� �� tl�� �it�r's �ree�C �������c�, It ����I� be r����� t��t d�e �� ��� �r�����'� ����i�� �t�tu� t�� ��rr�n� �Et� �������� �� n�t �pp��r t� ��� �it�. I--I��v��rer, �i�� ����i�� �etb���c� �nr�r� ���li�� �� th� pr�j��� t�r��gl� th� ���F� �ir��l��in� t�� �� f#. �������C �r��r� �I�� N1�����nr �ree�C ��ri����ry,� ����i�i� ir����t� �s � re��lt �� ��v�l��r�r���t ������at�d v�i�� ��� �ra��n��e ���I� �r� di������� ��r ��� F�1JV��� �� v�r��l �� ��r �a�l� �� ��� ��r��u����� �g�n�i��. �. �#�t�rr������ �ie�i�r� ��r�� �I��s n�t ir��l��f� fillin� ��e �����1. TF�e ���li��r�� �r�ra�� �iv�rr �ir���i�r� #� e�pl�r� �� a����rr���ive ��si�n ��n�e�t #ha�t �nr�s de��ri��� b� ��un�'rf rn����r F�11��v� �� ��� Il�a�� ��: ���� r����in� �n� �i�nn�la��l}r �� ��� r��r���r��a��i�r� #r�r�n ��� F���, �Att����ner�� �}. ���r����r�r��nt �� still �r�p���� i� t�� vi�init� �� tl�� �ully �� ���v�rn �n tf�� ���li��r�t re�rise� �l�n�. T�e ��������� �ra� �r��i�a�t�� t� �taff �k��t t�r� ��r����� �Itern��i��s �r�ul� �ti�� ir���lve ir�np�cts �� � sir�ni��r r�n��r�itu�� ir� t�� �i�ir�it� �f �h� ��Il�r. �his i� �u� #� stru���ural r���n��r��ti�n ����s���y �t �r��sin�� an� a�l�r�� �u�ly Agenda Item 9.c. Page 9 �ITIf ��l.��V��L VT�rlll���� �A�� IV�. �1 ��'� D����A��F� �, ���� PAC � 1 � e�g�, a�r�� ir�����re i�n��c#� t� �t��r i��nti�e� r���ur���, in��udir�� Pi��� ���r�Ci�, ripa�r��r� h��it�t ��d ��k �r��s �ith�r �i�e�tl� �� ir��ir��tl� �� �ur�ln�r intru�i�� ir�t� t�u�f�� �r��� ��t�b�i�k��� i� #�� �EIRI����n�ur�r�. �d�i�i��a�ll}r� t�� pl�n �v���� li�c�l�r ��qu��r� � �����r��n� �f �v�rridir�� ��r�si��r����n� �� �h� �it� ���rr�i� i�n �r���r t� ���r��� � �r����� �rv'r#� �l�s� � �r������ ��r bi�l��i�a�l i�np���� �Pi�rr�� �la�r�ci�}. �. l�s�i r� I�r�� ��rr� rr���r�ter��r��� re���n�i��li�i�� ��r tl�e �r��e�� t�rr�ugh � � . �ai�nte�nar��� �listri�t r��l�er #h��n th� H�A* A����ate rnair�t���n�e �or the ���a��� ���� �pa��� ��r��l, v�r�s � ��r��err� ��cpr������ �}� tl�� I���r��in� ��r�r�r�r�i�si�� �n� ��ty �����il �n �I�eir r��r��v�r �� th� ��IF�, ��n�l���r�g tk�� ���estr��rr tr�i1, #�e p����cti�� a�r�d �nl��r�c��n��� �f tF�� r'r��r�a�n �rri��r, �r�e�� �f�ve�l�r��, �n� h�bit����rt�� e���r�g�re� �I�nt s���i��, �i�rr�� ���r�ci�. ��n�i�i�n �f ��pr��r�l �f�. 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T� en��r� a��l ��r�n�n�n f��ili�ie� �r� ��e���t�l�r �n�ir�t�in�c� �nri�hi� th� su���i�i�i�n �r�� ir��lu��ir�� �ffsite i�n�r��r�rr�e���, �h� ���li���t �h�11 ���r�r�it � pr������ a��r�er�r��nt #�r �I�� ��rr�����rr �f a� ��rr��it r��int�r��r��� �����sr��n� ����ri�t. 1"�� �ppli��r�� �I��I� p��r ��I ���ts a�������t�� �r�ri�l� �I�� f�rr�r���E�r� �f �he �i��rict. AI� �r�����d ���urn��t� f�r �h� ��rr�n��i�r� �f �u�h � dis�r��t �n� f�r r���r����r�ing �II ��rr�rn�r� �r�a� ��� f��i�iti�� �in�l��ir�g, �t�t n�t �ir�ite� ��, ��� ���r� ����� ��r��l�, ������ri�� t��il, �r�� dra�ir ���il��i��� ���II �e r��i��v�d �r�� ���r���� b� t�� �i��r �tt�r�r��� �r�� re������ �nri��r �i�� f�n�l r�n��. 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Ir� �� �� b�fit�r accou�� �or �o��r�t�al b��g�t impac�s far staff ��me t� �nonitor �on�i��ans o� a��rov�l �r�d rx�i�i�����r� r�n�r�i��rir�� ��� r���r��n�, � r��l-ti�rn� ��ll�n� ��ndi#i�� I��� ���n ����� in ����rd�r��e �r�ritl� ��cis�i�g ���� ��� s�h��ule� ���r��iti�� �� �p�r�v�l IV�, �}. �ity ta��k� �����i�te� �v��l� �1��� c�n�i�«r� a�r� �utri��d ir� th� Nlitig�ti�r� N1��`r��rir�� �r�� F������r�� � rr�ara�m. �. A F���ri�e� Fir��l ��I� h�� b��r� ��rtifie� ��r thi� �r�j��t. � ����r�� A�����urr� �� ��� ��IF� �r�� �r��a�r��, � ���� �� �rhi�h is ��#��F��� ��r�t�. Th� Il�li�ig�ti�r� IVl�r�it�ri�n� �r�d F�e��r�in� P�r��ra�r� �"IVIIVIF�P"� f�r th� ���j��t �s �tt��h�� I��r��� i� E�c�ri�it "D}' �r�� �n��r��r�t�� h�r��n b�r t�i� r�f�r�r���. 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Th� �lir��r��ti�n �ftw� ��di�i�r��� ��i�� �fr�rn ��e '�� ��i� d��ign� �r�� r���i�r�rner�t �f th� �rr��r�er��� ������ r��� �r�� tl�� r��ri��d gr��i�g �����n r������ �r������ tr��� r�r��v�l� �� �� t� '� 'I �n��v 1 �} �n� ir��lr���� ��� pr����ti�r� �� ���r�r�l �I��r gr�v�rt�r ��I� t� 1���i�i���ll�, 'I'I �r���v 1 �} ��k ��ee� �r� ��-������ �� b� tr�rr��l�r���� tl��t �r� ��ner�ll� �r�n�ll�r in �i�� �r�� #h�t l��ve be�r� ������fi�� �s beir�� ��tt�r ��n�i��te� ��r �ra�n��l��t �u����s. `1��� �p��i��r��'� pr�j�c� ����rip�i�r� �lVla�� �7', ���� �#�ff r�p�rt �tt��l��n�nt ��� i��lu���� �r�vi�u� �i��u����n �� ��i� i�su� �n� � 1ett�� ����nit#�� �� a�bori�t �av� Re��r� �May a�er�d� Attac�m�nt �.� ��r���r�n� r�r��ir� r����rd�r�g th� ��k� �r� th� �uii� ��� tl�e ���t�bility �� th� ���C �r����l�nt �r��. T�� r�r��i�in� ���c� �r� ��e �ul��r ��nr��� �e fe�si��y a�v�ide� v�ith th� �r����e� ��si�r� tl��t ������ ����I��r�en� �v�r�� fr�r� th� tri���a�r t� Me���v�r �r��l�, �he �i�r�n� �I�rk�� an� ��� �rirr��ry ��� v�r�����r�� �� th� I��II�i�� ��-���. �#�� �r��� ide��if�e� f�r tr��n�p��nt �� ��k tr��� is can�i�er�� �u�ta��l� �r�� �r���ra���e �ue t� �I��� �r��cir�r��ty t� th��r �urre�t I���ti�rr�. T�� �m��st ��il� ��s�� ir� ��E� �i�inity a�re �u� �� t� �n� �th�r ����F��r�� �� �ra��er fr�rr� a��j����� �r���rti�� ��d v�r�uld n�� r�rn��n ��or����r�t ��r��iti�r� �� th� ��il� ir� th� �ri�ir��t�r �r�r�tf� irnp��rr��nta����r� �� tl�� pr�j��t. ALT�l�IVATiII��: �e��u�� th� �i�e ��e� �vit�in ��e �� 'I.� �is�ri�t, tl�� �it� ��un�il �� t�� �ppr��r�n� ���h�rit� f�r t�� pr�j��t. �Th� f�ll�v�rir�g �I��rr��tive� ��� �r��rid�� f�r tl�� ��un�il'� ��r�si��r�ti�r�: - A���t � r���l�ti�n �ppr�vir�g th� �r�j���; - N1�� �fy �r�d ����t � r��ris�� re�����i�r� ���r�vi r�� �h� pr�je�t. � n ��ns���r����r� �f ���r��� ��nsu����i�r�� �n� ��r�r��nt� ��ring �h� �11�� ���� ���r�nir�� ��r�r�i��i�r� �n� ��t�r ��u��il �ubli� h�a�r'rn��, it �����r� t��# t��re co�l� b� ��r�� r��in�r�n�nt ir� �1�� �or�fi�ur����� �� L�� � �r�d � ��rir�� ��� fir��l �ra���ng de�i�n �� nn�ir����n th� �r��r��n�� ���e�� �a���r���� �r �v�i� ���i���r�a�l �nre�l�r�� ha��i��� ��� �til� r��n�ir� su��t�r��i�l�� in ��r�f�rrn�n�� �nri�k� tl�� pr������ ���n���i�r� r�n��, - �ir��t �ta�ff t� re�ri�� f�ndir��� �n� �r�turn �vi�� � r���iu�i�r� �� d�n� t�� �r����t; # Pr��ri�e ����� �ir��ti�r� t� �ta�if. A�V��ITAC��: 11Vi�1� t�� ��c�e��i�n �� L�t� 'I � �r�� 'I � r���r �l��re� F���d, �he �r�j��� �s �r�p���� v�rill ��r��l��� #�e F��n��� �r�r�d� �'I�r�r�e� ��vel��r�n�nt a�t � ����ity le�� tl��n �r��in�ll�r ��r�������li�e�, but �vi�l�i� th� ir���nt �� ��e �r�g�n�l ���n �f ���ster�n� ��rr�l� �a�rr�il�r re�i��r��i�l I��r��s t� ��r�i� th� ir�n���t �n si�� #���ur�� ���� �s tree�� �h� �re��C �r�d �l��e� �r�� �r�vi�� � I�r�� �p�n ����� ��r �1�� �nril�l�fe �or�i��r ��r�r���t��r� �r�d ��d��tri�r� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 12 �i�rr ������� v��n����� ���� ru�. �� -�o� �������� �, ���� ���� � � �or�r��ction ��orn the J�r��s 1I��y ��b���t to �i�� �a�nty �r�� �o t�� north ar�d nor�#��a�t. T�� ���j��t �r��ri��� h����n� �r�d irr�pr��res ��r#�ir� �i�� ��nc�i���ns, ir��l��ing tl�� ��a�li�y �� h��it�t �nd r��u��� �r����n ��r tJ�� tri��t�ry t� M�����v �r���C tl�r�ugh �I�� �ip�r��r� Enha�n��r��r�� PI��, A��iti�r��ll�r, �h� ���i���i�r� �� t�e �r��it� r��r�ll �r�d ��� ir����v�� ��r����ti�r� pr��rid�� ��r ��ct�r��i�n �� �h� �rr�er�e��}r ������ ��fs��� ���h ���������� �'rgnif���r����r �� �u��lr� #�����F� ��d ��f�ty ��n�err�s ��rx�r�ur�'r��r urr'rde. �I��1I�11AI�TA���: ��� ��t� i� ��n��dere� hi�l�l� ��n�tr�in�� b�r v�ri�u� ���ir�nr�n�n��f h���t�t�, ��� �Ith�u�� ti�� pr����t i� �u��t�r�ti�ll� r��u��d ir� ��nsity, i� ���� r�q��r� tr�� rer�n��r���, a� �r���C �r�ssir��, r���r���r�.a�ting �I�p��, �r�� i���ting I����in� �n� r���� ir� �r��ci�nit� t� r�r� r�i���ti�� pl�r�t ������s. �►ddi�i���ll�, tk����h i�n���t� t� tl�� ��i�tir�� �v�ldlif� ��rri��r� �r� ������ere� I��� th�n ��g�i���r��, �I�e �i�� �f the�e r�r�ai���� ��s����� i� r������, �►It��u�� ��� ��cand �dder���rr� �i��l���� �n� e�c�l��r�� th� I��r�� �f si�r�ifi��r��� �f �II ��t�nti�l �rnp��t�, it i� ���ir��t�l� th� �r�����r���nt j���r�er�t �� �h� �it� ��ur��il �I��t r�r���# fir�d th�� �I�� ir������ �r� ��r�i��� �r r�i�i����d t� � I��� ���rr ��gnifi��r�� le�r�� b���� u��r� �I�� �I�r��l��ld �r�����a �r�� �u�����r�ti�l �vi����e ir� �h� ��IRIA��e�d�r�n �n� r���r� �� � �v��l�. E hl V I!�� 1� rl�l E[V T�#� R E V I EV1�f : �t�ff ��� re�r��v�r�� t�is �r��ec�t ir� ���npli�n�e v�ritl� ��� ��I����r�i� ��vir�r�r�n����l �u�li�y ��t ����A}, th� �EC�A ��idel�r��� �r�d t�e �it�y of Arra�o �� Ru�e� ��d Procedu��� f�r �r�plerx��r���t��n �f ��C��, ����� �n t�� r��ri��� � �ub���uer�� ���r�r�r�r��r���� �r����t ��p�r� ���I�� ��� �r��a�r�d ��r �ir�con ��ns�l��r��s �r�� ���ct�nd� �r�r� �h� �IF� �r���r�� ��r #�� F��r��l�� �r�r�d� Il����er �'I�n in � ��� . �r� A�d�n��r�n ��� ���� ���� pr���r�� �� e�r�l�,�t� irr����t� ��� t� th� �r�j��t r��u�i�� in �er��ity �r�rx� ��-ur���� �� 1�-�r�i�s �r�� r�� ���i�r�, TI�� ��IF� ar�� A���r���r� ���re b��r� �r��i��,�1� ���tri��t�� �nd �re �r� �il� �# ��� ��r�n�ur�i�� ����I��nn�r�� D���rtr��n� �r�� tl�� ��n �uis �bi��� ���r�t�r L��r�ry. A� �e��ri��� �b��r� �I���ugh t�� �rir�ary ��bi��t �n� b�f�er ��r P��rr�� �I�r�CE� h��� ��en a���i��� vrr�t� ��e pr�j��t �r�p�s�l, th� r�iti��ti�� r�n��s�r�s id�r�t��ie� ir� th� ��IF� t� �d�r��� bi�l��i��l �r����t� �����i�t�� �v��� �i�r�� �I�rk�� ��ve ���n �r��n��� {r��l���d� ir� t�e �e��n� ��d�n�ur� �� ����r� ���qu�t� �r�t���i�n �iv�r� t#�� r�ni�r�ti�� �� tl�� ���r�� �rit�ir� i�� ���it�� {�tt��F�r��r�t ��. Ir� a����r�arr�� �rr��� ��C�A r���l�ti���, tl�� �it�r, �� �fn� ���d a���n��, rr���� ���r��r� fin�i��� ����ifi� �� i��r�tifi�� �rn���t� i� �����i�r� t� ����r �i�dir��� re��ir�� ��r ���r�v�l �� a�r��t rr��� �nci pl�r�r��� �r�i� d�vel��r�en�. Th� pr����e� fin��ngs �r� pr��r���� i�n E�c1�ib�t ���:, ■ PIJ�L�� ���1�1�1�T��1� AND ���IIIIV��I�T� �i��ct�-fi�r� ���li��l�-I��rir�� IV��i�e� v�r�r� ���t �� �r�p�r�i�� v�r�t��n ��� ���t �� t�� pr�j��� �i#� ��� �� ��nn�e�� �� tl�� �ubli� v�rl�� r����st�� n�ti�� a�nd a���r�rti��r�n�nts �v�r� �����d ir� �I�e Tri��rr�� �r� J��ril ��, ���� f�r ��� F�I�nr��r�� ��r�nr�r�is�i�n he���r�g �n� II��� 'I �, ���� ��r th� IVI�� ��, ���� ��ty �����il I���r�r�g th�t v�r�� ��ntir�u�d �� � ��t� c�r��ir� {�J�I� ��, ����, ���u�t ��, ���� ar�d ����rr�b�r �, �����; �h� pr�j��� sit� v�r�� ��-��st�� in Agenda Item 9.c. Page 13 �I`�`Y ��1.lN�f� VTT11��P�C] ��1�� �f�. �'I ���'� D����[�ER �, ���8 �A� � '1 � ����� �nrith �it�r p�l���r f�r �I�r��ing ��rr�r�n���j�r� �� �1��r�r�b�r ��, ����. �u�s�n�i�i �u�l�� co�r��r�# r�l�t��� t� �h� �r�j�ct ���urr�� �ur�n� ��� c��t�ficati�n ���r�r��� ��� �h� �EIF� ir� ���� �r�c� ���4, c�uri�� p�bl�� ���r�n�� f�r t�� �'I -�r�it �r�j��t ir� ����, d�r�r�g �h� �r�- ���li�ti�� I���rir�� ��r t�e '17'-ur�it �r�ject ��� ��r��g �1�� �I�nni�g ��r�r�rr��ssi�n ��� �i��r ��u���l �uh�i� ����ir��� �� ���� �� th� �r������ 1 ��-�ni� �roj�c�. �t�ff r���iv�� � �d�i#i�n�l I�tter� �� �or�r�r�n��� �� �r�� ���������nt t� �h� �ity ���r��il �e�r�r�� �� ��� ��, ���� �At#��hnn��t �}. �n �����i�r��l �� n�tf��� v�r�r� ��r�� �� �r�p�rtie� �vi�#�ir� ��� ���� �� �h� �r�j��t ���� �� IV��r�r���� ��, ����. ��c�rib�t� a�d �tt�c#�r��nts: F��salu�iar� ��hibi�s ��cl�i��� A � ��C�� Fin�ir��� ��chibi� � -� �r�ft ��r��iti�r�� �f ���r���l ��hibi� � - F��II���� Pr�j��t �I��� � 'I - �� ll����n� 1��r�t�ti�� Tr��t N1�� �nd �r��e�� plan� E�c�ib�t � - �ra�ft N�`r�ig�ti�n Il��r�it�r�r�� �n� ��p�rtir�� Pr��r�rn A�t���ments �I . �it� �����i� �ni�u��� fr�rr� th� IVI��r �7" ���� ���li� h����n�. �. ���li��nt re�ri��� �r����t �e��ri��i�n, �r��ri�t re��r�r�n�����i�r�, �e� sur�r��r�r �r�d r�qu�stslagreer��r�� for �ontinuance. �. E�c�e�� fr�r�n th� �1�y ��, ���� ����c��, in�lu�in� ���if r���rt. TI�� �ntire N1�� ��, ���8 ������ ���k�# �nr�� �re�r������ dis�rEb�te� ��� �n �il� in the ��r�r�ini��r����r� �ervt�es ��p�rt�er�t. �. F��r���r� rr�e��r��d�r� r���r�ir�g a���r���r ��r���C��ti�r�� �. A���� ����ep� ���g�s��d �t t�e N1�� ��, ���� �u�li� I���rin� t� ��r�i� fill�n� �I�� ��II� �. P��li� cor�r�n��t ��tt�r� r�����r�� �ft�r IVI�� ��, ����. �. A��li�ant �r��ec C����ri��i�� [Pr��r��us�� �i�tr���t�d �r�� �r� �il� in �i�� ��r�inis�r�ti�� ��rvi��� ��p�rt�ent,] a�. Ap�e��i� 'I - �r�in���� '� �� �.�. �F��n��� �r����� �1l��t�r �I�n} b. �ppe��i�c � � �r�in���e ��� �.�. ��]��r�l�prner�t Ag� �e�c�ir��l} �, ���ti�r�� �.� — �.� �r�j��� ����c���un� �u�nrr��ry �, �e��i��r� �.� — �,� �r�ft �p�n ����� E���r�n�nt� ��F��� E�����i�n�, �r�ir���e ��u��� �. ������n� �.� — 1 �.� Dr�ft ��s��r� N1�nt��l, �r��# ��u���i�n�� IVI���ri�l�, �r�ft �IIV�PP �. �EC�A ���ur a�. F��vise� Fi��l �u�bs��uerr� �IF� [�r��i�u���r di�tri��t�� ��d �r� fil� ir� tl�� ��r�r�ini��r�ti�r� ��rv���� D���rtr�ne�t.] b. �r��t �e�or�d ����ndu�nn �� t�r� F�e�ri��� ��na�l �ubsequer�t �� F� �r��r���d} Agenda Item 9.c. Page 14 �������io�u ru�. � �����u�ri�ru �� -��� �i�r ��ur��i� �� - r�� ���r o� ������ �RAN�E �'� ��I��I�EF� �41V ���EI��L�I�I T� T�IE PF�E11���J�L1� ���TIFIE� �I�aAL ��IB���L�EIU� �NVIF��IVIIA�IVTAL �IIAPA�T F��I��F�T� AD�PT A IVI��I�ATI��V IIA�NI��F���l� P���F�AIVI, IIV�T�I��T TF�� �IF�E�T��t �� �C��I111�i�TF�A�l11E �EF�111��� T� ��L� A �1�T��� �� ��T�F�IIAI�V�Tl�h1, A�VD �PP��11� 11E�T1�1� T�NTAT�IIE T�A��` �A� ���� �i�� �'1-��'1 AN� P�ANI��� I�IVIT ��IIEL�P�ENT ���E N�. �1 � ��'� �.��ATE� �►T �lAIVI�� 1NAY A�V� LA �AIVA��1 11VH�F�EA�, tl�� �ity ��un�iE, "�it�r ���n�if" �f t�e �ity �� �rr��r� �r�r�d� "�i�' ����t�� F�����ut��n IV�. ���� �n A�r�l 1 �, ���� ��r�i���ng �I�� ���i��� Fir��� ��������nt ��vir�r�r�r��n#�I Irr����� ��p�rt ��EII�} ��r 11��tin� T�r�t��i�re Tr��t ��� �� -��'I �r�� P���n�� �.Jr�i# ���rel��rr��nt �� -���1 ���e "�r��j���"�; �r�� 11VF�E�EA�, tt�� �rt�r �I�nr�ir�� ��r�nr�ni�s��n �el� �ul� r��ti��d �ub�i� f���rir��� �r� 1�1�y �, ����, J�r�e 7 ����, ���t�rr���r ��, ���� ar�d ��t�ber 4, ���� or� � previo�s de�i�r� of �h� pr�j��� �� sub��vi�� ���.�-��r� pr��e�y ir�t� t�nr�nt�r-�n� ���I � r��id�nti�l I��� �rt� �n� t�v�nty-�r� ���} ��r� ���� ����� i�� a�r�� ����t�� F�����u�i�n IV�. ��-'I �?� r����nn�rn�ndi�� t��� t�� ��ty ��u���� ��n� th� pr��e�t, �� ���n �r������; �r�� 1�1�H�I�E�#�, ��� �it�r ��un�i� �� �I�� �ity �f �rr��r� �r�r��� h�ld dul�r n������ ��bli� he�rin�s or� No�r�mber ��# ���� �nd Decernber ��, ����, a�d �ft�r r��r�e�rving and ��rr��d�ri�� th� �r�f�rr�����n �r�� p�bli� te�t��n�r�� �����n��d at tl�� ���li� I���rir���, �t��f r���rt�, Firs� ����n��rr� t� th� �er�if�� �E�l�, �r�d �II ����r in��rrr�a�ti�� �rr� ����rr��nt� t��t �v�re �ar� �� �h� p���i� r��ar� ��r th� p���e�t, �v�re �n��l� �� r�n��C� r�q��r�� firr�in�� ��r ���r��r�� �r�� den�e� tl�e pr�j��t, �vi�h��� �r�judi��; �n� 11V�I�1�E�#�, t�� Pl�nnin� ��r�rr�i��i�r� h��� � ��I�r ��t���d ��bli� �e�r�n� �� Ma�� �} ���� �nd r���r�r��n��� ���r��r�l �f t�� re�rise� �r�j��� t� �u�d��r�� � ��.3-��re �r�p�rty in�� fift��� �'I �� re�i��r�t��l I��s ��� �r�� t�v�nt��tv�r� {��} ��r�; ���� ����� ��r���. �I1�H����#�, ��� �i�y ��ur��il ��� r��ri��nr�� �r�d ��n����r�� th� �r�f�rrr��ti�n �n� p��li� t�������� �r���nt�� �t tl�� ���li� f���rin� �r� N1�� ��, ���� �n�l ����r�b�r �, ����� �t��f r���rt, ��d ��� ����� in��r�rn�ti�n �r�� ����r�n�nts t��t �r� ��rt �� th� p�b�i� re��rd f�r t�� �ro�e�t; ��� 11�HE1���#�, �I�� �ity ��un�il fi�d�, �ft�r �ue ��u��, ��lib�r�ti�n �r�� ��bli� ���rir��, th� fo �� o�vi r� ��i r�� �nn sta r� �e� ��i st : �. �`I�� �it� ���n�il I��re��r fir��� �n� d�t�r�nir��� th�� t�� irnpl�r��r���ti�n �f th� �r�j��t v�ri�� r��t h��r� � �ign��i��n� �ff�� �r re�ult i� � ��b���nti�l �� ��t�n�i�ll� �u��t�r��i�l a���r�r�� �h�n�� �rr �h� �r��rrr�n�er�#; �r�� �, tl��t ��! �i�ni#���r�t ��vir�nr�n�r��al ��f���� ider�tifi�d ir� th� F���F� a�r�� �11 ����r��rr�s a����i�t�� t�r�r��nrith ha��e be�rr r�����d t� �� ����p����� ���r�l ir� tha�� �II ���n�fi��r�t �r�vir��r�r��rr�a�� �ff��t� tl��t ��r� f�a�i�l�r �� ��r�id�d ha�v� b��� ��irr�ina���� �r sub���r�ti�ll�r r��du��� �� deterrnir��� t�r�u��h t#�� fin�ir��� �et f��th �er�i�; �n� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 15 ���������� ��. � �� � � ��quirec� �E�A ��r��lin�� �re a��h�� #.�er��� �s ��chibit `�A" ar�� rr���r��r���d ��reir� b� �his r���rer��e. Te r�t��i�r� Tra�� IIA� � F`� r� �! i r�g� � 'i . �i�� �r������ ��rr�a��iv� �r��t rn�� i� ��r������r�# �nrith th� g��l�, ��j��#��r�� p�li�i��, �la�r��, pr��r�rn�, i���r�� �nd r��uir���r�t� �� �I�� ���� ��r��r�l Pl�n, ar�� t�� r���i��r�n�r�ts �# t�� ����I�p��nt ��d� �n� Pla�nn�d ���r�l��r�n�r�t ����ri�t � .�; �. Ti�� �i��, �� s���vr� �r� �h� t�nta��i�r� ����t r�a�p� is �I���i��ll� ��it�bl� f�r tl�� ty�� �n� �r�����d ��r��ity b��a��s� t�� d��rel�pr�n�nt i� �lu�t�r�d ir� su�h � �nr�y ���t �II n��e�s�ry �as�m�nt�, p�r�cin�, and op�n space ca� b� �ro�rided; �. �I�� d��i�r� �� �I�� ��r�t�r�i�r� #r��t rr��� �r tl�� �r������ ir�n�r��r�r�n��t� �r� r��� lik���r t� �us� �u��t�r��i�� ��r�n�g� �� �h� r��#�r�l �r��ir�����t, in��udin� f�h, �nril�li�� �� tl��ir h�bit�t �� tl�� p�t�nt�a�l ir��a�t� I���re ���n �d������1� rr�it�����d t� tf�� ��ct�n� ����i�l�t �. �h� d��ig� �� �h� ������r�si�r� �r �r���s�� ir��r��r�r��r�t� i� r lik�l� �� ����� �t�b�i� ���I�� ���I���r��; �. Th� d����r� �� ��� t��t�t��r� tra��� r �r t�� ty�� �� irr��r��r���nt� �nril� n�t cor�fli�� �vi�h �a���rr��nt� a�������� �� ��� pu���� a�t I�r�� ��r ����s� t�rr���h, �r ��� �f, �r���rty �rr�tl�in tl�� pr�����al ��r����iv� tra�� rr��� �r th�� ��t�rr��#� ����r��n�� f�r ��re�� �r f�r ��� �nr�ll �� �r��ri��d, �r�� �I��t ����� �I��rr��ti�� ����r�n�r�#� �nr��� �� ���st��ti�[�� ��u��ra�l�r�� �� �r��� �r��i�u�l� �����r�� ��r th� �r��l��t �. T�e �is�h�rg� �f v►r�st� fr�r�r� �I�� pr�p���� ��bdi�ri�i�r� ir�t� �rr ��i���n� ��rx�r�r��r�ity ��v�r�r ��st�rr� v�r��l r��t r����t in �ri�l�ti�r� �f ��cis�ir�g ����ir�r�n��t� � �r���r�b�� ir� �i�ri�i�n � {���n�n�r �v��� ���t��n 'I ����� �f �h� ��li��rn�� Vll���r ����t �. �����a�t� �uhli� ��rvi��� a�rrd f��il�t��� ��i�t �r �vill �� �r�v���� a�� �I�� r���lt �� ��� �r������ #�r���tiv� tr��t t�n�� �� �u�p��t pr�j��t ���r�f�prr��r��. P�a�nne�! lJr�i� ���re���r�n��t �ir�din�s '� . T��� �h� pr�����d d������rr��nt i� ��r������n� �vitl� t�� ��a��s, ��j���i�r�� a�n� �r��r�r�� ��th� 'I��� ��n�ra�1 Pla��; �. T�r�� �f�� �i�� ��r ��r� �r�p���d ���rel��r�r��r�t i� �����a�t� i� si�� �r�d �l��p� �� ����r�nr�n��a�t� ��r� ��� a��� �II ��r��, ���� �����s� s�t����c� �varll� a��� f�r����, ��r�cir�� �r��, I���ing a�����, I�nds���i�r�, �r�d ��I��r f���u��� . r�q u �re } �. Th�� th� sit� ��r �h� pr�����d ����I��r�n��� 1�a�� a�d��u�t� ������, r�n��r��r�� th�t t�� ��t� ������ �r�� ���r�l�pr��n� pla�r� ��r��i�i�ns ��r�����r �k�� I��ni��ti�n� �� ��c��tir�� ��r���s and ���h�nra��r�; Agenda Item 9.c. Page 16 F�E��LIJT��N N�. PAC � � �. �h�t ������t� ���li� ��rvi��� ��i��, �� v�rill �� pr���d�d ir� ����rd�r��� �nr��#� �I�� ��r��it��ns �f ���r����rx��nt pl�� a��r��r�l, �� ��rv� th� �r�����d ��v�1�pr7r��r�t; an� th�t �I�e ��pr��ral �f t�� pr������ ���r�l�pr��nt �vi[I r��# r���lt irr � ��������r� �f �u�k� ����i� ��rv�ce� �� �r�p��ti�� Er� th� �r��in�ty �� �� t� b� a� ��trir��r�t t� pu�b�i� h��l�l� �a�f�ty �r �nr��f�r�} �. �i��t ��� �r������ d��r���pr���t, a�� ��r��i�i�rr�d, �vilf n�t �r��r� � �ub�#�r�ti�l adver�� ef���� or� �urra�nd�r�� prop�r�y, or the p�rr��tt�d u�e th�reo�, and �nrill b� ��rn��ti��� r��ri�� �h� ��i�tin� �n� pla�r�r��� �a�r�� ��� �I��ra����r �� �I�� �urr�ur��ir �r��; �. Th�t th� �rr�p��v�rrr�nts r�q�ir��, �n� �k�� rna�nn�r �f ���r�l�pr����, �d����t�l� a�ddr��� �II r�a���r�l �n� �a���n�d� ha���r�� a����i�t�� �v�t� ��� ��-������ d�v����r�n��t �r�d t�� ������t �i��, i��l�di��, �u� n�t �ir����� t�, �lo�d, ��isrr�i�, fire �r�d �Iop� ���ar�s; �. Tl�e �ropo�ed �ev�la�ment �s co�����an��, ��rri�� o�t �he ir�t�r�� �f ��� ���nr��� �r�i� ���r�l���n�r�� �r��i����� �� pr��ri�Eng � r��r� �����r�� ��� �f th� ��n� ar�d an ����Il�r��e of des��n �re�t�r t��n that �v����r �oul� �e ��hi��r�� t�r�u�l� �h� �pp�E��ti�r� �� ��n�r�r�ti�r��l ���r�l�pr��n# �t�n��rd�; �. �h� �r�����d d��r�l�p�n�rrt ��r�npli�� v�ri�h a��� a�p�li�a�l� ��rf�r�na�n�� �ta�r��ard� list�� �n ������r� 'I�.��.���.E. h��1�11, TF������F��, �� �T F����L1IED ��ra�t ��� ��ty ���r��il �f �k�� �ity �f Arr��� �ra�n�� �r�r��� �ppr��r�� ll��tin� T�nt�tiv� Tr��t Illla�p �'� -��'I �Pl�r�r���l l�� it D��r���p��r�� �'1-��� , �u�j��� �� ��� ��r���ti�n� �f ��pr��r�l ��� f�rtl� ir� E�c�ibit "�"t ����� u��r� th� �r�j��t �I�ns ��t ��rtl� i� ���i��t "�" a��d t�� �III�#�g��i�n Illl��i��rin� Pr��r�r� ��� f�rth in ��c�ri��# "C]�� ���i�� �f ���I� �f v�r�i�� ar� �t�����d ��r��� �nd i���r��r�t�� h�r�in �� ��f� r���r�r���. �r� r�n��i�n b� ��ur���l I�I�rr���r ,����nd�d b� ��ur IVl�rr�b�r , ar�� �� th� ��Il�v�r�r�� r��l �a�ll �r�t� �� �nrit: AY��: ��E�: AB��[VT: �h� f�r���ir�g ����I�ti�r� �va� a���t�d tk�is d�� �f Agenda Item 9.c. Page 17 ���o�u���n� r�o. ���� � �o r��r r�. � � ���, ���ro � J�TTE�T: �CE��Y 1I11��Nf��E, �I�'Y �LE�kC APPF��VED A� �� ��NTENT: �TEIIEIV A����, ��TY II�ANAC�I� APPR�IIED A� �� F�R�III: TIIIII�T�I� �!. �Af��l�l.r, �I�Y �#�`�F���Y Agenda Item 9.c. Page 18 ��s������r� r��. ���� � o� ��� �HI��'� ���„ DI�AF°I` ��(.�� ��T�I�T�� �or ��� ��s�i�g �'��rx�i�e �ra�� �ap ur�� �. LI.�. 0�-0�� �ra�e�� �.� IN'I'R���]CTIOI�T 1.I �indi�gs �f F�ct a�x�� ��at��ern�r►t �f �verridir�g �ons��era���ts Tf�e Califor�ia Environmental �uali�y A�� ��E�A} reqx�ires �at t1�e er�v�ro��ne�t�I ixn�acts of a �r��ect be ��cami��ci ar�c� dis�cl���ci �ri�r to �p�r�v�l �� a�ro�e�t. �E�A ��xid�li�n�s S�e�ct��r� 15�91 �r��ides �� ����w�� gu��axY�� r��arc�ing fin�iir��: �`��� No pub�i� age�r�y s�ta11 ap�rave or car�y au� a�raj�ct far w�ic� ar� ��� �as �en ��ri�fi�d �v�i�h id�n�ifies �n� �r rn�re signif��ax�t �nvir�nm�r�ta� �ff� �� th� pr��ect �x�Y��s t�� pr��ali� age�nc�r rna�ces o�ne or �ore w�itber� finc�ings for ea�r of t�tose s�g�ifica�n� effec�s, accampan�ed b� � bri�� ��c�l.an�ti�� �f t.�� rat��na�� ��r �a�h fi�ciing. T�i� ���sib�� f�nd��s are; {�� C�ta�►ges a� a�t{eratia� �av� been r�quir�d ir�, or i��orporai�ed Ynto, the pra�t w�ich avoid or s�xbs��tt�a�ly ��sse� th� significant �nvironmenta� �ffe�t as identaC.fied in �e ��I�. ��} S�x�h ��a�nges or alterations are within �� respon.s�bi�i�y a�d �ur�isc��t�on af ar���h�r �ubli.r �g��nc� a�c� ��t t�� a��r�c:y rnak�ng th� findin�. ��xc� c�a.r���s �av� been adap�ec� by sx�c� o��r ag���y or �an and s�xo�x�d �e adopte� by su��i o�her ag�n�y. ��� �pe�cifi� ec��►���, Y�ga1, ���ial, t�c�xn�r�gi�a1, �r �t��� ���s�c��rations, in�lu�ir�� �rov��on of �n���oyn�ent o��o��ties far �ghi� train�d work�rs, n�ake �feasi��� th� �iti�at��r� m�as�r�s �r �r�j�ct ��t��ati�r�s i��r�tifi�� in th� final ���.•' ���A �uid�li�es S�ti�n 15� ���v���� th� f���win� a�diti��ta� gu��an�� regarciin� a��ate��n� �� Ov��i�ling ��nsi�ier�ti�ns: "�a} ���� r�c�uires �� de��si�n-rn.akix�.� a��n�y t� �al�n��, as a��a��ab��, �h� ��on��r►i� ���al, s��i�I, �echn�l��i�al, �r ���r �er��fi�s �� a �r�p�sec� pr���t ��ainst �ts �x��.a��ic�z�b�� e�viro�nne�t�I ri�k� wh�n de�e�n��.ing wh��h�r fi� app�ove t�e pro�ec�. �f t�i� �p�cific �c�r���i�, ���al, �o�ia�, tec�un�l�gic�1, �r ��h�r b�n�fits �f a �r��os�c� �r�j��t ��t�v�ig� t�t� �voidab�e adv�r� �r�viro�e�ta1 ef�e�ts, t�e adv�rse env�o�er��al �ff��t� n�ay �e can�idered ff ��c���ab��." �b� �Nh�r� th� l�ad a���cy a��r�ves ��r���c� vv��� wi11 r����� in �� ���rxrr�r��� �f signi.fi�ar�� �ffe�� wh��h �re ic��r��ified �r. �� fin.a� EIR but �r� n�� a�r�ic��c� �r �ubs�antiall� l��se��c�, the ag�r�cy sha]I st�te Yn ��it�g t�i� ��ecifi� re�s�ns �� s�x���rt its a�ti�n bas�d ��n t�� �1 EIR and��r �t��r inf�rmafii�� ir� t�� re�orci. Tf�� �t��ern��t �� �v�r�ric��tg ��nsi��rat��ns ��i�11 be su�porte�d by su�rst�r��ial evic�e�ce ir� �h� record.•• Havin� rec����c�, revi�wed an� ��nsid�red th� �i�a� ��xbsequ�r�t �r�vi��nn��r�t� I�npa�t ����rt {FS��� f�r th� VT�'M and P.LT.� ��-�Q1 �'r���t, ��vi�d FSEII�, a�c� Acici�x�c�u� �� t�►� l�evis�d ��I� �SCH #200�08�065� as w��1 as a1� ot�ier infornnation �n t�� re�ord a� prac�ed�gs o�n �is �r��arerl by �7�r�cor� Carr�u�#arr�s for tl�e C��jr o�Arroyo Grar�de Agenda Item 9.c. Page 19 �������i�� ��. ��ge � of'13� n�tter, �� ��Il�w�n� Fin�in�� R��arc��g #h� R�v�s�ci ���IR f�r th� VTI��Iri a�►� �.LT.D. ��-0�� Pr���c� {Findi�gs} are he�e�� a�ci���ec� �� �h� ���y �� Arr��r� �rand�. 1.2 Do�ua�en# Forrnat Tl�t�se �i�td.i��� �a�r� bee� �a�e��r%��d ir�t� �t� f�11��vin� s�cti�ns: �� Se�ti�n �.� �yro�r�c�es an �ntr��r��ti�n t� ��s� F�nd���. �� �ecti�n �.� pro�ric��� � �un�n�ry �f t�� Fr��ect a�d �v�rvie�v �f ���r dis�r�ti�r��ry a�t��ns requ��red for t�ie I�roje�, and a stateme�t af �ro�ec� o�ectives. �� �e�ction 3.� �r�v�des a s�nnm.ary a� #�os� activ�ties that �av� pre�eded �e cansid�ratio� of the �indir�gs for the �ro�e�t as part of �� �nvi�o�xtent� revi�w process, a�d a s�xmmary of �u��c �a�tic�ipa�ior� ir� the e�nvi�onx�ental revi.ew for the �r�je��. �� Se�ti�r� �.� sei� ��rt�'► fii.n��g� r��arclir�� t�►�se ���er��iall� si ''�a�t� ���ir�n��nta� in�p���s id�ntif��d �n th� ��r�sed F�EIl�, Add�nd��, and S�e�ond �c��endur�t w�ic1� �� �i�y has cl�t��in�d to be ���� �har► signifi�ant with th� irn���m�r�tat��n �f I'r��ee� ��sig� ���fi�ires an� f or Praject co�ditions in�lud�d ir� the �� fo� t�� Pro�e�t. �� �ti�n �.� s�ts f��t�i �in��n�s r�g�►rd�� t��s� �ig�ificant �r ���e��ia�� �ignifi�ar►t ��v�r��t�ntal i�t�ac�s i��r�#ifi�c� �n t�� ��vis�d FS��R, Ac���ndun�, �� Se���c� Aciclen�u� vv�i�� t�� ��t� has d��e�ni��c� �ax► �easi��y �e �tit�gatec� t� a less than �ig�f��a�� ��v�� �hr�u��� �� in���sit��� �f mitiga�i�r� n��asur�s �n�1�c�ed in th� ��' f�r �� �r�je��. �� Se�tio� �.0 se�s fort�i findings r�g�rd�g t�ias�e si ''�a�t or po�er�ti�all� sigr�ifi�an� ��vi��nrn�nta� iYn�acts i�i�r�tifi�t� � t�� ��vis�d �S�I� anc� Ac�d��tduxn whi�h wi� �r �v�i�� may r�su1� fro�xx �he Praj�t ar�d w�c1� �he Ci�y I�a� det�rrni�ed ca,nnot f�asib�y be �fiigated to a� 1�ess t�i �ignifica�t �eve1. 7� a�ction �,� sets ��rt� fi��ci�ng� regardin� gx��vt�i induc�m�nt �.�n���t�. �� �e�ction �.� sets fo� �in�in�s regarci�t� �te�n.ati��s �o th� Fr���ct. �� Se�cti�� �.� ��nta�ns fi�rlia«gs re��rdin� t�� Miv�� ��r t�i� Pr�je��. ��} �ection ��,� c��ntai�r� �t��r r�e��vant fi�c�ir��s ac���ate� b� t�� ��t� vvit� ��s���� �� th� Pr�����. Th� ��d�ng� s�t f�rth in �a��► s�cti�� ��rein ar� ��x����ted by findir��� and fa��s ���r�tefi�i in th� a��xt,in,is�rativ� record of th� Pro�e�t. 1.3 Cus�ad�a� a.nd Laca�ion of Reco�rds The doc�r�xer��s and otYr�r �na�eri.��s w�ch �onstit�x�e t�e adxx�.inistr�tiv� record for t�ie �i�y's a��io�s regarc�in� th� Pr��e�t ar� 1��at�c� �� th� �i�y �� Arr��� �r�n�i� P�an�i�g Di��s��r► anc� �ity �1�r�C's �ffi��, �1� �. �ra�t�� �treet, Arr��� �ranc�� C:alif�rni�, 9�4�1. Th� �ity is �� �ust��ian �� th� ad�ani�s��rative record for the �'ra�ec� �,� �R.�]�Cfi �IJ�VIIVI�I��C �.I Proje�t Lo�atian '�xe 2f�.�ra�re �i�e is Io�ca�ed i�n the Cit�y of �oyo �ra�nde, wit.�ir� th� sout�e�n portion a�' t�ie Cour��y �f Sa� L�is �bi.s��. Th� s�x�je�t sit�e i� Ioc��d jut�t �t����s# �f �i� ��rn�r �� Jarn�� Vl��y ancl I..� Cana�ci� �n t�� ��rt�iw�s�rn ��rEi�n �� Arar��� �ran�i�. TI�� si�e is ����t��l n�rth �f iJ.�. H���iwa� 101 and eas� of �ak Par1� �oulevard. �iighway �0� g�nerally bour�d� #i�� no�twester� Planr�ec� �]eve�o��ent� on th� �out�i, wi� unin�o�~pora�ed area af t�i� �oun�y a� the nort�. �e proposed nirYa�n �r�tran�� t� �TT�'IVi ��-�D� w�u�� �r�ss t�� �as� F�r�C s�a��nal tr��rx�ary to IVi�a��w �r�1c b��rd��� t�� w���r�� p�rti��n �� t�� tra�t. Pr��pared by Rlrr�on Cox�su�tar��s for #he CJty o�A.rr�yo Grar�c�e Agenda Item 9.c. Page 20 1���7������� ��. ���� � �� � �� Th� srxbject ���e is ��r���s�ci �I�v�l�prner�� ph�� �� t1�� 1arg�r �ax��h� �ra�r►d� P�n�c� I�ev�lo��nent 1.� �f �h� 199�Q C�e�►���I ��. T�i� Ranc�� �rand� si�e ���u�i�s ��4 ��r�s �onsis�in� �� � 1ar�e �o�tion o� the �►o�wes�e� s�tion of �e C��y of Ax�royo ��a�d�, on th� nartheast sYde of H�ghway ��1. Ad�o�g the subje�t site ar� oth�r l�l��runed Deve�opm�nt trac#s wi�h�x t�e Ranc�io �rar��� �roject incl�ding; �'r2►�� ��3� t� t1�� ��rth ar�d w�st, '�r��� 199"l �o t�i� �as�, and �'ra�t 1�9� to �he so�xt�. VT'I�M �1�OO�I it�if is ��ca�ted towards t�� northeas�ern sec�a� of �he �r�at�r Ranc�o �ra.x�de s��e. T�e G��y ca�egori�es the ex��ire �.ancho �rande deve�op�ent s�� {�v�ich in�Iude� �'�1ri 01-�01} as a� P�ed �3ev��apn��nt {PD �.Z� �an�e. �,� �ra� �ct Des�i�tion '�'his re�v�.sec� �r�jec� is � ��nd r�c���e� ��n�ity variati�n �f �� ��~i�inal �ro��� �►na����d in t�� �evi�d Fi�,a1 ��I�. This n�w �ropos�a� �s a� s�g1e-family re�ide�tt�a1 c�eve�opm�n� co�.sist�ng of �� �nit� �x� ar� ���ro�c�nnate ?�.6-a�� �i�e l��at�� r��ar th� n�rt���s� ��r�.�r �f th� int�rs�cti�n �� Jaxn�s �ay an� L,a �ana�� in t�� �ity af Arr��� �rau�c��. T�� �ro�os�� r�sic���n�ia� �i�s w���c� be cl�stered � t�� ��r��asternn��s� ����� �� t�� si�, accessi�l� fr��n ��� a����s roa� �ff �.a �a.�ac�a. �v�ra11, this se���t�i ����x�ed ��rt,�i�y ��v�I��rn��t �ro���a1 cons�ts �f �� �1u�.st�re� r�s�ciential l�ts an� or�� �p��t-s�a�� 1�� �� 2C�.fr ��res, with � gr��s c��nsi�y a� �.�� �nits ��r a�r�. Th� 1�ts ran�� in si�e firom 7,�O�D �o �2,�2 sc�ua�re fe�et, w�t� ar� ave�ag� �ot si�e of aboc�� �,80� sq�are fee A��ar�xinn.a�e�� �2 a�r�s {S4 ��r��nt �� th� site� w�uld remair� ir� �p�r� �����. �� th� 1� r���c��ntial ��ts �ro��se�, ��n� ��ntain l�ss #.�ar► �,�00 squ�are fee�, �� C.�ty'� si�ngl�-fa�� subdi�isi�n �inimu�n l�t �r�� sta�c�arc�, F��te� ��ts ���tai� b�tweer� �,�� ar►d 1� squ��r� ��e�, th� ���v�r►t��x�al st�b�ivisY�n �ti�im�x� ��t �r�a ��r i�S ��n�s. �n� r��i�l��n#ia1 Y�� ��c�eeds 1�,�0 s�ua►�� ��e� {L�t ��, �� 22,�0� square �ee��, t�i� �i�e n�rrm.all�r a����c� t� t�i� �S d�v�1��rn��t, r��� in a F.U. D. Th� s��r�d redu��d �I��nsi�y �ev�1��m�r�� �r�p�sa� ��es ��t prapo�� te�ra�i�g �r r�ini�g wal�s �r� I�ts, ��aving custan� si�e �n�i ���n� c��si�n �� th� dYSCr�t���t �f th� 1ot awn�r. ���a�xse ��� ow�xers �av� discretion re�a,rd�g �ifie a�d ho�te d�s�g�, �e�racin� and r�t�i�xi�g wa�s may st�ll oc��r �� 1�ts. �1�� gr�ci�ci �it�s ��c��r �9� �1�p�� w�u1� �e r�stri��c� �o r�� n��re � 5� �er��r�� �f ro�� ��ig1�� ��c�eedin� �f� f�et w�ile s��ped �r�c��ci si�� ��v�r ��6 s����} �v��l� b� r�stri�tec� t� � �a mor� tha�n SO �ercen� af r�ao� heig�t ex�e�eding �� f�t. ���pa��rec� t� t�i� �rig pr�p�s�c� �r��ec�, �� s���d �r��x��ci c�er�sity cl�v�l���t��� ������al �l��es th� rn.a���it� �f ��#s � th� r►or��a��ei~�n ��rti�x� �f th� �r���rty, This ��r�i�n �� t�� �r��ertY �o�t�ains a de�p�y i�n�ised erosion g�y, t�� wes�e� edg� of w�ich �gyns �ea�r I�at � and �h� east�rt� edg� of w�iich �xtends t�eyor�d #�e ea�tern �roper�.y I�e �to ad�acent oper� space. �J�d�r the s�canc� red�xcec� den�i�y develo�rne�t� �ro�os�al, tt�is e�ro�io� gx�l�ey wo�1d � filled, �e���g in a graded ��op� of �e�ss than �D � th�o�xg�au� t�i� ar�ea. Th� �r��i�r� �ull�y is n�t ��1rx� 1in� d�ain�g� and �i�c�1� c��������c� c��� t� m�dif��d ru�n�� ���erns fro� d�velop�nent of acl�ace�t ��ro�ert�es. T� is �vide�nced �ay fi�e expar�dir�g ex�ent of t1�e gu���r tow�rd t�� no�wes�ern prap�r�y line {to�varc� exist�g d�v�lopme��� t�r.�au�h a�r�i�s af eroded fi���rs. Fi�ng �� th� g�l��y �� a�1��w ��� �h� pr���s��d ��v���p�n��t w��ci r��t �n1y e�r�a�tee s1���s �f less t�an �� �, b�x� wo�d aLso cr�� off a cons�st��t �ro��o� so�rr�e of sedi���n� a�d silt r�ux�o�f t�ia� �on�ribu�es dire�t�y �award IV�eadow �re�ek. Ac���s �v��x�� �e pr�vided via a� c�x1-�e-sa� �B1��som �Ta�11�� R�ac�� �x�endir�� �ff �,a �ac�a. �� cul-c�e-sac war�ld �urv� nart�t a�►d �he� eas� �rom L�► Ca�nac�a befar� t��+;��tYng r�ear �� nor�heas�ernmost corner of t�►e �roperty. Road wic�th wou�d var�y bet�v��n 3� fe�� �at �ie site Pr��arv� by �l�con �arrs��an�s �o� #he �#�y af Arroyo Cra�de Agenda Item 9.c. Page 21 �t���Lk1TI��V �1�. Pa�e 8 0� 13� ���ranc� and residert�ia� acce�s ar�eas} a�t� �4 f�� �in t1�e v�c�t�y a�' onsi�e wet��d� �r►d P�sn�o �larkia �al�itat�. � s�c��dary ����ss r�ad would ext��n�i fr�rn th� ��c� �f th� cul-de-sa� f��r enaerge�tc�y rxs�e. 2.� �is�,*re�ionary Actio�s �raj�ct �mp�en�er►tate�� x�nay in�iud�, b�t is no� Iiu�it�ed to, �1ie fol�owix�g di�r��ionary �ctia�ns by t�� (�it�r anci Responsibl� A�en�ies ha�ri�t� �u�isdicti�r� }�y �aw u�or� tl� �r��ec� s�te a��� �r th� resourc�� �ar�ta.ined t�r�r�on; �} C�rt�srat�on o� �e Env�ro�n��t�l Impact Repo�t �} Adoptio� of a IV�i#igation ivion�toring and Repor�ix�g Frogran� {MMR�'� �� A�prova� �f ��'ra� �rx�ad�visi�r� Ar�a� in a���rclar�c� wit� t�� �#�a� ��bdivi�ion M�� ��t 4� Approva� of a Pla�nr�ed Ur�t Dev�lopmer�t in a�cordaYtce w�i�h t�� �it�y of Arroyo Gran�l� D�e��1�p�ne�t ��c�� �} Addi�io� �e�its �n� approv�Ls, �c1ud��, b�xt not �imi�ed �a t�i� fal�owir�g: a. �r�din� �e�nnit�, bu.i�din� p�r�i#s, and s�c�e� �v�r1c permits b. NPDFS ��x�x��iar��� revi�w fr��r► th� R��i��ai V�at�r Quali�y ��r�t�r�I ��arc� ����� c. �ction 4�4 Cl�a� Vl�a�er ��t p�rnnit �ro�t th� LJ.S. Ax�y �or�a� af Engin�ers {Carps} d. �ection 4�1 �at3er {�uaZi�y �e�i�a#ion �rom t�e R��CB �. �ecdon I�0 �1if�rn�a Fish ar�d �an�e �ode �#xea�n}�ed A1�eratior� Agre�eYne�t �ro� th� C�ifornia Daepa�ttner�t of Fish and �� �CDFG� f. �ther �w�i�te�ial �e�tsf a�a�ravals and ��rn�lrta�n�� revi�ws �f ins�aecti�ns requ�r�d for �� �oject. �� �tat�m�nt �� �l�je�#��r�s T�i� a�plicant's ob��c�i�e �s to de�u�lop a c1���r�d resid�r�tYal s�bdiv�s�a� as sta�d ir� the pro�ec� a���i�atia�. Anot�►�r pri��a�^y ob�e�t�v� i� �o pr�s�r�� op��n spa�e a�d nat�ra� resour�ces to �he ext+ent ���sibl�, Th� �ro�v�sal to c�nstru�� �� ��d�r�t�a1 unit� ���1 fe�v�r � in t�� ��iginal �ra�ect ci�r�i�ti��� res}���ds t� i��r►tif��d �t�a�ts, rec��xir�� miti�ati�n �t�as�x�e� a�t� a1t��nativ�� ci�scribe�i �n th� ��rti£iec� R���sed �i�.ai �E�, ��ri�nc��xrn, a�nc� ��r�c� Ac�d�ncium. �.� �NV���I�NIE1�'I'�I� �E�IEV� AI�T� P[J�L�� �'�R'I'��IFA'�'I�N � ��m�r��x�nsiv� �IR ��r t�� ��tir� l�an�h� �ra��1e ��xbc���risi�� was ��m���t�c� a�t�I �c���tced in �anu�r�r �� 199�. 1�� �99"1 E�R ����red �n�s� �f fi�� �e���t �ha�d �ubc�visi��xs �� th� Ran��ia �ranr�� �ubclivisi�n �'Tra�#s ��34, �994 a�tc� 19�"T} with t�t� ��c���#��� �f th� �ubj�e� �ro���y {�1�'�Vi anc� �'.I�.�]. �1-�01, for�nerly knov�rn as �'ract 199�}. � August 13, �OD1, a Notice of �'r�paratiar� �I�I��'� was dist�i�c�t+e� by t.�ie �i�y of �rroyo �rande f�r �� Vest�ng �'e�tat�v� IViap ��-�0� a�r�d P�a�e�d Uxut D��elopment ��ro�ec� Subs�q�ex�t EIR. Th� S�ate �f C�Iif��r►ia ��ax�i�g�i�rxse is�u�d a pr���ct �►x��ber ��x� th� Pr���ct, SCH#�0()'1��10b5. �i� Draft �Ei� i� �onsid�red to �e a follo�v �.p da�ument for tYt� afo�r�n�e�tio�ed �I� prepar�d ir� 19'9� for t�e Ra�c�ia Grande Planr�ed D�v�loprne�nt �.� of th� ��90 �neral P�. �ub�u�n� �o �e ��rb1i� review of the �ati�e af �'re�aratio�, �e ���y of A�roya �rand� �nte�a�y re��ewed "admi�i�trat�ve" cop��s of t�e Draft EIR. Upon �on�p��tion of t1�e review, �opi�s of th� I3raft EIR w�r� f�rwa�rded �o a� R�s��r�si�1� f Trust� A�en���s a.�c� ix�fierest�c� gr�up� and ��v�d�xa�s, a� r�quir�d under CE�A G�xide�n�s Se��ions ��105 ar�d ��OS�. Pr��arerl by �#rr�on �orrs��#ants for t�e C�y af�4rroya Gr�nde Agenda Item 9.c. Page 22 F�E��LlJ�1�IV IV�. Pa+ge � of 'f �5 '�T�� ����i� r�vi�w �� t�►� I�af� �EIR be�an �r� F���ua�y �1, 2� anc� �nc��� �r� �i�ri1 �, 200�. T�� �evis�ed FS��R �tcludes a��spons�e to �o�n�nts pa��cag�, �1�ich �res�ent� aIl writben �o�e�ts rece�v�d dur�ng the ��b1�c �evi�w p�riod of �e D�aft �ubs�qu�nt �IR, and ir��I�xdes re�afi�d cha,n�es r�c�� to �e Draft �E�R. During th� �t�b1i� re�i�w �� th� �003 Draft ��Y�, t�� �it� �ia� r��xesi�ed t�iat a r►�w rie�r�l���n�r►t alterna�iv� �e a�1�r��� a1�n� wi� s�v�ra1 fie�hrti�al �i�l�gic�� re�our�� c��x�s�i��. As s��h, � R�vis�d Dra�ft S�LR wa� �ub�ished wit�i the n�w pro�e�ct a�t�rnativ� a�ong �i� a�di�io�al b�o�og�cal �ce��ur�� anal��is. 'i'h� ��visec� �raft ��IR in��u�l�d su�b�ta�ntial n�vv inf�r��ti�� ��t ��nta�n�c� � ��th�� t�� F�bruary ��03 DxFa�t �E�R �r th� ��ril. �{�� �inal ��I�, t��re��r� �� l�e�is�c� Draft �EIR was recircula�c� f�r �u�li� �r�vi�w �'�r an adc�iti��a� �5-clay p�ri�c� t1�at b�gan �r� �ec��n�er �, �00� a�� ended an Jan�xary 14, 2(}�4. T'�� P�in� ��� �►��c� � ���i�� p�x��� �►�ax�ing to ���si��r �� R�vis�d ���IR �r� �Viar��i �, �0�4. F�11�r�+��n� t�i� P�ann�n� ���nxx�i�si�r►'s re�ri��v, t�� P�annin� ��r�niss��x� f�rmuYated its r�con�anendations re�a�rdi�� t�� R�vi�c� F�EIR, and fo�warded t�as�e r�com��nda�.o�s �o the �ity ��u.x��i1 f�r ��nsid�ra��r�. Th� I'I��unir►� ���i�si�n r�����r�c��d ��rtifi�ati�� �f �� R�vised FS�IR. T�� �ity �����i� �i��c� � n�ti�ec� ��xb1i� �i��rin� ��x ��ri� 13, �0�4 to ��nsic��r th� l��vis�d FS�II�. �t t�tiat ���ring, ti�� �i�y ��un�i� c�nsic��r�c� t�i� r�on��nc��t��ns �f th� �].a�nY�in� ��n�issi�n, th� inf�r�nat��n �r�ser��ed i�n t�t� �evis�d F�EI� an.� t�i� r��rc�, anc� pu�1i� ���►n���nts anc� fiestin��n� rec�ived at th� ����g an� �� ''�c� th� Revised ��IR. I�i response �o �it�y �our��i� fir�c�i�ngs, t�� proj�t ap��ca�nt �ubmi�d � revi�ed propo�al w1�ic�x redu�ed c�ev�����r►�nt fr�� 36 r�x�#s t� �1 ��its. Th.�s �aro��ct, h�r�after th� "�'s`.rst r�c��x��d c�ens��y d�v�lopn�ent pro�osai,•• was e�ra�uate�. i�n an ��id�nd�x�n to #�ie R�vi�ec� Fi�a� ��IR in ��b�a�ry 2(}�� �ere�ber r�f�rred �o �s "Firs� Ac�denc�u�n"}. Fas�d t�pon the ��s� Addendun� �ittdi�n�s and ��r���ts fr��n �t�a.ff, a��isory bodi�s, �nd �� prx���, �dditi�r►a� r�visions w�r� rn.a�� ar�� #�i� �r��ect was r�su�nnit�d i�t Il�iarc� ��. Afbe� �ub�ic ��arin��, th� ��ty �f Arroyo �ra�t�� �vas unabl� �a n�a�ce �e n�andatory f�dix��s and denied the fi.�st r�duced de�s�t�r dev�io�n��nt pro�asal withou� �x����xdi�� �r� Dec�n��er ��, �QO�. ���x�se��en� r�vis�d �r��ect was sul�nritted i�n res��nse to t�� findin�s �ar �l�nial as ��s�r�beci in �ity ��un�il ��s�1�xt���n I��. ��9�. T�t� �re ' ' ci�sig�t f��r �is sec�nc� rev�si��n, �vhi��i in�lud�c� �� �ingle-fa�n�l� �ni#s, wa� n��d� availab�� a� � �re-a����at��n �o th� ��ty �����1 in A�ri� ��7 #'�r its revi�w and ��nt�n���s �ri�r t� ����rn�a� srx�xnittaL �ased �� ��n��n�s p���'ic��d b� t�i� C�ity ��u��il, �� �roject was furth�r r�v�sed ix� �e�at���er �OD7 t� rec�u�� th� �r���c� �� 1� tat� �i�g��- �a�nnil� un�t�. 'I�ti.s 1�-�.�uit �r�j�t is t�� ��x�rre�t �r�posa� bein� ana���e�d �ier�in, and w�i� �e referred t� �hr��xg��u�t t�is c�ocu��n� as �� "s���ci re�d�x��ci d��n.sit� ��v�1���n��n� �r���sa1." Thi.s ���� c�o�u�►��� v►�i� a�s� be r�f�rr�d �� a�.s t�� "��n�i Add��drxm," to �larify i�s relat��n�hi� �� t�� �arevi�usly��r��a�rer� ���t Ac1c��nc�u�►. �.� �II�]��11��� �E�ARI�IIIT� EN�''�R��MEN'�'AL, I�PA�'T� I3�'E�t1VIII�TE� '�'� BE L�SS THAI� �I�N���ANT Th� �ity fir�ds, b�sed �x��� t�i� a.naly�is pr��e�tecl i� �ti�n �.� �� t�� R�vise�l ����R, th� �ddend�xn� ta �i� R�v�d �SE��, anc� t�i� Se��r�d Add����x� t� th� F�EI�, datec� �Iriar�h ?�DO�, �a� th� �����ving �nvir�nn���nta1 �fifaects �f th� Pr��e�� ar� less �ian si�rufi�a�t, a.x��, �►�r����re, �� mitigati��t m�asur�� ar� re��rec�. T�� City h�r�b� fi��ds t�i.�t pr�j�ct cl�sign feat�r�� and� �r ��r��ec� �r�pareaf by R�ncor� �orrs�r�tar�#s for #f�e C�r o��4rroyo Grar�de Agenda Item 9.c. Page 23 ���������� ��i Pa�� 7 � �� 'I 3� ���di��ns ha�� �n i�i��tifiec� ar�� ���rp�r�►te� into t�� �ro�e�t w�i��i ��r�id �r ��x��ta�#ia1�� 1��s�r� �t� ��ter�tially sig�fai�ar�t �ffe�� �n th� �r�vir����t t� a��s� t�ar� si��a�t ��v�1. �.1 Bi�i�gi�a1 ����u.���� �.I.1 Less T'han �ig��can� It���ct �1. D�v����a�n�x�� �� t�� �ro��ct w��x1d result in �h� r��nova� �f A�nual �rasslau�� and �oast�l Scrub h�bitat, T�iis is ��r�sic����c� a Class �II, �es� �h� sign���ar�� �nnpac�. Findin� - I�x�s�xant to �u�lic R�sour�e�s Cod� �iion �1���a} a�d �tate C��A �uide�ine �ecti��t 1�9"l�a}, �x� �t� 1��r��y fincis t�at pr���ct c��sYgn f��tures and��r �r����� ���rditi��.s have �een �n�arpora�d into �e Pro��ct whici� avoid or subs#a�t�ally �essen th� �ofi�iti.ally �i�rtiifi�an� ��nv�r�n�n�r►tal ��fe�t �n �� ��x�i��nm�nt �� bel��v a 1��r�1 �f sig�ifi�a.r���. ���ts �n �a�part af �ir��i�� - N�x�-�a�iv� grass�s ax�� �t1��r in�asi��, w�dy species ci�mina�e �� Axr��rxa� �rass�ar�c� �ia�itat �n t�� �r�jec� s��. Ann�xal grass��n�1� �re r��t �ansidered s�s�#iv� p1an� con�uniti�� and this habi#�at �y� is ���nnor� t�ro�rghau.t �� regi��. Lik�w�se, ��ast� S�r�b habita� is x��� ��nsirl�rec� a s�nsi�iv� �1ant ��x�nrn�ni�y, �s t�is habit�t typ� is a�.so corn�o� throu�horxt the �egion. Th�refare, t�i� Ia�s of these vege�a�ion tY��� i,� r��t ��r�sic���ed a�ig�if�car�t i�t�a�t an� r►o �titi�a�i�� � r��ir�d. �ef�r�n�� - �ev�sed FS�IR �a�� �.�-��; Sec�r�c� Addend�rrn �a�� 1G. 4.� C�x�tx�ra� ��sot�r�es 4.�.� �s� 'Y'�a�t �igx�i�i�ant �u��xlat��� �ult��ra11���o�rc�s �m��c�t, I��1�rn�r�#�ti�r� �� �� �ro��s� �r��ect w�u�� r�srxl� i�n ��a�s �I�, �e�� �ha�� sig�n��c�rxt, �u�rxla�iv� cu�t�.�r�a1 r����xrc�s ur�.�a�ts. �ind�ng � Ptxrs�xarx� to Public Res�urces �ode �tion 2�181{�� a�d Stat� �EQA Gui�elin� S�cti�n �50�9��a�, th� �i�y ��re�� find.� th�� �I�ar�ges �r al�rat���s h�v� be�er� requiret� ir�, �r �c�rp�r�t�d i�t�, th� Pr�jec� t1�at �v�ic� �r subst�t�ially ��s�er� th� �ig��a�x�t �r�vir�r��n�al �ffec� �n th� ��t�i���rtinn�r�� to b���w a�e��� �f signifi�ar���, ��rts i� �x���or� �� Fin�ix�g - ��x�1c��rxt of t�►� �r���s�c� �ar�je�ct in ��njxx�n�ti�� wi�h �th�r d�r�1��m�r�t in th� ��ty �f A.r�r�y� �ranc�� has �� ��i�er�tial �o c��xlat�v�1� �np��� ar�heol�gi��1 an� I�is�ri�a� r�s�ur�es. Ir� addi���, a� gr�u�nc� di�turban��� �n ��fientiall� sensit�v� ar�as s�ta11 be na�ni�or�c�. �iis �nclu�les an�r p�t��� ��� �f th� desigr�at�c� �p�n s�a�� within th� s�b�ject �r�per�y that m.a� i�v��v� gr�unrl cl�st�irba�n�� a�tiv�ti�s. If a��r r�s�urc�s are �r►��ux�t�rec�, w�r1� will s�o� u�n� a����►te n�easures ar� �1�v�1���� to m�tigat� �h� im�a�#s. Th�r�for�, n� s�g�ifi�an� �u��nul�t��� �r����1��ica1 u����ts are ant����afiet� to r�s�1t fr�r� th� �r�p�s��i ��r��ec� i� ��r�ju�xY�t��r► wi� �t��r projects in �� �rea, I��f�r��►�� - R�v�s�d FSEI� pa�g� �.�-�. �.� ��o��gi� i����u�ces 4.�,7. T�es� T'�an �i�ifi�a�►t �r��ac� �-2. �is�u� ��t�vi�y ��rx1� �r��luc� ��ffi����►t gr�und shakir►� to re�x�l� i�x �iq��fa�ti�n, se�sYni�all�r �c��x��d se�l���r�t �c� �a�r�� ��r��din�, � s�t�e �o�ls �r���s�d far dev�l�����t �� re�id�nt�al u.s�� ax�c� �t��r f��i��i�s �re s��xj�ct to t�i� ���enti�I ��r ]iq�x�fa��ior►. H�we��r, as c��ternrtin�d throug� �n-�it� inv��ti��ti�ns, #�is �oter�tial is ��nsici�r�r� t� ��r�ry low. This i� ����.s�����ci a�lass II�, �e�s t�ar� signa�c�r�� �n�a�t, �r�egared b�r �#r���rr ��r�s�r�tarrts �or t#�� ��y ���4rroyo �r�r�de 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 24 ���������� ��. ���� � � �� ��� F�c�xig - P'�rsuan� t� Pub1i� R�s��r��� ��d� Se�c�i�r� �1��1 �a� anci ��fi� CE�� �uici�lir�� �ctior� 1�49�{a}, �e Cit�y ��r�b� find� t�uat proj�t �esigxt feat�r�s a�d/or pra��� cond�tion� have b�e� i�carpora�d �nto the Froj�t �v�ich ava�d ar �ubstantiaiiy I�ss� the pa�entially �i�ifi�ant �vir��t��t�1 ef�ect �n th� ��vi�r�nm�nt t� �el�rrv a ��v�l �� si�n,it�i�ance. �ac�s in �r�p��rt �f Fi�din� - Liq��f��ti�� is a loc���d p�►�n�mer�on in�u��� �y gr�unc� �ha�Cin� and �au� r�st�1� in s1��� anc�� �� founda#i��t ��u�res with 1��� �� be�r#ng �a��a�ity. A� �r�viorxs�y �n�ntion�d, the resu��s o� the �a� Sys�ms Pacifi� I���efa�tion an�Iysis ���D3} ix�d�cat�d tY�at, wi#�i t�i� �ropo�d g�radi�ng an� �x�s�� gro�.�ndwate� condi�io�s in t�� �o��#ions �f th� �st �ox�ings �r�fer �� �p����x K�, th� ��fie�t�1 f�r li�u��a�t��� is v�ry I�w anc�, if �t w�re to oc��xr, �+v�u�� �nly oc��r �� thin ��n� j�x�t ab��� t�� be�lroc�C ��xrfa��. Th� ��#ec�s �� �h� s�rrfa�� �oulci be r���ligii��� ar�al, �� �u�h, th� r�s�C �� Iit���f��t��n-�c�u��� �ia�xage at fi�e proj�t s�� i� c��xs��ered a���p�ab�e �er �'i�le �4, Sect�on 37���a} of th� �alifo�ia ��de of 1��gulatio�s. I����r��►�� - �evis�c� �EI� �ag� �.4-��; Se�or�d Add��nc�rx�n �ag� ��. �.�.� L��s 'I'� ai�i�ant ���u��►ti�r� ������i� l�es�ur��� �r��act. Im�lem�nta��� �� t�� �r���sed pro�ec� w�uid res�It in C�a.s� I��, �es� t�ar� sign�; f�cus��, �x��n�x�ativ� ��ol�g�� r�s��xr��� i��a��s. �inding � Prxrs�xa.�t fia Publi� ��sourc�s �od� Sec#or� 201�� �a� a�td S�at�e C��A Guid�I�ne S�ti�n ��0�9��a��, �h� �ity ��r�by fu�� ��t �1�a�ng�s �r ait�ra#i�n� hav� been re�x�i�ec� in, �r �corpora�l ir�to, �he ��ro�ect t�t avo�d ar su��tar�tiall� �esse� �e signi�i�an� �nvi�oru�te�ta.� �ff�� or� �he �nvi���n.�nen� t� �el��v a ��v�� �f �ignifi�a���, �a�ts in 5uppo� of F�xtdix�g - Buildout of p�ndir�g a�d �p�roved �ro�eci� � t�i� grea�r Arr��� �ran�l� area w�u1� ��rea,se �ev�l��x�n�x�� ir� �� r�gi�n. ��xc� c����Y��rn��t w�u�� a��er 1anc�for�ns in t�.e C�t�y ar�d would expos� new reside�ts a�d prop�rt� to s�is�i� l��a�rcls �►at �xis� in tl�� a�ea. �� �r�posed �r�ject w��xld �r►�r�x���ta�1� �or�tribute to th�s� �u.nn�lativ� in��2��ts. I�i�vr�e�v�r, gr�di�g �nd s�ismi� iss��s ��t���i be ac�dr��s�d �r� a�as�-��_ �a� basis to n�i�i�a�e i�xt�a�ts r��u�tin� fr�m inc�ivid�x�l �����cts. �iv�r� t�ia# all pr��e��s w��xl� �e reqx��.red to ad�i�r� to �eisn�ic sta�tdards �o�ta�n�d in th� Unifo�tn Bu�dzn� Cod� and �i�y req�ir����#s p��i�g � grar�ing, l��s �1i.an sig���an� �u���ativ� ���I�gi�a � iwr����ts �r� anti�ipate�d to resx�lt �rorn t�ie �roposed �ro�ec� � c��jurti�#�on with other pro�ec�s i� t�i� ar�a. l��ference - Revised F���� page 4.4-18. 4.4 Hyc�roia� �.�►d �a�er �xxa�i#�y �,4,I i,ess '�'�a.xt �ignifi�ant �t�a�ul�#��� �I�dxo��gy ar►� �rV��er �uality In��a�t. I�n�lem�ntation �f t�e pr�p��eci �r�jec� �v��x1c� ���rx1� i� �1ass I��, �e�� t�r� s�gr����ar��, �rxmulativ� �iydr�l�gy ax�c� wafier quali�y �m���ts. ��n�ing - I�ursuant to �ubli.c Reso�rces �ode �e�ctian ?�D181{a} and St �EQA ��xi��line Sectior� 1509� �a}, t�e �i�y �ere�y finds that �har�ges or al�erat���s h�ave �ee� rec���r�d i�, or inc�rporat�d into, tl�� P�o�ect t�a� a�r��� �r st�b�tantz�y Ie�sen th� si�n.�f i�an� �n�rir�r�mental �ff�ct ��n t�� ���ir���r�t t� �e�ow � lev�1 �f sigrnif��a���. �rs�ar+ed by R�r�c�n Co�s�r#tar�t� far #!�e C�'ty o�Arrvyo �rarrde 11 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 25 ���7�L����� ��. ���� � � �� � �� Facts ix► ��pport �� Fi��in� - 'I'h� �r�����d �r���ct, in ���nbi�ati�r� �vit� �th�r �l��c� d�velop�e�tts �n �i� �it�r of Arroyo �rande a�d �i� s�rrrau�nding ayrea, �auld general�y �nc�ease the i�n�ermeable sur�face a�ea tl��reby �ncr�asing pea�.c flaod flo�+vs a.��l �e overali r�►�ff ��1u��. I�t�r�asec� irriga�i��n a�s t�i� �rea �ui1c�� �ut w�ry.�� �'urth�r in�rea�� the �v�ra�1 volun�� of s�xrfa�� wat�r �of�' a�d rate of 1aw flow d�rri�g th� dr�y seasa�. �ue1� ��a.ng�s in r�gio�al �y�ro�ogy co�xld �aot�ntially have �ignificant c�x��ative effects an ioca� flood�g ��r�di�i�ns i� t�i� draina�� inf�cast�uctur� fo�r ���� �nc�iviciu�l pr�ject is ��t a�propriat�e�� c�esigned au�c� ��nst�ru�tec�, Construction activi�y a�o�ia�ed w�th �un���a�i�� ���elopn�ent wouid �n��rease s�din��ntat�o�n �latin� to gra►d.ir�� an�l ��ns�i�fii�x� a�tivi#i�s. I� ac�c�iti�n, �xrba,x� ��v�I��n���nt w�u1� incr�ase t�e conc�ntration o� �ollu�a�nts s�xc�i as sil�, oi1, grease, and trace �e�a�s that could adv�rse�y affe�� t�e w�t�r qu�li�y. I�aw�v�r, a� developn�ents in tl�e �r�a are r�u�.r��� �o �e�ign ap�r��riafie fl��� ���ntr�1 ��st�ms a�nd i�npi�m�t ���r�pri�a� �MPs in a��or�lar►�� �+vit1� t�� ��1'I� a�nc� �'��5 �rrni� reqrxi�.�em�r�ts. A1t�i�r�gh �om� i�creas� ir� s�a�� �afier runaff and s�r�a�� w��er ��11�ti�r� ���1� be a��ici�afi�ci, i�t�1�rn��ta�i�� �� ���1i�ab1� �equiren�en�ss o� ��1 dev��opn�ents �n th� area wou��d b� expe�t+ec� to r�c�uce ��x��.a�iv� irn�ac�t� �a less �han si�ific��t. R�fere�ce - Revis�d F���� �age 4.5-1�1. �.5 �.a�ci LJs� 4.�.1 Le�� 'Tha� �i�nifica�►t �nr��a�t I,C�-1. T�� pr��e�c� w��x�c� n�� divic�� �n �stal�lis�.e� ��mn��xyr�y, a�.�� w��l� b� e�nsic��red ��n�pati�l� �it� �urr�u�ncling resi�l��ti�lla�n� �ses su���� to ���dit��ns �f ap�ro�a��. I�n�a��ts ���a�ec� to i�n�-tern� ���p�ti�i�ity w��xlci be �1ass III, l�ss t�ian signifi�ant. Finding � 1'�xrs�ra�t to Fu�li� l��sou�rces �ode S��t�or� �1���a} and S�ate C��A Guid��e Secti�n ��1�a�, th� �i�y ��r�by finds that �����t �lesign feat��s ar��f �r �r����� ��r�c�i�ions have �een ��orpor�ted i�►ta t�ie �'roje�t w�ch avoid or substanti�lly ��ssen the po�e�tia�y �ign�fai��n� �nvir�nn��ntal �� �r� th� �nv7x���nt t� b�l�w a �ev�� �f ��gnifi�an��, Fa�ts in Su��o�t a� �indir�g - The p�ropos�d proje�t wau�d b� an exa�n��e a�' inf�ll c�ev�����n��t �vithi� t�i� �xis�� Ra���� �rand� P� �.�. T�i� surr��ndi�� �at.�� ���s ar� res�c�en#ia�, a�d t�re pro�ect would be co�nsis�ent wit�i t�� ty�e a�d i�fi�nsi�y o� ad�acen� �iev�l��n���t. Alt����h �� sit�e �u�rr�n�y �up���s a remnan� �f ���n s�a�� �vi�h�n th� �1x�sfier�ci ti�v�l�pm�nt �art �� t�� ��a�n�c� I�ev����a��nt, t�is �p�� spa�� w�rxlc� �ae �onsi�b�nt �ro�n a land us� �on�pati��i�y �ersp�ct�ve. T'he px�o�c# wo�xld �ot d�vi�� a� estab�sh�� ��mn�rx�ty. T�� �r�j�ct, as ��r�c�it��x��c� w�u1c� �e ��nsis�ent wit� ��t1� �� I�r�g_ ��nn p�annrtn� a.�d exi�ti�g lar�d �xses wi�in t1�e ar�a . I���r�n�e -� Rev�.secl FSE�I� p���s 4.6-� ��c� �.�r3; Sec��t� A�I�I���rxm pag� �5, 4.�.� Less T� �i�if�cax►t Inn�act L�J-�. �sit� ���s�ruc�ion ��ti���y �v�u�d cr�a�e t��xtp�rary r�a�s� ��►c� air c��aiity in����ts c��� �a �� use �f ���ns#�rx��n �qui�n��nt a�� g�r���a�i��n �� fug�tiv� dust. T�ese ��fe�t� ��u�d �a�se ax��yan�� a� r��i�hb��� �roper�i�s. � I��v�v�r, ti��s� irn�a�ts �v�x�� be �e���rar� in �z��ur�, anc� are ���nsic����c� �lass III, �ess �har� ��grx���ar�t, �i�re� r��ired irn�1���ntati�n �� stand�c� mi#igati�n ��asur�s �eq�ir�d by �ity au�c� AI�CI� a��rov�ls. Pr�a�ar+ed by ��ncor� �ar�su�#an�s for #he �#�y af �4rr+vyo Gran�fe 12 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 26 ���������� ��. ���� � � �� � �� �iu�►d�►� - �ursu�ant �o �u�1i� ��s��x��� ��ci� Se�ti��n ����l�a�� and �tat� ���� ��xic��liyn� �ection �5�9��a�, the �ai�y �►�reby find� t�t �ra�ect d�s�gr� fe�tures �,nd f or �ro��ct �a�ditio�s h��r� �rx in��r��ra�e�i into th� Pr��ct which �v�id ��r srxbsta�tiaial�y ��ssen �h� p��er�tiai�� si�►i�cant environ�ental �ffe�� o�t �te e�vi�o�r►e�.t i�a ��aw a��v�� of signifi��nc�. Fa�ts i�► ��x�port o� �in�in� - Th� �xs� �� ��nstru�ti�x� eq�i�m�nt �i��ing �r��ee� ��r�stru�ti�� wauld incr�ase 1a��li�ed no�se �evexs z�nd ���erafie �ugitiv� c��st �a� wo�d result in a �ernp�rary r�c�u��i�r� ix► �oca� a�r qu�iity. It �s a�nti�ipat�eci #.�uat ��nstru�ti�r� a�ti�i�y �v��x1c� �a�Ce pl�ace in�ermitt�ex�t�y as d�v�lopn�ent occ�xrs. �on�#xu�tion a�tivi�y ��� �erefore caus�e �e�p�r�ry ann�yan�� �o i�nxn�c�i�at�ly acij����t r�siden�i�1 use. �vi��� �� tl�� r�sir�e���� �n ��ig�►boring �ra��s li� �� th� w�st anc� �ast �f �� sx�b�ect sifie. T�� pro�o�e�d pro�e�t is se� i� t�i� drair�ag� of the �ast For�C o� IVi�adaw �r�ek �nd i� �er�era�y law�r in �lev�►t��r� ��mpar��1 t� t�i� s�xrr�unciin� i�ui�� ��►�v���r►�r�t. T�� �o�ogra�l�� ���rbuted �vi� t�� d�tan�� �o th�s� r��i�hi�o�i�n� ���n��, �v�u1� r�du�e p��#� s��r� �ernn �onstructior� i�npa�ts. As c�is�cuss�ci in th� A�� �?uu�i�y s��ti�r� �f t�� 1991 EIR, Sa� I��is ��isp� ��u�t�y is i� �o�a�tainxner�t far t�� �alifo�-nia a�r qua��y st�ndar�ds for o�o�e, �gi�ive du�t {pa�#ic�xlat+e rx�.atber ar �IVi��} a�ne� s�xlfx�r dioxide. The �o�st��tion �roposed wit�ir� �� Ran��o Grand� P� 1.� i�s �xp�t�cl to ge�era�e fixgit�v� du��. '�e n�itiga�ian xx�eas�r�� out�r��d � t�ie ��9� ��I� wil� re���� ���str�x�ti�� rel�t�c1 PM�� �nn�ar�#s �a � l�ss tYYan sig�i�i�a�� ����1. ���e��n�� - �evi� �'SEIR �a�� �.�4; �ec�nd A�d����xm pages 4�, �.�.� L�s� 'Than ��gnifi�arxt �t�rxlati�e Land U�� I�x►���t. �i��em�ntatio� of t�xe propo�ed project wo�d result in Cl�ss III, �ess ��ar� �i�n��car��, clxmu�at�ve Iar�d us� im�a�ts. Findin� - Pr��sr�.a�t ta �u�1�� ��sour��s ��c�� �ecti�r� �0��1{�� ar�d �tat� �E�A ��ic��iin� S�tion �5�9��a�, #�ie �i�y ��reb� finds t�� �ge� or al�eratio�s �ave be�n requixed i�, or in��rp�ratec� i�ta, t�� I�r���c� t1�at av�i�l �r ��xbstar�tia�1� ���s�� th� �igr►�fi�au�� �r��rir�r�me�tal �ffe� �r� �� �n�ir��t��� t� bel�w a I�v�� �f sig�if��a�c�. �a�ts i�n Srxpport a� �%ndir�g —�u�nul�ati�r� d�ve�op�nent t.�.rou�ou� �e grea�er �royo �ra��n�� a�c�a w�ulci grac��a�.1�r ait�r th� ar�a�s ruxa� �hara��er. '�'�t� �r���sed �r��e�t w��x1c� in�r���r►�a1�� ���tribu�e to this srx�stani�al ��n��. Ir�c�iv�clr��� ci�v�I��n���t �r����s ir� th� region wau�d ��e t�xe po�enti.�I � crea�e campa�i��i�y co�cts r��a�ing to t�e ix��e�fa�� of natur�l �pe� ��a�� anc� n�w urba.� ��v�1o��n�r�t, ���r���� - R�vis�d �S�IR pag� �.f�4. 4.f� T'�a�spor�a�ian,�I'��ffY� 4.�.I L��s 'I'l�ar� �ignific�� I��a�c� T'-�. Th� ap�li�ax�t �s inc��ded a t�ta� �f �0 �ff-s�eet �arkir�� ���ts ar�ci �7' �n�street �arking s��t� ���r t1�� �r����115-�� r�si��x�ti�l �r���ct. 1�� �r���s�d �arkir�g w��x1d rneet �i�y p�rki�ng st�un�ar�� ��c� w��x�d resu�t in �lass I�I, �ess t�ar� sigr���c�t�t, i�pa�ts. Fir►ding -1�rs�.a�nt to Fublic ��so�x�rces �a�� �e�ction 2��8��a} and St�ate C��A. Guidelin�s S�ction �5�9���►�, th� �ity ��r��� �inc�.s t�a� ��ian��s �r alfier�ti�ns hav� t�ee� �qt�ired in, �r �r+epars�# by R�r�cor� G�r���rlt�r�#s fo� #hs �#y o�A�royo Gr�n�Ie 13 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 27 ���o�u���� r��. P�ge '14 a� 135 �n��r��ratec� i��, th� pr��ec� t.�iat 2�v�ic� �r s�xbsta�#�11� ��ssex� th� sigr�if�i�ant �n�ir�nmertital effe�t on t�i� enviro�n►e�t �o be�ow a I�e�r�� o� sign . ance. F�►cts i�► �x����rt �� Fi�din� - A���rc��� #o �i� s�-anc�ards r�sirl�r�tia� �ro�ects �ust ��r���c�� �w� ��f-s�� p�r�.�ng �pa��s pe� si�g1�-famil� ux�it ancl �isit�r �arkin�. T��r�f�re th� �ro���e�i ��-un�� pr�j�� w�ulc� res�It in ��ar�.ir�g ��n�d �f 3�D g�ra�� spa�es �1�s �risi��r �arki��. �'h� �ppli�a�►� � �n�1�d� a t�t� �� f �0 �ff-street �aarkin� s��ts and 1� �� �t�� �arkin� ���ts f�r t1�� �r�posed ��-unit r��ic��r�tial pr��ec�. �anseqr���#1y, �r����c� �arlc�n� v��t�l� s��isfy �i��y �arkir�� r�q�xire�n�nts, a�� im�a�ts ��e ��nsid�r�c� Y�s� t�ian si�i�ant. l�ef�r���� - l��v�s�ci FSE�� ��c��r�c��xn� pa�� �� ancl ��r�cl Ac�c��n�rx� �a�es 46-4�, �,7' l�u�ii� ��rvi��s �.�.� L��� '1'han �ign�fi�ant I�p�c•t �'�,-�. P`roj�ct ���stru��i�n I�as t1�� ��t�n�ial �o ���t�bu� �o t1�� C�itywi�i� cuua��xla�v� in�reased d�rnand ��r p��c� �ro��� se�v��es. H��vev��, �i��e th� �ro�ect wo�Id x►�t ��m�r��nise �res���.se tim� g�als �r �t�b�tantia�r a�fe�ct t�� p�rso�.n��, �qui�nn�nt �r orga�i�a�a� of �e Fo�� De�ax�ien�, Ciass II�, �ess �h�m sigr�t�c��t �npac�s wou.ld r�sul�. Fi.r�di�g - Fursua�n� �o F�xb�ic Re�sources �a�e �tion 2��5�.{a� and �ta�e ���A �uid�lin� �ti�n ��0�9��a�, th� �i�y ��re�� fu�ds t�at �r��e�t d�s�g� fe�tur�s ar�c� f�r pr����� ��r�di�i��s hav� �een �ncarpar�at�� into #�ie i�ra��t wl�ich av�id ar substa�tially �ess�n the p�afier�t�ia�y ��g�r�fi��nt �nv�r�nx�n��t�I ��fe�� �n th� �r��ironn�►�n� ta b�l�w a l�v�� �f s�gnifi�an��. ���ts i� S�x��or� of �indi�g -- �ie curr�nt depa�anen� ratio of nrx�nber of �ull#T'in�t� �ffi��r� �����x�ati�n i� �urr�r�t1� a��r��cin�at�l�r �.G F�x1�-Tin�� �ffi��rs p�r 1,0�0 yres�c�en#� �1.6�:1,�00}, w�ch n�ee�s the de�ax�i�nt'� goal. Based on a fa�to�r of �.85 res���r�i� per ur�i�, ti�� �� �r���se�l re�ic���►t� ���s w��xlci ����ra� 4� n�w r�sic��x�t�. �I�t� ����xLatio� in�r��se �v��x1� n�� r�sult in a�ignifi�ant in�r�as� i� t�i� need f�r add�t���� �aolic� cl�pa��r�t s�rvi�e. �x�ffi�i��� staff varies fr��n �ay-to-day c�ep�ndYng �n warkioac�, a�nd res�anc�ir�g to add��io� ser�ric� �a�s wor�.�d �ot s�gni.fi�antl� ��rn�r�n� r�sp�� i�t� g��1s. �e��r�n�� �����sec� FSEIR pag� �.�-� a�� Sec�r�c� Acid�nc��xrn �a�� �7. �.�.� L�ss 'T�iaxt ai�fi��n� I�r►�act PS-�. "Th� �ro�ct w�u�c� g�n�ra�e a� e.�i�na�eci total �� �1 ��en��ntary, rn�c�dle a.r�d high sc�ao� st�xc�e�ts. Th� open�n� of Nipoma �Ii�h S�oa� w�1 a�ist i�n cont�rai�g t�ie o��r�apacit�y of Arroya �ranc�e H�g� Sc�oaL A� a resx�lt, studex��s g�n�rat3ed by t�e pr��ect w�u�� not �i ''��.nt.�y �n�aa�t t�� �i�n�eni�.ry� ��d��, or hi�h s��i��� s�rvi�g th� �r���ct ax��a �e t�e� will �e suffi�ient �apaci�y. T�erefor�, irnpacts fi� �ools in �lie �ro�ect ar�a ar� consic�ered C�a,s� II�, Iess �har� sign���ar�#, su��ct � s�andar� s�hool i�n�ac� fe� �ay�en� far reside�nti�.l units. Find��tg - P`cirsu�nt t� �b1i�c I�����xr��s ��cl� �e�ti�n �1��1 ��� ar�c� ��a�e ��A ��xic���in� �e�ction �,�D9� �a�, t�� �ity I��r��y finds that �r��e�t ��sign fea��xr�� a�c� f�r pr��ec� e�nditi��s I�ave �n �ncor�ora�ed ix�fio t�i� Proj�t w�ic�i avo�d or �ubstant�ly ��s,sen t�� po�ntia�y �i ' '��n� �n��r��n�r�#�aI �fFe�� �n �� �r��i���nn�r�t ta bei�v►� a �ev�l �f ��gn�fi�an��. ���ts i� ���port of �inc�i�tg - Th� maj�rity �� th� r�sic���iaa� c���r�I��ment ���rxrrin� ix� #h� d�strict 1�as �on�xe fran� t�e Co�x�nt�y o� Sa� I�uis ��i��o {5�9�}. T�e C��y of Ar�oyo ��ra�nde ha� �r+�pared by Rir��or� Co�s�rl�ar��s far ##re �y o��rr�y� Grar�de 14 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 28 F�E��L�TI�lV N�. Page '1 � of '135 av�����d 25 �6 of th� resi���i�1 c�ev�l�pm��.1�� LII�ICJ�T.� rxtiiiz,e� ��uc���t y��lci ���tars �� �.� per single-fa�n.i1� c��ta�h��i �i� f�r gra�l�s I�-1� �Lu��a Iviar �nif��ci �c1���1 I�is�ri�t - D�v��o�er Fee S�udy, Marc� 20�D��. �'h� �ffi�� �f �u�1ic 5�h��1 ���ns���i�r� yi�1c� fa��tors in�I��at�e t�a� a total �f 11 �tuc���nts will �e ger�era�ed fron� t�is �roj�� �� �a�a�ity ��r t�i� Lt��ia Mar �T�ti�i�� �ch�ol �istri�t �LMC���� � �ased on �ff��� �� Publi� 5����1 ��nstru�ti��x �h�o1 �a�ility P�r�gram I�adi.�� �tanclar�Is. '�'h� IC�G gr�d� ���r��n�s �v�r� loa�ie�l �t �� �tude�ts pe�r �1��sroa� a.�tc� �-1�� gra�� ��s�r��ms w��� �oa��cl �� 2� stuci��►ts ��r �lassroon�.1�� di���t ��rre��� ��c��ec�s i#s �C-���► �raei� f���lity �a�a�ity �� 9,163 st�de�ts �y 1,7�8 st�xde�nts. �s illus�ra�ec� abov�, �1� s�c�ool.s �av� s�ffic�e�t capaci�y � acca�nnnodate the 15 n�w shxde�t� �res�rlting from �te pro�o�d �roject, pa,r�ic�larly �ea�n View Elen�entary, whi��t wou�d b�e ��96 �����ity �nrit� t�i� stud�n#s g��►�rat�ci fr�n� th� �r��as��i �r��e�t, A� a co�dition of �ro�ect a�aproval, deve�apm�nt i�es n�a�ndated �y Sta�e Law and assess�ec� by the �c�oo1 Di�t�~i�� would co�ntr��u� �nding �ecessar�y far �drxcat�anal f��il�ties �o accom�od�te ant�cipated gro�vt�. I�To furth�r rnitiga#ion nneasu�es ar� r�quir�d. l�efere��� �- ��vi.sed FS�I� �a�g�s �.S-� anci �.�-1�; Sec�r�c� Acicl���i�xxx� ��g� �0��1. 4.7.� Less Tha� Signi�i�ant I�pa�t �5�. T�e d�ve�o��e�t of 1� si�ngle-f�mily �►ousir�g �xuit� would ���n�rate ��n�d ��r �arlclax�c� in��r�v�n��nt, T�� �r��ct a��li�ant �v�ulci be r�quir�d t� p�� i�n�r�v�n��r�t f�� in �h� a���xr►t estab�is�i�� by ���y �rc�i.nax���. VI�it1� �a�r�e�nt �f #h�s� f�s, �h� �it� �v��lci in��r�v� sx�ffi�i�r�� �arklancl anrl ��en ��a�� �� sat�sfy �x� �ity st�r�dar� �� � a�r�s �f �arl�ci ar�c� �per� spa�� ��r �,O�D r�sicl��ts. T��r���r�, i~h� �r����� w�u1cl r�s�x�� i� C�ass III, �e�� thar� sigr�i�car��, �n�a�ts rela�d to ��r�C c��mand. Fi�di�g - Fursuan� t� �u�l�c R�s��xr��� �ode Secti�� ���8�{a� and �tate ���A �r�i�l�lin� S�ction �5�9���►�, th� �i�r ��r�b� finds t��� �r�je�t ci��i�n fe�t�xres �nc� f or ��r��ec� ��r��iti�ns �av� �� in��rp�ra�ec� into th� Pr��e�t whic�i av�ici ��r srx�st�tially i�s���► th� ��t�r�t�ally sigr�ifi�ant ��t�rir����t� �ff�ct �r� t�t� �����nm�r�� �o �el��nr a 1�v�1 af signifi�an��. ���ts in ���por� o� F��t�i�►g - B�s�c� or� th� �i�'s fa�t�r �f �.�� p�rs��ts ��r ��elling unit, �� 15-u.n�t pr�je�� w��xld �e ��cpe��ci t� ��n�r�te a��ro�ci�at�Iy �� n�v�r r�sic�ents. B�sed o� t�� Cit�s ��andarc� of 4 acre� of �ar�cland and o�en s�ac� p�r 1,�U0 r�s�dex�ts, �e pro�ec� w�ul� ge��ra�fie a r�eed ��r �.�I� a�r�s in�lx�ci�d a� �ar� �f �ri�r Ran�h� �ra�c�� �ax�1c sii� c��c�i��t��n in �r��r �� �aintain ����pta�1� parkland t� p�pul�#��r� rat��s. T�� a��lica�t� is alsa x��uir�d �o pa� a Re�crea�ian �n�p�ct Fe�e a�td �'ark �n�pro�ren�e�nt Fee �aer Ci�y I�eso��ti�r� �521 ac�apt�d in �ay of 20�� �pr�ar �a th� pro�osed pro�e�ct b�ing de�Yned compl�t� �n June of 200�� .�� �res��x�ti�� si�a�s �at a p�rsa� �eeking �o ��nstnxct a resic��r�fi�.al c��v�l���ent �r�je�t �l�rall ��� a�ar�C impr�v�m�n� fee �# $�7�.�8 p�r n�w re�ic��r�t g�r��rated by su�h �ev�l�p�n�r�� �r�ject, ����rd�ng t� �i#,y ��1icy, ���1� Family ���a�hed c��v�l��ment w�u�1c� ��nt�in a��r��ci�at�e�� �,� ��r��ns p�r u�ti�, T�xi�s w�rxl�i yielc� a��e �f �1,f�4.�� per� unit paic� �t t�i� �i� �f buil�Iin� pe�#�. �.T��n �o��liait�� wi#.�i t�i.is �it� re���ut���t, t�� �r��t ���lc� be c�nsis�ent w�#1► �ty �eq�,�ir�m�nts rela�e�I t� �a.�r�C �r��i�ion. �tat�e {,�tx�xn�� �i�t �tartciard� w�r� m�t with th� ded��at��r� �f th� �ch� �rax�d� �'ar�C. Th� �r� j�ct �v�u�c� r�suYt �n a less thafr s�gnn�ficax��. �r�epar�ed by Rlrrcor� Car���r�arr#s f�r �he ���y o��4rroy� Grar�afe 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 29 ���������� ��. P��� "� � �� "� �� l��fer���� - ��isec� ��I1� ����s �.�-��4 ax�c1 ���r�d �dc���� ���� ��. �.�.� Less Thar► �ig�ifi�ant �um�l�#i�v� P�x�li� ��rvi��s Im���t. I�t�1�m���a�i�n �� th� �r���s�c� project wou�d resuit ixt C�� III, �es� #l�ar� �igr�i�car��, �un�ul,a#i�e publi� services i�pacts. �i.ndi�►g - �u�uant �o i�x�iic Reso�x�r�es �ode �ct�on 2D181�a} a�td St�a�e �E�A ��idelin� �,ection �5�91�a�, t�ie C��y ����by �in�s �at �hang�s or a,l�eratians have b�n require� in, or in�or��ra�ed in��, th� Pr���c� �at av�id �r su��tan�ia�i� ���s�� t�i� signifi�ant �r�vir�rrn���ta� e�Fe�t o� �e �nviror�u��nt �� �1ow a leve� of ��gnifi�ance. F�ct� in ��x�p�rt o� �indin� # �.aw ��for�e��nt Cun��x�a�i�e buildout of the a���a would �nat sig�i�an�ly i�creas� any d�n�and� on polic� ��ate�tion se�rvi�es by adc�ing 1� �its wi� 43 �new r�side��s. I� is a�ti��p�ted �at �f �eed�d, a��c�uate ��1i�� ser�ic�s w���c� be c��v�I�p�d t� z����m��clat� �umulative �e�d. F�re Pro�ection. Cumu�a�ve �u�daut o� ayrea wou1� ir��r�ase den�ands an fire �rot�ection servi�es by �c�c��� r�si��nts �n� �e��r�tiGng addit��na1 traf�� that w��c� ���r ��ner���►cy �p�onse. �itii�ut �n�rea�s in st�ffir�� ax�� fa�iliti�s ��rrexatin� t� t�ese p���lati�n in�reases ���tial�y si ' 'ca�� �n�a�s �ou�d occ�x. Th� ����osed �r��e�t �v�ulci i�cr���r�t�� �ontr�ibu�e �o thYS x�r►�a�. I� is ant�.ci�a��ed �at adequafie fi�re se�rv���s wou�d be �evelap� �o a��o�o�ia�e �ulai�v� d��and. �cho�Is, ��xtrx�a�irv� b�xiic�o�� �� t�x� a��a w��I�i incr�ase �n�r�11�r��n� in t�� LIVILT��. I�x��t�di�g t�� �roposed �r��ect, t���� are currentl� �3 �e�ndi.ng �ing��-�a�ti1� resi��ntial sul��si�� �roje�t� wi�u► the �r��ec� v�c�ni�y t�at ���1c� resu�t in � total �� ��� n�� �e�i�lential ur�its, a� of w�i�h wo�xld b�e served by t�e I�IIr�CJSD. I� a�di�ion, tl��re �s one n�u�ti-��Iy p�ro�ect �onsistir�g �f 3� �u�i#s in t�e proj�t �YC�ni�y. T'he p�r unit st�ide�t ge�e�ation fac�rs for #�e L�M�SD are �s ��1���s: �.� �-�G� gr�c���, �.1 �'I�S� graci�}, anc� �.� {9-1�� ��ci��. If th� �r��sed �r��� w�re approved i� add.it�a� �o �he �unnuYative pro�e�#s �n th� pro�ect vi�i��y, ab�au� �45 r�ew sfiu�c�ents w�ul�r� �tte�n� t�i� 1ocal el�ment��ry, �ruic�dl� an�l �►i�h s��oo�s, The pro�os�d pro�ec�, in con�bi�atior► wi�i c�umula#ive pro�ects �#�ie �i�ini�y, wou.Id ��t�e�ntYall�r y��1c� �1T r��w ��en�er�t�ry sc���1 �tuc�ents, �� n�w n�i�c�� sc�i��� stucients ar�c� 1�GG �ew �g� s�h�af s�udents. T'he shxd�nt� g+en�r�ated a.s a resrxl� of the propos�d proj�ct and ot�ie�c �xr►x�.1�ai�v� �r��je�� w�ul�i h� ��reac� �r�t a.�n�r�� th� �1���1s w�it�i�n t1�� �IriTJ�D. �t is possibl� tha�, w�it�i t�� ��cii�i�n �f �� � 5�� �ne�v �tu�ertt� to �h� �is�ri��, so�� �c�ao�s w�uld ��c��e�i t��ir �peratir�g ���a��ties. �f t�� scho�ls p��e�ntiall� i�npa�t�d by t�� ��r��ects,laca� hig�i sc����s a�ci �i�dl� s���ls �v��x1� be aff�t�cl th� n���� sev�r��� ��x� t� #��ir �u�-rent ���11���t anc� �v�rall �apa�it��s. �� �ropos�c� ��ns���r� �f the Hici�le�n ���C E��rn�r�t~�ry Sc���l� just �ast of the sub�� prop��, woxxld ir�crea� t�t� Distric� capa�i�y far �ie addit�on of ��w �C-6� graci� s�i�er�ts, ����v�r �t �s �n �olci at thrs t��, �it� �h� �ayn�x��� �f r�qu�r� d�v�l��rne�t �ee�, th� pot�ntial �cr�a.se �n I�M�J�� ��rol�n��n� as a res�� �f c�xnnu�a�iv� c��v�I���nen� ���� �ae 1�ss t�a� si�ifi��x�. Parks ax�rl �ecre�#i�r� Faci��ies, �u�ula�i�v� b�xi�c���xt �f the area w�ulci �ncrea�se ���arx�nds f�r recreat���na1 fa�it�es �y ���in� both resi�ients �nc� a�a��� p��uia�i�n. Th� ���pos�c� proje�t wo�l.d �n�re�ent�ally �or�tr�ib�u�e � t�s i�ncrea�e ix� d�n�and. How�ver �x�o� �ay�nent of par�c �r��pare�f by R�r�corr �or�s�1#ar�ts for t#�� ��ty o�Arrvyo �rande 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 30 ���������� ��i Pa�� 17 �f'�3� innprove�n�nt �it�gation fee�, �de�q�a�e pa�rk and open spac� 1�nd wou�d �xis� �o s�rve �he ��mand gerte�a� by the pro�o�ec� projec�, in cornb�a�ian wi�li ot�ier �u�nula�re �rajec#s in � v'�in��y. L�ess t�i.an �ignifica.r�t c�nnula�iv� o� spa�e, par�CS a�nd recrea�o�► i�r►�ac�s wo�d r�sul� 1����r �� Irn�aa�t LLJ-� ��r a c�iscu�si�n �� �ra� �r�visi��s, as th�y r�Ia�e t� �n� us� con�patibili�y . �olid Vl�aste. C�m�Iat�ve bx�ildou� a� the area would incr�ea�se sai�d was�e ge�era#iar�, there��r r��c�ing t�� 1�pa.xY of soiid was�e 1�nc�fi�� �rv�n� t�e area. T'h� prapose�d pro�ec� w�u.�d �ontribx�t�e �r���nt�11y �o t�e �um�Ia#�re �n�act �o landfirtl capa��y. �Iowe�ver, c�u�ulative d�ve�o�rnex�t �n t�ie ar�a �ou.�d na� b� s�c�e�t fi� require an ex�ansia� of tlie exist�ig f�acilit��s. T�i�refore, th� con�ribu�ion of th� �ropos�d projeet to c�x.rnulative solic� wast� i�npacts wouid b� less �ax� signifi�ar��. �Vater. Dev�Iopme�t o� th� propos�d pro�ec� woul� req�ire a�praxi�at�ly S-1� acr� f��� of �ater for iaot� darnestic r�se a.�d �ands�cape irriga�ior�. Bas�ed on the dedica�ion af an existi�g on�ite wat�er w�11 with an �s#�afi�� yi�ici �f � ��r� fe�t �f ��t�bl� vv�ter, inc�r�p�r��ed ia�ta t�ie p�oje�� des�r�pt�or�; and alI co�ditian� of a�proval a.�d �t�gations n�eas�xres �includi�ng provis�ons for water s�ra�e a�d deli�ery, wat�r co�servat�o� d�s�gn, fiixtur�s axtd �idsc�pin� � i�rti��sec� i�n th� �r�vir�nnaental revi��v �ro��ss f�r �� pr�je�t and f�r �r�vi�us a��r�v�Ls a����i��e� w��h in�pl�n��r►t�ti�r� �f th� �an�1� �rand� IVia�fier �lar�, a�1 iu��a�ts �a wafier re�o�rc�s are rn�iagafiec� �o I�ss �x s�gm�i.ca�t. �ef����� - Rev�d �'S�IR �ages �.�-�, �.8-�, �.E-1�, �.8-��, �.8���, anci �.5-17; a.�c� �t� of Arr��� �ra.�d�: R���1u�ior� ��. ��66 -�ix�a� �r�vir�r��ter�#a1 I�n�a��t R�p�rt f�r th� �a�n��� �rar�d� ��x�divisi�n, �99�; ��sol�t��� I��. �4�� - V'�'TIVi 19�4; l��s��uti�r� I�T�. �46� - V�'Ni �997; R�s�lut���n I�T�. �4b� - VTT�iri 1834. �.� �I1��I��� l���A��II�T� P�T��T'T��L,L�C ����1IIFI��P11�'I' EI�TVII��NIVI�NTA� I1V��A�'�'� V�IICH CA�1I B� AV�IDED �R �VI�T��AT�� '�'� A LE�I� �� LE�� 'I�H.�� �I�NIFI�AI�T T'h� �it�y fi��d.s, bas�d �pon �e t�xeshold �rifier�ia for sig�ificar�ce pr�sent�d in �e Revi�ed F�EIl�, Addenc��n�, a�d Se���x� A�lci�ndu�t, t�ta� t1�� ��li�w�n� p��nt�� s���a�xt �n�ir�n�►ental ef�fect� �f th� 1'r�je�t �ax� be a��i��c� �r r�du��c� to i�ns���ar��� �vi� ��asi�I� �.it��ati�r� m��sur��� id�n�i�d in t�ie Revi�ed �S�I�, Adden�um, and Se�on� Addendum and adop�ed by �e �i�y as ��r►d�t���s �f �ra�e�t a��r��al, I�� sx�bstantial �vicl���� ltas be�� �r��mit�ed to �r �c��ntY.fii�c� b�r th� �i�y t�►�� in�iicafies t�t t�i� �o11�w�n� i�tp��t� ��t�l�, in fact, oc���r a� 1��r��s t�ia� w��lt� r�ec��sitat�e a d��e�ina#ior� of �ig�i�i�anc�. �.3 A�sth��ics S.T,� ��t�ntially �ignifi�ar�t �ire�t Im��ct AF.�-1. T�t� �1us�eri�g �f th� �r���s�d r�s���n�ia1 uni�s and pres�ervat�a�n af op�n sp��e wa�d part�a�y �nain�ain the ope� spa�e �ha�a�ter of �he site. �i��vev��, t�� �ar��os�d d�v����rn��nt �as th� p��nt�a1 �o a��er t�i� ���tl�e�ic �hara�t�e�r �f th� site vi�ini�y th�r��x�1� alt�e�a�i�n of ��ni� �ristas fr�� ����i� �i�wing ���at��n�. Th�s is ���s�d�r�c� a�1a�s I�, sfg���ca�� bu� rr��#��ab�, i�►���� �� t�i� se�th�ti� �h�r��t�r �� th� ar��. �i�►dir►� - P'�irs�ant to I�bli� ��s��xr��� �o�l� �cti��t ����l�a� and �tat� �E�� �txi��li�� Se��ian �50�9��a}, t�t� �ity ��reb� fincis tha� ch�g�s �� alter�ti�ns hav� be�en reqt�ired in, ar �r�epar�ed by R�r�cor� Cor�se�1#ar��s for #he CJ�y o�Arroyo �rande 1T Agenda Item 9.c. Page 31 ���7������� ��. ���� �$ �� "��� ��or�po�afi�d into, t�� project th�t avo�d or s�x�s#�n�y Ie�s�n t�ie sig�f�i�an� �nvi�onn�enta� �#fect o� th� �n�r���n�rt� �o bel��v a 1�v�i of sig��a���. �a�ts in ��x���rt �� �indin� - Th� p����ct pr���s�s ��5 �i��1e-�am�l�r �cesic��r���s, �a�r�c� roadwa�s, st�ee� 1�g�itir►� anc� Ia�►�s���ing �r� a curr�r�tly und���l�ped �it�, '�i� �ro��sed �ro�e�t �s to �ae c��e�ope�d as a�a�iase of t�te ex�sfiin�, 4�4-acre �total� 1��1�a �rand� PD 1.2. V"�'T� ��-0�1 �ubdiv�si�n �.�'►�rov�nnen#s ��e an�i�at�ri ta occvr in a sing�� p�a�e. I�divi��.a� homes w�11 be �o�st�x�t�d as lats are ��x.�c�sed. �e �rapos�d �ite im�rav�n�er�ts �rvo�xld be visibl� fr��n sev�ra� pu�1�c �ri�wing Ioca�i��s a��r�� Jan��s �+1�a� and La �ada, mos� n�tably fra�n seg�enfiss of ]a�x�s �Vay, w���i I�as b�eer� id�nt�#i.�d a� a"po��ial" �eni� roa� in tY�� �it�s �xist�g Settrtn� ����rt. I�n a�cici�#i�n, tl�� �r��a�s�� in��r��r�r���t� w�rxlc� be �isib�� fra�t ��cist�n� �an�h� �ra�rr�� �ix��l� �a�� r��ici�rYttial �rxbdivis��n h�rn�s t� �h� r��rth�v�st, ]ame� �a� Viewshe�. �'h�s r�a�1 ��f�r� a ���ni� �i�� �f N��vs�Yn� Ri��� tv th� �as� �ric���iin� above the s��e area}, and in sorne �igher loca#ions, t�� Pacifi� Oc�a� �o th� w�st The roac� �xns east to west fi�ough �he no�west port�an of t�e �i�y, connec�g �a� Park Road indi�rect�� �+rrit�i t�e ����r ci�r��t�awn ar�a�. Th� vi��v of th� ��r������ �r�j��� frarn �s ��rric��� w�x�c� ir�clud�: vi�r�rs �f ��ter��� fut-�r�� ��sic�er���s �� th� �roj��� an� its �oac��ays, �nd�g���us flora �n� �a1c �x�s w�u�h aicis �n �r�vidi��g vis�x�� s�r���in� o� th� site in th� ��r�gr��n�i, and nat�al �c�r��ry �f ��I� v�r��c��an�s �nd cha��xra� in �h� �idc�l��r�un� �nd �acic�rou�.�nd. R�sidences �vi� �i� exi.�ting �a�c�►a �rande �'D � .2 are alsa v�sible �ro� t��se vi��vp��nts. ���i� vi��v� �f th� I��ws�n rid��li�� �v�u��ci ��n�r��1� be �n.a�nt�in��. Adc�it��na1��, ��rki�r�.� �� t�i� �r���s�d �� ���s w��x�� be �is���� with�n t�� �atu�al ��o�a�1�� �� th� sifie. �7ev�l���n��t r�vi#�ii�� �S �r�� ��u�� ��nfli�� with t�his as���� �� �i�y �olicy. �e�etatian loca�r� �nn�ec�iafie�y ad�a�e�t to Ja��s Vl�ay i� �on��ri�ec� of simi�ar flora of �ak t�rees, n�tiv� annu�l ��td p�re�ia� gra�s��, a�td ��a�i�n v���a�i��t �f t�� �as� For�C �� IVieadow �r�k. The ir�dige�ox�s �lara in the fore�ro�� €�ra�tage of th� ��o�e�t sit� n�ar �'te ��rn�r of J��r►es V1��� a�� La� �anada, wi� �����c� �ar�c�sc��in�, w��.lc� �v�r��u��� �art�ll�r s�reen vi�ws �f th� �yrop�s�� in��r�v�m�nts. '�i���for�, t�ie pr���� �v��1�1 r���1� in �o�er�ti�ll� s�gni.fii�an� i.nrY���ts �r► v���v� f�r��n t�i� vi�ws��d. Rar�cho ��ur�d� �'ra�t ���3� V�ewsh��. �'r��� 1�4 �s 1��a�e�d t� th� r��rth �� t�� �r��a�s�d pr���ct �i�, a�c� sits at a� hi�h�r �l�va�i��n. Vi��►v� ��m �'�a�� ��34 ir���rxd�: Jam�s �ay ��rri��r, �� Ja��s Vl�ay �ak Hab�ta� and �ilc��if� I�r�s�rve, New�orne �dge, �nd oa�C �vood�a�ds s��rr�unding �h� �r�a. F�r th� ���t �art, �i��p�int� �f th� �r�p�secl pr���ct ar� 1��a�eci al�ng th� 1��v�r �1e�a�i�x�s �f t�� s�utl��as�ern ��rti�r� �� Tr��t 1534. �estir�� '�enta�i�e Trac� ��-�D� I��sfgr� ��ide�ir�es. Th� appiica�nt for t�� �rapos�d project has dr�ed d�sign gui���n�� f�r th� site. As �vas �r�vi�r��ly ���nti��t�c�� t�i� �ar������ pr��� �s ��nsi��re�i a�has� �n fi�� gre��er Rancho �r�nd� l�i] �.�. A� s�c�, it is nec�ss�ry t� ��nsid�r t�� �r�pose� �r��t i� t�i� �or�te�c� �� �� res� �� th� n�i�hb�r�r►� c�ev�l�p�n�r��. ��rtain re�o�t��ndati�� ar� ma�� #Ir►at �iel� �� �r�s�x� � g���rai ��nf�rmi�y �xists b�twe�r� �e c�ev���prn��t and t�ie rtiatural �r�vix��vx►��t� �� int��nt of t�e des��t �uid�lin�� � to e��o�xrage p�an��d i�n�r��en�ents w�ch ar� �ri���1�� ���tpa�ib�� �ith �x� �a�c w���ilan�, sa�ranna, a�.�� hillsid� ��nte�ct �f �M �1�OOT. A1���g� th� �ri�nnary is�u�s ar� ��x ' ci �I�w, t1�� ��n��let+e �d�lin�� are i��1�xc��c� �n ���r �ntireiy ir� Ap��n�ix I�f th� ��vis�d FS�I�, T�� �ui��li���s �ddr�ss t�� ��Il�wi�� ��i�s: Pr+epared by �4Jr�cor� �on��#far��s �or #he �ty of Arroyo �r�ar�de 48 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 32 ���������� ��. ���� � � �� � �� Sit� ar�d Lar�ds�a�ae �esigrt_ • Driv��va�s an.c� �ar�ges; �1�pe ��nsic���ati�r�, av�ic� 1arg� areas �� �np��viou� sx�r�a�es, ��nst��t��n in a����rdar��� wit� ��ty �ta��ci�rcis a�d ��g��s�ed �aving �a��e�i�als. • �r�����n ��r�t�r�i: �x��g�st�ec� ��th�ds �f �r�si�n ���ntr�1 �r� bank.s �r ���pe�, �s� �� �1ants f�r s�i� stabi�,i�at�o�. • Fe�ci�g: .. t�on of v��w�obs�xcti�g f�ncing {tal�er �� fe�t�, �exg�it re�quir�n�ents, a��r�ved �����n� materia�s, fex��ing alterna�tiv�s �ands�a��►��. • �ra�in�, I�rair►ag� �unc� �oi�s: �eq�i�e�n��ts ��r dra�nag� c�s�har��, �rev�nt��x� �f �x��ss ru�n-��#', �r�visi��s �o pres�rve �o� sail, �i�ig��on far can�tr�uc#ion activities w�it�i�n oak tre� �rip l�ne, use of ��� • Hards�ape: R�t�iction on p��i�g wit�ii�� oak tre� d�ip�ines and addi�g sidewalk� rto� o�ig�naily planne� ir� tract �nnprov��nen�s, su�gges#o�s on ��►ving �nat�erials, us� of ���s�aping to soften �ta�rd edge�. • i�and�cap� �.�td Irr�ig�tion: �'irnir�g of �a�ndsca�ing af�er oc�u���nc�r,l��scap�e pl�ns, pia�i�g desigr�, "�tre�t tar�e" p�, u.�� �� dro�r��xt tal��an� �1�►nts �r�r�i�a�i�r� �ys�e�s �nd sc��c����s, wat�er �o�ervation sys�en�s, recon�n�r�ded r�ative ��a��s. • Land�c�pe L.�g�ti��: I�i��iting p�rtis, gl��re rec����i�x�, ligl�t�� �1a����r►t, �I���ri�i�y ���s�rva��n. • La.�c�.scape atru��ures: Restr�.c�on o� s�ructu�e �ta�rials, prah�bit�on of str�xc�rxres i� oper� spa�� s�tba�lcs, res�~i�tion� r���rd�� t�e p�ace�nent of struct�xres. • Niaintena�ce: ��rov�s�ons to �nsur� pro�er�y n�tai�t�ai�ed �om�s a�d l�nds�a��g and �o ensure tliat aa.k wo�d�and,s ar� not dist�ur�ed. • Niisce]]a�i�au� �r�idelines/ Rec�x��rerne��s: I�ra��rty �w�xt�rs ar� �r�cou����d t� re�p�e�ct #�i� �riva�y �f r���gh��r� �i� regarc� t� stru�t�xr�� anc�� �r e�rxi�m�r�t �c�ecks, s�� �q�xi�m�n�, p��y �q�ip��n�, �� .�, to ta�c� advanta�e o� existing oa�C �r�es far �ar�dsca�ir�� and a�re e�co�xraged �o in�lude cri�e �r�v�r�tion ��asur�s, • �ak Tre�e �'ro�ection: T�is �neas�rre 1is#� restr���ions o�n the dist�xrbance af �xis��r►g oalc tr�es i�clud�ng �rux��ng, c�iggir�� ��, pr��e��i�� c�ur�n� ��ns�ru�ti��n a�tiv�t��s anc� r��trieti�ns �vith� oak t�e� dr��I�t�s. • �t�7�C�CS: �n ge�nera�, ��ac1�.� �hai� be � or �� fee an a� ��d�s. Otl�er set�ac�C �ui�em�nts i�vo�ve ap�n �pa�e easements ��d s�rtxctur�� per�nitted in se�ba�1��. • Scree�g: �tli�es requirement� reg�di�ng the screening of trash ar�d o�her ifiems ar �nat�r�ial in�e�c��c� f�r di��ardin� �r c�llect���. • �it� Art �nc� Scul��ur�: �ut.li��s proh�bi#ior�s o� large, b�o�d ar hi�ly vis�b�� art. • �oils Te�s�: �t-a�es t�at pro�erty own�rs ar� enco�x�raged to ��ovid� a soils engi�eerir�� �es� pr�ior �o ��nst�u�ti�n ���� �s reta�ni�t� wa�.s �r stru�t�r�1 ac�c�i�i�ns. �re,p�red b�r �#r��or� ��r�su�ar��s �or �he ��ty of �lrro�ro �r�nde �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 33 ���������� ��. ���� �� O�'��� �o1ar �x��rgy D�sigt�s: E�n��ura��� th� r�� of solar �r��r�r a�n� requi��� th� s��nin� �� �i�in� aanc� ��h�r eq�xipmen� �i�� ���i��r�: �he� I��a�n� stru�tur�s �r landsca��ng �1��ne��. ��a�ts to �n�ig�b�r�in� �ri��+vs sh��1� b� �onsi��red. Vl�a�er �fficiency: �r�co�xrag�s the �xse of gre� water and 1aw flov�r f�ct�res. A�so encox��ages wat�er �ffi�i���y ancl �.r► ��r�ra11 wat�er �ress�re �� �� �s� �r ��ss. Arch��ecf7.�ra� �t�ic�elir�e�- • M.axi�t�x�n B�iidin� �iz�: Esta�iis��� t�e �rite� f�r th� ��.axinrYUln a1���abl� fl��r area f�r �a��i 1�t. �ui�d�� IViassi�ng, �orn� a�td D�taa�i: P�a��s res#r�ctia�s o� �ui�dir�� �Y�es, s�~ained �unc�/ or �tc��d g1�s�, de#�c�ied stxu�tx�res, an�i p�u�nb�g in c1�ta����i str�x�tu.r��, and �r��iibit� �x�t���r ���r�g� �f r�cr�ati��a1 �r�hi�l��. • Bt�ildi�tg Se�ur'i�y: ��ate� �rol�i�iti�n� �gains� �i���w d��rs, ancl an�r 1���c�n� d�vi��s #hat rn��r 1�inc��r �m�r�en�y ��citin�. A�s� �u�ines �xs�� of �m�r�ency and ��xtdo�r� ].ig��ig. • ��I���; �is g�xi�eli�e s�ates t�at light-colored roof�s are prohib��ed a,xtid �iat �a�-ton� colors are pr�fe�� an�l �l��rx�c� be �s�d. • ��nux��.�i�y �ev����rn�x�t Dire��r; Th� ���n�n�xnity Dev�l�pm�r�t Dixe�tor �� ��vi�w t�� �i� �Ian, ��re�in.ary �rac�ing �1�, �ig�i�ing plar�, ele�ra#o�s, �olors ��d �ate�iaLs of proposed �rn�ravement� for "sx��s�t�al co�plia�ce" wi�i these Des�gn �uidelir►es, �ra�t n�ii�ga�ti�� an�i ��r�dit��n.s �� a����val, • D�tac��d �tr�x�t�xres: Th�se s1�all r��� �x�e�d 1� feet � h�i��t �b�v� t�� �v�r��� �atur�l grac�� �f #�i�ir �oo�pri�tts. • �xp�sed Po1e Supports: Su��o�s f�r d�ks or other st�ic�xres great�r tha.r� fo�x� fee� i� h�ig�it abov� f�tis�ed gracl� are �r�h��ited t�nl�ss ��v�r�d, • Ex�erior 1'ro�ix�cts, �i�i.s�es and �a�erials: Pr��id�s a�n �xte�siv� list �� a�pr�v�d �r��fi�g, �aa�ring and �xteri�r fi�ni,s�in� �at�ri�ls. • Fire Ha�ard I�ro�ec�io�n: A,ssur�s ��m�lia�t�� w�th t�� �i�y �f Ar�a�� ��r�nc�� �rdix�a��� ��. �94 �.�. P�ro�i�i#s ��xrni�g a� constni���n n�a�e�~ial� a�d en�oura��s th� postxng o� t�e �rn���ency p��r�� �u�be�r �f t�� �iu�� D��artm�t. • Fir� �prinkler Req�xYre�ent: A�l �ouses �hall �e constr�ic�ed w��h au�oma�ic fir� sp�er s�s�em�. • �neral Construction �o�di�.ans: Pro�ici�s a lis� �f a�pr��riate �n�as��s to �i�I� er�s�xre a sa�� a.�d �I�a� ��r���t��� ar�a �x�d �rx�r��c�in� �ff si�e im�r�v�rn��xts T�71$ �L11C��IIIl� 2L�,S� ��1�� � �1�'lIY7l1�� �tt���ts t� r��i��orin� r`�sid�nt�a� u�#�. • Grac��g: �'his �r��r�si�� ����� to �ns�r� #�ta� to�s�il is pr�s�rv�cl anc� �h,at s�i1 ���si�� i� �n��ni�e[�. �r�ared by R�r��o� �orrs�l�an�s �vr i�he �l�y of Arroyo �ra�rde �0 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 34 F�Ea�LI�TI�I� 1��. �age �'! �f 1 �� • I�spe�tio�s �ur�ing Const�uct�an: The Ci�y of Arroyo �ranale will conduct ir�spe�tiar�s �o mo��ar �on�pli�ce wit�i th�se ��id�l.i���, a� w�� as �ity ��c��s a�c� reg�xlati�ns. • �ands�ape Co�r►p�ia�ce: L�ndscapir�g must be ap�rov�� �der t�� r�c��x�re�xtent� Ii�t�c� i� t�ie D��ign ��xi�i�lin��. • Maxi�r�� A�1��+va��� �I�i�h�: In additio� fi� �tatyng �at t�ie �xi�nurn allawab�e ��ldixtig ��ight s�i.al� be 2� f�t, this guid�line �r�vi�� wa�s i� vv�ich th� h�i��t� ��iall �e �����c� a� vv��1 as he�ghts for �a1�,s and d��ac�er� structures. • IViechani�al Ec��xi�rn�nt ar��i LTt�iti��: �is guideli�n� aut�ines w�ys i�n w�ii�� utili�y �e�, #�ashing 2u�d a�ny ot�ier mechax�ical a�'►d J or �ti�i�y eq�iprne�t are to be h�dden a�d sc reen�d f o� �ais�e and ae�#�ie#� �r�xpo�es. • IViodifi�ations to the A��roved Plans: I�T� �r���r�y �wn�r sltaal� �1c� an� rn�c�i�ica�i�r� t� an a�pr�v�ci �alan wi���t a sepa�afie s�xb�itta� a.nd appro��1 by #h� Ci�y of A�,roy� Gx�ar�d�. • l��s�ons��i�itie�s of t�e �pe�y �w�ner: ��lir�es ��n�r resp�nsi�iliti�s in�l�xd�n� �I ��t�vi�i�s anc����r �Ynissi��s �f �o�su�ta.��i�, �on#rac�ors, su�cantra�tors, sup�l�ers and worlc.�x�ex�. • S,afi�e�li�e D�h An�nr�s: �r�s� are �ar�hi�i�ed i�r fr�n� ����aa�ks. Dislt a��ennas are n�t ta ��c�e�d �� in�hes � d�a�r►e�er and are �o �e scre�ened and are �o co�p�y with t1i� Ci�y of Ar�ro�ro �r�a�de Dev�1��m�n� �od�, • Se�n�� De�ign; � stru�tures to be built s�ia1� confor�t �o t�e ��i�mi� st���x�atio�s s�et fort�r ir� �he �99� EIR for the �a�ncho �rand� �ubdivis�o� as w��1 as t�e �reg�xla�ia�s of t�t� Unifor�n B�i�di�g �od�. + �c��dules: T�e �xs�e of s�chedule� ir� �e re�quixed p�an� �me�t�a�ed abav�� is ��ncouraged. • Scr�ning: �eq�xires s�r�e�ning ��r t�� ��1�s f�r d��ks, �n����al �qui��n�nt, gas ar�� �I�tri� m�ters and trasl� enc�os�xres . • �o�id VITa�t�: P�r��erty ��vners ar� ��t��u�a��� �o ��arat� ���d by�r�c�u�ts fr�n� �t��� �onstru�ti�n wa�i� a�� s�1va�� fo� bi�n�ass ��n�r�rsia�. � �+Vater Fffici��t�: �ut�in�s �r�v�s���s f�r w�t�r ���s�r�a�i�� in�t��ing: �ress�� r��t��.ing �alv��, l��v fi�w fixhx�res, rxse �f grey �va�er ax�r1 th� �xse af bu�din� c����g�s to m�xin�i.�� wat�r �ff��i�ncy. S�ee�er Slo�e A�t�ra�io�r:s� In ��c�it�or�, �I�pes are a prim�ry ��r���rn f�r dev�l��nn�n� �n th� s�.r11� ject �r��erty. Th� a��li�a�t's desi�rn gx�i��i�n�� ci� r��t �dclr��s dev�i�p�n�r�t �r� s�e�p s1���s ��#�i�� �� s�ggesti�ng pro�r m��ods of erosion �ontro�. �owev�r, a�cord�ng to th� Cit� of Ax�rayo �rar�cie I�ev�l��m��tt ���� �h.��t�r 1G.��,���, b�x��in� anci gradin� a�ti��.ti�� ar� r�ot permitted �n �l�pes �f ?_�96 an�l gr���er. T�is ���x�� be co�si��re� a� ��st�i�ti� inn�a�� as w�1i as a�ra�iir�� �m�a�t. �tr�x�t��r�s bui�t hi�h�� t�� �r� t�� on�site �I�p�s �c1��t1�r �roporti�nai t� t�� in��asec� sl�p� p�r���►tag�� �gir► ta encr��►�h ���� t�� vi��vshecls �� su�r�u.�tdi�n� n�ig�bor�oo�is. '�'h� u�p��r r����es �f tY��se s���es �r� m�r� visib�� to t�� �r�ared by R�r�co� �or�st��rrts for �he C�#y af �4r�`oyo �r�r�d� �1 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 35 ���������� ��i P�g� �� ��'1�� n�igl��aring re�id���e�. Ni�#ig�t��� �n�as�r�� �►ssociated with t�i�s ciev�l���n�r�� ���� are st�t�d in 5�t���t �.�, C�eo�ogi� �e�ou�ces, of th� ��vi�ed �`SEII�, �r��ibitin� �ev��o�m�r►� �� �1�p�s �� 2D9� a�� gr��ter, A1t���gh t.��s �nit�gation �t�a�u�r� is writ�e� t� a�lc�ress �����gi� �tabiIi�y, the �rahibition of d���opn�er�� o� �es� ��p s�o�s also addx�ss�s �he �u�d�g af �eside�tial �n�t� �g�e� up on th� s1a�� tl�at a�re visi�le fron� ����c v��wing �reas in t�e ��ig�b�orho�ds �o #�e nor�h�ast. Ax�a�y��s. Bec�us�e of t�� c�us�ering of t1�e p�a�o�ed reside�tial unY�.s a�d t�ie presers�ati�� �f �p�n s�a��, t1�� ����ct �v�u1c� �artia�y �ain�air� t�� �ura� vi�u�1 �hara�t�r �f �� s�te. I��w�v�r, �� ��r��aosec� clev�l��n��r►t 1�as th� �ot��tia1 t� a1t�r th� a�s�eti� �har�cter �� �h� s�t� �icinit�y by char�giyng th� s�cenic v�e�vs fram pubiic v�ewir�g �acatians, a.r�d �troducir�� con�rn��y �e��gn ����e�ts t1�at may b�e aes�tetical�y incons�s�e�� wit�i t�� �urrour�di�g �r�a. �'he �i�r of Arroyo �rand� �►a�nt�ins a poli�y of p�reserving #�i� op��n cha.ra�t�r of lands thro�x��o�x� th� �as�ern anc� no�eas�rn por�io�ns of �� city and ad�acent ar�a� w�i� em�l�as�s �� �res�rvati�n �� �r����� sl�p�s a►n�i r�d���es in hil�sit�� ax�a�. Pr��e�c� i��a�ts �n ��ee��r si��es ar� th��r�f�r� ��n�ic�erecl ��t�entia�y sig�ificar�t, V�i�n ��m�ar�d t� ���v�r�ti�nal �in�l� fan�i�� r�����ntial d�v�1���n��ts in �uburt�ar� ��sic���ntia� {R�� lanci us� d�sig�na�i�r�s, t�� ���p���d pr��ect vv�ulc� ��nsis� �� a��r� el�xs�er�c� c�����n. "�h� RS �a�c� �xse �esign�#��� �r��ic��s � �naxin��� r�sid�r�t:ial clensit� �f �r�� dw�Ilin� un�� �� �v�ry �..� acr�s. �T�'IVi �1-0�0� w�u1�, �r1�r t�i� F� �.� l�r�d �xse desig�at�o�, maintain ar� ave�a�e �esid�n�ial den�i�y of ap�raxi�na�Iy �. 5�its per a�re an� �xh�bi� �n�r� �f ��1us�rec� a����rar��� w��n ��n��are� ta t�� RS d��ig��i�n. T�i� ��co��sec� d�sign w�ulci i����ase t�i� urb�n feel �� �� �1t�sterec� dev�l��rn��� ar�a, �iow�v�r, t�� �lustered desi�n w�ul� n�a��tai�x � r�lativ�Iy 1ar��r am�r�r�� �f un�iev�l���r1 ��.atural �pen spa�� t�at ��1ps to �r�s�rv� �� rurai a�s�h��i� ��tara�fie� �f t�t� sit�e. T�� �c�nd redr���d c��ity c��v�l���nen� �r�p�sal �li�inates �n�st terr��in� a��nc� re�ai�n.i�rY� �nra�s �r� 1�ts, l��vir�� c�.st�m �i�ht ancl i���� c��sign t� t�� di�cr�#i��n �f t�� 1�� �wn�r�. A���r�ing to t�� �r���se�i Desig� �rxi���in�s, t�t� restrict��� th�t �a m��� t1�a�n 50 p�r�er�t �� ra�f �t�i��t ��c�eec� �f� �e�t �in th� ��visec� Fi�a1 �E�R ar�c� First Ac�c1��c�um} is ��pli�a��� �� flat grac��c� si�es �unci�r �96 sl�pe�, �v�i.�� s����ci grac��d si�es �ov�r �� s��pe} �v��x1d be r�trict� to � �t� rn��� than �� p�r��nt �� r��f 1��ig�� ��c�e�di�n� 20 f�et. A� ��iowrx in Figur� �, th� ���ra� vi�u�1 imp��t in t1��se tw� ���s w��lc1 be �i�ruilar. A� a result, ��t1� s��r�ar��s i� th� Des�g� �ui��lin�s w�uld a�rlr�ss t�i� ��and i�e�n �x���� �Viitig�ti�r� Nii�igatia� Nieas�res - Based u�o�t t�e a�al�sis pr�n�d i�n Sect�o� 4.� of t�ie �evisec� �SEIR, a�nc� t�ie analysi� i�cluded i� t�ie �eca�d �dd�nd�xn�, w��� �s incor�por�ted hereix� by r�f�r��nc�, �h� ��I���v�� Ilriiti�z�ti�n 1V��as�xr� is ����ib1� anci i� n�ad� bi��i�ng t.�r�u�h �� IIrIlV�P. ����r ��nsic��ra�i�r� in r�d���n� �r�su.a1 i�xp��ts is t� m.a�nta� �u�b�i� ���ni� v��ws fr��n �h� �ax�nnes �+Vay and La Ca�nada viewing carric�ors. Ad�►ere��e t� ���y re�ulato�ry req�e�neni� as�oc�at�ec� �it1� i#� ������m�t ��c�� �v�ui� rec�rx�� im�a�t� to s�m� ��cter�� '�'he a����a�� �� �r��o�i d��ig�n g�xid��ines #ha� s�bstantiv�l� ac�c�ress m.any �estl���� �����r�s, an�l w�ulci f�xrth�r �n,i�i�ate ���enti.a� pr��ect �xn�a�ts. ��ae�' '�a.il�, t�� a���can� �as �ro��s�c� sta�dards rela�ed to the foilowing �s�xes that wa�� s�b�tantiv�I�r reduce po�nti� visua.I �npa�t� �see A�p�r�r�ix I�� t�i� �IR f�� full text �f t�t�s� g�xic���in�s�: �r�reaf by ��r�car� Corrs�r�tant� for tf�e �J#y af �4rroy� �ra��e 2,� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 36 i�E��LI�TI�� IV�. �age 23 of 1�� � F�r�ces. ��stri�tio�s �r► h�i�ht, rn�ter�s a�� �la����nt; � �r�ve�a�s cmc� ��r�g�es. al�erat�.v� ��ving rnafie�~�a1s, �1a���ne�t; • I��rdscap�e. ]iuti�a#ior�s on �a�i�g; • Lar�dsc�p� ar�d �rr�gaf�or�. Sp�ifi�s I�dscaping ��e�i,als a�xd �x�e�t �f r�quir��e�►tss; •�-�i�e E��iprr�r��. �i�ts t�� locati�n and iu►pa�ts to r�atura�l a�r►�niti�s; • �creer�ir��, "�'ras� rec��ta�l�es �r�.�t be �re�neci; • �li�w corric��r�. A.ff���s lacafii�r� af struct�.�ce� �d ianclsca��in�; • Archi�ect�ral guide�it�es. �uil��ir►� rna�ria�, buildin� �i�ight�, ��I�rs, �nassi�g, anc� ��ct�ri�r �i��i1s. Howev��, t�� ap�lica�nt �as propos�d t.�a� �onn� of �� grxidel�nes ar� req�r�ed, whi1� o�ers ar� ��re1y re�amm�nd�d. Mod�fnca�ions �o t�ese gui�e��s ar� requi�ed �a en��r� that ae�th�ti� �n�a�t� w��lci b� ��ss t.�an �ign.ificant. H�wev�r, im�a�t,s w�ulci r�n�tai� sigx�iff�an� with��x� f�xrt��r miti���i��t, Th� ���1�wir�� adc�i�i�na�l ��asrxr�� are requir�: Mitig�►ti�� ll�i�a�s�xr� AE�1�a} IV��di����fii��► of Ap�li�a�x� ��sign �r�i�i�li�t�s. T�� f��low�ng rn�c�ifi�a�ians t� t�� a�����a.�t's �r��os�d d�s�g� �u�d�l�r��s ar� ��c�u,ix��c�: • A11 �roposed guide�ine� �o�ed as re�commer�da�io�ns �'•�'•� shaIl b� �1�a�ged to r�quir��►en�ss �••R••� . l�efer��c� -��vis�d �EI� �ag�s �.�-�� thr�u�h 4.�-�,3; Sec��c� Ad�l�n�l�n� �ag�s 1�-��. �.1.� Pot�ntially �ig�tif��an� Dire�t ��ac# AE��Z. I�xtr���x�tian �� lig1�� a�� g1ar� a�oc�a�ed wit�t resideni� d�v�lopn�en� wo�xld extend t�i� �r�a of �rig�t �.ght a�ross ti�� c�rr�re��y �un��v�lopec� �r�p�r�y, �►1�erin� th� nig�ttim� sky a�tc� a�fec�ing r�siden��s ���ac��� #� �i� �ite. Th�s is c��sic��red a► �1ass Y� sigr�t���� �ut rr��!`i�ah�e in�����, Fir�ding - I'�tr�ua.x�t �o Fu��i� i����ur��s ��c�� �ti�r� 20��1�a� ar�c� �t�te �E�A �uici�l�n� Se�tion 1�1�a}, th� C1t�y �ereb� find� t�at char�g�s or alterations hav� �ee� requ�xe� in, or inc�rp�ra��ed i�nt�, th� Px���t �at av�id �r sx��astant�� I��s��t t�� �igx�i��ant �nvir��tn��r�ta1 ��'fe�t �n t�� �nvir�nrtn��t t� �e1��v a leve� �f �igmifi�a�.c�. Facts in �r��por� o� Fi�►ding -�a��s�c� �roject ill�rrni�ati�rt �v��1c� �r�v�c�� sa�e�y �or re.�i�ents, tra.f�� �n���m�r�� anc� cr�ssings �varn �� �a�ards, arYd in��r��v� s�rxx�t�r. Th� sit� �s c�x�re�tl�r unclev���� w�t� r�� li�ht so�r�es, I�T� 1��h�in� �Ian �as bee�r� sx��n�it�d �t �i%s 1��. De���te i�s pos,sible be�n�ts, �' t�i� propos�d p�ro�ec� were �o ir��orpora� ��ee� 1ig�ii�ng and f or re�idential light�ng, t�e ��a�t wauld res�It �n a.� ac�v�rse �i�ht in��act a� r�,ig�t. �d�a�ent r�idential uses co�Ic� b�e a.�t� by �ch 1iglt�s �i�clt��ng th� headlig�fis of ve�►icular traffic} re�a�ed ta the propo�d pro�ect T�e�efar�, t�� �ro�e�ct is c��sidered to have a po�e�n�y s�g�cant but mi�i��►bl� i�xt���t wit�i regarrds to �ghti�t�. �n �c�c�iti�x�, so�xr��� of giar� tha� ��u�� afaFect n�arby r�s�d��n��s i�.c�r��� �uildin� �xt�ri�r �nafieri�L� a�d sur�ace pa�i�g rx�a�+er�a�s. �ighly re�lecti�e fa�ade �na�eria�s wo�x�d �e of ��,r�ic��ar ��r���rn. �uild�ng n�aterials t�at h��� b��r� ic��nt�fi�d f�r �xs� � t�i� pr�p�s�d proje�� includ� bri�c�C, �ta�te, woad �iding, bo�rc� or� board, �aaard on ba�ens, �extured sfi�x��o, sp�it �a�e bl�k, a�al �on��ed or c�eep �li�f ��u�co fi�is�es. In addition, all roofin� rn.at�er�r�ls ��al� not cor�.�ist af ref�e�c�iv� gla�ed tiles, ta� a.�d gra��I, rock, f�be�r�l�ass, �ne�a1 or wood Pr�e��reof �by R1n�or� Con��#f���s �or �he C!#y of Arroyo Gr�m�le 23 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 37 ���������� ��■ P�g� �� �� 'I 3� shu���es, ar met�al fi�ies. �ow�ver, si�x�� a�Ian �et��ing �� exa�t �y��� of buildi�g �na�eria�s ta �re used o� t�� ext�riors of struct�xres I�as not been subn�itt�d, the pro�e�c� is cor�sid�r�i to �av� a�fier�i�ai1� sign.i�i�ant bu� rni�i�abl� i�n�a�t wit� �re����� glax�. IViitigation �Vle�st�r�s - Bas�c� x��on t�i� �na�ys�s �r�nt� �n �ec�io� �.� of the R�vi�d F���1�, as ar�gmentec� in �he �e�cond Ac�de�dun�, w�iic� is incorpora�t�d herei� by r�ference, �e fo�owi�g IViitigation I1�easure is f�asi�1� and i� n�ade binding t�coug� �e MN�F. �'he �a�owing ext�er�or lig�t�ng �.it�gatia� n��asrxre is r�u�red, ax�d �1�all b�e add�d �o t�e d�sign gui���n�s: Ni��i�a�ion 1V�easr�xe AES-2(a�: Ex�erior L�g�xting. �rx�doo� light poles an ix��er�al st �1�a� be p�estrian i� sca1�, ar�d s�a1� r��t �x�eec� ter� ���� f�t Yn ��iglnt. ���� �i��iting shall be d�sign�d �o �roje�ct dow�nwarc� and sha� not crea�e g�are on �d�ace�nt properties. A11 �i�htir�g fixtx�ces �hat ar� visi��� fir��n s�rr�ur�di�� r�si��n��s s1�a11 be �l��ig��d �o �ully contai�n c�ixe�� ��a� ��-�it�, ar��I sha� �ae ���d�c� anc� s�i��c��d. I�T��n-g�ar� 1i�hting s�a� � used t�r�u��i�ut th� �r�pos�c� �roj�ct. E�ct���r 1ig�tir�g s1��1 be limit�ced t� se�rx�ity anci ����ty ��xrp�s�s. �ef�r�n�� - ��vi�se� FSF�R �a��� �.�-�3 an�l �.�-��; Sec�r�c� Adderrdt�r► pag� ��. 5.1,� P�te�►tia11� �igni���an� ��mul�tiv� �i�s���ti� Im���t. Im�l�m�n�ati��n �f' th� �r���s�c� �ar�j�c� �v�u�1c� alter th� aest��ti� rura� �har��t�r �f �� s�i�ce by ���►��rt�n� an ��ci�t�� ur�ci�v�l�p�i ar�� to an ar�� with ��rxb�xrban f r�si�i�ntYa1 a�pearar���. �ec��xse t�i� �1���1�p�c� ��rti�ns �� Arr��� �rande g�n�ra1�� �xh��i� an �x��ax� �hara�t�r, irn�a�ts are ��n�id�rec� s�g�ifi�a�� ]�xt n�iti�z�b1�. Fi�ding - ��rs�.ax�t �a �ubli� �esources �od� �ection ��81�a� and S�afie C�QA �u�d��e �e �50�9����, th� ���y ��r��y finds t�tat ��i��� �r a�l�erati�xYS I�ave be�� reqr�i�ci in, �r i���rp�r��e�d ir�t�, t�� Praje�� that a��ic� �r ��xb�tantr.all�r 1ess�n �i� signifi�a�t �r�v�r�nm�nta� ��e�t �� t�i� e�vir�nu���� �� be1�w � lev�1 �� �igx�ifi�an�e. �arts in �r��port of F�ndin� - �s �r����t w��1d � ��ns�ster�t wi� th� �99� C�en�ral �1an Yan� us� d�si�ati��s ��r th� si�e. ���ev�r, �umulativ� d���1��m�nt in �� ������t v��inity vr���il� r��r�lt in a� si�nif�i�ar.nt ��x�r�lativ� ��ss �� ��en s�a�� �d �v�uici irrev��a�1� a1t�e� th� �hara��er �� th� are� fi� a.r� in�r��s�n�I�r rxrba.r� ��r�ci�t���. 'I�� �rop�s�cl �yro���t �v�rx�ci �ncre�nen�all� co�trii��rt+e to �s �hang� ir� aest�etic c�iara�ter of t�e sit� ar�d �e ��xrro�x�nding areas. 1Vii�igat�or� Nieasuures -�a��d �pon #�i� anal��is presenfied i� 5ection 4.� o� t�e Rev�sed �SEIR, �s ��g�r►e�fiecl by th� analysis i� #h� �ec�nd Ac�c���c��, whi�h is i���rpara�e�l ��r�in �� ref�rene�, �h� f��1��vin� Mi�i�a�i��t I1r��asur�� are �easi�l� a�� m�de binc��� t1���t�g� t�� �P. Impl�m�r�ta#��� �� �viit���te�n IVi�a�sur�� AF�-1��� a�c� A�����} �vo�Id r�c��x�� t�i� p���ec�'s ��r�tri�u���n t� �rx�rx�ati�� ���th�ti� iYn��cts to a 1�ss t�a� �ignificar�t 1e��1. It���r�r��� - ��vised �SEIR ���� 4,1 �i�igati�r� n��asrxr�s �r� Pa��s �,1 an� �.� 5.� �iological Resoux�es 5.�.� Pot�ntial�y �ig���a�r►� �ire�t I���ct � I'r��os� ��r����t ��v�lo��er�� �v��x1� r�dt��� the ��r��ge �� 1oca�l�r a�ci r��i�nall� ��gnYti�ax�� v�g�tati��x ���xr►�niti��, in�l�xd�� Vali�y ���t�t� Ripariar�, �e�so�a1 a�d Fr�h ���rge�t �Ve�ds, wl�i�1� �ta�r be �onsid�red �xrisd�ctior�a� by the C�►�for�a D�part��nt of Fis� an� Gam�, Regio� �+1�a�r Quali�y �o�ntral Bo�rd, ar�d f or U.�. Arnny �r�epar�ed by 14�r��or� Cor�su�tar��a for ##�� C�ty o�Arroy� Gra+�de 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 38 ���7������� ��. ���� �� O� '� �� �o�ps of ��x��r►ee�. �'hi� is a Class ��, si�a�car�� b�� rn��ig�b�, i��a�t �i�►r�ing -�urs�xa�t to P�xb�i� Resources Code S�c�ion 2D�81 �a� ar�d ��ate CE�A �u�de�xes Section ��09��a�, th� �i�r ���by find� t�iat �hange� �r alter��i��s �av� b�r� req�ir�d ir�, �r i���rporated �n�o, t�� ��oject that �v�ic� �r st�bs�a�#�ia11�r �sser� �e signifi�ar�� �nv�����►ta1 �ff�c� �r� th� �nvir�nxr►en� t� be���v a� 1ev�1 �f �ig�nifi�an��. Fac#s ir� ��x��ort �� Fi.�c��ng - Va��y Faot�iill l�iparian ha�ita� �r�as are c����� �r�getation ���unit�es �at �a�� been �ar��1� ��x►�r��te�d t� urban us�s �h�ro�g��x�� ���#.��� ar�ci s��th�rn Cal�f�rni�. Th�s� ha�itat types are rec�gn�i�ec� �y ��� as 1�Ta�ur�1 �����ia�s �#' ��ecial Conc��. T�� gast losses o� ripariayn 1�ab�tat ix� t�e �giar� ��v� re�ul�ed �n a decl.i�e ir� th� P��ulati�� �� ��r�a�n pian� ar►�i �vilcili�� �p�i�s t1�at a�r� �xrtiiqrx��� assoc�a�eci witY� this 1�a�ita� ��• ��t�ids ar� prot�er� �� � �+ed��a1 ax�� �tat�e �ev�I. �'he fil� �� w��ds a�.�c� waters �f t�� �J.�. is subj�ct �o a Sec#i��n 4�4 pe�t un��r th� F�der�I Cl�a.n Vl�ater �ct {�A� .�� r�c�nt �u�rer�� ��r�t �.�.A.I�.�.�. d�cision h�s resu�l�ed � iso�afie� w�ters �unles� in�ers#ate co�rnerce is s�x��art�d �y t�e wa�ers} �eing ren�ovec� from th� �orps r��u�at�r� a��hor�t�y. �xn�� t�� p�t�r�tia� w�t�anci ar�as �r� th� �r��ect �it�e ar� wit�in or inn�r►�d.iat�1� a��a���t t� intised cha�nels w�#� evid�n�� of an ordir�ary h��� w�fi��r ��C, it i� assum�d th�t tlie �,VI�.�.�.�.�. ��isior� �ias no �ffec� �� th� a�n��x.�t �� j�sdi�ti�r�al a�rea �oc��ed �n t�� �roje�t si�e. ��rrre���r, �if�rnia Fis� anc� �ann� �ad� �ti�r� 160�0 et s�. ai�ow� an ap��ca�� to a��1� ��r a�t�rea�r��d Alt�ati�n Agree�n�nt � a�l�vv inr►p��ts �a sta�e reg�la�e�d bi�l�gi�a1 re.��urc�s su�h as aI#�erat��� �� a strea�nb�d f�r ��r�st�ruucti��n �f a roa� cr�ss�ng. �inn,i�ar�y, S�ction 40�4 �f t�� �ean �V��r A�t �r��c�es �ermits f �x� �h�e �la�����n� �f c�red.g� �r fill m.ate�~i.a1s �nto �afie�s �� t�� �Jyr�it�c� �ta�es. It is t�� �oal �� the ���A er�vir��e�� �vi�w �roces� to ' iutpa�#s fio t�� �xt�r�t ��asibl.e. 1�Te��rt����s, i� �x�s� be r��g�.i�ed �t t�ie curr�n� �a�s w�r�1c� per�nit im�a�ts ��io�o�ca.l re�so�xrces, t�e ext�ent �o wh.�c�i �i�igation i� n�ded ca� o�1y �e �e�er�rtinec� thr�u�h th� ��at�nit�ig �rocess. Th� specifi� ��r�diti�ns �f t1�� permit�in� �roc�ss wo�,1.d b� de�errnir�ec� by t�t� �res�o�s�b�e regu�atory age��i�s, follow�in� C��A �eview. Irnple�nexxtation �� t�� red�x�e� c���si�y d�v�l�prne�t �x�ojec� �v�u�c� redrx�� t�� 1�ss of acrea�� of locally �nd �regior�lly si�c�nt v�g�tat�on com�nuniti�s, �nc��xd.i�n� Vail�y Footh�ll Ripax�ar�, Seasona� anc� Fresh E�nerg�nt VI�e�Iands, wh.�� n�ay �e �o�nsidered juri�d�ct�o�a1 b�r th� �a�fo�n.i.a Depax�rn�t �f F�s� anci �z��, R��i�r�a� Vl�ater Quali�y ���tra� ��axc�, �td f��r iJ,�. Arnn� Co�ps a� E�gin�rs. Po�kians of Lot� 1, 2, a.�d ��r�in roac�ways, wou�d lie w�it�t t�ie 5�- foo� s���a��C set fork�i t�rou�h n�i�igation �neasure �����. D�v�I���n��t �f �artions �� �� pr�poseci r�2��w��rs ��ulc� occur wi�h.i� Va11e�y F�o�I1 R.i�a�ian an� S�ason.al ��tl�rti� ��aitat. Indir�� i�p��t� �o�1d occ�a�.r �o t�� v�g�tati�r� as ���1 a� t�i� structur�e of t1�e 1�bita� type wi� �� ar�as due to �e�rby grac�ing a�t����i� or �ank mo�ifications. Rx�.�n-off fro� �onstr�x�tion cauld have short-�rnn sig�ifica�t i�npacts to onsi�e c�rainag�s. �i1�, sedi���r�tati�n, �r �xn-�� fr�m ��nstru�ti�x� pr�c�i��s ��rxlc� a.f�e�t w��e� �x�al�ty in ��n-�ite drain�g�s a�ci in tur� affe�� �� s�ec�� r�siding in �r ��i�g t�ese areas. ��f�r ta �e�i�n 4.�, H�dro�Og�/rr1�al�r Q�a�ity, of t�i� �evi�d FS�II� �or fur#i��r discussion of i�r►pacts and n�itigafiion re�#ing to wai�r qu�lity. Pr+e��r�f by R�r���r� Car���l��� for #i�e C�ty o�Arroyo Grar�de 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 39 �������■�� ��i �a�� 2$ �f '� �5 Mitig�t��r� M�asur�s - Bas�d u��� �� ana�y��s �r�sent�� in Se�ti�n �.� �� th� R�vised F��YR, as ��xgm�nt�d by t�� ana�ys�s ir� t�� �econd Ad��r�du�t, ��i� is incorpora�et� h�reir� by referen��, th� f�il�w�ng Ilriitigati�n Il����x�res ar� ��a�ib1� �ne� ar� mad� b�ndi�ng #�ir�ug�i �e ��P. 1Vi��ga��i�� 1V��asur� ���a�: �ti�arian a�►� �►I��t1an�1 P�r�t�ct�i�r�. Y��1�m�r�tat�on �� t�� follow�tg ��asure wo�d �i#igate #�te loss af rip�ria�t/ w�tiand ha�itat: 1. AI� w�tland ax�d r��aari.an ar��s s�xail b� av�ic��c� a�� ��xiicii�� �r�v�1a��� sha�1� be Ioca�c� �� t�tat al� �i�arian and �v�txax�c� �abitat is ��xff�r�c� fr�� c��v������nt �in��uc�ing grad�tg} �Y a �,inimu� �-f�o# setb���C, �r � functi�na� e�uiva��n� � measur�d fro� �e top of the cree�c bar�k or �e o�xt�r �dg� o� riparian v�g�tation, �1�ic�►ever i� gr�a�er. �. T�►e �~i�aar��an and �vet�a�d �iabi#�at area and mir►in�u�xt 50-faat bu���r ���e �ar preserved riparian/�vetlax�d ar�as shall �e �how�n on a1I �radix�g plarts �r�c� s�1� }�e demar�a�ed �it� �iighly visYble c��s���on fe�c�g. �. �e.irin� ���st�x�tion ac�iviti��, �as�ir�� �f ��n��ete, paint, ar �rx���n�n� sha1� ����r or�1y �n ax�as wl�er� po�l�ted wat�e� an� ma�eri�l,s ca� b� cantained for srxbs�quent re��val fr�� �� �it�. ��shi�n� �f �r��h �t�ceri.�ls �h�11 not �e a�l���nr�c� ��ar w�tlanc� and �ipari�►r� resou�ce�. �, As a c�r�diti�n �� t�� ��-foot s���a�1c, pr'�ary an-si�e ���xx�n�a�r draura�� s� r��t b� a1�ow�d �o en�er t�ie �as� Fork of Ivieado�v �r�ek. In add�tion, the pro�ect appli�ant s�a�1 en�ure that b�rffer areas ar� rev�geta�ec� r�s�ng on�y ��,ant species nativ� �o t�e r�gion. Th��reaf ber, a ber��fit �t��ntena�n�� d�str��� s1�1� b� set � i t� �ain�-air� t�� �uf�er v����ati��n, A� b�n�fit �ai�ttena�n�� distric� s�iall a�� in�1��e i�t�1�m���ati�r� �f a weed abafiem�n� progran�t i� �r��r t� f t�rth�r ��tsx�r� tha� �on-n��iv� s���� b� ��ccl�ci�c� fr�� �i�a� f w�tl.and �r�a.s. P�xbli� �cc�� to ��ff�r areas s�i.al� be �r�hibiteci. A��r �a�� �r fro�� �2�rc�s t�at a�t�t �uffer areas s� be f�r�ced in ��rd�r to a��i� i�direct in��a�i� �cesu�i�ng fr�� unr�str���ec� ����ss. T�i� 5�-foo� setba�k s�orxld be n�ea��r�re�d i�rorn t�i� top of �e �ree�C bank.� or t�t� o�xte�r �c��� �f �i�ariar� v��etat���, �v���i�v�r i� gr�ai�er. ��r r�si�ential Y��s t�at abut ri�a�~i.a� area�, th� s�tba�1� ��►��x�� b� m���ur�c� �o t�� �r�p�r�y I�n� �� th� �r�p���d 1���s}, n�� to f�x�� s�x~�x��ur��. Th�r� �1��rx1c� be r�� �r�v�t-� ��vn�rs�i� �f t�� ri���a�► set�a��C ar�� and a�cess b� ���p1� anc� p�ets sh��x1� �e r��tri�t�c�. If inn�lem�tin� t1�� abo�r� ��a�ures �s ��� ���s��a1�y, �echn�l�gi�all�r, �r ���r���ni�all� feasibl� fr�� ��ns�ruction �f �t� p�����t as pro�os�d, th�� #�i� #'�ll��vin� m�#��atio� rn�asur�s sha11 �e i�n�lem�nt�ed, which reqrxire �� ap��i�an� t� cornp�y wi� �ed�ral, �tat� ar�al 1��a� �a�vs anc� r�gul�ti�ns, a�n� �btain th� n����s�ry ���its fr�� t�e ap�ropriat� r�sou�rce a�e�tc��s. In doing so, �h� �e�t�i�g a�n�i�s �nd t�e �e�nit ��ndi#ar� �m�os�tl u���t t1�� a��li�an� will ens�x�re t�a� �i� �iab�tats ar� l�ft i� � �onditi�n a� ���c� as, �r bet�er tY�an, ��re �or�c�i�i��xs . T�� �e�p��iv� agencie� ��re �eqx�i�r�� t� �nfarc� an�r pe�n.a'tt ��r�di#i�ns. 7�� nt1#i�at��� m��sur�s list�� hel�vv ar� i���c��d to pr�vici� ��ca����s �f t�� r�q�irern�r�ts �� a��licar�� m�� �r+ep�red by R�rrcor� C�r�sultarrts for #h� ��ty o�Arroyo �rar�de 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 40 �������ior� r�o. ���� a� �� � �� �av� � i���en�e�t a�s part of this con��a�ar�c�, and are �xot in�end�d to ass�x�e or sug���� �recisely wha� th� ��rmit�� �►�e��ies �i11 reqxxir�, ��e��, t�i�y are �xa�ples of �t�gai�a� measur�s t�at ha��r� b�n provided as a r�sult of experien�� wit� t�e re�ource ag�n�ies and ty��ca� �ermit �or�dit�ons. �'h� ap�li�a�n� s�a1� �btai� � per�i� fr�m th� T.,J.�. Ar�ny ���ps �f F,�g�inc�cers �aur���r►� t� S�ti�r� 404 �� �� �l�an �+1���er ���, � �v��r ����ity ��rtifi��ti��n �r��n th� ��g��na1 V'Va�er �u.al�t� ��ntr�1 ��ax� {R�QC�� �x�rs�ant ta Sect��� ���. �f �� �I�a� V1�ater A�t, and a S�rea�b�ed �iit�ration Agree�ent fron� �e Calaifarnia De�a�ne�t a� �ish a.�d �an�e purs�xa�nt i� �ec�ior� 1� et sey. of t�i� Califo� Fi�� and �arne Cod� for a.��r gra�in� �r f�ll a�t�v�ty witl�in c�rai�n.a�es ancl w�#1a�nds. It is r�c�m�t��c��c� t�at th� ��pli�ant ��nt��� t�es� �ger�c�i�s ��~i�r t� fi�ia� plan ��b�t#a1 in �rd�r �� in��rporat� �xt�r ��d�ti�nal requ�ir�n��r��s int� t�i� p�r��ec� ���ign. As �art �� �h� per�it�n� ��r����s, �h� a��li�ax►t vrr��xlc� �cel� he reqrxir��l to �r��i�� � �om��rxsa��ry �abi�at cr��#i��► f r��t�rati�n �r��ra�n fi� mitigate iinp��ts t� jurisdieti�nal w�t�anc� �ci �ci�ariar� a��as. �� �aniti�a�i�n ���tp�n���s �f ���� � ��r�gra�n w�ul� b� �� �� c�isc�eti�r� �f t�� a����a�l� r��u�at�ry ag�r���es. Th� p�ro�ram waul�i be r�q�xir�d �a b� ��it�e� and im�len�e��ed by a qt�ali�ied biologist, anc� ��ul�i in�I��� t�� ��ll�win� ���n��r��r�ts: i. Niitigat�o� p1an��s �or t�ie �ass o� existxng wetlan� and �~i�a�~�.an �abit�t s1�a11 �e locateci ir� t�i� �ns�te �r��r�a�es t.�a� ar� pr�p�se� t� b� m�dified �r �r�s�rved a� ��r� �� t�i� �r��ose�d pr��ect fi� tli� ful�e�t ��cfie�� f�asi�I�. �'h� �����sat�ry �r�gr�m must �r��r�r�� ��;�;�un� �:� �rati� of habitat v�Irx�� an� fun��i�r�s to t.�at �n�a��ec�. How�v�r, �g�r��y permitt�t� �nay r�q��re 2� h�g.��r r��i�. If �rtsi�e rniti�ati�n is �t�� ��asi���, offsit� ��ti�ns �na�r be ��nsi���red �n a��ordar��� �vit�i t�� requir���nts �� �� a���i�s. i�. As �art �f th� �1a�r�, t�� ����an� sh�� �r��ar� �d su�n�t f�r a��ra��l � n��igatio�-p�asing ��an to e�sure that a� re�toratio� ��artti.�gs a� �n p��e w �uffi�i�r►t i�ri�ati�r� p�i�r �o fi�r�.a� ins���d�n. iu. Niiti�ati�r� ��a�ti�gs shall be wit� na�iv� ��aria�n �r�� v�r�tla��d. s���i�� fr�rn Ia�ally collec�ed �tack. iv, ��m�vai of r�ativ� s�e��es ir� th� c��ks��raix►a��s tliat �re t� be r�tain��l s�.all b� �rol�b��d. v. �S T�'Elvi �rVA� ���,ET'�D, �L�VCE IT D�ES I���' �PI'LY T`� 'Y'�IE R�VI�E� PR�JE� �i, �rx�1�� �tru�tur�s sha� �n����� �is�ur�an�� t� t1�� r�at dr�a�� a,r�c� av�i� use of h2�rc� b�c st�x�t�xres. VVhere e�ros�o� fro� ou�l�t strrxct�x�es i� a�onc�rn an� ban�.c stab�a#on �nust b� �x�ed, bioen� �ech�iq�x�s ��.g., fiber mats �nci r�lls, w�i1���v �vattling, ��td nat�a� a��h�rs} shall be usec� ��� �aar�lc r�tai�i�tg wa�11s. If can�r�fi� mu�t be �xsed, t�ie� prefabrira�ed cr�ib wal� ca�s�ructian s�a�1 �e us�d ra�t�r � pou�.x�ing can�re�e. Rac�C grouti�g sl�all or�y be �xsec� �' na ot�ier f�asibl� alterr�at�v� is ��ailabl� �s c��fiermin�c� �y t�� �it�s ��n�xn�xni�y De�r�1��m�r�t ar�d T'�xb1i� V1����CS ]]e�ar�ier��s. vii. The c�ra��e batbam� sha�l not be disturb�ed ar alterec� by i�sta�atian af any c�rai� or �x�d�t st��tu�r�. I�Tatur�l ra�ks im���ci i� t�� str�am bank shall be u�til�e� as a b�se ta t�e ��prap if n��ess�ary, viii. A gr�ase �rap a.�d� ar �i�t basin shall �e �tst�al�ed in a11 dra� inle�ss closest ta t�� c�re�e1� �o �r�v�r�t oil, silt and other debr�is f�ro� en�er�ing �he �reek. S�xc�i �re�ared by R�rrcor� C�o�rsultar��s Fo� #f�s Clt�r o�Arr�yo Cra�de 27 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 41 R���LII�f�IV �f�. P��e �8 of 'I 3� t�aps f b�sins sha�l b� �a�tain�c� an� �1�ar��c� �u�� �v�ry s�rin� ar►d fa11 to pr�v�nt �v�rF1�� si�ua���ts a�c� po�en�l ��s��it� �bit�ts fra� f�r�r�g. Th� �on�eowners associa�ion sh�al� be res�or�s�b�e for grease i�ca� and/ or si�t �a�in n�ai��enan�e activ�ti�s; a.r�d ix. Con.s�xi�ion env�lopes s�a�1 b� r�stricte� �o �ios�e ar�a�s shown a� a�aproved �ite Grad�g ��ans ir� order to avoid �n�a�ts fia native veget�a#ion ar�d ri��ria��w�t�ax�c� �abita#�. �r►�r�l�p� bou�►da��s sh�ll �e �ta�ced �n t�� fi�1�. A�prov�d �onsi�uct�an envelo�es shal� be s�iow�n on al� app�a��d grading and 1��.�lding p�ar�s, '�'I�� ap��ca�t�s l'rel�n�ina�y �iparia� � �V�tlanc� �Vi,itigatio�n �1an �s� Appendi.x fi� t�� Adc��nc�rx�} �n��udes seve�a� s�a�egi�s i��nded to adc�ress i�npacts ta riparian and w�tlanc� areas. The ��an was s�rb�nittec� to address t�i� applica�t�� stat��ent t�tat th� .�0-ft. �nit�gation m�asur� brxffe� is inf�asib�� �at�� i� w�x�I� ��qt�i�e a r�c��xcia�n in pr��e�t ��n.sity �� a� ac�ciit���ta� 1� units. T�t� p�a.� in�1�d�� �t�at�egi�� ��r a fun�t��na1 �qu�iva�.��� to th� reqt�x�� buff�r in ��rd�r to �r�vid� rn�ti��tior� to th� ��c�er�t f�a�����: • �n�C reveg�tatio� • Vl���land er�anc�ment • VI�etla�d creation • 1�ip�ri.an buff�r r�v�geta#ior� � E��a���tus r���va1 fr�x� t�� �� �an�C; anci • Vl�eed �ant�o� wi#.1�n ��a�t r�ipa�iar� co�i�or Th�se s�ra�e�ies are i�t+e�ded to address o�� or mare a.spects of Mitigation Measure �-��a}, w�ii�h described � seri�� o� requiren�ents fi� pra�t w�t�a�d� or �ipariaxt areas. �ner2�Ily �p�aking, these �ea�u��s appear to b� �on�i�t�n� �v�� many of th� s�rafiegi� goa�.s o� Mitigati�n 11��as�xre B-�{a}. H�w�v�r, t�� �pp��an�s ��a� �a�� n�t add�ress t�i� r�quir�n��nt �� �naintain � 5����t s�t���lc fr��t i���►t��� w�tland �r ���a�ian r����xr��s. Th� a���i�ant wi1l be ��xixe� t� �Y�t��n ���~nni� fr��t th� �J,�. Arnny ��rps �f ��gin�rs ��rsuant to �ect��x� ��4 �f t�t� �1�an �at�r A��; � �vat�r c�r�ality ���fi�ati�n fr�� �h� Regio�al �Va�r �uali�y �o�ntrol �oar�d �R�+V�C�} �ursuant to Sect�on 4�1 of t�e C1ean �+Vater A�t; and a Strearn�ed Al�erat�o�n A�re�en��nt fron� t1�e �a�iforni.a D�epa�nnen� of Fish and �a�ne ��rsrxant to S�tion 16�4� et s�q. of the Califarn� �ish and �an�� Cad� �or an� grac�ing �r fil.l ��ti��t� ���i cir��nag�� a�c� w�tiands. It n�a�r �ae pas�ible �ha�t th� a��r��i� w�II a���ept t�i� a��li�ant's n�i�i�ati�� stra�egy as b�in� f�n�ti�nally ��xi�va�l��t ta th� ,5�-f��� se��a��C re�quir�en��nt desc��ed in the �evised Fi�a� SEIR #or this pro�ect. Haw�v�r�, w�t�to�x� t�at assrxrance, �he a�plica.��s prelimir�ary n�i�i�at�o� p�ar� nnay not me�et t�ie r�quire�t�n�ss of IViiti��ti�n I1�i�a�ur� B-��a�, �ecaus� i� ���s n�� �nc�x�de � a�-���t b�xff�r s�tba��C �� r���re� �y t�i� �i�y ��u�t�il, T�he appli�ant �xa� also i�nd�cated a w�lli�g�ess �o co�nt�ibu�e u� t� �30,0� to t�� �oastal S��n L�is 1�����r�� ��ns�rvati�n Dist�ri�t t� be us�ci �ith��r s�r�1�, �r in ���bin�t��n �vi� �th�r f�xndin�, to �a�ry o�t �as�,s and ob�e�#iv�� of t�e �a�ershe�l �1a�, adop�ed by the ��to La�C� Tas1c F�r�� �n I�riarcl� �2, ��0�4 ����r��p�r�c��n�� fr�� A.��ir�, �vi��rri� ax�c� ��x�ery to #�i� �ity �� Ar�o�� �ra�xc��, D�e��x�n�r ��, 20�4�. '1'1�is is x��t in�nd�d a�s n�.�ti�z�ti�n ��r iYn�a�t �-�, ��vv�v�r it is in�lrxd�d �eca�xs� i� pr�vid�s a�r��ec� b�n��it to ��n.sid�r ix� th� f�rn�ula�i�� �f a �ta�erne�t of Ov�rridir�� Co�xs�derations. �repared by #�#r�cor� ��r�st��tar��s for �he ���jr ���,�roy� �rand� 28 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 42 ��+7������� ��. �8�� �� �� ��� Ref�rence -1�evised �SEI� pages 4.2-�� thro�xg� 4.�-�4; �ond At�c�end��r► �ag�s 1�-�,3. �.�.� P��e�t�ia11� �ignifi�a�� i��r� Irn���t B�. Th� �ro��sed �r����� w�ul� r�srxl� ���x1c� r�srx�t in �he ren�oval af �� native coa�t live oak t�rees, #�.e transpianting of 1� �tat�ve �oast live oak tr�s, a�nd �t� r�rn��ra1 �f a�s��iat�d ��itat wi#� ��asi�1 �a1c Vl��oc�land l�.abita� ��ns�te. � is cor�s��l�r�d a� �lass ��, sig�t���ar�# b�� rr��i�gab�e impact. Fi�c�ai�g - P�xr�uant �o Public Re�sorx�r�es �od� �ection ?�D1�1�a� a�nd S�ai�e �ECC�A �uic�eiin�s Secti��n �50�91�a�, th� �it� �er��� fi�ds t�a� c�a���s �r al�er�t��ns �xa�r� �aeen requir�c� itr, �r i��orpora�ed into, �e pro�e�ct t1�at avai� ar �ubst.�t�ia,�ly lesse�► t1�e s�gnifi�ar�� enviro�te�tt�l ��f�c� �� th� ���iron�n�n� to l�el��v a����� �f sign��ar���. ��cts i�► ���port o� Finc�ing - ���n�va�� anc� �rans��ta�ti��t �� ��as#�I ��lc �rl�ood�an� 1���i#at is �onsidered a s�g��nifican� �mpact d�xe �o �e �o�� ti�ne-p�riod necessary for #�i�s� hab��at� �o ��ta��i.sh, a�d the relat�v�1� �i�� ��ali�y �f wild� ha��i#at t�ia� ��y �rovi�i�. Th� pr��ose� �ro�ec� wou�d r�sult i� �re re�nova� of 11 nativ� coas� liv� oa�k �ree�, t�ie �ra�spl�nti�xg of 1� �ative coast 1i�e oa�C �rees, and the r�rnoval of as�ac�afi�d habitat wit,�i� Coas�ai �ak V1�oodlanc� ha�b�ta� o�s��. A1t�ou� the tra�spla�i�e� tr�es are pro�osed to be transplan�d �n�i�e, � �n�r��rate surv�va� r�� is �xp�c�ed. �c�d�t��nall�, trans��a�ti�ng �ak �s �a� n�� �reate ��1c wo�dlan�i ha�it�t �vi.t�i ��m.i1�r fe��ur�s �� t�t�at r�m�v�d, and r�q�i��s �a.�ny y�ars � establi.s�. Furth�r, the �a�C V1�oo�land i� serving as ax� innporkar�t �orrzdor for wi�d�if� m�v����ts. Dev����n��nt �� th� �ite ��11 fr�gment �his v��lcilif� ��rri��r an� alte�r wilc�life m��r�rn��►t �vit�in t�e �it� anci �Is� be�w�er� adj���nt �pe�x s�a���. Th�s� im�a�ts �re �or�si��r�d t� be ��a�ss II, sign�ficant b�� rnitig��1�. '�'h� �i�r �f Arroy� �ran�l� ha� �stal�l�s�i�ci �a�c tr� �i�igat��r� a.�� �r�fie�t��� ��a�sur�s. Th� g�xic��li��s set for�h b� �� ���y re�r�i�� a tre� �1ar�tir�� fe� �� a�x a��un� s�t f�� b� t�i� �i�y ��un�il. I� 1���x �� sai� f�, an�I �x��� �iiy a�a�r���l, th� ci��r���per s�.a�11� r�s���s��1� ��r the �r�rc�ias�, �lanti�ng, �naix�ter�an�� and re��acerner�t af �u�h trees if �n�c�ssary. A�u�ity �o�� �nay be reqt�ir�d, a� axt a��unt c��ter�ti�t�d �� t�i� �ity, to �r�s��re fa�t�iful perf�rma�r��. Th� bo�c� �na� �e �i�I� by �� C�ty f�r a n�axin�un� �� �w� y�ar�. Th� ��ty n�a� reqr�ire a six foo� �ree �1a��t�g �asemen� o� a�1 or s�e�ec� sub�divisio�n s�ree�s. �o tr�e� n�ay �e rernov�d unl�s� a�rre�e r��nov�l p�r�ni� has b�n �ss��d or f�r ��ti�� a�e r��o�al ��a�n ha� ��� b�er� a�p��v�cl �i� t�� �i�y. � m'utiiu►�xm �:� ���1���m�n� r��i� {�rees r�p�a��d t� �r�� 1�st� f�r �ak #�e� �w� ���es �r �nore in clian�e�er a� gra�� is re�uir�d, A��xo�xg� �nas� of th� proposed lots may be able to �e de�e�ap�d wY�i�� avoidi�� or �l1?112171�117� lIIl�1���5 �� 1��1V 1��1�� ��CS �� ��#� ��r�tain �ak �rees a�d �ak w��cilan�i �ta�i�at, a�c� a� such, th� ��r��osed �x���� would r���x1t ix� �ir��t anc� in�l�re�� irn�a�t� t� nun���r��xs ��ast liv� �a�C tr�s. ��e�i.fai�all�r, n�arly aI� �� �����sed i�ats 1� thr��r�1� �� a�� �oca�d in oak wood�a�nd �iabita�. I�or�ions of Lots 7 t.�xough �2 and �1 a�so i�va�ve oak r��r���lar�c� ar�as. �ec�rxs� i�divi�rxal �r�p�rt� ��v���s m.a� c�ev�lo� �r lands�a�� t���r �ots and re�o�� or damage oak �rees ar�r�� o� aak wood�d 1�ab�ta�, �e inciu�ian o� oa�C trees a�d o��C woa��and habitat in �ndividual �ats rais�s t�e lik�li�o�c� of impa�t �o th�se r�s�ur��s. '��ref�r�, ��1c tr�ee� in�lucl�d wit�r.in �r���s�ci l�t� s��ll be a�v��c��c� �r s�all l�e m.itig�� a���rdi��� t� t�� f�llowin� �titiga#��� m�a�ures. Miti�ati�� M�as��� - Basec� �x��� th� ar��l�sis presex�fie�l in ��t��n �.� �f �� Revis�e�d FS��R, as au�nn�r��d �y t�ie a�xa�ysis ir� the S�cor�d Addend�x�, whi�h i� in�orpo�at�ed �e�rein by re��r��t��, �h� ���1�wirtg IVii�ig��ion �Vi����r�� are feasi�I� an�i ar� n�tac�� ��nd�� �hr�t�g� Pr��ared by RJr�cor� �orrs�l��n�s �or �he �#�y o�Arroyo Gr�m�e 29 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 43 ���������� ��. �8�� �� O� '� �� t1�� ��'. Vl�i� i���sifi��� �f t�►� ����w�►g Yn��igati�x� m�a��xres, ��a�ts ar� �ess t�ar� sig�xifaican� Mitig�►�i�x� �Ir��asur� Br����; Pre-can�truci�ior� �urvey and'I'��� P�ro��ct�i�n P1a�. P�-i�r t� Tra�t IV�ap Ap�r�va1, a� a���r�t�e nxap �d��ntifyin� an�l Ioc�t�g a11 �xistin� �ns��e tr��s �nd �ll �xi��� t�rees t�at are off-site b�t af�fe�#ed by �e �roject shall be pre�ar�ed b� a�e�fiec� arbori.st anc� sub�t�e�d ta th� �ity. ���1� �a� �haii als� ����#ify a� �xist�� tr�� �hat ar� propos�d by the �pp�cant for �e�naval or �i�stru�t�o�, and suc� tre�s �� be visibiy �ar�C�d for ir�spect�o�. �ak tre�es a�nd �ak Vl�oodl�anc� �abi�a� s�all be avo�d� by adjus#�ng or rernoving �roposed 1�#s to �1i�nir��t� inc�usi�� �� ��c tre�s. �f ���i�a��� of �ak tr�es � r��t f�asibl�, �a1c trees in�l�x�ec� w��in l��s s�� requ�r� �it���t���. Ea�h �ree ar �ro�p of trees d���gna�ed t� rema.i� i� pl�c� s1�a11 b�e pro��ed �y a fiv�-�oot f�n�� �r��i�sr�r�, �ri��r �o #h� be�inning �� ���str���i�r�. T'�� f�r��� sh�ll �e �v��c��r�, �I�in �in1c, �r plasti� barr��ad� ��n�ing. 'I'h� locati�r� �f �►� f�r��� is r��rm��Iy a� �� dr��alin� �f th� #�, b�t it nn.a� by ac��ust�ci �r �n►ittec� w�th t�� City's �vritt�er� a��r��ra1. Ir► �cid���n, �� �omrnuni�y Develo�men�, �ublic VI�or1�s ar�d Parks and ��creation De�art�i�nts s�11 m�nit�r ��nst�x��i�r� a��iviti�� a.nd ��f�rc� �n ���r��r�� tre� �r�t��t���► �1art. �o �ark�n� �� v�h��le�s or equi��t��t�, �r ���rag� �� nt�at�ria�s �hall be pe�itt�c� withi�t th� �ri�lin� �� t1�� trees d�sig�afiec� t� r�main. �n th� ev�r�t that u�td��gr��xn�1 utiliti�s rnx��t �ae ��a�ed �ifi�n �� d�~iplin� o� �he �re�es to re�ain, the x�tilities shall l�e i�st�a�led �y a�tguri�.g at �4 inches � ���� �r �� hancl tren��ing. If r��#s ���� �r�� inch in c�ia�n.�t�r ar� �n��ra.�nte�r��, th� ro�ts s1�a11 be pr��erved witl���t injury. �T� rna��n� tr�n�hyn� �v�t�in ��r�e's clri�li�� s�all be peratit6ec�, x�n1�� aut�tori�ed, in writin�, by �e l�arks an� Re�c�ea#ian �ire�to�r. To �nsure pra��ion of trees� a�r�fo� bo�d n�ay �e required, as acce��ab�e t� t�t� Cit�y, �n t�� a��un� �� �1,5�,�, �r t�t� �a1rx� �f �a� a#��ct+e� tree, w�ii�l�ev�� �s grea�r. I� n� da�ag� �o pro�ec�ed ��s has occurr�ed, in #�te opin�ian of �e �e�fied arbori�t ar�c� t�i� Parks �c� �e�reati�� I���artm�nt, �� ���� sha.11 be r�t�i�►�� �xp�n �1 �u�1�in� ins�ect���, If d.arnag� �o �r�tecte� tr� is d�ter�t�x►ed fi� 1�av� o����rre�, �he bond �ha� �ae �e1d f�r �xee years a,nd forf�i�d if, �n �h� op�o� of the c�r�et� ar�ori�t a�d �e Park� and Recr�a�ia� D�p�rt�ne�t, �er�nanen� da.�nag� �as �c�urre�. ����c�m�n� ar.�r�d �1��atecl tre�s sha� be �1�rtt�c� in a�natx��a� s�ttui� ��pla���n��t �alanti�g� ��ia� �e �t ��re t�.ia� a �:1 r�t�� �nci ��a� be � �I5-ga1��n �i��d rr�rsery tr�s �r �► su�ficient numbe�r of 1oca11 �v�r► see�n i��ed ��er the ��re�io� of a�� - �► r�v�� arb�ri�t �r botax�►is� tl�a� ��ici�s an � �val�nt �ev�1 �f �ni�i a�i�n. ����a����nt antl relocated trees ��all b� �lantec� in a� natur�l ��t�t� �r��� as lan�sc��i��� at �� canopy/ dxipli�e edg� of �xist�g n�ature n�tive oalc trees; an north-faci�ng s�a�es; withi�t dra�ix�ag� swal�s ���c���� v►���n ri�ariar� 1�a�itat is �x��s�n��; �1��re t��s��l is pr����n�; a�c� away �r�m c�r�tinu�xxs��r wet �x��as ��. g., �awns� i�r��ati�r� ar�as,la�ds�a�ir�g, �t�.�, to �r�at� ��1c �nr��c�lan� ha]�it�� �� �� ��ct�r�t ��ssi�1�. �i sea��n�y tin��cl rna�nt�enan�� pr�g�r��n a�� �p�rapriat� br��vse pr�t�cti�r� will he dev�l��ae� f�r aII ��k �ree �alar�ting areas ��n �� �r�ject si�e. A Ci�y 2�pproved ��x�ed arboristJbo� s�ll b�e r�t�,rtr►e� to manit�r the a�qu�s��ian, i�s�a�,a#i��t, ax�� n�xain�enan�� �f �II oa1� �s t� be re�la��� a�d r�1�ca#�d �n th� ��r����t ��t�. R��lacen�►en� ar�d re�o�afied trees sha� b�e �no�tar�d ar�d �ai�n�a�ned by a qualified arboris� f b�t�i�t for at 1�ast fiv� �r�a�s �r unt� t�e t�ees ha�r� s�x�����full� �sta�Ii�h�� as d��ermi�x�c� �y t�� �i�y Parks and �e�reati�r� �ir�c�or. A�run�x�1 ���i�ori�g �����ts �h�at Pr��ared by �Jr�cor� �or�s�!#ar��s �or �he C�ty o�Arrayo �rartde 30 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 44 F����LL��'���1 I��. Page 3'I of '135 e��1�at�e �a� t�ee sr�rviv���li�y anc� vi�ar s�I 1� �r��ar�c� �y t�� ��r�i�d ��r�oris� anc� s�bmi�tec� t�x� C��y. A�1 #rees ��ani�� �r r�locat�ed as �xui�i���i�r� �1�a�I 1�av� a 9�D � s�xrvi�al rate a.ft�r ��r� y�ars. If t�e fi�re year survival ra�e of trees p�ant�d or �r�Yo�cat�d as �i�igatio� is �ess t�ian 9�96, the n��ber �� trees reqr�ir��i to r��� 9��6 s�rv ��►al.l be r��1a�e� �� a 1:1 ra��. A� re��cemen� mitigat�o�n �ree� �txees plantec� to rep�ace thas� tY�t did �ot surviv� t�e five year �eri���, sh�Il in turn I�av� a�u��vi�al rat� o� �10�9� f��� y�ar� fron� cl�te �� ��an�in�. Tree �oni�ri�� a�n� re��a��mer�t shall cont�ue u��l an ov�ra�1 ffve year, 9��6 st�rvi�al ra�e is �ached for rnit�gation �e�es. P�anted or reloc�►�ed �r�es shall not �e lo�cat+ed �s t� adv�rse�y irnpact on-si�e occt�rr�n�es of Pi�smo c�ir�a. Miti�a��r� M�a�r�r� B-�{��; �x����c�x��nt �radir�g ��ax�s and Tree ll�iitigati�n. Tr�� mitigatio� �s bas�d upor� t�te '�ree Ivi�tigation �la� IVia� ��ast��rock �e�e�a�rn�nt ��98), w�ii�h �►ay �hang� c��pex�ding on �� fi�a� a�����v�d �ro�e�t, T��r�f�r�, �ri�r to #1�� a��r�val of grac�n� p�rmi�, fina� i�tpa�cts ta t�e� or� t�e �aro��ct �i� �ha�1 �e re-����ua�� ��r a ��rtifi�ci arborist ��nc� srxb�tt�eci �o t�� �ity. IV�.�ti�at��n �n�asur�s f�r any tr�s �n�a�teci �y t�x� fin.a� a��r�v�c� �r��ect sha� be #�� sa�n� as �r��ent�1 �n �-��a}. ltef��n�� ���vis�d �E�R pa��s �.�-2�� fi�r��g� �.�-��, a�c� Se��nc� Adc���nc�r��n F�ges 2�-�5. �.2.� �ote�tially �i���a.x�►� I�irect Im��t�t &�. ��ns�ruct��� �� t�� �rop���d ������t woulc� irn���� P�sr�� �larkia, a F�d�rally-�is�d �r�dar�,��r�� an� �tat�-],is�e� l�ar� �1an� sp�eci�s, ���ur�ring wi� t�� �r��c� ��te, T�is w�u1d l�e ����c��red a�l.ass II, �igr���car�� bz�� tr�iti��b� i�rt�a�t. �ir�dix�� - Ft�rs�ant t� F�xb1i� R�s��r��s ��c�� Se�tion ����1��� a�d �tate CE�� �t�i���in�� �ti�r� ��9��a�, th� �i�y ���1�� fi��ds that cl�tan��s �� �l�e���i�r�s ha�r� �veen req�irec� �, �r in��r��ra�l in��, t�� ���ject �ha� av��� �r ��bstantia�I�r 1�sser� th� sig�r�i�ant �nvir�ntn��ta� effect o� th� e�vi�ro�n�n� to b�lo�nr a�e�el o� si�nif�ca�ce �a�ts ir� Support a�f �inding - T1�� original pro�osed pro��t and �he first r�d��ed der�sity ��v�1�pm�n� �r���sal w�uld in��a�� P'�sm� �larki�, a��c��rall�-�ist�d E�c�an��r�i an� ��a�e- Iisted Rar� plant �p�ci�� oc��rri�g wi� t1�� �r��e�ct �it�. �'i,s�� �larkia �e�txr��n�es �an ��x�tuat� �nsit� a�.�'►�xa�� �e�erxding ��t t1�� patt�rn �� r�i�fa11 re�c�iv�t�, Th� �it�e �ar� sup��rt a I�isrno clarkia popt�a�io�, which d�xri�g �a�ne y��rs a�pe�rs to �e �nore ro�t �han during a#�iers. IVi,it�gati�n ou�e�d � t�e ��vi�ed Fina� SEiR a�� incor�porate�d �ta t�ie Firs� �ddend�m ���rx���i Pis�� �Iarkia av��c�an�e, ����.c� �a�rmit �����ia���, a�� �o��l��i�r� �f a w�rlc�r �d��a�i�� pr�gra�. As r��te� �► th� �eviseci Fina1 �EIR, inrt�l�n���tati�r� �f #�ies� m�as�res w�uld ��t r�c��x�� i�r►�a�cts to a��ss tl�n si�r�ifi�ar�t ��v�l unl��s a�r�ida��� is �ss�xred, an� t�i� in�pa�� for t�e or�iginal p�ra�ect was �i�r�fare �st�ec� a�s C�as� �, sigr��;�can� and �rr.a�vidabie. T�� fi��� rec�u��ed ci��tsi�y dev�i��m�r►� pr���sa�, as anal�r��� in t�� Firs� ����n���, v���x�d s�mil�rl�r r��sult ir► ��ass �, si�a�r�r�� ar�� r�t�avoi�able, i���c�s �o �s�n� cl�rl�i�, H�w�v�r, t�� sec�r�d r�c�.r���ci �1�r�sity d������n�n� pr���sa� �v�u�ci �v�id �t����c[ oc�urr�nces o� Pisma �larki�, as a11 dev��op�x�nt is �o�cated �ore �an 5� fe�et firo� th� �dg� of t�� ���urr�n��s �re��r t� �igur� ��. �r� �a���, �� ���r��t ci��I���n��nt {pr��oseci ��a�-c�1��rt crossin� t�t� Eas� F�r�C of M��c��w �ree�C} wa�1� be lo����c� ���ro�cima�l�r 1�a �ee� �r�m �� n�arest ma��er1 o��x�ren��. T`h� n�ar��t ��� {Lot 1� w�uld be 1��at�c� �ver �U(] �ee� f��rn #�i� r�ea�st mapped ac�u�rence. I�pa�s would th�s b� consid�rec� sigr����artt b�c� mi�i�able ��12�ss II�, I���v�v�r, �cause ciev�����n��t woulci still occur w�t�i�n th� vi�ir►ity �� �r��ri�� Pi��r►� c�arl�i.a �ap�xla�ions, n�tiga#��� wau�d �till b� r��ired �a �ur� ��ss #�tar� sig�nifi�an� i�pact�. Pr�ep�r�ed by R�rrcor� C�o,�ser1#�rr��s fvr �fr� C�y o�Arroy� �rande 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 45 F����LIJT��N IV�. P�ge �� of 135 Th� area shown a�s "�st�abli���c� Pi�n�o Clarkia Mi�igation Ar�a" or� the Trac� 1998 Pi,sn�o ��arki2� �tributi�n anc� IVfitigati�r� Map �adr� Asso�ia�es �00�� is c�r�s�c��r�d �� be ��gin��l� suitable h�bitat �ar Pis�� �larkia. '�i.s area ��c�ends fro� t�� s��x��rn adj���r�� prap�ri� �r�to th� �ro�ct site. �r�vi�us �lanti�gs �i��w ��m� su���s�, ��x� ��r�si�� �n��- nativ� v��c�t grass �urrently oc�u�i�s n�u��h �� �t� �������� �itig��i�r� �rea. This grass ���n��� ��xt-c�mpet�es nativ� sp�ci��, and irt � sh�r� ti�r�� �e�~i�� ���x1� �limin��e �ot�n�al F�s�� �I�rkia gr�wt� a�r�as, F�rtai��s �f #�is area m�y �urr�n�1� disp�� 1�a��ta� c�a.���t�ri.s�i�cs �l�a� ar� s�xi�a��� ��r 1'is�� �l�r�Cia, I�owev�r, th� p��ent�al #'�r a srx����sf�il ��n�-ter�n papulation of I�is�to clarlc�a is ��a�y redr�c�d bas�d on �e �rese��e of invasive spe�ies. Add�tio�ally, �� �s R�n�on's und�rsfi�anc��ng t.�at t�ie "Es�ablish�d �is�r►o ��ark�a Iv�i�igation Ar�z�" is ��itigati�� a�re� fr�rn a��vi�us �r�j�ct, �r�� th�r���re �i��s r�ot ��nstitlxte mi�igatior� for t�� pr���sec� �r�����. Many �ies, na�iv� pl.ar�� s�e���s wit�i ��i1y sp�cia�l�ed �i��es a�e adv�rsely �ff�c�ed by y�ar� of increaseci �recipita�i�n to#�1s, �'`i�m� ��1cia a��ars t� �� ��� �� t�i�s� r�ativ� s�e�ies adv�rs�I�r affe��cl thr��►gh ��rnp�t'rti�r� wit� weed� gr�sses �� f�r�� ��ring �e2�rs �� hi�her rainfa�i ��ta�s. A��1iti�xxal��, IVi�dit�rrar��an �Iants 1ta�r� a wi�� varia#i�n �f r�s��ns�� �� t1�� #i�i�g �� �i� ��as�r��l r�infa�I. F�r �stan��, �any ��n-na�iv� a�nrxal speci�s �i.a� ���npete witt� nativ� ���eci�s s�rc� as ��sm� �lar�Cia r����nd v�ry w��I to �arl� �all�wir��e�r �ains, while ot�►ers �ave sp�ci�c �o�o�ca� req�xi�rern�nts t�t s�ppr��s se�d ge�i�ation ux��i1 �a�er ix� th� gr�win� s����n. Th�ref�re, t�i� am�un� �f �re�i�itati�r�, as w�� as th� ��as��a1 t�iing of t�� �rai�fali, �a.� affe�ct Pisma �1a�1c�a's d�sttrnbut�on a�d ab��y �o �o�tpet+e w�t� ot�e�r �lant ��e�i�s. I� is �s� i�rti���~tar�� to r�ote tha�t va�riati�ns i.� ��ar1� r�inf�ll �ota�s affect ann�xal plan# sp�i�s d�ff����►t�� t�an r�infall t�taI� aff��� �ab��at t���s. F�r �xa���l�, t�i� d�stx�ib of an a�un�xal �Iant sp�ci�s fr�n� ��ax t� ��ar in a�arti�ular ar�a is �n�x� nn�re a f�ctor �f ra���1 tot�l�s t�iar� th� di�trib�.i�i��t �� ax� �stablis�i�c� are� �� a�a�ticx��a� �a�ita� �y�e. F`�r ins�a���, ��tlanci a�� ripar�iar� v��e�at�on accur � ar�a� of incr�ased �vafier availability, ar�d once est�ab�s�i�d w� �y�icall� �n�on�pass abo�x� t�i� sam� �urfa�� area u�ess th�r� i� a�or�s�s�e�t i�c�r�ase in ar�rtua�l �rair�fa�1. S�il�rl�, ur�l��s �h�re is a srx��t�n�ial re��xctx�r� in ann��l rainfa�l ��ta�s �r wa�er ava�la�ili�y, �stabiis�ted we�lan� an�i �ip�Y~ia� vege�ation �a� persist �urir�� dry peri�ds, �����rs�ely, r��tiv� ��nn�xal ��� speci�s s��h a� Pi�rn� �larlci� a���a� �o ta��r�t� and t�riv� c�c�ring y�ars �� 1��v�r av�r��� r�i�fall ��t�s ��mpar�d to �� �n�n-nati�� �n�r�al grasses a.�d �orbs tha� can o�x�-comp��e suc� species w�i�n an�ua� �re�ip�tat�on va�u�es a�e �i��. As ��ch, the area� �ov�red �y arwx��a� ��ant species ca�n fluctuat� na�xrally based on �reci�itatio� wh�reas �sta���eci pererwx�ial �r���t�ati�n ar�ci ha��#�t tYp�s �Y�i��►li�r ��c��rience �tt�e sur�ace area fluct�xa#io� unl�ss �onsec�xti�� y�ars o� �ither in�r�ased preci���ation or cir�ug�� ar� ��c��ri�nced, �� t�i�r� is a�a�as�r���i� e�v�r�t or � n���o-t����ra��i� �ha.�g�. Nia�s of P�smo �larkia dis�ribut�an on #�� s���ect p�a�er�y ha�ve l�een. prepared �ror� sfi�d�es p�erfor�rned dur�in� ��98, �0�0, 2��, ar�d 24�. A camparison of �ese fa�r ma�s ar�d a.� eva�r�ation of the co�~respon�g pre���itation data fron� t�i� nea�st weat�er �t�ation {�isn�o Beac�� for t�ie y�ars wh�c1� t�e proje�t site was studi�d s�o� t1�at dc�ri�g av�ra�ge or be�aw av�rag� rair�fall years Pi�mo clarkia d�d excep�ior►�lly we� and was o�served ca�erir�g �he Iarges� ��rti�r� �f th� si�e. T�� �a� ����vi�� t�i� ��s� s��r�c�i� anc� r��nrt��ni�g�x�us o��urr�nces of P�s�o �lark� was �r�par�d fro�n dat�a �olle��ed i�n 14�8. �f t�� fou�r years af �re�c���tati�n c��ta ���n.�ar��,19�� l�.ad t�� m�st ���~iyng rai� {?_�.09 inches by �Via��. Drtxri�g th� ��a� 2�00,1f�.6� ���►es �f ra�n hac� �a1��x� b� Iv���, a�c� #�� �na� �r�du��c� �y P�d�r� Pr�pare�f by R�rrcor� Cor�su�ar�#s �or ��� C�y of Arroyo �rar�de 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 46 �����L����� ��. ���� �� �� � �� Assacia�s i�►���tces a��r� ���r►ttargu�us Pi.sm� �larkia oc���'r�n��. T�i� ma� �res��t�c� �'► �i.is �EIR refiects data colle�t�c� d�x�ng ��, a�d t�.� �o�rrespondi�g pre�c�pitation thr��xgh I1r�ay �f �002 �va.s �.�� i�►���s. F�r�a�1�, �urin� 200'3, �.1� i�ch�s �� r�i�r� �xac� fa�1�� �y May �nc� t�� ��r��s��r�din� �a� �r�dx��� b� A1t�o�xs� a�c� ivi�a�� sh�ws Iarge ��nti�u��s Fis�� ��ar�Cia popu�tions, a� well as o�h�r si�car�t areas con��g �isyno �Ia�r1�i� ar� t�e pro�ect sit� t�iat ��r� r��t ��rved �r ma�p�� c��ring �ie pr��ri�us s�di�s, ll�itig�tion ��a�ares - Ba��d u�on t�ie att�al��is p�res�n�d ix� �ctio� 4.� of �e Revised F��I�, �s au�►���d b� t�� ar�I��i� in th� �e��r�ci ��c��r�c�x�m, wl�.c1� is ir����p�rate� �i�rein �� r�ferer�c�, t�� f�11�v�r�g I1�iti�at��r� IV��as�xr�s ��re ��asi�l� ar�c� a�r� nn.a�� bi��g t�uc��xgh �e �riIVIl�F. M�#igati�n M�a�rxr� B-�{�}: P�s��r►� C�arlci� A�r���a���. 1. T�� Pis�xt� �la�lci.a ����rre���s �nc� m��i�n�xrn ��f��t ��.�ffer ��r�� ��r �r�s��rv�d ar��� shall be show�n on a1� �rad�ng p�ans a�nd s�all 1�e ���ca�ed wi� �ig�y vi.sible co�st�ur�io�n fencin�. �. �"����rary f����n� �1�a�1 be inst�all�cl �rounci th� Fism� �larkia �ec�xr��r���� ���r t� a�y c���ructi��t ��tivi�i�s, ���udin� ground c�xsturb�n�� or s�t� g��din�. Fro f�r�cin� s�a11 re�t�ai� in p1a�e t�rougho�t �e pra�e�t constx�x�tion �eriod. ll�iti���i�n M�asur� B-4{b�: [l��M��E�, A� �'I' ��E� 1��'�' APPL�C '�'� 'I*�II� 1����� PR�JE�"I'] Mitigation 1V�easure �4�c}: Vl�orker �d�x���io� �ro�ratn. ��for� �y �rading or �anst�r�x�tian a�tz�viti�s ��n�m�r���, all pers�ru��l �ss��iat�c� wit� th� �r���c� s�ia�l ��encl � w�rlc�r �c����ti�n �r�gram r�g�rdi�� th� se�si�iv� �i����i�a� r�so�xr��s ���urri�g iun #�� �r�j��t �r�a �i i �., l�is�� �l.arkia a�nc� ��i�r bi���g��a� res��xr�es s�s��ptibi� �� �r��e�ct x��1��ec� im�a�#�� . ��ae���s �f �is �r��arn sha11 in�1�d� �ci�ntifi�ati�x� �� �ism� ��arkia a.�c1 i�s �iabi�at, a�c� ��r�f� revi�w �� t�� �itig�t�on m�asur�s �reqr�ir�d to red�x�� i�npa�ts �o t�iis s�ec�es. � fact s��t �onvey�g t�i�s infornnatio� s�ll aL�o be �r�pared fo�r di�tri��xtio� fi� all �o�ntracfiars, thei� e��loy�rs, a�d oth�r p�rs�r�n�1 inv���r�c� wi� c��tru�ti�n �� �h� pr��e�t, Th� ��mm�nity l��v�l��n�►��t, I�x��i� V1�orks a.�d B�xildin� Depa�m�nts �ha� � r�ot�fied of t�i� t�in�e �ha� t�e ap�i��ar�t i�te to lt�l�l t�s meetin�. �ef�r�n�� - R�v�ise� FSEI� �a��s �.�-�� �hr��xg� �.�-��; �cld�ncl�rxx� ��g�s 1�-22; ��n�i ����nci�� �a�e� ?��$. ,5.2.� �o�entially �ig�tifi�an� i�ir�t ����t �-a. ��j�ct i�t�1���r��ati��n �v��lci reclu�� t�t� ���u��ati�n� a�d a�vaila�l� �.abitat �� ��1��f� i�► ��r���ra�, i��i�xciin� s�e�ia1-st�t�.s spe�i��. B�a�xse �� th� kn�� �r ��t�r��ial �r�sen�� �f sen,siti�� wilc��i�e s�e�ci�s �n�si�e, �� 1�ss �f wi�c�life ��.abit�� is co�.s�dered a �1ass �I, sigt����ar�t �ru� rnitigab�e �rn�act. Findi�tg - T�x�s�xan� �� I'�b1�c 1�����xr�es ���� Secti�n �1���a} an� �ta� �E�A �t�i��lin�� S�ctio�n �5�9��a�, �i� �i�y hereb�r fi�ds t�at ��ang�s or al�erat�ar� �iave 1�r� �r�q�xi�ed in, or in��rp�r�� into, �e �r��ect t�t �v�i� ar sub�t��i�l�� ��s��r� �e signi�i�a,�t �rtv�r�n�n�n�al �ff�� �� th� ���rir��ent t� �el�w � ��v�� �f si�nificanc�, �a�ts in Sx��par� af Findi.ng - Po�+e�tiallang��rnn ��a�ts to w�d� ar� related to ��nst�rx��i�� activi�y anci n�ise, atr�c� 1�uYnax� �ar�s���. ��e�if�� im�ac�s i��lrxc�� th� �Iisr�x�ti�� �� patt�rns �� 1�ab��a� �xs�e, dis��a��mexxt �� i��iivid�x�ls, ��sru�t��r� �f br+��di�� hab�t�, di.sru�t�on of w�d�fe rnave�en#�, and nig1�� ligl�ting. �r+e�ar� by Rfncor� �on���nts �or #�e ���r af Arroyo �r�r��e 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 47 ���������� ��. ���� �� �� ��� Ir��a�ts �� �1li�d��� ir� �t�era�. '�"h� ��g��ati�r� �ha�ges �ss��ia� w�t� pr�j�c� c�ev�l��m�n� wox�1� r�d�x�e �h� ac�rea�e of t�e existing on�i� ve��t�atio�n at.�d would chan�e #�ie abi�ity of th� ��-site �l.a��� ���n�iti�� to s��par� �i1c�lif'� ���x�1a�i�ns, i��luc�in� s�nsi�iv� �peci�s. �t adc�iti�n t� �� dire�� 1�ss �f I�abita�, pr��e�t dev���pm�nt �v��c� �ik��� x���u1t i�► in�r�ase�d m�rta�i�y t� �pe�i�s tha� ��r►tinu� �� r��� �� �r��ect sit� a.fter c�ev�l��Yne�t ��x� ta c���n�s�i� a,�� feral ar►i��al predat�on and calle�ct�tg, as w�1I as att�tion o� im�o�t pr+ey reso��ces for wildlife in �h� r�nrtain.in� �i�a�it��. A wide vari�ty of wildlif� s�i.es �ou1d b� �dvers�ly affec�ed by �he pres�enc� of 1ig�ts fro�n �� pr�p�sec� c�e��I��rn��n�. I�o�tu�rnal s�cies #�iat rel� �r� c�arknes� t� hunt �r evac�e �redators, inc�u�di�� owls, �x�.g�i�lnawks and rod��tts, would �e aff��ted. Certai� species o� aer�al-for�gi�g �ats may be he��ed �y �nig�i� li�ht�� b�cause of t��ir attractiv�n�ss to �rey i�ems �r��� as fl�r�g ins�c�s. R���r �� Se�t��� �.1, A����e�c�, �f th� I�evi��ci �'S�II� f�r f�r�h�� ��.sc�xssi�r� of i�pa��ts and �i�i�a�.�r� r�latin� t� �r��ct 1ig�i�in�. �rr��a���s to �p�ec�al-�t�t�s �Ic��i�e. �i� �p��ia�-statu� s��c��s, �' pr����t �� th� �r��ec� sit�e, ar� lik�1� to �e �n�a�tec� b� dire�� and inc�ire�ct a��iv�t��s asso�ia�ec� �vi� �r�j�c� in�p���n�n#a�i�n. Dev�lo�nn�n� �� t�i� �roject si�e �ill r�m�v� p�tex�tial rap��r ���ag�n� f��s�g I�abita� fr�rx� the s�t�. Itn��cts �� Vl�i���� I1�ia�errrer�� Cor�r�d��s. 'I'h� �ntix� si� �u�rre�tl� a�t� as � vrri�d�£� ��rr�cl�r, �acilitating wildlife n�a��men� fron� upiand �reas t�ixou�i �re �nore urbar�i�ed dowx�stream rea�es of the IV�eac�aw �r�ek systexx�. A1�augh fi�e can��ruction of Jame�s �ay a�nd �h� s�x�rarxnding ph�.ses o� t�i� Rancho �raand� pro�ct, as well a� in�reased ru�r� r�ident�al deve�o�rn��t, � frag�te�►t�ed �a�iv� hab�ta� i� th� region, a s�fF��i�nt moven��nt cor�idor for com�non wildl�£e sp�ies such as b1a�k-t�ail�d deer, coyoi�es, ra��oons, rab�its, and op�ssum� st�ll remain�. I�r�p��ec� �� sit�e �o�ds aunc� srxbseqrx�r�t r�sid�nt� c�ev�l�p��nt �v��ic� �rag�n�r►t ha�ita�s, t�iereby a�fe�ti�tg w�iidlife �noven�e�►ts. Barriers � n�ove�nen� such as roadways anc� sr�b�eq�xent resi���t�a.� c�e��l��n���t a��e dis�r�por�i�na�e�� �r��t�r ��r s�na�1-s��ed ani�n�ls, bu� ev�� �ar�� nnarn�ai n��������s �r� affectec� b� t��s� �e�t�re�, IV���t �f th� im�a�t t� �arger anima� is c�ue �o re-ad�ustnn�n� of horne �ang��, bre�di�ng fie�itar�ies, and for�gi�n� habits in respo�e �o �hanges �t �rey movem��t#s ��d genera� ��t�uct�o� i� availabili�y of �r�y. �tudi�� �� �nr�a1� �nan�►�1 rn���m�r�ts hav� s��wn t�ia� the �r�s��n�� �f r�a�ways �v�t�lc� ir�trod�te� � s��xr�� �� mortalit�r n�t �xrr��l�r �r���n� �� t�� �it�, i.�., wildlyfe-v��i�1� int�ractions. Ar�d�tio�a�y, t�i� Jam�s Vl�ay �ak �ab�ta� a�nc� VI�ildlife Pres�r�� is des�grua� ope� �pa�e t�a� is adjac�r�t �o t�e proje�t �i�, w�ic1� al�ows th� pro�ect s�t�e to s�erve �s a narrow corx�idar f�r wildli�e �� �rav�rs� � lar��r areas �f �per� anci ur�dev�l�pe�d ha�it�� Th� �re����� �� th� �a�st f�r�c �f IVi�a�i�� �ee�, th� s��sor�a� �vafier t�iat �� �r�vid�s anci its ��ntir�uan�� �f�s��e in both nart�ea,s�ern a�nd sauthwes�ern c��re�ctions, increases the �celihood #1�a� t�e �ra�ec� si�e is a� i�np�rta►nt lo�al wi�c�f� ��rrid�r. T�� ��s�t�e �a�c �V��clla�nc� �abit�t is �Is� �n i�n��rtant �eat�r� f�r wi�dl�f� ����rn��t. �v�l��n��n� �� t�i� �r�j��� si�� ���1� a�t�r �urrer�t w�c�fe movement patberns, fragmer�� a�d r�s�ict t�� w�idtl� o� #���� wildl�fe �a��or�, as w�ll as isola�e �h� ���� s�a�� in th� �a�rnes Vl�ay �alc ��bitat a�c� V1�ildlif� T'�r�s�rv�. Pr�e�ar�d by R#r�cor� �orrsu�#ar�t�s for #he ��ty a��4rroy� �rande 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 48 ����`����� ��i ���e 3� �f 'f3� Irr����ts ���ated t� Ir��asiz�e I�T�r�-�J�tiv�e Spec•fes. Pr�j�ct cie��l��m�nt w�u�d i�ntx�dx��� ��r n�a�nt�ain �no� na�ve a�in�al� �uch as �x��fro�s, �o�s� sparrows, �uropean starlir�gs, dags, �a�s, I�I�rwa� a�nd �la�1c rats, a�n� ��u.�� �nic� t� �� �r��ect si�. I� a�iditi�r►, ��r��e�ct �ev�l�pn��r�� w��x�c� intr�c���� or maintain r►��-na�sv� invasi�� �la�t� thr��x�� lar��Isca�ing of �ew re�ider�c�s/s���ures ��►d �tr�et�. �'h� i�ntrodu�tion and/or �antynrxed �resence of t��s� s�e���s �v�u�ci �li�cectly an�1 i�ciir�ctl�r �nn���� �vilc�iif� r�s�r�r��s in se��ral wa��; �} by ��x�-c��pe�vng na�i�� ����� ��r ���ci; �} pr�c��ti�r�; �� anci �abitat a�t�rati�r�. Traf�i� �nd ��d��triax�s, ��r �xan��1�, ma� alte� habi�t, �art�cularly f�r g���xnc�-�d�v�1�i� s��ns�ti�r� �pe�i� su�r as t�i� nort�►e� harrier, bur�rowi�ng owl, a�nd �alifor�r�ia. �iorned lark t�at fe�ed a�c� f�r r��s� ��x �r r���r t�� gr��nd. ��j�ct b�ilc��u� �a� r�s�l� ir� t�i� ��reac� �f non-�ati�r� �Xant� throug� di��.irbax��� ar�ci �sca��s �f �rnam�r�tals. Th�s ����c� ��ter�ti��l� i�np��t wilc�,if�, in�lt�d�n� ��nsiti�� sp�ie� d�x� to l�ss �f f��� r�s��rc�s and ��v�r. A�t�iaugh no� a dire�� in�pact t� wildlife, �� intr�duc�ion of don���t�c cats a.nd d�gs cor�l� �rea�e conf�icts �e�vveen ��dators such as coyo�es and dornest�� anin�als. ��sidents �nay kill �r�c�i �r�a��ors, with t�� ��s���i�ity th�t �t�i�r n�r�-predafi�� sp�ci�� ��u1ci � a�#��tec�. Itn�acts #� V1l��et� Resourres. �'h� Eas� ��r1c �f ��a���v �r�e�C ���s�sts �ri�n�ril�r ��' an �a�t�� bottom, sugg�st�ng that �eavy ��din�e�t �oads ar� pre-existing �o�d�tio�s �n th� �nra�ers�ied� Howev�r, adverse effe�#s on the wafie�r qrxali�y of the e�st fark of Meadow �r�ek, �e ma� �har►��1 �� �Vi�a�ow �reelt, ar�� sev�ral �x�ann�c� c�raina��s, ��t�i �n-si� a�nc� ��wnst�eana fro� �e �ro�e�t si�, co�rld �ose a risk �o t�tese 1�abit�ats ar�d t1�e s�e�ie�s �it �se �hern. �nnpac�s �o wa�er �uality could resu�t fir�� cons�nic�io� act�vi#ies or� #1�e pro�e�ct si� that ���afie unstabl� s�i1s �r b� ��nstruct��n �n.afieria�s. ��ten�i.a1 �is�C ��n��s fr��n t�� f ��1�wing so�xrces: �a} f���, hydrau�ic fluids, ��ir��s, so�ver�ts, ar�d o�er ��e�ica�s; �� i�c�reas�c� s�di�nentatio� co���l o��ur t�urjn� a�d af�er canstnic�ion; �c� raadways wou�d became �oir�t ��ur��s f�r run�ff in�� ��arb� �reek�; �c�} ac�diti�r�al ��sti�ic��s, ferti�i�ex�s, and Y��r�icid�� w�rxlc� be intr����et� �nt� #h� �i�e. V1�afie� ��llt���i wit� si�t a.��. f�r ��nstru��i��t c��bx�is, �r auny of �i� above sources wauld tr�ave� do�rnstream, pa�entiall� reac�in� the Pi.sn�o �a�oo�. B�c��xs� �� t�� sensitivi�y �� �ta�itats a�so�ia�d w��t� �� �alc w��d�and �nrit�i� t�i� s��sonal draina�es a.�� �i�arian habita� �rritt�ii� #h� eas� for�C of IVleadow �re�k, as we1� as t�ieir COIlI1�C�l�ri �D C�O�+V�IS�'��1 T�C��I�DYS, �1� xli�'���1C�[OI1 O� S��'l��i�S� �'11��.5, D1�5� ���V��i�S, p�s�i�id�s, fe�z�rs, ���bi�id�s a�nd ax�ima� wa�t� to #h��� �vate���urs�� is ��nsid��rec� a �ofi�e�#i�aiiy �ign�ficant i�r►pa�t. As di�usse�d in I��act B-Z�a�, if impacts fio ri�a�~�a� and w�t�ax�d �iabitats ar� n�� a��i���, #��r� �o��li�a��� �vit� �cti�r�s 401 �n� �0�4 �� t�i� ���an Vl��t�r Aet �r�d Secti�� 1� �� s�q. �� t1ti� �ali.�'�rn.i� Fis�r �nci �axx�� ��c�� w���ci 1� nec�ss�y. ���n��uan�� wi� these reg�xlati�x�s w���c� req�x�� t�at the �n�ite ��a�ia� ar�c� w��l�r►c� habitats re�tai�n as �ood a� or be�fier t�n pr�-cax�stru��ion conc�itions ax�d any in�pac#s to wat�r r�s��x�c��s w��xlci b� ��rxsi��red �r��1�ti�� �� #h��� 1��s. �npa�ts t� wat�r q�xal�ty ar� discu�sed in �reater c��t�il ir� �e��i�� �.� �f t�� I�evised ���II� �nd �� rnit���t��n rn�a��r�� in �mpa�t H-��a} i�dicat�e �at compl�a�nce w�t�i t�e I�ational �'o�1�x�io� El��inatian I�i�charge Sys�ern a�d t�erefore, imp�en��r�t-atio� of a Sta�m Vl�at�r 1'ol��rt�on Prevent�on Flan and Best IV�anag�n�ent Frac�ices to �ontrol in�pac�ss to �vafier q�xa�i�y ansit� a� we11 as dow�n str�an�, in�l�ciin� �h� Pisrn� �a�aor�, will �e r��u�red. R�fer to �e�ction �.5, I��c�r���gy/�I����t� �ua�ity, �f the ��vised �SEIR ��r f urt��r discu�si��t �� �xn�a�i� anc� �iti�at��n �r��ati�g �a �v�t�r qu��y, �e�c���ary biologi�al in��a�ts �a.�► ���t�r a� a re�ul� �f ��ge�ati�n �ana���t��t� �rec��.ixern�nts for th� �urp��e �� �'ir� ��ntrol and �r�v�nti�x�. �ecti�� �.�.� F�r�ae 2'����tto�t�, �f th� ��vi.s�c� �SEII� requir�� t�� a��1��ant t� ci�v�l�� � F�����g��ati�n iv�ar��gen���t P1ar� �r F��1 �r�par�ed by R��rcar� Gor�s�#ta�#s for fhe �f�y of Arroyo �ra��e 3a Agenda Item 9.c. Page 49 ���������� ��i �a�� �� Of '� �� IVio�d�'i�a�ion P�n for the si�e �o red�ce t�'►� sit�e's c�xr�en� �g� fir� �a�ard. Th� �re�q�men�; as e�s�ab�is��d �t�a�e t1�a� 3� f�t of ac�eq�ate cleara�nc� fro� ��x�h to struc�t�xre� �ust �e �ain�ain�c�, �nc� v�getat�on witi�i� t�s 3�-�oat �ane rnust be strictl� irr��a�d a�d co��roll�d. The SEIR f���r r�o�un�r�ds that grass�es �ha� ��xt dowx� �o a�ength of 4�nc�es or l�ss yearly, or a.s rec��ir�c� by th.e Cit�y of Arroyo Gra�.�nde F�e ]�epa�t�n�n�. ��g�t�tion manag��e�tt wo�xld pa�en�i.al�y �tvo�ve r��noval af son��, i� �tot a�, �►ativ� ve���a�or� wit�n 3� f�et o� a st�xc�ure. T�t� fuel �tod�fiicatiox� p�n as req�ired could a�so i�volve ' ' g oak �ree� t�at hav� �ra��nch�s �f �w� ix���te� i� c�ia�eter �r l�ss �withir� ��ur �o ��x fe�t �f tl�� �ro�nd. 'Tri��ni�g or �en�ovi�� shrubs �vithin t1�e oak �re� canop� cou�d a�sa o��ur �s a r�s�xlt �� th� fu��l �n�c�i�icati�� �r�grar�. A�s 1or�� as �e �foot riparia�n and P�s�no cl�rkia s��backs a�r� �plem�ntec�, �� r+equ�xe� 3� ��e� �� a�e����e �1��ra��� rna� b� a�hiev�c� wit���� aciciiia��na� ��va�#s t� �� �r�site �i�1�g���� res��xre�s. Th� f��I �n���fi��ti�r� �r�gr�m x�t�xs� b� �trategi�a�y i�r►�I�m��xtec�, mea.r�ng patches of oak canopy and asso�iat�c� und�rs�ory �vYatr�s a�ay fron� stxrxct�r�s and ��xtsic�e of t�i� fu�I rnodifi���i�r� ���es s��u�c� �e l�ft inta�t. ���rapriat�e I�w-fu�1 ��ad �rat�v� v�getatio� n�ay be plant�d �long �e p�rin�e�rs of the nat�ve �tabitat ty�es and remova,l af hig�.�� ��nn�rxs�i��� speci�� �a�t 1��ser� im���ts fr�m imp���n�nta�i�r� �f t�'►� f�.i�� modi�ic�tion ���, �e n�ar�ir� o� the oak woad�a�d and coa�stal s��x� h�abitat �ypes wo�rld po�er�i�a�y �e affected b� �� im����n�r��atior� �f �� f��Y n�a�i��ai��n �1�n, wh���i ��ux� af�e�� ar�im.a� �..s� �� �h� �nargin.s �f ��se �i�abitat t�r�s. I��wev�r, t1�� c��v������ynt �f �� si�e ar�ci ass��ia�d 1�uman c�stur�ar���� �i.�.: in�r�a�sec� h�xn�tar� �r�ser►��, �i��t�t�, r��is�, �fic.� �v��1ci �Iso 1�k�I� ci��r ax�i�n.als fir�� u�i�� �i� n�argi�ns �f �h� hab��at. ��n�t���1 �� v�g�tati�� i�x t���� ar��s may �lso adv�rse�y af�fec� Pisn�o �la�kia pia�ts. As d�tailed in ar� Aug�xst 29, �.�D �t�mo �rom �'eres�a IVf cClish, n�owing wi� a��as of P�sn�o �larkia w� occx�� �v�er� n�essary a�co�di�g to �� �ity F�r� �e�artnn���, bu� shal� r��t talc� �la�� ��i1 af�ber La�o� ���r �� �nsur�� seec�in� a� F�r�to c1ar�Cia has o�curred. Car+efu� remova� of �derstory waody br�.�s� w��iin t�i� Pisrna clar�cia p�e�serve a�r�as �an aLso o�ccur wit�out adv�rse �npa�t� �o this s��es. Rev�ge#at�or� af t1�e ripari.a� set�ack f b�rf�f�r �or�e a�s rec�uired i� �nr►pact �-Z ��ould �onsist of a��r���i�atel� s�lect�t� l��v ���n�u�ti��e �I�rub� an�i ��r�a����� ����i�� nat�v� �� th� regi�r� �o �ns�xr� t�� f�x�ll�ad is ��� in��re�sed. T1��se a�re�s ���xYc� aY.s� b� �~rig�t�eec� to f�i�c�h��r �red�x�� #� fu�� l�ad arx� ���n��� wit� requ�i.��x����s �stab�s��c� in th� �u�� m�ci' '�atior� �r�gr�n�. �� is �parta�i� to �o�e t.�.aat c�reful atten�ian to i�np��me�#�ng the fu�� n�odificat�on progran� ��u�d r��t �dv�r��y i�t�a�c� ���1�gi�a�1 r�s��xrc�s, Miti�ation M�asures - ��d upon t�� ax�a�ys�s ��esex��ed �n ��ion 4.2 of #h� �ev�sed �S�Il�� a� augn�en� by th� analysis �n t�e Secand Addend�m, w�ii�h i� inco�pora�ed �e���n �� r�f�ren��, �h� f�11��vi�g M�ti��ti�� M�as�r�s �r� ��as�b�� a.�c� ar� ma�1� �inding thr��xgh t�� MiV�RI�, Vl�i#�x �xn��si#��r� �f t�i� f��lowir�� �it��ati�n rn��suxes, i�n�a�ts ar� l��s tha�n s�g�ifican�. Miti�ation M�asu�re B-5�a}: �R��Vi�V��, A� IT D�E� N�T' APPLY '�'� '�'HI� �E�S�D PR�JE�"I'] 1Vlitigatio� 1Viea�s�xr� B-5�b�: �ro�xr�d Di�kurbance �'in�ir��. Ir► ord�r to avaid im�ac#s to n�sting 1�i�c�s in�lr�ciin� t�� gr�und-��st�n� n��i�rr� harri�r, �r �th�r bir�s �r��t�ed �.r�c��r �repared by R�r�con �or���rltarrts f�r #!�e C�ty o�Arroyo Gr�ar�de 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 50 F����L�Tf�IV �1�. �age �� of 4 35 the M.igrato�ry ��r�i T�at�y A�t, a1� �n.it�� gro��d d�stt�r��x� act�vities a�d tre�e �ex�nova� s�ou�ld be a��idec� fr�� �riar�� �� to S��ten��r 1�, u�nl�ss ��r�-��ns#re��ti�n s�xrv�y f�r ��tiv� ��sts vvithi�n t�►� Ii�it� �f gra�d�� �,s ���rlu��e�d b�r � quaiif��c� bi�l�gis� a� t�� s�te tw� we�ks �ri�r to ar�y �o�xs�ruction a��iv�t�e�s. If a�iai�� nest� a,re loca�i, th�r� a11 �o�s�ru��on work m�xst be ��nc�x�et�ci �� l�a�t 5� ta ?50 feet fr�n� th� ��st �ntii �� �c�uYt� a�d �r��g ar� r�� l��n��� r��iant on th� ��st sf �, as d��errr►ined ��r a qu�.�ifi�c� bio�agis�. Nii#igat�on 11�Ieas�re �-5�c�: �e�t B��c�ure. T'he appl�can� ��xali pre��r� a�ro�c�iure t�at in�orms pros�ec�ive �xomebuyers and a� �I�A n�e�bers abo�t t�e �mpac�s assoc%at�d wi�i ���-naiai�v� a�,ir�als, esp�ciai�� ��ts ar�c� d���, ax��l ot��r n��-r�ativ� ani�rtia�s t� t�� �r�j�� si�e; s�ar�y, infortn po�ential homeb�ryers a�nd a� �-i�A �ennbers of the pa��tia� for coyo�s to prey on c�oxr�esti� ar�i�r�a�s. Il��i�tiga�i�� llri�as�r� �-��c�}:11��g�t Light�� �#a.r�d�r�s. �'h� ��11�win� stanc�ards ��r�a�ir�g to n��ht light�g sha11 �e added to t�e pr�o�ect's ��s�gn guidelines: • I�T�ght �g��ing of pub�� �reas ��all �e �C��� �a t�e mini,�an�x� �e�ce�s�ary for saf�t�y a�d s�cu�ty purpos�s. •��c�eri�r li��tin� witl�in 10�D fee� �f �p�r� ��a��e ��� be sh�elci�r� �nal ain��c� as n�e�ded t� av�ic� ��il���r��r i��o �pe�t s�ace ar�as. Dec�r�tiv� �i��g s�all � 1��v �t�ns��y. �iti�ati��►1Vi�as�� &����: hTa#��� La�ds����xt�, In �rd�r t� ��s�re tha� �ro�ect Iands���i�g �oe;s n�# intr���x�� inva�iv� ���-r�,ativ� �Ia�� a�� tre� �p��i�s i�to th� vi��ity �� the site, t�� finalla�tds�a�in� �1a�t sh�l be r�vf�rr►red anci a�pr��re� �y �► �i�y a�pr��r�cl �����gis�. A� �n�rasiv� �iax�� an� �ree spe�ci�s s�xa11 �e r��ov� fr�m t�� �►ds�a�in� �1�n. 'I��s� in�I�de th� f�I���+vi�t�: S�IENTIFI� �IAME �OMI�IQ�+I �+1�� Tre�es �4�aci� s�p. INattl� Po���r�s fr�mor�t�� Co�tonwood ��I�irrus rr�o#�� �alifomia P�pp�r Tree Scf�ir��s �er�b�r�[��fo�i�s Bra��l�an Pepper �`ree Sh�ub�IGround Cover�a A�a�i� redoler�s �Nattl� Ar�t�s�a��iylos der�sifl�ra Sanoma rnan�an� �4r�ctos�a���+�as aler�s�flor`a l�A�J41'rnn rr�nza�ita �4r�cto�heca ca�e�ad��a �a�e w�,i ����r�esrst�r �arrrmer� 8earber�y coton��st�r ��t�n��s��r �pp. Cataneaste� �porum ���rr� Myopor�,rr� �ly�porum �arvi�oli�rr� Myoporum Pyr����r��#�� spp. Firethom �n acic�i#��n, t�� ���1�w�ng e�isc�xss�� ��r�c�rn� �tl� ���r sp��i�� t�at a�r� �r�s�� in t�� ���,g�s�ed �1ar�t �is�. �f cottonwood ix�e�� � desirec�, bla�k cotto��vo�c� �Po�ru��s �a�sarn��ra ���. tric�o�arpa} sha1� be rx 'tzli�d. M�����ta sp����s ��arti�c� �nsit� s�a1� be �pe�ci�� #1�a�t ar� lo��l an� r�gi�na� r�at�ves. A sp��ifi� s��ci�� of C'ea���hu� shail be id��nt�fi��1, b�ca�use �iybridi�atio�► af c�r�ain spe��es do�s occ�x�r. If cr�epir�g St. �a�'s wort {I�i�aerr~�c�rr� �ayc�r�urr�� �s �l�n�ed it sha� not be pia�tt� an p�ri��t+ers of o�en s�ace to 1i�i� veget�a�iv� spread. The ��an� �st �d�ntifie� ��urJ�ia s�p., ho�ever � nee�s to �e spe��ic. ��arkia ��rea i� rec��tn�����c� bec2��rs� �� i� �cn�wr► �� oc�ur in �� �r�a. �r�pared �y R�rr�or� C�r�s�ltarrts For ##�� �y o�Arrvy�v �rar�a�e 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 51 ���������� ��i P�g� �$ �� 1 �� Ni��ig���n �I+I�asur� B-���}: ��1c�1i�� ��r�ic��r �r�se�v��io�t. �res�rvati�r� �� th� �vild�if� ��rrid�rs t�a# are p���e�t �n th� ���jec� �i�e �a�'► k�e a�I�e�r� vr�itl� suffic���t set�a�ks fr�n� Ripari.��n a�d Vl��tla�d Habit�a�s ar�r� �y avoidYr►g direc� and i�di�ce�� i��ac� to oak �+1�oodl�nd ha�itat R�fer t� Mi�i�ati�r� M�asur� �-��a�, Ri�ar�ar� a�c� VI����� �r��ti�r�, se��ack �alues to allow for Rxparian f�etland �arridor pres�rva�ion, ar�d t�a M�itiga�ior� �Viea�sur�� B-3�a} for oa�k �re� avoidance ar�d rn�t�gation mea�ures. �ef�r�r►�� - ��vis�� �EIR pa��s �.� �� t�x�ugh �,�-��; �ec�r�d Ac�c��r�d�x�n ��g�s ��-��. 5.�.5 Po�tentia��y Signi�i��►t ��xrnuia�i�re ��ol.agi��1 R�sorxr�es Impact. �ev�eloprne�t of t�e pr����e� �r�ject ��u1cl ���tribute t� �rxmulataiiv� bi�l�gical im���s i�t t1�� �re�, T�ese i,�n�a�ts w��I� incl�t�� t�i� 1�s� �� vviltilif� ��r��ing f br�eci�g area�, a�rti� 1��s �f P`i.s�r� �1arlci�, �� cumrxlative effe�ct of these impact� depe�ds on the praxi�t�y of ot�ier approved and pro�os�ed pr��e�ts to th� projec� �c��r� ��nsic��rati��. Du� to th� l�s� �� w�c�life f�r�g�ng hai�ita�, br�ed�� habitat, ar��i Fis�t� �larkia �'tat �o�1d oc�t�r a� a��s��t �� �r�je�t dev�l���ent, �s �r��a�se�, in ��n�l���tion w�� �t��r ��c���ec� ��v�l���n�r�t ir� t�� ar�a, �rxmulati�� im�a�ts �o bi���g��ai re��ur��s are ��nsi��r�d sigrnifi�ant b�.t mitigab��. �i�►di�►� � I'�rs�ant t� Fub1i� �����xr��� ��c�� S�ti��n ������a� a.�t� �tate �E�A �u�it1��� Secti��n �50�9��a�, �� ��� h�r�by fir�ds t�i�� �g�� �r �lfierati�r�s �i.av� been requir�c� �n, �r ir���rp�r��ed i�nt�, t�� P�r��e�t th�� a��ic� or s�x�astan�ia��r ��s�er� t�� sig�if��a�t �nv����r�ta1 e.�e�� �n th� ��viron�n��t t� be1�� a��vel �� sYgnific��t��. �ac�s �n �rxpport of Fir�ding �- As noted iu� #�ie R�v�sed Fina1 SELi�, d�e to t�ie loss of wi�d�if� f�ragi�g �ia�ita� �nc� �reedin� �ia�i�at a�d Pis�n� �1�r�ia, th� �rigir�al �r���se� �r'��ect w��c� �a�� r�sultec� i� �1ass �, �igr���car�t ar�d �r�avoida��e, �umul��i�� �n�z�cts �� �i�1o�i�a� �s�ur�es. 'I'��� fir�t redu�ed ��r��i�y d��'�1��m�rt� �����sa1 w�t�X� �iav� si�til��r�y resulte� i� �1a�s I�u��►�xlativ� im���ts, ��n�� it w�x��� simiiarl� i����t �'isn�� �1ar�ci.a ha�i��. Hovv�v��, in�pacts relat�d to Fis�o cl�rkia wou�d be red�ced fro� �1�as� I, sig�r�i��ar�t and �r�uvoidab�e, to Clas� II, s�g��; f�car�� �xut rr���gab�e, under �e s�cond red�x�ec� d�nsi�y deve�opn��nt propos�al. Im�acts r��at�ci �� wildlif� ��raging f b�eedin� �r�as vr��u�c� �i�til�rl� be r�c��x�ed, a� th� �e��r�d r���x��i d�nsity c�ev�l���n�nt �����sal re���s�n#� a� ��r�ra� re���t��� i�n resici�tial c��nsity a�� site �istur�ar��� ���n ����arec� t� th� ��igi��� �r��ao��d �r��e�� anci th� �irs� re�x���ci c�e�rsity �e�r�1��m��r� �r��osa�. ll�i��iga��n IVl�astr�r� -�u��lat�r� bi�l��i�al res�u��� im�a�t� w��d � C�ass I�, s�grtt��ar�� r�� �������. ������� ����� ����}, �-���►�, s��}, ���►�, ���}, ���{�}, �����, �-����, �_ ����, ar�c� B-��f}, as disc�x.ss�c� prev�ousl�, �v�rx1� r�main ��r��ect requir��en�s a��nc� w�ulc� r�x��� i�n�a��s to a 1��� tha� si�nifi�ant I�v��, ��f�r���� - l��vis�ci FSEI� pa�� �.�-�; Se���c� �c�c��r�du�n �ag�s ��-��. �.� ��xltura� ��sour�es 5.3.� ���e�#ia1�y Si�nificant D�rec�t L�r:�a�t C� 1. Ther� is t�� pat�nti�1 �at pro�ect �o�str�xct���n �vi� dis�ur� �re�r��u���r �ic��ntifi��I bu�i�r1 ax���o�o��al c1���s�ts and f�r hut�t��t r�main�. �i'�i.s Ys �or�sic��red a C�ass I�, s�g�t���ar�t �ru� mitig��I�e �pa�t. Findi�g - F�u�rs��nt to Fu�lic R����xrc�� ���� �cti�n ��1�1{�} a.x�c� �tat� �E�A �ui��li�n�s Se�t�on �5�9��a}, t�� City h�rei�y fYx�d� t.�iat ��ar��es or al�erations have been req�x�red �, or �repar�ed by #��rr�on Corrs�r�tarr#s f�r #h� ��y o��4rroy� Gra��fe 38 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 52 �������L�� ��. ���� �� �� � �� in��r��ra�fie�i i�to, th� �r��ec� th�� �v�i� �r ��xbstantial�� ���s�r� t�� �igrnifica�� �r��i��n����al �ffe�t ��n t�i� ��ir�n�n�n� t� bel�v� a ��v�l �� �ignifi�an��. , Fa�ts i�► S�pport of Findir�g - A��iau� t�e�e is a lack of an-sit�e r�orc��d �rc�naeolog�i�a1 resour��s, as w��1 �� �€f-���e is�la�ec� a�fa�t�, th�re i� ��t�ntial ��r bu�ri�ci archa�ol�g��a1 ������ts t� o���xr withi�r► t�i� �ro���t bou.x�dari��. �onst�x�#i�r� i� are�s �ot k�t��vr� �� ��ntair� archaeolagical res�o�rce�, �nay neverth�less af�ect pr�viox�si� ur�iden ''ec� r�sox�c�s, gi�r�n t�� �ulhxrz�I s�ns�tivity �f t�� �r����t �it� ax�c� i�s �r�p�nsity ��r ��ssi�l� �re-�i�st��i� �i�nnan o��u�ancy. T�is wo�d be co�ns�d�r�d a po�nt�aiiy s���ant i�n�a�� r�less n�iti�atior� is in���rp�ra�e�d. ��re��o�sly me�►t�aned, the �p�n Spa�� anc� �on�rva�ion �le�te�� of �►e ��ty o� Axrayo �rar�cl� �en�ral P1an ��19�90} �a�ces ��ecifi� r����rer��� to ��li�}� �ta�e�n�r�ts anrl im�l�rn��tati�n ���[�ns c�rtc��n�n� m��►s�xres �o �r�te�� ��1tlx�ral re�ot�r��s ��r futur� gen�rat�on�. I�p�e�nentation o� t�iese sta.�dard� would reduc� ��aj��t in�pacts r��a�ed to �uit�tral r�s�urc��. �e��rth�l�ss, �c�diti�n,a1 rn�ti�ation rn�a�r�res ar� ��quir�d �� �n�ur� ��ss t�ian si�'u�fi�an� im���ts �rt ��xltu��1 ��so�r��s. N��i�a�i�� 1VI�as�r� -�ased �xpon t�te a�a�ysis prese�nfied in Secti�� 4.3 of tli� Revised �EIR, a,s a�gn��n�d in #he �cond Adde�d�nn, wlx�ch �s ir��orpora�d h�rei� �y r��ere�ce, �he ��11��vir�� Mi�igati�r� IVi�as�xr� �s f��si�1� a�c� �.s mad� �i�c�ig thro�xgh �h� �I'. VI��� i�npo���ion of the followir�g �it�gat�an m�as�x�e, impa� are ��ss than sig�ifica�nt. il�iiti�atio� M�asu�� ��t-1�a�: Ar�ha�����i�ai l�es�u�c� �an�tru�ti�� 1Vlanit�ri�g. At t�� �on��e���m��t of pra�e�c� �o�st�ic�ian, a.� o�i��tation �tee�g s�aii �e �o�tdt���ed by ar� archaeologist for �on.si�cu��ior� wor�C�rs associa�ed wi#h ea� disturb�n� ac�iv�ties. Th� ori�ntatio� m�eting shall describ� the �oss�b�it�y af exposir�g unexp���d ar�haeological r�sources and direc�io�s as to what steps ar�e ta be taken if suc1� a find is e�co�xnt�red. � c�ualifie� arc�ia�ologist a�d N�t�re Ameri�an re�res�n�ative sha� �no�itor all e�rth �noving activities �+vit�xi nativ� s�il. I� t1�� even� that �r��ta�����i�al �r hi.sto�i� ar�ifa�t� ar� ����unfi�reci during �r��e�t ��n�tr��t��� a�1 �v�r�C in th� �i��nity ��� �ards �r g�r�a�er, as d��rn�in�d �� a.� arc.I��ol�gyst� �f th� fint� �vi1l be �al�aed u�ntil �uc� tin�� as a� q�� ''�� ar�haeol�gist �valu�t�s t�� f�n�l ar�c� a�pr��ria#e mitig��ion ��.g., ��xrat���, �r��ervati�� ix� pla�e, e�c.�, if �e�c�ssar�y, i� in�p�e�en�ed. I� t�� �v�r�t of �r� ���id���a� di��v�ry �r ��c�g�ti�n �� an� hu�n.� r�rn�ins in �ny lacat�arti, t�e following ste�s wi�1 b�e t I. T�er� s�iall }�e no fu�rther exca�rat'ror� or dis�rxrbax��e af th� si�e or any �earby area r��s�nabl�r su.spec�d to �v��Ii� a�����n� �iun�an r��na�ns unt�I: A. �� coroner of �xe cox�x�t�y in whi�� �e ren�a�s are di�ov��r�c� �as bee� con�act�d, �d de�ex�in�d that no �nvestiga�ian of th� carxse of d�ath is requ�red, or B.�Vhere th� coro�er de�ermir��s t�te r�rnaix�s ta b� I�ati�e Arneri�an: 1, T�i� ������r s�a11 n�tify t�� I�ati�r� An��r�c�n �-i��ita�� ��� wit� �.4 horxrs; �r+ep�red by Rf�cor� �vr���ltar�#s fo� #i�e C!#y of Arroy� Crarrde 39 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 53 F�E��LUT���1 lV�. Pa�e 40 of'13� 2. Th� �1�tiv� A�n�ri�an i-i�ritag� ��n��ssi��t ��al� ir��x�y t�►� p�rs�� �r �e�ns i� �li�ves to be mast �ikely d�sc�r►ded fro� th� �ecea�d i�ative Am�r�ica�; anc� 3. Th� rnost likeiy d�sc�r�c��n� has �ad tl�e oppor�ux���y t� �rva�k w�t1� th� 1a�dow�ner �x� t�� �er��r� resp�r���i� �or th� ��c�avati�n vv�r�C, �� th� n��ans �f tre�tin� �r �is���i�� �f, with ���r��riate ciign�t�r, ti�� �it�man �re�nai�ts anc� a�t� associatec� grave goods as provided ir► FubIic R�sources �ade S�ion 5�97.98. lI. �Vh�r� th� ���1�win� ���diti�ns oc�ur, t�� land�wn�r or his a�th�� r����r�ta��es sha�I r�patri.at�e th� I��t�v� An��rica� ��� r�n��i�s a�t� a�ss�c�a� grav� i�e�n,s wit� a��r�p�i.at� c�i�it� �n t�� �ro��rty i� ��ocati�n r��� s�x��� t� fur�h�r s�x�s�rfac� disturbance. Haw�ver, an� ��xc� activi� w� b� prxrsuan� to t�e di�re�ion af a C�u.mash r��reser�ta��� �' a cl�s��n���t is �ith�r n�� i�I��#if��ti �r �ai1�s �� r�s��x�d to �n�ti�i�ati�n. A. Th� ��ti�r� Am�rica� H��~ita�� ���nnrtiissi��t is una�1� t� i�er�tify a xx���� lik�1� d�s�cende�t ar the n�ost �ik�ly des�er►d�nt failed to mak� a recan�nnendation with� 24 �ours a#b�r �eing noti.[�i�d by the co�n�ni.ssion. B. Th� ��s��r�d�n� ir�e�ntifi�c� fails �� �.a�c� a r�c�rnrn�r�da���; �r �. 1�x� 1anc��wn�r ��r �is ��x#�i�ri.�ed r��r��entati�� re�ect� �� r����nm�r�c�ati�n �� t�i� desce���nt, and th� �nediation i�y t�e I�ative Anae�icax� ��ri�age �oxx�i��ion �i�s to �r�vi�� �����xres a���ptabl� to t�i� lanci�w�n�r. �I. I�alt Vl��r�C �rc��r. �f l�unta�n ��nr�a�ns ar� ��arth�c�, ��a�e H�a1th a.�ci �af�ty ���� S�e�tion 7�50.� r�q�xi��s t.�uat n� �urth�r c��stux�bar��� �� �h� sit�e �� an� r���rb�r area ��as�rtiabl�r ���p�c�ec� to over�ie adja��r�t hrx� remair�s �ha� oc�ur u�til tY�� Co�xnt�r �o�ane� h�s �►ac�� #�� r�ec�ssary findin�s as t� orig�r� ��nc� c�isp�si���r ��xrs�xar�t ta �'ublie ��s��xr�es ���� Sec��n �0��.��. If t�� r�nrYain.s ar� ci�t��nin�d �o be �� I�ativ� American �iesc��t, t�� coror�er h�.s �4 hours to no�fy the Native Ann��i.ca�n �eri�age Comrn��.��on. ����r���� - ��vis�d FSEI� p�g�� �.3-� thr�ugl� �.�-�; �and Arld��d�n �ag�� ��-34, �.� ���l��i� ��s�x�r��� 5.4.� Pa�ten#i�lly S�g�ficant Dir�t I��ac�t �-1. l�u� to �h� presence �f a��ive faul�s i� �e vic�ini�y, th� �r�j�t �i�e ant� �ur�r�ux��lix�g ar�� i� su�jec� �� �fir��� gr��n�l shakir�g. ����� s�xakin� l�ta� t�►� ��fier�tial t� �a�xse f� mai�ceri�l to sett��, c��-st��iii�e ���pes anc� ��u� p�iys���I c�an�ag� t� s#��tur��s, property, utilities a�nd ro�d acc�ss. Gro�rr►d s�a�Cix�g �ia� tl�e po�ntYa1 fia �ac�s� in�xry ar►d c�eat�x �o �r,lrnar�.s. Thi.� is ���s�d�r�c� a�lass �I, s�gra���t�t br�� rr�ii��a�I�e imp�c�, �ir�ding - Pur�uant �o Pub�ic R�sourc�s �ode S�ci�an 2���1�a} and ��at� �E�A Guide�nes Se�t���t 1�091�a}, th� City l��r�i�y finds tha# chang�� �� a.�ter�ti�ns �iav� �ee� �eq�xir�c� in, �r in�or�orated into, t�t� pro�ec� �at avaid or s�xbsi�t�lly �ess�n �he si�cant �nviron�r►enta� �ff�ct �n t�i� ��vir�nm��� to be��� a 1��r�1 �f si�r�ifi���n��. F��t�s in �����rt �� Fi�c�n� � 1�e �r�ject �ite is �acz�t�c� a��r��cin�at��� f�� kil���t��s �es� �f �h� Sax� A�nc���as F�ul�, 2.� �cil��t��ers �ast �f th� � I�sg�i �a�x1�, ar�c� �p�r�xi�r�t�1�r � ki1��►�ters n�� �� t�i� �Vilmar Av��n�x� Fa�x1t. T�i� ����ri F��x1t �s �a�ab�� �f �en�r�tir►g a Max�.�nr.�an �c�i�1� �arthc��x�►1c� ���� �� f�.� �o �.�. 'I'1�� �a�n An�r�as �au1t is �a�ab1� �f �r�par+ed by Rir�co� �ar�su�#arrts for ��e C�ly o�Arroy� �rarrde 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 54 C�E��LIIT���1 IV�. Page 4'I of '� �� produ�ir►� an MC� of 7.� �0 8.�. A s�ei��n�c �e�t of t�u� n�agr���e o� this fault is ��nsi�I�r�c� �ik�1y duri�n� th� �xsef�� �f'� �f t�� �r�p�s�c� struc�ur��, As w�� �rev���ly ��nti�r��c1, �r�babilisti� �r���nc� a�����rati�Yr.s f�r �� site s�ou1� � ��nsi.d�red al��g with gr��t�►� �hak.�g ha��s. 'I'1�� ��IV�� Sey.s�rti� ��a�cin� I���ard Ma�� o� Ca�ifo�i.a �1999� 1�.sts a��� �roba�il�t� of �x�e�i�nci�ng �.��.45 g peak hori�ontal gro�t�►d acc�l�ra�i�r� wi�h�n �� r���c� �� ��ar� f�r �� reg�i��x. T�t� s�te-spec�� ��g�x�e�ering g��l�g��al a.na�ysis don� for �he �ubjec�t �roper�y out�ines a p�oba��li,stic ground a�celer�fiion ra�►g� of �.�8�-�.��4g. I� shou�ld �e no�d t�iat t�� sifie, as w�1� as n�uc� o� soutl�err� C��fornia, w�1 I�c��y ex�x�i�nce ��r�n� �r��nc� �t�t��n fr��n �u�ur� ���al ar��I r��i��l �ar�c�u�c�s, T��re is ��t�iir�g �x�iqr�� �bout t�� �a��j�c� ar�a #�ia� w��x�d x�a�c� i� su�j��� to �igh�r� gr�ur�� m��i�ns t�ar� a�d�a��n� �r ne�rby sit�s. ��cent �x�er�e�ce in ti�e 199� �Tort�ridge �arthqu�ake ir�di.ca�s t��t certair� �x�t�fi1� 1�t� �r� s�xb���t ta �otent�ial fi�l s��tl�m�n� ��c� t�a.nslat��n c��xrin� st�ro�g gr��nc� s�aking. B�sid�s the c�e�t physica�i damag� to st�xc�ure� caxx;sed by t�i� gro�c� s�ia�cir�g ��d a�ceiera�ion, �arg�na�ly s�a�l�e �ids�ides, slo��s, and i�ade�quafieiy cornpac�ed fi�l �tafie�.a1 coulc� mov� anc� �aus� acl�xti�n�1 dau�a��. �a�, wate�r, a�.�c� ���ct�i�al lin�s c�n be rupturec� during �lie grau�d s�xaking, or brok�n d�xring mav�men� of ea�-kh caus�d by t�ie earthqu�k�, �vhi�h �a� ���p�rd� �u�1i� saf�ty. in��a�ts are ���en�i1� si�nifi�a�t. �Viitigation �1ri�asr�xr�s - B�s�ci u��n t,�� a�al�si.� pr�ni�ee� i� Se�t��n �.� �f �h� Revi.�ec� FS�IR, �s ��g�n��fiec� �y t�� �na��s�s ir� t�� S���r�c� �c�c��x��r�n�, w�i�� is in��rpor��er� ����irt by re�erer�ce, t�i� followi�g IVfit�gation M�as�re i� fea�ibie �nd i�s ma�� bindin� �roug� t�i� �vIl1��. ��t� �an��siti�n �� �h� ��1��wing �i�igat��� m�asr�r�, in��a�ts ��� 1��� t�ar� sigmificant 1Vi��igatian Mea��r� �-1�a�: �B� �omp�i�ce. Above-g�ot�n� stru��ires sl�al� be �esign�d arti� �uilt a����rding to C�alifornia ��xild�g ���� Seis�ti� st��ar�s. Refer�nc� -�evis�d FSE�R page� �.4-1� and 4.�-12; S�ecor�d Ac�dend�� �age 34. �.�,� P�t�nti�ll� ��g�fi�a�� �irec� Ia���ct �-�, �oi�s �t th� si�� �a�r� t�� p�tent�al t� �res��t s�i�- relate�l haz��c�s �i.�., �r�siv� �r �xpans��� s�i1s} to �tru�t�i�e� ax�� ����way� �� t1�� ���ject �it�e an�i are con�i�er�d Class II, sigra��car�t �ut rt�it�gab�e i�npa��.s. Fi�xdi�g - Pur�r�ant t� I�xb�� ��s�ur�� ��d� Se�t��� ��1�� ��� ar�d �ta�e �E�� ��i��I�n�� Section 1���a�, t�i� �i�y her�by fi�c�s �at �ang�s or a�lteratia�s hav� ]��t rec�uixed in, or ���rpor��eti int�, th� �r��ect t�i�t �v�id �r s�x��t�n�iall� I�ss�n t�t� sig�i�ant �nvir��t��ta� ��fect on �h� �r►v�r��n�nt t� �elow � �e��� �� s�gnifi�anc�. �ac#s in �u����rt of Findin� ��ros�z� �oi�s. A���rdir�� to t�t� I�atural Resourc� ���servati�r� �erv��� �N��S} s��s rna��in� f�r t�� ��c���c� si�, �he ar�as �r�p�s�c� far r�sid�n#�a►1 dev�l��n��n� ar� u�c���l�in by �i.sn��-R���C �utcr�� �������c {�0-�,�9� �1��s� s�ils a��d Arn��c� 1�a�� sanci �� t� 1�9� sl���s�, rx���i ar� �l�ar�a��eri.�ec1 ��r �gh �r�s��n ��t�eniaal. �n aciditi��, as s�n in T�b�� �.4-�, #�i� ��mainir�g �n-s�t�e s�i1s ar� als� srxs���t�b�� t� ����i�r� ha�rds. Stru��ur�s and fa�i�it�es ca�s�ruct�d o� �ese soil�, as we� as o�ccupan#� of #�e pro�osed fa�ilifii�s, ��rx1�1 b� e�c����d t� �a�arc�s r��a�ed to �r�s��n. A.� �r��i�us1� m�nti�rr�d, th� �arth Pr�pared by J4�ncor� �on��##�n�s �or �he �lty of Arroyo �rar�de 4 "� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 55 #����L�17��1� �l�. Pa�e 4� o� �i �� �ys�e�ns Pa�ific r+epor� ��D3} indi�a�ed �hat s�xr�a�� soi�s, predonw�a,nt soi�ls at de � a�nc� the s�a�xd��o�x� i�drocic ��s�rvec� ��t ar� san� an� Y�a�r� v� ��� ���esior� � Y �'y anc� re�rese�t a �gh ris�c �� �r��i�r�. ��n�a�ts a�r� p��ni�aliy ��gnifii.�an�. Ex�ar�sive �ai�s. Ar� �xpans�on inc�ex fiest was pe�for�xed upo�n a sa�np�� of si�ty sand soi�, '�h� �estec� ��c�ansi�� �tci��c �f t�� soi� �f �er� ��a��s �e ��i1 in, t1�� v�ry ��� �x�ax�s��� ������y. �o�s �n t�t� ��r��x�a1 vi�i�ti�y,l��wev�r, �x�xi��t rn�re ��c�a�iv� s�i�s. �xpa�siv� soils fien� to �w��1 wit� m�i�t�re ar�c� s��C duri�� th� ciry s�a�o�. 7�s cy��i�al c�a�r��� �a�n stre�s ar�c� da�nage s�ab� a�d for.�r��laiaons if �re�a�xtia�a� �neasur�s ar� not ir��or�parat�d i�to �ie ��nstxrx�ti�n �ra���ure, �titigatio�► Arieasures -�as�d upo� the a.n�a�ys�s pr�se�nt�c� in �ec#�on 4.� of the Revi�ed �S�IR, as a�xgn�te��d by the a�a�y�i� ��he Seconc� Addenc�u�x, whi��i xs �ncax�porated ��r�in �� r�f�re���, t1�� f�ll��vin� IViii�����n 1V��a��r�s ar� f�asibl� ax�c� ar� ma�� ��c�ing #�r�ug�t th� �I'. �i�h �nn�o�iti�n �f t�� ��11���ng �nit�gati�n �►�as�xr�s, i�pac�s a�re l�s� t��n s�gnifi�ant. Mx�ga�i�r� �Vi�as�.re �-����: ��i�s�IF�unc�ati��n ����rt, �n �rd�r t� a�r�id s�i1-�rela�e�d. ha��rc�s, t�� i�nr�ivic�rxal lo� �w�n�rs a�c� #h� �ro�ect ���1i�ant s�ia1� �rovid� s�ils f���xr►�la�i�� ���rts t�at s�er��a�� id�nti.iFy ��c�ansi�� ��ils �arcls a�s �art of t�� a��p�i�ati�� f�r Bx�i1�ling P�rmit�s�. To ret��xc� the �o�nt�l �or founc�afi�or� �rack�ng, th� reports n�ay �e�o���c� �xat ��� �r m�re �� th� f�1l�wing be ��r�sic��r�� c�uri�� ��sign �� t�� pr��ect: 1. TJse ���tinu�us c�ee� ���tings {i.�., �nnbeci�an��� ���th �f � fe�� or m�r�� ��rd ���t�r�te �la�� �� gr�d� wit� in�r��d s�e� re�r�far��m��t �o��t��r wit� a�re w�t�ng an�i 1��� fier�n ���stur� ���tr�x ��r�gram �vx� th� a�tiv� ��r��. 2. �en�oval of t�e �igh�� �xpansive �nate�~ia� and r�pl�aceYnen� with nox�-��c�ansiv� im�o�t fil� ma�r�. �. �'h� � of specif�i�a�1� d���gn�ci ��c� �i�r a�nd gr�ci� bea�n. s�ste�n i���r��r��ing a st�u�t�►�ra� ���cr�t� �lab �r� g�rad� s�ar���rt�c� ap�r���mai�cel� � inches abov� the expar�iv� sai�. �. �h�rni�al treatm��t �v�t� ��c�rate�I lim� �o r�lu�� th� ��c�ansi�r� e�ra�t�ri.st��� of th� �oi�s. Mitigati�n �I�i��sure �-��b�: Ex�ansi�� �oil Dama��. T�i� ��cpa�.si��. �r�i��s �� inr�i�rici�al l�t� s��ul� be ��i3cer�i��c� �x� a I�� s�e��'i� basis, Ix� �� ��re�� t�a� ��c�ans�v� s�i1s �vil� �d�r�i� p�#�e�tlal cl�v�l����nts, t�t� us� �� ��n��c�ansiv� i�t��rt �r �r�sat�ra�i�n �f ��b�siab sails irt ar�as w�ier� slabs wili ov�rli� ex�an�iv� soil� �s re�o�tm�nd��. If it is e��c�e�i � us� n�r�e�c��►n,siv� in���r#, th� thic�cn�ss �� ��n��c�a�si�� rnateria.� s��x��d ���fie�i��c� ��s�c� �x�o� t�� ��srx1#s �f ��c�a�i�r� ir�c���c tes�in� �erf�rn��c� �� in�i�rirl� ��ts. Th� i�n��rt s�ia� b� placed in Iifts not ex�e�dyr�� �� i�c��s and can�pacted to a m�n�n�um of 90 �erce�t of �nax�xn�n dry �en�it� until fi�is�ed gra�� �s reached. 1V�iti��ti�n IVi�asur� �-����: ����ir�� anci �ros�or� ���t�r�� ���. A �ra��n� ax�c� �r�si�� e�ntr�1 �1ax� that mini�i�es �rosi��, sec�i�n�ntati��► �c� �stab�� �1���� shall �e �re�ar�� anc� i�nple�x�nt�d �y t�e �ro�ect a�pli�ar�t o� represe��at�ve th�r�of, �rior to f�a1 map r�c�rc��t��n. I� �rx�� �ncluci� t�� �����ing: �Viet�i�ds suc� as ret�ntior� ��sin�, c�rainag� di�ers�ar� stru�tures, s�ot gra�ing, s�It fencing/coardinat�d sedi�x�n� t�ap���, st�aw �a�es, a�c� sand ba�s sha11 b� used t� Pr+e�ared by �4Jr�co� �or�s�#�ar��s �or f1�e C�ty o�Arroyo �rar�de �2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 56 F�E���.l�fil�[V i��. P��� 43 0� 13� m�nirn� �rosio� o�n slo�e� �nd prevent s��a�ion i�to #�� �as� Fork of IV�eadow Creek anc� its tribt��aries c�uring gradi�x� an�1 ��nstru��i�n a��iviti��. �. ��aale�d ar�as sI�►a1� b�e r�v���#at�d �nri�i�t � weeks �f grac��n� a�tiv���s w�th d��- roo�eci, na�iv�, c�r��g�t �o��ra�xt s�e�es �o • . . �l�pe �a�iur� a�d �ro�i�r� ���tial. �f de�er�nnined r�ece�s.s�ry �y t�e Co�tun�fy Develo��en� Depart�a�e�tt and �ubl�c ��rks ��artm�nt, irr�ga�iort s�all ��r�vic��ci. G��be�ciil� �incling fabri�s ��aII h� usec� if r�ee�essary t� ��ld �1��� soils un�i1 v�g��ti�� is �s�a�alish�d. c. A#ter �o�st�xctia� of �ract �nproven��ts and un� consi�xc�ion of �ndivi�u� homes, expos�ed �r�as sh�al� � sta��iz�� to �r�ve�nt win�i ar�d wa�er �r�as�an, �sin� n��t�iods appro��d by t�e Ci�y C�mxn�x�i�y Deveio�n�ent De�a��n�, l�x��ic �Vorlcs anc� �r�ilding D��ar�n�nts and A���. T�i�se �n�th�ds Ynay ��1�xc1�: ta�s�il �s t� b� ixnpor�ed a�� spread a� t�t� gr�ar�.�d surFace � areas having soi�s �hat ca� t� tran���rt�d ��r �h� w��, a�r�d��r t�� mix�n� �� th� �,ig�►�� �r�si�v� san� �vi� fin��- grai��d �rtateriaLs �si�� �r cla�� ��uffi�i��nt c�uan�i#��s to �r��nt its ab�li�y to b� tra�s��r�� �� win�. T�t� �o�s�� �r �i1� f�1�� mixtu� �s ta �e t�sec� t� �tab� the exis�ing so�l ta pr�eve�tt i� abi�t�y to b� �rax�spor�d �y �vind. A� ��T�,Y�n��, �ix �ncl�es af to�soil or silt f��ay/ sa�d �ixfiu�e is �o �ae �xs�d to st�a�'�Ii.ze t�ie w�td-�radable �oi�s. �. Vl�h�re r�e���sary, �ite ����arati�� �1�11 in��ud� th� re��v�l �f �1� �r a porti�� �� t�e �x�ansi�r� ��i�s at th� buil�i�� sit�s an� r��lac�m��t wi� ���qn�a�ted �ill. �. Vl�er� ne�essa�, cox►str�xc#�on or� �ransitiana� �o�s sh�l� �n���xd� overexca�a�ian �o ��c��se firnrx s�xbgr�c��; �xse �� pos� �ensi�n s�a�s i� f�tu�� sixlx�t�xr��, �r �th�r geo�ag�cally acceptabl� �e#hod. f. L.�ds�caped areas ad�a��nt to stru��ur��s s�►a�1 be g�radec� so �ta� dra�age i� away fron� stru��ures. g, �rri�at��n shaIl be ��ntr�llec� �� t.�ia� �v�rwat�r�� d��� n�� o��u�r. At� irriga#�� s�h�u�� ��a� �e revi�w�d a�xd approv�d �� th� Ci�y Cox�xnunity Deve��p�ner�t �e�artme�nt and �ubli� �+Vorks 1�epar�i��ts ��r�or to �d r�se ��ear�an�e for grad�rr�. h. �ra�in� �n slop�s �fiee��r tl�i �:1 �ha� be design�c� �a ' ' ' � s�rfa�� vv�ter n�n�ff. i. �i�.Ys p�aced on s�opes �teeper� � 5: � s�►al� b� pro�er�y �e�clted �rio� �o p�a�erne�� of fill. j. Brow ��fic��� ancl��r �rer�s ��.a11 be ��r�s�ru�t�d an� ma�tair��cl ab��� ai� �ut a�c� fii� �1��es, re����iv�Iy. 1c. ��xt ar►c� fill �er����s s�,a11 be c�rtis�i�t�� �t r�gular int�ervals. 1, l��tai�run� wa1l� sha1� �e �r���seci as �art �f bx.Y�c�in� ��r�str��ti�x� io s�a�i�.�� s��pes �v��r� t��� is a��-f��t �r gre��er c�iff�r�n�� ir� e�e��ti�n� b��w�n �u�il�abl� 1��s, �n. The ap�lican� �hall l��it �xcavatiox� and gradi�g to the dry seaso� of th� year {�Y�icai�y A�r� �� to 1�T�v�rnb�r 1, all�wirrg ��r variati�n� in w�at��r� unl�� ����munity 1�ev������nt an�i Pu�ii� Vl�orks ��partn��nt ap�rov�ci �ro�i�� ��r�tr�1 �Ian is in pla�� anc� ai� n�easures t�i�r�in are in effe�t �. T�e a���ica.�t s�a� post � p�rfarman�e �o�d a� d�ter��in�l by and wit� the Ci�y and h�r� a q�x�lif�e� geol�gyst �r s�i�s �r�gixY�er �ri�� ��ar�c� use �l�ar�r�� ��r �r��iin�, a�ci to �n��re that �r�si�n is ��r�tr�l��c� ax�� �#���i�r� m�as�res �r� ��operl� i��I����te�i. Re��ren�� � R�v�s� FSEI� page� 4.4-1� �ro�xg� 4.4-�6; �cor�d Add�nd�x�t pag�s 3�-37. Pr���rec� by R�ncor� �orrs�f�ar��s for t�e Cl�y af Arroyo �rande 43 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 57 ���������� ��i P��� 44 Of '� 3� �,4.� �ot��tia�Iy �i���an� l��r��t �pact �-4, '��i� �r��e�� ��te ��r��ai�s st�e� �l�pe� a�cl is �n��rlax�n by �1►� �'`ism� F�rmat��� a�d pre��nts ���ci�ra�e s���� sta�i�ty ha�arci. Lands�du� �xas th� p�tential t� dama�� a.�nd ��str��r str�x��ures, ��aa�ways and �t��r im r�v�xn�r�ts as w��l as� d�fle�ct and b�oc�C �ra�age �ha�r►��s, ��us� fixrt�ier dan�a aund �ros� n � � g� . �o�i s���p�.�tg ca� �ama�� �r c��#ar�y �tru�t�.�xes ancl ��ad t� �ros���t �r�blenr►s. T�i�s� are �ons���red �Iass ��, sr'g�t�cart� b�� m�i�gah�e i�npa��. Findi�� - I�urs�xant to Pu��c �eso�r�ces �ade S�ctior► ���BT�a} an� �#�t� C�QA ���d�li�es �er�i�� 1'�9�{a}, �� C�ity her��� Finds that �ha�g�s �r aY�ra�i�r�s ha�� �e�e�n re��x�c� �t, �r i���rp�r��ed i�xt�, �h� �r��e�t tha� au��� �r s���tantia�i� 1�ss�n tl�� sig�if��a�t �x���ronxn�n�a� effert on t�t� �n��ron�nent to b�law a l�ve� of s�g�i�,i�a���. ��c�s ir� �t�p�rt af �ir�r��r�g - ���r�xi��fie�y 4D�� �f th� sit� ��nsis�s �� �I�p�s gr�ater thax� �ib. A�to��t��r, �p�r��c�ma�e�� b�� �f t�i� sit� ���is� �� s����� gr�ater t�n ��9�6. Th� �r�j�ct i� u����Iain �� t�� F�sm� F�rrna��n and. is cha�a�t�r�i.��d b�r � m�c��rat� sl��� sfia�ail,i�y �rd. �ar� Syst�ms Fac�� has �repa�ed an e�va�ua�io� of Iiq�efa��ion, ��o� stab�i�y ar�� �rosi�� g��entiaY ��r th� sxarb�� �r�pertY �r�f�r to A��endix �C �f t�� �evise� F"�EII�}, �'h� �b�ec�i�� of t�tis �i�x�y was to analy�e #�xe �t�bi�it�y of #�ie tvvo �1op� cond.��a�ts ��opos�ed wit�x� the �ract. The geolo�ic �e�or� prepar�d for �h� o�gina� ��roposed proje�ct and �cor�ora�ec� �n�o t�e F%r�� Add�rtd�r�t �Ear�h Sysi�ems Pacif�ic, J�uary �OO�i} ic�e�t�ed two cr�fi��a� a�eas of �1��� �ta��i�y ha�ards �n t�� �r��e�t�r. T'h� ar�as �#' ��tentia� s1��� in.stab�Iii� in�l�d� �� banks a1�n� th� East F�r�C �f IV��ac��w �re�k and �t� �� s1��� ��igi�naZiY �r���s�ci t� �e re�ain�c� �y �ta���c� wa�is a1�r�g �� so�#�i�a.�tcern ��rti�� �f �i� c��v�����n�n�. �revi���1�r �roposed Lot� �4 and �9 �ve�re spe�i�ically �dent�ied as o��ur�ing ��h�e ar�as. �'he s�on� r��rx��d �I�r�s�#�y c�ev������r�t �x����sal �loes �x�� in���xc�� any c����1�����nt �n � ax���, th�r��y a��idir�g t�� ic��nt�ff�d s�ope �ta�i�i�y ha�a�rd�. H��vev�r, ��rti�r�s �f th� ��.�rrent pr���s�� wou1� �tYI� b� la�at�d �n r��ati��I� s�� s��pes. a�e��fi�all�, p���rts �# L�ts 1, �, 1�,11,1�, ��, �n� �� �v��xlc� �e 1��afied �n �1���s �x�eecling 20� �afber �11i�� �f th� gwxll�, refer �o �i�xre 6}. Th� po�er�t�a� f�r c���t�bi.�i�a�i�r� �� ��t�va�i��x �� mas� �vasi��� ar���s in�r�a��s with �r� in�rease �yr► �h� a��unt �� ��r����c� �ax�tl��+rr�r�c. Th.is ��a�� �s c�nsi�l�re� ���n�iall� sigrtiif��ax�t f�� t�� �r���sec� �ro���t. �b�is #I��vs �.y�i�a�l� �'��an in res��ns� t� ���a� in�ense ra�i�fal.I ir� stee� sw�1� areas tl�a� a� fi��ci w�t� satura�ed, firt�-grai��c� s�i�s. �� �r��t area, b�cause �� i#s r��a#iv�l� sfie�p top��ra�1�y, i� ��nsici�rec� to hav� a m�ci�rai�e ��b�is fl�w ��t�ntiai. Lax�dslic�� �n���ts w��lc� �e ��te�tiall� �i ' '�ar�t. rr► a�ditian fi� �ds�ide ha�arc�s, ��ap�er �6.��.�50 of t�e Ci�y of A�rayo �r�de I]�v�lo�m�� ��c�� s�at�e� t�tat no buildin� a����r �rac�ing shall be p�r�itb�c� �� s���es �f 25°� a.x�[� grea�e�. Portions of �i� pr�}�s�r1 �I��r�l��n�en� ��nfli�t wit� �i.is p�li�. ll�iitig�ti�n 1Vi�asur�s - Bas�� �x��r� t�� �alysis ��r�sen��! in Setti�r� �.� �f t�i� R�vis�� ��IR, as augm�r��ed b� t�ie a���sis ir�. th� �ond Adde�d�nr►, whi�h i� in�orporafied �i�rein b� r�f�rer���, t�� ���1�r�+��n� M�ti�a�i�n IVi�asx�r�s �r� f�asi�l� and ar� ma�� �inding thr��xg�i th� ��. �it� i�npositior� of the fai�aw�ng �iti�atiar� �neasure�, ixn�acts ar� �ess � sig�t�i.fi�a�nt. �����o� ����� ����: ���o���, �� �r �o�� ���r �����r �o �r�� ������ ��o��c� Pr�e��reof by Rlr��on �onst�l�n� for the C�ty o�Arr�yo Crande 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 58 �������i�r� ru�. ���� �� �� � �� �itigation 1V�easure ��b�: Developn�e�� or� S�e�p �Ia�es. A�s pr�scrib�d ��r �'�t�e �� o� the Cit�y of Arroyo �ra�nde Dev�Iop�ent ��de, buii�i�ng a,�nd �rading i� nat pe�tted on �l�pe� �f ?�5°� and �a�er. �tee� s����� {��r�sic��re� �� b� ��-�.,��� pre���nt a dan��� t� �c�sliding, slape failrxr�, sedin��nta�i�� �� ��n-site drair�ages c��r� to �e��Iera�ec� �ux��ff a�r�d ��il er�si�r�. Beca�xse �� th� �r�siv� q�xali��s of th� sit�, ����1���n�nt ��xai1 be �ar��i�it�ed �n ��apes exceed�ng �°�6. l�eference - Rev�sed FSEII� pages 4.4-1b t�o�xg1� �.�-�8; S�ond Addend�n �ages 37-�9. ,5„� Hyd���ogy a�cl ��t�r ���1i�y �.�.1 �ot�n�all� ��gr�fi��nt �ire� In���c� �-1. D�ur�n� �r��e�t ���st�x�#i��n, �� s�i1 surfa�� �v�rxlc� �e s�rbjer� �� �ro�i�r� an� t�� c��wns�irean� wat�rs�ed w�ul�l be ��xb�e�t t� p�11�x�i��n, �I�w�v�r, ���p�.c� �vith t�� r�u���r��s �f �h� NPI��� �a�rrni� �v��xYc� redu�� ti��se i�p��t� t� a �Iass ��, �ign���ar�� bu� »�iti�a��e �rnp��t. �indi�g - Fursrxa�t �o Prxb�c �eso�xrc�s Cod� Sectian 2D����a� and Stai�e C�QA Guide�ine�s Secti�r►15�91 ���, th� �ity h�r�b� �inds ��� �xar�ge� �r alter�ti�ns �iav� �� req�uir�� �, �r in��r��r�ted ir���, the �r�ject t�iat a�oi� ar ��b��antia�y 1��ser� th� �ig�ifi'r�ant ��v�r�r�n��ta1 �ffec� �n th� �nvir�rtinn�r�t ta be1��v a��v�� �� si��a���. Fac#� �n ��ppart of Fi�►di�g - R�gu.l�atio�s under �e fec���a� ��e�n Vl�a�er Act a�d t�ie Stat� r�eqx�ixe t�at, far pro�ects t�at worx�c� d�shxr� �r�at�� �an �ve ac�es dx�ri�g �onstruc �c�a�ging t� ��r����r� n�axi�nunn in I�r�ar���r �� �003}, � I�Tat��na1 P�i��xta�t Dis�l�rg� �1i�a�i�� ��ster� �N�.'���� �tai�ce �e��ra1 ���stru�ti�r� F�rnrtiit be obtai��i. �'he pr���s�� �evelop�e�t enca�npass�s �� acr�s, of which a�proxi�at�ly � acres wi11 �e dYS�xr�ed. Th�r���r� a�ta�e P�r�ni� ���x1c� a��1� to �� c�ev�l��rn�r�t �� �� �vera.Il �r��t. Th� P�rrmit rec�rxixes �e �reparatio� of a S�ornn �at�r 1'ollutior� Preve�ntio�n �'Ya�n �SVI�PPP� t�t conta�ns �pec�£ic a�tio�s, �e�ed Best M�ag�ment Fra�#ic�s {�IViPs}, to �ontro� the �.�isc�arge af ��llut�nts, i��i�xd�� �ec�im��►t, �t� 1ac�1 sr�rfa�� �vat�r d�a�ag�s. �efer to mitigati�n ��a�rxr� B-���� �n �ior� �.�, �i�I�g�� ��sout��es, �� �� R�vis�c� F��i� f�r an �uti�n� �� th� �e�itd�� pr��a��� requir�d w�r�� iu��a��s �o �iparian anc� w�t�and habi�at ar� �n�� a��i��c�, �u��r im���t� fal� u.���r t�� jx�ri.s�i��ior� �� ��er��i�s 1i�c� th� �n�� ��rps �� �r�gine�r��, F�egi�na� Vl�ate�r �t�ali�y ����r�1 Board an�l t�t� ��parlxn�nt �f Fis�i anci �a�n�. �n ��tdit���, � I��tice of Ir��en� �N�I� �o �����r�n w�r�C t�nd�r t�t� F�rini� rnt�s� �e fi1�� wi#�i #�e �tat�. ll�i��ga�ior� 11rl�asxrr� - Ba�e�d u��r� th� ana��sis �r�s�ntec� in �c�i�n �.� �f t�� ��vxs�c� �SEI�, as aug�n�r�t�d by t�� a�raly�is in t�� Sec��� ��ci�n�iun�, �v�i�h �s in��rp��afieci h�r�in b� refe�rence, #1�e f�l�owi�g IViitig�tion Meas�x�r� is fea�s�bl� and i� �a�� b�ndi�g thro�xgh the MN�tF. Vl�ith imposi�ion of the fol�owix�g n�i�igat�on n�e�s�xre, �xnp��ts ar� le�s �an �ig�fi�a.��. N�i��a�i�n Me�.sur� H�l�a�; Bllr�� In►�1�m��t�ti�n �x�.r�i�►� ��nst�r�c�i��t. Best �.n�ge�n�r�t Pr����� s�all be �.�secl ci�xri�ng �r��ect �nnpl���ntati��, as part �f th� ���P. �IVi.Fs t�at ���xlc� he usec� �� t�i� �r�j�t �i�e i���uc��: Po���tar�� Esarpe Deterrer�ce • �r��bit on;site ���r�g�. ���r�r all �th�r �t�r�g� areas �n�Iucling s�il p�1��, �rx�1 a.�c� �re�par�ed �y ��r��an Cor�s�r�tar��s for #he ��[jr of �4rroy� Gra�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 59 ���������� ��i Pa�� �� �f 13� ch�mmfca� depot�. Prot�ct �x�os�c� t�n�porary ma�erial� fro� rai�n and wind with �Iast�� s�t�ets ar�d fiemporary roofs. Poi�utar�� �or��air�rrser�t Ar�eas Loca�e all ��r�st���i�r�-r��at�ci e��xi���nt an� rela�eri pr���ess�� �ha� ����a� �r ��n�rat�e ��Ilut�nts �i.�. fu��, �u�ri�a�rtit an� s�1��r�#.�, ����r�t c�ust a�c� s�rx�ry� in is�Yat�� ax�eas �vi� �ar�per pr�tecti�n fr�rn �sc�pe. L��a�e �� abov�-�n�nti�r��c� i� s�cure ar�as, awa� from storm c�x�a.ins an� �utters. P�a�� th� ab��r�-��r�ti���d in b��nn�c�, p�ast��-]i�ed ci�����i�ns t� ��nta� �1I �na�er�als wi�in th,at si�e i� th� ev�r�t �� a��ic��r�#�I �eleas� �� sp�l. Par�C, f�x�I �nc� ���� al� ve����s �nd �qu.�pnn�nt � on� desig�afied, co���ed area. P���u��r�� De�air�men� �Irie�hods •�ro�ect dowr�strea� drair�ages f�vn� esca�in� poi��xt�t� by ca�t�xrin� sedi�ner�t �arriec� i� �xr��ff anc� �yr�ve�ting �an.s��rt t��rn th� s�i�+e. E�c���l�s �f �1�taa.in��n# ���h�ds �h�t re�ard �no��n�►�n� of wa�e� and separa�e s�c�irne�t an� o�er con�ant� ar� s�t �e�ces, �ay ]����s, sar�c� l�a�s, beyr�ns, s�t ar�� d��ris bas�s. �rosio�n Cor��ro� •�a.�r�� �ro��ct� s���xld b� s��c���l in�o ��as�s t�t all�w f�r �r�si�r� �orttr�� �� �rn��l�r areas rather t� a single, large ex�os� sit�. ��getat�or� s�ou�� o��y �e remov�d w�ten r�ecessary anc� inv��c�iate�� b�f�r� graciir��. • S���drx1� ��c�a�a�i�n anc� grac�i�xg w�r�C f�� c�ry �v�ath�r. ���� a��i��t��s ma� �e �rohi�ifie�1 betw�e� t�� m��t�is �� IV�vemb�r a��l �pril. •�1��� s�a�iYi�ers s��ulci be r�t�iz'ed. T��s� in�lr�ci� r�a�t�x•a� fib�r �r��i�n ���tr�Y bl�k�t� �� varying ��nsit�es a���rc�ing �� s��ifi� s���� f si�e ��r��iti�r�s. � Exp�c�i�e t�� r��t�rz�ia�r� �f na�ra� �r�si�� ��r�tr�1 anc� r�du�� risl� �� si�pe failur� by ix�n�ediat�Iy reve�etating a�d irrigating un�il first o�e ir���t o� rain. �evege�atior� s�ould be cor��let�ed no �afi�r thar� ��fio�er l�t so v�getation has ha� a�ha�c� to stabili�e t�ie soil b�efore th� raYns be�in. •�educe f�xgitive d�rst �� wet�in� grad�c� are�s wit� a� adec��xate y�t �or�s�rvativ� a��r�t �� wa�r. �eas� gr�c�ing �p���ti�yns in �igl�► winci�. R��yc��ng/Disposa� Fr����� rec��li�� �a�y.liti�s. I��v�l�� �r�t���l f�r nrtaintair►�n� a�I�an site. T�.i.s in�lt��e� pr�per r�cyclin� �f ��ns��ti�n-r�l�fie� �afieria�s an� eqt������� �u�d� ��.�., �����efie dust, cc��tin� s�u�ry, mofior oi� a�nd 1x�bricants� . I'r�vic�� c�is���a1 �a�iliti��. Dev���� }�r�toc�1 f�r �1�ar��x�a a�ci c�is��sal �f �n�a11 ���str�x�t��n �vast�e� �i.�., dry ��n�r�te�. Ha.�ardous �Via�et7a�s ider���ca�iot� ar�d R�spor�s�e � ��v�1�p �rotoc�l #�r id�ntifyi�t� r�sl� ����a�i��s a.�� �n��r�a�s. In��rxd� �rotoc�� f�r i��nt�fy�� ���1��-m.afi�rials ��urce, distributi�n; �a�e anrl tarr�s��rt �f ���11�� m�t�rials. • �r��id� p���oc�� ��� �r���r ���an-up �f �quip�n�nt and ��ns#�x�ti�� rn��erials, and disposal �f spi�lec� s�xbsi���� anc� a�sociat�d c���nu� �nateria�s. � Fr�vic�� ���r�en�y r�sp�nse ��ax� �at in�luc��s ��n�ing��t�i�s ��� as���n�1in� res�ons� P�+e��red by J4�ncor� �o���#[�r��s �or ��e �#ty of Arroyo �rar�de 4fi Agenda Item 9.c. Page 60 �������i�� ��. Pa�e 4� of � �5 t��m an� i�t��iafiel� r��tifying ��pr��riate ag��n���s. T�� a�ct��� B�IriI'� t� b� i�n�l���r►t+e� �ns��e ��u�� be r���l�p�c� a� ��rt �� t1�� ��I'FP requir� ��r �it� ��r�stru�ti�rx. ��f�r�n�� - I��visec� F�EIR �ag�s �,.5-� thr�u��t �.�-6; S�e���� �e��enc�� �ag�s �9�1. �,�.� �at�r►tia.LYy 5ig,�ifica�tt �irect �xn�a�t I�-�. I�g1�-v�I���t�, c��b�~is-laci�r� �t�rm fl�ws in �as� F�r�c M�ac���v �re�e�C �reat�e ��tentia� for f1��din� anc� �r�siv� �nci�rx.r��rt�g �� pr��a�s�c� i�n�r�v��ents � Tra�t 01-�1. T�is �np��t ����sic��r�ci a��ss �I, sigr���car�t bu� rr�iti�a�� i�npa��. �indin� - P�xrsuant � Pu��� R�s��r�es ���� Se�t��n 201�1�a� anc� �tate ���A �ui��li�es ��i�r� �5�9��a}, t�� �ity ��re�� firticis tha� ��an��s �r alterati�r� �v� �e�e�t req�ir�d i�, �r ���rp�rated ir��a, t�� �ro���� tha� av�i� �� s�x�stant%ally 1��ser� �h� si ''��nt e�vir�nm���al �ffe�t o� th� ������un��t to bel�w a�e�r�1 �� si ''ca���. Fac�s ix� �r�pport af F��►dir►g - According �o a�awks an� �ssocia�es �eer-revi�w of the �raina�e �port �r�pa�c� by Ca.�t�er�ck Develop�er�� �or �xis si�e �Niay �, �93"7�, #�t� p�os� �ro��� peak f��w rat�e g�n�ra�ec� i�n � 1���ar s�orm �s 3� �f�. Th� �xis�g 84-�n�� �vic�� c�x��ert und�r La Ca.x�ada has t�e capac��y to �or�vey �his flow wi�iout ove���a�� t1�e road, but its in�p�ct �n u�s�rea�n �r�perti�s �s �xr�cn�wn sin�� i� wa� n�t �n�I�xci�ci in th� ��rc�rarxli� ��c��1 s�x�n�ittec� ��r rev��w. �urt�i�rm�re, b���1ca�� �� t�s ��x1v�� �y c����i.s �v��1c� ��s� � fl���i rislc ��� s��n� �f th� �r���sec� �r�p�rti�s. "The �xi�tzng 4S-i���i wi�� �t�lv�rt t���� #h� �r�p�se� �#�eet ff �" is to� ��ll ��r the T0�-�r�ar stornr�, �ausin� fl�ws �o av�rt�p �t� r�ac�. �I�itig�ti�n M�asrxr�s - Based t�p�� t�� anal�si� �r�s�nt�ci in S�ctior� 4.� of th� Reviseci F��IR, as aug�xen�ec� by �e anal�si� in the �econd �dd�ndunl, wh�ch i� ir�corporated he�rein �y ref��renc�, �� followi�ng Mit�g�t�on IVf ea��xres ar� feas�ble a�nd are m.ad� binc�ing t�iroug�i �� h�v��. �rVith i�np�siti�n �� �� f�Il�wir�� n�i�igat��� rn�asr�res, �n�a�#s ar� 1��� tha� signifi�a��. M��iga�ia� 1Vleas�e �-2{a�: Flood Frotectio� M�asx�res. The appli�ant s�all i�t�len�en� f���ci �r��ct��n �t�a�s�xr�� adc�yressin� ��t�x�tial fl��� risks. 'I'���� n��asrxr�s s�.a� in�lrxci�: a. Devela���nt of a h�dra�x�ic rx�o��1 af Ea�t Fork Me�dow �ree�C as it flaw� t�irou� t�te tr��t �r���r �r���sed ��nc�iti��s. Th.is m�ci�I gerr�r�tes a�t ��c�e�c�c� wa�r surfa�� �1�ati�� �xs��i in c��te�,i��r�g �h� �����r ��ig�it of �r�p�se� bui��ii�� 1�ts �� a� �o ���i� #�o�ciing durin� hi��t-f1��v �v��s. Th� �ulv�rt ir► L� �ax�a�� und�r� ��nditi�r�s �� ��9� �1ac�Ca�� s�i�r�1� be in�I�xd�d in t�� �n�c��I. Th� gr�ciin� �1a� s��r��c� �nsrxre t�at �roposed fi�i�s� floar ���va�ions ar� a� �east 1 faot abov� th� �ode��d f�aod el�vadon�. b. �esigr► �� "�•• �tree� wh�r� it �r�sses t�i� �a�t F�rl� M�a��w �r�� su�i� tha� �1t� 1�- ��ar sto�nn �asses with�u� �v�rto�p�n� t�� a���c�nt �ayn.lcs. �. A cirain�g� �nai�tenax►�� �Ian dr�w�n �x� to i��lr�d� r�g�Iar cu�r�rt Ynainfienan�� ��s�cially duri�� #�� ra�ny s�easo�t} anc� ren�oval af acc�x�n��a�ed sed��nt a�nd d�bris ��� �har�x��l. Th� �ai�r�t�ena�n�� �f in�rn�1 c�r�in��� featu��� �n ri��tce r� s�I �ae t.�� re����ibi�ity �f �i��r a � I�m� �wn�rs Ass��ia�i�r� ��A� . D�cai�n.a�� �x� �aublic ro e eas�em�nt or ri� of wa sha�1 �e thro�x 1� � Benefit IViaint��a�ce Dis�rict. c�. D�si� and i�tstal�ati�rt �f trash r���cs �ps#ream �f �h� �ulv�rt �r��rakx���s �� ��ssen t�t� r�slc �� �I��rars b�o��cag� c�uru�� Ia�r�� �t��r�m ��r�r��s. �r�ep�rerf by R��cor� Cor����tar�#s for ��e ��ty af Arroyo Gr�r�de 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 61 ���o��r��� r��. Pa�e �8 of 1 �� Mit�gation ll���s�xre �I��{�►�: S�rea�nbank ���init�y �onst�x�tio�t ��xidel�es. 'T�e ap��i��nt ��aI11i��i� g�ra��t� an� ���.s#ru�ti�r� ��ti�it��s �n th� vi�i�i� �� t�� �tr�a��b�lc a��o��� �� th� �oll��vir�� g�id�I�n�� �� a.s �� l��ser� th� ris� of �tr�a�xx�ax�c �r��i�n a�c� ��ssibl� unc��r�tin� of �r���sed �tr��tur�s. T�tese guic����s s�ll inc��d�: a. Ap�r���iat� �r�si�n ��ntr�� �t�x�txxr�s s�a1� be i��1�xd�d at the �ntran�� a�cl ��ci� �f �i� con�eyanc� struct�r� unde�r "�" �� where �t cross�s th� �r�e�C. b. A�1 ne�cessary �nviron�n��t�a� pe�its s�all � ap��e� for and con��li�d �t�. �'hese per�ts shali inc��xde, b�� ar� r�ot limited to, a S�reaYn�ed Altera#io� Agreexr�ent ��alifar�.ia De�a�ient of Fish anc� Ga�e}, Section 4q� F�rmit ��#�afie �at�er Resour�e� ���t�r�l ��ard�, anc� � Se�ct��n 4�4 P��nit {LJ.�. Arn�y ��r�s �� En�neer�}. �ef����� - I��vis�ci F�F�II� p���s �.5-b and �.5-�; S���r�cl A�lci�r�c�um �a��s ��-42. a.�.3 �c�t�ntially ��gnifi�ar�t l��.rect �Yn��c� I-���. ��nstruc�i�n o� ��ac1s, �i�m�s, ar�c� ��h�r strrx�t�ur�s wi� i�r��rea�e r�xn�ff a���unt� anc� v�lociti�� anci b�ac1� 1��a1 c�raix�a��, ThYS �rnpa�� is ��r�i�l�recl � ��ass Ii, sig���car�� �u� miti�ab�e i�pa�t. �i�din� - I'ursuant �o I'u}�lic R�s�r����s ��r1� Se�t��� 201���a� and �t��e �E�A �uid�l.i��s �c�ion ���a}, t�e ��t�y here�y fi�nds tha� c�anges or alt�rat�ons have �en r�qu�re�d ir�, or in���po�a��ec� into, t1�� �ro�t �� a��id �r s�x�stan�i�ll� ��ssen t�� sign�fi�an� �nvir�nn��ntal ��fe�� on th� er�vironm�nt to b�1o� a��v�� af s�g�fi�aunce. �acts in �u�por� �f �in�in� - A draina�� ��st�m i� �r�p�s�ci �o d�v�r� 1o�2�I dr�inag� 2�r��nd a�nd through t�� develo��ne�t a�d co��ey it �o t�ie creek. T�ie i�npervfous areas �reafi�d �y th� ci�v�l�p��n� will in�r�as� �e v�lu�� a�n�I v��ocit� �� �n�ff, �rea#�n� t�� ���e�txal fo�r �rosi�n �v��re th�se f1��nrs a��� ������ix�at�ec�. So�►� �� th� �r���s�c� drai�a�� s���Yn � thr�ugh individu2�I ��#s, w�1� t�i� r�st �f t�� s�st�e� is 1��ate� �n ��mm�� pr��erky. � drainag� �ys�e�n rnain�enan�� agr�n��n� wi�l �e�� assx��e t�ia� #�ie sy�fi�� functions as i�fie�de�d. N�v�rth�ies�, pr�ospe�tiv� i�pa�t�s are cor�sidered poi�ntia�ly si�i��t A �ec�u�i��I is��x� tha� �vas ����tif�ed as ar� impa�t �or t�� ���i�a� �r�p�sec� �ar��ect, r�gar�cli�g �� ciesigrn �f th� �iraixxag� s���enn, �ias �een modif��t� i�t th� ��r����� re��sig�n to �1iu�inate �his im�act. Thus, n�itigat�o�n �ne�sur� �I-����, whic� was i�n�e�ded to add�es� t�iis issue, is r�o �o���r re�ui.�ed. �he d�ber�t�o� basin dov►r af �'r�a�� �1�1 was o�ig�a�y c�esi�n�d �o detair� rur�ofF fr�rn #his and �th�r tra�i� Vl�i�xin �he I�an�h� �ra.�c�� P� �.� t�ia� �or�trib��e ��ff to �a�� F�r1� �Vi����w �reelc. As �r��i��.s�� �n�nt��r��d, �aring T'��1�r � �issaciates has ���ate� t���r ori�ina� {��'91� surv�y o� the Ja�nes �+Vay defi�n�ion basin i�n a currex�� rep�ar� {�e�n�er �7, ��2�. T�e r�port sta�es t�a� whi�� th� b�sir� is c�xrre�tly fun��io�ing as des�gx��c�, t�ie �asi�n ��rx1c� r��� �e a�I� to ftu�c�i�r� �r�p�r1� wit1� th� ���it��n �f stormw�te�r ru�t�ff �r�m th� proposed pro�ec�. Vl��t�iout a proper�y fu.��tianing d�r�tior� basir�, ��r�a�d runof� �er�eratec� b� �i� ciev����xr���� ���xlc� �os� � floodi�� ris� t� �1�wnst�arn �r���r�i�s. T'his clr�ina�� w�nds i#� way th�ro�x�i. the Cit�y of Ar�oyo G�a�nd� and Grov�r �eac�t �d ev�ntually ends �xp ��h� 1'isnn� �iars� �e��r� f�rtally c�u�nping i�r�to �� Pa�i.�ic ��a�. If t�� draina�� basi� �s r►�� f�un�ti�nin� �� �l�signed, i� �s ��ssibl� �hat run�ff ����rz��ci �n�s�te ���x1d ac�c� silt and �th�r pallx��ant� to dow�strea� 1o�ations. M�ti�a�i�n 1Vl�asures - Bas�ci ���r� �h� ax�a��sis �ar��ent�d i�t Se��i�� �.� o� �� I�evisec� F"��IR, a� aug�n�n�ec� b� �� a�al��is i� th� Sec��� A�id�r�dunt, vrr��� is inc�rp�r��e� ��r�in �r�epar�ed by R�r�con �or�su�n#� f�r #he ��#y af Arrayv �rar�de 4�8 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 62 �������i��r ��. Pa�� �� of 1 �� b� ����r�en��, t�� ��ll�rr��� Mi�igai��� IVi�asur�� a�� ��a�ib1� a�'►� ar� nn.ad� �in�ling t���x��t th� MM1�F. �rVit1� in�p��iti�� �� �h� f����vin� �►�i��a�ti�n rn���r�res, i�n�a�ts are �ess t�an �igr�i�an�. IV�itigat�o�n Measr�re �-�{a�: Adeqrxate Deter�tion. Th� dow�ns�am d�ter�t�or� �sin was ana�y�d �t D��rnber �f 2�02 by �ar�ing �'a�lor d� �s�ciat�es �n �rd�r to d�t�r��e if the bas�n ys able �o detain sto�xtwa�er flows f�orn t1�� Ran�ha ����e 1� 1.2 and �e�eas� f�o�vs �� rat�� eq�xal to �r iess t�an �re ���c��ti�ns, a�s �riginally d.esig�n�c�. �'h� r���rt �tafies tk�at #he existing refi��d�tian basin �an b� used to �aptur� s�1t firom �he storm n�noff b� ov�r exca�at�ng �he basir� b�ottorn be�aw �� lawes� orx#1et e�ev�tion. As su�, prior to tract irn�rov�m�r�t�, �e Ja�nes Vl�ay ��tenteon �asir� s�a11 be restorec� �as�d on #he �urren� r�por� by �'T� �r���er t� A�per�c�ix J�� t�� ��vis�d ��EIR�. A���rdin� t� th� ��nc��ti��s �� Appr�val nu�b�r 5� for �� d��e�op�t�nt of'�ra�t 183�4, t�e Hon��o�v��r�' �sso��atian s�ial� �na�t-air� th� basin anc� �th��r ��n-�ite drai�ag� fa�i�ti�s. �1�iitigatio� Measr�r� �-��b�: i]rai.�ag� P�axt�. For �ract-r�1��d and �divi�uai �at d�a�x�a�e, a1� ninoff w��er fr�� ix�'►���vi��xs ar�as �ha1� be conv���d b� ��rf��� �r unc���g�r��� ���d�its, c�pable of co�v�ying th� 1�0-year �v�nt, to �xis�ng drainage ��.ax�.�e�s. A.I� �off �ro� �atural ax�eas i�►t�e�ce�t�d by �ro�osed in�proven��nt� shall �e �apt�x�ced and �on�re�er� a.rounci or �h.�roug� developed areas by a drai�age s�y��em �apab�� af �a�v�ying �e 10�[]-year eve��. Erosio� con#�ro� str�xc�es shall be ins�l�ed a� aII pipe outle�s and ot��r plac�s wh�re cir2�uta�� Fl�w� a�r� ��n��n�rated. In �c�dition, c�rainage sha1l b�e ��ns�sten# w�th �ppr�v�d drair���� ��ans th�� in�lu��: a, �.o�ati�ns a�ci ciinn�nsi�ns �� �11 �r���s�ci draina�� ���p�ar��x�ts; �. A.maur�t of water that is captu.xed by t�� dr�in�ge systen� at a� �nt�y po�nt� c. Axx�ount of wa�er �is�hargec� by t�i� drainag� s�sfi�m at o�ti�ts. Miti��►ti�n 11�I�asur� I�-��c�: ����Vi���D� A� I'� �QE� 1��'I' AP1�L�C T� T�II� �E�I��� ��o���r l���erenc� - R�vis�d �'SE� �a��� �.�-� t�r�rxg� �.�-�; ��c�n� Adct�r��i�rn �ag�� 42-4�. a.�.4 Poter�tialiy �i�ificant ��r�ct I�n��ct H-�. Th� �r���s�c� �r����� ��rx1c� r�c���� th� quality �f s�xrfa�� �v�te� fl��vi�� to offsite clra�na�� fa�iliti�s be�ause �f the �Y�g� i� Ia�r� rxs� �r�rn ��er� s�a�ce t� �e�ic��ntial h�rn��. T�is �s ��x��c��rec� ��Ia�s II, s~igr���amt bu� rr�i�g��Ie iu�p���. Findin� - I�rsua�t to �ub1�c R��our��s God� Sec�io� �018� ��� ar�d ���e C��A �r�idelin�s �ectian T509T(a}, t�e ���y he�by fin�s t�at cha�ges or alt�ra�io�.s �a�e been req�ired �n, or incorpora�ed in�o, t�i� �ro�ect #�at avo�d or �u�s�antially �ess�n �h� �igr�i�ir�nt ��v�ox�rtier��al �ffe�t on t�t� �r�vir����t ta �elaw � l�v�� �� �i�n�fi�an��. Facts in ��x���rt �� Findi�� -�ev�l���t��tt �f t�� sitce wi� �es�d��t�� �iom�s w�uld ��� im��rm�abl� ��xrfa��s s�ch as rooft���, �ati�� and si���a11�s, a�c� oth�r sur�a�es s�x�� a� roads, an� drYV�ways t�at wou��. a�ctu�rt�xla�e depo��#s of oi1, gr�ase, a�d o�e� �re�i�l� f�uids ar�d �ydrocar�aons. Tra�es of h�a�v�r �neta�s d��osited on st�eet� and parkin� areas �rom �ut��obiles a�d/or fall out of ai��or�� con�ann�nants are a�sa �ammo� urban �x�rfa�e wa�er ����tants. �uring sto�ns �ese c����si�s v��u1c� be w�s���i i�to a�d t�x���� �e dr��a�� �y��en�s, Pisrn� La���n an� ulti�atel� t� �� ���a�t. '1'��� �ro�e�t w�ulc� a1s� i�tr�c�r��� lands�ca��ng a�d a�so�i�fi�d n�ai��e�an�e �h��i�a1s s�xch a�s #��ili�ers, p��t�cic�es, and h�rbi�i��s. �rri�a�i�n a�d stor�ns ��ul�l wash s��� �� th��� �a�nc�sca�e ��i��ni��ls ir��� a�nc� �r�ared by R�rtco� �onsu�ar�#� �or f�e C#�y of Arroyo �rar�d� 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 63 ���������� ��� ���� �� �� � �� t�uoug� lo�al dra�age sy��e�s and i�to �ismo Lagoon. iJrb�n run�ff �an �.a�r� � �ari��y �f ��I��eri�t�s �ff�ct�. �iI an� gr�as� ��n#a�n a n�.�mber �f hydrocarban ��rn�oun�s, so�n� of w��1� ar� toxic �o aqua�i� orga�is�ans at low ��n�e�t�ati�ns. H�av�r ���ais s��1� as l��ci, �ac�mi��n, �n�i ����aer �r� th� rnos� ���r►��n metal�s found in urba� stvrm wa�e�r �~unoff. �ese �e�a�s can be �ox�c to aquati� ar�ani�ms, anc� hav� t�ie �o�nt�a1 �o conta�ina�e d�.�C�g wa�er supp�ies. Nutr�i�n#� �rox� fer��rs inc��ding �it�r�gerr an� p��s�1��r�us c.a� res�tl� in ��c��ssiv� �� a�����ra�ec� grawt� �� v����a��r� �r a�ga�, res�xlting ir� oxyg�� ��pl�ti�n an� a�d�ti��t� i�n�air�c� t�s�s �� �v�ter. Bac�e�i�a ir� wa�er can �ead to asp�yxi��iax� or s�ff�c�tiar� of aq�a�ic ax�i�a�s in t�i� rec�ivi�g wai�ers d��vns�a�n. ��r�for�, i�n�a�#� ta sr�rfac� w��r quaiity a�� ��r�sic��r�d poten�ia�1� . s� cant. ll�tig�tion M�asx�res -�as�d r���r� �i� ana��s�s pr�s�n�� i� Se�t��� �.� �� t�� R�vis�c� FS�I�, �� ��gm�r�teci �� th� a�na�y�is in t�i� �e���d Add�n�Iu�r�, w�ii�� is i���rpor�t��l �i�rein by r�fex�er�ce, the fol�owir�g IV�i,��afiia�n IVieasur� is f�asibl� and �s n�ade bindir�g throug� �e Iv�ViRP. �Vi�h im��siti�� �f th� f��I�win� n�itiga��i�� Yn�as�xr�, i�t���i� ar� ��ss �h�a� �ignifi�an�. N�i�ig��ion Measu�e I3-4���: �to�t'�I��ter Management P1�. Aw ��a.�t #.�a� �ncorporate� �MI's ��r th� I�ng��erm ���rati��t �� t�� si�e s�►all b� d�v����� and xaa€��1�rn��t�ec� �� �re a��lican� to �ninimY� t�e arx�orx�n� o� pollut�ant� that ar� wash�d �r�rn t1�e s��e. Th� plar� shall b� d��r�l��ed i� �oo�erati��t with t�t� �ity of Arr�y� �ran�� ax�c� t�� ���tra� ��ast ���i�nal Vl�a�er �u�ii�y Control Board. Examp�es a� �IV�Ps listed belov� �hi�h apply to �he d�veia�nn�nt of t�i� �ft+e ��.a� �ae in������ � t�� ����; ��uca�ior� •��e���I a11 s�o�r�n c�r��s i��ts ��d p��t signs �1��ng c�►a►�n�ls �� dis��ur��� du�pin� by inforn��ng t�i� pub�ic that wat�er flaw� to t�ie acean. • Frovi�� educatianal flyers fi� �a� n�w building uni� regarding i�xi� c��mical.� and a�i���ive� �or �ert��rs, pes�i����s, cle�ng salu�io�s a�d a�x�n�a#iv� ar�d pai�� produ�. • I�r�vic�� �du��ti�nal fl��rs �o �a�h n�� bui��in� �i� r��a.�d.i�� �ro�er c�i�s��sa� �� �a���r�� wast� an� auton�otiv� wa��. So�rc� R�d��f�or�I Rect���ir�g • I��velopn��r�t of a�n i��egra�ec� pest manag���nt �rogra�t for i�a�ds�ca�ec� a.reas o� the �ro�ec�. ��se �rea� w��r�� ���ut�� ���p�-st��ili�ati�n Iandsca�ing, an� �es����ia1 ar�� IaY�dsc��ing. I��grat�d ��st n�a�n.ag��n�r�t ���ha�i� �he us� �� �i�1��i�a�, ���s��a1, an� �ul�ur�l ��nt��1s rat��r �a�n c�►�m,i�a� ��n�r�I�. Exarnp��s i��lrxci� us� �� ins�� r�sistar�� ��1�ivars, nn.ax��xai we�e�d ��ntr�l, us� �f �sta��isi��� #�ir�s��Ids ��r ��st��ic�� anc� ��r���ic�� ap�li�aiaon, use of ���n�ical cor�troL� that be�in �re�r�t�11y wi� de�ydra�ing dusts, ir�e�#i�i�a1 s���s, b�ri� ��i� powc��r, ��rti�x�lfi�xral �i�s, an�€ �yr�e�rin-�a�sed i�s�#�i��s. �Ie�t�tr�g/ �a�r��er�ar��e • R�utin� ���ani�g �� streets, parking I��s 2�nci s���n �rair�s. R�gular �taint�x��� ar�c� cl�anin� �� �aix�i �s�ns, an�i de�er�ti�n �ia�ix�s by a benefit maiYt�e��� ass�nn�r�t di�tri�t. ��ct�ra� �"reai�mer�� 1�f��ho�s •"�he p�roposec� ca�c�► �asins s1�o�x�� be d�sign� for s�o�an wai�er quali�y co�n�ro� purpos�s Pr���red by �?�r�car� Consc+#�ar�#s for t#�e ��ty o��4rroya Gr�rra�e � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 64 ���������� ��i Pa�� �'i �f 'I 3� in a�cordar��e wifi� t�i� �alifornra �MI''s �n��aa�C. Th� �a�1� basi�s wa�xlc� �►ave fossil filtex� i�ts�rts �r b� �esign�� rr�ith � na#iv� s�� �r san� ��t�orn toppe� �y a rn�n�rr�u� �� �ix in�h�s �f fl�at roc�C ���er�c� �� ��hi��C�r� wi�� gr�t�. Vl�a�er ��a�r�� t�i� �a�� bott�n� c�t��i bz�si�n vi� a� xxr�dergro�n�l rei�forced �or�cret�e �i�e �ov�rec� �y ��ai�ch �asin tra� t�a� ����r���s f��a�abl� mat�riai fr��t �nfieri�n� inta �t� �ischarg� �ai��. �il anc� gr�as� fl�a�ts, an� so wo�c� be �a��ured by t�ie trap. �Ieav� ar�a�rc n�ai�eria�, s�dix�n.e�t and �x�b�r worxlc� �all to th� �ott��n �� t�t� �it and �l.so �v�r.�1d r��t ��i.�ha���d thr��g� th� ����. A.fter th� storn� �vater cirains �r�rn th� �atc� ba�in, �at�xral bi����i��I a�ti�x� c��gra��s �h� �rga�ie �ate�iaLs ��r��a�.�n�ci ir� t�t� tra�. 'T`hi�s s��v�s to �ff�ct�v�ly re�rx�� t�t� am�r.�rn� of ��ll��ants t�# wau�c� ���rw�� ���er �� ��ee1�, Vege#�a�e� swa��s rn�y b� incorpora�d i� t�e sit� layarxt to �e u�ed a.s a stormwa�er ��xality m�a���n�nt fie���u�. l�ia�tt3ce�n�� �f t�� �atch �asins ar�d v�g��atec� swF�I�s w�u�c� be �uire� t� ��irn�a�e t�i� ��ten�ial f�� ��i�r pr����xx�s, �r�visi�n �f rn�sc�uito hab�ta�, a,r�d to �rev��t �l�gging. In��rp�rat��� �f the a��r��� �IVII�'� a1��� with a m�inte���� �nc� ��erat��n p�an �v�r�l�i r�du�� th� a����n� of ��xrre�� and �ateniaia� fuEtu�� ��ll�tants d�s��ar��ci infi� t�i� �r�e�C a�c� �r��ect ��ains� failrx�r� �� �h� �ys�em, �n ar�c�i���n, t�r� a��1��a�t �as �r��ar�� � "Ri�a�ian �r�r� '�W�t.�aun� �n�an��rn�r�t Flan", vv��1� is int�nd�c� a� an en�n��mex�� }�1an fo�r �� r�hab�Iit�ati�� af Me�dow �r�ek a�a�g �he �ortion of Meadow Creek t��t �asses t�roug� T'ract �1-0(}1. 'l'�i.s is �ncl�xdecl as a.n Ap�r�dix to �he Aci��nc�x�rn. T�is ��pr����i w� �r��ic�� a��n �ddi�i�r►�1 ci�g�re� �� �nit��at���. �'h� ���1i�ant �a�s aLs� �ndi���ec� a w�ing��ss t� ���trib��e �x� �� �3�,00� to t�� ��ast�1 �a� I�,�xis �����rr�� ��nserv��i�r� �istri�t t�o �e t�.s�c� �ith�� ��Z�ly, �r in �ombinati�n wit� �t��� fur�c�in� �o c��ry o�tt tas�CS a�n� ob�e��ves of t�� �ITa�ers�i�d P1an, ada�� �ay t�ie ��sn�o La.ke Tas�C Fo�e o� Marc� �2„ 2�04 {�or�r��por�dence franr► �ndre, I�arr�s an� Brxtt�er�y to �e �,i�y of Ar�royo Grande, D��mber 1�, ��4�. T�e a�p�icant aLso pro�os�s to d�di�a�e � the ��t�s �xse a� exis�� w�ll Ioc��ed on tl�e �r��e�ct �ite. T�is w�i� wa� �ed in �99� an� us� t� pr��i�i� �onstru�ti�n wat�r f�r �e I�c�� �rand� �ubdiv�si�n. A w��I test �a� �e�e�n �re�ar�, a�d t�� vv�1� is ���a�ec� ��x�s�c�� t�� Santa Il�aria �ro�xn� �at�er �asi�, a�c� th�s �s r��t su��ct t� an �dj�c�i�a�d agre����� ar�i�ir�g fron� �v��� �s� with�t �is basi�. T1�is a����i�nai w�t�r sourc� ��uld be �sed ��r n�t�x�nicipal rxse, w�ic� �n �aar�t �an r�duc� �o�en�ial ��acts w�th r�spe�t to wa�r q�al��y �correspor�de�c� fr�nr� Andre, Iviorr�s and B�xt�ery to t1�e ��t�y of Ar�royo Grand�, Decen��er 1�, ?�4} . ��s� co�t�i�ut�ons ar�e not in�e�dec� as miti�at�on for ixr��act H-4, as t��y are i�ncl�.d�d b�eca�xs� t�iey prov�de ��ro��ct b�n�fi� �o cons�cler �n th� forn��xl�atio�n a� a�ta�n�ent of �ver�riding �o�si�e�atior�s. No�e�heless, �h�s� cont�~i1�u�ions do pro��d� a�exus in t�i�ir patentiaY to reduc� im�a�ts �o wafier qc�ali�y. l�ef�r���� � Revise� ��IR �a��s �.�-� t1�r�x�g� �.5-�.�; S�c�nc� �d��nciun� ��g�s 43-�4�. 5.fi La�d C�s� 5.�.1 P�#�ntiall� �i�ifi�ar�t ��re�ct �i��►ct ��-�. �� �r�j��t w�rxld �ar�iall� re�1a�� an irtif��rrn.a� �pen ��a�� ar�a wit�t de�����n��n�. This ��u1�I 1ti���r th� a�1t��v�m�nt �f a���i�r�n� ��er� s�ac� n��w�rlc ��r �ff-roaci �r�i�s a�� wildl�f� r�igr��i�n tha.� yanalc�� use �f th� �xist�� clrair�a�� sy�t�nn. Pr+�pared by R�r�corr �or�sex#tarrts �or #he CJty o��lrroy� �r�rrd� �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 65 ���������� ��i �a�� �� O� 'f �� �m�aet� ar� ��ns���r�c� ��ss �I, sigr����ar�� bu� tnifi��ble. �i�din� - P�rs�� #� P�xblic Resour��� ��c�e �e�c�.�n ������a� an� �ta�e �E�A ��xic��lit�es �ec�ion 1�91{a}, �he G�ty l��reby find�s t.�at �han��s o� a��ration� �ave �een r�quir�d �n, or �n��r��r�t��i in��, t�i� �r�j�ct �at a��id �r subst�tiall� l�ssen th� s�ig�ifi�a►n� �r�v��n�r��ntal �ff��# �n �h� �r��i���n.��nt t� be1��v � ��v�� �� sigm�fi��n��. F�cts �i.n ��p�ort of �ix�ding -��roposed pro�ect �vould su�.�vide t�e p�o�r�y inta �5 re�i��r�ia�all��s an�I �n� ��e� s�a�� 1��, a����s roads, an� r�la�� �it� im�r���Yn�nts. A�l r��n- c�ev�lop�d �ar�ds wou�d � p�a��c� �x► a.n apen spa�� �a�e�x�t. �pen s�ac� ar��s wauid tatal a��r��ci�fiely 84 �er��nt �f �h� �it�. T�i� x�emainir�g �p�r��c�t�ly ��a per�e�t �� t�t� �ite wou�d b� co�nprised o� re�i��ntia� 1ots, ii.n�e�a1 road� and mi�c��ar��a�xs �rn�rove��n�s. Ivios� �f t�� �r���sec� dePv�l���er�� w��Ic� �e �oca#�ed �� ti�� ��r� �ev�1 ��rti�ns �� t�� ��te. Th� sfie�per sl�pes �n�l t�� ar�a inn�ned.i�t�1� ad�a�er►� � t� �1� wou�c� b� t�� }�r�i�a�y �pe�n �pac� areas. �'he�re is pubii.c access thro�gh �he ���e v�a a�rail �nd emerg�n�y ac�ess prov�i�ia� �ro�n a �oi�� �ea�r La �anada and Ja�� way, via B�ossom Va��e�r Road, atrd �x�ending �o th� Hidd�n ��ks School a��e. �'his a��ess is ��nsis#�tt wi�l► #�� �an�h� �rar�c�� Ilr�aster P�aun, Mitigation 1Vi�asur� -�as�ci r���� �i� a.na��si� �re���ted i� Se�ti�n �.� �f �� I��vi��i ����, as a�grn���ed b� t3i� �l�rsi� in �� ��r�ti Acic��nc�w�n, whac� is ���r��ratec� ��r�� �� refe�r��c�, t�� fol�owing I�Iitigation IVi�a,s�re is �eas�b�e ax�d is mad� birtdi�g through t�ie �P. Vl�it� i�n����ti�n �f �� f����ving �it�'r�ati�n �n��s�xre, i�r�����s �re 1�ss than Sl�l L�7��I7�. ll�i�t���#��n M�as�� L�J-����: '�'rail A���ss. T�i� pro�osed �r���c� �hal� inclue�� �r�visi��ts ��r irtx►�r���d rn��ti-��xrp�se ���c��st�i.a�, bicy�l�� an� �qt�e�tri�n� public trails ac���s. T�re tr2�i1 �aas�rn�n#s shal� �e situ�.fier1 t� al���v a���ss a�ar�� t�� ger��ral aligr���n� �� t�t� �as� F�r�C �� IVieadaw Creek anc� �te on-si�e drai.nag� tx�i�ui�ry and aak woodland �xte�ndi�ng to the ea�t �o ��nnect to th� H��i��n ��ks sch��� si�e, sx��� �.a� it s��parts an� p��en�i,a� e��rt at �itywi�� r�cr��ti�n�1 a�c� �ir��xlati�� tr�i1 ����ss al�r�� ���� s�a�� a�c� c�rai.na�� ar�as. ��f�r���� - I���isec� F��IR �a�es �.�-� a�xc� �.6-4; �e�c�nd Acicl�r►rlu�► �ag� �5. �.7' 7'rans�orta�io�Tr�f'fY� �,7',1 �'�t��tia��y �i�ifi�ax►� ���ct Im�a�t T 1. ����1��x��nt �f �h� �r��ect w��I� r��u�t in th� acid�ti�n �� ��� �v�rag� dail� tri��, �� �.Ni. p�al� hox�r trip�, ax�c� �1 F.1V�. p�a�C ��ur tri�s to �h� stud�-�x�� �r�a�wa�s ar�d in�rs���i�ns. Th� �r���sed �r�j��� alor�� w�u�d �►�� res�xl� in ��c�e�cian��s �f r�a�w�� �r int�rsecti�r� ��S �ta���r��. F�n�ing � Pxxrs�� to �ub�i� Reso�xrces �od� �c�ion �0181 �a} and �ta�e ��A �u�delin�s �e��o� 15�91 �a}, �he �i�y �ereby fi�nds t�iat �h�ges or altex�ations �a�re �een requir�d ir�, or in��rp�rat�ec� into, th� �ro�ect t.�ia� av�ic� �r s�x�stantially lesse�n th� si ''�ant �n�ir��nnn�r��al �ffec~t �r� �h� envir��n��t �o b���w a� 1��v�1 �f si ' '�a���. Facts �� ���port of Fix�c�ig � All o� t�e si�ali�d study-are�a �n�r�ct�o� would �onti��xe to o�erat�e at L�a ��r bet�er c�u�ing bo�t t�t� �.IV�. anci �.Il��i. �ea1c ��ur per�ods wit� E�cistin� + I'�roj�ct �ra.ffic. The a�1 way stop �ont�ro�led Can�o �vier�ado f Vl�est �ranch Str�t it��e�s�ction vv�ulci ��n#in�� to �perat� i�t t�� LOS � r2�n�� ci�xring the P.II�i. �ea�c ��ur p�riod, Th� proj�� Pr+epar�d �y �4�r�cor� �o�s�#tar�#,� for ti�e G�ty of Arroyo �rar�de 52 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 66 F����L�T��N h1�. P�g� 5� 0�'13� w�u�d ad� ���� to t�xis �o�ati�� c��rin� th� P.I1�. �ea1c ��ux peri�d. '�'hi,s �v��x1c� �cid. #x~�f�� t� an i�t�rs�ec#�on curre�t�y function�.�t� �elow �t� t�►r��io�ds. As s�u�, �s i�npact �vou�d b� consi�er�d poi�#ially s� ' ' ant. I� should �e �o�d #�ia� direct a���ss to th� pro�ect woulc� b�e �rov���d vi� �he Ros�n�ary Lane ��t�t •`�••� connect�o�n to La �anad� �treet. Ros�mary �,,an� is praposed as a�� faa� w�de roa�way. �i�en �he exi.stirEg and forec�st �raffic vol�rn�es an �,a ��da �#�, t1�e �ew in�e�ec�ion of Ros�mary Lane would o�era�e �vith m�i�xa1 c�e�ay a�d a�ccor�odafie tra.ffic e�t+ering and ex�#ir�g the pro�ec� ��#�. Mi�igat��r� ll�i�asrYr� -�as�d ���n th� a.na�y�s�s �r�s�nt�c� i� �ecti�n �.� �f t�� R���s�d ��Il�, as �ugm�ntec� b� �t� �na�ysis �n �� ��r�c� �cid�ndum, whi�� �s ir�����ra�c� h���ix� �� referenc�, �e followi�g IViitiga�on 11r�ea�sure is feasibl� and is �de b�tdirx� �hro�gh t�e IVIlvI�P. �VitY� i�posit�o� o� tY�e followi�g n�iti�atior� ��a�u�e, ixn��c�s are l�s� t�ia� sig�can�. Mitigati�n M�as�.r� T'�� ��►�: F�ir �1�ar� �'�affi� Nf �t�g��ion ���s. 1�� �ity �� Arr��r� �rar�c�� �apital Im����r�rn��� I'r�gra� in�lu��s a�r���c� �� install traffi� sig,r�s �t t1�� i�t�r��cti�r� vf �a�x►i�� I��r�ad� f�V�st Bra��1� ��xee�. '�h� pr�ject a���i�a�nt s1�a1� pr�vi�� fair �har� traff�� �it�ga�ion fe�es to insta�l traffic sigr�a�s. Vl��t�t �e i�stallation o� traffi� s�gxuais, t�� i�tersec#�on w��x�d ��er�t� a��e�t�bl� � t�� L�S � r�ng� �nrit�t E�cistin� + l���t anc� �u��n��a�iv� + �'r��ec� traffi� ��1u�es. Refer�n�� -�ev�sed FS�IR pages 4.7-5 t�tro�g�t �.7 ��; Se�ond Adder�d�m pag� 4f�. �,7',� Pot�ntially ��gr�ifi�a.r�t l�irect �m�a,�t 'I'-�, Dev�I�pm�r�t �f t�i� pr�j�c# w�ul� r���x1� i�r� �� �d�liti�n �� ��� av�r2�ge d�ily t�i�s, �� A.M. pe��C ho�r tri�s, anc� �� P.M. p�ak h��r tri�s �o th� stu�y-ar�� r�a�wa�r� a�� i�t�rse�fii�ns un�er cu�r�u�a�� ��nditi�ns. �is wo�lci re��1� in ��c�eec�a.���s �� �n�ersect��� �.�5 s�c�ards a� th� �an�r�a 11�ercad� f�. 8ran�h �tre�� in�ers��ti�r►. �1��� iI, sigr���c�r�� b�� rr�ii��ub�e, %ut�ac�s w�rxlc� �r�su�t, Fi�r►cli�►g -��xrsu�unt to Public R�our�es �ode �ection 2C118�{a� and Stat� �E�A G�xic�eli�nes �ection �5�9��a}, #h� �i�y ��r�by finds t�a� chax�ges or alfi�r�tions �ta�e been req�d �.r�, ar inco�rporat�d in�o, the proje�t t�at avo�c� or s�xbstar�txaliy �ess�n the sign�fica�� e�vi�ra�ental �ff�c� �r� t�� �n��r�n�n�r�� �� �e1��v a I�v�1 �� s� ' '�an��. ���t�s �n ���port o� �ix�c�in� - T�►� �perati�nal c�ar��t��isti�� �f th� s�d�-ax�ea �t�r�e��i�ns w�r� ar�al��,ed based �r� th� ���ulativ� + Pr��ec� tra�fi� vo�u�es, Th� s�gnali� s�uc�y#are� inters�cti�ns wi�1 ���►tixti�� fi� �per�t� ac���tabl� �� L�D� ��r b�e�ter wit�► ��.�n�tiv� +�'r��t traffic v�l�mes. ��w�v�r, �i� cum��attiv� tx�affi� w�u1d c��gr�ci� t�� ��r�tior� o� �h� ��o�-s�gn ���ir�lled �nt�rs�c�ti��t at �i�� IVi�r�2�cl� anci Vl�est Bran��i �tr�t �o ��S ���.r�n� th� A.�vi, p�alc �our period and to �O�S F dur�ing ti�e F.IV�. p�eak �our p�riod ��ersection. Th�s wa�ld �ae c�nsid�rec� a�lass II, sig�a�c�� but rrratiga�Ie, impa�� Mitig�tio� Mea�s�xre - B�d u�o�n t�ie a�naly�is pr���ed i�n �#�o� 4.7 of t�ie �evised F�E�R,, whi� is inco�ora�ed ��r�in by re�ere�ce, th� following IV�i�ig�t�on Mea�sure i� f���i��e a�c� �s n�ad� �indin� thr�ug�x t�� Iv�RP. �Vith �� im�l�m�r�tat���x �� IVfi�iga�i�n ivi�as�rre T-�{a�, ���� t�ia�� signifi�a�nt �anpa�ts w�ul� �r�s�1t. �e,f�r��►ce - R�v�sed F�E�� pag�s 4.7;�6 throug� 4.7-��; Se�ond Add�nd�� p�g� �47. Pr��ar� by RJ�cor� �on��lf�r��s �or #�he �#�y of Ar�royo �rar�de 5� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 67 R�a�������� ��. P�+�� � Of 'I �� .�.� P�xb1�c ��rvi��s �.�,I Pa���►�i�Ily �i�nif��a�t# �ir�ct I�t�act P��. '�'h� �r���s�c� �r�je�t wi� r�st�lt in a�t Yn�reas�� d�man� ��r fir� �r�fi�ti�� s�rvi��s � a� are� ��ra��eri��c� as �,avYng a�ig�i f�re ha�rc�. 'I� wou�� �e ���tsid�r�ci � ��ass �I, sigr����at�t bu� rr��ti��b� inn�a��. F�n�ing - Furs�xar�� to 1'u�1ic Reso�rces �ode S�t�an 2�}�S��a� a�d �t�a� C��A. �uic�e�ines ��ion 1�1 �a�, t�e �i�y ���eby fi�ds t��t �han�es ax� al�erat�o�s �ta�e 1�� r�q�ir�d ir�, or i���rp�r��ec� i�t�, �� ��r�j�ct #h�t av��c� �r ��x��tar�t�y I�ss�n t�� �ignif��ar�� ���i���nent�� �ff�c� �n th� �nvir�nm��� �o be1�w a I�v�l �f signifi�an��. Fac�ts �n ��ppo�rt o� Fi�►di��g - The propos�ed pra��t woulc� ge�erate a po�ula�ion of approxirn��e�y � re�side�►ts s�rved by the Fir�e I��artment. �owe��r, �e corres�onc�ir�g i��r�ase � calls w�u��i �x�� a��reciably in�re�se r�s��� ti�xt�s, a.�td w��l�i r��t g���rall� re;sr�t i� t�� �t�ed f�r additi�r�al fir� ���art�i�t �ta�F� �r ec�ui�m�nt. 'I�� �x��rer�� r�s���ts� tim�s � t�� �roj��t ar�a �fiv� �inrxt�es} �v�rxlc� �e �a.in#a��c1 with th� c��v����rn��n� �� �h� ��o��se� ����ec� ���i��, T�rry �ibi�h, Arro�� �rand� �ir� ��p��m�nt, Fhan� �or�v�rsa�ior�, J�.ut� 200�}. How�ver, the sit+�'s steep s�opes, flas� f�x��.s and ca�nyons, co�i��ed w�ith res�de�ntia� c�ev�����n��xt, �vi1� �r��t�e a� ��t��ntia� �iyre �r�b1��n. Tlus ��u1c� i��rease t1�� ��rvi�� �rxirem�r�#� �f th� Arr�y� �rancl� �ir� i�part�i�nt and �h� �n�xt�xaY ai� ��rga�.a�i�ns, Th�re �s also t�rea� to st�x�t�x�es �ro� ar�as t�iat remain as open spa�e. A v�ge�atior� manage�ent �1an ir� c�rtjun�ti�n with ��p1i�a�1� ��t� t�e� �r�i.nan��� ��io��d �e in��r��rated in �h� ��&.1�'s to addr��� th� v�g�� �fire fx���s} is�x��, a� w�11 �s wi�c�life habi�at a.r�ci aestl�eiac issr��s. � Lar�dscap� D�v�lopn�ent S#ar�d�arc�s a�.�c� �ir� Ma�a�em�nt Plan s�all be a���r���c� �ay t�� �ity Fir� �hi�f �r��r �� c�e��I���n�x�t �f V'I'�'M �1-00�. ����tati�r� ��oulci � ev���xa�ed �� a� annr�al �asis �a c�et�e�ni�� th� t�re�t �f fir� a�x�c� po�entia� darnag� to s�rurtures, and de�er�in� what co�x�rse of a�t�an s�oulc� ]� �a�cen �o redrx�� �i� fir� t�tr���. I� t�� ev�r�� �� f�re, fir� su����si�n� reso�r��� w��r�� be ��x���r�� w�t� t�� s�f��y �f resi���nts a�d �tr��tu�res. '1'I��ref�r�, Arr��r� �ra�nc�� �ire �e��r�n��n� �v��1c� be �#�ti�rtin� f�re ��x��r�ssi�x� r��ourc�s n�ax t.hre�ten�� st��txxres. T�� ciev�i����nt s�►�x�� pro�ic�e for a��n ade�uate circ�r�tion sysfiem around critical structures and �arts of th� p�o�er�y �a allow r�aso�a��e a�c��s t� fire crews. Exis�ing fir� fiow re�quir���ntss sta�+e �at �a�� �nit �ias at 1�as� 1�5� ��n f rx�it, plu� 500 gprn f�a�h actditi�� 1ev��, �1us ��p� f�r ��ad siding. Th�� rec��i�cem�r�ts nnus� n�eet �ix� fl��v r��ed� �� �h� ��-unit dev�l��rn�n�. ���er �i�� i� t�te ar�� are eig1�� inc�es ar�d cons�dered adequa�e for pro���ed �ir� flow, s�x�e�t to pro�ect in��rov�n��nts. T�tere is a�so a fir� tl�reat to ��ro�ased s�ructures sx��� �at a ve�etatio� mana��n�ent ab�tem�r�t ��a�x, � ��r��un��i�n �vi� a����i.cabl� �i�y t�re� �ar�s�rvati�n �rdi�an���, w�xxld �e req��d. The proj�t a�p�cant wou�d b� req�xirec� to �an���y witi� t�i� n�ost recent �Jnifo�n Fir� ��c�� and in�����n�nt �i�y fir� ��r��ecti�� s�ant��rds �s a ���diti�n �� �r�ject ���r�va1, �alif�rn�a ����e�r�� ��c�� 4��9 r�c�u�res �1�a�ra.x��� �f flarnmab�� v�g�tat���n ��r � c�ista��� �� 3�D t� 100 fee� ar�u.�� a s�ruc�ure locat�ci in a fir� �a.�arci ar�a�. I�► a�c�diti�r�, �n��r����y wa�er supplies �nust nneet �re flow rec�u�re�er�ts in�Iu�iir�g i�stra�ation of fi�ce hydrant�, a�ce�ss road widths �� �� 1�as� 20 �ee�, �..s� �f all-w�at��� r��ci surf���s, r��d surfa��es �ith a l��c� �a�a�ity of a� 1eas� �D fi�rts, n�n-s�� surf���� �� r�ac�s �t an� grac�� ��c�e�din� 1��, maxin�t�� ��a�- Pr�e�are[� by ��n�or� �or��alf�n�s for #he G�ty of Arroy�v Gr�n�Ie 5� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 68 Ft���L�TI�lV IV�. P��e �5 0� 'I �5 ��d raad le�g�hs of �no �ore �an �,320 f�t, prouision �f a 1�foot fi��� br�ak to eac� s�de af roads and dri�reways, provision of a� a�tornat�c sprinkl�r syste� w�.ere �u�ldings hav� n�or� than one story and an u�p�r sfi�ry i� occ�xpied, an� n�ain�nan�e af �es a�d �eget��ion near ste��tures. Mitig�►ti�n �Irl�a��� - �a.sed ���n #h� anal�sis pr�se�nt�ec� i� Secti�n �.� �f t�t� ��vised FSEIR, as augm�x►t�d �ay �1i� analysi� ir� t�� S���r�c� ��d��c�x��, �rr�i�1� is ir���rp�ra�ci ��r�in �y ref�r�nc�, the foilow�g IVi��iga�ior� �Iri��s�s �r� feasib�e and are �nade bi�nc�i�ng t�oug� the �P. �ith i�►p�siti�n �f �� ���1�w�i�� n�.�t�gati�n n��asure�, impa�ts ar� 1��� �an �igni�cant. 1V�itigation M�asrxr� P�-��a): �iar�/Vegetatio�► �I�I�xag��te�t Plan. 'I'I�� ��pli�ant sha1l ��v�1�� a�����at��� �xtana����nt plar� and f�r fu�� ��c�ifi�ati�r� �1ar� for th� �it�. �'he fol�aw�n� fi.��� rnod.if�ca�ion s�cificatian� are requir�d: • The pl�n �us� s�t �or� reqrxi�e�nen#� to assx�re o�ga�g �x�ot�ctaiion af all si�~u�tures and r���is, b��h ��i�r t� and 2rfter l�t sal�s. � T�►e p1a� s�a11 re��xi�� 30 fe�et o�' a��equa�e c��aran�e from brush to stni�tur�� t�roug�o�rt the �eve�ap��nt. ��r�-si�e o��upant� ��a�1 n�� ���ar v�g�tat��n �r�tsic�� des��na�e� �l�aran�� ar�a b�unci�ri�s i� �r��� t� 1�anit �n�a�ts � nativ� habitat. • Fire �esist�.nt 1a��s�capin� #�i�� is ��m�atibl� with surr��di�� sensi�iv� r��tiv� ��eci�s s�►��xXc� � rxsed t�ir�ug�i�ut th� �r�j�� s�t�, •�eg��a�ion wit�i�r� the firs� �0 fe�et of a�. str�x�tur� must b� stric�� �x�rigated a�� �o�tr��1�c�, �+rrit� s�ecif�� s�rub sp�eci�� �1iu�i�at+e�, I�� ��nifer ��x���t M�r��e�rey �ir��, singl� sp�cin�en}, e�rca�y��xs, juniper, cypress, ���tpas gras�, aca�ia, or pa1n� trees s�or�ld � a�owed w��irY �h� ��foot �one. Coastal live oa�k {�ercc�s sp.}, Ca�iforn� s��a�n��re, T�y�n �n�i shr�xbs� tree� ap�r�v�ci b� �h� �i�y �ire De�ar�n�nt wi� be a�c��ta�1� w�t�in t�e �-foot �o�e. • T�e ��an s�ai� ou�e �u�� rnod�fi�at�an spe�if�cations s�xc� as: - �rass�es s�a11 b� �ut down � a�e�►gt�i af � i�ch�s or l�ss year�y, or as requi,r�c� by t.�e �ity �� Arr��r� �rar�de �'ire Depa�n�r�t. - �hru�� u�d�r oa�c.� and wi� 1� feet �f tree �a�r��ies s�ali b� pr�n�d �� �re�t��� volun�e a�d �a s�tru� �hal� be ren�oved w�t�iou� th� appraval of t�i� �IOA desigr� c�mmit�e�, -�ak �ree 1in�bs �o �e �on��c��red for re�nava� s�a�1 � Iess tharY � i�nc�xe� i� dia�r�e�er wi� ���� �� t�� gror�d. ��ra����� m�st b� �����c� f�r mu1c� a�n� ��ft �r� sit�. - Tr�s wi� gra.ss gr�vving �n�a� rn.ay r��t r��ed �r�xn�ng ��s� �� �im�� t�u�h t�� gror�d. Then, al�owa�le si� branches s�ta1� be r�moved �o provid� c�eara���. - Trees �n� shru�s be��at�i �r �d�a���►t t� �i� car���� s��1� lik�wis� h��r� limbs � in�h�s �r 1��s re�ov�d rx�ti� �1�aranc� �s ���i�v�� b�t�wee� �an��� �ncl s�u~�xbs. �r��ar�ed by Rir�cor� Cor�s��#an#s �or #he C�y o��4rroyv �rar�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 69 ������ 1 f�� ��. ���� �� O� � �� - If shr��s o�cur wi�in �p�n areas ��ts�c�� a 1�-���t ���� arour�c� tr�e�, t�ey sha� r��a� in t��ir ��cis�ing f�rrn. �om� ��rub� in t�is a�r�a ���r be i��i�ate� �n t�� f��Ic� t� � t��nec�. - Rexr�oval of I�rger tx�e lin�b� ov�� � Ynch�� i�n �ianne�er w�ich pas�e a�a�ard o�r ar�� w�i� 4 feet o f vertica� cXe�rance �on� must be spproved ��n ar�o�rist �a11 work on a�d aro�d exi�tix�g oa1� trees sha� confor�n to �h� ��nd�tians �f th� �i�y of Arro�o �ranc�� ��n�uan�xni�y �'re� �rc��nar��� ���. All �runin� �� ��� �re�s sha11 t� su�er�rise� by a c�rtified �r�or�st �sin� i�SA a�pro�ee� pru�i�g �t�rxdards. All ���� a��difi��►#i�ns s�a11 b� �on.sYSt�nt w��1� mi�i��ti�r� nt�asur� ��a} �Pisn�o �1ark�a �i��ida����. �`he FYre f�egeta�on IViax�a�en�en� F1a� �n��t �Iearly st�a�e �xa��y what �nanagen�e�t ��2�rtic�s ��xs� be a��oxr�p�s�ted, da�e of anrYUai �axxtplianc�, and res�onsibi�t�r �or �os� of �onnp�ia���, 1�� �l.ar� m��� a�s� in�lu�� a��dlan�i �m�rg��ncy �����n� ��iecic.i�st �a��r�v�c� b�r �it�y of Ar�oyo �rand� �ir� Depart�xt�nt} to }�e rnarle avaiiabi� to a�I resid�n�s. Ni�#i�a��n 1V��asur� P�-���}: ��ad �id�hs, L�ngt�xs, a�n� Fir� �I�dra�t�. R�ad wiciths, ie�ngtl�s, and �ir�u�a�ion, as well as t�i� ��,acen��n� of �ire hyc�ra�ts s1�a111�e designed w�th t�� g�x�dan�� o€ #�i� Arr��� �r�nde �ir� ��ar�t�nt, A r���i sys�exr� t�at a1��w� �nhincl�x��c� �i�� �e�art�r��nt ����s ancl n�ar��u��r'�� d�x.yri�n� �m��g���i�s s�a1� �e �r�vicleci. �p�c�i�a1��, t1►� ���l�wir�g m�as�.x�s a�r� r�q�ir�ci: •�'raj�ct �oads �ust �e an ali weath�r sur�ace a� �east � feet in w�idth, unob��ru�ted by �ar�C�ng. Ce�l�d�-sa�s artd tur�o�xts �xtx�st �ie to Fire �par�nier�� s�andards. �f t�e roads �re to �e a�riv�fi� syste�, t�i��� �anu��t be ��-��in�, I��al�� �ir�ding �rovisi�ns in �ff�ct t� ma�n�� t�i� roac�s �� Fi�r� �e���xt�r�� requireti lev�ls. •�o�t� grades o� all roads s�ia1l not �xc��d �� i6, p�r t�i� LTni�or� �ire �o��. • Hou� ��xnnb�rs �n� �treet �ig�ns s�.a� be 1i���ed #� �t�y sta.�dards so tha� e�ner���c�y ���i���s ir��lr��i�� p�1i�� anc� a.x�nnbx�lan��s �an locat� re�ic��n��� i� th� �r�r�t �� an� emer�e��y. � A� f�r� a�p�r�tus a���ss r�a�s ax�c� d�rv�way� �ha�I be �l��ign�d and n�ai�ntai��r� �� s�x��o�t t�e i�npos�d 1oad� of �0 tvns at ��ph, ar►d ��a11 b� prov�d�d wi�h a surFace sa as �� ����vi�� a�1-w�a��r �riving ��p�biliti��. ll�f��i�a�on M��,sur� �������; �t�rx�t�a1 �a��guards. �t�t���t st��t�ral safeguarcis �t w��xlc� red��� t�r� n�ec� ��r rap�c� r�s��nse of #irst a1�rm fiir� res�r�r��� will be r��u�red. I�n �����ra�, ir.�is w�u�� req�ir� th� txse �� ��n.�#�ucti�r� n�a�eria�s #.�ta� ��u1� surviv� � wil�ilar�d f�x�. I� vvoul�l als� i��1�xd� ir�st�lati�r� �f fir� s��ir�l��rs �r� an� I�i� a���ssed by r��ds that ar� �e�ss th�n �2 f�et r�xr�-to-c�xr�. �aus�� �oca�ed o� €ia� �a�s a� t�os� ac�essed by d�iv�ways st�eper t�an �59� shall Y�e �o�.strrx�fied �vi� a�to�at�c fire sp��r sys�e�ts, ar�c� be subjec� t� a��r�v�l anc� �esti�� b�r �� �ir� C�i��. As �u��rex��1� re�ui�red by th� �ity �� Ar���� �ra�c�� �ir� Coc�e �Sectio� 9�.2.��, i� is expec�l�ed tha� a fir� t�ic�C cac�� enter t�e pro�os�c� �r�ey�rr�ed by Rlncor� Consul�►��s �or �he C#ty ofA�r`oyo Grarrde � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 70 F�E��LI�TI�IV f��. Pa�e �7 0� '! �5 st�bdivisi�� ��r �� �ee� f��m t1�e c��fi�r-�� �f t�� �r�s� IViirabel I�� �n�1 r�,aintai� � ��as�nabl� �es�or�s� �inn�. Fr�� ��►at ��i��, t1�� fir� tru�� �v��x�c� hav� a�.�0-���� r�di�.s �t�i� a��pr��ci�te ��r�gt� �# ��ir vvater 1��se} �� �ir� �r��ecti��n. �iy unit �uts��� �� �hat r�d���,s, accord.i�� ta �� Fire Code, n�ust b�e designed wit� a s�rinkl�r �ysfie�t. The fai�owing feat�ure� wor.��c� b� requirec�; • �pr�r��Cf�� ��stems, If ��-f��t ��g��atior� ma�r.a��n�ent �o�t�s ar� ��� �n��loyec�, t�i� ��rinn�t�er siaru���ures wit�ix� t�� fir� I�az�ar� area ��xs� hav� exter��r ��c��st�re ��ri��r sy�t��n.s se��►ra�l� ��p�i�c�, p�r NFF'A ��. I� �dc�i�i�r�, resic��r��ia1 �i�s �lt�� li� outsic�� �f �h� fire txuel� pr��tect��� rac�i�� {� ��-f��t �ac�i�.s ar�ur�d a fir� �ru��C �ax1��d 7� �e�t in from t�ie �ntrar��� of a�ubdivis�ox�� s�a11 be de�i�n� w�it�i fire �aro�ection spr�nkl�r �ys�erns a�pro�ed by �h� ��r� C�ief. •�Iriir�irnum C�ass B Roafs. �e to �e prox�rni�y of the �roj�t sifie �o a H.ig� Ha�zard F�re S�v�rit�y area, a�1 st�c�ures ir� t�i� proposed develo��ner�t s�o�d �av� at the minin�um C1ass B roofs to mitiga� th� fixe t�eat. • ���ig� ��'Acae�sory F"�a#ures. D+��cs, ga��bo�, ��ti� ��v�rs, ��n��s, �t�. mu�t n�t �v�rha�� �I�� an� mrxs� be ��e-��rxr fi�r� �retard��n� ���tst�ucti�r�. Fr�nt d��rs sh��lci b� s�lic� cor�, rn;�T��11� 1��� in��i t�i�c�C. �ara�� c���rs s��rx�c� �e �����x�b�xsti�l�, •�ctrc� �haru�t�r���i�s. ����tati�n gr�wing �n f�n��s s�t�ulci be pr�ven�eci. • P�u�er Lxr�e�. �.I.I r��w ��w�r Iin�� �vi11 � 7�r�.s�a11�d �xnci�rgr��x�d i� �rc��r ta �r�v��t faire� �a�sed by �reing vvi�e�. T�e a�pl�ca�t �roposes to dedi�at� �wo �merg�n�y fir� a�cess �ro�xt�s �ead�g to su�o�d�g I�nc�s. T�t� ar� �1��wr� o� t�� �r���s�d ��st��'I'��tati�� �'ract ll�a�. �n� go�s s�ut�����erl� ta �'ra�t 18�4 and ��t�a th� scY���l �r���rty �v�i1� t�� ���r g��� r�orthe�s�erl�r to th� I�ng �rop�r�y. The applicant will d�dicabe easern��ts to t�ie �ene�t af �i� �ubli� fo� fire �ccess a1o�g t��s� rou�es, an� wi1� d�sign and co�struct roarl �npraven�ent� to the �ro�er�y b�oux�c�ary for t�e sc���1 �r�p�r�y a�c�ss. As �o th� a���s� r��i�e ��ading to t�e s���� pr���yrty, t�� a�pli�an� will �ls� �r��ic�� an �ngi��ring �v�l����n and ��nsi�x�t t��at ��rtian of �� roarl �v�i�� �r��ses Tra�ct 1�34 and t�e s�c�iaol pro�rly up to w��re t�e �xisting roac� is �oca�ed o� �� sc�oal �r���r�y �I�t#�eer fr�m Ancire, M�rris a�ci �rxtt�r� fi� t�� �i�y �f Arr��r� �ranc��, c�a�� D�c��tbe�r ��, 2�4 an�i �u�seq�r��nt ��rre���x�ci�n���. Th�s �ctf�� wiil i�rti�l�m�n� n�it�g�t��n, R�fer�nce -��vi�ed FSEIR page� 4.�-� t�augh �.S-8: �cond Addend�xn� pages �7-5�. �,8,� ���r►fiially �i�ifi�a.n# �ir�ct I�r►��ct PS-5, T�►� �r��a���c� �ro�ect w��xld ���ra� a���r�xi�nat�e�y �� tons �f s�lid vv�st� ��r y�ar. Th� s�lic� �was�e di�posal s�r�i��s �� �ic�fili t��t serv� the ��o�e�c� si�e woulc� have adeq�xat� �apa�ity to a��a�noda#e t�� was�e ge�►erafi�� by the �ro�e��. Howev�r, the �ro�e�t wor�ld resu�t in t�te use of part o� �ie Iimit�d ��aining capaci�y o� ttie �a�td�il�. Th�ref�re, soiid waste ��r��r�ti�� w�ulc� be ��nsic�er�ci 2� �1�ss II, s�grta�c�mt but rnffigc��� �n�a�t Fi�nd�g - Fur�r�ant �� I'�x�Ii� ��s�ur��� ��d� Se��i�x� 2�1�T �a� and �ta�e ���� ��xi��lines Sect�on ��91{a�, t�� Cit�r ��r�by fir�ds �at cha�g�s or a�teraiaor�s �v� beer� requ�re� in, or �n��r��ra�ci i�t�, t1�� �r��e�t �at �v�id �r srx�st�nti�ll�r 1�sse� �i� �igr�fi�a�t �x�vir�r►n��r►ta� efF�ct on the ��vi�onmen� � b��ow a levei of s�gn�f�ic�n�e. �r�spar+ed by R#ncor� �on���arr#s �or �e C�y af Arr�yo Grar�de 57 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 71 1'���������� ��. ���� �J� �� � �� Fa�ts ix� �upp�ort of Fin��ng �- �olid wa�fi� gex�erai�on is a function af t�ie nunn�er of �►omes, hou�se���c� �ize, anc� per �a��ta �aste prod�x�ti��. ��r�.�tru��i�n a�#iviti�s a�r�� n�w resi��nts gen�ra�d by ti�� px�o�osec� pra�ect wauld prod�x�e sa�id was�e beyo�nd �xist�ng co�c�i�ions. F����vi�� th� in��i�ati�n �� t�� �orx�r�� Re��xc��n anc� �ecy��iyn� E1�n���n�, a�n �s�a�ed �.�� ��ns �� salid r�rast� �s �er��ra�ed p�r r�si�i�r�t p�r� ��ar� �'T�� Iviartin, ���ttr��l�r, Sa��h ��u�n�y �itary Servi��, In�., �h�n� �onv�r�sati�r�, ���� ��0�� . �a� �n � ����r �� �.�� peyrs��s �er dwe�lin� u�i�, th� �,'�-�u�it pr�o�t would be ex�ect�ed to g��ner��e approxi�a�e�y �3 �ew resicients. In 199'9, th� Ci�y �f Arr�y� �rand� initi.at�d � re�y�li�'►� ��ro�tFa�, �+v1t�.i �ecre2�s�d th� a���.n� of so�icl wast� �en�rateec� per h�u��I�I. �� i.s est�nt�afi�d t.�ta� t�� �r�p�set� �ro��� wou�.d �e�►e�a�e �7 to�s o� so�c� wa�� p�r �rear. The amaunt of solid was�e ge�terated �vox��� represe�nt a sn�all percenta�� of t�e �ermitte�d daily was�e a����tance and rerna�ni�g ca�acit�y at �h� �an�fil�. �'h� �r����cl pr��er� w��x1� �n�t req�xire t�� c��v�1����nt �� ��ld��io�al s�1i� wasfie �ysfie�s �r s�rvi��s, as th� cxxrr�n� �nfrastru�t�ux�e is �a�aa�I� �f han�Iin� th� �ro��ctec� s��d wa,st+� �enerat�o� �for� 1V�a�rtEr�, �or�trall�r, S�ou� Co�xnty Sa.rutary Service, Inc., I'�one �����rsati��, �u�x�� ���. I� �cicii�i��, �►� pr��e�c� �it� �s �oca�ec� r��ar an �xi�tir�� �ar�a�g� �olle�tion rou� and wo�d on1� �rxixe t�ie curr�n� s�rv�ce to �ak� 21 �r►ore s�ops ta pravide s�rvi�� �� th� �r����� ��i�e, r��t�Iting in a Iess than �i�n�fii���t i�npa�� f�r I�r��-term ��c�pa�tcy S�TV1��. Pr��ect iun�l��n�n#a�i�� ��rx1c� ��� r��ul� in �ny cha�n�� t� ��rvi�� �n �� �r�a �r ar�� sign�icant �hang�s t� th� c�isposa� ���rati�ns. '�"h� ��r�����d �ro�ect w�ulci n�� �r���e th� need ��r a�n� sp�ia� s�ii�l �va�� dis��sall�a�d�� anc� w�uld th�r���r� ��m���r �vit�i ai� statues and re�u�ations r���d to solid �vasfie. Haw�v�r, �rvje�t const��xctio� ax�d occupaney r���x1c� ����l�rat� us� �f th� remai�nin� ��lc� �any�n La�nc�1 �a�a��ity, whi�h w��1c� b� cansid�r�d a potentYa�ly sig�icant i�npa�� �rii��a��i��n 1VI�as�� - Ba��i �p�n t1t� a.r�a�.�sis �r�s�n�ed in Se�t��x� �.� �f t�t� ����s�c� F��IR, as a�xg�nn�n�i by the ana�ysis �n t�i� �ond A�c�e�d�nn, whi.ch is �corpox�a�ec� herein by r�fer�n��, th� f��l�wing IViiti��ti�n M�ast�r�s ar� f�asibl� a�� ar� �n.ad� �indi�� t��ug�i �he IVIlviRP. V1�ith ����i�i�r� �� th� f�ll��v�g mi�i��tion ��as�xr�s, im�acts �r� �ess t�.an s�g�ifi�an�. Nfit���#i�n M�a.sur� PS-a���: �ons#ru�ti��► ��1i� �ast� Mi�irni�a#i�n. �Y~i�rti� t�� constr�x�tior� p�ases of th� pro��t, �� follow�r.g mitiga�ion �easur�s will be i�plem�n�d to rec�uce so�d wa�� g�r�eration ta t�e m.axi�tx�rn. ex�n� f�as��le: •��ior to cor�s�ructior�, the con�ractor wi11 ar�range for cons�ru�tion r�yc�g servic� wi�h a wa��e ��llect�i�r� �arovi���r. R�11-�ff �in� f�r t�i� ���1��ti�� �f rec�v�rabl� ���str��ti�r� �a�erials w�il� be I�ca�ed ox�si�e. T�t� ap��can�, or a��or��l agent t�iereaf, s�►a1� a�ra�g� ��r �i��C-u� �f re�y�l�c� mat�ri�Is �v�th a was� ��1��ct��n pr�vid�r �r �hal� tra�ts��� re�yel�d �n.aterials to t�� ap�r��r%a�e s�rvi�� ��n�er. Vl�aoc�, �on�re�e, ��ry�wall, ���a1, card�oard, a��ha�t, soi� and 1��d �1ear�in� de�ris m�y all be re�ycled . •�e cor�trac�ar w� d�si�rat� a per�on to n�o�itor re�ycli�� efforts and c��1�ct receipts for ro�i-o�f bi�n� an�/or co�stru�tio� wa�st�e r�cy�ling. �1 sui�contracfi�rs wilI be i�for��i of �� r�cy��ig pla�, incluc�in� whi�1� �mat�r�a�s are to be sourc�-separat�d a�d pla�ed � �r��r �ir�s. • T�� con�ra�tor wi11 �xse rec�y�led n�.a�e�L� in ca�stru�#ion wher�ver feas�bl�. �r�epared �b�r �#r��or� �:or���ftarrts �vr �h� ��ty ���4rroyo �rar�de � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 72 �������*�� ��i Pa�� 5� �f'��� • Th� a�ove �o�,struction was�e recy��� n�eas�xres wi� �ae �t�or�ar��ed into th� ca�s#r���io� s�ifications �o�r the �antractor. 11rlitig�ti�r� 1Vieas�.r� P�-�{b�: �c�u�a.ncy ���c� �Vas�� �I�Iinirni.z�f���t. �iri�� t�� 1�r��-te�~nn ����xpa�ncy ��ia.s�e �f th� �r�j�ct, th� ��I��win� rnit���fi��n n���sures wiIl be irn�1���r��ed �� r�drx�� s��i� was�e ��n�rat�i��n t� �h� �n��c�nnw�n ��c�r�� ��asibl�. �arden�� �as�e: 'I�� fo�lowing n�iti�ation m�asures w� be �e respon�ibi��y of tY�e a��lican�. • Durir►� �ds���� c�esign, tr�es �v�1 � sel��fie� ��r t�� appr�pr�at� s�� an� s�a1� to �ed�xr� prunin� wa,s�e o��r t�e �o�tg-�rm. •�1��v-gr�wing, ���r��tt-�ol�ra�t ��t� will b� i��X�x��d in t�� lan�sca�e ��. Dr�tx��� t�l�rant �Iar�ts reqrxixe �ess �runin� a�c� g�r��r��� l��s 1��g-t��tn pruning was�e, re��xir� 1��� �vat�er, and r�quire less f��ili.zer �ar� �as�er �r�vvi�ng �lan�s. •�n-�it� ��a�� wii� b� a�.loc�ted f�� a��rn��s� ar�a �o �erv� �h� r�sic��nt.�.a� d�v�l��me�t, �ef�rer►�� - R���s�c� FSEII� p���s �.8-�� t�rorxg� �,S-��; S�or�d Ac�c��r�c�rx� �a��s ��-��. �.� �INL�IIIT�� I�E�A��II�� �I�IITIF��AhT�' �I1��Ii��N��1�T�L IIVIPA�T� TH�'�' �A�I��'I' FE��I���C �� ���II�E� �� 1VII'�'I�A'�'�� 'I'� �����V � L���L �� ����IFI�A�N�E No impa��s �ave b�n id�ntifi�d for t�i.is revised pro�ect t.�a� �ax�no� �e ��igat�d to a�ess t�an sig�i��� 1e�r�1. �,� F�1��II1I�� ���AR17I1�T� ����V'�'II Il��]L���1VIE1�"�' �1V�1'A�'I'� CE�A G�ic��lin�� S�c�ion 1�1�6.2�c�� �eq��res t1�at a� EI�: "Discuss t�� way� �r► �v�i��i t�� �r�����d �raj�t c��Ic� ���fier �c����i� �r �o�ulati�n graw�h, ar the canstru�t��� of ac�d��io�a� housin�,, either drre�t�y or �dire�ctly, %n �e s��rou�d�g enviranrne��." �,I F.c�n��ni� �ro�vth �ixe�t I�t��tct. �i� �r�p���ci �r��ect �v�tx1� ��� r���It in �igni�i�ar►� i�x►�a��s related �o �onon�ic �rowt�. Fi�din� -�ursu�nt to Pxxb�c Resources Cod� Sec�o� �O�S��a} and �tate CE�A G�d���� Sec�i�� 15�91�z��, �h� C'ity Y��r�b� f�r�ds t.�iat �hang�s �r �1t�r�ti��s �av� b��n r�q�r�rec� i�, �r inc�rp�rat�� ��o, t�i� pro��c� tha� av�i� �� �t����antially lesse� t�� s�gnifi�ant env�r��n��tal ef�ect on t�i� �nvironn�ent to �e�ow a 1�ve1 of si�n�fica��e. ��►cts � ����a�rt �f �i�d�g - T�� �r�o�os�d �r��ect i��r�1��s �riv�t� res�c�er��iai c�ev�l���n��nt and daes �►ot ��Iu�e any con�merc�a� a� indu�t�ia� develapm�n�. Ther�efor�, at��r tY�an s�tort �e�n re�icien�ial ���strrx�t��r�, i� w�uld �t�� ��t1y ��n�r�t�e ���s �r e��r���i� activ��y. Based on a�a�t�vr of 2.8� person�s per dw�ll�ng �xr�i�, #�e �5 pro jec� �vauld b� exp�ct�ed fia gen�ra�e �repar�ed by R�rrcan �or�s�r�tar�t� for t#r� C�ly o�Arroy� Grande �9 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 73 F�E��L�JTI�lV IV�. P��e �� of 'I �S a��roxi�te�y 4� re�icieyn#�. �e e�t�nat�d 43 resic��nts t�xat �v��x1� �e �clded �n #h� �r��� site woxxld ix�cr�n�entaily in��reas� ac�iv�t�y ��earby re� estab�ishment� ar�d �nay ge���rafie c���� �o� s��lt servi��� as land���in� g�r�er�i�t�, ar►e� ���t� �Ieanir�� and �a�ntenan��. Howev��, t�e pop�xla�on that wou�d �e g�n�r�t�d by th.e proposed �ro� const�t�x�es a��pr�x�a��y �r��ixt� ��' �r�� �rc��t �� t�� ����a�i�n �� �h� �ity �� Arr�y� �r�an�i� �lax�nir�g Area�, w�ic� �vas �st�nn�t�� #o �ontain � popu�a#ia� of approx�nateiy �.�,851 ��e�sus ��DO, LT.� �ens�xs B�r���x�. I'ro�e�� r+��i��nts are �xp�� fi� draw �r� �xi�i�� �etail and �an�m�rcial s�erv�i��s a�xead� a�ra�a�ie �n �e area rather tha�n ind�xcing ��w s�e�ri�e providers to r�lacabe fi� t�ie ax�a. As a x�es��t, no s�g�ficar�t p�ysi�al �fFe�ts ar� exp�fi�d to resul� f�ron� econornic growt� generated �y t�e proposed projec� �e pro��t is �xp�i�d fi� �iave min�r bene.fi�ial ec�n��tic effec�s �� 1oca1 r�#a�ers a�d se�rvi�� provic���rs. 1��#'�r�n�� - l�eviseci FS�IR ���� b-1. �.2 Po�r�la�ian Growth Direc�t Impa�t, �`he proposed �ro�e�t wou�� no� r��u�� in signi�icar�t impac�s relat+ed to �o�u��ation growth. ��nding � I�r��an� �o P�xblic Resources �ode Secfi�on �1���a� and St-a�e CE�A �x�i��l�x�es ��ion 1�09�{a}, th� C��y �ere�y fi�ds that c�ges or alt�ra�io�.s 1�ave �een requixec� in, ar in��rp�ra�ec� i�nt�, �h� �r��e�t �iat av�ici �r� substa�tia�1� ��ss�r► fi�� sig�ifican� �nvir���r�ta1 ��fe�� �� t�� �r��ri��n�n��xt �� �l�w � lev��� �� s�gmif�i�a.r���. ��cts in �t��p�r� of �indi�g - Th� �ro��se� �r�j� in��l��s th� c�e�v����rn��� �� �� �in� f�y r�sic��n��. 8ased on a fac�o�r af 2.85 �rsons per reside�nce, t�.is ��.�nb�r of n�w 1�o�es w�ul�i clir���r i��r�eas� t�i� �o�ul�ti�n �� t� �it�r �f Arro�� �rar�d� by b0 pe��1�. 1�i�s populatia�n i�cr�as� r�presents or�Iy a�act�o� af o�e per�ent of t�e crxrre�t A�-royo �rande Plan�xng Ar�a �op�tior�. T�e e�virann��ntal ar�as w�th �e great�st pa�ent�.al to �e affec�bed by popula�on grow ar� r��gi�n�i ��r���rns s�xc� as �vater s���I�, �ir q�xal�i�y, an�i traffi�. '�'h� pr��ect �iaes ��t �ra��s� d�v�1���n�r�� gr�atex� t�ian wha� �vas a�tici���ec� in th� 1�9� E�, so �.nn�a�s wit� respe�t �o th�s� �ss�xes are ��� anii�i�at� to �re greai�r t�ian wl�� �vas �rev��usly shxc�ied. I�ev�x��I�s, th�s SE� in�udes a�raffic ana��sis, whir� co��ns t�iat t�� p�o�os�ed �ro�e�t would res�t i� less t.�ar� signi�c�� cumu�t�v� tra�fic i.n��acts �r► �egi�r�a� road�va�rs. B�ca�.se �h� �ro��se� pro�e�t is car�sist�nt wit� t� �ro�ect �ui�dout has been antici�at�d i� t�e regior�al air c�uality �lan�t� ��r t�x� �reparati�n �f t�� ��unt�� Clea.r► Air 1'�an ��AP� . '�i'h�r�fore, th� �r��ect would no� have a sig�can� effe�� o�t �gian�l air qualii�. "I�h� �i�y u't�li�es �a�er �irorn the Lope� ��rv�ir �.n� t�� Arr��� �r�.d� �round�vater Fasin an�l s�rvic� t� t�� �r�ject �v��rld �ot r�u1t in t�e r�eed � s�ure r�ew wa�e� s�xpp�i�s from e�sew��re ir� tlt� reg�on: Impacts �re�at�d � d�� p�rovis�ar� of wa�er a��re co�sidered l�ss � s�g�c�t �a� population �ro�vt� d7xe�ti� associated with the �r��ect ���lc� n�t sig��a�t1� aff�ct r�gi�r�a� r��ources, direc� �r��v�i i�ci��in� in��a�#s are na� ��r�si�ered ���fi�a�t, Th� �r��os�c� �ro�ect �s a �has� �f th� ].ar��r Ran��� �r�nd� P1ar�n�� D�vel�pYn��t �.�. 'Th� Ran��o ��rande �i�e oec�xpie�s 4b4 a�r�s co�.s�s�ing af a�axge por�ion of �e �nort�iw��t�r�n s�ctior� of �he City of A�royo �ra�d�, on t1�e x�or�►�as� side af I�g�way �01. Altho�x�h t�e �ro��t w�u1c� ��t su��tar�i�a�y aff�ct th� ���raU �ity p���xlati��, �t inv�l��s �� ��r►v�rsi�� �f a��rr���y u�dev�l�pec� r�at a�r�a. �� ����e�� �r�per�ty �s an int�gral �ar� �� t�� Rancho �ra�n�� P1aru��ci DePv����m�n� �.1. P�ann��i �ev�l��nn�r�� �.1 s�rrr��ds �h� s�l��t �r��e�ty and ��ig�i�orin� c����1��men#s a�r� ���a�ci withi� si�ni�ar P� Iar�� �xs� ci�sigmat��n�. �r+ep�red by �J��or� �ons�#t�r��s f�r fhe Clty o��4rroyo �rar��le �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 74 ���o�����r� �ro. P��e �7 of 13� Cor�sec�u�nt�y, �he �ropased �nfi�i pro��ct ��s �xot �n�uc� grow�h to n�ra� ��c��a�s at th� �e�i�n��� �f t�i� �ity �i�ti�s. �f a��e�ative r�s�de��I d�elopm�fis w�re i� occur, the i�n�act�s wauZd c��p�nc� rx�or� t�ie 1�catio� anc� �.aa�itude of suc� d�v�lopnnents, a�t�o�g� th.e typ�s of �n�a�ts would �ely b� s�m.ilar � those �f t�� ��o��sed �r��e�ct. �nv���ner�ta� a�e�s �hat ���x�c� �xpeY-i�n�� sigrufYeant �fe�c�s if �imi�ar d�velop�r►ent wer+e �o occ�c�r ��wh,er�e in t�� vi�i�f� ir�c��xd� �nnpact� on ��i�t�.x.r�, b����g�l r�so�xr�es, a�c� ��s#���ics. �u� in����ts w��� be ��dress�ci �� a�as�- by-c� basis as a�b��n,ative d�veloprner�� pro ject� are pro�ed. �efer���� � I�evis�c� FS�I� �ages �-1 ar�d, fr�. 7',� Re�ova�s of �b�tac�es to �rowt� Direct �m�act. T�ie p�oposed pro�ect �vould no� res�lt in sigrni.f�i�a�� inn�a�ts ��Yated t� r�xr��val� of �b�t��l�s to g�r��t�. �ir►di�g - Pursuant �o �ibli� �����xr�es ��d� �ti�� �������� a�� �tat� �E�A �ui��li��s Sec�on 15�9��a}, �he City �er�by f�tds that �han�es o�r a���rations �ave �eer� r�q�ir�d in, or in��rp�r�t�d int�, th� pr��e�� �a� av��ci �r s�b��ntia�l� 1�ss�n t�►� �ign�f��ant �����r►n��r��al e�f�ct �� th� �r�vir�nrn�t �� �e1�� a lev�� �f s��mifi�a���. �acts i� �upport o� �ix�c�ing -�'h� �ro���t s�fie is z�o�ed a�nd c��sigr�fi�d u.nder t�e 199� �i�y �er��ra1 P1an as an ir�i�eegral �a�t �� I'D� .� �rig�nal�Y �r���sec� to �����nno�at� u�a to 4� d�v�lling uni�s. Be�au�se th� �ro�e�t �i�e i� cu.�r��t1� ��� d�v�l�p�l w��h res�c�e�n�ia� �xse�, it w�ulc� r�qu�e t�� ��ct�sior� o� rxr�an iyn�ras�x��u�re to serv� pr���s�d c�ev������t. I���vePv�r, �h� �i�e is ��mplet�d ��x�r�rx�.t�ed t�y existin� c�ev�l��rn�n�, ���� a�r��ci� has u�i#�e.� dr��nage anci roaciway in�rasi�uc�x� i� ��a��. The �otentiai f�r g�r�w i�tpacts is ' fur�ier be�o�. �.i�i�i�es ar�d Road Ex�r�siar�s. Acc�ss to �h� praj� sit� wauld be pro�rid�d from a s�ort ��c#�e�tsi�n �� �� foot wi�i� road �x�end�n� �ff La C�anac�a, wit� an a�iditi�na� s�c�r��ary a���s off La �anac�a far ��e.rg�n�y u�se. �'he sii� i� �ample�e�y surrou.x�c�ed by �e�veio�n�e��, ax�d �e c��velapme�t of in�ernal ut�Iitie� and �oadways wo�1d r�ot ��� in �e�~ip�era� graw�h-indu�in� i�npa�ts, D�ainage Ir��r�str�c�ture. Th� pr�p�sed �r��ec� �ncl�cies r���v �rai�ta�� infrastxu�ture to hand�� �h� in�r�a� in s�r�n�vat��r f1��+v �1�at vv�u�1� he areatec� �� �n-site cieov�I��rn�n�. I�I�w faci�it��s are anticipa�ed to �e si� to n��et or�� t1�e �ee�is of propo�d dev�lo�m�#. 1�e�ere�►�e - R��ised FSEIR �a�es �-2 ar►d �-�. �.� FI�ITL�I1��� l���AI�I�II1T� PI��JECT' �1I�TEI���TIV�� Be���se a�n ��R was ��m�l��ed #�� t�� �aro�ct, �r� �i�r �nr��t ��nsi��r th� fea�i�i�t� �� an� �r�vir��un�r�ta�l� ��p�r���r al�ernativ� �a �'►� pr��e�t, �valu��in� �v�et�i�� �h��� a�te��tt�v�s ���1�I av�irl �r ��xb�t�r�t�a.Ily I�ss�n th� �r�vix�n��r��a1 �ffe�cts w�il� �chi�vi�� �nn��� �f #�t� �r����t �bje�tiv�s. In �e�ting �he a1�e�ativ�s, t�� �i�y �ias �xa�ined �e ab�e�ctiv�s of �e �roj��t a�nd we�gh�d th� ability �� t�� �ari�us al�e�r►at�v�s �� n���� t��se �bj��tiv�s. '1'1�� c���isi�n.n�alc�rs be�iev� tha� t�� Pro��ct b�est meets th�se ob�tiv�s w�� the �eas� er�viro�enfial im�act. T�e speci�ic ob jectiv�� associa�ed �vi�h tl�� �ievelo���nt of �e p�o��� are as fo�o�vs: �rep�red by R�r��on Cor�s�r�tan#s �vr t�e ��y of Arroyo �rar�c�e �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 75 I������.I�l�IV IV�. P��e �2 of 13� To const�xct a��side��ia� devela�n��nt �ha� i�c�ud�s �x� �0 36 units withi� t�e R�xt�ho �ran�e IViast�r P1a�; To �re�erv� open spac� and naiura� reso�rces t� t�e exi�e�t �o�s���e Th� �econd �edu��d Der�s�t� D�veiop�xe�t Pro�asal of �.5 �ots �a�ua�c� i�n t�� Add�ndrxm �o t�e Re�rise� FSE�R i� su�erior � t�e I�ro�ec� as orig�nallY �ropo��d anc� ta t1�� �ig�t A�ternati�e Fro�ect� �"A��tern�tiv� �, •`Altern.�t�v� �,•' �t�.� t�i�� w�r� ev�Iua�d ir� th� �Il�, f�r th� r�as��s di.s��xss�d �el�w. Vl�hen con��ared to #�ie S�canc� ��d�ced �nsit�r Developn�ent Fro�osa� ���vis�c� l�ro��t� exa�,ned in �e S�a�c� Ac�de�c�um, each Ait��native }�r�je�� des�r�ib�d �elow is �f�a�i��e. Th� fo�iowir�g a�ternativ�s were a�dc�resse� i�n �h� Revised FSEIR: � �riginall�r Pr���s�d I'r��e�� • AZterna�ive 1: I�o �ro�ec� • Al�rnativ� �: I�o��s Raa� Sit�e • A�t��ativ� 3: Reco�nfigure� �'`ro�ec� + A��ern�tive �: ��du�ed P�ro��ct • Al�ernative 5: �Vioc�ifi�c� Reconf�g�rec� Pra�e�t � AZ�erna�ive �: �Viodified R�d�xced Pro�ect • A��erna�iv� 7: Bu�ffered �econfigxxrec� Proj�t • A��er�nat�ve 8: Pi�ma C�1cxa Avoidan�e �fierr�ati�e I� a�di�io�n, a l�edu�ed Dexx,sit�y Develop��nt A�t�ernati�� was analy�ed in the Firs# Adde�d�xrn �o t�� Revis�d FS�IR. �iginal�y Propose� Pro��� D�scri�ti�r�: T�is �pti�r� is si�i�ar t� t�� �r���ct as �odifi�� �R�c�t��e� De�tsi�y �ev�l���ne�� Propo�al�, but differs ir� t�at it would inclu�i� 1� adc�iiao�na� r�sid�nt�l ur�t� w��n compared fi� th� Revisec� P�r�j�e�t. As c�escrib�d in th� ��vised Fi�a1 �EI�, t�t� �riginally Pr���s�c� �r��ec� was ��in�le-fa�i1� r�sic��tia1 �ev�1���n�nt, ���sxstiYt� �f �� units and a 1�.5-acr� �pen ���c� 1ot 1o��fie� �r� t�� sa��, ��.�-��r� si�e, T�� �rig�r�a�i� 1�ro�os� 1'r����t f��ttYre� a resi��r�t�a1 c�ev���p�n��t c��nsi�y �� 1.3� uur�#s�����, ��n�par�d to �.�' units f a�re w�t� t�i� �ar�����. Alt�i��gh �h� �x��a11�r �'r�p�sec� Pr��ect a�.�c� t�� �r��ect s1�ar� �i�Yar �tern�l a���ss foo��i�t�s, �h� �v�ra�1 ir�cr�as� in ��v�1��n��nt der�sity wit� th� OriginaIly �ro���ed Pro�ect co��rib�x�e�s to a s�nal�er an�orxnt of �d�ve�o�ed ope� s�ace �b2�6 a� t1�e sifie, ��n���red t� �� i� with th� ��d�c�d D�n.�i�y Dev�I��n��nt ��r���s��. �inciir�g: T�� Cit� f�nds t��a� specifi� �c�n�n��, I�ga�, s��ial, t�chn�l��iea�l, �r �th�r ��nsic����fit��s mak� t�is �1t�rna�iv� infeasibl�. �I�u��� ��s�ur��� ���� �on ��OS1 ��� ���, C�QA �uidelir�e� Sectian ��9�{����}]- Fa�c�s in �x��por� �f F�n�in�: Th� ��r��i�r.a���r �'r�p��d �r��c� is �r�,f�asi�1� w��n c�nn�ar�d to t�� R�d���c� ���sity �ev�I��n���t� P�r���s�1, f�r �i� reasons s�� ��rth b�1�w. Th� r�vi.�d ��r��ec� has f�w�r im���t� �nd a 1�eit�er ci�sig�. T1�� �rigina��� �r����d �r��t ��r�ta�.x��c� s�rbst�nti�ll� �ess �p�� s�a�� t�ian th� �r��ect. Du.� t� �h� 1�-un�t i��r�ase ir� ci�v�l����nt d�ns��y, im�i�n��r�tati��x �f th� �ri��a1�� Px����secl �r��ect �v��c� resul� in �rea�er i�n���#� rela��ed to per cap��a i�pacts suc� as I�nd use, firaffic, and pu�lic services, wh�r� coYn�ared to t�i� �roj�t. I�n ac�c�i�i�r�, th� in�r�asec� x�umber �f r��ic���tia� units w��1c� r�s�1t in �r��tt�r Pr�e�ar� �y ��ncor� �or���#ta�r#s for #he CT�y o�Arroyo �rar�de fi2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 76 F�E��Ll�fil�hl IV�. �a�e G3 of 'I 3� iin��c�s r��ted �� t�� e�c���ure �� si�e o����a�ts �o ��ol�gi� �z�r�s. This aYt��a�iv� �nr��xlc� aLs� r�s�xi� ir� gre��e� a�s�h�ti� irn��a���s drx� �� t�� �n��r��s�� ����Y��m�r�t ��er�si�y �r� �� ��fie. The increasec� a�aun� af sifie di�tu�ba�nce wit� t�s �l�ernatrtv� wou�c� result i�n ��reasec� iu�pacts to bio�ag��a� reso�xr��, c�x��xral reso�xrc�s, �d �ydra�ogy and wa�er quai��y, w�r�n con��ared to �h� �roj�ct. l��f'��x���: Rev�.sed F��II� �nci Ac�cler���.rm �e�c#i�n �, �t. se�, A���rna#i�r� �; 1�� Pr��e�t�l�� D���Iopa�►��� Description: This o�t�on as��nes that the pro�ect is na� ��Iem�nted, ar�d tha� �h� si�e r��rr.ains �t ��s �rxrrent ur�c��v�1���c� ��afi�. I� �h� �r���sec� �roj�ct �v�re n�� �or��ru�ted, it is assumec� t�t #�ie a�ea� of t�ie pro�ect �it� �ropos�d for d�e�opYne�t �nd ope�n spac� ��b.b a�res� ��uid lae ��a�1���eci re�ativ� to th� ��1 �en�r�Y �lan an� that futur� ����r�xx�iti�� f�r c�ev����m��t ��u��l �e ].im.itec� �� #�� �res�ri�ec� �a�cimu�n �f �v� �.�nit�. Th� �� Pr��ect A�t�ernativ� �v���c� r��t �rec�r�c�� f�txxr� pr���sec� ��v�1����� inc�u�in� ��ssibl� axn�ndn��nt� �o ��ci�sia�tg �ancl �s� �i�si�na�i��n, T"�is sit� is ��r��c� a�nc� ���i��t�ci ur���� t�� �99� �r�eral Plar� as Plannerl De�e�apn�ent �I'D �.2�. F�xtd�xxg: T�e C�ity finc�s t.�at s�ecifi� �cono�,l�ga1, soc�, te�hn�logi�al, �r �t��r ��ns�d�rati�ns malc� t�iis ali3cernati�� in�ea�sible. �Fubli� R��rxrc�s ��d� Se�ti�r� ���8� ��� �3}, CEQA Guidelines Se�ctio� 150�31 {�) ��}] - Fa�ts ir► ��x��or� �f F�t�i�g: LTn��r #l�� I�T� Pr��e�t �l�ernati��, �i� pr��e�t ���e �v�rxlc� rernai� as i�. T�is ali�exxxative wauld ��t ��av�de any �e�tn�en� op�n spac� b�n�f��, or �o�sing �up��y ben�fits, a�d li��it�d �cox�a�ic bene�its. In addition, rtane of t�e pro�e�t ol�ject�ves wac�ld �e me�t. �ef�r�n��: I��vis�cl �5��� S�c#i�n �.1. Alt�r�►���r� �; 1����� I�aa� �it� ��s�ri���; T�is a�terna#v� �nvi�ions resi�ential �l���c� t�t c�ev�l��rn�t �f ��r��ter magnitr�de �a� t�� �rapase� proj�c� on a�3 sifie locafied a�ang the ��st �dge of �oyes R�ac�, nor�v�r��� �� th� �����sed pr�j��t si�e. �� 1�T�y�s R��� sit�e ��lso lcnown as Fax���s �� an� 11} ass�xrn�s ���s�c��ra#i�� ��r ciev�l����n� ����r�� to �� ?�D�'1 Caen�r�a1 P�, �nr1�c� allows a maxi�nun�t of 35 �x�its, wh���i repr�nt� �5 �tore u�.its #�an t�ie �roje�� T'h� �oyes Road sit� is alsa undev��o�ed a��nd has t�e s�nn� Iand �rse designation as t�� �r���sed �r��e�� �P� �.�}. I���ential �1a�n�ci u�i� r�si���tia� c�ev�l��m��� w�u�d 1i�c�1� c�a�►�e �ue ta th� f�ct �hat t�e al�err�afie site is Iarg�r t�a�t tl�e propas�d si� ar►d �a� d�'fere�t �r�vir�nnn�n�al ��r�stra�ts. Ov�rall, d�v�l��n���� ��ar��teristi�s w��Yc� �e �iffer�r��. �t� sit� is �rinnari�y cornprised o� o�k wood�nd and ��a�an v�getat�an asso�iated w�t� M�ac�ow �reelc, whi�l� r�x�ns �aara11�1 t� I�I���s ��ad a1��� t�i� w�stern b�ax��� �� t�i� �ifie. Finc�ing: '�'h� ���y �d� t�i�t ��e�ifi� ����t�mi�, ��ga1, social, �hn���gi�al, or ot�er �o�siderations �ke t.�s a�fi�rnat�ve infeasible. [�tx��i� Resources Coc�e Se�tio� 2�081�a���}, ���A �uid��tes �e��i�n ��o���a�����• ���ts ir� ��x�port �� ��n�in�: Ih�� �o �h� 15 �n�r�e�►s� ir� c�ev�l��x�n�nt c��nsity, Pr+�par�d by �4�r�car� �or���+#tar�i� far #he �fty of Arrayo �rar�de fi3 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 77 F����LIJTI�IV IV�. Pa�� �� of 13� impl��n�nt�ia�r� �f t�i� �ltern��iv� �v��x�c� �r�st��t in g���t�r im�a�ts �+e1�t�� to ��r �a�i#a im�a�ts �u�� as 1an� u��, tra.ffi�, a�ci ��x�1ic s�rvi��s, �v1��n ��nx�a�ed �o th� ��d�x�ea� I��sity Dev�I��nn��� �r���sa�. I�r� ��c€i�i��, �� in�r�a� n�r�ber ��' res����t�al un�t� �v��x1d re�ult �n �re�t�r �an}�a�#s r�Ia� �o t1�� ��c��sur� �� sit� occ~u�ants t� g��lagi� �a�arc�s. �"his al�rr�ativ� �v��� �L�o r���x1t i�n gr�afi�r a�sth��i� impa�ts du� �� th� in�r�ased �ev�l�pn��nt in�s�ty �r� th� si�e. �x� in�r�a��c� axn��� of �ite �isfi�xrba�n�� with t�s a��e�a�iv� w�u�� resul� i�. �n�re�s�d im�a�#s t� �i�I�gi�a� re��r�r�es, �ultural ��s�r���s, anr� �i��lr���gy �nci wa�er q�x�Ii�y, w�en connpar�d t� th� i�edrxced Densi�y Dev��aprn�nt Proposa�. �eferenc�: R�i�ed �S�I� S�tion �.�. A3ternativ� �: �e�onf�g�ed �rojec� ��sc�ip#io�t: This s�c�naria arra�y�s a�n a�l�erna�e sf�e �1an for �1ie pro je�c�. �� ov�ral� c�e�veloprnent po�e�� of tY�is alt�rna�v� wauld �ae increa�se� �v��r� �ornpared to t�te proposed �rojec� T#�e rna� d�fferenc� �ie�ve�e� the propo� �r�oje�t ar�d ti�is �lfie�a#�.ve �s that this altern�tiv� w�ulci rern�v� �r�posec� L�� �� al�n� wit�t L�ts 1E�25 �nd r�locate a�ota� �� six �� the �o#� to �h� x�ar�heast�rx� por�i�n �f t�►e subject pro�er�y. Fi�ve Iots wo�x�d �e ren�o�ec� a.s a �esx��t of �vs aY�e�rn.ati�re provici�tg f�r ��tal o� 3T pro�os�ed �ots in th� re�onfig�red pro��ct alfi�rnative. T�iis redesig� addr�sses t�ie p�ary b�olagica� a�d slape s�ability i��ac#� assaciat� wit�i #�ie propasec� proje�t. T'h�s�e i�u� inc�ude impa�ts � Vall�y �oo�ull Riparian, S�asonal ar�d Fresh Em�r�r�t Vl��tlan� an� �ak ��odla�tc� habit�ts. In a�lc�iti��r, L�ts �b-� �resent t1t� gr��t�es� ina�a�ts to t�e I,arges� co�centratio�n of Pis�o clarki�a ���arkia s�eciosa ssp. �rnrr�acu���a� fa�nc� �n-s�t� �r�f�r � S��ti�r� 4.�, �f���g��a� ���o�rrces, �� t1�� �ev�sed F��I�}. T�� af�rem�nti�n�� �ot� w�uld i� rel���te� �n t�� ����ast�ern ���i�� �� t�i� s�fi�. This w�uld �v�id t�� un�ist�xr�ed �vetlands at t�e nort�er�nnast �arn�r o� �h� ��op�rky a�n� t1i� �ve�la�ds ru�x�x�i�g par��1�� t� �� n�rth�ast�r� �r���rty �aunc�ary. Thi� ��r�t�g�x�rati�n a�s� a��ic�s ar�as �f �s�ablis�e� �ak wo�dland and s�� s1��es �t�os� �� ���°�6 sl�p� and ���#�r�. Th�s rec��nfigure� pr�j��t a�t�rnativ� wa� �h��at�cai�� c�esigrne� ta �v�i� �r�viron�nental co�s�ra.i�ts to t�ie �x�t possibl�. T�� constrai��s ix����xd� �ur�i�dicdona� drai�ages, r��a�~i,a� and w��la�t� ayrea�, �a�c �v���llan�s, Pism� � �►rkia ��c�rrre���s a.�� �����s gre��r �an 25 � , A.s a�res�xlt af t�i�s aY�erna�ive, ��re�t � wo�rld s�a,x� �e �t�ris�ic�ional c��ainage t�ta� tra�rers�es the sifie �ro�r �ast to west � th� narF�i��n por�ion of the s�x�ject ��ap�r�y, ' ' ing dir��t i�pacts to th� dra�ge. As ��r�n�are� to th� Sec�r�d �ed�x��d Densi�y D�v�l��mer��, t�tis a�1#erna�iv� �v�r�lcl �n�I�a�� �G a��itianal lot�. �i�ding; Th� �t� ��s tha� sp��if�i� ec�����, ���al, s��ial, te�����gi��1, �r �th�r co�.siderat�ons mak� �is alt�ern.ative �asible. �Public I�eso�xrces Cod� Se�tion 2��81�a��3�, C�(�A ��ideli�es Se��ion 15091 �a� {�}] - ��c�s i� �u�p�rt �� F��dir►�: Due to t�e ��r�i� ��r�as� in de��l��m��t ���sity, im�l�rn�ntatio� �� thzs a�t�e�tiv� wo�lci r�su�lt i� gr��t�er impact� r�Iated ta p�r ��p�ta �n�a�� such as land �s�, �ra�c, and publi� services, wh�n compar�d to t�� S��and Reduced I�+e�si�y Dev�lop��nt Pro�osal. I�x �ddition, t�e i�creas�ed nun��er of res����tial ur�its w�ulci �resr�lt �n gr�a�er in�p��ts r��a� i� �i� ��cp���rr� �f s�t� ��c�pant� t� ���1��� �iaz�r�s. Pr�e�ared by R�n�or� �on��#�arr�� �or #�he �f�y o� Arroyo Gr�ande �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 78 ���7������� ��. ���� �� �� � �� Tf�i� a��erna�ive wa�xld a�so result in gr��a�er �es�eti� i�pac�s drxe to tl�e ir�c�reased c��v�lo�rn�r�t �x�nsit� �n �h� �ite. �� ��r��s�c� a�x'►�un� �f s��e �1is�ur�an�� with #.�s alfi�rn�#��� w��d r���x1t in �c�reas�d �rp�cts to bi���gi��l res�ur���, ��l�ra� r�sour���, anc� ��c�ral�gy an� �vat�r c�ua�lit�, �v�►�r� ��rn�are� to �� ��du��d. Der�i�y Dev�i��rn�nt Froposal. l�ef�r��x��: I��vis�ci ��IR Se�ti�� �,�. AYte�na#iv� �: l�ed�xced Pro ject Desc�~iption: �is scenar�o ax�aly�s a��rtiit alt�rnat�v� to th� pro�os�i �raje�t. Tl�� overa[� de�velop�ent p�o�en#�ia.� of th�s a�t�rnat�r� woul� �e s�igh�iy inc��a.sed con�pa�ec� �o t�� proposed p�o�ec� Th� main d�r�n�e b��vve�en �i� pro�osRec� �r�aj� aund t�is al�er�ative is �ha� t� a�tema�iv� �v��xld r�dr��� �� r��x�]�r �f 1�ts fror�t �6 �o ?6 �ay ��inati�r� �� Lots �� � a�x� I��� �� f�r t�t� �ur�ose �� a��iding dixe�� i�r►�ac�ts �o bi���g��al r��o�r�es a�c� rnitigat�ng �ydr�Iogy f wa�er qrxail�y and slape �tabili�y imp��ts. �'he �ro�os�ec� �h.a�ge in t�� �o�~a� �rxrnber �f I�ts ���xlc� n�t a1�er �r ��ct��nd �n��i�e ��ac�s, �t�r�t �, w�i�� pr�vi�l�� a���ss to th� i�ts t� �e r���ved as a res�lt �f �iis alfierna�v�, aIs� �r��ric��s �����s fi� th� �r���s�ci re�ici�ntia� un�ts ���ng its r��rt���r�r� �dg� ir����xc�i.�� �,��s ���� an� �v��x1d th�r�f�r� rema� ir� �ll���. L�� ��n�ber� 1� w��x�c� r��na� ir� ��a�� a���� fi�� �ul d�-�a� at t�i� ��� �� ��r�t �. �the�rvi�e, �he re�a�i�� �ots wo�Id r��a.� �e sa�n� si�e as �ias�e s�own ir� tl�� prop�ased �ro�ec�. Th� g�n�ra� �an.fi�xrati�n �r�d �lu�terin� �f t�t� �ndi�idu�a� l�t� un��x� t.�is a1�e�at�ve �vo�ld �e a��er�� a.�d wo�x�d th�r+efor� require ���y ap��o�ra,I for redesign �1em�ts. As ��n��ar�ci �� �h� Se��n� R�c�u��c� I���si�r Dev�I�pn�ent, t�ii� a�t�rnativ� w��x1c1 i��l��� 1� a��i#ional Iot�. �ir�dir�g: fih� �ity finds t�i.at s���ifi� ec�x��m��� 1��a�, s��i�1, t��1��I��i��1, ��r �th�r ���s����ati��s �na�C� thls alter��t�v� infea�ibl�. [�'u�I�� R�s�ur��s �ad� S��t��r� ���F1�a}���, ���A �ui��Iin� Se�t��n �5�9��������• Facts �n ��xppa�t o#' Fi�dir�g: Lh�e to the ��-ur�,�t increase i� c�evelo�me�t de���y, Yut�Y��n��►�a�i��► �f th�s altcerna�i�� �v�rxlc� r�s�1� in �r�a�er i�n�a�ts rela�ec� t� p�r �a�ita �npacts such as 1a�d u�.se, �raff�c, a�x�c� pub�ic s�x�vi�e�s, wh�n �ompar�ed to t�� Seconc� ��duc�d Density ��l���t�n� Pr���sa�. i�n add�t���, #�� in�r�ased r�rxmb�r �f re�i��r��l uni�s wou�d resul� in gr�at�r impa�t� r��at�d �o th� �xpos�re of s��+e o�ccrx�ax�ts to geologic ha�ards. This alfie�ativ� ��u�� a1s� r�s�x1� �n gr�a�er a��th�t�� i����ts c�r�� to t�� in�r��sed d�v�l����n� �rte�tsi�,y ��n t�� sit�. Th� in�r�as�c� amoun� �� ��t�e c�ishxr�ax��� �vith �iis �lte�nati�e wor�ld r�sr��t in in��ased impa��s to �io�og��a1 r�ources, cui�xral r�so�xrces, and hycir�l��y a.nc� �va�er qrx�lit�, �vh�n c��pa�rec� �� t�� ��c�rx��d Der�sity Dev�l�pn�x��t Pr����a�, I��f�r��►��: l���ris�c� F�Eii� Secti�n �.�. Al�ernat�v� a: Modif'ie�/Reconfigxxr�d Froj�t ��scri�t���: T�ii,s ��er�ari� ar�a����s a� �1i�rnate si�e �1an ��x� t�i� �r�j���, a �no�ifi�a�ti�r� �� wha� �a� �x��r�in�c� a� Al�er�tat��� � i�r� th� �SEIR. "Th� ��x�p�s� �f �is �l�ern�ti�� �s fia r�du�� im�a�ts th�t �v�r�1c� �therw� � ��c�ae�i�r���d wit� �i�t�� t1�� �r���sed �r� ject �� Al�ernativ� �. Pr�epared by R#ncon �or����ants �o� #he �f�jr of Arroyo Gr�r��fe �5 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 79 ���������� ��i ��ge G� Of'I�� 'I�h� ��rer�1� �ev�I��x�er�t ���ential �� ti�s ���er�ativ� wo��� Xae slightl� �r�rea���I w�i�� con��ar�d fia th� pro���ed ����ect. T�� n�ain c�ff�r�r��� i�twe�� th� �r���secl �r��ec� an� t�i� ��ternat�v� is t��t #�tys al�r�ativ� �v�x�1d r�mov� �r�pose� L�ts ��-�� an� �r��oc�� � to�a1 of six of t�e �o�ss � t�ie north�asfierr� po�on of t�e s�b��t pro��y. �o�r�en �a�s wou�d b� ren��v�d a�s a r�su�� �� t�i,s a�fiernativ� �r�vidin� ��r a�ota� �� ?� �r�p�s�c� I�t� ��n��uciing t�r.e ap�e� sp�ce parc�l� �n �xe I1�iodif��d ��cox�fig�x�r� P�o�ec� Al�e�atYVe. �'he 1�� � �e r�c�r�fi�rec� �nr��I�I ess�ntfally ����w �h� sa�t� �a�ttern �s d�r�l�ec� in ��x� �.�, ��t�r�atr'�e 3: �ec��gure� �'r�j���, �f th� D��II�. As ci�ri�aed i�n ���-r�.ativ� �, �,ot r�u��er 1G wou�� be �e�oca�ed �irect�� adja��nt �o Lot ��, on t�e �ort��rn s�de of t�e infi�rna� ac��ss roaci �a�1ec� ff �t�e� D". �fi�eet � v��u�� b�e ��cter�►d�l to th� �a,s� a�tc� �r�vi�i� a��ess �o L�ts �� �1. �n ac�c�i#i��, Lo�s �� a�c� �� wo�Ir� be r���ed �n si.� ���nf��xn #� th� �i�.e o� Lats �.8-�1. �,ots �-�5 wou�d r�ma�n ��1ie�r curr�n� locatio�. '�'hi� a��ernative reconfig�xr�s the r���de�ti�� a�d en��rgen�y access roa�d, �tree� D, with� VTI'iVi 0�-�0�1 to �or�fa�n to �he n�w �or�figuratior� o� l�i� artic� �e�se�ecl ��en s�a��. T�� s��th�v�st 1�� �f ��re�� D �v��d �e ��in�inat�cec�. �t�t � wou1� �ro��de ac��ss to the re�on�ig�xre� �ofis 1� �or� the nort� sid�� #�urougY� �� �along t�e saut� side} a,�nd finally ternr�in�fi� ir� a�txl-de-sac th�t wou�d provid� a���ss ta Lo#s 1� ��. T`�'te si� o� �e re�aca�ed lots wo�xld ��nai�n r��ti�e�y �a�n�nsurat�e wit1� L��s 8-�a, �Iong the no�rth sid� o� ��� D. T�e ge�era� config�xration and ��ust�r�ng of �he �nd�vid�xa� �ots u�de�r this alfiernativ� w��xl�i be a��+cerec� thr��xg� r��oc�ti�r� an�l w�uld t�i�r�f�r� x�quir� �ev�s�c� �na� anci P. �J. �. a�p�.i�a�i�ns anci ��t� a��ar��al for red�s�gm �1�rn��nts. T�s ���fi�xrati��n ac�dresses fi�� p�xary bi�l�gical an� s��pe �#�bi�ty ���s�rai�ts associated witi� �� �ro�osec� pro�ec�. Th�s� �o�.st�a7nts ir�clu�c�e jurisd.i�t�o�� d�raina�es, ri�a�-ia� anr� w�t�an� area�, ��1c w�oc��artc�s, Pisna� �I�rlcia occ anci slopes �re2��r than �`� . As � resu�� of �s alternative, Stree� D would �pan �he ���risd�c�o� dra�nage �at travers�s t�� �ite fr�m �a�t t� w�s� i� t�� n�rth�rrx �ortio� �f th� �ubjc�t �r���yrl�r, ' '�� c�ire�� �npa�ts �o t�e c�rairta��. �� af�r���n�i�n�d l�ts w��x1� be �����a�c1 �n t�� r��rt��as�ern po�io�n of #�e s�fi�e. �s wou�d avaid t�e unc�st�rbed wetla�nds at t�e �ort�e�nnnost corn�r of tli� prop�r�y and the we�ax�c�s r�xnr�g parail�� to tlie north�ast�rn pro�ert�y �a�daxy. �s ��nf�i�uraia�� �ls� z���i�s a�a� �� �stab�sl��d �a�C �v��d�ar�ci ax�� sfie�� s��p�s �t��s� �� a �� � s�o�ae a�d �reat�r�. Al�r�� wi� ����d�� s�r�s�tev� riparian, w�t�ir►d a�c� �a1c vrr���lan� ha�ita#s, � alte�ativ� is c���igned to �v��c� i��a�#s �o �� �it� ���ur�ences �� PisYn� ��rlcira ��arkia ��aeci��� s��. irnm�ac�u�a#��. Proposed �o#s 1� �re�e�nt �ie gr�at�s� i�npac�s to t�e 1axg�st con�c��ration of P�srn� �Yar�ci� found on�si�e. As discuss�d in S�ct�an �,�, �f���g��a� �eso�r�ces, of th� ��II�, Pis�� ��arkia is a f�d�rall�-Irts�er� e�c�a�g�r�c�, st�a�e-lis�ed ra.��, ar�� C�PS List �I� s�eci�s. �'hr��g� �� rern�val and r�1���ti�r� �� t�� 1��s �1��g th� s�x�th s�d� �f ��re�t "D�', t�t� I1�iodified R�conf�gur�ed P�ro�ec� wo�1d avoid, to t�te ext�en� pos�ib�e, �n�ac�ts di.s�x�ssed i� �mpa�t &� of the �SEIR. As ��m�ar�c� �� t�x� Sec��c� �ed�x��c� D�nsi� D�e�v�1���n���, t�i� �lt�r�n.ativ� w��x1� �n�Iu�� �' �r�c�i#��na�1 ��ts. Findir�g: T�� �ity �ds t�iat s��cifi� ec�r��n��,1�g�1, ���ia�, t�c1��1�gi�a1, �r �th�r ��nsic��r�tions na�lc� t�s ��t�rnativ� irtf�asibl�. �I'ubli� R��our�es �od� Secti�x� ���F1��}���, C��A Gt��d�lir��s �ection 1�09"1{�}���] • Pr�e�ar�ed by RJ��o�r �or�s�l�ar�#� ��r i�he C�ty o��4rroyv �r�ar�de BB Agenda Item 9.c. Page 80 ����L�1�1�IV [��. P��e �� of 135 ��cts �n ��x���rt �� Fi�tding: �u� t� th� ��w�►i� ���eas� i� ���r�I��n��r�t d�r�sity, imp��m��tatior� �� t�iis al�r�ativ� �v�ulc� �e�u1� �n ���fier im�a��s re�at�d to �r ����ta impacts suc� as 1a�d us�, �ra�c, and p�biic ser�i��s, w�� compar�d fi� t�te Se��onc� �educed I�er�i�y De��l�����tt Fr��osa�. In ���i#i�r�, th� ir��r�asec� ��mbe� �f r���c�entia� ra,trits �v���ci r+�s�It �n �reat�r in�p��ts r�lat�d t� th� �x��s�xr� of si�e oc�rx��nt� � g�o1�g�� ha�cls. �his a1�ern�tiv� �vo��c� a�� res�lt fn g�reat�r a�s#h�t�c �n�a�ts du� t� fi�� in�reas�c� ��v�������t in�er�si�y or� th� �ite. �'h� in�re�s�� ax�t�unt �� si�e �sfiur��� w�i�h thi,s al�ern���� w�ur1� p�te�tia�i�r x�es�1� ir� i��re���ci i�xx���ts to �����gi�a1 ��ur�es, ��Itu�al r�s��xr��, ar�� ���ir�l�gy �n� wa�er� qu�li�y, w�,��t ��rn�aaxec� �� �� �ec�nd ��c��x���i De�sity Development P�roposa�. ��f�re�ce: I��visec� ��IR �ect�on �.�. A.��ernativ� f; Ni�c�i�c� ���ie���d �r��ect Il�scri�ti�n: T�tis sc�nari� ax�a.I�r�es � Mo�i�ed �edt�c�c� Fr��e�t Al�err�at�v� t� �� �r��a�s�d �r�j��, a �axi��i�r� �f w�t �vas �xam�n�d as A1ter�tat�v� � in #�� D�EI1�, �'h� ��xr�ose �� t�is a.��ernative i� �o red�xce impact� #�t wo�c� ot�e�wi� b� ex�erienced wit�i ��t��r �he pro�os�d �r�1e�� �r A�ternativ� �. T�he ov�rall de�velopn�ent po�ent�al of t�is �lt��a�ive wauld �e rec��c� compared fi� the propa�ed pro�ct, T�e �na� �iffer�n�� �ei�veen the pro�osed pro�ct a�d t�is a�tex�native �s �t thi� a�t�rnative wa�xid red�xc� t�e �urnb�r of la#s fra� 3(� to �� by e�ninatior� o� Lot� ��-� for t�� ��x�-pos�e of �va�ding d�r�� i�pa�ts ��aia�og�ica� re�so�xrces a�nd n►itigat�ng �ydro�o�/wa�r qrxaiity an� s��pe stabi�ity �npacts. '�i�� ��r�p���c� r�c���tion in t�� �ota� rruu�nbe� ��' 1�ts ��rx�c� redu�e t�� o�-si�+e circrx�atior� by el.i�xt�ation of the southwest ��g of �t�r�ee� D. Lo� nu�ber �� ���x1� re�a�n i� �la�� al��g �� ���-d�-sa� at #�t� �nd �f �tr�et D. �th�rw�*, th� remain.ir�� 1�t� w��x1� rema�n t�� sa�� si�� as t��s� ��.��� �n t]�►� ��r��aos�d pr��t. �� ger���ra� ����x�rati��n a�nd �I��t�eri�ng �� t�� i�c�i��dual ��ts �x��I�r th�s alte�na�v� �v�rxlc� be alter�d and �v�ulci #�t�re��r� rec�rxi�r� VTT�vi f�.L�.I�. �"1-�1 re�isec� n�a� ap��i�ati��ts ak.�r�c� �i�y a��r��al ��r redes�gr� �l���nts. A� �o�tpar�d to t�te Seco�d I�ec�uc�d De�s��y D�ve�opment, this a��er�na�iv� woulc� �cl�d� � addi�iona� lo�. Findin�: fih� �i�y finc� that s�e�ifi� ����t�n�ic, ��ga1, s��ia1, ��in�l�gi�a�, �r ���r ���si��r�ti�ns ��C� #�is alfi�rnative infe�si�l�. [�.iblic R�s��tr�es ���� Se�ti�� ���1�a��3}, C��A �ui�ei�nes Sect�o� 1509�. �a} ��)� • Fact�s ���pport o� Finding: D�e to the 1-ur�.it i�crease � deve�opm�r�t d�nsity, �an�lerne�ta�iox� af t�is al�erna�iv� wou�d r�s��t �n g�rea�er irn�ac�s r�la�d to per �apita �r►pa�ts �rx� as lartc� u.��, traffi�, �n� ��x�Ii� s��i��s, w�i�� ��m�ar�c� �o th� S�c�nd �ed�x�e�d ]�ensit� De������n��� Fr����a�. In ac�cii�i�r�, tl�� in�re��ed ���ber �f ��ic��r��ia1 units wo�xld �s�rlt i� �rea�fier �npa�ts relat�d to the �x�os�re of si�e �cc�x�an�s �o g�ologic ha�ards. T`�is ai�erna�iv� wauld aL�o r���1t ir� �reater aest�iet�c ixnpa��s �ue �a t1�� �'►�r�eased ��v�I����nt in�nsity ��n th� s�t�e, �� i��r�ased a�n�un� �� si�e cl�stxxr�an�� �vith this alt�rnativ� w�u�c� ��t�n#zal�� resu�lt in in�r�aseci in��a�ts t� bi�l�gi�a�1 res��r�es, cul�xr�l r�so�x�ces, a�d �ydralogy and wat�r qua�it�, w�en cor��aa�red to the S��and R�c�u�ed D��s�ty L�v�l��n��n� P�op�saL - - - -- Pr�e��rre� �b�r �#r��on ��r��t��ar��s �or t�he ��[y of�4rroyo �r'�r�de �7 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 81 F����L�iT��l� IV�. Page G8 �f '� 3� �ef�r�n��: R�v�,s�t� 1�S�I� Se�t��r► �.�. AZternative 7: �uffer�d Re�on��gu�red �roj�c� �esc�r���on: Th�s s��nario ana�y�es a Brxffe�d Reco�gured Pr�oject AYt�rn�tiv� that wo�x�d r�stri�t d�ve�opm�nt fron� a�ty �rea w�i� a�x id��t�fi� mrt#�gation, �v�i�h are �foot �ba�k� �o� ri�aria� areas, �vetlands, or Fisnno clarkia occurr��n�e�. '�'his aZterr��ive wo�x�d a�sa �l�nr�inat� lots t�a� a�+� �1�I� w�t�iyn iclen#�i�d ��� �Voo�dl�nds. B� �lim�nati�t� c�e�v����x�t�nt wifi�i� t�� sens�tive area�s, ar�d wit� it�enti�ed �ni�igation s���a�1cs, this alfier��ive mor� di�e�tly r�spor�ds �a t�� ixr�p���s �d�ixfi�d in �ie D'5��. Dep�din� ax► Iot si�s and #�e a�tu�l lat reconfigurat�or�, #�s alt�rnative coulc� a��orn�roc�at� an �stirna�d ��� 1��s, to�a1. �� ��ssibl� �ec�nfigx�r�ti�r� tha� addres�s t�xese c�ang�s i� s��wn i� F�g�r� �, whfc�x �l���s 1� res�c�e�t�ial l�#�, I� a�dc�i�i�n �o wha� v�as c��s�ri�ed �n �t�rnataiiv� 6, �hi.� w��x�c� �ae a������i,s�i�c� as fol��ws: *�li�ir�a�e Lots � a.r�d �, �vh�c� are in oa� woad�ar►d ar��s; • E1in�ir�ai� L,ot �, whic� �s part�al�y w�thi�t an aak woo�la.nd and th� �foot s�t�aac,k frorn a ripar�iar� ar�a; •��c�nfigure �� �ain roa�wa� ����ss to �h� sit� t� ri�ariar� ar�� F�isrn� ��kYa set�acks, w�ich has th� �ff�� of �ov�� t�e roadway g�n�rally away from t�e stee�e� slo�es or� th� sau�hern portion af t�e sit�; • Reco�igur� �o#s �-�5, anc� r�du�e �ie total �u�nber i�n �is area firo�n 9� S, � respond �h� r�confi�red �nai�� road, a�d �o �e �i�ar�a� setback along t�� cr�ek. ����ing: T�� ���y fincis tha� ��ifi� ���n���, l��al, social, �ec�ino���i�ai, �r �t��r ��nsic��rat��rtis Ynalc� t�is ��te�ad�� �r�feasib��. �P�xbli� �es�rxrc�s ��d� Secti�n �1��7�a�{�}, ��QA G�id�lin�s Se�tiar� �15�9'�1{�}��}J • �acts in �rx�po� �f F�di�g: �s a�ter�.ativ� w�� ��sig��c� s��i.fi�a11� to ���?;�,�� bi�l��eal ar�d ���I�g�i�al �xn�a�ts id�� `�f't�� �vit� fi.�� �r��ect an� �ut�in�l in �tion 4.� of �e l�ev�s�d ���R and t�i� A�iden��m. l�u� to the �- to 1�-unit rec���tio� i�n c�eve�ap�e�t der�s�t�y, �mpl�m�ntatiort of thi� al�r�a�iv� woulc� r�sult ir� red�xce� innpa�s r�la�ed �o p�r �api#a i�n�a�ts s�x�� as �c� �s�, traffi�, an� ��b�i� servi��s, wh�n ��rn�a�red to t�i� pr��e��. I�n adc�iti��, t.�i� r�c��x�ed ��ber �f r�s�d�r��zai ur►its w��1� �res�xl� in rerl�x��c� �n�acts �ela�ci to the expos�re of �i� oc��pants to geo�og�c �a�ards. T�iis al�rnativ� would aLso res�It in red�rced aest�e�i�c �npacts due tv the �i�r�as�d de�ve�o�n���� i�fiertsi�y on. t�e s��. "�h� �maIier a�ount �f site distrtx�cba��� �vi� #�is alt�rnat�v� w�uld res�lt �n r�c��x�ec� �iu�rti�act� �� �i�l�gi�al r�s�x�r��s, ��xltur�l res�ur��s, a�d h�c�r���� a�c� �v�ter qr�aii�y, w�� ���t�ar�c� t� the ori�inaliy proposed �ro�ect. �aw�ver, �x►����r►���a�i�r� o� .�s a��e�a.t�v� �o��� ���� �at�sfy t�e p�o��t app��t' � e�ono�rtiic o�e�tive of � pr�viding ��e��� re�c��t� �t� o� �h� ���e, - - l �,�� ����: Ma�r r�o� s�a�r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y - �rgumex3ot�o�s#�iis�v�. ���I�I1C�: ��V�.S�� ���� �EC�I�17 �.�, Altern.ative �: �ism� �ar�ai� A�r���a��� Desc�~ip�io�: This s��nar�io �na�y�es an ai�ernai�e s�te plan for the pr��ect, w�i�h is a �odificatzon of t�e de�e�o���n� a��ernatives exa�i�ec� ir� �h� �S�I�. 'F1tis a�ternat�ve was pro�os�d by t�e ��a�e�t ap�licar�t as a rx�e�s of reducin� some of #�e iynpacts tha� would �r+epared by Rir�con Co�r��r�ax�##s fvr the CJ�y o��4rroyo Grande � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 82 ���7������� ��. ���� �� �� � �� otherwis�e �e exp�r�enced w��i i�npl�ment�t�on o�' efther t�� �ropos�d pra�ect or �he o��r a�t�rnati�r�s, As �vith �ie �ro�o��d �ro��c�, t�ie �verali c�e�velopYn�� p�oi�t� of t�iis a��e�nat�ve wo�d accomrnada�e � r�side�n�al Ia#�. �e n�ir� differen�e �e�vve��n tY�e pr�posed praject a�nd #his al�e�n�ativ� is t�iat t�s a�terxuative propase;s the r�Iocation of �ats 1�36 to t�� �or�east�rn �or�i�r� �f t1i� sit�. I� �dciition, �txee� � w�u1� be �xte�t�� i� ��i�r fi� a���rnYn�c�at� �� r�Iocati�� �� �h� �ro��sed I�ts. '�'�is alt{err�ative wor�1� �nclud� a rnodifi� ac��ss co�figuratio� c�esigned in r�s�onse �o Fi�e De��r�i��t ��r��err�s �� ���uc�� s�c��c�ary a�c��s �o t1�� �ite. Ir� ���1� �as�, th� ��r����t wou�c� be ta ���nstruc� an 18-���t wi�l� g�ra��1 ro�dway to th� si�e b�unc��, where �t ��u�ci be ��ss�b1� to ��cten� �ff si� in ����e�at��n wit� r��ig����~in� pro��rty ��vn�r� to E�s� �t�re�t, T'h� pre�cise �o�figuratian of t�is s�cor�dary access �as no� yet be�� �leter�in�c�. AY�n� w�t�► the �1oc���n �� T,�o#s 1�36 a�nc� �h� exte�nsi�� �f ��eet D, #h� tot�all�� axe� ����rage �v�u�d b� r�c��x�ed. As �.s �st�� unci�r th� Lo� ��xn�ary ta�le in�lrxc��d �� Figur� �-�, �iis deveYopn�ent al�ex�x�,aixve �ropose� a n�are u�f'�r� �o� a�rea distrib�ution wit� parce�s ranging fir�xr� a��r�xi�na�ly �,� �o �,�DO sq� f�et ���m�ared, fi� t�� �ro�os�d �roj�ct w�c� �ro�os�s five lar��r �ats ra�ngi�g fron� approxi�na�e�y 1��,�QO fio 44,8�00 squar� f�� . In ac�c�itior�, t�is �ro� a��e�i�e would not iruclu�e �ie por�io� �� ��reet D w�� of th� rn�erse�#ion w��h Street C, whic� was s�owx� for t�e pro�osed pro�ec�, an� �va�ld �a�e ��ro�rided acc�ss � Lots ?�3�. T�ii� a�te�nativ� �nr��xl� �����rt �►lI �� th� r�loc�te� 1�#� t�ro�xg� �h� ��c �f �treet � to tlie northeas�, �v��x wo�d �rx�t t� the so�#��a�t �alon� th� �roperty bou�dary} a�d �d � a cu�-c[e-s�ac. T'he w�t�� �o�on of t�e si�e, �vhie� wou�ld h�ve supported Lots 28-� r�r�d�r �e �r�posed pr���, w��x1c� re�nain in �per� s�ac�. "�his ��xxfig�,rati�r� is intenc��ci �o ac�dxess th� �rirn�ary �i�l�gical an� geo��gic �a�si�a�nts assaci�� w��h t�ie praposed p�roj��t. �ese co�s�ra�n#� in��uc�e j�r�isc�ic�iortia� d�aina�e�s, ripariar� ar�� w�#la���i ar�a�, �ak w��cilanc�s,l�ism� �larkia o��urren��� anci sl��s gr��t�r than 2,�°�. As a resuYt �f this �1�erna�i��, th� r�1��afied 1�#� �v��x1� requ�x� �� �� �� t�� juris�i��iona� draina�e �at �raverses �h� si�e fron� e��t �o w�s� ir� �h� �orthe� �o�iton of t�e st��� ����e�y. �'h� ��n�ral ��nfigurati�r� anc� ��ust�erin� �f �� �ndiviclu2�11�#s ur�c��r this �l�ernati�e wou1� b� a�t�er�d �xroug�i re�o�catia� and wou�� t�t�refo�e �quYare revised rn�p a.�� �.�J.�. ����i��t�i�� a�� �it�r a��r�v�1 for ��ci�si� �l��t��tts. As �on��a�red t� th� Se���� R��rx�ed D�nsi�y Dev�l���te�t� this al�e�n�ati�� �v��x1� �n���x�� 21 aci�iiti�nal ��#s. Aitern.at� 'Tr��t A����s �ari,a#��r�. Th.is is a va�ria�i�n �� t�� Pi�m� C�ar�ci,a Av��da�n�� �It�err�ative desc�i�ed a�ove, ax�d was also sugg�st�d b� �e proje�ct a�pli�ant. I�s k�y diff�r�n�e �s a�nod�fied ac�ess �on�F�guration �n��uded fro�n La Canada to x�espand �o Fir� D��ar�nrx��t �or���rns �o red�x�� ���ra,I� �x�1 c1e-sa� 1�ngth� in��ud�ri in �� tra�t. T�� �����s r��ci w�u�Id ���s� t�� Ea�� ��r�C �f M�a��w Cree�C �ast �� t�� �r���ing s�iown f�r th� pro�osed pra�ec�, �onn�ctin� to �tr�t D bet�vrree�n �ot� 1� and 1�. A�t�i�t��h �►is vari�t��n �� AIt��.ativ� ��v��x1c� r�d��� th� len�#�t �� ��si�e �-��-���s, th� r��w a����ss r�acl w��xld �es�� i� t�i� fallow�n� i�r��2���s �.f it vr��r� �n�l�men�d: • l�i a�ia� Ha�i�at �rn a�ts, T�� r�vis�d ���essvv�� w��x1d ixn�a�t a��raxi���ly �,'�0 �r�epared by R�r�con Co�se�#�ar��s for t#�� C#ty of Arroyv �rar�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 83 �������4�� ��i Pa��� �Q Of '� �� f�et �� r��v�ri�n �abi#�t b�r tr���rs�� ���r�xYma�ely �ara�1�1 �� t�� �re�k f�r� a��r�x�xnately � feet a�r� t��r� ���ss�� �� E�st ��r1c �f Ni�ac��w �ree�c. B�t� �e ��op�sec� �r�jec� and tl�� Pis�� ��arkia ��r�idan�� �Yt�rn��i�� wo�x1� a.�so �r�ss the �ast Fork o� �Vieac�ow �k, b�x� wou��i do so perpe�dic�x�ar �o �he �ree1� thra�xgl� a �nuc� narr�w�r ��ur��ary �f rip��ia� v���tat��� that 1�as a�r�a�� �r� �i,stxxrb�c� �s �n ex�st�tg si�e acr�s� ���x�. Geofiec�ni�a� S�ope ��a�i�t���a�ts. Tl�� re�rised a�c�ssway wau�c� �ara�Ie� �e creek or� its pot�ntia�ly unstable nort�ieran bar�k. T�e preci�e effects �iave r�o� lx�er� d��ermi��d, bu� �e�au.�e #�i� m��ifie� a��ess raa� �v��l�l �e 1��a#�� w�#� ��e�� of t�� �re�k �an�c for abo�xt 2�0 fee�, �t can be s�x�nus�d that s�rbstan�ia� bank stabi�a�ion ax�d s�rea��ec� �ltera�i�� �v�ulc� be r�e�d�c� �o ��s�x�r� s��e s�a�fety. In ac�d�t���n, th� r��� r�ad w�r��� nna�Ce a�iffi��I� ri�ht-�a�nd �urn a�r��s �h� �r�e�C, �v�i�h w�x��c� �requir� a� ��c�e�sf�� �r�d�� starur�tur� �� 1e�gth� �u1v��. '�'��se a��i��s ����ci furtl��r ��ca��rb�fie t�e po��ial �mpacts to r�ipar�ian 1�abitat �es�c�ib�d �b�ve. Th� ��gnihxc�� �� t��s� ��t�e�t�l in�pa�ts w��rlc� i� ��ns�c��r�d ff ��tal flaws" that ��tentia.11�r ��tw�igh any �tential �e��f�t in re��x�in� �ns�t�e c��-cl�-sa� I�ng�s t�ur��gl� a���ss red��i�. Fir►di�g: T1t� �i�y fin�.s #�at s���' '� �c���n�.��, ��g�l, �ocial, te�ch�n����i�al, �r �t��r �onsideratior�s mak� �is a��ernat�ve infea�fble. �P�x��c I�esourc�� Code Section �1�S��a�{��, �E�A �uid�iin�� Secti�� 1�D97�a}����• Fa�ts �n �xt��o�t �f Finc�ir►�: D�x� t� t�� �1-�x�nit i�t�r�as� in ��v�1��n���t d��tsity, imp��rn���ati��x �f �tis alternat�v� w��x�d resul� i� great�r i�r����ts rel�fie� to ��� ���ita iu����ts s��� �s �an�1 use, #�ra.f�i�, a�d ��x��� �rvi�es, when ��m�ared ta t�i� Sec�nd �e�du��cl Densit� �ev�I�p�t��t. I�► aci�iti�r�, t�t� incr�as�ed r�unnber �� resf c���tia1 �its 'w��xl� r�su�� in gre�t�r i�p��ts r�I�fiec� t� �h� ��c���ure �� si�e occu�a�nts �� g��l�gi� h��arc�s. Thi� �1��ativ� would also result i� grea�er aesthet�c �n�a�ts due to �� incr�as�d d�velapmen� int�nsit�y o� t�� si�e. T�►� �n�r�ased ar�n��n� �f site c�ishx�rba�nc� �ith this al�rnati�� w��I� resu�� �n in�re�secl i�n�a�ts to bi�l�gi�a� r�s��xrc�s, ��x��xra1 res��xrc�s, ��c� 1��rd�r���g� ��1 wat�r c���li�y, w��n �on�par�c� to the pr�a�ect. �n addi�or�, th� n�w access ra�c� wit� �is a�t�er�na�ive w��ld r��ul� ir� i��r��s�d im�a�ts r�12�te�d to ri�arian �a�i�at ar�d �1��� stabilit� ��m�ar��i t� the Se�on� R�d�ced Dev��op��nt Fropo�al. �teference: �e��sed FS�I� Secti�n 8.8. F�rst R��x���� ��nsity D��r�1��rn�nt Pro��sa1 ��scripti�n: T'his sc�nari� an�l���s a� alternate site ��xt f�r t�t� �r��ect, �v�i�� is a �odifi�ati�n �� th� c�ev�i����nt a1t�e�nati��s ��ca�nin�d. � t�i� F�EIR. �'hi� �l�ernativ� w�� �roposed �y t�e pro�e�t applicant as a n��an� of r�duc�g son�� �f t�e i�npacts t�at would �#���rw�.s� �e ��c��r��r���ci wi� impl��n�r��ati�n �f �ith�r t�x� pr���s�d �ar��ec� �r t�� �#�i�r al�er�ta�iv�s. As with �he �ro�osed �ro�e�t, the ov�rall d�v�lopmer�t �o�tial of th�s a��er�n.at�ve wa�d a����noda�e �� �res��e�t� 1�t�. This al�ernat�v� wo�xld �n�lx�de a�nodified acc�ss conf��urat�on desigt�ed ��es�an�� to Fir� D�par�ient ��r���rn� �� Yn��x�c�� sec��c���y a���ss to �i� si�. �r�ep�red by �4�r�cor� �o�se�!#���s for �+he �#�y of Arroyo �rar�de TO Agenda Item 9.c. Page 84 ��s��.��r�or� r�o. ���� �� �� � �� �indin�; T�� C�ity �cis tha� spe�cifi� �c���xni�, ��g�1, soc�, te�hn�l�gi��1, �r �t��r �onsi���a#i�ns ma�ce t�itis a�t��at�v� infea�x���. �I'u}�1ic �e���r��s ���� Sec��n ����l�a����, ���A �u�ci��ine� ��i�n �5Q�9��������• F��ts i�t Support a� �inding: �'his alt�rnat��e wo�xld r�su�t ��r�a��s si�n�ar to the arigix�a.�lY �ar���s�ci �ra�ect, �u� �h�se �n�a�ts w��x�r� ��n�r�lly be �� a l�ss�r �ag�it�xd�. �lass � i�n�a�#s would st�,i remain wit�t respe�t fi� P�s�to Claricia. R�f�renc�: F�.rst Add�nde�nn. �.� FI�IT�II�T�� ���ARI�I�� 'T�� 11riITI�ATI�1�I 1V��I1�IT�R��T� ��T� l��F�l�'�`I1�T� FR�Gi�A1V� Se�ti�n �1��.G �f t�i� Pt��1i.c I��sour��� ���� r�quir�� tha� when nr�ci�xg #��ir�g� re�uirec� b� �ec�ion �1�H�(a} of the �ubli� Resox�rces �ade, t�� L�ead Agenc�y a��rovi�ng a pro�ect shall adapt a re��r�i� �r �n��i��rin� �r�g�am f�r �� �h�x�ge� to th� pro���t w��� it �as �ci���tl �r ��d� � candi�ia� o� pro�ec� approval, �n ard�r to e�ns�rre com�l�ance wit� proj�t �xn�lerner�ta�ior� and to �iti�at� �r ���ici �ig�fi�ar�t �f���ts ��n th� �nvironnn�r�t. Th� �it�r ��re�y fi�ds tl��t: 1} A I1�itigat�on IV�a�i�o�~i�ng and R�porting l�rogr�am �P� ha.s �een prepared fo�r the �roj�ct, an�1 th� mitig�ti�n m�as�xres t��r�i� are �n.ad� a��nc�iti��n �f pr���� �ppr�va�. Th� �F is �n���r��r��ed ��r�in by r�f�r�n�� a�c� is ��nsic��rec� �atxt �� �� re��rd �r �r��ee�iing� ��r t�� �'r��ect, �} The NIlV�P desig�r.a�es res�ar�s�bi�t�y a.�c� ar�tiaipa�ec� tirni�� f�r t�e �anp�e�e�#�ai�on of �it�gat�o�. �e �t�y wi11 serve as �e overa� IV�RP coor�i.�at�r. T�e a�}��ca.�t w� �e �ri�naril� r����r�sibl� f�r �ns�rin� �1�ta� �I� i�r���c� �tit��a#i�n rn�asut�res ar� ��rn�1�e� wit�. I�r��i��ti�n n���sur�s ar� �r�g�r���ted to ����r a�, �r ��~i��r �o, �� ��11�wi�� �n.�l�sto�es: • P�ior �o f�a� �na� re�o�rda�ian a��ra�ral. T�� m�asur�� apply to �rac� wz�� m�as�r�s t�ta� w�u�d �e r��i�w�d a�t t�� �� �f tr��t m.a.p re���w. �'h�se in�l�ci� tr�e� wid� c���igrn �nit�gat��r� a�t� a��ess i�n�r�v�m�r�t�. • I'�ior ta i�ssuan�� of �rading �rmits. '�h�s�e are �neas�rr�s t�.at �eec� fi� be u�d�rta�cen bef�r� �art� ��vi�ng a�tivit��s be�in. T���� m��s�r�� in�lt�c�� i�e�ns s�x��► as i��1�xc�in.� per�irtie�� desigr� details in th� �ro�e�t pla�ns. • Prior to i�suance of b�xildi�ng pernn�t�. �'hese m�asur�s ��re t�►ose that r�eec� to ac�r�r du�ri�g si�e grad�g and pre�ara�ion, but p�ior to co�ns�ructiar� of propos�ed s�xc�ur�s. T�te� inc�u�e �nonit�r�ng the �ons�ctio�n sit+e fo� t�� pra�aer imgl��ent�a�ion of d�st and e�tis�i��t ���xtr��s. • F�ior to co�np�et�on of �on�t�u��on. '�ese n�easures ap��y to I�a���t �on�po�er��s �at would �o in�� �ffec� at ���n����i�x� �f �h� Pr�j��� c�r�tr�x�ti�� ��iase, ixt�l�xc�ir�g i�ms sr���► as �an�g�m�r�t �r ���n.it��~i�tg ��a�s, Ir� �r��r f�r th� plar� �o be ��a�a�1� ��r r�se a� �amp��tior� o� eac� l�ro�e�t compo�►�t, it w� �t�d to �e �re��red ar�d compi��i before �ans#�uction af t�e co�tponent is finis�ed. �r�p�rred �by �4fncor� �onsu#�ar�t� �or #he ��y af �4rroyo �r�nde 7'! Agenda Item 9.c. Page 85 ���������� ��. ���� �� �� ��� ��1��w�ng ��ns�ru�ti�� f c��x�g �per�#��r� �f �� �r��t. T�es� ��� a�tiv� rn�asu�r�s t�t w�11 con�n�en�e �xpon compl�#�or� af t�ie vax�io�s cons#�xc�on phas�s and, i� most ca�s, wi� con�inu� through t�e �e of th� �ro�ect. • I�n�r t� ��cupancy �r �naa� ins�e��i�r� �� �h� c1�v�����n�nt. Cannect�►g ���� of �e ��igat�o� rneasures to t�ese �il�s�ones w�ll in�grate �iti��tion �n�nit���.n� i�t�a �xisi�g �ity �racesses, �s �r���t��agec� �� ��CC�A. I�n ���h in;s�an��, imp�en�ter��ation of t�e m�tigat�o�n �e�sur�e wi11 he ac�on�pl�hed i� �aralle� w ax�other a�#ivity ass��iated �ith t�� P�ro����. �} The 1V�V�P �re�ar�ed for the I'�roj�t �uas �ee�n ado�te� conc�xrrenfi�y vvrt� th�se Fi�di�g�. T�e Iv�V�P n�eets t1►� requir��n��t�s �f S�t��r� �I��1.6 �f t�►� �ub�c R�s��xr��� �od�, Th� ��.y wiil �xse t�� MIVI�P to txac�C �on��ii�n�e wi�i Fro�e�t �itigation n�eas�xre�. Th� �F wi11 �rernai� availa��e �ar ��xblic r�view dur�i�g �� com��ian�� �e�~iac�. 1�.� �'I'�I�� FII�T���1TG� TYte City h�r�by fi�ds as follows: �� �'he �'ore�oi�g st��ernents are �rue a�d cor�rect; �� T�e �ity �s th� "�aal Ag�nc�y" fo� �� Pro�ec� e�raluat�d in t�ie R�v�d FS��� a�c� inc��pe�c����1�r ���i�w�cl ar�d analy�ec� in t�� l]��I�, l��visec� DSEIR, ��vis�� ��I�, �ir�t Adden��m, anc� �e�cand Ac�dend�xn�, for t�e P�ro���; �� Th� I���i�� �f �'r�parati�� �� t�� DSEI� w�s �ir�ul��ec� ��r �ubli� ��vi�w. I� req�x�sfiec� tha�� r��p�onsibl� a�n�i�s r�span� as �o t�e �co�e anc� con�ent of t�t� �nviro��n�al informa�ion gerrr�a�n� �o tY�at ag�nc�s s�e��fi� res�onsibili�i�s# �} Th� pu�Iic rev�ew per�od for t�e DS�IR vrras for 4� days b��w�er� �ebn�ary �T, �0� and Apri1 7, ��0�. Th� p�xbli� r�vi�w p�e�iod for t�e Rev�ised �EIR was fo�r 4� c�ays t�e�we�n D��n�tber �, �D�3 a�c� �anua�y ��, �4. T"�� DS�IR, ��vi�e�i DSEIR and ���enc�i��s w�re av�ila�l� for public review du�ing t�ios�e �e p�r�ods, r�s�ae�ti�ely. A No�ic� o� �amp�et�o� a�d cop�es af t�e D�S��R a.�d �e�i�sed I]SEIR �we�ce se�t �o �e State C1ea�ing�ox�s�e, a.�c� �no#aices o� a�a�abilit�y of t�e DS�IR ax�d �ev�.sed ���R were �c�bli��ed ��r the �it�y. T�i� DSEIR and �eviseci DSEI� w�r� a�va�ilabl� f�r re����v �� th� �ity �� Arr��� ��nc�� P�i�g D��is���, �Q�} �ivi� ��nt�er Flaza, Arr�y� �ran�l�, C�ali��rnia, 9�4��. �� T�e Rev�s�d ���R, ��v�sed �5��, �irst Add�nd�n�, and �or�d Add�nd�n� were co�np�e�ed �n con��lian�� wit� �EQA; �} Th� R�vised �SEIR, F�rs� Adde�ndu�n, a.r�d Seca�d Ad.dex�dum r��l�� t�i� Ci�s ind�pende�# ������ 7� The �i�y �v�l�ated ��n�m�nts �n e��ir����r.ta� �ss�x�s r�c�iv�d fr�m ��rs��ts wh� rev���v�� t�xe Re�is�d DSEIR. In accordance with CE�A, �he Cify p�e�ar�d writ6en �e�ponses ����i�in� t�� c�is�ositi�n �f �i�i��� ��n�ri�����ta� �rx� rais�d. The �ev�sed FS�I� �ravid�s adequat�, good faith a�d �reaso�te� �respan�s �o t�e con�n�ents. �'he City �rev�ew�d th� ��m�n�n�s receiv�c� arti� r�s��nse� t�i�r��o artc� �i�s determin�i th�t �►�it��r �i� ���n�n�r�ts ��ivec� n�r th� r�s���tses �� su�� ��rn�en�s acid �ig�icar�� ��� in��r�pn�ti�r� �o th� R�vis�c� D�EIR r�gard�ng adv�rse e�nvi�o�ental impacts. Th� Ci�y has based �ts act�o�s an fu�1 a��rais�al of a�1 vi�wpoin�s, ir��I�rdi�ng a�1 �orn.mex�ts re��iv�d up to t�►� da�e of ad��ox� af t.�iese �inciing�, ��n��rnYng the ���ix�nmental impa�ts ic��nti�i�c� and anai���d in t�� ��vi��d FSEI�, Ac�r��nc��xn�, an� Sec�r�ci �c�t��n��rn. �� �`h� �i�y f�nc�s t�a� �h� �evised FS�I�, Ad��nc��x�, an� ��r�ci �c�ci�nc��n �r�vic�� ����ct��� Pr�pared �y �J��or� �o�sul�an#s �ar #he ��y of Arroy� �r��de 72 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 86 F�E��L�TI��I IV�. Page �3 of 7�5 �nf�r�nati�r� �o a�sis� t�i� deci�i�xx.�alc�rs ar�� th� p�b�ic a� �arg� ir� �h�i� �on�i����ti�n �f #h� �nvir�n�n�r�ta� ��nse�q��r��es �f �� Fr����t. Th� ��x��i� revi�� ��ri�ci ����ic��d ail i�t�res�ed jurisdict�ons, age�ci�s, private organ��ations, and �r►dividua�s #1�e oppo�i�y to sr�b�t �1I co�n�r►�r��s made during t1�e �ublic �e��ew periac�; 9� T'�e Re�ised �SEIR, Ac�dend�m, and S�cond A�de�dum eva�x��t�ed �he �ol�awing c�i�ect and cum�x�ati�� i�n�z��ts: ��� �gricu�tx��al r��our��s; {�� ]�i��ogi�a� res�ur�es; ��} ���t�ir�I re���x���s; {�� g��I�g�� r�so�r�e�; ��� �ydr�l��y an� �va�r c�uality; ��i} �and use; �'7� t�~ans��rta�i��� #��ffic; ��� �t��I�� s�rv����; a�� ��� growt� �du�ir�� i�r►pa�ts. �dditi��xal�y, t�� ��vise� FSE�, �ic����d�n�, anc� Se��nc� A��lenc�rxm ��nsid�r�1, in ���arate s��i��s, sign�fi�a�t� irrev�rsibl� envir�n�ne�tal �l�ang�� ax�c� gr�w� ir�c��x�ing ����ts �� th� F�r��ec�, �s �vell �s a rea.so�►ab�e range af �ro�ec� al�ernatives. Al� o� the sig�icant e�nvir�o�n��a1 im�ac�s of t�i� Projec� w�re id�ntifi�d i� t�� ��vis�d �SE�R; 1�� The ��' ��1�xc��� �1i �f t�i� mit��a�i�� ��as�xres id�n#ifi�d �n th� R�vis�c� �'SE�R, Fir�� Add�r�dum, and Se�or�e� �dde�►dum a�d �as b�en desi�ed �o e�.s�xr� �amp�ia.nce d�x�i�xg �����n�n�ati�r� of �� Pr��ec�. �'h� IIr�F �r�vic��s t1��� s�s r►�ce�s�ry �a �r�s�r� th�t �e �itigation meas�rres are fui�y �n�'orceab��; �1} �� I1�iM�I� �i�signat�� r�sp��si�ili�y an� �tici�at�� timin� ��� t�� irtn�l��t�n�ati�r� �f n�i#ig�►tion; the �i�y wi11 serve as t�t� ��P Coordinator; 12� � c���e�an�r�ng whetl�er th� �roje�ct �ay �ave a sig�fica�nt �n��ct on the en�i�a�rn�n�, and i� a�dopti�g th� �ind�ng� purs�xa�t ta Sec�i�� �1�81 of C��A, th� Ci�y has �omp�i�d wi�i �EC�A �e�c#��ns �1��1.5 a�.�nd �1(�5�.�; 13} Th� impac#� of t�e Fro�e�t �a�e been analy�ed to th� ex�ent feasi�le at t�ie �� o� cex�ficat�on of t�ie R�ised �SEIR, Fixst Addene�un�, and 5e�ond Addertdum; ��} �i� ��ty �nac�� �� c��c�si�r�s relat� t� ���ro�al o� th� Fr�j�t �ri�� to �i� i�xitia� ��rt�fi�a��n �� th� ��vised FSEI� b� �e C�ity ���n�i1. �� (�.i�y a�s� �ic� �n�t ��n�Yni� t� a ���init� ��urs� af actiort wit� ��spe�t �o t1�� Project prior �a tlie init�al c�rtifi�a#ion of �� R�vis�ed FSE�R ��r �xe Cit�r �oun�i�. ��} Copies af a11 t�ie doc�xne�nt� �ncorpora�ed b� re�ere�ce �n �� �evis�ec� FS�I�, Firs# A�����rxn�, a�n� Se���c� �c�d�r�cl�� �r� �nc� hav� b�er� av�ilabl� u��n req���t a� all tinn�s a� t�ie off�c�s of �he Ci�y of �rroyo �ra�de �on�nunit�y Dev�lopn�er�� Dep�rt����, t�i� �us�odians of �ecord fo� such documents or other ma�rials; 1�� Th� r����nse� t� th� con�nnent� on th� �tev�e�d D�EIR, �v�xi�1� 2�r� ��n�ain�c� in th� ��vis�c� �'aEIR, �Iarify ar�c� arn�alify �� analy�is in th� R�i�ed �S�II�; �7} H�ving r�v�ewed �e �nf�rma#on �o��ain�d i� t�e R�ised D�EIR, R�v�sed FSEIR, First Adder�d��t, a�d �ec�nd Adc��d��, anc� i�n th� ac�xi�istrati�� re��r�, �� �ity f�tc�s t�a� ��re in n� n�w s�gruf��an� inf�r�r�ati�n r��arc�i�� �civ�rs� en�ir�r�x�n��tal �n�ac�s �� �� Pro�e�� Yn t�e Revised FS��R, F�st Adc�e�du�n, ar�c� Se�o�d Adde�du�n, a�d �ds t.�i�t r�ir�ula�ion o� t�i� Revi��d D�SEII� i� r�ot r��quir�d; �d 18� Hav�n� received, �vievved a�d co�sidered a�1 informatiox� and da��r�t� in �ie �evisec� FSEIR, Fi�s� Adc�end�x�, and Se�and A�d�d�m, a� we�1 a� �ll other info�tio�n i�n �e re���rd �� �r��eec�i�ngs �� �s m��r, th�s� Fir�c�ings are h�r�b� �ci��ted b� th� �Yty ir� its ca�aci�y as the C��A L,�ad ���n�y, �repared by #�{r�car� Cor�s�+#ta,��s �or f�� ��#y ofArroyo �ra��fe T3 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 87 ���������� ��• P�t�e 74 �f 'I �� E�H��lT ���" ��1VC�1�1�IV� �� �►F�PF��111a►L 11������ ��[VTA�'�11� TI���' 11��4� �A�� I�� ������ PLAkN�VE� l��Vl�` �EVE���II��N� ���� ��. �'1 ���'1 ��NERA� ���V�]�T��N� Tk�i� ���r��ra�l ���h�rt��� t�r� ��b��v����r� �f � ��,�-��r� �r�p�rt�r fr��� 1 � ����t�r�� r�����r��i�l I�t� ��ng�r�� ir� �i�� �r�r�r �#��� ��, �. t� ������ ��. it., �r�� ��� �p�� ���r4�\./ I�/� ����I��I�� V� ��i�ri �V��� �i.r�/� � ��■ � �� � �! , Th� �p�li��r�� ���II ����rt��r� �n� �orx����r �ri#h �I� F�der�l, �t�t�, ���r�t}r a�r�d �ity r�q�ir�r�n�nt� �� �r� �p��i��bl� �� ��r�� �r�j���. �. �'�� ����i��r�� �i�a�l� ca��l}r �nrith �II �on�iti��� �� �ppr��r�l f�r ll��t�n� ��r�t�#i�r� Tract M�p �� -��� �r�d Planned lJni� Dev��oprnent �'I -��1. �, �hi� ���tir�� ��r�ta#ive �r��t r��� ���r��r�l ���II ��t�rr���i��ll� ��c�ir� �n , ��� � �r�l��� �I�e fir��l r��� i� r��r��� �r �n ��ct�n�E�n �� �r��t�� ��r�u�r�t �� ���ti�r� � �. � �, � �� �f t�� D�vel��r�n��� ����. 4�. D��r�l��rr���t ���II ����r in su����r�t��l �on��rr��r��� �rit� th� �r�stir�g �ent��i�r� tr�ct �nn�p p�eser�t�� t� t�� �i#� ��un�il �t th� rr��etir�� �� �r�� r��r�ced E�I���'rt "�rr ����pt �� rn���f�� b� th��� �a��i���r�� �f ��pr��r�l. �. T�� a���li��nt ����1, �� � �����ti�n �� ���r��r�l �f t�i� �r�st�r�g t�n��t��r� tr��t rr��� �p��i�����rr, ��f�r�d, ind��nif� �r�� h�l� ��rr�l��� t�� �i�� �f Arr��r� ���r���, it� �r���n� �r f�rrr��r ���nt�, �if���r� �r�� er�n����r��� fr�r� �r�� �I�ir�n� ��ti�r�, �r pr��ee�ir�� ����n�t t�� �it�r i�� ���t �r �r���nt ��e���, �ff���r�, �r �r t� ��t���C� ��t ����e, �r�id, �r �nn�l ��t}�'� ���r��r�f �� t�i� �u����r��i�n, �v�i�l� ��t��n i� �r��g�t �nr�t�in t�� ��r�n� ��ri�d �r��r`rd�d f�r �� I�v�r. �'�i� ��r���ti�� �� su�j��t �� th� pr��ri�i�r�� �f ��v�rr�r�n�t�t ���e ���ti�n ���?�.�, v�rhi�� ��� in��r��r�t�� b� r�ferer��� h�r�ir� a�s th�u��r �et f�r�h in f�ll. �. � F���ri�e� �in�l �EII� ��� ���r� ��rti��� ��r �hi� �r�j���. Ar� �dd���u� �� �#�� �EIF� v�ra�� �r���r��, � ����r �� �rhi�h i� �tt����� h�r�t� �"�e��r�d �dden��r�r�"�. �h� N1i�i���i�r� Il�l�n�t�r�r�� �nd F����rt�r�� P��r�r�r� {"I��IIIF�P"} f�r ��re �r����� �� ��t���e� I�eret� ir� E�c���it "�„ ��� ����r����t�d ��r�in �� thi� ��f�r�r���. �Il��������n� �t�t�� ir� ��� M�111�P s��l� b� ir�np��r��n#�� �� ��r��iti�r�� �� �r�j��t ��pr��r�l ��� �I��I� �� rr��ntt�re� �y ������r���� �it�r ����rtrr��r��� �n� �#h�r r�sp�����1� a���r��i�s �s ir��i����� ir� ��c�ibit "�". T#�� ��v�l���r ���I� �e r��������1� f�r ��rifi�a����n i� �vr�t�r�� �y �h� r���i��rin� ��pa�r �r� ���r��� th�t th� r�i�ig�ti�r� r����ur�s ���r� b��r� �rx��l���nt��. ����r rx��r�it�rir�� �r�d r����Er�� sl��ll ���u�r �� r����r�ci �� �h� r�r����ur�� d���ri��� in tl�� MM�P �r�� ��r��is#��� �vi��r ��n���i�r�� ��s�rib�d ��I�v�r, �n� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 88 ���������� ��. P�g� �� ��'1�� �n� �II ��s�� i���rr�� �� �it� in �rr��l�r�n�r�tin� �nd �rn�nit�rfr�� �I�� �11�F�� �h�ll �� p�i� ��r, �n� �k�e �r����r��i�ili��r �� �k�� �p��i��nt �r�d �I�� H�r����nrn��'� A�������i�n �n�� e�t��li����, ����r�in� �� tl�� �it�'� �����r f�� ��������. ��IIA II��J IV �TY �EVE L��II�EN� ��i�A��IIA E I�T �����A� ��N�ITI��V� �`. �P���l�� P�F��111�1"� - �i�� f�����rir�� 1��� �� ��rrr�i#� �r� r�quire� fr�r�r� �r�ri�u� r����r�si�le ���r��i�s ir� ����r�a�n�e v�r��� th� ��rt�fi�� ��IF� ��� ����n��r�: �. �r�l��i�a� ��ir�i�r� a�n� ���c� P�m�ri�l��n��rrer�� I�tt�r; lJ� Fi�h �r�d I�Ilil�li�e ��nri��; ��i�r t� �����n�� �� �r���r�� P��rr�ri� �. ���rr�n 1lV�#�r P�lluti�n �r���r�ti�n ��a�� ��11VI�PP�; �����n�1 Vl����r C���I�ty ��r�t� ���r��� pri�rt� i��u�n�e �f �ra��ir�g �err�r�it �, ��cti�n �� ��rr�it; Arr�n�r ��r�� �� �r��ir���rs; �ri�r t� i�s�t�r�� �� � ra� � n � P� rm �t �. ��re�r�n��� AI#�r���i�n ��r��rn�nt; ���if�rr�i� D���rtrr��nt �f Fi�� �n� ��r�n�; pr �� i��u�r��e �f �r��ir�� P���#, �. 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VlJitl��r� r�i�r�t�r ���� �la��� �# ��n���iv� �ract map �p�ro�r��, ar�d by ����rat� v�rritter� instru�nner�t, s��j��t �o the �riar �ritt�r� ���r��r�l �f �h� �i�� ��t�rn�y, #�►� �p�li�ant �F���! ��f�r t� d�di��t� to �i�y: �� �h� ��ci�tir�� �v�t�r �nr��l {'��r�ll"� I���t�� ir� L�� � , ir�����ir�� ��ci��i�� v�r�ll �n�r���r��t�r� �nd ���ur��n�n��� I���t�� �rithir� th� v�r�ll ����r�t��t ����ribed ir� ������ti�r� �� ��I��nr; ��d �} Ar� ��ser��r�t �� ���t �vi�� �rr� �� f��t d��p �I�rr� L� ��r��da� t� ir��lud� #h� ��ci���r�� �r�ll ��r �h� pur����� �� ���r�tin�, r��ir r���irir�� �n� � t�� v��ll; �} An e���r�r���t �� �e�# �vi�� ��� �� f��t de�p �r� L�t � � ���r�� L� ��n��� ��d ����� �� �I����r� lla�ll�y ���� ��r ��� ��r����� �� pl��ing �d�iti���� ir�fra��tr��t�re to ��ctr�ct, tre��� s�ore �nd t��r���ort �nrat�r fr�r� th� �re�� t� th� �it�'� ����r �i�#ributi�� s�r���r�n; �� �`h� ���li���� �n��r r���rv� �r�r�r� �h� ���i���i�n �h� ri�ht t� u�� �r�tr�a�t�� v�r�#�r �r�rx� t1�i� �r�r�ll ��r ��r��tru��ti�� �f ��� s��di�ri�i�r� irr������rr��nts a�r�� r��id�r����. T�is rig�t �� ��� v�r��er ��r ��r��tru��ti�+� p�rp���� �I��II ��� �p�r� is��a�rr�� �f � n�t��e �f ���nn�l��i�n f�r �h� I�s� r��id�n�� in tl�� �r�j���, �r fi�r� ���r� a�fter f�n�l t�a��� r��p a�pr�v�l, �rl�i�� �v�r is e�rii�r. Appli��nt� ��r it��l� �nd f�r th� F�I�A, r�a�� r����nr� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 89 F�E��L[JTI�� IV�. �a�� 7"� �f'��� t�� ri�ht t� u�� �nr�t�r �r�rn th�� vrrell ��r ��t�bl��l�rx��n� ��n� r�n��nt�n���� �� cor�n��r� �r�� ��n�����in�, ir��l�d�r�� I�r������in� th�t �� r���ir�� b� th� I�N�F�P. 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I� �r� �ifsi�� �I��rr��ti�r� ���rg�r��� ������ ��s�r��nt i� ����i�n�� �r�� �n �r�e��en�� ������ r��� �� a��r��r�� ��r t�� �i�� ���� cor�nect� to �Y�� �m�rg�ncy acce�� e���m�r�t �o�a�ed bet���� ���� � a��� �, �#�e Ap�li�a�r�t rr��}r �� �r� �l��r���i�r�, ������� t� t�� �r��r ���r��r�l �� th� ��re�t�r �� ��il�ing �n� �ir�� ��t�in ��I ���li���l� ��rrni�s �nd ��r��r��r�ts �n� �����ru�� � t�r�r�t� ���� faot �II v�reather ��erg�r�cy a�c��� roa� ta t�e nortC� pro�erty lir�� �f t�� pr���rt� �r�� ir�st��l ��pr��ri�t� ��I��r��, ����ti�n�ll� th� ���li��r�� ��r�ll ��r���r�ct �� �i�h� ��� f��t �vi�� ����rr�����d �r��it� �ra�� fr�r�r� ;`�I�s��r�r� llall�� F���d" �I�r�ugh t�� �p�r� ����� praperty of th� proje�t ��.o# '!�� an� the open �pa�e prop��ty �Lo� ���� ���"r��t 'I��� Pl��s� 11� tl�r���h th� ��rr��� Pr����t�r ��P�V� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 91 ���������� ��� ���� T� of �I�� ��7'-���-��1 8� ��������-���� ��n���t�n� t� Hi���� ��� F���d, Tr��l r��interr�n�� s��ll �e tk�� r�s��r�si�ilit� �f �h� �r���rt� ��vner� thr�u�h ��e ��n��i� Il��ir���r��n�� A�����r��n� D�str��t �� ���o�r��n�� v�r�t� ��r��i�i�r� �f ���r��ra�� IV�, �� �nd � ���� ��d ��h���l� pr�vi�i�n� �h��l b� i���u���� �n ��� �I��ns ��� specE�c�tior�s an� �ep�rt� r���ess�ry for �h� forma�io� a� the D��tr���, '� �, �I���IA�V ��V� III�ETLAC�� N11TI�ATI�IV �LAI� — �ri�r t� rec�or��t��n �f t�� f�na�� r�n�p t�e ���lic;ar�# ���ll ���r���� a�r�d ��� ��� co��� �����i�t�d �nri�� t�� �nnplerx��nt�ti�n �r�d e�t�bEi�hr�r��n� �f t�� ri�a�ria�n �n� �rr������ �n�t���t��r� �I�n �A���ndi�c ii � „ t� �h� ���ond ����r��ur� t� �I�e ��IF�� �nsi���r�t �nritF� ��� lJ.� F�sh �nd Ill��l�li�� ��rvi�e F�e�o���y Pl�r� �n� ����f�rr��a� ��p�rt�n�nt �f F��� �rrd ��rr�� re�u��t���ns. ��r��-���rr� ir�n�l�r��r�t����r� �nd r��r�i��r�r�� �h��l �e �rr�pl�r��n��� in ���r��n�� �nrith ��� I�II�II�P. 1 �. ���I�N II�I�IVIJAL �TAIVD���� — ��n��r�rn�r��� �rv�th �he ���i�r� ��n��� ���II �� a� r���ir�r�er�t �� a�r�� co���r��ti�r� i�n �I�� p��j���. ��r���r�c��n �f �I�� pu��i� �r��r��r�r�n�r�t� ���II �� ��c���t fr�r� �I�� ��q��r�rr��r�t� �f tl�� D��i�r� IVl�r�u��. �'hi� r��u�ir�r�errt ���II �� ����i�itl� i���r���a�t�� int� t�e tr�� ���F�'s �n� ���II �� r��ord�� �vi�� ���h I��, Tl�� �����s ��r�#� ir��orp�r��� tl�� �����r� M�n��l �"IV1a�r���l"� b� r���rer��e. �, Pri�r t� �r��l r�n�� r��or���i��, � ���i�� ��v���r�r ��pli�t��n �h�ll �� ���r�nitte� ��rf�rr�l � ��ti�� �r�j�c:t D����� �ui��lin� N1�r�u�l ��r�l�� Ar�l�ite�tu�r�l F���ri��v ��r�r��#��� f�r � �r��rr��n�n���i�r� �� tl�� ��r�rrx��n�ty ���r�l�prn�nt �ir����r. TI�� f�l���vir�� r���i�i�t'r�r�� �h��! �� rr��d� t� tl�� Il��nu�� ���I�ibit �}: i, TI�� �r�r�t ��t���l� f�r f��r�t-I����� ��r���e� i� �� ����. i�. ��I u�����d r�qu�re��nt� fr�rn �h� ��l�f�rnia� ��i��ir�g ��d� �h��l b� r�fle�t�� �r� tl�� ���u�rx��r�t, �r���u�in� ����r�r�i� � �n �e�i�n IVl�r�r��1 ���ti�t� �.��. iii, L�ts tl��� ar� r��t ��r��tr����� t� f�n�l �r��� �h��l in�l��� �p���fi� ��� �����r� �r��risi��� f�r �i�� �r�i�a�g� �r�d �I��� � �o�n���t�nt �rrith si�� �t�rrn IJ��t�r P�IIu���n Pr��r�nt��n P��r� �r�� ��pr��r�d b� �h� �ir��t�r �f Pu�l�� V�lar�cs. �. �ri�r �� ��i�dirt� P�rr�r�it i��u�n��, � C]e�i�r F���i��nr �p�li�t��� sha��� �� ����it��d f�r e��h �r�p���� �e�i���� t� de��rrr�in� �or��isterr��r �rritl� �1�e ���ro�r�d ���i�r� ��ai��lin� �l1a�u�l ���- �I�� pr����t. �1�e ���r►�n��i��r ��ve��pr��r�t ��r��t�r ���II � �r� ���li�at��rr �� th� Ar��it�ctur�l F���ri�v�r ��rr�r��#��� f�r �r��i��r�t��r� �r�� r���rr�rr��n��ti��. ���rr�itta�l r���ir�rr��r�t� �f��ll in�l��� � �it� �I�n� b�rild�n� e��v�ti�n�, la�nd���� �I��, �ol�r ���i r�nat�r��l� b��rd, �r�cl �rr�r �t�er r�n�t�ri�l r����e� t� ��t�rr�ir�e ���E�r� cor�si�te���, �� �e��rrx�in�� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 92 ���������� ��r ���e �3 �� 1�� ��r #�e ��r�r��nn�n�t�r D������rr�er�� C�ir��t�r �r th� Ar���t��t�� F���rie�r ��r�r�n�tt��. �V�I�E � �. ����tru�t��� �I���I �� li�i��d �� �etv�r��n �h� ���r �� ��r� �n� ��r� I�I�n��� #�r�u�l� Fri���; �nd ��t�v��r� ��� �n� ��r�n �r� �����d��. IV� �o��tru�ti�r� sh�ll ����r �r� ��r����, DE1lE�.��IVI�IVT ��DE � �. ���re��pr��r�t ���II �o�f�r t� tl�� ��r��l� F�rr��l� ��F} ��n��g �r�q�ir��er��� ��c���� �� �t��1 ���r��r�d. . '1 �. Alf �nr�ll� �h�l� r��� ��cee� ��ur ���� ��'� ir� h���h� �b�ve a���a��nt �r���; A�I f�r���s ��a�ll r��� e�c���d �i�c {�� f��t ir� I���gl�t �b��r� ����c�n� gra���, u�r�l��� ����n�v��e ���r��r�� urri�� �{1�1���r 1.��� Perr�i���ll�lir��r E�c�e��i�n ���li�a�ti�r� f�r ��r����er�ti�� �� �d����r�� �ra��. � �. Th� ���li�n# �h�ll cor�r��l�r �nri�h ���re���r�r��r�t ���� ������r '� �.��# "��rrd ��v��i�n�'� ��c����v�r�re�� �t��r �ppr�o�re� h�r�i�. � �. T�� ���lic��t ���f� c�or�r��l� �nr��h th��� ��r �f �I�� ����I��r��n� ���� ������r 'I �.��, �'�ed�ca#i�r�s, F��� �r�� ����rv�ti����' �h�� �v�r� in ��e�� �r� �1ur�� ��, ���� , �I�� �a�t� t��� �h� a���li��ti�r� f�r �I�i� �� �v�� �et�r�min�� ��rr�pl�te. ��. �u� t� t�� �n�rir�r�r�r��nt�l ca�str�int� i��n���i�d in ��e �EIF�, th� f�����nrin� u��� a�n� �nl�r ��`r� ����, r��� �� ��rr�itt�� �n tl�� I�#� in tk�i� �ubdi�ri�i�r�: �} �in��e #�r�nily ��r�r�llir���, n�t r��r� tl�ar� �r�� ��r I��. b} ��rd��ir�g in corn�li�n�� v�r� ��r�d����� pr��ri���r�� ir� th� �ppr��r�d �����n N1�nu�l, �} I�-I�r�� ���u��ti�r�� �u����� t� �r��ri���n� �# �h� �II�unE�i��l ����. �� �t��r u���� �r �truct�r�� �ar��i��r�� ������ry t� �ir�g�� f��i��r h����s ��c���� �h�� �t� �e�r�i� �o��t�, s���r�� r��i��r��i�l �r���� �"�r�nn� ��it�"� �r �������� �u��t h��s�� sh�ll �� a��l��v�d, ��nrir�rn��g ���Is rr�a�� �e �ll���d v►r�tf� � �Vlin�r lJ�� P�rrnitlF'i�� �I�r� ���ri��nr ��� s�����t �� r��u�r��ner�t� in ��c�i�� 'I �.��.���. e� ��t���r s��r��� �f r��������r��l �r�hi���s �� ����� i� pr�h���t��. ��I�F� T� I���lAi��� �� �F�A�IN� P�F�IIII�� �� •�I� ��I��! I��l�����+} ��/����I�� ���A ������R�� �#.+��I�! ���I� �� V�fi����1�LV �I�� ��� v � � ��pr��re� �I�r��, ��si�n Il,l��r���l a��� ���r�t�pr��r�� ��d� ���r���rd�, Agenda Item 9.c. Page 93 F����LIJ���IV h��* P��e �� 0�'1�� ��. P�rir��t�r pr�j��t fe��ir�g �nd in�er��� ��bit�# f�r��ir�g ���II �� ��r��tr��t�d in ����r��n�� v�ri�h �k�� ���r�v�� pl��� �n� �V1N1F�P ir� E�cl���i� ��r'. �h��v�n� �II p�rir�net�r ��n��s �r����r �nr�l�s. Tern��r�� ir��er�i�r I���i�a�t pr�����i�n ��n�ir�� r���r b� �����ruc��d i� ����rd�n�� �vi�� �ppr��r�d �I�n� �n� t�� �II�I1F�� �� r�r�r��r� in �I��� �hr��,g� �h� ��rr�����i�n �� ��r�s#ru��i�r� a�t v�r�i�l� tir�� ��rr��r��r�� ��r��ing �I��II b� ir��t�ll��. ��I�I� T� F�E��1��IIV� TF�E FINA� II�I�#� ��. �. T� �r�s�r� ��r vrrit� �h� D�si�n Illla�u�l ti�� Ap��i�a�r�t �h�ll pr��r��� � �r��risi�r� �r�t� ��� ��S�F�'� t� �I���nr ��r ��te �i�� t� �nf�r�e tl�� ��8��s. T�� re��i� �f th� �--1�A ����� ��r�nrr��n�e u��n ���n����i�r� �f �u��fvi�i�rr� ir��r����n���� ����r��n� �� ��� t�rr�n� �f �h� su��i�risi�� ir�����r�r��r�� ��r��rr��nt re��ire� �� ��r��i���� � ��. �. T� �r��ure ��I ��r�r�n�r� ���ili#i�� �r� a�����a�t�l� r��ir�t�i��� �nri�hEr� ��� ���di�ri���� ��� ir��l�d�n� ��f�it� ir�n�r��r�r�n�r���, �I�� �������r�� �h�ll ���r��t � �r���s�� ��re��n�nt ��r ��� ��rrr��ti�� �� � �er��fit �m�int�n�n�e ����s���r�� di�tr��t. T�� ���It��nt �k���l ��� �I� ��s�s �������t�� v�r�t� t�e f�rr�n�#i�r� �f �I�e ����ri�t. All pr�p���� ����r�n�n�s f�r �he f�� �f ���� a� �is�ri�t �r�� f�r r�n�ir�t�ining �II ��r�r��r� �r�a�� ��d f��iliti�s �in�l�d�r��, ��rt n�t li�i��� t�, th� ��en ����� ��r�el�, ������r��n tr�il, �r�� �r�in��e f��ili����� �ha�ll �� r�v�e�r�� �nd ���ra�r�d �y �h� �it� �ttorney a�d r�cor�ed with the ��n�� r��p. �����r���bil��i�� �f t�e �i��ri�� in�lu�� ����mi��i�r� �f bi-�nr���� rniti��ti�r� �r�� rr��ir���r��n�� r��n����ir�� r���rt� b�r ��u��l��i�� �r��rir��r���t�l ��r��ul��r�t �� t�� ��t�'� ��rr�r�ur�i�� C���r�l��r��r�� ��p��#r�er��, ��. A I�rrd���in� �n� irri��ti�r� �la��n s��1� �� �r���r�� b� � li�r���� I�r�d���� �r�h���t ���j��t �� r��ri�vrr �n� �p�r��a�l �� the ��rr��nu�i�� D��rel�prr���� �r�d F��rk� �n� F�e�r���i�� �e���t��nt�. The ��r�����in� piar� �I��II �� ��n�i�t�n# �ri#h tl�� r�nitE������ �n�r�i��rir�� �nd r�p�rti�g �r��� �r�� �h� p�o���� ���i�n 11������, T�� la����a�ing �i�r� �ha�ll ir������ t�� ���I�urri�� f�� �II �ubii� ��r��t fr�r�ta��� ��� �rr���r� I�r�d��p�� �r���: a�, Tr�� ���k�r��, ��i� �r���r����r� �n� pl�n���� ��t�i�� �, ��� u�� �� I�n����ir�� �� s�reer� gro�n�-r�n��r���� ���lit�r �r�� r���h��ic�a� ���ipr��n�; �, Th� �r�q�ir�d I�n�����in� �r�� i��r��r�r�errt�. Thi� in�lu���: � � � ���p r��t ���nter� �I���� b� ir��l���� in �r��� �rrh�r� tr��� �r� �rri��ir� fi�r� f�et {�'� �� ��ph�lt �r co��r��� surf���� �n� �ur��; ��� IIV�t�r �ans�� �r�c#i�e� �r��lu��ing t�� ��� �f I�� �I��r�r h�a�c�s, �r�� irri�a�ti��n, �ul�k�, �r��rel, �r���ht t�lerar�t ���r��� �n� r��l�h�� �I��II �� in��r��r���� �r ��� I�r�d���p�r�� �I�n; {�� �II �l�pe� �:'I �r ����t�r �k�a��l ��v� ju�t� r���h, r��rl�n r���h �r equ�v�l��t �m�ter��l; �r�d �4} Ar� �r�torr�at�d irrig��ian �y�#�m. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 94 F����LIJTi�N ��. 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L�r���r r��t ���ri�t shall �� ���� ��r str�et tr���� t� pr�t��t t�� �����r�1k�. ��, �II �tr��t fr�n� �re�� �I��II �� ��-in�h b��c �nd ���EI �� I���t�� � r�inir��rn �f tw� ��� tr��� ��r ��r�ry ��v�r�ty-fi�r� ���t �7�'} �f ��r��t �r�nt��e ��� ��� �r�ry �� ��oor��n�e �r�ri�� t�� pr�s�rv��i�r� �� ��c��t�r�g tr�e� �r���t�. ��J�L�II�C AN� FIF�E ��PA��I�IIEh�T ��h��ITl��I� FIJEL II���IFI��TI�N ��. 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Page 95 ��L�������� ��■ P��� 8� �� �13� F�F�� LAIVE� �'f .��I �ir� I�n�� r���t �� p����� a�n� er�f�r�e�, ��r �'�li� ����rtr�n�r�t a�n� Fir� �e��r�rr���t g�i��lir�e�. F�I�E FL�VII�FlF�E H1��l�AI��� ��. Pr�j��� ����� h��r� � r�ir�i�nu�� fir� fl��v �f 1,��� ��I��n� �er r7r�i�nt�t� ��r � � u r�ti�n �f � ��u r`�. ��. Pri�r �� �rin�i�� ��rx�l�us����e� �n ���e, fi�� I���r�n�� �ha�lt b� ir����ll�� ��� ���t ���rt, p�r ��r� ��par�r��r�� ��� ���I�� Vll�r�� ��p�rt��r�� ���n��r�s �r �It�rr���� pro�i�i�n� �r I�c�a���r�� �I��II �� a�p�r��r�� b� th� Fi�� ��i��, ��F�� �P�If�I�LE�� ��.�-1�1 u�i�s rr���t �� ��II� �prinkl�re� ��r ��il�ir�� �r�� Fir� ����r�r��nt �u���li���, ��AI� �� N M� NTIN ����� N�� F�M I N� ��. Pr��r �� ���u�n�e �� � �r��ling �err��� �� �u�ilc�in� p�rm��� v�rhi�l��v�r ���urs fir �I�� ��plica�nt ���ll ���v�r pr��# �� �r����l� �b�n��nir�g �Il n�n- �or���rrnin� it�r�� ���� �� ���ti� ����c�, �nr��ls, ����r�r��r�� �i��n� ��� �tl��r �����ir��l� �on�i�i�r��. �T#��R PE�IVI�T� ��. 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Page 96 ���������� ��■ P��e $� �� '��� ��.�I�� a���lr��r�t ���ll ir�����1 �n �ir-v�� r�li�� �r�l�� �t tl�� hi�h ���n� �f ��� v�rate� rr�air�. ��, Ins��l! f�r� I��r�r�r��� t� P��li� V1I�r�C� �r�� ��il�ing �n� F�r� ����r�rn�r�� r���r�r�r�n�n�s. �'�,��� ���li��n� �I��II ���r �n i����t ��� f�r #F�e pr���rti�n�t� �h�r� �� �rr�pa��t� �� tl�� ��Il��rr�n� ���i��l l�pr��re�n�r�� Pr�j��t�: �, EI �a�rr��r�� F���I �.1��r���, �. IIV�1n�� �tre�� ��gr�d�. ��. T�e ���I��a�nt ����I ���rr�i� �h� ��I��u�rin� ir� r���r�� t� th� �le�r-���n ��Iv�rt: �. �tru�t�r�l ��I�ul��'r�n� ��r r��i�v�r �r�� ���r��r�� �. F�u�r�d�ti�n ����uI��E��� f�r �evi�v� ��� ���r��r�l, �. Ir-I�r����li� ��I�ul��i��� ��r r��ri��nr �r�� a���r��ra�l. ��.��r��ts �vit�i� th� �r�j��� ���11 �e ��r��tr��t�� �� ���I�v�r�: � . �� ���t �tr�et �vi��l� fr�r� �u r� t� �u� rb, b. ��r�in� �n �r�� �i�� �� th� s�reet, �. ��r��r��� �urb �r�� ��tt�r �r� b�th ����� �� th� �tr�e�, �. �id��r�l�C �� t�� r �i�� �� th� �treet ��r���inin� p�r�Cir��, e. �� fee� �rvid� r�g�t-���-v�r�y, �. �� r�nil� ��r h��r ���i�r� �����. ��. �tr���� v�ri��in t�� �r�j��� �F��r� a� �� ft. r���� �vid�l� i� n�t�� �r� �I�� ��r�t�ti�r� r��� �h�l� �� ��r�s#�u�t�� a� ��ll�v�rs: �. �� ���t �tr��t �nri��l� ��r�r�n �ur� t� �ur�# b. ���r�r��� �u�r� �n� �u��t�r �r� b�t� �i��� �� t�� ��� �. �i��v�r��� �r� t�� r��rth�����rl�r si�e �� th� �tr��t� d . �� ���t �r�ri� e ri� l��-����r��; �. �� r�i�� �er I���r d�si�r� �p���. ��.In�t��l r��v�r ��n�r�t� ���� �r�� g�t��r �I��� ��� �r�j��# f��r�t��� �� �� ���ad�. ��.In�t�ll � ����r�r������ �r�r�it� ��I�c��� ��t� �e�ir�� t�� �ur� �r�� �u���r �I�r�� �a� ��r���a�. ��. �ubr�it �� ��d�n�u�n t� tk�� s��p� �t��ilit� �r�d �iqu�f��ti�� �n�l��i� �� �n�ly�� �h� ��rrer�t ��� ��nfi��r��i�n. �48,T�� �r�c�ir�� pl�r� s��ll b� r��ri��nr�ci �r�� �p�r�vec� k��r �l�� �r�je�t ��il� �r���rree� f�r con��rr����� t� t�e re���n��n��ti�r�� �vit�ir� th� �I��� st����it�r �n� I�quef��t��n �na���r���, Agenda Item 9.c. Page 97 ���������� ��. P��� $� o�'��� ��. �l�� �r�j��� gr���r��, dr�r���ge �r�� �r��i��n ��ntr�l �I��� �r� t� b� r�vi��v�� �� th� ����t�� �a�r� Lu�� ����ur�� ��n��rv��i�r� �i�tri�t. Th� ��pli���t �h�ll reir���r�� �h� �ity f�r �hi� rev�e�nr. ��. � �e��fit r��i�t���n�� dj�tri�t �ha�ll �riv���l� �'1�1�1��11'1 ��I �r�in��e �r��r��r�nn�r��� ��n�r���n� �t�rr�n dr��n��� fr�r� �n��v�����d ��rti�n� �f th� �� ��t�. Th� rr��in�en���� �f the�� ���iliti�� �I��I� �� ��t�ine� ir� th� ��&�'s. �'I . Th� ���I���r�� �h�ll �I��r� �h� �ul�r�rt �I��# �r�s�e� L� ����d�. ��,TI�� ���I���nt ����I ����� ��e �ul�r�rt �ut��� �r�r�n th� dr�p ir�l�� th�t ��-����� L� ��r��d�, ���VE�?A� ���IID�Tl�IV� ��. ���a�n �If �tre�t�, �urb�, ��t��rs �nd �i���r�lk� �t the er�� �� th� da�r'� ���r��i�n� �� �� �ir���te� ��r �#�� �ire�t�r �� ��r�r��r���y ���r�l�pr�er�t �r th� Dir����r �f Pu�li� IIV�r�c�. ��. P�r �or��tru�ti�r� a��ti�r��i�s re��ir�r�� �it�r in����ti�� ��rir�� r��� b��in��� ���r� ��1�n�a��r �hr�u�h �r�����r, � A.N1. t� � P,�I1. ��c��udi�� �i#�r h��id�}��� TI�� ����I�per �r ��ntr����r �h��f r�fr�in fr�r� ��r��� �n� v�r�r�C �th�r t��n �r�� rr���nt�n�r��� ����i�� �f tl�e�e I����r� �s �Il�v�r�� b� I���I �rdir�a�n��� �r�l�s� �n er�n�r��r��� a���se� �r ���r�v�� �� t�� �ir����r �� Pu�li� V�I�rks. T�e �it� rr��� ���� #h� d��re���er �r cor�tr��t�r r�sp�n�i�l� ��r �r�� ��c��r���� ����rre� �� th� �ity du� �� v�r�rk �ut��d� �� th��� �o�rs. ��. Pri�r �� �l��ir�� ��� f�r��l r�r��� �r� tl�� �i�� ���n�il �g�r���, t�� ���I�v�rin� it�rn� ���II �� su�r�ni�t�� �r�� ���r����: �. Fir��l rr��p �i�n��, k�. �rx��r�v�r��r�� ���uriti��, . �. F��s �a�� , d. Ir�����:ti�n ��r�er��r�t �i����, �, ����i�is��� ir��r��r�r�n�nt ��r�er�r��nt �igr��d, f, ���c ��rtifi��t�, �. �r����t ��5���� ���� �� ��� �i�� At��rn�� ��� �ir����r �f ��bli� Vlforks. I IVI P R�11� M E 1��` PL�A� � ��, All pr�je�t irr�pr��r�rx�er��� �I��II b� �esi�r��� �t�d ��r���ru���d ir� ����rd�r��� vrr�tfi� tl�� �it� �f Arr��� �r�r�d� ���r�d�r� �r�v�r�n�� �nd ����ifi�a����r��, ��.�u�ar�r�it f���r ��� ful� pa��r co�i�� �r�c� �r�e �'I � f��l t�nyla�r ��p�r �f a��pr��e� i�p� �I�r�� f�r i�s���ti�n pu������ ��ar�r�� ��r��tr��#��n, Agenda Item 9.c. Page 98 ���������� ��. P��� 8� 0�'1�� �8. ���r�it r���r� ������ilt} dr��vi�g� pri�r t� ���e�t�r��� �f th� ir�pr�u�rr��r��� �� �I�� �i��. �n� �� � ��� �f rr��rl�� ��ir��� �r�� �n ����tr���� �r�r�i�r� �n �� i� �u���Al� ��rrr�a�t si���l �� r��u�ir��. �3�TI�e ���I��r�ng Inn�r���r�n�r�# �I��� �h�ll b� pre��r�� b� � r��i���r�� �iv�� �r���n��r �n� ���r��r�d b�r t�e �u�li� 1l��r�C� �e��rtr���t: �. �r�di��, �r��n�g� �n� �r��i�n ��r�tr��, b. �tr��t ��v�r�g� ��rb, �ut��r �n� s���v�r�l�C, �. �� #�I i� u�i I i�� �s � �. V'V���r �r�� ����r� �. L�r�������ng �n� i��i��ti�n {�re��r�d �y � L�r������� Ar�l�i���t�, f. �r�}r �t��r �rnp��ver�er�t� �s r�q��r�� b�r ��� �ir��t�� �f F���I�� Vll�rl�s. ��.�h� �i�e �I�r� �I��I� in�lu�� th� ��I��v�rirr�: �. �he I�r��i�r� ��� �i�� �f ��I ��ci�ti�n� �r�� �r�����d �ra#er, ���nr�r, a�n� �t�rr�n �r��r���� f��'rf�ti�� v�ri�l��r� ��� ���j��t �it� �n� �b�ttin� st�eet� �r ��le��, �. Tl�e �����i�n, �u�r�ti�y ��d �i�� �� �Ir ��cist�n� �nd �r�����d ���v�r I�t�ra��s, �. �T�� I���t��n, �i�� �n� �rier�t�ti�r� �f ��I �r��� ���I��u r��, �. A�I e���tir�g �n� pro�os�d p�rce� I�ne� �n� e��em�r�t� cr�ss��r� the prop��k�, �. �`�� I��ati�n �n� �ir�n�r��i�n �f �II ��ci�tin� ��d �r�����d ���re� �re�s, �. T�e I���ti�� �� �II ������n� �nd �r�p���d �ubli� �r �ri�ra�t� utili�i��. �'! . 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F�a�e �7 0� '1�� �� i� E ET� ��, ����ir� ���r���l f��r�r� tl�� �ir��t�r �f �'ub��� 1111�� pr��r �� ��c���r�tir�� in �r��r ��r��t r���nt��r �v�r-I��� �r �lu�ry �����d. �`h� ��r����r �� �u�li� Vlf�ri�� �I��II ���r�v� �I�� rr��th�� �f re���r �f �n� ���� �r�r�����, �u� �I��II n�t b� I�r�it�d t� �r� ��r�rla��r, �I��ry ���I, �r f�� �e�l. ��. 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Ir���a�ll n��r ��n�r��� ��r�, �utt�r, ��� si�e�r�r�ll� a�� dir��t�d ��r t�� �i�e���r af ��bl�c V�lork�. ��. �Jtili�� ���r�r �u�� f�� ��� r��a�i�� r���� i� �ur�, ��t��� �r�� �����v�l�c. ��, In�t�ll de�� r��t ��rri�r� ��r �II tr�e� �lar���� ������r�t �� ��r�, �utt�r �n� s�dev�r�lk t� pr��r�nt ������ due t� r��� gr�v�rt�, � RAC�I f�� �7. P�rf�rr� ��I �r���n� in ��nf�rr����� �vith �l�e �it� �r��in� �rdi��r���. ��.�ubrr�i� �I� r�t�ini�� v�ra�ll ����u�a��i�r�� f�r r�e�i�v�r �r�� �ppr�v�l b�r th� �ir����r �f �ubli� 1JV�rk� f�� u�r�ll� n�� ��r��tr��t�� ��r �it�r s��r���rd�. ��AI �V�� � �3.All ����n�g� ���ili�ie� �i��ll �e de���r��d �� ����r�rr����t� � �I��-�y��r �t��rr� fl��nr. ��, ��I �� �����iti�� s��11 �� ir� a����r��r��� �vi�F� t�� �r��n�g� Ill���t�� �l�r�. �� .T�� pr����t �� in �ra�i���e ��n� "�„ ��� �I��vrr� ����� �v�t�r rur���f �� b� c�ir����ci t� �I�� �r�el�. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 101 ���������� ��■ P��� $� �� '13� ��. ���r�ni� ��t�il�d �ra�ir���� ��I��I�ti�n� f�r ��I dr�i���� ���ili�i�� �� �� r��i��v�� �r�� ��pr���� ��r tk�� Dir����r �� P��li� 1JV�rk�, EF���I�IV ��IVTF��L 3�. ����n�� �n �r����r� �ra��in� perr�n�t. ��ntr�� ���r� ��r r��ri��v ��� ��pr��r�l �ri�r �� i���ir�� � ��, �'r��r��� � V11�1� I��. ���r�n th� �t�te V'V���r F����ur��� ��n�r�� ���rd pri�r �� �����n�� �f a� �r�d�r�� p�r���. �E���AT��N� AND �A�E���VT� ��. AI� ����r�r���t�, ���r���r�r�����, �r si��l�r ���ur��n�� t� l�e r���r��d �� � ���ur��nt s���r��e �r�r� a� rr���, �[�ail �� �r�p�r�� ��r t�� �p�li��r�� �n � 'i �� �c � '� ��t�r ������r� f�rm�, �r�� ���ll i��lu�� I���I ����ri�#i�r�� ��c������, �I���r� ��I�ul��i�n�, �r�� a� ���r�r�� �r�lir�nir�a�ry ti��� r���r 1"�� ���li��nt �h�ll �� r����r�sibl� ��r �II r���ir�d ����, ir��lu��n� �r��r ���itE�n�l r�q u� r�� � it� p r������ r�� . ��. �������r�n�nt �f �u��i� �tr��t� �n� ���li� �a���r��nt� �I��rl �� I'r�t�d �r� �I�� ��n�l rr��� ir� ����r��r��� v�r��l� ���t'r�n ���39,�� �f t�� �ub�i�ri���n N1�p 1���. ��, �tr��� tr�� pl���ir�g �nd r�r�i���r��r��� �a�s�r��r��� �h�l I �� ��� i��t�� ��j���r�t t� �fl �tr��t ri�ht �� v�r���. ��r��� #ree �a��rr��r�t� �h��l �� � r�ini�nn�r� �f '� � f��t ���r�r�d �F�� ri�ht �f v�r��r, ���e�t th�� ��r�e� tr�� �a��r�n�r��s �h�ll ��c�l��� th� �re� ����r�� �}r �ubli� u��li#� ���������, ��. A ��b��� lJ�i�it}r E�s�rr��nt {Pl��} �I��II �� ��di����� � �nni��rr��rn � ��e� v�ri�� ��ja��r�� t� �ll ��re�t ri�ht �� �rr��rs. TI�� P�.JE ���II �� �nri��r �v��r� r�������ry ��r tl�� ir����ll����r� �r r�n�int�n�r��� �� �I�� ��bli� u�ilit� �r��lt�, ����, ��- �irr�if�r f��i�i�i��. ��. Ea���r��nt� �I���I �� ��di����� �� �h� ���li� �r� t�� rx���, �r �th�r ����ra�t� ���u�ner�� ���r��e� �� tl�� ��t�r� f�r th� ��Il��rr���: �. �� ����r��nt� v�r��r� f�r �I�� �u�l�t �f t�� �r�ir� �in�. Th��� �a�s�rr�er��� �h��� b� � ��nir�nur� �f �I �' �ri��, �. ���v�r e���rx��nt� ��r�� �h� �rr��r��n�� a��c��� r��� ��r�r I�� �, �. IlVater ���erne�t� o�rer the er��r�er��y ���e�� ro�d ov�r �ot �, �. �r�er����� ������ e���r�n���� �� �h��r�n �� ti�� t�r�ta����r� r�n��. TI���� ���err��r�t� �h�ll be � nninirr�ur� �f ��� �i��. �. 1l��II ��ser�ner�#� �� ����rr�ir��� b� �I�� �ire���r �� P�bl�� V11���� �r� ��c�rd�n�� ���1� ���diti�r� �f ���r�v�l fV�. �. P�F��1��� 'I ��, �t�t�ir� �r� �n�r���l�r�r��nt p�rr�r�i� �ri�r t� p�rf�rr•r�ir�� an�r �� the ��Il��nring: a�. P�� v�r�r�c in �l�� �it�r righ# �� v�ra�r, �, �t���r�g �v�rk ir� th� �ity r�i��t �f vrr�}�, Agenda Item 9.c. Page102 F�E��LLlTI�IV �V�. Pa�e �� �� '13� �, �t���c�il�r�� r�r��t�ri�� ir� th� �ity r���t �f �nra��, d. ����ir�� ���i�r��nt in th� ��ty ri�ht �f �nr��. '� ��I . ��t�ir� � �r��in� p�rr�nit �r��r �� corr�r�n�n��r�e�� �� �n�r gr��ir�� ���r�ti�n� �n �i��. ���� �1 ��, ��� ��I r�q��r�� �it�r f�e� �� th� tirn� �h�� a�r� ��e, 'I��. F��� �� �� ���d �� �I�r� �pp��v�l: �. N�ap ��e�k �ee b. P��r� �1����c ��� ��r �r��in� pl�n� b���� �n �n ���r��r�� ��rt��rv�r�c �stirr�ate. �. PI�� ��e��c ��� f�r �r��r��r�r��r�t �I��� b���� �r� �r� �pp� cor��tru�i�n �ast ��t��ra�t�. �. F��rmit ��e ��r �r���ng pl�n� ����d �n �r� ���r�v�� ��r�hv�r�rk e�tir�n���. �. En����i�n f�� �f �u��i�ri�i�r� �r �ub��� �v�rk� �onstru�t��r� �I�r�s b���� �� a�n �ppr�ue� �or���ruc#i�r� �o�t ��tir����. 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Page 153 � � �` � � � �r � � � � � � � � ���������� � ��►r��es: ���y ���r��i� Jl�l�e��r�� T��sd�y, I�l� y 2T, ���5 A�ti�r�: ��c.��n�il N1�r���r ���l��ri� r���r�d t� ��r�tir�u� th� it�rr� t� th� �eg�l�r ' �un��l IUle�tir�� �f ���ne �1 �, ����. ��u�rr�il �ern��r Arn�ld ��con���, �nd th� r��ti� �� �r� ��� f�ll��nr�r�g r��l �aEl vot�: �YE�: �u�hrie, Arr����, ���tell ��v�, ��rra�r� h��E�: �V�ne �����iT: �V�n ��� �.�. ��nsid������n �f a� Ve��in� Ter����i�r� `�r��� Illl�p �nc� Pl�nneci �Jnit ��v�l�prr�er�� ���� I��. �'�-��'f #� ��b�l��ride a� ��.�-�#�r� ���p�r�y i��� �ift��r� {1�� F���id���i�r L�ts a�nd a� ���r�ty-Tw� ���� �4�re P�rr��r�er���� Pr����v�d ���n ��a�e ��r�el. A������t� P��r�n�r N1���isl� ��re��r���d th� �ta�f� r���r# �nrhi�h in�lu�e� � rr�ap �f �h�� �r�j�c�# �i��; � pr�j��t d���r�pti�r�; � r��� �l�pi�ti�ng rip�ri�n��nr�tl�nd �r�d Pisr�� �I�r�ti� I���it�t� ���h �� ft. r�r��#����i�r� ��ff�r�; � r�vi�v�r �f i��ue� cor��err�ir�� t�� �it�, in��u�in� ��k rer��v��, rip�ri�r� ��nd �nr�tl�r�� ���t��t��n; �ire ���e�� �nd �rn�rg�r���r a������; ���pe�; �n� I�r��-�err� �it� r��ni��rir��; r�f�rr�� t� ��e ��� ����r�d�rn t� th� pr��r����l}r c�r#ifi�d F�evise� Firra�l �ub���u�n� E�v�r��rr�errt�l Ir����t F��p�� {F���EI�}; �i�pl�yed a ��r����ra�irrt� rn�p �n� �r�v�rir�g� pr����i�� a gra���� "fl�t �a�d" ��er��ri� �r�d a �� "�r���� ��d� ���n�ri�; �nd �r�vi��d a�������r��l En��rm����� re�a�r�in� #h� pr���r�� �� F�i�r�r� ���r�C�� in �r��� i�n tk�� ��ff��, ���I��r�ir�g th�# these �� �r� �I����� �� r��or� �n �h� F�bru�ry ���� ���EIF� �vhi�h �u������ �rigi��! r�iti���i�r� rr�ea��ur�s f�r �i�r�� �I�r�Ci� rx���r �ti�l b� �p�li�bl�, a�nd ��pla�rr��� tl��� �t��f r����nr�n�r�d�� r�vi�ir�g t�e firrdin�� ��cardir��l}r. J�I�r� �i��c�rr���h, F��n��r� ��r����t�rrt�, pr����nt�d �r� �r��rir��rr��nta�l re�r���nr �i�t�ry f�r #I�� �r��e�, i�n�ludi�n� ��t���q��r�t ��ui�i�r�� ���i Fir�t Add�r���r�n ���t ���r� b��r� i��ue�. He ��c���in�� ##��# ��� ��� �dd�r���r� a���r����� �r��r�r�rrr�errtal �rn���ts �� th� ��r� pr�����d pr�j��t �r�� ��r�n��r�� �� t�� �revi�u�� �r���c;#, �--I� a�l�� �r��rid�d �dditi�r�a�l ir�f�rrr���i�r� ��n�ern�n� ����r����l ���l��i�l ir������, �rr��u��in� th� pr���r��e �f Pisrn� �I���Cia� in �r��� r�e�r �l�e �r������ pr�j��t. �--I� ���ee� t��t ��rr�� fir���rr�� ��� n��� �� �� r��ri�e� a���r�ingly �� in��r����te a�p��i�a�l� rr�it����i�n. A������t� Pl��nr��� Il���l��i� r��rr�rr��r�ded th�t th� ��u�r��il r��rie�nr �nd ��r��i��r �h� ��'� Ad�er���r�n �� th� ��rtifi�� I�F�EI�, ta��C� pu�li� ���nrr���rt �is�u�� a�r�d �r�u��� s��ff �jre�ti�rr �r t��C� ��r�t����� ���i�n �� �p�r�v� VTTN1�I�l.�l� �'I -��'I # �s ��n��ti���d �nd ir��l�dir�� t�� Illriti��ti�n �111�r�i��ri�n� �r�d F��p�rtir�� Pr�gr�r�, �r�e� ��r�tin�� #he i��r�n �� � ���� c�ert��n ��1t�1� ��, ����} �� �I��� �t�f� t� r��i�e ���A fir�din�s r��rdrr�� N1������i�r� IIl1��sur� �-4 ��r Pisrr�� �far�Ci�. ���ff a��� [�1r. F���k�r����h re���nd�d t� q���t��r�� �r�rx� ���r��il ��nc�rning the �i�lin� �f th� �g���� �� �t r���t�� t� dr�ir��g� a�r�d �ra��i��; v�rh�t f�rrr�e� �I�� g�ll�r; �nrh�r� fl��rir�� v�r��e� �v��l� �� �r��e �h� ��fl}r v�r�� �il�e� ir�: v�rhr�th�r �r n�� �1�� �ul�y i� � v�r�tl�nd; ��e I�c�#i�n �� �h� Pisr�n� �I�rk�a�: v�h�t��� �r� ����r��rrt a��r��r��nt h�d ���n re��l��d �vi�� Lu�i� �II�� I.Jr�ifi�� ��F���I �istr��t ��r��er�ir�� ��� pr�����d �r�n�r��r���r ����s� r�a��; �na��cir�ur� ���I�in� ��i��t st�r�d�r��; �I��� pa�d� v�r��,� fla�t ����; re���n�i�il'r�y ��r ��in���nar�� �� th� b��ir� �r�d ����r ��-�i�� ���ina��� fa��il�ti��t ��r�cern r�la���r�� t� �h� ��eepn��� �� �I�� ��r��C a�� i� ��I���� t� tl�e err��� ���e�� r��t�; ��il �nd ��p��ti�r� ���u��; �h� ����i�il�ty �f �It�rn�tiv� ���e�� r����s; v�rl�a�t b�nding �� r��uir�d ��r ����ivi���n irr�pr�r�er�er���; �I�rifi�ti�r� �f �niti��ti�� rr���ni��rin� a�ctivit��� �urirr� ��r��tr���i�r� a��tiviti�� a�nc� ���nr �h� �ity v�r��lc� ���r�a��� r�n�ni��ring fr�r a� s��ffi�g �t�n�p�ir��, f��y�r F�rr��� �p�r��� ��� �u�li� h��r�r��. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 154 �U1ir��rtes: ���y �aur��i� Nlee�ir�� P��� 5 T�re�d�y, �l�y �T� 2��8 ���ni� L�v�r, r�pr���nt�n� th� ���li�r�t, ����I�r��k �e�r�l��r�r��r�t, �r��ri��d �r� �v�i �n� k�i�t�ri�l r��ri�vrr �� th� �r����t, rr���� ����nti� tl�� 'I �-uni� ���j��t �r�-�p�l��t��n. H� r��t��i tl��t ��n��r�� �r�� i����� i��n�i�i�� �� th� ��ur��i� pr��i���l� �r� ���re���� i� th� r��is�� pr���ct, �nr�i�l� i� n�v�r �r���s�� �� �� 1 �-u�i��, H� ����rr�� t� c�rr����r�d�n� ���r�itt�d �� �h� ���li�r�t� ����I�f��l'C ��Il����r71��'1�, 1Nl�I��'1 �I"�111�l�� ��fl"11"1'1��1�� �r� ��'1� " �111��� FEr'1�� �l.lb��qLl��1t E�F�, �"� ��d�r�d�rr� ���ta���r�n�n� ��, L��t�r ��; ��rr�r �n t�� ���g r��ri��v hi�t�ry ��r �t�� pr���s�d pr����t �it�; �d�r����d c�or��e�r�� re��r��n� Pisrr�� �la�rk�a� �� it rel�tes �� �I�e en�rir�r�rr��nta�l r��r���nr d���r7r��nt�; n���� tl��� tl�e rr�air� �d�r�n�a�� �f t�� r��ris�� �r����� i� th�t i� �p�r�� u� tl�� v�rir�l��� �arri�or; �tate� tl�e r�pariar� ar�� is sub�ect �o a resto�ation pl�r�; th� propo��d pr�j��� �or��a�r�s �lu�t�r�� I��� v�rit� �u���r�r� ��r�n��; �t����l the �'rty h�� the ��v�e� t� er�f�r� ��� cor�diti�r��; r����nd�d �� fir� ����s� iss�e�; t���ed t�rat a� �r�j��� �n���c�r��r�t ir��lud�� d�di�ti�r� �� �n �n-��t� v�r�li; �nd ������n�e� #� qu���i��n� fr�rr� ���r��il r���rdir�� th� ��Il�r, �r�� ��ndir�g #�r �ub��vi�i��n irr�pr��r�r�n�r�t�. D�vi� �����# �IF�l�IA, �re���n�ed a�n ��rervi��nr �f t�� �r���C Er���r���r�n�nt F���r� �r�� r����n�e� t� �u���i�n� �r�nn ��ur��il. �l�so� ,��, r��r���r�tir�� t�� �p�li��n#, pre��r�t�� a��r�put�ri��d vi���� r�n���l th�� �epi���� �r�ri��� �ri�v�r� �� �h� �r�j��� �r�� s�rrr��n��r�� ��r���� �r�d h�u�sir�g ���r�l�pr�n�nt�. N1�rk ��vis, D��r�� �r��in��rfng, r�v���nr�� tt�e �r�in��� �I�� ��n� ir��r��r�r��n#� f�r �F�� �r�j��� ��� ��������� �� qc�e����n� fr�rx� ���r���l r���r��r�g th� �r�p�sed �r��rr��� s�r�t�nn, �a���r ��rr�r� �I��� ��r 2� br��l� a�t �:�� �.r�, T�� ��un�il r���r��r�r��� �� �;�� �.rr�. ��� �r��nr���r�, A�il�, r�a�d fr�r� a� ��#t�r ��r� �i�� in #l�� ��r�i�i�t�r�tive ���vi��� ��p�r��n�r�t� r�q���tin� ���I�y ir� ���r�uir�g tl�� pr�����d ���r�r��r�r��r�� �r���l �h�r� i� a�ur��di����r��l d�terrxrina��on �y an appropri�te ��en�� or� �I�et��r or rrot th� �ro�o��d �ev��oprr��r�# �s locate� in � ripa�ria�r� a�r�� �e�ding �� a� v�r��l�r�d �h�t ���ds Il��a�d�� �re��C. ���I �����r, ��i��, ��pr����d ��r��rr� �b�u�t a� ��rn��v�rn�r� As���ia�#i�n �r��rir�� �� ��int�i� �� a��r�� �f ���r� ���r..e; ��c�r�s��� �oncer� �b�ut I�t ���e a�n� �I��#erir��; a�r�� ��t�� th�� �riev�r �r��a�ts �r�rr� �tl��r ��re��� ir� �I�e �ri�ir�ity v�r�r� n�t �I��v�rr�. �C��I�� �Ie „rr, ����r ��r��t, inquire� �rl�er� ��e vrr�l� i� ��r���d �r�� h�v�r rr�u�h v�ater vrr�uld b� �r������. �he e�c�re���d ��r���rn �b��# irr���ct� t� v�r�t�r r���ur�s ��� re�iden�� �n �a���r �#r��tf ��pre�s�� ��rr�err� ����t h�v�r th� g�l�� i� fill��; arr� ir�quir�� v�rl��t ty�� �f �re�� vrr�ul� b� �I�nt�� �r�d ���nr �ri�� �h�y v�r�uld b�. D� ��i�, ��il�, n���d k�� v�r�� �peaki�� a� � priv��� �i��z��. I--l� re��� t� th� �ull�r v�rh��h �ppe�r� t� �� � ri��ri�r� ���it�t �ervi�� a� a ri���i�r� �r�En��� �;or�r�e��e� t� ��� vrr��l�r��� �r�d ��a���v �r���c �rr� e�pr�s��d �����iti�r� �� �i�lin� i# in. H� ��f�rr�d t� th� tr�n���ant tr�� r�p��r�tir�� z�ne a�r�d e�c�r����� ��r��:err� th�� t�e s�il �� �n�� ���t���� f�r ���C� ar�d t��t ���I�r�t�� ��I�� rr�a�� �v�nt��ll�r bl��k t�� �ri�vrr� �f #I�e E�sy ��r��t �r�p�rty �v�rn�rs. H� �urt�e� r�f�rr�� t� t#�� Pi�rx�� �la�r�Ci� �n� ��t�� �ha�# i� a�r���a�r��� �� P��r�� �I�r�Ci� i� r��t p��sibl�, t��r� v���l� �e ��la��� I�r�n���t, I-�I� ��r��lu��e� ��r ��a��in� h� v�r�� n�t ��p���� �� a�ll d��r�l��rr��n� �n the �i��; h�v���r��, �� h�� �r�cerr�� �I�a�� �I�� pr�����d ���rel�pr�errt ���� n�� r��u�:e #I�e er��ir�r�r���ta�l �rn���t� �ar ���u�h. H� �ubr�ni�ted hi� �nrrit��r� �or�r� �r�� � ha�n��ut fr�rr� t�� CJ�ni�re����y �f �a��if�rn�� A�ri���t�r� � �l���r�l �����r�s ��r��rr��r�� �h� t���s�l�r�ta�i�r� �� ���C �r���. N1�r� A�r� �tt�r, ���I�, r���rr�d t� ��r�tra�di���ry �r����r��ti�r� conce�r�ir�� t�� �u�l�r a�n� r�f�rr�d t� �i���� a�� ��e P�a��r�'rn� ��r�rr�i��i�r� r�����n� ��tw��r� ��r�rni��i�n�r ��r��i�h �nd �a��rid 1�V�Ef, #he ���l��nt'� bi�l��i��, �or��e�nin� i����t� �f �r�s��r� �r��n �I�� �ull� int� tFr� ���e�C. ��� ��1'li�f'1, 1�����, ��C�I'����� C��C���1 ���1.�� I'�1��1���1��1 ��fl"1��1��1�� f����l��f�31�1�l��; ����p ����� ii�mi��ti�n�; �nd ���ur��� �f tl�� ��r vi���l rr����� �� it ��I��e� �� ����nr i� I--�� ur��d #F�� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 155 N1�rru�e�: ���y �o�r�ci1 �ee#�r��r P�ge 6 T���da y, N1a y �T� ���8 ���r���l r��� t� �p�r��r� ��� pr�je�� �r���l �II i���e� ar� �ddr���e�, Ar�na �n�cov��h ref�rred to t�e �ak V�loo���rrds �onserv���on A�t �nd ask�� �or ful� �rote�tiorr of o��c �r���. ��� a�l�� ���re���d ��c:err� a����t �nrher� �qui�rr���t ��+ri�l b� �I�c�� v�rith�ut ca��ir�� irx�pa���� du��r�� �nstru���on. �����r� IVu�tin�, L� �an�d�, r��� a� I�tt�r �n b����� �f �F�ir��}r Ill����Ci� v�rl�i�� �nr�� s��n�� b}r ���n r��i��n�� �� �u���� ��I ��I, �b���ti�� #� tF�� ����k bu�l��r�� �f rr�ul�i-�#�ry h����s �r� a� ��Il�i�e, ��r�n�v�l �f �a��C�, ��� irr����ts �� �er��i���r� k������t. H� f�r���r ���t�� tha� r�q�irin� a� H�r�r����nr��r� �►����i�t��n t� �n��r�e rx�i�i��ti�n r�r��sur�� i� rr�t ����r��ri�t�, ��� th�� tl�ere ��� been r�� ��rx�t�nitr �r�r� l���ia� Illl�r lJn��ie� �����I �istri�t ��r��r�nin� �n ��serx��n� ��r �he �c���� r�a�d. �t��re ��la�r�, lli�t� �ri�r�, s�a�ted t�� ��ti�t r�nd�ring �� rn��l�a���n� a�r�� ��r����� �or���rns ���u� �uil�in� hei��r�� �nd #h�� t�� pr�p��ed ��v�l��r���� �r�u�� �l���C �h� n��ura�l �ro�r�s�i�rr �f v�ri�d���e. ��n �ir�c�� �sil�� a��r��� ���� �I� �k�� ���li� oot�r��r�t� v�rh��l� ��c�r�ss�� co��rn� a���t tl�� propose� pro�e�t. �I�r���e I--��I�in��l��a�� E���r �tr���, ��pre���� ��r��errr a����� ir�p��t� t� ��cistin� �nr�ll� a�nd tk�� tY�� ��nd ��i�h� �� r��l�cerr��nt tre�� �� it r�l�t�� �� ��tenti�� �i�v�r irr�pa��t�. I��r�r� Ta�i�, �s�l�, a��r���l���e� �h� r��r���d pr����t �a�� ���n de�i�r��� ��rth�r �w��r ���r�n Il�l��d�vrr �r��k, tfi�e �v��l�r���, �h� P��rr��� �larfci�, �nd t�� ���t �nr��dla�r�d� �n� th�� ��� �p�lican� �il� �r�r�� i� � �i�l����t #� r����r th� r���ri�r� h��it�t �f N1e�d��v �r�ek. I-�#��nr�v�r, �h� a������ �nri�h [�J�il H��rl�ic �� t�� ����t�l ��r� Lu�� �e���r� ��r���nr�ti��r ����ri�t, �nrh� ��a�t�� #ha�� �n�r� c�ar� �� ��r�e ��r ��� �e�r�l���r t� re�u�� tl�e irr����t� t� �his �nvir�r��n�r���ll}� ��r�si�i�� �it�. ��e ��t�� that �nl�r �ne �� ��� tl�r�� �l��r�in� ��rr�rr�i��i�n�r� vi��te� �I�� sit� ��d ���t �r�e ���nrn�����r�er v�t�� r�� �r� tF�� pr���s�l. ��� ��c�re�sed ��r���rr� ��a�� � I�t �f n��nr ir�f�rrx�a�ti�n I��� ����n p���e�n�ed �nd �h�t #h� ����l� ��� I���I#.I ����/ �� ����V� �� ��� �V ��� ������� �������■ ��� ��������� ��� ��L4�V�I �� ��1�1/ 1 # � � /� �#J�� �II ■ !� �#./ ■ I��� ��� ���V ��� �� ������M�*� �/�/������ �I� ��#.I �V� ��J�����1.€�■ ��� #.I�������#.A ����V� V � � c:or���rr�� ���u�t �h� gr��i�n� �r�d t��ra�i�� �� �h� I��� �n� �b�u� �v�et��r tl�� r..or��ut�r �ir�u�l�t'r�n� v�r�r� int�r�d�� �� ���ur���l�r d��i�t v��v�r� �# ��r�r�� �utur� �irr��, 1..���r� I��a�r�r�� r�� furth�r ��bl�� ��r�rr�ents �11���r F�rr�r� �I��e� th� ���I�� h��ri��. �������i�� er��u�� �or�cernir�� th� ��fir�i���r�, na�tu�r�, �r�d cor�np��it��� �f �h� �u�l� a�n� �e�err�ini�� ������� I� I� � 1 ����I��f �V����A.A ��1./�■ ���n��� Il�er���r ����e11� ���vi�e� th� ��ll��irrg �orr�rr�err��; - 111��u1d �i�ce t� ��� rr��re inf�rm����r� ��n�r��r�� t�� g�ll�r b�f�r� �na�Ci�g � fi��� d����i��n �r� tF�� p�oject; - IV�#ed �ha�� ��� ��ur��il I��� pr�vi�u��l�r �ir����� the ��p�i�an# t� r����e ��t �i��� t� �v�i� ��a��� I ir������ �� a�v�i�i�� th� ri��ri�r� ��rea, �I�� ��k ha��i���, �n� th� �r�e�C; - 1JV�ul� �i�ce r��r� ir�f�rrr�a���n �r�� �l�rifi�ti�r� �rr tl�� �'F�r�n� �1��4c'r� i��u� �� it r�la���� t� ��c��t bl��r�n�; -� ��kr��vrrl�d�e� �ha� ��°l� ���n �p�� i� �r��rid�d v�r�t#�in ��r� d��r�l�p�nner�t; - 11V��1� �i�C� rr��r� �I�r�f��ati�r� �r� r�quiri�� � I--��r���v�rr�ers �s���i�ti�r� �� �nf�r� �h� rni�������n �n�a��u�res �r�� v�rh�t �he ��#y'� re���r��ibi�itE�s �ill b�; - VIJ��I� lil�e �m�r� �I�rity �r� v�rh�� th� ��� �r���r��i�n� r�ni�F�t �e; �nr�u�� lil�e �� ��r�rd ���r�r�� fifteer� di�fe��r�� ����i�nt� corn� ��rw�r� f�r ���r��r�l �f ���h ���; v�r��ld I�I�e �� ��� ��r�si���n�y; - �ta���d th� �r���ct rx��int��n� ��� �nri��li#� ���id�r; ��vrr�v�r, e�c�r�s��d ��r�n� ��n�ern ����t ��� ���e�t��l r�c�ire��i�r� �f wilc�life r���r�r - 1N�ul� I��C� rn�r� r���l����r� �r� tl�e �rr��r��n�� ����# v��tl� �r� �gr��r�n�r�t ir� p��c� t� ���n�n�ct th� r��d t�r���� t� th� �dj�ir�in� pr�p�rty �r id�n�ific����n �f �rr �I��rr���e �i#�f Agenda Item 9.c. Page 156 �1�r�����: �ity �our���1 J�eet�r�� Pa�e ?' ��re��ia y� �Vla y 2T, ���8 -- ���tir�g �I��� v�ri#h the �r�����; rr�t�� t�at �k�er� vr►i�f �e s�rn� f�rm �f �e�el��r��n� �n #hi� �it�; �- A�r��� �n�r� tirr�e �� r����ed t� �eel� �I��i�cati�n �n a ��u�le �f tt�e ir�n���t ���u�s tk�a�t �a�v� �e�r� discus�ed; - �u�p���t�d �o��i��ir�� t� � �l�te �r��ir�. ���n�il 1111err���r �uthri� �r��id�d �he f��l�v�tr�� �orr�r�e�nt�: � In�u�ir�d ���ut ���er�t�a� �r�n����� �� �I�e �nr�ll �r�p�s�d f�r d��i����n �r� �tk�e�r �v�ll� irr th� �re�. ��a�ff r��p�n�ed ���� t�e ��ci�#�n� �v�ll 1��s b��n ir� ��� �r� a�n� �f� f�r t�� ���t s�v�r�l �e�r� �n� tl�a�t a�n�r i�np��t� ��r rr�u�i�ip�l �s� �� #�e vrr�ll �r�ril� b� �v�l�a�ted �t �h� tir�� tl�� ��ty �r�p���� t� u�� tl�� �r�11. � A�k�d f�r ��a�rifi�t���n a�b�ut th� ��mer�er��}r ����� r��d a��d t�e ��pl�c�r��'� r�q�irerx��nt #� �t�t�in �r� e���r t� pr�vid� ����nd�ry ����ss; - IV���� ���� �n�r�r��rr���t�l �o��e�rns �►v�r� �Crr�v�rr� �r� t�i� �r�perty �ritl� �h� �ri�in�� F��n��� �ra�rr�e ���r��r�l, a�n� ��a� ir�f�rrr���i�rr reg�r��r�g �r��rir�n��n#af co���ra�int� h�� e�r�l�r�� ��r�r t�rn�; - �t���d th�t ��� ��rre�� ���i�r� i� th� bes� �����ble av�id�n�� �� �h� P��rn� ���rfc�a; -�t�ted t�a�� ��r ��� r�n�ir� ��rt �� the v�retl�r���, th� ���r� �ri��� a�n� ��h�r�cerr��r��� a���r��� tl�� b��� ��r�i�a�n�� �f �r�rpa����; - Il���t�� t�e ���� �n� I���c�� �# �h� gu�l�; �� �r����ne� �� ����e�re �t �� n�� � v�r�t��nd a�r��� �r�u�d ���c� ��rr�� �I�ri�ica�i�r� �r� t�a� i�s�e; - �������� 1��� �L ���� ����� ����� ����� �� �� � ������� �� ������rL ��� ������� ����� -���e�� tha�� th� ���d���� corr�d�r i� �na�r��nr�r; h��nr��r�r, he �id r��t b��i��r� �i��l��� ��u�d �� re�ir��t�d ��t�i�� �� tl�� ��rri��r; - ���Cr��v�rledg�d th�� rr��r�� ��I�s ar� b��r�� ��v��; �n� ��� ���s �� 1 � ��i� tr��� �� �ffs�t ��r ��r� �: � re���cerr���� �i�ig�t��r�; - I��t�� th�t a� I--I��m��v�r�er� As���ia����r� pr��r���� rr��r� t1�a� ���F�s} I��r�l �� r��r�i��ri�� b�r th� �ity �� �n�r���ir�g, b�t th�t �� h�pp�r��r�� in �ti��r �r���; v���l� �i�C� �� ��e ��rm�#i�r� �f s�rr�� �����- �ntity th�� i� �p��le �f �r�rri�i�� t�� r�i���ati�r� r�n�r�i#��r�n�; - ��c�r����� ��r���rr�� ���u�# tk�� �t�e�n��� �� tf�� ��ce�� r���� a��� ��i�r� lef# v�ri�h��� � ����nd�ry �����s; �r�r��� b�#t�r ���rif��ati�n �n tln� bu�il��bi�ity �f th� ���or��ary ������ r���; - F��it���t�� th�� k�i� in��i�ati�� i� tl��t t�� ��II� �� r��� ��i�r�ific��� uv�tl�r�� a�r�a�; �r�d unl��� i� �s ��u�d t� �� �iff�r�n�, fill�r�� it ir� �� ��r����ff #� pr�t��t �he Pi��m� �I�rki� �n� th� bes� v�r�tN�nd �r��s. ���r��i� 1V1e���r Arn�l� �r�vi��d tl�e f�ll�v�rir�� ���rr��r�t�: - Irrq�ir�d v�rh����r t�� pr�j��� v�r��l� n�t b� ���e t� �r����� i� a� ��t�rrr��n��i�rr w�� rr���� b}� ��n�t��r �g�r��y tha�� �h� �u�ll� �anr��t �� f�ll�� ir�, ��#y ��t��n�}� �a�rrnel r������e� �t��� i� is lil����r ��� a�p�r��ri�te ���r����� v�r�ul� d��ri�� rr�i�i�����n �i�n�f���� �n���h �� �Il��nr t�� pr����� t� �r���e�d �Itl����l� it is p�����1� ��� pr����� r�n�� r��� �� ��le t� �r����� �s �r������; - Ir� r����n�� t� � q��sti�n r���rdi�n� fir�i�he� v�r�r�Cir�g ���urx�����, ���#f e�c��a�in�� t#��# ���r� i� � �U�3����1�1�� �f'�"1�1.��1� �� I�1����1"1��1�1'� 2�1'lC� ��111�1111 l��C�UIE"�C� ��I' ��'ll� �J��J��� ���� ����� �� ��1� ������� ��al��, �I'�C�1����1�, ��C� �'ll�l���l�� �1'l���l.���� ��1� ��1�� ��� �������� I� � ��I'1���lV� ���'] ��'1� ��..�� �� ��115 �li�l�; - IV�t�� he �va� �n th� Pl�nr�ir�� ��r�n�nnis�i�r� �r�er� �h� F�F��II� v�ra�s �rtifi�d� �r�d ���Crr�vrr������ tl�� I�rr� �r�st�ry �fr tl�� �r��e��; Agenda Item 9.c. Page 157 M�r�r��es: �ity Co�rr���111�1�ee�ir�� Pa�e S 7'�re�da y, �1� y �T, �0�8 - �1���� tl��� �1�� �ri�ir��l �r�p���� pr��e��� �nr�r� r��� a���r��ri�te ��r t�� �r��r�r�nr�n�r�t�lly �on�tra�ir��� �it�; r���r�e� t� �h� pre�ri��s �re-�p�ii�ati�r� ��r 17'-�n��� �nd conr..ern� h� t�a�d �ri�F� tw� �f th� ur�it�, �nr�i�� ���r� r��v�r �ee�n �lir�ir�ate�; - �t���� tt�a�t � I�� �f �on��rair��� ���re ���r� i��n�ifi�� �� thi� �r���r�y; I��v�r��r�r, �h��r� �nr�r� ���nditi�r��� �n�itl�rr��nt� ���� �nr�r� ���r�r� t� t�i� �r�p�rty � I�n� �irx�e a��� �t�d th� �ity �n� a��pli�n� r�u�t v�r�rk �nrit��n th�se cor��tra��rr��; - f����� tha�# ��� ���I�c�r�� �►�r�� ��ee��� ��r pre�ri�u� ���r��il �o�nner�t� #��nr�r� t�i� ��e��fi� a�re� �f th� �i�e �n� �F��t �� i� th� ��pr�pria��� �r����t ��r �his pr���r�y� -�ta���d #h� r�p�ria�r� er�#�ar������� pla�n ��r th� �r���C �� � b�n���t t� t�� �re��c; � Ha�� r�i�c�� �ee�ir�� �r� v�rhe�h�r �he eu�al�r���� ����� sh�ul� b� r�rr���r�� f��rr� �h� �r���c; - ��� r��t ��li��r� �rrirn�� ���rat��r� i� �n i��u�# �- ��pr�s��� ���� �on�ern v�ri�l� th� ��n�r��r��}r ���e�� r��� ��� �����in� �n ����rt��r�t ��r��rr�ent �nri�l� ���ia� IVI�r; v��nt� �� ���i� con��r�nr��ti�n; ��li��r�� tk��� �h� �larx��� �r��erty r��� �� � rr��r� I�gi�l conn��t��n; -���t�� �he �rv�ll i� �r� er��rancenn��t t� t�� �ity �� an a�dd�ti�r��l v�ra�t�r ��ur�� - �u��e�t�� pr�-�efir�e� �u�l�in� pad� �� ���I� ��t can I���re �r�d�t�r�mi�e� ��i�ht lir�i��; - lJr��ur� ���ut 1��r� �����i�ti��n ��kir�� �� r�niti��ti�r� r��n�t�rin�# rr���r �eq�ir� � M�irrt�r��nr..� A�����r���t ����ri��; - �l�t�� there a�r� �v�r � ,��� ��k #rees �r� �E�� �nd t�ra�t �I ,�°lo �f ��� tr�e� �n th� sit� �rvill b� r�r�oved �r t��r�s�l�r�t��, ar�d th� b�st t�ees ���re ���r� pr�se�ve�; - �V�t �� ��r���rn�d a����� ����r�� a���u�� dr�ina�� �I�r��, �t�.; rr�u�� ��t �t����r�� �r�� g�n����� work�n� da�um��t� �� m��t tho�e stand�rd�; - �a�r� ���r�v� t�� �r��e�t �rv��h �or���ti�ns; [���nr���r, �upp�rt�d � �r��in��r��� t� ���r��� ��vi��r�r�er�ta�l �or��:erns �derrtifi�d r��a�r�irr� ���r�r�� �I�rk�a. ���n�i� �11er�b�r F�11�v�rs pr��rid�d �h� f�ll��r�rin� cornr�r��n�s: - �up��r��d � conti�nua�n�� #� f�rt��r �t���r ��e �rr���ria�l�; -� �ta�ted �ma�or posi��v� asp��ts of the proj��t ir��l�r��: ■ �lu����r�d ��t�, lea�r�n� ���n ��a��� f�r �I�r�t� �nd v�ril�li��� ■ P�de�tri�r� p�th� * F��p�ri�rt �nd IJlf�tl�n� En��r��r�ent P�a�r� r�s�ltin� in r�r�r����l �f �I�� �u�n ���I�r�tu�� �����I�� �� ������ ������: �����II����� �� ����I��T�Y����! �������I�� ���� �������# ��� ���'1"���r��'],1 [�I`I���I�I'1, ■ ���� V111�� �3� C���IC���� �� ��1�' �I�]�� ■ �r�j�ct I�c�ti�n le��ens ir�p��t� �� �i�l���cal r���ur�e� ��� �v���� Pi�r�� �f�rki�. � ���t�� r�a���r rre�r��i�re ���e��� �f �h�� �r�ject ir��l���: ■�i�lin� in the �ul��r, �nr�i�h h� de��ri��d �� � bi��i� eler��r�� {�i��l��e� ir�a��� v�rhi�� �I��v�� �la�r�� I�f��, t��t jn�lu�e� r�a�r�� ���nt�, pr�vid�� � v�rildC��� tr��l, ar�� n�v�r ���� �� ���a�n�� v�r�t�r ��a�t fl��nr� ���nra�rd II�'��a���v�r �r�e�c; ■ Fill�n� �he �ull� i� n�� r�e�e��a�ry �� �t�� �ilt �r�r� �nt�ri�g �I����v�r �r���C; ■ F�11ir�� i� #I�� �ully �nr�ul� r���lt in a �la��� I irr�����, �r�d ��������d �It�rna�t� �1�n �� a��r��� filli�n� �n �F�� �u�l�; ■ F�I�in� in t�� g��l�r �nr�ul� ir��r�l�r� r��ny �ru���C �r���, ��r�r s���i���� en�rir����n�, �y r�r��s���r� tru��C� �r�p�rtir�� I�r�� �rr���n�� �� �ill �irt� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 158 Nl�r��r���: �ity ���rr���� 11����t�r�� Tuesday, �1�y 27', �0�� Pa�e 9 ■�u���ste� cor��r�r �� ���rr��r��#�n� the I�r�� r��� �p th� �i�l �n� a�ll �� th� �r���ng a��n� fill, ir� ��c����n�� f�r I�t� �I��er t� �� ��rra��a tha�t v�r�r�l� en�r���l� ��rr�e�nrk��t ir��� se��a���CS �� �th�r a�rea�, ir� �r�er #� #�� I��ve ��� �u�l� in i�s �a�ur�l ���t� {di�p�a�}r�� r�u�h ��r����� s ketc� }; � ��� l� �������� ������������� ���������L� L�� ��L���4��� �������� ��� �� ������� l��l �L �nr�ll ��re�wh�lr� tl�� �ity'� �bil�ty �� r��rrit�r �n� ���I�vrr u�� I��v�re�r�r, �� �����r�e� �d�� �� th� ��p�i�r�t ���ir�� �II r�n�nit�r�r�� cast� �I�r��gh F��a�l �'ir�r�� Biil�rrg Agr��rr��n��; ■��lierre� �orx�pli�nce �ith ��r�n� r�niti���i�n r�n��s�r�� i� irr��r�b�ble, ir��ludin� 11�IUl �-�{�� "VIlork�r �du�tion Progr�m'� �r�� ��c�r�ssed furtl��r r�or���rn abo�� rn�rr�t�rin� ��d �orr�plr���e. * �ar�n�t rr���Ce �in��n� #1 �, that ��� �Il��t��a�ti�r� Illl�r�i#�r�n� �rrd F��p�rt�n� Pr��r��n �r��r���� �t�� �t�ps rre�e�sa�ry �� er���r� �I��t t�e rni�i�a�ti�� r�nea�ur�� a�r� f�l�}r enf��rc��b�e. - ��r��lud�� b� ����in� th�# fillir�� �I�� ��II� i� � ����s I i�pa��� �n� I�e �anr��t ��pp�rt it �r�� he �r�n�� rr�a��c� �ir���n� ##� �. N1�y�r F�rr�r� �r��ri��� �I�� f�ll�v�ir�� �r�r�e�nt�; -�u����rt� canti�u�r�� th� i��rr� t� ����� �ert�ir�; I���nre�rer, k�� v+r�� �n�ur� tF��r� �v�u1� �� �r��c��t� �inn� t� ���res� t�� �:once�n� �h�t h��r� ����n �r�i�:e�; - A�k���l����� t�e pr�j��� v�r�� �nn��r�� �n t1�e �it� �s � re�ult �� si�� �:or��tr��r�ts; h��n►e�r�r, �ft�r v�r�l�Cir�� th� pr���r�y I�� ���erv�� �I�� ri�a��ia�r� �r�� �r�d �►�r�ul� �i�ce ���� �I��r i�nf�r�m�ti��n �r� th� �u�l�r; - I���d� b�tter ��v�l �f ��e�ifi�ity b}r ����C�r�� �� p�rmitting�r�g�l�t�ry a�g�r��ie� f�r ir���rma�#��n a�nd �n�l}r�i� r��v�r; �n��� �1�r��y ��n ���� is�u� b���r� rx���rin� f�r - ��ur��i� ha�� �r��ede�nce f�r n�t a�p�r��rir�g h���ir�� �r�je�t� �I��t �re �uil� �r��tnd a� I�ng��r� ��I� d����� �ith �n� v�r�� ir� an� ��e v�r�� ��� b���d �� ����ty �r�� �nr�l��r� is����� � E�c�r����� con�rr� �b�ut I��� �ul-��-�a� �tr��� as it r�l���s t� �r��r��r��y a������, �� it ���� ��t pr��i�� �������e �ir��l�t��n �r a�cc��� ��r er�n�r��r��� �r�hri�l��; - �l����! �I�� d�r��� ���d���ir�� �r�� v���tati�r� n��r �I�� �r�p��ed ���d �rl�i�h ��ul� �e��r�n� u�r���a�bl� in ��� ��r�r�t �f � v�rild�i�e; e�c�r�s��� �:or��rrr v�rith �te�pr���s �� �he �rr��rge�n��r ����� r�a��; � Befiev�� �h�t ��e pr�����1 ��r � W����v���r� A����i����r� t� rn�n�t�r the� rn�r�� rni�r��ti�n �ea���r�� �� �r��r�u� ��r �u�h ��n entity a�n� it i� �r�r�a���r����e t� ��cp��� �u��h ��r�it�� b}r �r� I-� �A; - I--��� �� i���� �it� �a�k �r�� r�iti�����r�; - �ug���#�� ��t �a����ur�ti�n sl��ul� �� pr�-d�t�rrr�ir�����r�-�efirr�� #� in��u�� d��rel�p�� ������ng ���� �r�d r��t left �� in�ivi���l h�rr�e�v�rr��r�; �ad �r��ir�� �nd r�ta�inir�� �v��ls r�n��t �� ��r���r��t�� an� r�r��t��a�te� ��� tir�e, b�r ��� d�����p�r; - B���r� con��d�rir�� a�pp�ov�l �f th� �r�ject, r��r�t �ee r��r� �����I �rr t�� �rx�er��n��r ����� r��d ��nd r �e �r�v�n t� be �apa���� a�s ar� �v��u����rr r��t�; a�nd �m�st ir��lu�e d��r����e� �uil�in� ��ds. - Vll�u�� �I�� I��ce t� ��� �ur��e�r ���rifica�i�r� f��rr� ��r�rtit�i�g �r�� regul���ry ��er��i�� �r��ernin� tl�� � u�ll�; - I� i��u�� �r� ���rifi��, �an r�r���re ��rwa�r� �vitln �onsi��r�ti�rr �f t�� �r��e��; if r���, �ar�n�� �upp�rt. �#����n: ��u��il Il��r�b�r �r���d rr��ve� �� ��n��nue t�r� i��r� #� ��� F���ul�r �ity ���r��il N1ee�ir�� �� �l�l� ��, ����, ��ur��i� Ill��rr�b�r ���hri� s��on�ie�i, �nd tl�� r�n�ti�r� p����d �r� t�� ��11�v�r�r�� r�ll �II v�t�: Agenda Item 9.c. Page 159 �I+fir��tes: �i�y �����i� �l���ir�� T�esday, ��y 2T, �0�� AY��: Ar��ld � �uthrie, �����II�, �ell�v�r�, Ferra��� N���: Nan� AB�E�T: Nor�e 7 �. ��N�II�IJE� �l.l�Il���� I�ElI��I� Non�. 11. hl �1N BIJ�I I� E�� I��[�I� CV�r��. 'f�. �I�Y ��l��I��L F��P�I�T� a. I�CAY�� T�IVY FEI��A��►* {�l� ��r� L�is �t�isp� ���n�i� �f ���r�rr�rr���nt����n Auth�rit� ��L����1�L��TA�. I�� re��rt, �l�xt �� ��} ��u�h ��r� �ui� ��i�p� ������ �a�ni��ti�n �]is �utl�r�� a�t���d�� the I��t rr����ing �� �I�e AI#�rr�� . Page 7 � i� �l�is�� F�����na�l Tr�r���t �ir�� is in ��ne. �� ���L����}. ��un�il �Ill�r�b�r ��� Bri���1H�I���n�H�r� 1�� Int�r�h�ng� Pr e�t �ub���rr�itt�e. IIII�� v��t� tl�� �n��n�erir�g ��n�ul��nt� �r�d pr��ri��� ���iti� I �ir���i��. ��� ��h�r.IV�n�. b. II�A��F� P�� TEI�I �HIJ��C F�LL��IV�: {�I� ��u�h ���r��y l��u�h ��ali�i�rr. �nr�� ��d ��y� a�nd �ir�� �lu�� �u�rr�r�r��r �r��r��r, ��� �#�R���� ����� ��R����#/�� ���1� �������� ��R��I�■ �����\..I� ���� ���./ f C�����a� Il�u���l rerr�e��a��i�r� �r����� ` ��n��i�n�, ��� ��her. [V�r�e. �. ����V��L 11��M�EF� .l�E ����`�LL� �� } ��n� � V11���r Ad�ri��ry ��� . I���ei�re� la����� u�d�t� ��n �u�g�� N1u���r i�su��. ��� �4ir P�11u�i�r� ����r�l D� ri�t �AP���. �nn�un�e� ���� �I�� �Il��nr�r E��I�a�r��� �'ro�ra� is o� �atu� ��ort�d o� AP�� budg�� �s��e� �nd propased pe� c�pita ��� t� �iti��. ��� �ire ��rer�i�ht ���nrx�i ee. �V� r���rt. ��� F��e ��r����ici��i�n � e��i�ht ��rr�r�nitte�. �V� ����rt. ��� ���er�.l���,�. � d. ��IJIV�IL I�I�IIIIBE�# �1� �'I � �O��I7 ���J �1� ��� �a�lif�r�i� �J�� i ��� �ther. �Ione�� ��CU�HRI�: ��� �����I� ������i ��f ��I���+ P��r�r� Insur�n�e �1��h�ri�y ��.��IA�. I�� r���rt. e. ��IJI��IL IIIIEIIII��F� �� �F�hl��l]: �'1 � Ir����ra� �! 1N���� �I�I�n�g�rn�nt Auth�rity ��a��c� �II�VIIIIA�. �V� r�p�rt {����f � , /�/� /� � �������✓����I�� 7�+��#.I��1./� 7��� 1 ■ *���I���■ 4 � � ��� ���r�orr�i� V���I�ty ��rp���ti�n �E11��. F��ceiv�� pre�e�t�ti�n �n ���p�se� ��fa�r f��i��ty. ��� ��er. None. �� � Agenda Item 9.c. 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A��iti�rr�ll�r, �h� d� ���i�r� M�nu��l v�r��,�� r��uir� �ir��l �����v�l ��r �h� ��r�nrx�u�i�}r ���r�l�pr��nt �ire�t�r ���n � r����rr��r���ti�r� b� �h� �r��ri���t�r�l I��vi�v�r ��r�nr�r��t��� p�i�r �� �in�l �r��t r��� r����r��ti�r� ir� �rd�r t� ir���r��r�t� ��� fir��li��� �rni�i��#i�n ��� ���i�r� r���irer�n�r�t� �re��r t� ��r�di�i�r� �� �ppr��r�f �� ir� E�chi�i� ;��,,.} ��r��iti�rr �f A��r���l �f�. � � ���uir�� ���t ��r���� a��� ��t b���c �� ft. �r�r�n �h� fr��r�� �r���r�� �i�� in��e�� �� �h� �r������ 1 � ft, fr�r�t �r�r� ��#b���C, IIV�iI� �h� �r��t ���i�r� f111�r�u�� d��� r��� ����if�r �i�ner��i�n� ��r �u�l�i�� ���r���p��, i#� ���� �p��i�� �������c� ��r ���� I��, r�q�ir�� �u�ildir��� ��nd �r��r��rer����� t� �� I���t�� �u���id� t�� �ri� lir�� �� ��k �r���, �nd r�quir�� ��r����r�s t� b� 1�����d �u����de �r��� �� �l���� �r� e�c���� �� ���1�, �f���tir�� � �uildirr� �r��r�l��� f�r e��l� I�t, ��I��v i� � p1��t� �u��mit#�� ��r ��� ����i��nt �f �u���rr� r��i��rr�i�l ����I�pr�n�nt �nr��� �irr�il�r ���n��r�i�t� �n �`ra��� � ���. �►����r�r��r�t � in�lud�� ����ti�r��l �ritt�r� in��rr���i�t fr�r�r� �I�� ����i��nt �n �r����r��� �� �u����i�r�� r�i��� a�t �h� 11���r �, ���� P���n�n� ��rr�rx�i��i�r� h��r�r�� f�� th� pr������ d��i�n �r�� ir a�diti�r��� ������ �r�� ��I�str����n�. �:I��rr�rrr�rrrity D��r�l��,r�er�#1PF��,1��T�1TT�1d1VTT� ��-��� �T'�9���1����1����������� �F� ������fir���.�f�� Agenda Item 9.c. 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TI�� �r�����d ��r���ru�����r� �f t�� �ff�i�e �r��rg�rr�}� ������ r��d i� � } ������ t� irn�l�r�n�n� �de�u�#� �r��r�e�r��r ������ ���` ��� ��t�; �rr� �} irr���rt�r�t irr �r��ri�in� �r��#I� ir�r��r��r�ci �ir��l�ti��n #� t�� ��rr�u�nc�it�� n�ig�t��rh��ci t� �i�nifi��r�tl�r u�gr��l� ��� ��rb�i� �r�����r �r�� �a�f�t�r ir� t�e ���j��t �ri�in�t�r. TI�� ������ r��t� i� �r�p���� t� h� ir�r�pl���n��� via� �r� 1 �-ft, ����� �r�nite ��� �nr��t��r ������ r��� �t tl�� S:I�or�m�rrrrty D�velo{�mer��1PR�J���Sl�T1�IVTTJ� �?-00�1 {T7�98��2��8���0����8lCG �R ��21D8 f�r�al.doc Agenda Item 9.c. 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'I"�xe t��ica� �x�t��e �� ��xr�� �s t�.�� � �ro���� �� b� �er�i��� �c��� a g�exa� ��r�� �� �or�� a� t�� ����e� ��e�s �e �or��i��r�s �x�c� �x�s�i��� �f �r�� o� r��re o� �he �e�x��a� ���nr�i�s, ar�c� ��1u��s �ess �.h� �,� ��re o� c�s������ �� f�. ��� ����� �tx�i��i���. �di�r���a�� �� �r��,��� ��e�' '�� ��r�rr�i�� a�� �����r�c� ��� �� ��a�j�c� t�a�� ��ac�s �nor� �i� ��� a��r� of ���1 �r dredg� �nat����I ��o � Co�s �����c�i��o�I ���a. � ��s�t� � a �ore �or���e�c Ie�el o� re�i��, �x�d ��qu��� �a��r��I ���•or�r�e��a� �o�ic� Ac� �o�n����� ��� i.s �i��� i� �� forr� o� �x� ��ir�r�r��r��� A�����sm�r�� ���1a� �o � l��g�ti�� �ecl����i�� ��e� CE�A�. �VI�. I�����so� �ox�c��cle� ��� �.h� ��o���� �� ������1� �rc��o��� ��c� p���a�� �� ��r��ec� b� �e �o�s �a�� ei�i�r ������a� o� Ir��i��c��a1 �a��t c��p�r��� �r� t�� fir�al �x�r►��►�� a��ea �a�c�lat���. 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Page182 �� ��� �J. �. ��r7 ��� � ���r� ������ ����� ���'�����d���� � � � Agenda Item 9.c. 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Page 200 I��I���r� it �� ir�p��t�nt �h�t tl�� ��rp� h���r �vh�# t�� F�e�i��� �ir��� �ub�� ��r�� �r��rir�r�rr���n��l I� ��t F�� �rt �ub�nitt�� b�r I��r���n ��r��u�l��r�t�� lr��, ��#�� F��ru�a�ry ���� ���� r�g��rdir�� th� h�r��r�l���r �� �I�� �it�. l,.Jr���r �r�r����� �� l�i�arr"�rr �r�c� V11����r�al �l�bi���� ����s � � ���; "T�e �����r��� �rr�f �r�e�f� �rrr���err� u�re�l�r�� �rabi���� �r� �ik�ly �re��rr� onsi�� �s a re�ul� of ��e ��a��r�a! ��r�off ��e�r ���eive a� o�r�r�arrd �r�c� �u�b�urfa�� �l�w� �rorrr �he rror�f��a�� �or�ior� of �f�� si�e. �h�r��i�rg �he ���o�rap�y ir� �h�� �re� ��d �rre��r"�� ��a�or�a! wa�er i��o ��rf��e �r�cf subsurf��� drair�� w�uld a1��r �he rra�u��! i��ralr�lo��r irr ��i� �or�ior� �� �f�e �ro�e�� si�e. Al��ra�ior� �f �f�e ������ hydral��y �ou�d ul�irr�a�e!}r r���ul� ir� los� of �i�e s�a�arral ar�� �resh �rr��r��r�� w��lar�al f���i���� due �o �f�e r�dir�c�iar� of seasorr�l u�r���� e�rerr i� r��� ���rrr��a� ��r� ��rr�e����rr �� 1��� ��c���r� �������, ,� �� r�� ���� i� r����n �1��� n�� �� fil�-in t�e �r������ ��r�l�. �� th� d�����r�t � ���r�� �� ������t, t��re i� � ��r�r����i��l ���r���ti�r� ��tv�r��r� �I�� �r��r���� ��� �h� �rv��l������r��k, T� ��I� tl�i� �r�i�n�g� v�rEt� irr�p�rrk�� ��il �� �� ��r ����l�r���C �]��r�l����nt v�r��ld b� �r�ry �r�t�n�iv� r�rit� rr���h �it� �i���r��n��. ��� ���I���n� I��� ���ir�n�t�d ���t 1� ���i� �r�rd� �f ���I �r�u�� �e �e����, t��n���rte� b�r ��� tru���c i���� ��r�r ���r�i#i�r� �����r�� �f �1�� ��t�, T��� di��u����n��, ������� �nri#1� t1�� ����ir�� ��r ��t� �r�� ir��er��� r���v�r��r, �r�r�ul� ���ult irr ���iti�n�l ��s� �� v�r�tl�r�c��� ir��r��sir�� �I�e ��r�r��l ir�n���t, I� i� r�n� und�r�t�n��r�� �k�a�t i��h�r� i� ����r�1�g��a�l ��r�r���t��n �etw��r� �I�� �r��klv►r��la�r�d� �r�� t�e �������� �r�i�n��e �v�r�l�, #1�� pr����a�� �� fill-in #�� �� ��nr��� v�r��l� r���lt in t�e �ill �f juri��i�t��n�� �nr�t�r� �� tl�� lJ,�. �r�d��r th� s���� �� ��I���rr�i�. Tl��t ����� �k�� ���e � p�rrx�i� fr�r� t�e ��rp� ��r���r�# t� ���#i�r� ��� �f �h� ����r� IJV�t�r ��t �r�u�� r���� �� �� �b�a�in�� b�r tl�� a�pp�i��r��. �I�� ��p�i�a��� �n��t ��r��n�#���� �� ��� ��r�� th�t, �rr��n� ��i�er �hir�g�, tl�� �r������ �r�j��t i� �I�e I��st �n�Er�nr�n�r���ll� ��r�r���ir�g �r��#i��b�� �It�rr���i��, �L��PA} �� ��1�i��� tf�� �r�j���'� �ur����. T� ����rr�i�ne th� L��F'�, th� ���li��n� �nr��,�� rr��� �� ��ndu�� � �����}�1 } Alterr���i��� �n�l�r���, T�� ���P� �r��l�r�i� ��n��i�n� r���t �ff���i��l� v►rh�r� �� �� ���I��� b� th� �r����� �������n� ��rl� in t�� p�rr�rittir�� �r�����, �rvi�i��r �i� ��t ha����r�. ��rl� �r���1�r�rr�e�t, �� ��e a���li��r��, ir� th� ��� ��r�r���i�n�e �r����� v�r���� ���r� ���r� ��r�efi�i�� ��r ti�� ���I���rr� �� ��dr��� �r��r EPAI��r�� ��n��rr�� ��rl�r ir� th� � �r�����. A��irr� �I�i� �i� r��� �����rr. �l��r, �t ���r�� �h� ���li��r�t �r�d ��r� ���� �t�� �re �ryi�� t� �u�h tk�i� ��r�p���� �k�r�u���r �u����cl� �� t��r� i� � gr��r�n� ��n��rr� �h�t t�� ���li���nt �nr��f b� u���ng t�� 1�v�r��� �� � I��rrr��it a���ir��t th� �it� �f �ppr�v�i i� n�� �r��t�� ir� � t�r�n�l�r r��nn�r. �I�� �it�r's ��rr��ur�i�� ���r�l��r�n�n� ����rtrr��n� ���ff �ra�� �iv�n ��r� irr�pr���i�r� t� �k�� �i��r ��u�r��il that i� is "��C" t� �p�r��� ��r�� ��v�r — t�e Arr�n� ��r�� �nr�11 ����c i� �a��k i� �i��r� i� � �r��l�r�n. � d� n�� ��I��v� it i� th� �u�r�����n �# �I�� ���rp� t� ��� �� �h� "ba�� �u� b�r ��r��rir�� pr�j���s; ra#��r i� i� t� ��� th�� �r�j��t� ���r��r��i r����t ir� r��� �r �l�� I���t �r����r�nr�n�r�#�I ��rn��� t� �nr���r�� �� t�� lJ.�. � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 201 � ��I���r� it �nr�ul� �e �ri�� �� s�rt �u# t�� ���pli�n�� r��p�n����l��� n��v, v�r�ile �F�� ��ty fi��� ����r���e, A� ��� ���� ��t�r ��un�il r���ti�� �n ���� i���� �11��� ��, ����� �k�� co�r��il rr���� it �I��r t��t th�� s�r��ld ���� � I��r�l �f �l�ri��r r���r b�r ��n����i�� �r�ri�l� ��� �errr�it#ir�� ���r��ie�. T�� �i��r ���n�il ��� dir��t tl�e �r�j��t pl�r�r��r ��r ��� �it�r, T�r��� M��I��� �� ��r����� �r�u�r �ffi�� t� d�t�r�ir�� ��r�� ju�i��i����r� �r� � h i� r�n 2�tt� r, T#�i� �r�je�t h�� b��r� �r�ry ��ntr�v�r���l in the ��r�r�n�ni#� f�r � r��r�b�r �� ��a�r�. ���r�r� t�i� ��r��r���r��r, I��I���r� i� �r�r��l� �� �rud�r�� f�r t�� ��r�� t� r��q�ir� �h�� �� in���r�d��� �err�ni� r�t��r ���r� � n��i�n�ri�e ��r�ni� �e ��rr����. Tf�i� �v��l� a�ll��rv ������r� �r��l�r��� �n� di��u��i�r� �f th� �r���r�r�r��r�t�l �����t� �� #�e �r�j��t �� th�� a��f��� ��r�� j�r�����ti�r�, �nd �r�peful��r I��� �� � r�n��r� �n�rir����n����� b�r���r� proje��. �n ��r��lu�����, I ��li�v� #h� fillin� ir� �� thi� dr�in��� �v�r��� �v��l� ���r� � ����t�r�t��l ����r�� �fFe�� �n ����r�ll�r �r����t�� �v�tl�nd� �� ��f��n�� ��r ���ti�r� ��� �� ��� �l��r� IIV���r ��� thr���h dir��t fil�in� �r�� h�d� ��t��r�����r�. I u�rr��r�t�n� #k�� �r�j��t ����i��r�t, ���tl�r��� ���e���rr��r��, �u�� �r�v�d� �u�ff��i��� ��r�d�r��� �� �h� ��r�� ��r��r�����tir�� t�a�� �I�� �r������ �r�j��� i� L���A a�r�d �I��t �II i������ t� �h� si#� ���r� ����r ����d�� t� t�e ��ct�r�� �r��#���bl�, ���tl�r���c �e�r�l���n�r�t ���rs t�� �ur��r� �f �err��r���r���r�� �� �l�� ��rp� th�t r�� l��� �r��ri��r�r�r���t�ll� ���n�gi�� p�a��i��bl� a���e�r��ti�r� i� ��r��l�bl� �r�� �I��t �1�� ���j��� ��r��l��� �nrit� ��� ����b��'I � ���d�lin��. Ar�� �vi#� �h�� �h� ��r�� v�rill d�terr�nin� ���t��r �h� L��F'A #��s ��e� ��I��t��. �k�a�r��C }r�� f�r t��Cir�� r�n� �����r�� �r�d�r ����i��r��i�r�. Do�g��� �`ait ��� A�il� �►rr��� � r� n� �, �� ����� d�� ��i� sbc �ob��.�n�� � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 202 � 5 August � �� $ To: �`er��a 1VI���is1�, Asso���t� �lanner ��; ��1� �t��r��, I��r��t��r �f ��mm�r��t� �������rx��r�� �te�� Adar�s, ��ty IV1�a��r �ir� �arm��, �it� At�or�ey IVlayor ���r�� I1�ayor Pr� Terr� Fel�o�� ����ilrr�ar� �������� �oun�i�m.� A�na1d �o���i�rr�ar� �u�hx�e ��a�: Pa�ri�1� �����, �epreser�tir�� �it����s to Prote�t �ract � ��8 . p,�� � � 240$ ���r o� ��o�ro ���� �o��ur�� ��to���� ��b����: �it� ��a�f fir�cli��� ����r���� "�r��t� � ��� c����1���n�nt ���1������r� "�he �au���� c��cid�d �� it� �7 �Vlay ���5 rr�ee��r�g t� postpor�� � decis�c�� r�garc�ing t�nt�t��� a���o�a� of ��st������'� a��1i��tior� �o a����v ac�dit�or�a� tirr�� far ��t� �ta�f to ��tair� f�rt��r i��`����i�r� a����: �Irnp��ts, j�r�sc�����o�a� sta�s ar�c� p�rmi� �ssues rega�ding t�� propos�d fi�1�n� o�`�e bios�v�le �"�u���'��. �'i�e a�d �merge�c� a�c�ss. 1����r�� r���v c�i�����ri�� ��' ��s�n� ���rr��a r��ar th� �������c� r���d �� �pp�r� ��� d� �a�. ��� i��ons�ste�c��s arYd �p��tes. �� ���t�r �� a� r�����t �� ��r�'�r�r� t�a� �taff �v�i1� �n�� avai����� �� �h� �r��l�� a.�1 ��t�� l���st ���r�a���r� �c� �ir�c�ir��� r����ard�r�g ��s� iss��� ��i�r t� th� � ��p��rn��r ��u.��i� ����i��. �����fi�a�1�: The status �d a�� �re���ir�� f�r��i�gs fra� the ��rm�tting �ge�c��� �r��o1��d, �n���di�� t�e A.�y� �or�s �f �ngi���rs, �J.�, �'i�� �d �V'i�dli�`� ���viee, a�.dlo� �a�i�o���. ����rtrne�� o� Fis� ar�c� ��rr��, T�� �s����xr���� ������ur� ���1���d ar�� a,r�� f �r�c�i��� a�aci ��������at���� �r�� ��� �ity F`�re ��partme�at x��ga.�rd��g �he prop��ed fire �� �m�rg�n�y �e��ss �o�d. �� l��est ����es a�dlor a�ld����r�.s �� ��� �I� �sp�c�al�� �vi�.h �egard to �ismo �1ar�i�, �����a��� ar�c� ���land�, ��a���� t� ����l�r���'s ������a� ���t �i1� �� pr�s��t��ci �� �� ���r����. ����, �� �v��l� 1��� �� a�� �ta#�` t� ���r���s t.�� f�l���in� c����t��n�: �f �1ie p�o�o�ed fi����� of t�e b�os�a�e ar�c� �u�s�c�u��t irr�pa�ts ar� t�� a��oc����d v��tl�ds a� Tra�t l�9� a�e t��t�rmir�ed to b� a�la�s � or �I ���A vio�atiar�, v�i�l ar� �c�c��r�c�uxx�. �� ��� �IR �� r���ir��`? ���1d thi� r��c�rxi�� a ���a�r��� �a����� ���i�� �'a�e 1 of � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 203 �� �e�ring, ��ich �ould r��cess�l� c��1a� �he �ou�cil's d���s�an �o ap�rove �h� appli����or� d�x�i�g �t� � �e�te�b�� me�t�r��'� �i�� �t �e �ro�os�d t��t ���a��s to th� �vetlar�ds on �'ra�t � ��8 b� r�iti�ated �y ��c�ui��g t�� ��ve�o�e� to create or restor� v��t�ar��s i� anot��r ar�a? '�Vha� are t�i� tir�e ��r�str�i��� o�. �a�t1��o�k' ��pp�i�atlor� for t�ntat��� a�prova�? �� 1� �}������� ���' ��� ���,1��1� �� ����]ll���� ���� �i�S����'��� gra.r�c�������r st�t�� �ar�.d ��� t�ntat�ve appr�val �f ��t1�ro��C' ���ro�o�ed d�ve�o�mer�t �1ar� for Tra�t � 9�8 �ar��t b� �r�asf�x�ed to � r�e� de�elo��r if �ast��rock rec�ives ter�tati�e ap��oval �d th�� de�ides t� s�ll or dor�a�� a�� �� a����r po�t��n of t1�� prope�ty`? �� 1���C f �r�a�c� �� ��� �����r�s� �� �ur ����ti�r��, �Vlo�t res y, ��t�ric� �rr�it�, repr��er�t��g ��t��e�s to Pro�e�� �Tract � 9�8 �41 Asi�a, �8 � -?9�� Fag� � of � Agenda Item 9.c. 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Page 209 Il��tir�� T�r�t�ati�re Tra��t 11��p �nd �,EJ.D. ��-��1 F�e�ri��� F�na�l ��b��qu�nt EIF� ��cond ��d�nd�rrx ����nd f�edu��d ��r����� ���r�l�prr��n� Pr�p���l ����� �� �������� ��g� �• ����������� a�ssr�isr*i*s*�.��rsaiass�iss�is�i*��r*4ia�rr�ir�irri*rw��iriisrissii*���w�rrriirr�iirr��i**��wrr�iir�iss�i�*r�rrrr�isss*i**.�..+iraissis� ���J���� ���7�LJ�arr�arrriirr�***�+.►iirairr�ir�irri*r�*�iiriir�ir�isris�i**����iriirrirr�iir�i*rr��� �� �� �J� ��� ������� ��� • s r� i s s� i* r� i* r � r r i i i a i i s� i s r i s� i s r�� r �.► i i r a s r a i r� i r r i i r� i*� i r► i r r a a i r r� i i r r r i*** r�� � r► r i r r a� i i r r i i** r�� r� r r r a i i r i i r r i* r�*.� 4.� � ������� ��J���.{���J�r�*.►irriasr�isr�isri*t***��r►ir►iirirriir�ir�i*��r*�rriirairriirri**#�**�� �• �j������j�a����i � ������ �����#7��r�ir�i.�wriir�iraisri*sisri***i*�rrrairrisr�iss�ii*s#�.*F��irraiirrrii*rr�**r� � ������1�4J ■i*srif*r��r*�rrraiir�issr�isr�isr�*��it+iraisrisr�ir�ir**r�+r�irrirairr�irriir�i*r�w �1�������� ��������y� ■i*r�i*t*�.�.+rrair�isrirriiriir�i*r�F�arairairrisr�isri*r*i*���ra�irr�irrriiirrii*rr�� ������� ����J�,{����i*r�i.���rriiir�isriisri*r�*r�*�ir*iirairrisrisriirf*r�+�►�r*�iraiirraiss�i*sr�**��� ������♦� ����/�1��� rr�irr�iirri*s*i*r��rirr►irrisrirriirwi**�*��r►irriir�is�issii*ti**r��F►�irraiirrriiirrii*rr**�F� �������� ��� ����� ���i� s r� i s� i s r i* r�* r�..�+ r i i r i i s a i s r i s s i s s*�*��..►+ r r► i i r a a i r r r i i* r r i i** r��. r► i i r r� i i r r s i s s r i* t*�.�# i r► i i r� i s r�� ���� ���iss*i**r��*r�++riiir�isrrissr*isri*t�f**+r►rrrirriirairiir�i*r�**�r►i;riirrisrair�iir�i*rr�**rr�* ���������� �,i��� ������� ��.. i� i r i i s r� i r� i s r i s s i i r�* r**�� r r i a r a a s� i s a i s r i i s� i* r i*** �.►�+ r r a i i r a r i i r r i i i r r# i i* s r��* t �� r r r i i r r� i r r i i* r w** r�.*�+ r►�� ������ �������� .. i r r r i i s r� i s s� i s s� i* s r i* r� w.� w r► � i r a r r� r r� i r� i r� i s r f* r�.� i r r i i r� i r r� i r� i* r i i* r���* r � w. r► r i r r r a i i s r r i s s s r i i* r� f r*► i r r► a i s r i i r r i s r i s r� + � i ���� �� �� �� � i r a� i s r� i r r� i i r w i* r* i*� t i w r► i i r� i r r a r r� i r i i r i* r* i��� r► i i a a i a a s r i s r� i s r i* r w i* r�*�� w r r► a i r r r a i i r r r i i** r i i* r w i**�� w� r► a i r r� i i r� i i r� i* r i* r w*►�� ������ ����� �• �����L/����� �r�111�����V�riiriirrir�ir�is�i**w*��rf�iraairaiir�irrriirrrfi**rff**r���.f�wrrr►iirr�irr�irrfi*r#f* � ����� � s L� M.����� �./� �LJ �L7 ���� ��� ��� ��� �� � k/��#.� #..1..7 • i s r i i* s#�** r r� r r r► r i r r i i i s r� i s s r� i s s r i i s s r i* t#�.... r► r s r i s�� � � F1�� S ����� �* ����� ��� i i s r i* r* i* r�* F�� r* a r a i i r a i r s i s r i r r i* r i* r�* s�* F�� r r i i r r i i r� i r r i i i r r i i* r r� i** t+�� r r i a i r r r i i r r r i i r r i i r r�** r�� r► i r r i i r a i r a� � 1��1 � L r L����� ������ ������� � L��� ������ ��� }� ���� �� ���� ��� • i r r i i r r r i i r� i** r f�*.�. r i i r r i r r a i s a# i � Fi� �. �ri���I �'���os�c� I�ro���� ar�d Seco�� I�edc��ed Der�s�t�y D����opment ��LJ� LJ��� �V� ���kJK� �r�J�������� sris�i*r�*���r�irriirriirriirrriirrfii**r�**rrirrrr�irrriirriirri*r#f�*#..►iiraiir! � � � �'i�ur� �. �i��t ��c� 5����xc� I��c��x��c� ����it� ���r�I��rr���� Pr�����1 L�t I��y��x� � /'� . �J�����L.7L/� ■iirrwiir�i*r�*r�*r�+�iiriirrisrisr�is�is�is*i*r�*s��.�irriairaiirriirrrriirrrii*r*��*���rrriiirriirrissrii*ri**�*�w� ���1� �� ������ �4�1� �lJ����1�V�i*ri*r�*r*���ir�irairrairrirr�i*r#i**r�i**�i*r*►iirrraiirriissr�i*s*i**#��r►irrair�rriir�� � � l� � L� � r ��/ �� 41��� �� � ■�+ s r i s s� i s* i s* f s r�.� � r► i i r a i r � r r a i r� i s r i i r� i r r i f s#�. t � � r r► i i s r r a i i r r� i s s s� i i s t# i�* r�. r r► r r r► i i r� i s s s i s r i i t�*�/ ��?���I�1C �S A���r�c�i�c �: I'��1�r�r���� ����r��r� a�c� ��t1ar�� IViYti��ti�r� �Ia� �� F�r��, �r��. Cf�y a��4rroya �rar�d� i Agenda Item 9.c. Page 210 lfestMrr� Ter�t�ti►r� Tc��t l��I�p a�d �.U.C�. (�1-0�� F�evi�ed Fir�al �ubsequ�nt EIF� �e��rrd �ddend�rr� �e�.ond F�educed D���i Derre�a r�rxen� Pr`o ��al �. ����������� T�is ����xrn�nt is ������c� �c�cl�r���rn t� �i� ��stin� Tentat�v� Tra�t IV��� ar�� F.�.1�. �1-���1 R�vised Fina� ��x�s�q�xer�t �n�ir�rur��r�t�� I�n�a�xc� R���rt t�a� wa� ���tif��c1 �y th� �ity �f ��ro�r� ����d� in �4�r�1 ��D4. T�e �d�����xrn is r►eed�d to a�d�r�s� th� ������I� �r�vir�rurn��ta1 e�f��ts asso�ia�ec� w�th a��cond redx�c�d d�r�s�ty c��v��opmer�� proposal, submitt�d b�r the pro��rt �p�li�an�, C����r�c� �������m�r�t, su�����x�r�� t� th� ��r�fi���i�n �f �� R�vis�d �ir�a1 ��IR ar�c� c��r�i.�l �f a firs� r���x��� d�nsity c����l��me�t �����sa►1 �r�f�r t� Pr���e� B��]��t�o�r�d se��i�� be��w�. Irr��1����tati�n �f t��� ��t�st r��ic���#�.a� �I�v�lo�xr���t �ar���s�►� �v��xld result ir� �► t�ta1 �f 1� �ingl�-�a�n�1�r units �� �� sit� �r�vi��xsly �rxaly��� ir� t�� ���ris�� �ina1 �EI�2 ��ci a�sociated �e�ruary ��05 �dc��ndurr� ��re�r�sen�irtg a r��u�tion of �1 t�nits w�te�t compare�d to �e �r��i�al �r�����c� �r���ct an� a ��d�cti�n �� ar► �c�c�i�i�r�al � tx�it� w1���► ����a�r�c1 t� t�►� �1�5� I'�C�X.1��C1 ��I1.S1� C����I��?IIt�1l� ��'��3��21� �?C�11'�111�C� 1I7 �1� �lI"�� �C�C��I1C�Ll�ll� A���rdir�g �� ��i�n 1�1� �� th� �t�t� C.�l�f�rnia �r��i�r�nm�n�a1 ����ity A�� �C��1�� �u�d����, an ����r�drxrn �a a px���i�u�1� c�r�ifz�� EIR is th� ���r�pria�� �r����r�run�ntai d��urn�nt i� ins�anees w�i�� `� �n�y rx��xt�r t���ini�al �ha���� �r ��c��ti��s are n�������y ar�� wh�� �e r���v inf�rrnati�n d��s n�� inv�l�r� r��w si�rtifi�a�t �nvir�r�nt��ta� �ff��t.� b�e��n� t��s� i�I��tifi�c� in t�� �iI�. �"h� �hang� ��rrent�� l��in� ��r�tern�l�t�� it�volv�� �li��nat�n� �1 r�sid�r�t�al l�ts �rorn th� �� l��s �rap����i rxnc��r th� �ri�inal R��ri��d �]�raf� �EI� f�r � r►�w t�ta1 �f �� �i�n�ie-farni�� l�ts. T�is r�c�u�t��� w�t��c� ultixr���ely avoid �rt� f�r r�dtx�e .a�1 ���ri��r�m�r�#�1 ir��acts �r�vi�rxs�y �r�a1y.��� f�r t�e origix►�� ��r���s�c� pr����t. In �dc�iti��, �s dis�uss�c� be��w ���� ��r��Ir�s�or� se��i���, th� sec�r�c� r���x��c� c1�r��i�y ���r�Ioprn�n� pr���sal w�u�c� �v� n� ��w ��gnif�ca�nt �r��ir�nrn��ta� �ff��ts. As su��i, th� ��i��nd�rn i� th� �����priste �nvir����r��a1 �o��xrn�r�t under C��A. This �c���nd�x�n i���x�c1�� � ��s�ri�ti�r� �f' t�� ����nd r�c����c1 ��n�ity dev�1����r►t �r��a�sa� and a c�rr��a����n �� th� �rigin�l ��r��a���d �r�j��t ��s a��ly��d ixt �� ��vis�c� Fin�� ���R} ar�c� th� fir�� r�du��c� c��nsity c��v�i��rn��� pra����� ��� a�aly�ed irt �� f��s� adci�r�clurn �� th� R�vis�c� Fin�� ��I��. R�f�r t� �'�����t �Iis��r� �r��l T���� 1�D�v�������t� ��rnpari��zt� ��I�� f�r adc�iti�n�l ixt��r�ati�r� re��rclin� th� r�lati�nsl�i� b�tw�n the�� pr���s�1s. Pro�e�� H�istory ��n 1�7�, �e ��ty �� �1�-r�y� �rar��� ����r��r�d a d�v�l��xn��►t p�a�, �rd�n���� N�. ���i-C� ��ity o� A�royo �rar�de �rdin�n�e No. �B�r�S�, for a�� of the l�anc�io �rar�de ��op�rties, i��lud�g t1�e �r���c� �it�. T�i� orc�ir�ar��� �i�s�gnat�s th� VT"�'�1ri �1-0�1 si� ���evi�txs�y r�f�rre�l t� a� �T"TIVi 1�3�� �� ar� �n�lar��c� ar�a i,� �� 1'1�►rtin�c� ����I���n�n� "P�" ����, �nr�i�� cor����tu�.�iiy proposed �� to 40 clus�ere� s�r►gle�fami�y ur�i�.s. T�i� R�r���� �ranc�� P1ann�c� �]��r�I��a�er�� �.�, �s it ��cists �ocia�, ��nsi�t� �� � t�#�I �f f��xr ��rrtpl�t�d tr��ts ar�d �w� �ar��l�: �'���ts 199�,199�, �5�4, �nci 1���, �s w��1 �� Par��1s 1� ar�c� 1� �P�r�e�� 1� ��r� I1 ��nsi�� �f th� A���rnat� I��y�s ��ac� �ite �r����� a�t�rr�ative c1i���s���I ir� t�i� R�vi���i l��'a�t �E�1��. �r� 199�, th� �i�y of Arr��� �rand� �re���e�i s�v�ra1 In�ti�� �tu���� for th� gr�����r �ar�e�t� �r�x�c1� �r�a �ir����c�in� Tra�t� 1�34,199� ar►� �997�, w�i�1� i�l�nt�fi�d i�n�a�ts t�a� w�u�� Iilc�l�r r�s�1� fr�r� �� �r�p�s�c� c1�v������r�t �f �e R�x���t� �r�rxc�� �'l�n���i ��v�l��rn�r�t 1.� t�at ��q�x�r�d furt��r ax��l�rsi�. T���e ar��s �v��r� ��ar, but c�i�i �tot i�nclu�c�e �� C�#y o� Arrayo Grar��e � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 211 11est�ng T�ntat��r� Trac�t N1ap and P.IJ.D. �'!-�0'� f���r�sed Fir��� ��,bsequen# EIF� ��cond Add�r�du�n �e���d F�edu��d �ensi �vel� m�nt ��o osal �rxb�e�t �r��erty, ��sti.n� T���t��� �'�ra�t IV��� anc� F.�.�. ��-�1. I��w�v�r, � ��rnpr���si�v� �I� ��r t�e e�tir� �r�a wa� ��r,n�I��eci �r�d �ertifi�c� �n �anuary �� �.9��. T1�� �991 EIR ���r�r�d z�t��t �f th� r����� �has��i ��x�c�iv�s��ns �� �h� ��x���� ��'ar�c�� ��bdivisi�n {T�r��ts �1��4, �199� ar��l �997� wit� �h� ��c����i�r� o� �� ��xb��ct pr���rty �"TM �n� 1'.� T.�, ��-�1, �r�vi��x�ly Tra�� �9��� an� t�e Noy�s Roac� pro�erty �Par�e�� 1� ancl ��}. A ����t ��xbs�qu�nt �II� was �ir�ulat�c� �� �h� �i�y in F��rua�y ��� ��d is ��ns��l�r�d a f�11��v u� ���urr��n� f�r t�e �f�r��'r►�r�tior��d �99I �I�. T�s �x�bs�qu��nt �Il� �n�����d a c��v�l��arn�r�t pr����al �or t�t� �"�"I�'IVI anel �'.� T.D. �1-O�D� ��r���rt� �nly. Du��r�� th� ��xbl�� revi��v �� t�� ��� ��'��� ���R, �� �ity hac� r�qu��t�d �at a n�� c��v�l���n��t �lt�rna�iv� � a►r�a��r���l �l��n� wi� s���ra1 t��hni�a� bi�l�gi��1 ����u�rr� iss���. 1�s s���t, ���vi�e� �r��� ��IR v►��s �u�Ii��t��, w1�i�� i�n�l�c�ed th� n�w pr��e�t ai��r��tiv� �r��l a�id�tional ���1�gi��1 a�nalysi�. �T�i� R�vi��ci I�ra�t �E�� in�1u��� ��x���r�tia� n�w ir�f �rrn��i�n ��t ���#�in�� i� �i�1��x� th� Febr�xary �C�� L�raf� �E�R �r t�� A���I ��0� Fir�I �EIR, th�r�f�r� th� I��vis�c� I�ra�t �E�R �nras re�i��rxlat�c� f�r ��xb�i� r�vi�w ir� I����rnber �f 2��. Th� ���ris�ecl Fir�.�l ���R w�� tl���x �ertifi�c� by t�►e �ity ��u�►�il i� A�ari1 ��4, wit� �h� �r��i���� th�t t�►� ��ll�wir�g rnit�g�ti��n rne�su�r�� w���� b� rr���if��d: P�rt ��f IVIit� �ti�r� IVI����xr� �-� �► Ri ari�� anc� VI��#1�d Pr��ti�r� • R�z�is�c� F�r��I �E�I�: "If feasi�l�, a�� w�tl��►� an�l �i�arian �r�a� s�ia11 be avoic�ed anc� �rxilc��n� ���e��p�� �ha�1 be I�cat�c� �� tha� a11 ri���iar� an� �v��1�r�d ha�i�at i� �r����r�cl f���n ci���l���n�nt �ir����xc�i�g �r�c�ing� b� a�ir�i�n�rn 2,�-f��t ���b��l� rn�a��r�d f��rn the ��� �f th� c��e1� b�r�k �r t�e �u�t�r �c��� �f ri�aa�i�� v�get�ti��, W�.1���V�I' i� �'�21���. • �a�y ���r�cid IVI����ccr�i�r�: "I� ��a���l�, ar� w�tl.aY�c� �n� �ri��riar► �r�a� �ha�l b� av����d ��xd b�i��ing er�v�l���s s�all b� ����t��i s� t��t �11 ri�aria.r'► �r�c1 w�tl��c� �i.a���at is buf��red ���rn d�v�1����r�t �in�lxxd��g �x��in�� by � rnir�irx►�.rr� �� �0-����t s�tba�� rneasure�i from the top of �he ��r�ek ba�k or th� o�t�r edge of riparia� Y��� R�i��1�J1 i f � i Li� L`���1 1� �1 �� 4�1 . ff �i�i �ti�r� IVI���ur� B-� a Pr� ��n�tru�ti�n ��xrv� a�r�cl Tr�� I�r�t�ti�n I'1ar� • ���ri�ec� F�r�al ��I�: "��p1���n���� �al�nti��� s1�aII h� �t �� requir�c� �:1 ra�i� ar�ci �ha�� b� mi�ir�rxrn 1�-��xll�� ���ed ��.rs�ry �r���." • Cx� Counc�� IVlodx�c�tto�t: "I�ep�a���en� p�antix�gs sha�� be a� �nor� th�x� ��:1 rati� a�d �hall �e rx������xrr� 1�-g�►11��n si��c� n�x�s�ry tr���.•' �ar� � �� Miti ati�n �����xr� �-4 � �'is�n� �larki� �v�idar��� ����i��c� Fi��� ��I�: "I� f�����1� a1� Pi�rr►� �larki� oc�urr�r���� ��ai1 be a��id�� an� ���1c�ir�� �nv���p�� s�►all be 1o�at�d s� that �►11 ���u�r���n��s a►r� ��x�f���� fr�rn d��relo�men� �ix►c��xd�ng gradix'►g} �y a m�rt�rnr�rn 25�foo� s��back �rorn �� e�dge af �e o��urre�ce. xx ���y of �4rroyo �rarrde 2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 212 11��t�ng T�nt�tiv� �r�ck �ap and P.�1.�. �'I-OD1 F�e�ised Fir��l �ubs�quent EIF� ���ond Add�ndurr� ����nc� F�ed���d ��ns� Dev�l� m�nt Pr� osal ��ty ���r�ci� IV��c���'�a�i�r�; ���� f���ibl�, a11 �'�srno ��arlcia ���urr�n��� �ha11 �� avoic��c� �r�d b�ilc�in� er�v�I���s sha�� b� l��a��d s� t��t �x�1 a���.�rr�n�e� ��� buff�r�c� fr�rn d�v�1���n�nt �in�l��ing �ra�l��� b� � r�r�i�ti�.��xrr� �e� ��-f��t s�t���1� �r��n t�e e��e of �he oc��r�r��n�e." Ir► �����ns� �� th� a�bov� �xty �oun�il ���dir�g�, t�►� pr�jec� ����i�ar�� su��itt�d � r��r���c� ��r��a���1 w�i�h r�c�u�ecl ��v�l�pr��r�t fr�rn 3� u�ts �� �1 u���s. T��� p������, h�r�after t�e "f�rs� x����x�� c1��sity d�v�i����rxt �r���s�l," w�� ���l�xa��c� ix� �n Acicl�r���xrr� �� t1�� ��visec� F�r�a� ��IF� ir� F����xa� �O�DS ���r�a���r r�f��r�d to �s "��r�t �c���r�d��n"�, �as�c� �p��► th� �irst A��1���rx�n fir��i��� anc� ��rx��r►���s fr�x�n �taf�, aclvis��y boc�i��, a�d t�i� ��x�li�, a�diti��� I'�VX.S1�215 W��'� �1�1C�� 3I�C� �1� �I'���C� W�� I'�S�1�IIlI��Ci �I� M��`��'i ���J Aft�r �ub1�� ���r�n�s, �� �ity �f Axr��o �ra�c�� vv�s �nab1� �� mak� t1 �anda►��ry f��iir�gs ar�c� �i��i�d t�t� fi�st r��i�x��c� c��n�ity de��l��ran�nt �r������ �vith�u� pr���xdi�� on I�����nber 1�, ��U�. A�u����rx��t rev���� �r�j��t w2�� st�brnitte� i� ��s�ons� t� th� f�r�dirtgs ��r �eni�1 �� �i�s�rib�� in ��ty �o�xn�il R���I�xti�n I��. ��3�. T�� ���lirtnin.ary �i�sigm f�r th�s s���r�� r�visi��n, w�ii�� ir►���xd�d �'l �in�l�-��rn�1y u��s, w�►� rna�� availabi� a� a pre-a��li�a�i�r� t� t�� �ity ��ur���l � ��ri1 �007 f�r it� r�vi�w �n� ��rnr��nts ��ri�r to � f���x�.�►1 �u��rrtzt�a�. Bas�ci �� ���r��r�ts pr�vicl�d ��r �h� �ity ��ux��i�, t�� �r�j��� w�� furth�� ��vis�d ir� Se�t��nb�r ���� �� reciu�� th� �aro�ect t� �� t��a1 �ir���� uxuts '�'�is ��-ur�it �r�j��� i� th� ��xrr�r�t �����sa� bein� �r��y��c1 ���r�i�, anc� wi�� �� r`�f�rr��1 t� th���xg��ut t��� �o�u�n�r►t �►� �� "s���z��i r�d���d c��r�ity d�v����r��nt pro�����," Thi� C�C�� ����xrrt�r�� wz1l �1�� be ref�rr��i t� as t1 "�e��r�c� A���n�irxrr�,•• �� �1�x��fy i�s r�lati�rxship �o t�e pr��r��tx.sly-pr��a��d Ac1c1�r����. �. PI��JE�T' ����I�I1�'I�'��� �'hi� pr�j�ct i� � ����nc� r�d�x��d c��r��it� v�ria�i�r� �f �x� �ri�ina� �r����t a�aly��c� ir� �� ��vi�ec� Fina►1 ��IR. '�'his n�w �r����al i� � sir��Ie-�a�i�� r��ici�n�a� c��v�l��rn��t ��n.�istir�� �� �� ur�i�s �r� an ��pr��ci�nat� ��.f�-��r� ���� �o�a�ed �►ear �h� r�ort�i��st ��r��r �f �� i�t�rs�ti�n �f j�arn�� V1�a�y �nc� L� �anac�� in t�� ���y �f Arr��� ��rax�c�� �r�f�r t� F�gur� 1�. T�� �r�����ci r�s�d��t�a1 �nits �v�txld be ��u��ex��� ir� t�� r��rt�►�ast�rnmo�t ���r�i�n �f t�i� �it�, ����s���I� fr�rn �r�� a►cc�ss road off �a Car�ada. �v�ra11, this second recl���d dert.�ity dev�ioprn�r�� proposal cor�rs�.s of 15 �lu�t�red r��id��ti�ll�ts �r�� ��� ����-s���� ��t on ��,b ��r��, �rit� a �r��s �i�r�si�y �� �.�b u�nrt#� ��r ��r�. 'T�� lat� r�r��� �n �i�� fr��rx �,�D� t� 22,��� s�u�r� ���t, with an a�r�ra�e ��� �i�� �� a���xt �,��� �q�a�'� f��t. A��r��ir�a��1� �� ����� ��4 ��r��rt� �f th� �it�� w�u�lc� r�Yn�in in ���� sp�c�. �f th� �� re�i����.a� ��ts �������c�, r�o�� ��r�tair� l�ss t��r� �,��� sc���r� ���t, t�►� �ity's �ir��1� farnil�r ��b�ii��si�r� rnin�rnurx► I�� �r�� stand���. F�urte�rr l�ts ��nta�n �etw��n �,�0�] and 1�,� �c�uar� feet, �e co�tver�tiortal ��xb�ivisiort m��mtxm iot �rea ��r R� zones. ��e r�sic��ntial lo� �xc�ds 1�,O�D� s�quare f�et �Lo� 12, at 2�,802 �quar� fee��, the �i�e r�ormally �p�li�d to �� �S deve�o�rn�nt, no� ix► a �'.L�.D. �"�� se��r�c� rec�xx��ci cl�rrsit�r cl�v�la�rn�r�� �r����a1 ���'�--���t��es�c���s �at �r�p��� t�rra�in� �o� �r��air�ir�g w�11s ��n l�ts, ���vix�� ��x�t�m sit� �r�� h�rn� d���g� t� th� discrefi�r� �f �h� 1ot own�r. �����se 1�� o�vr��rs h�v� c�YS�r��i�r� r�garcii�t� sit� ar�c� h�n�� ci�s�gn terr��ir�� �r�c� r�ta��i�g w�l�s r�a�r s�i�� ���ur �n lots, �la� gr�d�d �it�s ��xn��� �°�� sl���} w��x�c1 b� �r�s�ri�t�d �� �� rnor� t1��r� �� ��rc�nt �� r��� ��fght ��c����ing �fi ���t w1�i1� ����e�l grad�� s��e� ��v�r �°l� C�ty of �4rroyv Grarrde 3 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 213 llest+n� T�ntative Tca�:t I��p an� �.�J.D. �1-��� F���rised Final �ubsequent EIF� �e�ond Aclder�durn ����nd F��du��d ��n�� Derre�� ment Pr� a�a� slo�ae} wou�ld be r�stri�te� �o a r�o rnore thar� �0 p�e���nt of roof ��i��� ex��edirtg 2� feet ���f�r to �igur� ,��, �ity of Araroyo �rar�de 4 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 214 If�stir�� T�nt��ive Tract M�p and P.U.D. ��-0�1 R�vised Fina� ��b��qu�n� EII� ���o�d Addendurn Sec��d F��d�c�d Densi ��v�l� r�en� Pr� osa� Fi�ur� �. �i�ix�ity I�r[ap. F.��c�11 �it�r o�Ar+royo �rarade � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 215 11�stir�� T�nt�t�ve T�ack h�a� an� P.U.D. ��-D�1 F���r�sed Fin�f �u�s�quent EII� �eco�nd �dd�r�dur� Second Reduce� Densi D�evelo mer�t Pro �a� Cor�pared to the ori��a� proposed praje�� �r�fe� to Fig�xr� ��, �ie se�or�c� red�x�ed densi� c��v�la�m�rtt �r����a� �l�c�s t�i� rn�j�r�ty �� ��ts ir� t�� n�rth��si��n ��r�ian of th� �����rty. Th�� p�rti�r► �� �� �r��rt� c�ntain� �����l�r i.r��is�c� �r��i�� g�x��y, th� wes��rr� �c�g� �f whi�� b�g�r�s near Lot � ar�c1 t�e ��s�er�r� edg� of w�ic�x exte��ls beyon� t�ie east�rn p�opert�r Iine in�o �►d�a���nt ��er� sp���, LJn��� the s�ond r������ ��n���y d�v�l��xn��t �ar��o�a►1, ��� �r����r� gu1l�y vrr��xld b� �i�le�, r�su�ting ir� a gr�c�e� ����� �f 1�ss than ��°�o t.���x���x�t this ar��. T�� �r�si�r� �u11e� i� r��t ��l�x� lir�� c�ra�rxa�� anci Iik�l� ��v�i����i c�rx� �� rn�clified �x���� �atterr�s fx��r� de��l��r�n�r�� �f �������� pr���r�i��. 'Th�� i� �vic��n��c� b�r th� ��cpar�c�in� ��c���� �� th� �ull�� t��arc� t� n�rth�v����� prap�� lirt� {t���rc� �x��ti�� ����I�prn�nt� t1tr��x�� � �eri�� �f �r�d�d fing�r�. Fill�r�� �� t�� �u�iey t� all��v ��r fi�� pr�p���� ��v����rr��r�� w�rx�ci ��� or�1� �reate ������ �f l��s �an ��°��, l�t�t w��x�c1 a1�� ��� ��� a ��nsister�t �r�s���n s�ur�� �f ��d�rn�n� �nc� �i�t r�n��� t��� contrib�t�� �i���tl�r t�war� M�����v ��'e�1�. A����s w�u�� � �rovic�ec� via � �t��-�e-s�e �BI����� ��ll��r R���� ��c�e��i�� �ff �a �ax����. T�� �ul-��-�a� w��xld �urv� ���th �r�d th�r ���� ���r� La �ana�� b����� �rrnir�atir�g n��� t�� n�rt����t�rrx��s� �orn�r �f th� �r����t�,� �re��r t� ��gu�� ��. ���c� wid� �v��x1c� vary b�tw�e� �� ���t ��t �� s��e �r�tx�r►�� ��� r�si�enti�l ����ss �reas� a�c� �� ��t �i�n �h� vi�inity �� ��sit� w�tlar�d� a�� Pisr�� �lar�i� 1��bitat�. A s���r�c�ary ����s� �r�a►d w��1c� ��c���d fr�rn t�� �n� �f �h� �rxl-d�-s�� ��r �rr��r���n�y �xs�. Proje�t Cornparison �1� de��rib�� in �� I���ris�c� F�nai ��IR� th� ��r�gi�nal �ro����� ��r�je�t w�s a�ir��I��fa�1y r��i����al c��v�l�prr��r�t ���si��ing �f �6 ur�its ��cl a 16.� ���r� ��aa�� ��� I��ate� �r� � �.�-- a�r� sit�. A����s �� t�� �rigin.a� pr���s�d �r���t wa� vi� ���-��ot wi�� roa� ��c�c�in� off L� ��r�ac�a, �i�h � ��r��r�c�i��lar �����d�ry roa�d �r�vi��ng �cc��s t� �i� rn����it�r �� t�� �t�rn� �it��. In ��rr�pax�i��n, th� ���onc� r�du�ed d��sity c��v�i���n�r�t pr�����1 w��Ic� ir�c�u��e �� �in�l�-f�►�il�r �xr�i�s �1�st�red i� th� r��rt�i�a�t�rnm�s� p�r�ion �� t�� �it� A1t����� a���s� w��1� sirnila�rl� be p���id�c� vi� a 3�-f��t �v�d� r��c1 ��c��z�d�n� ��f La ��rr.a��, ��n��r�a1 cir����ti�� w�u�� ��r�si�t �f �r�� ���-��-�a� �r�I�, w1�i�h �rr��xlc� �urv� �� t�� �n�rth ar�c� t�t�n ��s� t� �r�vid� acc�ss t� t1�� �lu�ter�d h�rne �i���. Figur� � ��rn�ar�s th� r��c� ��ci ��t layaut� �f �� �ri�in�1 �r������ �r�j��t ��� th� s�on� r�d���� ��r�s�ty c��v�l��rxt�r►� ����a�s�1 �igur� ���rn�a�r�s th� ��ac� anc� 1�� 1���rxts �f t�� fir�� reclu��c� d��ity �i�v�l�pr,n�x�t �r��a���1 anc� th� s����nc� re�u��c� ci�r��it�r c�evel�����t �r�p��ai Tabl� 1�orn�ar�� t�x� ci�v�l�prnent ����a�t�r�st��� �f �h� ��i�ir�a1 pr�p���� �r��e�t, t�� �ir�t r�c�uc�c� density ���r�l�prn�nt �r����al, ar�c� �ec�nci ��dtx��d ci�r��ity ���r�l��arr��n� �r����a� {th� �urrex�� pro�ect being ar���y�ed �►erein}. C�ty o� Arrayo Grar�c�e � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 216 llesti��'fe�t�ti�� Tract Nlap and P.l�.�. �1-��1 F�evised Final �ubsequer�t ElF� �eoond Adde�ndurn Seconc� Rec�uced Dens� Derrelopment Proposa� Tabl� �1. De�r�l�prr��n� ��rr�par�s�n D�vel�prr��nt ��i�in�l Fir�t F���e���� D�n�ity �e��nd F��du��d D�nsity �i�ar��te�istics P��p���d I�r�je�� D��rel�prin�r�� Pr�p�sal Derr�l�pn��nt Pr�p�sal �urr�n� Pr�'�� En�r�r�nrnent�l �evrsed Fina� �EII�, A�pri� Ad��+ndur� to th� F���r�s�d Serond �d�#endu�rr� to tF�e 2��4 F�r�al ��IF� {F�rst �d��ndurn�, F��rris�d Fir��� �EIF� {t�ris Do�ument F�bruary 200� d��urnent� �lumber of Un�ts �6 �� 7 � Percer�t�ge of �perr �2°Io ��°Io 84�Io Space Pr�mary ac�ess frvr� La Prim��y ��res� fro�'n �a Primary 2��ess frorn �� �anada ��n�d�, h��r�r�v�r, slig#�tl�r ��nada, h�ure►rer, intern�l �ite �c�cess recon�i��red oar�npar�d �� the �ir�ulation recon�gu�r�d �ri�in�l p�o��sed pr�je�t. compar�d to the �r�g�nal pr�p�sed project. Ft�n�� of L�� �i��� � to �0,7�� squ�re ��e� �,7'4� t� 1�,��� squ�re #eet �,��� to 2�,3�� squa�e f��t l�nsp��ifi��, howe�rer, �� �n-street and 42 off-s�r�et 17 or�-str�et and fi� of�-str�et N#itigati�n N1ea�ure T-�{a) spa��s spa�� requir�s 2� r�in�rx�urr� o# �wo pri�r�t� off-st��et spar�s p�r re�+dent�al �ar�el �nd P�rkir�� re���n���e �r��ri�io�s for �r��it� �risi��r p�r�Cir�� �ane sp��� �r uni�, incJudin� on- street} d�stribute�d for convenFen� use by aJ� ur�its �v�rit�in ��� feet �f �n�r ��t}, Resid�ntial D�nsit�r �.�� r�n�#� p�r a�re �, �� u�its pe� a�re 0.�� vn�ts per a�re Te�r��ing a�d retain�n� wal�s T�rr�cin� and retai�i�n� wa�ls ��st�m grading with n� rr���e wi�h no rnore than 5� p�r��nt v�rith no �n�re than �0 p�r�ent than �� p�rcent �f roof �e�ght �f roof h�ight exceed�ng 'I� �f roo# he�ght e�cce�ding 1� �x�eedin� 18 fe�# �n �2# grad ��ading And 8uilt��n� #e�t. feet. site� {und�r 2°�o slop�� and rro Hei�h� �o�sid�r�tion� �nore th��r �� perr�nt �f roo� heigl�t exceedfn� 2� f��t an sl�pet! �r�d�d si�es (�ver 2°l0 slop�}. Im�a� B-•4 �Pisn�� �lark�a�t �am� as f�r th� �ri�i+�ai I��ne. and Prapas�d Project, but reduced �umul�t��r� ��ass I Im ac�# fo ir� r�a�r�itud� du� t� the �urr'4ber�f �la�� � � r�d��tion in pro�o��d Im�acts B�olog�cal ���aufc.�s du� to r�sid�ntial d�nsity. �h� o�r�ralE lo�s �� wild�if� f�ra�inglbre�d�ng ��e2�s, and the ��ss of Pi�rr�o �1�rk��. A1t1z�u��x �h� s�cond rec�u���c� c��nsi�y ����I����r�t �r������ r������nts a���n��rativ� r�d�x�ti�n ir� c�ev�i��r���t i�n��r�si�y, ar�c� t��s �h� �����1� in�ensit� �f �nvir���n�ntal irn�acts, a�1 �f th� �r�v�r�nr���ta� irr�p��t �la��ifi��tion� cliscuss��i in th� ��Il��vir�� s��fi�� ��� �� s�arn� �� p�r��ri��xsly ar�a���ec� ir► t�� ��v��ed Fin.al �EIR �nc� �� �ir�t Ac�c��r�durn. City of.4rroyo �rande � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 217 Vestir�g Te�rtatir�e Tra�:t Nl�p �nd P.U.D. ��-��� ���ri��d Fin�l �ubsequ�n� �IR ��cor�d Add�ndur� Second R�duce� D�nsi Develo ment �+ro o�al ��gux�� �. �e��n� I����x��d D�n�ity l��v�����n��� Pr���s�1 Lat La��u�. �1�c1� City of.4rraya Grande � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 218 11e�ting Tentativ� Trac# Nfap ar� P.�1.�. ��-��1 �e�rised �irra�l ��bs�quent EII� ��co�d �4dd�r�dur� �e�ond R�du��d D�nsi D��r�lo m�nt Pro osa�l Bac�C of 11x17 -- -- ' �it�,r ���4rroy�� �rande 9 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 219 V��tin� T�ntat��r� Tfact hAap �nd P. U. �. �1-�D1 F�e�rised Final �ub�que�t ��F� �eaond A��endu�n Second Rec�uced Dens�t Deve�o �er�t �ra osal Figur� �. �ri�ir�al Pr������ ��r���t �nd ���or��1 R������ I���sity ���r�loprn�nt Pr���s�1 I��� i��yout Cor��aar�so�. 11x17 �ity �� �4rroyo �r�r�de 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 220 Vest�ny Tentativ� Tr�c� N1�p �nd P.I.J.D. �'f-��'� R��ris�d Final �ubs�qu�nt EIF� S�con� Add�ndum Second F�edu�ed Den�i Dev�lo ment Pr� osal �a��C of �1x17 ��ty o� Arrayo Grar�d� 'l 1 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 221 lle�ti�g Ter�tativ� Tr�act M�p �nd P.1.�. D. 0'I �0�1 F���ris�d F�n�l �ubseq��nt EIF� ��cond Add�ndurr� ��cond R�du�ed Densi Develo ment �r� o�al F�gur� �, �xz��t �r�d �e��r�c� R�c�u�e� ������y ��v�1���m�r�t �r����a1 L�t �����xt ��m�a��s�r�. 11x17 City o� �lnroyo �rar�de 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 222 Vestin� Te�tativ� Tra�t Alla� and P.l1.D. �1-��� �e�ri�ed Fi�a�l �ubsequer�t ErF� ��cond �d�endurr� �ec�r�d F��du��d D�en�� ��re�� m�rr� Pr� os�l �ac�C af �1xI� , - -- _ _ .. . .. ��ty �� �4rro�o �r�rrd� �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 223 1l�sting Tentativ� �`��ct IU�a� and P.L�.�. �1-��� �e�ri��ri Fir�al �ubsequent �IF� �econd Add�ndur� �e��nc� F�edu��d D�n�i Devel� ment Pr� o�al �igu�� �, �r��irt� �����n ��rr���ris�r� ��ty of Arroyo Grar�de 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 224 1lesting Tentativ� Tract I��lap and P.�1.D. 0�-001 F�e�rise�d F�nal �u�s�quent EIF� �eoond �ddendurr� �e��nd F�ed��ed Densi �evet� rx�ent Pro osal �. ���T�������'�� ������' �������� T1�is s�t�o�n �or�t�ir�s a dis�ussio� of �e possi��e env�ronmenta� e�f��ts of �h� se�ond reduced r��ider�tia�1 d�r��i�y �r�p�s�l f�r t�e s�eci�i� iss�x� ar��s t1�.�t vv�r� id�n�ifi�c� �s havir�� t�� p�t�nti�� t� ��c�������� �ignifi�ant ir'r�����s a� �naly��c1 �� th� R��i��cl �'inal �EI�, ••�i�r�ifi�ant �f��t" is d�firt�c� ��r ��� �ta�� �E�A �t�id����n�s �1���� as "� sul��tan.ti�1, or p�t�r�tially �u���a�tia� ac�v�r�� �l��n�� in ar�y �f th� �h�si��1 ��n�i�i��s wit�iirt th� �r�� af��ted �� �� �r����t ir�cl�elir�� 1��d, �ir, w�t�r, rr�in�x��ls, f��ra, faun�, ��b��r�t r��i��, �r�d �b��t� �f �i�t�ri� �r aesth�ti� �ignif��an�e. A.� ���r��rni� �r �����I c�ar��� by it��lf �ha�� ��t l�� ���sic�ere�d a signif �c�x�� �ff��t on t� envir�r�m�nt, ��t rr��� � c�r�sic��r�d i� d�t�r�nir�ir�� �vh�t��r th� p�iy�i��� �h�r�g� i� �ignifi��nt." Th� ������rr���� o� ���1� is��x� ar�a ��gi�s with �h� ori�iynal i�n���t �i��t�ss�c� �n c��t�il i� �eir r���cti�� se�ti�rtis �v�thin t�� I��v���� Fir�a� ��I�. �'h� �r�vir�nr�t��tal irnpa�t� ����x�tin� fr�rn �� ����nd r�du��cl cl�r�si�y d�v�l����nt �r�����i �v�1� �� c��,n��r�c1 t� th��� ��s�x�ting fr�n� th� �ri�i�a� �r�po��d �r����t. Ea�h b�ld�c� �r�pa�t ���ti�g �1s� ��nta��.s a stat�rn�nt �� �� �ign�fi��n�� ci�t�r�n���i�n f�� th� �nvir�n���tal �Ynpa�t �s ��11�w�: ��ass I. Sigr��c�r�� �r�d L��.a�oid�b�e: �� irn�act ���t ca�r�o� �e r��t�c�d �o �e�aw ��e thre��ald ���e� g�v�r� re�sar��b�� availa��e ar�d �e�stb�e mitigafio�t t�ea��res. �u�� �� impact r�quires a �t���rner�t o���erridtr�g Cor�si�era��or�s �o be issu�� �f ��Z� �ro��c� is �pproved �er ���093 o�the S�a�� ���A Guide�ir��s. �Ia�s II, �a�r�����t�� hut IVIi�i���r��: �rt �t•r��a�t t�a� �;�r� �� r�d�uc�� �o b����w �he t��r�s�o�d d��re� �iver� reasor�ab�y a�ailab�e arrd f�asible rr�it�gatior� measure�. �t��� ��. impact requires ���ir�gs ta be rr�ade under ������ of ��e S���e CE�A �uic�e�ir�es� ��as� �II. IV�� ���r�i�x�ar��: �r� it•r�p��� t��t rr��� �� �c���r��, br�� d��� r��� ������ ��e ��t��s�old ������ �r�d ���s r��� r�qr�ir� rr�i��gc���r� �n�as�cr���, h�owe��r, rn.�ta������t »�����u�r�s ���� ��t��� f�rth.�r �esse�. ��e er��irar�m�r���� ��'ect ma� �e �ugges�ed �f read��y �ai�able �nd ea���y ac�ie���i�. C�ass IV. B�r�e�ci��: Ar� e�ec� tha� ��ou�d reduce exis�irtg er�viror�mer�t�� prob�ems ar ha�xards. V1�it�in e��l� �n�ir�nm�r�ta� in����t c�i�cu�s�i�xt i� � Iistir�� �f re���n�n�r�d�c� rr�iti���i�r� rne���r�s �if rec�u�ir�ci�. P���s� al�� r�f�r �� th� ��c�c�tive �u��ar�r �f th� I���r���d F��1 ����, �v�i�� ��x�rn�ri.��� �1� i�npa��ts anc� r�itigati�n rn����x�r�s tha� ���I� t� th� pr�j���, Th� f��I��rvi�n� c�i����si�rt ��xrr�r��ri��� t�� in����ts c����ribed �r� th� ��rt��ied T���is�c� Fin.a1 ��IR �n� �� �ir�t Ad���d�x�n, �►r�d c�i��u���� t��ir �p�1i�a��lity t� �� n�� ci�v���prn��tt ��r���sa1. A�st�ie���� ���a�� ���-1. T�� �1u�t�r�g �� th� r�si�l�rttia� �its ar�d �r����rat��n �� ����► s�a�� �xr�d�r tl�� original p�ro��s�� pr����t ���xld �aart��ily �aintair� t�� ���r� s�aa�� ��ara�t�� �� th� site, Haw�v�r, th� ��rigin�l �r����al �ac� t�� p�t��t��l t� a1t�r th� a�sth��i� c�ar��t�r �f �h� site ��ty o� Ar�royo �rartd� 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 225 V�sting T�ntati�r� T�act N1ap �rrd P.U.D. �T-�01 F���rised Fi��l �ubs�q�ent E�i� ��cond �dd�ndur� �e��r�d ���u�ed D�nsi Dev�l� rr�ent Pr� osal vi��nity �hi �i��r�►tio� �f ���r�i� vi�tas �r�� ���Ii� vi�wir�� 1����i�ns. �'h� s�c�r�ci r�d�x��d d�ns�ty c�ev����Yn��� �ro��sal w��xl� r�du�� t� �v����� �rx►�un� o� e1��re���arn�nt b�r a��x���cirna��l�r ,5��� w1��� c�rr���r�d t� t�� �ri�ina� �r��a�s�d ������t an� ��r ���ar�xiYn�t�l�r �9°� �v��r► ��m��r�d t� #h� fir�� re�uc�ri �l��s��y ��v�1��rner�t �r����a�. �� ��d�ti��r►, th� s���n� r�d�x��� �1en�it�r d�v�I��rr���t pr���sa� rn�r� �i���ly �1ust�r� pr�p��ed r�s�c��nc�� th�� �ith�r �f �� �r�vi��xsly �xt�al��ec� �ro��s�Is, th�r�b� ��i�zzirt� ��t� �i�turban�� �ar�d pr�s�rv��n� a�iditi�r�al ���r� ��a��}. T1�e r�c�u��d ��r�sity, ������ �1��t�rir��, ant� ac�c�itio�xal o�a�n s�a��� ir� th� ��c�rtd r�c�u��d �l�nsity ��v�l������ �����sa1 w��id a1��w f�r �iig��� ov�ra�1 rnas��ng. �in�� t�� d�v�l�prn��� �� � ���I� w��I� �e ���� �i�ibie fr�rn �� rnain p�r�1i� views��c� ��rr��s ��y�. �"h� ����rt� r�du��t� d�rxsity c�ev�ioprn�nt �ara����� � ��s� � ���s n�t �r���s� terracing a��r r�tair�ing wa11s �r� ��ts, l��v�� ��x���rn �i�� anc� ��rn� c���igm �� t�� {�1S�I'��I�II �� ��� ��� �W1'L�� W1�1.1�1 �����1'1�7�C� Cl����1'l �11C�����7�� �I'�F��' �� �R���Y���� f�r ��c�r���� �i�i���i�rz bel�w}. ���a��s� ��t ��v���s �a�r� c�is�r�ti�r� r���rd�ng s�t� a�d h�rn� c���ign, t�r�����t� ��� ���ai���g �v�1�s rn.a� sti1� ����xr �� 1���. ��n���ts �� t�� ���t��t�� ��a�ra�t�r �f �h� ar�a worxld r��n�►ir� �l�ss II, sigr�if�car�t ��u� rr�i���ab��. Th� �ro�ert ap�l�rar�t ��s propos�d des�g� gxx�deli��� �i.a� �ub��an�iv��y address rnan� aest�e�i� ��r►��rx�s, ��r tl�� r����r�� d�s���bec� b�I��nr, Ivl���ati�n I1��a��ur� AE�-�1�a� 1�as b��n rn�clifi�d �� F�II�w�; A��-1{a� 11�i�c���i�ati�� �f ������an� ��sig� ��x�d�1Y���. �'h� f�ll��v��� n��c�ifi��ti�n� to th� a��1i��x�t's �r������1 c��sign g �r� r�c��i���: � A�1 �r�����c� �uici�l�n�� r��t�ci a� ����rnm�nc�ati�n� � "�"� s1��I� be �1�an��ci �� �r�q�xi r�r��nts �" R"� , � � �Ia� l��quire�te�tt a�d Timxng: T1�i� requ�rem�rtt shall b� nat�d an tract irnpr�v�r��nt ant� b�xil�ii�►� �l�ns. A��rov�� �� v���tat��� s�r��ning an� ��intir�� �lans s�a1� o��ur pri�r t� �ir►al ins�a��ti��. Mo�x���rir�g: ��t�r'� ��rnrn�r�ity ��v������r�t ar�d B�ilc�ir�� L����rtrn�r�ts s�ail ��ri.fy �or���i�r��� ��i�r �� fir��1 ir�����ti��►. Ratxor�a���ar R�duc�d �Vli�iga��or�. T�� s��ond r�duc�d der�i�y d�veioprnent �roposal �lixnir�.at�� ��st t�rra�in� ar��l x��tai�� wal�� �n lots l���ving c�x�t�rr� �i�l�t ��d ���n� c��s�gn t� �e �1is�r�ti�r► �� �� l�t �wn�r. A���r�i�� �� �h� �r�p��ec� ����g�r� ��xic��lin��, t�t� �r�s�ri��i�r� that r�� m��e th�n �� p�r���nt �� r��� ���g�t ��c���� �f� f��� �in t1 ������d Fina� ��I� �r�� �i�rst Ac�cl�r��iu�} i� a���ic�ble �� f��t �r���ci sit�s {�r�eler �°�� �1����, w�i�� s1op�� �r��i�d �it�s ��v�r �°l� �lo�e} woul� �e r���xi�t�� t� a n� �n�r� t1�an �� p�r��r�t �f r��� �t�i��t ��cc�e�in� �� �'��t. A� ���wr� in Fig�r� �, t1�� �v�r�1� v�su�l i����t i�x t���e �w� ��s�s w�tx1� b� sirnil��. �s � r�s�1t, bot� s��narios u� t�e D�s�� �u�c�e�ines wot��d address ti�e s�o�d �t�m under IVl�tigatiox� �1�I�a��r� �ES�-1��� �n� �� �tr��l��r� t��tt th�r�ir� w�u�� �� ��rxg�r b� r�quir��i. I�n ��c�iti�n, b�c�u�� IVI�t�g�ti�r� IVI��sure A�S w�u�d st�i1 r�c��xi�� t1�at a1� �r������ g��d�lin�s n�te� as C�ty of Arroyo Grarrd� �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 226 V��ting T�nt�tive Tra�:t IV��p �nd �.U.D. 0�-0�4 f�ev���d �in�l �ub��quent �lF� �ecor�d Add�ndu�n ����nd F�edu�ed D���i D��re�a m��t Pr� o��� r���rn��r��i�t��r�� {"�"� be �har�g�c� t� r�qui��Yn�r�ts ����"}, �c�h���r��� t� �is r�stric�i�n w�xxlc� �� �n��xr�d. �rnpa��s w�u�ci r�rn�in �1a�� ��, s��r���car�� ��� rna�i�a�d�. Impa�� AE�-�, ��mil�r t� �h� �ri�ir�.�� p������d ������t anc� fix�t x��c�u��� d�r�sit�r d���l��rn�r�t �r�p���� t�� ����r�� r�d�xc�c� ci�nsi�y d�v�I��rr��r�� �r���s�� w��1d ir�tr�d��� 1ig�xt a�� glax�� a����z�t�� wi�h th� �r�����c� r��i�erxtiai t��v�l��rn�x�t �nc� w�u�� ��ct�r�� th� ar�a �� ni��t �ig�t ��r�ss t�� ��xrr�nt�y �xr�d�v�l���d �r��a��ty, alt�ring t1�� ��gl�ttirne s1c� anci �f���t�in� r�s�d�r���� �d����r�� t� tl�� �i��, ��th�u�� �� r�c����d 1�v�I �f ����l��x�n��t ass��iat�c� wf� �� �urrent pr�po��1 w��z1d �lightl� rec�u�� �hi� irn�a�t, th� in����t w��xld �t��.�th���ss r�tnain �1��s II, �igt�����tz� ��� rr�ita��bI�, Nl�ti��ti�� IVI�a��x�� AE����� w��1c� r��n�in a r�c�uir��n��t: AE�-�{a� �xt��i��r Li�hiir��, �r�td��r 1���� �a�1�� �n int��-rx�►1 ��r��ts �h�ll b� p�d�strian ir� sc�i�, and sh�ll �ot ex��o� t�n �10} �e�t �n �i�ig�t. St��h 1���itar�� ���11 b� c��sign�ci t� �r����t d�wnw�r�l �n� shall n�t �r�at� g1�r� ar� �c1�a��n� �r���rti��. ��1 Iig�tfn� f��ct�xr�� t�iat ar� vi�i�1� �'�r�� �rxr��r��ding r��id����s s���1 b� ���i�r��� t� f�x11� ��r�tain c�ir�c� g1ar� ��- site, a�c� �1��1� �� 1������ �n�i s���1d�d. N�n-g1ar� �i�I�#�n� s��1� b� �x��d t�rou�h�u� th� p������d �r�j���. E�ct�ri�r 1i��t��g shail b� �irnit�� to ���urit� ar�cl ��f��y p�x�p�s��. I'�a� ��c��x�r��n�r�� a�x�c� `�'irn��tg: T1�� ����i��r�� ��.a11 submit l���ti�g �1�� ��xb���t t� �� r�vi��v ant� a����t��� �� �ity �'��nnirtig �n�i �t�il��� �rior �� ���a1 rnap r���r�i��i�� {f�r str��� 1i�hts} �� bt����in� p�rmit ���r��r�l ��rtdivic�ual �x��r��r lxgl��in��. 1Viorti��ring: ���n�nt�rtiity ��ve��prrt��tt �ep�rtx���t �hall v�rif�,� ��rnpli�r��� �nr��h a�a�r�v�c� p1�►xts. ��o�� i��i R�s��xr��s �rnpa�t �-1. N�n-na�iv� g�ra���� anc� �t1��r ixtv���v�, w��dy s�e�i�� ��mina��� t�� Annu�al �ras���n� ha��t�t �r► �� �r�j�c� �it�. Aru��x�� gr���lanc�� ar� r►�t ��nsYd�r�c� s�r�sitiv� �l�r�� ��rnm�xni�i�� ar��i thi� �abita� t�pe i� ��r�n��n fi�r�t�g��u� t�� ��gi�r�. I�ilcewi��, ��a�t�1 S�rub �abitat �� n�� ��r�sid�r�c� � s�n.�i�iv� �l��t ���r��nit�, �� th�s 1�ab�t�t ty�� i� ��s� ���nrn�n th�r�tx�l��t�� t1�� r��i�r�. T��r����'�, th� I��� �� th��� v�g�tati�r� t���s i.s ��nsid���� ��1ass II�� ���� ���r� sign�����t� i����t arxd r�o �titi��►ti�n is r�q�ir��. I�n�ac# �-�. Irn���rn�r�#ati�rt �f th� s���nd r�ciu��� ��r�ity d�v���p���n� pr�p�sa1 w���d � �h� I�ss �� ��re��� �� I���liy ar�c� re�i�rrall� ���r�ifi�ant v�g�ta�i�r� cornmun�ti�s, ir��lxxdir►� V��i�y ����hill I�i��r�an, �e�s��a�, ar�d �r��� Ern�rg�r�� VI��t1�r��s, �l�i�h rna� b� ��r�sider�c� �ur���i�ti��al �� th� ���if�rnia D��a�r#r��n� �f Fi�� ar�d �axr��, ��gi��nal �a��r �u�Iit� �or��arr�l ���rc1, �n� f �� [..�.�. Arrny ��r�s �f �r�g�n��r�. A1t���xg� t� ������ red�c�d d�rt.�ity �1ev����xn��t pr��osa1 ���r���nts a� �v�ra�� r���x�ti�� ir� irn�a�ts �� �oc�Ily anc� r��i�r��ll�r s��mif���r�t v�g�t�ti�rt ��n�rn�xr�itie� w��r► ���n�ar�d t� t�� ��i�in.a1 prop����i ��r��e�t ar�� th� ����� r�d�xc�ci d��sity ��v�1�pYn�r�� �r������, ��rtain �����i�ns �r����e� f�� d�v�i��rr��nt �v��l� r�rn�� ������c� �vi�in ri�ariar� ��� ��t1�nd �abitat. S���ifi�ally, ��ll ���rt��r�s �f pr�p���c� L��s � anci �, �� w��11 a� t�r�� ������t� s��rr��nts �� �I�s��rn �a11�� R�ac� ���rrn�rl� `•�tr��� �"�, �r� Io��t�� wi�in th� rna���� �'i�a�ri�n l��bi�at s��wr� �r� �i��xx�� �. H�w�v�r, �i�v����n���t wit�i�.�n t���� �r�a� w��lc� b� sub�tanti�l�y �'�d���ci �nr��� ��rn�a�r�d t� C�#y of Arroya �r�r�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 227 ll�stin� Terrtativ� Tract ��p �nd P, �1. D. 0����'� f��vise� Fin�l �ubseqc��nt EIF� �eaand Ad�endurn S�cond Reduced Densi D�ve�o ment Pro osal th� pre�riously ana�y�ed pro�e�ts. In addi�ia�, �e se�or�d red�xced de�sit� de���.op�t�nt pr����a1 �ha���s t�� �r��sing of th� ��st ���lc �f M�aci�w �r��1c by �1o��orr� ��11��r Itoa�c� frorn ��ta�tdarc� ��xl�r�rt ix��� a���n-culv�rt ��r b�tt�rnl��� ��xl�r��rt�. T�i.s a1t�r���iv� t� t.�►� ��au� ��ty of Arroya Grar�afe '! 8 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 228 V�stin� ��ntativ� T�ack �11ap and P.l�.f�. 01-��� F���ri�ed Final �ubsequent ��� �econ� �ddendurr� ��c�nd F��d��ed C��n�i D�ve�� �m��t Pr� os�l Figu�� G, ��n�tr�xnts 11�Iap �1�x�7} C�ty o� Arroyo �r�r�t�� 'I 9 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 229 V�stir�g T�ntati�r� Trac;t N1ap a�r�d P.I�.D. �1-�01 F�evi��d Fina� ��bsequ�nt �If� ��cond �dder�durn �econd f�edu�ed ��n�i D��relo r�ent Pro ��al Bac�C of �1�1x17 C�#y of.4rroyo Grande 20 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 230 V�sting Ten#�tt�re �ra�t [��p �nd P.�I.D. ��-001 F���ris�� Fin�� �ubs�qu�nt E�� ��c�and Adde�durr� Secand F�educed �n�� De�r�lo me�t Pro o�al bri��� r���rnrn�r�c��c� ix� f,he �IR ��c����� �h� �p�r��ss rati� r��xnxan�n��cl f�r wilc��if� �r���ings wit� ��t�nti.ally ��w��r �rn����s t� �r��1c ba�I�s �r�� �h� �urr�unclir�� r�pariar� ���itat. Alt��u��t t�� �ec�r�c� �r�c����t� e��r��i�y d�v�l����r�t pr�p�sa1 �1�c�� d�v�l������ wi�ix� �� ��cisti�g �x���i�r� g�11e� �whi�l� v►r����i b� filled as part �f th� �������� t��� �I1�� i� n�t a�lxz� �i�� I �raina�� a�d �il��l� ��v�l�p�c� y"��r� d�x� t� rr��c�if���i �ux���f p�t��rr�s fr�rn ��v�����n�r�t �� ���a��r�t �r�p�rti��. '�h�� i� �vi�i�nced b�r t� �xpar�c�i�� ��ct��n� �f t�� g�11��r ��w�r� th� nar�hw��t�r�n ������ty lix�� �t�w�rc� �xisting ���r�1��rn�r�t� thr�txg� a �����s �f �r�d��i f��g�rs. � 1� �r , ,. , ._ _. E.�_ � 1 ... .. .. .. __ r' _ _ ,.t � i .� ' .-. #. . � .. . � ..R � r , . : M.Im a.lR ._ � r C• �4 ....._.. . . !-• R ..__ ., �. � 'E"'._ n... __ ._ r..._... � C'�..__ . .� ._ 1 f �.._ ri w _._n. R ._ Agenda Item 9.c. Page 231 Ve�ting Tentati�e Tra�t Map �r�� P.I�.D. �1-��1 �evised Fin�� �ub�equent E�F� �econd Addend�m �ec�nd I�edu�ed D�n�i �ev�lo rr��nt Pro osal �. ���'�������� T�is d��r���r�t i� a�e���c� a�id�x���xr� �� �� V��t�ng T�ntati�r� '�'�a�� I1r�a� a�� �.�J.I�. �1-��1 I��vis�� �ir�a� �u�sequ�r�t E�vir���x�t�l Im���t R���rt t�at w�s ��rtifi�d �y th� ��ty �� �r��� �r�n�� � �p�i ��0�4. �� �c�c1�r��uYn i� n��i�d �� �d���s� t�� ����ib1e �rt�ir�nr�n�nt�1 eff���s �s�o�iat�d �vi�h � ����r�c� r�c���ec1 c��nsity c����l�p�n�nt pr�����1, �r���i��� �y t�� �r����t a��Ii�ant, �as���r��lc D��r�l�prn�nt, ������u�r�� ta �1�� ��r�fi���i�n �f �h� I�evi�ed Fin.�1 ��IR ar��i ��r►i�i �� a�ir�� reduc�c� d�r�sity d�v����arn��t �����s�I �����x� t� Pt������ ���1�����tt� ���t��� b�el���. �n��l�mentation �f t�i� lates� r�sid�n�a1 c��v�����n�nt pr����a1 w��1c� r���xit i� � t�ta1 �� �� �in�l�-f�rnil� ur�its �r� th� �it� �r�viously ar��iy��cl in �� R�vi��d Fir��1 �EIR �nc� associa��d February 20�5 A�d�ndtxm �re�re�en�in� a r��t��t�on of �� txnit,s w1�er� comparec� to th� ��i�i��1 �r�����ci �r����t �r�c� � r�c�rx�ti�� �� a� addit��r��16 rxnits �v��� ��n����ed t� th� fix�st ��c�u��c� c���sity ci���i�prr���t pr���s�� ��c��i��c� ��h� f��st Adc���ci�xrn}. 1����r�i�� k� �e�t��� 1,��� �f �h� ��at� �aiif�rnia �nvir�n�n�ntal ��a►lity A�� {C�(�A} �rxid�l��n��, �� �dd���i�x�n �� a pr��ri�x�sly cer�ifi�d E�R is th� a��r�pria�e �nv�r�x�x�n��tal do�um�nt in in�tan��s w�er� "a�ti� rni.x��r t���xti��l �l���g�s �r ��I�iti�ns �r� n����sary" ar�c� w��r� �� n�w ir�.f�rr�a�i�� c���� n�� �n�r���� n��v �ig��fi�ant �nvironm��ta1 �ff���� 1������ th��� i��r��if��� i�n th� ��I�. T�� �ha�g� ��xrr��xtly �ir�� ��n��rr��l�ted inv�iv�� �Iirt�ir�atix�►� �� r�s�d�ntial �ots fr�r�n �1 3� ��ts pr������i urt��� t�� ��igi�►�1 ����s�d �r��t �E�1� ��r � r�ew total �� �� �it�����arn�l�r ��ts. T`his �'�c�tx�ti�n w�u1d �I�ir�2����� a�r��d �r��� �� r��t��� a11 ���rir��nn�ntal �n�pa�ts pr��i��x�l�r ar�a����c� ��r th� �ri�in.a� �ar���s�d pr���t. �n �c�ciiti��►, a� c�i��x�ss�d be1�w {��� ��r�c���i�� �e�tion�, �i� �ec�nc� r��u�ecl ���.s�ty ���r����arn�n� pr����al w��xlc� �a�� �� n�vrr si�i�i��r�t �r�vir�n���n�a� �f����s. A� �u��i, t�e �c����►�rxrr► �s th� a�a�ar�priate �nvir�r�am��►�a1 �������� tx�nd�r ���A. '�h�s add�nc��xm inc�udes a des�r�p�io� of t�i� second redu�� �ensit�r deve�oprnent propos�a� ��d � co�npari�an �� �h� ��i��na� prop���d �r����t ��s analy��c� ir� t�i� ��vis�� ���.�a1 �EI�� ar�c� ��� firs� r�c����c� �i�rrs�ty ��v�l��arr��r�t �r�����1 ��s �►n.�►ly�ed in th� f�rst �c�d�r���xrn t� t1�� R�vis�d Fir�a1 ���R�. R�f�r t� Pro���.�� I ��� '�'�bl� ��D�v�l��xr���t ��rn�a�ris�n� ��l��v f��r adciiti�n�1 irtif�r���i�n ��g�rciir�� t�� re��t���sh�p b�tw��� �h��� �����sals. Pro���t ��s���y �n 19��, th� �ity �� Arro�r� �r�►r►d� ���ra�r�c� a ��v���pr��n� �1an, �r�iir�ar��� I��.1��-�� ��ity �f Ar���� �r��nd� �rc�inan�� N�. ��f���} for a11 �� ��� �an��� �ranci� �r�p�rti��� in�iuc�irt� �h� �r�j��t ����. T�� �rdinan�� ��sigm�t�s t�i� �T"i'IV� ����1 �it� ��r�vi��s�y ��f�rr�d �� �� �"TIV11�98} as an x�r�pla�ed area in t1�e �'�an�ed Deve�opme�t "I�D" �one, wh,�rin conc�p�ua��y �ropa�ed �p to �0 c��xstered �ir�gle �it�. Th� R�x��h� �rar�de P1�x�rt��i ��v�l��rnen� �1.�, �� it ��cists t�c���, ��r��sts �� a ��t�� �f f��xr ��n��l����i tra�ts ar�� tw� �ar��1s: �'r��t� 1�9�,1�97, ��3�, ��� 1�3�, as w�ll �s i'arc�rs 1� ���i 11 �F�r��l� �� a�c� �11 ��r��i�t �f th� Alt�rr�a�� N���� ��a� �it� �r����t alt�rr��tiv� �i���xss�c� in t�►� ��vi�ed �ra�t �EIR�. In �99�, t�t� ��ty �f Arr�y� ��an�� �r�par�cl ����ra1 Ir�itial ��ucii�� for �e gr�at�r Ran�h� �r��c�� ar�a �ir��l��ii�� T�ra��s �1�34,1994 ar�c� 1�9'7�, whi�� ic����iec� irr����ts �at w��1� �il�e�y r���xl� �r�rn t�e pr�����d c��vei��rn�r�� �� t�� R.ar��l�� ��ar��� P�anr��r� D�v�I�p��n� 1.� t1��t r�c�u��r�c1 f�xr�e� �r�al�sis. T��s� a���� w�r� n��r, b�xt ciic� n�t in�Iucl� th� ���y of Arroyo Grar��fe 1 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 232 Ve�t�ng T�n�tive Tr��t f�ll�p and P.l�,�. 0�-001 F���ris�d F�nal �ubseque�t EIF� �eco�d Addendurr� �e���d I�edu��d �en�� �e�+�l� ment Pro os�l s�bj��t prop�rty, Vesting �'�ntative �"ract IVta� and �'.U.�. �� However, a car�pz�e�en��ve ��R for th� ���i�� ar�a w�s c�rrt�i���ci ��►�i ���t�fi�c� in �an�ary of �9��. T�� 1991 �IR ��v�r�d rr��st �f th� r���x�� ��as�d s�xbc�ivi�ion� �f th� ������ �r�nc�� �ubc�ivisi�r� {'T��cts 1�34,19�� ar�d �1�97} with th� ��c���ti�n �� t�� subj��t �r���rty �V��"IV� ��►d �.LJ.I�. ��;O�D�, �r����us�y �'x���t 199�� �rtd th� I��y�s ����i �r���x�ty {�ar��1s �I� ar�� 1�1}. � �r�f� 5�bs�c���r�t EII� was �i�r��xl�t�c� �y �t� �ity i.x� F�bru�ry �0�0� an� i� ��r�sic��r�ci � f �11��v �x� �����xt�r�t ��r th� afor��n�r�tior��� ���31 EI�. �'hi� ��xbs�c��x�r�t E�I� analy��d a c��v�l�pr��nt pr�p�s�1 ��z� t�� VTT�I�i �nd P.LJ.L�. �1-�O�I �r���rty onl�r. �urir�� �h� pu�Ii� r�vi�w of �h� �003 Draf� ���R, tl�� C��y had �ec�ue�ted t�at a new cl��r�I��xx���t ���err�ativ� ��r�a����c� a1�n� wi� s�v�r�i t��hni�a� bio���i�a� r����r�� i��rx��. As s���t, a Revised �r�f� ��IR wa� �ub�i���d, w�ti�� in�lu��c� tl�� ��vv ������t ��t���iv� anc� �dc�it�onal bi�1��i�a►1 �na�y�is. T`�i� I�evi�ecl �r�f� ��Ii� in�l�c��� ��xl�sta�t��I ��w i�f��tion r�ot con�ai�ed in �it�er t�e Febr�a� 2�(}3 �raft �EIR or �e ���il ��� Fina1 �EIR, ��refore t�e ��vi�ecl �ra�t ��IR w�� ���ir��la��d f�� �t�bli� r�vi�w in N�v�rr�ber �f ��0�3. Th� ����s��i Final �EI� was t��r� �ertif��c� b� t�� �ity ��u�t�il �n 1�p�ri12.0�4 W1� �1� �I'�Vl�l�I� ��'!�� �l� ����V1T��1� r�itigatior� measur�� wo��d be �odif�ed: ��rt � �f Ni��i�a�ior� M��s�r� �-��a�, Ri��ri�r� �r�� ���ar�� _1'r�t��ti�n •��z�i��c� Fir��� ���I�: �`�� f�a�ib1�, ai1 w�t��r�d ��c� rx�aaz��an ar�as �hal� be av�id�� �r�c� b�xil�ir�� ��v���p�s �l�all b� ����t�ci s� t.�i.at �ll ri��riar� ar�c� �v�tla�c� ��bit�� i� b��f�r�c� frarn d�v�l�prr��r�� �i���rxci�n� gr��ir�g} �y a r�tir�i�nuxx► ��-f��� ��t�a�1c m�asured fror�r� �1'te top of the ��r�ek ban�c or �h� or����r edge of riparian vegetatior�, w�i��ev�r i� �r��t��." • �ity �o�ur��i� ��c��������r�: "I� f�a�ib��, �11 weti�r�c� a�� ri��ri�r� are�� ���1I b� a�v�ic��d an� buil�irt� �xt��l�p�s �h��� �e 1a�at�� s� that �1� ripariar� anc� w�t1��n�i habi�at is �uf�ex�ed f�ro� develapment �ar��i�di�g gr�dir��� by a mir��n�xrn �ee� 5�-foot se��ack rneas�r�c� fror� t�� to� of t�e creek ���.�c o�r t�e o�t�r �dge of ripa�iar� v�g�t��i�n, vvhx�����r i� gr��t�r." Miti �ti��n I1�i�asur� B-� a Pr� ��nstrrx�t��n ��� �nc� Tr�� �'r����ti�r� Flart •�ev�sed �'i�al ���R: "�eplace�nent plantir��s sha11 be a� t�� re��Y�ed �:�. �atia and shall �� �ir�irn�rn ��-g�II�� si��c� n�rs�r� tr�es.�' �it� ��t��tct� �'I�I��i�ca�ia�: "R�p����rn�nt �1�n�in�� sl�.�ll be at ��r� t� a�:1 r�ti� ar�� ��►��� �� rr�i�im�n� 1�-��1I�n �i��d r�ur��ry tx�e��." P�r� � �f �1rliti �t��r� Mea�ur� ��4 � I'isrn� �lax��Ci� ��r�ic��r��� ������ Fi��I ����: "If feasibl�, �1� �'�s�no �1ar1�i� o���xrr�n��� ��11 b� �v�idec� anc� ��x�lding �r�v�i���s �1�a�1 �e 1��ated �� that �ll oc�urr�n��� ar� �uffer�d f�r�� deve�apm�nt �inc�udi�g gradin�� by a�n���mun� 25-foot �etba�lc frarn �he ec�g� af �he occ�rr��nc�. �� City vf Arroyo �rar�de 2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 233 11�,st��g T�n�t��re �ra�:t N1�� 2�nd P.U.D. �1-��� [��v���d Final �ubsequ�nt EIF� �e�ond Add�nd�m �ecand F��ducet� �e�si D��r��� m�r�t Pro o�al �if� ��ttr��i� �oc����att��t� "If f���ib�e, a111'���n� ��ar�Ci.� ���urr�r���� ��i.a11 b� �v�id�c� �nd b���c�ir�� er�v�l���s �hall b� I���t�� s� t��t a11 ���rx�r�n��� ��� ��ff�x��c� �r��xn d�v�I��rr►�nt �incl��ing grad�g} �y � rr�inirnurr� �e� ��-�o�t s��ba�k f��� th� �c�g� �� th� ���urr�r���,.f In r����ns� t� �h� �b��r� �it� �����i1 fir��ir�g�, t1�� pr�j�ct ���l���r�t ��xbrnitt�d � r�v����[ �r���s�1 whi�h r���x��c� d��r�l��rn�rxt fr�xar� �G �n��s t� ��1 u�r�i�s. T�is �r�ject, ��r�aft�r �h� ���ir�t ��du���i ��n�ity c��v����rn�r�t ��r�p�s��," � ��r����t�c� in �n A��enc��m to t�� Revi��c� ��na� S��I� i� �ebr�xar�y ��D5 �hereaft�r r�f�rred to as "Firs� Add�nd�rn"�. Based upor� t�e F�rst Adc��r�ci�x� �i�di��� �n� ��rrt��n�s fr�rn �taff, advi��ry b�di��, anc� t1�� �u��i�, �C�C�i�I�ll�l r�visiorts w�r� �n�►�� �n� �� �r����t wa� r�stx�rnit��� in M�r�� ����. Af��r ����i� ���ri��s, t1�� �ity �� �rr��r� ��a�d� �v�� �xna�l� t� rr��lc� �h� rr���d�t��y fi�c����s a�c� c����d th� �irst r�d�x��d d�nsity d���I�����t pr����a� �vi�h��x� pr���xd��� �� I����rr�b�r 1�, 2�0��. A�u�s�qu�r�� r�v�s�d pr�j�ct �v�� s�xbrnitt�d in r����r�s� t� t�� findin�� for d�r�ia� as d�scrib��1 irt �ity ��un�il R���lut��� N�. ����. Th� p��li�n�.a�r d��igr� ��� �i� s���r�c� r��risi��, w�i�� incluc��c� 1� sin��e-f�rr�ily �nits, w�� r�n�ti� av��i��i� �s ��r� -����1�����1 �� �'l� ��� ���1�'1�1I 11'l ��rii �D�� ��r its r����w �r�ci ��rn��nts ��r��� �� � f�r�n.al ��xbrnittal. B�s�d on ��rn�n�r�ts ����id�d by th� �ity ���x��i�, t1�� �r����t wa� furt��r r�v�sec� ir� ���terr�ber �0�� �� r�c��x�� t.�i� �r�je�� t� 1.5 ��t�1 singl� �nits T�;� 1�-�nit �r�j�t i� t�� �t��r��t p�r�����1 ��ir�g �na����c1 here�n, ar�d w��l be �efer�rec� to t1�ro�xgl�a�x� t1�s c�ac�x�ent as the "s�or�d rec�u��d c�e�sit�r d���1���t��� �r���sa1." �i�s �E{�� c����rn�r�� wil� �ls� h� r�f�r��d t� �� t�� "Se��nc� ��1��r��t�rr�," �� �larify it� r��at�onshi� t� t�� �r� Ac�d�nd�rn. B. FI�����#I" ������PT���I Thi� ����ec� is �x ��car�el rec�uc�c� d�n�ity va��ati�n of th� �riginal �r���t ��a�y���i in t1�� R�vi��d Fi.x��l ���R. T�is ��w �ar��aa�a� i� a �ix��1��f��i1� �r�sid�r�tial dev�l��m��t ��nsisting �f �1�5 ���s �n �� appr�xirr��t� �6.b-a�r� �it� ����t�d n�ar t1�� n�r����t ���ner of t�� inte���ti�� of Jarn�� �N�y ar�d La C�n���► ixt �� �ity �f A�ro�o �r�x��� �r���r to �ig�r� 1}. �'1�� pr�p��ec� re�i��xtti�l units w�u1�i be �lt�st�r�c� ir� t�i� n�rt�►������'r�rnos� p�rti�� �f th� �it�, ������i��� fz��� �r�� ��c�s� r�a�i �f� La �ar�acia, ��r�rall, t1v.s ����r�d ��c����c� c�er�sity �1�v���p�nex�� �r�p��sl r��sists �f 1� �lu�t�r�c� ����c��r�t�allots �r�� �n� �����s�a�� 1�t �rt ��.� a�r��, w�th � �r��s c���sit�r �� �,�6 �xr�it,� pe� a�re. T�i� Iots range ix� si�e frorn 7,��0 to ��,��2 �quare feet, wi�h ar� av�rage lot sf�� of �b��t �,F�'7 �q��r� f��t ������c�Yn���1� �� ����� �S� p�r�ent �f �� sit�� w��1c� r�rnain �r� ���r� spa��. �� th� 1� r��id��tial l�ts pro�����, n��n� c�r�ta�rt 1es� tha�n �,��� �qu�x�� f��t, th� �ity'� ���gl�- f�rnil�r subc�ivisi�r► n�i�irntxrr� 1ot ar�� �#an�I�rd. F��r���r� I�ts ��r�tain ���w��n �,�(�0 �nd 1�,0�� �quar� f���, th� ��nv�r�ti�r��i �u�di�r�sion �ninir�urn l�t �r�a far RS �����. �r�� r��i��nt��I lot ex�ee�s 1�,� square feet �I..,ot ��, at 22,8�2 sq�xa�re f�et}, t�� s�..�e �orma�ly appl��d to �� R� �1�����j�rn�r�t, r��t ��n � P,CT.�. �'�� s�c�r�d r��u��� c��rtsity cl���l����nt �arop���I ' ���s rto# ��op�s� ��rra�ing �vr r�ta��ir�� wa�1� �n I��s,1��vi�g �u�t��n s�t� �►r�d ��rrt� c���ig� �� th� c�is�r�tiar� �� �h� 1�� �wr��r. �����se ��� �wn�rs ��v� �iis�r�ti�n r�gar�I��g sit� ax�c1 ���n� c��s�gr� ��rr��i�� �ncl ����ir�ng �a11s �a�y still ���ur o�t 1ots. ��at gr���� �it�s �unci�r 2°l� �I�p�} vv�rxrc� b� r���ri�t�c� �� r�� rr���� �han �� ��r��r�t �� ro�f ��i��t ��c����in� 16 f��t �v�iil� ���p�c� grac�ec� si��� ��ve� �°l� �fty of Arroyo �rar��e � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 234 Il�s#in� T�ntati�r� Tr��t 11�1�� �nd P.I.�.D. �1-�0� F�ev�sed Fir�al �ub���u�r�t �IF� ���ond �dder�durn S�e�ond Red�ced Den�i �ev��o rnent Pro osa� �1���� �v���ci �e r�s�ri�t�c� t� � n� n��r� �har� �� p�r��n� �� r��f ��ight ��c���c�Yng �� f��t ��r����r t� Figur� ��. C�ty o� Arroyo �rar�de 4 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 235 llestr�g T�ntati�r� �`r��t N1ap and P.�J.D. ��-��� �e�ris�d Fina� ��bs�quent �IR 5eco�d Add�ndur� �econd Redu�ed �ensi Develo men� Pro o�al �i�ur� �, �l��inity I1�a�. �.,5�1� ��ty of �lrroya Grar�afe � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 236 11e��in� Ter�tat�v� �ract �Vlap a�ci P. l�. D, 01-�� � F�e�ri�ed �i��l �ubs���ent �IF� �e�:ond A���ndum �ec�nd Ftedu�c�d D�nsi D�rr��� rx�en# Pr� os�# Compa�ed �o �� orig�nal propased ��o�e�t {ref�r ta Figu�e �}, t�e se�on�l redueed den���y d�v�l��rr��r�� p��p��sl pla��s �� rr����rity �f 1�� ir� �� ��rth�a�t�rn ��rti�r� �f th� �r���rt�. �'hi� ��rt���► �� �� �r���rty ��r��ins a ����� ���s�ci ���si�r� �u��y, th� w����rn �c��� �� �vhi�h �egi�s n�ar �ot 3 ar�d the �a�t�rn �dge of w��ch e�ctends beyand t�ie �ast�rn �arape�r�y li�e �nto ������nt op�r� s�a��. �Jz�d�r t�ie s��nci r�ci�x��� �i���ity d�ve��pm��t� prop�sai, thi� �r�si�� gul��}� �v��lc� �� fi11�d, re��xlt�ng ir� � �raci�c� �1��� �f ��ss thar� ��°�� thx�r�gl��u� thi� �r��, �'he �r��ion gxx�l�}r i� r��t ��Iu� 1�n� dr��age anc� �ik�l�r ����I�p��i c1�e �� rn�c�ifi�� r�n�f� �att��ns fr�xr� �ev���prr��r�� �� ad������ �x����r�i�� T�ll� 1� �Vl��I���C� �J� �1� �?C�7�I1C�111� ���11� �� th� gul��y ��war� th� �t�rtl�w�s�err� �r�p�rt�y lin� �t�wa�� ��ci�ti�� ��v�1��x�t�x��� �r�u��x � s�ri�� o� �rod��i fi���rs ���1ix�g �f �1,� ��11e� �o �1��w f�r th� pr�p�s�d cl�v�l����nt �v��xlc� r��t ��ly ��r�at� �1���� �f l��s �har� ��°�, bu� w�u1c� ��� �r�t �f� a ��ns�st�cer�t ���s��� ��rx��� �f S�C�1I�7��7� �l'lC� �1I� �'�ill��� ��� ��Il�`I�?Ll��� C�1I'���I� ��W�I'C� IVI����V'V ��'�1C ������ �v��l� be �r�vi��c� vi� � �u�-��-��� ��1�s��rn �aii�y Raad� ��ct�r�ding of#' �� �ana�i�►. The ��1-d�-sa� w�u1d ��xrv� r��rt� �r�c� t��r� �a�t fr��n I� ��n.ac�� b���re ���rnir�ating r��ar t�e n�rt�i��s���nm�st �or��r �f t1�� �ro��rt�,� �r�f�r to �igur� ��. R��ci width w��1cl v�ry b�tw��n �� fee� �a� t1�� �it� entra��� and r��i��nti�1 ������ ar�a�� anc� �4 f eet �in �1�� �ri�i.nity �� �r�site w����nc�s an� Fi�rr�� �I�r1�i� �ta�it�t�. � ����n��r� �����s ��a� �v�t�l�i ��ct�rx� fr�Yn �h� �r�d �� the cu�-de-sa� for �mergen�y �se. Pra���� �ornparison �� ci���ri��r� ir� �� ��vis� Final ��II�, th� ��igi�a� pr�p�s�d �r�j��t w�� � ����I� r���d�ntial d�v�l���n�r�t ��nsis�ixti� �f �� r�ni� �nci � 16.� ��a�x� spa�� 1a� Io�at�cl �� a��.�r ��r� sit�. Ac���� t� th� ��i�inal pr�p�s�� pr���t wa� vi� �������t wi�e ��a►� �x�en�irt� �ff La ��rt��a, �v�th a��r�a�nc�i��lar ����n��� ��a� �r����ling a����� t� th� rna�ority �f t�e h�m� �it��. i� ��rr���risor�, t1 ����r��i ��d�x��c� c��r�sity dev�I���n��n� pr��a�s�1 w�ulcl in�l�ci� 1� ����i�-�arni�y units ��u���r�� � th� ���'th�ast�rnm��t ���t��n �f t�� si��, A1th��xg� a���s� w�u�c� ���ilar�y �re �r�vi��d �r�� � ��-f��� wic�� r��c� ��ct�nc�ing ��f La ������, int�rna� �ir�ul���n w�ul� c�nsz�� �� �r�� �ul�d�-�a� �n1y, v►����� w��ld curv� t� �h� ��rth �nc� t7n�rt ��st �� pr��ric�� a����s �� �h� �i�x�t�r�d ��r�n� sit��. �i��xr� � ��in�ar�� t�� x���c� ar�d 1�� ����t�ts �F t�i� �rigir��i ���p���c� �r����t �n�i tl�x� se��n� redu��cl ���it� c�ev�l��rn�nt �r��osal, �'�g�x�r� ���rnp�r�� t�t� r�ad �n� l�t �a��t�t� of th� fir�t recl�x��c� d�rrsity c���r�1���n�nt �r���s�� �r�d th� s����c� r�du��cl d��r.s��y ci���1�����t pr����al. 'Fable I carn�ares tI►e d�ve�o�men� ch�ra�t�ristics of the ori��n�l p�o�os�d projec�, �k►e fir�t r�du��c� c��nsit�r d���l�����t �r���s�I, a�c� �����cl r�����c� c��nsi�y ��v�1��Yn�nt �r����a1 �th� �urr�nt ���j�ct bein� ��al�rz�c� 1��r�ir��. ��ty of Arroya �rar�c�e 6 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 237 1f�sti�� T�nta�i�r� Tract Iwll�� an� P.l�. D. 01-0� 1�evised Final �ub�e�u�nt E�� �e�ond �ddendurn S�cond F��c�uced Dens�t Develo �n�nt Pro osal �a�l� 'f . D�rr�l�prr�er�� ��r���r�s�� �e�re���n��r�# �r'rg��ai �ir�t Ft�du��d Der��it� ����nd F��du��c� ��nsity �h�ra�#er�s#ics Pr�p�s�d �r�j��� �3��r�l�prr�en# Pr�posal D�v���p�nent Pr�p��al �urr�n� P�� ��t En�r�r�nrr��n#al �e�ris�d Final ��IF�, Apr�l Acid�ndum to t�re F�evised ��cond �4ddendu�'n to th� �0�� Fi�r�l �EIF� �First A�d�r�durn}, F�e�rised Fin�� ��IF� (ti�i� Doc�ment F�bruary 200� docum�nt� IV�rx�ber�� Units �� 21 1� Percentag� of Op�n �2°I� 83�Io 84°I� �pace Prirr�a�y acoe�� #�'orr� La� Prirnary a��es� frorr� L� P�ima�y a�ss frorn La ��nada ��nada� I��we�r�r, �lightl�r �a�nada, I���v�ver, ir�ternal �it� Ac�c��� ��r�.on�gur�d compared ta th� �i�c�.�la��n re�anf�gurc� orig�nal pr�po��� �r�ject. c�ompar�d to the �r��inal pr�po�ed proj�ct. F�ang� af L�t �i��s �,��� t� ��,��� squar� f��t �,7�� to ��,4�� �quare f�et �,��� to ��,��� s�uare feet l�ns�eci�ied, howev�r, �� on-str��t and �� ofF�s�re�t ���n�st�e�t ar�d �� off-street h�litig�ti�n �V1��sur� T-2�a� �pac�� sp��es requi�e� � rnini�nnurn �� twa pri�ra�� �ff-�#reet �pa��s per c�sid�nti�l parre� �nd Parking reaso�a�bl� pro�rision� ��� �nsi�� visitor p�fk�n� ��n� spar.� per �,n�t, �nclud�ng an- s�re�t� �i�tribc�t�d for �on�ren�er►t �s� b�r all unit� �wi�hin ��(� f�e� �f �n� lot�. R��id�ntia� D�nsity 1.�� units p�r a�r� �.�� un�t� �er a�re �.�� units per ac�e Terr��ing �r�d r�t�ininy w2��ls �`�rr��in� �nd r�t�ining w�lls �ustorr� gr��ir�� �r�rith no rrr�r� with no rr��r� th�n a� perc�n# wi#h no rnor� tt��n �0 perc�n# th�n �� per�n� �f roof heig�rk af ro�f hei�ht ex�din� 16 of ro�f #�eight ex���d�n� 16 �xceed�n� 1� feet on flat gr�t�� �rading Ar�d B�+�din� feet. fe�et. �ites �unde� 2°l� slop�� and no �eigh� �or��ider�ti�ns mor� th�n �� peroen� �f roof height exc�eeding �� #eet on s�ope� �raded s4tes �over 2°!� s1op�}. Irn�a�t B-� {�isrrx� �larki�}; �arr�� as f�r t[�e �riginal I��r��. and P�opased Praject, but reduced �urn�lati�re ���ss I Im act fo i � ����itude du� �� the 1Vurrrber �f ��ass I � r�r#u�;tion in p�o�os�d Irnpa�ts B�ological F�es�u�'ces du� t� r�sid�ntial d�nsit�. the o�r�ral� loss o� �nri�d�ife f�r�gir�gl�reedi�g ar��s, �nd th� I�s� �f P�sr'n� �I�rki�. Ait���x�� t�� se��rtc� �r��i�x��c� �1�r�s�ty d�vel��rn��� �r��a���� ���r�sen�s � ��rn�ar�tiv� re�u�ti�n ir� d�v�l�p1n�nt int�rtsxty �r�c� thu� �h� ���ra11 intensit�,� �f �r��ri��r�rn�nt�l �n��act�, ��1 �f th� �nvi�or�r�t��tal ��n���t �la�sifi�ati�n� dis�uss�ci ir� th� ��I1�w�� ����ion ��� �� �arn� as ��'��1���1S1�T �Il�l���� 1I� �l� ���l���C� F111�I ���I� 21I�C1 �l� F1�'�� �{����C��1I21 C�ty o� Arroyo �rar��e 7 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 238 1fe�tir�� T�nt,��i�r� Tra�t IIA�p and P.l1.D. �1-��� F�e�rised Finaf �c�bsequen� EIF� ��co�nd �ddendum Se��nd F��du�ed Densi D�vel� r�ent Pro a�al F�gur� �, ��n� R�c��x��� ��rt�ity ��v�1���n��t Pr�p���►1 i�ot Lay�r�t. 1��c�7 �ity of �4rroyo Cr�nde 8 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 239 1���ting T�ntati�r� fir�ct I�a�� ar�d P,�1.D. �1-��1 �e�rised Fir��l �ub�equ��t �IF� �econd Adderrdur� Seco�d Re�lu�ed Densi Deve�o men# I�ro osa� �a�k of 11x�17 �ity o� Arroyo �r�r�de � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 240 11�sting Tentati�r� Tr��:t Nlap �nd P.I.x.D. ��-��� i�evised F�nal �ubs�quent �IR �e�;ond Addendc�� �e��nd ���u��c� D�n�i De�r�lo rnent Pro o�a� ��gcxr� �. �ri�i�al Prop�s�d Pr�j�c� �nd Se���� R�c��x��ci ��r�sit� ��v�����n��� I'ro����I L�� Lay��t ��rr���r�s�r�. 11x�17 Gity of �4rroyo Grarrde 1� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 241 Ve��in� Ter�t��i�r� Tra��# N1a�p and P.l1,D. ��-��1 ��vised Final �ub�equ�nt �IF� �e�and Add�ndur� �ec�nd F�edu�ed De��i De���� r�rent �ro a�a� Back of �1x�7 City o� Arroyo �rar��e 1 '1 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 242 llesti�� �`�ntati�r� Tra�t I��p and �.U.D. �1���1 f�e�ri�ed Fina� ��bsequent EI� ��co�d Adden�urn ��cond �ec�uc�d Der�s� �evelo ment Pro osal Fig�xx� �, Fir�t ar�d �ec�nci ��ci���ci ��ns�t� I��v�1���n�nt Pr���s�I L�� Lay��x� ��rx�paris�n, �1xx� ��#y o��4rroyo Grar�dae �2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 243 1l��tir�g T�ntatf�re Tra�t N1�p and P.�1.[�. �1-0�� J�evis�d Fin�f ���sequen� �IF� �er�ond Adder►dur�n Second Redu��d Dens� Develo ment Pro o�a� Ba�l� of ��x�7 C�#y af Arroyo �ran�e �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 244 Ve�ting T�ntat�ve T��ct A�1a�� �n� P.IJ.D. ��-0�1 ���r��ed Fir��l �u�bsequ�n� E1F� �econd Add�ndur� �e�o�d F��du�ed D�nsi De�re�� men# Pr� o��rl Figr�x�� �. �r�c�ing ���i�n ��n�p�ri��� ��ty o� Arroyo Grar�de 'i 4 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 245 11estMng Ten�ative Tr�ct N�a�p �nd �.4�.D. 01-001 ���ri�ed �in�! �ub�equent Eli� �e�ond �ddendur� �e��ncf ��du��d I�ensi De�r�l� men# Pr� o��l �. �I�����I��ViE�T'�'�L I�I'��T A�A�,��I� This sectior� contair�s � d�scussion of the �oss��Ie er��iror��r►�ntal �ffe�t�s of t�e s�cond red��ed r�sic��nt��l d��si�y pr�p���I far �� sp���fi� i��u� �r�a� �.at w�r� ic��r�ti.fi�d as hav�r�g t�►� ��t�nti�l �� e�cp�ri�r��� �i�r�ifica�� ir�n���t� a� �n.aly��d i� t1�� I��vis�ci �i�a1 ��I�, "Sig�xif��a�t �ff�c�" �� �ef�r��d �y t�� S�a�� ����4 Gui��Iir��s ���38� as "� subs�antial, o�r ��t�nti��ly ��b��a�t��I, �dv�rs� �ha�g� ir� a�y �f �� �k��rsi��l ��r�dit��ns �vit.l�i� th� ar�a affecte�l �� ��� ���j��t in�lu�in� I��d, �ir, wat��, tni��r�Is, fl�r�, f����, �rr��i��t �n��s�, ��cl ���ec�s of �71���I'1� �I' ����1��I� �1�1����I1�� Ar� ec�n��m�� �r ���i�l �han�� ��r i�se�f �hall x��� b� ��rxsid�r�d � �i�n�f��an� �ff��t �r� th� �nvi��nrr��r��, ��t rn�� �� ���sici�r�d in c��t�r�nirtin� ���t��r th� ��ty�i�a� ���r�ge i� �i�mifi��nt.•• T�� a�s���rn��nt �f ���h is�u� ar�a ��girts with th� ������� ix�t���� c�i��us��� in d�t�il irti �h�ir r�s�e�t�v� �ecti�ns w�thi�n th� R��is�� Fixu�1 �EIR, T�� �n�rir��m��tal ��n���ts �����ting fr�r�n t1�� �ec�n�I r�dr���� d�rxsity c��v����rr��rxt pr���s�� �v�l� �� ��nt��r�c� ta t���e r��ul�ir�� �r�rn �h� �ri��xa1 �ro�a�s�� px�����t ���� ��1��d impa�� 1is�ing �1so ��nta� a �tat��m��nt �� t�� �ignifi��n�� c���rrni�at��r� ��� �� �nvir�r�rn�n�ai �rnpa�t as f�11�ws ���ss �. �igr����a�� ar�d �..�r�a��id����: �4r� i�p��� ���� ��r�r��� �e ��c����c� �� ����u� ��� t�res�oid ��ve� g��en re�sar�ab�y a�ailab�e ar�d�asib�e mi�igatior� meas�cres. S�cch a� impac� re�uires a S�at�mer�� o��verr�di�g �or�siderat�or�� �� be iss�ed if �h� projec� is ap�ro�ed per ������3 a��he State �E�� �uide�ines. ��a�s II. �xgr�����r�� bu� �Ir1i�i�a��e: Ar� irr��ac� ���t c�� b� r�c����c� �� ���o�u� ��� ��r�s���c� ����� g��en reasar�a�I� availab�e an� fe�sib�e rrt�ttg���ot� rne�s�res. Suc� ar� im�a�� requires �r�dir��s to be rn�de u�de� ����91 0� ��e �ta�e ���A Guar���ir�es. �Ias� III. I1�ot Sigr���car��: A� �rnpac� th�t t�rt�� be adverse, �r�t daes no� exceed �h� ��r�shold I���Is �r�� c�o�s r�o� r���ir� r���t���t�r� rr�ea�r�r��. �Iawev�r�, �rt��t�����tz rr����r�r�s t�at �o��c� �.cr��er I��s�r� th� er��ironmer��a� e�ect tnay �e s�gges�ed �f'readily az�ailab�e ar�d easi�� a�l�ie�rab�e. ��a�s IV. ��r���ct��� f�rt ��f��� �h.�� ��or��� r�dt��� ��is�i�.� �r�varor�rr���t��I pr��I�ms o� ����rc�s. Vl��thin �a�h �n�ir�nrr��r�tal ��n�a�t dis�xxssi�n i� � 1is�i�� o� r���n�rx��n��d Ynitig��i�r� rr�������s �i� rec�uir�ri�. �I�a�� also r���r t� th� E�c�utiv� ��xxtxr���y �f th� R��r�s��l �inal �EIIt, wh��1� �r��rn�riz�s �11 irn���ts a�d �n�ti�a�i��► x��asrx��s tha� ap��y t� �h� pr��ee� T`l�� €�ll�w�r�g �i��u��i��x st���n�ri�es t1�� �����ts c����ribed �� th� ��rt�fi�c� R��ris�d �ir��1 S�IR an� th� �ir�t Ac�d�n�un�, ���i �is��x�ses t�t��r� ��p1i��bilit� �� kh� r��w c��v�l������ pro��sai. �i�s#�i��i�s �rn�act ��� �i�'h� �I�x�t�ring �f th� �'�sid�r�ti�� �its ar�d pr���� �f ���r� ��a�c� ur��i�r t�� ori�inal �r�po�ec� �r����� w�u1� ��rtially r,n���ta�� t�� �p�r� s�a�� c�ara�t�� �f �� sit� �i�w�v�r, �� ��'i�ir�a� �r������ �ac� th� p���n�ia� t� �lter th� a�sth��i� ��ar��t�r �� �e si�� ��ty of �4rroyo Grar�rfe �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 246 1lestin� Tenta�i�re �'r��t �V1ap �r►d P.I�.D. ��-��1 F�e�rised �ir��l �ubsequent �IR �ecor�d Addend�rrr ����nd F��du�ed C�en�i De��r� r���t Pro os�l vi�ir�ity t�r��xg� al����ti�rt �� ����i� vi�tas ���rr� �ub�i� vi�wirx� 1���ti�ns. T�� ���nc� r��t��ec� �1�r�s��y c����I��rr�e�� pro�c�sal �v�uic� r�du�� t� ��r���ll am��x�t �� c��v�1��r���tt b� ��proxir��t�7� �� °� whe� ���n�ar�d t� th� �rigina� ������e� pr����� ��c� by ���r��c�rnat���r �996 �vh�n c����red �� �h� ��rst r�d���c� c1�r��i�y c��v��o�a�n�x�� pr���s�l, �n �d�iti�n, t�� s���nd r�c�u��c1 c��r�sity c��v�l�pm�x�� ������a� rn�r� d��s�iy �Y�xs��r� �r�p���ci r���c��n��� t��n �i�h�� �f th� �r�vi�us�� �nal���� �r�p�s�l.�, t��reb� ran�ixni�ir�� �i�� �ii�t�rb�nc� ���� pr�s�rvir�� adc�i�i�nai ���n ���c��. 'Y'h� rec����d �i�xt�s�ty, �igl���r ��u�t�ring, an� ��c�iti�nal ���� �p��� in th� �e��x�d r�du��� ��r�sit� ��v���prn�r�t ������a1 w��xld �ll��v f�r �ig��r ��r�r��1 rnas�in�, �ince �t� �i��r��o�rn�r�t �� a� w1���� w��xld be 1��s v��ib�� ���rx� �� �na�n ��x�li� v��w�h�d ����� �Vay�. The second rec��c�d der���y dev��oprnent pra�osal � a1�o ' �o�s no� p�o��s� t�rra�ing a��r r�t�i�i�g w��1� or� ��t�, I��vir�� �u�t�rn ��t� �nd h�rn� ���ign t� �� �ii�cr�ti�r� �f th� 10� �w��� with�n �r�s�r�b��i d��ign g�xic��lin�� �r�f�r to �a�iar��I���� ��c����� �1�I�tig��aor� b����v}. BM����1�� I�� O�+'Y�"1��'S �1�iT� {�15��"��1D�1 �'��1�C�1T�� �1�� �I1C� �1�Y1�� ��51�'i t��r��i�g ��c� r�a���tir�� wali� �nay �till o�ccxr �n i�ts, Irn�a�ts �� t�� a��th�ti� ��ara�t�r of th� ar�a w��xld r���in �1a�� II, �xgr�z���r�� bu� rr�i�i�a���. Tl�� pr�j��t �x�a�lica�nt ��� �rop���d ��s�gn gx.�id������ t��t ���star�tiv�l�r ���r�ss rnan� aesth��i� ��rx��rns. ��r �he r�as�r�s c�����i�e�i b�1�w, �Vlitigati�� ���s�r� ��5-1 �a� ��� b��n �t��ifi�� �� follows: ����1��� Niac�if����ion �� A���icar�t ��sigr► ��xid�li�x�s. T1�� ��11�win� modifi��tior�s �o the a�p��ra�nt's ��opose�i c�esign guid���n�s are requir�d� • A1� �r�����c� ��xic����n�s r��t�c� a� r�������d�ti��� �•`�'.� �l�ll b� ��.arig�C� �� 1'�[��1ir�r�l��l�S {"I� ,-.t. r.. �....,-� -� � �,-.,-.� ; �.. �.....� ,.,.�. �. , � .r. .-. �. r,-.: x ..... �.. .,; .r... , � ..., ..t � �� �,.t,-.� :... �^-� ��r�rr� --____-- -_ ____ --_ ____�=--r -� � �'lan i��c��xir�rri�rtt �r�c� T�rr�rt�: T�i� r�quir�rn�nt ����� �� x��te� �� tr��t irn�r��r��n��t ar�d builc�i�g �alarts. A��r�vaY �� v���tat��x� s�r��r�ir�g �n� �ai��g ��ans s�a�� acc�r �ri�r �� fir��l �x�.s����i��t M�171��III7�; �1� �����x��ty ��v�1�pm�r�t ar�d Bui�ciin� ����rt�n�r�t� s�a�� v�rify co�npl�ar�ce prior �a firtal inspe��ion. �a�i�r������� ��d���c� �1�Iitiga�io�.. �'1�� ����d ��c��x��c� c��nsity d���1��n��r�� �r��a�sa1 �li�nir�a��� rnost t�rr���r►� �n�i r�t�i.r��g wa��� �n l�ts, l��►��ng �tx�t�rn �igh� �r�� 1���'r►� �i�sigr� t� th� t�i��r�ti�� �f th� �ot �wr��r. A���r��ng �� th� pr��a��ci ����gn �rxid�lir��s, �i� r���ri�ti�x� th�t na nn�r� � �� p����nt �f r��f ��ig�t ��c���d �� f��t �i� �� R�vi��� Final �EI� ar�c� �irs� �4�d��d��� is �pplic��1� t� flat �r����i sit�� {ur�c��r �°�6 ������, �vhil� s1���c� �rac��� s�t�s ���r�r �°�� �l�p�} wo�1d b� r��tri�ted t� � n� rn�r� t1 5� p��r��nt �� r��f �e��1�� ��c�e�ding �� f��t. �� sh�wr� ��i�txr� � , �� �ver�li vzs�x�l i��act ir� t���� tw� �as�� w��1c� �e �ixr��l��r As a re�ult, ��th ���r��ri�s in t� L���ign �ufc��l�r�e� w��xld �dc��'�ss �h� ����rt� it��n �xr�cl�r Miti��t��� �Vi������ AE� �n�1 �h� �tar�i��C�n t��ct t�n�r�i� �v��x�c� r�o 1an��r �� req�x�r�c�, In �dc�xt��n, ��c�u�� �Irii�i�ati�r� �1rl���ur� ���-�1 �a� wau��i �t�I� r�c�t�ir� �ha� �11 �rc���s�ci �uic��l��s rxoted a� ��ty of A►�royo �rarrde 16 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 247 1les#ir�g T��tat�v� �ra�# �1ap and �.�l.D. 01-��� F�e�r�s�d Fina�l �ubsequent �IF� �econd Ad��ndur� S���r�d I��d�ced Densi �rrel� ment Pr� osal recomr�er�da�on.s �•`�'�� b� �hanged to requ���rn�r�ts �"R"�, ad�erer��e to th�s restrict�o� would b� �rt�t�r�c�. Irn���ts w�tx�� r�rn�in �1��� �I, si�r�����r�t �r�� »�i�t�����. ��n��►�t ���-�. ����1ar to t�� �ri�inal pr����ec� �r�f ��� ax�t� first r�dtx��d d�n�it�r d���I��m�rxt �r��osa�, th� s����d x��c�uc�c� d��.si�y c��v�I�pn��n� pr�p�s�� w�u1� �tr�dx��� �ig�t ar��i �la�r� a����i�t�d �vith t� �ar�����c� r�sic��nti.a� �i���1��a�n�nt �x�c� w��xld ��c��x�c� t�� ar�a �� �ig�►� 1i��t aer�s� th� ��rr�r��l�r ur�c�evel�p�d �����r�y, alt��ri�� ��� night�rr�� si�y �r�c1 a���ct�� r�si�l�r���s �c�����r�t �� t�� �it�. AI�h���� th� r�d�x��c� I�v�10� c��v�����n�r�� a����i�t�c� �nrit.� tl�� �urr�r�t �r�����1 �v�ulc� �Iig���� �et�u�� �h.is i�n���t, t.l ixrtpa�t w�u1d ����t��1��� rern�in ��a�s IY, �i�r�if� �ar�� b�c � rr�i �i�a�I�, Mi�ig�t��n 1Vleasur� A������ w�u1� r��nair� � r���xir��t�nt: AE�-2�a} ��ct�r��r ��g�ttir��. �utc���� li�h� ��1�� on interna� six��ts s1��11 b� p����tria� x�t ���1�, an� s�a11 n�t ��c���� ��� ���� f��� in ��ig�it. ���� �igl�tir�� �hai1 b� el�sign�d .�� pr�j��t �i��v�w�r� ar�cl ��xa1� r�ot �r���� g�ar� �r� ac������t pr�p�rties, A111ig��� fixtu��� �ha� ��� v���b1� frorr� �urr�und�n� ��sid�r���s ��a�1 b� ��si�nec� t� fu1ly �ontain c���r��t �1�r� �x�- �i�e, ar�c� �ha1� b� h��d�d �r��i ������i��, IVon-g1ar� rig��ir�� s�iall be xxs�d thr�ugl��u� t1�� �r��as�d �r����� E]C���'���' I1��'1�1�1� 5��� �� �ill'II�C� �� se���ity ��d safety purposes. P1a� R�c��xi��rr��nt ar�� "�'��►ir�g; T�.� ������ax�t �h�1i �ubxr�i� Ii��ting plan �r�b�e�t to the r�v�e� ar�c� app�roval of ��t� ��axu��ng ar�d �uilc�i�� prior �o fir�al rna� re��r�a�i�n �f�r ��r��t li���s} �r buiic�ing ��rm�� appr��ra� �ir��ivi���� ��cteri�r 1�g�tir���. IV�or►i��rin�: ��mrr��xr�ity ��v�1��rn�r�� �����t �ha11 v��ify ���pliar��� wi� ap�r�v�c� �1ans. �i�l� `��� ��s�x����� ��pac� �-1. I�T�r�-na�iv� ���ss�� �r�� �th��r invasiv�, w�ec��r �peci�� c��rnzr��t� t�� �nn�xa� �ra����r�� ha��t�t �� �� �r�j�ct site AiII'lll�I ��'�a���11C�� 21�'@ I��� ��I�51{��I'�C� S��IS1���� �1�1i1� �ornrr�uru�i�� �r►d thi� �abit�t typ� i� ��xr�xn�r� t����x�h�ut �� r��i�r�. L��C��vf��, �oas�al S�rub habitat �� ��� ��r�sic�erec� � ��nsiti�� ��ar�t �ornrnunity, �s �h.�s habita� t��� �s �ls� ���nrr��r� �rougl�out �e r��ion. Ther�fo��, the loss of t�iese �r�g�ta�iar� types �s con�i��r�d a C�ass III, ��ss ��Za�. �igr�����r�� im�aa�t anci n� n���i�ati�r� is r�c�uir�cl. I�n�a��t ��-�. �in�i�rr���tati�r� �� t�� s���r�d r�c����c� c��r►���y c��v�l��rrt��t pr����al w��1c� r��t��� t�� I��� �� ��r�a�� of �o�sl�� a�� r�giarxa��� ��gr�i_fi�an� v���tat��n ��n��'nrxni�i��, ix��lr�ciin� Va�1��� ����hill Ri�a�i�n, ��a��r��►�, an� �r�s� Ern�rg�r►t �r1��tlands, �v�f�� Ynay b� ��r�sic��r�c� juri�di�tianal �y �h� ��Ii��rni� ��p��'tm�rt� �f �i�h ar�c� ����, I���ior�al �at�r C�u�l�ty ���tr�1 �o�x��i, anc���r L�.�. �r�y ��r�� �� �ngin��r�, �lth�u�� t1�� s���r��i r�c�u��� ���sity c���r����m�r�t �ar������ r��r�s�nts ar� ��r�ra11 r��u�ti�� ir� ixx����ts t� 1���1Iy ��d r��i�n��i� �ign�fi��n� v�g�tati�r� ��rnrn�xniti�s w1���n ��r��aar�d t� th� �rigi�a� �ra�o���l �r�f �c� artc� th� first r�d���� ��nsity ���r�1��rn�r�� ��r���sai, ���tair� 1�cati�n� �r�����d ��r d���l��rn�r�t w��xlc� rern�ix� ���a��c� wi�h�n ri�ari.ar� ��d wet��r�� habita�. ����ifi�ally, ��na11 p�r�i�n� �f �r��o��c� L�ts � a�r�� �, �s w��1 �� t,�t�e� s�p�r�t� s�grr��nts �F �io���� �a�1��r I���� �f�r��r1y "�tr�et �"�, ar� 1������ wi�h� �� m����� ri�ari�n 1�abi�►t sh�wn �rt �ig �. �I���v�r, d���l���n�n� wi�hi�► ���� ��`��� w�u1c� � st��starttiaX�y r�d���� w�i�n ���n��reci �� C�#y of Arroya Grar�de '17 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 248 Ves#�n� �ent�ti�re T�a�ct lu�a� and P.L�.D. �1-00� I�e�r�sed Fin�l �ubsequ��t E�F� �e�:on� Adde�ndurn �e��nd I�edu�ed D�r��i D��r��� r�ent �r� osal ��►� �r��i�usly ��aly��� �r�j���s. �r� ��dition, t�� ����nc� r��it���d der�ity d���1���n�nt �r����a� �ha�n��� t�� �r���ing �� ��� �a�t F�rl� �F Il�ea��w �r��l� b� 8�����rr� �����y l�oad ����n a�tar�d�r�i �ui��rt i��� a sp�n-��Iv�r� ��r b�tt�x�tl��s ��xl�r��t�. T�is �1t�rn����r� t� th� spar� ��ty o� Arroyo �rar�a�e �8 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 249 V�sti�� T��tatirre �r��t �1a� �nd �.I�.D. �7-��1 Revised F�nal �ubs�qu�nt E1F� �co�d ►�dd�ndur� S�ond R�duced ��nsi Dev��a n��nt P�o �sa� �igrx�e �. ��r��traints IVI�� ����c�7� C�ty o� Arroyo Crar�de 19 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 250 V��#i�g ��ntati�+e Tract N1a�p �nd P.�.D. ��-�0�1 F�e�ri�ed F�n�l �ubsequ�nt E�� ��co�r� Add�nd�m Se�ond F��du�ed D�n�i D�v�lo nn�nt Pr� osa� B a�k of �� x� 7 City of �#rroyo �rar�de 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 251 1lestir�g Ten�tr�r� Tr��t I�l�ap ar� P.I�.D. �1-0�� F�e�ri��d Fin�� �ubsequ�nt �IF� �eco�d Add�ndum �e���d F�edu�e� Den�� De���� m�nt �ra osal brid�� r��min�nd�� ir� �h� EI� ��c���ds �� ��enn�ss ��t�� ree�r���r�c��c� f�r �v�l��i�� �ra�sin�s �vith p�t�r�ti�l�y f�wer irnp��ts �� �r���C ��x�c.s �r�d �� ��rraut�di�n� ripari�n ��bit��. Alth�r��h t1 ����r��i re����d d��s�ty cl�v�1����x�� �r�p�sal pl�►��� c��v����r���t withir� ar� ��C���lll� �I'�51��'i �1��1�� �W�11�� �r1T�L1IC� �7� �1�1�C� �� �1�I'� �� �1� ��'������ �his gu1l��r i� r��� a biu� 1i�� dr�i��� an� �ik�I� �i�v�i�p�d �'.-� ���rfi d�� t� rn�difi�� rur���f �att�xxt� fr�rn d��r�l��rn��nt �f �dj��en� pr�p�rt�es. T�is �� �vi�����c� �y th� ��c��nc�ing ��c��nt �� th� g�xli�y t�w�r�i #h� r��rt��v��t�rn prop�rty �in� �t�w�rc� �x�sti�� �����o��n�nt� thr��gh a ��ri�s �f �r�c���i �i�ng�r�. ����rt������s ����orrr��� �����s�i�r�s �n�i� ��e �y.�. �����_���rp� of ��r� i�e��s��r��e �=� ��������� ��S a�.c�i�:�.�� ��t�.� �c�r��o��� ��,fi tk�xs ��.� . � ������.�� ��e ������xdered �c� ��� w���i� ��� '��risc�i�:ti��r� ���� t��t �. ����.�•�- a� �'�'����s �� ���� ��n.���c� ������. �.�.�ho�x � �F�.���n � �.��. t�ti� f��.t�� c��tx�c� ��'��1��. II`l lt�l �cfis �-� �urtsdi���.�c�t��� w�t��� �t� ����u��� ���t r�s�ult �� ��� ���� �� �� �xn �c�s ��� w�r� ��i r.•�����c��.sa.�R d.xs����ed i� ��.�.�.� �y��.F�a�.� ��: � c���u.��rt��.�.ort �or ���s �o'���t ���.��.���� �} �.��e ��cat�on �f ��c�� Y��t��c�„is,..�or������ha�� d�ff�r�n��. �- - . �v�r�il, �� l�v�l �f i�n�a�t woulc�_��rr��ir� �1.��� �Y,_ �t�r�t�"t��r�� ��� rr�iti�ab�e. IVliti�ati�n_�����xr� -- - -- - �-�{a} �v�t��d ���tinu� t� be a�r��ec� r�qtxir�ln�r��, ��xt �v���d b� s�i��t�� rrt�c�ifi��, �►s �utlir��c� b���w: B���a� ���a�ia� anc� �V��1a�d I'r�t��ti�n. Irr��l�rn�ntati�r� �� t�� fo�l�win� rr��asrxr� w��xld �it���t� �� l�s� �f ri��ri�r� f w�tl�r�d hab�tat: 1. �� f���ib��, a�11 �v���r�c� and ri�ariar� ar�a� ��all b� av�ic��d ar�d 1�u�Ic��� �x�v������ ����� b� 1�����d �� that aii �ipa�i�n a�nd w�tland h�bi�at i� b�f��r�c� �r��n ��ve���m�n� �in�luc�ir�� �r��ir��} �y � rninirn�m �0-f��t s���a�1� rx►�a��x���i f���n �1�� t�� of �h� �r�1� b�r�1c �r �h� ��t�r �d�� �f �i���i�n v���ta�ion, w�i���v�r is �re�t�r, ��xn���� ��o���r ���� _ r� �w��Xl� �����e a� e ��v�����__��v�I �f �r�t�c�c��. 2. T�e ri�aariar� and w�tlar�d hab�tat a�r�a �r�d minimum 5�-foot �t�ffe�r �or�� f�r �r���x�v�c� �i��rian f w��1ar�� ar��� �hal� b� �h�wn �r� ��� gr�c�i�g pl�ns �►�� �h��l �� c��mar�a��c� �ith ���h1�r vi�ibl� ��nstru�ti�n f�rti�ing. �. Duru�g �or�s��tior� a�tivities, washi�ng of concrete, �ai�nt, or �qui�rn��� ��all oc�ur �r�l� i� �►�r�as wl�ere ��I��xtec� water anc� �at�rials ��r� b� ��r�tai�n�c� f�r �u���q�x�nt r�rr�oval fr�rr� �h� s��� Vl�a��in� �f ��x�� rnat�ri�1� �hal� ��t b� a11�w�d ��ar w�t�ant� ��c� r�pa��an resour�es. 4. As a�o�d�t�on af t�ie �0-foot s�tbacl�, ��i�a�y on-site sto��nwa�e� �r�i��g� s��li ��t b� a1���v�c� t� �r���r t�� E��� Far1� �f ��ac��w �r�e�C. Ix� adc�iti�n, ��� pr���t a��1i��t s���1 �rtis�r� tha� bx�f��r �r�as �r� re�r����at�d usir�� ��ly �1ant ������s native �� �h� r��i�r�. T1 f� �1��11 �� #I�� r����nsi�i�ity �f t�� ��� �� rnairttain th� k��xff�r ��g�ta�i�r� o��priv��� �aro��r�. A ��n�fit 1V��ir�t���an�� As������nt d���r��t �h.�ll �� ��t � f�� t�� �bli� r� � ��s�rn�r�#�s C�ty o� Arr�yo �rar��e 2'I _.--� De�e�ted: Fi_lling of t�s gull�y woulc� � ; not r�sult irt any new i_mpacts ko � � wetlartds or waters of the LJrS. � ----�� Delet�d: v��uld be �lightYy redu�ed � � �rom the ariginal proposed pro�e�ct � : ; and first redu�ed density � �d�v�l���r►�n� �roposal, but .Y....,...WW... � ..Y...W � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 252 Vestin� Ter�tative Tra�t Iwlxap �nd P.I�.D. �1-0�7 F�e�r�sed �in�l �ubs�quen# �IF� ��c�r�d Adden�um �e��nd ��duced Der�s� De�rel� rnen� Pr� o�al ar�d r� �t c�f wa wl��h �1���� a��� includ� '�n _��rne��at��r� �f a w�e� _ _ � � �e�: lr �t�a.0 �� � t�,� � �� ��rn�nt r� r�xYn in �rd�r t� �urt��r - - - � , . - - - - _ - - - -�- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - r������ur� o� r�e ���► t� � g �n�ure t�at non x�a�iv� s��es b� e�c�1r��Ie� fr�n� x�i�ariar� f�r�tla� ar��s. Fubli� ������ ta buff�r ar��s s�all b� �r�l�ibit�d. Ar�� �a�lc �r �'r�nt �ra�ds t��t ab�xt ��xff�� ar�as sha�1 b� ��rx��d in ord�r t� �v�i� indi�r��t irn���ts r�s���in� fr�rn �r�r�s�cted a�ces�. Th� a���oot s�t�ac�C s1�a�x�d be measur�d f�orn the top of �e c�reek bar�c.s �r th� ��t�r �d�� �� �x��rian v�g�ta��r�, �vl�i�l��v�r �s gr�at��r. F�r r��id��t�i�1 I�t� t�at a�rxt r���r�an ar�a�, th� �������C ����x1d b� r�n�a��x��c� t� th� �r��erty li�n� �� �h� �r�p���c� ��t���, r��t �� �u� str�x��ur��. T��r� sh�r��� �� n� priv�►t� ow��r���p �� �e ri�aa�an ��tb2►�� 2���� �r�c� a�c��s ��r ������ �r�c� p�#� �ho�xl�i b� r��tri�t��. I� i��l�r��r��in� t�e ab�ve �e�sr�r�� i� r��t �1���ically, ���hn�I��i�a�1�, �r ���n�rnic�lly f��si��� f �r ��n�t�x�ti�n �f �� �x���e�t �� �r���s�c�, th�� th� f�ll�wing rniti�a�i�n zr��ast�r�s �1�s1i b� im�al�rn�r����I, w���� ��c�rxir� th� a�pli��n� t� ����al}r �vi�h ����ra1, Sta�� �►r��1 ����1 ��ws ��c� reg�latians, a�� ob�airt �e rrec�ssary ��rr��it�s frorx� the appropri�t� �r����x��� ag�n�ie�. �r� doir�g ��, �� ����itti�g �g�n�i�s a�c� th� �a�rr�i� ��n�iiti�n� �rnpo��c� ���n t�� ap�1i���t� �v�ll ��s��� t.hat �� �a�itats �r� ��ft in a��nc�ition �s g��c� as, �r b�t�e� t�a�, ��r�-���stru�ti�rr �ox�d�tion�. T�e res�ective agencies are req�xired �o �nfor�e ar�y p�rrn�� ��nc��ti�n.s. T�� rnit���ti�r� rn�a��xr�� list�� ��I�w� ��� irtt�x�c���i �o pro�rfd� exa�mples of �h� ��qr�i�eme�ts the applica�t rr�ay �ave �o i�np��rn�x�� �s ��r� �f t�i� ��rn��i�n��, ��c� ar� r��t ir��enc��c� �� �s��xrn� �r su����t �r�����I� �vhat �I�►� ��rr�ft�i�►� �g�n�i�� �vi�l r�q�xir�. I�st��c�, th��r a�� ��ca�n�l�� �f Ynitigati�n ��as�xr�� that �av� be�� �r�vi��d �s � r���x�t �� �x��ri���� wit�i t�� r��ourc� a►g�r��ies �rtc� t�����1 ��rrr�it ���nc�iti��s. ����p�r�c�s �� �i� ���u�c�I �r�qu��t �o ���r��y r�parian se�ba�� r��uir�mer��s ar�� t�e�easib��i!`� o�'rni�iga�iar� meas�res.� �. �`h� ������ant �1�a1� �btain � p�rrnit fr�rn �� i�.�. ��r�ny ��rps �f �ngir���rs �u���x��n� t� ��ti�r� 4�4 a� th� �1��� Vl���er A�t, a wa��� c��xa�ity ��rtif��a�i�r� f��rn th� ��g�or�.al ��t�r ���1�� ���xt�r�I ��ard �RVI�{�CB} p�x�s�xar�� to Sectior� 4�� of th� ���an VITa�er Ac�, ar�c� � �tre�rr�b�� �1t���ti�� Ag��err��nt fr�r�n th� �alif�rnia ��p�� �f Fis� an� �arr�� purs�x2�r�t t� S��ti�n ��[�D �� s�c�. �f t�� C�1if �rn�� Fi�l� anel ��x�n� ��d� ��r �n� gr��1i�►� �r �i�l a�tivity with�► drai�ag�� ar�d w�tl����. It is r���rxtx�t��nd�� t� �� ���li��r�t c�r�ta�t thes� �g�n�i�s �x���r t� fin.ai plan ��x��n�ttal � �rcl�r �� i���r��rat� �rt� ���iti�rxa� r�c��xir���r�t� �nto th� pr����t �����n. As part �f �h� ��rn�itti� �r���ss, t� a��l����t w��1d lilc�l�r b� r�q�xir�d t� ��r��id� � ��rnp�x��at�ry ���i�at ���ation f r��t�r�t��� p���r�� �� �ni���t� i�'n��cts t� �ur���i�ti��a1 wet��r�d ��d ri��ri�n areas. TFhe rn��iga�iar� �ornponent,s of su�h � p�r�gram wou1� b� at �e �ity o� Arroyo �r�rnde 22 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 253 1lestang T�ntati�r� �r��t Nf�p �r�d F�.�1.p. ��-��� I���rised Fin�� ��bsequ�n# �If� �econd �ddendum �e�and R�cfu��d De�si D�rrel� ent Pro o�a�l �is��r�ti�� �� t�� ���li�ab�� r���I�t�ry ag�r�����. �'�� �r�gr�� �v�u�d b� r�c�uir�d t� b� writter� ��xd ir�r�l�n��n��d b� � c�ua�ifi� b��l��is�, and co�x�c� ir►��uc�� th� f�ii�wing ��rr������ts; i. �iki��ti�n ���ntin�� f�r t� 1�s� �� ��ci�tin� w�tlar�cl ��� r���r��n h�bit�t shal� b� 1��a��d in th� �r�si�� c�rair�a��s �.at �r� �r���s�c� to b� rn�c�ifi�� �r �re��rv�d �s ��rt �f �� �r������ �r�j��t �� t�� f�xll�st ��cte�t f�a�ibr�. �� ��rr��en�a►t�ry �r����� n�u�t �r��ric�� a rnin��rxxr� �:�I r��io �� �abitat �alu�� ar�d fun��r�ns t� that �Yn���t�d. �I�w�v�r, a���ncy ��r�tittin� rr�a�r r��tx�r� � hi�1��r rati�. �f �n�it� rnit��a�i�n �s ��t ����ib1�, �ff�i�� ��ti�ns m�y �e ��nsi��r�� ix� ���orc��n�� with th� �equi��rn�nts of �� �gen�i�s. ii. A� p��t �f th� p1an, �� 7�:}�7I1��1'L� S�'t�11I �l'��I'� �III� 53.1�7I�11� ���' ��proval a rnitiga�ior�-pl�asir�g ��an �o ensu�re that aI� restoration �12�t��gs �x�� in p1a�� w��h su�fi�ient i��i��#��x� �ri�r to fi�a� �r�s��et�on. i�i. ��tig��i�rt ���rrtings s��11 � �it� nat��r� �������n �r�d w����ne1 ������� f���n 1���1I� ���1e���� ��o��C. i�. I��rn�vai �f nativ� �pe���� ir� t�� �r��ks f dr�ir�ag�� that ar� t� �� r�tair��c� ��.a�� be �����br��c�, �� �� . f vi. ��x���t �trtx�tur�� shall r�ni�niz� �iist�xr�a�n�� t� th� �natu�ral c�x�a�ag� �z�c� a���cl �s� �� �arc� bax�c �tru�tur��. V1�1��r� ��a�i�n fr��rt �utl�t st� is a c����rn and banlc �ta�ili�ation rnu�t be ut�lize�, �i��r►�zx��e�ix�g ���h�ic��x�� ��.�., �ib�r �at� arxd r�11s, �v�ll�� ���lir��, �rtd rt�tur�� �n��or�� ��a1� b� u��c� f�r ��r�k r�tairtiin� w���s. I� �on�re�e m��� �� �x���, th�� �r�f���ri��t�d �rib wall ��n��r�x��i��n s�aY� b� �s��l rathe� �n ��ur�g ��n���t�. R��� g�r��xti�� s�a�� �nly be ���ci if n� �th�r f�a��bl� �lt�rn�ti�r� �s avai��b1� �s ��t�rrnin��i b�r tl�� ��ty'� ��rr�m�nity ��v�I��rn�r�� and Pu��i� �Vorks D�pa�trr�ent,s. vii. T1�� �ir�i�ag� bo���n� ��ia�� r��� be distu����i �r alt�r�d b�r ir�stal�ati�n �� �r�y �r�in �� �xxt��t s�ru�tur�. N��u�r�l �r��l�s zxx���c���d �n �� str�ann b�n.�.c ��►ll b� �xtili��ri �� a�a�� t� �i� � ripr�� if �����saY~�r; viii. �����►�� trap �n� f or �i�t l��sir� �hal1 be ins�al���1 ��I� dro� inl�ts closes� �o tl�e creek to prevent oil, s�It anc� ot�er c�ebris f�orn ent�rix�g �� �r�e�C. �u�1�t �ra�s��a�ir�� �h�11 � r�a�nt�ir�ed and �1�art�� ��� �v�r� �pri�� ��►d �a�1 to pr�v�rtt ��v�r�1�w �i�u�ti�rxs an� ��t�r�t��� r��squit� l�abita�s �r��n f�rrn��. T�� ��rn��w��rs ���ociati�n �h�ll b� r�s��r�.�ib1� f�r �r�as� �rap �r�� f �r s��t ���ir� rn������ar��� a�tiviti�s; a�� i�c. ��ns�r�x�ti�n �n�r�1���� �ha1� b� re��ri���c� �� �o�� �r�a� sh�wn �n a��r�u�� �it� �ra�ing ��a� in �rc��r t� ����d irnpa�ts t� rtativ� C�#y o� Arroyo �rar�c�e 23 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 254 Ilest4ng Tenta#i�r� Tr�c:t N1ap �r�d P. �1. b. �1 �0�� F��vised Fin�f �ubseq��nt E�� �econd ►�ddendurr� Se��nd #��du�ed �nsi De►rer� men� Pra os�� v���ta�i�r� an�i �i��riar� f w�tl�n�i habitats. �nv��o�� b�undari�� ��a11 b� ��a�Cee� in t�� �i��cl. Ap���v�� ��nst�u��i�� �r�v�1�p�� �h��� �� ��i�wx� �n ��� a��r��r�c� grad��� �r�� ��i�din� �l�r�s. PI�n I���tx�����r►ts ar�d '�'ix�tir��. ��i�r t� tra�� ma� r����c��ti�r�, th� a��li�2�r�� ��al� s�x��ni� t�� ���r���-a����v�c� w�tlar�d ��rn��r��atiarx �la� anc� a co�� of t1�e �SA�E �e�mi�, RVI�(��B 4�� wa�er q�ali�y c�rt�ff�at�ox�, ar�c� ��F� �tr��r�nb�c� A1��r�t��� ��r��rr��nt or w�itt�n ��x�f�rxn��i�n t��� a p�rrn�� is no� req�x�red to �e Commur�i�y �eve�o�rnent, �'ub1i� �Va�'ks anc� ��i�c�i�� L���ar�ments ��r ��vi��v anc� ���r�va1. A1� as�e�t� �f th� �lar� ��►a�1 b� irnpl�rx���t�ci �� ���r�v�d. M��i��r�r�g. �����n�ty ��v�i�prr��r�t, P�x��i� ��r1�� and Bui�c�in� ��p�rtrn�r�t sh��1 ��nc�u�� �i�e in�p��ti�ns �r�u���t�t aII �1����� �f d�v���prr��r�� �a �nsure ��r��i�an�� �vith �11 �bitat res��r�ti�n �n�a��xr��. ��mm�ity ��v�r��rner�t, l'ubli� �V�rks ar�d ��xil�i�g ����rt�rxent s��►11 r�c�iv� ar�d r��i��v �11 ��q��r�� w�tlar�� p�rr�ni�s frarn th� �J�A��, RVI�C��B, �nci ��F�. ���ior��i��or ���r���c� IV�i�ig����r�, �'�� ����nc� reduc�d c��n�it� c���r�l������ �x������I �han��� �h� �r��sing �� t�� E��t F�rl� �� IV����i�w �r��1c by B1a�sarn V���y I��ac� �r�r� � s�rt�iard c�lvert in�o a��an-�t���re�rt, ����� m�e�s the same s�andards for rnainta�r�ir�g wi��iif� ��rrid�r� �� t�i� �p�r� bric��� s�x���st�c� ��r It�rr� ���� ����r Il�i�i�ati�r� Il����ur� � A� � �'��rx�t, t.�� �tr���C��t ���ct �h�r�in w�ulci n� 1or�g�r b� r�c�uir�c�. I� ��o�x1d �1�� �� r��t�c� t�a� IViitigati�r� IVl�asr�r� B W�S �'�V���C� ��I' �I'l�.` A��'1� �O� �1� Counci� mee�ing to requ�re a�� setbacl� �rorn ripar or we�lan� areas �rat�ier t�n t1 �r��irra125} T�►is e�����iv�1� p1���d �ev�r�1 �� t�� I�ts in t1�� �ri�ir�.al �r�����c� ����ec� ar►ci th� �ir�� rec�u��� �i�r�s�ty ���r�l������ ��r�p��a� wftl�ir� �h.i� buff�r, ar�d ��xch irn�a��s cou�1� n�� �� xar�it�ga�ec� �vit�i�ut �ubs���i�1 r��1���gr� �� I�t r�io��ti��. �'1�� sarn� �onri��i�r� a��l��� to t� ����nd �r�d�x��d c��nsi�y d�v�l�p�n�r�t �r�p�s��, F�rti�ns �� �v�ry ��������i ��t f�ll �rrithin �t� �urr�nt �-f��t ri�aria�n bx�ff�r �ox��. L�t� � t�i���xgl� 5 ar�d �� thr��xgh �1� ar� ac�jac�x�� t� � d��p1�r in�i��ci �u�ly that is i�i�ntifi�c� a� ri�aari�r� h�b�ta� �n �igur� �. L�ts �a thr�u�� 1� ar� ac�����r�t t� ����tir�rxa�i�r� �f t��� rip�ri�r� ��rt�, i��x�t�.fi�� as a��i�c�i�ti�n�1 c�rain�g� �r�a. ��w�v�r, t�i� �r�si�n �ull�y, whi�� �s ��t a ��t�� �in� drainag�, �rv��xl� �� ��1�ed as �ar� �f �� praje��, �n�i t�tus �v�t�i� ��t b� s�xbj��t �� �h� ri���i��t s�t�a��C. i�ipariar� irr����ts ���o��at�d with t� ��t� ar� r��t �nti�����t�d �� be �igmifi��nt, L�ts 1 ��d � wi1� �ti11 b� �������t �� � p�rti�rt �� t�� r�rnair�in� ri��ri�� ��t�a��C, a�thoug� i� �na�r b� ����ibi� �� ��n���t��t� ci�v����rr��r�t �r� th�s� ��t� to �v���i th� �����ck. Th� a��Ii�ar��'� Fr�1i���a�y �i��riar� c� �V�t��nc� �itig�xti�r� F1�n �s�� t�� A���r�c�i�c t� thi� Add�r���xr�n� i� ���r�r�1 str�t�gie� ixtt�n�i��i t� ac�c�r��� irxt���ts t� ri��ri�n �rt� �v�tl�nd ar��s, in�1u���g: • Bank r�ve�etatian • �Vetlar�d �r�ha�ncex�ent * Riparzar► b��f�r r�ve�e�ati�n •���a1�r�t r�rn��ra� fx��r� t�� �f b�n1�; ar�d • V1���� ��r�trol w�t.hi� it�ta�� ri���iar� �arrid�r C�ty o� Arroyo �rarrde 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 255 lles�ing Ter�t�tiv� �ract 11�1ap a�d �.U.D. ��-��1 F�e�i�ed �ir�al �ubsequer�t EIF� �e�ond Adder�du� Se�c�nci Redu�eci Den�i De�rel� ment Pro osa� T'��s� stra#�g��� ��� inten��� t� ad�r�ss ��t� �r inor� as��t� �� IVlitigat��� �Vi�a��r� B-����, �vhi�� d���ri�l a ser��s �� requir�rn�nts t� �r����t �v�tl.�r�cl� �r ripari�n ����s. ��r��r�il�r ����1c���, th��� r� �����r �� �� ��r�s��t�nt wi� rna��r �f �h� str���gi� g��Is �� IVliti�a�i�r� IV1��su�r� F-�{a�. Alt��u�1� �e ap�li��x�t'� se��nd ��d�x�ec� clensity ������t �r�p��a1 c���s ��t a��i�es� th� r�qu�r�rx�►�r�� t� rnai�tai� a�5�-f��t s��b���C �r�rn ic��r��if��d �cnr�tl2►�� �r ri�ariar� r���u����, as r����d ��r�vi��s�y, t�rs �r�� xs �r� erosi�r� gxxll��r �v���� w�u1� be �i�l�d as ���t �#' t�te ��r��e�t, �nd ����il� �t �� rt�t � b1u� �i�� ���ir��g� ����ns �f �his ����� r� �� �� w�i��irx ��� '����c�i�:�io� �f th� �.�. �r��� ��o� � ��' ��. i��r� a� �'V�t��� �� ��� L�����c� �ta���. - � �eleted. �------------------- ._._..-- .- . Th� a���i��r�� wili �a� �equir�ci �o �btain a p�r�it f��� th� LJ.�. Ar�n�r ��r�s �� ���inee�� �u��uar�t �� �ct�on �� �� th� �1��� �Vat�r A�t; a �va�er q�xality ���ti����t��r� f��r� th� ���i�na1 �N�t�r �u�Iity ��r��r�1 B�ar� ������} �r�����nt t� Se�ti�n 40� �� �� �1�ar� �a�e�r A�� �n�i � �tr��rx�beci A1t�r�►ti�n A�r�err��r�� f��� t�� ��►�if�rni� ���artr��r�t �f Fis� ar�c� �arn� �tx�'stx�nt t� �e�t���t 1��0 �� �ec� �� �"t� �3�1�OI'�117 F1�I'� ��'lC� ��Ill� ��C�� ��I' �I�� �T�C11I�� DI' �I�� ���1Vf� Wf�71I1 drai����� �nc� w�tl�r�c1�. �t n�a� b� �a���i�1� tha� �� ag���i�� �v�ll �����t t.�►� ���li��►��'� �it���t��rt ��r�t��y a� beir�g �un�ti��ally �r�i�r�►l��nt t� t1�� ��-f��t s�t���i� ��c��ir�rn�nt c��s�ribed ir� tl�� ��rtifi�� R�vi�ec� Fina1 �EIR ��r t�is �r�j�ct. H�w�v�r, wi��xx� that a��ura���, t��s �E�A ar�al�r�is �n�x�t �����t��� that th� ����i��nt'� �r��irninary mi�ig�ti�n ��an rna�r r�ot rn��t t�� r�q�xir�rn�n�s �f I1r���ig�t��� IV�����xr� �-�{��, b��a�s� it ���� n�t in�lut�� a��-f��� buf��r ��tba�1�. �v�r�ll, �vhil� t�� ����n�i r�d�x��d r��nsity �i��������n� ��r�p�sal �v�r�lci,�r �h� ����x�t� �� . . - -� � �e�: ��t����� r�u�� -.-�-�-� --� ��.�� . d�vel�prner�� I��at�d in ri�arian �t�bit�t and w�uic� irn�l�m�n� ���rt��r� �f t�� req��r��l miti�atior� �y pro���in� � sp�r�-�ulv�rt, ��rrt� ��v�l���n�r�t ��r�I� r►���t��i�ss b� ���a��c� �n ripari�� �r��s. As a r���1t, irr�pa��s w��ic1 r�rnain �1a�� II, stg�ift��r�� bu� t�t�tttt�ab��. I�n�a�t B-�, B���c� �n t�i� ��elirn�n.ary tx�� �I�� �����►x��� �� t�� ��a�ali�ar��, th� s�c�nc� reclu��c� c��nsity ��v�l������ �r���s�I �rv�tx�d r�srxlt ir� �h� �ern�va� �f �nativ� ���►�t li�r� ��� tr���, �� --------------------------------------------- .. tr�ns�l��►t��g �f�nati�r�_ ��a�t �iv� ��1c tr��, an� �x� r�r��v�l �� �����iat�c� �a�ita� withir� - - ... -------------- -- ����tai ��k VIT���lan� �abita� ��si��. Ir� ��r�t��ris��, t�i� �rigi.nal pra��secl �r����t w�ul� ha�� r�rn���ci ��e nati�r� �o��t �iv� ���C fir�� �r�� t�rar��pla�t�c� ��, w���� �� �i��t ��c�x���ci clens�t� d�v���prn�nt �r���s�l w�uld hav� r���v��1 �� nativ� ��ast Ii�� �al� tr��s and trans�l��ted ��2. A��h�u�h t�� ��xrx���x� �� tr��s �a b� r�rn���d ��c� rn�t�g�t��i i� gr�at�� �ar� t�� �ri�ir�a1 prop�s�c� �r�j��t, tl�� �v�ra�� nurnb�r �f �r��� r���v�c� ��ncl tr�rrs��ar���c�� �� r�c�u��c1. Ir� �dc�iti�n, tr�� r�n���r�� w�tx�c� �� �u�star��iall�r I�ss �a� �a� anti�i�at�d ��r �� fir�t r�c��x��� �i�nsi�y ��vel��xr��rtt ��r����al. �v���l�, th� �atxxr� a� t�� ir�t���t �nd th� r�q�xir�� �iti�ati�r� r�n�a�ur�� �v��xld r�rnairt �s�enti�lly th� ��rn� a�s t�� �rigix�al �r��a�s�c� �r����t ��d �ir�� rec�u��c� d�n���y c�ev�l��x�►e.�►t �r�posa�, alt��u�� �� �nagni�uc�e �f t1�� i�n���t w��x�c� be s1i�h�l�r r�c���ecl. P�rti�rxs of �s s�c�r�d r�c�����i �I��sit� c�ev����r��r�t �ar������ r�rn�i� l�c���c� ixt ����►� that w�u1� ����xlt in t�ire�� i�n�a�cts t� th� ��I� tr�� canopy �����r wit�in t1�� ���ablis�e� rip�r�.ar� ��rricl�r. ������i��11y, r���rly �1� �� �ropos��i L��s �� t1�'o��� �� ��'� 1��a►��� i�► ��1� w��c�1�n� l���i�a�, th��gh th� ��� �an���r in �his �r�a► i� ��s� ���� t�►art t1�� �'�m�inci�r �� t�� pr�p�rty. "�is is � C�ass I�, sigr���car�� b�� mi��g�b�� ��npa�t. ��ty o� Arroyo Gr�r�de 2� ��: �� D�leted: �z Agenda Item 9.c. Page 256 Ve�t��g Ten#at��r� ��a�ct I�Ilap and P.I.�.D. ��-��� F�e�is�d F�naf �ubs�quent E�f� �ecor�d Adden�f�m �e�a�d F��du��d Densf Derre�� ment �ro �al IV�itig�ti�r� IV��a►stxr�� �-���,�� �v�u�ci ���tirtu� t� �� r�quir�c�: ��-��a� Pre-c�r��tr��t�o� �x�rv��r a�ci Tr�� �x�t�ctior� ��an. Fri�r t� Tra�t IVi�p A�pr��r��, ��t ���ur�t� �n�� �d�ntify�g ax�c� ����►t�� ��1 ��ci�ting �rtsi�� �ree� ar�d ��1 ��cz�tir�� tr��s th�t �re ��� sit� ��� a�'fe�t�ci by ti►� �����c� s1�a1� b� �x��parecl by a��rtifi�d arb�rist ar�� ��brxx�tt�d to th� �i�y. �u�� rr���a �h��� al�� ic��ntify a�1 ��c�s�i�� tr��� t�at ar� p������� by t�i� a�ap�i�a�t f�� r�rn�va� �r d��tru�ti�n, �nd ��x�� tr��� �ha�� �� visib��r �n���C�� ��r �nspec�ia�. ��I� tree� ar�� ��1� ���dla��i l��bit�t ��xa11 b� �v�i��� by ����st�g �r �er�ov�r►g proposed rots �o e�i�ina�e inclusior� of aak t��es. I� avaic�ar��e �f o��C tre�� i� ��t �����bI�, ��lc tr��� ir����xc1��1 wit.l�i�n l�ts ��all r��u�r� �iti�at���t. ���h �ree or �r�u� �� tr�es ci�s�gn��e� t� ����r►��r� ix� p1a�� ��a1� b� pr�t��t�� �y � five-f��t f�n�� �ne��s�xr�, �ri�r �� th� ��g��g �f ��x��tru��i�r�. Th� ��r��� s��ll �� �v����r�, �h�ix� �in1�, �r �lastic ba�ri��c�� ��n�ir�g. Th� l���ti�x� �� t�� ��n�e �s nar�n�►11� �t th� c�ri��in� �f �� t�e�e, but it r�nay b�r �c���xs��c� �r ��nitt�d �vith th� �i�y'� �vritt�n �p�r�v�1. In ac�c�ition, t�e Corn�nu�it�y D�v�lo�rnen�, l'�xb�xc �Vor�CS art� P�rks ar�c1 ��r�ation D��ar�rn�nt� shaii rno�ito�r co���tio� a�tiviti�s and �rtfor�e an approved tr�� �rc�t��tian p1a�x. I�Ta �a��Cir�g a� vel�icles o� eq�xip�x►e��, �r ���ra�� �� �n�te���is shall b� p�e�rnit�ed �vith�� �h� c����l�� �f th� tr��� ci��i�r�at�d t� ��rnair�. I� �� �v�r�t that �xnc��r�r�ur��i �x�iliti�� rnust b� �1���� w�tl�ix� t1�� c�ri�iir�� �f �h� tr��� t� r�rr��ix�, �h� utiliti�� �ha�� �e f�st�l��� �y ��xg�xrin� at �� ir��h�� rni�irnurn d��� or by �iar�� tr�r���in�. I� r�o� �v�r �n� i_r��� ir� c�iarn�t�r ar� �n��un��r�c�, �� r���s �ha11 �� pre��rvec� wi�h�u� ir►jury. IV� xx���hi�� �r���hi�� w�thi.r� a�r��'� c�ri�l�n� �hali b� p�r�itted, �xn1��s ��t��riz�c�, in writix��, l�y th� P���s ��� Recre�tion direc�or. T`o er�s�xre �rote�t�or� of �rees, a per�or�na��e bo�d �ay �e rec��ire�, as ����pta��� �� �� ���y, ir� t1�� arn�u�►t �f �1,a��.0�, �r �i� v�Iu� �� �a�I�x a��e�t�c� �r��, w�ich�v�r i� �r��t��. If n� darna►g� �o �r�t��t�c� tr�� �a� ���urr�c�, i�► th� ��ini�r� of �� ��rt�fi� arb�ri�� ar��i �� Parks �c� l�ecr�a►�ior� L��p�r�ti���, t.�� �or�c� �h��1 �� r�turn�c� �pon firt�l �t�i��Yr►g insp��ti��t. �� ��►rr���� t� pro�e���� tre�� i� d�t�rr�nin�c� t� hav� ����rr�c�, �h� ��r�d �hall �� 1���c� f�r t1�r�� ��ar� and ��rf�it�c� if, ir� t�� o�aini�x� �f t.�� ��rti�i�d �rb�ri�t �n� th� I'ar1c� �nc� ���r��t�or� ��partrn�r�t, ����ar��nt c�arnage has oc�urre�. I���1���rn�rt� �Iantin�s ��iar1 b� �� �n�r� t�art a 3:1 �rat�� anc� s1�a�1 be 1nir��rnurn 1�-��1��� �i��c� nurs�ry tr��s �r a su��i�i�r�t r�ur�bex# �� �c��a1� r . �c��v� ���d.�i.�r . � ���x�����. un��.��i ��� ��r�c��io�. c.�� � ��t -� rc�v� �r�or�st o�� ���a���� ���� �r��r�c�es �n � ��.Y�����nt ��v�� o� �it� a��rr.. ���1a�e�t�rtt an� r��oca��d trees shal� b� plant�d i� a natura� se�ing �not as �ity �f A�royo �rar�de 2fi Agenda Item 9.c. Page 257 Vestin� T�nta#i�e Tr�ct �V1ap �nd f�.L�.D. ��-��1 F�evi�d Fir�a�l �ubs�qu�nt �IR �eoo�d �dd��►dur� S���nd F��du��d D�n�i De�r�f� ment Pr� osar 1�r��s�apir�g� a� t�� ��rt�py f dri�l��t� �d�� �#' �xi��ing �t�tur� rtativ� oa1� tree�; �n n�rt�-fa��n� ���p��; wi��.�t �r�in�g� �wa1�� ���c���t w1��n ri��riar� 1�abitat �s �res�nt}; w1��r� ��p��ii is pr�s�nt; a�d �►w�y f ror�n ��r��in�a�x�Iy �nr�� �r�a� ��.�., lawns, ir�z�ati�� ar��s, �a�c���a�i�g, �t�,�, to �r��te aa1� w��c��a�di l��bit�� �� �� ��ct�nt ���sil�l�. � s�a��nal��r tirn�c� xn�i���r��r��� �r�gr�� ar�d appr��aria�� br���� pra���ti�r� will � d�v��l��� f�r a�1 ���C tr�� �l��ti�g �r�a� �n �� ������t ��t�. � �i�y ap�r�v�� �u��if���I �x���ri����r��ar�i�t s��ll �e ��t�ir•►�� t� xn�nit�� �e a�q�x��it���t, in�tal��t��n, �►nd �ai���nan�� �� �11 �a�C �r�e� �� b� r���a��d and r�l��at�d �� �h� �x������ �it� ���1ac�rn��xt a�d ��l��a��c� �r��� shali b� rn�r�it�r�d ��d rna�t�i��d 1�� � c��alifi�cl �rb�ri���bot�rtii�t ��r �� 1���� f�v� y��rs ��r �x��il �h� �r��� h�ve �u�����fu�1y ��ta��i���c1 as c��terr���n�c� �y th� �i�y I'�r1c� an� ���r��t���► �ix��t�r, Ar�.i'tu�i m�ni��rir�� re��rts �a� �val�xat� ��I� t�r�� ��x�viv�bility �nc� vig�r ��ai1 b� �ar��ar�� by �� c�rti�i�d ����rist ��� �ubrni��c� th� �i�y. A1� t���� p��x�t�� �� r�i��ate� �� �niti�a��r� ��a11 �av� a 9�°� �t�� ra�� a���r fi�� �r�ar�. If tl�� f�v� ���� st�rviv�� �r�t� �f ��e� �1�xtte� �r r�������� �� m�tig�tio� is ��ss �ha� �°�, �e �u�nber af �rees required to reacl� 90°� s�xrvival �hall �� r�pla��d at a 1:1 �rat��. �1� �r���a���n��t �itig�t���► t�ee� ��ree� plar�t�c� �� re�i��� �ha�� t�i.a� ciid n�� survive t1�e �iv� �r�ar p�ri�c��, ��ali in turr� 1�av� a�urviv�l rat� �� ��0°l� fiv� ��ar� fr��n c���� �f �1ar�t�g. �'�ee rrt�r����rin� �rt�i r�p1���rn�nt �h�1� ��n�inu� ��til �� ����al� �i�r� �r�ar, 90 °l �urvi�ra►1 ra►�� is r�a►��ed �or rniti�ati�n tr���, �l��t�ci ��r ��I��at�� �rees s�xa1� r��t b� 1���t�c1 �►� t� adv�r��Iy irr����t ��-�it� ����x�r�r���s �f Fi�n�� �I��l�i�. �t �1��u�I�i be ����d t�at �itiga��i�n Ni���ure B-���� �v�s ���ri��� �y th� �i�y ��un�i1 ir� ����� ��04 t� r��xir� ar� ��� tr�e re��a��rx��r�t ��ti� t�at ��c���ds 3:� �r�f�r �� th� P�����t �a�kgr��xr�c� dis�ussion ��ove}. �-�{�� �c����t���r�t �r��ing Pi�n� a�ci Tr�� ��t�g�ti��. Tr�e rni�i��ti�n i� ��s�� up�r� t�� �'�r�� IVli�ig�ti�r� P��x� I��� ��a�tler��i� L��v������r�� 1�9�}, w1��1� �nay ���ng� c������ixng �� t�i� fir►�1 ���r�v�� proj��t. �'h�r�����, �ri�r �a t�� �����v�l �f gra►clir�� ��r�f#�, ��a1 irn����s t� tr��s �n t�� �����c� si�� si��ll �� �� b� ����r�ifi�ci a►rb�rist a�►c� �rxbrni��cl t� th� �i�y. �i�i��ti�� Ilrt�a��xr�s f�r ar�� tr��� i�n������i �xy t.�� fin.al appro�red �r���ct sh�11 �e th� sa�� a� ��es�r�t�d in �-��a}. P�a.r� �t�c�rxirements ax�� Timir�g. The applicant shall st�bmi� a fix�� �re� �repor� an� tre� ��ot�c�ian p1ar� �r�parecl by a Cit�r-�approved �rborist or �i�1��i�t t�a� in���x��� th� s���i��, ��xar�ti�y, ar�ci �ta�rx� �1iv�, cl��►�, �is������ �t�.} �f n�ti�r� tr��s t� �� r���v�c� �ri�r �� initiati�n �� th� �r��a�s�d pr�����. �"hi� r���rt ��.all a1�� �c���►t�fy the final r�rxrnb�r �f r��i���rn�r�t �r��s �xti�i�ir�� th� �it�'s r��l���rn�r�t r�ti� ���n�ifiecl �����. A11 a�p��t� �f th� �1ar�� ��all b� in�xpl�r��r�t�c� a� �����v�c�. Fri�r �� �i�� ����x�an��, ���� s1�a11 b� p�an��c�, f�r���c�, ar�d ���a���ri�t�l� �rri�a��c�. City o� Arroyo �r�rr�de 27 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 258 V�st�n� ��rrtat��re Tract I�a� and �.�J.D. 07-��� �evis�d F�nal �ubsequent EiF� �e�:aond Ad��ndur� Sec�nd I�edu��d D�n�i �v�l� �nent Pr� o�a� 11�f �n���r��g. �i�y ��a�� �r ar� a��r�ve� �it�r �i���gi�t ��►�1Y v�rif�r �hat �� t�e� rep�rt anc� tr�� ���t�cti�n �lart �r� ac�e�ua��. T�� �i�y s�xall ��x�c��ct s�te ir�spe��ions t.�ro�ghout ai[ phas�s of �eveiaprr�er�� to e�tsure ��rn�1i��� wit� a�d e�raluat� �►U. txee �r�t��ti�n ar�d r������rn�r�t rn���ur��. I��1���� �f ��r��rmar��� s���rity r�c��xires �ity sta�f sig�a�ur�. ��ty �ta�f sha�l r�vi�w tr�� r��1a���n�r�� ��rtit�rir�� r���rts aru�ual��. I�t���t B�. �"�t� ori�in�l �r�p�s�d p�r����� �r�d t�� f�rst ��c�u�ec� c��r�sity d�v�lo�rn�nt ������aY �v�u�c� ir�n���t P��xn� ���r1ci�, � �ecleral�y�li�ted �ndar�g�r�� ��� �t�te-1ist��i I���r� p1ar�� �p�i�s. I1�i��i��ti�n �x�tl���� ix� the R��is�d Fina1 ��IR an� in��r��r�t�d ir�t� th� �ir�� Adc��r���x�n ir��lud�ci Pi��n� �la�r�Cia a��i�anc�, ag��n��r ��rx�nit ��n��alia���, �x�� ��rn���ti��n �� � worlc�r �du��ti�n pr�g��r�n, As not�� in �� l�evi��d �i�nal ���R �xi �#' �es� rr�eas�xr�� w�r�Id �n�t r�c���� irr��a�ts t� ����� th.arx si�ifi��nt 1�v�1 unl�s� ��r�i�i�n�� is a�s�xr�c� �r�� t�i� xr�t���t i� t��r�f�r� ���t�d a� �i�s� I, �ig�ttjt�ar�� �r�d �.r�uvoi�a���. 7"�� fir�t r�duc�� ci��sity d��r�I��rr�ent pr���sa�, �� arx�iy�e� ir� �h� Fx�st A�lciendurn, w�r��� ���nil�rl� r�s�x�t in �Ia�� �, �t���c��.� �r�d r�r����id����, i�n�a�ts �o �'i��m� �la��Ci�. �'�.�_�h �.l�e ��c�Y���.i��._�� � ����F . .. ���i�Fid�a� l�r�t� � � �e��nd r�c��x��d c���s�ty_d�v���p�n�n�_��ro�a�s�l av���i� aI1 r���r �r�sit� - - - Pi�rn� ���rl��.a ���urren��s, a� a11 ��v�I����x�t is Io�ated r��r� t�.an �� f��� fr�xn t�� �c1g� �� ---- �he�� ���re o���xr�re��es �r�fer to Figure 6�. In fa�t, the ��arest c�eve�opr��nt �proposed spax�- ���vert �ros�i�t� t�� ��s� ��r1c �f �Vf�ac��w �r�e�C� �v��xld �� ����►ted �►p�r�xirn�te�� 17� feet fr�r� th� r���r��t rr�a���d �r��'��i ����r���t�e, T�� r�ear�s� 1�t �I.��t �� w��xl� �� l���t�� �u�r �(]� f��� �r�rn the ��arest�_o���xrr�r���- - I���v��r��, ����u�� d�v����m�r�t w��ie1 ��i1.� oc��xr i� ��e - ------------------------------- �- -� -� � -------------�----��---- vi�ir�ity o� roving Pi�rno �larkia p���xlati��, ��r��l r����� in���a�t� ���d��.��c.��a� �la_t��� rr� ������ ���t�r����, mitigati�r� w�u1c� �ti11 �� r��t�ir�� �� ��.s�x�� l�s� thar► s�gnx�����tt �x��a�ts. ������ �h� �ic� o�e�� s��� �� i� � o�ic� a��.��o�c� a�� �ore c���� r�r������ �f ������c� �I����� - - - ����_w�tx1��� _ r���x��d fr�rr� ��ass I, s�gr���x�ar�� �r�c� t������c�ah��, t� �la�� �I, ��gr��� f �ar�t �ru� �n��i�abl�. Mrtig�ti�n -- - { I1�easures �-4{a� and B-4{�) wou�d r��nain as �rojeet requirernertt,s, whi�� �i�i�a�ian 1V�easure �- �{b} wou�d �e x�o������c� to �.�c�r��� x�.�.���,ts ��. �� �.���'r���� ��.�a��.��r: �-�{�� i�isrn� ���rlcia A�roiclanc�. 1. �f f���i�l�, a�l_P���n� �larl�i� �ccurr�n��� s�a11 be ���i�i�c� ��xc� brxi�c��� - - - - �-----�---��------------------------------------------ ��v�Io�a�s ��a1� �e 1�catecl �� tl��t �11 ���t�r������ �r� I��x�f�r�c� frorn �1ev�l��rr��n� ���I�x�i�n� grac�ing} b� � rr��rtirr�urn �f���_�������_fr�rn t1�e edge o� the o�cxx�r�r���. � Th� Pis�� �la�r�Ci� o����ren��� ���i �n�i�n�x�n�0-���� b��f�r ��xt� ��r - - ----- �� - ---------------------- - .. ------------------------- -- - - - pr�s�rved �r��� sl�.a�i b� ���wn �n a�� �r��l�� �Ia�r�s a�ncl ��a�1 b� c��rnar�at�c� w�th �ig�i� vi�ibl� c���tru�ti�� f��n��n�. �3 _T'�rr��a�rary f���ir��_��.a�I �� ir�sta�lec� �r�u�t�i_�h� Pi�rn� �1�r�Ci.a - -----�--� �--� -� �---------------- ����rr�n��s pri�r t� 2►n� ��rts�ruc�ion ��ti�riti�s, in�l�clir�g gr��.�d � ���tur��r��� �r �it� grading. Pr�t��t�v� f�n�ing �h�ll r��aXn i� p1ac� throughot�t �h� proje�ct �or►s�xctio� perio�. P��r► it�q�xir�m��ts a�d '�'��ing. Prior to fix�a� p�o��ct clearan�e, the ���li��nt sha�1 ���xxt�t ��� ��prova� b� LJ��� arxc� f �r ���� ��n�i �i�y ���rr��r�it� ��v���prrti�nt, �'�b�i� ����C� ar�c� �'a�1�� �rx� ��cr��tiort �e��rtrr���ts �at t1�� �'i�m� �larl�i� ���ur�r�n��� �av� b��� a��r�����t��y ��t�r o� Arroyo �rar�de 2� � - ����: � -�.�_�.�_�_���- ..._._.�..�.__�...� � �� i �...�._._.WW.......�......�.�.�...�._...��...�W�.�WW�.� � ' �� � { De�etad: I 7 �—_� �.� �.�.W.�._.�.�.- � :�.–: :_�:_ �:� � ��:��:��:-..�..m:��:::�,::.��.� ; D�le�d: ther�t�re . �._.�_� � J..., J.. �..� �. Y.. W. � W W. � W. �. �. _. �. � �. _. �.,..,. �. _�.,..,. �. �. �.,. �. �. � � ` Delet,ed: no 1on�er agpl�r _� � ....... . ... . . Formatt�d: Not Striic�throug#� � ���: � �..�.�...�.�..�...�.��.�.��.�.,..__' �� �� � - Formatted: Not Stnkethrou�h - - D�le�d: � � �� Deie�ed: � � , Deleta�d: 25 � ���' � ��..WY....�.�._......��,.�. , .. , .. , ... , .-��:eW�:::�:�.—......�.,,..�.,.....r-----=��oz:..� �--- �� ; Deleted: � ��..WW.�.���....� .W� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 259 Ve�tin� Ter�tat��re T��ct N'fa�p �nd P.L�.�. �1-�07 �e�r�sed Fin�l �ub�equent EfF� �eaand A��i�r�dum �ec�rrd �edu�ed p���it De�r��� ment Pro osa�l f��n��c�. M�rut�ri��, � J���� ar�d f�r ��F� a�d �i�y ��rnrr�t�ity �ev�l���►�n�, P�x��i� �V�r1cs a�nd i'�r�CS anc� ������ti�r� ��p��tx�t�nts s1�a�1 ���►�u�t a�i�e �risi� to eval�x�t� the sit� ��� ��xnpli�r��� ��ri�r t� ar�c� d�x�ring ��r�stru�ti�� ��t�vitie� for �h� ��ra�iar� �� th� ��v���prn�nt. �-4{�7� A���l�y ��a�`d��1�.t���i.--- --------------------------- -------------------------.-�- ---------- - � Dele '� d: P e rn tiit�omplia�t�e �"-�--�--- E . . . . , . f , . . , } f , , . . F��ausc f:�.e �r��u���ec� ��.�.��r �c�r o.ns�t� ���s�r�c� c�.��•�C�.� o��u.rr��n��s w���� �� �.���e���. ,��r ��e �c����.r�xct��� o.f ��� �ro��s�� ���ess .t���.c�, �he a����c���t s���I hire � ��� � �c�t��i�t_�_� _���r���c��� � ���ci�� ���c���� k������ r���t���,�ioz� ���� r��n������� �a1an. �1�� �p�l��a��.`� �a�a�ist s�a�i �►r��� ���t�� �� ��FC� ��c� C��� Y tc� re ��� �� � � r�c��v�b1e ���� ��t�t r�v���� t�� �������.� ��t����� �.�.c� ���_�t�c��a�� t�� ���t�.��_����__c����_t� �c�c�t�_rrenc�e� e�cist , .�� �r ��u�t��. � ������ e ��.��� re.�o�a�on ro ,r.���.� s���� ��so b� ��.�.I�x��c�. �� �c�7���:t ���c� _�� �r��- �������c��al �.�l�r��s that t����r��t� �r�to t��� d�����c������ f��� ��x��, ���v� e� �ttd r���c�tf�t� s�ia�� cox���s�� c�f �o�I�c �ir� � ��t�r•� ���c� �nc�__c�i���ib��x���� �� i��� �r������c� op�r� s���� �rea� wi�_t�� n��e��a�. h�.�i��� ���ri����es t� �� ���� I'i���t� cY�ar���. �x� ��di�i�n. ��r��tio� �� ��w o�:c�.�•r��c��s i�. c��s�t� c� �r� s�c.i� �� ���.��. a� e�n.�<�n�����r��� �.� �x�.st�i� �c �.�•o��. _ � ����c� a���������r�.� ��nc� i��-o���:t�o�. of . ���.�ou��� r�w �. � an �s ��� ��� r. � ��.i r�c� . "�'�.e ��.� x t� a t�ic�n �r�.d �.�.o�.x �o �i � 1�.r� s�.� J]. �� ���at��Yt���� �c� ��th ��i� ��c� ���i��� �=�r their r�vi�w ���.-� ���r ���t��r�.�s i.��t��r o������ r�o� �� ����I a r��r��, 1�t � ����ir���r��. t�� �r� �ha�1 �t�c:�x�d�: Th� ��r��a11 �oa1 ��d_��as�r��I� �b��ctiv�s �� �� rniti�a�ion anci --- -- - - . - - - �=o�mat�: �vot �tri�c�t�,rou�r� �--------------- --------� � ��------- .------------ rr��nit�riyng p1an; ����i�ic �r��s �x��p���d ��r rev����ati�n �r►� th�i� si��; ��ecifi� ha�itat rn�n�g��n�nt ar�c� �x��t��ti�� ��n���t� t� b� u���i to ensx�re Io�g-terrn rna�t�nance ar�d p�ot�ction of th� Pismo �I�►�kia �ncl otl���r ��a��f�1-st�tu� ����i�s t� �� in�lxxd�� ��.�.: ar�ua� ��ty of.4rroyo Gr�rr�de 2� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 260 Ves�in� Te�rt�t��re Tra� N1ap �nd P.�1.D. ��-��� �e�is�d F`�nal �ubsequ�nt ��� ��co�d Addendurn Sec�nd F�edu�ed Den�i D�v��� n�en# �r� o�af gopxxla#ion c��s�s su�ve�r� ax�d habit�at assessr�e��s; estab�is�.ier�t of rnor�ztorirt� �efe�ence ��tes; f��cir�g of �'�srr►o clarki� preserves ancl s�gr��g� t� id��t�fy t�e �nv��rtrn�n�al�y ��xtsi#iv� ar��s; � �e�s�r�a�l�r-�ix'n�� w��c� ���t�in�n� p��gr�m; a�d �����nair�-tirn�d �e�d ca1�e���n, �r��a��►�i�r�, �nd r��r��r�c�u�t��n �� Pi�rr�� ���r�Cia i�tt� s��ifi�d ����iv�r si�es}; • ��x����� �ri����� �as�d �rt �h� g�a�� �r�ci r��a�ur���� �����t�v�� t� �ns�xr� a viabl� Pi�rn� �lar�Cia �op�xlati�� �r� t�e �ro�e�� sit� ixt per�etuit�r; • An �daptiv� man�gerner�t prograrn to a��r�ss bot�i forese�r� ar�d ur�forese�� c���urnstances r�lat�ng to the preser�va�io�n ar�d ��t�g�ti�n �r�gr�rn�; • R��n�c���� ���sur�� ta ad�i��ss r��ga�i�� irn���ts t� I����� �Iarlci� �nci its habi�at �at ��y ���ur ��ring ��nstr�x�ti�n ��tivit��s as w��l �s ��st-��n�tru�ti�n w1��� ��v��li�t�� �r� ����x�i�c�; • A� edu�ation program �a ��o�� ��si�i�rtts of t�e pr�ser�ce of I'isrn� �la�r�C�� �r�c� �t��r ��e�i�� �alar�ts ���i s�rrsi�ive bi�l��i��l re��ur��s �nsit�, ar�� �� ���vic�� rn�tho�� t�ia� r�si���ts �an �rr�pl�y t� r�c�tx�� �rn�a�ts t� �'is�� ���rl�i� o���� ren��s ir� pro�ectec� open ��a�� a�eas; • R�parting reqtx�rernent�s to e�.sure cox�s�sterrt dat�a col�e�tion a�� r���rti.rxg rne�hoc�� ��ed ��r rn�r�it�rir�� �a�r����l. '����t� r�rr�� � c�a� ��' f�,�e r����i a�io�� ar��� �r���it��ri� � Ia� ��1� ��nsur� a v�a�l� � � ��xl�t��n �►r�� �n����� �� �I�I�I� C��I'��c'� ��?I�E�� F1� :i#�,� �l�� �r�'e�� a� To ����Xr� � r���ne�-�I��� o�' ���� s �c���� ��� � 1�c��t ��1�! c���.te re�tore a.��.c� or �x����.ce t�w� a��:�i�s a� ����a��� ��s�n� ����ki� ����t��� .f.�r �ve�v o�_�_�c_�-�_�� ���i�����;_��h��� �x�.���c��c� ��� �r����:� d���lo�.��t���, :C.� . . �n�.rr_i���.�n� d�t�. �������t�c� ���r � s������_l_����r ��ri�d �.e��rn�Y�� �ha� g.r�ss � ���tx�n r�������'� ar� ���sis�e�� �i�c�ini� � ���it��.i�� tk�� �'��c�t�d �r�a� #��i�� �h� ��s�I�n� o ��.��t���� ����s �i�t� ���� ac�c�iti�n�I rr��a��.r�s �,�.; ha���a� assess������s t� c��t�ra���� f���or� ���u�n�ir� �ow o u�a��o�� �����s ��c������ �=on����l �c�c�i�����i r�i�ttr���c,tio�n �.���rt� �n� ��c� a���xt�rr����t ���. �h��� c��c�xr �o �x���xi� �k�� Z�n -��r�� v���i�.� { o� ��� on���� .����r��.o ����.r�C�a� c����� �.n.c� �o rr�i�.�rc�d.�x�:e ��.���c �x����x�.i�l ��Il�c��d fr���n. �xta.r.�.� oc���.�r����� wx.���ir� th� ���� v���x����. � -- -w�— . .. --- �---------------------------- ... ------- �-----------------------._ . ... --------------------� ���� R� �x�r��n�r�t� ar�d "��x����. T��� �����ca�� ��a��! �u�b�x�it � �Pis�o ����'�C.t� ������ox� ��i�c� x�o����c���� . I�r� d����� �c� � � �. �� � r��F�c� b����.�s� i.�� �.o.��.���x���.x��� with �.e �1��� a��c� ��F��. r'1l� ��c:a�.��s#�t�x� � e�.����s ��.��1�k�fi�d a�� o�������� � ir��. �x�,��c� b� ��.�.��� ��.� ���d r�`�c:� �.�i�� ��.aI7 �� i����d�d, r�'�� ���.i ��i�n �r�d ���xito�ir� ��� ����I be �n�� ��r��en��c� a � a ����i����n of f �v� ��ars or ��F�������r �i�� frat��c �� ��t�T ��.����� ��d ���i'�'��� �a� �������i � r� r���� rioi• �� ar� c.o������tio� �c����i��es on�l�e. ��ca�s� ��r� is �it�t�� ����wn a�o�t ��e ���si��li�Y c�� �r� � . �rti�. �.�c� �i�i�.tr�d��.��.� ���rn�.� �����C�a � ���nirr���.�� o.f ����� v�ar� �� ��r��.ua� da� ���Y.�c�i�.t.�. �.�v�1� �t� .�������ar�T tc� �������.�t� t�.e C�#y of Arrvyo Grar�c�e 3� D��eted: F r�e�e�r���..��,, ..... � ,.,. �,» � .� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 261 Ve��in� Ter�t��ive Tra�:# �4Aap an�! P.�.D. ����01 F�e�ised Final �ub��quen� EI1� Secor�d �dden�urn Se�ond Reduced Dens� D�v��a m�nt Pro osa� ���v� �� ��d re��od��i���� I'� '�'i�� �`� C�C'�����ll��? I� ,�� 1� S�.1t��C���L1� 'I'he � ����c� ��€���i�#� �r ��r��u���r��� ii�� 1�n���x� �t�� ���ti ���c�n a�nci ���.ito��ir� ��r� �{����1� �r�c:��d�� �h� saYv� � ��d t•�i���•�c,�����c�n ro r��� s���. �� re �xi� �c� ��� .�i��c�� o� a�.� r� ����c��� a�c� re�.���-c��1u��i�r� �e��o� �n��. �ec��� ���. �'�.�.�s �.x�����r���io�� s�a�� � �ac�� ��a��a.��.� �o ��.��e.�y �����t����� �vc���Cir� � �� ��.rr�r�x.i.���• �•�re ��n� �,�.�er�r����t�� r����c�, ��ni��r�� , �'�e C���. � sha�� v�rifv f;ha� �� ��C� �nc� ���i �� ��.as ������v� ���� �rt��i _ ��ion ��c.�i �r�c�����ori� �arx �r�� f��� �r� F � � th�_ r���u.� a�en���s ���r� k�e�r� �n��i= �r�t�� ��� t�ie #'i�rt�� r���t� ��� a��c� �non.Y�or.�r� �o r��.��. �'�� �ik�� �h���� ������ �.1�.a� ��� ������ .t�c�n�.��c�r�.t.�. �-� r�..�r� �a� ���. ���.t�c�t�.c±��c� � � a C:.Y �. ���v�� �ota.x����. . -�-------------------- �� -------------------------------- �---------------------------------.. ._ ��4{�� �IT�rk�r Ec��x�ati��n Prog�r�rn, ������ a�� gxac�in� �r ��nstr�x�ti��n ��tivities c��nrn�r��� a11 ��r��ru �ss�c�at�d �v�� t1,� ������� �� att�r�d � w�rl�er �d�x�ati�� ����x�arn re�arc�in� �� s��sit��r� ]�i�l��i��1 r�s��xr��� ���uxx�n� �n �� �r���t ��r�a {i.�., Pisrrt� �I�rlcia anc� �t�er bi�l��f�a� r����xr��s su���p�ible ta �r���t r�lat�d irn�a�►�ts�. ����ifi�� o� �is �r�gr�rn ���il in�I�xd� i��r�tifi��ti�n �f Pisino c1arl�ia �r�� its haU�tat, ax�� ��r�fu1 r�v�ew o� t�� rni�i�a�i�n �n��►st�r�s req��r�� t� r�ciu�� irn�acts to �his �p�i�s. A�a�t s���� ���v��ring th�s inf�rrr��ti�r► shall �1�� �e ����a��� f�r �i��ributi�n t� �►�� �or�tr�►�t�r�, t��ir �tnpl�y��s, a�� ��h�r ��r��r�e� inv��v�c� �v��h ���str�x�ti�r� �� th� �r����t. T�� ��rnrn��ity ��ve��pm�nt, Public Vl��r�CS a�c� Buildir�� ��part���t� �hall �� �n��ifi�d �f t� tir�r�� t�a� t� a��li�ar�t ir�tenc�s t� ��1� ��i� r���trr�g. Ratio�.a��� for Redr�c�c� N1i�iga�ior�. T�� s����d r�d�x��d d�nsity d�v�Iop�t��t pr��a��a� w�ulci �v�id �na���� ���.a'c�r ����xrr����� �f Pis�� �1a�i�ia�_I���nr��r��, i��a�t�_���1� sti�l ����x�r if - ---- - - - ------------------- Pismo �1�rlci� w�r� t� �pp�a►r ir� ar�a� w�i�� �av� n�t �revi�u�1� b��r� rn����� t1 n�e�s��ta�ing t�e ir�n�l�r�n�nta�i�rt �� rern�inix�� rxt��i���i�r�. Irn�act � T�e ��i�ir��l �r�����c� ���j��t ���x1c� ��c��x�� t�� �a���xlati�ns anci �vail�bl� ���i�at af wi1�11if� i� g�r�eral, in��uelin� �p��ial ��e���s. �� �e��r�c� �'��lt���ci der�si�y c��v�l��m�r�t �r��a�sal r�������ts ar� �v�r�ll ��c�ucti�n �n r��ic��z�ti�l c���.s�ty ar�� �it� c�is� w�en ��rn�ar�d t� th� �ri����� �������c� pra���t anc� t1't� fir�� ���i����i ���sf�y c��v�la�m�nt �r���s�1, �����i���lly, th� ���onc� r�du�e� �i��.sxt� d�v�l���n�t �r����a1 r��1a�e� th� �ta�c��rc� ��xlv�r� �r�s�ing �� IV��ac��w �reel� �vith � ��ar�-cuY�rer�, whi��t ��c���ds �� ���x�n��� rati� ��co�nYn�r�c��d ��r wi�c�lif� �r�s�i��� in �dc�iti�n t� �vix�g ����x��� r�n��c�s to �� surr�u�n��g r���r��n �abitat. As a► r���1�, t� �����sal woulc� ir��rer�nextta�l�r red�x�� �ot�r�ti�1 in�p��t� t� wildli�� �nc� t�eir a����i�t��i ha�i�ats w��r� ��rr���red �� th� �rigir��Y �r������ �1"���� 2�I1C1 �1� �lI'�� I'�C�U��C� C��1'LS1� C��V�1��1Ill�ll� ��'�����ll � �����xs� �his r���v ��v�lo�rn�r�t pr���sal w��x�d �r►tr��u�� r►�v�r �i�v����rr��nt t� �� ���� t�a� is ��rr�rtt�y ur����r����e�, imp��t� w�u�� �r��n��n ����� II, sign����t�t br�c� �i�i�a���, It s���x��i be r��tec�, ��w�v�r, tha� th� ��rr�nt �r���t �r�c�t���s raad wic�th� t� �� f��t withixt t�i� v��ini�y af �xts�t� ��t1ar��s �r�� I�i�r�� �Iar�i� 1�abitat. A� ��r�st�lt, Nii�igati�n IV�����xr� �-���� �v��x1c� r�o ��n��r b� requ�r��i; ��#y of �4rroyo Grande �1 . ' E Delet�d: -- � � � � � � ; � , � � � I I ' i � f � , � , . ; ; e i i � � • . � ' 3 , � ' 3 ' 3 � , �., ; . . � . ' ' ° . i � E E , � � E . � . � � .� .' .� ' i � i � 3 � � � ., �,� - �, � 'I � � ��� � DeI�J: As a r�sult, th� str�cic�n � te�ct i.� ivliti�ation IVieas�xre B-�4�a} and � �li of Miti�ation I1�i�asx�re B��} ; w�uid no �onger h� required- Agenda Item 9.c. Page 262 Il�stir7�g T�r�tati�re Track Ma�p ��d P.fJ.�. ��-�01 F�e�ris�d Fir�al �ubseq���t EII� �eaand Addend�m Se��nd �educed Densi D�v�lo me�n# �r� osal � - 4 a � ` r a � ; � � 4 w * � � # t � a f � � �� � � � a ' +■ ■ ■ * a �a� � a r � w r ; t ■ � � � � � i � � � � � � � � i • �■ r • � i r w f � f i .�' ��' �' • M � ■� � a � • � ■ � • * � ■ w �• i ■ �� i � � • � r • r i t . r ; + w � � r � t � � ■ r ■ � � i ■ � � +■ * � • � � a � a W r r ; # w � s r � +�. r � ��s � r ; � � + r r i w r � � w w � i y � IVlitig�ti�r� Ni���u�r�� �-,5��-f} w�ulc� ��zr�ain a� �r�j��t r�q�xir�rr���t�: �-.���} �rvtxn� ��st�r����� '�'�rn��t�, �n �rc��r �� avaid in�pa�ts �� r���tir�g }��rc�� ir��I�xc���g t�� g�r�r��c�-r�es�ir►� r��rt��rx� h�rri�r, �r �t�er birci� �rot����c� �nd�r t.�� I1�igrat�ry ��rd 'T��a� ��t, ��1 i��y.al g���xx�d c�istur�i�g a�tiviti�� ar�ci t�ee �r��m��r�l sl���xlc� �� ����c�eci fr�rx� IVi�r�� ��I t� �epte�l�er �5, u�ess a pre-co�.s�rur�io� s�xr�vey fo�r ac�i�e n�st�s w�t�i�n �he lirr�xts �� g�a�l�� is ����l��tec� by a��xalifi��i bi�l�gi�t a� th� �it� tw� �vee�C� �ri�r t� �r�y ��x�strr���i�r� a�ti�i��s. If ��t��� r��sts a�r� I���t�c�, t�i�� ai� �on��'u�tion wark must b� �or�du�t�c� at �eas� 50 to 2,�0 fe�� frorn t�ie r���� �r�t�1 th� ��u1ts �r►c� y�u�►g �r� �� l��g�� ��Iiar+t �r► tl�� rx�st si��, a� d�t��rnir��d by � ��x�►�if��d bi�l��f�t. ��a� ����x���rn�n�� and Tirnir►�. Priar �� fi��a1 ianc� u�� �I��r��t��, �� a��i��a�t sha�l s�xb�nit �h� ab�ve ��an��� ix� ��ax�s ��r a��r��ral by �ity ���mrxnity ��ve����n�r��, Fub1i� �rV��r�CS �n�i I�ark� ar�c� l���r�ati�r� D��art�m��ts. ��rti��ri�t�, �i� ����t�nity ��v����rn�r�t, �'ubl�� �r1��rks anc� Fark.s �nd I�e����ti�� ��p�rtm�n�s �hall �����C plar�s ��r �arr���iar��� a�c� ��.a�� s�t� insp��t c�r�rin� ��r�s�ru��i�r� �f �h� c����1��a�n�r�� ��r ��rn�liar���, 8����� i'�t �ra�h�xr�. T�� ����i�ant ����1 �r����� a br��h�xre �iat i.r�f���� �r�s��ctive 1��rn��tx�r�rs ar�c� a11 �I�� �n��nb�r� ���ut �h� irr��a���s ass��i�t�� �vith n�r�-n�tiv� ��irn.a�s, esp�i��I� ��t� au�c� c����, ��� �th�r n��-r�a�ive anirnals t� �h� �ro�e�t si�e; �imila►r1�, ix�f��r� p�t�r��ia1 1��x�►���xy�r� anc� �I� I��� ��rr��ers �� th� ����r�ti�1 f�r ����t�� �� pre�r �n �o�'nest�c animais. Plar� R���xir�rn�n�s a�c� '�'irnirtg, Pri�� t� fi��1 rr��� c��aran��, th� ��a��i��r�� �hall c��ra�� a n��i�� ix�c�f�ating th� a�b��� inf�rn��ti�r�, to b� r����ci�c� w�t� th� ��na� rr���, sub���t t� ��pr���i by �it�r ���r�ur�it�r ��v�I��r���nt, Publi� ��r�cs �r�� Farks ar�c� Re�r��t�i�r� ��p�r��n�r►ts. ��ty of Arroyo �r�n�e 32 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 263 V��#ing T�nt�ti�r� Tra�ct 11�1ap a�nd P.l�.�. ��-�001 I�e�r�sed �i�al �ubsequent EIF� �es:ond A�d�ndum �cond R�de,�ed Densi Deve�o ment Pro o�al 1VIo�t�torir�g. �ity ���ntn�x�n�ty I��v�1�p�n��t, �'�x�li� �r1�orlc� an� P���cs ��►�i I�e�r�ati�n ����rtr��n�s �1�aII ���� plan� for ��rn�l���,��. �-��d� I�Ti�1�t Ligh�i�g �tartciards, �'h� f�1l�wirti� sta�ciard� ��rta��ting �� ni��� li���ir�g ��a11 �� add�c� �� t�� �r�ject d��ign gui���i��s: � Ni�h� Izght�ng af �axxbli� �r��� �1���1 �e 1���t t� th� Yni��n�x� n������ry �or safe�r ��d s��ux��t� �ur��s��. • ��ct����r� �i���irtg witl�in ��0 f��� �f �p�r� ��a�� ��all �� ����1c��c� �nel aixn�c� �� ���d��i t� �v�ic� s�i1��v�r in�� ���� ��a�� �r���. ]�ec�rative ���l��n� ���11 �� 1�w int�ns��y. Pl� ��c��irem�r�t� a.rt� Tirn�n�. �'���r t� ���� rr�a� �1�ar�n��, t�� ���li��r�� ���ll ��br�i� � 1i��tin� plan ��r ap�ar�val ��r �ity ��mrn�t�r ��v���prr��nt, I'x�bli� V1�'�r�C� anc� P�rlc� ��� R��r�ai��z� ���a��r�t�r�ts. 1Vf ��it�ri��. �it� ���nxx��r�i�y ��v�l�prn�r��, Pu��i� Vl��rks ar�ci I�arks �r�ti ���r��tion ��partm�r�ts ���11 e���1c �1ar�� �or c�rn�li�r�c� a�d �hal� sit� i�ns���� ��� ��a� �ft�r ���n�I�ti�x� �� tra�t ��v����r��n,� f�r �oinp�iar��e. B-���} 1Vativ� La�x��s�a�fn�. �rx �rc��r t� �ns�x�r� t.�.at p���ect 1��c�s�ap�ng c���s ��t intr�c���� in�r�si�� r��r�-r�a#iv� �la�t �r�c� t��� ��e�i�s ir��� th� �vi�inity �f �h� �ite, th� fina� I�r��i����ir�g �lan shall b� r��i��v�c� ��c� �����v�c� by a �i�y �ppr��r�c� �i���gist. A1� in�rasi�� p1�t anc� tr�� s���i�� sha�l b� r���v�� fir�� t�� lan�is�a�i�g �a�an. Th�se ir����cl� t1�e f�1��wirt�: �CI�N'�I�I� NAME ��MM�N NA1ViE Tr��s A�aci� ���. �r1��tt1e Popu����'remot�t�i �attor�wood 5����.us mo��e �a�i�arnia Fep�e� T�ree Schir�t�s �er�b�n��rfo�ius Bra�ilian Pep��� Tre� ��trr��s/�round �ove�s Acacia redoler�s �Va�tle Arc�ostaph�Ios de�s�f�or� �onorna ma� Ar����s�����Ios d��saf��r�� IVI��rlixtr� �a�ar�ita Arc�o�hec�a �aler�du�a �ape weed Co�or�eas�er darr�rr��ri Bearberry cotor�e���e�r �o�o��a�t�r s��. ��t��t��st�r �fyo�orum p�ct�c.�m I1�yoparu�t �Vi�opor�rn �ar�:fadium M�oparurn �yracar� tha s�p. �irethor� Irt ����ti�n, t1�� f�i��wing di���s��s �ar����s �it�i ��1�t�r s���i�s t�i�t �r� �r����t in t� �u���st�d plar�t Ii��. If ��t tr��� ��� ��sir��, bla�lc c�t��n�v��c� ��'o�t���s b��sarr��� fer� ssp. �ri�����r��� s�al1 b� �t�li��d. ��ty af �4�oyo Grar��fe 33 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 264 V��ting ��n�ti�re Tra� 1��1ap �nd �.�.D. ��-�p1 F���ri�ed Fina� �crbs�qu�nt E1J� ��con�# Add�ndum S���nd ��t�u�ed l��ns� D�v�la rr�er�t Pr� a�sa� �anzan�ta �p����s �l�r�tec� �r�s��e �hai� �a� s���ies t�a� ar� lo�a� ar�� �r����na1 r�ati�r�s. A s���if�� ��eci�� �� �e�r�o���.s �ha�l b� ici�ntif���, be����e hybridi��t��n �� ��rtain s���i�� ���� ��cur. Y� �x���p�ng �t. J�hrt's w�rt �I���rric�.�rr� �a i� ���rt��� �t sh�Il r��t b� p�ar�t�c� �� p��i�n�t��s �f �p�n s�a�� t� �i�nit v���t�►�iv� �pr�ac�. Th� ���x�t li�t ider��if�e�i Cdarkia sp�., �owever t�i� �eeds �o �re spe�ifi�. C�urkia pur�ur�a i� rec��n��r►c��cl b���us� it �s kx��wr� t� ����x� �r� th� �r�a. Plan ��c�x�����t��tt� �nc1 �'im�r�g. Fri�r t� fina� tra�� ���r�va�, t�� a��licar�t s���� �u��nit � 1�r�d�����r�� �l�rt f�r appr��r�l �� ��ty ��rnr��x�i�y ��v�la�rn�r�t a�d P�rks artci R��r�a�i�r� ��pa��rn�nts. 1V��nit�ri��. �it�,� ��mr��xnf�y ����l��rr�er�t �►r�d P�r1cs an� �����ati�n ����r�m���s ��.a�� �1����C �l�n� ��r c�rnp�ian�� a�� s��1� s�t� ��ts�e�t �ix rnon�hs �f�er ���n�l�t��x� �f th� c��v�l��rr��nt for ����li�r���. �`h��� ��an��s �h�11 �e r���rd�c� wit� th� final �a� �-��� VI�������� ���r�d�� Pr�s�rva�io�, Pres�rvat��� �f th� �vi������ ��rricl�r� t� ar� pr����t �r� t�� ���j��t �i�e ���x b� a�hi�v�d wit1� su�ffi�ierx� ��t���i�� f r��t Rip�ri�n an� �Ve��r�c� Habitats anc� b�r ��r��c��rx� �ii��c� ���i inc�ir��� irr�pa�ts t� �ak '�1���dla�� ����tat. ����� t� IVIi�i���i�r� IVI���ur� B- ��a�, l�ipa�riar� �nc� �Vetla�c� 1'r�t��ti�r�, s�tba�k �a��x�s �� al���v f�� Ri�ari�n�VIT�tI�n� ��rr�d�r �r�servati�n, ar�d t� Il�f ��i���i�� I1��as�xr� �; ��a} for oak tree avoidan�e and rr�i�iga�ion measur�s. �urn�l�tiv� �i�logi��I ���a�r��s Im���t. �'h� �r�gir�a� �ar����ed �r�j��� w��Yd c��t�ibt��� t� �rxYn�xl�ti�r� �i�l��i��l i����� i�n th� ����, i��Iuciin� �� ��ss of wilc��i�� for��ir�� f�r��dir�g ar��� �x�ci �h� ���� �f Fi�rno �i�rlcia. �� r��tec� �x� t�� R���s�d F�1 ���I�, d�x� t� th� I��� �f wildlif� f�r��in� ��bitat ��d br�di�� habitat ar�d Prs�n� �1�rki�, �� ori�in�1 �r�����c� �r�j��� �v��xl� re�ult in ����s I, �i�r����ur�� �r�d x�r�c�v���ab��, ��x�n�xl�t��r� irn�a�t� t� bi�1���ea� r����r���, T�t� �irst r�c�u��� c��x�sit� c���r�l��arn�nt �rop��al w�u�d �irnil�rl� r��ul� in ����s ���rn�xlat��r� �rnp��ts �in�� it w�uld �irni����� i�n�a�t Pi�Yn� �1arlci� �xa�i�a�, As c�is�u���c� a��v�, irn����s r��at��i �� I�i�Yn� �1�►r1�ia w���c� b� r�d�.��� �r�� ���s� �, ���r�����r�� ar�d �.r�ar��xc�ab��, �a �1a�� II, �i�r�t���rt� bu� tr�i�iga���, �r�cle� t�� ����x�� ����x�ed c��nsity ���r�l���n�n� �r�p�sa1. Irnpa��s r�lat�ci �� wil��i�� f�r��in��br���i�� �r�as �v�t��c� s�mii�rl� b� r�l���d, �s t�� ������ r�c�tx��c� d�r�sity d�v�I�����+t ��'�p���1 r�pr���n#� �� �v�ra�l r�dr��ti�r� ix� �������n�a� ��nsity �nc� site c�istur���►�� �vh�n ��Ynpar�c� �� t1�� ����'t�.al �r�����d �r�j��t �r�� �h� �ir�� r�duce�l ��r�sit� �i���I��m��t� �r���s�i. ��n��x��tiv� bio�ogi�al r����x��� ������s w��1�1 ��r�f�r� � r��u��� t� �lass II, �igr�����r�� bu� tr�t���a���. Niitigati�r► ���srxr�s �-��a}, �-���}, �_ ���}, 8-4{a}, �-���-���}, F-5�b}, B�-����, �-��c�}, �-��e�, �r��i B-•��f�, �� dis�x��s�c1 �r�v��rxsly, w�u��d r�n��� ��r����� r�uirerr��n�s �n�i �v�x�ld r�d�x�e irr�p��ts t� � l�s� #h�n �i�if i��n� Iev�l. ��xlt�xral ��s��x���s �rn�act �R-I, �irx�il�r t� th� �r��i��� �r����t �rtaly��c� ir� t�� Revi�ed ��x�a� ��IR anc� �h� fir�� r��u�ed c��r�sxty d�v����rr��r�t �r�p�sal �na����c� in th� Fir�t Ad�1�r►c��xrn, t�i� s����c� ���r���d d��si�y ��v�1�����t �r�p��a1 ���I� ��t�r�tia►�1y �i�tt��b �r�vi�u�ly ��tic��r►tifi�d buri�� �i#y of �4r+royo �rar�de 34 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 265 V�stir�g T��tati�re Tra� I�JI�p ar►d P.IJ.D. �1-��1 F�evi�ed �ina� �u�sequen# �IF� ��cond �dd�r�dur� �e��nd F�edu�ed De�s� D��r�lo m�rrt �r� osal �r�h��I��i��� d����its ar����r �ur�a� ��rn�ins. �I�i�u�� t.�i.i� irn�aa�t �v��1d be slig�t�� r�du���, irx�p��� �v��1� r��.ain ��ass �X, �i�r�����r�� bu� rr�x�i��b��. IV�iti�ati�r► ���s�r� ��-��a� wo�l� rerna#n a pro��ct ��quir�rnent: ��t-l�a} Are�����vgi�al I���vur�� �o�str�c�ior► Mar►���r��g. At �� co��t�n��rn�n� �f ����e�t �ortst�u�ti��, �rt �ri�r�tati�� �neetin� ��a1� �� ��r�c�u�t�� �y an archa��l�gis� ��r canstr�x�ti��x w�rk�rs a�ss��iat�� �v�t.� �ar� distt1r���� ��ti�riti��. �'�� �r��x�t�ti�n m��tir�� �1���� ����rib� �he ��s���ilit� �f �x�asirx� ���c����ec� arc�a��l�gi��� r�s�ur�es �nc� clire�ti�n� �s �� w��� �te�a� a�r� �� be ta1��n �f �u�� a fir�d is �r���t��n��r�cl, A c��zalifi�c� �r�ha��i�gi�t �rtd N��iv� Arr��ri�a� ���x����nt��iv� ��a�1 �n�r���r �11 ��rth m�ving a�t�v����� �vithir� rxativ� ��i�. In t�� ���r�t tha� �rcl�eo�agica� or ��sto�i� a�t�f�c�s are encount�r�d d��ri�n� p�o�ect ��nstr��ti�r�, aIl ��rl� �� ��� vi�init� ��� y�rc�s �r �r�at��, �� c��t�rmir�ed by an ar��a��l��ist� �f th� �inc� wi11 �e halt�c� xxn�il �u�h ti�� �� � c�t��lifi�d �x��ha����gi�� �v���x�t�� th� fin�I an� ���r�pr�ate rn�ti�ati�n ��.g., ct�r�ti�n, �x����rv�ti�n �-► �����, etc.�, if r������ary 1� 1�Y'I�l��ll��'1�C� Ir� t�� �vent �f t�� a��i��r�t�1 di�cov�ry �r r���g��i�� �f ���r �i�x�n�� r�rnains in ar�y I��ati�n, th� f�l���rrin� �t��� w�l� b� t��Cen: T�t�r� s�iail b� no furt� ��c��va►�iar� ar ciisturban�� �� �� �it� �� any ���r�y �r�a r����rra�I� ��s�����ci t� �v�rii� �c�����r�t �urn�n r�rr��in� �r►ti�; A. T�� �oror��� of �h� co�nty � whi�h the r�rnair�s ar� discov�red ��s ��n ��r�ta�t�c�, anc� ��terrnine� �a� n� inv���i�aia�n� �f t�►� ���x�� �f c���t� is rec��ir��, �r �. ��►�r� �h� ����r��r d�t�rmine� th� r�rrt�ix�s �� b�e ��t�v� Arn�ri��n: 1. T�� ����n�� s�a�� �n�ti.f�r th� I�ativ� �xr���i�a� I��ritag� Co�ss�o� within 241�ours; �. T"�� Nativ� Arr��ri��� ��ri�ag� ��rnrrtis�i��n sha�1 i��ntif�r �h� �a�r��� �r ������� it �����v�s t� �� ���t lik��y c��sc�nt���i fr��n t�� c���e���d I�T�ti�� Arn�ri�an; �x�� �. T�� �n��t 1i1���� d����nc��n� h�s had �h� o��ortunity t� �v��I� wit� t1�e 1ar�do�er or t�e perso� �es�or�sible for �►e �x�avation work, on t.�e ��a�ns o� trea�g or disposi�� of, �vith a�pr��ria� �i�gnity, t�e �t�x�►�n r�rnair�s anc� ���r assoei�t�� g�r��� ��ods �s �r��id�d ir� �'u�1i� R���ur��� ���i� �ection ��97.98. �I. ���re #h� f�ll�wir�g ��rtdi�i��s �c�ur� th� ��r�c��wr��r �� his �ut.��ri��� re�re��r�t�t�v�� ���11 r����riat� t�� I��ti�� Arneri���t �rx�m�n r��t�irrs ��c� ��soci�t�d ���v� it�ms wxth �►��r��ri�te �ignitY C�ty of Arroyo Grand� 3� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 266 Ile�ti�g T�nta�i�re Tra�t �Il�ap and P.�.I.I]. �1-D01 R��rised �inal �ub��qu�n# EIF� �econd Atid�ndurn ����nd F��du��d D�n�� Derr�r� mer�# Pr� osa�l or� �h� ��ro��r�y �r� a�o�ation �ot sub���� to furth�r st�b�surfa�� c�istt������e. ��w�v�r, ayr�y �u�� a�t�rr��y wi11 b� �r.�r�uar�t t� �h� �x��r�tion �f ���urnash r��r���r��atit�r� if a d�������rtt is �ith�� r��t id�ntifi�d �r faiis to r����x�ci t� n�t��i���i�r�. A. �`h� I�a�ive ���ri��r� ��r�tag� ��rn�nis�i�r� �� �na��� t� �c�e�t�fy � ���� i�1���� d�s��x���r�� �� t�� ��s� 1i1��1� des��n���►� f a�1�d �o rnake a recarnmen��tior� wit� 24 hours �ft�r being noti�i�d b� t�� carnrni�sion. �. �'�� ��s�����nt ici�r�tifi�d fazls t� nt�1�� a r��ornrr����ia,ti��� �r �. The la��owner or �is �u�ori�ed re�rese�tative r��e�t�s th� r�coxr��ane�dation of t�� d�s�enc����, and the rnedia�ior� by �h� �T�ti�� Arn�ri�a� �I�rita�� ��rr�rr����i�n fai�� �o �r�v�c�� Yn�a��x��s ����pta��� t� t�e 1a�d��wr��r. ��I. I��1t V�or�C �rc��r. I� ��xrn�x� x��rr��ins �r� x�r���rt��c�, ��a�� I���lt� �n� �a�ety ���� S�ti�n ����,,� r�q�ire� t�at r�� f�xrth��r ��stur��r��� �� t�� �it� �r �n� �ear�y ar�a� reasor�.ably srxsp�t�d �� �v�r�i� �c�j���nt hurna� r�rn�ins s1�I1 ����� ur�til t1 ���znty ��r�r�er �a� rnaci� �h� n�essary f inc�ing� as t� �r���r� a�d ��s����t��x� ������xtt �� i'ubYi� I����r.��r��� ��d� Se�ti�n ����.��. If t�� rerr���ns ar� c�e�ern�in�d t� be �f ��ti�ve A�n���a� c�es���t, �e �ox�o�er ha�s �� �ours to x�oia.fy t1�e Na�ive Am�� I��r�ta�� ��m�nis�i��n. ��ax� R�q�xir���nts ar�� "I'irn�n�. '�1�is ��nc�i�i�n ���ll �� in �f��t thro�ghou� �ract i���ov���nt wor�C and sub�ec�uen� grour�d dis�urbar�re �I'�Il'� 1�1C�1V1C��.1�� ��� C��V����7Ii��I7� If �i�i�i��r�t ��ltu�ral r����r��s ar� f�Xxr��, �11 ��a��i�a��e �1�ns s�a11 ��t�w "r����xil�i��l�" �r�a� �r�d 1�0-f��t b ar��s fr�rn �1���� r�s�ux����. Morzit�ring; �ity ��rr�n�ux�ity I��v�1��rr��n�, I'�x��i� �ork� anc� Builc�in� �����r�rn��►ts sha�� v�rify �larts ��r xx�bu�i��a�1� �r��� �n� ��xf���r� prfor t� �s�u�an�e �� ��il�ii�� �a�rrnits �r e�rnrr��n��rx���t �f tr��t iYn�rav�rn�nts. �� x�����a�y, �h� �it� ��rnrrxu�it� ����l��Yn�r��, Pub1i� V1����s ��d �t�i��ing De��rtrr��n#� ��a�1 ��a�t c���1c in t�� fi�ld t� a�s�r� �►� t1t��� ����� ar� being av����c�. G�o�o i� ��so�xre�s ��n�act �-�, �rx� t� �h� pr���n�� �f ��t�v� fa�lts u� th� �ic��i�y, t�� �r��ect sit� anc� ��rr�rx�d��ng �r�� is su��e�� t� �tr�r�� gr��ncl ����i��. �r�uncl �ha�Cxn� has �e ��t���i�►1 t� �a�x�e fi1l arn.at�riaY t� ��ttl�, �l�p�� t� cl�-�ta��l���, ar�c� e�u�� ��t�r�i�a1 d�rnag� t� st� �r���rt�r, u�tilities ar��i road access. �rou�nd �hakir�g h�s the potentia� �o �ar�se in�u�r anc� d�ath to �iurnar►s. B��ause thi� �e��x��i r�d�x��d d�r�ity �1���Io�a�n�nt ������al wa��c� �� ���at�d �n t�� ���� sit� as th� �rigln.a� �r�����c� ��'o��ct �n� f i��t ��d�xc�c� cl�r��ity d��r�1��r�n�r�t pr��osa�, art�i �vithi�� � ��rt��r� �f t�� ���t�rit�t �f th� d���l�prn�r�t �r����als ��������� in th� R�vi��� �fr�a1 ��IR ��n�i First �c���ndurn, irrt��►�ts w��x1d be �i�rtil��r. A1t��u�h th� ��c�r�c� r�c��x��d c��r�sity ��v�I��rn�x�t ��ty of Arr�yo �rarrc�e 3� � Agenda Item 9.c. Page 267 11��#ing T��ta�iv� Trac�t I�ap �r�d �.l�.D. �1-��� i�e�ri��d F�na� ��rbs�qu�nt �II� Sec,ond �dder�dum ��c�nd F�educed D�n�� D�v�lo rr�ent Pro a�al �r�����1 w�rxld u�� � g�r�at�� �rn�ur�t �f f��l xn�t�ri�1 ��de ar�c� �����r �r�gi� c��si�r� ��d ��nstru�ki�r�, in ��rnbina�i�� �vi� �nit�ga�i�� �ut�ined in �h� I����s�� �ir�aY �EIR an�i ����r��r���c� i��� �e Fir�� A���rx�urn, w�x�ld ��sur� t�xat irn�a��s w�u1c� be c�n��a��rabi�. T1�� irn�aa�� w��zld r�rna� �1��� II, sigr�i���r�� ��� rr�i�iga�i�. I1�it�g�ti�r� IV�e�►sur� �-�{�� w��ic� r�rnair� as a pro��� requir�rnent: G-1�a� �� �BC �omplian�e. Above-grounc� st�xchx�es shai� be d�sign�d and bu�lt a�cordin� to Califorr►ia B�ilciing Code S��srn�� sta�dards. P�a�► ��q�xir��n�nt� ar►c� Ti�ning: �i��l �r����� ��ar�� ��b�n�tt�c� t� �i� �ity'� �t���c�in� ����rtrn�nt f�r l��d �s� �1��r�n�� s1�a�� �av� a r��t� print�d an �h� �lans w���1� sp��ify �� ��� S�i��ni� �ta�n�a��� f�r ��1 stxu�tu�es. B�xildi�g plans s�x��mitt�� i� �rt ����icafi�r� ��� a�u�lciin� P�r�n�t ���11 in�luc�� c����xrn�r�tati�r� �h.a� t��s� �ta�da�r�s �r� ��t. Firxal �r�j�c� p�ans s�a11 la� �txbinitt�c� �hi�� zn�luc�� th� r�quir�c� ��sign ����ifi�a�i�ns pri�r �� a�a�r�v�10� #�� Lar�d LJs� �'�r�nit. �u�I�i.�� �l.a.r�s th�t rn��� �� ��� star�c�ar�s �hall b� ��r��r�c��c� t� t�� ��xi�c���� L�i�isi�n pri�r t� iss�xan�� �� ��x�Ic���ng �'�r���s. Ni�ruit�rir►g: ��i�r �� a��r�v�1 �f 1�r�c� �s� �a�rrni�s, ���y �taff �ha�� r��ri��v �a���e�t �Ians a�c� v�rify tha� th� �� C�C �efsrr�ic requ�rern�nt� a�� �rinte� or� t�� p�ar�. �uiic�ir�g ���ri���� ���� s�al� v�ri�y t�at �� �B� �tan�arc�s �re ��� prio� �� ��su��x��� �� �t�xl�iin� �'��nit�. B�xil�If�g ir�p��tor� ��a11 c�r��u�c� �i�e in����tions t� ��sur� �t ��x��tru�ti�� ���t��� ���si���r�� wit� a��r�v�c� p�ans. I� ���xxld � rt�tecl t1�a� t1�� a��v� IV���g�ti��n ���s�xr� w�� revi�ed �� b� ��r�si�te�+t �vitla �� r�ost u�-t�;d�te b�xildin� ��c��. T�� int�r�� of �h� ran����xx�� h.�s ��t char�g�c�. ��n�act � �i��ni� ��t��rity ���1� produ�� �r�����i��t �r��xnd �ha�Cin� t� ��sr�1t �n 1i��x�f���ior�, �ei�rn��a�1y inciu��� ��tt��rn��t ax�ci iat�ral �pr�adi��. ���� �oii� pr������ ��x� c��v����arnent �f r��i�i�r�tiai t���� ar�� �t�i�r f���liti�� �r� stx�j�t �o �h� ��t���i�1 f�r 1iqu�fa�ti�n. ��w�v�r, a� d�t�rrn�►�d t�r�t��1� o��it� irtv�st�gati��s ��r t�t� �r���al �r�p��e� �r�j��t, thi� ����ntial i� ��n�ici�red t� �� ��ry ��w. ��t��rxgh t�i� ����nc� x��d�x��d c��r��i�y ci��r�l��rn�r�t �r�p�s�l �v��xld ��� ��r�a�er arr��ur�t �f fil� ��t��ia1, as n��e� ��x t1�� I��vi�ecl Fir��l ��II�, c��v�r�t��n.�l ��r��tru�ti�n rt��th��is ar� eo��i�����i adequat� t� p��t��t ag�inst #�s irn���t. �n ��iditi�rt, d�v������nt �rv�Il �� r�c��ir�� t� ��rn��y wit�► �ali��rnia �u�I�ir�g �o�� �eq�xi�r���r�ts, w�r.�i�� adc�r�s� i��u�s �r�1a��c� �o pr����r ��a�er�n�nt �►r�d ��rn�a�ti�n �f �i�1. As s�x��, �i� r�r�t�i�s a �1�ss III, ���s t�ar� si�r�����r�� i�tpa��t. I���►�t �-�, ��il� �t �� �it� h��� th� �otenti�l t� �r��ent ��il-r�1a��c1l�a�a��s �i.�., ����iv� �r �x���.si�r� ��i1s} t� ��ru�ture� an� �r�a�w�ys �� th� pro�ec� site. ��t.�i��g� z��sic�eniaal ��r�si�i�s wo��c� �� reduc�d fo� t��� proj�ct w�en co��a�red ta the o�igir�al praposec� pro�e�t a�� �e firs� r�c��x��d d�rxsity c��v���prn��� �r����a1, �i�v�l��arr��r�t �v��x1c� ���ur �n t�� sarr�� s��� �r��l �nr��xlc� b� ��x�je�t t� t1�� �a�� �oi1-r�l�ted �a�ar��. �n a�diti�r►, th� irnp��rt�d fi�1 rr��t��ia1 pr�����d �o f�ll th� �r��i�n ��I�y ir� #�x� �r�a �ra�����i f�r ��v�1�p�m�r�t w�u�� �t�� �f f a��r�sis��nt a�� natur�l �r��i�n ��ur�� �f ��dirner�t �r��I si�� r��t�ff t��� ���t�'��utes �ir���ly t� �IrI����w �re�lc, ��ty o� Arroyo �rar�de 37 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 268 Ve��ing Te�tati�r� Tract Nf�p �r� P.f�.D. 0��00� f�eviscd Fina� �ub��quent �IF� �eco�nd Add�ndur� S�cond Reduce� Densi Deve�o r��r�t Pro o�al th�r�b�r r�dr��ixt� or�sit� �x���i�n. This ��xr��ins a�1��� II, si�r�ifxc�m� b�� �rzati�a��� i�np��t. IV���iga�ion ivleasur�s G-3��-c} wou�d �ernain as pro�e�� requirernent�s: �-���� ��iI�o�xn��ti�n 1����r�, �� �rc�er t� av��� ��il-rela��c� �a�a��s, the �z��iivic��a1 ��t �wxt�rs ancl th� ���j��t ���1i��r�t �h�I� ���vi�e �ofls/fourtdation r�port�s that �p�cifi�a�ly ide�tify �x�an�i�e sai�s ����rds as �ar� �� �h� ��p�i�afi�r� ��r B���c�ir�� �errnit���. T� �r���x�� the �ot�r�tia� for four�da�ion crack�.�n�, the r��o�ts may r�co�r�end t1�at one �r rn�r� �� th� f�l��win� �� ���ns���r�� �iuring de�ign �f t�� ��r�����: �. �CJse �or�t�inuous dee� foot��gs ��.e., er�nbe�rnent dept� of 3 f��t or rnor�� ��xd ����r�t� s1��s �r► �r�d� wit� i�����s�� �t�ei r�ir�for��n��r�t t�g�th�r wit� a�re-w�ttir�� �r�d l��g-t�rrn ���sture ��x��x�i pr��r�rr� wit�i.n �h� a�tiv� ����. �. 1��rn��r�I �f t�� 1►,����� ��cp�r�sive rn�►t�ri�� anc� r�������n�r�� �v��h r��n-�x�a��iv� irn�a�rt �i�� r����ri�I. �. T'h� �xs� �f s��i����11� ���ig��d c1ri11ec� �i�r �r�c� grad� bea� system ir�corporating a str��tur�1 �or��rete slab or� g�ade s��p�rt�c� a��ar��ci�nat�ly � ���h�s a���� t�� ��cp�r�s��r� ��ils. �. ��t��ni�al tr�atrn�n� wit1� �y�r���d lirr�� �� r�c�u�e th� ��c�ansior� ��ar��teri�ti�� �f �� ��ils. � E�c�ar�iv� ��i1 Dam���. T�� ��c�a�nsi�� ��d���� �f i��i�ri��xal l�t� �h.�u�c� �� c��t�x�xx��x��c� �� � ���-s�ec���� l�a�i�. In �h� ��r��►t t.ha� ��c��nsiv� ��i1� wi�i ur�c��r�i� ��t���ia� ��v�l��rr���n�s, th� r��� �f r��r►��c�a�si�r� irn��rt �r pr�saturatior� �� st��slab soii� in ��e�� w��r� �l�bs wil� ���r1�� ��c�ansive s�iis i� r�����n����d. �f ft is �I��t�c� t� us� r�����c��nsi�r� i�n���t, t�� t��i�lcn�s� �f n�r���cp�r�siv� �r►�terial s���x1d b� de��rr�ir�ed ba��c� �p�r� th� r�s�lts of �x�ans��� i�c���c t�s�in� ��r��r�n�ci �n indivi�u�� l�t�. T'�� irn��rt ��a11 be �1���� in �ift� r��t ex���d�g 12 inches and �ompa�t�d to a� �ir�irnurn of 90 pe�cer►t af rnaxirnurrt �ry ��r�sity untii �ir�is��d gr�c�� is r�a����. � �r�►riin� ar�c� Erosi�n ��r�trol P�ar�. A gr�din� �r�d er�sion ��r�tr�l pl�� t��� mi.nirni��� �r��i�n, ��dix�n�x�tati�r� ar�c1 �ns�a�l� �����s �ha1i b� pr���x��� �►�nd irn�l�rn�x����i b�r th� pr����t 2►��licar�� �� ����e�s��tati�e th�r���, �rior t� ��1 rna� r��o���t���n. It rrtu�� in�lrxd� t�� ������vir��: a. IViethods srxc� �s retent�o� b�sir�s, draixtiage d��ersiox� s��x�t�xr�s, ���t ���ding, si�� f�r►�i�g f���rc��r�a�ed s�c�irner�t t�ra��in�, �tr�w ba►1��, ��d sanc� ba�� ��i.al� b� ��eci t� n�ini�ni�� ���si�� �n �I���� ar�cl p�����t si�#�ti�n i�n�� t�� ���t ��rl� �� �Vi�ac���v �x���1c �r��i �ts tributa�r�es durir�g grad.��g an� �on.stru�tion ��#ivit��s. b. �rad�d ar��� �ha11 be r��r���tat�d w��i�n � w��1c� �f �ra�in� a�t�vit��s with cie�p �ativ�, cir�rx�ht--toierant ��a��i�� t� rnini�ni�� sl��� f�ilur� ar�c� er��i�� ��t�n#i��. �� ��t�rrn�r►�� n����s�ry �� �� ���nrnu��ty ��v�1��x���t D��artrn��� a�c1 ��ty a� Arroyo Gr�r��e 38 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 269 11��ting Tent�ti�re Tr��t I��lap ar�ti P.U.D. ��-p0� F���rise�d Finaa �ubsequen� �II� �ecor�d Addendurr� �e��n� F��du��cf D�n�i De���� m�nt Pro osal P�blic �Vo�ks D��artlne��, �rriga�ion s�ai1 b� �arovided. �eotextile bir�d��g f��r��� �1��I� be u��� i� n���s�ary t� ��i� �1�p� ��i1� �nti� v�ge�ati�n is ��ta�Iish��. �. �fter �onstruction of �ra�t �rnprov��e�n#s ar�d �ntil �ort�t� af ir�c�f�ric�x��I h�rr���, ��cp���c� area� s�a1� �� �tabili� t� �ar��r�r�t �virtd ��n� �v�►��r �r��i�r�, u�in� rn�t�oc�s a��r�v�d �y th� ��ty ��rnrnu�ity ��v����rn�nt D�p��trn�nt, P�x�Ii� ����.cs ��►�1 ��ilc�ir�g ��partm�nts ��� AP��. Th��� rn����s rn��r i�n��r�d�: t�p��i1 i� t� b� irr���rt�� ��d ��r�ad an t�� gro��d s�rf��� � ar�as �aving soi�s t�a� �an be �i'ansported by �� wi�d, and f ar t�� ��xi�n� of the h�g�iy eros�ve sa�d w�th fir�e�r-g�a�.�►�d rx�ateria�s �silt �r ���y� �11 a����i��� Cj�i��1�1�1�� �� �1"�'�T��1� 1�S 21�}�11�T �� �7� tran�p�rt�ci by wind. �'1�� �����i1 �r �ilt� �I��r n�i�c�tx�� is t� �e u��� t� �tab�li�� t�t� ��ci�tir�g ��il �� �����nt �ts ability t� b� �ranspo�rt�d b� wir�ci. A� � r�nir�irn�xrn, �ix in��e� �f �����i1 �r si1t��1a�J�ar�c1 xr►i�ctu�� is t� �� �xs�� t� ��abiliz� �� wind- �r�d�b�e ��ils. c�. �V��re r�������� sxt� ����arati�� ��a11 ir�cl�xc�� �i� rernoval �f �11 �� � ��rt��� �f �� ��c�aansi�� ��i1s a� t1�� building �it�� �n� re�la��rx��r►t wit�► ���n���tec� fi1�. e, ���r� ����s�ary, ��r��ruc�i�r� �n �ran�itior�al l�ts ��ial� in��t��� ov�rexcavat�o� �a expo�� firm sx��g�ad�; use o� �ost t���on �1abs ir� fi.�tu�� �t�r�x��x�r�� �r �t��r ���1�gi�ail� a����ta�l� �n�t��c� �. La�c�s�ap�� ar�a� �c�j���r�t t� �t�u�txxr�� ��a11 b� �r����i �� th�t clr�irta�� is ��v�y �r�r� stru��r��. g. Irrig��i�� sha�l b� ��ntr�llec� �� that ���rwaterin� cloes ��t ���rxr. �� irrig�ti�n �ch�du�� s�II �� r�vi�wec� an� �������d b�r t�� �i�y ���m�m�xr��ty �e�e��px�t��t ���aartrnen� ar�c� Fu��i� VIT�rks ��p�r�ni���s pri�r t� I�r�d xx�e cl�aran�� f�� �r�di��. h. �raclir�� �x� sl�p�s st����r t��x� �:1 �hall b� c1��i�n�d t� ���irni�e surfa�e �at�r rur�aff. i. ��l�s �la��c1 on �i���� �t��p�r t�an �:� ��all � pr������ ����h�d ��'1�I' �� �1�2���I7���.1� �� �1I1. j. �r�w c�it���s ��td��� �rms s1�a1� �� ���s�ru�t�c� ��c� ��ir�tai�ted ab�v� a11 ��t ��d fill s1�p�s, r�s���tiv�l�r. 1�. �u� ��� f�ll b�r�c��� ���►�1 �� ��nstru�t�� �t r�g�x�ar ant�� 1. R�t��n�ng wa1�s ��xall �� pr�p���� �s �ar� �� b�zi1��� ��r�stru�ti�xt �� s�abili�� ������ wh��� t��r� is a��-f��t �r ���at�r c�if��r���� in �1�v�t��r� b�twe�n buzldabl� ��ts rx�. �'h� appl���r�t s1�a11 �irn�� ��c�a�a�i�r� �r�c� gr�c�Yng t� t�� c�ry ���s�r� �f �h� ���r {�Y�i�a11y ��ril 1� t� N����mb�r 1, �11��in� for varia�i��s � w��th�r� �rt1��� � ��rn�nunity I�������arner�� �r�� �'t�b1i� Vl��rks ���ar�m�nt ����r�v�c� ero�i�� ��n�r�i p��r� �s in �I��� a�c� a11 rn��st�r�� �er�ir� �r� in �ff��t. r�. T�� a�p�i��n� �ha�� ��st � perf��r��nc� b�r�c� �s cl�t��rnir��c� �ay ar�d wit� �e Ci�y anc� �ir� a�ornrnuni�y Dev��aprnent Depar�mer�� ar�d Publ�c Vl�or�CS D�pa�rt�nent c�ual�f �ed �eoYo��st o�r �ity o� Arrayo �r�r��le 39 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 270 V�sti�g Te�ta�ive Tra�t I�I�a� �nd #�.I�. D. �1-��1 F�ev�sed �ina� �ub��quen# EIF� �eco�rd A�dendum �ec�nd F�educed Dens� D��reJ� m��r� Pr� �s�l ���1� �n�in��r �ri�z� �� 1�nc� txs� �l��r�n�e #��r ��ra���t�, ar�c� t� �r�s�r� th�t �r����r� �s ���t��1��d anci rniti��ti�r� m��sure� ��r� �����r�� irr�pl�r�t��#��. T�� a�a��i��nt ���1� p�st a���f�r�nan�e b�r�c� �� c��t���n�x��� b� an� ���1� �� �ity a�d hir� � qua�i�ied g�����ist �r ��i1� �r�gin��x� �ri�r t� �ar�d �x�� �1���anc� f�r gr�din�, a�d t� �x�sur� �� ����i�r� z� ��ntroll�d a�c� r�itiga�i�n rnea��x��� �r� pr�perl� i��l�rn��x��c� . P�a� R�q�ir�rr��r�ts ar�c� 'I'�m.x�g: Th� g���ing �nc� �r�s��r� ��n�r�i ��an s�t��� b� subrr�itke� fo� �eview and ap�rava� �o ��ty s�aff �rior to appr��ra� �� �ar�� u�� p�rmits f�r grac��ng �� tr��t x�n�r�vern�r�ts. T�is ���dit��r� ���I� b� n�t�c� on �ra�in� �ia�s. T�►� ���1i�ant s�a�1 r�otify �it� p�rrnit ��rn�lian�� �����r t� ���xtxrt�rt��rr��r�t �f gr�din�. �arnpon�nts �f t� �r�c�ir�g ��� �r�����n ��ntr�I �i�n ��a11 be irnpl����te�l t�r�u�1��u� a�1 grad�r�g ��tiviti�s. ���np�n�r�ts �� t�� gradir�� a.nc� �r�sion �alar�s �ha�l �� i�n���n��x�t�� �r��r �� 1ar�c� �s� �1��r���� ��r th� �irst strrx�t�xr�. M�ni��ring: �ui1��x�� ir����t�r� ��r1 xr���C� sit� irts�e�t��ns �� ��sur� irn���ri �� ap�ar�v�d �lans. �radi�ng insp����rs shal� 1n�r�it�� t�hni��l a��e�ts �� �� ��r��i�g ��tiviti�s. Im���� �-�. T�� pr�j��� �it� ��nt�irt�s ����� �����s and i� ur���rl�ir� 1�y �� Pisrn� F�r�nat���, w�i�h �r�sent� � rn�c��r��e �I��� �tability l���arc�. Laanci���di�g �a� �� ��t�n�ia1 t� ��rn�g� ��cl ���tr�� �ixu�tux���, r����v��� ��� �th�r i�x�r�v�rn�r�ts �� w��l as to c��flect anc� b1o��C c�r�ina�e �han���s, �a�xsir�� ft�rth�r c��rnage a�d �ro�i�n. �oi1 ��urnpin� ��►rt ��r�t��� �r ��st���r st�x�txxr�s �r�d 1��d �o �r��i�n �r�b1�rn�. T�i� ���1�gi� r����t �������c� fo� �h� �ri�ir��1 �ro����c� pr�j�c� ar�d i�corporated �to the �`��r�t Add�ndurn (Eart�x Sys�ems Pacif��, �anuary �O�D3� id��►tified �wo �riti�a� a��as �f ����� �tal�ilit� hazarc�� �n the pr���rty. T�i� area� �� ��t��t�i�1 �i��� ��tability ir��l�xde �e banks �1�r�� t1�� E��t �'�r1c �f IV������v ����� a�d th� cut slope �r�gin�l�y pr���s�c� t� b� r��ai.n�� �y �ta���d walls al�ng t�� ��ut��as�ern ��r�i�rt �f �h� ���r��op��r�t. Pr�vi��x�1�r pro�a���d L��s �� �nc� �19 w�r� �����fi��11y ���n�ifi��i �� ����rrir�g in t���e �re��. T�� �ec��� r��u��c� ��r�sxty d���I��rr��rxt �ar�p���� does n�t ixt�I��� a�n� ci�v�l���ner�t ir� #�is �rea, ��r��y �voidir�g t�� �d�n�i.fi�c� �l�p� �ta��i�ty ha��rd�. How�v�r, ��rt��rt� �f �� �txrr�nt �ro����►1 ��txld �t�ll �� 1���t�� on r�i�ti��l� �t��� sl�pes. �p��ifi����y, p�rti�r�s �f L��ts 1, 9,1�,1�,1�,1�, ��nci �� �v�t�1� be 1o��ted �n sl���� ��c����i�� ��°� �aft�r �i��i�� �f t�� �xily; ����r �� Figur� b�. As �t���, irnp��ts r�rn�in �la�� II, stg�t��t�ar�� ��ut rn.�ti�ab��. �iti��ti�� �rf��s�xr� �-��a� a� i��r��ified ir� t�� R�vi��c� Fi�.al ������t��r�t �IR ar�c� Fir�t �c1ci���uz�rt ��t�ld n� 1�r�g�r b� requir�� �i�n�� th� h���r� �r��� �ddr�ssed t��r�in w�u�� �� ���id�d: � . � . _ ,. . � - .. � . .� .. * r � y 4� ! ! w T t _ a i t � w ■ � # ■ ! * # 4 ! t � � ■ ! # � w � Y � W i i • i t i i F W i ♦Y � , t ; # � * + i i t i i W t W f w �+ � i� f # � t ■ ; } � ■ w 1 � t T +■ � w * ! W i i i � i • w w �ft�I Of �4rr�y0 C�rar�de 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 271 11�stir�� Tentati�r� Tract N1ap ar�d P.I�.D. 01-��� F�e�+i�ed Final �ubs�qu�nt EIF� �econd �dd�n�ur� Second Red�c�d D�n�� De►relo ment Pro osal � . T'� ��k� � � , �e-��� ; � � �_ � w � � r r ■ i � +� ■ s � a . + rt . • a► �� � �� � s • 1 # * � i �� � a # � w �� i . 'r a • • * w t ��� i *# w • ! ; r . r r s * . � i � � ; ■ i . r � ;' r � r w w t� .i�■ i ���� w i + -•� • r t r a i • r • � ■ r • r • • t � � i � ��■ I f ;,-...,-,r�3..-. �,-��� . ____ ____w_______� � :: : : . . . � : .- . . „� : . - � - . . +■ w � w � . *'. • � r � ■ ■ � F � � M i! L � i4 f • � w i t i r ■ � ■ IVlitigatio� IV�easure �-4�b� wouid re�rtair� a p�o��t �eq�x��'e��n�: ��{b� ����1��rn�n� on �t��� �l��es. As �r�s�rib�d �y �'itl� 16 �f t�i� �f�y �f Arro�� �r�nc�� L��v�i���n��� ��d�, builc�ir�� anc� gr��in� i� x��� ��rr�it�e� ��n �1���s of 2,�°� anc� �r��t�r. �t��� sl��s ���r�sid�r�c� t� b� ��-�� °l � �res�r�� � �i�r����r t� 1an�s�ic��ng, sl��� f�ilur�, ���x���tati�� �f �r�-�it� rirairtag�s c�u� �� a�����r�te� �u�n��� anc� ��i1 er��ion. ����us� �f t�� �r��iv� �u�liti�� �f t�� �it�, c��v�loprx��r�t �h��l �� pr��ibited �r� �l�p�� ��c��e�in� ��°�� . H�dr�l��y ���1 �Vat�� ��a1�t� Irn���t H�1. L�ur�g �r�je�t ��x�.st�r���i��, t�� ��i� �ur���� ��rr��x�� i�e s�x���c� �a �r��i�r� a�r�d th� ci�wr�str�arn w�te��l��c� w��x�d b� �x�bj�ct t� p��1u�i�x� �nd f�r sil�at��n. H�wev��, �h� i���r��c� fi�1 rn���ri�i �r�����d t� ��ll th� �r�si�r� ��I1��r in th� ar�a �r����� ��r �i��r�1��Yn�r�t w�u1c� ��t ��f � ���sist�r�� a�d natur�� �r��i�� s��xr�� �� �ec�irn�n� ar�� s�lt �txr��f� �h�t ��nixibut�� dire�tly t� IVI��c��w �x���l�, t��r�by redu�ir�� �nsi�e �r��i�r�. A����x�� t�� ����nc� r�du�ed c�ens�ty d�v������n� �roposal w�u�� i���r�����ally r�d�c� t�'tis i����t w��n �orn��r�d t� th� �ri�ina� �������d pr���e� �r�cl first r��i�x���i ��r�sity d�v�l��n���t ��'�pos��, �hi� ixn���t n����e1��� remau�,s a pro�e�t �on�err�. T�e s�b�e�t pro�ert�y er��ompasses ��a.b a�res, of wl�ich ���ar�xi�na�t�l�r �,b w�u�� b� �i���xr��c� uncl�r th� �ur���t pr��o��1. �s ����x1t, t�� s���n� r�d�x��c� d�r�si�y c��v�����n��� �r�pa�a1 w�uld ����xir� � I��ti�rral P��l�x�ant �is�har�� �ity of A►�'oyo �rand� 4'I Agenda Item 9.c. Page 272 V��tir�g Ter�tati�re Tra�t Nta� ��d P.�I.D. �1��D1 F�e�rised F�na�l �ut�sseq�+�r�t EIF� ��rond Aold�ndur� �e��nd I�edu�ed Den�� D�vel� men� Pr� os�tl �lirnirxat��n ��rst�� ���L7��} �er�ni� {�� st��nd��� #�� �r� I�P�E� �a�rmit wa� r�ciu��c� fr�Yn fiv� ��r�� t� ��� a�r� in ���. �s ���h �� �ri�irtal �ra�o��d pr�je�t, ����lian�� v�rith th� r�quir��n���s �f th� I�P��� ��r�n.�t w��rxlc� r�du�� irr�pa��s t� a��as� �I, sigr����ar�� bt�t rni�i����� 1����. IV�iti�2��i�n ��a�xxr� I�-� ��} w��lc� r�rr�ain a� �► pr���t r�qui��Yn�n�: H-1�a� BNiI� �mplem�ntatiart ��xring �o�t�rtxct�a�. B�st Man�gern�nt Pra��i��s s�a11 �e u��c� �xxrir�� pr��e�� i�n�al��n���at��r�, �s ���t �f t�� ��VFPP. BNI�� that ���1� �e us�c� �n t� �r����� site ir�cl�xc�e: Po��u��nt Escc�e D��errerz�� • i'r�l�ibit �n ���r�ge ��v�r a1� �t��r �t�rag� ar�a� ir��l�c�in� ��i� �il�s, f�x�l ar�d �l��rni�al c�����s. �'r�k��� ��c�����i t�rnporary �at�rials �r��n rai�n a�d wind wit� plastic s���t� ancl tern��rary r��fs, �'o�dutar�� Cor���inm�r�t Areas • ����t� ��1 ��ns�r�xc�i��;��latec� eq�xf�rn�r�t ar�d r�1a��ci �ro��ss�� that ��ntain �r ��n�rat� ��ll�xt��ts �i.�. �u���, l�br��a�t anc� s����nt�, ��n��r�t �1�xst �r�� slt���r} �n is�lat�� �r�a� wi�i �ro��r pr�t��ti�r� from �sca�e. �,oc�te the a�ove ir� secure areas, away f��� �to�rrn �ra��n.� �r�c� gutt�rs. P1a�� �e a��v�-x�t�r�t��rx�d � b�rr�ed, ��a�ti�-�in��l ��pr��sz��s �� ���n�ain ��1 �nat�ria�s wit�in �i.at �it� ir� th� �v�n� �f ���id�ntal r�1�a�� �x� s�i�l F�rk, F��� a�c� �l�ar� a1� v�1�i�1�s �x�t� �q�i�rn��t ir� �n� d��igmat�c�, ��r�tai�e�l ar�a. �'o��u�a�t Detair�mer�� �rle��ods • Fr��e�t cl�wrr.stx��� d�a�na��� fr�rn �s�a�ing ���lt�t�.�ts �� cap�urir�g sedirne�►t ca�ried fr� r�unoff and pr�v�r�ting �ra�sport �rom t�e �it�. �xamples of de�aY.nxnex�t Yne�ads t�at r��arc� �overnent of wat�r and s��ar�t� s�d��ne�t ar�d ot� contan�ix�ar►�s are s�lt fenc�s, 1�ay b�1�s, san� ����,1���rns, si�� anc� d�bris ba�ir�s. Erosion �or�tro� • L�r�� p�r�����s s��u1c� b� ��1����x1��i ��t� phas�s �a� ��I�w f�r �r�si�� ���ttr�� �f s��Il�r ar�as ra�h�r t��n � singl�, large ��c����� �it�, �����ati�r� sh�u�d on1� b� r���v�d w��r� n�������ry a�d irnrn�dia��1� b�f�r� gr�►�in�. •��t�d�xl� ��c��v�t�on an� ���d�ng w�r1c �ar c�ry v+����►�r. T'h��� ��t��it��s �n�y b� �r�hibit�d b��w��n t�� rrt�nths �f I��v�rnb�r ant� Apri1. •�1��� �ta�fli��r� ��►ou1� be r�t�lx��c�. T���� ir��lr��� n.��ura1 fiber �r��i�r� ����r�I blartic�ts �f ��ryi�ng d�nsi�i�� a���rc��� t� ��ecifi� �I�p�� s�t� c�nc�iti�r�s. • ��c��dit� #�� r��t�r�ti��t �f natur�►1 �ro�i�r� ��ntr�i ar�c� redu�� r�.slc �� siop� fai�r��'e by irnrnec�iat�l� �ev�g�tat�r�g and irr�gatir�g ur�tii f irs� �n� ir�c� �f r�ixt. ���r�g�tati�r� s1���1�1 �� ��rn�al�t�� n� ��t�� than �cto�er ��� �a veg�t�atiort has had a c�ance to sta�ili�� t�ie soil b��o�� � rain� b�gi�. C�ty of �krroyo �rarrd� 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 273 1Je�t�ng Tentati�re Tr�ct I�ap arxi P,U.D. ��-0�1 F�e�ris�d Fir�a�l �ubseqc�ent EIF� ��cond Add�ndurn �e�and I��du�ed D�n�i Deu��� m��t Pr� �s�� ��d�x�� f�git�v� c��x�� ��r �v�t�t��g gr�cl�cl a�e�►s with an adeq�at� y�� ��r�s�rv�tiv� ��n��xr�� �f �r�t�r. ��a�� gra�ing ����rati�r�s ir� �ig�x wir�ds. R�c���z��fDisposal •�'r��ic�� r�cy�Ii�� f�c�liti��. D�v�i�p pr�����r ��r xr�a�r��ix~�i�� � �1ea�t �ite. �"�is in�l�xd�� �r���r �e�y�Iirtg �� ��n�tru��ior�-r�1a��c� rnat�rial� ar�d �q�xi����t �l�xi�� �i.�., ��r��r��� �ust, cu�ttir�g slurr�r, rn�tor oi1 �nc� lubrica�nts�. � F������ �is���a1 ���i�it���. ��v���p pr���co� ��r �1����x� �r�d �i�p���� �f �r��1i ��nstruc�i�r� was�e� �i.�., c��y c�r�cr�t��. � �a�eria�s Ider����at�o�. a�.d Res�or�se • D�v���� �r�t���� ��r id�r��ifyi�g ris�C �p��ati�� a�d �.at���al�. Includ� �ar���c�� f�r id�r�tifyir�g spi���c�-rna��rials ���r��, dist�ibrxti�n; �a�e and tra����rt �f ���ll�� rnat�rial�. • I'r��ri�� �r�t���1 f�r �r���r ����r�-�x� �f �q�xipr��r�� ar�c� ��ns�ructior� rn�t�ri�Is, �n� �i���s�� �f s��ll� st�b�tanc�s �n�i �ss�ciat�c� ��eanu� rn.�t��ials. �r�v��� �rn�r��x��y r�s��n�� �a�an ��►� ir��lucles ��ntir���rt�i�� f�r asse�nbl��� res�ax�s� team anc� immediate�y no�ifying appropri.at� ager���es. T�� a�fi��� �I1�'� t� b� irr��I�rn�r��ec1 ansite w��l�i b� d�v�l���d as p�r� of �he ��ITPI�I� rec�uirec� for site �or�s�ru�#ion. i'��.n R�c��x�r�rn���s and �'irrtir►g: Th� ���Ii�ar�� �hall �btair� a�P��� pe�mi� �rior �o a��roval af �ract �mproven�ent pl��t,� �o�r t�ract �rading �r�c� rna�a �ec�rc�ati�n. M��it��ri�g; F�xbl�� Vl��r�c� �ha11 r�view �h� ���'�1' ��� ��'�E� ��rrni� c�acurn�r�ta�i�� ��i�r t� ���ar�va� �f i�n��rove�rner�t p1an� for tract �ra�ing. In��a�� H-�. Hig�-��Io��ty, ��b���l�ci�r� �t�rrn fl�w� i�t th� �a�t F�r1c �� Il��a��w �r���C �r�at� �ot�nti�1 f�r �l���ing ��d ����iv� ur�cl�rrni�ir�� �f ��r���s�c� �rnpr�verrt�r��s �nsit�. A�t���g� irr�pi�rr��n�a�i�� �f th� ��c�r�d r�du��c� d��sity d�v�lo��nent �r����a� �nr�txld �1ir��ina�e t�� majori�y of t�e site i���rovern���s adjacent to the �as� Fork o� I1��aclow Creek when �omparec� t� t.�►� �rig�nal �r�pos�c� pr���t �rt� ��rst r�d�x��d c�ensi�y c��v�l���e�t pr��o��i, �i����� �aii�� I�oad �v��1c� �r��� th� ��r��lc a�d pro����c� L�t 1�v��xlci b� 1��a��ci ir� th� g��►�r�l vi�� �'1����f�r�, �h�� i��act is ��rxsic��r�c� ��ass II, �ig-r����ar�� b�� rr�i�i�����. I1�itiga�i�r� M����xr�s I-�- ���, b� �v��xlc� r�rn�in �r����t �eq�xi�r�r�x�r�ts: �I��{�} Flo�ci Pr�t��ti�� Ni��sur�s. Th� ���rfcant ��►I1 irn���rr��r�t fl��ci pratect�on mea�ur�s ad�ressir�g �ot�r��ia� flo�� r�sks. T�es� me�s�xres s�ll in�lt���: �. ��v�l����n� a� � h�clr��x��� �oc��� of ��st ���1c iVi��clow �r��� as it flows t�r�u��► t�� �ra�t unc��r �r�����r� c�r�cliti�x�.s, 'This ��c��1 ��n�r�t�� 2►� ��cp�e�e� w�t�er stxr�ac� �1���t���► �x��d in �1�t�rrn�r��� �ity o� Arrayo �rar�rle 43 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 274 Vest�ng Terrtat��r� �ract Il�l�p �nd P.L�.�. ��-��� F�e►r�s�d Fi�al ��b�equent EI� �econd �dde�dur� Sec�nd I�edu��d Dens'r De�re�� m�nt Pro osa� �. � �� �r���r ��igh� �� �z��p�s�d ��xi�di�ng l��s s� �s t� av�ici fl��c�ir�g clurin� hi�h-fl�w �v�r��s. �"�� �x�lv�rt i� La ��n��ia ��c��r c�r�diti��s ��' S� °l �I��ka�� �h�ul�l b� iz���uc��c� i�n the rn�d�l. TTh� g��c�ing �1ar� sh��x�d �nsu�� t.�i.at �r���s�d �inish fl��r �1�v�ti�ns are at l�a�t � f��t �bov� t�� �n�d�l�� f���c� �i�v�ti�r►�. I�����r► �f �1os�arn V�1�ey I��aci ������ly "�" ��re�t� w��r� it �rosses th� East Fork IVleac�aw �r��1c s�xch �� the �� storrn pa�s�s with��� ov�r��p�ir�� �� ac��a��r�� bar�k�. ����in��� rn�int�nar��e ��an d��►wr� u�a �� in��tx�� r�g ������t ma����nan�� � �sp��i�11�r c�urirti� t�� rainy ��a��r� ��nd r����r�l �f a��urn�xl�t�c� s�c�ir���nt a�nd ci�b�is �n th� ���n��. '�"h� �n�i��er�a��� �f i�t��a� c��air�a�� ��atu��s s�l� �� th� �����ns���l�ty �������- - - - - �wners A�so��at�or� �H�A� ��� �r�v�t� �x�c��erti�s. � Ber�ef�t ���r���r�ar�e� A����srrt�r�t �i��ri�t sh�ll b� ��t �x ��r t�� 1�1�111��11�ri�� �� l �11.1��1� ��'����'�` �a��rn��� �r ���h� �f �v��. . - - - - - - - - - - - ��si�� anr� ir�sta�lati�r� a� tras� ra�ks �x�a��rea�n �f �te �u1��rt ��ntr�r���s t� less�� �h� ��sk �f ci�b�is bl�c�Cag� cixx�ir�g larg� st�r�n �v�r�ts, P�ar� R�c�uir�rr��r�t� �nd '�'i�n���: Pri�r t� rna� r���rc��ti��►, th� ���l��a�� s�a11 subrnit th� �ydra►�1i� n��c�e� �n� r�vised ����Yn� and �r�ina�� �a�an �� �h� sat�����ti�r� �� t�i� �it�r �'�xb�i� �V�rks D���rtrn�r�t. 1V�or�xt�r���: Pubii� Vl�orks sha�� �s�ect the �f�� to verif� a11 flood protectiar� �easrxres hav� b��n irn�l�rn�n�ed. Subs�c�u�xttly, th� �.air�ten.�r��� �� �1� ar�-s�te �r�ix�g� f���liti�s, �xxl��rt, bric�g�s �nc� f���cl pr�te�t��x� ���►��x��� wi�l � �hr�u�h � Ben��'�� Ma�n��n.�rt�� A���s��n�nt I��stri��. - .-� • ._. . -�----------------------------------------� �- � ... -_..------------------------------ � ��-���} ��r��rrtb�nk �T���nit�r ���nstr�x�t��n ��xid�lin��, T�� appli��r�t �ha�� l��it �r�c�ing ��nc� ��n�t�x��ior� ��tiviti�s in th� vi�i�ity �f th� �tr�arnb�n�c ����rc�ir�� �� t�e f�i��win� �uid�I��s �� a� to ��s��r� �h� ri��C �� �tr�2�rnbank �r��i�� ��n� ��s�ib�� �xnci�rmining �f �����s�d �tru�tt�r�s. T��s� guic�e�ines shall ir►c��xde: � a. A��r��ria�e �r��i�r� ��ntr�� s�ru�tur�� �hall b� in�1����i �t �h� �n��r��� a�nd ��cit �#' t�� ����r��rar��� �tru�tur� �xnd�r B1��s�r�rx �lalley �oad �forrner�y "�" ��r�et} w1�e�e it �rosses �he creel�. � �, �4�1 n������ry er�v�r�r��n��t�l p�rrr�its s�ai� �e ����i�c� ��r �r�c� ����1i�d with. '����� p�rrr�it� �1���� i��lt���, ��t ar� n�t limit�d t�, a St�rearr��ed �I��rat�on A�ree���� ��aliforni.� Depa�r��nt of Fi.sh ar�d �a�ne}, S�c�on �01 �'errnft {�t�at� �a�er �esour��s Con�rol ��ard�, a�c� � �e�t��n �04 I'�r�ni� ��T.�. Arrn�r ��rps �f En�i����rs�. P1an l���u�rern��ts an�1 T��i�g: I'rn�r t� b����g �� grac�in� ��erati�ns, th� �p����ant s��11 �b���� a�l n���s�ary ��r�it�, �ubrn�t a 1"�V15�C� �I'�C�l.i�� ��I1 ��l�Wll�� �11�11��lIII �������, anc� su�rni� d�taii�c� ��#y of Arroyo Gr�r�de 4� � Deleted: either � - � D�I�B[I: �r I1�aint�nar�e �istr`i�t. The �xair�tenan�e of a culvert or bnc��e wi�hin t�e �ast Fork of Meadow Creek sha� be #�xe respons�bility af the H��, ur�less accept�d by the C�t�y. Dei�e�l: khe r�spar�s�bi�ity of the H�A. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 275 Vesti�g T�nt�ti�r� Tra��:t IIAap arx� P.�1.�3. 0'�-0�� F�evised Final �ubs�qu�n� Elf� ��cond �ddendurn Second �educ�d Der�si D�v�lo men# Pro o�al c��sigrn� �f ����� and �e�ainin� �v��I� t� th� satis�a��i��n �� t�� �ity Pc�b1i� ��r�C� �e��rt�n�nt. M��it��i�tg: �'�i� P�x�Ii� ��rl�� I����r�rn�nt s�a�l 1Y'lS �� ��t� t� verify t�at al� s�t����C� are �b�erv�d ar�d ���xst�x�ti�r� i� earri��i ��xt �s �i��ign�� I��I'II11� �L��Il�1�S 1T11� �V� �C�C�1��I1cx� �7��I3LI� �I�C� r�r�or�i�orirxg re��xi�e�n�rtts. Ra��oru�Ie�or R�du�ed �V1i�ig�tior�. IVlitiga�ion �eas�xr� B���a} req�x�res �ha� �v�t��nd a�►d ri��r��rt �r��s be a�r�id�c� by � rr���Ynt�� �D�-f��� ��tb��1c, Thi� se�ba�1� is rn��s�rec� fr�rrt t�� ��� �f t1�� �r���C bar�lc �� ��x��r �c�g� �f rx��ri�r� �r����ti�n, w1 is gr�at�r. T�is r��tric�ion r�nd�r� It�rr� "�„ �n Ni�tig�ti�� ������� �I-���} irt�f���t�.���. A� � re�u1�, �� �t�i�lc�r� ��xt ��r�in war��d no lo�ge� i�e n�c�ssary. I�n���t I�-3. ��nstru�ti�n �f r����, �►�m��, and �th�r �tru�tur�� wi�1 in�r�a�� run�ff �r,���x��s ar��i v������i�� and �1��1� 1���I c�r�in��e�. �I�h�n ��m��r��l t� �h� �rig�al ��r�����c� ��r����� ��nd fir�t r�d���� ���.s�ty ci��r�I���n��t �r����al, i�n������xta�i�r� �f th� s�c�nc� r�c����c� d�nsity ��v�1��rn�r�� �aro����►1 w��z�c� rec1��� �t�rrnw�t�� run�ff �rx� ���►in�g� irn���ts ��x� t� �� r�du���i arr���xnt �f i�n���i��xs �x�rf���s. H�w��r�r, �his r��w c��v���pr�n�r�t �x������� �v�rxlc� ir�tr�dxx�� r��w rur�a�f �r�c� drain�g� irnpa�ts �� �n �r�� tl.i�t �s ��xrr����r t��nd�v�I���c�. As su��, t�i� irn���t z����i�s ��a�� I�, �igrttft��r�t but tr�iti�����. IV�i�i�ati�n IV�ea�ur�� I�-���, �} vv��xl�i r�rn.air� pro�ect r�q�xir�r�n���s. How�v�r, �� ����l�i be r��t�c� t.�i.a� �rair�ag� irn�a��s �����i�t�ti �nr�th th� �r�p���� pr����t t�a� w���d ��ve r�uir�� 11r�iti��t���► M�a��xre I�3-3�c� �i2�v� b��rt �c�dr��s�d �rc���h t�� ��d���gm �f t�� pro���t. �hu�, �ri�ir�al ��tigat�on IVI��s�r� � i� x�� 1�n��r r�c�uir��i: . . . . ■ � � � . J iVle��u��s �-���� anc� I����b} ar� in���c�� 1��l��nr: H-3�a� �d�quat� De�e��ion. �'�e down��ream �ieter�t�on basir� was ar►aly��d in D����b�r �� �00� b� ������ Tay��r � A�����a�es fr� �rc��r t� ci�te�rrr�i�►� if �►� basf� f� �b�� t� d�tain �t�r�nwat�r �1�w� f�r�� t1�� Ra►r��h� �r�r�c�� �'� � .� �r►d r���a�� �l�w� at rat�s �qu�1 �� �� 1��� t� �r�-���v�1��Yn�nt ��r�diti�r�s, a� �x�i�i�ally c���i�ned. `�'�� �r��aort sta�e� �xat t�� ��ci��in� r�tarc�a�i�xt l��sYn �ar� be u��� t� ���tur� �i1t �r�n� �e st�rrn ru��f� �� ���r ��c���rating t� b�sin b�ttorn be1�w t�� l��vest ��xt��t ����r�►�io�. As su�1�, ����r t� tr�c� i�xt����r�rn�r�ts, t�e J�rn�� �V��r c���ert�i�� �a�in ��a�1 �e ��st�r�r� basecl �x� t�� ��xrr�r�t r���x�� b� �TA �r�f�r t� App�nc�i�c J�. A�corc�in� t� �h� ��r�dit���►� �� Appr�val r►�mb�r ,�� f�r t1�� �������rn�n� �� �'r��� ��34, t1�� ��r�n��wn�rs' As����ati�r� s�a�1 x��ir�ta��n th� ba��.r► �r�� ��h�r ort-��t� d�'air�a�� f������i�s. �i �r�i�a�� P�an. For tra�t �r�d in�i�v�c�uall�t �r�ir�a��, a��1 rur��f� w���r fr��n irn��r�ri��xs ar�a� ��a11 �� ���v�y�� �� s�x�fa�� or uncl���r��c� �����xits, c���b1e �f ���v�ying t�� ��U e��nt, �� ��ci�ting ���irrag� ��ar��1�, A11 �rx�n�ff fr�rn �►�tt�ral area� �t�r���t�� b� �ity of �rroyo �rar�d� 4� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 276 Vesting �e�ta�iv� T� �1ap and P. �J. �. �� �001 F�e�rise�d �ina� �ubsequ��t E�F� �eoond Ad��nd�rrn �e��nd R�duced D�nsi De�r�l� m��� Pr� o�a� �������ci �rnpr�v��x►��#� �h�ll �� ���att�r�c� ��� ��n�r���d ar�ur�d or �►rougi� d�v��opec� are�s by � drainage �ysten� �a�ab�� o� conveyir�g �� �I�-�ear �v�r�t. �r�si�� ��ntr�� s�ru�tt�r�� �ha�� �� ��sta�l�� �t a1i �i�� �utlets �r�d ��h��r pl���� w��r� �rain�g� fl�ws a�r� ��n�e���te�. In ����t��n, �irair s��ll b� �����st�r�� with �ppr�vec� dr�ir�ag� pla� that ���ude: a. L����i�rts �nci dirn��sians of a� �r������ ci�aix���� ��xr���n���s; b. Arr���n� �� wat�r that is �a��x��d �� t�� dr�iu���� �y�ter�n �t a�1 �r��ry �o�nts �. Arn�ur�t �� wat�� ci���ha�g��i b�r t�►� c�r�ir�a�� �y�t�rr� �� �utl�ts. ��tp��� �-I-�, �'he ��canci r�d���d c��r�s��y ��v���prn��� pr���sa� c��xid �r�d�x�� �� c���li�y �� �urfa�� wa��r fl�wir�� t� ��f��t� ��ra�.a�� ���ilxt��s ���au�� �f th� ��n�� ir� l�rtc� u�� fr�rn ���r� ��a�� t� r�sic���t�al c���r�i�pn��r�t. �lth�u�h �� �urrent c��v�l�prx��r�t pr�p���1 w��1cl redu�� �is �rnpact w��� ���n��r�c� t� th� �r�gina� �r������ �r���t cirx� t� th� ��r�ral� ���r��ti��n �f �i�v�l��n��r�� irtit�rtis�ty, �i� x��mai�s a���►�� �I, �i�r����;ar�� b�.�� rnx�i����� �rn���t. ��t��ug� th� �p���cant ha� �r��ar�ri a�raft ���rrnwat�r I��llu�i�r� Pr�v�nti�r� P�ar�, thi� P1�r� is �r�1�r a c�ra�t �r�c� th�r����� Nli�ga��r� Iv��a�ur� I� w�u�c� z���aix� a�r����t ��c��x��r����t: H�{a} �#�rrn �Vat�r �I�iar�a��n�er�t �'lar�, A ���� �at in��rp�r�t�s �N�s �'�r th� l�ng�t�rrn ���rat��n �� �x� �i�� s�t��11�� c���r�l����i ��c� irn�I��n�r���c� �y t�i� ��?��1��1I�� �O II71Il1I��I�� ��7� �IIII�UlI� �� �3���1��I��S �1� 7I'� W21S�1� �I'�I�1 �1� �1� T�� ��a� ���1� b� ���e1��a�ci in �����r�ti�� �vit1� th� �ity �f Arro�ro �r2�n�� ��c� �h� ���tr�� ��a�� ��gi�r�a� V1��ter ��x���t�r ���n�r�� B��r�. Exarnp�e� �f ��I�IPs listec� bel�w whi�h ���ly t� t�� ��velaprrt�x�t �# t�� �i�� rnay �e �r�c��c�ecl i� t�t� �1ax�: ���catxor� � ���r��i1 a�1 �t�x�rr� �1r�i� i�nlets ar�c� ���� �igx�s �1��� ��an��1s �� c�is���r�g� c�u�rx�ix�g by in�o�.nil�g t�e pu�ric t�t w�ter �Iows �o t�e ocean. • Fr�vic�� �d�x�ati�r�a1 f1�er� �� ���h r��w b�ilc�ing uni� r����rding t��ci� e��r�ni��1� ��� �lt�rnati�r�� f�r ��x�ti�����s, p�sti��c��s, �1��►�i�� ��I�xtiorxs ar�d aut�rn�tiv� �r�� ���nt pr���x�ts. • Fr�vi�� ��x�ati�r��►1 fly�rs �� �a�� n�vv b�i1��g r���t r��ardin� �r���� di��osa� o� ha�ardaus wast� ��nd automa�ive �as�e. Saurce Reduc�ior�/�ect�c�ir�g • D�v����r�n�r�t �� �� i�n��grat�� ���t �n����rnen� �r��r��n ��r Iar�c�s�a��d �r�a� �� t�� pr���t. Th��� ar�a� w���� in�l�x�� s1���-sta�il�zati�r� lar�cl����in�, a�nd re�id�rtta.a� �r�� 1anc�s�apix�g. ��tegrat�c� ��st �nar�ag�ran�x�� ��n�ha����s �h� u�� �f bi�l��ica�, p��si�al, a�c� c�x��ur�1 ���ntr��� rath�r t�x�r� �h�n�i�a1 ��n�rols. ��c�rn���s ir��1u�� �x�� �F �rxs�c� r��istar�t c�xltiv�r�, m�r��xa� w�ec� ��rxt��l, ��� �� ��ta���s��� thres�ol�s ��r ���ti�i�� an�i h�rbi�ic�� �������►�i�n, u�s� �f ����i�al ��r��r�1� tha� b�gir� pr�f���r�tially �vi� ci���r��ati�n� dx��ts, ��ns��ti��c�a� s�a��, l��ri� ��i� p�wd�r, h��t���xltXxral oi��, �r�c� �yr�t�rin-ba��� �.secti�id�s, City of �4rroyo Gr�r�de �6 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 277 V��in� Tent�ti�r� Tr2��t M�p ��xi P.�.1.D, �'I-�01 ���ri�ed Final �ubsequent EIF� �econ� Addendurr� �ec�nd Ft�du�ed Der�si ��ve�a �en� Pr� osal C�ea�. i r��/ �Irla� r� �er� a�.ce • I��utir�� ���a��►g �f ��r��ts, �arl�i�g l�ts a�d s��rm c�rai�s. R�gu1�r rn�ir�t�r�ar��� anc� �1�aning �f �a�c�► b��ins, anci d�t�r�ti�n �a��r�s �u � a . _ _ �� - �e�: �� � ���. ��n�f�t IV��int����e �s����r�n�r�t Dis�ri�t. - -- - - - � � - - - - S�r�.�ci�ra� �'re��me �V1e��ods �'�i� pr�p�s�d ��t�l� ���ins �h�u1� �� ���ig,r��d f�r �t�xrm w�t�r qu�li�y ���tr�l �����s�� �n ����rc��r�c� with th� �alif��rti� BM�''s ��ne1b���C. T�� �a��� b��i� �v�rxid ha�r� f���i1 fi1��r in�erts or b� �esig��d wi� � nativ� ��i� �r �anc� ��tt�� t���d b� � �n��n��xr� �f �i�c ��h�� �f f��at �o�k �ov�r�d by ��hi�lcen wire grate. Vl�at�r �eav�s t�e sand �ottom �atch b�six� �ria an ur�d�r�rour�d reinfor��c� �on�r��e pip� covered b�r a ca��1� ���irt tr�� th�� pr�vents fi�atabl� rr��t�rial fr�rn er�terin� in�� t� ����har�e �i�e. �ii an� gr�ase f����s, �nc� �� w�u1c� be ���tu��c� �y t1�� �ra�. ���v�r �r�a��� r�nat��i�l, ��di���t ar�d rrx�be� �v��xlc� f��l t� th� ��tt�rx� �f t�� �it ar►c� �ls� ���xlci n�� b� c�is�l�a�r��cl thr��x�h th� pip�. Af ter t�� storrrt wa��r �rains �rom t�� ��t�� ba�irt, x�.atur�l �i�l�g���� ��t��r� ���x�a��� �� ��gani� ��t�ri�ls ���n�ain�d ir� t�� tra�. T�is s�rv�s t� �ff�c�iv�r� r�c���� t�� �rx��ux�t �� �����xtant� tha� ��rxld ���rwis� �rxter th� cx�eek. ���e�t�c� �w�l�� xr��y b� ir�����ora��c� in t�� �i�e 1a���� t� b� u��� �� � �to�'rnwa�r qua�it�y mana��rnextt te�h����x�. IVI���t�r�ar►ce o� t�e ��t�h b��irts �r�d �r�g�tat�c� sw�1�s wo�1� be r�q�ir�d �� �l�r�►ina�� th� ��t�ntial for oc�or �r��l�xxt�, p�r�vi�i�n �� rn���uit� ��bitat, ��►d t� ���v�nt ����ging. I���r��r�ti�� �f t�� a��r��ari�te BIV�P's �►1or�� with � mai������� �r�� ���ra��ior� ���r� w�u�i� �e�it��� t�i� �rn�unt of eurrent artd �ot�r�t�ai �xt�xre polluta�ts d�s�ha�g�d ��n�o th� �re�k and pr�te�t ���i�st �ai��xr� �f �e ���t�r�t. Plan R�c��ir����tts �� Timir��: A drain��� ��a�► �nrhi�� ir���rp�ra�es th� above arxd ir�c�ud�s a n��i�te�anc� ar�d irxspection �rogr�rn to �nsure pro�e� fur►�t���in� ��a11 he ���rnitt� ��r th� �p�li�ar�t �ri�r t� �����v�l f�r r�vi�w ��►d ��a�r�va�1 b� th� �z�y ����unit� �ev�l��rn�nt anc� �'ublic ��rks ���ar�ment�. Fla�s ���ll b� ��brnitt�� t� �'lan��r�� ar�c� Fui1�i�� ��r r�vi�w ar�c� ��a�aroval �ri�r t� ���ar�val �f La�ci �.J�� P�rrnit� ��r tr��t grac�ir�g anc� rna� r����c���i�r�. 1Vi��it��ri��: T�� �it�r �ornm���ty ��v���prr��r�t a�c� Pub1i� �V�r�C� �]�p��rtrn�nts �ha�� �n��x�� irr�p��rnentati�� pri�r to o��u��x���. Lar►d U�e I����t i�U �irni��� t� tl�� ��ri��al �r������ ������t anc� fir�t ��d�x��d d�nsity �ev�l��rn�r�t p����sa1 t1�� �ec�r►c� ��d���d c��nsity �i������rnen� �r���sal w�xxlc� r��t �i�r�c�� an establis�i�c� c�rnrxtun�ty �r�d w���c� b� ��r�s��i�r�c� c�rnp�tibl� �v�th s�rr�un�iir�g r�sfd���iallan� txs�s �u��ect �� ��r�cii�ions �f ����'�val. �rr��a��s ��1��e�I t� ��ng-��rxr� ��rn�at��i�ity w��xld be �1a�� I��, I��� ��ar� �igr�����r�t. I�� rni�ig�ti�r� rn����xr�� �r� r��u��'�d. ��ty o� Arroyo �rar�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 278 Iles�in� Ter�tativ� Trac:t �1r1ap �r� P.�.D. �1-��1 ���rised Final �ut�qu�nt ��� ��cond Add�n�ur� ����nd ��du�ed �n�i ���rel� rnen# Pr� o�al �rr��aact I�L�-�. �lt��u�� t1�� s���rtd r��u��� de.x�sity c�ev�l��arn�nt �������1 w�xx�c� ��I�xci� a �r�at�r �rn�unt �f �nci�v�����c� �p�n s���� ��si�e w��n ��Yn����� t� t1�� �rigin.a� �r���s�� �r���ct ���°�6 ��r�r�par�c� �� ��°l�� �rtci � s1i�h�Iy �r��ter �rnour�t co�n���r�d t� th� fir�t r�d�x��d densit�r d������rr�er�� �ar���s�l �84��6 �orn�a�r�d t� ��°��, #�i� �r���s�1 �v�r�i�i sti11 �eplac� s�rn� �per� ��a�c� ar�a wit� r�sid�ntia� c��v�1�p��r�t. T�is ��u1� �inc��� t1�� ��hi�v��n�nt �f a► ����r�nt ���r► �p��� n�tw�rlc f�r �ff-r�ac� �rai�s an� �vil�l�.f� xr�igratiar� t�at �a1c�s rxs� �f th� �xisting �r�inag� ��r����. '�'��r�f�r�, irnpa�t� r��n�izt �l�s� Ii, s�g�.��c�a�.� bu� rr�t�ig��I�. IVI�ti��tior� M�asur� �.L�-2��} would rernair� ���qt���erne�t f or �ro�ec� imp�e�ner�ta�ion: LCT Tr�il A���ss '�'h� �������c� ������� ��a11 ir���uc1� provi���r�s �or irn�r�v�d x�u��i-gurp��e �p����triar�, �����I�� �1'LC� �C�����1"1�1'l� ��1�I1� �1'��1� �1����� �'h� tr�i� ��s���nts ��1I b� �itu�t�� �� �11�w a�c��� a��n� t�e ��n�ral ���gn���r�� �f th� E��t ��r1c �f 1VIea�1�w �r��1� ar�d �1�e �n-�i�e �raina�� tr�but�ry a�d oa�C wood���d exter�dir�� to the east to �oru��ct to �he �Iicic��n �al�� s�h��I �it�, st��� that �t ��x���rts any ����ntial �f��rt at �i�y�vi�� �r�����►ti�r��l �n�i �i���x��ti��n tra�I ����ss a1�ng �p�n ��aa�� ar�c� d�ai�age areas. I�n��ct LLT-�. �in�ila�r t� th� �r�gi�l �����s�ci �r����� an� first red���d ��n�it�r c��vel��rn�n� �r�����1, tl�� ����r�c� �r�c��x��ci d�r�si�y c��v���prn�r�t �ar���sai w�u1d ir��luci� �r�sit� ���str�x��i�n a��i�ity t�a� ��t�ld �r�a�� terr�p�rary nai�e �r�� air qu��it� �xr����ts ��x� t� �� txs� �f ��nstr�xc�i��n �qxxi�rr��r�t �r�c� g�r�erat��n �� fugit�v� �i�x�t. �'���� ���ec�s ��x�1d ��u�� ann��ar��� �� r��z�hl��r��ng p����rti��. Th� addi�i�r��1 grac�in� anc� fi11 ��x�r�ntly �r�p���c� c��x1� ��ner�t� ac�diti�nal sh�rt-t�rrn du�� �nci rt��s� ��xri�� ��ns�ru�tiar�. �I��v�v��, be��us� th� �e��r�d redu�ec� d�rrsit� ��v�������� pr�pa��►1 w��1d �1ix�nixta�e �1 �f t�� �ri� �r������ r�����n��s �n�i f� �f th� r��ic��n�e� �r������ � th� ��r�t r�ducec� c��nsity �1�v�1�����►t �r���sa1, �� �v�ra�Il �rnpa�� woui� l�� �����►tl�r r�du��d. [J��rx irrt����er�t�ti�r� �� s�andar� rx�i�i��ti�r� rr��as�r�� requir�d b� �ity ��d �1P�� a�apr�v�is, irn�a�ts �w��x�c� b� �1�►�s II�, ���� �hat� si�r����ar��. Tra n s p o r� a t� o�I'raffi c I�xtp��t T�I. ��v�lo�arnent �� th� �rigi�al �ar��as�c1 pr����t vv��xlc� r��u�1t ir� �1n� ���iti�� �� �1� �rr�ra�� daily tri�s, �71�.�. ��al� ��ur trip�, �x�d �11'.IV1. �a��1� �xa�r tri�s t� th� stuc��-ar�� r��d�a�r� a�nc� i�n��rse��i�r��. As �iis��x�s�d in t1�� ���ri��� Fin�� �E�R t���� t�af��� ���r�1s a1�x�� w��xld r��t ��c�ee� r��d�vay �� inter�����n L�� ��ar�c�arc��. �'�� ��x�rr�r�t �rop�sal in�l�xd�s �1 ���w��r ur�its �ar� t1'te �r�g�nal �r�p���c� �r�j��t �►�d � few�r unit� th�r� th� fir�t r�c�u���i ��nsi�y ����l�pm�r�t �r���sal. This r�c�ucti�n in d�nsi�y c��v�1��r���� w�u1d r�c�u�� �xx��a�ts t� �e �tudy-�►rea r��c�v�r�y� �rxd inter�e�ti�ns ��l�x�iv� t� b�� �r�v��u� pr�������. A.s wi�h �� �ri���I �r�p���d pr�j��� ��� �h� firs� r�c�u��� ��x�si�y ��v�1���n��t pr��o�a1, 11�iti�ati�n IVi�a�u�� T- �1��} w�u1� �� r�q�x�r�d t� r�cl��� ixx�pa��s t� a 1�s� t�ar� �ig�ific�r�t 1�v�1 T-1�a�� ��ir ��a�� Tra��'i� ll�iti�ati�r� ����. T�i� �ity �� ��rr�yo �r�r�c�� Ca���al Irnpr�v�rn�nt �r��r�Yn ir���u��� ��r���c� ta irtstal� traf�i� �ign�ls �t �� ir�t�r������n �� C�'an�in� IV������i� f�Nest �r�x��h �t�r��t. T�i� �r����t ���li�a�nt s��I1 pr��rid� �air ��ar� �r�ff�� �niti��t��x� fe�� t� instal� tr�ffi� si�nal�. �Vi�� �� ir�tal�a�i�� �f ���ffi� �igmals, t�� int��s��ti�r� w�u1c� �i#�y of Arroya �r�r�de �8 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 279 Ve�#ir�� Tenta#ive Tr��t N�ap and P.IJ.D. �1-��1 F�e�rised �in�� ��bse�quer�t EI� ��cand �d��ndur�r� �e��nd F��du�ec� Den�i Devel� ment Pro os�l �p�rat� �����t�bly � t�� L� � ��r��� wi�h E�c�sti��� + P�����t �r�c� ��x�x►ul�tiv� -� Pr����t t���fi� �a1�n���. �'�a�t R�quiren��nt� a.n� T'�r�tirt�, Prior t� f�al �na� re��rc�a�i�n, t1�e ap�����r�t �ha1i �r�vid� �e�s a��c���t� t� ��� f�r t1�� �xppli�a�nt's �r�;x�at� �har� f�r t�� ir�t������i�r� �ignali���i�rx. ���nstru�ti�r� �f �,� txaf�ic �i�nals ��a1i �c��r ��� �����v�d p�ans ��►� ��xrt���t�ci �r ��n�ed ��r �ri�r to f�r��l rn�� ����rc�at��r�. If ��nclin� is �����n, �h� ix�t�����ti�� �ign�ls ��a�1 �� ���r�#����1 �r��� �� i��u�n�� �� �� �irs� build�� ��rrnit f�r � ��s�ci���ial stru�ture, Nf �n�t�rirxg: T�� �it� ��a11 rn��nit�� ��r��li�r���. ��p��� �'-2. De�relo�ment o� �h� originai pro�osed pro�e�� was d�t�rn�ined �o gen�rat� pa�r�Cit�g c��rnar�d� irx ��c���� �f �h� �x����s�d p�r�Cing �u�pi� r��u�t�n� in ��ssib�e spill�ver ��r1�ir�� in �f��ite I��ati�r�s. T�xis wa� ��nsic��r�d ���ass II, sigr����ar�� ��t rr�iti�a�I�, i�����. T�� f��s� r�dtx��� d�nsity ��������n�z�t p������1 f�1fi11�c1 ap�li�able re�uirernents. �ir�ti�ar��, �h� �e��r�c� r�ciu��c� densit�r cl�v����rn�r�t �r���sa1 ir����xc��� �� �f� str��� p�rl�ir�g ����s anc� 1� ��t-s�reet ��r�Cin� ���t�, �h�r�b� fu1fi11�rxg Nii�i�at��n IVie�sur� T -��a�. Mit��ati�n i� rto 1�n��r r�quir�d and irnpacts are �lass II�, ��ss thar� sig����ar��: i . . . � . • • 1 � ■ w F i � ■ � ■ * * ; ! � W W i t � i � � 3 3 i # t f # R �s � i . ■ w � � . � i +■ � ■� r y ■ # � � ■ . i i : : `. � w" r' . . : : � i � i � i i � * � i � T ■ � � t i t W * # i i i . ■ � r t • r � � ��• i � ■+ r • �� .■ f ■� � • • � � � r • �� . � . . r f � � � r ■ w ■� �■ • � � ■ � + � r � r + ■ • • a r * s � ■ ■+ s � ��� + . a t � w � �rnpa�� �'-�. ��v��oprn��t �f t�� �r��l �r���s�d �r�jec� �v�u1�i ��st��� �n t�� �c�diti�r� �f ��� av�ra�� daily trips,l7 A.IVI. �eak �a�xr tr�ips, and 2�1 P.IVI. peak hot�r t�ps to �1 st�xd�-�r�a road�vay� �r�c� i�t�rse�ti�ns ur��l��r c�x�rx�a�iv� ��r�c�iti�r�s. �'l�i� �v�t�l� ��ntribute t� ��c���c�a���� �� ��nt�r���ti�� L�S st�r�ciarci� a� th� ����n� �Vier�a►c�a f�. Bran�h� ��r��� int�rs���iort. �'h� fi�r�� redu�ed de�s�ty c��ve�aprnent propos�a� wot�ld r�su�� in si�g�tly f�w��r t�i�s. A��oug� th� se�or�d r��t��ed c��r�sit� e1ev�l��rxt��t ������a� wau�c� re��1t i� f��r�� ���rag� d�i�� �x�� ����C �o�xr �ri�s �vh�r� ��n�par�d �� t�� �rigin�I �r���s�d �r�j��� ax'►� th� fir�t r����d ��nsit� ����l�pm�n� pr�p���I, �m�a��s w�u1c� r�rr��ix� �l�s� IY, sigr�i�x�a�n� ��� rni�t�����. Irn�a��r�n�nt��i�r� �� I1���igati�r� ����rx�r� T��1{a� �s�� ab�v�� w��x��i r�d�c� irn���t� �� ����s than �ignifi��nt ��v�I. ��b�i� ��rvi��s Irn�a�t F���. Deve�aprn�nt of tl't� o� �roposed proje�t �nd t.�� first r�duce� d��sity d��r�lo�rn�r�t �r���sal w�t��c� ��r�tri��t� �o �itywicie �ur�t�xla�i�r� cl�rnands f�r ������ �r�t��ion servi�es. I�owever, it would not co�mpror�tiise resportse ti.�� goals or s�b�st.a.�ty.al��r af�ec� t�e ��r��r���, ec�rxi�rn�r�t or �r��r�i��#��n �� �� Po�i�� ��parkrn�nt. As su��, t�i� �e��r�c� redu�eci cl�nsity �������rn�nt pr�p���l ��v�i�� includ�� ��1 ����r rxr�i�s �ian t�� ��ig�ir�.a� �ro����� �r��ec� ��►d � f��v��r �xr�its th.an �h� first r�dxxcec� c��xts�ty c��v�l�pm�r�t �r���sal� wo�rcl �ixx�z��r��r re�ult in �Jty of Arroyo �r�n�fe �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 280 V��tin� T�nta�ive Tract f�ap �nd F'.EJ.D. ��-��t ��vi�ed Fina� �ubsequen� EIR �eco�nd �dd��durn S��or�d Red�c�c� D�ens� Develo �n�nt Pro osal ��as� I��, I�s� �har� sagnx��ar�� irn�a�#�� ��t�►��x�l� irn�ach� w�u�d b� 1��s than s�gr�.ifi�a�t, th� P�li�� ��partrn��t r����rnenc�s that s��xxrity �n��s�xr�� be in��r��rat�c� ir�t� �orn� c���ign. N��vl�r cor�.��r�x�t��i ��r�t�� �hali in�l�xd� ap�r�p�ia�� ������ty h�rc�war�, s��� as �o�n� alarrns, c���x�l� ��in� wi.r��i��nrs, ��c� ����i bolts �n e�ct�ri�r do�rs; irn�l����n� ���s#�u�t���► ���l�ti�u�� whi�� ��mpiy wit.� t�� �ity's IV1�xn��ip�1 ���� r��at�g t� r��ici�nt�a� �ec�xrity, ar�c� �x�iri�e a��ar��ri�t� �ite ci���g� �nc� b�ildin� la���x� tha� p�r���t�s �rin�� ���v��ti�r�. Se��rity ��ature� s�i.a11 be ir��e�r���d �r�t� r��id�r�tial d�s�� star���rc�� ��r t� pr�j��� �r�c� appr�vecl �� �h� �ity �'�lfc� �hY�f. �rn���� P�- �'�,� �r���r�a1 p������c� �r��e�t �r�ci the fi��� r�ciu�ed cl�rtisity d�v�l��rne�,� �r�����I v��ulc� r���I� in ar� in�r���d c���nar�� f�r fir� �r�t�t s�ervi��s �r� an ar�a ��a�r��t��i��d b� hig� f��� �a���d�. ���h��x�h th� s���nci ��c�rx��d c����ity c���r�l��rr���t �r�p�s�� wou�d �.�►cl�xde �1 �ewe� un,its tha� the o�igir�.al p�ro�os� ��o�ect anc� � few�r �ni� t�an �i� first r�du��� ��r�sity ��v����rn�r�t �r����al, th� site r��n�i�s �t r�sl� �� ��r� �►��a�ds c��x� t� t�i� ��si�� ��nc�iti�r�s ��s�rib�d in th� R�vi��ti Firx�1 ��IR �r►� iz���r��r���d ir��� �h� Fir�t Adci�r�c��r�. Thi� is a����s II, �igr�i��ar�t br.�t rr�i�iga�I� �Ynpa�t. I1�itr'�at��n IVlea�ur�� P�-���-�� w�u�� r�n�ai� ������t r�uir�rn�r��s: P� Fi��f V���t�#�or► M�������t� �1a�, Th� ������ant shall d��r�l�p a ve��tafi�r� r�na�ag�x�n�x�t ���►n ��d f �� ��x�i �n�dific��i�r� �1an ��r t1�� �it�. T�� ��1�owir�� f��1 rrt�c�ifi��t��rt s�����i���i�ns ar� r�qu�r�c� • T"�e p�ax� must s�t fo�t�r r�c�ui�erne�ts to assure ongoi�g �rat�tio� o� �II �tru�tur�s �nd r��ds, ��th �r��r t� anc� aft�� 1�t �a���. • Th� �1ar� s�ia11 r�quire �� f��t �� a���t���� ���arar�c� fr�rn �r�x�l� t� �tru�� t�r�����ut th� c����1�pYn�r�t. • �n-sit� ���u��nts s��ll �x�t �lear v����ati�x� �u�s��� d�����rtat�c� �I�ar�nc� ar�� b�ur►�����s in �rd�r t� lirni� irr����ts t� �.ativ� �abita�. •��r� r��i�t�nt lands��pir�� t�i.at i� ���n��tibl� w��h s�zrro�r�c�ixtg ��nsiti�re r��ti�v� s������ sl�ould be us�c� thx��xgh��xt th� proj��� sit�. • V���tat��r� w�t�i�n �e £irs� � ���� �f a�l s�r�ctur�� rxxu�� �� �tr���Iy ir��g��e� ��d ����r�1��c�, with ����ifi� s�b �pe�i�s �lirani�at�c�. �� ��nif�r ���c���� IV��x�t�r�� �in�, s�r���e s�e�ixxt�r��, ��x��lyptu�, �xxrtii��r, �y�r�s�, parn�a� ��ra�s� ��a�ia, �r ��lrn t���s ����x1c� b� �►11�w�d �vi�ir� t�� ��-fo�t ��n�. ����i�i� �iv� ��1� �(,�u�r�r�� ��.�, �a�if�r�ia �y�a�n��r�, T��r�r� ar�d ��r�ubs��r��� �ppr�v�d by t�� �i� Fi�� ����rtm�r�t �nrill b� a����ta��� wit�i.in t�� ��-���t ��r��. • T�� �lan shail o�zt�in� fu�1 �n�cii���a�i�n �p��ifi��ti�ns sr��� �s: - ��a���s s�a�1 b� �ut c��wn t� � 1�ngt�r �� 4 �n���s �r l�s� ���r1� �� �� r�q�ired by t1�� ��ty �f Arr�y� �ranc�� Fi.�� ���a��m�n�. - ��tr�x�� t�r�ci�r �a�C� ��c1 v►���i�►1� f��� �f �r�� �������� ��all b� pru���d t� ��dtx�� �r�lur�rze anc� n� �h�x� shal� b� rer�rx�v�c� �vith�rxt t�� a��rova� of the �-i�A cles�gn �ornrnitte�. - �ak tree �irnb� t� �� ���sid�r�c� f ar �ern���l s��l� be 1��s t�xan � ��c��� ir� cii�x��t��r �vit�in � feet �f' th� �r�rx�d. Bran���� r�nus� be �1�f��a�c� f�r rnul�h ��c� ��f� �r� �i��. Cit�r o� Arroya �rar�de �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 281 Il�stin� Terr�ativ� Tract N�a�p �r�d P. U. D. 0� -��1 F�e�rised Fin�l �ubs�quent EIF� ��cond Adder�durE �ec�nc� F��du��d D�nsi D�ve�� rrwer�t Pr� a�a� - T��� wi� g�as� �r�wirt� ��n��t� �n�y �►�� xt���i �rur�in� �xn1��� t�� iirnbs touc� �ie gra�xr�d. The�, aliow�b�e �iz� �ranc�►es shali b� r�rna��d to prov�d� ���arax�ce. - T��e� an� �hrub� ��n���h �r a�j����� t� �� �an��� �h�ll l�lc�wi�e �►v� lirnbs 2����� �r ���� r�r�navec� ur�til �1������� i� a�hi�v�c� bet�v�n canop� and �hrtxbs. - �f sh��xb� o��r�� wi�hin open ar�as a�xtside a��-foot �one arounc� tr�es, �e� shall r��na� � t��ir ��c���g f�rrn. ��rn� s��rub� �r� this �r�� rx�ay b� ir�cii�at�d i�n �� fi�i�1 t� b� t��r��c�. - I�ern�val �f Ia���r �ree ��r�b� �ver � u����� �r� cliarn�t�r w��l� p��e a h��ard o� are wit�in 4 f��t of v�r�i�a� ���a�r�n�� �a�e rnust be �ppr�v�d by an arb��i�� �all �v��r�C �r� anc� �r��x�d ��ci�tin� �al� tr��s �l�a�l ���f��rn� �� t�� ��r��iiti�r�s �f �� �ity of Arr�y� �ranci� ��rrtrrtunity Tr�� �rc�in���� ���1 A11 �runiY of ��1c tr��s ��ia11 b� sup�rvi��d by � c�rtified arborist txsing ISA approve� �runir�g s�a�c���ds. A11 ��x�I �n�dif�c�ti�r�s sha11 b� c�nsist�r�t w��h mi���ti�n r�t��sur� �-�{a} ��isrno ��ark�a �voidart��}. T�� F�r� f�����at���►1V��n�g����t P�an �n�xs� ���ar1�r stat� ��ca��1�r wha� rna�nag�rn�n� prac�i��s must �e accoxr►p�is�e�, dafie o� a��x�l ��rr���i.ar���, �►�►�i ��s���sibil��y f�r ��st �f �ornp�iar��e. T�� plan xx�u�t a1�� ���l�xd� a'�Tilcilar�d Ern�r��r�c� Resp���� ����kl��t ����r���� ��r �ity �� �rr�yo �r�ncie Fir� ����rtm��t� t� b� r�a�� availa�l� t� �lI r�s�c��r��s. P1art R�c��xir�r�n��ts an� Timir��. Pri�r �� a��r���l �� t���� �rnpr�ve�n�rtts �r�� �t�� �r���r�ati�r�, t� a��1���xr� s��ll st���'nit p1a�s f�r re�iew and a�prova� by th� Ar�royo Grand� Fir� I�epa�rtYn�r�t, w�ic� ��n��r��rat� �eir r���rx�xr►����t����, fr���uclit�g f��1 �n��1�����ti�r� specifi���io��. iVi��it�rir��. T�� Arr�y� ���nd� ��r� D�partrn�nt a.x�� f�r ��rnrnur�it�r ��v�l�prr��x�t F3�p�►r�rn�r�t �r�c� ��i�t�i�tg ���risi�� ��ar� veri�y ��rn�l�a��� wi� �� �p���v�� �Ia�s. P�-�{�� R�a�c� �rl���t1�, L�n�hs, ��d Fi�� k��c�rarrt�. R��c� wicltl��, l�x�gths, ar�c� �ir�ul�ti�r►, �s w�ll �� t�� p1a��rn�r�t �f �ir� �yd��►r��s ����� be c���ign�d W1�1 �1� �Li1C��I1�� �� �� t�I'1'��O C�I'�IIC�� �1�'� ���7�I'�1�11� A �roac� sy�t�r�n that �1��ws u�hir�r����ci Fir� �ep�►r�m�nt a����� a�d mar��x�r��rir�g c��xring �r��r��n�ie� s�a11 b� ����ri�i��. �p��i�i�ally, t�� f����win� rn����x�r�� ar� ��q�xir�d: Fr����t r�a�� rnrx�t 1� �r� a1i w�ath�� ��xr�a�� �� 1���t �� f��t � wic�� �x��bstru�t�ci by ��rlci�ng. ��x1-c��-���� ar�� t�xrn��xts rn��� be �� Fir� L7e�artrnent st�r�da�ds. �f �h� roac�s are to be a�r�iva�e system, the�re rx�u�� �� �n���ir��,1��a1�y ����ir�� �r��ri�i�ns in ���'��t t� �mair�tai� t�� I'O�C�� �� �1�'� ���3I'�17'��I�� T�111�C� I��T��S �'1#]I �� Af70]I� �r�c��?f1@ �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 282 1lesting Ter�tat�ve T��ct �I�la�� and P.�,�. �1���1 F���rised Final �ub�equ�nt ��� ��co+�d Add�r�dum ���ncf F�edu�ed �ensi D�vel� rt��r�t Pro asa� Roa� g���es on a11 raads sh��I no� �xc�ed 16 ��, per the Uniforrn F�re ��d�, H�x��� r��rx�b�r� ar►� �tr��t �ig� ����1 �e �i����ci t� �ity� ��and�r�1� �� tha� �rr��r��n��r �r��i�I�� �r�����ing ��I��� arY�i �rnb�l�n��s �ar� I��at� r��i�1�n��s in �� ��r��t �f �n� err►erg�n�y. �1� fix� ���aratus a����s roa�s an�i �riv�w��� ��ia�1 b� ��sign�d ��� ��i�tair�ed �a �u���r� t�� i�m��s��i I��d� �� �� t�r�s at �5 rn��, �r�d �hai� b� �r�vic��� wit� � sur�a�� �� as �� ��r��id� �I� �riv�rx� ��p���1i�i�s. Plaxt I�eqxxir�rn�r�t� ar�� T�rn�n�. Pr��r �� appr�v�1 �f tract i����v�rr��n�� ancl �n�►� r�c�rda�i�n, �� ap�li��►�t sha�� su��rx�it ��ans f or �ev�ew a�t� �pprovaY �y t�� Arroyo �ra�nde Fire �e�a�t�ne�tt whic�t in���rp��r�t� th�i� r����x��1��i�n�, in��uc�in� r�a�w�� c�es�gm, �d�q�xat� site ac�ess, anc� t�i� �Ia��m�nt af fir� �ydrant� th�rot�gho�xt t�� s��e. M�nit�r���, Th� Arr�y� ��an�� F'ir� ��p�rtm�nt, ��rn�n�.u�i�y ��v�����n�r�t ��p�rtm�r�� anc� B�x�lc�in� ��vis���► ��a1� v�r ��n��liar��� wit� t.� a��r�v�c� ���ns. P� �tr��t�ra1 �a��guarc�s, �trin��r�t �tru�tura� s����u���i� t�a� w�rx�c� reduce t1�� need for rapic� r�s�on.se of fixs� a�arm f�re resou�ce� wi�� b� ����xi���i. In ��n��a�, thi� �v�t�Id r�qx�ir� th� �xs� �f c�r�stru�ti�n r�n�►t�ri��� t�at �o�Yc� survive a wi1�l�xt� ��r�. �� w�ul� ���� in�l�xd� �nstaliat��� �f fir� ��r�klers �n any 1o�s ������ed �� r�ad� th�� �r� 1�s� �ha� �� ��t ��xrbit��c�rb. H��s�s 1�cat�d �n fi�� ��ts �� #h�s� ����s��� �� �r�v�way� �t����r tha�. �� °l� ��a�l �e ��ns�ru���d wit� aut�rna�i� fir� �prink��r �y�t�r�s, ar�d b� sub�ect to a�provai an� �estir�� ��r the ��.�re �hief. A� �urr�r�t�y r�quir�ci b� th� ��ty �� �1 ����r� �r�n�� Fir� ���e ��e�tion 902.�.��, �t i� �xp�c�ed ��t a f�r� t�.i��C ��rx�c� ��#er th� �r���s�c� subdivision for 7� fee� ��om the cer►ter-line of the �rass ��r�t and rr�ainta�n a rea��rr.��l� �����r�� ti�n�. Fr��n t�at �oir�t, t� fir� tru�lc w��l� �av� a�,��-���� ra�i�� ��� �►��r��c�r���� I�n�th �� t��ir w���r ���e� �� fi�� ���t��ti�r�. A�ny unit �ut�id� �f t1��t racliu�, ����r��g t� �h� ��r� ��ci�, rn�s� be d��igne� wit�t ����ir�k��r s�rs��� T�� �o1l�win� ���tux��� wou�c� be req�x��ed: ��rir�k��r ��st���s, �f 5�-f��t ��g�ta�i�r� ma�a���n�rxt ��n�s �r� ��� �rx�p1����1, t�� ����n�t�r �truc� wit� t1't� �ix�� h����i ���� rr��x�t h�v� ext���o�r �xpa�ur� sprinkler systems sepa�at��y ap�ali�d, p�r �1��� ��. In ��c�iti�r�, resicl�r�ti�l �r�its th�� li� �x�t�ic�� of t� fir� tru�k ��rotectio� rad�u� �a ���-foot radius a�ound a fir� trucic par�ed � f��t �� �r�Yn t�� �ntranc� �f a su�dx������} ��a1� b� c����gr��c1 with �ir� �ar����ti�n �prirt�Cl��r s�st�Yn� ��a�araved b� t�� �i�� �hi�f. ��r�z���rt ����� � ���� f�. I��� �o t�� �r��cxrn�t�r �f th� pro��t s�t� �� � I�igh �Ia�ard Fire Sev�rit�r a�e�►, �ll st�ru�txxr�s in t�xe �ropose� �ity o� Arroyo Grar��e �2 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 283 Il�stir�g Tent�ti�r� T�act �ap a�nd P.U.D. ��-0�� F���ris�d F�nal �ubsequen� EIF� �econd Addend�rr� �e��nd F��du��d De�i �eve�� rnent Pr� osal ����1��r��nt ��o�xlci 1�a�� a� �►� rn��i�nu�n �Ia�� B����� �� rnit�gat� th� fire thr�a�. ���igr� ���1�cess�r� F��tur��. ���1c�, ���eb��, pafi� ��v�r�, �����s, e�c. m�s� �ot ov�rha�g sla��� a�d rnrxst b� on�-ho�xr �ire r�tardant ���st�x��i��. Fr�nt �i��rs ���u�c� �� ��ii�i ��r�, �n��i�.a�1y 1 �l� ir��h th���C. ����g� ����s ���u�c� �� n�x���xr�b���i���. �r�r� ��ar����ristics. V�g�tati�n gr�wing �r� f�r�ce� ����x�c� �e �r�v�r���c� . P���r �,xr���, AIi r��w ��w�r l��s w�ll b� ��sta�lec� �xr�c��rgr�r�nc� in orc��r �� pr�v�n� fir�� ��u��� by a��in� �vi���. Pla� R�c��xir�m��t� �d 'Tin�i��. �V�►�r� a��r��ri�t�, a�� �f �� �t�x��ra� �������rci� c�����ibeci ab��� shal� b� gra��ii��11�r c�����t�d �n gr�ciir�� �nd ���st�u�ti�� plar�.� �ubrr�itt�d pri�r i����n�� �f ��ii�ii�� �e�rnit. IV�����r�� ���11 �� ins�Il�c� �ri�r �� �c��x�anc�, an� �e rnai��a��� r�gularl�r b�r �� ap��i�ar�ts a� �p�X���1�1�. M�nitorir��. Fir� D��aartr�n�rxt ��s�����s shall v�rify ��rx�plian�� w�t� ��p���r�d pla�n�. ��tp��� P�-�. �� ��iginal �ropo��d �ar�je�t, a� ana���e�l ix� t�.i� ���r�s�d Fin.a1 �EII�, wo�xic� g�r�era�� an es�im�tec� 2� ����.nentary, midc�l� anc� �igh ��1���1 shx���ts. Th� firs� r�d��ed cl�n.sity d�v�l��rr►�nt �����sa�, a� analyz�c� in t�� �irst A�c��nc�r��, �v�r�1c� ��r��rat� slightly f�w�r �tt�c�en�s. Th� ��vi�ed Firu�� �IR �n� �h� F�rst Acld�nclum n���� that �h� ��e�in� �f Nip�rno � Scl���� ��rxld a��is� in c�r�tr��iin� th� �v�r-����c~�ty �f Arroyo �r�tn�� I�i�l� Sc����. I�Ti��rn� Hig�► �c���1 ��ened in �u�us� �(��. �s � r�s�x��, s� ��r��r�ted �� th� �r�j�t w���c1 n�t �igr�if��a��ly �r�pact �h� �1�r�n�ntar�, x�ti��i��, �r �igh sch��1 servin� th� ����ec� �r�� la�ause t�ier� w��lc� be �u�fi�i�nt ������ty. T'h� r�d�x�ti�r� af resi�i�nti�I �x�ts as �r�p�sed x�n�er �x� �ec���i red��ed de�sity d���1��rnen� �ro����l w�rxl� furth�r r�c���� ixn���ts t� �o��� ���ools. P�rs�ant to �ay�e�nt af sta�dard s�c�oo1 irnpa�t �ee�, �rr��a��s wouYc� �re C1a�� III, �es� ��ar� sigt�i�ca�.�. �rnp��� P��. T�� c��v�l�p�ner�t �� �� �ii.�ng��-f�rnily �au�sing urtits t����r t.�� �rfginal �ar��o��� ��'����t and �1 single-farn�l� 1��usi�� �n�ts ���r t�i� fir�t r�du��� c���nsf�y ��v���pr�ertt pr�p��a� w��1�i �en�r�t� ��rn.��nci f�r p�rlciar�cl irn�r�v�xr���ts. Th� �r��ect �pp1i���� ��t�Id �e ret��x���� t� �a� ir��r�vernent fe�s �� �� ����nt �stablish�cl �� ��ty �rdi�n�n��. V1Tith ��yxr►��t �� t���� fee�, t�� �i�y would irrx�r�v� ��x�f��i�nt par�C�and anci ����n ��a�� t� s�ti�fy t�xe �ity s�anc�ard of 4 acres of �arkl�r�d a�d o��r� space p�r 1,�O�D res�de�►t�s. T�e second r�d�x�ed d��sit�r c��v�l��rr�ent �r��e�t w�rxl�i �irnilarl� r���I� in �l�s� II�, ��ss �ha�n si�r���car�� irr����#� �r�lat�c� to park d�ma�d. �rn�act P�-�, T1�� �riginal �r���s�c� pro�ect w�ui�l ��r�����e �� �s�irna��ci 9� ���►s �� s�Ir� wa�te p�r �r���. ir� �o��rast, �h� �����c� rec�����i ���sity d�v�l��rn��t �r�����►� ��vhi�� it��l�xc�e� �1 fewer units tha� �� or�gi�al proposecl pra�ec�� wou�� g��n�rate approx�rn�te�y �1 t��s pe�r year, a ��°l� red�ction co�np�re� to �he o� �ropose� pro�ect. �'his wax�ld also be � red�xc�io� w�er� ����a�red �� t�x� F��s� r�c�u���c1 c1�s�ty ci��r����rn�r�� prop�sal. �'h� s�l�d was�� dis���al s�rvi��s and 1�x�cif�ll �at s�rv� �e praject �it� �w��xlc� �ave ac��q�at� �a����t�r t� a���rr�m�c��t� t1�� �v�ste ��r��rat��i �� ti��� ��x�r�r�� �r�p�sa�. A1t����1n t�� s��nd r�cl��ecl ���.sity d�v����a�nent �r���sal r�pr�s�r��s a�eduction ir� res�dentia� �z�s when �arnpared �o �re o�ig�x�a� �rapo�ed proj�ct a�� t.k►e fir�� r�du�ec� d��nsity dev�l���n�r�� �r�����1, �h� ad�itian of new r��i���ts w�t�l� r��v�rt��I�s� C�ty o��#rroyo �r�nde �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 284 1lestiny Tentat��re Tr�c:t N1�p and P.U.D. �7-��'f i�e�ised Fin�� ����equent �II� �eo�nd �dd�ndun� Seconc! ��duc�d D�nst Dev��o rr��nt Pro osal �esult �n th� us� af �art �� th� l�xxute� r�n��ir�ir�g ��pa�ity �f �� 1ar�dfil�. T"��re��x��, s�lic� w��te ��n�r�ti�r� is a� �1ass II, s���.i���r�� bu� rr�iti����� �rn����, IViitiga��n 1VI�as�r�� I'�`r��a, �� �v��xlc� �ernain �s pro�ect requir�rnen�s: F�-�{�� ��T�S�CLrt��I�I7 ���1� VITs7S�� N�1�1.1�7������1 ��r�n� th� ��ns�ru�ti�n ��s�� �f th� �r�j��t, t�,� #'��lowin� rnit��at��n rrt�a�ures wi11 �e �rn�ale�n�r�t�d �� r�d�xc� solid wast� ��nerati�� t� �he rn.��ciin�x�n ��ct�r�� feas�bi�: �'���r �� ���st����i��, t�� ��ntra�t�� �vi�� �r�ar�g� f�� ��ns�ru�ti�n r�cyc�ir�� s�rvi�� w�t� � was�� �a�1���i�n pr�vicl�r R�11 -�ff bir�� f�r t1�� ��11��ti�r� of r���v�ra�1� �or�stru��i�r� rr�at��i�1s wi11 b� 1���t�t� �x�si��. �� ap�����nt, �r �ut��ri��d ager�� th�re�f, �1��II arr�xt�� f��r ���I�-�� �� ��c��1��i �n�t��ri�ls wi� a w���� �olle��i�r� �r�vi��r ��r �hall tr�ns��r� r�c����c� ��t��i�l� t� �� �ppr��ri�te ��rvi�� �ent�r. ����, ��r�cr���, dryw�ll, rne�al, �ar����r�, �����1�, s�il, anc� lartd �1�ari�� c��bris rr�a� ai1 b� re������. T�� ����r�►�t�r �v�l� ci���gnat� a p�rs�r� t� rrx�nitor r�c��l�g �ff�rts ar��1 �o11e�� r���X�ts f�� ��1�-�ff b�r�s anci f�r ��ns�ru�ti�n w�s�e r��y�l�r►g. Al� s�xb��n�ract�rs wi�1 b� inf�rx�t��i �� th� ���y��ir�� ��ar�, ir��1��i�g �cv�i�h �a��ri.als ar� t� b� ��ur��-�������e�i ��� �la��d in �����r bi�.s. �'h� ��r��ra�t�r wi1� ��e recy�i�� �ma���r�ais in ��r�tru��i�r� w1��r�v�r f��s��1�. • T�t� �b��r� ���struc�i�n wa►ste �e���lu�� �n�a�tx��s wi11 �� in��rp�rat�d ix��� th� ���s�x��ior� ��ecifi�a�i�rts ��x� t�� ��r�tr�ct�r. P�ar� I��c�u�r�rn�r��s a�c� 'Timin�. T�i� app���ar�t ��►a�� ��xbYnit � ��n�tru�ti�r► �olid �ast� IV�irtirni�ati�n I'�a� t� th� ��rnrnur�ity D�v�l�prnent �����r���►t, Bt1i�c�in� �e��rt�t�r�t ���i I'xxbli� �V�r�CS f�r x��vi�w anc� a�pr�var pri�r �� i��u�n�� �f b�xildin� p�rr�ni�s. ��r���rir��. �'h� ��rn�r►ur�i�y I��v�l�pr���t ar�d Buil�ing I]���r�rn��t� �r �'�xb1i� ��rl�� ��all v�rify ��rr�p�i�r��� vv�t�► �h� appr�v�c� �1ar�. ����{�� ����x�a�cy �o1ic� �r1�a�t� I1�i�r�irr�i�a��io�, ��xr�z�� �h� 1�ng-��rm ����x��r►�y ��a�� �f th� ����ect, th� ��11�wir�� rr�i�i��t���► ���sur�s wi11 be i��l����t�d to r�dt��� ��Ii�i w�st� ��n�r�ti�n ta t1�� rr���ci�trx�n ��ct��t feasibl�. ��r��nin� �����: T�� foli�wir�� rr�it�g�ti�� rr���sur�� wi11 �� th� ��s�a�r�sibi�ity o� t1�� �p�1i��rt�. ��xrin� Y�n������ �1��i�m, t�r��� wi�l b� ��1��t�ti ��r �� ���r�priate �i.z� �r�d ��a�� �� r�c���� �r�x��ng wast� �v�r t� 1�r►g-t��rn. ��ow c�r��xg�t-t���rant p1�r�ts wi�1 �� ir��lrxci�d i� th� l��ci��a�a� plan. �r�ug�i�-����r�nt ��ar�ts r�q�xir� 1e�s prur�in� �r�c� Gi#y of.4rroyo Grande �4 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 285 11e�ting Ter�tative Tra�t N��p �r�d P.[J.D. �1�00'� F���ri�e�d Fin�l �ubs�qu�nt EIF� �econd Add�ndurn �e��nd R�du��d D�n�� De�►�I� rrten# Pr� asal g�r��r�t� 1��� ��ng-�errn �ru�ing wast�, ��q�xire 1��s wa��r, ar�ci require I��� ��rti�i�e�r tha� fa��e� g�o�yx►� plar�ts. �rt -�ite ����e wi11 �e a1�o����c� f�� ���rr�po�t ar�a to serv� t�e ��side�t�a� deve�o�mez�t. P�a� R�c��xir�m�r►ts �n� T'irnir�g. T'1�� ������artt ��a1� st��rnit a So1ic� �aste Mana�emertt �'ro�ram to t1 Commur�ity Deve�o�ment I�����trn��tt ���i �'�xbl�� V1���l�s I����r�rn�nt ��r revi�w ��d appr�v�1 prior t� rn�p r�cor�ati�n. 1Vl�nit��i��, �'1�� ��x�t�nux�ity ���r�1��rr���� ��partm�r�t ���r� �ite i�ts���� �� r�quix��d ��t��r t�� �m��it�r�� �la�. �. ��I�T�L[JSI��T The �e��n�i redu��d c��r�sity d���I���n�r�t �r�p�s�1 ���x1c� r�s�1t �r� a tatal �� �� sin�1�-���t�ly t��i�s �n t�� �it� �r��iox�sly an.a►�y�ed in #�i� R�vi���i �i�a� S�I� �r�� �irs� Ac�c��ndurn, �re��'e�entir�g a re�u�t�an of �1 ur�i#s w�en connpare�l to the o�i���a� p�o�os�d project and � units w��n co��a�ed to th� fir�t r�du��d ��n�i�y d�veiopmex�t pro�os�l. A� suc�, t�is d�v�lopm�nt �rop�s�l w��1d rec�u�� t�t� ir�t�r�sity �f s�t� �isturb�r��� w��n c�rn�2►r�c� t� bo�h ����vi�t�.s�y �rt��y.��� ���j��ts. I�n���t� �� bi�l�gi�a1 and �u��urai re��u����, �►�r�i��l�gy anc� wat�r qua�i�r. ����h�ti�� and g��l�gic�1 r�s��r��� �v�u�� t����f��� �� l��s �v�ra�l. In acic�iti�r�, �i�x� �� t�►� ���ral� r�c��x��i�� in pr��a�s�c1 resic��r�tz�i un�ts, th� ����nci r�duc�c� d�nsity c��v����x�r���►t �r����a� woult� r��u��t i� ��w�� ��s����n�s ���n�ar�tiv�1�. �� � r�s�1t, irn���ts to �a�xblie s�rvi��s �►�d 1���I traf�ic 1���1s, �� w�1� a� �t1��r ���������a �n�acts, w��1d ai�� �� i��x�����n�a�ly rec�u�ced wh�r� ��n�p�►�ed �� t1�� �ri�ir�a� �������� pr�j��t an�►1y�e� in �� ����s�� Fi�na� �EIR anc� th� �i��t r�dtx��c� d�rtsit� dev�l��r�n�nt ��r���sa� ana�y��c� ir� th� �i��� �d��n��rn. �'1�� ��r��'al� r�c��x��i�n in �it� c�i�tu���r��� r��t�lting fr�rn irnpl�rn�nta�i�r► �� t�� ����r�d r�d�x��� ci�r��ity ���r�I����nt �r��osa1 wo�ici ��rx���r�tiv�l�r r�c��x�� �e en�ir��rr��r�t�1 iYn�aa�ts �ii��rx���c� i�n th� R�vis�� Fina� ��I� ��n�i i���rp�r���� �nt� t1�� �irst �d���n��xr�. Irnpa�t �-� woxxlc� b� rec�u��ci �r�x� �l��s I, �i���c��.� ��n� r�r�a�roida���, t� �l�s� II, �igr�.����zr�� b�� rniti��b��, �n�i ��n�� ��p��ts �f th� re�p�cti�� rnit���t��n �n����xr�� woxxlc� n� 1ong�r �� reqrxir��i. I��aact �F- � w�u1� �e redu���i fr�rn ��as� II, si�r����a�t ��� rni�i�����, t� ��as� III, ��s�s ���r� sa�rz������, ��� �h�s� r�it���ti�� rn����xr�� �� �eir �r��ir��y w��x�c� r�� ��r���r �� ��q�xir�d. �11 �t��r �rr����� �l�s�if�catior�s w��1e1 r�rr��i.x� t�� ��rn�, alth��xgh in t� f�11�wi.�g ����� xniti��ti�� rn�2►�xxr�s wo�1d be rn�c�ifi�� �� r�rn�v�d to acc��r�t f or ��an��� in �h� s�or�� r�d�x�� densi�y �i�v�����n��� �����sal: • Il�iti�ati�n M���ur� �E��{a� is �noc��fied �� r�rr��v� t�� r�s�'i�ti�r� t�at n� rn�r� tha�► �� per��nt of �oof heig�� �x�eec�s 1� feet be�aus� �he pra�os�d Design �r�id��r�es now in�lrxd� a r�quir�rn�n� w1�i�� w��x�d f�x1�iII t�i� i�n�er�t �f �hi� ���tr��ti�n. •�itig�ti�� 11rI����x�r� �-��a� is rnodifi�c� t� r�r�t��r� t�� �i���c� �r�feren�� f�r ���ar� bririg� b������ t1�� ������ r�cixx�ed d�r��i�y c��v�l��rt��r�� �r����al w��1c� r�p1a�� t�� pr�vi�usl� �r�p���� �t�r�c��►r� �rxl��rt wit� a s�an-�u�v��t, �nr�i�l� �ti1�il1� �he intent �f � ���x� �rid��. �ity o� Arroyo �rande �� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 286 Vest�n� ��r�tat��re Tract 11�1a�p and P.L�.D. �1-��1 F�e�ris�d �in�� �ubsequent �IF� ���:ond Addendum �ec��d F�ed�ed �3ens� D�vel� r��n# Pr� asar • .���ii�i a���r� ���as�r� �3� i� ��c�ifi.�c� t� 1��0�� ����x�ra�e� �c������ 1���� ���r���t��c�r� �n�it� r���u�� a����.i�� vrr��.�cl �c��r_��i�,�_r�����.�c�Tt� ��i�r�� �:����C�a ��t����s. � - - � - - � Forma�d: Bullets and i��rnb�rir�g � IVlitig�t��n IVl�asxxr� �-��a� i� r����r�d be��u�� t�� ����r►� r�c1���c� cler�sity �ev�loprrxe�t pr�p��al rec��x��s ���ci �vi�it�s t� �� ���t. � IVf �ti��ti�rt M���ur� � i� ����ved b���u�� t.�i� �r��s �f �riti�al s��p� ��abi�it� �a�ards �ddr�ssed � �he measur� are �ow avo�d�d. • Nliti�ati�n �Vie��ur� H-��b� i� rn��i�i�� t� �� ���►�i�t��t with �h� r�rn�va1 �f IVlitiga►�ion �VI����1�'� �-��1� �11C� �1� ��I1C�1��11.5 �� �I�I1�1���1�I1 �VI��S�,iI'� B - �{a� �s it r�la�es t� ��t�a�k� fr��t �e East F�rk �� IVf�ac��w �r��1c, • IVliti��t��n �Ir1����xre �I-���� is r��n�v��1 b����� th� x��q�ir�rn��ts �is��c� t����irt �t��r� �een ���r����� throrx�h r�c��sign �� �he pr�����c1 �r�j�t. • ilr�iti�at��n llr��a��x�'� �"-���} i� r�rn�vec� be��us� th� �e��r��I r�d���e1 ��nsity d�v�i��rn�nt �����sal wou�c� ��1fi1� t1�e p2�rlcir�� r��t�ir����n�s Iist�c� t��reir�. �11 �t��� rniti���i�� rn�asur�s �v�u1� r�x��ixt �� �����t r�quire�nents. ��c�i#���al�y, ����ifi� 1��s �r���sed f��r d�v����n��r�� xxr��i�r �hi� r�vis�d �r����t �r���s�� r�rn�ixt i.x� ����s ����rnir�ec� t� �on�ain st��� �I���s, �al� w��c���nc�s, anc� f�I1 �ithair� �h� �� -���t r��ariart s�t����C �����r t� �� �rn���t �isc�xssi�ns ���ve�. H�w�v�r, I�� �1��Y 1Y11�I��1�1�I� II1���L1�`�� �I'� 1���1�1� 3� Il����S�I'� A��orc�ir��iy, th� ������ r���x��c� d�r�sit� d�vel�g�x�t�x�t �����sal ana���ec� in t1�is �c��1��ci�xrn vv�r��d have no rxew �ig�ifi��nt �r�vx��nrn���� �����ts. T1��r�f�r�, th� ��c��n�xx�n is t�� ���z���ri�t� ���r�r��un�n�a� ����xrn�n� u�x�c��r ��C�A. �`� a��i�t �h� r�a��r, T�b1e � ��rn��ri��� th� I�ts �xr�d�r t�� se��r�d r�c�rx�ed_c��n���y_ - - - - - - . . . _ - . - - - - - .- - - - - �e�: _ _ _ �a� �rea�c �- --- ----------� --- �-� - -��- -------------------------------------��-� -�------------- - - �i��r�i��r��nt �r��os�� t�i.a� ar� Ii1c�1� t� r�st�it i.� stxb��a�tial irn�a�ts �nr�th r����t �� t�i� rn��� ��I�.51�1V� 1�SLi�� fC��11�I�1�C� 11�L �'l� �II� 7ab�� �, �ut�nr�ra�ry �f L�t� Th2�� �rr�pa�t kCe�r F��s�ur�e� I rr� p��� B-�. F�ip�r��r� or V1�etlan�t Areas B-�. �al� Tre�� B-�4. P�sr�� �lar#cia �-�. �tee� ��at�e� �nt�r� Lats that Dire�t�� �r�n�a�t tk�� Id�nti#��c# Resaur�e '� '� 3 � 5 P�rt��ns �f L��s that D�r��tly In�p��� Id�nt�fie�f Resource ** Por#ians �f road�+�ra� �, 5, ��, �nd p�r#i�n� �f roadwa�r �. 9��3. 1� ��ts within ��- L�ts v�rit�in 5�- fao# bufFer �rom #oot b�fFer from Ftipari�n�VYetlar�� Pisrr�� �lar�ci� 1, �, and p�r#ions �f roadwav * Ne�riy er��rre �ot �s �ubjec� t� ider�t�ed �mpa�t �'` Le�s tharr half of �o# �rn�ac#s �der��fre� r�so�r�e; rnay be avo+dab�e through desr'�r� r'r� some cases '"�` �oes r+o� a���y to oak woor��ar�cls ar�d s#ee� s�o�aes Ci#y of �4rroyo �rar�de �6 Agenda Item 9.c. Page 287 s � � �� � �� � �� ��������� �� ��#�� ��� ������� ���� ��f �� ���� � � � �!�'1�?'1�, ��7�. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 288 �r �w � �'�!� � �,* «�rr � � ���i�# � �i1� 1�'�� � p��A � � � . �w0 �� ,� �� � �,� � * _ , , �+�� i �+��'� , • � `� .. � . �.w� � � � � � .� 5. � ' ' � � . 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A� f��t��� ��t f�rt� ��r�i�, ��1��� ��v� c��s�r�� �� ���1 t�� ������t�r �� ���r�r ar��l ���r�r d��i��� t� ��r����� t�� �r����t�r f���n ��11�r, �'��- ��r����� �� �����' � ����� ��c����r ��1� �� ��x� �'����r�� �� � �r���rr��-�li�i��� ��}r�r. A���� I���, �'�EREF��� 11`1 ��I1�1C���'2�.�1��] �� ��'1� ������11`l� T��1����, vtrh��� ��� �r���rp�r���c� h�rei� �� t�iis r�fe�e��e, the m�tu�l cover�ar�t� �erein cont�i��d, a�� ot�er val�able ��r��i��r��i�r�, ��� ����1�� �1� �1���1�1��1�� �� ��1���1 1� �1��`��� ���1��7L���C���C� �1�� �aa�rti�s �i�r��� a�ree �s fol�ov�s: ��������oa-�oo� ��������� �1����!�� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 12 � . ������1� �����. 1.1 �o�r�t. �ubj e�� to t�� terms of t1��s Agreerarxer�t, �u�r�r h��eby a��e�� to �u������ t�� �r����t� �'r�rx� ��11�� a.�d ���1�r ��rr��� �� ��11 t�i� �'� t� ����r� �'�r � ����a��� �ri�� �f Th��� H�dr�t� ��r�� T`�����r�c� �iv� H������ ��1��.r� �����,���� ���� "��r�l���� �ri��"�. � .2 ������ �f ��r��a.�� �ri��. �'1�� ���'���s� �'ri�� ��a.l� l�� ��1d ir� ����rc�a.n�� v�r��l� ��� f�11�v�ir�g: �n �� ��f��� � : �� �.�n. �� ��� ����n��� ci�� �r���d��g ��i� "����ir�� ����" ��� ���� t�rm i� c��fi��d �� ���ti�r� �. ��, �r ����i ���1i�� t��� a�� r�c�u�r�ci �a� ���r��v H�ld�� i� �r��� �� �1��� �����v� �� t�i� �l��ir�� ����, ����r ��a�1� d�����t �vi�� ���r�� �I�lc��� i� "���c� F'�r��i�" ��� ���c� ir� thi� A�r��rr��r��, ��� t��m "���c� �'u���" ����� rx����n ���r�firm�c� v�ir� t�ar���'�� �� �rnrr���i�t�1�r ���il��l� f�r�c��, �a������'� �� ��rtifi�� ����1� c�r�v�r� �r� �r i����c� l�y ��� �f`f'��� �� a �1r�an�i�.1 insti�ution lacat�d i� �� Luis �l�ispa �ou�t�r, or �as�} the s�� o� �'v�a ���c��ec� �ighty-Five �T�����.n� ��11ar� �����,���� �th� "C'��h ��r�i�n �f th� �ur�l���� �ri��"� a�d ���� �����i�r��1 f�r�d� �� ���r �� r����ir��� t� rr���t �����' � p�rti�r� �f' t�� �1��in� ����� �.� �1���1�1�����' �?�'�V1��� The �e�nai�de� of t�� ��rc�as� I�� �e.g., t�� ��� Pr��e 1�ss t�� �as�i ��rtion of ��� ��r����� �����, �� ��i� ��� �f F'i#�t�-F'i�� �'�����r�d Fx�� �u�d�r��i ��1��r� ��� �,����� �1��r���af���, ��i� "l�T��� �'�r�i�n �f �h� ��r�h��� �ri��"� �I��.�l �� p��d ��r����� �� t�� ��rm� �f � ���rn������r r����, ����t�ti�1�� ir� t�� �'�� a�.ta.���d ����t� ��c� ir���r��r���c� ��r�i� �� ����t�i� ����� ���� ������"�. �. ��� ��i����l���. A� ���c� ����in, t�� ���m " �il� �lll��Il�� ���'l�[� ���I1 r�f�r �� � �er�iad of t�n�� to e��i�� ���r� th� date that is fifteen �15� da�rs �ft�r the �f.f�cti�v� �at�. B��r��'s ��ligati�r� �� ��x������t� t1�� �r�r��a��ti�r�� ��r�t�r��1a.���l ��r �hi� A�r��n���� i� ���j��� �� �r�c� �o�d�t�a�ed u�a� ���e�'s approval, deemed ��prov�l or v�ai��r o f the ����t ta ap��ove o#` t�e f�11��v�r�� ���t1�������� ��t ��rtl� i� tl�i� ���ti�r� 2���11���iv�1�r, t�.� "��n�in��n�i��"�: �. � �i�l�, �����r ��i�ll d���v�� t� �u�r�r, �it�ir� �hr�� ��� c���� a�f��r t�� �f`f������� �a��.� �f` t�i�� Ag���rr��r��, � �r�li�nin.�ry �1�1� �����t ����a��c� ��r Fir�t �m�r���r� �`it1� ��rr��ar�� ��k�� �����1� ��mp�n����� d�t�c� r��� �n�� ��� thi�t�r ���� da��� ��rli�r ���� t�� ��f����v� ���� c����ri�ir�� t�i� �t�t� �f ti�l� �f' t�� �r���rt� t���t��r v�r1t� ���i�� �f �11 unc��rl�ir�g c��������� ���l���tiv���r ��i� " ��`��ll�ll��� T'I�l ����rt"�. I�T����������di�g ar�yt�ir�� ��r��r� �� ��� ��r��r�a.r�� ��11�� ���11 �� ��1i����� �� ��r��v� �1l ��r��t�r� ������������ ��a�i��t t�� �'r���rt�r ���1t�c�i�� r��r�-c����r�����t r��l �r���rty �.a���� a.�c� �s������r�t�. B���r �1�a�11 r����f� ��11�r �r� �v� �f` �r�� obj��t�or�s ��yer may h�v� �o tit1� e�ce���or�s �or�tained in ��e P��1i�i�a�y T1t1� F��por� no ����r tha� �h� date v�hi��i is t�� � 1�� da�s after B�yer's r��eipt o� the �r��1�ir�ar� Titl� �epor� v�ith�r� �.h� t��� ��ri�� ��� ���h �.���� ����uy�r'� ��j���i�n l�T��i��"�. ���r��'� ��pr�v�� �r �i�a���r�va1 �f t�� rr���t�r� ��� f�rt� �� ��i� �r�1�rr�i�a��r �it1� I�����t rr���r �� �ra�t��� �r �i�hh��c� �� ���r�r'� ��1� a�r�c� a�������� �i����t1��. ����r' � f �i1�r� �� ���v�d� ��l��r �i�� �. ��}�er's ��� ������ l���i�� ����ir� �a�i�i ��r�i�� ���11 ��r���i���� ��x�re�' � �����v�� ��` a��1 ������1��� �� titl� ���v�r� �r� t�� �'��lir�ir�a� �'i�1� �����t. ��11�� ���11 �a�v� a� ���i�d �� thr�� ��� ci�y� a�ft��� r����i�t �f` �����r'� �����t��r� 1�T��i�� ir� �vk�i�� �� ���iv�r v�ri�t�r� r���i�� �� ���r�� �����ll�r'� l�T�����"� �� ������''� �l��t��r� t� �it��� �i� ��r�� �.� r�rx��ve t�� ��� ��t��r�a.�1� it�rr�� �n ��e �r�lin�in��y T�t�� ����rt pri�r t� t1�� "�1��� �� ���r��v" ��� ��c�� ��I�'ri 1� ���1��C� 1�1 ����1�I7 � .1 �, �r �i�� d��1��� �� r����� 88�����GOO-0003 ������_�� ����o���� -�- Agenda Item 9 .d. Page 13 ar�� ���� tit1� ���������s �c� t�rmir���� t�e �s�r�v� �� ��� ��li�a����r�� �f ����� �nt� ��11�r �� �������� a.�� ���1 ��� Pr���r��r ����� �1��� Agr���n���. ��l��r'� f�i1��� t� ���v�c�� ���r�� �vit� ���l�r'� l��ti�� �it�ir� �a�1� ��ri�� �1��11 ����t�tr��� ���1�r's �l��t��� r��� �� r�rr��v� t�� ���J���1��1��]�� 1��I11� �1'1 ��']� ����1�]lll�'� �F'1��� �����. If ��11�r i� c����n�c� t� �a�v� �1����c� r��t t� r��n�v� ��� ��j���i�r���1� ����s �� ��� �r�lir�in�� �"i�l� 1�����t, �r �f ��1��r ��ti��� �u��r �f it� �l��ti�� t� ��rmx���� ��t��� ��a� r��n1��� ��� ��j���i����1� it�rri� �r� tl�� �r��irni���y �it�� ����rt, ���r�� ��a�11 ��v� ��i� ����i�, �� �uri�t�n ��t1�� ����v���c� �� ������ VV1��11�1 �VV� ��� d��r� �f��r �i� ����r's r���ipt �� ��11��r' � ��ti��, �� �ii� �.�� c�a.t� ��1��� �� �����t� t� �av� �1��t�� r��� �� ������ ��1� ���] ���1��1��]�� 1��I�7� ��1 ��� ����1�T1��'1��� T1��� F���I�I� �� a.�r�� �� �����t ��i� �r���rty �u�j ��� t� t�e obje�tiana��� ��ems, i� v�vhi�h e��nt �eli�r's electior�, o� �e11e�'s c���med ����tion, �� ��rmir���� ���1� �� ��' �� �f���t, an� �u�r�r ���11 ta1�� ���1� �t t�� �1��� �f ���r�v� ���j ��� �� ���� �bj�ctior�ab�� it��n� �lthout ���r adju�t�ent to or credit a�a���� th� �u��hase Pri�e. �I1 ��������r�� �� �it1� �h�v�� �r� �1�� �r�lirr�ir��r� Titl� F����rt, �t��� t�ar� t�i�s� �v�i��� ��l��r ��y ag�e� t� remov� pursu�nt to th�s ���txon �. �, s�a�l be d�e�ned to have b�er� a�pra��d b� �u��r ��less �e11�� is �ot���d a�herv�is� �r� ���tin�. �.� �����o��e�ta� �o�d1t�o�. �u��� ��al� have ���ess to t�e �'r��ert�r, as d�s��ib�d �� ���� ����i�� �.2�, �� ����r t� ��r�mi� ����� �r i�.� c�ir��t�r�, ��gir���r�, a����r�t�, �f���� ���������, �g����, ��r��r�.�t�r�, r��r���r�t�tiv��, �.�t�rn��� �r a�c�vi��r� ���1���ti��1�r, �.1�� "����r Represer�tative��'� �o i�ve�t��a�e t�e �rape�t�r. �.�.1 �ur�r�� ��e �ue ��1�ge��� ��riod, ��l�er s�al� pe�it Bu���r ��d ���re� ���r����t�����s, a�t t�� ���� ���t ��c� �x��r��� �f` ���r��, �� ���c���� p��r�i��1 i�����t��r�� �f �h� ������t�, �r��l��i�� th� ��y�i�a�1 �tru������ ���r���, ��il, �����rfa��� ��il�, �r�.ir��g�� ��i�rn�� a�� �t��r ���1�gi��1 �r�d t�p�����1��� n�a�tt�r�, ����.���r� �f �������s, t���� �����ar����, �a.zarc��u� n��t�ri��� �� �a����, if ��y, �r�c� ��� �t��r ir�v��ti�a�i��� �� ��y�r ���rr�� ��uc��r��. v�it� r�����t t� the ph�rs1�a1 co�ditio� of th� �ropert� ir� ard�� to det�rmi�� t�e �ropert�'s s�it�bility fo� B�y�r's ��t��c��c� ���p���. Ir� r�� ���r�� ���1� ����� ��r����t a�r��r ir�tru�i�� ��s��z�� p����ci���� �r� ��� Prope�ty ��tho�t tk�� �ar�o� �ritt�r� co�se�t �f �e�ler, v�r�i�� ���se�t sha�� �o� b� unreasanabl� ����h�1ci. ���� in�v��t���t���s ��� �� �a.c�� �� �u��r �r�c���r ����r ���r����t��iv�� ��r�r�� �n�r n�rm�1 �us�n�s� ��u�s. ��ller �h��l �oope��t� �o ass�st �u�er 1n �ornp��tir�g s��� ir���e�t�ons ar�d ����i�l �r�v�����a�t��r�s �� r�� ���� ��r ����r��� t� ��ll�r. ���� in��e�t��r�� ��� ir����ti�����n� ��all �� ��r����t�cl ��1�r ���� x�� ���� t�i�n t�����-f�u� ���� ���x��' ��ti�� �� ��11�r ar�d s�a�11 �� ��IIC�I����C� �� �l���l �1I�1�S �.�]C� 1�] ����1 � �11�I1I1��` �� �� 1'�����111�� �.I1�r C�1��'L1��1�1'1 �� ��1� �T��]�I"��. ��11�r ��i�11 ��v� ��� rig� b�� r��t �h� ��1i�a��i�n, �� �����'1'1��1`l� �l���T C�LI�`1�]� �ll�� 111����1���1�I1� �r�cill�r i������i�r��. �.�.� As a�onditior� ta a�y �uch �r�tr�, �►��re� shall �i� cor�c���t a1� �o�r� �r �t�c�i�� �r� � �ili����, ��p�c������� �nc� ��f � r���r��r anc� r��t �11��v �r�� �an��r��s �� ����rc���� cor�ditior�s to oc�ur an t1�� �ro�ert�r d�rir�� or �ft�� ��c� �r�ve�t��a��o�; �ii� corr�ply v�rith a1� �p�1����1� 1��� �r�� ��v�rnm��t�l ����1����n�� �1��} 1���� t�.� Pr����ty fr�� �nci ����r �� �1I r����rialr���' � �i�r��, 1i� ��r�d��� ��ci ��h�r �i��� �r1���� ��t �� ��ie ���r� ar�c� �u�r1� p��f���c� ��c�er t�is par���a��; ��v� �naint�.ir� o� ass�re mainten�c� of �v��l�ers' �orn�er�sat��� i�sura��� �o� st�t� app�oved s�lf=��suran��� on al1 ��rsor�s enter�r�� the propert�r �r� t�ie amau�ts �e��ired b� ��� ���t� �f �a�lif�rr�ia; �v� �r��rid� t� ���l�r pri�r t� i�i�i�� �r��ry � ��rtif�i��t� �� ir���ra�n�� ��ic��r��ir�g t�i�� �����' a.�d1�r t�� ��r��r�� �r�t��ir�g ��� �r����t�r �a�v� �r���r�c� �r�c� ��� in �ff ��t a.r� ��l-�i �� ���1i� �1��71�1�� ir���r2���� ��1i��r rr���tir�� ��� f�ll�v�r�r�� r�q��r���r�t�: � � � t1�� ��������oo-000� ������.o� �������o� -�� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 14 ir���r�r��� ���11 l�� v�ri���� �� a� ��r ����rr���� a.r��l n�� �������rna�d� �a��i�; ��� t�i� �rn��x�� �f �r��ur�n�� ���1� �� � ��rr�lair��c� ��r��1� ���ni� ��' n�� 1��� ��ar� T�� 1Vix��x�r� ��11�r� ���,���,���.��� ��t� � ded�c�i��� o� se1� �x�s�red r�ter�tlo� arr�o�r�t of �ot �no�e th�n �n� �u�d��d T�o�sa�d ��llar� �� 1 ��,����� ��� �h� ��1��� ���11 �a��� �r �� �nc��� �� ��11�r �r�c� ��11��'� ��'�i��r�, ��n�l�����, �g����, �r�� r�p����r�ta��iv�� ���11����v�l�r, "���l�r � ���l�x� ��r��nn�l" �� ���1�1���� i��ur�ci�; ��� ��7� ����.l.I`��� ��1��� I��� ���]��1�] ��1� 5���1�� �III11������'1� ��] ��1� ����� �� �?�`��������1 ����r��� �� ���l�r � ��ll�r ��r��r����; ��} ��� ��Ii�� s�a.11 r��� �� �ar���1�d �� ��i� ir���r�r �r ��y�r �r�l��� t���� �s a. rr�ir�irnurr� �f �l�irt� ���� c���r� ��i�� v�����r� n�ti�� t� ��11�r; ��� t�� �r���r�r s�a.11 �va.iv� ���r�ga��i�r� ri�1��� ��a�x��� �h� ��ll�r �. ��11�� ��r��nr��1; ��7� �1�� ir���r�r��� s��1� �� ��in��r� ����ra��� ��� ��t ���t�i��t�r�r ���� a�n� ir��ur�n�� ar��r �f ��ll�r � ���1�� ���s���� �n��r ��v�; �� ��� ��� �r���ran�� ���1� �ppl� s���ra���1� �� ���� ����r�d ������� v���rr� � �1�1n� is r���� �r ��it i� �r �����?� �V���7 I'���]��� �� ��� ���1��� �� ��7� l.I��1.�I'��''� �1��1�1�� �r�c� �vi� f�l��v���� ���r��'� er��r}�, rep��� a�� �r�c� a�l �arr���e to t�e Fro�ert�r �aused by s�ch i�s�e�tions or ��vest��at��r�s i� a tirr��l�r �na�nn�r. �,�. �1.���� ��,��� ����1���� ��� �11(� �1���1�'��' ��� (���]'1��1�� ��� ���TI�I��I� ��'���.1�1� �� �����'� ��tr� �� a�� i�v��t�i�����r� �f` t�� �r���rt�r a.r�c� tak� �11 ����r ����� t� av�ic� ��� ����I�1��1 �� ���I�II� �� �1�I1 ���.11l�� ��7� �I'���I"�� Ir� ��� ���r�t � ���irr� �f 1i�� �� r����rc��c� ��r ������ ���r��r��'� ���r�r �r� ��� �r���rt�, Euy�r, �vit�ii� t�v��t� ���� da��r� �f ���� r���r�i��x�r�, ��a�l] �it��r ��� r���r� �r d�li��r � ��r���r ��r�c� ���'#���i�r�t t� r���a��� ����i �1�i� �r li�n irt ����� �i�� a���l��a�l� l�v�; �� �ii� �r�v�c�� ��1��r �vit� ���1� ����� ����rar��� �� ��I1�r rr�a�� r�q���� f�r t�i� �a�ym�r�� �� t�� ���i� �r �i��. ���1�r n��.� �1��� �� �����rci an� ���t r������s �� ���-��e�������i���y #'rom t��n� to time a� anc� �bout �he ��o���t�. �.�.� P�ior to e����atio� of the ��� Di1�ge��� ���od, �uy�r s�i�11 r�ot�fy ���1�r �� v�ri��n� �i� �f ����r' � �1���i�� t� t�rmi�a�� tl�� ���r�� anc� ��i� A�r��rr����, x� ����r �1���]�]T�V�� �� ��� �3�'1��1��� ��' �I]V1I'�I1I�1�I���� ���'1�1���11� �� ��7� �I'����� cl�'1C� �� � r���l�, ���� r��� ���� �� �ar����� v�i�� �►�������r�g ��� �r���e�t�r {"�u��r�'� T�rmin��i�n ���i��"�, �r �ii� �f �n� o�j��t�or�s ���e� may ha�� �t�� "�isa�p�ro�ed �roperty 11�I��ters"� ta a�y p�y�i�al or ��vi� ��r�dit���s ��` t�� Pr���r�� �"�uy�r'� �r�p�r�� �bj���i�n l���i��"�. ���r�r'� ���r�v�� �r di�a��r���l �f ��� ���r�i��1 �r�� �r��rir������1 ���c�iti�x�� �� t�� �����r��r rr��� k�� gr�nt�� �r �it1��1� i� ��y�r�� ��1� a�r�� �1���1��� �i����t��r�. �r� ��� ����� ���r�� t�� �h�i� �gr��rr��r��. ������r�� �� ��i� ������r�, ���r�r �c� ��1��� ��a�l� �� r��i��r�d �� �l� #`�rtla�r l�a.�i1i�}� ��c��r t�i� A� ����r' � f �i1��� t� ���vi�i� ��11�r ���� � ����r' � �`�rmin�ti�r� I���i�� �r � ��}��r' � �r���rt� ��j ��ti�r� l��ti�� p����' �� ��� ���ir�#.i�r� �� ��� ��� �i1i��r��� ���i�� ��a��1 ���1��1�1��.� �1.������ ����'�V�.1 �� ��1� ��1'1�1�1�I� �� ��1� P�'��3��� If` ���r�r ���vi��� t� ���1�r ����r'� �r���rt�r ������i�r� I�T�ti��, ��11��r ����1 �a�v� a. ��r��� �� ����� ��� c���� ��t�� ������t� �f ���r�r'� �r���rt�r ���j��t��r� I��ti�� i� v��ii�h �� ������r ��it��� r���1�� t� ����r �����11��'� �����r���"� �f ��11�r' � �1��ti�� �� �����r ��� ��re� �� r�rr���� th� �i�a.��r���c� �r���rt� 1VIat���� ����r �� �1�� �1��� o� �s���v�, o� �ii} de�l��� to remove �he �1�appro�e� �rope�ty �at���s �d �erm�r��te ��cro� a�� ��� �������i��� �f �r���� a��c� ��ll�r t�� �������� �x�� ��1� ��i� ������t�r �n�i�r t�i� Ag����n��t. ���Ier's f�ilur� to provi�e ��xy�� �vith �e�ler's ��s�o�se �v����r� s��d pe�ioc� s�al� car�stitute ��ll�r' � �1���.i�r� r��� t� ������ ��� �i����r�v�� �r���rt�r IVI�t���� ��i�r �� t�� �1��� �� ���r�v�r. If ��11�r i� ���rr��d �� �a.�� �1����d r��� �� r���v� �.�� �i���p��v�� �r���rt� 1V�������, �� if ��ll�r n��ifi�� ��y�r �f it� �1��ti�� �� t�rmir���� �r����� ���� r�rr��v� ��� �i��������� �r��a�rty 11�I�t��r�, ����r ��i�1� ���� ��� rig��, �y v���tt�r� r��ti�� ��1�v�r�d t� ��1��r v�ithir� t�� ��� ���� a.ft�� �i� ����r'� r���i�� ��' ��11�r'� ���p����, �r �i�} �.�� c���e ������ i� ���rr��c� �� �i�v� �1����� r��� �� �s��o?��oa-oao� ������.�� ��������� -�- Agenda Item 9 .d. Page 15 r��o�� th� ��sa��ra��d �ro�e��r �atters, a� a����cabl�, to �gree to a��e�� th� Propert�r �u��ect t� ��� �i��ppr�v�c� Pr�p��t�r �VI����r�, i� v��i��i �v��� ��1���'s ����ti�r�, �r d����c� �I�����r�, �� t�rmir���� ��a��1 la� �f �� ��f��t, �n� �u��r �ha.l1 ta.l�� t��l� a.� ��� ����� �f �s�r�v� ������� �� ���� �15����`��T�C� ��`���I'�� ������� V�1��'1��� ��� ���U���11�1`l� �� ��' ��'�C�1� ���1I1�� ��� ��.1�`����� ��'1��. ����r' � in�����i�r�s ��t� ir����ti��t���� �f' t�� �'����rt� ���11 l�� ��n�u�t�� ���n t�� ��rms �� �or�ditions s�t for�th in �his �gr�em�r�t. � i ���1���. 3.1 �p�r�in� o� �sc�o�v. �losir�g of the sa�� of the Prope�� ��all t�ke p1�c� �hroug�i ar� ���ro�v �"E�cro�"� to b� est�b�ish�d �v1thi� ���re� ��� b���ness da�s afte� th� �ffective �ate v�i�� Fi��� A��ri��� �'it1� Ir���ra.r��� ��m.p�r��, �� it� ��f ��� 1�����c� �� � S� F1�� �1�1�� L��`1��, �i��n� ����h�, �A 9���� ������r�w �I�l�l�r"�. �'�� �����r�� �f ��� ���r�v� ���� "�p�nin� �� ���r��v"� ���11 �� c����n�c� �.� �a� t�� d�t� �ha�t � f�11�r �������d ��p� �f ��i� Agr��r�r���t i� �i���v�r�� t� �.�i� �����v� ��l��r. �s�r�r�v ��l��r i� ir���r����c� �� ��t1f� ���r�r a�nc� ��11�r r� V�I`1���1� �� �.�1� C��l�� �� ��1� ��k'I11�7� �� ES���V4� �.� ������v I��t���i���. �'��s A����rr��n�, �n�� c�����i��c� ir� ���r��r�v, ���11 ��r����t��� ��� ��ir�t �����v� ir���r���i�n� �f �3���r �n� ��11�� �� �s�r�v� ��1d��. ��c�i�x�na�l�}�, if ������ ���d�� �� r���ir��, ���r�� ar�� ���1�r �g��� t� �����t�� ��� f��nr. ��' �����v� �r���ru����r�� t�i�t ����'�V� H�1C���' ��������1�� �'�C�LIl�`�� 1�'l ���� ��'��]�I'�� �����V�� �C��11I11����'�C� �� 1� Ir� t�� ����t ��` c�I]� ���7���� �I' 1I1���1�����I��� �7���I��� ����`�� ��1C���' S ������T� 1I1���"L���1�C1� �C� ��1� �]I'��1�1��1� of th�� A�ree�ne�t, t�e prov�s�or�s of this ���ee�er�t s�a.11 s�pe�s��e ar�d be �o�tra�lx�g. �. ���I.��i� �� ������. 4.1 �l�s� o�` Esc�o�• �1os�n Date. Fro�ic��d that �11 0�' the �o�d�t�or�s of t��� Agr���n�r�� �r���c���t �� t�� "�1��� �f ���r��v" ��s ����ir�a�ft�� d�#���c�� h�v� �e�� ���i���� ��� v��iv�d �y th� a��� pa�k�� �arior �o o� on t�e �lo��r�� Dat�, th� �los�r�g of this tra�sa�txor� f�� t��� ���� ��� ��x����s� ��' t�i� �����rty ��ia��1 t��� ����� �� t�� ��t� ��i��� i� t�� ��� cla}rs �ft�r ��� d�t� �r� v��i�� �11 ��' �`���r��'� ��nc��t��r�� t� �1�s����� a�� a�1� ��` "�����r'� ����i���r�� �� �1osi��" �as those terms a�� d�fir��d i� �ectior� �} hav� ��e� satis�'�e� �or v�ai�ed by th� a�p�r���a�� �a�rt��; �r�vic��c�, ��v��v��, in n� ����t ��a.11 �.�� �1�six�g �����, i�` �� ��1, 1���� ���r� �h�rty �3�� days after the ���r�ir�� of �scrov�r �"��o�in� Dat�"�. The terms "�lo�e o� �scro�v" anc� t�i� "�l��in�" a�� ���� ��r�i� t� ��an ��� �ix�� ��11�r' � ����� ���c� ��.�v��ri�g f�� tit1� t� ��� �roper�� to Buye� is �eco���d i� the �f#ici�1 1�.ecords of the �ffic� of t�e �our�t� R��ar��r of ��r� ��is ����p� ����ffi�ia� �t���r��"�. If �����v� i� r��t �� � ��r�c�iti�� t� ����� �� ��� �l��ir�� ��t�, �i��i�r ��rty r��� t�i�r� �r� c��f��x1� ��r����l�r n���r, �p�r� �h��� ��� �la��s �d�ra�r��� �ri���� r������ ta t�ae oth�r par��r ��d Escrav� �-Iolder, �lect t� terr��inat� t�is �������n� �d th� Escra�. I�o ���� t��mir�����r� ����1 r�1�a��� �i���� ��rt�r ���r� ir� c�����X� fr�rr� 1��1���it� ��r �t��� c��f�ul�. If n�ithe� �ar�� so �lec�s to t�r�r��r�at� t��s A�reemer�t ar�d the �sc� �s�ro�r �Iolder s�a�l ��as� th� ���ro�v as soon as poss�bl�. �.2� 1����r��.ti�r�� ��1�a.�� �f F�r��� a�r�t� ���urr��nt�. �.�.1 ���r�� H�l��r i� �i���t��, �� �1�� �����r�� ����, t� r���rc� i� t�� �f�i�i�l F����r���, t�� f�l��v�ir�g ����rn�r��� �� t�� �r���' li���c�: �i� ��� �ra.r�� ���� i� t�� f��rm ��` �� ���ro���ao�ooa� ������.o� ���{����� -�� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 16 a�tta���i�� �����1t ����� tr�r���`��r1ng �i��� �� t�� �'���a�rt�r �� �����- ����r��� ���t��'�; ��1� �r� Af�������� H����r�g ��g���t�r� �����rr��n� �r�c� ���1ar����r� �� ����r�ar��� ��c� ��s�ri����r�� i� � #��rm ���r�v��i �� ���1��'� ��ga.l ���r���l ���� "����l���r A�r��m�n�"�; ��c� �iii� ���� ����� a�cl furt��r c�������ts �.� r�a�� �� ��r����d � ��r�tl� �y ����r a.r�rl ��1��r. �.�.� LJ��� t�i� �1��ing, �����v�r ��lc��� ��i�I1 ��lx��� �i� t�� �a��� �'��ti�� �f ��� ��r����� �r1��, t�� �T���, �r�ci t�� �ri���a.1 ����rr1�c� F��gu1����y A�r����r�� t� ��l��r, �i�� ��� ��ig�r��� r���rc��c� C�a�� ���d t� �u��r, ��(� ��11� ���'1���17�C� ���1�5 �� ��� T���I'��� C���I���I��� ��]C� ��pi�� �� �.11 ��1��r c���u.�n�r�t� t� ���� �u��� a�c� ���1�r. 5. ������R� �� D��L�1V�E��� ���UIR�� FR�1VI ��E� AI�� ��I�I��R. �. � 8����'� ���� a��i�r��. ��y�r ��r��� t��t �� �r ���'��� � :�� �.rn. ��' ��� 1a��� ���ir���� da�r i�med�ate��r p�e��d1�� t�� �lo�ir�� �a�.�, Buye� shall depo�it or ca��� �o be c�eposited v�ith �scrov� �older th� fol�o�rin�: �a� t1�� �as1� Portior� of t1�e F�rcl�as� P�i�e; �b} t�ie ����u�.�d I�Tot�; ��� the e��cuted ar�c� ack�ov��ed�ed R���1ato�y ��reerrzer�t; ar�d �d� �y �r�d a�1 adc�itio�al f�nds, �r��tru� or oth�r do�um�nts ��qu���d firo�n B��rer �e�e�uted and a�1�no�vlec���d r�vhe�e a���oprlat�� as ma�r b� reasor�abl� n���ssary �r� �r��r� f�� �1�� ���r�v� H�l��r �� ��m�l� �it�i ��� t��m� �f ���� Agr����r�t. �.� ��11��'� ��1� �t��r��. ��1��� ��r��s ��i�� �� �� ��f�r� �:�� p.r�. ��' �1�� 1a��t ���ir���� c���r irr�m������1� �r����ir�� t�� �1��i�� ����, �����r ����1 c����s�� �r ����� t� �� c��p���t�� �i�� ���r�v� �I�1�1�� �a.�� �� t�� f��l�u��r��: ��� t�e ���cut�d �r�d acl�no�ledged �ra�t D��d; �b� t�e ���c�ted ��d acknov��ec�ge� ���ulator}� Agreen���t; ��� � ��rti����t� �f I�T�n-F�r�i�� ������ �t�� "l��n-F�r�i�n �►�fi��vi�"� �x���t�d ar�d a���o�1��g�d �y ��lle� i� t�e form �ttached he�et� as ��hi�it "�"; ar�d ��� �11 �t�i�� #��r�c��, it�rr��, ��c� 1���r�nl�nt� r�c�����c� f� ��11�r ������t�c� a�c� a�kr�ov�l�d��d �v�ere appro���at�� as rr�ay �� re�.so�a��� nec�ssa�y 1� orc��r �o� ���ro� �Iolde�r to �a��1� v�it� the provis�ons of ���s A�r����r�t. �. T��'I�� ��L�R�1�1�� ��I�I��. �.1 �'��1� ��1��y. At t�� �1��1�� �a��.�, ��e T�t1� ��rr����r, �� ir�����r, ��a�11 i���� �� Ai�T� �v�r��r�'� �tar��a.r� ��v�r��� ������ �f ����� ����rar��� ���Ti�l� ��l��y ir� f�v�r �f� ��x}���, �� ix�s�red, v�ith ��abi�xt� �n t�ie a�our�t o�`t�� Pur�has� P�.��, �ub��ct ta the �`ollov�rir��: ��� ���-delir�quer�� r�al �rop��t� tax�� �n� a��essmer��s; 88�,+�2��0�-0003 ������.o� �t�����o� -�- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 17 ��a� ���1� ����pti�r�� a.��r��v�� �� c����n�d a.��r�v�� �� ����r� ��� t� �e�tior� �.� abo�re; ��� �i��� �x����i�r��, if �y, r���1�1r�� fr��n 8���� ��tr�r �r�t� t�� �r����t�r �3L����c��]� �� ��1� �I'�V1����1� �� ����1�� �.� �����; �c�} �n� at�.�� ex���tior�s �.p�ro��d b� �uye�; a�d �e� �h� s�a�c��d p�ir�te� �or�di�ior�s ar�d ���ept�o�s �ontainec� ir� �h� AI�TA ����d�rc� ��v�r�g� �v�r��� ���i��r �f` t��1� ir���ra.n�� r��ul�rly i����c� ��r ��� T��l� ��rr���r��. �oli��. �.� ���m�r�t f�� �i�1� �'���. ��y�r ���1� �� r��p�r������ f�r t�� ���rg�� #��r t�� '�it1� �. R�AL I'R�PERT� TA���. A� a re���t af �uy��'s a�d �ell��'s status �s �ub��c entities, �he Pro�erty is, a�d v�11� re�ai�� e���npt f�a�n th� �ay�rn��t of p�ope�t�r ta��s and asses�r��nts ur�ti� �u�� �irr�� a�� t�� P����r�}� �� tr��f�r��c� �� ���r�r �� �.n i�����-�1i���I� ��u������. S. ��1�T��TI��T� PR������T T� ������. �.1 ���c�it���� ��������� �� ��y�r'� ��a1i���i�n�. ��i� ��li�a�ti�r�� �f ����r ur�d�� ��i� A�r��r��r�t to purchas� th� �ro���rty ar�d clo�e ��e �s�ro�v sha11 �e su�j ec� to t�� s�tisf��t�or� or s�gn�d �uritt�n ��i�ver b�r ��y�� of ea�� ar�d a11 of the �'o1lav�ri�g cor�d�t�ons pr�c�d��t ���1���tiv�1� "�uy�r's ��nc�i�i�n� �� �'���in�"�: �a} ���er shal� have ap�ro�ed t�� �or�d�t�o� af the Propert�, �n a��o�dan�e �vith ���txon �.� �ereof; ��� �r� tl�� �����r�� �at�, t�� �'i��� ��rr�p�r�� ��.��� �� ��r����a.�1� ���n.rnitt�ci �� ����� ��7� �1��� ������ �]IiTSL1�I1� �� ����1��'l � ��?��� 1I1�L1I'lll� ��� �1��� �� ��]� ��'����� �� ����� �es�ed �� �uy��; ��� ���r��v I�����r ��1�1� �I1 ��� �r�r�t L���d, �r�d ��i� i���r��n�nt� an� �`�r�r1� r�c�����c� f�� ��� �l��in�, �.r�c� v�ri1l c���iv�r �� ��y�r �h� ir���r����t� ��c� �`�r�ci�, if a.n�, a���r�ir�g �� �u�er p�r����t to this Agr��r���t; �d� �x�e�t as oth��vise pe�itte� ��r th�s ��reem�n�, �11 re��ese�tat�or�� ar�d ���r��i�� ��r t�� ��11�� in ��ii� �g�����r�t ����1 l�� tru� �r� ar�c� �� �f �h� �1��ir�g ��t� �� t����� rr���l� �t �.�a�� t�rr�� �r�c� ��1 �����a.r�t� �f ���X�r ����ua�r��. �� ��i� A� ��a�11 ���� ���r� #����i11��i b�r t�� �losir�g D�.te; ��� ��11�� i� ��� in rr��t�ria�1 c��f��1� �� a��r t�rr� �r ��I�C�1�1��1 �� t��� A�r��rr�e��. I� �he ev�r�t ��at any of �uy��'s �or�d�tior�s �o �1o��r�� are r�ot s�.tisfied, d����d sat�s�ec�, or �a���d �r� a�rritir�g s���ed by �uyer prior to t�� ��p�ration of the a��licable �aeriod fo� sat1sfa��ior� ar v�aiver, �u��� �ay termir�at� th�s Ag�'eerr�er�t. s���o���oo-000� ��������� �1������� ��- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 18 �.� ��r�c���i��� �'���ec��nt t� ��1��r'� �1�1� ����r��. �1�� ��al���ti��� �f ��11�r �r���� ��ai� Agr��rr���� ���11 �� subj��t t� t�� ��tx�f������ �r �i�n�c� v�rritt�r� v�r�xv�� �� ��11�r �f ���1� �r�c� �1� �� ��']� �����1�1I1� ��IlC���1��1� �?����{���]� � "���l�r�� ��ncii�i�n� �� �l��ir��"�: �a� �s��ov� Holc��r ho1d� t�e �ash �o�ti�� o� t�e Pur�h��e �x�ce, t�� I�ote, the ����1�t���r �g���r��r�t, �nc� ��l �����- �r�����n���� �.�d f�r�c1� r�c��ir�� f�� ��� �1�sir�� a�d �vi�1 d�1i��r �� ���1�r ��� �r���r�rr��r�t� ��c� ���c��, �r�����ir�� bu� r��t �i�n���c� �� ��� ���� ��rti�r� �f' t�� ��r����� ��1�� �1�ss ��11�r'� �1��ir�� ������ a���ruin� �� ������ ��� t� t�i� A���rn�r��; ��� �x���� �� �t��r�i�� ��rrr�x�t�� 1�� ��is A����rn��t, �.1� r��r���nt�ti��� an� v�ar�ra�ti�s �y t�� Br��e� �� t��s �� sha11 be tr�e on ar�d as of t�� �los1r�g Date as t�o��h �ad� �t t��� �i�� a.r�d �1� ��v�r�a�r��� �f ����r �ursu�n� t� �hi� Agr��rr��r�� ��a�ll ���� ���� fi�1f�I1�c� b� t�e �1os�r�� D�te; ��� �u�rer �s r�ot �� mat��ial defa�lt af �y t�rn� o� �o�dit�o� o� this A�re�rr�er�t. II� ��1� �V�II� ��]�.� c�Il� �� ������`'� ���1{�1�1��� �� ����1�1� ��� �1�� ���1��1�C� d����c� ���i�fi�c�, �r v��iv�� i� � �vri�i�� ��gn�c� �� �����r �ri�r t� �1�� �X�1�'��1�I1 �f ��� a���li�a��l� ��ri�� f�r �a�t�i�fa.�ti�r� �r v�a.i��r�, ��l��r �n�.�r ���m����� �1�1� Awg���r�n�r��. 9. �������I�1�. �'��������r� �f ��� �'r�p��t� ����� �� ������r�� �y ��l��r t� ���r�r �n ��� �los�n� �ate. 1�. ALI���AT��I�T �� �����. 1 �, � B� �r' � ��s�.s. ��y�r ���1� ��y ��� f �11�v�ri�� �����; �a� �n� hur�d��d �erce�t � 1��°�o� of �scrav�r Ho�c�er's es�rov� f�e; �b� �uyer's ov�n at�orrY�y's �ees ir���r�red �n �or���ti�r� �ith �hi� Agreemer�t �nd th� tr��asa�tians cont�rr�p��ted hereby; ��� A1� �h�.r��� f�r th�� Titl� P�����; ��� 1 �.� �����r*� �����. �����r ��a.1� ��� �����r'� ��vr� �����n�y'� f��� ir� ��������r� �it� th�s A�reement �nc� th� transa���ons co�tem��ate� 1��reby; 11. I���1V�TIFI�AT��I�. ���1�r �gr��� �� �����nr�i��r, d�f ��� �x�c� �i���i ���r�r ���.���� f'r�rr� ar�� ag��nst 2�r��r �laim, �.�ti��� ��i�, �roce�dir��, �oss, �ost� darna��, lia��l�t�, defi�����y, f�ine, ��r��1t�r, ��t�itiv� ��n�a.��, �� ������� �ir��1�����, �ith���. 1ir�i������, �tt�rn���' f����, �����tir�� from, �r�si�� out of, a� bas�d upor� {i� th� pre���ce, r���a��, �xs�, �er�eratiar�, d�sc�a�g�, stor��e o� �i����a� �� ar��r "�Ia.��rd��� 1VIa���r��1�" ��� �1�at t�rm i� d��'ir��� ����v�� ��, �r���r, i� �� a���ut�, �r the tr�s�o�tation af ar��r su�k� Haz�rdo�s IVlateri�ls �o o� �rom, the P�o���� v�r1��c� oc��r�red �uri�g ��11�� � ��vr�����i� �� t��i� �r����ty, �� �ii� ��i� vi�la��i�r�, �� �11���c� vi�l�ti��, �f an� �ta���t��, �rc�i�a���, �r��r, r�l�, r���1a����r�, p��x�, ,��c��m�r�� �r li��r��� r�l�t��� �� �1�� u��, g�r��r��ti��, r�l�a.��, c�i�������, �t�ra.��, �i�����1 �r tr�n�p��t�ti�r� �f �-I�������� 1VI���ri�1� �r�, ��c��r, ir� �r a.����, �� �� f`r��, t�i� �r���r�}� v��i�� ����rr�c� c��ri�� ���1��'s ��n�r��ii� �f t�� �s��o���oo-000� ��������� ��������� -�- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 19 �r���rt�r. T�i� ir�c���r����r ��i�ll �r��1�c��, �V1��1�1�� �1I�ri�������1, ar��r dam���, 1i��i�i��r, �'1n�, ��r��l�y, ���� �r ������� �ri��r�� ���rr� �r ��t �f �r�� �la�i�n, a.�ti�r�, ���� �� �������ir�� f��r �����na�l inj�ry �ir�������� ���kr����, cii���s� �� d�a.�h�, ��r��i�l� �� ��tar��i�1� pr�p�rt� �a�r����, ��rr���r���ti�� f�� ���� v�����, ���1�1��� 1�1��1'I7�, �� �r ��.h�r ���n���� ����, d�rr�a��� �� ��� ������1 ����ur�� �r ��� ���rir�r�m�nt, r����a����, ���'l��l�'I11I1�.�.1�I7, ���1�, ��a�l�, ��1���� �r ��l��r a�dv���� �f`f'��t �r� ��� ��������r�� ��r�� �f �la� ����r�, � "�1�i�"� �� t�� �x��r�t r���ltir�g f'r�rn, ��1�1�� �1.�� �� �r b���c� �.l��Il �.11� Ill����� ��� ��I�� 1�'] ��.#����.L1S�� �1� �[� �I1� �����1�.��}�V� At ��� r�qu��� �� ��� ��1���, t�� �u�r�r �1��1� ������at� �i�� ��� �.��ist ��� ��1���" 1�1 1�� (����17�� �� �.I'1� �1���] ���1�11, ��t���, ��it, pr����c����, ����� ���t, �arr�a.��, 11��}111��, ���1�1��7�� fi��, p���l��, ��r����v� �arr����, �� �������; �� ���� t�� ����� ��a.1� ��� �� ��11����c� t� ir��ur �r�� ������� ir� �����t��� �v�t�� s��� ������ �r ���i������ ������'� ���1���1��1 �.� 1�1���T1�1�� c��f�r�c� ar�� h�1� �����- h�� �n��r ��i� ����i�� 1 � ��.�11 ��t �pp�� t� �x�y ���x� ���ul���� f���, ari�i�� ��� �f �� ����d ���r� �r�� �r�����t�i�n �r ir�v��ti��ti�� �f t�i� Pr����.� �� ����r ���r������tiv�� �a�r���r�t �� ���ti�n �.� 1�����f �Il� BMI���I" ��I'��� �� 1I1���I�1�� ����nc� �nc� h�lc� ��11�r ��rml��� f`r�rr� a�� s��� �l�irr� ir� ��� �a�m� rr�ar�r��r ar�� t� ��'1� ��I11� �X���1� ��1�� ������' 1� �'��1.�1�'�C� �� 1�]��II7I11�� ��f�n� an� ��1� �ll��� �'1�I�11���� l.l-�7���' ��1� ���V1�1��1� �� ��1� ����1�I1 � � . Fo� �u�pos�� o#` this A��e���r�t, the term `��a�ardo�s 1Viat����1�" r��a�s ar�� s��sta�c�, �a���ri�1, �r v�a��t� ��i�� i�, �r �������, ��������c� ��r �r�� ����� ������n��l �����rity, ��� �ta��.� �f ���i��r�ia, �r� t�� LJ����d �ta�t�� ��v�rnrn�r�t, ir��1��1�r��, ��t r��� 1irr�i��� t�, a���r ��t�ri�� �� substar��e �vh1c� �s �i� d�fined as � "ha�ardou� �ast��" "�xtrerr���� ha�arc�a�s �r�ste," �r "r���ri���c� �a���c���� �����" �r�c��r ������r� �� 11 �, �� 11 � �� �� 12��.�, �r 1i��.�d ��rs�ar�t t� ����i�n ��1�� �f ��� ��1�f��i� ��a�1�1� ��d �a��'�t�r ��c��, ��v����� ��, ��a��t��r �.� �Ha��a�rc���� �a���� ��ntr�1 I���� �i1� d����� �� � "h��a�rc���� s���t�r���" ��c���r ���ti�r� ���1� ��` ��� ��1i��rr�i� ���lt� �nc� �a.����r ��d�, ��V1�1�� ��, ��i����� �.� ���rp��.t�r-�r��l��-Ta�r��r H����d��� ���a���n�� �����r�t ���� ��11� ��f�n�c� a.� � "��zarc���� rx�����i�l, ���a��ar���� su�st��ce," ar "ha�a�dou� v�ast�" ur�d�r ���t�o� 255�1 of th� �aliforr�i� H��1t� a�d �afety �od�, �i�ri���r� ��, ��ia���� �.9� �Ha�arc���� 1Via.��ri�.�� ��1���� 1�����r��� P1a��� ar�d Ir�v�r���r��, �iv� c��fir��d �� � "�az�rc���� ����t�.r���" ��d�� ����i�n ��2�� � �� t�� ���if��rr��� �I�a�1�h �c� �a���� �oc��, D�vis�or� ��, �hapte� �.7 �U�.c�erground �to�a�e of �a��rdou� �ubs�ar�c�s�, �v� ���roleum, {vi� ����� a����s���� �v�i� ��1���1�r1r�a.��d �����n�rl�, �vii�� r��t��rl ��rt�ar� �ut�1 �����, �ix� ������ �r�d�r A�ti�1� � �r ��fir��� �� "����r��u�" �r "���r�r��l�r h��a.rc����" ��r����t �� Arti�1� � 1 �f� �`i�l� �� �f ��� ��11��1`�11� Ac�rn����tr��1v� ��c��, �1V1�1�1'1 �, ��a.���r 2�, ��� ci�s�gna�t�c� a� "ha�ardous s�b�ta�ce�" �ur�u�r�t to ����ior� � 11 af th� �lea� V�at�r A�t �33 LJ.�.�. ��� 17�, ��i} d���e� a� a"h�ardo�s �vaste" purs�ar�t to ��ctior� 1��4 af ��e �esour�� �a�ser�atior� ar�d I����v�r� A��, �� [�.�.�. ����1 �t ��q.��� �T.�.�. ��9��� �r ��ii� c���i���i a�� "l���arr���� ������r����" ��r��a��� �� ���ti�r� � � 1 �f' t�� ����r���r��i�� �r��i��r��r��a�� ��s��r���, ��r�����a��i��, ��c� I�ia���l�t�r ���, �� LT.�.�. �9��� �t ��c�. � �. ����11�II�ATI�1�. Ir� t�� ��r�r�� t��t, �r��� t� �1�� ����� �f ���r��, �r��r �����m�r���1 �r��.it�r ����1 ��rnn��n�� ��y �r�����li��� �f �r 1���ir�� t� ���r��r�� c���rn��r� �r �i�nilar ��� �r����di�.�� �� tak� �.�1 �r ��y ��rti�r� �f �1�� �r���rt�, ��}r�� �r ��11�r ���11 p�r���at1� rr���� an� ��r�f �r 1r� ���� f�it�i �� �va�1��t�� t�� �f f ��t � f ���� ���i�� �r� t�� ��rp�s�� �� �1��� A�r��r�r���� �r�� f�l1��vlr�g ���h rn���i�� �����r ����� �r ���l�r rr��.� t��r�r�.���t� ��is A�������t. 13. BL���' � DI����ITI�I� �F T`H� PR���F��'�. Buye� a�I�ov�1e���s a�d ag�ee� ta �11 a#` th� �`o1lov�r�n�: ����a���oo-000� ������.�� �«������ -�' Agenda Item 9.d. 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T�� �'�rm ��' ����� ��������r� A�r����r�� �1�a.11 �� ���r��r�d �� �ell�r's 1e�a1 �o�r���1, ar�d �por� r��ordat�o� o� �he ��vr�er �e�ulat�r� Ag� �he ��gulatory A�����ner�� v�ould b� te�nir�ated. �Totv�ithsta����� a�� af th� �o��goi�g, pria�r to �uy�r �nteri�� ��to ar��r r��t�l a�d�1�� sa1�� ��r��rr���t �a�s a��1i��b��� v���� ��� �1i��1�1� H������1c� �h�t �a�s ���r� ������� ��r �uy�r a�� �� t��� �l��ir�� �a��.�, ��y�r ��a�11 �����c�� ��11�r� �1�� � ���� �� t�� pr�p���� �r�r���l ������ �a1�� ��r��rr���t ��� ���Ii�a����� ���- a���r�v�l ��r ���l�r�� 1�g�.� ���r���l. 14. 11�I������AI�T��U�. 1 �. � Ass� �n�r�� T�11� A����1'17��1�. S�]��� �� �11`1C�1I1� 1����1 �� ��1��� ��]1.��'� �� ��� ��I1��� �f �� ��- �d ��11�r ��d ���ir r�������v� l��ir�, p��r��r��1 r��r���r�t�tiv��, ���������� ��� a����gr��. Y l��it���r pa,rt� t� ��i� Agr����r�t r���r ���xgr� t�i� A�r���n�r�� �r ar��r i������t �r ri�ht ��r�����r �� ur�der t�e Es�ro�r �v�tho�t t�ie p��o� v��itten co�sent �n�l app�ova� of the ot��r p��r, v�hic� �o��er�t ar�c� appro�ral �nay be v�r�th�eld �n the sole ar�� ��so��t� dis�r��ia� of eit�er �arty. I�o ����i���r� �f ���� A�r��rr��r��. �� i������c� r��r �l�a�l� ir� a���r v�a��r �� ������ �� ��r��fit �r�Y ��Y I7�� cl �1�1���T� �1��'��� �� �� �I'���� � ��71�'C� �]�I"�� ��11��1�1�.�'� �'����1��1��71�} �r�vi���, ���nr�v��, ���� I1���1��1���C�lI7� ��� f�����i��, t�� ���y �f Arr�y� Crar��� ���1� �� �r� ���r��� t�irc� ���� ben�f��iar� v�r�th re�p��t to the ir�d�m��t1�s a�d oth�r rr�a�ters s�� fo�t� ir� th�s Ag�eem�nt v����� ����ifi��.11�r ��c� �x�r���l� �u� t� ��� �i��r's 1����fit. ss��o���oo-000� ������.���1������� ���- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 21 1 �.� At��rn�._y' � ����. �n ��� �v�r�� �f` a��y ������ ��tv���� ��x}��� �nd ��11�r ���1��n� er�for���ner�� of any of the terms and ��r�d1��or�s to t�.is �����m�r�t or the �s�ro�r or o�h�r�is� i� ��nn��ti�r� v�i�1� ��� Fr���rt�, ��� �r�v�llxr�g ���t�r �� ���� ��ti�n ��ia1� �� a�v�r�1��, ir� a�c��iti�r� �� c��rx�����, ��j�����v� �� ����r� r�1ie�, its r�a.��r���1� ���t� �n� �xp�r����, ir����c��r�� v�i�h���t �1I�1��.�.1�11 1�� ����� VV1��1��� ���� ��(� I"�������1� ����1�I`���� � ����. � �. � ��ti��� . A11 n�ti��� �r��l�r t�ii� Agr���n�nt ���11 �� ��'f ����v� ���� �������1 c�el�very, c�e����� �� re���able overr�i��t c�el�ver� service, ��c� as F�der�1 ��pre�s� th�t ��`��1C��� �. �'���1�� V�1��] ��]� �1�11� �.�]C� C��.�� �� C���1V��'� �r thr�� ��� �u�ir���� c�a��� �ft�r ������� ir� t1�� Unit�d ���te� m�.i�, r�g�st�re�l or ���ki��d, po�t�.g� f��ly �r�pai� ar�d addr�ss�d to ��e �'���3���1�� ��1"�I�� �� ��� ��I ��1 ����� ��' �� �� �Ll��'l ���1�I' ������� �S ��7� ���1�� ��� �`�� ���1'1� �� ���`]�'1� (�����1��� 1�'1 V��'1��11�: T� ��11�r: A� �r�nc�� ����v����m�nt A��r���r � � 4 �ast �rar�c� �tre�t Arro ya �r�.n��, � A 9� 4� � At�n: ��e��tive �ir��tor �op�r to: Rutar� � T�cl�er, L�P � � 1 Anton �o�������, ���te 1 ��� �osta 1Vlesa� �ali�orr�i�. 9�6�$--19�� A�tr� : ��hn F��rr�ir��, ���. T`� �����: �����n� Au����it�r �f ��� ���� ��` �ar� L�i� ��i��� �87 �e�� �t�eet �� L�is �b�spo, �A 334�� ���Il: �����.1�.1�� ���'�����' �opy to: �ar� �uis �bi��ao �ounty Ho�us��� fi�st F��� 41 � 1 ��oad �tr�e�, ��ite A-� ��.n Lu�s �brs�o, �A 9�4� 1 A�tr�: �����tiv� �i���t�� � �.� ��ir ll�����r��. �'�i� �gr��rr��n� ��ia.11 �� �������c� �����c�ir�g t� it� f�ir n��ar���� and as �f pr�pared by both p��es h�r�to. 1�.� ����i��s. T�� �i��c�i��� a.� �1�� ��gi�i�g �f` ���� �u.���r�c� ������n �f ��ii� A�r��rx��r�� �r� ��1�1� ��� ��� ��r�v�r�i�r��� �f t�� ���rt1�� ��r�t� ar�d a�� ��t � ��rt �f` t�i� A����rr�e�t. 1�.� ���i�� �f I���r�• I�iti a��.i�r� IVI��t�� �'1�i� Agr��r���t �1���� �� ����rr��c� ��r t�i� ir�t�r�a�l l�v�� ��` ��� �t��te �� ��1if ��n�� anc� �r�� c�����1�r� ��i�ir�� ��r��c��� ���1] �� ��n�tru�d �r ����rm�r��d a�����c���� �� ���� 1a.v�. �'�� ��p�ri�r ���rt �� ��i� ����� �f ��1if�rn�� i� ��c� f�r ��� ���r��� �f ��n I��i� ��i���, �r ���� ����r ��p��p�i��� ���r� ir� ����i ������, ��a��1 �ia�� ���1����� �l�I��C�1��1��'1 �� ��'1� �1�1�;��1�I� �������'1 ��1� ��I�1�� ��I'1���'11�� ��'11� A�`��Ill��l� ���vi�� �f �r������ �n ���r�� ���11 �� rr��c�� ir� ����rc��r��� �i�� ��1i��rni� l��v. ��r�ri�� �f �r����� �� ���1��r ��a11 �� rr��c�� ir� �r�� ����r ��rmi���c� �y ��1���rr�1� �a�v� �r�� ���1� �� �����tiv� ���t�i�� ���v�c� i��id� �r ou�s�de �alifor�rx��, �s��o���o�-oa�� -1 �l - ������,�� ��������� Agenda Item 9 .d. Page 22 ��.� �1��1i���I��� �f ���r�r ��f�����1�. I�T� �f�r��r, �f�i��a��, rr��rr���r, �r��a1����, a�g�r��, �r r��r���r�t�ti��� �f ���r�� ����� �� 1���1� f�� ���r �rr���r�t� ��� �i�r�ur�c��r, �n� r�� j�d��r�t �r �x��u�i�n ���r��n �r�t�r�� ir� ar�� ��ti�r� �����r� �1��1� �� �������1��r �������� �g��r��� ar�� ����i �f�i��r, �f�i�i�1, n1�rn��r, �n��l����, ���r��, �r r��r����ta��v�. 14.5 ���de�; 1�Turr����. �s �sec� ir� th�� A��e�me�t, masc�lir��, �`�rr�ir�in�, ar�d r��u��r ���d�r ar�d t�� sir���lar �r plural r�um�er sha1� be dee��d to �x���ucie t�� otl�e�s v��e�e�er ar�d v�r1������r �1�� ��r����� �� �ii�ta����. � 1�.9 ��rvi���. T�i� A��r����r�� a�r�� �11 ��v�r�ant� t� �� ��rf�rr��� a�ft�r t�� �l��in�, �r��� �����t �.� ����r�vi�� ��t ���t� ���'�i�, �1� �'��r���n��ti��� anc� �a�ran���� ����a��r��� ��r��n, ��1��1 �1�I�1V� ��7� ����1I1� I���� �1�C� ��'1��1 ��1�'1�1�1 � �1I�C�1�'1� ��I7����� ���V�T��I� ��1� ��I`�1�� �1��'��� 1 �.1 � �Firr�� �f ����n�� T'1I�Il� 1� �� ��1� ������� �� ��1� A�I"��I�1�I1� �(� �� ����1 �.11C� ����`�r ��� �r�� �ar�vi���r� ��r��f 1� ����1� l��]C���'����C� ��1�� ��1� ��I�1�� ��I'��� ���� 5���1�1����� �1����1���C� t�� �1�t�� ��� t�� ������ti�� ��` ���� ��lig����n h�r��r�. � �.11 �a�iv�r �r IVI�c�i#����i��. A �v�iv�r �� � ���vi���� �����f, �r rr���if����.ti�r� �� �� �r��i�i�� ����ir� ��nta.ir��c� ����� �� ������1V� ��1�� 1� ��1C� ��1.V�� �� �11��1�1���1�I1 1� 1I1 V�T�`1�II1� �r�c� �i��� �� ���� ����r ��d ���1��. I�� �va.iv�r �f �r�y ��r�a��� �� c��fa.ult �� �n� ��rt� ��r�t� s�al� b� co�si�ered to b� a v�ai��� of ar��r breach o� d�fa��t �r�l�s� ��pressly pra�ided ��r�x� ar 1� the v�raiv�r. 1 �.1 � �� ����r���x1t�� F���. ���1�r �r�cl ���r�r r������r�� an�i v�r�r��t �� t�� ����r that ���th�r Buyer r�or �ell�� h�.� em.��o�ed ar�y r�al es�ate brol�er to ������e�t �ts ir�te�r�st in t�is tra�sa�tiar�. �a�h �art� a��ees �o ir�dem�i��r a�c� �ol� the oth�� free ��d �a�rr�less �r�r� and ���i��� any ar�c� ��� �1��1�1�� ����, ����, �r �x���s� ����l�c�ir�g ����t ����� a�� r��s�r�a�1� ����r��y' � f���� ir� �r��r ������- ��r�n��t�� �ri�� � ���irr� a.ss��t�c� �y �r�� �r��i��c���l �r �r��i�� f�r a�r��r �r�1���'� ��rr��ni��i�� i� ��n���ti�r� ��t� ��� ��r�v��a.r��� �� ��� �'� ����r�� ��t �f �gr��n����s ��r ��� ir��l�n���fyxr�� ��rt� �.� ��� �r��r ��rn�i��i��. 14. � 3 ����ica�t� ��i i�. T�1s Ag�eement �na�r be �xe��t�d i� a�y ��mb�� o#` c��������� �rigir�a���, �1� �f'v��i�� ��i��l �� �f ����1 ����1 f�r�� �r�c� ��f���. 1 �. � � �������i1i��. If �.r��r ��r�n, ���v����� �r ��r�c�i�.i�� �f t�ii� A����r���� �r ��� �.���1������1 ��1��'��� �� ��1� ������1, ��7�1��, �� �1��L��11��.��� ��1���, �� �� �����7�, �}� 1I1���1C� �I' �nenfo����b1e, t�� r��a�r�der of this A��emer�t, o� the a�p�icat�o� o�` su�1� te�rn, cov�n�t, or ���1�1�1��1 �� ������1�, �I1�1�1�5, �� �1�'�LIIII����']��� ���1�I' ��'1�.� ����� �� �� �V�l���'1 1� 1� �]��C� 1�'lV���� �I' ���r���r����1�, ����1 r���. �� �f`f���t�� ���r��y anc� ���� t�rm� ������r�� �r ���c�i�i�� ��' ��i� ��'��I�]�I�� ��1��� �� ��.�1C� c`II�IC� ��'1������.�71� �� ��`l� �1������ ������ ��IY171���C� �� ��V� 1 �. � � �x�i���� ��1� �����V4�1�'l� �X�11�1�� ��� ����.��l�C� �1��'��� �l� 1I7��I���'���C� �'1���1I1 �� �hi s re f�r �r�c e : �����i� `���� ����1 ����ri��i�r� �f �����rt}r �' X�11�1� cc��� �' �I"i'I7 �� �0�� E�hi�it "��' Forrn o�' G��r�t Deed ���11�]1� "�„ F�rm �f ��n-��r�ig� �1�'fi���1t ss��o���o������ -1 �- ��������� �s�{����� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 23 14.1 ��a��n�.nts of ��l�e�. ���ler agr�es that d�r�ng t�e �ae�od b�tv���� the E�'�e�t��� ���� �� ��11� A����']�I]� �I7C� ��1� ����1�1� ���� {�� ������` S�l��� �11�11`1��11'1 ��`l� �����I"�� lIl Il�� ���� ��']��'1 ��1� ����� �� ����1�' �� ��1�� ��i����� �n t�� �����ti�� ���� ��x���t��g �r�in�r� ���r ��d ��a.��� �1�� ��11�r s1�a.�1 r��t ����r��, ���r��, 1����, r���, l���r���, a����g�, ���t����, hy�othec�t�, e���rr��e� ar otherv�ise ��a�s��� �or� a� off r��ar�} t�e �ra�e�t�r o� a�y intere�t th�re��; ��� ������' ��1��� ��� �1��T ��1� �]�1��1��.� ��11C�1�1�1`1 �� ��1� ������� ��' �.�1��'��1��� ��` r���a���, �I' ���I11� ��� 11'1����11��1�� ��" ��1����, �� ��y I�a�����r�� 1V��t�ri�� ir�, fr�rr�, �r���r, �r �r� ��'1� ��'��]�I��� ��� �ri�� t� �1��ir��, ��11�� ���11 rr��ir���i� ��l��r'� ����ti�.� �r���r�r��� �r� ��� Prop�rt�. � �.17 ��rp�r�t�_ Aut��rit�. '��i� ��r��r���� �����ti�� ��i� ������r�� �� �a���1f �f �a��� �f ��� ������ ��r��� ���r���r�t ar�c� �arrar��. t��� ��� ����i p�� �� c��l�r ���ar�i��ci a�ci ��i��ir��, �ii� ���y ��� d�l�r �ut��ri��� �.� �����t� ��� �e���r�r t��� .������n��t �r� ��1���f �f �a.�d �a.rt�r �111� �� �� ����L��1�'3� ��11� A�'���I1�I1� �L���'1 ��I"�� �� ���1���� ��L111� �� ��1� �']I'��1�1�I]S �� ��11� A�`���l�I]� a��c� {i�� the er�teri�� in�o this 1�g��e�ne�t do�s not v�olate an� p�o�i�i�r� of a�� oth�r agr���e�t �o �v��ch s��� party �� bo�nd. 1�.�� ����I]�I�� �����1�� �1���1�I11�1��1�I� ��Il�r ����r�a���� t�ia�t 1� i�� ���f�rmar��� �f ��i� ���r��rr��nt it s��11 r��t c�i����ir�a��� a.ga�l��t ��� ��r��r� �r �r��� �� ��rs��� �r� ������� ��' a��r i�n��rrr�i����l� �1�����x���i�� ir��1�d1�� ��� �1�� �1I�11��C� �� ra.��, ��1��, ����c�, �����r, r�1i�i�r�, �a�i�a1 stat�s, �atior�al o�i�i�, or ar�cest��. 14.19 Er����e A�eerr�er�t Am�ndm��t. ��c�p� as set forth �bov�, this A� a�d th� exhi�it� i��or�o�'�t�� h���in car�tai� th� ��t1�e agre�r��nt of ���e� ar�� ��11�r v�it� re�p�ct to ��1� II7����I'� ���'1��1�1�C� �1��'�117, �11C� �'l� ��'1�� ���`���Il�I7� �I' �1�.C������C�1�1� �]�I��1I�1I1� �� ��� ��.1��.1 m�t�.�r ��i�1� �� �ff����v� f�r� ��� ��rp���. 1�� ���vi����� �� ���� Agr��rn�r�� n���r �� a��r���� �r n��d��`��� �r� �r�� rr�ar�n�� v���t���v�� �����t �� ar� a������n�r�� in �vr���r�g �i�r��c� �a� c���� ������i��d ���'i��r� �r r�}�� �f ���� ��` ��� pa.�.��s ����t�. 1�.�� ���������. T��� ������rr��r�t m�}� �� ��������i �n ��ur�t�er�a��t�, ���� �� v��i�� s�a11 be �eemed an a�i��r�a1, and both af ���ch tog��h�r sha�1 co��titute or�e and the sarr�e 1����Ll�l��l�, ��i����r���s o� ����r����] ���������� ���� -� �� A enda Item 9.d. �������,o� � i ��o�r�s g Page 24 I� �I�'I�1��S ��ER��F, B�ye� a�d ��11er ea�� he�e�� re�res���s t�at it h�s read t��s A����r��n�, und�rsta�ds it, and hereb� exec�tes �his A�r�emer�t to be �ff��tiv� as of t�� d�� �� yea� �irst �vr�tter� abov�. "� �11�r" ARI���� ��A�TD� ���E��I���IVI��T AC��I���, a p�bl�� b�d�, �or�orat� a�� ��litic Date: �1: ��: It�; A�TE�T: ���ncy ��c� A�PR���D A� �'� �'�R�VI: R�JTAI� � �`U���, LI�P � . ���r���r ����i�.1 �����1 "Buyer" H�U��� A�J���RI'��Y �� TH� �IT� �F �A� ���� �� I���, a p�b�i� bo�y, co� ar�d polit�c �ate: ��: �yF _ - . It�: ATT���': �o�sir�� Aut�ority � e�reta� A������D A� `�O �`�1�1Vi : �y. . �-I���i�� A�t��ri�� ���r���1 �������r��� ���� �o����vu��] ��������������� ������-°� �� �'°�'°� R � �- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 25 ��rst �r��ri��n �'itle I�s�r�.n�� �ompan� a����s to a�t �.s �sc�a� Halder i�a a��ordax�ce �v��� t�� te�ms o� t�is A�r�er�n�r��. FIl��T' A�VI�R���� ���'�� II��U����E ��1VI�A�TY ����: , 2���� � �'• — I�ame: It�: [�r�� o� �r����r���s] ����������r���� ��������� ��������� -� �- A enda Item 9.d. g Page 26 ������� ���7� ����� ���������� �� �������� Th� ��nc� s�tu�ted in the �ity af A� C�rande, i� t�e �ounty of �ar� I��is ��ispo, �ta�e of ��1if�rr�i�, d���ribed �s follo�v�: ��T 1 � �F '��.�A�'� ��. �5��, I� TI�� �IT`� �F A�F���� CF�A.��, ���T� �F �AI� LUi� ��I���, �TAT� �F �ALI�`�RI�IA, A����DII�� T� IVIAP I�E��F�D�D ALJ��J��' 1 S, 2��4 II� ���� �4, �A��� 12, 13, � 4, � 1��F 1V�AP�� II�I T�I� �FFI�E �F T`�H ����� ������ �� ���� �����i �� � �J s t � ! ! � �r � � � V � 8$?IO��C>{10=OOD� ������ �� ������{�� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 27 �1����� 1 GG��# ���� �� ���� ���E �'�I�I���TII�I� �ACE�� s����?���x,-ono� ������.�� aI?103 Agenda Item 9.d. Page 28 ���������� ���� � ���� �� ������� F�R �,A��J� RE�EI��D, t�e ur�dersigr�ed, H�L��II�T� AL��'��F���'� ��' THE �I�'� �� �A1�T L�J�� ��i���, a. �u���� �a�c��r, ���p�r�t� �nc� p�l�t��, ��r�ir�a�ft�r r���rr�r� t� �� "�o�ro�ve�, �ra��s�s to �a�� to t�.� A�R��� �RAI�I�� �E�E��I��:��VI��T� AC�EI���, a ���1x� �a��y, ��rp�ra��� �r�c� p�11�i�, ��r�ir��ft�r r�f�r�r�c� �� �.� "A��r���," �� xn��� �r�r��i��X �� �n�� be o�t�t��din� i� �.ccor�an�e v��t� t�e t��ms o� t1�xs l�Tat�, r�ot e��eedi�� �'I�"��-���� T�I��T�A1�TI� �`I�E H�1�R�� D�I�L��� ���5,���.��}, plus s��h ot�er co���, ��a� ar�d ���� v��i��� n�a��r �� ����� �r��n t��� t� tirn�, �l� ���j ��� t� t�� ���m�, ��r�c�i�x���, ��d ���vi�i�r�� hereir�af't�r se� fo�t�. �e�����c� is r��.d� to ��� The A�e�me�t fo� ����h�s� �d �a�e and Es�rov� Ir�str��t�or�s e�t�r�d �r��o ��r ar�d ��t�v�e� �h� �or�rov��r �d Ag�r��y or� or a�out �t�� "��r��r��nt"}, pur�u�nt to v�hi�� th� A�en�� so�d to �o�rav���r t�at certa�� ��al p�ope�t�r 1o�at�d at ��2 �out� ���rt1�n� ��r��� lIl ��1� �1�� �� ��'��� ��'��1C��, ����t�r �f ��r� I��i� ��i���, �t�t� �f ��1������ {�.�� "�'r����rt�"�. T�i� A�r��rr��r�� 1� 1I1��I��T�.��C� ���'���1 �]� ��11� I'����'�I1�� a�� t��ug� fu11�r ��� f��t� �erei�. �i�} �'�e Af�o��abl� Ho��i�g F�eg��atory A�reement and De�laratia� of �o��r�ar�ts ��c� I���t�����r�� �r������ ir��� ��r ��c� ��t���n ��rr�v�r�r �.n� A��r���, �r�����d ir�t� ��c� �����d�� �� th� �ff�cial Re�ords o� t�e �ounty of �a� L�is �b��po or� or ��o�t th� �a�� dat� h��eof, v�hi�� � #�or a t�rn�Y of ��fty-f��v� ��5} �rears, t�a� the �rap�rt� b� restri�t�d �or rent�� to a rr��d���t�-i���rr�� �����l���ci �� � ��r�ta�1 r�t� a.ff ��c�a.�1� t� ���1� �����1����i ���� "���ul�t�r� A�ree�er�t"�. T�e �egula�or�y A�re��n��� is 1r�co�porated 1�erex� by ���'er���e a� though ful1� set f�rt� �erein. 1. Prir��i��1 ���r��. T�� �r�r��i��.� �.����t �� ��� Ag����' � 1�a� �� ��rr��v�� i� F��'�'�-FI�� T�I�LJ�AI� F��� H�TI�T�1�� ��LLAI�� ����,���.��� ��h� "���n Am��r�t"�, ���ch �as ��en di����s�d �o �orro��r i� accor��.nce vv���h t�e ter�ns of the Agreer�en�. I�t�rest ����1 ���r�� �n1� �� ���. f ��t� 1� �ar�gr��l� �, in t�ie ��r�r�t �f � ��� c��f a����.. 2�. ����ym�r�� �f' l��t�. ������� �� t�� �r�v��i��� �� �a��a��r��� � ��l�v�r ��i�� �r�v�c�� �`�r ����1�ra��i�r� �� ��� t��� ����tan�in� �rin�i��1 ��c� a���r��ci in��r��t �d �m�n�c�i��� ���n�r�� ������fir� t�� �v�r�� �#` � c��f ��1� la}� ���r�v�r��, ��rr�v��r ���11 r��t �� ����g���d �� n��1�� ��� ���m�nt� �r� t�i�� 1�1��� �r����� a�n�i �r��i� ���r��v�� ����� ��� Fr���rt�r �� � ��r��r� �r �'ar�i1� �f moc����t� ir�corr�� �as �i�fined �r� H�a�t� ar�� �af�t�r ��d� ��ctxor� 5��9�� �a.r� "�1i�i��e �Io�s�hold"} at a purchas� pri�� v�h��� ��su�ts �n the Eli�ibl� I�ousehold pay no mor� tha� a� a�f f��rc��l�l� ����ir�g ���t ��� c��f�ir��c� i� I������i �n� ���'�t}r ��c�� ���ti�r� �����.�� �� ��Af��`�rc���l� ��1�� �ri��"�. [���r� �r��r ���� ��1�, ar�c� ��t �f t�� ��1�� �������� �.l��r��f, ��rr�v�r�� ��a�11 prom�at�� pa� to A�en�� the Loar� �rr�o�n�; pro�id�d, hov�reve�, th.at i�' the �orro�er's sales ��ic� is ���� t��n �'hr�� Hu�c���c� F���r T�1����ar�c� �i�� H���i��� ��11�.r� �����,����, ���� ��� I��ar� Am���. ���1� �� r�c�����, �� � ��11��-f�r-��11�r ���i�, �� ��� �rr���r�� �� ar��r s���i �if�f��r�r���. ss�r����oo-000� ' ������.�� �»������ Agenda Item 9.d. Page 29 �. B�r���u�r'� ��1���t��� �.� ��n����11 ��� �� ��rr��v�� ��l���rl�c�g�� ar�c� ������ �.� a�11 �f �1�� f�1l�v�ri�g: �. �� a.���r��r��� ���1� �1��� ��rta�i� �u�r�r'� ��������� �r�d I���a�1� A���rrY��t v�1�� ��ti�r� t� �'�r����� �r�����c� ir��� ��r �r�� ��tv���� ��� �it�r �f Arr�y� ���r�c�� ��� t�i� ir�iti�1 ov�rn�r of ��e �ro���t� o� ��br�u��y 17, ��05, v�h�ch �vas ���or�e� or� �'�b�ar� �5, ���5, as In�tr���r�� ��. �����1���� �IIC� V4��'11�� �1'll����� ��I�.�lIl ���L1��1`l�� ��1� ������ �`���.I1��.1�I1� �17 ��`].� �r����t� ��1� ��`���I�.� 1� �'�C�111�'�� �� �}� �V4�I1�C� �Il� ���1��1�C� �?� �1'1 ��1�1��� H�l����1�1� ��� ��� t��rm thereo�: �. A��r���'� �ri���y ��r���� ir� ��l��n� t�� �'�r���r�y t� ���r��v�r v�r�� �� f�rt��� ������r'� ���1 �� ���s�r�ir��� irr��r��in� �r�� ������s��� ��� �u��1� �f �f���c����� ������� i� the �ity of A�royo ��ra�de. �. �3o�rov��� �epr�sents to A�e��y th�t Borro��r has �aca�ed a� E����bl� Household� and t1��.t Borro�er ir�ten�s to enter ir��o ar� a�r�err�er�� v�ith th� �l�g�b�� �ous��old �a�r��an� �� �1�i�� ��� �11�i�1� I��������d ��1� r��t ��� �����r�� f� ���r��r�r ur��i1 s��� ��m� �� �i� �1�� l��rr�� rn�rtg��� rr��rl��� i��r�v��, �11� ��r���r�ti���1 h,��.� �n������� ��� ���i1a�1� �r� r�as�r�a��l� t�rrn�, �.�1� �111� ��1� �11�1��� H�L1���7��C� 1� fir�a.r��1�11y ��1� �� ������ � �������x���1 1��.n ir� �n �m�ur�t r�������r� �� �������� t�� �����rt�r �t �n Af`f`�rc����� �a�1�� ��i��, �� V��1�� �1�� th� �l��ib�� Ho�s�hold v���1 ���c�ase th� Prope�ty. �. ��� ���11 �iili��r�t1y �ur��� ���11r�g �h� �'r����rty t� ���d ����i�i� ��Ll���l�1� V�1��11I1 �V� ��� ���.T� ��`�TII ��]� ���� ����, �r�d ����1 �n��� c�ili��r�� ����rt� �� ����� ��� sales p�ic� to b� at least T�re� Hu�d�ed �arty Thou�anc� Fi�� �-I�x�d��d Do��ars �$�4�,����. �. I� ��r�r���t��n v�i�� ��rr���r' � s�1� �f ��� �'�����t�r t� ���C� �11�1��� �����h�lcl �r � di�f �r��� �i������1� ����rm�r��c� �� ��rr��v�r� �� c���1��� �� �� ������1� I�����l��l�, Barrov�r�r sha11 re�o�d a� �f�o� ho�sir�g re�ulator� agre�ment a�air�st t�� �ro�e�ty req�i�ing ���� ��1� �I'��?�I�� �� �V��]�C� �C� ���1��1�C� �?� �I� E�1�1�]�� ��ll���'1��C� ��� � ��� �� ���� {��� ��a.rs, �r�d r��t�i�tir�� a��r r��a�l� t� �li�i�1� I�������1c�� �� �r� �f�`�r�a.�1� �a1�� Pri�� ��n "��r��� ������t�r�r �gr��m�r�t"�. T�i� ��� �f` �v�r��r ����1�.���� A�������� ��a�1� �� ��a�ar���c� �� Ag�ncy's 1��a1 cour�sel, a�nd �po� ��co�c��t��� of t�e �v�r�er �egulat��y ��ree���t, t�e Re�l�tory Agre��e�t v��uld �e termi��ted. I���1�����I1�1I1� �I]� �� ��]� ������1I�� pri�r t� ���r�v��r �r����.r�� �r�t� an� r�nt�1 �nd1�� ��.1�� ��r��m��t ��� �p�1i���1�� �i��i ��i� �li���l� H������1c� �.�ia�� �i�s ���� 1�����c� �y B�rr��v�r a�� af th� I�ot� �at�, Bo�ro�er ��all pr��ic�� A�e��y �vit� a�o�y of th� pro�osed r��ta� ar��lor sa1�s a��r��rr��r��. �a� ��������1�� f�r a.��r�v�� ��r A�����' � 1���� ���r���l. �. ��fa��l�; A���1�r�.�.i�n; ������l��fa��1t IIl ��1� �V��'1�. �����N�� 1� 11`1 1`�1��.��1�� C����Ll�� of an� o� the �o���a��s, terr�s, or �ro�islo�s af t�is �Tote, th� Agree�n��t, a� the l�eg����o�y A�r�e�ne�t, ar��i �orrov��r fa��s to t��e1� �ur� su�h defa�lt ��der t1�� t�rms of the appl��a��� �gr��rr��r�t, it ����� �r���r����c� ��d �g���� �y ��rr�v��r t��t a� ��fa.�1� �f ��i�� I����, �� �� t�� A�r��n��r��, ��- �� �1�� ��gula�t�r�r ������n��t, ���11 �� a. c���a�l� �f` �ll �f �1�� f�r���i�� 1i�t�� c����rr��r���; t��n B�rr�v��r ��a�11 �� �r� c��f��1� �f� ��i� I�T�t�, �d �.�� ���r� �rr��ur�� �ha�ll ������ irr��n�������}� c��� ��� ���a.�1�. T�� r�t� �� 1n��r��t ���l��a.l�l� �.� ��ri�d� �f d�����t f�r t�� ����a���oo-o�o� ��������� ��������� ��- Agenda Item 9.d. Page 30 c��f���t� ��� ��rt�i i� ���� ���������i �4 ���.11 �� �a.���1�.�.�c� �� ��� 1����r �f �iv� ���-���.� ��°��� ���r �����n �� ��� rn������n 1���1 r�a.��, �r�c� ���11 �.��r�� a.� ��' �.�� cla.t� ���� �a�ym��� v�a�� �r�g����1� d�e. � . Additiona� �`e�ms. a. A11 pay�rr�er��s sha11 be first ���d�ted t� ac��ued i�te�re�t, r�e�� ta cas�s, ���r���, �.r�c� f��� v��i�� rr�a.� �� ���r�� f��� tir�� t� �i�n.�, ��c� t�.�� �� ��i������. �.11 ��yrx���� s�ia1� b� m�.de i� Iav�f�l mor��y af th� ��i�e� �tates. �a}�r�er�ts s�a�� �� �ac�e to �����y a� t�e �dd�e�s s�t �o�'t� �r� Pa�a�ra�� 8 h�re�r� o� at �u�h oth�r �.ddress as Agency or the ha�d�r of this I�T�t� ��y �i��'��� �ur���r�� �� r������ c��liv�r�c� t� ��rr��v�r ir� ����r���� �i��i ��r��r��� �. b. Bor�ro�v�� ag��es to pa� t�e f.ollov���x� �o�ts, e�pen�e�, �.nd reasonabl� ����rr���'� f��� p��t� �r i���rr�d �� Ag�r���r, �r �c�j�c���� ��r ��� ����t, in �h� ��11e�ti�r� �f am����� ir� c��f ��1� �r �t��r ���t� i��� �� � ����lt �f � c������t ��r ���r��v��: ��� ��������1� ����� �#' ��11���i���, ����� ��d �������� a�c� ����rn��� � f��� �a�ic� �r �r����r�c� ir� ������i�r� �vi�� ��� ��11�����r� �� �r�f�r��rr��r�t ��' �.�ii� I�T���, VL�����1�I" ��" �1�� �l�1� I� �1��{� �c� �i�� ����� �f ��it �r�ci ���� ���� �� t�� ���rt �na��r a.c�j�c��� �s �������r ���� 111 �.I]� ���1�I1 �� �����`�� �}��]��1� �� ��11� l��t� �r ar�� ��rt �� i� �f A����� p�r�v��l� ir� ���h �ui�. �. ���l���l����1�1��. F I'�11� ���� ��1��� I1�� �� ���L1I�1���� �1���L1� ��1� ��'1��', ���r���, v�ri���� ��r���r�� �f A�����r'� �x���txv� �ir��t�r. 7. Pr�s���ment� �tc. I�otv�i�hstar�dir�g an� o�h�er �ro�v1s�a� h�reir� ta t�e �o��rar�r, t� ��� ��t�r�� p�rmltt�d �� l�v� ��rr�v��r� ������ v���v�� t�� f �l��v����: ��� r��t��� �f� d�fa��1� �r ��1ir�c������� ��� r��t�i�� �f ����1���ti�r�, ��� r��ti�� �� �������r�t� �c�� r��ti�� �� �����, �������� ar�� 1����� a�r�d i���r��t t��r��r�, ��� ���1�� �� 1I1��I'��� ��'l 1�1������ �]C� 1��� �}���'���, �� �i�i��r��� �n t�1��r�� ���r ������ �� ��1���� ���r ���n� ��vir�� �r����' ti�1� I�1�t� �r ir� �r����t���g ���ir��t ar��r �� t�i� ��ht� ar�� present�e�t far payment, d�ma�d, p�ot�st, ar�d not�c�s o� d�shonor ��1or p� �g� ��� l��r��#�it� �f �11 v��iva��1� ���rr�p�i���; a�r�� �1�� �11 c��f����� ar�� �l�a�� �� ��� ������i� �f an� ����n�i�r� �r ���������� �f` t�� �.in�e �� ��ym�r�t �r �� ���r ��� �i��� �r�c��r� t�i� I��t�, �� �rl���� �r ir� part, v�heth�r bef�re or a�ter maturit� �r�d v��t� �� �i�ha�t n�����. �. I�T������ A�1� �1��1��� �'�C�L11��C� �� 1�� �r ��is ���� ���11 �� g�v�r� ���I��r �� { ��r���a.1 ��rvi��, �ii� c��l�v�ry �� r��u#�a.�1� c����rn�nt d�1iv��y ��rvi�� s���i �� �'���ra�1 E������ t��� �r�vi��� � ����i�� ����vir�� ���.� ar�c� tirr�� ��` ��liv�r�, �� ��ii� r��i�i�g in ��i� lJ�i��� �t��.�� ma�1, certifi�d �nai�, po�t�.g� ����a�d, returr� re��1p� r�que�t�d. I�ot��e� sh�11 b� �ddres�ed �� follo�vs: To Ag�r��y: ��ro�o C�rar�d� R�d��e�opment Ag��c�r � 1 � �a�t Bran�h �����t Arroyo �rande, �A 9342� ����: �X��L1�1V� �1������ T� ���r�r: ��u�ir�� A�t����}� �f t�� �it� �f ��r� I�ui� ��i��� 4� 7 I�e ff � tre et �ar� I��is �bispo, �A 934�� ���I7: ����L1�1�� �I������' �S��o����o-000� ��������� � ��� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 31 ������� ��r�����1�r rl�li��r�c� �r d�l��r�r�d ��r ��p����l� c����rn�r�� ci�li��� ������ �u���i a� ��c����l �x�r�s� ��i�t ����ric��� � r���1�t �vi�.� t�� ��n�� ar�cl c��t�� �f d�1��r�r�r ���11 �� c���rr��c� �ff��t��� ��a�r� r���i��. ���.i��s rr�a.11�d ���11 �� c���r��ci �f`f'����v� �n t�� ����r�r1 �usir��s� C��� �����V�1�1� ���]���� lIl ��� L�11��.�C� ���.��� �11�.1� ��t��� �a�rt� rr��� �i��igr�a�t� �.�a�t ��t���� �� ��r�� �� �th�r �r� �.c�c�iti�r�a�l a�dd������ ��r ��rr����i�� v���� th� r�c��ir������ �f` t�i� ����i��. 9. I���� a� tior� T�i� I��t� �h�11 �� ������� ��r �r�c� �����ru�t� �nc��r ��� in�e��l ���� �f ��� ����� �#` ��1if�rr�i� v�r��.���� � t� ���.#1���� �� l�v�. �`�� ��rt��� �.�r�� t�at ir� �n� �iti�a�tl�r� ����r��r� �h� ��rti�� �ri��r�� ��� �f' t1��� I����, �1�� ����ri�r ���rt �f ��� ����� �f ��lif��i� �r� �r�� f�� ��� ����t� �f� ��r� I�u�� �l�i��� ��a�11 �i��r� ���1����r� ���i�ci��t���. 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A�����, �� i�� ��t��r�, �a�y ������ it� righ�. �� ������� p�ym��� ��c��r th�� l��t� �i�h��� ������ir�� ��� ��r����� �f �1�� ��r��v��r �� ��i� �i�1d�r �r ��r����ia�r�r ����� 1i�� �f� ��7� ���C� �� ���� �� �����` ���L1�1�� 1I7��1"L��'l��'l� �����i�r ����r��� �r� ��r���r��c�. ����v�r�� ���11 not b� pe�rr�itt�d to assig� ar �r�nsf�� this �Iate o� a�y �or��on th�reo�` �vithot�t t�� priar ��pr�ss v��itt�r� �ox�s�nt of t�� A�en�y ���c�tiv� �irec�o�, ����1� cor�s�r�t �ay b� ��ve� ar �vit�h�lc� in ��1� ����1��1V� �1I'�����`� � ���� C�1��T��1��1 �s��o���o�-��o� i �� `��������� ������{�� Agenda Item 9 .d. Page 32 � ��T1�T��� ���F����', ��rr�v�r�r �i�� �a������� t�ii� I��t� �� �f't�� 1���.� ����, "�o�rov�e�" ��U��� AU�'��RIT`� �� T�-I� �I�T� �F �AI�T LL��� ��I�F'�, �. p�xbli� bod�r, �orporat� �r�c� �o��t�� 1����: , ���� B�: Its : A��'���' : Ho��ir�g A�t�ority � ���et�ry AP�R��E]� A� �'� F��VI: ��,. . �a��ing A�t�ority �o�r�se� ss�ro���ao-oao� �� � ������-�� ��������� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 33 ���I�IT ���" F�R1VI �F G�AI�TT I��ED ���� F�I�I������ �A��� ��?�o���oo-o��� �������°� � Agenda Item 9.d. Page 34 ������ �������� �� ��� ���� �����1J � 1 ��� 1 �. ���►.��� �� 1 ���� 1 � �� ��1� ���� �� ��� ���� ������ � � � � ��'��C� ��I'���, �L�1�� �i� �an I��is ��ispo, �A 9�4�1 At�r�: �Iousin� Au�ho�t�r �e��eta�� ^ �PA�E AB�V� `�'HI� L�i�1� F�F� ����F����'� LJ�� ��xempt �'rorn Recoxda��o� �'e� per Gov. ��de � 27383} �1�Al�T ��E� ��� A ��I��A�L� ��l�T����]�.T��I�T, r���i�t �f �v�ii��i i� ��r���r ��l��v�l����c�, ARF���� ��I�� F��������P1VI�I��' A��I���, � ���li� ��cl�r �������� �'l� ���1�1� ���1� "�r��tor"}, her�b� �� to �h� �I�LT�II�� A��JT�I�I�I�'Y �F TI�E ���`�Y ��` �AI� LLTI� ��I���� a��b�i� bod�, corporate and po�it�c �"�ra�t��"�, that ���tai� �ea1 �ra�erty �"Pro��rty"� �o��ted �� th� �it� o�' A� �rar�c�e, �our�ty of �ar� �uis �bispo, �t�t� of �a�lif�r�i�, �l���ri��d i� ��� l��a.1 ������pt��r� ��t��h�c� ��r�t� �� A.����h�n�r�� 1��. 1 a�d �r���r��r���d ����ir� �� t1��� r�f�r��r���, ���j��t �� �l1 rr��.t�.��s �� ����r�i, �r�� furt��r ������t �� �1�� �`ollo�rin�: "�rar�to�" �T�'���' : Ag�r���r �e�re�ar� A��'R��I�� �� `�� �`�I�VI: R��'AI� �. T`U�I�R, LI�P ��: A��r���r ������1 ��ur���1 ��R�Y� �R���� R.�����I��P�VI�I�]�'� A�����, a� ������ ��c��, ����ra�t� a�cl ��1iti� ��: It�: s�������oo-000� _ � _ ����� ���� �������°� A g e n d a I te m 9. d. Page 35 ����������� �� ���������� "�HI� I� T� ��R�IF� tha� t�e inter�st �r� rea� prope�ty �or�ve�ed b� a��a�� De�d ��t�d ,����, from A�R��� �RAI�D� I��D���I���'1VI:���' A�EI���, to the ���J�II�� �UT�I�RI�'� �F T`I�E �I�'� �F �AI� I��J�� �B��P� {"��thor�ty"� i� here�y a�����t�d �}� ��� A��h�ri�� ��r ��� �i�n�t�r� ��' ��� �r�c��r�����ci a���nt �r� ����1f ��' �1�� A�����i�� pur�uar�t to th� aut�orit� ca��e�re� u�on him o� her by Reso]�t��r� l�o. , ado�te� a� , a.r�� t��t ��� A�t�i�ri��r� �� t�� �r�.r����, �y 1t� �a�ic� c��l�r ��t���i��� a�g�r�t� ��reby �onse�ts �o t�� r��ordatxa� ther�of. H���I�� AL�T�I�F�IT� ��` 'T�� �ITY �� �AI� I��TI� ��I���, � ���1i� b���r, ��rp�r�t�� �r�� p�1it�� � ����: , ���� ���: , ___ __ I I����3� A�'���T �� t�i� �1,���1���1�1�� �� ��� f�r�g�i�� s�����r� a��c� t� ��� �a��c� ����]�1��1 �� ��� ��1C� �����1��1�I1 �� �ll� ��Il��`�� �1,����1��.� �.� �� ��� ��1� ��I"�1�� ��1�� ��1� �1.���1��'1�� ��� r��� ���r� r���l��� �� an�r �����q��r�� ����luti�� �r ��c��r �#' ��e A�����i�y. AT����': Authority �e�reta�y A�P���E� A� T� F�R1V�: �}�: A��hori�y �oun��l [��1� �F �I��1�TL9F���] s��r����oo-000:� ���$�� �� ������f�� -�� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 36 �tate of �a�i#"orr�i� �a�nt�r of �� , b�fo�e rrre, , �it��ert narr �nd titl� of th� affi��r� �1��a�� ������, ��rs���11� �����.r�c� . ---- __. � ��o �� to n�e an t�e basis o� satis�a�tor� ev1c����e to be t�� pe�sa��s} v�hose �a���s} isl�.re �ubs���bed to the �ithi�. �r�strumer�t �nd acl�no�led��d to �ne �h�t �ielshelt�ey ��ecuted the sam� 1I1 �1����1�����1�1I' �1,�����1��� �2��)�.�1���1��� a�r�c� t��t �� 1�1�1��r����ir �i���t�r���� �r� ��i� i��t�urr��r�� t�� ��r��r���� ��' ��'l� ��1�1�.� L����1 ���']��� �� V��11�� ��'l� ���'��17��� ����C� �x��ut�c� t�� �����u��r�t. I�ert�f�r ��d�r P��TAi��`� �F PER���� unc��r t�i� �av�s of ��� �tate of �aliforrYia �h�t �.�� f������r�� �ar������ �� �ru� ��c� ��rr��t. �I�'I���� �ny �ax�d �nd offi�ia� �eal. �i�at��� ��ea�� ���t� of �al�far�ia � �ount� of � �r� , before ��, � �in��r� nam� �nc� tikl� ofthe o#'fic��� l��t�r� ���1i�, ������a.1�� �.pp�a���c� � �ho �roved ta r�e on th� �as�s of s�t�sfa�to�� e�lder��e to b� t�e per�or��s� �v�os� r�arr���s� islar� s�bs�ribed ta t�� v�r�thir� �nst�urne�� and �.��o�led��d to rr�e that ��l��eltl�e�r e�e�ut�d t�� same ir� �isl�h�rl�he�r a�tl�ori�ed �apa�ity�ies�� and �.hat b� h�slh�rl��eir s�g�at�re��� o� t�e inst�urr�er�t t�� ��r��r���� ��' ��1� �I1�1�� l���Il ���1��� �� V4��11��1 ��7.� ������7��� ���.�� �������c� ��� i�.��ru�n�r��. I ��rt1f}� �r�c��r ��1�A�T� �F P��,T��� �r�d�� ��� 1a�v�r� ��` t�i� �t�t� �f� �a�1�f�rr�i� �.��t ��� ���'���11`l� �]�T������1 1� ��`L�� �IIC� ���`�'��� ������� �1� �1�I'lC� ��1� ���1�X�� 5��.�. ���at�re ����1� ����������_���� ������ ��� � �������� -� - A g e n d a I te m 9. d. Page 37 �t���� �#� �a�lif�rr��� � �o��t� �f � �r� , �efore m�, � �in��rt nat�� �n� titl� of th� o�"fi�ee� ����r�� ��t����, ������a�11�r a��p��� � �vho p�o�ed to me or� �h� �as�s of satisfactor� e��der��e to be t�e p��son�s} v�rhas� �arr�e�s� �slaxe subscribed ta t�e �r�thir� ir�strumer�t and �ck�ov�ledg�d to rr�e t�at �els�elth�y ��e�ut�d t�e �ame 1�1 �1���]�����1�1�' �l.#����1��C� ���]��1���1��� ar�c� ���t �� �i���i�r�t��ir �i�����r���� �r� ��� in��.ru.���� t�� ��r������, �� �.�� �ntit� r���� ��h�.1f �f v�����i ��� ��r��n��� ����c�, �������� �1�� i���r�����. � ��rt�f� ur�d�r P�I�A�,�'� �F ���..TLT�� �r�c��r t�i� ��v�� �f' t�� �t�t� �f ���if���i� ���t th� �c�r��o��� �aragra�h x� t�� a�d �o� �I�1�'��� rn�r ���c� ��c� �f���x�� ��a.1. �1�1��L1I'� ������ �s��o���oo-000� ������.�� �1�{��{�� -�" Agenda Item 9.d. Page 38 ���������� ��# � ����� ���������� �� �������� '��� lar�c� ���.��.��� �r� �.�� ���� �f �rr��� �ranc��, ir� t�� ���r�t�r �f �� Lui� ��ai���, �ta�t� �#` ��1if�rn��, ����ri��� �� #"�11�v��: I��T � 1 �F TRA�T 1��. �5�5, � �'H� ��"�� �F A�.R��� C���D�, ����'� �F �A� I��JI� ��I���, �TAT� �F �ALIF���iA, A����DII�� T� NiAP R���R�EI� AU���T 18, ���4 II�T ���I� �4, PA��� 1 �, � 3, 1 �, � � � �F 11�A��, I�T THE ��'FI�� �F T�H ��LTI�T� R���RDE� �� ��I� ��[���`�Y. API� I��. : �77-1 � 1-��� $8 2f{}�� �,[}[}- OC}03 ������.�� �,�f��,�� �t�a.�hm�r�t 1 t� �ra�nt I���� Agenda Item 9.d. 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Page 1 �i� ������� ��N�l���ATI�IV �� �Ll���III�III�IT��� D���M��� �, ���8 PA� � 2 F��N��TI��1 �F F���F����l�N �E�VT�F� th� ������� ��� ��r�nr�n�r��� �r�� ��r��tr���i�r� rr�u�� �� ��r�n���t�� n� 1��er �I��n ��n �re�r� ��t�� ���� �irr��. TI�� ���r����i��n ���rd �� �3ir������ I��� in�i����� tk��t �k��}� v�r�nt �� ��t���i�� � �I�r� f�r ���r��i�r� �ri�r �� �r�����ir�� �rvith f�n�r�i�i�� �n� d��i�r�. F����r����r, �f�� F�u�rrd��i�n ���rd �� ��r����r� h�s ��li�i��� � �r�����! �r�rn �r�n��ri�a�rr �p�rk� ��r�t�r� �� k���p ���i�� �r�� t� ��er�t� th� f��i�it�. �--I��rv��r�r, ���� �r�����1 h�� not y�t ��en �re�ented to t�� �ity for r�vi��v andlor �orrsider�t�on. At ti�e N�v�r�ber ��, ���� meetir��, Il�layar Ferra�r� ��qu�st��, �r�� t�e �ity ���r��il ��r���rr��, �� f�rr� � �u����r�r�r�nit��� �� ���rd�r��t� �rith th� F�ur����i�� ���r� �� �ir����r� ir� �r���r��i�r� �� � �r�����1 f�r �h� i���re��i�r� ��nt�� �r�j��t. Nl��r�r ��rr�r� r���r�r�n�r���d ��e ���corr�rnit��� ir��lude ��� f��l��r�r���; • ���or ar�d on� �ounci� M�rx�be� • �i�y M�r��ger � �i�r����r �� P�r�C�, F���� 8� F��ili�i�� _ � �n� ��r�� �n� F���r��ti�n ��r�nrx�i��i�n�r � �r�� M��n����A�-L.�r�� AIVA��f�l� �F ���L���: T�� ��Il��ir�g i����� ��c��� ��ra�� �r�uld �i�c�l�r b� ��d������ �� t�� �����r��nnttt�� �r�d ��� F���n��t��� ��a�rd �f �ir����r�: � ��r���rr�� ��cpr���ed �}r r�����r�t� r���r��r�� p�t�r����l �r������ �� ��� �a��il���r or� the r�etgh�a�hood; � � i�� �� �h � �� �� I it�r; � 1IIIf��#C�er t�� f��ili�� �rill b� ���r�t�� �� � priv��� �rg�r�i���i�n, th� �i��, �r ��h�r ��r�-����i� ���n��r; � �h� r�l� �f tF�e ����, ���r�r ���� �v�11 �� ��ru��ur�d, �r�� v�rl��t ���� �f l�r��- terr�r� �����t�nn�r�� �vill b� ����r�d if t�� f���lit�r i� ���r���� �� a� �r���t� �r���i��t���; � ��r�n��ne��� �f t�re ���ili��; � ���r��n����r� �nri��r, �r�� ��r��ir����n�� ��, ��� �r�}��t v�ri�h int�r�l���g� ir�npro��men��� � H�v�r ����tr��ti�r� �� �1�� f��il�t�r v�ri1� �e ��n���� ��n� � �--l��nr ���r�ti�n �� �h� f��ili�}� �v�ll �� �un��d � �ir��� ��� �����r�nr�i�t�� �� ��irr� �s���li���� ��r �h� ��t}r ���r��i1, �� ��II �� �u����� �� �r��vn A�t �r�vi�i�r��, Ill����in�� �v�ll �� ����i�l}� ���i��� �r�� ���r� t� t�� �u��li�. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 ��� ������� ���V���]�F�ATI�I� �F �lJ���IIII�IIIIT�E� ����II�BER �� ���8 �A�E � F��IIAATI�I� �F I����E�4TI�h� �ENTEF� AL�EF�IV�T�V��; TI�� ��Il�v�r�n� �I���n���v�s ��� �r��i��� ��r �h� ��ur��il's ��ns����a��i��r; � ��pr��r� ��rr��t��� �f �F�� �����rr�r�ni�#�� �s r���r�r��n��d �r�� �p��ir�t tl�� r�r��i r�� n� rn�r b�rs; - Appr�v� ��rr���i�n �f �l�� �����r b�t ��dify t�� r���r�r��nde� rrr � r�n b� r� I� i�; - �]� r��� ���r��r� f���a��i�� �f #�� ��r���r�rnitt�� ��n� i�s��a�� s���cf�l� � ���r�t r����i�� �� ��� ��ty ��un�i�, P�r�C� ��d F���r��t��r� ��rr�rr����i�� an� ���r�d�ti�r� ����d �f ��r��t�r�; �r -� P��vi�� �#�ff � �r�����n . A�VANT�#�E�* Th� �u���rnrnit��� vrr���� ���r�ina�t� �nri�l� t�� ���r�d��i�n ���r� �� �ir������ ir� d��r�l�p��� ��r�����1 f�r ��� �r�j��� and ad�r����n� ��cis�in� ���u�s ir� �r��r t� �r��ri�� ����rr���n��tr�r�s t� b�t� ��� F��r������r� �r�d �ity ��un�il �� ��v�r �� �r����� , �I�JQI�11�►IV��#� E�: fn�r����� inv�l�r�r��r�t �� th� ��ty ��ul� r�s�l� �r� �� in������ in r����n�ibility �nd ���t�, ����r�d�r�� �n th� dir��t��r� th�� i� ��#�rr�in��. �h�11�F��N�II�I�T�IL F�EVIEVII: IV� �r��ri��r�r�n�nta�l r�vi�v�r is r��uir�� f�r thi� it�r�n, b�t �nr�ll �� �r���r�� vrr��n th� pr����t is ��rr�n�l��r �r������. �I�BLI� N�TI����►����V �A�1D ��II�IIVIE�IT�: T�� ���r��� v�r�� ������ ir� fr�r�t �� �ity �--I�II �n Thur�d��r� D���rx�b�r �, ���� �r�d �r� �h� ��ty'� v�r����t� �n �ri���, �������r �, ����. h�� ����i� ��r�r��r�t� �rv�r� r���i�r��. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 11.a. Page 4 // h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER � SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 11B COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES - TOURISM COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2008 Staff met today with representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Village Improvement Association to discuss implementation of the Tourism Study recommendations. It was agreed to proceed with formation of the Tourism Committee, which is proposed to include one City Council Member and one City staff member. Jim Bergman has been selected to serve as the staff representative. It is recommended the City Council add this item to their Council appointments to Boards, Committees and Subcommittees at the December 9, 2008 meeting. Thank you. c�. c,�A�-n� �� � ��� � �� � �� � N+#CORPDRATEO �� � � MEM��A�VDUN� c� � � ,,�,�� ��, �� �, ,� �� � ���o��` T�: ��TY ��IJ�V�IL � F��IIII: ���VEiV A�]Alll��, �f�`1f MA�IA��R �1�����T: ���V�����ATI�iV �F A�P��IVTII����` �F ��IJ1���� I�IE�II�E�� T� F���I��IA� AIV� L��A�. ���l�C��, ��IVIIVIr����IV�, ��I�IIIIIIT�EE� AI�� ��J���II�II�I�T��� D�T�: �E�ENl�EF� �, ���� F���� 11I�� E�f DAT��� � It i� r���rr�rr��+n��� t�� �it�r ��un�il ����ce ������tr��r�t� �� t���� r�gi�n�l a�nd ����� ���r��, ��rr�rx����i�r��, �n� ��r�nr�nitt�e� v�ri#I� ��un�il r��r������ti�r�, F� I��IV � I�4L I�III PA��: ���r� i� r�� �i��a�l ir����� �r�r�n �hi� ��t��n. �3�#��C���I.�N�: A�t�r �a��l� �I���i�r� ���r, i� i� ���r�pri��� �� r��l�� ����ir�trr����� �� ��e r��i��a�� �r�� 1���� ���r��, ��rr�r�i��i�r��, �n� ��r�r�ni�te�� tl��t ��ve ���r���l r��r���r�t�����. ��t��n� ir��l��� fil�in� �r���r��i��, r��kir�� r��p��in#r�en��� �n���r ��������g r���nr �s���r�r��n��. ���e �I�� ����intr��nt� �re ���r�v�d ��r ��� ��un�il, �h� ��r�n�� �� �I�� ���n��l r����������i��� �re �u��r�nitt�d �� t��� �r�����t��r� ���r��i��. 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T�� �pp�i��r��r�t� li�t �I�� ���ntifi�� tl�� ����i�i� b��r����r�r�rr�i��i�r����r�r�r�itt��, ��� �r��u�r��� �� r�n��tin��, th� d��r �i��, �nd I���t��n �f �I�� r��p��ti�� rr����ing�, �h� ���ff ��r���ct �if �p�li���l��, �n� �r�� r�q�ir�rn�r��� �e�ardin� t�� ���oi�t��r�t. ����ti�rr�ll� �t�f� I��� ���n�ifi�� I���� ��r�nrr�i�te�� ��d �u���r�n�itt��� ���t ��rr�r�#ly i���u�� r��r�nb�r� �� #h� ���r��i� i� ���� �I�� ��u���il d�t�rr�ni�n�� a�r�� �h��n��� �r� ���ir��, ��� ���n��� r�na��r r��t v�ra�r�t t� r�n�k� �h�r���� �� �ub��r�nr�nitt��� �ir��� tl���r ��r�� t� b� �r�j�ct ��e��f�� �nd �►�r��1ci irx����t �r��r���, I--I��nr��r�r �t�ff f�lt i� v�r���d k�� ��Ipful �� ic���tif� the� �r� ��e li�� �r� �r��r ��r ��u��il �� vi��v a�11 ��ci�tir�� a��i�r��n�r�ts. Agenda Item 11.b. Page 1 �ITI� ����V�IL ��I��IDER,AT���f �F �IPP�IIVTN��IV� �F ���JiV�I�. 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A ���� �f th� r������ �� a�tt�����. �urr�rrtl� t��r� �� r�� �It�r��t� �����r���d t� �h� ��r� ��r���i�f�t ��r�nr�nitt��. Th� �#I��r r�n�r���r j�r���i��i�r�� I���r� i��r�t�fi�d �I��rn���� �� i� r��y �� ��r��fi���l �� �� �� ��r�r� th�u�� ll����r �r� T�rr� ���t�ll� h�� h��n �r���r�� �t �II rr���#i��� �� �n �It�rn�t� ��� n�� ��� ���r� r�������ry. A r���r�nr�r�r������r� �rill �I�� �� r���� un��r a� ��p�r�t� ���nd� ft��nn t� a�p��i�t � �u���r�rr�itt�� t� ���i�� ir� ��v�l���n��t �� � pr�����1 f�r � r��r�����r� ��nt�r� in���dir�� ��� M��r�r a�r�d �n� ���n�i� r��re��r�#�ti�r�. �th�r ����i�t�rn�n�� ���� �nrill ii1��l�r �� r�����t�� ��rir�� �1�� u���r�nir�� ��u�l� rx��r�t�� in��u�� t�� ���ri�rr� ��r�nr��tt�� �r�� � ���r�tyv�r��� ���r�ina�t�r�� ��r�r�r�r�it#�� #� �nr�rk �� i�mpl�r��r����i�n �� th� � �-l���r F�I�n t� Er�� �I�r Ti�� ��i�tir�� ��n l��i� ��i��� ���r�t}r � �-�l��a�r Pl�r� �� �r�d �I�r������r���s L����r��i� ���n�il i� i��r�ti���d �n ##�� li�t, ��t �t�ff r���rx������ ���i��� r�n�l���r� ��� �h�r���� �ir��� tF�� L����r��ri� ���n�il �r��e�� i� r���r ����I��i�r�, ��T�f�IV�#T�VE�: TI�� ��il�v�rir�� a�f��rr��ti�r�� �r� �r��i��� f�r th� ��u�r��il'� ��n�ider��i�r�; - lVl��c� t�� v�ri��� ��p�intr�e���, r���p�i�t��r���, �r����� r����i�r��n�nt�; - ��k� ��I��t�� ��p�in�r��r�t� �n� dir��t �t�ff r���rd�r�g �r����l�� ��� r�����rr� r is�i�r�����r�nnn itt��s��u ���r�nr�n�tt��s; - �G���i �� C�����������w7 �1� ��#�7 ����� - Pr����e �ir���i�r� t� �ta�ff, �� �� � � �� � � i Th��� �����ntr��r��� �vil� �r��ri�� full �it�r r��r���n���i�� �r �h� �r�ri��� r��i�n�� ���r��, �������i�r�s ���r�r�itt��� �nd ��b��rr�r�n�tt��� ���� �r� ��rr�r�tl� li���� �r� th� ����ir��rr��nt� li��. TI�� pr�����d ����intrr�e�t� a�r� �or��i�t�r�t �vi#h p��� pr������. Agenda Item 11.b. Page 2 ���� ������� ��IV����F�AT��N �� �4����I���IIE1�T �� ��l�N��� IVIEIIAF�EF�� T� F������IAL Ahf� L��A� ����D�� ����III���I�N�� ��IVIII�IITT��� �41V� �LJ����III���`TE�� ����M�ER 3, ���8 PAC � � �l���VAI��A���: �V� �i����r�r�t���� �r� i��r����i�� �� I�n� �� �h� �p��ir��r��r�t� r�f���t ��� ����r�� r��r����t��i�r� ��r tl�e �i�� ���r��il �r� th��� ���r��, ��r�nrx�i��i�r��, ��r7r�rr�i�#��� �r�� �� ���r�n r�n itt���. ��V111f��IV�EiVT�#L Ft�111E11V: IV� �r��r����r��nt�l r��ri��r�r �� r���r�red ��r �I�i� �t�r�. �L��LI� IV��I�I�AT��hE ��1� ��IIIIIIII�NT�: �h� A��r��� �nr�� ���t�� in fr�n� �f �it}r �--I�li �n T��r����r, �����n�e� �� ����. T�� ��er��� �n� r�p��t �r�r��e ���#�� �n th� �i��r'� vrr���i�� �r� Fri��� �����h�r �# ����. �1� �ubl�� ��r�r�nn�r��s v�r��� r���ive�. Attac��m�r�t: �, �►pp����rr���t� Li�t �. �.�t��r �r�r�n E��r��r�ni� �������i��r ��r�n�i��i�n {���} Agenda Item 11.b. Page 3 �����i����� � �I�� �����I� ������������ �� ���I��� ������ � ����I��I��� J ����I����� �#�'C�i7'1 ��I" �, ���� ���� ������� ����������1���� ��: PF��I���� ll��ll�..r������� ����h ��unt� Ar��a T�r�rr��it {���T} ,���n ���hrie {f�eetir�g� I�e�d �ua�terly an the t�ird Vlledn��day; 3:3D PM; A�rayo �r�n�� ���r��il ���r�nber�} ��aff I��pr���r���ti�re: ��t� �I�r�ag�r ��urr�i� o� ���r��rnm�n�s1 i���i�na�� Tr�n�it Au���r��� ��L����1��`�#� �Me�ti�gs �or�n�lly he�d fir�t V1�ednesday �f ���f� rrlOr��l�, �.�� ��111, B��rd �f �up�nri���� �I��rr�ber�, ���nt�r ����r�ment �er�ter} ��aff �t�pr���r��a�tive: �uk�l�� 1�1��r�c� �ir����rl��r�nr�unit� �3��r�l��r�en� D i r���� r ����y �e�e��i�� ���nr�ni�te� ��Ill���r�'� �E�a�ling legisl��i�r� � t�re [��I��r�r �o �e the �rir�nary re�r�s�ntat��re} ��11��t� �� r��ede�; t�rr�� vari��; B��r� �f ��p�rvi��r� �I��r�r�b�r�, ���nt� ���rern- �rnent ���te� ��a��f ���re�en�ativ�: IV�� A���i�a�bl� ��ut#� ��r� L�i� �b���� ��unt� ��r�i��t��r� �i��ri�� ���L����} . ��n�blir�g I�gi���ti�n re�uir�� �fi�� N��y�r t� b� tl�� prirn2�ry repre��n�ati�re� �Mee�ir�gs F�eld first �nd �h�r� V1�edne�day o� e��h rr�ont�; �:�� PM; ��e�no ��rr�r��ar�i�� �e�ri�es �i�tr��� B��rd F���rr�� �ta�ff ��pre�enta�tiv�; N�t Ap�ii��bl� In���r���c� V1��s�� Nl�rr���rr��n� Au�l�o���� ��a�rd ��I�V�VlA� �N1e�ti�n�� ��Id t�� ����n� V'll�dr���d��r �f �d�-rt�r�nbe��d r�n��th�; � :�� PM; �oa�d of �up�rvisar� Charnbers �ounty �ov�rnr�rent ��nt�r} at��f I�e�����r���ti�r�: ���mur�it� D��r�l��r�r��n� �i�e�#�r �. ��n�r Fer�ar� T�r� Fe�rr�r� �`on �er�ar� E�! Arr��ld � I� u � �C F � I � ��nrs �l�e ����el�� �d Arr�o�d Jim C�thr�e �I���k �eEl��vs Agenda Item 11.b. Page 4 �I�'1� ���lIV�I� A�P�lI�TII�ENT� � ���4F��� � ����1��I�N� � ���IIIIIII�TTE�� DE��iI���� �� 2��� P�� E � � I`�1�' �� lJ IV � I L F�EF�F�����TATi�IV T�� PF�III�AF�Y �I�T�F�IV�4�� �or�e � V11at�r Adv���ry B��r� {M��tings held thi�� Tl�ur�day of ��d-��rr��er�� nn�r���s r��atir�� b�tw�er� tf�� �o�th �a�nty a�er�cie�; � : �� P�1�1 } ��aff F�e�re�en��t��re: Purb�i� 11V�r�Cs Direc#or �J�� �����II� �c� A�rr��l� �our�ty V11��er R�sour��� �civi��ry ��r�rrr�i��ee �111�F���} �Il�l�e�ings held f�rst IIV�dn�sda�r �� ea�h r�o�tht � :3� P�11; �ity 1�ounty Lib�'��'�r ��r�rnur�it� ���r� ��n L�is ��i�p�} �ta�ff F�epr���r�t�ti��: ��l�l�� V�1�rks Di r��t�� E��r��r�rri� ll�t�lit� ��rp�r��i�r� ��11�} �Il���tir��s h�ld #�urth IIIIed�es�i�� �f e��l� r�n�n�h; �;�� I'�1�1, �r��k���� �ar��r �ent�r, �� 1 'I Br��� �tr�et, ��n Lui� �bispo� ���ff F�e�re����a�ti�r�: �i�� I�ar����rl A����i��e P�ar�r��r� �#ir ��I�ut��r� ��ntr�� Di�tr���� B�a�r�l �AP��� {N�e��ir��s h�ld �au�th Vl���nesday of ���-nur�b�r�d r��r�tl�s; 9:�� �IV�; �aa�rd of �up�rvisors �h�mb�rs, �ounty �avernment ��r�ter� ��2��f F�epre��r����ive: IV�t �4���i��l��e �h[��k ��Il�v�r� E�! Arr�o�d �I�e �a�te��o Jir� �u�hri� �! i r� � ��F� ri � IV� Al�e�r�2��� ��u�h ���r��� Y�ut� ���li�i�r� �h��� F`�I���v� .�ir� ���hrie �Ill�ee�in�� h��id ��urtl� Thur�da�r �f ���I� � �:�� F'll��; �.A.F.E. �fF���, �2� B� ��r��t, Arr��r� �r�nd�� ���ff F�e��res�rr��t�ve: Pa�r�C�, ���re�t��r� a�nd Fa��lities �ir��t�� E���n��mi� ����rtur���� ��r��mis�i�r� ����} ��U1��ti��� ��I�I �t�ird Thur�t�2�}r �� ���h �n�ntht �:�� PN1t E�� ��ar� F���rr�, �I ��� ���t�v�r��� Driv�, �ar� L�is �b��p� ��af# F���res��n�����re: Par��, �e�r��ti�n ar�d ���i�iti�� �]�re�t�r Agenda Item 11.b. 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Page 6 � � �... � ������i� ll�l �11�J 7� 1 1 ��Iv1�l��I�I�1 • ����� ���,� I�o��� �, ���5 IVlayor To�� �`er�rar� A� �ran�� �a� ��un�i� � 1 � E��t �r�.nc� �t��e�. 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T�e ��ro�rarr� a�sa �f�`�rs b��ing��.l a�sist���e, he�p �or��I�t�r�� �orrr��, az�d ��.�or�at�a� a�� re#`er�rai. �r���-gy ��n�er��t���l��a�������i�x� ��rvi��� a�������t��rs ����ra�� ���.� ����ic�� ��rr�� r�p�i�, ������'�'��.�1�� �7.C� 1.����X�� �SS15���,�� ���'�1��5 �� ����I" ������.����. ���'� �x��a� ������ t�c�x�i�ia�� ��.��a�� v����e���a��r rax�.ps ��.c� at����r a��ess �����r�ve�.����s, �re�air �oo�� �d �oor��g, �����r a��c� r��l�ce ��n���s a�d �va��r h�a�e��, ar�d p���`or�� ot�e� m�r�or ho�� �e��.�rs ��� ��r��ors. ���.����r��a�i�x� ����i��� ��� �����'�c� �� ��v���'-X�����,�� ��x���� ���, �'��� ����i�� �.nc� i����d� ������r s��r�����g, a�t�c ��s��afiX�� az�c� o��e� e���`�� a�,c� v�a���' sa�v�a�g de�r���s. 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