Agenda Packet 2008-12-18 SP Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ß¹»²¼¿ Tony Ferrara Mayor Steven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Joe Costello Mayor Pro Tem Kelly Wetmore City Clerk Jim Guthrie Council Member Ed Arnold Council Member Chuck Fellows Council Member NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2008 4:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE : MAYOR FERRARA 4. CLOSED SESSION : CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION a.pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c): Consideration of entering as an amicus curiae in City of Irvine v. Southern California Association of Governments. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR b.pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: APN: 077-128-004; Located at 1348 Jasmine Place Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Negotiating Parties: Andrew & Carol James Under Negotiation: Price, Terms and Conditions of Payment Reconvene to open session and announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public wishing to address the City Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. AGENDA SUMMARY – DECEMBER 18, 2008 PAGE 2 6. CONSENT AGENDA : CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GRANITE CONSTRUCTION FOR 6.a. CONSTRUCTION OF THE EAST BRANCH STREETSCAPE PROJECT, PW 2009-01 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Award a construction contract to Granite Construction Company for the East Branch Streetscape Project, PW 2009-01, in the amount of $775,459; 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 15% contingency in the amount of $116,318 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO BAKERSFIELD WELL & PUMP 6.b. COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE WELL NO. 7 REHABILITATION PROJECT, PW PW 2008-04 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1)Award a construction contract to Bakersfield Well & Pump Company for the Well No. 7 Rehabilitation Project, PW 2008-04, in the amount of $49,330; 2) Authorize a transfer of $15,000 from the Water Fund; and 3) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the 10% contingency in the amount of $4,933 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION BY THE 6.c. LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO DRILL AND INSTALL REPLACEMENT WELL ON PROPERTY ZONED PUBLIC FACILITY; APN 006-095-001; 495 VALLEY ROAD (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving the application by the Lucia Mar Unified School District to drill and install a replacement irrigation well on a property zoned Public Facility; APN 006-095-001; 495 Valley Road. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP AG 07-0252; SUBDIVIDING 6.d. AN 11,338 SQUARE-FOOT MIXED-USE PROPERTY INTO TWO (2) PARCELS AND A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 210 TRAFFIC WAY, CONSTRUCTED BY SHARON F. BILLON, M.D. TRUST (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve Final Parcel Map AG 07-0252, subdividing an 11,338 square-foot mixed-use property into two (2) parcels; and 2) Adopt a Resolution accepting easements and public improvements located at 210 Traffic Way, constructed by Sharon F. Billon, M.D. Trust. CONSIDERATION TO DECLARE SURPLUS PROPERTY/POLICE VEHICLES 6.e. (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution declaring items as surplus and authorizing their sale. 7. NEW BUSINESS : CONSIDERATION OF LETTER IN SUPPORT OF CITY OF IRVINE REGARDING CITY OF 7.a. IRVINE V. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS TO FILE AN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the amicus in support of the City of Irvine’s lawsuit against the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and authorize the City Attorney to take all necessary actions to file an amicus curiae brief. AGENDA SUMMARY – DECEMBER 18, 2008 PAGE 3 8. ADJOURNMENT to the next Regular City Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street. ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk’s office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473- 5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website at www.arroyogrande.org ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande’s Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.org . 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