Minutes 1987-04-28 , ....., ! MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Kenneth Beene of Landmark Missionary Baptist Church delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES JOHN E. RHONE of 280 Tally Ho Road asked the Council to take up the matter of paving his driveway at the May 5, 1987, City Council meeting. Mayor Mankins agreed to make that an agenda item on the requested day. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Porter asked for clarification on the Deferred Compensa- tion Plan Amendment, and City Manager Robert Mack said that the change was made to conform with the new tax law. Moved by .Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve the Consent Agenda with the recommended courses of action. C.l. Proclamation, "Be Kind to Animals" Week, May 3-9, 1987. So C.2. Invitation-La Fiesta Parade May 16, 1987. Council participation. C.3. City Council Minutes of April 7, 14, 21, 1987. Approved. C.4. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes of March 23, 1987. C.5. Clean-up Week Announcement. Information. C.6. Deferred Compensation Plan Amendment. Approved, signing authorized. PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION BY MANOR HEALTHCARE CORPORATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION AT 579 CAMINO MERCADO AND PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY ON CAMINO OE PLAZA WITHIN OAK PARK ACRES, COUNTY PARCEL NO. 7-771-38 and 39. Continued from April 14, 1987, Meeting-C.C.FILE 6-12-25 Mayor Mankins said th1s Publ1c Hearing was continued from April 14, 1987. Public Works Director Paul Karp referred to his memo of April 28, 1987, and recommended that the Council take the following actions with regard to the Tentative Parcel Map AG 87-035, Manor Healthcare Corp./Gordon: 1. Find that the revised tentative map, to be distributed by the applicant, is substantially consistent with the map reviewed by the Planning Commission, as well as with City zoning, the General Plan, and the specific plan for the area. 2. Find that adding Parcel #2 to the previously submitted tentative map is consistent with the recommendation of the Public Works Director outlined in his memo of April 8, 1987, regarding the abandonment of Camino de Plaza. 3. By approving the revised tentative map, approve the abandonment of Camino de Plaza, reserving therefrom an easement for a future water line across the westerly 30 feet of the right of way. 4. Require a dedication for future water line extension over a portion of the southwest corner of Parcel 1 which would be bounded by a northerly prolongation of the center line of Camino de Plaza, but exclusive of the area to be used for building construction by Manorcare on Parcel 1. ~ . CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO APPLICATION BY MANOR HEALTHCARE CORPORATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION Continued From Page One KEN FARGEN, surveyor for the applicant, said an agreement had been worked out between Manorcare and the owner of the adjacent property, KIRBY GORDON of 401 Indio Drive, Pismo Beach. He referred to the April 22, 1987, letter to the City from Mr. Gordon stating that he is satisfied with the new map and supports the abandonment of the street. Mayor Mankins closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Karp referred to the Revised Tentative Map on the wall. He said the map also shows Mr. Gordon's parcel, as well as the water line easement, the buildings on the property and the property boundary line. Mr. Fargen said he had talked to Mr. Gordon the day of the City Council Public Hearing (April 28, 1987), and that both he and Mr. Gordon were in agreement with the conditions as set forth by Mr. Karp. Moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-0) to adopt Mr. Karp's recommendations. ENHANCED 911 SYSTEM AGREEMENT Police Chief James Clark gave to the Council copies of his explanation of the Enhanced 911 System Agreement. He said that in the past 911 telephone calls have been routed from Grover City to the Arroyo Grande Police Department. He said that if the Council approves the agreement calls will come directly to Arroyo Grande. He also said that the callers' telephone number will be shown on a display, and the dispatcher will see the phone number and address of the caller. He said cost of installation will be paid by the State of California. He said the City will then pay only a monthly cost of $79.64. He said the new system will not be in place for approximately one year. Moved by Johnson/Millis (5-0-0) to accept the agreement to Furnish Enhanced 911 Emergency Reporting Telephone Service. ROYAL OAKS ESTATES DEVELOPMENT (Continued from April 14, 1987)-C.C.FILE 6-14-105 Present and giving input were WILLIAM LACKEY, the developer; DAN LLOYD, his project engineer; DON MCHANEY, realtor; SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SUPER- VISOR JIM JOHNSON, and ROB STRONG, who is acting as Planning Director for the City on this project. The Mayor asked Council Members, Staff and the applicant to list items in the ordinance and resolutions on which they would like further discussion. In answer to Council Member Millis, City Attorney Art Shaw said the Council could approve the Tract Map with the conditional finding that it would be effective only when the ordinance is effective. The Mayor said a question page prepared by the City Manager also would be discussed. After Council consideration, it was moved by Porter/Moots (5-0-0, Council Members Porter, Moots, Millis, Johnson and Mayor Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution 2130 Accepting EIR and Addendums with two minor changes by City Attorney Shaw. Council Member Millis said he was concerned about the large estate lots being split into smaller lots, and increasing density without going through the zone change procedure. There was extensive discussion of how to ensure this, and how to define institutional uses. Mr. Shaw said some institutional uses are spelled out in the R-A District, but further definitions are needed. Mr. Strong read the Municipal Code Section 9-4.503(a), which describes the institutional definitions in the Royal Oaks Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Council to describe fully in the Royal Oaks Ordinance the R-A uses listed in the Municipal Code, and to add the following wording suggested by Mr. Shaw to Paragraph 2, Page 2 of g, of the Ordinance. "Any changes or amendments of the uses authorized herein constitute a rezoning and shall require an amendment of this ordinance." .. ---,-- -- ".--, . I CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1987 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE ROYAL OAKS OEVELOPMENT Continued from Page 2 The following actions were taken by the Council: 1. Ordinance, Page 7, ORAINAGE RETENTION BASIN ADJOINING SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER AND VIA LA BARRANCA. Hold until County and developer come to an agreement. 2. Ordinance, Page 8, TREE PRESERVATION. The Parks and Recreation Director (rather than the Commission) shall recommend the designation and preservation of historic and specimen trees and groves... 3. Ordinance, Page 8, TREE PRESERVATION EASEMENTS, Item f), first sentence. Lots 136-140, 220-226 and 232 added in the blank spaces. 4. Exhibit "C,"Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 1, Items 4) and 5) . Hold for later discussion. 5. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 2, COUNTY DRAINAGE BASIN. Hold for later discussions. 6. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 3, SCHOOL SITE. Hold until Council sees agreement between School District and developer to ensure soil compaction issue covered. THE COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:00 to 9:14 P.M. 7. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 5, LOT GRADING. Add to begi nni ng of paragraph I "Lots 220-226 wi 11 be 1 eft in natural terrai n." 8. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 6, STREET NAMES. Developer should check to be sure names are not duplicated in the County, that words are not repeated in the street names, and the criteria for "road, lane, drive, and place" is followed. 9. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 6, DRAINAGE BASINS. Hold for further discussion. 10. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 7, OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. It was moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve an agreement between the developer and the City which says: "Whatever water line problems have to be corrected, between the South County Regional Center easterly to a connection through the Vernon Avenue intersection adjoining the Community Center on West Branch Street, will be done by the City, up to a cost of $25,000. If the costs are more than $25,000, the developer will pay the extra costs." 11. Exhibit "C," Conditions for Tentative Map, Page 8, OFF-STREET IMPROVEMENTS, Item e). Delete this paragraph. Item f) should be on hold for later discussion. 12. The Council directed Staff to see to it that the Resolution, which is going to be attached to the Tentative Tract Map, be as specific as the Ordinance. 13. Mr. Mack's ROYAL OAKS QUESTIONS. Questions 1,3,4,5,6 and 8 were previously answered, and Question 2.was put on hold. 14.Mr. Mack's ROYAL OAKS QUESTION 7. Council directed Staff to add at the end of Paragraph 3 on Page 2 of the Ordinance the following: "The developer and/or his architectural review committee wi 11 review each individual plan, and the City will approve the developer's general CC&R Plan only." - ----_.--- CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR MINER'S HARDWARE NURSERY EXPANSION Mr. Karp referred to his memo of April 23, 1987, and said the operators of Miner's Hardware wish to install a storage area for nursery products on the top of the Arroyo Grande Creek bank behind two buildings on property in the Village Creek Plaza, and are requesting an Encroachment Permit to occupy a storm drain easement. Mr. Karp said the City Attorney had recommended an agreement between the applicant and the City to outline conditions under which the encroachment could occur. Mr. Karp said Staff believes that prior to expanding additional effort, that conceptual approval by the Council is warranted. MIKE MINER, owner, and STEVE PFARR, manager, spoke to the Council. After Council discussion, the Mayor appointed Council Member Johnson and Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler as a committee to look at the property and make a recommendation on the proposal. RESOLUTION NO. 2131 REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1484 AND DOWNTOWN PARKING uIN LIEU" CERTIFICATES-C.C.FILE 9-10-23 Mr. Mack referred to his memo of April 20, 1987, concerning repeal of Resolution No. 1484, which allowed the issuance of "in lieu" certificates. He explained that Municipal Code Section 9-4.2603, concerning downtown parking, was amended and no longer provides for the issuance of the certificates. Moved by Moots/Johnson (5-0-0, Council Members Moots, Johnson, Porter, Millis and Mayor Mankins all voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2131 Repealing Resolution No. 1484. RESOLUTION NO. 2132 TO PERMANENTLY ESTABLISH AFTERNOON COUNCIL MEETINGS ON FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH After Council discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-0, Council Members Johnson, Porter, Moots and Millis and Mayor Mankins all voting aye) to extend the daytime meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month through the months of May and June, 1987. APPOINTMENT TO SAN LUIS OBISPO WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Mayor Mankins asked that this item be postponed until further information about the dates and times of meetings could be obtained. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to a Closed Session on litigation at 10:15 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened and immediately adjourned at 10:45 P.M. on motion of Millis/Johnson (5-0-0). MAYOR ---- --