Minutes 1987-03-10 "- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presidin9. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis and D. G. Porter. Absent was Council Member Gene Moots. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Gregory Waybright of Grace Bible Church delivered the invocation. BUILDING PERMITS EMERGENCY Moved by Porter/Millis (4-0-1, Moots Absent) to add to the agenda a dis- cussion and possible action on the Building Permits Emergency. PUBLIC APPEARANCES MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane referred to a February 10, 1987, report from Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant officials sent to City Council Members explaining the delays in reporting an emergency incident at the plant to local law enforcement. She asked how the City plans to respond to the report. Mayor Mankins said the City Manager will take note of her question and have an answer for the Council. PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF MINOR SUBDIVISION-1320 HILLCREST DRIVE KIM AND CYNTHIA HUGHES-CC FILE 6-3-77 Interim Planning Director Ned Rogoway referred to his memo of March 3,1987, where he explained that the Planning Commission had denied the lot split on the basis of design and increasing traffic. He pointed to the parcel on a map on the wall showing the split to include a flag lot. He indicated an existing house (a non-conforming structure) on the property. After Council questions of Staff, Mayor Mankins opened the Public Hearing. The applicant, KIM HUGHES of 160 Nogal Drive, Santa Barbara, and his engineer, LEONARD LENGER of 1302 Carpenter Road, said their lot configuration meets all City Codes and requirements, the lot shape is consistent with the neighborhood, the lot split will not cause any added traffic, the new house will not block anyone's view, and the split is consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning. Residents of the area spoke against the lot split appeal on the basis that views will be blocked, the water pressure is low in the area, that large lots are desired by the resIdents, tnat the existing house is in extremely bad shape and needs to be torn down or severely remodeled, that the new house would be built flush to the street and not set back as others are on the street, that the split would set a precedent for more splits, that traffic would increase, and that flag lots are located on Sierra Drive, not on Hillcrest Drive. Speaking against the lot split were BOB MITCHELL of 1360 Hillcrest D~ive, who also presented a letter from AMANDA SERAN WAITE protesting the lot split, and a petition from 54 residents of the area protesting the split; SAM STAGG of 1353 Sierra Drive; RANDY PITCHFORD of 1315 Hillcrest Drive; ROLLIN AXTELL of 1401 Hillcrest; DON DENISON of 1353 Hillcrest; KIRK GLENN of 1315 Hillcrest; CAROLE GLENN of 1315 Hillcrest; JOSEPH ZDANA of 1341 Hillcrest, and JOSEPHINE TURNER of 1401 Hillcrest. Mr. Lenger presented to the Council photographs of the property on which the lot split is proposed. Mayor Mankins called for others to speak and when no one came forward, closed the public portion of the hearing. After Council discussion, moved by Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Moots absent) to uphold the Planning Commission and deny the Lot Split Appeal. ----- ----.-..- ...- ~. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO BUILDING PERMITS EMERGENCY City Manager Robert Mack referred to his memo entitled "Proposed Agenda Item G. 2., Bu i 1 ding Permits Emergency." He said emergency steps are necessary so that people who submit their applications for building permits to the City before March 14, 19B7, when new school fees for developers go into effect, will be ensured of permits, provided the applications meet certain minimum standards. After Council discussion, moved by Porter/Millis (4-0-1, Moots absent) to authorize City staff to issue building permits without full prior processing of the permit application under all of the following circumstances: 1. Permits for single family homes on individual lots of record. 2. The Chief Building Inspector has determined that the permit application package is substantially complete and ready for processing. 3. All City fees have been paid. 4. The applicant agrees in writing to the following conditions: No Grading or construction activity of any sort prior to final City approval of the plans submitted and any supplemental in- formation which may be required to properly process the plans. PUBLI C HEAR I NG PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 221 C.S. AND 317 C.S. AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1390, ROYAL OAKS ESTATES, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, SPECIFIC TO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT-CC FILE 6-14-105 Mayor Mankins said the pUblic portion of the hearing had been closed. Rob Strong, a planning consultant who has been hired by the City to act in place of the Planning Director on this project, referred to his November 25, 1986 memo on Royal Oaks Estates. He said the project discussion should include 1) the EIR and Addendum, 2) Planned Development Amendment, and 3) Tract Map No. 1390. He pointed out the tract on a map on the wall. He referred to City Attorney Art Shaw's February 10, 1987, memo on the history of develop- ment proposals on this property. Mr. Strong discussed drainage for the project, vegetation, what type of lots and structures would be built in the project, traffic issues, and roads in the project. Mayor Mankins said Mr. Mack had prepared a check list which the Council could use to give the Staff direction in designing the documents for Royal Oaks. Council discussion followed, and with regard to North Halcyon Road it was the consensus that the street be extended to the City limits and to keep City options open. Dan Lloyd of Engineering Design Associates, representing the developer, discussed the design and alignment of the proposed E Street and the West Branch Street continuation. Mr. Strong said that there may be a problem with access to the Community Center under a plan being discussed by the developer and the County. Bill Lackey, developer of the project, said he would put E Street wherever the City and County want it to go. Mr. Lloyd said he had been working with Cal Trans on an agreement concerning better alignment of West Branch near Vernon Avenue, but that some of the Community Center Parking Lot could be lost. It was decided by the Council that the developer should construct West Branch Street from the end of the current paving through to Vernon Avenue, . CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE ROYAL OAKS DISCUSSION Continued From Previous Page but that City options should be kept open. The Council decided that on the subject of E Street, access to the City Community Center should be required. There was further Council discussion on widening Vernon Avenue from the Community Center to Grand Avenue. COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:50 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. ROYAL OAKS Continued Helen Bai'ley, project manager with Merriam-Fraser, preparers of the Environmental Impact Report, said general environmental concerns have been raised and the report makes recommendations with regard to traffic, grading and drainage. Keith Higgins, who prepared the traffic analysis for the EIR, pointed to a map on the wall showing the street network in Royal Oaks. He went over traffic impacts the project would have. He discussed and listed re- commended solutions for problems at Oak Park Road and Highway 101, the extension of West Branch Street to Vernon Avenue and then to Grand Avenue, Brisco Road and West Branch Street, and an old section of West Branch Street to Grand Avenue. He recommended making provisions for pedestrian facilities on James Way and Tally Ho Road, widening James Way at Tally Ho Road, emergency access at Miller Way, school area pedestrian traffic control, and YMCA access evaluation. Mayor Mankins said the Council could continue to discuss the issues on the Check List at the meeting of March 17, 1987. CONSENT AGENDA -----council Member Porter requested that the following be added to the Minutes of February 24, 1987, in the Council discussion of the Royal Oaks project: "Counc i 1 Member Porter asked the Council to abo 1 i sh Ordi nances 221 and 317 and put them into one ordinance. He said it is very confusing trying to read three ordinances which are amending each other. He said there has to be a better way of handling this matter." Moved by Porter/Millis (4-0-1, Moots absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items 0.1. (February 24, 1987, Minutes as corrected) through 0.5., as recommended. 0.1. Council Minutes of February 24, 1987. Approval. 0.2. Long Range Planning Ad Hoc Committee Minutes of March 2, 1987. Information. 0.3. Statement of Investment Deposits. Information. 0.4. Traffic Way Sewer Improvements. Acceptance, Record Notice of Completion, Final Payment. CC FILE 9-14-4. 0.5. Cal Trans Park and Ride Agreement. Authorized Mayor to Sign. CC FILE 1-3-27. RANCHO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER CONSULTING STUDY-CC FILE 6-14-66 Mr. Rogoway referred to the March 4, 1987, sample Request for Proposals letter, which was developed at Council request. He said it would take approximately three months to do the study. After discussion, Council Members directed Staff to send out the letters to consultants. Mr. Rogoway said he is advising prospective commercial developers they will have to wait until the study is completed. RIGHT OF WAY ENCROACHMENT FOR 225 TALLY HO ROAD BY JEFF CARRITHERS Jeff Carrithers, who is developing property at 225 Tally Ho Road, asked the Council to approve a right of way encroachment. He handed out design plans