Minutes 1986-10-28 CITY COUNC I L OCTOBER 28, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmembers Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Councilmember Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilmember Johnson delivered the invocation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ED PHILLIPS of 255 Cross Street said he lives in a legal non-conforming duplex in an R-1 Zone and is seeking a loan from a bank to improve the structure. He asked the Council for a letter to the bank saying that in the event of a fire or a flood when the structure was destroyed that the duplex could be rebuilt. Mayor Smith said this was something the Council would have to take under advisement. The items was continued to the next meeting, November 11, 1986. EXPRESSION OF THANKS Mayor Smith expressed her thanks for the calls, cards, flowers and letters during her recent illness. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, to approve Consent Agenda Items 1 through 16. 1. Minutes of October 14, 1986 (Recoomend Approval) 2. Cash Disburserrent Ratification &. DeJllUld Registers (ReconIDend Approval) for September and October, 1986 3. Proclmnation for Red Qoss C:ampaign Support (ReconIDendMayor Proclaim) 4. Proclamation - November, 1986 "Hospice Month" (Recoomend Mayor Proclaim) 5. October 21, 1986 Planning COmnission Minutes (Information) 6. October 16, 1986 Doli>l1town Parking Advisory Board Minutes (Informatxm) 7. Request by Parks and Recreation Cbnmission to Develop Historical Preservation EJement of General Plan and Update Existing Parks and Recreation Element (Recoammd Approval) 8. October l, 1986 South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Minutes (Information) 9. League of California aties' Legislative Bulletins Nos. 30 and 31 (Information) 10. League of California aties' Board of Directors' Highlights (Information) 11. Liability Insurance CIBim Rejection - Jamie D. Farias, Oaimant (ReconIDend Rejection of CIBim) l2. Sump Purrp Installation Including Electrical, Soto Sports Coot>lex, Basin Three, Award of Bid (Reconmend Low Bid Award) 13. Micro-Fontonics Film Reader/Printer Purchase (ReconIDend Purchase) 14. Photocopy Machine Purchase with Maintenance Agreement (ReconIDepa Approval) l5. Oak Park Median Landscape Award of Bid (Reconmend Low Bid) l6. Traffic Way Sewer ImproveIrents Progress Payment No. 1 (ReconIDend Approval) C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 28, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CONSENT AGENDA Continued 17. Rancho Grande Park Site Acquisition Councilmember Porter asked for further clarification of this item. City Manager Robert Mack explained that included in the agenda packet was a purchase/sales agreement, a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute, budget amendments and a resolution applying for grant funds. 18. Resolution-Deposit City Funds in Local Agency Investment Fund Councilmember Porter asked for clarification of this item, and Mr. Mack said these monies are co-mingled with State money in order to achieve a higher interest rate. He said Finance Director David Bacon had requested that the Council pass this resolution which authorizes the Finance Director, the City Manager and the City Treasurer to disposit or withdraw monies from the Fund on behalf of the City. On mot i on of Council member Johnson, seconded by Counc i lmember Porter, and on the following vote to approve Consent Agenda Items 17 and 18: AYES: Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter. NOES: None ABSENT: None FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE REMOVING "SUNSET CLAUSE" FROM MOBILEHOME RENT STABILIZATION CONTROL ORDINANCE City Attorney Art Shaw read the title of the proposed ordinance; there- after, a motion was made by Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. Mayor Smith said that constituted the first reading of the ordinance. ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL 1% BED TAX INCREASE Mayor Smith stated that Mr. Moots and Mr. Mack had both declared conflict of interests on this matter due to their officerships with the Chamber of Commerce. JIM MCGILLIS, Chamber of Commerce President, explained that the increase in the bed tax would generate $20,000 to be used exclusively for the promotion of Arroyo Grande through professionally produced brochures and to fund Arroyo Grande's contribution to the San Luis Obispo County Visitor and Convention Bureau. Also present and speaking in favor of the increase were HEATHER JENSEN, Executive Manager of the Chamber; DAVID GARTH, Executive Manager of the San Luis Obispo Chamber; JOHNI EYLER, Director of the San Luis Obispo County Visitor and Convention Bureau. After Council discussion, which reflected agreement that tourism is a clean souce to increase business for the City, City Attorney Shaw pointed out to the Council that according to Supreme Court guidelines, the Council cannot adopt an ordinance increasing taxes and then direct where the funds should go. He said that is a special tax and requires a two-thirds voter approval. He said the funds could be put into the City's General Fund and made available for Council budgeting. City Manager Robert Mack pointed out that the Chamber proposal is for the $20,000 raised by the proposed tax,in addition to the current level of funding the City already provides. Mr. Shaw recommended that the Council refer the proposal to the City Staff to draw up an ordinance. Mr. Mack said the Staff also would be bringing to the Council in the future a proposed agreement between the City and the Chamber. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Gallagher, to grant the request of the Chamber of Commerce to add a 1% increase in the City's bed tax ordinance. Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson and Porter voted aye, and Councilmember Moots abstained. PUBLIC HEARING-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS-ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS City Attorney Shaw asked the Council to continue this item to the first meeting in December, 1986. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnaon, and unanimously carried, to continued the item to December 9, 1986. --.--_.~-~------ CITY COUNC I L OCTOBER 28, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE PROPOSED USE PERMIT NO. 86-414, ARROYO GRANDE INVESTMENT COMPANY/VOLUME SHOE STORE Planning Director Stanley Eisner referred to his Transmittal of Plannin9 Commission Action saying it was a request for construction of additional storage space at 1550 W. Branch Street, Oak Park Plaza. After Council questions of staff, Mayor said that all requirements as provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, had been complied with, and opened the public portion of the public hearing. REUBEN KVID~ developer of Oak Park Acres, expressed his approval of the expansion to provide for accommodation of a larger quantity of shoes. There being no further pUblic discussion on the matter, Mayor Smith declared the public portion of the hearing closed. After Council discussion reflecting approval of the expansion, on motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to grant the request for the Use Permit No. 86-414. USE PERMIT CASE NO. 85-397, FILER CONSTRUCTION CO. I MEXICAN RESTAURANT, EXTENSION Planning Director Eisner referred to his Transmittal of Planning Commission Action sayin9 this is a request for one-year extension on a previously approved Conditional Use Permit (Case No. 85-397) and accompanying Architectural Review for a Mexican restaurant at the corner of West Branch Street and Camino Mercado. He said there were no changes from the original plans. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to grant the one-year extension of the Use Permit No. 85-397. Acting on a suggestion of the City Manager, Mayor Smith directed the Staff to write a letter to the applicant granting the time extension of the Use Permit and asking that the hillside location be sprayed to control erosion of the soil. DIXSON MEMORIAL WALKWAY CONSTRUCTION AWARD OF BID Planning Director Eisner referred to his staff report of October 17, 1986, and recommended that the low bid submitted by Nick E. POkrajac be accepted. He said that the necessary funds needed to proceed with the project will have to be transferred from the City Reserve Balance Account funded by the downtown parking assessments. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and unanimously carried to accept the low bid of $29,638 by Nick E. Pokrajac. REQUEST FOR PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT STUDY SESSION Mayor Smith read the letter from Hap Brenizer requesting that the Council schedule a study session to resolve problems which he said had caused the two year delay of his 14-10t project on Paseo Street. Councilmembers Moots and Porter .said they would be wi 11ing to meet with Mr. Brenizer. Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Gallagher and Johnson said they felt the Council had already given direction to Mr. Brenizer, had spent hours and hours in discussion with him, and that now he should follow City procedure. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, to deny the request for the study session and to ask Mr. 8renizer to bring back any new proposals to the Planning Commission. Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson and Moots voted aye, and Councilmember Porter voted no. PARCEL MAP AG 86-155 APPROVALS On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried to grant the approval of Lot Split Case Number 86-433, Parcel Map AG 86-155 (Townsend), with the Staff Recommendations, which included 1. That the City Council find that the Parcel Map AG 86-155 is consistent with the conditionally approved tentative map found by the Planning Commission to be consistent with the General Plan and City Zoning, 2. That the conditions of approval are prerequisites to the orderly development of the area, and 3. That the City Council accept on behalf of the public the easements dedicated for street trees. PINE STREET CURB AND GUTTER APPROVALS Public Works Director Paul Karp referred to his Staff Report of October 22, 1986, and recommended that the Council review the two proposals for instal- lation of curb and gutter on Pine Street in the vicinity of the Landmark Tree CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 28, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR PINE STREET CURB AND GUTTERS APPROVALS Continued No. 29, and direct the Staff with regard to which proposal the Council prefers for the installations. He referred the Council to the designs "A" and "B" attached to the Staff Report. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, to approve Plan "A." DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD VACANCY APPOINTMENTS Mayor Smith asked that this item be continued to the next meeting, and the Council consented. WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS" Mayor Smith appointed to four-year terms on the Water Conservation Committee, Bill Sommermeyer, home construction representative, and Dwayne Chisam, City Staff representative.. She appointed Reuben Kvidt, representative- at-large, to a two-year term. She said there will be further appointments of representatives of the Lucia Mar School District, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the agricultural community. She said these appointments will be announced at the next meeting of the Council. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Councilmembers heard a request in the form of a letter from Garold B. Thurman of 294 Tally Ho Road. Mr. Thurman asked that the City charges for installation of curb and gutter at his home be spread over at least 10 years and added to his property tax. Councilmembers asked the City Staff to work on a solution to Mr. Thurman's problem and come back to the Council. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Referring to the South Bank property the City has purchased as a site for a new civic center, Councilmember Gallagher and Mayor Smith asked that City Staff repair any broken sidewalks, generally police the area, and improve its appearance. City Manager Mack said the sidewalk damage was due to "time" as well as house-moving equipment. Councilmember Moots asked that the Council send a formal letter to the State Department of Water Resources stating that reclaimed water should be included in the Environmental Impact Report which should be done in conjunction with the State Water Project in this area. On motion of Councilmember Porter, seconded by Council- member Moots, and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendation. City Attorney Shaw introduced from the audience Michael LeSage, a fellow attorney who is a candidate for State office. Elaine Wohl, Times-Press-Recorder reporter, announced that she would be leaving the area to accept a new position with a Ventura Newspaper, and Councilmembers wished her well. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Councilmembers adjourned to a Closed Session at 8:58 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT Councilmembers reconvened at 10:01 P.M. and immediately adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK