Minutes 1986-10-14 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANOE, CALI FORNI!\ 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor Pro Tem Matt Gallagher presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmembers Johnson, Moots and Porter wer~ present. Mayor B'Ann Smith was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Councilmember Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Council- member Johnson delivered the invocation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of September 9, 1986 (Recommend Approval) 2. Cash Disbursement Ratification & Demand Registers for August & September, 1986 (Recommend Approval) 3. Statement of Investment Deposits (Inforrllat ion) 4. Third Quarter, 1986, Sales Tax Report (Information) 5. September, 1986, Departmental Report (Information) 6. September 2 and 16, 1986, Planning Commission Report (Inforlllation) 7. October 7, 1986, Planning Commission Answered Agenda (Inforrnat i on) 8. September 11 and October 8, 1986 Parks and Recreation Meeting Notes (Recolllmend Jack Hill, Gee Gee Soto Appointments to Brush Poppers Discussions) Councilmember Moots said he would like to express his approval of the appointments of Mr. Hill and Mrs. Soto to the Brush Poppers Committee. 9. August 18 and September 15, 1986, Parking and Traffic COllllllission Minutes (Information) 10. August 28, 1986, Department of Animal Regulation Meeting Notes (Information) 11. August and September, 1986, SCAT Performance Report (Information) 12. September 3 and 17, 1986 South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Minutes (Information) 13. School Impact Fees Legislation, AB 2926 (Solicit Recommendation of Lucia Mar Unified School District) 14. School District Annual School Fee Report (Information) 15. Proposed Sidewalk Installation, Branch Street Between Overpass and Stanley, Response from School District (Information) Councilmember Porter asked for further clarification on this matter, and City Manager Robert Mack explained that after the Council had expressed a desire to have sidewalks in this area, he had written to School Superintendent Robert Hoagland stating this. He also referred to the answering letter from Nancy Walters, president of the Lucia Mar School District Board of Education. 16. 1987 "Youth-in-Government Day" - January 13, 1987(Recommend Approval) 17. EDD Response to Request for Branch Office in South County (Information) C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CONSENT AGENDA Continued 18. Proposed Fish and Game 0 & M Agreement Re. Pismo Lake Watershed Conservation (Information Only) 19. Tri-County Coastal Cities' Minerals Management Service OCS Air Quality Request for Caucus Expense (Recommend Payment of Expense Share) 20. Vision 2000 Announcement of Board Openings (Information) 21. Village Association "Christmas in Village" Approval (Recommend Approval with Conditions) Councilmember Johnson said that at the last festival in the City the paint on the Village lightpoles had been damaged by tape used for decorations. She recommended that the poles not be decorated during this Harvest Festival, and the rest of the Council agreed. 22. Village Association 1986 "Firemen's Muster" Approvals (Refer to Parks and Recreation Commission and City In- surance Broker for Recommendations) Councilmember Johnson brought up the matter of the City's Ordinance prohibiting the serving or consuming of liquor on City property. Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler said it would be hard to enforce such a ban at an event of this sort. Mr. Mack said that the City's liability concerned him and that is why he recommended referring the matter to the insurance broker. After Council discussion, it was decided to send the matter back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for discussion.) 23. Resolution Seeking LoCC Support Re Liability Limit Exposure for Parks and Recreation Facilities \Recommend Adoption) 24. Resolution to Initiate State Disability Insurance for Certain City Employees (Recommend Adoption) 25. Resolution Establishing Deferred Compensation Plan for City Employees (Recommend Adoption) Councilmember Johnson asked if the Deferred Compensation Plan would be at no cost to the City, and Mr. Mack replied in the affirmative. He said ICMARC approached employees and wishes to compete with Hartford, which currently offers a plan to the City. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Moots, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. On motion by Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and.on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 14th of October, 1986. 26. Resolution Instructing Police Cooperation with Schools on Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prevention Plan (Recommend Adoption) 27. Liability Insurance Claim Rejections(Recommend Rejection of Claims) (A) Patricia Hoskin, Claimant (B) Christine McDonald, Claimant (C) Jeana Wiles, Claimant (D) Buffelina Wiles, Claimant (E) Raquel Romero, Claimant (F) Becca Coste II , Claimant (G) Gemma Garcia, Claimant C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE CONSENT AGENDA Continued 28. Political Campaign Sign Requirements (Information) Councilmember Porter asked if exceptions to the City's Sign Ordinance were being made for political campaign signs. Mr. Mack replied that the Constitution provides a waiver for newspapers and signs so a number of years ago the City of Arroyo Grande established an ordinance that pertained to political signs only and provided some kind of control for the signs. He said the memo is the actual ordinance of the City as it applies to polit'ical signs. Mr. Eisner said sign height is partially regulated by visual safety. 29. Life Insurance Award of Proposal (Recommend Award to Low Bidder) 30. 50-Gal Chemical Sprayer for Parks - Award of Bid (Recommend Award to Low Bidder) 31. Le Point Street Widening - Grant Deed Acceptance (Recamend Acceptance) Councilmember Porter asked for clarification of this matter. Public Works Director Paul Karp said the deed is a dedication of right of way. He said this is the first step in a piecemeal acquisition in conformance with the plan line approved by the City Council after input from the Le Point Street Committee. He said no curb and gutter will be installed on the southerly frontage at this time. He said the owner dedicating the parcel will, however, as a condition to the building permit on his parcel which lies northerly of Hoosgow Park, construct a portion of curb and gutter adjacent to the existing rip rap retaining wall. 32. Equipment Trailer - "Surplus" Item (Recommend Trailer as "Surplus and Transfer to Harvest Festival Committee) Councilmembers said they were glad to follow this recommendation. 33. CCCJPA Program Status (Information) 34. Resolution Establishing 2-Hour Parking, Grand Avenue Between Traffic Way and West City Limits (Recommend Adoption) Cou~cilmember Johnson said that it would be possible to park four hours in this zone. Mr. Karp said this was the wish of the Parking and Traffic Com- mission. Councilmember Moots said he would be in favor of the Resolution as long as the residents would be allowed to park overnight in the area. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution, and on motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. On motion of Council member Moots and . seconded by Councilmember Johnson to adopt the Resolution on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 14th day of October, 1986. 35. Resolution Establishing Boulevard Stop on Linda Drive (Recommend Adoption) 36. Street Sweeping Contract Renewal (Recommend Approval) 37. Police Department Radio Equipment and Accessories Purchase (Recommend Approval) 38. Police Department Electronic Siren Purchase (Recommend Approval) 39. Moved to the end of the Agenda for discussion at that time. C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR CONSENT AGENDA Continued 40. Resolutions by California Republican Assembly (I nformat ion) 41. Resolution Establishin9 Public Hearin9 Date for Abandonment of a Portion of Brighton Avenue(Recommend Adoption) Councilmember Porter asked Mr. Karp for further explanation of this matter, and Mr. Karp said the street was originally dedicated in the town of Grover City as a 100 foot right of way. He said when the City of Arroyo Grande annexed a portion of the town of Grover, the right of way was reduced back to 60 feeL He said this a pensula jutting into the City of Grover City, and the rest of the street is being abandoned with a reservation for any utilities that remain. 42. Protective Membrane/DeWater System for Soto Sports Complex (Recommend Adoption) 43. Pearwood Retention Basin (Recommend Option One to Initiate Pearwood Basin Excavation) Councilmember Moots asked for clarification on the options. Mr. Karp referred to his Staff Report of October 9, 1986, and a map on the easel showing grading contours. He explained the three options outlined in a memo to him from Special Projects Engineer Dwayne Chisam. 44. Resolution Adopting Revised City Standard Specifications and Construction Details (Recommend Adoption) Councilmember Johnson asked for further explanation of this item. Mr. Karp said this is the Arerican Public W:Jrks Standard Drainaqe and Specifications for Construction. He said that all of the City of Arroyo Grande Standards that have been used up to this point have been incorporated into this book and labeled "AG." He said the standard specifications are revised periodically by the American Public Works Association and the City Engineering Department, and these specifications are the most recent updates. Consent agenda items were passed and adopted on the follCl.'ling roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith PUBLIC HEARING-PUBLIC NUISANCE DETERMINATION AT 238 JAMES WAY Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher said that the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements had been met and the hearing was declared open. City Attorney Art Shaw said he would indicate to the Council the proper Procedure for the hearing to determine if a public nuisance exists. He said the City Engineer had said that the property is not being properly maintained and is in violation of City ordinances. He said the City Clerk will note in the record the notices that have been given to all of the property owners. He said the City Engineer will be sworn and present testimony for the City, and anyone who wants to give testimony will be sworn in and testify. He said after the con- clusion of the testimony the City Council will decide if there is a violation of City ordinances and, if there is a nuisance, order abatement and the type of work that should be done to abate the nuisance. Sharon McDaniels, a court reporter from McDaniels Court Reporting of San Luis Obispo, was present at the meeting to record the procedings. NOTE: Notice of the hearing to determine if a public nuisance exists was sent to the property owners, Fred and Patricia Weber of P. O. Box 541, Koloa, Hawai i 967566 by Certified Mail on September 16, 1986. The prqJi"rt.x was posted with a Notice of Pu lic Hearing on September 29, 1986. The Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Times-Press-Recorder Newspaper on September 26, 1986. Mr. Karp gave a history of the problem at 238 James Way and referred to his staff report of October 8, 1986, which was lctbeled ctS C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE PUBLIC HEARING-PUBLIC NUISANCE DETERMINATION AT 238 JAMES WAY Continued Exhi bit 1. The James Way at Tally Ho Road Plan and Profile Map was labeled as Exhibit 2, and the Tract 625 James Heights Plan and Profile Map was labeled as Exhibit 3. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to enter into the record Exhibit 1 and 2, and on motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmembel' Johnson, and unanimously carried, to enter into the record Exhibit 3. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher opened the public portion of the hearing and invited interested parties to speak. JEFF CARRITHERS of San Luis Obispo, agent for the property owners, gave his v.iew of tile problem and disputed some of the City Engineer's statements. He proposed that the Council direct the City Engineer to accept the existing design originally approved by him in 1978, utilize it for the completion of the remaining design, and the City share in one-half of the expense of the street lighting. He additionally proposed to set Oct. 28, 1986, as the date by which the City Council and the City Engineer would give design approval. BOB VESSELY of San Luis Obispo, the agent's engineer, said he was not at the meeting as an advocate for either side but to provide technical infor- mation. He said the street design has caused problems because it does not meet design standards. He said driveways on the east side of the street could be seriously impacted. He said the alternative is to leave the street the way it is and increase street lighting. ANDREW DAVID of Arroyo Grande, attorney for Fred and Pat Lauthbury, owners of a lot adjacent to the one in question, said it is uneconomical for one property owner to finance the whole street and pay for the realignment of driveways. He said the City should have done this when it first recognized the street as "temporary." SPENCER L. THOMAS of 141 James Way said he believes a hazard and nuisance do exist on the property, and the problems need to be fixed before the rainy season. He recommended leaving the street as it is, rather than regrading and changing the driveways. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher called for others to speak and when no one came forward, he closed the public portion of the Public Hearing. After discussion of the matter, Councilmembers found that a public nuisance did exist and ordered its abatement within 30 days. In the resolution ordering the abatement Councilmembers said that the matter should be resolved as expeditiously as possible due to, 1. Lack of approved permits for projects commenced at 238 James Way, and 2. Proximity of the rainy season with the possibility of substantial erosion. llir. Shaw read the tit 1 e of the j'eso 1 ut ion. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FINDING A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING ABATEMENT THEREOF AT 238 JAMES WAY On motion of Counci lmember Moots,seconded by Counci lmember Jollnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1986. C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX PUBLI C HEAR I NG- PU~lIC HeARING-PUBLIC NUISANCE DETERMINATION AT 238 JAMES WAY Continued Councilmember Johnson suggested that a subcommittee be formed by the Council to work with City staff and the developers of the property on James Way to study the problem of the street grade and bring the findings back to the Council. Councilmembers Johnson and Moots were named to serve on the committee. PUBLIC HEARING- APPeAL O~ PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 1419-ARNO LASCAR I Planning Director Stanley Eisner'said this item is an appeal of a Planning Commission denial of a Tentative Tract Map. He said the request to the Planning Commission was to create a six-lot subdivision. He said the first three lots were created by a previous City action. He said that the major issue for the Planning Commission was the map conflict with Chapter 66474 of the Government Code (Subdivision Map Act). He said the City staff recommended that the Planning Commission had no option but to deny this request because of seven reasons listed in the Transmittal of Planning Commission Action - the item did not meet the zoning, the General Plan or several of the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City. He said Mr. Lascari filed an appeal and since then has begun to develop an alternative plan for the site. After Council questions of Staff, Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements had been met and the hearing was declared open: ARNO LASCARI of 1062 Maple Street explained his alternative proposal to the Council and asked for some indication as to its feelings about such a project. FERNE SCHLICHT of 1024 Maple Street said she favors the proposal and would definitely want single family dwellings. She said she thinks most of the neighborhood approves of the project. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher said he was optimistic about the new proposal, that it has a lot going for it, but that it would have to go before the Planning Commission again. Councilmember Moots said he would favor working with the new plan. Councilmember Johnson said the new plan is one she would consider. Councilmember Porter said he did not like the old plan and so would favor working with the new plan. Mr. Lascari said on that basis he would withdraw his appeal. Mr. Shaw said for the record that the consensus of the Council is without prejudice and therefore some of the fees. might be weighed. PUBLI C HEAR I NG- APPeAL O~ PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF MINOR SUBDIVISION-PASEO STREET-BRENIZER Mr. Eisner said this is an appeal of a procedural matter. He said the applicant submitted a lot line adjustment for review by the Planning Commission, which found that the proposal should be resubmitted as a parcel map. He said the applicants and their attorney asked that the City Attorney consider the matter for interpretation. He said the City Attorney found thata'lot line adjustment was an inappropriate procedure and the Planning Commission denied the Lot Line Adjustment of 4 Lots. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements had been met and the hearing was declared open. HAP BRENIZER of Grover City said that this project had gone on for two years and has been very costly. He said the four lots are legal lots and this matter is a lot line Adjustment. Mr. Eisner and Mr. Shaw said that the lots are legal non-conforming lots, but to approve a lot line adjustment for the lots would be an action to in- crease the degree of nonconformity as outlined in the Staff Report dated September 16, 1986. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN PUBLI C HEAR I NG- APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF MINOR SUBDIVISION-PASEO STREET-Continued Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher called for others to speak and when no one came forward closed the public portion of the Public Hearing. Councilmembers discussed the matter and felt that this was not a Lot Line Adjustment. Councilmember Moots said this is a procedural matter and he would look more favorably at a Parcel Map procedure. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and unanimously carried, to deny the appeal. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT PLANT EXPANSION John Wallace, administrator of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, spoke to the Council about the new plant to be built in the near future. He showed slides of the present plant, which he said is running 95 percent of capacity. He said the new plant will cost close to $4 mi 11 i on. He said construction will begin approximately October 27, 1986. ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road told the Council about a waste-treatment breakthrough in the City of Santee, where sewage waste is turned into saleable products - clean water and lightweight aggregate for concrete blocks and other masonry products, including roofing tiles. She asked what happened to the "pay-as-you-go" sewer plant? REQUEST TO EXTEND THE MDBILEHOME RENT STABILIZATION ORDINANCE BERNIE BURKE, chairman of the Lease Negotiating Committee, GSMOL Chapter 951, referred to his September 24, 1986, letter to Mayor Smith and asked the Council to extend the Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance for three years or make it a permanent ordinance. MELVIN JOHNSON, owner of the Vagabond Mobilehome Park in Arroyo Grande, said that with seven months to run before the pres~nt Ordinance will exp'ire, he sees no justification in extending the Ordinance at this time. MARK MILLIS of 330 Corona Del Terra said he feels that the Ordinance is a good one, but that the "sunset provision" should be repealed. Councilmember Moots said the Council should just remove the "sunset clause" Sec. 5-16.06 from the Ordinance. Other Councilmembers agreed. On motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously approved, to remove the "Sunset Clause" 'from the Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance No. 345 C.S. Mr. Shaw said he would prepare the ordinance amend- ment and the first reading will be at the next Council meeting, October 28, 1986. HODGES ROAD HOMEOWNERS' CONCERNS GREG SOUTHCOTT of 1011 Hodges referred to his letter to the Council of October 5, 1986, expressing concern about erosion of lots in Tract 1149, which would result in drainage to their land if the rainy season should begin before drainage and gradi ng imp;ovements can be made. He asked the Council to cOllsider the fOu~ P9ints listea in the let r wilich included a muest to rezone the tract to prohibit livestock I'Allch could aggravate erosion problems . HARRY SMALL of 1007 Hodges Road said he has a serious erosion and drainage problem on his property. He asked for City help in repairing the cracked drainage ditch in his yard. Mr. Karp said the ditch does need considerable repair and Reuben Kvidt, developer of Oak Park Acres, would be required to put the ditch in serviceable condition.or he cannot drain the new tract upstream through the ditch. REUBEN KVIDT said he is concerned about the problem and has been working to improve the drainage ditches. He said he would be seeding the hills and then sprayin9 them with Hydromulch. He said rezoning the area would be a C!TY COUNC I L OCTOBER 14, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT HODGES ROAD HOMEOWNERS'CONCERNS Continued substantial loss for him and if the City did so he would have to ask the City or homeowners to reimburse him. He said if the homeowners or the City has doubts about the adequacy of what he is doing he would be willing to get an outside engineer to give an unbiased opinion. Councilmembers discussed the matter further. Mr. Southcott asked the Council to adopt the four points in his letter. Mr. Mack said that the Planning Commission would have to deal with any rezoning matter first. He said as far as the drainage conditions goes it is his understanding that everyone is in accord. Mr. Karp said that siltation is a major concern and he will want to see the grading plans onmost lots. He said he would always listen and look if a problem is brought to him. PURCHASE OF RANCHO GRANDE PARK SITE Mr. Mack referred to his memo of October 9, 1986, and explained that the City has an opportunity to acquire, in lieu of park fees, 5.27 acres and $43,075 in curb, gutter, paving, street tree and other improvements,and to purchase 4.73 acres at $45,000 per acre, for a park site in Rancho Grande development. He recommended that the Council approve the negotiated purchase with conditions listed in his memo. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and unanimously carried to approve Mr. Mack's recom- mendations with the conditions. Mr. Mack said purchase/sales agreement and budget transfers will be placed on the next consent agenda October 2B, 1986. TERRA DE ORO PARK MASTER PLAN ADOPTION Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler described the plan for Terra de Oro Park, and asked the Council to approve the concept as a master plan. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to give conceptual approval of the master plan for the park. TRAFFIC WAY CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT Mr. Karp said all of the main sewer line is complete and all of the lateral ties in Traffic Way are complete. He said the last laterals remain on Bridge - the sewer ditch to be paved on Friday. He said the underground utility jOb is 40 percent complete, three or four weeks of work remain, and sidewalks will be repaired concurrent with work. He said street paving will be completed in about three weeks. LOT SPLIT - 513 MAY STREET, CASE NO. 85-409 Mr. Karp referred to the Parcel Map and explained the background on this matter. He recommended approval with thefindingslisted in his memo of October 9, 1986. On motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmember Johnson and unanimously carried, to approve Lot Split Case Number 85-409, Parcel Map 85-018, 513 May Street. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilmember Porter, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting at 12:34 A.M. MAYOR PRO TEM MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. ATTEST: CITY CLERK