Minutes 1986-08-26 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call councilmembers Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D.G. Porter were present. The meeting took place at the City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch, Arroyo Grande, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Councilmember Moots led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Mayor Pro Tem Gallaqher delivered the invocation. Mayor Smith reported that Item 26 under the Discussion Items had been withdrawn. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchard Lane related that it was the concensus of the Board of the Parking and Traffic Commission that a study be made of the Grand Avenue problems. She requested that a local consulting firm be hired to do the study. She felt that the citizens could relate to a local firm better, which would make a better working relationship. LINDA LEWIS of 930 Grand Avenue spoke in relation to Resolution No. 1881 establishing requirements for off-street parking on Grand Avenue. She noted that the Resolution did not provide for compensation to the property owners and tenants who occupy properties that have no off-street parking or any potential for off-street parking. She noted several properties she felt fell into this category. She said that she did not argue with Police Power to do what the City feels is best for its citizens, only with the taking of private property without compensation. She quoted from Court decisions and Codes, which she felt backed up her position. She respectfully requested that, in view of the potential legal, if not moral, obligation that Resolution 1881 should be repealed and the City Council should instruct the Traffic Engineers doing the study on Grand Avenue to propose its best solution to the traffic problem by means of additional traffic control devices, or at the very least, repeal the section which calls for 100% red curbing by a specific time or event and allow those businesses with no off-street parking as much parking spaces in front of or continuous to them as would be required for a building of its size built under today's requirements. Mayor smith asked that she provide Mr. Mack with copies of her comments and to leave her phone number so she could be updated on the Grand Avenue Study. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and unanimously carried, to approve all COnsent Agenda Items, with the exception of Items 11 and 18. 1. Minutes of August 12 and B, 1986 (Recomnend Approval) 2. Cash Disbursement Ratification at Demand Register (Recomnead Approval) ,. Proclamation - International Literacy Day, September 8, 1986 (Rec_nd Mayor PmcWm> 4. Departments of Employment and Motor vebicle South County Branches" Letters from Senator Maddy (Information) ~. July 22, 1986, Pages 4 and ~, City Council Amended Minutes (Recomnend Adoption) ". August 19, 1986 Planning Commission Answered Agenda (Information) 7. August ~, 1986 Planning ComIIission Minutes (Information) 8. July, 1986 SCAT Performance Report (Information) 9. Liability Insurance Caim. Reject1on- Randy Cava~s, (lo"-nt (Rec_nd Rejection of Qaim) I\). Rubberized Asphalt Qtip Seal Program Acceptance and Progress Pa)'IDCDt Authorization (RecOl!!lllCod Acceptance, Recording at Payment) _.~."--- -- - ._~-~~,,-...... ....- _..~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO ("nJo,H::~Nrr nt':F.NOA-r.nnti nl1PO 12. July 18, 1986 Owme1 Colmties' Division of League of California Cities (Infoanation) 13. Traffic Way Underground Utility Construction Announcement (Infoanation) 14. League of California Cities Tort Ref ODD Meeting Annolmcement (Infoanation) 15. Letter on Feasibi1ity to Convert Diablo Canyon Steam to Potable Municipal Water (Infoanation) 16. Letter Withdrawing l55-Acre ask Park Annuation Request (Infoanation) 17. 58 959 Grant Annolmcementa (Infoanation) 19. Car Corral Parking Lot Lease (RecOltL...nd Adoption) 20. 2nd Quarter, 1986, San Luis Obispo <Aunty Air Pollution Control District Report (Infoanation) -- -----_..-.~-_...__.- ---- -._-- CONSENT AGENDA ITEM ll-LOCC BULLETIN NO. 27-1986 Councilmember Johnson asked if we had an update on item 2, SB 2173. She noted the August 20 date had passed and wondered if it was imperative we have a solution on this. Mr. Mack said that we had no further information beyond the LOCC Bulletin. He also noted that since the Legislature was moving rapidly toward adjournment, any correspondence concerning the matter would have to be by telephone or Western Union. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM l8-RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR POSSIBLE PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 238 JAMES WAY Councilmember Gallagher asked if there was more information available. Mr. Karp said that he had heard from the agent for the owner's engineering firm who indicated that he was working on design plans for the roads. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items 11 and 18 were approved. Since it was not yet 8:00 P.M., the time set for the Public Hearing, Mayor Smith instructed Council to consider Item 25 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IMPACT UPON AGRICULTURAL ZONING Mr. Shaw said that the Council had appointed a subcommittee who have reviewed some planned development ordinances_ He explained that the sub- committee is trying to obtain additional ordinances and requested that Item 25 and Public Hearing Item 21 be continued for two months to give the committee a chance to make a recommendation to the Council. GOLDEN STATE HOMEOWNER'S LEAGUE, SUNRISE TERRACE AREA NO. 8,REQUEST TO AMEND SECTION 5-16.03, CITY MOBILEHOME RENT STABILIZATION ORDINANCE (Withdrawn by Mr. St. Peter) O.T.S. GRANT TRAFFIC STUDY CONSULTANT APPOINTMENT Mr. Eisner explained that the City has been granted an O.T.S. Grant for this fiscal year. He said that as a part of carrying out the provisions of the Grant and the traffic safety study, the Planning Department Staff prepared, with the assistance of the Office of Traffic Safety, a Call for Proposal. Referring to his memo of August 20, 1986, he noted the consultants contacted and the pro- posals received_ He reviewed the proposals received and advised that Staff's recommendation was Omni-Means, Ltd. Mayor Smith asked what the basis was for getting people to submit proposals. Mr. Eisner said that Staff works with a list provided by O.T.S. These are firms that have worked with them in the past. The list included minority and female-owned firms. He said that the Planning Department also puts a list together of firms that have worked with the City, and firms O.T.S. is familiar with. . CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE O.T.S. GRANT TRAFFIC STUDY CONSULTANT APPOINTMENT-Continued On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried to accept Staff's recommendation that Omni-Means, Ltd. be selected to carry out the O.T.S. grant study. HARVEST FESTIVAL LIABILITY INSURANCE KEN SNOVER, President of the Harvest Festival, spoke concerning liability insurance for the up-coming 49th annual Harvest Festival. Referring to his letter dated August 21, 1986, he noted that the Harvest Festival's insurance under Travelers Insurance Company was no longer available. He said that they were currently pursuing the possibility of "event" coverage for this year, but the cost would be close to $3000 and, therefore, prohibitive for their non-profit organization. He said that the purpose of the festival and parade is for the positive betterment of the City, and requested that the City consider bringing it into the sphere of City influence and afford it liability coverage under the City's policy. Mr. Mack pointed out that the City is not insured for the first $100,000, so could not provide insurance as the City does not have a policy to bring the Harvest Festival under. Mayor Smith said that since the Harvest Festival is a community event, perhaps the City could help fund the festival so it can continue. She suggested not necessarily zeroing in on insurance, but helping fund the event for some amount of money. Councilmember Johnson agreed with Mayor Smith as regards assistance in helping to fund the festival. She said that all of those involved with the Harvest Festival work very hard to make it a success and one that the community will appreciate. She noted that the City does help to fund other organizations. A discussion followed on the changing insurance picture and the possible need for yearly assistance if the Harvest Festival is to meet high insurance cost and be able to continue. It was noted that the Harvest Festival should be a budgetary item next year. It was the overall concensus of the Council that the Harvest festival was an appreciated community event, and due to the time involved, should receive assistance this year with a view to being a bUdgetary item in the future. Mr. Shaw pointed out that any City Council members on the Harvest Festival Board should abstain from voting on the issue. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Porter, Gallagher and Moots NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mayor Smith and Councilmember Johnson ABSENT: None to give the Harvest Festival Committee $3,000.00 for the up-coming Harvest Festival this year. KATCHO ACHADJIAN asked if the Harvest Feetival could be permanently covered under the City's insurance so this would not be a yearly problem. Mr. Mack said that it might be possible if the Harvest Festival wished to become an official City activity, which would change the nature of how the organization is run. He noted that the City's insurance company would have to agree to the coverage. Mayor Smith suggested that Mr. Mack, Mr. Snover and Mr. "Katcho" Achadjian discuss the matter thoroughly and bring it back to the City Council with a recommendation after this Harvest Festival. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR Mayor Smith opened the Public Hearing at 8,15 P.M. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Mr. Shaw explained that the purpose of the study on planned development was to see if they could come up with something creative to the Agriculture District Zoning. He requested that, since it was not completed, the Agricultural Districts Zone Ordinance Amendments be continued for two months. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, Item 21 was continued for two months. PROPOSAL FOR USE PERMIT TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF 180-BED SKILLED NURSING FACILITY ON CAMINO MERCADO, OAK PARK ACRES, IN P-D, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, BY MANOR HEALTH CARE CORPORATION Mr. Eisner advised that the presentation would be given in four parts, (1) A review of the actions taken by the Planning Commission and Staff Advisory Committee, (2) A review of the project from our perspective, (3) A presentation by the applicants, and (4) A Public Hearing. Mr. Eisner quoted a portion of Ordinance 140 C.S., page 6, C. Development !:!!!l, Parcel B (zoned "H-S'). He reviewed the Major Issues & Special Conditions of the Transmittal of Planning Commission Action. Mr. Eisner reviewed his memo of August 5, 1986, noting the direction to the applicants, taking into consideration the recommendations of the Staff Advisory Committee, and subsequent compliance by the applicants. Mr. Eisner, referring to his August 5, 1986 memo outlined the ten special conditions that the approval of the Manor HealthCare Use Permit would be subject to. He also noted that the issue of parking was raised. Since there are no specific recommendations for parking under Ordinance 140 C.s., the City undertook a survey of cities in the area to see what convalescent home parking requirements are. Mr. Eisner went over the results of the survey. He said that Staff's recommendation is one space for every 2~ beds. Mr. Eisner advised that it is Staff's understanding that a Certificate of Need has been requested and received by the State of Calfironia for this area and that the Manor Healthcare, Inc. operators are now the holders of that Certificate of Need. Mr. Eisner addressed two areas of concern by the Staff Advisory Committee and action taken by the applicant to alleviate these concerns. They were topography and parking. He noted the revised plan calls for substantially less dirt to be moved, leaving more area in its natural state and calls for removal of trees only with the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and the Planning Director. The Council was shown a preliminary reconnaissance as it relates to the site. It was noted also that parking would he available under the building. Mr. Eisner explained that the application consisted of two parts, a Use Permit and an Architectural Review (consisting of site planning and architecture). A rendering was placed on the bulletin board for the Council's review. A discussion followed regarding parcel division, parking height clearance, parking spaces, topography and the number of employees. Mr. Shaw questioned whether there were one or two parcels. Mr. Eisner explained that there are two now, but a recommendation is that they he reverted to acreage. Mr. Shaw advised that there should he an additional condition to record a "reversion to acreage." Mayor Smith opened the public portion of the Public Hearing at 8,40 P.M. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE PROPOSAL FOR USE PERMIT TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF l80-BED SKILLED NURSING FACILITY BY MANOR HEALTH CARE CORPORATION/PUBLIC HEARING - Continued GEORGE HORTON, Vice President of Manor HealthCare explained what Manor HealthCare does and how it is going to fit into the community. He stated that Manor HealthCare is the fourth largest nursing home operation in the country. They have 137 facilities in 34 states with a total of 18,000 beds, and eight facilities under construction now with 15 to 20 to be built within the next year. He declared Manor HealthCare to be financially very sound with 25 years experience. Mr. Horton noted the reputation the health care center has throughout the country for their sound, attractive care centers. He reviewed their standards, objectives, and the proposal and architectural design of the Arroyo Grande facility. He also explained the type of patients the center would accomodate and the range of care offered, noting especially a special Alheimer's unit. He said that a Manor HealthCare nursing home is a finely built and decorated facility that is orientated to assisting its residents in reaching the optimum physical, intellectual, social, vocational and spiritual potential that each resident is capable of and to restore each resident to their highest level of independence. He noted that Manor HealthCare provides a dedicated nursing staff and support staff to help residents reach that potential. They expected to start construction by April 1987 and be in operation by March of 1988. A ten minute slide presentation and narration was shown to the City Council and audience, explaining further about their company and facilities. A question and answer session followed, with George Horton and the care center architect, Don Sutherland representing Manor HealthCare. Staff's concerns related to the building design, height and color, and the traffic generated and available parking. They requested information about the cost to patients and the ratio of State aided patients. Some concern about highway noise polution to the center was expressed. RUEBEN KVIDT of Oak Park Acres spoke in favor of Manor HealthCare Corporation. He said when ordinance 140 C.S. was written in 1976, one of the objectives was to have a skilled nursing care home on Parcel Three. He noted the need in the area for a skilled nursing home and felt that Manor HealthCare fulfilled that need. He said that Oak Park Acres had fulfilled the things required of them: to bring in water from the storage facility developed by Rancho Grande and improve certain streets. He addressed the problem of traffic and said he could think of nothing that would bring a lower traffic flow than a convalescent home. He stated that representatives of Oak Park Acres felt the contribution made by them to the roads would take care of their share of the traffic problem. The public portion of the Public Hearing was closed and opened to comments from the Council. Councilmember Moots wanted a clarification on the need to add a condition about the way the parcel is divided. Mr. Eisner said that Staff would recommend that, if the Council wished, they could add condition number 11 to the Resolution that would require that a "reversion to acreage map" be filed which would eliminate the lot line so that it would be one parcel in Manor HealthCare's ownership, rather than two. Mr. Shaw recommended the condition be added to the Resolution. Councilmember Moots was pleased with the slide presentation and said he would be happy if the care center turned out as presented. Councilmember Johnson spoke in support of the development. She said that she saw a potential for a lovely setting for a lovely facility. She noted some concern with the landscaping problem in that area. She hoped that Manor Healthcare's expertise acquired throughout the nation would afford a solution to the area landscaping problem and the landscaping would come to be what the council expected. She noted that she was impressed with the presentation and very positive in the things seen and wished Manor HealthCare well with the project. ~---~ -- CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX PROPOSAL FOR USE PERMIT TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF 180-BED SKILLED NURSING FACILITY BY MANOR HEALTH CARE CORPORATION/PUBLIC HEARING -Continued Councilmember Porter spoke in favor of the development. He was especially pleased with the ample nurses and help available. He appreciated the fact the patients were able to stay if they were unable to leave. He voiced some concern with the $1800 per month cost, but took note of the minimum of 20% State assisted patients. Councilmember Gallagher also expressed pleasure in the project. He felt that it meets a need that is becoming more evident in this ccommunity as more people retire. He said that it is very nice to have such a facility close to family. Mayor Smith spoke in support of the development. She did voice concern with daily traffic flow, noting a problem in the area with Oak Park and Brisco roads. She acknowledged, however, that weighing alternatives, the nursing home facility would generate less traffic than other developments. She also voiced concern about adequate parking and said she would rely on Staff's word that it is adequate. She requested to see the texture and colors for the building. Mayor Smith, pointing out the Council's feelings on preservation of trees in the area, strongly requested that Manor HealthCare pay special attention to the preservation of the trees, being very careful about taking out any trees and contacting Mr. Eisner if there is any doubt as to the Council's wishes. Mayor Smith said that the Council was very pleased with the Planning Commission's work and congratulated the Staff on the cleanest presentation to come before the Council in many years. Mr. Eisner stated, from Staff's point of view, the Planning Commission did an excellent job. He noted also, from the point of view of the Staff Advisory Committee, working with the applicants has been a real pleasure. He declared them solid professionals. Mr. Eisner read the title of the Resolution approving Use Permit Case No. 86-411 and Architectural Review Case No. 86-369, applied for by Manor HealthCare Corporation, and adding special condition number 11, requiring a "reversion to acreage map" be filed. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilrnember Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING USE PERMIT CASE NO. 86-411 AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 86-369, APPLIED FOR BY MANOR HEALTHCARE CORPORATION On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Porter, Gallagher, Johnson and Moots NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of August, 1986. Councilmember Gallagher advised that he owned some stock in the company, but on the advise of the City Attorney, was allowed to vote on the issue. The City Council adjourned for a ten minute intermission at 9:29 P.M. --.,--.-------. --'--"----' CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 86-362, l3-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX AT 410 ELM STREET, BY GARY WHITE Mr. Eisner confirmed a Request for Continuance from the applicant. He said that they were not prepared for their graphic presentation and would like a continuance of two weeks. Mayor Smith opened the Public Hearing at 9:39 P.M. On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, Item 23 was continued to the next council meeting. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Mr. Karp referred to the San Luis Obispo County Solid waste Management Plan before the Council and recommended its approval by resolution. Referring to his memo of August 11, 1986 he summarized why the need for such a plan has become evident. Mayor Smith opened the public portion of the Public Hearing at 9:40 P.M. There was no public participation. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:42 P.M. Mr. Karp read the title of the Resolution to adopt the Solid Waste Manage- ment plan. On motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by councilmember Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ADOPT THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN On motion of Councilmember Moots, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith and Councilmembers porter, Gallagher, Johnson and Moots NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of August, 1986. FIRE APPARATUS PURCHASE-Deferred until Chief Hamp's return TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX REPORT Mr. Mack referring to his memo of August 19, 1986 reviewed the Transient Occupancy Tax Report, changing the number of rooms in Arroyo Grande to 309, and brought to Council's attention his recommendation as outlined in the memo. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Porter, and unanimously carried, to follow Staff's recommendation to reduce 1986/87 General Fund Budget transient occupancy tax revenues from $150,000 to $125,000; and to offset the $25,000 revenue loss, reduce 1986/87 General Fund Estimated Reserves by $25,000. RANCHO GRANDE PARK SITE REPORT Mr. Mack reviewed his memo of August 21, 1986 regarding the Rancho Grande Park site, outlining background information on the site, State requirements. possible problems and Staff's recommendations. A discussion followed relating to the additional acre needed by the District, the five to six acres the City is entitled to and the purchase cost of the balance. Mr. Mack reviewed the $35.000 grant from the State and the grant application to the State for additional funds. He noted that consulting design work is desirable to complete the grant application package. Councilmember Johnson said that the Brush Popper site should not have a bearing on this project since it was her understanding the Brush Popper site might revert to the County if it was no longer wanted by the City. Mr. Mack explained that sale of the property would certainly help, but was not a prerequisite. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT RANCHO GRANDE PARK SITE REPORT- Continued On motion of Councilmernber Moots, seconded by Councilmember Gallagher and unanimously carried to adopt the three recommendations by Staff as outlined in his memo of August 21, 1986, with one representative, Councilmember Johnson to sit with the Commission in the conceptualization of design process as re~uested in 3. A. BRUSH POPPERS ARENA UNAUTHORIZED IMPROVEMENTS, DECLARATION OF PROPERTY SURPLUS, CALL FOR BIDS AND USE OF PROCEEDS FOR RANCHO GRANDE PARK SITE Mr. Mack reviewed his memo of August 26, 1986, and letter of July 29, 1986 to the Brush Poppers, noting that there had been no contact from the Brush Poppers and, ~o his knowledge, no grant money available for their purchase of the property. He vo~ced concern about the City's liability exposure. He brought attention to the letter of July 28, 1986 from Mr. Gerner requesting that the stalls be removed as they are unsightly nuisances and a fire hazard. Pictures of the stalls were made available to the City Council. Mr. Mack outlined his four recommendations and asked for adoption of a resolution declaring the property surplus, effective July I, 1987; authorizing a call for proposals to purchase the property, sale closing date of July I, 1987; and utilizing proceeds from the sale for purchase t8o/lirtodfd1!'c~ofra,~trEw.3V~aB&hO G~'W~ ~kto~~t~.:-. Mack stated that he withcjraws his recOOJJEndation sta 11 s after the Labor Day I'.e€ken3~se ~ . Gemer the Brush PqJpers mtend to rarove the Mr. Shaw confirmed that nothing in the deed restricted the City's right to sell or use the property. CoyncilrTBJi?er Johnson felt the aP.P.r~isal on the prqJert'y'.was very 1011 and ~ it was r!()t~ very val1d appra1sal. 1+s. Johnson sa1d 1t was her understatihl)9 the ~~y was given to the City for a dllTP and could not be sold. 1+. Mack referred to an opinioo of he City. Attome{ that it coullj be sold. Mr. Shaw.stated,the.prqJertY. could be sold. 1+s. Johnson saW she fel that the sel]mg of the Prq;Je('ty lS a maJor 1SSue ana wanted to kllO.ol m::'re about l'<t1at is going 00 before mak1ng a hasty OeclSlon. Mayor Smith did not have a problem with going ahead and calling for proposals to purchase since the sale closing date is not until July I, 1987. She felt the stalls needed to be cleaned up immediately. She noted a real lack of interest coming forward on the Brush Poppers' behalf as far as anything to do with the property, and felt they had a need for concerned officers. She felt the children in the community would be the segment bearing the brunt of the Brush Popper's negligence in handling the property and felt something more should be done to contact Brush Poppers rather then go to suit. Councilmember Moots, referring to recommendation No. 4 asked if the City was thinking, at one time, about using surplus City property for a City Hall complex. Mr. Mack responded that the financing cost of a Civic Center could be offset by the selling of City land, but no decision had been made as far as a financing package, or declaring this property surplus or using the proceeds for a Civic Center. MARK MILLIS of 330 Corona del Terra, noting that there was no one from th~ Brush Poppers at the council meeting, asked if we had any contact with them other than by mail. He thought that there was a possibility they did not know about the meeting. Mr. Mack said that the Brush Poppers were very difficult to contact, and that they had been contacted by formal mail since that is the requirement of the lease. Mayor Smith said that they had talked to members of the Brush Poppers in a Committee Session about a year and a half ago and asked them if they would be interested in purchasing the property. They have known for quite some time that the City is interested in getting rid of the property. She noted that it has not been just one Board, but several Boards that have been aware of the City's interest to sell, and have made no attempt so far to engage in any communication with the City to purchase the property. She suggested giving Mr. Mack the names of the individuals known to be involved with the Brush Poppers and make further effort to contact them. Councilmember Moots suggested that the issue be held over until the next City Council meeting and every effort be made to contact Brush Poppers and have their representatives at the Council meeting. Asked about removal of the stalls by Mayor Smith, Mr. Mack responded that he could otter the Council no assurance, but Mr. Gerner said that Brush Poppers told him that they would be removing the stalls after the Labor Day weekend. The Council's decision was to make every effort to contact Brush Poppers and bring the issue back to Council at the first meeting in September. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE FIRE APPARATUS PURCHASE Chief Hamp said that at the last Budget session, they were granted approval to purchase the aerial apparatus. He noted that their committee had done a consider- able amount of work on the apparatus and have saved a considerable amount of money in the modifications to the vehicle. He said that they are concerned about the consistancy of operation and want design to remain the same in the department, and do not necessarily desire a lot of different component parts, especially in a volunteer organization. He noted that the particular vehicle they are looking at is basically a sister to the new engine purchased in the last couple of years. He said that they were not required by law or their charter to go to bid on the vehicle and requested authorization to purchase the vehicle from F.M.C. Van Pelt who presently supplies the department with Van Pelt fire trucks. He provided Council with pictures of pump panels. He pointed out the truck would be built in Oakdale, California which would afford them immediate control and observation. Mr. Mack confirmed the truck was budgeted at $300,000. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Counci1member Porter, and unanimously carried to authorize purchase of a Van Pelt fire truck in the amount of $300,000. OAK PARK INTERCHANGE AGREEMENT STATUS REPORT Mr. Mack, referring to the Resolution and map before the City Council, and a bulletin board drawing, refreshed the Council's memory on what had transpired between the Cities involved in the redesign and reconstruction of the Oak Park Boulevard and Highway 101 Interchange as relates to the changing of the City limits and the relocation of the storm retention facilities. Mayor Smith inquired of Mr. Karp if there was enough money to construct an interchange at the caretery. Mr. Karp said that there might possibly be if we changed the budget, but there was not enough money using FAU Funds only. Mayor Smith said that she would look seriously at a new interchanqe tee in front of the cemetery with a signal. She said that a street is being moved that she does not feel will do any good, and could cause other problems. She noted that with a hill coming down into the stop light, there will be a bigger problem in getting out of Rancho Grande. She asked Mr. Shaw if the passing of the Resolution would be binding. Mr. Shaw responded that it would be binding. Council acknowledged that the information given was a status report and a vote at this time was not necessary. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT MEETING Mr. Mack, referring to a letter from Grover City Administrator, Arnold Dowdy, advised the City Council of an invitation to attend their Tuesday, September 2, 1986 City Council meeting at 7:30. He noted that he did not yet have the time that the San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's presentation by John Wallace would take place. Mayor Smith advised that the Council does have a social engagement that evening that also starts at 7:30, that could perhaps be changed to 7:00. She felt that both engagements were important and asked Mr. Mack to advise them of the time for the City Council presentation. Councilmember Gallagher also advised the Sewer Plant meeting was tomorrow evening, August 27, 1986 at 6:00. He said that it was a public meeting and any questions could be answered. BRIDGE STREET AND TRAFFIC WAY SEWER MAINS AWARD OF BID Mr. Karp noted that about two years ago, a television camera was run through all the sewers on Traffic way to make sure that any necessary repairs would be made before the street was rebuilt. He said that portions of the sewer mains in Bridge Street and Traffic Way are the last of the sewer mains to be reconstructed. Referring to his memo of August 21, 1986, he noted the Engineer's estimate of $90,000, the City budget of $120,000, and the low bid of $88,745. He said that it was Staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize award for the project to R. Baker, Inc., in the amount of $88,745. On motion of Counci1member Gallagher, seconded by Councilmernber Johnson, and unanimously carried, to accept Staff's recommendation and award bid for recon- struction of the sewer mains in Bridge street and Traffic Way, Project Number 70-86-1 to R. Baker, Inc., in the amount of $88,745. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TEN OAK KNOLL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TIME EXTENSION Referring to Mr. Strong's memo of August 22, 1986, Mr. Karp advised the Council that the owners of the Oak Knoll Development, now known as Royal Oaks, have applied for "maximum extension" of their currently approved project. He noted that City Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-3.608 (d) provides for two, one year time extensions which may be granted by the Council after review and recom- mendation of the Commission. Staff's recommendation was that a one year time extension be granted, subject to the same four conditions outlined in Resolution No. 1817. Mr. Mack advised the Council that it would not appear to be in the City's best interest to deny the extension. He said that on this particular piece of property, there is a Development Plan that was approved by the City, and the plan was filed and is a matter of record. He noted that it is a Development Plan that is less in character with the Council's wishes then the plan the applicant's are seeking to get amended. Further discussion brought out trat the parcel I'1ap for the original Deve- loprent Plan is a permanent installation unless re-recorded, and although they might not be able to build on it, the plan could be used as a vehicle for sale. On motion of Councilmember Porter, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried, to grant a one year time extension for the Tentative Parcel Map for Oak Knoll Development, subject to the same four conditions outlined in Resolution No. 1817. STAGECOACH ROAD WATER FACILITIES REIMBURSEMENT TO TRACT NO. 553 Mr. Karp advised the City Council of a recommendation to make two reimbursements to the developer of the Stagecoach Road water facilities, Mr. John Ruden. The reimbursements are for fees collected from the developer of Tract 555, unit IV, and the developer of Tract 1187. On motion of Councilmember Porter, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and unanimously carried, to accept Staff's recommendation and authorize Staff to reimburse Mr. John Kuden for fees collected from the developer of Tract 555, Unit IV, and the developer of Tract 1187. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Mack advised the City Council of a letter stating that there will be a clock in th1 City Council Chambers two weeks from tonight. tho Johnson said she lIOuld purchase the c oc . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CAROL ROBERTS of the Tele9ram-Tribune asked what the City Council's social engagement for Tuesday, September, 1986 was. She was informed that the invitation came from Sunrise Terrace in appreciation to the City Council. She also inquired if the Statue of Liberty was to be painted, and was told that it would be painted. Mayor Smith asked what was going to be done about the parking on Grand Avenue of "For Sale" automobiles. She noted that on Sunday, there were eleven such automobiles. Mr. Karp said that he had been asked by the Parking and Traffic Commission to "Notice" everyone on Grand Avenue for the 2-4 hour limit, and it is on their next Agenda. Mayor Smith brought attention to two signs which she did not feel had been approved by the Planning Commission. They are the Skilley's sigl and thP. balloon at Crocker's Lockers. Mr. Mack responded that Mr. Eisner had investigated the balloon, that it did not conform to the City Sign Ordinance, and the owner's had been contacted. Mr. Mack said that he will inform Mr. Eisner of the Skilley's sign. -_._--- CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ELEVEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS-Continued Councilmember Gallagher asked if the traffic signal at payless was going to be in by Christmas. Mayor Smith inquired about the signal near City Hall. Council agreed to see what could be done about getting the signals in as soon as possible. Mayor Smith voiced concern about the sidewalks down town and was advised that they had been steam cleaned about two months ago. Councilmsmber Johnson was concerned about masking tape on the light standards. It was the feeling of Council that masking tape, especially when left on over a long period of time, would peal the paint and should not be allowed. Councilmember Johnson noted that the reduction of the print on Agenda Items No. 7 and 16 made them hard to read and requested that they be a little larger in the future. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilmember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Johnson, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 P.M. MAYOR B'ANN SMITH ATTEST: CITY CLERK