Minutes 1986-08-06
The City Council held a re9u1ar adjourned meeting in the Council Chambers
Conference Room with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Councilmembers
Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present.
The meeting was a study session to learn more about the State Water
Project and the feasibility of the City participating in an Environmental
Impact Report concerning Coastal Branch Water.
Mayor Smith welcomed County Administrative Officer Bill Briam, Deputy
County Engineer Clint Milne and Van Laurn of the County Engineering staff to
the meeting, and asked them to explain where the State Water Project stands
now, and for further facts about the project.
MR. BRIAM said the Coastal Branch of the project will offer to San Luis
Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County 25,000 acre feet of water. He
said the project is on hold for three months and San Luis Obispo County is
trying to find out if the various potential contractors (including Arroyo
Grande) wish to participate in a study (an EIR) to see if receiving the
water is feasible.
MR. MILNE gave a history of the project beginning in 1960, when voters
in a statewide election approved the project. He said so far 30 agencies
in the state have contracted for the water. He said the County is asking only
for a "Planning Subscription" not a binding EIR. He said the EIR would take
three years to complete. He said the County taxpayers would pay for the EIR,
which would cost both counties $4 million. He said the Coastal Branch project
would take seven years to complete, including the EIR. Mr. Milne said he
was also asking for an expression of how many acre feet of water Arroyo Grande
would need.
MR. BRIAM said that he feels that with water demand at a two percent
growth rate per year, there will be shortages in 2060.
Counci1members discussed whether the costs of building the facilities
would be shared, the costs of the EIR itself, and the holding of "scoping"
sessions before the EIR would begin.
MR. LAURN said the Board of Supervisors would have to decide who would
pay the share if one of the project contractors were to drop out.
JOHN PERINI of 824 G1enoak Drive, Arroyo Grande, asked Mr. Milne if
in the figures and forcasting the factor of inflation had been figured in.
Mr. Milne said yes, each year the estimates are adjusted.
BILL SOMMERMEYER, a civil engineer with an office in Arroyo Grande,
said that San Luis Obispo County has contributed $4.7 million so far to the
project, and Santa Barbara County has contributed $16 million. He said the City
should give a realistic prediction of its water needs.
ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road said she was concerned about City
residents paying more for water, ari~ a whole segment outside the City not
payi ng at a 11 . She spoke about Waste Water Reclamation, and the fact that
three mill i on ga 11 ons of water a day go', to the ocean. She recommended
as important to read, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency's
new publication, "Projected Cost of Reclaimed Water."
. REUBEN KVIDT ~eveloper of Oak Park Acres said said it would be good
lnsurance.for the Clty to make an expression of interest in the Water project
by approvlng the commencement of the EIR. He said the project would be
good for the agricultural community.
There was further discussion of population projections, development
outside ~he City wh~Ch would be.using wells, and other water options available
to the.Clty. Coun~11members sald they would like further study on the subject.
On motlon of Councl1member Porter, seconded by Councilmember Johnson and
unanimously carried, to continue the item to the next meeting, August 12, 1986.
PAUL HADDOX of 587 Valley Road said the City should go ahead and partici~ate
in the EIR and that the quality of the State water would be better than presen .
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 P.M.
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