Minutes 1986-07-29 Site Visit CITY COUNCIL JULY 29, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 10:00 A.M. The City Council met for a site visitation to Rancho Grande Tract 1132 for Review of the Grading Plan Proposal. Gathering at the Council Chambers Conference Room for carpooling to the site were Co unci 1 members Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter; City Manager Robert Mack; Public Works Director Paul Karp; Special Projects Engineer Dwayne Chisam; Planning Director Stanley Eisner; Lawrence L. Jones; Jim Garing of Garing Taylor and Associates; Rusty Garing, and Attorney Peter C. Miller, representing Ottse, Inc. Mayor Smith was absent. After the tour the Council convened at 11:20 A.M., with Mayor Pro Tern Gallagher presiding. Councilmembers discussed the grading of the Tract they had seen. Concerns expressed were control of dust, compaction, care of trees, convenience and comfort of the students and staff at St. Patrick's School, and getting the grading done and seeded before the rainy season. Mr. Karp recommended that the Council approve the grading plan in conformance with requirements of Ordinance 186 C.S. which rezoned Rancho Grande to Planned Development. On motion of Councilmember Porter, seconded by Council- member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to approve the proposal as presented in the plans by Garing Taylor and Associates titled "Grading and Drainage Plans for Portions of Tract No. 1132," dated July 3, 1986, with the stipulation that the grading begin and be completed before the rainy season. The Council convened for a study session at 11:30 A.M. The subject was the 1980 Grace 8ible Church School/City Agreement. Mayor Smith presided, and Councilmembers present were Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots, and D.G. Porter. City Attorney Art Shaw referred to his memo of July 29, 1986, and said, with regard to the service agreement with the Central Coast Christian Academy, it is important to recognize that the request for services was premised on two representations by CeCA. He said they were, 1. The construction of a junior and senior high school would save taxpayers millions for a new public high school, and 2. Although CCCA's 22 acre parcel was donated by the adjoining landowner, there was to be no tie-in or connection between development of the school and the adjoining property. Mr. Shaw said the Local Agency Formation Commission will propably not object to any reasonable proposal by the City of Arroyo Grande to provide water and sewer services to CCCA. Mr. Shaw said the present agreement specifically limits the services to be provided to sewer and water (domestic flow only). He quoted the agreement as limitinq services "to the extent that is necessary for school facilities only" and "expresily refuse(s) to allow these services to be used for any other development purposes or to provide any other services than is expressly referred to in this agreement." He said that clearly excludes church use. He suggested that the Council draw up a new officially acknowledged and recorded agreement. He said his memo listed seven items which should be included in the agreement. Councilmembers discussed extending Arroyo Grande's sphere of influence and sphere of service to the church/school, and clarifying its stance on the issue. Councilmembers agreed that an earlier resolution supporting spheres of influence and service for both the school and an adjacent 155-acre piece of property owned by Oak Park Acres did not reflect its true intentions. The Council decided it wants LAFCo to consider the church and Oak Park Acres separately. JOHN WYNN, representing the church/school, said that on the original plot plan for the school there were pastoral offices and a sanctuary shown. Councilmember Gallagher said the Council did not see a plot plan. Mr. Mack recommended that on the next Council agenda there be a Resolution for Council action stating that the City Council recommends to LAFCo that the church/school property be included in Sphere of Influence and Sphere of Service of the City of Arroyo Grande and that also there be conditions for development as far as policies of the City of Arroyo Grandeare concerned regarding CITY COUNCIL JULY 29, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO such services as sewer, traffic and water. R. GREGG ALBRIGHT, Grace Bible Church building committee chairman, said that any time delay caused by the condition that said that building could not begin until the new intersection at Oak Park Road and the Freeway was completed would be unacceptable to the church. He said the church could not survive that kind of time delay. He said the church/school would have a negative impact, and the church was just moving existing facilities. Mayor Smith said that in the draft resolution there should be mention of how long the church has been in Arroyo Grande. The church has been here for a very long time, she said. Councilmember Moots said there would have to be an Environmental Impact Report that would cover things like traffic and fire flow. Councilmember Johnson said she does not think annexation should be mentioned in the resolution because she would like to study the matter of sanitary service to the property. Counc;lmember Gallagher said the resolution should include everything that would make a good case for the church/school. The meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, August 6, 1986, when a Regular Adjourned meeting will take place at 1:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers Conference Room. MAYOR PRO TEM MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER MAYOR BlANN SMITH ATTEST: CITY CLERK