Minutes 1986-04-09 SP .- ....., CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING APR I L 9, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 5:30 P.M. Mayor Pro Tern, Mat Gallagher, called the meeting to order. He then turned the meeting over to Director John Keisle!', Director Keisler turned the meeting over to Pat Sanger, Chairman of the ParKs and Recreation Cammi;;s.;c,n, after welcoming the Council and thanKing them for their support to parKs and r'ecreation, she turned the meeting bacK to Matt Gallagher, Mayor Pro Tem. He then turned the meeting bacK to Director John Keisler. Pre;;ent at the meeting wer.e Commissioners, Gee Gee Soto, ALex Woolworth, Judy Tappan, JacK HiII, Ernie Ped,Billy Howells, Vice Chairman, and Pat Sanger, Chairman. City Council present were Matt Gallagher, Mayor Pro Tem, Dorace Johnson, D. G. Porter and Gene Moots. Also present were Robert MacK, City Manager and Nancy Iverson, Associate Planner. Due to the lengthy meeting the night before it was decided to dispense with the slide show. SENIOR CENTER - GROVER CITY There was a discussion by the Council and Commission with regard to the possible approolch of a g/'oup of senior citizens /'equesting money to fund a senio/' citizen center in Grover City. The Grover City Council turned down the request. The City of Arroyo Grande funds the Five Cities Senior Citizens by paying $1,100 towards rent of the Methodist Church for meetings. The requested amount would probably be $21,000 to meet the amount of money required to Keep a grant in the amount of $106,500 f/'om the state. Seniors in the City of A/'royo Grande are quite self-sufficient and plan their own activities and asK for very little city involvement. There have been no requests for additional city involvement in their organization. After a lengthy c!iscussion, Commissionet' 50to motioned to deny money to the seniors for a center in Grover City if the Commission were approached. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tappan and unanimously approved. The CI ty Council also discussed the matter and Councilman D. G. Porter motioned to stand behind the decision of the Parks and Recreation Commission and deny any funding if the Coundl were approached. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. FRIENDSHIP TRBB - AREOR DAY, APRIL 16, 1986 Mayor JacK Kean of Grover City will present a F/'iendsl1ip Tree to the City of A/'royo Grande on April 16, 1.986, at 11:00 a.m., at the site of the new restroom at the Soto Sports Complex. There will also be a Tree City USA ceremony. Commissione/' Soto o/' Chai/'man Sanger will be present to give a history of the complex. DIAMOND JUEILEE There was discussion .of a flag pole at the new rest/'oom site. City Manager, Robert Macl<, informed the Council and Commission that the Diamond Jubilee Committee has a new flag pole and may be looKing for a site to put it on. Director Keisl~r will contact Katcho. The Diamond Jubilee will have a parade July 12, 1986. The Recreation Department will be in charge of refreshment booths that day. AMERICAN DIABETgS ASSOCIATION The }I.ssccia~i(jn is havirlg a Bike Ride on Odober 19, 1985, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:-)0 P.M. Thl?Y ha.v~ as!~;2d to W5~ th~ cnrner of Elm a.nd FairOaKs -fer a. checK point. Commissioner Tappa.n mutlQn~d ti), approve, Commissioner Soto seconded and the motioned carried unanimously. LIABILITY INSURANCE Liability Insurance for the City was discussed. Robert MacK, City Manager. informed the Commission and Council that we will probably have less liability insurance in the future oind pay 150,., more for the policy. Two of the concerns of the manager are the brushpoppers arena and liquor at the community building. The commission will be discussing this matter at the ne}:t meeting of the ParKs and Recreation Commission in May. A conference on liability is being offered to cities and it was suggested that someone from the city such as Director KeIsler attend the conference. BUDGET GOALS FOR 1986-87 The pre-school was discu!>sed and the problem of re-Iocating the school when we need to. We have grown from 20 Kids to 80 Kids. The cost was .85 and is now $1.00 and will go to $1.20 ne::t year. Director Keisler informed the Commission and Council of the worK being done at the 50to Sports Complex on the restroom and parKing lot, the problem with the leaching water and the need for the membrane when the water goes down. He also talKed about the worK to be done at Te/'ra de 01'0 PilrK and the Community Center and La Barranca ParK. .-~>~....,.".-....../-.",~..-".." ,~- ~-'roIIl")Jr!Ii~.~",I"O:~""~~..p,''''_.' .~~_.-~ . ,- """'~"~ ,''''''''-' ~ ~" ,~., .- --~_.....,~--""--_. -~"..'"'~~" ...- ._,'-, -,'-- '\ ; ^ _. _ . __,_N__"_____''U .-"~--~."---I-__._~ _ ._,_~____________."i".........,..__,""""'_.<...>._,. .~,~ .-~._-_.__.._,~.._,...;.....-_. ~.- ~_._._--"_._--..._. -.~..~-- . . - CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING APRIL 9, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO ~UDGET GOALS FOR 1986-87 DISCUSSION Continued There was a brief discussion of the Rancho Grande and Oak Knoll developments regarding school site and parK property. The City would be given 5 acres in Rancho Grande in lieu of park fees and if we wanted to ha.ve a. 10 acre par-cel we would have to purchase the rest of thE? land. The school district hAs lost its option for. the pt'operty far a. school site. This matter is still being discussed with the developer. CONSE:RVATION e:U:MENT tlancy Iverson, Associate Pla.nner with the City discussed the Conservation Element with t.hp Commission. She had given them a form to fill out and asKed the Commission to use the form to mal<e their comments on and return to her. What will be decided are the direction of goals, policies and programs from generral tosppcific. This element would include parI< lands, open space and all natural resources. ADJOURNMENT Commission~r Hill motioned for Adjournment, Commissioner Howells seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned a.t 8:15 p.m. t MAYOR ATTEST: