Minutes 2008-11-25MINUTES
Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at
7:01 p.m.
City Council/RDA: Council/Board Members Joe Costello, Jim Guthrie, Ed Arnold, Mayor Pro
Tem/Vice Chair Chuck Fellows, and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present.
City Staff Present: City Manager Steve Adams, Assistant City Attorney Mike McMahon, Director
of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial
Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Community Development Rob Strong,
Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Doug Perrin, and Associate
Planner Teresa McClish.
Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute.
Pastor George Lepper, Peace Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation.
6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only.
Council Member Costello moved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed
unanimously that all ordinances moved for introduction or adoption at the meeting shall be read in
title only and all further reading be waived.
Grea Moore, Vice President of the Village Improvement Association, gave a brief overview of
upcoming holiday activities to be held in the Village. He thanked the City's Parks Department for
assisting with putting up lights in the Village, and encouraged citizens of Arroyo Grande to shop
locally to support the local businesses.
Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item
to do so at this time. No public comments were received.
Action: Council/Board Member Costello moved, and Council/Board Member Guthrie seconded the
motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.1., with the recommended courses of
action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote:
AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Arnold, Fellows, Ferrara
NOES: None
Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Page 2
8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period October 16, 2008 through
November 15, 2008.
8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits.
Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of October 31, 2008.
8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes.
Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 28, 2008, as
8.d. Consideration of Side Letter of Agreement Modifying the FY 2008-09 through FY 2009-
10 Memorandum of Understanding with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers'
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4139 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
8.e. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Approving an Application by First Assembly of
God to Drill and install Replacement Well on Property Zoned Public Facility; APN 006-
095-020; 207 Pilgrim Way.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4140 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
8.f. Consideration to Purchase aMid-Sized Pick Up Truck.
Action: Authorized staff to purchase a mid sized pick up truck and the Extended Care
Warranty from Christianson Chevrolet in the amount of $19,690.04.
8.g. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit Case No. 08-018 Authorizing the Closure of
City Streets for the 6"' Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association
Christmas Parade, November 30, 2008.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4141 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
8.h. Consideration of Funding for SLO Green Build Program.
Action: Approved the expenditure of $2,000 for support of the SLO Green Build Program.
8.i. Consideration of Consultant Services Agreement with Penfield & Smith for the Design
of the West Branch Street Resurfacing Improvements Capital Improvement Project.
Action: 1) Approved an agreement with Penfield & Smith in the amount of $27,340 for the
West Branch Street Resurfacing capital improvement project (PW-2008-08); 2) Authorized
the Mayor to execute the agreement; and 3) Authorized the City Manager to approve
contract amendments not to exceed 10% of the $27,340 for unanticipated costs during the
design phase of the project.
8.j. Consideration of Consultant Services Agreement with Cleath 8 Associates to Analyze
Alternative Test Well Sites in the Vicinity of the Pearwood Avenue Basin.
Action: 1) Approved a consultant services agreement with Cleath & Associates in the
amount of $13,500 to analyze alternative test well sites in the vicinity of the Pearvvood
Avenue basin (Capital Improvement Project PW-2008-10); 2) Authorized the Mayor to
execute the agreement; and 3) Authorized the City Manager to approve contract
amendments not to exceed 10% of the $13,500 for unanticipated costs during the design
phase of the project.
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8.k. Consideration of First Amendment to Agreement with MNS Engineers for Consultant
Engineering Services.
Action: 1) Approved a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant services with
MNS Engineers, Inc. to increase the "not to exceed" amount by $4,890 for the design of the
City Hall Parking Lot Bioswale/Drainage Filter; Crown Hill (Paulding Middle School)
Sidewalks; Elm Street Sidewalks; and Montego Street/Hillcrest Drive Intersection
Improvements capital improvement projects (PW-2008-07); and 2) Authorized the Mayor to
execute the amendment.
8.1. Consideration of Establishing a Job Description and Salary Range for the Part-Time
Building Permit Technician Position.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4142 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
9.a. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Denying an
Appeal and Upholding the Parks and Recreation Commission's Approval of Tree
Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Perrin presented the staff report and recommended the
Council adopt a Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Parks and Recreation
Commission's approval to allow removal of two eucalyptus trees at 415 East Branch Street subject
to conditions of approval in Exhibit "A". Staff responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing.
Milton Haves, applicant, referred to his business office on E. Branch Street and expressed concem
with health and safety issues on the site related to the eucalyptus trees; stated the several
branches have fallen off the tree and have hit his warehouse and have come close to hitting kids
walking near the creek; stated that the trees are not indigenous to the area and are self-pruning,
which means that they drop branches at great weight; and noted that he was offering replacements
of Redwood trees which are indigenous to the area and grow well here.
Grea Moore, Village business owner, stated he had recently moved part of his warehouse operation
to Mr. Hayes' building and was made aware of this situation. He stated that the trees are capable of
hitting the structure and expressed concern about the safety issue and also damaging his goods
inside the building. He supported the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation of
approval to remove and replace the trees with a native species.
Upon hearing no public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tem Fellows commented that when Mr. Hayes first applied for the permit to remove the
trees, the City's Parks Supervisor, Kevin Rocha, went to the site and could not make any findings
for the removal. He noted the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities stated the trees were in
good general health. He said that Mr. Hayes stated on his application that the tree branches just
missed hitting a group of boys on the property. He stated that he had gone to the site and estimated
that the two branches on the ground have been there for three or four years and are covered with
debris and overgrown with other plants. He said he did not see any other branches that have fallen
and wondered about the current urgency to remove the trees. He asked the Council to uphold the
appeal, allowing the trees to stay until the proposed project on the adjacent site comes forward with
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
a proposed landscape plan and erosion control measures for the creek. He stated that there is a
problem in the City with allowing trees to be cut down without any replacement landscape plan or
project. He commented that if the appeal is denied and the trees come down, there are no
safeguards in place to make sure landscaping is replaced. He further noted that staff mentioned
the trees cannot be removed until mid-April through October.
Council Member Guthrie provided the following comments:
- Commented that during initial review, he concurred with the Parks, Recreation and Facilities
Director's decision that was based on the Code, there was no proper reason for removal, and
no significant public danger; however, when walking the site near the creek, he observed the
eucalyptus trees sitting in the middle of a potential wetland area and is not the most appropriate
tree to be there.
- Noted that if the trees were in a more public area, they would not be taken down and proper
care and maintenance would be required;
- Can see advantage in long run to removing the trees if the creek area is to be enhanced;
- Initial feeling is to uphold the appeal and leave the trees in place; however, he was open to
removal of the trees if the long term solution is to improve the creek area by replacing the trees
with a more appropriate species.
Council Member Arnold provided the following comments:
- Commented that during initial review, he thought the trees should not be removed; however,
these are blue gum eucalyptus trees which are not desirable;
- Commented that he spoke with a botanist who informed him that eucalyptus trees are bad for
the water table;
- Believes the trees are a fire hazard, are dirty and unsafe, and they are located in a creek bank
where the ground is less stable;
- Stated the applicant is willing to replace the trees;
- Referred to another project off of James Way where it was being urged to remove eucalyptus
trees from the creek area;
Acknowledged there have been mixed thoughts with regard to eucalyptus trees; however, there
has been discussion to identify a list of desirable and undesirable trees and blue gum trees are
- Supported the Parks and Recreation Commission's decision to allow the trees to be removed
with the conditions of approval.
Council Member Costello provided the following comments:
Believes there is some measure of a public safety risk, particularly during a heavy rain storm;
- Shared concerns with Mayor Pro Tem Fellows regarding the need for a defined replacement
tree or landscape plan;
Can support denying the appeal and upholding the Parks and Recreation Commission's
approval for removal if the conditions of approval include specific tree replacements and that
they are the largest specimen possible;
- Agreed that trees should not be removed until mid-April or thereafter;
- Agreed with condition that the stumps must be removed and ground off-site to prevent any
recurrence of the blue gum trees;
- Supported denying the appeal and upholding the Parks and Recreation Commission's approval
of the tree removal with the appropriate conditions.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments:
Commented this has drawn attention to the issue of eucalyptus trees, particularly blue gum;
- Commented on work in progress to develop a list of desirable and undesirable City trees;
- Commented on his research regarding blue gum eucalyptus trees, particularly in Australia, and
noted that they have prohibitions of camping activities near eucalyptus trees;
Commented on area near Petaluma where there is a stretch of road with mature tree groves of
blue gum eucalyptus trees on both sides of the road for'/: mile and that the area is posted with
warning signs which state "falling trees", as the area had experienced unpredictable events;
- Noted the safety hazard;
- Commented that blue gum eucalyptus trees are highly flammable and their proximity to
structures is a potential fire hazard;
Commented on the tree ordinance and noted that the Council had directed staff to revisit the list
of desirable versus undesirable trees; referred to City of Sausalito which has a model tree
ordinance of which blue gum trees were at the top of the undesirable tree list;
Stated he would like to see the trees come down; they are not attractive, they are not safe, and
the more the removal of the trees can be incorporated into a larger landscape plan, the better
off the City will be;
- Would support the Parks and Recreation Commission's decision to allow the trees to be
removed after April 15"' subject to specific conditions, and that there be a plan submitted that
shows how the removal and replacement of the trees and the enhancement of the area can be
integrated into the development of the adjacent project.
Further discussion ensued to enhance the conditions of approval. Mayor Pro Tem Fellows referred
to the conditions in Exhibit A, which should be refined to require a comprehensive plan that
indicates the species, the number and location of each shrub and tree, and how they will be
irrigated and cared for. He stated he could then support a motion to allow the trees to come down.
He further stated that in the meantime, he would like to see staff come up with some way to clarify
the policy regarding removal of trees where a project is proposed and approved, but then it results
in a vacant lot with no trees.
Action: Council Member Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF
REMOVALS" subject to the conditions in Exhibit A, with the addition of Condition #6 which would
require that a replanting and irrigation plan be submitted to the Parks, Recreation and Facilities
Director for approval before trees are to be removed, and the addition of Condition #7 to require the
improvements to be coordinated and consistent with any planned ongoing or approved adjacent
projects. Council Member Costello seconded.
Brief discussion ensued regarding the status of the proposed project on the adjacent property as it
relates to coordinating efforts on the landscape plan.
The motion passed on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Arnold, Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara
NOES: None
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
10.a. Consideration of Tourism Study Recommendations. [COUNCILIRDA]
City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report and recommended the
Council/Board: 1) Accept the findings of the San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation
(EVC) tourism studies; and 2) Direct staff to meet with representatives of the Chamber of
Commerce and other organizations to pursue formation of a tourism promotion committee to
develop a vision and plan far implementation of other recommendations of the study. City Manager
Adams responded to questions from Council concerning the proposed committee; marketing
strategies; clarification that the creation of a County-wide Business Improvement District (BID) did
not move forward as a majority of cities have established their own BID's; and whether the study
indicated the reasons for the growth in hotel occupancy and the transient occupancy tax between
2004-05 and 2007-08.
Mayor/Chair Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the
matter, and upon hearing none, he closed the public comment period.
Council/Board comments ensued in support of staff's recommendations; support for pursuing
formation of a tourism promotion committee; identifying the City's target group; acknowledgement of
the need to focus on this effort in light of the economy; clarification that transient occupancy tax is
based on the room rate and that inflation has resulted in increases in the transient occupancy tax;
that the cities are recognizing the need to work together and pool its resources to market the cities
in San Luis Obispo County; that there should be Council representation on the committee; that
there is a need to establish a dedicated tourism marketing funding source, such as a BID; that
ongoing discussions regarding these matters should be held with hotel owners; that the City got its
money worth for the study; that it is important to establish a consistent theme, logo, and positioning
statement that ties back to the City's history; that the wine industry and the area's wineries were left
out of the Tourism Product Analysis and more emphasis is needed in this area as it is a huge
element in the community; that marketing materials are already available and more coordination
between all the local organizations is needed to organize a cooperative marketing effort; and that
once the committee is formed, everything will fall into place and will include all the stakeholders.
Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Fellows referred to page 14 of the study regarding special events and
noted he would like to see the Harvest Festival remain a small town affair.
Action: Council/Board Member Arnold moved to: 1) Accept the findings of the San Luis Obispo
County Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) tourism studies; and 2) Direct staff to meet with
representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations to pursue formation of a
tourism promotion committee to develop a vision and plan for implementation of other
recommendations of the study. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Fellows seconded, and the motion
passed on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Arnold, Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara
NOES: None
Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 8:20 p.m. The Council reconvened at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Page 7
11.a. Consideration of aPre-Application Review 08-006; East Branch/North Mason/Le Point
Streets ("Scolari Property").
Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council review and
comment on the applicant's proposed Mixed Use Subdivision and Planned Unit Development
project located at the northeast corner of N. Mason Street and E. Branch Street. Staff responded to
questions from Council concerning inclusionary housing policies.
Mayor Ferrara opened the item up for public comment, inviting the applicant or representative to
address the Council first.
Steven Pualisi, project architect, thanked staff for the presentation; assured the Council the intent
was not to force this particular design on the City, however, it is the direction the applicant would
like to go with a mixed use project containing market rate housing for sale; support for City-House
concept allowing for sale housing in the Village Core; the ability to create apartments, the ability to
create commercial; and to provide cone-acre dedicated City park near the creek. He noted a
number of meetings have been held with planning staff, the Staff Advisory Committee, the
Architectural Review Committee, and the Planning Commission. He stated with the Council's
comments, they are hoping to have a clear understanding of what is expected of the project and
any modifications to the project. He explained the next step would be to redesign the project,
formally submit the application, and begin the EIR process. He said they do not intend to proceed
with the EIR until after they have incorporated all the City comments into their design. He reviewed
the key issues that need to be addressed such as the balance of commercial versus residential;
access and circulation as it relates to E. Branch Street; the market (he explained that Mr. Scolari
owns the property; however, he has no intention of managing or operating a market any longer on
the property) and explained that this will be a "for lease" or "for rent" commercial project; however, it
will not be designed for a specific use. He said it was not the intention to exclude a market, but
cannot guarantee there would be a market on this project. He noted that both the ARC and the
Planning Commission have spoken in favor of a cafe on the creek, a bed and breakfast, or a
boutique hotel. He stated that while they would not design a building for a specific use; however,
the design shows a terraced patio on the creek that could be a likely candidate for a cafe. He
reiterated they are not the leasing agent, they are only proposing and design commercial space for
lease. He acknowledged the proposed architectural character is not desired. He also noted, given
the comments received so far, the project will not have one single, large building. Mr. Puglisi then
responded to questions from Council regarding building size, drainage into the creek, proposed
stone architectural features, and the proposed retaining wall along Le Point Street.
David Foote, landscape architect, FIRMA, gave a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the
Administrative Services Department) on the proposed landscape plan for the project which includes
a creek enhancement and creekside park plan.
Mayor Pro Tem Fellows referred to the map and asked where the corner of the neighboring
property is located which crosses the creek and asked questions regarding drainage. Mr. Foote
pointed out the property line, indicated they had met with the property owner regarding the
proposed plan, and responded to the question regarding drainage.
Susan Flores, E. Branch Street, stated she had attended the Planning Commission meeting;
referred to the JJ's Market building, stated it was erected in 1917, and noted the Council has looked
at projects in the past where buildings have been preserved and restored; and stated it was
important not to lose this building due to its history and also to maintain the Historic District. She
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stated the project is good; she likes the plan for the creek; and she would like to see more
commercial and less residential.
Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period.
Mayor Ferrara asked if the Historical Resources Committee (HRC) had looked at the JJ's building
yet. Associate Planner McClish responded no; however, the applicant has a preliminary report of
the building through their consultants and that information was just received and would be
presented to the HRC. Mayor Ferrara agreed that HRC review needs to be a step in this process.
Council Member Arnold provided the following comments:
- Asked if the City Council could condition any of the space to have a specific use, such as a
restaurant. Associate Planner McClish responded not through zoning provisions alone; the
Code allows uses by specific permit level in specific zones; the Village Core Downtown allows
for retail; and the City's Economic Development policies encourage certain uses. City Manager
Adams noted that Planned Unit Developments and Specific Plans can identify particular uses;
however, a Specific Plan is not required with this project.
- Likes the park and walkway along the creek which would be a huge enhancement for the City
and for the property, and supports the proposed concept;
- Likes the stone architectural feature for the buildings; however, he acknowledged the concerns
regarding the use of faux stone and noted it will be important that the commercial buildings have
a variety in design;
- Likes the parking garage design;
- Does not like the length of the commercial building and would like to see it broken up into
smaller buildings;
- Would like to see the traffic study; believes that access on E. Branch Street is important as this
will be a destination point; an entrance on E. Branch Street would provide a natural break
between buildings;
- Would like to see a restaurant as a component of this project; specifically located on the corner
of Branch Street at the creek; suggested a building with a cantilevered patio over the creek in
order to meet the City's creek setbacks and achieve a larger footprint without having an
environmental impact;
- Concerned with quantity of residential as it relates to location, and preferred to see more
- Would prefer to see a 2-story commercial building on the corner of Mason and E. Branch rather
than an apartment over commercial;
- Did not understand the Harden Street access to only the parking garage as proposed;
suggested using Harden Street as the main entrance to the project;
- With regard to the loss of the grocery store, he stated it would be nice to retain it; however, he
understood the economics of the matter and it was unfortunate that JJ's Market does not want
to remain there;
- Looking for residential component to have character, uniqueness, and not have every building
look the same;
- Depending on final grade, suggested another option may be to design three-story residential
units along Le Point Street;
- With regard to circulation, there might be some benefit to access the residential component only
from Le Point Street, with a parking structure between lots 7 & 13;
- Agreed with PC and ARC comments regarding a small boutique/hotel;
- Acknowledged narrow width of Mason Street and the potential for prohibiting parking on both
sides of the street up to Harden Street.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Council Member Costello provided the following comments:
- Noted that there needs to be sufficient emergency access for fire apparatus;
- Suggested a secondary access from Harden Street which could loop around to Le Point Street
in order to separate the residential and commercial uses;
- Supported the proposed creek enhancements and creek plan;
- Does not like the mix of residential and commercial in terms of the current layout and would like
to see a better balance between the two uses;
- Does not want to condition specific uses; however, he would like to see a grocery store and a
restaurant included;
- Does not support the long commercial building along E. Branch Street; does not fit the Village
and it should be broken up into smaller buildings;
- Agreed a traffic study should be considered as it relates to a driveway entrance from E. Branch
- Would like to see more commercial brought outward from E. Branch Street; suggested a second
commercial building where lots 10, 11 & 12 are with residential on top;
- Will probably need to reduce the parking on Mason Street as it cannot be widened.
Council Member Guthrie provided the following comments:
- Commented that .desired uses may be precluded by the proposed size and shape of the
proposed commercial space;
- Should have one of the lease spaces, perhaps the corner building, fit what he would consider a
normal retail configuration, which is more square and large enough for a normal retailer;
- With regard to a restaurant, the design could encourage that type of use with a deck that makes
it a desirable use;
- Noted that Harden Street is out of proportion to its usefulness and suggested that Harden Street
be used more efficiently;
- Concerned about the amount of residential as it relates to total square footage of space, not
with the number of units and suggested smaller units which would increase the amount of space
for commercial uses;
- Referred to affordable housing and supported the inclusion of apartments;
- Likes the parking garage; suggested expanding the garage to accommodate more commercial;
- Supports the creek enhancement plan;
- Acknowledged that the proposed architecture will be addressed based on concerns already
- With regard to access, he likes the current configuration and noted that access from E. Branch
could be awkward;
- Would like to see an increase in commercial and to use Harden Street more efficiently.
Mayor Pro Tem Fellows provided the following comments:
- Acknowledged this as last large piece of land to be developed in the Village and it is an
important part of Arroyo Grande;
- Acknowledged the Tourism Study recommendations which include maintaining a comfortable,
small town feel and promoting the City's history and culture; commented on public comments to
preserve the charm and character of the Village;
- Acknowledged that the applicant had heard enough about the proposed architecture;
- Likes the proposed park and creek plan; suggested that drainage could go into the swale
instead of the creek;
- Agreed with suggestion for encouraging a corner restaurant with a deck;
- Addressed Harden Street as entrance to the residential area and acknowledged Council
Member Guthrie's ideas;
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
- Believes that one entrance from Mason Street is needed;
- Stated the residential area should be smaller and agreed with the Planning Commission's
suggestion to eliminate the lower four residential units or move them to the top of the site; he
sees five units that should be eliminated;
- Commented that the dividing line between Village Mixed Use and Village Downtown
Commercial is the upper side of Harden; however, he suggested the lower side could be the
dividing line between commercial below and residential above with access at Harden Street and
a right-turn only exit at Le Point Street;
- Referred to green development and stated that demolishing the 1917 historic JJ's building
instead of conserving them is a waste of resources; and demolishing the 1960-70's home on Le
Point Street is also a waste of resources and should be adaptively reused as a residence; noted
there is a vacant lot next door that could be used for a new house; cannot support demolishing
the two structures;
- Unsure about an entrance on E. Branch Street; however, if a market were to be located on the
site, he would like to see accessible parking from E. Branch Street;
- Would like to see a market remain on the site;
- Agrees that the project should be half residential and half commercial;
- Referred to project on Bridge Street in Cambria as it relates to desirable architecture and
encouraged the applicant to visit;
- Supports a larger building on the corner to accommodate a retail use such as a market;
- Encouraged continued and enhanced pedestrian access to adjacent properties;
- Expressed concern regarding the use of faux stone and suggested use of real stone or brick;
- Expressed concern with horizontal siding because certain types can warp and sag;
- Believed the mass and scale is too much for the site; concerned with grading and use of
retaining walls;
- Unsure about the parking structure;
- Agreed that an EIR will be necessary;
- Noted that the project will create more traffic on Le Point Street to Tally Ho, there are no
sidewalks on Tally Ho, and this will need to be addressed if the project moves forward;
- Would like to see the creek path extended to Le Point Street.
Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments:
- Referred to Economic Element policies that are underutilized when it comes to directing specific
- Commented on reconfiguring of buildings into more usable space for the most productive use;
likes proposed layout with minor exceptions;
- The project has to be reconfigured to accommodate visitor serving uses and have an active
commercial frontage to draw people, such as an upscale small grocery/deli and/or a restaurant;
- Supported the suggestion of breaking up the mass of the long, linear building;
- Referred to the proposed second story apartments on the corner building and agreed that
relocating the apartments would be beneficial due to the noise factor on E. Branch Street;
- Likes the configuration of townhomes in general;
- Likes the proposed density because the Housing Element and development principles for the
urban core (Village Downtown) encourage for sale units so that families will move here and be
able to walk to work if they have a small business in town;
- Apartments over office use is appropriate in certain areas on the site;
- Supports the creek enhancement and park plan;
- Wants to look further at access on E. Branch Street and the circulation issues; not too
concerned as long as there are other entrances to the site that will diffuse some of the traffic;
- Commented that although the idea for the creek plan is good, must also address flow concerns;
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- Supports encouraging use of outside patios in relation to the creek;
- Agreed that the HRC should review the plan.
Council Member Arnold added that he could support Council Member Guthrie's idea of potentially
using some of the Harden Street easement for additional garage space or potentially widening
Mason Street up to that point to allow parking on one side of the street. He also agreed that the
corner building should be more square or L-shaped to accommodate a larger type retail use. He
questioned the topography where the proposed creek path was proposed.
Mr. Puglisi acknowledged and summarized the Council's comments to provide more commercial
and less residential; the idea of apartments over commercial; for sale units versus rental units; the
architecture changes; and adjusting the configuration of the commercial to give every opportunity to
the types of retailers. He thanked the Council for their comments.
There was no formal action on this item
11.b. Consideration to Adopt the City's Storm Water Management Plan.
Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council review
the City's draft Storm Water Management Plan; 2) Adopt a Resolution approving the plan
contingent upon resolution. of the issues identified in staff's proposed comments to the Regional
Water Quality Control Board; and 3) Propose any additional comments prior to the end of the public
review period. City Manager Adams reviewed the proposed letter to the Regional Water Quality
Control Board and outlined the issues to be resolved.
Mayor Ferrara referred Director Spagnolo to the study that was done on the Arroyo Grande Creek
for Zone 1/1A by Swanson Hydrology which was accepted by the Department of Water Resources,
and stated that Regional Water Quality Control was part of the review of that study as well. He
requested that Director Spagnolo follow up with Regional Water Quality Control to remind them that
the report was accepted.
In response to a question by Council Member Arnold about where the other cities in the County are
in this process, Director Spagnolo responded that most of the cities have their plans submitted to
the Board and are in the 60-day review process. Further discussion ensued concerning
hydromodification control measures that are being proposed by the Regional Water Quality Board
which appear to be more stringent than other regions around the State.
Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter,
and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period.
Council comments included support for staff's recommendations; and clarification regarding the
public review period. Mayor Ferrara noted he had attended a presentation by SLO Green Build
where they discussed the ability for run-off from roofs and patios to drain onto existing lawns and
landscape and not out into the street. He noted that these drainage design principles are being
integrated into City policies.
Action: Mayor Pro Tem Fellows moved to adopt a Resolution approving the Plan contingent upon
resolution of the issues identified in staff's proposed comments to the Regional Water Quality
Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 12
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote:
AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Arnold, Costello, Ferrara
NOES: None
11.c. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2008-09 First Quarter Budget Status Report.
Director of Financial Services Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the
Council/Board approve carryover appropriations as shown on Schedule A and approve budget
adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly Financial Report and shown on
Schedule A.
Mayor/Chair Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the
matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period.
Action: Council/Board Member Guthrie moved to approve carryover appropriations as shown on
Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly
Financial Report and shown on Schedule A. Council/Board Member Arnold seconded, and the
motion passed on the following roll-call vote:
AYES: Guthrie, Arnold, Costello, Fellows, Ferrara
NOES: None
(1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit
Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). Has not met since last report.
(2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Have not had
time to revisit the recycled water issue in John Wallace's absence; however, Pismo
Beach is not going to participate and it is still unknown whether Oceano will
(3) Brisco/HalcyonlHwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee. Staff is continuing
to work with Caltrans at this time.
(4) Other. Attended a League of California Cities Board of Directors meeting.
(1) South County Youth Coalition. Distributed a Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis
Obispo County flyer entitled "Real Men Mentor" and reported that 30 boys are
waiting to share their friendship with a Big Brother. For more information, visit
www.slobigs.ora or call 781-3226.
(2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Distributed information
for the Public Works Director about Smart Irrigation Controllers which are being
utilized in Santa Barbara County; reported that there have been no confirmed
positives on the Quagga mussels at any of the local lakes; and provided a copy of
the draft Water Resources Chapter of the County's Conservation Open Space
Element regarding groundwater monitoring and management.
Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 13
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
(3) Other. None.
(1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. Reported that an issue will be coming forth to the
Council concerning the raising of the spillway (bladder), of which the costs are
proposed to be shared among the agencies; reported that it is expected to have a
decision on the Habitat Conservation Plan by July 2009.
(2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Fire Oversight Committee. Reported that
more and more tasks are being mandated to be done locally by the APCD and staff
continues to remain the same size. It is anticipated that within 3 years, the APCD
would be running in the red. Discussion will be held to consider a per capita cost for
all agencies to support APCD.
(3) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. Met October 10t"; cooperative efforts
continue to work well with Grover Beach and Oceano.
(4) Other. None.
(1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Has not met since last report.
(2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). No report.
(3) Other. None.
(1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). Has not met since last
(2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Has not met since last report.
(3) Other. None.
a) Request to consider appointing a subcommittee to assist in coordination of the
Recreation Center proposal. (Ferrara)
Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, to consider appointing a subcommittee to
assist in coordination with the Five Cities Community Foundation concerning the proposed
Recreation Center. Staff was directed to bring a staff report back to the next regular meeting for
a) Request to schedule a Special Council Meeting the week of December 15 -19, 2008 in
order to consider award of bids for the E. Branch Streetscape project.
City Manager Adams gave an update on the status of the E. Branch Streetscape project and
requested the Council schedule a special meeting to consider award of bids for the E. Branch
Streetscape project. Following brief discussion, staff was directed to schedule a special meeting on
Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Tuesday, 1`Jovember 25, 2008
Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m.
Tony Ferr~II yor/Chair.
Kelly Wet ore City Clerk/Agency Secretary
(Approved at CC Mtg l-/3-aoo9 i
Page 14