Minutes 1986-02-12 SP
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The City Council met in a Study Session on the subject of Mobile
Home Rent Stabilization with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Council Members
Matthew Gallagher, Dorace Johnson and D.G. Porter were present. Council
Member Gene Moots was absent.
Mayor Smith spoke to the public which filled the Council Chambers
to capacity saying that the study session was being held to hear the
opinions of mobilehome tenants and park owners. She said she had received
numerous telephone calls from Sunrise Terrace mobilehome park tenants
who were concerned about future rents once the park is sold. She said
no Council action would be taken at this time, and that the subject
would be on the next agenda. She said the Council at that time may
give directions to City staff and the City Attorney.
BERNARD BURKE of Sunrise Terrace gave a history of the Council's
discussions of rent control. He said the Sunrise Terrace Park is being
sold and the lease agreement between the owners and tenants is expiring
in 1987. He explained the details of the lease now held by the tenants
and Sunrise Terrace park, and asked that parts of it be included in
any rent stabilization ordinance passed by the City.
Council Member Gene Moots arrived at the meeting at 1:07 P.M.
ALBERT ST.PETER of 350 Sunrise Drive said all of the parks are
full, and there is a demand for more spaces. He said he hoped a rent
stabilization ordinance would tie rentals and land values to a common
RALPH FLACK of Sunrise Terrace said that he feared that the new
owners of the park may be paying $8 million for the park and, according
to his figures, would probably have to raise rents to make a profit.
MAURY LEVIN of Hacienda Del Pismo Mobile Estates said he preferred
to call park tenants "home-owners" and their investments should be equal
to the park owners. He said Pismo Beach has a rent stabilization ordinance,
and he hoped that Arroyo Grande would use it as a model.
RICHARD HART of Hacienda Del Pismo said that when there is rent
stabilization the people in the park are secure.
On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member
Johnson, and unanimously carried to accept into the record letters on
the subject of rent stabilization from Inez Pegram, Vivian Guenzel,
Mr. V. L. Nagel, Evelyn Frailing and Larry Clifton.
CHUCK HUGHES of the Western Mobile Home Association of Sacramento,
who is a consultant to park owners in the Coastal Counties, said leases
are far more desireable than rent control. He said the cities with
rent control end up literally running the mobile home parks, dealing
with the small details.
CRAIG AMSPOKER of Los Osos referred to an initiative on rent stabilization (
passed by 60 per cent in the county. He said most leases were pathetic.
He said his park lease was a good one, but it would never have come
about if the initiative hadn't been started.
MELVIN JOHNSON of Vagabond Mobile Home Park, spoke against "blanket"
rent control and said the price changes that have taken place are not
the invention of the park owners.
EUGENE FREER of Sunrise Terrace said mobile home owners in parks
are captives, and have nowhere to go because the cost of moving a mobile
home is too high.
DON DURANT of Rancho Del Arroyo Mobile Home Park referred to Murphy's
Law which says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." He said there is
no need for rent control, the rent range here is reasonable, that the
Sunrise Terrace lease does not expire for 12 months, and the cost of
rent control to the City would be too high.
MRS. ROBERTA FOWLER of 810 Forest Drive, owner of Fowler's Mobile
Estates, suggested that the City encourage more mobilehome parks, and
that competition will control rents.
JOHN CUMMINGS of Newport Beach, who identified himself as one of
the buyers of Sunrise Terrace, said he would be offering new long-term
leases without exception. He said he was absolutely interested in long-term
leases of 5 to 10 years.
FRANCIS PACKARD of DunaVista Mobile Home Park said that mobilehome
park ownership is reputed to be the most profitable in the United States.
He listed the rent increases at various par~ since 1978.
JIM BUTTERY of San Luis Obispo, attorney for the park owners, said
talk of rent control has kept rents low and has made "believers" of
the park owners. He said freely negotiated leases are preferrable to
rent control. He said the Council should defer action on rent control
to a later date so that the tenants and owners can have time to negotiate
long-term leases.
CHARLENE HOFFMAN of Rancho Del Arroyo Park gave examples of park
owners "gouging" tenants, and said coaches have decreased in price,
not increased.
MELVIN FOWLER of 810 Forest Drive said that once the City passed
rent control, no leases will be signed.
Mayor Smith thanked those who attended and spoke at the meeting,
and adjourned the session at 3:05 P.M.