Minutes 2009-03-10MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Jim Guthrie, Ed Arnold, Mayor Pro Tem Costello, and Mayor Ferrara were present. Council Member Fellows was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Chief of Police Steve Annibali, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Doug Perrin, Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo, Director of Community Development Rob Strong, and Associate Planner Ryan Foster. 3. FLAG SALUTE A representative from Knights of Columbus led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Randy Ouimette, Saint John's Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Mayor's Recognition of Former Commissioners, Committee, and Board Members. Mayor Ferrara recognized the following outgoing City Commissioners, Committee, and Board, Members for their outstanding service to the City and presented them with a City plaque: Doug Tait, Planning Commission (December 2004 -December 2008); Phil Lozano, Parks and Recreation Commission (January 1999 -January 2009); and Scott Harrison, Parks and Recreation Commission (January 2005 -January 2009). He also recognized those who were not present to receive their plaques, including Ron Addison, Parks and Recreation (January 2005 -January 2009); Joel Couser, Traffic Commission (January 2005 -November 2008); and Terry Moore, Architectural Review Committee (January 2007 -January 2009). 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Amold moved, Mayor Pro Tem Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Richard Duffin, Newport Avenue, expressed concern about the heavy truck traffic at Courtland and E. Grand Avenue as it relates to pedestrian crossing from the Cortina de Arroyo Grande senior housing complex and requested the City consider crosswalks at this location. Mayor Ferrara referred the matter to the Public Works Director for review. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 2 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Action: Council Member Arnold moved, and Council Member Guthrie seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.h., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Arnold, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16, 2009 through February 28, 2009. 8.b. Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Development Impact Fees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4164 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES BY THE CHANGE /N THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX". 8.c. Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Sewer Connection Fees Based on Changes in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4165 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING SEWER CONNECTION FEES BY THE CHANGE IN THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX". 8.d. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of January 27, 2009, the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of January 27, 2009; the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of February 10, 2009; and the Regular City Council Meeting of February 24, 2009, as submitted. 8.e. Consideration of Council Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. Action: Approved the recommendation of Council Member Jim Guthrie to appoint Shawn Blethen to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 8.f. Consideration of Resolution Granting aOne-Year Time Extension and Approving Project Phasing for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 04-004 and Planned Unit Development No. 04-001; Applicant - DB 8 M Properties, LLC; Location - 415 East Branch Street Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4166 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TIME EXTENSION CASE NO. 08-008 AND PROJECT PHASING FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 04004 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 04001; APPLICANT - DB&M PROPERTIES, LLC; LOCATION - 415 EAST BRANCH STREET (THE CREEKS/DE PROJECT)". 8.g. Consideration of a Resolution Accepting an Irrevocable and Perpetual Offer to Dedicate Right-of-Way on East Cherry Avenue for the Traffic Way Streetscape Project, PW 2007-10. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 3 Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4167 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING AN IRREVOCABLE AND PERPETUAL OFFER TO DEDICATE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON EAST CHERRY AVENUE FOR THE TRAFFIC WAY STREETSCAPE PROJECT". 8.h. Consideration of Extension of Agreements with Grande Mobile Manor and Halcyon Estates for Temporary Water Service. Action: Approved a Third Amendment to the existing Agreements with Grande Mobile Manor and Halcyon Estates extending temporary water service for an additional 6-month period. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Tentative Tract Map 07-002 and Planned Unit Development 08- 003; Greg Nester; 451 Hidden Oak Road. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Tentative Tract Map 07- 002 and Planned Unit Development 08-003; located at 451 Hidden Oak Road; applied for by Greg Nester Construction and Development. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding the proposed access road; the zoning of the open space area; emergency access; affordable housing provisions; and water neutralization programs. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to address the Council first. Grea Nester, applicant, responded to Council questions and addressed issues concerning ingress and egress to the project; emergency access; easements; proposed pathways and landscaping; grading; stepped foundations; existing topography; drainage; and architectural design. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council comments ensued in support of the proposal; support for the primary access from Hidden Oak Road and secondary (emergency) access from Rodeo; preference for providing equivalent affordable housing units off-site rather than accepting in-lieu fees; support for the clustered design and pedestrian pathway; acknowledgement that there is minimal impact to existing neighborhoods; support for two-story units; and clarification that fire sprinklers are required as a condition of approval. In response to concerns expressed regarding a complete emergency access easement, including the adjacent tract, to ensure adequate public safety circulation, City Attorney Carmel suggested the addition of two new conditions of approval, as follows: 21 a. The applicant shall dedicate a 24 foot wide emergency access easement over Lots 8 and 12, subject to the approval of the Director of Building and Fire. 21 b. The applicant shall dedicate an access control easement over the emergency access easement of Lots 8 and 12, subject to the approval of the City Attorney and the Director of Building and Fire. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 4 Additionally, City Attorney Carmel also noted that a standard fee protest provision must be included in the conditions of approval and suggested the following language be added following Condition #103: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, that the applicant shall have 90 days from the date of this approval to protest the fees and dedications imposed by this approval. Action: Council Member Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 07-002 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 08-003; LOCATED AT 451 HIDDEN OAK ROAD; APPLIED FOR BY GREG NESTER CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, INC.", as modified to include Conditions of Approval 21a and 21b, as well as the addition of fee protest language following Condition of Approval 103, as drafted by the City Attorney. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Arnold, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows 9.b. Consideration of 2009 Water and Wastewater Financial Plan and Rate Study. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended Council review the 2009 Water and Wastewater Rate Study and direct staff to prepare a Resolution and schedule a public hearing to consider approval of: 1) water rate adjustments and the alternative water rate structure presented in the study in Table ES-3, which will phase Lopez operation and maintenance expenses into water rates over a 5-year period; 2) rate adjustments to Lopez charges presented in Table ES-10; 3) wastewater rate adjustments presented in Table ES-7, which include increases beginning in FY 2009-10; and 4) direct staff to implement a program of providing a payment due date extension for senior citizens. Director of Financial Services Kraetsch said that due to the state of the economy, staff was developing procedures to assist customers in making their payments by waiving one late fee per year and making payment arrangements when necessary. Additionally, she stated an on-line payment system is being proposed which would result in cost savings for the City and the customer, and it was recommended that a program be established which would provide an extension of the due date for eligible senior citizens. Clayton Tuckfield, Tuckfield & Associates, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the results of the Water and Wastewater Financial Plan and Rate Study (on file in the Administrative Services Department). He stated the objectives of the study were to perform an independent analysis of water and sewer system finances and rates; develop 5-year financial plans that include revenue adjustments to meet future annual financial obligations; and evaluate existing rates that recover the cost of providing service, are fair and equitable, and meet Federal, State, and local requirements. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 5 Paavo Ogren, County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Director, noted that City staff had taken the information provided by the County and incorporated it into the Financial Plan and he was available to respond to questions. Mr. Tuckfield then responded to questions from Council regarding the reserve funds; clarification concerning the current water rate structure; what the actual costs are for Lopez water versus groundwater; and clarification of inflation factors for water and sewer operations and maintenance. Dean Benedict, County Utilities Division Manager, discussed the water treatment plant sludge beds upgrade project and noted that there is a study currently underway and the exact costs are not yet known. He said the $600,000 is an estimate at this time and based on the final cost, other projects could be delayed or reprioritized. He also addressed concerns expressed by Mayor Ferrara about project and design work that could be done in-house by County Public Works staff instead of contracted out. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Richard Duffin, Newport Avenue, distributed a copy of his water bills over the past year and expressed concern about sewer overcharges for 2008. He expressed concern that the sewer bill includes water consumption charges for watering the landscape, and that water is not going into the sewer. He suggested a maximum rate be set for sewer service. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Discussion ensued regarding various rate methodologies and their impact on cost and water conservation; establishing proper levels of reserves in all funds; rewarding customers for using less water; general support for Option 2; and providing a longer grace period to all customers instead of trying to identify a specific population. There was further discussion to explain the difference between Enterprise funds (water and sewer) versus the General fund as it relates to the use of local sales for infrastructure improvements. Concern was expressed with expenses of County projects and that the City must be vigilant with efficiency measures. Mayor Pro Tem Costello requested staff provide data on the actual cost for Lopez water and groundwater at a future meeting. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to direct staff to prepare a Resolution and schedule a public hearing to consider approval of: 1) water rate adjustments and the alternative water rate structure presented in the study in Table ES-3, which will phase Lopez operation and maintenance expenses into water rates over a 5-year period; 2) rate adjustments to Lopez charges presented in Table ES-10; 3) wastewater rate adjustments presented in Table ES-7, which include increases beginning in FY 2009-10; and 4) direct staff to implement a program of providing a longer grace period for all customers. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Arnold, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: Page 6 11.a. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Naming the Village Green Area as Heritage Square and the Park Area Adjacent to the Heritage Square Historical Area as Heritage Square Park. Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Perrin presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution naming the Village Green area bordered by Arroyo Grande Creek, Short Street, Nelson Street and Mason Street as "Heritage Square" and the park area adjacent to the Heritage Square historical area as "Heritage Square Park". Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. Council comments ensued in support of the recommendations to rename the Village Green area as Heritage Square and the park area adjacent to the historical area as Heritage Square Park. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING HERITAGE SQUARE AND HERITAGE SQUARE PARK". Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS In response to a question by Council Member Arnold, City Manager Adams confirmed that the next Recreation Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, March 11'" at 3:00 p.m. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams confirmed and reminded the Council of the Budget Study Session to be scheduled as a Special Meeting on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Andv Richert, Vard Loomis Lane, expressed concern about a home business that was transporting and storing hazardous waste materials and containers in a residential neighborhood. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Mayor Ferrara requested that staff follow-up on the concerns expressed by Mr. Richert. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Tony Ferri ~I yor/ ATTEST: Kelly W tm e, City Clerk '/ (Approved at CC Mtg ~l'l`l'~ooq ) Page 7