Minutes 2001-03-27
Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara,
and Mayor Lady were present.
City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of
Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Financial Services
Snodgrass, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, and Director of
Community Development McCants.
Representatives from American Legion Post 136 led the Flag Salute.
Pastor Paul Jones delivered the invocation.
5.a. Proclamation - Month of the Child
Barbie Jones, Child Care Coordinator, accepted the proclamation declaring April 7,
2001 as "Day of the Child" and the month of April, 2001 as "Month of the Child". Kayla
and Justin Farage distributed Caring 4 Kids brochures and homemade art crafts to the
City Council.
6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only
Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall
be read in title only and all further reading be waived.
Edward Gordon, 272 Tempus, reported that his residence had been affected twice by
rolling blackouts due to the energy crisis. He requested that efforts be made to initiate a
back-up plan for the continued operation of traffic signals.
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Don Fielding, Spanish Moss Lane, stated he was a new resident of the City and he
believed strongly in citizen participation in local government. He said he had read the
newspaper article about a proposed 400-acre development to be constructed over the
next twenty years. He expressed concerns about water availability and requested that
the City ensure an accurate assessment be made of water availability for this project.
Richard VenabJe, 849 Mesa Drive, spoke of the electricity crisis and said he had seen
the lights on all night at the Arroyo Grande High School parking lot, and observed
neighborhood streetlights on all night where there was no traffic. He suggested that the
City could conserve energy by installing motion sensors as this was being done in other
areas, and requested the Council have staff research the issue.
Colleen Martin, 855 Olive, referred to a recent article in The Tribune newspaper
regarding the City of Morro Bay and the lack of female representation on their City
Council and its Commissions. She stated that the City of Arroyo Grande's Commissions
lack women and the. City needed to attract more women to apply for these positions.
Council Member Lubin moved and Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.e., with the recommended courses of
8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 1, 2001
through March 15, 2001.
8.b. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility
Action: Received and filed February 2001 Cash Report and approved the
interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other
funds at February 28, 2001.
8.c. Minutes of City Council Meeting of March 13, 2001.
Action: Approved minutes as submitted.
8.d. Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 1834, Phases 4 and 4C.
Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3509 accepting improvements, offers of
dedication, and easements. within Tract 1834, Phase 4; and 2) Adopted
Resolution No. 3510 accepting improvements, offers of dedication, and
easements within Tract 1834, Phase 4C.
8.e. Consultant Contract Amendment for the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Route
101 Project Study Report (PSR).
Action: 1) Approved and authorized the Mayor to execute the consultant
contract amendment; and 2) Allocated an additional appropriation of $6,910 from
the Transportation Facility Impact Fund for the Brisco Rd/Halcyon Rd!101 PSR.
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AYES: Lubin, Ferrara, Runels, Dickens, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
9.a. Adoption of Proposed Ordinance Consolidating Provisions of the Arroyo
Grande Municipal Code Regarding Development Impact Fees and
Resolution Fixing Water Facilities Fees and Specifying Procedures for
Calculating Traffic Facilities Fees.
City Manager Adams presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council adopt
the Ordinance repealing Articles 3 and 5 of Chapter 2, Title 3 of the Arroyo Grande
Municipal Code and amending Article 6 of Chapter 2, Title 3 to consolidate provisions
regarding development impact fees, and adopt the Resolution fixing water facilities fees
and specifying procedures for calculating traffic facilities fees with a minor modification
to the language in Exhibit "A" as follows: "Land Use Categories identified in this
schedule are primarily based upon "San Dieao Traffic Generators". Other sources used
include the "Institute of Transportation Enaineers Trip Generation Manual".
Mayor Lady opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no comments closed the
public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to Exhibit "A" of the Resolution and referred to the
inconsistencies of the categories between the various fee charts. He requested
clarification on whether the fees were based on the San Diego Association of
Governments ("SANDAG") guide or the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip
Generation Manual ("ITE") and expressed concerns about the use of the ITE guide and
stated that he felt the numbers needed to be refined to better reflect the needs of our
Council and staff discussion ensued regarding how the fees are calculated; clarification
that the purpose of the proposed resolution was to more accurately identify use
categories in calculating the traffic facilities fees and to address water facilities fee
adjustments. City Manager Adams explained that it was proposed that a schedule of
specific use categories be adopted which is a modified version of the guide published
by the San Diego Association of Governments. City Manager Adams recommended
that the City Council approve the item now and direct staff to come back within a couple
of months with changes in the categories for the other fees to make them more
consistent and provide recommendations on what it would require to conduct a more
extensive fee study.
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Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to approve statrs recommendations and direct staff to
come back with changes in the categories for the fees to make them consistent, and
provide recommendations on what it would require to conduct a more extensive study
on impact fees. Further, he moved to adopt an Ordinance repealing Articles 3 and 5 of
Chapter 2, Title 3 of the Municipal Code and amending Article 6 of Chapter 2, Title 3 to
consolidate provisions regarding development impact fees. Council Member Lubin
seconded the motion and on the following roll call-vote, to wit:
AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to adopt a Resolution, as amended, establishing peak
hour trips for implementation of transportation facilities fees and fixing water facilities
fees. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion and on the following roll call-vote, to
AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
11.a. . Request to Connect to City's Sewer System for County Tentative Tract
Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report. He explained that the
developer of County Tentative Tract 1789 has requested connection to the City sewer
system to transport wastewater to the Sanitation District facilities. He stated a
preliminary investigation of the feasibility of a connection was performed and it was
determined that the City sewer facilities and the Sanitation Distrcit have the capacity to
provide for the sewer line connection. He explained that the request had been reviewed
and approved by the SSLOCSD and San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation
Commission (LAFCO) and staff recommended the approval of the connection and
. approval of an Agreement between the SSLOCSD and the. City to collect the City's
connection fees and service charges.
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Mayor Lady disclosed that he serves as President. on the South San Luis Obispo
County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) Board, representing the City of Arroyo Grande.
He stated that it had been determined he did not have a conflict of interest and he would
participate and vote on this item.
Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the timing of the collection of connection
fees and service charges; clarification that that the property was located outside the
City's sphere of influence; confirmation that the Sanitation District had received approval
from LAFCO to amend its sphere of influence to include Tract 1789; clarification
concerning the topographical constraints and limitations on the leaching capabilities of
the soils; and confirmation that sewer service had been identified in the project's EIR as
the environmentally preferred alternative to individual on-site septic systems.
Mayor Lady opened up the item for pubJic comment.
Michael Seitz, legal counsel for SSLOCSD, explained an agreement that was
negotiated with the developer of Tract 1789 and clarified the timing of when District
would collect the fees. He stated that the user fees/service charges would be collected
through the tax rolls and the connection fees would be collected at the time the
developer makes the connection. He explained the District would be the transferring
agent of those funds to the City. He further explained the negotiation of an outside user
agreement that was reached between the District and the owner of Tract 1789 which
ensures that the wastewater collection system the owner develops meets the City's
standards. In response to a question from Council Member Dickens, Mr. Seitz stated
that the owner of the tract has contracted with the District to maintain the sewer, and
would maintain that responsibility until an amendment was approved by the District.
Carl Alfono, representing J.H. Land and owner of Tract 1789 and 2207, gave a brief
history of the properties and stated there was an outstanding issue regarding sewage
disposal. He stated that the environmentally preferred alternative was to connect to the
sewer. He explained that the developer's connection fee of $101,000 would be
collected up front at time of connection and that the proposed Agreement would only
become effective upon final County approval of Tract 1789.
Council Member Dickens stated it was his understanding that Tentative Tract 1789 was
currently in the EIR process and asked what other determinations were under
Mr. Alfono replied that the sewage disposal issue was the major issue. He also stated
that there were access issues that would be dealt with at the County level in the
Environmental Impact Report. He stated the City had some concerns regarding access
and was requiring a one-foot no access strip between the City and County.
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked for. clarification on whether there was leaching
capabilities on the site, referred to the letter from the California Regional Water Quality
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Control Board approving the use of septic systems, and asked why this was still an
issue in the EIR.
Mr. Alfono stated the EIR consultant still has concerns with the report; however, they
had decided to pursue the environmentally preferred alternative of conn~cting to the
Council Member Dickens asked if connecting to the sewer was also the economically
preferred alternative.
Mr. Alfono replied that it was not more economical for the developer to connect to the
sewer and would cost them more up front.
Victor Hadid, 291 Falcon Ridge Drive, representing the Falcon Ridge Homeowners
Association, submitted five letters expressing the Association's opinions and concerns
regarding every element of proposed Tract 1789, as follows:
- Letter to LAFCO Commissioners dated March 14,2001 from Falcon Ridge HOA
requesting denial of the Outside User Agreement between the SSLOCSD and
J.H. Land Partnership unless the entire Tract 1789 is annexed into the City;
- Letter to K.H. Achadjian and Arroyo Grande City Council dated July 17, 2000
from Falcon Ridge HOA in response to EI Campo/Highway 101 PSR expressing
opposition to the preferred alternative design designated as Alternative 1;
- Letter to K.H. Achadjian dated July 7, 2000 from Falcon Ridge HOA regarding
the EI Campo Interchange PSR and requesting meeting with HOA to answer
- Letter to the Arroyo Grande City Council dated April 27, 1999 from Falcon Ridge
HOA opposing any annexation of Falcon Ridge into the City and requesting
participation in the project study for an EI Campo Road Interchange; and
- Letter to K.H. Achadjian dated March 19, 1999 from Falcon Ridge HOA regarding
issues related to the HOA's position on access, annexation, and drainage issues
related to proposed Tract 1789.
Mr. Hadid stated the Homeowners Association intends to participate in the EIRprocess,
questioned the urgency for approving this item tonight due to the pending public review
period for requesting a reconsideration of LAFCO approval; and requested that the
Council not take action at this time.
Council Member Dickens stated he was not contesting the issue of the sewer system
being the environmentally preferred alternative; however, he felt it was prudent for the
City to look at the overall issues such as the determination of access that needs to be
dealt with before taking any action. He recommended continuing the item in order to
take a closer look at the access determination for this parcel. He said the parcel was in
the EIR process and in addition to -sewer and septic concerns there was not yet a
definitive answer to the access issue. He expressed his observations regarding
circulation and said he felt it was in the City's best interest to postpone a decision until
the draft EIR was issued and the City could provide comments.
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Council Member Runels supported the. Tract's connection to the City's sewer system to
protect the surrounding areas and stated that this was an opportunity to dispose of
sewage properly in an effective manner.
Council Member Lubin acknowJedged that the draft EIR was pending and that there
were objections to various aspects of the project. He stated his main concern was that
the City had very little control over this County project and that if the City did not
approve the connection to the sewer system, the result would be installation of septic
systems. He stated he favored the sewer system over septic.
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara agreed with the rationale regarding the benefits of sewer versus
septic systems; however he agreed with Council Member Dickens about looking at the
project in its entirety. He said there were two public processes currently underway, one
of which is the LAFCO process and the other is the EIR process. He stated he was
uncomfortable with the timing of this action tonight and thaUt was not the City's job to
influence the process while the issues were still pending during the public review
process. He said he would not be in favor of considering this item tonight.
Mayor Lady acknowledged the pending issues and actions for Tract 1789; however, he
did not support delaying the proposed action. He said the only issue being considered
tonight was the connection of the sewer to the District. He said the other pending issues
regarding Tract 1789 would be resolved at the County level. He asked for clarification
that if Orchard Avenue were being proposed for access to Tract 1789, the issue would
come back to the County for consideration. Staff responded it would. Mayor Lady
supported the request from the owners of Tentative Tract 1789 to connect to the City
sewer system.
Following further discussion, Council Member Lubin moved to approve the request from
the owners of County Tentative Tract 1789 to connect to the City sewer system and
authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement between the South San Luis Obispo
County Sanitation District and the City to collect City imposed connection fees and
service charges. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following
roll-call vote, to wit:
AYES: Lubin, Runels, Lady
NOES: Dickens, Ferrara
There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
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MARCH 27, 2001
11.b. Discussion of Voter Approval for General Plan Amendments and Major
Land Use Changes.
Community Development Director McCants presented the staff report and gave an
overview of the two procedures available to adopt JegisJation requiring voter approval of
General Plan Amendments and major Jand use changes, and responded to questions
from the Council.
Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment.
The following members of the public spoke in support of exploring options and
continuing discussion regarding voter approvaJ of General Plan Amendments and
major land use changes:
Alice Reinheimer, 580 Gallardo
Don Fielding, 410 Spanish Moss Lane
Ed Gordon, 272 Tempus, suggested simpler process of requiring unanimous votes by
the City Council and Planning Commission.
Colleen Martin, 855 Olive
Joe Mangin, 248 Canyon Way
Jim Guthrie, 514 Starlight Lane
Jan Scott, 520 Via Vaquero
Karen Cross-Harmon, 390 Mercedes
Nick Alter, 354 Corbett Canyon Road
AI Prince, 355 Old Ranch Road
Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane
Otis Page 606 Myrtle
The following members of the public spoke in opposition:
Heather Jensen, Arroyo Grande resident and Manager of the Arroyo Grande Chamber
of Commerce, stated it may be worth further discussion; however, cautioned the
Council that the elected officials have been working hard on the General Plan Update
and it was the Council's job to represent the people.
Mike Frederick, 1015 Evy Lane
Sue Collins, 948 Robin Circle
Tom Barrett, Nipomo resident and member of Citizens for Local Planning
Laurie Awalt, 197 Tally Ho Road
Gail Lightfoot, 849 Mesa Drive
Frank Lindner, Arroyo Grande resident
Ed Dorfman, 285 La Cresta
Howard Mankins, 200 Hillcrest
Vern Frederick, representing Arroyo Linda Crossroads
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Additionally, Mr. John Taylor asked for clarification relating to CEQA requirements, how
this topic differs from the SOAR initiative, and if projects currently in the pipeline would
be included. Director McCants clarified that a measure associated with the initiative
process would be exempt from CEQA requirements and Mayor Lady responded that the
specifics regarding this issue had not yet been determined.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the issue back to the Council
for discussion.
Mayor Lady stated he asked that this item be brought forward because he felt that the
people in the City should have a direct voice in the major land use decisions, such as
significant density changes and intensity of land uses. He said other cities have
successfully brought the people into the development review process and he would like
to look at some example from those communities. He supported putting this issue on
the ballot and letting the people decide if they want the right to vote on major land use
issues; saw the process as a partnership with the community in facing the growth and
challenges ahead, and supported exploring the process further.
Council Member Lubin addressed issues that were raised during the public comment
period; reviewed the results of votes from the last election concerning the SOAR
initiative, stating that every precinct in Arroyo Grande voted against .SOAR with an
average of 62.48% against; acknowledged that there were differing opinions on why
SOAR was defeated; commented that most special elections do not have a high voter
turnout; and expressed concerns about low voter turnout at a special election for a
specific project. He expressed his belief in a strong General Plan which sets the tone for
the City's future; however, he stated that as a working document, it may require change
over time. He stated he was not in favor of moving this forward to an initiative process.
Council Member Runels spoke of the referendum process and stated he had seen it
work in Arroyo Grande successfully twice in the last 25 years. He said if the voters do
not want a certain project to proceed, there is a way to stop it through the referendum
process. He stated he was not in favor of moving forward to put this on the ballot.
Council Member Dickens responded that the referendum history indicates that the
community does want to get involved and that there is a history of the voters not
agreeing with Council and it would be prudent for the Council to look at this issue
further. He addressed the comments regarding a comparison to the SOAR initiative
and stated this was not the same issue. He said that was a County-wide initiative that
was flawed. He stated he was in favor of exploring this issue further. He said if the
community does not want to vote on major land use issues then the process that is
currently in place would continue to be used.
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara spoke of his experiences working with applicants, City Councils,
Planning Commissions, and citizens on past projects and trying to convince them to do
their job in achieving consistency with the General Plan. He spoke of the Five Cities
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Center project and the frustration he experienced as a result of the decisions that he felt
were made in violation of the City's General Plan. He spoke of candidates running for
office on specific platforms and then not upholding those platforms when elected. He
stated he was not sure that he would support an initiative or a super-majority (4/5) vote;
however, he was in favor of exploring the options in order not to repeat mistakes he felt
were made in the past. He stated that it was important to "raise the bar" on the General
Plan. He supported continuing to look at this issue to find a way to better ensure
compliance with the General Plan.
There was Council consensus to direct staff to prepare additional information regarding
a potential initiative measure to require voter approval of General Plan Amendments
and major land use changes.
11.c. Proposed Agreement with Cal Poly City and Regional Planning Department
for Assistance with the East Grand Avenue Master Plan Process.
City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve
and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Cal Poly State
University. City and Regional Planning Department for assistance with the East Grand
Avenue Master Plan process.
Council Member Dickens moved to approve staff's recommendations, Council Member
Lubin seconded, and the motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
(1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). 1)
Submitted an application to the APCD regarding the Guadalupe air quality
mitigation fund; 2) Relocated a PG&E transformer at the plant; 3) Approved
fees for Outside Users Agreement
(2) Other. Arroyo Grande will host Mayor's Meeting on Friday, March 30th.
(1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). IWMA has free
recycled paint in five-gallon containers for its member jurisdictions to be
used for public facilities.
(2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Meets tomorrow to take action
allowing Duke power plant in Morro Bay to exceed emission levels in order
to meet the demands of the Independent System Operator.
(3) Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC). Met March 20th. The
consultant gave an overview of the status of the General Plan Update;
reviewed map with areas up for discussion; reviewed ground rules of the
Committee; assured that the LRPC would not impede the timeline put in
place for the completion of the General Plan Update. Also requested
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Council consensus to direct staff to contact the Lucia Mar Unified School
District to see if there is interest in appointing a member of its Board to the
LRPC. Council concurred and directed staff to pursue the matter.
(4) Other. Will be attending the League's Public Safety Policy Committee
Meeting on March 29th. Dqmestic terrorism presentation is scheduled. .
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(1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. The County approved the first phase of the Lopez
Dam remediation project contract; will be starting preliminary work soon; still
waiting on permits from Fish & Game and the Corps of Engineers.; reviewed
the contract budget, objecting to several capital improvement items that
would cost the City a lot of money and not directly benefit the City.
(2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Received
presentation by the Director of Environmental Health regarding the
monitoring of underground storage tanks.
(3) Other. None.
(1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional
Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A). No report.
(2) Community Recreation. Center Subcommittee. Successful open
house/presentation held on March 18th to view initial concept projects
developed by a class of Cal Poly third year architectural students;
presentation was attended by approximately 90 people; received feedback
from approximately 40 people. Next step is to refine concepts. Committee
meets March 28th.
(3) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). No report.
(4) South County Youth Coalition. 1) Youth summit held at Rancho EI
Chorro; 2) 24-hour Relay to be held at Arroyo Grande High School on May
19th and 20th.
(5) Other. None.
(1 ) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report.
(2) Economic Vitality Corporation. 1) President and Immediate Past
Chairman of the EVC traveled to Japan in March for the California Trade &
Commerce Agency's "Taste of California" trade mission; 2) the County-wide
City managers group worked with the economic developers in the County
on a protocol agreement which was reviewed by the Chambers of
Commerce; 3) the Board's tour of Camp Roberts was canceled; 4) the
EVC's Annual Meeting is sc;heduled for Friday, May 18th in San Luis Obispo;
and 5) the Board approved a $5,000 contract for the development of a new
EVC web site.
(3) Other. None.
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a. Review of City Development Code creek dedication requirements to determine if it
would be appropriate to add other federally regulated streams within the City's
boundaries. (Ferrara)
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked for and received Council consensus to direct staff to
prepare and place on a future agenda a report identifying other federally regulated
creeks which could be added to the City's existing ordinance that requires a 25 foot
setback along the Arroyo Grande Creek and its tributaries.
a. Ideas regarding potential City Council retreat.
City Manager Adams asked for consensus on the Council's interest in planning a City
Council retreat. There was concurrence to direct the City Manager to schedule a half-
day City Council retreat with the City Manager.
. Mayor Lady announced the Fair. Oaks Theatre Re-Openi'ng Gathering to be held on
Thursday, March 29th at 6:00 p.m. to celebrate its recent remodel.
. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara reported that Mr. John Taylor had contacted him to request
the City's assistance on the issue regarding maintenance of the Arroyo Grande
Creek. A request of staff was made to prepare a letter of support to the appropriate
agencies regarding the matter.
. Council Member Dickens reported he wouJd be attending the CalEd Conference
from April 11-13, 2001.
. City Manager Adams reported that as follow up to the March 26, 2001 Joint City
Councils/Board Meeting, the Managers and Fire Chiefs would be meeting next week
to review and develop options related to joint fire services and bring
recommendations back to the respective agencies.
. City Manager Adams reported on the General Plan Update and stated that the item
would be scheduled on the April 24, 2001 Council Agenda. City Manager Adams
suggested and it was agreed that individual briefings would be scheduled with
Council Members in April for the consultant to review upcoming General Plan
recommendations and answer questions.
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MARCH 27, 2001
, Director of Administrative Servicesl
Deputy City Clerk
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