Minutes 1985-12-18 .-. ~...,..., - '----., ~ ....., , , . ; CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 18, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1:00 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Mayor Pro Tem Matt Gallagher, and Council Members Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present. Council Member Dorace Johnson was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Council Member Gallagher delivered the invocation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried to approve Items 1 through 11 on the Consent Agenda. 1. Danand Register (Reccmnend Appcoval) 2. November, 1985 Investment Deposit Report (Information) 3. November, 1985 K-9 Report (Information) 4. December 11, 1985 Parks and Recreation enrnm;..ion Notes (Information) 5. December 18, 1985 Dowwntown Parking Advisory Board Minutes (Information) 6. Fire Sprinkler Meeting Notice (Information) 7. 1986 Bum Day Calendar Approval (Recomnend Ap{I[oval) 8. 1985-86 San Luis Obispo S}m{ilOny Revenue !baring Agreement (Reccmnenc! Ap{I[oval) 9. Water and Sewer Equipnent Awards of Bids (RecO"1"end Low Bid Awards) 10. Sale of SeWer Rodder (Reccmnend Sale to High Bidder) 11. Tract 1278, 781 Printz Road, Final Approval (Recomnend Ap{I[oval) PUBLIC HEARING-URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Public Works Director Paul Karp said the Plan had been prepared by the Public Works Department in response to a statute known as Urban Water Management Planning Act. AB 797, adopted by the State of California. The Plan addresses all of the requirements of the statute, i nc 1 ud i ng proposed po 1 icy actions which should be addressed by the City Council to meet domestic water demands through the year 2000, he said. Mr. Karp reviewed the Arroyo Grande Water System, the Past and Present Water Demand, City Population Projections, New Water Sources and Conservation. He made the foil owi ng recommendat ions to provi de for adequate water supp lies for the ci t i zens of Arroyo Grande to the year 2000 and beyond: 1. Continuation of the City's ongoing process of upgrading the water system production and distribution facilities. 2. Cont i nuat i on of Current conservati on measures and develop effect i ve measures to minimize per capita water demand increases. 3. Investigation of the Vested Rights issue on downstream releases from the Lopez Project for possible additional resources. 4. Cooperation with the State and County to further maximize the use of water resources available through artificial recharge and reevaluation of dependable yields for the groundwater basin. 5. Adoption of a resolution endorsing construction of the Coastal branch of the State Water Project. --- --- . ., -, . CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 18, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO PUBLIC HEARING-URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Continued -. ".,.---.- .- -,--~ ----- .--"" After Council questions of staff, Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Heari ng had been duly published and all requirements met for this public hearing and invited the public to address the Council. CLARK MOORE of 1180 Ash Street referred to a Telegram-Tribune interview of Supervisor Jerry Diefenderfer. He said that he agreed with the Supervisor that a county-wi de water system was needed, but the key to that is to get people with plenty of water to pay for the water of those who don't have it. ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road said that reclamation should be stressed and that good Class 2 water is being dumped into the ocean. She said reclamation is cost-effective. She referred to a book, "Artificial Ground Water Recharge," by William Bianchi of Cambria as a good source of information. She said the Water Master Plan should include a more definite statement about rec 1 aimed water. She asked the Council to write to the State Department of Water Quality saying wa(er re_clamatiQ!Lis an_jI11Portantj~ue~__ MARIE CATTOIR of 195-'Orchi-c:(Lanesugges-ted that the Council should move cautiously. She said a poll should be taken as to whether the citizens support the importation of State water before adoption of an Urban Water Management Plan. JOHN WILBANKS of Richmond Rossi Montgomery said his firm has lots of clients interested in this community. He said he would support this plan, and that all options should be kept open to allow for the opportunity to respond to growth pressures. Mayor Smith called for others to speak, and when no one came forward, she declared the hearing closed. Council Member Moots said we need to see that we do have water for our own chil dren, and pursue these avenues in the Urban Water Management Pl an. Mr. Porter said he would like to emphasize more recycling of water. Mr. Karp said Recommendation No. 6 could be a Resolution to the County of San Luis Obispo with a requirement that the County Engineer not abandon studies of reclamation for consideration as a viable supplemental water resource. Council members agreed to add that recommendation to the Plan. Council Member Gallagher said Arroyo Grande shou1d take the lead in the area bid for state water. He said all conservation practices should be tightened up. He said water costs will be going up and the City must act now. He said that "upgrading of water quality" should be added to Recommendation No. 1 in the Plan. Mayor Smith said that the County should be the lead agency in applying for state water. City Manager Bob Mack said that Santa Maria already is 'on favororing the State Water Project. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1925 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Johnson the foregoi ng Reso 1 ut i on was passed and adopted on the 18th day of December, 1985. .----- --- . ..~ . CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1B, 19B5 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE --~.- ----. PARCEL MAP AGB1-76, PARCEL 3, SEPTIC TANK APPROVAL Mr. Karp said the City has received a letter from W. 'R. Neubert asking for permission to install a private septic tank on his lot located at 570 Easy Street. He said the septic tank has been previously installed and inspected by the building department to conform with normal City requirements. In order to get a final approval on the dwelling constructed, the owner must receive Counc il approval and wa i ver from the requ i rement to connect to the pub 1 i c sewer system, he said. Referring to his staff report of December 10, 19B5 he said that Mr. Neubert wants eventually to build a second structure on his iot(Lot35,AGB1-7 He said that structure may require a separate septic tank. Council Members approved the application for the first septic tank, on motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconoed by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried. They asked that Mr. Neubert apply separately for a permit for the second tank. ------~._-~._-- - -----_._.~_._- -.. -------_...._-_.._~- . - ..---------..-...-..- Mr. Mack said that the Council should be aware that neighbors allege that Mr. Neubert is conducting an aircraft parts distribution operation from 570 Easy Street. He said that City inspection of the property confirms that a distribution business, complete with physical inventory, is being conducted on the first floo?6f the building. He said that Mr. Neubert's application for a home business license is being processed in the City's Business License Department, and that Mr. Neubert has the right to appeal a denial to the City Council. F.J. "KIRK" KIRKPATRICK of Printz Road said he didn't want any businesses in his neighborhood. He said he worked long and hard with the City to establish the R-S Zone. ELMER L. KIRK of 735 Printz Road gave a history of the contruction of the Neubert house, and that a home business should not be allowed in this residential area. Mayor Smith explained the procedure for applying for a home business permit. SOTO PARK ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM AWARD OF BIDS Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler said the staff has requested City Council approval to award the Electrical and Lighting System bid to David Richards Construction at a total cost of $113,354.00. He said the Parks and Recreation COlffilission has unan i mous 1 y approved this recommendation after studying the bids anti report at the December 11, 19B5, meeting. He described the ten pole system to be put at the top of the bank. He said concrete bases are necessary because of water saturation. On motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counc il Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to approve Mr. Keisler's recommendation with regard to electrical and lighting systems at Soto Park Complex. Mr. Keisler also reviewed recent work completed at the Soto complex, saying that R. Baker Construction had put in a drainaQe line the fence had been finished and the City had gone to bid on the-restroOm inside the parking lot. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ELLA HONEYCUTT again asked the City to write a letter to the state Water Quality Control Board saying that the cost estimates for reclamation put forth by Deputy County Engineer Clint Milne are too high. She referred to the Jenks Water Reclamation Study, and Council Member Gallagher said he would see to it that all Council Members were given copies of it. MARIE CATTOIR asked the Council about Item 6 on the Consent Agenda, the Fire Sprinkler Meeting Notice. She asked if it was necessary to submit questions to the committee in writing. Mr. Mack said she was welcome to attend this meeting of a committee appointed by the City Council, and it would not be necessary to submit the questions in writing. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith wished everyone a blessed Christmas and prosperous New Year, and on motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher, and unanimously carried, adjourned the meeting at 2:45 P.M. ---...- ., . -, . CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 18, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR MAYOR ATTEST: .