Minutes 1985-08-13 . -, C!TY COUNC I L AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present. Council Member Matt Gallagher was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Moots led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. The Rev. Gregory Waybright of Grace Bible Church delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Meeting of July 22, 1985, were approved. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, Demand Checks No. 26043 through 26322 in the amount of $326,705.31, and Payroll Checks No. 31202 through 31323 in the amount of $84,548.62, for a Grand Total of $411,253.93, were approved for payment as submitted by Finance Director David Bacon. PRESENTATION OF PLANNING COMMISStON~SERVICE AWARD Sharon Fischer, who was unable to be present, was recognized for her service on the Planning Commission, Mayor Smith read from a plaque to be presented to Mrs. Fischer, and commended her for her long service on the Commission. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE MARK W. SMITH of 210-A Traffic Way complained to the City Council that his neighbor is maintaining ducks in a yard outside his bedroom window. He said that the City bureaucracy has not helped solve the problem and asked the Council why government is moving so slowly. City Attorney Art Shaw said the City Council has changed the City Ordinance to permit possible prosecution if it feels there is sufficient evidence based on the facts. He said he is working with the Police Department and if there is sufficient evidence, a complaint will be filed. ELLA HONEYCUTT, 560 Oak Hill Road, asked the City Council if it has changed direction or does it still support agriculture and its need for an adequate water supply. She said there is an apparent disparity between population projections made by City officials. She said in the County Master Plan for Water a population of 25,260 is projected for the year 2020. She said a population over that in the City would take water from agriculture. Mr. Mack said the only population figures that have been provided recently were related to the new City Hall development and the Blue Ribbon Committee report. He said a range of populations was given, and the years of 1980-83 growth rate percentage was projected out to a future year. He said obviously no one knows what the population will be in a given year, that there is a ranqe of answers, and one can choose any answer he wishes. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Porter withdrew Items 21 and 23 and Council Member Johnson withdrew Items 28,29 and 30 from the Consent Agenda for discussion. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to approve Consent Agenda Items 8 through 20, 22, and 24 through 27. 8. Proclamation designating September, October, November and December 1985 as "G d . b ' , 00 NeIgh or Months" in Arroyo Grande (Recommend Mayor So Proclaim), 9. Departmental Report of July, 1985 (Recommend Review and File). 10. . Planning Commission Answered Agenda and/or Minutes of August 6, 1985 (Recommend Review and File). 11. Parks and Recreation Meeting Notes of July 10, 1985, (Recommend Review ~nd File). 12. SCAT Monthly Report of June, 1985, (Recommend Review and File). 12a. Runabout Monthly Report of July, 1985. (Recommend Review and File). ---------- ---..- -- -- CITY COUNC I l AUGUST 13. 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED ----.-.--..--- 13. Investment Deposits Statement (Informational Only). 14. 1985/86 Workers' Compensation Rate Report (Informational Only). 15. Liability Insurance Report (Informational Only). 16. East Branch Street Design and Specifications Cost Estimate Report (Informational Only). 17. League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin No. 27-1985 (Recommend Review and File). 18. 1985/86 Hotline of San Luis Obispo County Revenue Sharing Agreement (Recommend Approval). 19. 1985/86 Caring Calters of San Luis Obispo County Revenue Sharing Agreement (Recommend Approval) 20. 1985/86 Retired Senior Volunteer Program Revenue Sharing Agreement (Recommend App rova 1) . 22. Metro Media Telecommunications lease Agreement Rider (Recommend Approval). 24. Police Radio Mobile Unit Award of Bid (Recommend Award). 25. Fire Chief's Vehicle Award of Bid (Recommend Award). 26. Public Works Computers Award of Bid (Recommend Award). 27. Whiteley Property Right of Way Easement Acceptance from Union Oil Company (Recommend Acceptance). 21. Underground Service Alert Agreement Council Member Porter asked for clarification, and Public Works Director Karp said that the State has adopted an ordinance which requires the city to participate in a program where contractors can call one Underground Service number before exca- vating in an area. He said all of the facilities owned by the public or public utilities then will be marked for th~ contractor. The effort is to reduce damage to facilities, Mr. Karp said. 23. Tract 944, Arroyo Del Mar Villa, Improvements Acceptance. Council Member Porter asked for clarification, and Mr. Karp explained that the Tract Map for the 27 unit condominium on the south side of Ash Street between Elm and Walnut Streets was recorded in 1982, that the project had been plagued with various financial problems, and the completion of public improvements had been delayed unti 1 this time. He recommended that the City Council accept public improve- ments which include street improvements on the front of the project and water and sewer installations. 28. lePoint Street Right of Way Acceptance from Michael Boyack Mr. Karp recommended that the City Council accept on behalf of the public the grant deed for road right of way on the north side of lePoint Street adjacent to two houses recently constructed by Michael Boyack. He said that the City Staff has procurred on behalf of the City the first grant deed of right of way for widening and extension of lePoint Street between Miller Way and larchmont Drive. 29. Tally Ho Road Right of Way Acceptance from F.S. Graham Council Member Johnson asked how property owners are reimbursed for land. Mr. Karp said the City enters into seperate right of way agreements for which it receives deeds. He sa i d the F. S. Graham agreement wi II involve work (retaining walls, etc.)to be ----.-.-.-- -- CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED (ITEM 29) by the City in exchange for a deed. No payment of direct monies will be involved with this agreement, Mr. Karp said. Council Member Johnson asked Mr. Karp to verify that the John B. Sotos of Tally Ho Road had been paid by the City in exchange for their deed. 30. Tally Ho Road Progress Payment No. I to John Madonna Construction Company Council Member Johnson said no clarification was needed. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, Items 21, 23, 28, 29 and 30 ()n the Consent Agenda were approved. ARROYO GRANDE'S FIRST POLICE DOG VISITS CITY COUNCIL OffIcer John Allen appearea at tne ~Ity ~ouncil meeting with Arroyo Grande's first Police Dog, Hero, who is three years old and imported from Germany. Officer Allen said he had just completed a four-week course in Menlo Park. He said Hero has the highest rating a police dog can obtain. Officer Allen said on Hero's first night at work he caught a burglar at the Log Cabin Market. He said cost of the dog and training was $5,500.00. Mayor Smith said the Optimist Club of Arroyo Grande had raised money for this purpose. Hero lives at Officer Allen's home. Officer Allen volunteered to appear with Hero at service club meetings. FIRE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION Fire Chief Doug Hamp said that the Fire Mutual Aid Agreement is basically a logistical document designed to utilize local resources from within the County in a timely and efficient manner without compromising the service levels of the providing agency. After Council discussion, City Manager Mack read the title to the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1867 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND COUNTY-WIDE FIRE PRO- TECTION AGENCIES FOR MUTUAL AID IN FIRE, RESCUE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OTHER SIMILAR OCCURRENCES On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 13th day of August, 1985. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT (GRIEB FAMILY TRUST) Planning Director Eisner said that the amendment would change classification of certain areas from Low Density Residential to Medium High Density Residential and certain areas from Low Density Residential to Permanent Open Space with density credit within Medium High Density, off Halcyon Road and southeast of Dodson Way. He said the property is surrounded by PC, R-I and R-3 zoning, and that the issue had been heard by the Planning Commission following a Public Hearing. He said that the recommendation from the Planning Commission includes analysis and rec- commendation of Negative Declaration on impacts from traffic, adjacent property, air quality, noise, public services, schools and archaeology. He said there are archaeological issues connected with the property, and it was recommended that .88 acres be set aside for permanent open space, to be maintained by the property owners and access to Halcyon Road by a private drive. He said that the developer -~--._-_._- -.--- ,/ -, CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR PUBLI C HEARl NG: AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT (GRI EB) CONT I NUED would receive credit for six dwelling units transferable to a 3.5 acre "Medium High Density" residential site from the .88 acres of reserved "Open Space," according to the recommendation. He said this would allow the density to be used on part of the property and the archaeologically significant area to be permanently protected in an open space. adjacent to the single family residences. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements met for this public hearing and invited the public to address the Council. ANDREW DAVID, attorney for Grieb Family Trust, said that a specific detailed plan for development of the property could not be presented at this time, but that the Medium High Density would make the property a transition area from R-I to an apartment area, He said that the archaeologically significant open space was a compromise between the developer and the City, that the owners had no objection to the paving of Alpine Street, and the density transfer was a suggestion of the City. STEVE BOOKER, 310 Halcyon Road, asked about the depth .of the PC Zone, and Mr. Eisner replied 154.3 feet. He asked if the mention of the Homeowners Association implied condominiums, and Mayor Smith replied in the affirmative. LILLIAM SAKURAI, 271 S. Alpine, said that the open space set aside would make it a playground for neighborhood children, that the open space is adjacent to her yard, and a retaining wall would be needed to protect her yard. ANITA GASKILL, 633 Cerro Vista Circle, asked the Council why the zone change other than the fact that the property would be worth more money. She said her concerns were about the drainage, the traffic, the hospital and Harloe school. Mayor Smith called for others to speak, and when no one came forward, she declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, Council Member Moots made the motion to approve the General Plan Land Use Element change of classification of certain areas from Low Density Residential to Medium High Density Residential and certain areas from Low Density Residential to Permanent Open Space with density credit within Medium High Density, off Halcyon Road and south east of Dodson Way, with the stipulation that there may be necessity of a right of way to South Alpine from the permanent open space parcel. Council Member Johnson seconded the motion,. The motion was approved by the Council. PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT-750 TRAFFIC WAY Mr. Eisner said the appeal related to a request for. a General Plan Amend- ment to change Low Density Residential to Medium Low Density Residential at 750 Traffic Way. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposal following a public hearing on June 18, 1985. He said the denial was based on concerns about existing drainage, soil, slope and sewer problems, potential noise and air pollution impacts associated with the proximity of the freeway, the inadequancy of South Traffic Way for access in its present condition, and incompatibility of the proposed density with the surrounding neighborhood, which is "Ra-B3" and agriculturally zoned land. After questions of staff from the Council, Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements had been met and declared the hearing open. JIM MCGILLIS, San Luis 'Engineering, Agents for John Miller, said this property is one of the last lots available in the city for medium low cost housing under $85,000.00, and asked the Council whether or not it sees this part of town as a place for low-cost housing. He said Mr. Miller would be willing to discuss environmental issues, but did not want to be "strung out" on a long series of spending sprees for whatever the City wants. MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, said she did not approve of a General Plan Change, and would like to see individual homes preserving the rural nature of the area. She asked what happened to the frontage connector idea, and what does .---- ---~-_....._- -. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION OENIAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - 750 TRAFFICWAY Continued: the City want at the entrance to Arroyo Grande? ELLA HONEYCUTT, 560 Oak Hi 11 Road, sa i d the proposed development is not low cost housing, and cited the new hillside building in Pismo Beach as an example of low cost housing which skyrocketed. JIM MCGILLIS said the project is medium low cost housing under $85,000.00, and that the hillside view of the ocean was what made the prices of the Pismo Beach homes go higher. MARIE CATTOIR said that the City is beautifying Traffic Way, and this project would be the first thing one would see upon entering the City. Mayor Smith called for others to speak, and when no one came forward, she declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, on motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, to support the Planning Com- mission recommended denial of the General Plan Amendment request. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE WITH CONDITION TO EXCEED HEIGHT LIMIT REQUIREMENTS IN P"D, ZONE" . 193 . DEER TRA I L CIRCLE Mr. MacK saId Mr. WeIntraub has applied for a height variance for his single family dwelling which has been constructed to approximately 34 feet. The Code requires 30 feet maximum. Mr. Mack said that because of natural springs encountered on the construction site and in order to maintain entry level of the building as originally planned, Mr. Weintraub added 4 feet of structure to the bottom of the house to permit the springs to be directed away from the foundation of the house, resulting in a residence height In excess of 30 feet. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published, and all legal requirements met and declared the hearing open. PAUL FROGGE, 623 Woodland, builder on the project, said that five springs were encountered on the project, and explained where and why retaining walls had been put in. Mayor Smith called for others to speak, and when no one came forward, she declared the hearing closed. The Council discussed what to do about future problems of this nature when more housing is built on the hillsides of Arroyo Grande. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to approve the variance for the reasons identically stated by the Planning Commission, including the condition that the owner install land- scaping at the base of the residential structure so as to minimize the visual effect of the building's height, PUBLIC HEARING: COMMERCIAL AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL PLAN AND GENERAL PLAN MAP Mr. Eisner said the two-part amendment would modify the Commercial Land Use section of the General Plan by adding a "General Commercial" designation to the map, and the following addition to the text: "The General Commercial use category provides for a wide range of retail facilities, and includes commercial activity identified with the daily needs of the people in the community. These include retail sales, service uses and various specialized commercial activities including food service and recreation. This category of land use is generally found along Grand Avenue, Traffic Way and in the area of Oak Park Boulevard and West Branch Street." Mr. Eisner said the Planning Commission also is asking for re-classification of certain properties on the General Plan that the new General Commercial Category includes,'a parcel at the corner of Oak Park Road and the Freeway, the majority of the properties on Grand Avenue, and the properties in the Traffic Way area, in- cluding the previously approved shopping center. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Publ ic Hearing had been duly publ ished and all legal requirements had been met and declared the hearing open. When no one came forward, she declared the hearing closed. ---..--.-.--- -- CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX PUBLIC HEARING: COMMERCIAL AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL PLAN AND GENERAL PLAN MAP Continued On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and . unanimously carried, the Council voted to modify the Legend of the General Plan Map, add the language as quoted, and adjust the map according to Exhibit A. COUNCIL RECESSED FRDM 9:30 to 9:40 P.M. OAK PARK INTERCHANGE PROJECT RESOLUTION Mr. MaCK salo ne was nappy to confirm through a letter from Jesus Garcia of the Department of Transportation that Phase II of the Oak Park project is back on schedule. He said that communications should remain open and recommended a resolution to put Arroyo Grande on record that the City opposes dropping of all highway programs in the State Transportation Improvement Plan, but that if the State should have to make cuts, it adopts a minimum funding level for all deficit rural or less populated counties. He said that the resolution would be sent to at I mayors and supervisors in San Luis Obispo County; Assemblyman Eric Seastrand; State Senator Ken Maddy; Mr. Garcia; Ron DeCarli, San Luis Obispo County Area Administrative Planner, and members of the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission and Parking and Traffic Commission. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1868 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OPPOSING THE DELAY AND/OR ELIMINATION OF HIGHWAY PROJECTS WITHIN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CURRENTLY APPROVED IN THE STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP). On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 13th day of August, 1985. BRISCO WATER LINE INSTALLATION Mr. Karp said that in order to complete the Brisco Road project and fill in two gaps remaining in the new water distribution line, he would recommend that the City Council authorize an unbudgeted expenditure of $28,949.00 for installation of an 8 inch water distribution line within Brisco Road in conjunction with develop- ment in the area. He said that G. L. Douglas Construction could complete the project for the city, and a fund balance of $61,000.00 in the Water Fund is available for project use upon Council approval. Mr. Mack added as background that the original Brisco Road project provided for coming in at this time and putting in the water line, and that when the street was paved the final 1 inch of overlay was not. laid down on Brisco Road. He said he doesn't want rumors to get started that "they just put in Brisco Road and now they are tearing it up." He said the project was designed this way. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to authorize the expenditure of $28,949.00 for the instal- lation of an 8 inch water distribution line within Brisco Road in conjunction with development in the area already in progress. FAIR OAKS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION Mr. Karp said that in order to establish the concrete curb return in front of Vick Pace Ford in its final location with reconstruction of Traffic Way, add it i ona I right of way will be required, and it is the Staff's feeling that the acquisition should be completed for Mr. Pace's entire Fair Oaks frontage along with acquisition of the curb return for the intersection. He said that initially the road will be wider than the bridge and would allow for on-street parking. Mayo r Smith said she would not like that space to be used as a traffic lane, only for parking. --_._-------_._---_..~--------- -. . CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN FAIR OAKS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION Continued. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to authorize the City Staff to employ a negotiator and appraiser to acquire right of way for future widening of Fair Oaks Avenue in front of Vick Pace Ford (Traffic Way Underground Project). 1985/86 SURPLUS LOPEZ WATER PURCHASE Mr. Mack referred to his communication to the City Council with regard to the 1985/86 Lopez Water Purchase policy adopted by the County Board of Super- visors. The policy says that Arroyo Grande may purchase 252.75 Acre Feet in 1985/66 at $52.26 per acre foot. Mr. Mack said that significant pol icy changes are 1. Surplus water will now be an estimate only to contractors and not a commitment to deliver, 2. Unused surplus water will not be carried over from one water year to another, and 3. Surplus water is declared to be the lowest priority water and the higher priority downstream release is fixed at 4200 Acre Feet. Mr. Mack said that he does not know if that means more or less water will be going to agriculture. Mr. Porter said he asked the County how it arrived at the figure of 4200 Acre Feet and so far does not have an answer. Mr. Mack said that the Supervisors also gave County staff directions to consider implementing a new water year calendar beginning at the start (Nov-Dec) or end (Mar-Apr) of the wet season. He said the 252.75 AF available to Arroyo Grande this year should meet our needs, assuming a similar weather year to .last year, which was normal rainfall, and that the $52.26 per acre foot is still only one-half of the cost of wel1 water. He added that if other cities run out of their contract water this contract year and the County takes Arroyo Grande's contract water, the County will be acting contrary to the contract it has written with Arroyo Grande. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to authorize the City to purchase 252.75 Acre Feet of Lopez Water in 1985/86 at $52.26 per acre foot. PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT GRADING PLAN Mr. Mack said that on January 28, 1985, the City Council conceptually approved a plan line for Paseo Street development with conditions outlined in minutes of that meeting. He said grading plans have now been submitted to the Ci ty for app rova 1 , and the Public Works Director has reviewed the grading-' plans and finds they conform to Council's January 28 conditions. He said the new Community Tree ordinance went into effect in July, 1985, and the Paseo Street subdivis'ion becomes the first major development to come within the ordinance's provisions. He recommended that the City Council find that the grading plan substantially complies with the Council's January 28, 1985, plan line motion with conditions, but may require modification as a result of the City's Community Tree Program. Mr. Karp discussed the grading plan and said owner of the land is Hap Brenizer of Grover City, who plans to sell the lots. JIM MCGILLIS, San Luis Engineering, discussed the grading plan which his firm prepared for Mr. Brenizer. He suggested the possibility of reducing the 64 foot wide right of way, and doing special grading on four of the lots in order to save oak trees. He said that Mr. Brenizer may agree to some deed restrictions to minimize grading or create open space. Council Members expressed concerns for keeping the grading to a minimum around the trees, and saving as many trees as possible. They agreed that the road right of way could be reduced for this reason. Parks and Recreation Director Keisler, who inspected the trees on the site and made a report to the Public Works Director as he is directed to do by the Ordinance, referred to his report. He recommended that the City I. Preserve and protect all Li.ve Oak Trees designated on the proposed grading plan four inches and larger and remove all undesignated trees four inches and smaller as necessary 2. Oesignate eight trees as Landmark Trees on the property, and 3. Take speci~l care when grading near the seven oak trees on Lot 10 adjacent to LePoint Street using retaining walls or sidewalk variance where needed. He said there are more' than 200 trees on the entire site. - -- --.-. ~~._.._--- --. CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT GRADING PLAN Continued Mayor Smith said she feels the Council needs to do some planning for hillside development. Council Members agreed to allow the grading to begin on the first part of the street. Mr. Karp said he will be sending to the Planning Commission Resolutions designating the eight trees as Landmark Trees. STEVE DIA5, 585 May Street, said the City is going against the intent of the Community Tree Ordinance. He said this is a pristine grove with more than 200 trees, and is probably the last grove of its kind in the City limits. He said the trees are healthy and beautiful and growing on a steep angle. He said the idea is to build around the trees in this environmentally sensitive area. He congratulated the City on the Tree Ordinance, and said it should adhere to it. MITCH VON DELLO, 207 McKinley, biologist, said he had turned into the City a list of 50 species of birds seen in the area in the last two weeks. He said he had seen three new species of organisims, including striped skunks, long tailed weasels, and the California Thrush (for the first time in 50 years). He said the Oaks are declining statewide, and many are lost because of habitat destruction. He said one cannot wall a tree, it dies in 15 years. He said it takes decades for a Live Oak to grow an inch. He asked the Council what is the necessity for developing this now, when it is not going to be built on at present? MAX KARES, 212 McKinley, said he agrees with his colleagues who spoke previously. He said if the Council does decide to go into the project, it should look at raffic flow. Mayor Smith pointed out to those present that Paseo Street Development is a recorded subdivision and has to be dealt with. Council Member Johnson suggested the possibility of making Paseo not a through street. MR. BRENIZER said he does want to save as many oaks as possible, but has put out a lot of .money and would have forgotten about four of the lots entirely if he had known the City would have changed its mind. Council Members decided to ask the applicant to redesign the grading plan showing a standard 52 foot right of way and 40 foot road section for the area previously shown as a 64 foot right of way and reduce the remainder of the street width through the oak grove to an improved section of 32 feet of Raving, sidewalkon one side, and parking to be located on the downhill side of the roaa only, on ar appropriate right of way width. He was directed to process the Landmark Trees as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Director and save as many of the other trees as possible. Prior to issuing a grading permit, Mr. Karp was directed to review the final grading plans with the City Manager. SOUTH BANK SITE ACQUISITION DECISION Mr. Mack said negotiations still are underway for the property. The Council continued this item. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Smith presented her appointments to the Planning Commission. Re- appointed to serve three-year terms ending June 30, 1988, were Clark L. Moore and Don Boggess. Anthony Flores was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of Sharon Fischer, and will serve until June 3D, 1986. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to confirm the three appointments to the Planning Commission. Mayor Smith presented her appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Patricia J. Sanger and Judy Tappan were reappointed to three-year year terms and will serve until June 30, 1988. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to confirm the two appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mayor Smith presented her appointments to the Parking and Traffic Commission. Cleo Silva was appointed to replace Timothy Storton, and Oscar --~--_._--- ~. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE APPOINTMENTS Continued "Pete" Noss was appointed to replace Rodney Gibson, and they will serve three year terms ending June 30, 1988. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to confirm the two appointments. Mayor Smith presented her appointments to the Downtown Parking Advisory Boa rd . Jack Pence and Dennis Allan were reappointed to three-year terms ending June 30, 1988, and Belinda Vidal was appointed to replace Alice Rouse with her term ending June 30, 1988. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to confirm the three appointments to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board. MEADOW CREEK RIVER BASIN STUDY REPORT Council Member Porter said he had attended a meeting concerning Meadow Creek Drainage problems. He said that the Pismo Beach representative at the meeting said his city does not have erosion problems high on its list of priorities; that the Grover City representative did not attend, and the County representative was interested in what Councilman Porter had to say but wanted it to be in writing. HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE STREET CLOSURE/TRAFFIC CONTROL RESOLUTION Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RE50LUTI ON NO. 1869 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE A CITY STREET On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Counc i I Member Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 13th day of August, 1985. RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1985/86 MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1870 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A TAX PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 13th day of August, 1985. COUNCIL CHAMBERS BUILDING USE POLICY Mr. Mack said that the Alcoholic Anonymous group has vacated the building and no longer will be meeting there. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to permit the Rotary Club to hold the Fish Fry in the Council Chambers; when the Harvest Festival is over there wi]] be no more use of the building by clubs or organizations, and that reconstruction of Council Chambers will begin immediately. ---.~--- ~ - , ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 13, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TEN WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned to a C10sed Session at 12:11 A.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT The City Counci1 reconvened at 12:55 A.M., and on motion of Counci1 Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, adjourned at 12:57 A.M. August 14, 1985. 16' fkJ Jnw:t MAYOR ATTEST: ~, a.~ C IT, CLERK .